Re: [libreoffice-users] Draw printing of large plans

2013-07-25 Thread Andrew Brown
Agreed, I did not find it in the other components of LO, only in Draw. 
And agreed on the printer. You could post this as a feature add/bug 
report, to be included in the next release.


Andrew Brown

On 25/07/2013 12:44 AM, Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:

Why is this option not part of the rest of the modules?

I create large documents in Writer all the time.
Not every one will have the wide format printers to use for their 
Writer docs.

On 07/24/2013 04:31 PM, Andrew Brown wrote:
Ah! you are correct, I've just found it in LO Draw, under Ubuntu 
Raring too. So I am learning more personally from these emails.


Andrew Brown

On 24/07/2013 10:17 PM, Regina Henschel wrote:


Kracked_P_P---webmaster schrieb:

On 07/24/2013 08:47 AM, Regina Henschel wrote:

Hi John,

John R. Sowden schrieb:
4) Can I print multiple parts of the drawing onto 8.5 x 11.0 
then tape them together for a preliminary draft?  (I know I can 
do the

taping part, its the printing that is an issue :)  )?

You can use the option Distribute on multiple sheets of paper in 
second tab of the printing dialog. The printer needs no special 

5)  And , finally, Does the PDF format fit into this issue at all?

Well I just opened a large format document in Writer and checked every
printer that wasa letter/legal printer and I saw NO option like listed
above.  I use Ubuntu 64-bit with 4.0.4.

So, it does not work that wayfor my system.

I think one of my Windows drivers has the ability, but it is not in my
Ubuntu system.

It is no option of the printer, but of the LibreOffice printing dialog.

File  Print
Tab LibreOffice Draw
Section Size
Option Distribute on multiple sheets of paper

You can traverse the preview to see, how the large drawing is cut 
into sheets.

Kind regards

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Help with two issue I am finding in LO

2013-07-25 Thread Tim Lloyd

Hi Andrew,

I agree regarding the calc issue. I tried this on under Fedora 
and portable under Windows. Neither allow you to right click on 
the input line. As you noted, CTRL-C works. So, I cranked up LO3.6.2.2 
under XP. Same.

The only thing I noticed is that you can right click on the cell itself. 
No need to go up to the input line. I wonder if this is deemed to be 


On 07/24/2013 06:26 PM, Andrew Brown wrote:

Hi Everyone

Well this is now my turn to ask for some help, and to see if any of 
you have or are experiencing these issues. This applies to both my 
Windows version, and Ubuntu Raring versions of LO, so a common 
occurrence. And it has persisted since I migrated over to LO. Your 
responses will assist me before I send this as a bug report, missing 

In Calc, I cannot copy and paste any data content out of the input 
line at the top i.e. right click the mouse and copy using the now non 
existent drop down menu. This goes for an existing spreadsheet or 
creating a new one. In the past, not sure if it was early versions of 
LO Calc, or OOo Calc, but I could do this, no problems. I copy from a 
lot of pricelists and other similiar type spreadsheets, and paste into 
order sheets or directly into emails for my business, and I find now 
the only workaround is to highlight the content and Ctrl c to copy it, 
or using the menu Edit. This needs to be looked at and added as a 
feature, or returned as a feature. MS Office Excel has always allowed 
this as well.

This next one is in Writer, and many of my clients have this issue as 
well, and I feel this is a major failure or feature exclusion. Writer 
cannot handle the copy and paste of multiple image files, such as 
photos etc, and then automatically space them one below the other. 
Many of my clients are in the field as motor vehicle assessors and 
take multiple pictures of vehicle repairs (up to about twenty per 
vehicle), process them to reduce their physical size, then paste them 
into a word processor and compile into a PDF before emailing to the 
insurance houses. MS Office can do this and has always done this with 
no issues whatsoever, but LO Writer simply dumps the images one on top 
of the other, with a lot of unnecessary work to have to drag and place 
each image in order below the previous one. And this is not 
consistent, sometimes Writer fails with a lot of photos (noticeably 
more than five). This lack of feature is now forcing many of my 
customers to return to MSO, and I feel it needs to be addressed and 


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[libreoffice-users] Customizing Number Format of each level in Writer-Tools-Outline Numbering

2013-07-25 Thread Sina Momken
Hello, I need help with LibreOffice Writer - Tools - Outline Numbering.

As long as I know Tools - Outline Numbering in LibreOffice Writer is
somehow equivalent to defining new Multilevel list in MS Office Word 2010.
But I need some features in formating of each level in Outline
Numbering, which is not available in LibreOffice Writer but is available
in MS Word - Multilevel list. I need some more professional formatting
of each level because I'm writing my thesis based on a template provided
by my university and I have to obey that template. In that template
(which is a .doc file) format of each level is defined in a particular
way that can be shown correctly in MS Word, but not in LibreOffice.
I need to be able to customize Number format of each level similar to MS
Word like what you can see here:

If someone is professional in this issue please help me.

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[libreoffice-users] Re: Customizing Number Format of each level in Writer-Tools-Outline Numbering

2013-07-25 Thread Sina Momken
Let me show you what exact Outline Numbering I want using the example below:

Level   Example(desired output) Associated Paragraph Style
1Chapter 3: Chapter
2 3.2-  Heading 1
3  3.2.5-   Heading 2
4 3
6 Fig (3.12)Fig Caption
7  (3.27)   Formula
8   Table (3.20)Table Caption

As you can see in the example above the '3' in Fig (3.12), (3.27)
and Table (3.20) is the chapter number at level 1.

But in Writer-Tools-Outline_Numbering the first digit is not '3'
(level1 number) but the first digit in level 'n' with Show sublevels =
2 will be number of level 'n-1'.
Therefor also in the .doc template everything is stored correctly using
MS Word, but when I open it with LO Writer I see Outline Numberings as

Level   Example(Writer result)  Associated Paragraph Style
1Chapter 3: Chapter
2 3.2-  Heading 1
3  3.2.5-   Heading 2
4 3
6 Fig (b.12)Fig Caption
7  (12.27)  Formula
8   Table (27.20)   Table Caption

How can I achieve my desired output I mentioned in first example using
LO Writer?

On 07/25/2013 12:09 PM, Sina Momken wrote:
 Hello, I need help with LibreOffice Writer - Tools - Outline Numbering.
 As long as I know Tools - Outline Numbering in LibreOffice Writer is
 somehow equivalent to defining new Multilevel list in MS Office Word 2010.
 But I need some features in formating of each level in Outline
 Numbering, which is not available in LibreOffice Writer but is available
 in MS Word - Multilevel list. I need some more professional formatting
 of each level because I'm writing my thesis based on a template provided
 by my university and I have to obey that template. In that template
 (which is a .doc file) format of each level is defined in a particular
 way that can be shown correctly in MS Word, but not in LibreOffice.
 I need to be able to customize Number format of each level similar to MS
 Word like what you can see here:
 If someone is professional in this issue please help me.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Customizing Number Format of each level in Writer-Tools-Outline Numbering

2013-07-25 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)  
Sorry!  I couldn't find the section in the guides but you might find this 
on a side issue you might find Chapter 12 interesting Creating Tables of 
Contents, Indexes, and Bibliographies.  There is a plug-in/add-on/Extension 
that might help with that, i think Zotero?

How rigid is the template?  

Can you create a fresh new Odt document in LibreOffice and follow the 
guidelines of the template without having to copypaste anything from their 
template into your new document?  If there are bits you need to copy can you 
use paste-special to paste as unformatted text?  
Ctrl  Shift  v
rather than just 
Ctrl  v

A fresh start means you neatly avoid getting stuck with lots of legacy 
formatting codes that might spring surprises on you randomly in the future.  It 
gives you more control over what you do.  

If it is rigid and you can't just start afresh then it might be worth asking 
the University if they could give you an OpenDocument Format (ODF, specifically 
Odt) version rather than the proprietary one.  If not then perhaps be insolent 
and ask them to buy and give you the product, that is made by a foreign 
company, in order to be able to use their template.  Perhaps push further and 
ask them to supply it in a non-American 'local' language.  

Errr, i am guessing you are outside of the USA because most of the world is.  
Also i assumed that your native language is not English (US) because, again, 
most of the world speaks other languages as their 1st language, even inside the 

Also note that ODF is an ISO standard.  ISO meaning it is agreed by an 
international agency made from people of many different nationalities.  While 
DocX also has a version that is an ISO standard that is not the one implemented 
in any version of MS Office so far because they all tweak it some different way 
that is non-compliant with the standards.  

Point out that you already have the necessary tools for the job but the only 
reason you would have to buy product from a foreign company is to complete this 
1 task, the thesis.  The tools you already have do everything else better.  
Regards from 
Tom :)

 From: Sina Momken
Sent: Thursday, 25 July 2013, 8:39
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Customizing Number Format of each level in 
Writer-Tools-Outline Numbering

Hello, I need help with LibreOffice Writer - Tools - Outline Numbering.

As long as I know Tools - Outline Numbering in LibreOffice Writer is
somehow equivalent to defining new Multilevel list in MS Office Word 2010.
But I need some features in formatting of each level in Outline
Numbering, which is not available in LibreOffice Writer but is available
in MS Word - Multilevel list. I need some more professional formatting
of each level because I'm writing my thesis based on a template provided
by my university and I have to obey that template. In that template
(which is a .doc file) format of each level is defined in a particular
way that can be shown correctly in MS Word, but not in LibreOffice.
I need to be able to customize Number format of each level similar to MS
Word like what you can see here:

If someone is professional in this issue please help me.

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[libreoffice-users] Re: Customizing Number Format of each level in Writer-Tools-Outline Numbering

2013-07-25 Thread Tom
Hi :)
Please could you upload the .doc template to Nabble so everyone can have a
look and see if we can modify it ourselves?  Is there anything confidential
in it that should not be displayed to the world-wide general public?  If so
then don't upload it!  

In Nabble start your reply and notice the More button just above where you
type the message of your reply.  The top option in the More button is to
upload a file in much the same way that you would for attaching a file to an

I think your formatting got messed up by the emailing system so it might be
better to just upload a file showing roughly how you want it although the
template might explain it fully enough.

Regards from 
Tom :)  

Sina Momken wrote
 Let me show you what exact Outline Numbering I want using the example
 Level Example(desired output) Associated Paragraph Style
 1  Chapter 3: Chapter
 2   3.2-  Heading 1
 33.2.5-   Heading 2
 4 3
 5  (b)none
 6   Fig (3.12)Fig Caption
 7(3.27)   Formula
 8 Table (3.20)Table Caption
 As you can see in the example above the '3' in Fig (3.12), (3.27)
 and Table (3.20) is the chapter number at level 1.
 But in Writer-Tools-Outline_Numbering the first digit is not '3'
 (level1 number) but the first digit in level 'n' with Show sublevels =
 2 will be number of level 'n-1'.
 Therefor also in the .doc template everything is stored correctly using
 MS Word, but when I open it with LO Writer I see Outline Numberings as
 Level Example(Writer result)  Associated Paragraph Style
 1  Chapter 3: Chapter
 2   3.2-  Heading 1
 33.2.5-   Heading 2
 4 3
 5  (b)none
 6   Fig (b.12)Fig Caption
 7(12.27)  Formula
 8 Table (27.20)   Table Caption
 How can I achieve my desired output I mentioned in first example using
 LO Writer?
 snip /
 In that template
 (which is a .doc file) format of each level is defined in a particular
 way that can be shown correctly in MS Word, but not in LibreOffice.
 I need to be able to customize Number format of each level similar to MS
 Word like what you can see here:
 If someone is professional in this issue please help me.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] couple questions

2013-07-25 Thread sun shine

On 24/07/13 16:12, Bill Zaffer wrote:

I heard about your system on Corbett Report.  The reason I would want to join 
is do not want NSA checking my emails or other forms of communications.  Am I 
protected with your site.

Also, if I join your system, do I drop my Cox Internet Connection or still keep 
it plus with emails do I get to keep my Outlook or hotmail accounts?

William Zaffer
Scottsdale, Arizona

Stop being exploited, learn to eat healthier at home, learn to live a Earth 
Friendly lifestyle, shop local, and buy more American but  moderate 
consumption.  We need to rethink and restructure the system.  It is not 
   If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original.”

Hello Bill

You may have some misunderstanding about this email list. I'm no tech, 
but what I can say is this and others will no doubt correct me and give 
more info too:

(1) this is an email-based discussion/ support list for people using 
LibreOffice, an open source alternative to MS Office. It does not 
require you to join anything (although you can subscribe for nothing to 
receive replies to your emails - hence I've cc'd you, since I don't know 
if you subscribed or not). The good news is that because LibO is open 
source, the chances for the NSA to have a backdoor access to this suite 
is vanishingly small ... although, of course, using Microsoft as your 
operating system already means that the NSA have a backdoor into your 
system - that is to say, that Microsoft is a surveillance enabled system 
in its own right. This is a link to a google 
search for microsoft nsa backdoor giving 524,000 results.

(2) this will in no way stop the NSA from reading your emails. If you 
want to do that, you have some options. One is to review find out who voted No to 
the Amash Amendment and lobby those to actually represent the interests 
of the American people in matters of privacy and civil liberties (2nd 
and 4th Amendment Rights) rather than fuel the paranoid Security 
Industry agenda for Full Spectrum Dominance. Another would be to visit as well as choosing software alternatives from

(3) If you wanted a more secure email, sign up for Hush Mail which 
claims to encrypt your emails and not to record IP addresses or just create phoney Google accounts, and use a 
proxy or a VPN to log into and use these.

(4) This site does not provide an ISP, so you will have to keep your 
existing Net provider unless you decide to opt for an alternative.

I hope this helps clarify some things for you.

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[libreoffice-users] Re: Customizing Number Format of each level in Writer-Tools-Outline Numbering

2013-07-25 Thread Sina Momken
Dear Tom,

Thank you for reading my question and trying to help.

On 07/25/2013 01:17 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
 Hi :)  
 Sorry!  I couldn't find the section in the guides but you might find this 
About the documentation and its chapter 12 I don't think it's useful for
me now.

 on a side issue you might find Chapter 12 interesting Creating Tables
of Contents, Indexes, and Bibliographies.  There is a
plug-in/add-on/Extension that might help with that, i think Zotero?
About Zotero, I currently use Zotero for making bibliography of my
thesis. It's very convenient to use, integrates very well with
LibreOffice and MS Word and is even better than its proprietary
equivalent Endnote.

 How rigid is the template?  
 Can you create a fresh new Odt document in LibreOffice and follow the 
 guidelines of the template without having to copypaste anything from their 
 template into your new document?  If there are bits you need to copy can you 
 use paste-special to paste as unformatted text?  
 Ctrl  Shift  v
 rather than just 
 Ctrl  v
About using the template I can say that using the .doc template is not
necessary and my university also has provided the TeX equivalent of that
template, but not .odt format. However also using the specific .doc or
.tex format is not necessary but my thesis must follow its guidelines
(e.g. The fonts and sizes of headers, body, figs, tables, etc.)
But fortunately I could successfully import and use the .doc template
and only some minor problems like what I'm asking about is still
present. Actually there is no need to create a new .odt file from
scratch because most of the things work well.

 A fresh start means you neatly avoid getting stuck with lots of legacy 
 formatting codes that might spring surprises on you randomly in the future.  
 It gives you more control over what you do.  
Even if I want to make a .odt specific version, I must be able to make
Figure and Table numberings with Chapter numbers in themselves. How
could I do that?

 If it is rigid and you can't just start afresh then it might be worth asking 
 the University if they could give you an OpenDocument Format (ODF, 
 specifically Odt) version rather than the proprietary one.  If not then 
 perhaps be insolent and ask them to buy and give you the product, that is 
 made by a foreign company, in order to be able to use their template.  
 Perhaps push further and ask them to supply it in a non-American 'local' 
About access to an MS Office instance, I don't have any problem in
access to MS Windows, MS Office (the latest version) and many other Win
software. I even currently have them but I don't use them because first
my thesis needed some implementations in Linux, so it was hard to go
back and forth to Windows, and second I don't believe in
non-Free-Software at all.

 Errr, i am guessing you are outside of the USA because most of the world is.  
 Also i assumed that your native language is not English (US) because, again, 
 most of the world speaks other languages as their 1st language, even inside 
 the US.  
I live in Iran and believe it or not 99% of people here use the pirated
version of the latest applications for windows. But even in this
situation the trend to Free and Open Source Software is increasing and
many Iranian People (like me) are exclusively using FOSS software. This
increasing trend is usually because of the Freedom and Capabilities that
the FOSS applications and their community bring. It's not matter of
money (because we don't buy software here!); I use LO because I believe
in Free Software and the community around it.

 Also note that ODF is an ISO standard.  ISO meaning it is agreed by an 
 international agency made from people of many different nationalities.  While 
 DocX also has a version that is an ISO standard that is not the one 
 implemented in any version of MS Office so far because they all tweak it some 
 different way that is non-compliant with the standards.  
Actually the template I have is in .doc format not .docx. And
surprisingly LO Writer works very well with .doc format even better than
.docx format. I prefer to continue my work in .doc format because it
renders well enough in LO in addition to MS Word; But .odt format
doesn't represent well in MS Word. So it's safe for me to stay with .doc
so if I needed to go back to MS Word I would encounter less issues.

 Point out that you already have the necessary tools for the job but the only 
 reason you would have to buy product from a foreign company is to complete 
 this 1 task, the thesis.  The tools you already have do everything else 
You are right, the tools I already have do everything better and it's
the main reason I don't go back to MS Word unless as the last solution.
But I think it's possible for me to complete my thesis 

Re: [libreoffice-users] couple questions

2013-07-25 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
This list is not deliberately giving specific agencies any 
information or posts from individuals.  All your login info is protected
 as much as can reasonably be done (although i'm sure all sensible 
people give wrong information or just leave most of it blank).  The 
posts you make are the only thing that is given out but they are 
publicly available by anyone, anywhere that has a web-browser possibly 

If your posts indicate you are from a specific town then some people might 
remember that or find it in the archives.  So, obviously you would give a fake 
town or just not tell anyone and not hand out business cards or flyers or 
anything unless you wanted people to know.  

I vaguely recall having heard of Tor web-browsing
However, i heard it is quite slow.  Also, as sun shine pointed out it's a bit 
of a waste of time i you are using Windows.  There are a few OSes, such as 
versions of GnuLinux that do an amazing amount to protect your privacy
both use Tor.  If you run either of those on a machine, especially if it's not 
connected to the internet then you can be reasonably sure no-one can snoop.  
Tails has a page at DistroWatch so i feel reasonably confident about suggesting 
Probably others too but i didn't spend long looking.  Whonix doesn't appear on 
DW although does that mean they are not GnuLinux (or Bsd) or that they are 
more extremely careful and really don't want to be known?  Mostly i think these 
sorts of things are developed to protect canny journos, or people living in 
dangerous and paranoid countries.  Military organisations seem to have only 
just caught onto the idea that a LiveCd is a pretty neat idea for keeping 
sessions secure but hopefully that is just their public face and they are 
working on these sorts of tools in the back-ground.  

Most people seem quite happy to share almost everything with everyone freely 
on-line through Facebook, MySpace and all the rest.  Not so much a  hidden 
back-door but a wide open front-door and in a knock all the walls down type 
of way.  Everyone is spying on everyone else and happily uploading pictures and 
whatnot of everyone anywhere without any regard to any sort of privacy.  We, 
collectively, sold out our right to privacy (in countries that bothered to pay 
lip-service to such concepts that have never really existed anywhere in 
reality) gleefully years ago.  

Btw for the first time in just under a decade the UbuntuForums.Com got hacked 
and all users email addresses got collected.  However, swift action (perhaps 
automated?) shut the whole site down to attempt to prevent any other data 
getting siphoned off.  I changed all my Ubuntu-related passwords quite quickly 
because i get paranoid quite easily so i was expecting other sites to domino 
but that never happened and all other sites have remained safe.  

Regards from 
Tom :)  

 From: sun shine
Sent: Thursday, 25 July 2013, 10:03
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] couple questions

On 24/07/13 16:12, Bill Zaffer wrote:
 I heard about your system on Corbett Report.  The reason I would want to 
 join is do not want NSA checking my emails or other forms of communications. 
  Am I protected with your site.

 Also, if I join your system, do I drop my Cox Internet Connection or still 
 keep it plus with emails do I get to keep my Outlook or hotmail accounts?

 William Zaffer
 Scottsdale, Arizona

 Stop being exploited, learn to eat healthier at home, learn to live a Earth 
 Friendly lifestyle, shop local, and buy more American but  moderate 
 consumption.  We need to rethink and restructure the system.  It is not 
        If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with 
anything original.”

Hello Bill

You may have some misunderstanding about this email list. I'm no tech, 
but what I can say is this and others will no doubt correct me and give 
more info too:

(1) this is an email-based discussion/ support list for people using 
LibreOffice, an open source alternative to MS Office. It does not 
require you to join anything (although you can subscribe for nothing to 
receive replies to your emails - hence I've cc'd you, since I don't know 
if you subscribed or not). The good news is that because LibO is open 
source, the chances for the NSA to have a backdoor access to this suite 
is vanishingly small ... although, of course, using Microsoft as your 
operating system already means that the NSA have a backdoor into your 
system - that is to say, that Microsoft is a surveillance enabled system 
in its own right. This is a link to a google 
search for microsoft nsa 

[libreoffice-users] Re: Customizing Number Format of each level in Writer-Tools-Outline Numbering

2013-07-25 Thread Sina Momken
Dear Tom, Thank you very very much for taking time trying to help me.

The .doc file I'm currently working on is ~200 pages, is in Farsi
language and is heavy enough that I think is not useful for you.
I can share the university template too, but its main problem is that
the template is mostly in Farsi and not understandable to others.
But I'm sure that my problem is not because of the template or its language.
So I'll translate the template to English (especially those parts of the
template that are related to this problem), then I'll write an example
with the translated template and I'll upload that example file. Using
that example file you will exactly understand what is my problem. I
guess that LO Writer UI doesn't support the exact Outline Numbering
format that I want, or there is a trick or point that I don't know. But
even if LO Writer doesn't support my requested feature, I believe there
should be an alternative solution to make the same output, because the
Outline Numbering format that I want is famous and is used in many other

Please wait, I'll make and upload the file and then post its link in
reply to this message.

On 07/25/2013 01:27 PM, Tom wrote:
 Hi :)
 Please could you upload the .doc template to Nabble so everyone can have a
 look and see if we can modify it ourselves?  Is there anything confidential
 in it that should not be displayed to the world-wide general public?  If so
 then don't upload it!  
 In Nabble start your reply and notice the More button just above where you
 type the message of your reply.  The top option in the More button is to
 upload a file in much the same way that you would for attaching a file to an
 I think your formatting got messed up by the emailing system so it might be
 better to just upload a file showing roughly how you want it although the
 template might explain it fully enough.
 Regards from 
 Tom :)  
 Sina Momken wrote
 Let me show you what exact Outline Numbering I want using the example

 LevelExample(desired output) Associated Paragraph Style
 1 Chapter 3: Chapter
 2  3.2-  Heading 1
 3   3.2.5-   Heading 2 3
 5 (b)none
 6  Fig (3.12)Fig Caption
 7   (3.27)   Formula
 8Table (3.20)Table Caption

 As you can see in the example above the '3' in Fig (3.12), (3.27)
 and Table (3.20) is the chapter number at level 1.

 But in Writer-Tools-Outline_Numbering the first digit is not '3'
 (level1 number) but the first digit in level 'n' with Show sublevels =
 2 will be number of level 'n-1'.
 Therefor also in the .doc template everything is stored correctly using
 MS Word, but when I open it with LO Writer I see Outline Numberings as

 LevelExample(Writer result)  Associated Paragraph Style
 1 Chapter 3: Chapter
 2  3.2-  Heading 1
 3   3.2.5-   Heading 2 3
 5 (b)none
 6  Fig (b.12)Fig Caption
 7   (12.27)  Formula
 8Table (27.20)   Table Caption

 How can I achieve my desired output I mentioned in first example using
 LO Writer?
 snip /

 In that template
 (which is a .doc file) format of each level is defined in a particular
 way that can be shown correctly in MS Word, but not in LibreOffice.
 I need to be able to customize Number format of each level similar to MS
 Word like what you can see here:

 If someone is professional in this issue please help me.
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Users mailing list archive at

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Re: [libreoffice-users] couple questions

2013-07-25 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Errr, ok, i have re-read this and think i misunderstood a few things.  

Yes, people do keep going on about security and the dangers of the internet 
(usually hypocritically)  but we do keep your personal data about 
as safe as, or possibly safer than the Pentagon keeps there's or the 
space station keeps their commandcontrol systems, or the 
stock-exchanges around the world keep their's.  Like all of them we use one of 
many unix-based systems.    
Hmm, not all stock-exchanges are as safe and definitely not all banks!  Windows 
is ok as a desktop but it's not good enough when security is critical.  There 
are many things that would be considered a security problem in unix-based 
systems that Windows doesn't even worry about at all, such as being forced to 
shut-down a machine.  

1.  You keep your existing internet connection.  If you want to use a different 
one from your existing one that has nothing to do with us and if you do change 
then that doesn't affect us at all.  As long as you get access to the internet 
that's all that matters really.  

2.  Your hotmail account or other email accounts remain the same.  Again that 
is nothing to do with us.  if you change to a different email account then you 
would have to re-subscribe with the new one.  So, it's probably easier to just 
keep the one you have.  

Your emails come through your internet connection but if you changed email 
account or got a 2nd one then that would come through your internet connection 
too.  You could have lots of different email accounts with lots of different 
companies or even lots from the same company but it's usually better to keep it 
simple and just have 1 or 2 email accounts.  Your internet service provider 
(=isp) does not need to know about what email accounts you have.  If you do 
ever change your isp then they also don't need to know about your email 
accounts.  Your isp might want to know your email address so that they can 
write to you.  

3.  You can keep using Outlook.  It is just a tool for reading emails.  If you 
have lots of email accounts then you can probably get Outlook to collect them 
all for you but you would have to configure Outlook to do that.  If you are 
temporarily without internet access then Outlook can probably show you your old 
emails but it just wont get any of the new ones until you connect again.

People may tell you that you have to change to something else for any of 
those 3 things but that is much the same as telling you to eat greens or eat 
more fruit.  They might think other tools are better for you but it's your 
choice as to what you use.  

Please ignore my earlier post!  I thought the question was about something 
Regards from 
Tom :)  

 From: sun shine
Sent: Thursday, 25 July 2013, 10:03
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] couple questions

On 24/07/13 16:12, Bill Zaffer wrote:
 I heard about your system on Corbett Report.  The reason I would want to 
 join is do not want NSA checking my emails or other forms of communications. 
  Am I protected with your site.

 Also, if I join your system, do I drop my Cox Internet Connection or still 
 keep it plus with emails do I get to keep my Outlook or hotmail accounts?

 William Zaffer
 Scottsdale, Arizona

 Stop being exploited, learn to eat healthier at home, learn to live a Earth 
 Friendly lifestyle, shop local, and buy more American but  moderate 
 consumption.  We need to rethink and restructure the system.  It is not 
        If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with 
anything original.”

Hello Bill

You may have some misunderstanding about this email list. I'm no tech, 
but what I can say is this and others will no doubt correct me and give 
more info too:

(1) this is an email-based discussion/ support list for people using 
LibreOffice, an open source alternative to MS Office. It does not 
require you to join anything (although you can subscribe for nothing to 
receive replies to your emails - hence I've cc'd you, since I don't know 
if you subscribed or not). The good news is that because LibO is open 
source, the chances for the NSA to have a backdoor access to this suite 
is vanishingly small ... although, of course, using Microsoft as your 
operating system already means that the NSA have a backdoor into your 
system - that is to say, that Microsoft is a surveillance enabled system 
in its own right. This is a link to a google 
search for microsoft nsa backdoor giving 524,000 results.

(2) this will in no way stop the NSA from reading your emails. If you 
want to do that, you have some options. One is to review find out who voted No to 
the Amash Amendment and lobby those to actually 

Re: [libreoffice-users] couple questions

2013-07-25 Thread sun shine

Hi Tom

Actually, I preferred your first reply :-)

But, your second was more to the point of the OP.


On 25/07/13 11:45, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
Errr, ok, i have re-read this and think i misunderstood a few things.

Yes, people do keep going on about security and the dangers of the 
internet (usually hypocritically) but we do keep your personal data 
about as safe as, or possibly safer than the Pentagon keeps there's or 
the space station keeps their commandcontrol systems, or the 
stock-exchanges around the world keep their's.  Like all of them we 
use one of many unix-based systems.Hmm, not all stock-exchanges 
are as safe and definitely not all banks!  Windows is ok as a desktop 
but it's not good enough when security is critical.  There are many 
things that would be considered a security problem in unix-based 
systems that Windows doesn't even worry about at all, such as being 
forced to shut-down a machine.

1.  You keep your existing internet connection.  If you want to use a 
different one from your existing one that has nothing to do with us 
and if you do change then that doesn't affect us at all.  As long as 
you get access to the internet that's all that matters really.

2.  Your hotmail account or other email accounts remain the same.  
Again that is nothing to do with us.  if you change to a different 
email account then you would have to re-subscribe with the new one.  
So, it's probably easier to just keep the one you have.

Your emails come through your internet connection but if you changed 
email account or got a 2nd one then that would come through your 
internet connection too.  You could have lots of different email 
accounts with lots of different companies or even lots from the same 
company but it's usually better to keep it simple and just have 1 or 2 
email accounts.  Your internet service provider (=isp) does not need 
to know about what email accounts you have.  If you do ever change 
your isp then they also don't need to know about your email accounts.  
Your isp might want to know your email address so that they can write 
to you.

3.  You can keep using Outlook.  It is just a tool for reading 
emails.  If you have lots of email accounts then you can probably get 
Outlook to collect them all for you but you would have to configure 
Outlook to do that.  If you are temporarily without internet access 
then Outlook can probably show you your old emails but it just wont 
get any of the new ones until you connect again.

People may tell you that you have to change to something else for 
any of those 3 things but that is much the same as telling you to eat 
greens or eat more fruit.  They might think other tools are better for 
you but it's your choice as to what you use.

Please ignore my earlier post!  I thought the question was about 
something else.

Regards from
Tom :)

*From:* sun shine
*Sent:* Thursday, 25 July 2013, 10:03
*Subject:* Re: [libreoffice-users] couple questions

On 24/07/13 16:12, Bill Zaffer wrote:
 I heard about your system on Corbett Report.  The reason I would
want to join is do not want NSA checking my emails or other forms
of communications. Am I protected with your site.

 Also, if I join your system, do I drop my Cox Internet
Connection or still keep it plus with emails do I get to keep my
Outlook or hotmail accounts?

 William Zaffer
 Scottsdale, Arizona

 Stop being exploited, learn to eat healthier at home, learn to
live a Earth Friendly lifestyle, shop local, and buy more American
but  moderate consumption.  We need to rethink and restructure the
system.  It is not sustainable.

If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up
with anything original.”

Hello Bill

You may have some misunderstanding about this email list. I'm no
but what I can say is this and others will no doubt correct me and
more info too:

(1) this is an email-based discussion/ support list for people using
LibreOffice, an open source alternative to MS Office. It does not
require you to join anything (although you can subscribe for
nothing to
receive replies to your emails - hence I've cc'd you, since I
don't know
if you subscribed or not). The good news is that because LibO is open
source, the chances for the NSA to have a backdoor access to this
is vanishingly small ... although, of course, using Microsoft as your
operating system already means that the NSA have a backdoor into your
system - that is to say, that Microsoft is a surveillance enabled
in its own right. This is a link to a
search for 

Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Customizing Number Format of each level in Writer-Tools-Outline Numbering

2013-07-25 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Please don't bother to translate the document or the template!  

It's not the contents that we are interested in so much as the formatting.  

Errr, since we might not understand the Farsi instructions it might be good to 
just translate the bit about outline numbering.  You already did that in a 
previous email but the formatting went wrong.  So if you could copypaste your 
earlier explanation into a fresh document and then upload that it might help 

It was this sort of thing 

 Level    Example(desired output)    Associated Paragraph Style
 1     Chapter 3:        Chapter
 2      3.2-            Heading 1
 3       3.2.5-        Heading 2
 4        Heading 3
 5         (b)        none
 6          Fig (3.12)    Fig Caption
 7           (3.27)        Formula
 8        Table (3.20)    Table Caption

that i think needs to go into a fresh document.  Was it a table?  Was it 3 
columns?  I think i can just about see what it was meant to be but i cold 
easily be wrong.

Regards from 
Tom :)  

 From: Sina Momken
Sent: Thursday, 25 July 2013, 11:30
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: Customizing Number Format of each level in 
Writer-Tools-Outline Numbering

Dear Tom, Thank you very very much for taking time trying to help me.

The .doc file I'm currently working on is ~200 pages, is in Farsi
language and is heavy enough that I think is not useful for you.
I can share the university template too, but its main problem is that
the template is mostly in Farsi and not understandable to others.
But I'm sure that my problem is not because of the template or its language.
So I'll translate the template to English (especially those parts of the
template that are related to this problem), then I'll write an example
with the translated template and I'll upload that example file. Using
that example file you will exactly understand what is my problem. I
guess that LO Writer UI doesn't support the exact Outline Numbering
format that I want, or there is a trick or point that I don't know. But
even if LO Writer doesn't support my requested feature, I believe there
should be an alternative solution to make the same output, because the
Outline Numbering format that I want is famous and is used in many other

Please wait, I'll make and upload the file and then post its link in
reply to this message.

On 07/25/2013 01:27 PM, Tom wrote:
 Hi :)
 Please could you upload the .doc template to Nabble so everyone can have a
 look and see if we can modify it ourselves?  Is there anything confidential
 in it that should not be displayed to the world-wide general public?  If so
 then don't upload it!  
 In Nabble start your reply and notice the More button just above where you
 type the message of your reply.  The top option in the More button is to
 upload a file in much the same way that you would for attaching a file to an
 I think your formatting got messed up by the emailing system so it might be
 better to just upload a file showing roughly how you want it although the
 template might explain it fully enough.
 Regards from 
 Tom :)  
 Sina Momken wrote
 Let me show you what exact Outline Numbering I want using the example

 Level    Example(desired output)    Associated Paragraph Style
 1     Chapter 3:        Chapter
 2      3.2-            Heading 1
 3       3.2.5-        Heading 2
 4        Heading 3
 5         (b)        none
 6          Fig (3.12)    Fig Caption
 7           (3.27)        Formula
 8        Table (3.20)    Table Caption

 As you can see in the example above the '3' in Fig (3.12), (3.27)
 and Table (3.20) is the chapter number at level 1.

 But in Writer-Tools-Outline_Numbering the first digit is not '3'
 (level1 number) but the first digit in level 'n' with Show sublevels =
 2 will be number of level 'n-1'.
 Therefor also in the .doc template everything is stored correctly using
 MS Word, but when I open it with LO Writer I see Outline Numberings as

 Level    Example(Writer result)    Associated Paragraph Style
 1     Chapter 3:        Chapter
 2      3.2-            Heading 1
 3       3.2.5-        Heading 2
 4        Heading 3
 5         (b)        none
 6          Fig (b.12)    Fig Caption
 7           (12.27)        Formula
 8        Table (27.20)    Table Caption

 How can I achieve my desired output I mentioned in first example using
 LO Writer?
 snip /

 In that template
 (which is a .doc file) format of each level is defined in a particular
 way that can be shown correctly in MS Word, but not in LibreOffice.
 I need to be able to customize Number format of each level similar to MS
 Word like what you can see here:

 If someone is professional in this issue please help me.

Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Customizing Number Format of each level in Writer-Tools-Outline Numbering

2013-07-25 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Ok, i had misunderstood due to some prejudices of my own.  

It is good to hear of a University that provides non-MS formats!  In my country 
it is hard-work trying to get them to accept anything else.   TeX is good.  TeX 
might do the outline numbering you want by default.  If you can use TeX it 
might be better than Writer.  it might let you copypaste everything into TeX 
fairly easily?  If you are not already familiar with TeX (most people aren't 
and i'm one of them) then Writer should be able to do it.  I don't know how but 
others on the list might be able to help.  

Since you are already using Zotero and Writer it sounds like you are already 
using the best tools and already know plenty about them.  The link to Chapter 
12 assumed you were just about to start writing rather than being well into the 
middle of it already.  

I am not sure how to do 

Even if I want to make a .odt specific version, I must be able to make Figure 
and Table numberings with Chapter numbers in themselves. How
could I do that?

but hopefully someone else might be able to give you a good answer later.  

The problem with going backwards and forwards between different formats is that 
sometimes you get extra codes/mark-up hidden inside the document.  Usually the 
best way is to keep an original in Odt and just edit that.  Obviously old 
versions and backups of it are a good plan!  Then make a copy of the document 
in Doc only when you need to show it to others.  Any changes made in Doc are 
probably better copypasted back into the original Odt.  it's not very 
convenient though!  Hopefully everyone will be happy editing in Odt one day!  

I don't think that is the reason you are having troubles with numbering though 
and like you say it might well not have affected your document at all.

There are many countries where most people prefer to use pirated software 
rather than pay for it.  It's good to see some places beginning to use 
OpenSource more to get out of that trap.  In my country i remember people being 
quite happy to use pirated software but now being keen to buy that software 
instead.  It might be just because i  am now working in a more corporate 

Regards from 
Tom :)  

 From: Sina Momken
Sent: Thursday, 25 July 2013, 11:09
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: Customizing Number Format of each level in 
Writer-Tools-Outline Numbering

Dear Tom,

Thank you for reading my question and trying to help.

On 07/25/2013 01:17 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
 Hi :)  
 Sorry!  I couldn't find the section in the guides but you might find this 

About the documentation and its chapter 12 I don't think it's useful for me 

 on a side issue you might find Chapter 12 interesting Creating Tables
of Contents, Indexes, and Bibliographies.  There is a
plug-in/add-on/Extension that might help with that, i think Zotero?

About Zotero, I currently use Zotero for making bibliography of my
thesis. It's very convenient to use, integrates very well with
LibreOffice and MS Word and is even better than its proprietary
equivalent Endnote.

 How rigid is the template?  
 Can you create a fresh new Odt document in LibreOffice and follow the 
 guidelines of the template without having to copypaste anything from their 
 template into your new document?  If there are bits you need to copy can you 
 use paste-special to paste as unformatted text?  
 Ctrl  Shift  v
 rather than just 
 Ctrl  v

About using the template I can say that using the .doc template is not
necessary and my university also has provided the TeX equivalent of that
template, but not .odt format. However also using the specific .doc or
.tex format is not necessary but my thesis must follow its guidelines
(e.g. The fonts and sizes of headers, body, figs, tables, etc.)
But fortunately I could successfully import and use the .doc template
and only some minor problems like what I'm asking about is still
present. Actually there is no need to create a new .odt file from
scratch because most of the things work well.

 A fresh start means you neatly avoid getting stuck with lots of legacy 
 formatting codes that might spring surprises on you randomly in the future.  
 It gives you more control over what you do.  

Even if I want to make a .odt specific version, I must be able to make
Figure and Table numberings with Chapter numbers in themselves. How
could I do that?

 If it is rigid and you can't just start afresh then it might be worth asking 
 the University if they could give you an OpenDocument Format (ODF, 
 specifically Odt) version rather than the proprietary one.  If not then 
 perhaps be insolent and ask them to buy and give you the 

Re: [libreoffice-users] LO 4 install deletes 3.6

2013-07-25 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
'Fortunate' like 99.99% of people!  Upgrading from 3.x.x to 4.0.x produced a 
startling lack of bump in traffic on this list, except old die-hards remarking 
on how well it went.  The 4.1.0-beta gave more of a bump but still nothing like 
the start of a new branch used to produce here.  

If we take the ancient figure of 60milion users (am i remembering correctly?) 
world-wide and that this is the international list and gets emails from Japan, 
India, Iran, even New Zealand and all around the globe i think we can safely 
say that 
1.  not so many are upgrading and/or
2.  not many are having troubles  of course there is another possiblity but LO 
usage seems to be growing rapidly, not dwindling!  

Regards from 
Tom :)  

 From: Dave Liesse
Sent: Wednesday, 24 July 2013, 18:51
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] LO 4 install deletes 3.6

Thanks, Andrew; I hadn't noticed this before.  My LO 3.4 directory is 
still present, but practically empty.  This is NOT good behavior if the 
user is not notified first.  I'll be sure to go back and find your 
earlier message and save it, for future use.  When there's an upgrade 
(as opposed to a patch), I want the ability to test it before abandoning 
my old software.  Guess I'm fortunate not to have had issues going from 
3.4 to 4.0!


On 7/24/2013 08:13, Andrew Brown wrote:
 Hi Virgil

 You have observed correctly. I have just done a test of installing two 
 version of AOO under Windows 7, and quite correctly, it installs it's 
 own local cache/store of settings, per version, thus allowing two 
 copies to work side by side, as long as you create two distinct 
 install folders (by default I never allow any installing program's 
 defaults in Windows 7, many known issues with virtual links to folders 
 etc). And correct in your observation, as well as my earlier supplied 
 info, LO does not do this, rather opting for a single user settings 
 store, detecting another install of LO, and uninstalling it, before 
 installing the upgrade (or possible downgrade). But this is not a bad 
 thing though, as covered by other respondees.

 The link I supplied in my earlier email shows one how to overcome this 
 issue of LO and a universal store, allowing for two versions 
 simultaneous and operational on Windows 7.



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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Customizing Number Format of each level in Writer-Tools-Outline Numbering

2013-07-25 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Sina
Sina Momken schrieb:

Let me show you what exact Outline Numbering I want using the example below:

Level   Example(desired output) Associated Paragraph Style
1Chapter 3: Chapter
2 3.2-  Heading 1
3  3.2.5-   Heading 2
4 3
6 Fig (3.12)Fig Caption
7  (3.27)   Formula
8   Table (3.20)Table Caption

As you can see in the example above the '3' in Fig (3.12), (3.27)
and Table (3.20) is the chapter number at level 1.

How can I achieve my desired output I mentioned in first example using
LO Writer?

You do the outline numbering with Chapter, Heading 1 , ... with normal 
outline numbering. You need to define a paragraph style Chapter and 
alter the assignment between paragraph style and level in the outline 
numbering dialog.

LibreOffice uses the field Number range for numbering in captions. 
Therefore these are not at all in the outline numbering. But when you 
insert a caption to a table or figure, you will see a Options-buttons. 
There you can tell LibreOffice to count newly for each chapter.

The caption item in the context menu is only a shortened way to set a 
caption. You can also write your own caption inserting the field Number 
range manually. That will be the right way for numbering formulas.

The Autotext FN puts the formula and the formula-numbering in a table. I 
would not use it, because it is not easily possible to move paragraphs, 
when the movement crosses a table. I would position the formula number 
using a tab. For display formulas in own paragraphs you can define a 
suitable paragraph style.

The captions are normal paragraphs, so you can add the needed brackets 
manually as you need them.

Each Number range will generate its own index later on.

The numbers of the outline can be inserted using fields.

Do not try to mimic the way things are done in Word, the concepts are 
different. But you can be sure, that you can write well formatted 
academic papers in LibreOffice.

Kind regards

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Unable to change url for persona settings

2013-07-25 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Thanks.  Nicely handled.  :)  
Regards from 
Tom :)  

 From: Scott Castaline
To: Tom Davies 
Sent: Wednesday, 24 July 2013, 17:15
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Unable to change url for persona settings

Tom, there's already 2 bug reports open on this as mentioned by Peter in
another post in this thread. Although I think one of them has or had
been closed as it was a duplicate bug report to the original one.

On 07/24/2013 03:59 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
 Hi :)
 I think time to post a bug report!
 Just copy*paste the old settings over the top of the new ones might mean
 some settings are not quite suitable for the new branch.  It's not very
 likely imo especially for something like personas/themes that have been
 around for quite a while now but it might be a case where you need to
 reinstall the 4.1.x and let it adjust any settings it needs to. 
 Definitely keep an untweaked copy of your 4.0.x settings though in case
 you need to go back to the current stable branch! 
 Regards from
 Tom :) 

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[libreoffice-users] Re: Customizing Number Format of each level in Writer-Tools-Outline Numbering

2013-07-25 Thread Sina Momken
Ok Tom,
It's the partially translated template, I was speaking about.

Because of lack of time I only translated Chapter 1 and Chpater 2. I
also translated the used paragraph styles and put '_' in front of those
translated paragraph styles. (e.g. _Chpater, _Fig_Caption, etc.).
Some digits are still in Farsi. (۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹۰=1234567890)

As I described in the translated Chapter 2, the Numberings are
incorrect. You can see the incorrect numberings plus the expected
correct numberings above each Fig, Table or Formula.

The main reason for numberings being incorrect is
Tools-Outline_Numbering not being flexible enough.
If Tools-Outline_Numbering in LO Writer was as flexible as Multilevel
List Numberings of MS Word (as you can see in
this problem could be fixed.

After seeing this document if you still has any question about the
reason of this incorrect numberings in LO Writer, don't hesitate to ask.
Likewise, if you have any idea or possible solution I'll be more than
glad to know.

Sina Momken

On 07/25/2013 03:00 PM, Sina Momken wrote:
 Dear Tom, Thank you very very much for taking time trying to help me.
 The .doc file I'm currently working on is ~200 pages, is in Farsi
 language and is heavy enough that I think is not useful for you.
 I can share the university template too, but its main problem is that
 the template is mostly in Farsi and not understandable to others.
 But I'm sure that my problem is not because of the template or its language.
 So I'll translate the template to English (especially those parts of the
 template that are related to this problem), then I'll write an example
 with the translated template and I'll upload that example file. Using
 that example file you will exactly understand what is my problem. I
 guess that LO Writer UI doesn't support the exact Outline Numbering
 format that I want, or there is a trick or point that I don't know. But
 even if LO Writer doesn't support my requested feature, I believe there
 should be an alternative solution to make the same output, because the
 Outline Numbering format that I want is famous and is used in many other
 Please wait, I'll make and upload the file and then post its link in
 reply to this message.
 On 07/25/2013 01:27 PM, Tom wrote:
 Hi :)
 Please could you upload the .doc template to Nabble so everyone can have a
 look and see if we can modify it ourselves?  Is there anything confidential
 in it that should not be displayed to the world-wide general public?  If so
 then don't upload it!  

 In Nabble start your reply and notice the More button just above where you
 type the message of your reply.  The top option in the More button is to
 upload a file in much the same way that you would for attaching a file to an

 I think your formatting got messed up by the emailing system so it might be
 better to just upload a file showing roughly how you want it although the
 template might explain it fully enough.

 Regards from 
 Tom :)  

 Sina Momken wrote
 Let me show you what exact Outline Numbering I want using the example

 Level   Example(desired output) Associated Paragraph Style
 1Chapter 3: Chapter
 2 3.2-  Heading 1
 3  3.2.5-   Heading 2
 4 3
 6 Fig (3.12)Fig Caption
 7  (3.27)   Formula
 8   Table (3.20)Table Caption

 As you can see in the example above the '3' in Fig (3.12), (3.27)
 and Table (3.20) is the chapter number at level 1.

 But in Writer-Tools-Outline_Numbering the first digit is not '3'
 (level1 number) but the first digit in level 'n' with Show sublevels =
 2 will be number of level 'n-1'.
 Therefor also in the .doc template everything is stored correctly using
 MS Word, but when I open it with LO Writer I see Outline Numberings as

 Level   Example(Writer result)  Associated Paragraph Style
 1Chapter 3: Chapter
 2 3.2-  Heading 1
 3  3.2.5-   Heading 2
 4 3
 6 Fig (b.12)Fig Caption
 7  (12.27)  Formula
 8   Table (27.20)   Table Caption

 How can I achieve my desired output I mentioned in first example using
 LO Writer?
 snip /

 In that template
 (which is a .doc file) format of each level is defined in a particular
 way that can be shown correctly in MS Word, but not in LibreOffice.
 I need to be able to customize Number format of each level similar to MS
 Word like what you can see here:

 If someone is professional in this issue 

[libreoffice-users] Re: Customizing Number Format of each level in Writer-Tools-Outline Numbering

2013-07-25 Thread Sina Momken
It seems that the tables in original message below are not readable. So
I typed the message in LO Writer and attached here:

You can read the post below more clearly using the .odt file I attached

On 07/25/2013 12:47 PM, Sina Momken wrote:
 Let me show you what exact Outline Numbering I want using the example below:
 Level Example(desired output) Associated Paragraph Style
 1  Chapter 3: Chapter
 2   3.2-  Heading 1
 33.2.5-   Heading 2
 4 3
 5  (b)none
 6   Fig (3.12)Fig Caption
 7(3.27)   Formula
 8 Table (3.20)Table Caption
 As you can see in the example above the '3' in Fig (3.12), (3.27)
 and Table (3.20) is the chapter number at level 1.
 But in Writer-Tools-Outline_Numbering the first digit is not '3'
 (level1 number) but the first digit in level 'n' with Show sublevels =
 2 will be number of level 'n-1'.
 Therefor also in the .doc template everything is stored correctly using
 MS Word, but when I open it with LO Writer I see Outline Numberings as
 Level Example(Writer result)  Associated Paragraph Style
 1  Chapter 3: Chapter
 2   3.2-  Heading 1
 33.2.5-   Heading 2
 4 3
 5  (b)none
 6   Fig (b.12)Fig Caption
 7(12.27)  Formula
 8 Table (27.20)   Table Caption
 How can I achieve my desired output I mentioned in first example using
 LO Writer?
 On 07/25/2013 12:09 PM, Sina Momken wrote:
 Hello, I need help with LibreOffice Writer - Tools - Outline Numbering.

 As long as I know Tools - Outline Numbering in LibreOffice Writer is
 somehow equivalent to defining new Multilevel list in MS Office Word 2010.
 But I need some features in formating of each level in Outline
 Numbering, which is not available in LibreOffice Writer but is available
 in MS Word - Multilevel list. I need some more professional formatting
 of each level because I'm writing my thesis based on a template provided
 by my university and I have to obey that template. In that template
 (which is a .doc file) format of each level is defined in a particular
 way that can be shown correctly in MS Word, but not in LibreOffice.
 I need to be able to customize Number format of each level similar to MS
 Word like what you can see here:

 If someone is professional in this issue please help me.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] LO 4 install deletes 3.6

2013-07-25 Thread Virgil Arrington
Or, people have upgraded, have had problems, and are too disappointed to 
keep reporting them.

For example, as I reported before, LO properly loads the style list 
in the format it was in on the last close out. For me that is 
hierarchical, my preferred way of displaying styles.

LO 4.0 went back to the old behavior of defaulting to another view 

LO 4.0.4 has really strange behavior. When a document loads with the style 
list, the notation at the bottom of the list *says* it's hierarchical (just 
as I wanted), but the actual list is not arranged hierarchically; it is 
arranged alphabetically. Admittedly, it's a minor irritation, but one that I 
didn't have with LO 3.6

As we now know, upgrades sometimes contain bug regressions. That being the 
case, an upgrade to LO 4 should politely leave LO 3.6 alone, so those of us 
who prefer the older version wouldn't have to reinstall it. AOO has done 
this; TDF should be able to as well.


-Original Message- 
From: Tom Davies

Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2013 7:58 AM
To: ;
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] LO 4 install deletes 3.6

Hi :)
'Fortunate' like 99.99% of people!  Upgrading from 3.x.x to 4.0.x produced a 
startling lack of bump in traffic on this list, except old die-hards 
remarking on how well it went.  The 4.1.0-beta gave more of a bump but still 
nothing like the start of a new branch used to produce here.

If we take the ancient figure of 60milion users (am i remembering 
correctly?) world-wide and that this is the international list and gets 
emails from Japan, India, Iran, even New Zealand and all around the globe i 
think we can safely say that

1.  not so many are upgrading and/or
2.  not many are having troubles  of course there is another possiblity but 
LO usage seems to be growing rapidly, not dwindling!

Regards from
Tom :)

From: Dave Liesse
Sent: Wednesday, 24 July 2013, 18:51
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] LO 4 install deletes 3.6

Thanks, Andrew; I hadn't noticed this before.  My LO 3.4 directory is
still present, but practically empty.  This is NOT good behavior if the
user is not notified first.  I'll be sure to go back and find your
earlier message and save it, for future use.  When there's an upgrade
(as opposed to a patch), I want the ability to test it before abandoning
my old software.  Guess I'm fortunate not to have had issues going from
3.4 to 4.0!


On 7/24/2013 08:13, Andrew Brown wrote:

Hi Virgil

You have observed correctly. I have just done a test of installing two
version of AOO under Windows 7, and quite correctly, it installs it's
own local cache/store of settings, per version, thus allowing two
copies to work side by side, as long as you create two distinct
install folders (by default I never allow any installing program's
defaults in Windows 7, many known issues with virtual links to folders
etc). And correct in your observation, as well as my earlier supplied
info, LO does not do this, rather opting for a single user settings
store, detecting another install of LO, and uninstalling it, before
installing the upgrade (or possible downgrade). But this is not a bad
thing though, as covered by other respondees.

The link I supplied in my earlier email shows one how to overcome this
issue of LO and a universal store, allowing for two versions
simultaneous and operational on Windows 7.



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Re: [libreoffice-users] Conflicts?

2013-07-25 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Thanks :)  

It's actually easier for me to go from machine to machine and do 
1.  Open LibreOffice
2.  Switch off quick starter
3.  Install newer version of LO
4.  Check for updates 
5.  switch on quick starter again
than to listen to them go on and on about how slow LO is to start-up.  it is a 
little slower than MSO but not by much.  perhaps if the spalsh screen and 
progress bar appeared earlier to give them something to look at.  Anyway i 
really should get on and install the 4.0.4 today if i can.  

Regards from 
Tom :)  

 From: Kracked_P_P---webmaster
Sent: Wednesday, 24 July 2013, 11:58
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Conflicts?

There is an option in the Extension Manager to find updates.  That is 
where I get the issue when I want to install the updates and sometimes 
the quickstarter will block the update, since you cannot shut down and 
restart LO completely with that option enabled.  I do not know if it is 
still true with the 4.x versions, but it has been at least a year since 
I enabled the quickstarter option on my Ubuntu desktop and/or my Windows 

On 07/24/2013 06:21 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
 Hi :)
 I have it on for my colleagues to make LO start-up just that bit faster.  
 They pick on any slightest thing as a blocker and slower start-up drives 
 them up the wall.  They really have no clue about adding Extensions and 
 haven't used LO enough to grumble about any 'missing' functionality.  if 
 they did i would add the appropriate Extension for them.  I already do the 
 updates for them anyway.

 Admittedly i am not in a perfect position and it's probably not a good idea 
 to copy me.  On my own logins i avoid the quick-starter because there is 
 plenty else to get on with while waiting for something to open.
 Regards from
 Tom :)

 From: Kracked_P_P---webmaster
 Sent: Wednesday, 24 July 2013, 10:51
 Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Conflicts?

 On 07/24/2013 12:33 AM, Steve Edmonds wrote:
 I have 3.6, 4.1dev. and AOO 4.0 installed together on my mac.
 On 2013-07-24 12:41, V Stuart Foote wrote:
 Yes if one or both are fully installed (as opposed to /A administrative 
 installs) they will interfere in subtle ways.

 Actions to mitigate:

 1) Disable the Quickstarter for both during installation -- the TDF 
 LibreOffice and Apache OpenOffice versions will conflict--best if both 
 are off. Done from AppWiz.cpl and a modify installation of both.

 I always disable the Quickstart option.
 In the past, having it active caused issues to updating some of the add on 

 2) Also, only one or the other should have the Windows Explorer 
 Integration enabled (it provides a thumbnail view of ODF documents) in 
 Desktop or Thumbnail views in Windows Explorer (Desktop and other folder 
 views). Personally I also leave that unchecked when installing.

 3) Finally, if using the release rather than development builds. The 
 Windows registry will be written with file associations--the two programs 
 should coexist to open a file type, but only one can be set as the 
 default for any particular ODF or MS Office format.  So keep track of 

 Good luck.

 From: Tom Davies []
 Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 6:13 PM
 To: Virgil Arrington;;
 Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Conflicts?

 Hi :)
 I think it's the same conflicts as between any 2 versions of LibreOffice 
 or any 2 versions of AOO or OOo.  Basically avoid having both open at the 
 same time.  That might mean turning off the Quickstarter of both of them.

 This link might help
 Regards from
 Tom :)

 From: Virgil Arrington
 Sent: Tuesday, 23 July 2013, 20:38
 Subject: [libreoffice-users] Conflicts?

 Are there any known conflicts with having LO 4.0.4 and AOO 4.0 installed 
 on the same computer? In my never-ending, obsessive (and admittedly 
 futile) search for computing perfection, I want to try both programs to 
 see which better meets my techno-needs.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Customizing Number Format of each level in Writer-Tools-Outline Numbering

2013-07-25 Thread masterman
It seems that the tables in original message below are not readable. So I
typed the message in LO Writer and attached here:
You can read the post below more clearly using the .odt file I attached

masterman wrote
 Let me show you what exact Outline Numbering I want using the example
 Level Example(desired output) Associated Paragraph Style
 1  Chapter 3: Chapter
 2   3.2-  Heading 1
 33.2.5-   Heading 2
 4 3
 5  (b)none
 6   Fig (3.12)Fig Caption
 7(3.27)   Formula
 8 Table (3.20)Table Caption
 As you can see in the example above the '3' in Fig (3.12), (3.27)
 and Table (3.20) is the chapter number at level 1.
 But in Writer-Tools-Outline_Numbering the first digit is not '3'
 (level1 number) but the first digit in level 'n' with Show sublevels =
 2 will be number of level 'n-1'.
 Therefor also in the .doc template everything is stored correctly using
 MS Word, but when I open it with LO Writer I see Outline Numberings as
 Level Example(Writer result)  Associated Paragraph Style
 1  Chapter 3: Chapter
 2   3.2-  Heading 1
 33.2.5-   Heading 2
 4 3
 5  (b)none
 6   Fig (b.12)Fig Caption
 7(12.27)  Formula
 8 Table (27.20)   Table Caption
 How can I achieve my desired output I mentioned in first example using
 LO Writer?
 On 07/25/2013 12:09 PM, Sina Momken wrote:
 Hello, I need help with LibreOffice Writer - Tools - Outline Numbering.
 As long as I know Tools - Outline Numbering in LibreOffice Writer is
 somehow equivalent to defining new Multilevel list in MS Office Word
 But I need some features in formating of each level in Outline
 Numbering, which is not available in LibreOffice Writer but is available
 in MS Word - Multilevel list. I need some more professional formatting
 of each level because I'm writing my thesis based on a template provided
 by my university and I have to obey that template. In that template
 (which is a .doc file) format of each level is defined in a particular
 way that can be shown correctly in MS Word, but not in LibreOffice.
 I need to be able to customize Number format of each level similar to MS
 Word like what you can see here:
 If someone is professional in this issue please help me.
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[libreoffice-users] Re: Customizing Number Format of each level in Writer-Tools-Outline Numbering

2013-07-25 Thread masterman
Ok Tom,
It's the partially translated template, I was speaking about.

Because of lack of time I only translated Chapter 1 and Chpater 2. I also
translated the used paragraph styles and put '_' in front of those
translated paragraph styles. (e.g. _Chpater, _Fig_Caption, etc.).
Some digits are still in Farsi. (۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹۰=1234567890)

As I described in the translated Chapter 2, the Numberings are incorrect.
You can see the incorrect numberings plus the expected correct numberings
above each Fig, Table or Formula.

The main reason for numberings being incorrect is Tools-Outline_Numbering
not being flexible enough.
If Tools-Outline_Numbering in LO Writer was as flexible as Multilevel List
Numberings of MS Word (as you can see in
this problem could be fixed.

After seeing this document if you still has any question about the reason of
this incorrect numberings in LO Writer, don't hesitate to ask. Likewise, if
you have any idea or possible solution I'll be more than glad to know.

Sina Momken

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[libreoffice-users] Creating non-printable pages in Writer

2013-07-25 Thread Thom Brown
Hi all,

I have a Writer template (OTT) that I wish colleagues to use, but I would
like the first couple pages to contain instructions on how to use the
template.  Naturally I wouldn't want these to be printed or exported to a
PDF.  Is there any way to mark pages as unprintable/non-exportable in a
template so that I don't have to include an instruction to users to delete
those 2 pages before exporting?  I don't want to mark just the text as
non-printable as this will still occupy space, and I also have a header and
footer that would be produced on those 2 pages anyway.



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[libreoffice-users] LO 4.1 upgrade from 4.0.4 - now does not find Java

2013-07-25 Thread Rogman
I have been using various versions of LO for some time now and have just
upgraded from V4.0.4 to V4.1.
All seems OK apart from base which does not find Java Runtime SE 7u25;
however it is shown OK in the advanced Options - LibreOffice - Advanced
setting as Oracle Corporation 1.7.0_25.

Is this a bug or is there a workaround?

Using Win7 64bit

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Creating non-printable pages in Writer

2013-07-25 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
I don't know so i'm going to make a guess and see what others say about it.  

Can the 1st 2 pages be a separate section?  Is that the best approach?  
Regards from 
Tom :)  

 From: Thom Brown
Sent: Thursday, 25 July 2013, 16:49
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Creating non-printable pages in Writer

Hi all,

I have a Writer template (OTT) that I wish colleagues to use, but I would
like the first couple pages to contain instructions on how to use the
template.  Naturally I wouldn't want these to be printed or exported to a
PDF.  Is there any way to mark pages as unprintable/non-exportable in a
template so that I don't have to include an instruction to users to delete
those 2 pages before exporting?  I don't want to mark just the text as
non-printable as this will still occupy space, and I also have a header and
footer that would be produced on those 2 pages anyway.



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[libreoffice-users] Totals in Base Report

2013-07-25 Thread nomen
I have a report built in a standard LO Base file.  It uses a query that
combines two tables in my film library database—one table is the detail of
the films, the other is for the “box sets”.  Both tables have a cost field
that I want to accumulate in subtotals and the report total.  

I have the report subtotaled by box set.  My problem is with the BoxSetCost
from the BoxSet table.  I can get the subtotals by box set to work, but the
report total will not.  It accumulates the BoxSetCost for each film in the
set, not once for the set.  

Here are a couple of things that I have tried:  
I tried setting up the BoxSet.BoxSetCost subtotal as a user-defined
function, then accumulating that function in the report total.  The report
total field produces an error when the report is run.  

I have tried to set up a text box in the Report Total section that was
based on a separate query to simply add up the BoxSetCost field of the
BoxSet table.  Apparently that is not possible.  

 So, here is some sample data and the results I am working toward.  

For raw data like this from the query driving the report:  

FilmBoxSet  FilmCostBoxSetCost
1   A   2.000.00
2   B   0.003.00
3   B   0.003.00

The report total section should show Total FilmCost of 2.00 and Total
BoxSetCost of 3.00.  

Does anyone have any ideas on how to make this work?  

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Draw printing of large plans

2013-07-25 Thread John R. Sowden
I am having another, yet related, problem.  The drawing is larger than 
8.5 x 11.  When I display it on the screen, there is a grayed portrait 
double line box, which covers the same area that is printed, on the 
screen.  I thought that was the page pane.  Not so, turning it on/off 
in the View menu has no effect.  Looking up 'page pane' in Help sends me 
to a different help location.  I cannot 'edit/change' this grayed box.

Q: How do I make the entire drawing print using the 'fit to printable 
page' option.  I have tried printing to paper and, using 'print to 
file', creating a pdf.  All that is printed is the area inside this 
grayed box.


On 07/24/2013 12:42 PM, John R. Sowden wrote:

On 07/24/2013 06:41 AM, John R. Sowden wrote: We have created a floor 
plan, using LO Draw with a scale of 1/8 = 1'.  Now we want to take it 
to Kinko's (Fed Ex) and have it printed for about $4.00 per page. 
Problem is they cannot print it.  A few questions:

1) What is the standard file format (description and file type) for 
professional drafting?

2) Does LO Draw support this format?

3)  If not, is there a work around?

4) Can I print multiple parts of the drawing onto 8.5 x 11.0 
paper, then tape them together for a preliminary draft?  (I know I 
can do the taping part, its the printing that is an issue :) )?

5)  And , finally, Does the PDF format fit into this issue at all?



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[libreoffice-users] SQL-Query Syntax in LO-3.6-Base

2013-07-25 Thread Heinrich Stoellinger

I am trying to define a query in Base like...

insert into anwesenheit a1
  from anwesenheit a2
  where a2.veranstNr = 796)

I get back the following error message:

SQL-Status: HY000
Fehler-Code: 1000
syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting BETWEEN or IN or SQL_TOKEN_LIKE

What's wrong with my query?

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[libreoffice-users] desktop integration working now? Re: [tdf-announce] LibreOffice 4.1: a landmark for interoperability

2013-07-25 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Now that the 4.1.0 has been properly released you might find the proper release 
has all the desktop integration sorted out now.  it might be worth checking if 
you are keen and have the time
Good luck and regards from 

Tom :)  

 From: Italo Vignoli
Sent: Thursday, 25 July 2013, 13:00
Subject: [tdf-announce] LibreOffice 4.1: a landmark for interoperability

The office suite features a large number of improvements which bring
compatibility with proprietary and legacy file formats to the next level

Berlin, July 25, 2013 - The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice
4.1, not only the best but also the most interoperable free office suite
ever. LibreOffice 4.1 features a large number of improvements in the
area of document compatibility, which increases the opportunities of
sharing knowledge with users of proprietary software while retaining the
original layout and contents.

Interoperability is a key asset for LibreOffice, which is the de facto
standard for migrations to free office suites since early 2012. Numerous
improvements have been made to Microsoft OOXML import and export
filters, as well as to legacy Microsoft Office and RTF file filters.
Most of these improvements derive from the fundamental activity of
certified developers backing migration projects, based on a professional
support agreement.

Instrumental for interoperability are also new features such as font
embedding in Writer, Calc, Impress and Draw - which helps in retaining
the visual aspect when fonts used to produce the document are not
installed on the target PC - and import and export functions new in
Excel 2013 for ODF OpenFormula compatibility.

In addition to interoperability, LibreOffice 4.1 offers a very large
number of new features and improvements also in other areas of the
suite, which are listed here:

LibreOffice 4.1 is also importing some AOO features, including the
Symphony sidebar, which is considered experimental. LibreOffice
developers are working at the integration with the widget layout
technique (which will make it dynamically resizeable and consistent with
the behaviour of LibreOffice dialog windows).

LibreOffice 4.1 arrives at the end of a significant development process,
which has just been outlined on the foundation blog: Feature wise, the summary is here:

In just two months, on September 25, 2013, the LibreOffice community
will gather in Italy at the Third LibreOffice Conference, hosted by the
Department of Computer Science of Milan State University. More
information on the conference web site at the following address: The Call for Paper is open
until Sunday, August 4.

Downloading LibreOffice

LibreOffice 4.1 is immediately available for download from the following
link: Extensions for LibreOffice
are available from the following link:

Changelogs are available at (changed in,
(changed in and (changed in and
(changed in

Support The Document Foundation

LibreOffice users, free software advocates and community members can
support The Document Foundation with a donation at Money collected will be used to grow the
infrastructure, and support marketing activities to increase the
awareness of the project, both at global and local level.

Short link to post on TDF blog:

Italo Vignoli - Director
mob +39.348.5653829 - sip
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Rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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[libreoffice-users] Re: SQL-Query Syntax in LO-3.6-Base

2013-07-25 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 25/07/13 18:54, Heinrich Stoellinger a écrit :

Hi Heinrich,

 What's wrong with my query?

Which db engine are you using ?


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Help with two issue I am finding in LO

2013-07-25 Thread Steve Edmonds
It is not suficient. If I copy the input line and past to the input line 
of a new cell the cell references stay the same. Not so if I copy a cell.
CMD-C works on the mac. On linux highlighting the line copies it to 
clipboard and middle click pastes it.


On 25/07/13 7:50 PM, Tim Lloyd wrote:

Hi Andrew,

I agree regarding the calc issue. I tried this on under Fedora 
and portable under Windows. Neither allow you to right click 
on the input line. As you noted, CTRL-C works. So, I cranked up 
LO3.6.2.2 under XP. Same.

The only thing I noticed is that you can right click on the cell 
itself. No need to go up to the input line. I wonder if this is deemed 
to be sufficient.


On 07/24/2013 06:26 PM, Andrew Brown wrote:

Hi Everyone

Well this is now my turn to ask for some help, and to see if any of 
you have or are experiencing these issues. This applies to both my 
Windows version, and Ubuntu Raring versions of LO, so a common 
occurrence. And it has persisted since I migrated over to LO. Your 
responses will assist me before I send this as a bug report, missing 

In Calc, I cannot copy and paste any data content out of the input 
line at the top i.e. right click the mouse and copy using the now non 
existent drop down menu. This goes for an existing spreadsheet or 
creating a new one. In the past, not sure if it was early versions of 
LO Calc, or OOo Calc, but I could do this, no problems. I copy from a 
lot of pricelists and other similiar type spreadsheets, and paste 
into order sheets or directly into emails for my business, and I find 
now the only workaround is to highlight the content and Ctrl c to 
copy it, or using the menu Edit. This needs to be looked at and 
added as a feature, or returned as a feature. MS Office Excel has 
always allowed this as well.

This next one is in Writer, and many of my clients have this issue as 
well, and I feel this is a major failure or feature exclusion. Writer 
cannot handle the copy and paste of multiple image files, such as 
photos etc, and then automatically space them one below the other. 
Many of my clients are in the field as motor vehicle assessors and 
take multiple pictures of vehicle repairs (up to about twenty per 
vehicle), process them to reduce their physical size, then paste them 
into a word processor and compile into a PDF before emailing to the 
insurance houses. MS Office can do this and has always done this with 
no issues whatsoever, but LO Writer simply dumps the images one on 
top of the other, with a lot of unnecessary work to have to drag and 
place each image in order below the previous one. And this is not 
consistent, sometimes Writer fails with a lot of photos (noticeably 
more than five). This lack of feature is now forcing many of my 
customers to return to MSO, and I feel it needs to be addressed and 


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[libreoffice-users] Re: SQL-Query Syntax in LO-3.6-Base

2013-07-25 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 25/07/13 18:54, Heinrich Stoellinger a écrit :

Hi Heinrich,

 insert into anwesenheit a1
   from anwesenheit a2
   where a2.veranstNr = 796)

Don't you need to tell your db that you have VALUES to insert ?


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Draw printing of large plans

2013-07-25 Thread John R. Sowden
Something else.  I clicked on Format - 'Fit object to paper format', 
then 'letter' in paper format went from blue to gray.  After closing the 
menu, I reclicked on it and the box was unchecked, and the 'letter' 
option was again blue.  No mention of anything strange in Help.


On 07/25/2013 09:45 AM, John R. Sowden wrote:
I am having another, yet related, problem.  The drawing is larger than 
8.5 x 11.  When I display it on the screen, there is a grayed 
portrait double line box, which covers the same area that is printed, 
on the screen.  I thought that was the page pane.  Not so, turning 
it on/off in the View menu has no effect.  Looking up 'page pane' in 
Help sends me to a different help location.  I cannot 'edit/change' 
this grayed box.

Q: How do I make the entire drawing print using the 'fit to printable 
page' option.  I have tried printing to paper and, using 'print to 
file', creating a pdf.  All that is printed is the area inside this 
grayed box.


On 07/24/2013 12:42 PM, John R. Sowden wrote:

On 07/24/2013 06:41 AM, John R. Sowden wrote: We have created a floor 
plan, using LO Draw with a scale of 1/8 = 1'.  Now we want to take 
it to Kinko's (Fed Ex) and have it printed for about $4.00 per page. 
Problem is they cannot print it.  A few questions:

1) What is the standard file format (description and file type) 
for professional drafting?

2) Does LO Draw support this format?

3)  If not, is there a work around?

4) Can I print multiple parts of the drawing onto 8.5 x 11.0 
paper, then tape them together for a preliminary draft?  (I know I 
can do the taping part, its the printing that is an issue :) )?

5)  And , finally, Does the PDF format fit into this issue at all?



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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Customizing Number Format of each level in Writer-Tools-Outline Numbering

2013-07-25 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
You translated plenty.  i just don't know how to do any of that!  

I think Regina gave an excellent response.  At least i see a message from her 
in my inbox and she is usually excellent.  Did she solve it already?    
Regards from 
Tom :)

 From: masterman
Sent: Thursday, 25 July 2013, 13:15
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: Customizing Number Format of each level in 
Writer-Tools-Outline Numbering

Ok Tom,
It's the partially translated template, I was speaking about.

Because of lack of time I only translated Chapter 1 and Chpater 2. I also
translated the used paragraph styles and put '_' in front of those
translated paragraph styles. (e.g. _Chpater, _Fig_Caption, etc.).
Some digits are still in Farsi. (۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹۰=1234567890)

As I described in the translated Chapter 2, the Numberings are incorrect.
You can see the incorrect numberings plus the expected correct numberings
above each Fig, Table or Formula.

The main reason for numberings being incorrect is Tools-Outline_Numbering
not being flexible enough.
If Tools-Outline_Numbering in LO Writer was as flexible as Multilevel List
Numberings of MS Word (as you can see in
this problem could be fixed.

After seeing this document if you still has any question about the reason of
this incorrect numberings in LO Writer, don't hesitate to ask. Likewise, if
you have any idea or possible solution I'll be more than glad to know.

Sina Momken

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Customizing Number Format of each level in Writer-Tools-Outline Numbering

2013-07-25 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Ahh, found Regina's answer and copied it directly to you.  

I am not sure how you are still not properly subscribed to the mailing list but 
yet ARE able to post to Nabble!  Congrats on doing that btw and if you find out 
how you did it please let the rest of us know because it could be about the 
best way to view this mailing list!! :)

Thanks, congrats (well, partial congrats) and regards from 
Tom :)  

 From: Regina Henschel
Sent: Thursday, 25 July 2013, 12:59
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Customizing Number Format of each level 
in Writer-Tools-Outline Numbering

snip /

You do the outline numbering with Chapter, Heading 1 , ... with normal 
outline numbering. You need to define a paragraph style Chapter and 
alter the assignment between paragraph style and level in the outline 
numbering dialog.

LibreOffice uses the field Number range for numbering in captions. 
Therefore these are not at all in the outline numbering. But when you 
insert a caption to a table or figure, you will see a Options-buttons. 
There you can tell LibreOffice to count newly for each chapter.

The caption item in the context menu is only a shortened way to set a 
caption. You can also write your own caption inserting the field Number 
range manually. That will be the right way for numbering formulas.

The Autotext FN puts the formula and the formula-numbering in a table. I 
would not use it, because it is not easily possible to move paragraphs, 
when the movement crosses a table. I would position the formula number 
using a tab. For display formulas in own paragraphs you can define a 
suitable paragraph style.

The captions are normal paragraphs, so you can add the needed brackets 
manually as you need them.

Each Number range will generate its own index later on.

The numbers of the outline can be inserted using fields.

Do not try to mimic the way things are done in Word, the concepts are 
different. But you can be sure, that you can write well formatted 
academic papers in LibreOffice.

Kind regards

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[libreoffice-users] colorize cell background automatically

2013-07-25 Thread Rafnews


i already asked this question, but i've never received any answer, so 
i'm asking it again.

i have several cells with hexa value of a RGB color like that:
in A1: #aacc99
in A2: #997733

and i would like to colorize the background of B1 with color defined in 
A1, and B2 with color defined in A2.

is there something like : B1 = RGB(A1) ? or something similar ?


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: SQL-Query Syntax in LO-3.6-Base

2013-07-25 Thread Heinrich Stoellinger

Hi Alex,
This query (ommitting the ) has been working perfectly for years when issued 
from the mysql
command-line client. It is correct SQL syntax...

On Thu, 25 Jul 2013 20:45:24 +0200, Alexander Thurgood wrote:

Le 25/07/13 18:54, Heinrich Stoellinger a écrit :

Hi Heinrich,

insert into anwesenheit a1

  from anwesenheit a2
  where a2.veranstNr = 796)

Don't you need to tell your db that you have VALUES to insert ?


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Help with two issue I am finding in LO

2013-07-25 Thread Tim Lloyd

Hi Andrew,

I just had a look at the writer issue. Keeping it simple I downloaded 2 
images from the web into my downloads folder.

I opened a new writer document, went to my file browser and selected 
both images (FWIW a jpg  a gif). When I pasted into writer the 2nd 
image was pasted on top of the first. Is that what you see? I expected 
to see the images separated in some way.


On 07/25/2013 06:13 PM, Andrew Brown wrote:

Hi Tim

Ok, at least I have a comrade with the same observation and non 
function. Yes I am aware of the cell right click, but I suppose force 
of continuous habit on my behalf in using this in the input line, and 
a family raised from school level on MSO, as well as my wife very 
proficient in MSO, all pointed this out to me. So I find it not 
sufficient to leave it out, as I said it works in other versions of 
spreadsheet programs, so why not LO.

Have you tried the Writer issue I have, with pasting multiple images 
into it, try it. Another program non-feature/problem that needs to be 

Thanks for the feedback.

Andrew Brown

On 25/07/2013 09:50 AM, Tim Lloyd wrote:

Hi Andrew,

I agree regarding the calc issue. I tried this on under 
Fedora and portable under Windows. Neither allow you to right 
click on the input line. As you noted, CTRL-C works. So, I cranked up 
LO3.6.2.2 under XP. Same.

The only thing I noticed is that you can right click on the cell 
itself. No need to go up to the input line. I wonder if this is 
deemed to be sufficient.


On 07/24/2013 06:26 PM, Andrew Brown wrote:

Hi Everyone

Well this is now my turn to ask for some help, and to see if any of 
you have or are experiencing these issues. This applies to both my 
Windows version, and Ubuntu Raring versions of LO, so a common 
occurrence. And it has persisted since I migrated over to LO. Your 
responses will assist me before I send this as a bug report, missing 

In Calc, I cannot copy and paste any data content out of the input 
line at the top i.e. right click the mouse and copy using the now 
non existent drop down menu. This goes for an existing spreadsheet 
or creating a new one. In the past, not sure if it was early 
versions of LO Calc, or OOo Calc, but I could do this, no problems. 
I copy from a lot of pricelists and other similiar type 
spreadsheets, and paste into order sheets or directly into emails 
for my business, and I find now the only workaround is to highlight 
the content and Ctrl c to copy it, or using the menu Edit. This 
needs to be looked at and added as a feature, or returned as a 
feature. MS Office Excel has always allowed this as well.

This next one is in Writer, and many of my clients have this issue 
as well, and I feel this is a major failure or feature exclusion. 
Writer cannot handle the copy and paste of multiple image files, 
such as photos etc, and then automatically space them one below the 
other. Many of my clients are in the field as motor vehicle 
assessors and take multiple pictures of vehicle repairs (up to about 
twenty per vehicle), process them to reduce their physical size, 
then paste them into a word processor and compile into a PDF before 
emailing to the insurance houses. MS Office can do this and has 
always done this with no issues whatsoever, but LO Writer simply 
dumps the images one on top of the other, with a lot of unnecessary 
work to have to drag and place each image in order below the 
previous one. And this is not consistent, sometimes Writer fails 
with a lot of photos (noticeably more than five). This lack of 
feature is now forcing many of my customers to return to MSO, and I 
feel it needs to be addressed and fixed.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Creating non-printable pages in Writer

2013-07-25 Thread Brian Barker

At 16:49 25/07/2013 +0100, Thom Brown wrote:
I have a Writer template (OTT) that I wish colleagues to use, but I 
would like the first couple pages to contain instructions on how to 
use the template.  Naturally I wouldn't want these to be printed or 
exported to a PDF.  Is there any way to mark pages as 
unprintable/non-exportable in a template so that I don't have to 
include an instruction to users to delete those 2 pages before 
exporting?  I don't want to mark just the text as non-printable as 
this will still occupy space, and I also have a header and footer 
that would be produced on those 2 pages anyway.

I don't know any simple way to do this.  You are basically scuppered, 
I think, by the WYSIWYG principle: anything you don't want printed 
won't display - at least by default - and it's assumed that you will 
want anything that does display to be printed.

The best I can suggest is to mark the text as hidden (which you can 
do in various ways).  Then you have to tell the users to tick the 
option at Tools | Options... | LibreOffice Writer | Formatting Aids | 
Display of | Hidden text, and also to switch on the display of 
non-printing characters.  The option at Tools | Options... | 
LibreOffice Writer | Print | Contents | Hidden text needs to be 
unticked, but that should be so by default.

I don't think headers and footers on the corresponding pages are any 
problem: if the text of the pages is not printed, then there will be 
no pages for the headers and footers to appear on and they will be 
suppressed too.  Page Preview will correctly show the material to be 
printed - and yes: this works equally for exporting to PDF.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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[libreoffice-users] 4.0.3

2013-07-25 Thread Amit Choudhary

I was using 4.0.2 and then I downloaded 4.0.3 but 4.0.3 is not as stable as
4.0.2. So, now I am downloading 4.0.4.

I am more interested in stable and feature rich (optional) software rather
than frequently released software.

Stablility is very important because a non-stable software / software
having many bugs results in loss of time and frustartion.


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