Re: Flipping Text

2023-10-07 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi John,

John J. Tani schrieb am 07.10.2023 um 15:58:

Hello… I do wood projects that require I flip text so it can be placed on
wood with urethane, then removed and  the text is readable as if typed on

I know two ways to get mirror writing:
(a) Write the text in a text box. Then convert it "To Curve", "To 
Polygon" or "To Contour". That is in the context menu of the text box. 
Which looks better depends on the font. Now it is no longer a text, but 
you can flip it vertically, again in context menu.

(b) Insert a Fontwork shape "Favorite 1" from the Fontwork Gallery. 
Double-click it to alter the text to your needs. In edit mode you can 
alter the used font. Leave edit mode. Set shape fill to Black. Resize 
the shape to good looking proportions. Now you can flip it vertically. 
This way the text remains editable, but you need to adjust the size of 
the shape.

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Re: How do I rotate photos?

2023-08-06 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Jada,

The Telepath schrieb am 06.08.2023 um 21:59:


Can I rotate photos in an Open Office Writer document? If so, how can I do

Jada Schallhorn

start a Draw document. Insert the photo in Draw. Then copy it from there 
and paste it to Writer. Right-click the photo. From that context menu 
use "Position and Size" item. There is the option to rotate the photo.

Background: Writer can use photos in two different ways, as 
Writer-object (when you insert it in Writer) or as Draw-object (when you 
paste it from Draw). Writer-object and Draw-object have different 
properties and rotation is only available as Draw-object.

Kind regards,

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Re: Take a cell value from a spreadsheet into another

2022-11-16 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Richard,

Richard Gill schrieb am 16.11.2022 um 10:23:

Dear Sir

I am struggling to find a way to display the results of a formula when
editing into a different document. It picks up the formatting, but not the

Can you help please?

1. Make sure source and target file are already saved.
2. Open source and target file.
3. Write = in the cell in the target file.
4. Click on the cell in the source file.
5. Go back to the target file.
You should have got something like this in the formula bar:
The cell itself will show the result.

When the source changes, you can go to Edit > Links, select the 
corresponding entry and click on Update button.

Of course you can write the formula manually too.

Notice, that URL is absolute. So you need to change the formula when 
moving the source file.

Or you can try function DDE. For syntax see help. But I cannot get it to 
update, at least not as array function for a range, so there might be 
something broken with DDE.

Kind regards,

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Re: Page background color problem

2022-09-16 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi RH Tasin,

RH Tasin schrieb am 16.09.2022 um 08:29:
As you can see in the attached image that when I change the page 
background color, not the whole page color is changing. Only inside 
margin page color changing. Is there any way to fix it so that the whole 
page color changes? If not then please fix the problem and let us know 
the update.

You can use a workaround:
Open the page style dialog, e.g. Format > Page.
Go to Tab 'Page'. Note the values in section 'Margins' and then set them 
to zero. Ignore the printer warning.
Go to Tab 'Borders'. In section 'Line arrangement Default' select the 
type 'Set all four borders'. In section 'Line Color' select the same 
color as you have chosen for the background fill. In section 'Spacing to 
contents' set the values the same as they were previously in section 

If you do not pay a developer or find a developer, that will do it in 
his spare time, it is unlikely that a border-less page fill will be 
implemented in Apache OpenOffice. The problem is tracked in

You could try LibreOffice instead, which has this feature.

Kind regards,

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Re: Filling a matrix based on coordinates

2022-05-23 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi John,

john silver schrieb am 23.05.2022 um 14:09:

I'm trying to fill a matrix based on the coordinates of each cell. In the formula cell I 

That looks wrong. The formula cell must not use anything from the final 
two-dimensional result area, but is the result cell of a separate 
template calculation.

Please look at the examples in

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Re: Information - Phonetic asian guide

2021-10-29 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Paula,

paula nery schrieb am 29.10.2021 um 19:33:


I'm learning Chinese and I'd like to know how can I install the Chinese
phonetic guide in 'Word' documents to use and to take pinyin of some
written files. Will be grateful if you can tell me how to do it.

I have not tested it, but the description looks promising.

Kind regards,

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Re: exporting graphics

2021-01-06 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Roger,

Roger Martz schrieb am 06.01.2021 um 20:20:

The following talks about exporting graphics: 

However, when I try this my selection dialog does not have any graphics 
formats available.

"selection dialog" ?

It is part of menu 'File', item 'Export'.

There is a "Selection" check box. It determines whether the entire page 
or slide is exported or only the drawings you have marked.

The choose of the graphic format is in the drop-down-list 'Save as type:'

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Re: Apache Open office Microsoft word

2020-12-03 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Grace,

Grace Lock schrieb am 03-Dec-20 um 23:25:

Can Microsoft Word  open Apache office files?

It depends on the version of Word.

You can look into
to read which features are supported or not supported in Word.

You need to set the ODF format version to "1.2" in Tools-> 
Options->Load/Save->General. Word cannot understand any of the 
"extended" features.

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Re: Adding an interactive index

2020-08-10 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Calvin,

Calvin Turner schrieb am 10-Aug-20 um 20:47:

I am trying to find instructions for adding a index in an ODT document that 
will take you to a specific chapter when you select it from the index.
Please let me know if you can help.
Sent from Mail for Windows 10

You can use a TOC (Table of Content) for that. You can tweak it to your 
needs. You can have more than one TOC in your document.

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Re: Help me

2020-05-28 Thread Regina Henschel

Abhinav Singh schrieb am 28-May-20 um 18:27:
How can I increase the in-app sizes and buttons and taskbar and 
basically everything?

Check the extension, please.

Go to Tools > Options > OpenOffice > View.
Increase the value "Scaling" in section "User Interface".

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Re: corrupt file

2020-05-06 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Ray,

An .odt file is a zip-container. So first you should try, whether a 
zip-tool can open the file. And if not, look for a zip-repair tool.

What do you see as first characters, if you open the file in an editor?
If it is not PK, than already the zip-container is surely corrupt.

All tries only on a copy of the file!

Kind regards

Ray s schrieb am 06-May-20 um 16:00:

Does anyone know if there is an online repair tool that would fix a .odt file 
in open office. I’m getting this when I open. ## Thank you.

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Re: Calc: How to graph polynomial trend line like Excel?

2020-04-14 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Mike,

helices schrieb am 13-Apr-20 um 18:51:

How can we create more complex trend lines in Calc, like the Polynomial
line in Excel?

Polynomial regression type is not implemented. You need to calculate it 
outside the chart and then add it as data series.

You might want to use an extension. Find more details in

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Re: Hello

2020-02-27 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi without-name,

Windows 10 has a nice screenshot tool (Window-key + Shift + S). Why not 
use that?

Kind regards
Regina schrieb am 27-Feb-20 um 16:26:

Hi ive been using Microsoft Office Word for years and i could always copy the 
text to a photo program like to make a photo of it, i had to use your 
program witch is the best by far since i'm using Windows 10, but i cant seem to 
make text into a photo from OpenOffice like i did with Microsoft Office Word, 
its very important for this to work please.

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Re: Microsoft office, filled Ukraine

2019-07-25 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Maxim,

you should consider to use LibreOffice. It it available in Ukrainian and 
has many active developers.

Maks Sosna schrieb am 25-Jul-19 um 01:11:

Hi, my name is Maxim, I am a representative of one of the trading companies
that supply computer equipment to schools.
But unfortunately in our law it is indicated that schools should buy
packages of official applications, the developers of which are either
development partners

What are "development partners"?

 or their support service located on the territory of

our country.

Both Apache OpenOffice and LibreOffice are not provided by companies and 
have no "location" of their support. But there exist companies, which 
provide support for them.

If you want to provide support for LibreOffice yourself, you should 
write on their developer mailing list or use their developer IRC channel 
to get into contact with active developers. In case you need something 
"official", you can consider the become a certified professional for 
LibreOffice. For more information look at their website.

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Re: Open Office Icon on Desktop does not show your blue and white seabird logo

2019-03-05 Thread Regina Henschel

Hello Tom,

Tom Giaccherini schrieb am 05-Mar-19 um 15:26:



I just installed the newest version of Open Office.  The icon on my desktop
is a rectangle that looks like a page of white paper with a folded corner.
A blue square is inside, and lots of very small squares reside inside the
blue square.


What happened to your circular icon with the white birds against the blue
circle?  How do I place that icon on my desktop?

Where do you have downloaded the software?

What is written in Help > About?

I have got a version 4.1.6 and that has a round, blue icon with two 
white birds. It is likely, that you do not have got our original OpenOffice.

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Re: can I download open office onto a netbook using windows 10s

2019-01-30 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi James,

no, sorry. Having "Windows 10s" you are bound the software available 
from the Microsoft store.

Kind regards

james allen schrieb am 30-Jan-19 um 11:51:

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Re: How to View Two Calc Sheets on Two Monitor Screens

2019-01-12 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi VinceB,

WA.TWORSX via AOL schrieb am 12-Jan-19 um 19:52:

AOO415m1(Build:9789) -  Rev. 1817496
2017-12-11 17:25

Win10x64 Home


I am working on an AOO Calc file that contains 3 sheets (tabs). I want 
to view the contents of sheets 1 and 2 _at the same time_ so that I may 
compare each to the other, and make necessary changes.

I have two screen monitors connected.

How should I go about doing this? I seem to recall that there is a way 
to scroll two screens at the same time, and I think that would be great, 
if I can do it.

Open the Calc file.
Use menu Window, item New Window. That generates a second view on the 
same document. It is a separate window from point of operating system. 
You can drag it to where you want, e.g. to the other monitor, in case 
you have set your OS to extend the desktop to two monitors.

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Re: download problem

2019-01-05 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Ted,

Do you use the print button? If yes, then try printing using menu File > 
Print... You get a dialog, where you can select the printer in the upper 

Does printing to BROTHER works then?

Kind regards

Ted P Betley schrieb am 05-Jan-19 um 17:16:

Since I have downloaded 4.1.6 I can not get to my BROTHER printer. It is my 
default printer. I have checked with brother support twice as to why I can not 
print from a spreadsheet to the BROTHER printer it goes a HP printer that is 
not turned on. The Brother printer tested ok and will print the test page ok. I 
need this printer as it is a laser and I only use the HP for color work because 
the cost of the ink cartridges.
Please advise as how to correct this problem ASAP.

Ted Betley

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Re: Problems

2019-01-05 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Rich,

installation problems often depend on the operating system. So please 
tell us, which operating system do you use.

Kind regards

Rich Kern schrieb am 05-Jan-19 um 16:12:

I have installed several different  Apache Open Office versions. All have 
failed, or, malfunstion, or, won’t appear after I clicked on the Open Office 
Icon on my monitor. This has forced my to install and use other free office 
programs. I don’t like them, but I have to use them because Apache Open Office 
won’t install or function properly. My firewall has never blocked the 
installation of Apache Open office Versions. I have been using Apache Open 
Office different versions for about 10 years and never had any problems until 
now. I’m not a happy camper. I did receive a message that Apache Open Office 
has crashed.  I can not remove or delete my current version of Apache Open 
Office. I tried to uninstall, modify, or repair the Apache Open Office program 
but all failed. I can not remove or delete my current version of Apache Open 
Office from my Desk Top Computer. I researched and tried many of the solutions 
from the Apache Open Office Forum. But, all failed. My last hope is you. I hope 
you have a different solution that will solve my problems. Rich in Alaska…..

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Re: Question re: footers

2017-08-02 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Ian,

it depends on what do you want to show into the footer. So please 
describe in more details.

Kind regards

Ian Kendall schrieb:

 How do I put a different footer on every page? Right now when I type 
information into the footer, it replicates it on every page.

 (No answer to this on any of your forums).



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Re: open office 4.1.3 language pack removed by Norton

2017-05-22 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Cindy,

which language pack?

Kind regards

Cindy Chan schrieb:


This is the first time I contact Open Office for Support.

I am running Window 7 and Norton Internet Security.  Norton remove the
language pack file because it is considered unsafe under "WS.Reputation.1".

How can I tell whether the file is being "over-protected" by Norton, or
if it is infected?

Your advise is appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

Best Regards,Cindy

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Re: How to alphabetize a simple list of words?

2017-05-15 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi John,

I assume, that the words are one below the other, each in its own 
paragraph. Then select the entire list and use menu Tools > Sort…

Kind regards
Regina schrieb:

Please respond noting how I can alphabetize a simple list of words in 
OpenOffice Writer?
The only thing I can compare it to is the A/Z looking symbol on the toolbar of 
MS Word that allows a person to sort from A-Z or Z-A. It may be a filter or 
something similar and I am probably just missing something simple, but I do 
need the tool if it is available. I am not a computer wiz and would appreciate 
the process explained so I can achieve it without too much frustration and 
failures. Tank you, John Casey

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Re: selectively modifiable text document?

2017-04-17 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Gary,

to be clear, if the user can read the file, he can always circumvent 

Kind regards

Gary Aitken schrieb:

Hi all,

Is it possible to make a text document (odt) read-only with selectively
modifiable regions?  I'm looking for an alternative to modifiable pdfs.



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Re: selectively modifiable text document?

2017-04-17 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Gary,

Gary Aitken schrieb:

Hi all,

Is it possible to make a text document (odt) read-only with selectively
modifiable regions?  I'm looking for an alternative to modifiable pdfs.

You can use sections. You can set a section to be read-only, with 
password needed to change that state, or the other way round, you can 
set the document to read-only and set a section to be editable.

If you need only single words to be modifiable, then you can use input 
fields for them and set the whole document to read-only.

The protection for the document is an option in the save dialog. You can 
leave the encryption empty. Open the "More Options", then set the 
document to read-only and set a password for edit mode.

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Re: unoloader.jar missing

2017-03-17 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Edwin,

Edwin Samuel Jonathan schrieb:


I am from the ColdFusion team in Adobe. We are using OOSDK in our product. For 
some reason, unoloader.jar seems to have never been added from our side. And we 
never had an issue with it. After upgrading from Tomcat 8.0.x to 8.5.11, we are 
getting a Jar not found error in our logs. After doing some research, I found 
that ridl.jar had a dependency on unoloader.jar. The version of OOSDK which we 
are currently using is 3.3.0. I found the unoloader.jar online but only from 
version 5.x onwards. If we add the JAR to our project, it seems to be working 
fine. Could you confirm if Unoloader-5.2.0.jar is compatible with other jars of 
version 3.3.0? Or if it is not, is it possible to get the unoloader-3.3.0.jar 

In an Apache OpenOffice 3.4.1 the file unoloader.jar is located in the 
folder URE in the installation folder. In Apache OpenOffice 4.1 it is 
located in program/classes in the installation folder. You should be 
able to extract it from the *.cab file, in case you have not installed 
an Apache OpenOffice.

There does not exist an Apache OpenOffice version 5.

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Re: A question

2016-11-14 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Paul,

Itipong (Paul) schrieb:

Dear Sir or Madam

I would like to know if I can change the font color by using IF Function as an 
example below.


I cannot find a solution or an example on the OpenOffice Help.  So please 

Your assistance is much appreciated.

Besides the way Brian has described, I know two other ways. For both you 
need to define cell styles. Define a cell style "green", where you 
select a green color in tab "Font Effects" or perhaps a green background 
or a green border. Do similar for cell style "red".

Method A: conditional formatting
Assign to all result cells the format "green".
Set cursor in result cell and use Format > Conditional Formatting.
Set the condition to "cell value is" "less than", the value to 5, and 
the style to "red".

Copy that cell.
Select all other result cells and use Edit > Paste Special. Unselect all 
but "Formats". OK

Method B: function STYLE
Use the formula =a1+b1+IF(a1+b1<5;STYLE("red");STYLE("green"))
The function STYLE results 0, so that adding it to a1+b1 will not change 
the result. The function STYLE formats the cell in which it is used with 
the style given by the style name.

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Re: OpenOffice Math: how to "slash" a symbol?

2016-10-10 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Brian,

Brian Barker schrieb:

You might want to make use of the Unicode character U+0338 "Combining
long solidus overlay" (or the similar U+0337 "Combining short solidus
overlay"). I don't see any way to insert special characters directly
into the Formula window, but you can copy and paste them from the Writer

That was my first thought too, but the character do not combine for me.

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Re: help with tabs

2016-08-04 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Charles,

first you should look, where your backup file is. If you use the setting 
in AOO itself, you will find the path to the folder listed in menu Tools 
> Options > OpenOffice > Paths > Backups. Go to that place and look 
whether you find a backup and copy it to a save place. Then open it and 
look, if it contains the missed content.

I hope you had enabled automatic backup in Tools > Options > Load/Save > 
General. schrieb:

Hi good morning,

I lost some tabs at the bottom of my spreadsheet and dont know how to
get them back. one day i opened it and they were gone!

So the spreadsheet has different pages to insert different calculations.
  we are in a panic since if lost we would have to start completely over
for the month of july.

It is possible, that you have "hide" a sheet. Look at menu Format > 
Sheet > Show. It is enabled? Then you will find the missing sheets there.

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Re: hi

2016-06-11 Thread Regina Henschel


Your cursor has to be at that place in the text, where you want to have 
the small number, which references a footnote. When you then use Insert 
> Footnote/Endnote, LibreOffice adds a small, superscript number in the 
text and then jumps to the footnote area. In the footnote area you find 
the same number, and in that line you write your footnote. Both numbers 
- that in the text and that in the footnote area - work as links, so 
that you can easily switch between the positions.

If that does not work for you or if you are looking for something very 
different, then you need to explain it in more details. Otherwise we 
will not be able to help you.

Kind regards
Regina schrieb:

i know, but how do i get small numers in the text? I work in Libre
Office 1:4

Regina Henschel schreef op 2016-06-11 15:06:


do not try to manage footnotes manually. Simple use menu "Insert",
item "Footnote/Endnote" at the place in the text, which should get the
reference to the footnote, and you get these numbers automatically.

Kind regards
Regina schrieb:


how can I insert a small numer in my document for footnotes. For example
a small 1 or 2 or 3? Please no technical answers. Let's keep it simple.

hi from holland, Henk

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Re: hi

2016-06-11 Thread Regina Henschel


do not try to manage footnotes manually. Simple use menu "Insert", item 
"Footnote/Endnote" at the place in the text, which should get the 
reference to the footnote, and you get these numbers automatically.

Kind regards
Regina schrieb:


how can I insert a small numer in my document for footnotes. For example
a small 1 or 2 or 3? Please no technical answers. Let's keep it simple.

hi from holland, Henk

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Re: Spread sheet

2016-06-09 Thread Regina Henschel


play time schrieb:

Not printing full spread sheet on paper, missing center part of spread sheet, 
print 7 columns 1st page and only 5 columns on 2nd page with the center 2 
columns missing.

Please go to View > Page Break Preview and look, whether these two 
columns belong to the print ranges.

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Re: can't open 2 programs at once

2016-06-06 Thread Regina Henschel

jd1008 schrieb:

One way is to simply click on file -> open ... and open the text
document in question - you do not need the 8 choice
menu all over again - however, and unfortunately, aoo does not seem to
support multiple instances of it to be
running simultaneously.

AOO does support running multiple instances, but that is not the right 
solution for Ron.

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Re: Please help. Having problems with Calc

2016-04-08 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Scott,

Scott Bennett schrieb:

My wife has used Calc for years to keep track of highly detailed tax data
for our business. This week she was entering info on a certain sheet (she
has multiple sheets) and it was entering that same info on sheet number
one. When she deleted a row from sheet number 3, it deleted it from sheet
number 1. We lost a bunch of data this way...actually all of the sheets are
behaving as one sheet. Please let me know how we resolve this. This is a
fresh install of OO on a Windows 10 laptop.

Perhaps you had accidentally selected all sheets? You should try 
work-flow again with a test document.

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Re: Images with Text

2016-03-23 Thread Regina Henschel


Dale Erwin schrieb:

I would like to know if there is any way to insert images in my text
document in such a way that I can then place text superimposed on the
images.  So far, I have only been able to put text above or below,
although I seem to remember having put text to the side of an image in
the past.  But now I need to put text inside the image.  Is there any
way to do that?

Dale Erwin

There exists several ways to get text onto the image:

(1) You can handle the image as Draw object. Insert it in Draw, write 
your text in a text box, arrange text box and image, group it and then 
paste it over to the text document.

(2) You can put the image into a frame, set the wrap of the image (not 
the frame!) to "Wrap through" and "in Background". Then you can write 
your text in front of it.

(3) Insert a frame and set the picture as background of the frame. You 
will find "Browse" in the tab Background of the frame properties. Do not 
use "Tile" but "Position". Then you can write your text into the frame.

(4) Insert the image in Draw to make it a draw object, do not link it. 
Double-click the image in Draw to activate edit mode of the image. Write 
your text. Use Format > Text to specify the position of the text. Paste 
the image in your text document.

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Re: how do I convert a template to a style?

2016-01-26 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Jim,

Jim McLaughlin schrieb:

Now I am confused.

What is a "registered Template" as opposed to a "non registered template"

For example, if you want your text document to become a template, then 
you can do

(A) File > Templates > Save. There you choose a category and enter a 
name for the template. OK. That is part of the template manager.

or you do

(B) File > Sava as. There you set the file type to "ODF Text Document 
Template (.ott)(*.ott)".

In case (A) the new template is visible in File > New > Templates and 
Documents. And when you select the template in that dialog and use 
"open", then you get a document, that is not only based on that 
template, but the new document contains the information from which 
template it is generated in its document properties. With such templates 
you can generate a hierarchy of templates, templates based on other 
templates. When a template is changed afterwards, the document notices this.
That is, what I call a "registered" template. I do not know an official 
term for that.
The shortcoming is, that you cannot choose freely the place where the 
template is stored, but you have to stick to the path, which you have 
set in Tool > Options.

In case (B) you can choose an arbitrary place to store the template. 
When you later on double-click the template a new file is generated 
based on this template. But the new file does not store the information 
about its parent template. Therefore the document cannot inform you, in 
case the template is changed.

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Re: how do I convert a template to a style?

2016-01-25 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Julian,

Julian Thomas schrieb:

I create a new document, and then want to apply the formatting specified in one 
of my templates.

If I select Format - Styles and formatting, I'd like to apply the settings in 
the template, but they don't show up in that window [it's just a bunch of 
canned default page styles].  Load Style isn't very intuitive.  Is there an 
easy trick?

Open you new document an write some dummy text.
If your template is not registered, open the template too.
Goto File > Templates > Organize.
Select your Template in the left field. First choose the type 
"Templates" for registered templates or "Documents", if you template is 
not registered.

Select your document in the right field.
These are actually tree views. Double click to open the branches, till 
you see the list of styles.
Drag the desired style from the left to the right *while pressing the 
Ctrl-key*. The icon must get a +, otherwise you move the style !

Use "Load Styles" from the Style&Formatting dialog.
Mark the kind of styles you want to import.
Click button "From file" and select your template.

Generate the new document from the template.

Kind regards

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Re: Bright ideas/help re images in Calc

2015-10-27 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Mike,

Mike schrieb:


I want to make a list of maybe 400-600 items, each with a thumbsize
image.  Other data includes a major and minor category name, and
descriptive text.  I want to be able to sort the list on the category
names, at least.

I have been experimenting with Calc and have of course come up against
the problem of images not sorting as part of rows.  I much prefer the
simplicity of Calc to using Base (which I've never managed to master).

Have you tried the task in Writer? Writer-tables have only small tools 
for calculating and no named data ranges, no pivot-table or so. But a 
simple three-layer sorting is possible. I have tested it for small 
tables and that works without problems. You mark the rows which you want 
to sort and use Tools > Sort... Only the large number of items might be 
a problem.

Writer-tables have the very nice property, that the image is 
automatically downscales to the column-width on inserting. Additional 
advantage is, that you have the full styling and editing features of Writer.

Kind regards

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Re: Why registration required for me to open my Office doc?

2015-09-30 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Meg,

Meg LeSchack schrieb:

Today 9-30-2015 I tried to open one of my Office docs and I received a screen 
requiring registration. What's up?
Also, is "new" Apache OO 4.1.1 the same as the 4.1.1 I tried to install several 
times last year and couldn't [or, being a nontech, was that edition just 4.1 without .1 
?] ?
I have gone ahead and used the registration screen with Username, supplying 
initials -- which I never had to before -- feeling pretty uncomfortable and hoping 
this isn't a hack. C rikey -- Boehner resigns, blood moons,  the pope, Obama and 
Putin appear at the UN, China & US agree to limit industrial espionage, 4 days 
of rain after a summer of drought in New Eng., just bought my first new-used car in 
12 yrs, saw two double rainbows in August, OO tells me I have to register -- what 
else is gonna happen??
  Baffled and somewhat miffed usesr,
Meg LeSchackMassachusetts USA

I guess, that you mean the "Welcome"-screen on the first start. That is 
no "registration" but it ask you initial entries for the fields you also 
get, when you go to menu "Tools", item "Options" in part "OpenOffice", 
the item "User Data".

- These entries can be used to automatically fill such fields into 
letter templates.
- They are enclosed in the document properties. There you can remove 
them by click on button "Reset" and uncheck "Apply user data". You find 
the document properties in menu "File".

- They are used to identify the author of a comment.
- They are used to remember, that you have edited a document, and so 
OpenOffice can set the cursor to the place it was, when you have closed 
the document. Because if this feature I would not leave the fields 
empty. If you feel uncomfortable entering your name there, you can enter 
some dummy text like "ABC".

You should look at the following settings too and enable/disable them as 
you need: Goto menu "Tools" item "Options", then in part "OpenOffice" 
the item "Security", then in first section "Security options and 
warnings" click on button "Options".

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Re: MS Office support for ODF (was RE: To delete Open Office)

2015-09-19 Thread Regina Henschel


Microsoft Office cannot open drawings in .odg format. Microsoft Office 
suite has no application like Draw. I don't know, whether any other 
product of Microsoft can open it. Draw is a unique selling point of 
Apache OpenOffice and LibreOffice. It is a pity, that Draw is not 
considered when comparing office suites.

Microsoft Office cannot open Math-documents in .odf format.

Kind regards

Dennis E. Hamilton schrieb:

Starting with Microsoft Office 2007 (SP3 I think), Microsoft Office will open 
ODF 1.1 .odt, .ods, and .odp files.  Also, the Microsoft Office on the Web 
(using OneDrive) and Microsoft OneDrive will take uploads of .odt, .ods, and 
.odp files.  I have opened such files using the Microsoft Office Web 
applications in my browser.

Each version is better than the next at handling ODF files.  ODF 1.2 support 
appeared in Microsoft Office 2013.  I am told that Microsoft Office 2016, now 
available as a trial application has further improvements.

Note that Microsoft Office targets compatibility with the ODF specifications.  
That is not the same as compatibility with the OpenOffice support for ODF, so 
it is necessary to experiment.  There are differences in the features each 
supports and also in implementation-defined and implementation-dependent 
handling of options as permitted by the ODF specifications.

  - Dennis

-Original Message-
From: Dale Erwin []
Sent: Saturday, September 19, 2015 08:34
Subject: Re: To delete Open Office

[ ... ]

Just wondering... can MS Office open .odt and other open document files?

Dale Erwin

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Re: problem

2015-07-21 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Lesley,

Lesley Armstrong schrieb:

Why, when I try to paste an image into Impress, it switches to Draw and
I lose the tool bar Normal/Outline/Notes?
I have been trying everything all morning.

Thank you.  I need this presentation for tomorrow 8 a.m.!

To investigate "Why", we would need much more information, see below.

For now: You can try it with drag&drop. Make sure nothing is selected on 
the target slide. Save the image from the source, so that you can access 
it with the file explorer. Drag the image and drop it to a margin of the 
slide, which is not covered by a presentation object or any other 
object. Then move it to the desired place.

Missing informations are:
Which version of AOO do you use?
Which operating system do you use?
Which kind of image is it?
How large is the image?
From where do you have copied the image?
How do you "copy"?
How do you try to paste? Be very exact in which menu items and which key 
strokes do you use.

Does it happen only with this presentation or with a total new one too?
Do you use .odp format or .ppt format?
Does it happen with every kind of image or only with a special one?
Can you provide presentation and image?

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Re: Phone Call

2015-07-07 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Mike,

Mike B. Martisko schrieb:

I just received a phone call from someone claiming to be from Apache, wanting 
to scan my computer, and install new drivers for the software I have.  Open 
Office, 4.01.  Is this a valid call?  Please respond.

No. That is a fraud. Never will someone from The Apache Software 
Foundation call you.

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Re: Styles

2015-07-02 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Dale,

Dale Erwin schrieb:

All this talk about styles has reminded me of a question I have had for
some time.

I have found no way to directly edit a template.  All I've been able to
do is open a new document based on that new template, then without
naming the document or adding content to the document, I modify the
styles I need to modify and then save it again which overwrites the
original template of the same name.

So my question is:  After I do this, will documents created on this
template before the template change be automatically updated to reflect
the changes in these modified styles?

Have a look at File > Templates. There you have items to save and to 
edit templates. The item Organizer gives you a tool to move and copy 
(hold Ctrl-key pressed) styles between templates and documents. Look 
under "Command" in the Organizer to get further features, especially 
setting a template as default template.

The other place to handle templates is in File > New > Templates and 
Documents. When you have selected a template, then the Edit button is 
enabled and you can edit the template itself.

On Windows you get this "Edit" too, when you use the Windows explorer 
and right click on the file of the template. You get a lot of options. 
One of them is a bold NEW. That is the default action for double click 
and that generates a document based on this template. But there is 
another item OPEN. And that will open the template itself for editing.

Whether a document reacts on changes in the template depends on the 
fact, whether the document has stored the information about its 
template. For a first hint open the document and look in File > 
Properties. On tab General the last line Template should have the name 
of the template. If that line is empty, the document has lost the 
information from which template is was generated or it was generated 
without a specific template.

For more details you need to look into the source of the document. You 
can open it using an unpacker like 7-Zip. You will see a file meta.xml. 
It contains the information about the template. The information is in 
the node meta:template. Both the xlink:title and the xlink:href have to 
be correct. So if you change a title of a template or save a template in 
a different folder, then the document will not find its template.

If your problem is mostly about text documents, then you can try the 
extension "Template Changer" to assign a different template to a 

If the document has a correct template information and the template has 
changed, then the document will ask you to update its styles on opening. 
If the template is not available when you open the document, then you 
will be ask, whether you want to detach the document from the template.

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Re: SUMIFS doesn't works in OO 4.1.1.

2015-06-22 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Pavel,

1C Pro - Pavel Cuc schrieb:


I guess, that “SUMIFS” function doesn’t work in Open Office.

I am using OO 4.1.1.

I wrote a simple function, as it is described in the function wizard, but with 
no success.


The problem is with the comma “,” character as the separator between the area 
and criteria.

If the comma “,” character is in the function, the “Error:501” message is 

If the semicolon “;” character is in the function instead of the comma, no 
error is appeared, but the result is wrong, because the result is always zero 

In AOO the delimiter between the function parameters is always a 
semicolon. So this would be right:


Are you sure, that any row meets the criteria? Keep in mind, that SUMIFS 
performs an AND on the conditions.

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Re: information request

2015-06-12 Thread Regina Henschel

Regina Henschel schrieb:
 Find the customize tool in menu

Format > Customize.

in Tools > Customize...

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Re: information request

2015-06-12 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi James,

James Ramsay schrieb:

Hello - I don't know if I'm asking in the right place, very minor question:

Is there a keyboard shortcut to increase/reduce the font size of a selected
passage of text?


 (In the old Word it's Ctrl = [ or ]). It's extremely

useful, but I can't find a similar shortcut on Open Office Writer.

It is not possible to us [ or ] in general, because there exists 
keyboard layouts, where these are not directly available.

Please open the properties pane in the side bar. There are icons for 
increase/decrease font. The tooltip of that icon mentions the short cut. 
For me (German keyboard layout) it is Ctrl+Shift+> for "increase" and 
Ctrl+< for "decrease".

Similarly, I can't find how to toggle between all lower case/all upper
case/first letters in upper case (in Word, Caps + F3)

It is in menu Format > Change case or in context menu item Case/Characters.

There is no special key to circle through the options, but you can 
assign a shortcut key to each of it. Find the customize tool in menu 
Format > Customize.

If you can help, I'd stop using Word.

The great advantage of Writer compared to Word is its easy use of 
styles. If you will learn how to use them, then you will not miss Word.
The fact that some things are at different places is a minor problem. 
Such will happen even inside a product, remember the changes from Word 
2003 to Word 2007.

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Re: OpenOffice Draw - opening a .svg file

2015-05-12 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Peter,

Peter Brooks schrieb:

I'm wanting to embed a .svg file in a bigger .svg file - not as a .png
or .jpeg, but as a proper .svg file.  Inkscape seems to have problems
doing this - it converts the .svg into a .jpeg.

In which way do you try to do it? I mean, what is the expected result in 
the svg-source?

OpenOffice can not edit svg-source, but only render the picture. If you 
want to edit the svg-source you need another tool. I do this with "XML 
Notepad", which has a node-content view, or with an editor which has 
syntax highlighting like "Notepad++" or "PSPad".

It looks as if Draw should be able to do this, but, when I open a .svg
file, the rendering is all over the place.

Now you write "open a .svg". Do you mean File > Open or still Insert > 

Can you make a small (really tiny!) example, where the "rendering is all 
over the place". And if possible tell the application which you use to 
generate the .svg file, to only use common SVG elements. Especially 
Inkscape writes a lot of elements in its private namespace, which makes 
it tedious to look for errors.

 The objects themselves seem

OK, but the text is the wrong size and font and in the wrong place.

How is the text used inside the svg-file? Some application have options 
to export text as glyphs or as paths.

Is this a known problem?

No, OpenOffice can render nested svg-elements without problems. To look 
for problems with text, I need a sample document.

The other problem is that it seems to discard all the ''

??? OpenOffice only renders the svg-file, but does not change it. The 
-element, which belongs to the outer svg-element, is copied to 
the 'Title' field of the object and the -element to the 
'Description' field. Right-click the picture and chose item 
'Description' to see them. What do you expect, what should be done with 
inner -elements?

 I've imported a file,

What do you do exactly when "import"? Which menu item do you use? Or 
drag&drop? or Copy&Paste? From where? Who generated the file?

 copied and pasted it, then saved it,

What do you save? The document? Or the picture? If you save the picture, 
how do you do it? Context menu or menu File > Export?

and all the '' elements have disappeared. Is there a way to
stop this?

Which version of OpenOffice do you use? I have a AOO 4.1.1 and the saved 
picture is the same as the inserted picture. And therefore all 
-elements exist as before.

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Re: importing xml file into calc

2015-05-05 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Mariya,

what kind of xml is it? There exists already some filters and perhaps 
one of them will open your file. Or you will find an existing filter in 
an extension.

Are you forced to use xml or do you can get another format, e.g. csv, as 

Mariya Belyaeva schrieb:

last seven days I've been trying to import my xml file into the open office 
calc programme. It's my first experience with open office products and I don't 
have any programming skills. I know I have to write a XSLT filter to import the 
xml file as noticed in the following link

But the thing is I cannot find a good step-by-step-documentation which would 
help to write create the filter and embed it into the calc file and then to 
open my xml document in calc. The particular questions are:

If you really need an own filter, then you would not embed it into the 
Calc file, but add it to your OpenOffice via Tools > XML Filter Settings 
> New

-what do I have to do to begin with

You would need to learn writing XSLT. That is independent of OpenOffice.

-what editor I have to use to write my filter

You can use every editor, which can write in encoding utf-8. But of 
cause you will looking for a editor which give you some comfort. Which 
one is suitable, depends on your operating system.

-how can I test it

Tools > XML Filter Settings has a "Test" button, but I have never used 
it, because I do not write my own filters.

-could you provide some examples of filters
and so on.

You can look into existing filters, for example the "Ms Excel 2003 XML" 
filter in OpenOffice>\share\xslt\import\spreadsheetml\spreadsheetml2ooo.xsl

Could you please provide me a precise documentation for open office 4.1.1. calc 
 or assist  me on this issue?

OpenOffice 4.1.1 Calc implements the standard ODF 1.2. You find the 
documentation in 
and especially, for the grammar, the schema

There exist some small additions, but you can handle them later.

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Re: HELP!!!

2015-03-26 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Phil,

you have already read, how this community can help you. But I understand 
your wish for a person, who can look directly on your PC. Have you 
already searched for a "linux user group" in your town? Those people are 
likely familiar with LibreOffice, which is very similar to Apache 
OpenOffice and they are known to be willing to help people in using open 
source applications.

Kind regards

Phil Fitzpatrick schrieb:

How do I speak to a REAL person at this company so I can get some REAL

Phil Fitzpatrick
Duluth, MN

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Re: My First ooBase Database

2015-03-05 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Vince,

Vince (II): WA2RSX schrieb:

Using AOO 4.1.1 on Win8 machine.
Followed tutorial (, and wonder 
why a field for ZipCode is not included.  Now trying to revise/edit my 
NameAddrPhone table, which does have an ID (autofill) column, to include a 
ZipCode field.
I would also like to include several fields to accommodate phone numbers for: 
Home#, Cell#, Work#1, Work#2, Work#3, etc.  Or, is that something that would be 
placed within a second table?
What am I missing that would allow me to modify my existing table's design, 
which has only one record within it at this point?  Am I jumping the gun when 
trying to edit an existing table?

You should have a look at "Base Handbook 4.0 (database)" from or its original 
version in German "Handbuch „Base“ (Datenbank)" and the example database 
files from

There are no essential differences between LibreOffice and Apache 
OpenOffice in using Base.

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Re: problem with .docx

2015-02-01 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Martin,

martin schrieb:

I am just setting up a computer running windows 7 64 bit. I was hoping
to not have to load my old version of MS office at all, but I can't seem
to save to a .docx file in Open Office as it is not in the drop down
list.  Do I have to save an old .doc in another format and then convert
to .docx or what?

Apache Open Office hasn't got an export filter to .docx. Why do you need 
such? If the recipient owns a new MS Office, it can read .odt files. If 
the recipient has an old MS Office, you should use .doc. For your own 
purpose you should always use .odt and only convert on demand, if a 
recipient forces you to use another file format.

The office suites have differences in their capabilities, which prevent, 
that the .odt and .docx formats are 100% convertible to each other. So 
there is always a risc in converting.

LibreOffice has got .docx export filters via Maybe 
you install LibreOffice in addition.

Or you install MS Office. If you have got a valid license already, what 
is the problem?

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Re: Displaying Nonprinting characters...

2015-01-03 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Allen,

Allen Schaaf schrieb:

Hi Gang,

Is there any way to display just the tab and paragraph marker without
also displaying the space marker? I find it visually distracting and

Tools > Options > Writer > Formatting Aids
Find the part "Display of" and uncheck what you do not need.

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Re: Fonts

2014-12-23 Thread Regina Henschel

Hello Jamie,

Jamie Prevosk schrieb:

Is a font available that simulates handwriting. I could not find anything
in the forums or online. I checked each font individually and could not
find one. I am using Open Office 4.1.1. I appreciate any help you can give

you have already read, that fonts are independent of OpenOffice. 
Therefore here some tips for your search.

You can search with adding term "script", "handwriting" or 
"calligraphy". Or search for the font name (e.g "Palace Script") or for 
the font file name (e.g. "english_.ttf", "kunstler.ttf").

There are some sites, which collect free fonts, e.g.

Most of the sites tag the fonts or put them in categories, and most of 
them have a preview.

A picture search with the font name or the font file name will give an 
additional impression, whether the font is suitable for your purpose.

But I cannot guarantee that the fonts offered on such sites are indeed 
free. In addition, be careful not to click on advertisements.

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Re: Open office multiple instance

2014-12-13 Thread Regina Henschel


shivam educational society schrieb:

Dear Sir/Madam

I am facing a problem regarding not opening of multiple instance of Open office.
actually I am running a LAN for our Computer LAB in which all the
workstations are connected by N-Computing with Server. Openoffice
packages are installed on server but it is not opening on all
workstations. It support only one instant at a time and displays an
error message on other workstations i.e. "Cannot open on multiple
instant, It is already opened on other instance".
Kindly help to resolve this issue, so that it can can be opened on
multiple instant.

Do you use N-computing as server-terminal solution or do you have 
installed virtual machines on the server?

In the first case you only need to run OpenOffice once. But the users 
cannot start it with double-click; provide instead a link for each user 
which sets the environment by -env:UserInstallation=folder>. This approach might work too, when you use virtual machines and 
OpenOffice runs on the host, simple try it.

Or if you use virtual machines, let each user install OpenOffice into 
his virtual machine and run it in the virtual machine. But that would 
contradict the aim of N-Computing to save hardware.

As far as I understand, N-Computing is no server-client solution.

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Re: Open Office Spreadsheet issue

2014-11-14 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Darrell,

Darrell Schmitz schrieb:

Hi...I didn't see this in the FAQ's so here it goes.

Everytime I open the spreadsheet everything is super duper small.
It says Arial 10 but it's not.
It is micro small.
It takes me forever to open it up where it can even be used.

I have deleted and re-install 4.1.1 OpOff.

What did I do wrong?

Look at the bottom, right in the status bar. The zoom is at 20%. Click 
in the middle of the slider on the vertical line to get 100%, or use + 
or - to get another percent. That is a view setting and independent of 
the font size.

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Re: Email documents

2014-10-30 Thread Regina Henschel


Wayne schrieb:

I am unable to email any open office documents. I get the following
message all the time “Open Office was unable to find a working e-mail
configuration. Please save this document locally and attach it from
within your email client”. What do I have to do?

This feature depends on operating system and email program. So please 
tell us, which operating system do you use and what application do you 
use, when you write a new email.

Does your email program has an options to save an email as file, for 
example as "email document" with filename extension ".eml"? Can you 
launch a program by clicking on a document? [For example, click or 
double-click on readme.txt will open an editor.] If yes, try it with an 
email-file. What happens then?

When you write an email address followed by a space in a text document 
(in Writer), it will convert to a link, if you do not have changed the 
defaults. When you Ctrl-click it, what happens?

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Re: Styles mess

2014-10-26 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Johnny,

Johnny Rosenberg schrieb:

If someone wants the file for testing, let me know. I guess I can't attach
it to this message anyway, so I won't even try that.

Yes, please sent me the file.

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Re: asking for new feature, date-time insert

2014-10-26 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Dave,

DaveMainwaring schrieb:

I have started using EditPad for my text files. One feature like and miss
in AOO is a simple date-time  insert click and I can add a line that is

So many of the in-line forums have lousy editors I write my posts with
EditPad, time & date the text, then cut and paste into the discussion.

You can record a macro and assign it to a button or shortcut key. The 
needed command is in Insert > Fields > Others. Tab Document, Type Date, 
Select Date (fixed). For Format scroll down to "Additonal Formats". In 
that format dialog use the format string TT.MM.JJ HH:MM.

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Re: Nicht druckbare Zeichen erscheinen nicht mehr

2014-09-30 Thread Regina Henschel

Hallo Frau Denker,

Ursula Denker schrieb:

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren

meistens duzen wir uns auf der Mailingliste

Nach der Installation vom neuen Update (Version 4.1.1.) erscheinen die “nicht 
druckbare Zeichen” nicht mehr.
Ich habe bereits die Foren durchsucht, doch ohne Erfolg.

Wenn ich den Knopf drücke, bleiben die Zeichen jedoch noch weg.
Was sind Lösungsvorschläge?

Klicken Sie bitte im Menü Extras auf den Eintrag "Einstellungen...". In 
dem Fenster klicken Sie links auf das + vor "OpenOffice Writer" wodurch 
die Unterpunkte sichtbar werden. Schauen Sie dann im Abschnitt 
"Formatierungshilfen" ob die entsprechenden Optionen markiert sind.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

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Re: generic text in a column

2014-09-12 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Brian,

Brian Barker schrieb:

Except I think you mean$1


(or just;
without the need for parentheses in the "Search for" field).

Indeed, that is nice, and documented in the help.

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Re: generic text in a column

2014-09-12 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Nils,
Nils Lundvang schrieb:

I have a column with different texts (handles of products)…I would like
to insert the following in front of the existing text of all the
cells..all the way down. How is this done?
the following text is what is to be inserted. See the attached file for
the column with the cells that need the text in front of it.
should be in front of
all these:

and here a solution with regular expression:
Mark all those cells
Open Find&Replace dialog
click on More options
mark "Regular expressions" and "Current selection only"
In Find field write
in Replace field write
Replace All

.+ means at least one character, character is arbitrary
the brackets establish a reference
$1 uses this reference to keep the old content

As always with Find&replace, make a backup or at least save before using 
"Replace All".

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Re: making edits

2014-08-15 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Emily,

Buergler, Emily M. schrieb:


I am trying to make edits to a map my company has created. I am using your 
using your program and it will not allow me to 'copy.' I am clicking on the 
different layers on the map and it seems to not allow me to make any changes. 
Can someone please assist?

If you are in "OpenOffice Draw" (look at the title bar of the window), 
then you can double click the layer tab at the button of the working 
area. Please look if the option "Locked" is checked and if yes, uncheck it.
And you should make sure, that the document is not write protected by 
your operating system. Such can happen, if you try to open a document 
directly in your email client or if you copy a document from CD.

If this does not help, then you need to tell more details. What 
operating system do you use? Windows, Linux, MAC? What OpenOfice module 
do you use? Impress, Draw, Writer? What kind of thing is a "map"? Some 
drawing objects or a picture with hot spots or a table? What file format 
has the document?

Kind regards

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Re: Documentation error

2014-07-20 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Johnny,

Johnny Rosenberg schrieb:

”Xray tool


Here's what I did:
1. Download XrayTool by clicking the ”[odt installer(en)]” link at
2. Open the downloaded file and click the Install button within the
3. Verify the installation. It's there and it works if I first open it in
the BASIC IDE window.
4. Download the SDK from
5. Extract the downloaded file, enter its directory and Install the SDK:
dpkg -i * (there is only one file in that directory)
6. Open OpenOffice and create a new document. Add the macro above.

If the macro is inside the document, the statement
searches for the library inside the document. In your case XrayTool 
would need to be inside the document.

For to get the Library from the application use

Documentation is OK, it is in

Kind regards

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Re: Using Avery Inkjet labels software

2014-07-07 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi John,

John Dixon schrieb:

I have changed my OS from XP to Windows 7 and I no longer have Microsoft Word 
where I was able to print labels Avery J8163.
What software do I need to print using Open Office 4.0.1?

When you have start Apache OpenOffice, click on menu "File", then item 
"New", then item "Labels". From the list "Brand" choose item "Avery A4" 
and after that choose item "J8163" from the list "Type".

The version 4.0.1 is old and gets no security bug fixes, we have already 
4.1.0. And we are preparing a bugfix release 4.1.1 in August. Please 
consider to update.

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Re: template with table - need help

2014-07-03 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Julian,

Have you tried the Label wizard from File > New > Labels? You need not 
use the predefined labels but you can generate your own layout in the 
tab Format and save it there with an own identifier.

Mail merge works so, that only one page is designed, but the mail merge 
printing will generate as much pages as needed for all selected records.

Put you fixed parts directly into this page and get the variable parts 
from a database.

If you struggle with the wizard, do not hesitate to ask here.

Kind regards

Julian Thomas schrieb:

I've created a template consisting of a table (5 rows 2 columns).  Each cell 
contains 3 frames - two of which are constant for all rows and one of which is 
for entry of variable information.

How can I use this for a multipage document and have my fixed information 
replicated after the first page?

(Ideally I'd like to use the template as a label template for mail merge, but 
can't figure out how to do this).

-- -- --

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Re: Wiedereinführung von Staroffice

2014-06-14 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Patrick,

wenn du in Deutsch schreiben möchtest, benutze bitte die Mailingliste

If you want to write in German, please use the mailing list schrieb:


Die Wiedereinführung von Staroffice Professionell. Openoffice bleibt für
User die kein Emailprogramm wollen.

Das ist nicht möglich, weil der zugehörige Code nicht freigegeben wurde. 
Und für eine Neuentwicklung eines Emailprogramms fehlen die Resourcen, 
außer jemand findet sich, der die Entwickler bezahlt.

That is not possible, because the code is not free. A total new 
implementation of an email client is not possible because there are no 
developers to do it, unless someone is willing to pay for it.

Die Programme von Staroffice 5.2 ohne den lästigen StarDesktop ausstatten
und die Programme einzeln starten.

StarOffice 5.2 konnte zwar umsonst benutzt werden, aber der Quellcode 
war nicht offen. Ein solcher Weg ist daher rechtlich ausgeschlossen. 
Aber er wäre auch inhaltlich nicht angebracht, weil StarOffice 5.2 die 
heutzutage notwendigen Import- und Exportfilter für die standardisierten 
Dateiformate nicht besitzt.

StarOffice 5.2 could be used free of cost, but it had no open source. 
This makes such way legally impossible. And in addition it is not 
appropriate, because StarOffice 5.2 has none of the nowadays needed 
import and export filters of the standardized file formats.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

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Re: AOO 4.1 presentation looks fine in AOO, skewed background exported to PPT and played w MS Ppoint Viewer 2007...

2014-05-31 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Fernando,

there exist several ways, how to set a background. Can you give more 
details, or better, provide a shortened version (2 slides are enough) of 
the presentation for download. (Attachments are not possible here.)

Kind regards

Fernando Cassia schrieb:

On Sat, May 31, 2014 at 7:03 AM, johnny smith  wrote:

i see; it seems to be a bug to file with bugzilla, and a workaround i
suggest is nothing more than a workaround.

See what I mean:

This is what I see in AOO 4.1 when editing the presentation (notice
the background, from the AOO template)

This is what the slide looks like in AOO Impress, when played back

And this is what I see when I export to PPT and load the presentation
in the MS Powerpoint Viewer 2007

Any ideas of what might be going on? Can someone confirm?
I just used one of the built-in templates in AOO 4.1 to start my

I expected the exported PPT to look exactly the same as in AOO...

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Re: Please remove my info

2014-05-31 Thread Regina Henschel

Hello Dr. Elgammal,

your request is not clear to me. Do you speak about a document which is 
stored somewhere on our sites?

Kind regards

tammie elgammal schrieb:

Recently one my students informed me that they were able to read a cover
letter from a job application.
That has personal information and I would like to kindly ask that you
please remove this.
Thank you,

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Re: OpenOffice Writer/Web how to add lists without paragraph tags.

2014-05-30 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Keyur Parikh,

Keyur Parikh schrieb:

   I am trying to write a new Web document (html) file. As soon as I select
unnumbered list (   ) it adds the  tags to it which causes extra
spacing when viewing in the browser. I do not want the  tags in the
lists (  ). In the open office it shows just as newlines without
spacing but in browser it shows the spacing.
Is there any way to avoid adding the  tags in the lists ???

Do not try to use Writer/Web for this task. It generates old fashioned, 
not really good HTML code. There is currently no volunteer to maintain 
it, so expect no improvement in the near future.

Also just found out that to add a line break () : need to type
 : this is not documented anywhere. ( In fact hardly found
documentation for html documents in the manual is there any online version
for this manual ? ).

For simple structured documents you get a better result, when you use 
the normal Writer and use styles, and export the document to XHTML.

Obviously you are able to read HTML, therefore even a simple editor with 
only syntax-highlighting will work better for you than Writer/Web.

Kind regards

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Re: Making graphics stay where you placed them.

2014-05-22 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Bruce,

Bruce Byfield schrieb:

If you've done much work positioning graphics in text, then you know how
difficult it can be to make sure that the graphics stay in place.

My graphics stay where I want them to be. But I know, that sometimes the 
layout algorithm needs some help to solve endless loop situations in the 
way I want it.

 In the past,

many experts have come up with recommendations about the best settings to use,
but these suggestions either don't work if you try to export to another format
or else have been made obsolete by changes to the program over the year.

Yes. Especially the property "Follow text flow" was not available in 
older versions.

"Export to another format" is a different problem. Other formats might 
have less features to handle pictures. A comparison especially between 
odt and doc, and odt and docx might be useful in cases where you are 
forced to use doc or docx. I personally don't care about it. AOO and LO 
are free of charge and available for several operating systems. Why 
should I restrict myself?

In preparation for my upcoming book on OpenOffice/LibreOffice, I'm hoping to 
this  problem once and for all.

You can write a whole book about using graphics in Writer. You should 
not try to solve it "once and for all".

 Could anyone who is interested reproduce the

two methods below, then try to break them by copying and pasting, adding text
around the graphics, and anything else you can think of? I would be very
interested in hearing results, especially on platforms other than Linux.

Method #1: Right-click on a graphic, and select Picture -> Options -> Protect
_> Position and Size.

That is only about protecting the graphic from accidentally touching 
with the mouse.

Method #2:

1. Turn off auto-caption in Tools > Options

It is off as default. And you should really know what happens in detail, 
when you turn it on.

2. Create table with 1 column, 2 rows.  Set space above and below. Do not allow
to splilt across page or column, or keep with next paragraph, do not create
heading row.

A table prevents you from moving paragraphs up and down using the 
keyboard. A table does not work, when a picture covers two columns in 
page layouts or section layouts with two or more columns.

A table with 1 column makes no sense at all. There exists some use-cases 
where a table makes sense, for example a catalog or an illustrated 
description, where you have a picture in one column and the associated 
text in the adjacent column, so there is a table structure of the 
content. Other cases mostly need no table.

3. Set space above and below table (multiple of line height)

What do you mean by "multiple of line height"?

4. Place picture in 1st row. If you have trouble placing it in a cell, space
down in the cell a few times before inserting the picture.

Never do spacing using empty paragraphs. That breaks layout easily. The 
table row has the property "fit to size" to adapt the height to the picture.

5. Position picture: either move using alignment or, if you want an
indentation from the left, adjust from right, subtracting space from the total
width of the table.

If your picture is so large, that it has no text on its right or left 
side, then it is sufficient to put the picture into its own paragraph. 
In such cases I anchor it as character, alignment with tab or with the 
paragraph alignment features. Add a space after the picture because of 

Anchor to paragraph and wrap "No wrap" works as well.

6. Add caption in second row. If graphic is indented, you will need to create
a caption paragraph style with an indent.

Add caption in an own paragraph and set "keep with next" to the 
paragraph of the picture, if caption below picture; or the other way 
round, if caption is above picture.

7. In table context menu, unselect Table Boundaries. For convenience, you may
want to unselect only before you print.

Thanks to anyone whose curiosity or need encourages them to join the

These are my thoughts about what errors are made in picture handling:

(1) People click on the picture and drag the picture to a new position 
or resize it. Problems:
- When you touch the picture with the mouse, then a paragraph anchor 
follows the picture movement and might jump to another paragraph. That 
is not wanted in most cases.
- The picture position is turned to "From left". That breaks positioning 
pictures in mirrored layouts and positioning in margins.
Solution: _Never_ touch a picture with the mouse. Drag the anchor to 
move the anchor position, use the picture property dialog to set the 

(2) People insert empty paragraphs instead of using the wrap properties 
of the picture and/or the margin properties of the paragraph of the text.

(3) People do not know, that "Insert caption" adds a frame and puts the 
width of the picture to be relative to the frame width.

(4) People 

Re: problem on release 4.1.0

2014-05-11 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Paolo,

paolo.caporello schrieb:

from Paolo Caporello
after release 3.4.1, all versions marked by initial 4 present the same
problem (not present in previous versions).
after generation of a graph into CALC, if I try to copy the graph onto
the same sheet (or a different sheet, or to a WRTER document), the
copied graph not appears as originally builded and the shape is totally
different from the original

That should not happen with AOO4.1. But perhaps you have checked to use 
the source formatting for formatting the numbers? You should change this 
setting and set the formatting in the chart directly. Because after copy 
& paste the connection to the original data range is cut (see below) and 
therefore the source formatting is no longer available.

Plus, on the copied graph (on CALC) it is not accessible the option
(after double click un the graph itself) "format" -> "data" perviously
very useful to modify graph, insert new data set, or other

In 4.1 the behavior was changed, that a copy&paste via clipboard cuts 
the connection to the original document and the values are provided as 
internal data table. You get "Star Object Descriptor (XML)", both with 
paste icon drop-down list and with "special paste". This contains 
already the change of the data source. Such content of the clipboard is 
better usable for inserting a chart into a application other than Calc.

To explain clearly my issue, I attach a simple CALC sheet with a graph
wherre the bottom graphs were copied from the original by "copy" and
"paste the first and by "copy" and "special paste" followed by option
"metafile GDI" the second.

Attachments are not possible in this mailing list. But I think, I 
understand your problem without example file.

It is easy to see the result: copied graphs are very different from the
original, and they are not modifiables

The item "metafile GDI" provides a pure picture of the chart, without 
any data. That is not what you want. To get a copy, which preserves the 
data ranges, you can drag-copy the chart using the mouse or using the 

Using the mouse open the target sheet (if it is a different one) in a 
new Window. Inside one file you can do this by menu Window > New Window. 
Size the windows to be side-by-side. Click on the chart, and hold down 
the mouse button two seconds, then drag it to the target while _pressing 
the Ctrl-key_.

Using Navigator open the target sheet, so that you can see it on screen. 
Open the Navigator of the source document. The chart is an OLE object. 
Therefore open that category. Switch the drag mode from default "Insert 
as Hyperlink" to "Insert as copy" in the header of the Navigator or in 
the context menu of the chart object item in the Navigator. Drag the 
chart object item from the Navigator to the target sheet.

A drag-copy with data range $Sheet1.$A$1:$B$6 for example, will still 
refer this data range when inserted into Sheet2. I don't know a way to 
make the address relative. When you drag-copy to a different file, the 
the data range is still the same, but now refer to this range in the 
target file, because the address does not contain the file name.

Kind regards

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Re: Docs not typing correctly

2014-04-16 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi John,

John Ward schrieb:

For some reason, my documents in Open Office are not typing
correctly.  Instead of black lettering, I'm getting yellow,
underlined typing.  And when I try to delete something, it just turns
yellow and gets a line thru it.  But it does not delete.  I have not
intentionally changed any settings, but can't figure out why it's
doing these things.

Can you tell me what the problem is and how to correct it?

Your OpenOffice is in change tracking mode. To switch it off, goto menu 
Edit, item Changes, uncheck the option Record.

Kind regards

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Re: Footnote help

2014-04-11 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Jan,

Ian Byfield schrieb:

When attaching Footnotes to a Word document, the number is displayed
and allowance made for a foot note to be inserted. However the
displayed footnote number has a vertical column of grey as a

Any idea how this smudge column may be erased?

That is "Field shading". It tells you, that it is not a normal text, but 
some functionality is involved. Such field shading is not printed, but 
only shown on screen. If you do not like it, switch it off in menu View 
> Field shadings.

Kind regards

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Re: Can not remove background image

2014-03-22 Thread Regina Henschel


Wade Smart schrieb:

I started clicking around in cells and found a cell that
allowed Navigator to be selected. Is this locked to cells?

is your sheet write protected? [Tools > Protect Document > Sheet...]

Kind regards

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Re: duplex pages upside down

2014-01-26 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Gary,

Gary Aitken schrieb:

On 01/26/14 06:00, Regina Henschel wrote:

Gary Aitken schrieb:

On 01/25/14 15:59, Maurice Howe wrote:

When you use "short edge" is there an "apply" tab or anything
like that?

No.  It's a dropdown, so it shows up once the menu is clicked; then
an "OK" to dismiss the whole dialog, then a "Print" to actually set
the process in motion from the main print dialog.

Wish I could at least figure out whether it was the driver or AOO,
as it was working a few weeks ago.  Unfortunately, I don't have
another printer that has duplex capability.  I suspect it's the
driver, but I'll be danged if I can figure out what's wrong with

Isn't there a setting in the driver or in the operating system to
print raw data?

No.  The only thing that looks like it could be raw output is the choice
in the properties subdialog of the print dialog called
"Printer Language Type" which allows selection of pdf (the default) and
several levels of postscript, one of which is labelled "from driver" which
I assume means use the driver says it likes ps.

So why not try it out?

What information do you see in Cups? I've got a HP ColorLaserJet (which 
understands postscript) and see:
Defaults: job-sheets=none, none media=iso_a4210x297mm 

I'm a Linux novice and can not really help you. Isn't there a freebsd forum?

Kind regards

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Re: duplex pages upside down

2014-01-26 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Gary,

Gary Aitken schrieb:

On 01/25/14 15:59, Maurice Howe wrote:

When you use "short edge" is there an "apply" tab or anything like

No.  It's a dropdown, so it shows up once the menu is clicked;
then an "OK" to dismiss the whole dialog,
then a "Print" to actually set the process in motion from the main
print dialog.

Wish I could at least figure out whether it was the driver or AOO,
as it was working a few weeks ago.  Unfortunately, I don't have another
printer that has duplex capability.  I suspect it's the driver, but
I'll be danged if I can figure out what's wrong with it.

Isn't there a setting in the driver or in the operating system to print 
raw data?

Kind regards

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Re: OpenOffice 4.0.1

2013-12-19 Thread Regina Henschel


Stöver, Hans-Werner schrieb:


Openoffice was a very good and easy to use program.
With the last versions it got more and more useless.
I was using OpenOffice from the beginning in Hamburg for about more than 14 
years now.
But yet I deleted this for me useless program and I bought Microsoft Office.
Microsoft is expensive, but Microsoft looks what the people need
and not what  the coder likes and puts inside.

Do you remember the hot discussion about "Ribbon" or "not Ribbon"?

Who made the decision to change the "save", "save to" and the "Open" dialog?

OpenOffice can use the dialog of the operating system or its own dialogs.
Which of the dialogs do you use? What is your operating system?

If you refer to its own dialogs, there is no change. These dialogs in 
AOO4.0.1 are the same as in older versions. But you will surely have not 
the same operating system than 14 years ago.

Why must I click so many times to find my desktop for saving documents?
Why is the direct link in the saving dialog to "desktop", "network" and "my 
documents" gone?

More details are needed, see above. Then we can surely help you to 
customize OpenOffice to your needs.

Kind regards

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Re: OpenOffice Website Survey

2013-12-17 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Rob,

Rob Weir schrieb:

We're conducting a short survey about the OpenOffice website.  If you
have a moment you can find the survey here:

Typo on first page
Apache OpenOffice projet --> Apache OpenOffice project

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Re: unique uses of frame styles

2013-10-12 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Bruce,

Bruce Byfield schrieb:


I'm in the middle of writing a book about styles and templates in LibreOffice
and Apache OpenOffice. I'm currently trying to flesh out the chapter on frame
styles a bit.

Does anyone have any original ideas about how to take advantage of frame
styles? I've already written about watermarks and sideheads, but if you can
suggest a use that I haven't heard about, I'll credit you when the book is

What is "sideheads"?

I do not really understand, what you are looking for. The predifined 
frame styles have special properties, which are geared to special kind 
of frames. They are automatically choosen in most cases, when you insert 
an object. But the usage is not different from other kind of styles. You 
can use them to distinguish kind of frames and to easily change a style 
property of a class of frames.

"if you can suggest a use that I haven't heard about" - how can I know 
what you have heard about? Is it possible to get the already finished 
part for reading?

Kind regards

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Re: Don´t ansver

2013-10-05 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Göte,

Göte Thurgren schrieb:

Why  do openoffice Always tell mi when I open it that it dont ansver? No
ather progran on my conputer das that.

have you used the default installation paths?

Please tell us the version you have installed, whether you had another 
version before, and what operating system you use.

Kind regards

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Re: Fwd: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)

2013-09-26 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Mike,

my answer to you contains the line

Do you see this line as a link?
 If yes, click on it. Your email application will generate a mail.
 If no, start writing a new email. Copy the line to the "To" field of 
the email.

Then write an arbitrary subject and mail text and sent the mail.

You will get a confirmation mail. Reply to it as described in that 
confirmation mail.

Kind regards

MIKE LISH schrieb:

I keep being told I'm using the wrong address, so what do I need to do?

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Mike Lish

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Re: Fwd: failure notice

2013-09-25 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Mike,

you use a wrong address.


To remove your address from the list, send a message to:

Kind regards

MIKE LISH schrieb:

What is the point of all this procedural nonsense when your servers bounce
back requests to unsubscribe. What the hell is going on!!!

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Re: Alphabetizing when using a spread sheet as an index for parts storage.

2013-09-23 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Vincent,

Vincent Juliano schrieb:

In using  a spreadsheet , using two columns where the first column
contains the part description and the second column indicates where
the part is to be found alphabetizaation was tried..

This feature hasn't been used in quite some time. When activated the
alphabetizing is done using the SECOND column.  This puts all the
part descriptions in chaos but the placement in alphabetical order.

Then you have only sort the second column and not the whole data range.

To accomplish the alphabetization properly the parts list was cut and
placed in the second column behind the position the part is to be

It works and then the columns are then changed into proper placement
and all is well.

It's necessary to upgrade the spreadsheet because of constant
additions and removals.

What is the necessary procedure to get the alphabetization of the
spreadsheet based on the first column?

"first column"?

For to get sorting based on the second column, and for to be able to 
insert and delete records, do this:

Mark the whole data range including column labels (=field headers) and 
an additional empty row at the end of the date. The empty row is needed, 
because you can only insert a row above the current row, not after the 
current row.
Name this data range via menu Data > Define Range. Click the "More" 
button and check the options "Contains column labels" and "Insert or 
delete cells". The later provides, that the address of this data range 
is adapted automatically, so that you always get the correct range, when 
you use its name.

If the data range is no longer selected, select it via menu Data > 
Select Range. Then use menu Data > Sort. In that dialog choose the label 
of the second column. Then set the other needed sorting options in that 

After you have insert a record (=row) in the data range, set cursor into 
the data range and use menu Data > Refresh Range. Now your data range is 
sorted again with the same initial settings.

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Re: Question about hyperlink buttons in OO Calc

2013-09-11 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Jasper,

Jasper Hermans schrieb:


I have a question and I can't seem to find the answer on one of the forums
so here it is;

I'm working on an Imac in a Calc-document and I added a hyperlink appearing
as a button.
Now I'd like to remove it but it doesn't seem to be accessible via a cell
and I found no other way to be able to remove it. Can you please help me

When you have saved and reloaded the document, then the button is no 
longer in edit mode, but a click on the button will execute the link. 
You have to switch to edit mode, before you can delete the button.

Menu View > Toolbars > Form Controls.
This toolbar has top right an icon with a pencil. The tooltip says 
"Design mode on/off". Click it to switch to edit mode.

Now you can click the button and it should get green handles. Press 
Del-key to delete the button.

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Re: Who copies from who the cloud legend?

2013-09-08 Thread Regina Henschel


it is the "cloudCallout" from presetShapeDefinitions.xml from ECMA-376. 
It is part of the standard specification of OOXML.

kind regards

theUser BL schrieb:

Because the LibreOffice people down't responded to it, here on the AOO 
mailinglist again:

If your cloud image in OpenOffice Draw looks like in LibnreOffice

I want tomention, that the cloud looks EXACTLY/IDENTICAL TO Microsofts Cloud 
image in MS-Office
and in newer MSPaint versions:

So, who have copied from who?

Here my LibreOffice Mailinglists posts and nerly senseless responses:

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Re: scripts in AOO spreadsheets interpreted by MS excel?

2013-09-01 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Gary,

Gary Aitken schrieb:

If so, are scripts (Java) also generally properly interpreted

by MS excel?

I don't know and cannot test it. But it is unlikely, because the
macros in Apache OpenOffice do not base on the file format (what the
standard is about). But macros are based on the UNO framework. And
UNO is based on data and methods of the internal representations, not
on file format. The file format does not have methods at all, but
only elements and attributes.

If macros are involved, wouldn't the file format for the cell require
specifying the macro binding, which would imply describing
the language bindings to some extent, at least down to the procedure call
level?  That would imply if there were a java binding, at least one would
know the procedure "SpreadsheetCell::click(row, col) or something like
that was specified, and the back-end would need to support it.

But shouldn't a question about the ability of Excel be ask on a
Microsoft forum?

My assumption was that most people on an MS forum are not interested in
interoperability, whereas a substantial percentage of those on this forum
probably are of necessity.  My apologies if it's inappropriate.  I'm probably
out of luck.  I have a spreadsheet with an MS basic backend and I was hoping
to rewrite it so I could run and distribute it in AOO even to those folks
who can't / won't change because their institutions run M$.

If MS Basic macros are involved and they are not too specific, you might 
have more luck with Basic than with Java. For Basic exists an option in 
OpenOffice to run the interpreter in a VBA compatible mode. Search for 
"Option VBASupport 1". It had been planed to provide a Java package too. 
But I'm not the right person to tell you more. Please ask on our API 
mailing list.

You might want to ask on the LibreOffice user list too. There you will 
likely meet Andrew Douglas Pitonyak.

And you should give our forum a try, which has a special section for 

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Re: scripts in AOO spreadsheets interpreted by MS excel?

2013-09-01 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Gary,

Gary Aitken schrieb:

It's my understanding the AOO document format for writer is a recognized


 and I know they are readable by ms word.

Is this also the case for the spreadsheet (calc) documents?  Are they readable
by MS excel?

It depends on the version of Microsoft Office. They started lately to 
support ODF in Excel.

Before MS 2007 you need a plugin. For MS 2007 itself I'm not sure.

MS 2010 can read .ods files which are written using ODF1.1. But that 
format has no standard for formulas. MS 2007 does not read formulas, but 
only the stored values. It can read files written using ODF1.2 as well, 
although it complains, that the file is broken and needs to be repaired.

MS 2013 can read .ods files using ODF1.2 including the formulas. 
Microsoft has a webpage, which gives an overview, what parts of ODF1.2 
are not supported. Search for "ODF 1.2" on "" should 
give you relevant results.

  If so, are scripts (Java) also generally properly interpreted

by MS excel?

I don't know and cannot test it. But it is unlikely, because the macros 
in Apache OpenOffice do not base on the file format (what the standard 
is about). But macros are based on the UNO framework. And UNO is based 
on data and methods of the internal representations, not on file format. 
The file format does not have methods at all, but only elements and 

But shouldn't a question about the ability of Excel be ask on a 
Microsoft forum?

Kind regards



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Re: How to select a background image?

2013-08-27 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Johnny,

Johnny Rosenberg schrieb:

In Calc I inserted an image (svg). Then right clicked the image and placed
it in the background. After that I did some further editing that I don't
want to get rid of.

Now I want to edit the image but I can no longer select it since it is
located in the background!

What now…?

Open Navigator > Graphics. Double-click the image name in Navigator. You 
get green handles. For moving the graphic around the handles are enough. 
If you want to edit the graphic, right-click when it has green handles 
and arrange it to foreground.

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Re: Connecting paragraph styles with numbering (list) styles

2013-08-23 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Janis,

Janis Langins schrieb:

Thanks to all for the advice regarding my query.  I shall try to see if
I can successfully apply it and maybe with my current skills I should
not be so ambitious.  Re Regina's request for the URL:  I cannot
remember what iit s but this one
( I
got from the Open Office site and it seems to be pretty much the same as
the one I am using with slight differences in pagination.  In the URL
above it is ch. 7, page 233 (NOT ch. 7, p. 259) but everything else,
including the text is the same.  Of course, in theory it is for the
earlier 3.4 version, not for version 4 of Open Office, which is the one
I am using.

That is not the right part for outline numbering. That is about list 
numbering. The whole thing is not suitable for lectures.

Look for "Students' Guide for OpenOffice Writer",

Or other guides which are written for students, who will write a paper.

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Re: Connecting paragraph styles with numbering (list) styles

2013-08-23 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Janis,

Janis Langins schrieb:

I am trying to construct an outline with nested headings for lectures.

There exists two ways, the default one (easy) and the explicit one 
(advanced skills).

Following the online manual (ch. 7, p. 259) for Open Office

Can you please post the URL? There are several tutorials around and some 
do not apply to AOO4.0 and some give bad advise.

, I can

create both Paragraph styles and Numbering styles but I cannot seem to
combine them.  Could I get some sources of information please?

If you are not an expert in styles, I suggest start with the default 
outline numbering. For that you do not need any numbering style. You 
find all needed settings in Tools > Outline numbering.

Second problem:  I would like to transfer my new styles (if they work)
to a document consisting of bits and pieces of previous documents with
different styles and configure them to the new style with consistent

Do it the other way round. Make a document template with your new 
settings. Then copy the old stuff and paste it "as unformatted text". 
Then apply the new styles as needed.

  There is no information in the manual on this.

Microsoft word seems to have a renumber feature on their Outline mode
that renumbers a collections of cut and pasted documents to make the
heading in the new document sequential and consistent.  Open Office does
not seem to have this.  True?  False?

The numbering will be correct, if you remove all hard formatting, 
especially all hard numbering which have made via the buttons. If the 
paragraph have the correct paragraph style assigned, the outline 
numbering will be correct automatically. Therefore my advise to paste 
"as unformatted text". That avoids a lot of trouble.

Any reference to solutions would be appreciated.
Janis Langins

My own texts are in German. But you can ask, if using Tools > Outline 
numbering does not work for you.

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Re: Fwd: How to install 4.0 Dictionary Update?

2013-08-17 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Kirk,

please post the URL where you get the dictionary. Dictionaries generally 
do not come as .zip file but as .oxt file.

If your browser has changed the file name extensions and that is the 
reason for getting a .zip file, you can rename it to .oxt and again try 
installation via Tools > Extension Manager.

Kind regards

Kirk Fraser schrieb:

I downloaded the dictionary .zip file but it does not open with OO 4.0 so
how do I install it?  The readme file in the .zip is useless, talking
license only, not help.

Kirk W. Fraser - Replace the fraud churches with the true
church. - Fix America by first fixing its
Christian foundation. - Example of False Justice common in America

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Re: AOO 4.0.0 unusable

2013-08-15 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Alexandro,

Alexandro Colorado schrieb:

Can someone provide a tutorial for this process.
I think it would be helpful for some people.

there exists
But it needs an update and additions for AOO4. And perhaps division into 
several pages.

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Re: Shorcut -> Toggle Changes

2013-08-05 Thread Regina Henschel


Явор Маринов schrieb:


I need to know how to customize the shortcut for "Toggle Changes" in OO
All that i can found is "Reject Changes" and "Accept Changes" can
someone lead me to the solution?

You mean to toggle between "Show changes" and "Hide changes"? That is 
command "Show" in category "View". There is no default shortcut key, but 
you can assign a shortcut key in Tools > Customize.

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Re: Conflicts?

2013-07-24 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Virgil,

Virgil Arrington schrieb:

Yes, I should have clarified that I am running Windows 7 on a Sony Laptop.

I use Windows 7 too. I have always used AOO and LO versions parallel and 
do not notice any conflicts. Of cause only one of them can be the 
default application for opening.

Because I'm always testing a lot of versions, I put my favorite 
templates and autotexts in a separate folder and add them as not 
writable path to the installations.

Kind regards


-Original Message- From: Hagar Delest
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 4:25 PM
Subject: Re: Conflicts?

Can't say for sure on Windows (but I don't think there would be any
Under GNU/Linux, you need to install them with the official packages
from their respective website. Using the version delivered by your
distro may lead to dependency problems.


Le 23/07/2013 21:38, Virgil Arrington a écrit :

Are there any known conflicts with having LO 4.0.4 and AOO 4.0
installed on the same computer? In my never-ending, obsessive (and
admittedly futile) search for computing perfection, I want to try both
programs to see which better meets my techno-needs.


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Re: creating viewing HTML

2013-07-17 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Henry,

Henry Rappaport schrieb:

I have encountered a new problem. I used to be able to save a text
document as html then open it and view the html source code. When I
open the supposedly saved new html document now and go to the VIEW
menu, there is no "View HTML" option. Did something change when I
upgraded to the newest version?

Make sure you open the file using the correct filter. The option "View 
HTML" exists only in Writer/Web. If your file has the filename extension 
.html, it should open in Writer/Web automatically.

What filename extension has your file?

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Re: Bug in AOO 4.0 RC1 German location

2013-07-17 Thread Regina Henschel

Hallo Kalle,

kalle hauser schrieb:

Can someone confirm my bugreport Bugzilla Bug 122770 

its about the Textstring "Ausrichtung" on Calc (German location):

Wrong symbol in "Ausrichtung" on Calc Sidebar

In AOO 4.0.0 RC1 Calc (build 9702, rev 1502185)
I have a wrong symbol (~) in the word "Ausrichtung" (english: alignment). On Sidebar its 
"Ausric~htung" instead of "Ausrichtung"

I have noticed the problem and it is already fixes on Pootle. But it was 
too late to go into the release.

Please report translation errors to the Product "Native Lang" and in 
case of German translation to the Component de.

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Re: Page numbers

2013-07-02 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Henry,

Henry Rappaport schrieb:

Does anyone know how to begin page numbering at a certain number
within a multi page document. I want to start at page 3 which is
actually about 8 pages into my document.

thanks Henry Rappaport

Please have a look at

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Re: Codes

2013-06-24 Thread Regina Henschel


Doug schrieb:

On 06/22/2013 10:35 AM, Rory O'Farrell wrote:


If the WP lobby feel so strongly about not having "Reveal Codes", why don't 
they do something about it and write an extension to do just that?

Maybe it's because we're not programmers. We're people who just want to
use a word processor without all the folderol of "styles." It may not
have occurred to some OO/LO folks that most of us do not want to change
styles or formats  all the time. Or, maybe, ever.  About the only
formats I ever change are typeface, type size, and justification.
Most of us are not writing advertizing copy, and we're not typesetters.
We have no reason to keep fooling with different "styles."

Now if OO and LO are so great, why can't they deal with curly quotes and
apostrophes in imported text?

They can. The text needs to have paragraph style "Default". Then use 
menu Format > AutoCorrect... > Apply. Of cause you need to enable the 
replacement of straight quotes in the AutoCorrect options.

 I have to go thru and fix all the

damned inch marks one by one by hand. WordPerfect can do that
automatically. Not only that, it can differentiate between quote marks
and real inch and foot designators. Let's see your OO/LO do that!

It will exchange U+OO22 to that quote marks you select in the 
AutoCorrect options and the kind of replacement will depend on the 
language. If a 'real inch' and a 'foot designator' is different from 
sign U+0022, it will not be touched.

If I remember correctly--I haven't looked at OO/LO in some time--they
don't let you find and replace double spaces. Maybe they fixed that?

Simple find and replace works. I have not tested regular expressions.

But I tend to work in Linux most often, so without WordPerfect, I have
chosen the SoftMaker products. TextMaker works better, IMO, than either
of the freebies, and it doesn't look so primitive, either. Oh, and
there's now a free version of that, I hear.

They had an offer to download the previous version for free and had a 
special price offer for the new version at begin of this year.

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Re: Documentation

2013-06-18 Thread Regina Henschel


Dale Erwin schrieb:

I was just browsing through looking for
documentation on Base.  I found user guides for probably all of the
different OO modules EXCEPT Base.  Am I looking in the wrong place, or
is there really no User Guide for Base?

A lot of documentation is done by ODFAuthors. They currently work for 
LibreOffice mostly, but the difference to Apache OpenOffice is not 
large. So you should look there too. For example there is a German 
tutorial, which has been translated.

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Re: [DISCUSS] ODF file formats vs Zip

2013-06-09 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Johnny,

Johnny Rosenberg schrieb:

When working with big files, in my case spreadsheets, but possibly
other types of office files, saving the file will in some cases take a
lot of time. This is particularly annoying when auto-saving is
enabled. As I understand it, an ODF is a couple of files, most of them
XML files, brought together in a single file, then compressed to the
zip format.

Does the ODF standard specify the compression ratio?

There are two methods possible STORED and DEFLATED, see, 
section 2.2.

 If not, it would

be convenient if the user could specify that. For example, if I prefer
saving to be as fast as possible, I could specify no compression at
all, just bring the files together in a tar-ball (if that's allowed)
or as an uncompressed zip.

I don't know how much of the required time to save a file is used for
compression, but I imagine that there is room for speed enhancements

If this is not the way to go, maybe the extension could change as
well, indicating this is another file format, although conversion to
and from ODF should be very straight forward…

Using another compression is still .zip file format.

ODF has a flat file format without container too. This is implemented in 
LO but not in AOO. But in the flat format all pictures are stored in 
base64, because there is no folder to store them in original format.

Thoughts about this?

It would need tests to see, whether the method STORED is significant faster.

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Re: How is the sum of a highlighted column inserted?

2013-06-05 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi John,

John Hart schrieb:

In Quatro-Pro there was an icon to put a column sum formula in the last
highlighted cell.
The Calc help file says to click on the summation Icon only there isn't
one on the toolbar and I couldn't find a way to insert it.

It is not in the toolbar, but left of the input line. You must have 
finished your input. Then there should be:

/Name Box/  fx  Σ   =   /Input line/

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