Re: DynAtomic for Realsoft3D 64 Bit Released

2011-10-04 Thread Brandon

Request #1 ;)

Thanks Carlo.


On 10/4/2011 6:29 AM, Carlo Lanzotti - DynaDream wrote:

Hi Brandon,

Yes, DynAtomic seems to work on V6, both 32 and 64 bit, but it is 
unsupported. I may post a detailed procedure on how to setup this if 
there are enough requests.

Best Regards,

Carlo Lanzotti

DynaDream - Dynamic Laboratory <>

Il 04/10/2011 13:50, Brandon ha scritto:

Thank you Carlo!

Can someone remind me, as it has been quite some time, do the 32/64 
bit versions of Dynatomic only work with RS v7+???  I'm still on v6 :(

I thought I read some months ago that someone made it work with v6?


On 10/4/2011 4:49 AM, Carlo Lanzotti - DynaDream wrote:

Dear Realsoft3D users,

The long awaited 64 Bit version of DynAtomic for Realsoft3D_64 is 
available for download. More informations and the donwload link can 
be found on our web site:

Best Regards,

Carlo Lanzotti

DynaDream - Dynamic Laboratory

Re: DynAtomic for Realsoft3D 64 Bit Released

2011-10-04 Thread Brandon

Thank you Carlo!

Can someone remind me, as it has been quite some time, do the 32/64 bit 
versions of Dynatomic only work with RS v7+???  I'm still on v6 :(

I thought I read some months ago that someone made it work with v6?


On 10/4/2011 4:49 AM, Carlo Lanzotti - DynaDream wrote:

Dear Realsoft3D users,

The long awaited 64 Bit version of DynAtomic for Realsoft3D_64 is 
available for download. More informations and the donwload link can be 
found on our web site:

Best Regards,

Carlo Lanzotti

DynaDream - Dynamic Laboratory

Re: 3D related news item on The Register

2011-08-03 Thread Brandon

Lee - Thanks for the new info on this - pretty cool.

So do any of you think this has any application for better (smoother or 
faster) display options for things like a replacement or upgrade to OGL 
display technology?  I could easily see this being bought up by Autodesk 
as it matures


On 8/3/2011 6:18 AM, leee wrote:

I found this 3D related news item, and the demo vid, interesting.

(watch out for line-wrap on that url)

The company's own web site seems to be down atm though.


Re: DynAtomic forthcoming release

2011-05-12 Thread Brandon

So does that mean ONLY v7?

Such a shame for many of us v6 users.  Likely a plot with RS Oy to get 
the rest of us to upgrade to v7 :)


On 5/12/2011 7:36 AM, Carlo Lanzotti wrote:


DynAtomic is compatible with Realsoft3D V7.

Best Regards

Carlo Lanzotti

DynaDream - Dynamic Laboratory <>

Il 12/05/2011 12:01, Alasdair ha scritto:

which versions are compatible?

Re: realflow import and render

2011-02-15 Thread Brandon
Thank you to all for the replies.  I have not yet had time to try any of 
the ideas posted, but will report back as soon as I get a chance.  It 
was part of a valentines related project that obviously didn't get 
completed in time.  I'll post a link to a clip once I get it working.


On 2/15/2011 2:29 PM, Andrew Berge wrote:


   I got this error quite allot a while ago on a project, unfortunately I
don't think you'll find that adding the requested missing channel will fix
the problem, it occurred for me randomly and always when you try to render,
it seems to only occur in large scenes and also I think it is related to
large scale geometry, planets, large sections of life scale landscapes etc,
also I think it has something to do perhaps with overlapping or co-planar
geometry, some fixes I found that worked only sometimes are : slightly
moving the camera angle (not always possible) , trying to adjust the
position of large planes or primitives and particularly objects which may be
co-planar trying to separate them, scaling the whole project down x10. the
best I can come up with is it is some kind of precision error or something,
try also perhaps saving and reloading just the objects, animations etc into
a new project with a different scale.

   It is a very frustrating problem, hope you can find a solution, I have a
feeling I had another fix but it slips my mind at the moment also, if I
remember I will post again.



-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Brandon
Sent: Tuesday, 15 February 2011 7:31 AM
To: RS List
Subject: realflow import and render

Hi all,

I brought some Realflow work into RS for rendering of the animation, but I
get an error when I try to render:

Pointwise object property for unknown channel:

I figured this problem out a couple years ago, but can't remember now or
find and reference to my solution  I remember it had something to do
with an object having to preexist in the RS scene before the realflow work
was brought in, but I have not been able to figure out and reproduce the
fix.  Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.  This is just one of
the reasons I didn't upgrade to v7...(nothing improved for realflow



Re: realflow import and render

2011-02-14 Thread Brandon
Thank you, that does jog my memory, and I believe you are right.  Seems 
like Vesa answered the details for the last time.  I would just load and 
old file and look, but I didn't backup any of the "simple to re-create" 
scenes when I did a clean Win7 install...  oops!

I'll have to wait an see if Vesa can fill in the missing details.


On 2/14/2011 2:04 PM, wrote:

Without really knowing it sounds as if perhaps you need to create a
new custom channel in the "User defined custom channels" tab of the
select window. Name the channel "Realflow" but I have no idea what
type the channel should be, as in colour, float or vector..

I hope it jogs your memory, though.

/ Fredrik

On 14 February 2011 21:30, Brandon  wrote:

Hi all,

I brought some Realflow work into RS for rendering of the animation, but I
get an error when I try to render:

Pointwise object property for unknown channel:

I figured this problem out a couple years ago, but can't remember now or
find and reference to my solution  I remember it had something to do
with an object having to preexist in the RS scene before the realflow work
was brought in, but I have not been able to figure out and reproduce the
fix.  Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.  This is just one of
the reasons I didn't upgrade to v7...(nothing improved for realflow



realflow import and render

2011-02-14 Thread Brandon

Hi all,

I brought some Realflow work into RS for rendering of the animation, but 
I get an error when I try to render:

Pointwise object property for unknown channel:

I figured this problem out a couple years ago, but can't remember now or 
find and reference to my solution  I remember it had something to do 
with an object having to preexist in the RS scene before the realflow 
work was brought in, but I have not been able to figure out and 
reproduce the fix.  Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.  This 
is just one of the reasons I didn't upgrade to v7...(nothing improved 
for realflow import/export/rendering).


Re: Ashikhmin-Shirley Highlights for RS3D

2011-01-07 Thread Brandon


Wow!  You have been quietly hard at work on these shaders.  I'm looking 
forward to seeing them.  I get "warm shader fuzzies" I have not felt 
since back in 2006 when /Tim/ Borgmann posted his various rope and 
string shaders he used in many of his outstanding pictures:

Thank you in advance for your hard work and contributions.


On 1/6/2011 10:45 PM, wrote:

First of all: Thanks! =D
It was so quiet that I had even thought my mails would perhaps for some strange 
reason have not been received.

So, regarding the shader(s):

The Ashikhmin-Shirley BRDF is something like a mixture of a 
Ward-anisotropic-like specular reflection component and a limb-darkening 
diffuse reflection component.
Meaning that it enables isotropic (simple point-shaped) and anisotropic 
(streched along a direction of the surface) highlights.
Pictures and explanation will follow when I got it working right, though I´m a 
bit tired of working this out.
I´ve worked on some shaders for RS3D for the last two months, to an extent 
where I hardly did anything else in my free time.

So, several other shaders will follow.
I´ve already made two Oren-Nayar Diffuse shaders, one simple and one complete, 
am working on a Oren-Nayar-Wolff Diffuse shader (like the previous plus some 
refinements), two Hapke-Lommel-Seeliger shaders, one simple and one complex, 
two Minnaert Shaders, an Asperity Scattering shader, plus several other 
The Oren-Nayar Shader is a diffuse shader suitable for rough diffuse surface 
(like clay/pottery), the Hapke-Lommel-Seeliger Shader is a shader for powdery 
surfaces like the surface of the moon, the Minnaert Shader was an early try on 
the same matter, the Asperity Scattering Shader is for simulating fuzzy 
surfaces (like peach).
The latter two are very similar to the "simple fur" and "custom fur" materials 
already in RS3D.

So, really quite a lot.
And honestly I´m more than a bit proud of myself because I had NEVER done 
something even remotely familiar to this before.

But, every time I think the shaders are ready for release, I see some new 
One general problem seems to be that I often don´t know how to handle the 
values obtained through the shading algorithms.
My understanding of the matter is still rudimentary, but as I see it, a BRDF 
(bidirectional reflectance distribution function) like the previously mentioned 
simply works different to how RS3D handles things.

Especially the Ashikhmin-Shirley BRDF seems to be made for a rendering engine 
that supports pathtracing. The paper which describes the BRDF gives methods to 
obtain blurred reflections that depend on the parameters of the shader - a 
highly anisotropic setting would produce highly anisotropicly blurred 
I don´t know how to simulate this in RS3D.
And I get the feeling that it isn´t possible at all, as long as RS3D doesn´t 
implement pathtracing or the likes.

This kinda makes me sad because I´ve now seen a great bunch of shading 
algorithms that could pretty simply be implemented into RS3D to simulate a wide 
variety of phenomena very realistically, if RS3D supported pathtracing and 
When even I as a former total noob can get a glimpse of what is needed to do 
that, it shouldn´t be that hard to implement things like diffraction, 
dispersion, blurred reflections and refractions, subsurface scattering, Mie 
scattering for clouds and Rayleigh scattering for atmospheric effects.
The papers are out there, some aren´t even two years old with models that seem 
to top the models that are in use by other packages.

But perhaps RS3D already offers possibilities to incorporate these things 
effectively, and I just haven´t come to know them; documentation is just too 
sparse in this area.
And it makes me sad that there is no dialog between Realsoft and us users 
regarding these matters.
Many of these things (subsurface scattering, pathtracing/GI, etc.) have been 
talked about and demanded by users over and over again, for years.
I can only say it again - almost every other render-engine, be it freeware or 
commercial, be it standalone or part of a suite, has outrun RS3D in this 
And then it becomes clear that Realsoft already works on V8 - and still there is no talk 
about any of this, no "What do you users want most in V8?", not even a hint at 
what will be the new features of V8.


Well, however.
I will post pictures and documentation for the shader, plus the other shaders, 
when I have gotten them to a degree that you can rely on them working.
Thanks for reading. :)


Re: Abandon the manual in favor of video tutorials.

2010-12-17 Thread Brandon
Thank you, I had forgotten.  I like seeing your setup steps for the 
environment.  I don't use RS enough now days to remember so of the 
things I need to modify when I do a clean install on a new computer.


On 12/17/2010 10:14 AM, yra scherb wrote:
Just in case, to remind you that my video tutorials can be found here

--- Оригінальне повідомлення ---
Від кого: "Jean-Sebastien Perron" 
Дата: 17 грудня 2010, 16:51:49
Тема: Re: Abandon the manual in favor of video tutorials.

I am watching all video tutorials of Houdini and Blender.
It's better than watching TV.
Both of these software cover almost 100% of the software in video tutorials.
Silo is also doing the same.

I will do the same with CombadZ : no manual, only videos.

It makes the learning process much more fun and fast.

What do you think?

Someone should use a screen recorder with a microphone and start
converting the user manual to videos.

Jean-Sebastien Perron

Re: SDK/ sites down/ frustration/Realsoft

2010-11-05 Thread Brandon
Well said Neil.  Just to clarify, I didn't mean anything against 
anyone's length of time with RS.  I have been here since '94, but still 
consider you an 'old timer' :)

To clarify on my hobby comment, I have had to use other more developed 
programs for my job because RS was just not up to the task (like many 
others have had to do) or didn't fit the pipeline imposed on me by 
others.  I think David Ingebretsen still lurks faithfully on the list, 
but I think RS has likely fallen to a hobby-passion level with him also 
years ago, as I don't believe he does his accident recreations with RS 
(I may be completely wrong, and will gladly eat these words if so).  
Aside from work I have always loved RS and want to support and use it as 
much as possible, but have found myself wanting more, as Martin expressed.

I enjoy your work Neil - keep it up.

Happy rendering,

On 11/5/2010 11:20 AM, Neil Cooke wrote:

Hi Folks,

Two cents 

I'm not an old timer ... been with RS since 2004. But I have no 
intention of shifting, I use it on a daily basis, it does everything I 
need and more. I dont know any other 3D app and have no need to move. 
RS is perfect for my needs and I enjoy drawing with it.

My purpose is to have RS as a tool in commercial illustration and 
graphic art studio. Occasionally some animation work. It is not a 
hobby for me. The support I have received when ever I have become 
stuck with some aspect has been superb.


Neil Cooke

*From:* Brandon 
*Sent:* Sat, 6 November, 2010 3:30:57 AM
*Subject:* Re: SDK/ sites down/ frustration/Realsoft


Excellent points made, and I fully agree.  It is getting hard to stick
with RS for a hobby.  Like you stated, that wow factor we had with v4
has long since faded, and I would like to see it again.  I find myself
unmotivated to upgrade to v7 from v6, but would like to find myself
highly motivated in the future for a v8 release.  I used v6 last year
for a work project, and I just find it lagging behind the other software

How many of us old timers are there still around that have the same
unvoiced thoughts?

Best regards,

On 11/5/2010 6:43 AM, <> wrote:
> Hey all and hey Realsoft in special.
> I want to keep this decently short; had written an even longer text 
> The story was that lately I´ve been trying to convert a scientific 
shader formula into a usable shader for RS3D.
> Because I´m an amateur, I need help and so I looked around for 
information, basically finding nothing.

> All in all information and general resources regarding RS3D are 
simply insufficient, and the issues with missing documentation and web 
resources are well known for years.
> Today there are most probably not even ten websites left that offer 
a notable amount of content regarding RS3D.
> The Wiki seems to be dead for years, the forum doesn´t even let you 
register an account (because of understandable issues, I know), the 
Render Daemon site is completely down, as well, and now 
I see that I can´t even download the v6 and v7 SDK, because, even 
though they are listed, their links just don´t work.
> It seem as if there was nobody tending to the website at all, the 
only useful information comes from a handful of personal websites that 
are scattered throughout the web.
> As far as I know, there isn´t even a single website anymore that 
somehow gathers RS3D-stuff like the Render Daemon did, not a SINGLE!

> This is getting unbearable.
> As I said, these problems are known for years, but they don´t get 
better, instead they seem to get worse.
> There seems to have been a short "golden age" of webpresence for 
RS3D, with the wiki and the forum and all.

> But now all that was built in that age has gone to ruin, or so it seems.
> There has to be something that can be done about that.
> As I think about it, the wiki is still there, I could contribute to 
it, I´ve never done that.

> And I would love to do that if I saw some sense in it.
> But just adding stuff to a personal homepage or expanding an unused 
wiki wouldn´t do the trick.
> Realsoft itself HAS to have the WILL to renew the efforts to promote 
and develop RS3D, this would have to be some kind of a priority for 
Realsoft/Vesa and Juha.

> And I don´t see that will, that priority.
> Now I can totally understand if ones own life comes in the way of 
other things, family to tend to, etc..

> And as I understand it, that´s exactly why Realsoft kinda lags behind.
> But I have decided to voice my opinion in a strong manner.
> Because I don´t think that speaking softly does any good.
> Realsoft has been a small but consistent part of my life; I´ve 

Re: SDK/ sites down/ frustration/Realsoft

2010-11-05 Thread Brandon


Excellent points made, and I fully agree.  It is getting hard to stick 
with RS for a hobby.  Like you stated, that wow factor we had with v4 
has long since faded, and I would like to see it again.  I find myself 
unmotivated to upgrade to v7 from v6, but would like to find myself 
highly motivated in the future for a v8 release.  I used v6 last year 
for a work project, and I just find it lagging behind the other software 

How many of us old timers are there still around that have the same 
unvoiced thoughts?

Best regards,

On 11/5/2010 6:43 AM, wrote:

Hey all and hey Realsoft in special.

I want to keep this decently short; had written an even longer text before.
The story was that lately I´ve been trying to convert a scientific shader 
formula into a usable shader for RS3D.
Because I´m an amateur, I need help and so I looked around for information, 
basically finding nothing.

All in all information and general resources regarding RS3D are simply 
insufficient, and the issues with missing documentation and web resources are 
well known for years.
Today there are most probably not even ten websites left that offer a notable 
amount of content regarding RS3D.
The Wiki seems to be dead for years, the forum doesn´t even let you register an 
account (because of understandable issues, I know), the Render Daemon site is 
completely down, as well, and now I see that I can´t even 
download the v6 and v7 SDK, because, even though they are listed, their links 
just don´t work.
It seem as if there was nobody tending to the website at all, the only useful 
information comes from a handful of personal websites that are scattered 
throughout the web.
As far as I know, there isn´t even a single website anymore that somehow 
gathers RS3D-stuff like the Render Daemon did, not a SINGLE!

This is getting unbearable.
As I said, these problems are known for years, but they don´t get better, 
instead they seem to get worse.
There seems to have been a short "golden age" of webpresence for RS3D, with the 
wiki and the forum and all.
But now all that was built in that age has gone to ruin, or so it seems.
There has to be something that can be done about that.

As I think about it, the wiki is still there, I could contribute to it, I´ve 
never done that.
And I would love to do that if I saw some sense in it.
But just adding stuff to a personal homepage or expanding an unused wiki 
wouldn´t do the trick.
Realsoft itself HAS to have the WILL to renew the efforts to promote and 
develop RS3D, this would have to be some kind of a priority for Realsoft/Vesa 
and Juha.
And I don´t see that will, that priority.

Now I can totally understand if ones own life comes in the way of other things, 
family to tend to, etc..
And as I understand it, that´s exactly why Realsoft kinda lags behind.

But I have decided to voice my opinion in a strong manner.
Because I don´t think that speaking softly does any good.
Realsoft has been a small but consistent part of my life; I´ve joined this list 
somewhere in the ninetees.
And so I don´t want to "betray" Realsoft by acting as if everything was ok for 
me somehow.

Cause it´s not.
Again - this is getting unbearable.
When will these issues be resolved? Will they ever be?
If I´m looking at the situation I´d much rather guess that RS3D will have died 
long before that could have happened.
The somehow revolutionary RS3D v4 was released over ten years ago now, and I 
very much feel that it´s time to have another revolution like that.

So please, Realsoft, get it going!

And if you don´t think that you can handle that (because of understandable 
time- and priority-issues), then take the consequences.
I mean, there would be several options.
One would be to get an investor and hire a (bigger) staff.
Another would be to sell the software or the entire company and to let someone 
else develop and publish the program.
And yet another one would be to release RS3Ds code under an open source license.

All of the above would still leave the possibility to participate in the development of 
RS3D, to influence it´s "shape", and to simply make money with it.
With an investor, existing personnel would simply be kept.
And even with the investor getting some of the earnings, this would surely be 
overcompensated by increased sales.
With the second possibility personnel could possibly stay in leading positions.
Released as open source, there would be several possibilities.
As I understand it, you could release it under a license that permits selling 
for profit, so that Realsoft could be kept as it is and sell RS3D bundled with 
professional customerservice.
Whatever license would be chosen, participation would be pretty easy.

Now I think to remember a discussion here, several years ago, where people said 
that RS3D could take the road that Cinema 4D had gone and get bigger.
If I recall correctly, Vesa statet that

Re: Rendering 3d output ?

2010-10-07 Thread Brandon

I agree with Neil.
I was taught by the department head of Industrial Design/Animation in 
college that parallel is correct.


On 10/7/2010 1:43 PM, Neil Cooke wrote:

>Sometimes it is better to make both cameras look at the same point in
other case they must look parallel.

I always use parallel camera, I never converge them.

*From:* Jean-Sebastien Perron 
*Sent:* Fri, 8 October, 2010 8:30:47 AM
*Subject:* Re: Rendering 3d output ?

PS don't always use the separation distance between your eyes.
Take the decision shot by shot for what is best for that scene.
Sometimes it is better to make both cameras look at the same point in
other case they must look parallel. There is no perfect setting, playing
with separation distance and parallel vs crossing.

Jean-Sebastien Perron <>

On 10-10-07 08:20 AM, Jason Saunders wrote:
> Thanks Matthias, but do you know how far apart the two cameras 
should be to

> represent the left and right eyes view?
> Regards
> Jason
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [ 
<>] On Behalf Of Matthias Kappenberg

> Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2010 11:43 AM
> To: 

> Subject: Re: Rendering 3d output ?
> Hi Jason,
> maybe this one can help:
> Create 2 cameras, then render the first sequence with first cam active,
> then the second sequence with the second cam active
> Matthias
> - Original Message -
> From: "Jason Saunders"<>>
> To:<>>

> Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2010 11:13 AM
> Subject: Rendering 3d output ?
>> Hi,
>> I think this topic came up a while back, apologies but index 
searching on

> my
>> PC seems busted.
>> I wondered if anyone has attempted rendering 3D content for 3D tv's yet
>> using Realsoft?
>> Assuming there is a good method for setting up two cams at a specified
>> distance apart for each eye and rendering each camera separately to 

>> converge the frames elsewhere.
>> If anyone has some ideas or tips on this it would be good to know.
>> Many thanks,
>> Jason

Re: Dynadream lookalike?

2010-08-11 Thread Brandon

Hi Mark and all,

Were you and Arjo part of the beta test team?  Does anyone have any work 
they can show from testing, such as your references to Arjo's work with 
pigs :)

I thought we were all just waiting for Carlo's plug-ins to be 
finished... sound like it was basically done but never released?  ... 
would love to use them if available.


On 8/11/2010 12:57 PM, Mark Heuymans wrote:

I am waiting since the release of RS4.5 for Carlo to release the Dyna 
software. It was very ready IMHO, but Carlo decided otherwise and for 
good reasons too I am sure.

But, it has also been very quiet on the developers side for that matter L


Yes, at a certain point it worked very well, in 2005 I managed to make 
a fully functional trebuchet with it, but with later version this 
didn't work any more. Arjo made insanely complex rigs with inflatable 
pigs etc, great fun!

Please finish this, too much work went into it to drop it! Or maybe 
sell the code to RS so they can make it a native part of the software???

Nowadays, you see more and more advanced simulation in movies... it's 
crucial to CG animation. We don't even have animated hair :(

Luckily, we do have Chrono but I seem to be the only one who used it 
besides Alessandro...

-Mark H

Realflow 5 import

2010-05-26 Thread Brandon

Hi all,

For whatever it is worth, since it has been fairly quiet here (except 
for the nice work from Mark), Realflow 5 mesh animations import without 
any issues into RS v7.  I have not tested the .sd format import/export 
because my v7 demo save function has expired.


Re: artificial evolution

2010-02-27 Thread Brandon
... completely agreeing with both of you, I think there are a lot of 
people who come and go with RS, but it seems like many of us 'original' 
users are those who last for some reason (not intending anything against 
others, new or old) ;)

...just a thought.  Seems there are many old users who mostly 'lurk', as 
has been stated before, just as I mainly do on the list.  Life 
obligations just don't leave as much free time for 3D as in the old days.


- notice that we are talking about the times when Real3D was
introduced to the windows platform - not many of us old timers
left on the user-list :-)



Actually, I think you'll find that there are still people here who
were running V1.4&  V2 on Amigas  ;-)


Re: Trailer - QuickTime

2010-01-07 Thread Brandon Moon

Hi Neil,

For all of my DVD/HDDVD/BLURAY encoding for network playback, I use the 
open source Handbrake and put everything in H264 under the .mkv 
container type.  This is one of the two most popular formats for home 
networks, and has great file size and quality thanks to the advanced 
H264 encoding.  It supports full AC3/DTS soundtracks with 5.1/7.1 or 
simply mono/stereo if you choose.  Note that Handbrake does not encode 
or create your soundtracks, but will pass it through to the new file 
during video encoding.  The latest version has a new feature (constant 
quality setting) that is essentially like VBR mp3 encoding, where teh 
bitrate will adjust as needed to maintain the quality level you set.  It 
will read most formats out there, but I don't know what your original 
format is at this point, so you will have to check.  As an example of 
file size, a typical 2 hr action movie encoded from DVD with AC3 sound, 
in full resolution, is about 1GB, give or take a little.  I encoded my 
Swordfish HDDVD, reduced to 720p from 1080p, and it is under 2GB, 
compared to the bulky >70GB source.
Encoding time for a ripped DVD (2 hr movie) to my HD is about 25-30 
minutes on my 8 core system.

Runs on Windows/Mac OS X/ and Linux

The player of choice for me is also free: VLC Media Player.  It has many 
nice features to sync A/V  for playback from out of sync sources, and 
will play nearly every AV format under the sun.

This may or may not be useful in your case, but it is good to remember 
for that one time when needed. =)


Neil Cooke wrote:

Thanks for the nice word NIK and Mark,

>see a bigger version with sound

The whole thing is a huge file in it's current format and I dont know 
how to get it down to web size. 

Anyway, some re-takes on this one and then on to Episode Two now :-)


*From:* Mark 
*Sent:* Fri, 8 January, 2010 2:50:59 AM
*Subject:* Re: Trailer - QuickTime

Impressive work Neil! Always nice to see a new RS animation, I'd love 
to see a bigger version with sound some day.

Mark H


My intention is to work comfortably within the skills I have. This is 
the fastest and obviously the easiest. Within this I am hoping to 
produce a marketable result. 
No sound. Any comments appreciated but I realise there is very little 
here to form any kind of opinion on. The current cut is 10 minutes and 
the Trailer is just a bunch of takes. No characters in the Trailer 
which is intentional at this stage. Thanks Neil Cooke

Re: Realsoft 3D version 7 for Windows released

2009-12-09 Thread Brandon Moon

Too bad the dollar euro exchange rate is so upside down... =(
Is there a demo version available to play with until I can afford the 
upgrade later next year?
Did any of the Realflow import problems get fixed?  I could likely dig 
deep for funds if these two apps could finally work 'well' together.


Vesa Meskanen wrote:

Hello, Chris

That looks like a great upgrade!

Thanks :)

How much is the upgrade in USD?

About  221 US dollars.

Best regards,


Realflow import question

2009-10-15 Thread Brandon Moon

Hi all,

About 18 or so months ago someone on the list helped me out with how to 
import Realflow meshes into RS.  I did it several times for some 
projects, with great difficulty, but have not had much luck with a 
certain issue in recent months.

I have two issues, and wonder if anyone has experience with this process 
and can explain how you go about it.

1-Scale - The scale between the default states of the two programs seems 
to be a factor of multiple thousands, and if I remember correctly, 
things are huge when imported into RS.

2-Centering (or actually finding the object) - The coordinate systems 
seem so far off that I generally cannot find the imported data.  Sems 
like the mesh is usually some thousands of units in the negative z and x 
direction, but can't be sure, because I have not been able to find 
things easy enough to see any tracable repeatability.

I stated two issues, but actually there is another:

3- Seeing the mesh - If you drag and drop the mesh to the screen for 
auto centering, it sometimes works, but generally won't show up unless 
you play through some of the animation frames.

This might all seem very confusing, and that is how I feel when trying 
to use these programs together.  I know I can set a scale factor in 
Realflow, which can help, but the fact that I can't find the imported 
mesh in RS is the biggest problem.

Vesa was going to try to address this with v7 when I told him about it 
some months ago, but it might not make it to the released version.

Any help would be much appreciated!


Re: Revolution 4D and Chrono

2009-10-15 Thread Brandon Moon

Mark Heuymans wrote:


What about Revolution 4D and Chrono development for 7 release ?

thanks for the answer

Phil (New old user of Realsoft 6.1)

Good question, I'm one of only a few Chrono users.

And how about Dynatomics, is it ever going to see the light? Years ago, as a 
beta tester I built a fully functional trebuchet. Arjo made a brilliant 
'chain of events' animation... etc, etc, it's just a great plugin. Such a 
waste if this would never see the light!

-Mark H


Hi all,

Several months ago I asked Vesa about Revolution 4D, and he said it has 
been updated and will be available for use again with v7.


Re: V7 release date yet?

2009-10-01 Thread Brandon Moon

Hi Vesa,

Did you and Juha have a chance to implement a scale feature and auto 
centering (or other way of actually finding the meshes) of data imported 
from Realflow? =)

Thank you!

Vesa Meskanen wrote:


Any news on v7 release date?

We are testing the release candidates:) The expected release date is in
I digged up some quick experiments and demos created during beta 
testing - the links are included below.

Best regards,


Return of the good old Real3D lathe tool:

Volumetric (Boolean) explosions:

The new trajectory object capturing simulation-driven motions:

V7 includes plenty of new ways to control particles:

Re: what happened to Deltaconvert

2009-05-12 Thread Brandon Moon

Hi Mark,

You can run VMware free server on your Vista machine and run a virtual 
XP environment to do the avi creating.  If you are not familiar, VMware 
is like MS Virtual PC, but gives you access to more features.  I have 
not used the free server version, but I use VMware workstation at work 
and Virtual PC (also free from MS).  Note that VMware does not 
officially support 64bit Vista. download  an info page 
about VMware


Mark wrote:

Hi list,

What happened to this useful little (buggy) V3 tool that allowed us to 
convert separate frames into AVIs? Something with this functionality 
is no longer included in the RS toolkit since V4 (correct me if I'm 
wrong). I never render to AVIs directly, always separate frames.

To complicate things more: I can't install the old V3 on Vista. A 
pity, I hope Deltaconvert will be another useful feature from the V3 
days that will be re-introduced, like Morphing and even some V7 
features. Maybe it has to to do with licensing problems?

For now, I have to switch on my noisy XP computer and do the 
conversions on that one.

Of course there are other solutions, but I started searching a bit for 
legal alternatives... FFmpeg appears to be powerful, but you have to 
compile the source code yourself! I haven't compiled anything since 
the Amiga days...

Any tips for freeware conversion tools?

-Mark H

Re: Choreography help

2009-02-20 Thread Brandon Moon
I found that I wasn't saving the data from teh top init level in the 
choreography window.
Pretty close to working now; I just need to get all of teh appropriate 
chors saved and reloaded... ;)


Brandon Moon wrote:

Hi all,

Last year I animated a model for work using an imported CAD file.  The 
part, which was a housing, simply moved up and down on the Y axis, but 
in sync with about 15 other dependent child parts (medical device).  
The housing CAD file has changed, and I would like to update the 
animation to reflect the current build for our marketing dept.  Since 
there is not a replace part feature in RS, I'm trying to save the 
choreography and apply it to the new part.  But it does not work.

Loading the choreography to the part (rt click option) doesn't work.

Drag and drop in the choreography window creates a key, but I can't 
get the points to copy, so still no good.

Should I be able to do this?  If yes, please enlighten me :)

Thank you,

Choreography help

2009-02-20 Thread Brandon Moon

Hi all,

Last year I animated a model for work using an imported CAD file.  The 
part, which was a housing, simply moved up and down on the Y axis, but 
in sync with about 15 other dependent child parts (medical device).  The 
housing CAD file has changed, and I would like to update the animation 
to reflect the current build for our marketing dept.  Since there is not 
a replace part feature in RS, I'm trying to save the choreography and 
apply it to the new part.  But it does not work.

Loading the choreography to the part (rt click option) doesn't work.

Drag and drop in the choreography window creates a key, but I can't get 
the points to copy, so still no good.

Should I be able to do this?  If yes, please enlighten me :)

Thank you,

Revolution 4D???

2009-02-02 Thread Brandon Moon
Does anyone know if Revolution 4D is supported with v6 or even 
available?  It is not a DL option on the RS software updates page, and 
the link is broken at Deltaknowledge.


Re: Polycarbonate material help

2009-02-02 Thread Brandon Moon

Thank you Jan.
This is exactly what I needed.  I remember seeing this list years ago, 
but did not know where it was found.

Best regards,

Jan Schmitz wrote:

Hi Brandon,

For an index of refraction of 1.6 you must set an optical thickness of 
0.375 for the shader. (-> just add an constant object, set its output 
to "surface: optical thickness" and set the value to 0.375)

You can find more information about refraction and optical thickness 
on this page: 

There is a useful table for other materials on the bottom of the page.


2009/2/2 Brandon Moon <>>

Hello all,

Sorry I have not had time to post much in the last few years, but
I try to follow most of the RS related topics.

Now for business...  I need some help/advice:

Here at work we are trying to make a medical part which will also
act as a light guide (light pipe) for LED lights (4) in a circular
array.  The material is clear polycarbonate, which I know to have
an index of refraction of 1.6.  I am unclear on setting the index
of refraction in VSL materials.  If I create a v3 material, I can
set the index directly, but the material is obviously less than ideal.

Can anyone (Vesa?) give me some advise or a material that will do
the job?

We have made various CNC machined models, but we though we might
be able to simulate the light with RS as we refine the design, and
save some time and money from constant physical machining.

Thank you in advance for any help!


Polycarbonate material help

2009-02-02 Thread Brandon Moon

Hello all,

Sorry I have not had time to post much in the last few years, but I try 
to follow most of the RS related topics.

Now for business...  I need some help/advice:

Here at work we are trying to make a medical part which will also act as 
a light guide (light pipe) for LED lights (4) in a circular array.  The 
material is clear polycarbonate, which I know to have an index of 
refraction of 1.6.  I am unclear on setting the index of refraction in 
VSL materials.  If I create a v3 material, I can set the index directly, 
but the material is obviously less than ideal.

Can anyone (Vesa?) give me some advise or a material that will do the job?

We have made various CNC machined models, but we though we might be able 
to simulate the light with RS as we refine the design, and save some 
time and money from constant physical machining.

Thank you in advance for any help!


RE: Is This For Real ?

2008-03-07 Thread Brandon

I had no problems with v6.1.3 on XP pro on multiple machines.  I can't check 
again now because I using beta 6.1.11, but I have been working all week doing a 
1000 frame animation for work with a heavy scene load, and have not had a 
single problem with RS.

I'm sure you have tried re installation, but it is likely a conflict with 
another application.  I sometimes have strange RS performance if 3dsmax and 
inventor are running at the same time in the background (inventor -max-RS is my 
pipeline to get work data into RS).

Vista is NOT the answer - don't waste your time, money, and a bottle of aspirin 
on vista (no offense to anyone running it, but until a VERY solid  sp2 arrives 
for vista, it just isn't happening for the engineering community).

Good luck,

I am still waiting for the new quads before I build a new home system.  Luckily 
at work I just got a dual proc quad xeon to work (play) with. =)

>Well , maybe it's just me :
>  The 'View Window Icons' at the top-left of the attached
>image do not work on my version of V6.01.03 .
>  Perhaps they work on everyone else's , or on the V6 demo
>but I cannot get them to do anything on my newly installed
>RSV6 install .
>  For the past week I have been trying to do something ...
>anything ... constructive with this 3D program ... is it
>even possible ?
>I'm on XP-Pro . Do I need to go 'Vista' to get there ?
>thanks in advance

Re: memory problem

2007-12-23 Thread Brandon
Hi Arjo,

So as Mark stated, the slaves must be 64 bit if that is what the workstation is 
running, yes?  Just want to be sure... I had never thought about it being a 
problem using my old 32bit machines as slaves with a new 64bit machine. Too bad 
money for new hardware doesn't grow on trees :)


>Hi Mark,
>I'm pleased to inform you that you can keep at least some of your money 
>in your pocket ;)
>32 and 64 bit can be mixed without problems.
>The slaves don't need to be as heavily equipped as the main work station.
>Only my workstation is running on 64bit, all the slaves are still on 32bit.
>When I render an image of my rather complex city it takes 3.2 G RAM on 
>my workstation.
>But for the slaves 1 Gig of RAM is enough.
>I used to have slaves with 512 K, but that has become too little, so I 
>updated them to 1 or 2 Gig.
>Mark Heuymans wrote:
>> Hi Arjo,
>> Oops, right...  that also means all render slaves have to be 64bit and 
>> have plenty of RAM when working with large plants.

Re: Realflow import problem (confusion)

2007-12-22 Thread Brandon
The import works great for a single mesh frame.

I'll try out the helpful info from Arjo and you on Monday - I don't have v6 
installed at home yet... :(


>What about using the File\import\ ? I've misplaced my Realflow 
>at the moment , so I cannot test , right now .
>   Has anyone tried the .FBX import yet ?
>> Hi Brandon,
>> I'm sorry, I've been using file instances too many times already. One
>> tends to forget that for someone new even the first steps can be confusing.
>> But it's very easy though, so don't panic ;)
>> Take a look at the tools in the instancing tab. (the last one on the row)
>> You'll find the "File instance" tool.
>> Click on it, lookup your realflow mesh file, check "load geometry" and
>> hit accept.
>> That's about it, the file instance object will show up in the select
>> window. Or I should say, it should show up, but the realflow import
>> seems to be broken.
>> Arjo.
>> Brandon wrote:
>> > Hi Arjo,
>> >
>> > I went to try tour solution today at lunch time, and I guess it has been 
>too long since I used RS much.  I
>got confused with you first step to create a file instance.  Create a file 
>instance of what, and how do you do
>it exactly?  I only understand object instances, sorry.
>> >
>> > Properties window of, the file instance?
>> >
>> > Thanks in advace for you help!
>> >
>> > Brandon
>> >
>> >
>> >> Hi Brandon,
>> >>
>> >> I know the manual is a bit short in this, as it only says it supports
>> >> Realflow files and nothing more.
>> >> But this is how you do it:
>> >> -Create a file instance inside Realsoft.
>> >> -In the properties window load the first numbered Realflow meshfile.
>> >> -Set the Animation type to automatic
>> >>
>> >> That's it, that's how it should work. However a nasty bug seems to have
>> >> slipped in.
>> >> I just reported the bug. I guess it can be solved quickly, as in
>> >> previous betas it worked just fine.
>> >>
>> >> Arjo.
>> >>
>> >> Brandon wrote:
>> >>
>> >>> Hi all and Vesa,
>> >>>
>> >>> I installed v6 at lunch time today, created a bowl in RS, created a 
>> >>>
>> >> simulation in Realflow, and cant seem to figure out how to get the entire 
>> >> sequence animation back into v6.
>> >>
>> >>> Can anyone give me a little clarification to get my animation back into 
>> >>>
>> >>> Side note - it renders at least 2x the speed of v5.  Can't wait to get 
>> >>>
>> >> running on a new quad core in January when the next Intel procs are
>> >> available... =)
>> >>
>> >>> The building construction tools look incredible, hope to try soon.  The 
>> >>>
>> >> measurement system is long overdue and is excellent - THANK YOU Realsoft 
>> >>
>> >>> Much more to explore...
>> >>>
>> >>> Regards,
>> >>> Brandon
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>> The Windows version of the new Realsoft 3D version 6 has been 
>> >>>>
>> >> Some
>> >>
>> >>>> highlights of the new features:
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >
>> >
>> >

Re: Realflow import problem (confusion)

2007-12-21 Thread Brandon
Hi Arjo,

I went to try tour solution today at lunch time, and I guess it has been too 
long since I used RS much.  I got confused with you first step to create a file 
instance.  Create a file instance of what, and how do you do it exactly?  I 
only understand object instances, sorry.

Properties window of, the file instance?

Thanks in advace for you help!


>Hi Brandon,
>I know the manual is a bit short in this, as it only says it supports 
>Realflow files and nothing more.
>But this is how you do it:
>-Create a file instance inside Realsoft.
>-In the properties window load the first numbered Realflow meshfile.
>-Set the Animation type to automatic
>That's it, that's how it should work. However a nasty bug seems to have 
>slipped in.
>I just reported the bug. I guess it can be solved quickly, as in 
>previous betas it worked just fine.
>Brandon wrote:
>> Hi all and Vesa,
>> I installed v6 at lunch time today, created a bowl in RS, created a fluid 
>simulation in Realflow, and cant seem to figure out how to get the entire mesh 
>sequence animation back into v6.
>> Can anyone give me a little clarification to get my animation back into RS?
>> Side note - it renders at least 2x the speed of v5.  Can't wait to get it 
>running on a new quad core in January when the next Intel procs are 
>available... =)
>> The building construction tools look incredible, hope to try soon.  The new 
>measurement system is long overdue and is excellent - THANK YOU Realsoft =)
>> Much more to explore...
>> Regards,
>> Brandon
>>> The Windows version of the new Realsoft 3D version 6 has been released. 
>>> highlights of the new features:

RE: V6 and Quad Cores

2007-12-20 Thread Brandon

Thanks for the info.  I'll look into possible delay issues and give you an 
update on what I "plan" to build in Jan.  And yes, I will definitely be running 
XP 64 bit for max performance.  This will be build as a work machine, but I'll 
do a dual boot for regular XP so I can take advantage of a new game or two.

The main reason I'm waiting for the new Q9450 is the extra 4MB shared cache 
(12MB total) and the new power saving features; oh yes, and the boost in 
performance from the drop down to 45nm :)  From tomshardware reports I've read, 
this thing should OC easily up to 3.4 or 3.6 GHz on air.

I'll update later.

>> Side note - it renders at least 2x the speed of v5.
>>  Can't wait to get it running on a new quad core in January when the next 
>> Intel procs are available... =)
>Hi Brandon :
>  Some of the new Quads are pushed back until feb-march . Maybe these are 
>Xeons ?
>The Q6600 that I have is very good and very cheap and so are the
>motherboards for it (and the ram) . 
>I decided to buy now and then wait and see what's available next fall or 
>christmas .
>My rig is here in this thread on (post #55 , etc , etc)
>   V6 ufo benchmark , combined with a cheap quad is an absolutely mind-
>blowing combination . If you are one of the advanced users running the 64-
>bit Realsoft3D version and a Quad you will immediately step to the front
>of the line .
>> Hi all and Vesa,
>> I installed v6 at lunch time today, created a bowl in RS, created a fluid 
>simulation in Realflow, and cant
>seem to figure out how to get the entire mesh sequence animation back into 
>> Can anyone give me a little clarification to get my animation back into RS?
>> Side note - it renders at least 2x the speed of v5.  Can't wait to get it 
>running on a new quad core in
>January when the next Intel procs are available... =)
>> The building construction tools look incredible, hope to try soon.  The new 
>measurement system is long
>overdue and is excellent - THANK YOU Realsoft =)
>> Much more to explore...
>> Regards,
>> Brandon
>> >The Windows version of the new Realsoft 3D version 6 has been released. 
>> >highlights of the new features:
>> >

Re: Realflow import problem (confusion)

2007-12-19 Thread Brandon
Thanks Arjo, I'll try this in the morning.


>Hi Brandon,
>I know the manual is a bit short in this, as it only says it supports 
>Realflow files and nothing more.
>But this is how you do it:
>-Create a file instance inside Realsoft.
>-In the properties window load the first numbered Realflow meshfile.
>-Set the Animation type to automatic
>That's it, that's how it should work. However a nasty bug seems to have 
>slipped in.
>I just reported the bug. I guess it can be solved quickly, as in 
>previous betas it worked just fine.
>Brandon wrote:
>> Hi all and Vesa,
>> I installed v6 at lunch time today, created a bowl in RS, created a fluid 
>simulation in Realflow, and cant seem to figure out how to get the entire mesh 
>sequence animation back into v6.
>> Can anyone give me a little clarification to get my animation back into RS?
>> Side note - it renders at least 2x the speed of v5.  Can't wait to get it 
>running on a new quad core in January when the next Intel procs are 
>available... =)
>> The building construction tools look incredible, hope to try soon.  The new 
>measurement system is long overdue and is excellent - THANK YOU Realsoft =)
>> Much more to explore...
>> Regards,
>> Brandon
>>> The Windows version of the new Realsoft 3D version 6 has been released. 
>>> highlights of the new features:

Realflow import problem (confusion)

2007-12-19 Thread Brandon
Hi all and Vesa,

I installed v6 at lunch time today, created a bowl in RS, created a fluid 
simulation in Realflow, and cant seem to figure out how to get the entire mesh 
sequence animation back into v6.

Can anyone give me a little clarification to get my animation back into RS?

Side note - it renders at least 2x the speed of v5.  Can't wait to get it 
running on a new quad core in January when the next Intel procs are 
available... =)

The building construction tools look incredible, hope to try soon.  The new 
measurement system is long overdue and is excellent - THANK YOU Realsoft =)

Much more to explore...


>The Windows version of the new Realsoft 3D version 6 has been released. Some
>highlights of the new features:

reply to New Gallery Images - from STUDIO

2006-12-09 Thread Brandon Moon

Thanks for the link Garry!

Be sure to check out the detail image of the glass door... very nice 
image Vesa!


studio wrote:

Cool V6 Gi render ! Glass through glass , nice .



RE: Re: Quad Core

2006-11-18 Thread Brandon

XP Home only supports 1 socket (1 cpu).


>iirc Microsoft stated that their licensing was treating multi-core
>CPUs as a single CPU, so it would only cost per CPU die, not per
>computing core. So the 2-CPU "home" license with two Octacore CPUs
>would give you 16 cores. :)

>Bernd Sieker

RE: Re: Quad Core

2006-11-18 Thread Brandon
Hi Garry,

XP Pro supports a maximum of 2 sockets, but you can have as many cores on each 
socket as Intel/AMD can throw at it.  To support 4 sockets you have to move up 
to Windows Server OSs.


>Thanks for :
> ... letting me suck up even more babdwidth (why can't
>I ever get any work done ?  ) Here's this link
>for the 3rd time in 30 days :
>  We can see just how powerful these CPU's are ,
>yet Mark seems to think the 68030's have special
>powers (just kidding) .
>  My dual Xeon on Xp-Pro shows 4 cpu's because of
>Intel's Hyperthreading . I would have to guess that
>XP-Pro can handle anything you throw at it .
>  Anyway , please do the RS3D benchmark and make us
>all feel bad so that we can all get part time jobs
>pumping gas and buy new hardware again !
>  How's the new digs ? Ever get any 'roos hanging
>around your place ?
>Cheers !

RE: Re: Quad Core

2006-11-18 Thread Brandon
Hi David and all,

Concerning FSB saturation with Quadcore, I read the following two days ago in 
the December issue of Maximum PC:

"Intel claims that analysis of the bus traffic under heavy loads using today's 
applications indicates that we're not even close to saturating the FSB  
Intel engineers do admit that it's possible to saturate the bus, but that you'd 
have to write code specifically to do that."  Thus they decided to forgo a 
1,333MHz bus for this generation.

Now, how a CPU intensive apps like RS relate to "today's applications" is 
another question.

On another note: Windows XP will obviously work fine with Quadcore because it 
works with two sockets, and isn't concerned with the number of cores per socket.

The real super power will be when Intel releases the Yorkfield (quadcore) 
architecture at 45nm, a monolithic die, and puts two of those on a chip for an 
8 core CPU! But that is likely 18 months out:(


>> Yes , if that's not enough to make you drool ( 4
>> quad core CPU's ) then nothing is . Finally we
>> have what Amiga developers wanted for all of us
>> 10 years ago ... pure drop-dead power !
>Well, I'm curious as to how much benefit quad-core brings when half the
>problems with processing lie with bandwidth and getting hold of data to
>process. Four cores sharing 10 GB/s or whatever the main RAM is might not
>perform anywhere near as well as four separate processors on four separate
>RAM pools. In any complex scene, the amount of data accessed per frame will
>run into many GB and with lots of cache thrashing, and the processors will
>likely spend a fair bit of their time waiting to get object data to work on.
>Well, the same problem applies to single core too, so I guess with four
>cores you could get 4x the speed!
>David Coombes

Re: 100 US$ Prize and other good News - Revolution4D

2006-05-21 Thread Brandon Moon

Hi all,

On another really good side note, Alessandro updated his website today 
and added a LOT of additional information about the upcoming release of 
Revolution4D.  I had no idea he was going to put so many features into 
it!  Thanks Alessandro ;)

Thanks for the great info Boris!


Boris Jahn wrote:

A HUGE thanks to David M. Ingebretsen who supports the Realsoft 3D Image
Contest since 1996. David raised again the Prize and it's now 100 US$!!
This was already payed for the Light and Shadow contest and will be also
the prize for the actual running contest.

Great News from the DynAtomic front. DynAtomic Public Beta will be
released during this month. Also a new character animation tool
"RealPuppet" will be released. This is built around DynAtomic and has
features like advanced IK, physic interaction, 3D weight painting and

You remember PrometheanFX? Betatesting of the SDK version of V2.0
particle editor will go into betatesting shortly. The compositing
package will come a couple of months later.

oh and I heard rumours that RS will support fbx in the next versions :)

The Realsoft 3D Image Contest will have 10 years anniversary in
November. So the October-December 2006 contest will be a special one.
I've started in the forum a thread to collect topic ideas for this
contest if you would like to contribute.

Many thanks!


Re: blueprints

2006-02-08 Thread Brandon Moon


I didn't look at the second like... I see it is already listed.  Sorry.


Robert den Broeder wrote:

Hi all,

For those people who seek blueprints for specific modeling tasks, here are
two more:

You never know when these come in handy :)

Best regards,


Re: blueprints

2006-02-08 Thread Brandon Moon

Hi Robert,

Here is another great one to bookmark!


Robert den Broeder wrote:

Hi all,

For those people who seek blueprints for specific modeling tasks, here are
two more:

You never know when these come in handy :)

Best regards,


Re: nearly on topic

2006-02-08 Thread Brandon Moon
I believe Bernie uses it...  you might want to send him an email and ask 


Frank Bueters wrote:

Hi list,

Does anyone know of, or can anyone recommend the 3D RPC (people, trees,
cars, etc.) that is being offered by Archvision? Is it what it promises to


	Frank Bueters 



2005-12-30 Thread Brandon Moon


Quick note on Maya PLE... it is only to play with.  There is NO way to 
take data from PLE and use it with anything except Motionbuilder PLE.  
That is the catch...  they want evryone to love it so thet will buy the 
regular version, but then your PLE files won't transfer to complete or 
unlimited version.  Oh, and there is a moving watermark, and generally 
res limit is 1024x768.


studio wrote:

 I have to agree with most of what you say above . I'm just getting to
know Blender now and think it's a pretty cool partner app to be running
alongside Realsoft , or Max or LW etc . However , the free Personal
learning Edition of Maya might also be an app one might find worth check-
ing out too . The fluid dynamics of Blender drew me , but I think Maya's
stuff is far superior , from what little I've read .



Re: A little script

2005-12-29 Thread Brandon Moon


Very cool, but I can't get it to work... keep getting the following error:

R3SUBDIVA_ExtrudeNormalOpt is not defined


Probably just a user error because I don't know how to use it?  if so, 
would you please provide some aditional instructions on how to get 
started and see some results?


Zaug wrote:

Hello list,
Here is a little script, that I have been working on for the last
several weeks, that some of you might enjoy playing with.

Thankz to Fredrik Bergholtz for much advice, tutoring, testing and
patience; and also to Juha Meskanen for answering many questions so quickly.


P.S. Crits are welcome, but, be kind, as it is my first scripting
attempt for Realsoft :)


Re: There is any *.fbx Import Plugin for Realsoft?

2005-12-08 Thread Brandon Moon


No, no FBX plugins yet (as far as I know), hopefully in v6... Hint Hint 
Vesa & Juha =)

Are you saying that you save the FBX files out of Mb as .obj or .3ds, 
then import to RS and get the error?  Do you get an error with both .obj 
and .3ds?

Please clarify if I'm not catching your explaination correctly.


Frank Brübach wrote:

Dear RS friends, there is any Plugin for *.fbx import / export files? 
I have some files with *.fbx (motionbuilder files) endings and wanted 
to import it into Realsoft, but it doesn't import the file (unknown 
file, error). - By the way: A german translation for Service Pack 1 
and 2 is ready for downloading under 
<>, download area, for all german RS 
User:-), bye and best regards, Frank Brübach, Witzenhausen

Re: A ploblem of the redraw.

2005-11-06 Thread Brandon Moon

Hi  K-UDA,

Sorry I didn't ever see your post  But after reading Frank's reply,
I have seen what you describe on my computer at work occationally when
running RS and also with Autodesk Inventor.  From my experience though,
it has never been a problem with the programs running, but is a windows
resource problem when memory is running low.  The fix for me has always
been to close down some other apps to free up more memory.  Usually the
garbage is slow to clean up when low on memory because the CPU starts
swapping data with virtual memory (slow extra storage on the HD
drive).  I run WinXP Pro w/ 1 GB ram, on P4 3GHz.  Now days Windows is
so bloated and consumes memory like never before, we have to always be
aware of usage.  Try to keep at least 300 to 400 MB free when running
apps for a better flow (at least in my case).

Good luck!


Frank Dodd wrote:

  K-UDA wrote:

Hello list.
I upgraded the OS from Windows98 to WindowsXP Home Edition.
And I installed Ver 5.1SP2 in it.
But I acquired the strange phenomenon.
Is this a bug?


I didn't want to reply to this as I don't know the answer but as there
were no other replies I guess no one else does either. Personally I do
not have the option "Show Window contents while dragging" switched and
stick with the bounding box. But when I switched it on I didn't see the
problem your JPG demonstrated when dragging over Realsoft 3D. In OGL
mode it left a trail of grey boxes similar to your display but they
always filled in 1/2 a second or so behind the dragging. I didn't
observe this effect when dragging over Realsoft in GDI mode instead of
OpenGL. However I am running RS5.1 SP1 with Windows 2000 so there are a
few differences there too.

I don't think its a Realsoft3D problem perhaps for the time being you
could switched off the option "Show Window contents while dragging"
under display properties and the Effects tab ( well on Win2K anyway :).
Good luck with your Windows XP I think you will find it much better than
Win98 which Realsoft3D seams to hate, when I was running it it slowly
leaked away resources degrading the performance of Realsoft 3D as I worked.

Good luck with your problem,

Frank "The Rookie" Dodd


Re: OT: Autodesk aquires Alias

2005-10-04 Thread Brandon Moon
Wow!  Do Max and Maya combine into one product now, along with 
Motionbuilder, just acquired by Alias (which has already lent features 
to Maya)???


Matthias Kappenberg wrote:

Hi all,

what's going on there?



Re: contest News

2005-10-01 Thread Brandon Moon
oops,  just saw on the site that the voting info is still available...  
Too bad for gardens, looks like more people voted for it however than 
any other.


Brandon Moon wrote:

Hi Boris,

Can you tell me how close the voting was (for the contest topic) and 
what was the number two vote getter?  Just curious, as I'm finally 
free to have some time for contests (after about 18 months comitment 
to other tasks), but have little to no interest in quadped monsters.  
Have we ever had a dual topic contest?  The garden subject was looking 
very interesting.


Boris Jahn wrote:

the october-december contest is started. The topic is Quadped Monsters.
Check the contest page for details. Great News! David M. Ingebretsen 
has upped his prize for the contest to

75 US$. Many thanks!

The voting for the StarWars Contest will start this weekend.


Re: contest News

2005-10-01 Thread Brandon Moon

Hi Boris,

Can you tell me how close the voting was (for the contest topic) and 
what was the number two vote getter?  Just curious, as I'm finally free 
to have some time for contests (after about 18 months comitment to other 
tasks), but have little to no interest in quadped monsters.  Have we 
ever had a dual topic contest?  The garden subject was looking very 


Boris Jahn wrote:

the october-december contest is started. The topic is Quadped Monsters.
Check the contest page for details. 
Great News! David M. Ingebretsen has upped his prize for the contest to

75 US$. Many thanks!

The voting for the StarWars Contest will start this weekend.