[users] 2-col 1-col pages in same doc?

2008-06-29 Thread Kenn Goutal

I'm working on a document in which, *for the most part*,
I want my text in two columns per page.

I can't seem to figure out how to format some pages as single columns
but other pages as double columns.

*Seems easy*, Format - Columns...
and increment the Columns field from one to two.

Or, Format - Page... /Columns\,
and increment the Columns field from one to two.

Only ... then *every* page in my document is in two-column format.

Okay, F11, click the Page Styles icon.
Right-click on Default (or any other style already listed, I imagine),
and click on New.

In /Organizer\, enter a new name, e.g. _my_2col, hit TAB,
and _my_2col is entered as the default value of Next Style;
sounds good to me.

In /Page\, fix the inevitable huge margins down to .5 or eqv all around.

In /Columns\, increment Columns from 1 to 2,
uncheck AutoWidth, and increment Spacing from 0.00 to 0.10,
so that there is a 0.20 gutter between the two columns.

Click [OK].  The new style appears in the list of Page Styles.  Great!

Select one or two (but not all) pages of text,
and double-click _my_2col.
Ta-da!  Now *ALL* pages are two-column, not just the selected ones.

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[users] autocompletion / automatic word completion in Writer

2008-05-30 Thread Kenn Goutal

(using OO.o v2.0 on XP+SP2)

There are some (or all) sort(s) of automatic completion
that I'd like to be able either to control or turn off completely.

By way of preface, this is *not* an issue of filespec completion
when selecting a file to open or close.

The following may just be different facets of the same thing,
or may be two different things altogether
If there are multiple ways to complete something --
some, somebody, something, somnolent --
it seems always to choose the longest alternative.
  (Sometimes it seems like it picks the most unlikely ;-),
   but that's probably just a misperception.)
How can I get it to start with the *shortest* possible ending?

Over time, I enter some words that are like other words,
but different in some way -- say, pluralist when there is already
pluralism and pluralize.  After that, depending on various factors,
some of those words are used as likely completions
rather than the words that are in the normal list.
I guess my question here is:  Is there a way to prevent Writer
from automatically adding words to its list of possibilities?
If I really need them, I know how to add them from Tools-(...).
I think.

Actually, maybe I don't.
I can find the table of *replacements* for the autocorrect feature,
but nothing for the automatic word completion feature.

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[users] Re: autocompletion / automatic word completion in Writer

2008-05-30 Thread Kenn Goutal

Brian Barker wrote:
The controls for this are at Tools | AutoCorrect... | Word Completion.  
You can disable the process here, as well as control how it operates.  
You can also control whether Writer collects words and the minimum 
length of collected words.  And you can delete individual words from the 

Sure enough, that tab is present in Writer.
I saw a reference to this tab when I went a-googling,
but it wasn't clear that it was specific to Writer,
so when I looked in Calc, I didn't find it.

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[users] Re: autocompletion / automatic word completion in Calc

2008-05-30 Thread Kenn Goutal

Brian Barker wrote:

There is a toggle at Tools | Cell Contents  | AutoInput.

Yes indeed, this helps.

It is not surprising, I think,
that I didn't not find it when looking for it in Help.
Autocomplete -- sounds likely.  Autocorrect -- less likely, but maybe.
But I would never have searched for autoinput.

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[users] Re: autocompletion / automatic word completion in Calc

2008-05-30 Thread Kenn Goutal

Brian Barker wrote:

Actually, that is not true: you don't need to backspace over anything.  
The automatically inserted text is already selected, so if you continue 
to type, what you type simply replaces the inserted text.  The effect of 
this is that as soon as your new text departs from whatever you have 
elsewhere in the same column, the behaviour is as if the AutoInput 
facility was toggled off anyway.

I'll stand corrected.
Not sure how I got that impression -- it sure *seemed* like it was the case.

And there are other things you can do in this circumstance:
o  To accept the offered text but then add to it or edit it, press F2.
o  To view alternative completions, press Tab or Shift+Tab to move 
   forward or backward through the list.
o  To view all AutoInput available for the current column, use Ctrl+D.  
   Then use up-arrow and down-arrow to move through the list or else the 
   first character of the selected entry to move to and cycle through all 
   entries with that initial character.

Also, the other day I stumbled onto the fact that I can 
right-click-Selection list ... to achieve the effect

that you describe as the result of ^D.

Thanks again for your patience.

(Yes, I'm collecting all these questions that I raise (and that others
raise, when they're interesting to me) into a private FAQ, so that
(a) I won't have to bug people over and over about them if I forget, and
(b) I can share it with others, wherever the public FAQ is.

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[users] relative indent for paragraph

2008-05-15 Thread Kenn Goutal

Is it possible to define a paragraph style
such that the before-text indent
is relative to the before-text indent of the previous line,
or something like that?
I'm not even sure how to express this.

For example, suppose in a hierarchical document (e.g. one of those
horrible army-style arrangements) wherein each heading
is indented relative to the indent of the next-higher-level heading.

At the moment, for the headings,
I've just defined 5 separate paragraph styles
that are essentially identical except font size and space-above,
but most importantly, the before-text indent.

Likewise, for the text below the headings,
I've just defined 5 separate paragraph styles
that are identical except for the before-text indent.

This is kind of annoying, but it's not too too bad.

But then, suppose I define a pair of paragraph styles
for questions and answers.  These have hanging indents,
so that if the question or the answer is longer than one line,
the Q.  or the A.  sticks out to the left.
And one or the other has additional spacing before or after.
Looks great.

Now I want to have a group of questions and answers
somewhere under a level-three heading, amidst level-three text.
The QA lines are still flush with the left margin.

It would/will be a real pain in the neck
to have to design 5 versions of every paragraph style.
Is there a way around this?

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[users] Re: relative indent for paragraph

2008-05-15 Thread Kenn Goutal

John Kaufmann wrote:

You mean what, in another word processor, might be called an outline 

Possibly.  I mean, it *is* one form of a style (in the non-word-processor
sense) of writing that follows an outline.

For whatever reason, in OO/Writer it's not called a style, but 
you set it up the same way under Tools|Outline Numbering.  While not 
completely extensible, it goes up to 10 levels, which should be enough 
for most purposes.  Unfortunately, AFAICS, you can only define one 
outline style (of 10 levels), but that's enough for most documents 

Sounds intriguing, and it may be just the ticket.  I'll look into it.

Sorry to be dense: You mean to put a QA at any of 5 levels?

Just so.

1. How to Do Things
   Q. How do I do this?
   A. Here is how you do this.
   Q. How do I do that.
   A. Here is how to do that.
2. Where to Find Things
   1. Thing_One
  Q. Where are the initialization files?
  A. The init files may be found here.
  Q. Where are the data files?
  A. The data files may be found here.
  Q. Where are the scripts?
  A. The script files may be found here.
   2. Thing_Two
  Q. Where are the initialization files?
  A. The init files may be found here.
   3. Thing_Three
  Q. Where are the initialization files?
  A. The init files may be found here.

If you use the Outline feature, could you do something like 

 assigning Qs to the odd-numbered levels
 and As to even-numbered levels?

Well, in my experience it would look pretty odd that way.
But it's a thought.

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[users] Re: relative indent for paragraph

2008-05-15 Thread Kenn Goutal

Kenn Goutal wrote:

Is it possible to define a paragraph style
such that the before-text indent
is relative to the before-text indent of the previous line,
or something like that?

Being really adamant about having this this way, I poked around some more,
and came up with this:

Change the heading styles so that the outer-most / top-most headings
have no indent (as they are now), and all others have the same indent
as each other, say 1/2 or 1cm or whatever.

Change the text styles likewise.  Basically, because they are not going
into the TOC, they can all just degenerate to un-indented text
and indented text.

It happens that any given heading is followed by the corresponding text.
Change it so that any given heading (except the top one)
is followed by indented text.

As the only text below a given heading, create a frame.
Within the frame, enter whatever text is necessary.
When appropriate, enter a lower-level heading.

Immediately following any heading, insert a new frame,
whose width is smaller than the previous one by whatever is necessary.
This requires some figuring -- I can't see a way to make this automatic.
Anchor it as character.  It will then line up where it's supposed to be.

Oh.  And remove the default border from each frame.

Continue ad absurdum.

I have to say that while this works, and is better than the original
alternative, it's still pretty awkward.
So, I'm going to look into Outline style,
as suggested by John Kaufmann.

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[users] Re: new default template never set, or is ignored

2008-05-14 Thread Kenn Goutal


This is a known bug

Vote for it

Okay, I have now done that.

It was disheartening to find that although I am allowed 5 votes
for the Word processor component, I can't allocate them all
to this one issue that repeatedly causes me grief.

Also, I encountered something odd about the help page.
Under How many votes do I have? it says:
|   The number of votes each user has is determined by the site
|   administrator. You can view your votes, check the number
|   you've been given and adjust votes as necessary by entering
|   Issue Tracking and clicking on the My Votes link on the
|   Issue Tracking navigation bar.
However, when I do that, I find myself on the page that lists
how many votes I am allowed for each component (but not for each
issue), but it does not show how many votes I am allowed overall,
which is something I wanted to know and the wording
of this section of the Help page seems to indicate is on that page.

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[users] idxexample.sdw

2008-05-12 Thread Kenn Goutal

I just started receiving this message
when I try to create a new table of contents:

The file, internal/idxexample.sdw in the

user/template path could not be found.

I've done some combing of the web, found this topic raised
(although usually not in the context of WinXP),
but no solutions given.

Can anyone suggest where I can get a new copy of that file?

Also, why is it a .SDW file, when it's OpenOffice 2.0.x that I'm running,
not v1.x.x or StarOffice?

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[users] new default template never set, or is ignored

2008-05-12 Thread Kenn Goutal

[OO.o 2.0 on WinXP + SP2]

In My Documents, I right-click, get a context menu.
I select New.
I select OpenOffice.org Text Document
A new window opens, with an empty OO.o text document in it.
I change the margine from the default of .79 all around to .50 all around.
I type in a few lines of text, e.g.

This is Heading One
This is text one.  This is text one.  This is text one.
This is Heading Two
This is text two.  This is text two.  This is text two.
This is Heading Three
This is text three.  This is text three.  This is text three.
This is Heading Four
This is text four.  This is text four.  This is text four.
This is Heading Five
This is text five.  This is text five.  This is text five.

I do Modify Paragraph on each of the lines,
  changing the indents, leading above and leading after, font face,
  bold, underline, italic, ensure that all are flush-left
  (w/r/t their respective indents).
I open the Styles and Formatting window with F11.
For each line, I select it, and in the Styles and Formatting window
  I click New Style from Selection, and assign it a name
  (rather than modify any existing styles).
When it appears that the page is formatted the way I want it
  and the styles are defined the way I want them,
  I click on the File menu, select Templates |, select Save ...,
  and enter a new Template Name.
I again click on the File menu, again select Templates |,
  but then select Organize 
The Template Management window is displayed.
The folder My Templates is shown in the left-hand panel.
My now-empty, but still-open new document is listed in the right-hand panel.
I double-click on My Templates.
The new template name is displayed (along with a previously-defined template).
I click on the name of my new template.
I click on [Commands].
I select Set as Default Template.
I click on [Close].
The Template Management window disappears.
I close the window with the now-empty, but still-open new document.
In My Documents, I right-click, get a context menu.
I select New.
I select OpenOffice.org Text Document
A new window opens, with an empty OO.o text document in it.
--  The margins are still set to the default .79 all around,
not the .50 I set in the template
that I subsequently defined as my default.
--  None of the new styles are present,
that I defined in the template
that I subsequently defined as my default.

I have tried this over and over again,
being as careful as I can be at each step, with the same result --
the new template is not used as the default.

I have checked to make sure that the new template
is going into %APPDATA%\OpenOffice.org2\user\template,
and have used Tools - Options ... - OpenOffice.org - Paths - Templates
and confirmed that it is the same folder;
this accords with the fact that when I open the organizer,
the new template is in fact in the My Templates folder,
and I can click on it to select it.

I do note, however, certain contradictions in naming:
The type of Defaults is simply Templates (plural).
The actual path is %APPDATA\OO.o2\user\template (singular)
The Template Management window calls that folder
My Templates (prefix My , plural).
Is this really as it should be?

Anyone have any idea what is going wrong here?

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[users] save individual new style to existing template?

2008-05-09 Thread Kenn Goutal

Suppose I'm in the throes of creating a document
that was originally created from my default template.
By now I've added lots of text in a variety of formats,
with tables, footnotes, the lot.

In the course of this, I have found that several lines (paragraphs) merit
their own new style, so I format one of them, create a new style from it,
and apply that style to the other paragraphs of that sort.
(Or maybe it's a character style -- doesn't really matter.)

Then I realize that this is a style that I'm going to want to include
in all future documents, so I'd like to include it in my default template.

Obviously (I hope), I don't want to turn the current document
into the new default template, because then it would include all this text,
not to mention some styles I may have created
that are specific to this document.

I just want to put this one specific style into the default template.

Is this possible?

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[users] template doesn't 'take'

2008-04-28 Thread Kenn Goutal

I'm using OO.o v2.0 on WinXP + SP2.

I have defined a template,
consisting primarily of a few new paragraph styles
but also instantly recognizable by having 1/2 margins on all sides
(versus the .79 default margins).

I have followed the instructions in the Help menu as best I can --
the descriptions of what *should* appear don't always match what
*does* appear -- and the template is always ignored,
and I get what appears to be the default format / styles / what-have-you.

I can provide details of every step I have taken,
but basically it's every step delineated in the Help texts,
to the extent that they explain what to do.
My notes on this are very detailed, very long, and very boring.

*Roughly* speaking, I have done the following:
  * Specify where I want to store my template(s), using:
  Tools - Options - OO.o - Paths
  * Create a new document.
  * Define a page format, some paragraph styles, and some character styles.
  * Save the file as a template, using:
  File - Templates - Save.
  * Create a new document, expecting it to use the template, but it doesn't.

Anything obvious that I'm missing?
Any subtle points I may not know about?

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[users] Re: style organizer in separate window?

2008-04-18 Thread Kenn Goutal

Dave Barton wrote:

Yes I am afraid you are missing the obvious ;) With the Stylist panel 
open, just left click in a space around the icons at the top of the 
panel, then drag it away from the side of the main window. Hey Presto! 
You have a floating window.

((( oh )))
Well, I'm glad I asked.  I feel a little silly,
but I would never have guessed it on my own.

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[users] styles for Calc ?

2008-04-17 Thread Kenn Goutal

Nearly always, I like to have my spreadsheets look a certain way.

I like to have all the cells have top-left alignment, with no wrapping,
no borders, default colours, default font, etc --
*except* the column headers (cells in the first row that are not empty)
in which case I want them to have bottom-left alignment, with no wrapping
1pt (?) black borders around each cell, boldface,
nd a special background colour.

On one hand, I'd like to have every new sheet
be created with these characteristics, by default.

I'd like these formats to be associated either with the row or the column,
*and* be conditional on whether there's a value in the cell.
I really don't want to specify that the entire first row
be populated by cells that look like blank column headers --
especially given that (I believe) this would make the sheet infinitely wide,
making it hard to print.

But on any given sheet, I could override these formats.

Anybody have any ideas how to accomplish anything like this?

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[users] style organizer in separate window?

2008-04-14 Thread Kenn Goutal

Perhaps my memory is faulty, but I thought *sure* that OO.o writer
used to have a way to bring up the style organizer in a separate window.
Did it?

I cannot find a way to do this at this time -- whenever I bring it up,
it always shows up as a sort of sidebar to the main text window.

I can minimize is to that it takes up nearly no room at all,
but if I want to use it, it uses up maybe 2 of the width of the window.
(Give or take, depending on how I resize it,
but 2 is about the minimum necessary.)

I looked in the help menu, but it just told me how to start the style
organizer such that it comes up in that same fashion.

Am I missing something obvious?

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[users] Re: Insert character with code on Windows

2008-04-01 Thread Kenn Goutal

Jim Allan wrote:

That is exactly what happens. The Windows ALT-numeric keypad method only 
works when Num Lock is on. Quick Unicode Tool allows you to not worry 
about that.

 (. . .)
Reasons are only historic. Originally the IBM PC keyboard only had the 
numeric keypad which doubled as a cursor pad.

(. . .)
Quick Unicode Input Tool does does work with the main key block when you 
enter in hex mode. But you must start hex mode with Alt-Numpad-Period, 
not Alt-Regular-Period

Thanks for confirming what I believed to be useful information
(sometimes I think I spread more dis-information that useful stuff),
and thanks also for those clarifications.

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[users] Re: Insert character with code on Windows

2008-03-31 Thread Kenn Goutal

Harold Fuchs wrote:

While we are talking about that utility, can you explain why the Only 
when Numlock is ON option does not seem to have any effect on anything; 
what is that option supposed to do?

Is that Only when Numlock is ON
with regard to the “Quick Unicode Input Tool”?
I haven't downloaded or tried that, so I can't comment on that.

However, if the statement Only when Numlock is ON
is in reference to the ALT+0nnn method, then the explanation is simple:
without the NumLock being ON, the keys of the numeric keypad
transmit codes that mean things like Home, Up, Pg Up, ... Insert.
That is, the numeric-keypad keys duplicate the functions of the
cursor-control keys (if you have those) and the little block of 6 keys above 
that (if you have that) for Insert, Home, PageUp,

and Delete, End, PageDown.

(Why these non-numeric functions need to be on the numeric keypad
*if* your keyboard already has those other key blocks, I cannot imagine.)

I had *thought* that it worked to use the digits across the top
of the main key block (with the letters and punctuation etc),
but apparently not.

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[users] Re: transfer calc data to base ?

2008-03-31 Thread Kenn Goutal

Brian Barker wrote:

I hesitate to be blunt, but yes: you did!  

Oh.  Sigh.  Wouldn't be the first time over the course of several decades
that I misunderstood something.  It does happen sometimes.
Always handy to be open to that possibility.
Glad you felt bold enough to just say so.  B-]

Registering a database means 
simply that you can access the data in its tables and queries from 
Writer or Calc documents.  

Oh.  Cool!  or, as my grandchildren (if I had any) would say, kewl.

I trust this helps.

It does.  The term register carries a lot of freight or baggage
mostly associated with registering software in order to be allowed to use it,
or registering a car, or registering to vote, or all that other
centralized bossy stuff.
I expect I would not have been so easily misled
if some other term had been chosen.
(And, no, I can't think what that might have been off the top of my head.)

Anyway, thanks!

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[users] Re: transfer calc data to base ?

2008-03-30 Thread Kenn Goutal

Drew Jensen wrote:
(...) which version of OOo 
you are using and which flavor of Windows?

OO.o v2.0.0.12

Windows XP + SP2 -- can't seem to find more precise info on this.

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[users] Re: transfer calc data to base ?

2008-03-30 Thread Kenn Goutal

Brian Barker wrote:

(. . .)

I wanted to address this second suggestion first:

Alternatively, if you have registered your new database as a data source 

I remember seeing this go by in one wizard or other,
but I did not choose to do that --
I had the impression that it meant that my database,
or more probably just the metadata for it,
would wind up in some central OO.o registry somewhere,
and for the moment I don't think it's something for public consumption.
But maybe I missed the point entirely?

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[users] transfer calc data to base ?

2008-03-14 Thread Kenn Goutal

I have a bunch of things that I've been keeping in (OO/Calc) spreadsheets.
They're at the point where I really need to have them in databases
or, if possible, in a single database.

(They're not very closely related, but I don't want to have to open up a 
different database every time I want to enter a single piece of data,

and over the course of a single day that may mean entries into half a dozen
different spreadsheets.)

However, I've looked in the Help info in OO/Base,
and found no way to make such a transfer.

At first I thought maybe I could just have the database (or each database)
open the .ods file as a data source or some such, but didn't find that.

So then I thought that I could at least export the data from the Calc file
into a .csv file, then import that into Base.  However, when I run Base,
and open a .csv file, or I'm in Windows Explorer and click on a .csv file
and click on Open with ... Base, it opens it in Calc instead.


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[users] Re: transfer calc data to base ?

2008-03-14 Thread Kenn Goutal

Anthony Chilco wrote:

Hi Kenn,
If you create a new base file, you can copy data from a spreadsheet and 
paste it directly into a new or existing table in it. You'll have to 
enter the field names in row one if you don't already have a header in 
your spreadsheet. I've done it only one or twice, so I'm not sure of the 
exact steps, but it seemed straightforward at the time.

Seems plausible.
I can't seem to find what in Excel would be called data-sheet view,
or any way to just have a big empty table into which I can paste things.

I wound up creating a table equivalent to one of my spreadsheets,
with the same number of columns and datatypes (plus the key).
I then clicked it open, and got a table with one empty row;
maybe that's the data-sheet view I was looking for.  Anyway ...
I selected the 8 rows and 8 columns from my spreadsheet, copied them,
then pasted them into the new table.
It wound up putting *all* the data into the first column of the first row.

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[users] Re: transfer calc data to base ?

2008-03-14 Thread Kenn Goutal

Here's a similar idea I tried:
Open the Calc file to the spreadsheet in question.
Open the Base file and click on the Tables icon.
Select the rows and columns I want from the spreadsheet,
  including column headings.
Drag to the selection to the Base window,
  to the lower panel on the right, currently titled Tables.
I get a dialog box titled Copy table.
  I let it use the default table name (lazy me),
  and leave (O) Definition and data checked.
  I click [ Next ].
I get a dialog box titled Apply columns.
  I click [  ] to copy all the Existing columns
to the new database table.
  I click [ Next ].
I get a dialog box titled Type formatting.
  Strangely, even the date field, which was of type date
in the spreadsheet, has been converted to VARCHAR,
along with all the other values, which are integers.
With a table this 'narrow', not a show-stopper,
  but surprising and annoying that it didn't figure out
  that it DATE was appropriate for fields with dates in them
  and that INTEGER would be a good choice for fields
  that have only integers in them.
Then I notice the Automatic type recognition box,
  and click [ Auto ].  That causes all (!) fields
  to be converted to type DOUBLE.
  But to continue:
  I fix up all the Field Types.
  I click [ Create ].
I get a popup titled Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library,
(X) Runtime Error!
Program: C:\...\soffice.BIN
abnormal program termination
That sure *looked* like a good way to do it, but I guess not.

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[users] Calc -- monthname() function

2008-02-16 Thread Kenn Goutal

It appears that, in my version at least,
there is no function that, given a number 1..12,
returns the name of the corresponding month.

Am I missing something?

Failing to find one, I tried to fetch the i-th element
of an 12-row column of month names,
but I'm apparently not clever enough to code that.


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[users] Calc + forms ?

2007-11-17 Thread Kenn Goutal

Suppose I have a .ods file with one sheet already in it,
with one row each person (or whatever)
and many columns per row, one column for each attribute.

Is it possible to create a form on another sheet in the .ods file?
If so, how?
Are there any special requirements or prerequisites?

I thought that it might be, so while I was in Calc
I brought up the Help system, and looked for Forms,
and there were a few dozen topics under that heading.
And, indeed, I can display the various forms-related toolbars,
but (for me) they are unresponsive.

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[users] template for folded tri-fold ?

2007-10-27 Thread Kenn Goutal

Does anyone have a Writer (.odt) template (.ott) for a tri-fold-folded-in-half?
That is, for document made by folding an A4/letterhead sheet in half,
*then* into thirds, with the result of 6 little (2.85x3.67) pages?

Or, alternatively, for a half-letterhead (5.5x8.5) piece of cardstock,
folded into thirds, with three of those little pages *on each side*?

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[users] spurious words for autocompletion

2007-10-10 Thread Kenn Goutal

I keep having things added to my autocompletion (?) list
in any given document, that shouldn't be there.
For example, in one document, I type:
and it autocompletes as
I understand that at some point I must have (erroneously)
typed that into the document. But how do I get rid of it?

I've looked under Tools-Options-Language Settings-Writing Aids,
and under Tools-Options-OpenOffice.org Writer Formatting Aids,
but haven't found the answer there.

It seems to come and go, so it is not reproducible.
What usually happens is that I open a completely new document,
or perhaps open an old document and save it as a new one and continue editing,
and am very surprised when Writer starts autocompleting things
completely out of context.

One possibile scenario is that I have open one document and then,
while the first document is still open, open a second document;
the second document seems to inherit the autocompletion (?) list
from the first.

The Help text for AutoComplete seemed to refer
only to autocompletion in dialogs.

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[users] ng names

2007-10-08 Thread Kenn Goutal

What's the difference between

That is, what sort of posts should go in each?

Could someone in each group post the group's charter
or general description, and maybe links to the appropriate FAQ, etc,
once a month?

Some newsgroups used to do this.  Maybe some still do.  I found it useful.
It wouldn't be hard (especially nowadays) for old hands to filter them out,
while newer folks could see them periodically until they got it straight.

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[users] wanted: face conversion as part of cell format

2007-10-08 Thread Kenn Goutal

I think it would be really helpful
if lettercase could be part of the cell format,
probably under the /Font Effects\ tab.

Being able to change the case of selected cells, on the spot,
is certainly a good thing, and should probably be retained.
But I constantly find myself having to go back and re-case individual cells
because they've been changed by some other action,
or because they belong to a new row in a column whose format is defined
(or belong to a new column in a row whose format is defined).

Is there already a way to do this, and I'm just not seeing it?
If not, is anyone else thinking along these lines?
Is anyone contemplating adding such a feature?
*Would* anyone undertake to add such a feature?

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[users] more lettercases wanted

2007-10-08 Thread Kenn Goutal

I think it would be really helpful
if there were more lettercase options besides just Uppercase and Lowercase.
I really miss sentence case and title case from M$-Office.
(Toggle case is also useful, if only rarely.)

Is there already a way to do this, and I'm just not seeing it?
If not, is anyone else thinking along these lines?
Is anyone contemplating adding such a feature?
*Would* anyone undertake to add such a feature?

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[users] lettercase item on right-click menu

2007-10-08 Thread Kenn Goutal

I think it would be really helpful
if there were a Lettercase ... item
on the right-click menu for selected text.

Is anyone else thinking along these lines?
Is anyone contemplating adding such a feature?
*Would* anyone undertake to add such a feature?

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[users] Re: ng names

2007-10-08 Thread Kenn Goutal

NoOp wrote:

It is rather confusing isn't it?

This IS interesting, and helpful.
I almost didn't see the Newsgroup column (and a couple to the left of it)
as I do not ordinarily run with my browser maximized.
Not sure how the table could be narrower,
except to have a separate equivalent mailing-list -- newsgroup table
(and reverse table in previous section on newsgroups).

For questions relating to the use of OpenOffice.org (the application). A
very popular and effective list. This list is in English. For
non-English help resources, see the Native-Lang project lists below.
= news://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.openoffice.questions
(. . .)
This list is intended for discussions on OpenOffice.org and Open Source.
(. . .)
= news://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.openoffice.general

Okay, that's clear enough.

It would be nice if OOo asked gmane to (. . .)
rename  [gmane.comp.openoffice.questions] to

rename  [gmane.comp.openoffice.general] to
[These] request[s] can only come from OOo.
You might want to submit an RFE to that effect.

I'll try that.  Thanks.

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[users] Re: more lettercases wanted

2007-10-08 Thread Kenn Goutal

Paul wrote:

I really miss sentence case and title case from M$-Office.
(. . .)

There is more than just upper and lower. Check out the settings of a
paragraph style under 'font effects'.

Ah.  I see it now.
I would never have thought of looking in a menu called simply Effects,
especially given that the only values are lettercase effects.
Probably just relabeling that field would be an improvement.

Also, I notice that this option is available for OOo Text documents,
but not for Calc documents.

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[users] Re: ng names

2007-10-08 Thread Kenn Goutal

 It would be nice if OOo asked gmane to (. . .)
 rename  [gmane.comp.openoffice.questions] to
   news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.openoffice.users [and]
 rename  [gmane.comp.openoffice.general] to
 [These] request[s] can only come from OOo.
 You might want to submit an RFE to that effect.

Actually, I'm rather out of my depth with the latter.
What's an RFE?  (Request For Enhancement?)
Where and how can I submit one?

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[users] Re: Is there a 1/2 space or how can I create one??

2007-09-15 Thread Kenn Goutal

William Case wrote:


I am writing up some explanations regarding bits, bytes and words.

The usual and normal practise seems to be the following:

1001 1100 1110 0111  1010 0011 1100 0001  ... etc.
^^^^ ^^^^
  half spaces  |   half spaces  |
   full space   full space 

Is there such a thing as a Unicode ½space or do I have to write a Writer
macro to shrink the character width of the full space character.

I think what you are looking for are what are called Em-space and 
En-space, referring to the widths of the letters m and n.

The Unicode for these are U+2003 and U+2002, respectively.

Here's a nice reference:

And another:

However, when I enter these into OO.o Writer, using a Unicode font
(e.g. Arial Unicode MS):

The em-space is displayed as a pair of vertical bars descending from the top
of the row of letters to the midline,
and there joined by a horizontal bar that extends to the right,
looking rather like a pair of small capital Ls;

and the en-space is displayed as a pair of vertical bars ascending from
the bottom of the row of letters to the midline,
and there joined by a horizontal line extening both left and right,
looking rather like a stilted version of the Greek letter pi.

Curiously, when I enter these same codes into MS-Word,
both are displayed simply as an empty square.

Perhaps someone else can shed some light on this.

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[users] Re: momzbday

2007-09-14 Thread Kenn Goutal

Kenn Goutal wrote:
 (. . .)

I'm not even sure how I *could* have done this *once*, let alone twice.
My apologies to the group.

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[users] Re: Alice and old DOS stuff

2007-09-14 Thread Kenn Goutal

Kenn Goutal wrote:
 (. . .)

I'm not even sure how I *could* have done this *once*, let alone twice.
My apologies to the group.

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[users] template on Explorer context menu?

2007-09-13 Thread Kenn Goutal

Say ...
On M$-Windows (e.g. WinXP),
is there a way to add a certain OO.o *template* to the Explorer context menu?
For instance, I currently have something like:

-OpenOffice.org Spreadsheet
-OpenOffice.org Text document

I'd like to be able to do:
-OpenOffice.org MyEnvelope
-OpenOffice.org MyPersonalLetter
-OpenOffice.org MyFunctionalSpec

The benefit is that it would bypass the step of creating a new
OpenOffice.org Text document, only to turn around and, in Writer,
do File-New-Templates and Documents-Templates-MyEnvelope etc,
leaving an empty New OpenOffice.org Text document.odt in the folder.

Just popped into my head, and seemed like a worthwhile idea.
Can anybody think of a way to do this?

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[users] Alice and old DOS stuff

2007-09-13 Thread Kenn Goutal

When you get a chance ...

Could you look on your disk and see if there are any folders or files
that were copies of or in any way related to the old //alice system?

Likewise, anything that might be related to the hard drives
that were copies of or in any way related to the old, old DOS/Win3.11 
machine, back in Londonderry?

I can't even remember what those would be called.
The names would probably say something like fm_... or from_...,
and/or disks, drives, or even tapes.
It's entirely possible that these would be ZIP files.


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[users] momzbday

2007-09-13 Thread Kenn Goutal

Did you get anything for Mom for her birthday?

I'm thinking of downloading a copy of the latest version of PSP,
and putting it on a CD, and wrapping that up.

Maybe a copy of Picasa, too, even though that's free.

I've got Wacom drawing tablets tagged at Newegg.
They're pretty expensive except for the 3x5 size,
and I wasn't sure it would get here in time.
So I'm going to see if one goes on sale between now and Christmas.

Any other ideas for now, though?

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[users] Writer: organizing templates

2007-09-06 Thread Kenn Goutal

I'm having a hard time understanding how to organize my Writer templates.
I don't want many, just two or four.
But in the meantime, I'm rather confused.

This is using v2.0 on WinXP+SP2 on an AMD box.

Here is an Explorer listing of all the template files I have created
(and kept) up to this point:
The file kgg_sans.ott is the template that I want to use by default.
(I will probably create another one called kgg_serif.ott later.)
The file Untitled2.ott is a by-product of some experiment last night.

I then created a Writer document, and at a point in time
I had an existing OO.o file already open (a spreadsheet),
then clicking File-New-Templates and Documents.
The resulting dialog box is shown here:
I clicked on the kgg template, and then clicked on [Open].
This resulted in an open Writer document apparently named Untitled1.

I clicked on File-Templates-Organize,
and here is the resulting Template Management dialog:

At this point I notice that:
  a.  While I have a template file called Untitled2.ott,
  I don't see a *template* (in the Template Management dialog)
  named Untitled2.
  b.  While I have templates (in the Template Management dialog)
  named kgp_bizcards and profiles,
  I don't see any template *files* by those names.
(The templates kgp_bizcards and profiles are not completely junk;
they were previous attempts to create templates.
Somehow I was able to create the templates and store them *somewhere*
without actually storing them in .OTT files.)

Would someone be willing to explain to me what's going on here?
If this is already covered elsewhere, of course, just point me to it.

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[users] Re: Calc: Recovery in progress

2007-08-21 Thread Kenn Goutal

Guy Voets wrote:

Can't you just say 'Annul' when on opening OOo proposes to recover
that spreadsheet?

I'm guessing that's the same as Cancel in the en-us locale?
If so, yes, I finally tried that, but that appears to have canceled
recovering *all* spreadsheets that were open
at the time that the offending spreadsheet hung.

Backing up a bit:
At a certain point in time, I had three spreadsheet files open.
Call them A.ods, B.ods, and C.ods, or just A, B, and C.
They were all doing fine,
and occasionally I would change something in one or the other of them.
Then, looking for a spreadsheet I knew I had *somewhere* with certain kinds 
of information in it, I opened up Z.ods, thinking that might be it.

It wasn't.
It reported that various .gif (or some kind of image) files were missing,
but eventually came up, but then it froze up.
When I tried to close it with the [X] in the window, it did nothing.
Furthermore, when I tried to close any of the *other spreadsheets,
I couldn't close them either.
When I checked the Task Manager, OO.o was Not responding.  (Big Duh!)
When I told the Task Manager to kill off that application,
it reported that it couldn't because that application was not responding.
  (Stupid M$-Windows!  Don't ask permission from the application!
   Just remove it from the run queue!  Oops.  Sorry.)
Eventually it did manage to kill off the OO.o application,
but it left *all four* spreadsheet files -- A, B, C, *and* Z --
needing to be recovered.

As I say, I eventually did click Cancel, and it proceeded to open whatever
spreadsheet it was that I wanted (A, or B, or maybe G or something),
but I have no idea how much, if any, data in A, B, or C was lost
that was never recovered.

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[users] Calc: Could not find Help page.

2007-08-20 Thread Kenn Goutal

Trying to get help on topics such as
by name
to cells
and getting:

Could not find Help page.
Unfortunately the Help page you selected was not found.
The following data could be helpful in locating the error:

Help ID: text%2Fscalc%2Fguide%2Frelativ_absolut_ref.xhp

We apologize for any inconvenience.
Click  Back to return to the previous page.

Is it saying that a certain OO.o-formatted help file is missing entirely?
Or maybe just in the wrong place?
If it's in the wrong place, any idea where it would be *likely* to be?
Otherwise, where can a get a fresh copy,
and where should I put it?

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[users] Re: Calc: Could not find Help page.

2007-08-20 Thread Kenn Goutal

Oh, sorry.  Thanks, Harold.

This is OO.o 2.0 on WinXP+SP2.

The Help About thing doesn't get more specific about the version number.

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[users] Calc: Recovery in progress

2007-08-20 Thread Kenn Goutal

OO.o v2.0 on WinXP+SP2.

I have a spreadsheet that I created that, when I open it now, doesn't open 
It causes Calc to hang.  The Windows Task Manager shows:
OpenOffice.org 2.0 Not Responding
OpenOffice.org 2.0 Not Responding
At this point, any attempt to open any of my spreadsheets fails,
because it tries to recover this one, and hangs.
(Surely there's a way to tell it to skip trying to recover it.)

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[users] Re: Your software is being illegally sold

2007-08-20 Thread Kenn Goutal

Pueblo Native wrote:

Mark Clementi wrote:

I like using open office so I was kinda pissed off when I saw this site.

might I add that if you were to do a search
on selling OpenOffice (such as the one here:
You'd find the answer without repeating a question that has been
answered umpteen times already.

Anybody have a Thunderbird (or other) filter to throw messages
ranting about illegally selling OO.o into the Junque folder?
This has got to be the single most-posted question/comment/flame
in any of the OO.o groups.

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[users] Calc: transporting styles

2007-08-10 Thread Kenn Goutal

In Calc:
I have a couple of new styles I have defined,
and now I want to make them available to all future spreadsheets.
(And past one too, if possible.)
I've looked at the Organizer, but there doesn't seem to be any way there
to move styles in and out of style libraries (or whatever they're called)
as in Certain Other software.
How do I do this?

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[users] Re: How to modify default style.

2007-08-08 Thread Kenn Goutal

Erik P. Olsen wrote:

I am running OpenOffice 2.0.2 on linux fedora 5.
Every time I want to create a new document a sort of system template by 
the name Untitled1 is opened specifying a font (Lucida Handwriting) 
that I dislike and US-English spellcheck. I would like to modify 
OpenOffice so that Untitled1 specifies Helvetica and Danish 
spellcheck. How do I accomplish that?

I'm running OO.o 2.0 on WinXP+SP2.
I've had similar issues, though not as bad is Erik's.
When I create a new text document (.odt),
the default font seems to be Times New Roman.
I haven't bothered to check the spelling settings,
because I usually don't bother with it.
(With apologies to _Mystery Men_:  I am The Speller.  I spell *really* well.)
However, I find the default *paragraph* settings to be not to my liking.

I poked around and found a folder/directory called:
...\OpenOffice.org 2.0\share\template\en-US
I looked in some of the subdirectories, e.g. internal,
and found html.stw and idxexample,
but those both came up with a default font I've never heard of: Thorndale.
This certainly doesn't correspond to what I get when I open a new document.

So ...  Where should we look to change the settings
so as to change default fonts, default paragraphs, default spelling, etc?

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[users] Re: Calc: way to add colors to background palette?

2007-08-07 Thread Kenn Goutal

Kenn Goutal wrote:

I want to set the background color of some cells to green,
but the range of available greens is limited.

Some are so dark that it's hard to see the text.
(No, I don't want to have to the change the text color
every time I change the background color.)

Some are eye-searingly bright (e.g. green 8).

I'm looking for something in the line of a pastel,
a color that is green in the way that yellow 2 is yellow
or orange 4 is orange.

Is there a way I can change or add to the colors in the palette?

I just wanted to say Thank You to all those who replied:
Frode Petersen
Brian Barker
S. Sakthivel
Jonathon Blake
Brian Parker directed me to:
Tools | Options... | OpenOffice.org | Colours
I made sure that the unlabeled spinner box displayed RGB and not CMYK.
Then I entered the *decimal* R,G,B values into the fields labeled R, G, and 
Then I clicked the [Add] button.
This may or may not have displayed a popup saying that the chosen color name
was already in use;  if so, I clicked [OK], and entered a new name when asked,
and clicked [OK] in that dialog box.

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[users] Calc: displays formulas, not values

2007-08-07 Thread Kenn Goutal

The following has happened briefly from time to time,
and I've never followed up on it, just worked around it.
A couple days ago, working on a new sheet in a new .ODS file,
has happened again, and has persisted.

I have about half a dozen columns, all specified as Text (@).
Into column A, I put the values I have at hand --
strings of digits separated by various kinds of punctuation.
In column D I have put a formulat involving a lot of SUBSTITUTE functions
that removes all of the punctuation.
As intended, the column displays the strings from column A
with all the punctuation stripped out.

However, in Column H I entered a formula to select just a substring
(using the MID function);
instead of displaying the substring, it displays the *formula itself*.

In another column, I entered a different formula to select a different substring
(using the RIGHT function);  again,
instead of displaying the substring, it displays the *formula itself*.

I've checked and checked again, and all the cells in all the columns
appear to have the same format, including Number, Font, Font Effects,
Alignment, Borders, Background, and Cell Protection.

Anyone have any idea what might be the problem,
or something in particular I should check for?


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[users] Calc: TEXT fcn: FORMAT arg

2007-08-07 Thread Kenn Goutal

Boy, I'm having a bad (extended) day!  Sorry ...
I want to use the TEXT function in Calc.
I left-click on the cell I want to use.
The formula/value (?) bar comes up empty.
I left-click on the that is to the right of the Sigma and to the left of the 
value field.
An equals sign appears at the beginning (left-most end) of the value field.
I left-click on the f(x) button.
The function wizard comes up.
I double-left-click on the TEXT function in the Function selector field.
The dialog for the TEXT function appears in the right-hand portion of the box.
There are two arguments.
I left-click in the number field,
  and then left-click on the cell whose contents I want to format.
I left-click on the Format field,
  and then I am lost ... ... ...
What sort of string do I put in there?
Should the string be quoted, or not?
What sort of things go in the string,
  to cause digits, letters, and/or literal punctuation to come out in the 

Thanks again.

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[users] Calc: way to add colors to background palette?

2007-08-06 Thread Kenn Goutal

I want to set the background color of some cells to green,
but the range of available greens is limited.

Some are so dark that it's hard to see the text.
(No, I don't want to have to the change the text color
every time I change the background color.)

Some are eye-searingly bright (e.g. green 8).

I'm looking for something in the line of a pastel,
a color that is green in the way that yellow 2 is yellow
or orange 4 is orange.

Is there a way I can change or add to the colors in the palette?

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[users] spurious words for autocompletion

2007-07-15 Thread Kenn Goutal

I keep having things added to my autocompletion list in any given document,
that shouldn't be there.
For example, in one document, I type:
and it autocompletes as
I can see that at some point I must have (erroneously) typed that into the 
But how do I get rid of it?

I've looked under Tools-Options-Language Settings-Writing Aids,
and under Tools-Options-OpenOffice.org Writer Formatting Aids,
but haven't found the answer there.

The Help text for AutoComplete seemed to refer only to autocompletion is 

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[users] Re: Calc: null toolbar that will not go away

2007-06-09 Thread Kenn Goutal

Anthony Chilco wrote:

That's the settings for that particular (3d settings) toolbar.

 Click the picklist arrow and look for a toolbar with no name.

There is no toolbar in that list with no name.

 There are thirty-three in my list.

Yes, that's the count I have as well.

 You should see one blank line... that will be the empty, unnamed toolbar.

But, again, there is no blank line.

p.s. I tried looking for a config file by adding a toolbar and searching 
for a modified file in the install directory. No luck.

Drat!  Well, thanks for thinking of that, and trying it.  :-)

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[users] Re: Calc: null toolbar that will not go away

2007-06-09 Thread Kenn Goutal

Manfred J. Krause wrote:

Please have a look at

May be there is something like 'custom_toolbar_1.xml' ...

Sure enough!  There are:
The first two seem to describe two toolbars that I created for myself.
The 3rd and 4th I am guessing are my *modified* versions
of the formtextobject toolbar and the standard toolbar.

I find it interesting that there is a custom...1 and a custom...3,
but no custom...2.  Perhaps OOo is inferring that there *should* be
a custom...2, and displays it as empty, lacking any information for it.
I will investigate.

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[users] Re: Calc: null toolbar that will not go away

2007-06-08 Thread Kenn Goutal

Russell Butler wrote:

If you look on View - Toolbars is anything odd checked there?

No.  The toolbars that are checked are
two that I created, then Formatting, Standard, and Formula.
If I uncheck each one, the expected toolbar disappears;
the empty one does not disappear.

What OOo version are you using and what OS?

Good point.  OO.o 2.0, on WinXP + SP2.

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[users] Re: Calc: null toolbar that will not go away

2007-06-08 Thread Kenn Goutal

Kenn Goutal wrote:

Can anyone suggest how to get rid of it?

Is there a configuration file somewhere that I can examine with an editor
and look for (and maybe correct) the problem there?

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[users] Re: Calc: null toolbar that will not go away

2007-06-08 Thread Kenn Goutal

Anthony Chilco wrote:

It looks like you've named the new toolbar with a space or no 

That sounds plausible.

Usually, the toolbar name appears to the left of the down 
arrow in its top bar. 

Yes, I can see that if I drag my other toolbars off the toolbar region.

Try clicking that arrow and select 'Customize Toolbar'.

 On the customize dialogue 'Toolbars' page, you should see
nothing in the 'Toolbar' picklist and in the 'Commands' list. 

in the OpenOffice.org Calc Toolbars section
the Toolbar field contains 3D-Settings,
and in the Toolbar Content section
the Commands field shows Extrusion On/Of ... 3D Color,
and they are all checked.


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[users] Re: Calc: eval fcn and store value

2007-06-02 Thread Kenn Goutal

TerryJ wrote:

There is a date/time extension or macro on www.ooomacros.org.

Thank you.  I hadn't heard about this site until I read another post
a few minutes ago.

 The following script will serve.

Thanks for posting an actual script, *with instructions*, no less!  :-D

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[users] Re: Calc: eval fcn and store value

2007-06-02 Thread Kenn Goutal

Andy Pitonyak wrote:

Brian Barker wrote:

 At 17:28 01/06/2007 -0400, Kenn Goutal wrote:
 (. . .)
 Here's a sequence that will get today's date as a fixed value into a cell:
 (. . .)

If you want this as a macro, I think that my free macro document
AndrewMacro.odt has an example of this.

Thank you both, Brian and Andy.
I will try this (as well as TerryJ's solution).
I have a copy of AndrewMacro.odt already, so I'll look at it again.

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[users] Calc: eval fcn and store value

2007-06-01 Thread Kenn Goutal

In Calc, I want to be able to store the VALUE of the current date -- whatever 
it is --
into a particular cell, such that at some future date it will still show 
today's date.

That is, if today is June 1, 2007, I want to store *that*,
not an expression that today evaluates to that
and tomorrow evaluates to June 2, 2007
and next week evaluates to June 8, 2007.

I mean, I can probably look somewhere else on my monitor, note the time,
and type it in by hand, but that (for me) is error-prone.

So I'd rather roll up whatever would do this into a macro of some kind,
bind it to a key or an icon on a toolbar, and use that.

Is this possible?

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[users] run macro field

2007-03-16 Thread Kenn Goutal

What does run macro field do?
I can't find it in the Help section, nor via Google,
except that ^* is a shortcut for it.

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[users] Re: run macro field

2007-03-16 Thread Kenn Goutal

TerryJ wrote:

Kenn Goutal wrote:

What does run macro field do?
I can't find it in the Help section, nor via Google,
except that ^* is a shortcut for it.

Where did you find it?  Tools Macros Run Macro is as close as I can get. 
And where do you find that shortcut?

Tools - Customize - /Toolbars\ - [Add...] - +-BASIC

Seems like every question I ask here,
the answer is always You could write a macro to do that,
so I thought I'd look into it,
and started by putting together a toolbar with the macro functions on it.
That's where I found them.

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[users] shell out or pipe from Writer?

2007-03-15 Thread Kenn Goutal

Is there a way from within Writer to shell out,
and execute a command in the local shell w/o leaving Writer?

Is there a way from within Writer to pipe a section of text
out to a shell command (or batch file or similar construct)
and return the results in place of the original text?

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[users] Writer: Is there a way to superimpose or overstrike two characters

2007-02-28 Thread Kenn Goutal
In Writer, is there a way to superimpose or overstrike two arbitrary 

I know that, with certain options set,
Writer will replace the string 1/2 with a single character,
consisting of the 1 and the 2 made small and separated by a diagonal 

I'm looking for a way to take, say X and Y,
and combine them so that they appear as a single character,
with X as a small superscript above and Y as a small subscript 
directly below,

sort of like this:

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[users] how to meddle with dictionaries

2007-02-27 Thread Kenn Goutal
I recently had occasion to want to meddle with the lists being used by 

for autocompletion (are these the dictionaries?) --
basically, I just wanted to throw them (or just mine) out and start over.

I poked around and found
Application Data\OpenOffice.org2\user\autocorr\acor_en-US.dat
Application Data\OpenOffice.org2\user\autotext\mytexts.bau
Is one of these the file(s) I should be looking at?

In any case, I found that they were some horrible binary,
with no signs of any recognizable words or other strings.
I thought OOo used XML for everything, rather than binary?

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[users] general meddling

2007-02-27 Thread Kenn Goutal

Apropos of my previous post,
is there a doc or even a simple list somewhere
explaining what each of the files in Application 

is for and, perhaps, some indication of how to interpret it?

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[users] insert image as URL

2007-02-26 Thread Kenn Goutal

In Writer, is there a way to insert an image in the text
by inserting a link to that image out on the net?

Sort of like inserting a regular link,
only instead of having a Text to go with the URL,
it would normally display as the image to which the URL refers.

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[users] Re: Open office 2.0.2 not as good as 1.1.5(.doc)

2007-02-26 Thread Kenn Goutal

TerryJ wrote:

It is no news that the software is not improving overall with new releases. 
Since 2.0.3, it seems that the releases have become increasingly
experimental and unreliable.  Bugs remain unfixed and new bugs are created. 
Whoever is in charge (if anyone is) seems not to have a clue.

Hmmm.  This is not good news.  It is *not* what we need to be able to 
tell people

when we encourage them to abandon M$, especially in an office environment.

As it happens, I'm using just plain v2.0, not v2.0.2,
and it does seem to be an improvement over v1.n.
However, it does still seem to have some limitations and awkwardnesses
that I had hoped were being addressed.

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[users] Re: how to modify right-click menu?

2007-02-17 Thread Kenn Goutal

CPHennessy wrote:

On Thursday 01 February 2007 00:42, Kenn Goutal wrote:

Is there a way to modify the right-click menu?
I want to add a couple of things,
such as Insert Footnote and Insert Hyperlink.

You could write a macro to do this.

Thanks for the pointer.
Here is a URL describing this to some extent ...

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[users] how to modify right-click menu?

2007-02-01 Thread Kenn Goutal

Is there a way to modify the right-click menu?
I want to add a couple of things,
such as Insert Footnote and Insert Hyperlink.

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