Re: JMX Perform GC TOMCAT 5.5.23

2008-06-05 Thread karthikn


Pardon me for Re Posting the content ,  had posted the same  some day's ago

The Web application is simple and uses JNI to connect to UNIX LOCAL

O/s = UNIX 11 PA Risc   2 CPU
TOMCAT 5.5.23
RAM = 8 GB

JAVA_OPTS=-server -Xms200m -Xmx2548m -XX:+UseParallelGC -verbose:gc


!-- Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8080 --
   Connector port=8080 maxHttpHeaderSize=8192
  maxThreads=400 minSpareThreads=25 maxSpareThreads=75
  enableLookups=false redirectPort=8443 acceptCount=100
  connectionTimeout=1 disableUploadTimeout=true /

Am i doing wrong anything in here.

with regards

Michael Simmons wrote:

I havent used JMX so this might not be relevant
But I'd suggest the following.

1) Install jvmstat it works with java 1.6 and use Visualgc to visual
monitor the garbage collection.
   Note: you need to run tomcat as the same user as the account running
   use jps to find out the java vm ID

2) Use the server jvm (ie one in JAVA_HOME/jre/bin/server

3) Tweak your GC settings (try seeting your initial memory pool and Max
mem pool to he same value (say 128MB) and your Thread stack size to say
32KB then add the a java options -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:NewSize=32M
Note on windows the Java options need to be on separate lines.

Allocating more memory to the JVM isn't always best.
Although it means the GC runs less often it causes it to take longer to
run. Ie large pauses.
Large pauses can cause timeouts resulting in retries causing more work
resulting in more pauses and things go down hill from there.

Ensure that your app is closing database connections as soon as it is
finished with them and that error conditions are correctly handled such
that database connections are aways closed.
See Random Connection Closed Exceptions in
For template code.

Michael Simmons
Technical Advisor/Programmer
Information Technology Services (ITS) (Office of Finance and Resources)
Telephone: 6488 4792
Fax: 6488 3861
MBDP: M463

-Original Message-
From: karthikn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, 4 June 2008 10:16 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: JMX Perform GC TOMCAT 5.5.23


On a simulator System (same as Production ) with JMeter  Load test

performance was good and CPU utilization  was not beyond 40%   for 900+

But for the same application in Production,

We notice Constantly JAVA is  100% CPU utilization.

Any Ideas ?

with regards

 we were able to

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:

From: karthikn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: JMX Perform GC TOMCAT 5.5.23

Reason : We have a Production TOMCAT 5.5.23 where in CPU
Utilization for JAVA is going   100%  ,


And for some reason you think a GC will fix that?

This Tomcat needs to be restarted started every 12+ hrs We suspect HP


supported JDK1.6 bing the culprit for the same


A slight possibility, but in nearly all such cases, it's the

application, not the JVM or Tomcat.

 - Chuck


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Re: Single sign on issue with Tomcat and Apache

2008-06-05 Thread Pid

Johnny Kewl wrote:

- Original Message - From: Propes, Barry L  

To: Tomcat Users List

I am integrating two websites using single sign on. I have two sites 
namely and

I enabled SingleSignOn valve in server.xml file, and trying to access

Its not going to work...
Its not because of TC, its because of the way cookies are handled by the 

Its been a long long time since I wrote a filter to do this, and there 
are probably better third party products out there.

But this is what I remember...

The SingleSignOn is addressing the issue of sign on across web apps and 
within a single TC... not across machines.
ie Tomcat has to at least be able to track the session. If thats covered 

Then and I forget the terminology.
A browser will consider this the same domain

and I think even

but as soon as that becomes

the browser treats it like a stranger and does not return the session 
key, nor auth info for the other domain... so TC/Apache is screwed 
because the browser doesnt want to play.

Vaguely I remember setting persistent cookies in the browser, and then 
tracking my own cookies across  machines... but it also meant a complete 
redo of all the security and TC's generic security could not be used.

I remember seeing thrid party tools... but if you cant change the one 
webapp, you into something really creative, creating a filter wont work 
because security happens before the filter you have a creative 
problem on your hands ;)

E.g. OpenID, JOSSO etc

Search google for Java Single Sign On.

As has been stated, SingleSignOnValve isn't a true SSO solution.


I think if you can put TC behind Apache, thus getting it back to the 
same domain name, and the distinguishing only on sub context...

ie apache and the call is passed thru to TC

Then the browser will like it and return the authentication details 
otherwise is going to be some kind of complex proxy type thing to trick 
the browser.

Good luck...

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Re: Authenticate with X509 certification

2008-06-05 Thread Luis Pascual Forner

Thanks, Bill,
I use the JIO connector.
That's my server.xml:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
Server port=8006 shutdown=SHUTDOWN

  Listener className=org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener /
className=org.apache.catalina.mbeans.ServerLifecycleListener /
className=org.apache.catalina.mbeans.GlobalResourcesLifecycleListener /


Environment name=simpleValue type=java.lang.Integer value=30/

Resource name=UserDatabase auth=Container
   description=User database that can be updated and saved
  pathname=conf/tomcat-users.xml /


  Service name=Catalina

Connector port=8081 maxHttpHeaderSize=8192
   maxThreads=150 minSpareThreads=25 maxSpareThreads=75
   enableLookups=false redirectPort=8443 acceptCount=100
   connectionTimeout=2 disableUploadTimeout=true /
Connector acceptCount=100 clientAuth=false 
disableUploadTimeout=true keystoreFile=/X/x.p12 
keystorePass=XX keystoreType=PKCS12 port=8443 scheme=https 
secure=true sslProtocol=TLS 
truststoreFile=/XXX/trustcacerts truststorePass=XXX 

Connector port=8010
   enableLookups=false redirectPort=8443 
protocol=AJP/1.3 /

Engine name=Catalina defaultHost=localhost

  Realm className=com.ival.tomcat.X509Realm debug=0 /

  Host name=localhost appBase=webapps
   unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true
   xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false

  Context docBase=cavi path=/cavi reloadable=true /
  Context docBase=x509 path=/x509 reloadable=true 
allowLinking=true /





Bill Barker escribió:
Luis Pascual Forner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 


  I need autheticate ONLY with client certificate (i.e., I don't want
to check any user's database) . I did that follow:

  1. I write a X509Realm, with a method authenticate that
 only check the validity of each certificate in the
 certification's chain (don't check if the user exists in
 any database).
  2. Declare this new class in
 org/apache/catalina/realm/mbeans-descriptors.xml and
  3. Edit server.xml and configure the realm.
  4. Edit web.xml to set the auth-method to CLIENT-CERT
  5. Put X509Realm.class and mbeans-descriptors.xml in
 server/classes, with the correct path.
  6. Restart Tomcat.

  Now, I can authenticate with X509 certificate, and get the
client certificate with
getAttribute(javax.servlet.request.X509Certificate). But,
sometimes, this method returns null. Why?

Almost certainly means that the client didn't send a cert.  But more info on 
your setup would get a better response.  For example are you using the APR 
or the JIO Connector?


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Re: Authenticate with X509 certification

2008-06-05 Thread Luis Pascual Forner

More information:

If I use Internet Explorer, in the log appears: Socket Closed

at org.apache.coyote.Request.action(


But not if I use Firefox with Linux.

Luis Pascual Forner escribió:

Thanks, Bill,
I use the JIO connector.
That's my server.xml:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
Server port=8006 shutdown=SHUTDOWN

  Listener className=org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener /
className=org.apache.catalina.mbeans.ServerLifecycleListener /
className=org.apache.catalina.mbeans.GlobalResourcesLifecycleListener /


Environment name=simpleValue type=java.lang.Integer value=30/

Resource name=UserDatabase auth=Container
   description=User database that can be updated and saved
  pathname=conf/tomcat-users.xml /


  Service name=Catalina

Connector port=8081 maxHttpHeaderSize=8192
   maxThreads=150 minSpareThreads=25 maxSpareThreads=75
   enableLookups=false redirectPort=8443 acceptCount=100
   connectionTimeout=2 disableUploadTimeout=true /
Connector acceptCount=100 clientAuth=false 
disableUploadTimeout=true keystoreFile=/X/x.p12 
keystorePass=XX keystoreType=PKCS12 port=8443 scheme=https 
secure=true sslProtocol=TLS 
truststoreFile=/XXX/trustcacerts truststorePass=XXX 

Connector port=8010
   enableLookups=false redirectPort=8443 
protocol=AJP/1.3 /

Engine name=Catalina defaultHost=localhost

  Realm className=com.ival.tomcat.X509Realm debug=0 /

  Host name=localhost appBase=webapps
   unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true
   xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false

  Context docBase=cavi path=/cavi reloadable=true /
  Context docBase=x509 path=/x509 reloadable=true 
allowLinking=true /





Bill Barker escribió:
Luis Pascual Forner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 


  I need autheticate ONLY with client certificate (i.e., I don't want
to check any user's database) . I did that follow:

  1. I write a X509Realm, with a method authenticate that
 only check the validity of each certificate in the
 certification's chain (don't check if the user exists in
 any database).
  2. Declare this new class in
 org/apache/catalina/realm/mbeans-descriptors.xml and
  3. Edit server.xml and configure the realm.
  4. Edit web.xml to set the auth-method to CLIENT-CERT
  5. Put X509Realm.class and mbeans-descriptors.xml in
 server/classes, with the correct path.
  6. Restart Tomcat.

  Now, I can authenticate with X509 certificate, and get the
client certificate with
getAttribute(javax.servlet.request.X509Certificate). But,
sometimes, this method returns null. Why?

Almost certainly means that the client didn't send a cert.  But more 
info on your setup would get a better 

Error with content-type application/pdf and Internet Explorer

2008-06-05 Thread Luis Pascual Forner


  The JSP script that follows produces an error
when accessing with Internet Explorer:

%@ page contentType=application/pdf %
%@ page %
%@ page %
%@ page %

InputStreamReader in = new InputStreamReader(
  new FileInputStream(new File(document.pdf)), ISO-8859-1);
char[] b = new char[128];
int i =, 0, 128);
while (i = 0) {
  out.write(b, 0, i);
  i =, 0, 128);


More info:

* Tomcat version: 5.5.26.
* Internet Explorer open a download window, and then
  the error No puede descargar xx de
  El archivo no pudo ser escrito en la caché (my
  IE is localized in spanish).
* The same script runs OK with Firefox in Linux and
  with Mozilla in Windows.
* The same script runs OK with Internet Explorer and
  Tomcat 5.0.19 + Apache 2.0.49.
* No messages in log.
* In the conf/web.xml file appears the mime-type



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Get bean from servletContext on context destruction

2008-06-05 Thread Nam3l3ss

I have a bean on a jsp page (jsp:UseBean) , with application scope, that uses 
some resources that must be freed when the application is stopped/reset.

I'm currently using a context listener to detect when does the servelt context 
gets destroyed, but I cannot get the bean from it.

What I want to accomplish is:
1:public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent e){
2:  ServletContext t  = e.getServletContext();
3:  myBean b =(myBean)t.getAttribute(newsbean); 
4:  if(b!=null){
5:  System.out.println(Bean is: +(b.holdsResource() ? !ok : 
6:  }else{
7:  System.out.println(No bean =();   
8:  }

where line 3 should do the trick. How can this be done?

Googling only turned up the reverse, accessing context from a bean,
and the listener is by the webapp in web.xml.

Thanks, nam3l3ss

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[Fwd: client authentication issues]

2008-06-05 Thread Pavlos Drandakis
Hello all,

Any comments?


 Original Message 
Subject:client authentication issues
Date:   Tue, 03 Jun 2008 18:06:49 +0300
From:   Pavlos Drandakis [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all,

I have configured a stand alone tomcat server with apr support that hosts a web
application. I wanted to enable client authentication so I put in server.xml the

Connector protocol=org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11AprProtocol
executor=ThreadPool-port-8443 port=8443 address=my_server
SSLEnabled=true scheme=https secure=true SSLVerifyClient=require
SSLVerifyDepth=4 SSLCertificateChainFile=/path/to/certs/bundle_cert.pem
SSLCARevocationFile=/path/to/certs/crl/tomcat.pem /

Everything seems ok, but there are some issues ...
1) When CRL expires, Tomcat rejects every client certificate as expired, even
for certificates that were revoked before the expiration of the CRL and CRL was
aware of (IMHO they should be treated as revoked ones).

2) If a certificate is revoked, user can still authenticate even though CRL is
automatically updated. It seems to me that tomcat reads CRL once (when starting)
and never again. Is that true? If I restart tomcat everything works well. Is
there any other way to reload the CRL?

3) I cannot find information about OCSP directives like SSLOCSPEnable
( Is OCSP supported for my
configuration? If not, is there any plan for supporting it?

Thanks, in advance,

Server Configuration:
Tomcat: 6.0.16
APR: 1.2.12
Tomcat Native: 1.1.13
OpenSSL: 0.9.8g
Java: 1.6.0_06

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Re: Authenticate with X509 certification

2008-06-05 Thread ahuelsing


you have to set clientAuth=true


Luis Pascual Forner schrieb:

Thanks, Bill,
I use the JIO connector.
That's my server.xml:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
Server port=8006 shutdown=SHUTDOWN

  Listener className=org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener /
className=org.apache.catalina.mbeans.ServerLifecycleListener /


Environment name=simpleValue type=java.lang.Integer value=30/

Resource name=UserDatabase auth=Container
   description=User database that can be updated and saved
  pathname=conf/tomcat-users.xml /


  Service name=Catalina

Connector port=8081 maxHttpHeaderSize=8192
   maxThreads=150 minSpareThreads=25 maxSpareThreads=75
   enableLookups=false redirectPort=8443 

   connectionTimeout=2 disableUploadTimeout=true /
Connector acceptCount=100 clientAuth=false 
disableUploadTimeout=true keystoreFile=/X/x.p12 
keystorePass=XX keystoreType=PKCS12 port=8443 scheme=https 
secure=true sslProtocol=TLS 
truststorePass=XXX truststoreType=JKS/

Connector port=8010
   enableLookups=false redirectPort=8443 
protocol=AJP/1.3 /

Engine name=Catalina defaultHost=localhost

  Realm className=com.ival.tomcat.X509Realm debug=0 /

  Host name=localhost appBase=webapps
   unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true
   xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false

  Context docBase=cavi path=/cavi reloadable=true /
  Context docBase=x509 path=/x509 reloadable=true 
allowLinking=true /





Bill Barker escribió:
Luis Pascual Forner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 


  I need autheticate ONLY with client certificate (i.e., I don't want
to check any user's database) . I did that follow:

  1. I write a X509Realm, with a method authenticate that
 only check the validity of each certificate in the
 certification's chain (don't check if the user exists in
 any database).
  2. Declare this new class in
 org/apache/catalina/realm/mbeans-descriptors.xml and
  3. Edit server.xml and configure the realm.
  4. Edit web.xml to set the auth-method to CLIENT-CERT
  5. Put X509Realm.class and mbeans-descriptors.xml in
 server/classes, with the correct path.
  6. Restart Tomcat.

  Now, I can authenticate with X509 certificate, and get the
client certificate with
getAttribute(javax.servlet.request.X509Certificate). But,
sometimes, this method returns null. Why?

Almost certainly means that the client didn't send a cert.  But more 
info on your setup would get a better response.  For example are you 
using the APR or the JIO Connector?


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RE: Tomcat only responds to first request

2008-06-05 Thread Noronha, Joao
Hello again, I guess the -server option only reliefed a bit the
situation by incresing the number of threads or something,
because I'm still getting a Tomcat freeze (dumper valve stops logging
requests) after a dozen clicks on refresh for the Tomcat root page.
This is happening with any Tomcat I have, I'm running J2SE1.5.0_12.
It is still not showing all images on each refresh.
Any suggestion?

From: Noronha, Joao 
Sent: quarta-feira, 4 de Junho de 2008 18:38
To: ''
Subject: RE: Tomcat only responds to first request

I managed to solve the problem, by making 3 things, didn't
figure out which one did the trick:
a) commenting AJP connector (I'm using standalone);
b) changing port from 8082 to 10080
c) using -server option in JVM options
My guess would be option b)...
By the way, Eclipse is messing a little with Eclipse config
(replaces server.xml),
because I have the option Run modules directly from the
workspace unchecked.

Tip: If you change the configuration (server.xml) and want
Eclipse to use it, you have to delete server from servers list and add a
new one.
I unchecked it because I want Eclipse to use the webapps in the
Tomcat directory.
I can also launch Tomcat from Eclipse and it is now processing
several HTTP requests.
Now when I want to debug, Eclipse is always Starting...,
checking why, but I guess you would like the good news...

From: Noronha, Joao 
Sent: quarta-feira, 4 de Junho de 2008 11:47
To: ''
Subject: Tomcat only responds to first request

I started having this problems with Tomcat(s) in my PC a
few days ago.
For bug purposes, I have a Tomcat 6.0.16 simple install
with default examples, no app of my own.
For any app Tomcat only gets the first request, showing
DumperValve request info.
The browser (either IE or Opera) generally does not show
(keeps downloading forever) one or two images, usually the largest
For a second or other page requests it does respond and
does not show any console output for DumperValve (does not get the
A second thread dump before closing the browser has a
new thread waiting on JIoEndpoint.
Even after closing the browser, which leads to closing
the HTTP connection - seen with procexp.exe -,
this new thread is still waiting on the same spot (I
attach the 3 thread dumps and dumper valve info between 1 and 2).
Where could it be the problem?

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Re: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 not working

2008-06-05 Thread Lilianne E. Blaze

Is there any particular reason you can't just use ServletContext 
Attribute instead of a static singleton?

Greetings, Lilianne E. Blaze

ktou Ho wrote:

I am using Tomcat 6.0.16 with JDK 1.6. I created a web application and deployed it as ROOT. (I removed the default ROOT which comes with tomcat). 
The problem I am facing is the Singleton is not working at all in the servlet.  I tried to synchnozed the constructor or make it static. I still get two instances of the objects.  How can I solve the problem? 

public class RemoteDBConnections
private static RemoteDBConnections sInstance = new RemoteDBConnections();
private static int counter=0;

private RemoteDBConnections()

System.out.println(counter = + (counter++));
public  static synchronized RemoteDBConnections getInstance()

return sInstance;
Thanks in advance
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Re: Error with content-type application/pdf and Internet Explorer

2008-06-05 Thread Steve Ochani
Date sent:  Thu, 05 Jun 2008 10:36:32 +0200
From:   Luis Pascual Forner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Error with content-type application/pdf and Internet 
To: Tomcat Users List
Send reply to:  Tomcat Users List
Organization:   IVAL informática http://www.ival.


The JSP script that follows produces an error
 when accessing with Internet Explorer:

Your problem seems to be very similar to some previous postings, including this:

I would search via google or one of the tomcat users archive.

 %@ page contentType=application/pdf %
 %@ page %
 %@ page %
 %@ page %

  InputStreamReader in = new InputStreamReader(
new FileInputStream(new File(document.pdf)), ISO-8859-1);
  char[] b = new char[128];
  int i =, 0, 128);
  while (i = 0) {
out.write(b, 0, i);
i =, 0, 128);


 More info:

 * Tomcat version: 5.5.26.
 * Internet Explorer open a download window, and then
the error No puede descargar xx de
El archivo no pudo ser escrito en la caché (my
IE is localized in spanish).
 * The same script runs OK with Firefox in Linux and
with Mozilla in Windows.
 * The same script runs OK with Internet Explorer and
Tomcat 5.0.19 + Apache 2.0.49.
 * No messages in log.
 * In the conf/web.xml file appears the mime-type



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PHP support in tomcat

2008-06-05 Thread Jury Levykin
is it possible to configure tomcat to support PHP?
I need to execute some PHP scripts.  The scripts should be located in
the same directory with Java web application.

Please send links onto howto if it is possible.


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AW: PHP support in tomcat

2008-06-05 Thread Stefan Oestreicher
It's possible with Quercus (PHP5 only):


Stefan Oestreicher
Dr. Maté GmbH
Stefan Oestreicher / Entwicklung
Tel Buero: + 43 1 405 55 75 24
Fax Buero: + 43 1 405 55 75 55
Alser Str. 4 1090 Wien Altes AKH Hof 1 1.6.6

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Antonio Petrelli [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 05. Juni 2008 15:55
An: Tomcat Users List
Betreff: Re: PHP support in tomcat

2008/6/5 Jury Levykin [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 is it possible to configure tomcat to support PHP?



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Re: PHP support in tomcat

2008-06-05 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/6/5 Jury Levykin [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 is it possible to configure tomcat to support PHP?



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Re: Does HTTPRequest.getParameter() return encoded or decoded?

2008-06-05 Thread Mark H. Wood
Sorry, I didn't fully specify the problem.  I do refer to
URI-(en|de)coding, not to character encoding issues.

So, if I've understood the answers I've seen so far, the value
returned by getParameter() should *not* be subjected to URI-decoding,
because it has already been URI-decoded and doing so again would lead to
trouble with a parameter value which, before URI-encoding, contained a
percent character.

I'm debugging code we got from elsewhere which URI-decodes stuff it
got from getParameter(), and as I am not very familiar with the code
in question and am only a beginner in working with servlet code myself
I want to be very sure there is not a good reason for these calls.  I
think now I'm sure enough to take them out.  Thanks!

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is intuitive he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

RE: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 not working

2008-06-05 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 From: ktou Ho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 not working

 Get some hints from this link

The above is why Mark T asked if your webapp was being deployed more than once. 
 That would not explain why you're seeing the counter incremented twice; having 
the class loaded by separate classloaders would produce two print lines, but 
both of them would display a zero for the counter.

There's something else going on here...

 - Chuck

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Re: Single sign on issue with Tomcat and Apache

2008-06-05 Thread sridharmnj

Many thanks to all of you for responding to my problem.
I apologize, I hope I didnot mention my system architecture clearly. (As I
mentioned, it is an old application, which was developed 9 yrs ago, and no
documentation at all :-(  )

I am accessing those applications like.. - (aaa webapp) Its based on Tomcat FORM based
authentication. (JDBC Realm) - Here some static pages are deployed into Apache and
based on BASIC authentication.(mod_auth_mysql) - (ccc webapp) Here dynamic pages are deployed on
Tomcat based on BASIC authentication.(JDBC Realm)

All the above applications are using same usertable for credentials.

Scenario 1: When I logs into the bbb, (Apache-BASIC) it is poping up a
dialog box with username and password and after providing the details it is
authenticating using mod_auth_mysql. I have a link to the ccc (Tomcat-BASIC)
from bbb pages. When I clicked that link, I am able to navigate those pages
without providing the credentials again. (I hope, here tomcat is finding
auth headers which are set by Apache)

Scenario 2: When I directly logs into ccc (Tomcat-BASIC) it is poping up a
dialog box with username and password and after providing the details, it is
authenticating using Tomcat BASIC authentication. If I click a link to bbb,
I am able to navigate to it without providing the details 2nd time. (I hope,
here Apache is finding the credentials which are set by Tomcat).

Scenario 3: When I logs into aaa, (TOMCAT-FORM) after authentication, I am
able to access ccc (TOMCAT-BASIC) without providing the credentials again.
(I hope, here Tomcat is sharing the credentials between FORM and BASIC
authentication credentials, as SingleSignOnValve is enabled).

These Scenarios 1,2,3 are working perfectly, and I need those as is.

Scenario 4: When I logs into aaa, (Tomcat-Form) after authentication, If I
click a link to bbb (Apache-BASIC) again its poping up a window for username
and password.

This is (Scenario 4) what I need to change. When a user logs into aaa using
Tomcat-Form based authentication and clicks a link to bbb, he should be
directly allowed to it without asking the credentials 2nd time.

Is there any way to do it, without modifying the Apache Authencitation?

I am really sorry if I am confusing you. Please let me know still if you
need any other details.


Pid-2 wrote:
 Johnny Kewl wrote:
 - Original Message - From: Propes, Barry L  
 To: Tomcat Users List
 I am integrating two websites using single sign on. I have two sites 
 namely and
 I enabled SingleSignOn valve in server.xml file, and trying to access
 Its not going to work...
 Its not because of TC, its because of the way cookies are handled by the 
 Its been a long long time since I wrote a filter to do this, and there 
 are probably better third party products out there.
 But this is what I remember...
 The SingleSignOn is addressing the issue of sign on across web apps and 
 within a single TC... not across machines.
 ie Tomcat has to at least be able to track the session. If thats covered 
 Then and I forget the terminology.
 A browser will consider this the same domain
 and I think even
 but as soon as that becomes
 the browser treats it like a stranger and does not return the session 
 key, nor auth info for the other domain... so TC/Apache is screwed 
 because the browser doesnt want to play.
 Vaguely I remember setting persistent cookies in the browser, and then 
 tracking my own cookies across  machines... but it also meant a complete 
 redo of all the security and TC's generic security could not be used.
 I remember seeing thrid party tools... but if you cant change the one 
 webapp, you into something really creative, creating a filter wont work 
 because security happens before the filter you have a creative 
 problem on your hands ;)
 E.g. OpenID, JOSSO etc
 Search google for Java Single Sign On.
 As has been stated, SingleSignOnValve isn't a true SSO solution.
 I think if you can put TC behind Apache, thus getting it back to the 
 same domain name, and the distinguishing only on sub context...
 ie apache and the call is passed thru to TC
 Then the browser will like it and return the authentication details 
 otherwise is going to be some kind of complex proxy type thing to trick 
 the browser.
 Good luck...
 The most powerful application server on earth.
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Re: PHP support in tomcat

2008-06-05 Thread Mikolaj Rydzewski

Jury Levykin wrote:

is it possible to configure tomcat to support PHP?
I need to execute some PHP scripts.  The scripts should be located in
the same directory with Java web application.

Well, I just don't believe it will work correctly.

I'd rather do one of the following:

  1. run apache httpd with php in front and then mod_proxy_ajp to
 tomcat. httpd's mod_rewrite is very very flexible
  2. run tomcat in front and implement a proxy filter which will do the
 proxying requests to other apache httpd with php

Mikolaj Rydzewski [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: JMX Perform GC TOMCAT 5.5.23

2008-06-05 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 From: Michael Simmons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: JMX Perform GC TOMCAT 5.5.23

 So.. giving the JVM many 1000s of times the space taken by
 live objects (even under very high load) is a waste.

Not at all.  Having lots of room for short-lived object creation extends the 
time between GCs.

 Should I have said Allocating a huge amount of memory to the
 JVM isn't always useful.?

Depends on the characteristics of the application.  Usually, the largest heap 
possible that doesn't push the system in paging is the most efficient.

 In my experience using UseConcMarkSweepGC (or whatever it
 is under 1.6) and tuning the Eden heap size does make a big
 difference to a server application (tomcat) under continuous
 high load.

Not unexpected.  The concurrent GC mechanism is designed to minimize pause 
times but at the expense of quite a bit more overhead during collections.  It's 
not on by default because of the throughput impact; if response time is more 
important than throughput, then it *might* be useful to enable the concurrent 
algorithm.  You'd have to test in your own environment to see if it's 

Changing the eden size can also have a dramatic effect on GC frequency, since 
nearly all objects are created in eden and then moved to a survivor space when 
eden fills (if still referenceable).  If there's an imbalance between eden, 
survivor, and tenured space sizes, GC efficiency can fall off rapidly.  The GC 
ergonomics feature in 1.5 and 1.6 is an ongoing effort by the HotSpot 
developers to dynamically balance the heap regions based on current conditions 
within the JVM; specifying explicit sizes for any of the regions may well end 
up with worse performance than just letting GC figure it out.

If your webapps create lots of short-lived objects, you might want to 
experiment with different values for TLABSize; we found that had a major affect 
on performance in multi-processor systems.  Also try setting 
-XX:+AggressiveHeap; it may or may not be beneficial, depending on your 

 - Chuck

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RE: Obtaining the app server install path from the running servlet

2008-06-05 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 From: Darrell Esau [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Obtaining the app server install path from the
 running servlet

 I'm not sure if this is possible, and I realize it'll be container
 specific, but I'm wondering if it's possible to find the app server's
 install path from the servlet code.

The installation path is set in the catalina.base and catalina.home system 

 - Chuck

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Get bean from ServletContext on context destruction

2008-06-05 Thread Nam3l3ss

I have a bean on a jsp page (jsp:UseBean) , with application scope, that uses
some resources that must be freed when the application is stopped/reset.

I'm currently using a context listener to detect when does the servelt context
gets destroyed, but I cannot get the bean from it.

What I want to accomplish is:
1:public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent e){
2:  ServletContext t  = e.getServletContext();
3:  myBean b =(myBean)t.getAttribute(newsbean);
4:  if(b!=null){
5:  System.out.println(Bean is: 
+(b.holdsResource() ? !ok : ok));
6:  }else{
7:  System.out.println(No bean =();
8:  }

where line 3 should do the trick. How can this be done?

Googling only turned up the reverse, accessing context from a bean,
and the listener is by the webapp in web.xml.

Thanks, nam3l3ss

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Re: PHP support in tomcat

2008-06-05 Thread Johnny Kewl

- Original Message - 
From: Jury Levykin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 3:50 PM
Subject: PHP support in tomcat

is it possible to configure tomcat to support PHP?
I need to execute some PHP scripts.  The scripts should be located in
the same directory with Java web application.

Please send links onto howto if it is possible.


Not a very popular technology on TC.
I think because Apache httpd (likes PHP) and TC(servlets) are so well 

Its less hassle to use both.

Resin a competitor to Tomcat has a thing called Quercus and they offer paid 
I like Caucho's innovations but even there I think you will find PHP a 
subset of HTTPd

Quercus Caucho does seem to be a more popular servlet solution.

I dont think Apache (the organization) itself has ever made a servlet to run 
PHP, they do have one for CGI (built into  tomcat).
Google doesnt lie, and the PHP articles on tomcat are scarce, which means 
you may find it very lonely out there ;)

The Httpd Apache (php) - jk - tomcat type solution seems to be the most 
popular solution.

I wouldnt recommend PHP on tomcat, although some have done it.

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Re: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 not working

2008-06-05 Thread Mikolaj Rydzewski

ktou Ho wrote:
The problem I am facing is the Singleton is not working at all in the servlet.  I tried to synchnozed the constructor or make it static. I still get two instances of the objects.  How can I solve the problem? 

Is anyone able to reproduce this?
public class RemoteDBConnections

private static RemoteDBConnections sInstance = new RemoteDBConnections();
private static int counter=0;

private RemoteDBConnections()

System.out.println(counter = + (counter++));

Add following line (assuming you do not override default toString method):


and compare results. 

Mikolaj Rydzewski [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: PHP support in tomcat

2008-06-05 Thread Loehr, Ruel
Check out jbossweb.It's a fork of tomcat and has support for running php.

-Original Message-
From: Johnny Kewl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 9:57 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: PHP support in tomcat

- Original Message -
From: Jury Levykin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 3:50 PM
Subject: PHP support in tomcat

 is it possible to configure tomcat to support PHP?
 I need to execute some PHP scripts.  The scripts should be located in
 the same directory with Java web application.

 Please send links onto howto if it is possible.


Not a very popular technology on TC.
I think because Apache httpd (likes PHP) and TC(servlets) are so well
Its less hassle to use both.

Resin a competitor to Tomcat has a thing called Quercus and they offer paid
I like Caucho's innovations but even there I think you will find PHP a
subset of HTTPd
Quercus Caucho does seem to be a more popular servlet solution.

I dont think Apache (the organization) itself has ever made a servlet to run
PHP, they do have one for CGI (built into  tomcat).
Google doesnt lie, and the PHP articles on tomcat are scarce, which means
you may find it very lonely out there ;)

The Httpd Apache (php) - jk - tomcat type solution seems to be the most
popular solution.

I wouldnt recommend PHP on tomcat, although some have done it.

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Re: Get bean from ServletContext on context destruction

2008-06-05 Thread Mikolaj Rydzewski

Nam3l3ss wrote:

I have a bean on a jsp page (jsp:UseBean) , with application scope, that uses
some resources that must be freed when the application is stopped/reset.

I'm currently using a context listener to detect when does the servelt context
gets destroyed, but I cannot get the bean from it.
Do I understand you correctly: you create a bean in JSP page and then 
you want to destroy it in  listener?

I usually do both in listener.

Mikolaj Rydzewski [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 not working

2008-06-05 Thread Johnny Kewl

- Original Message - 
From: Mikolaj Rydzewski [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 5:06 PM
Subject: Re: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 not working

ktou Ho wrote:
The problem I am facing is the Singleton is not working at all in the 
servlet.  I tried to synchnozed the constructor or make it static. I 
still get two instances of the objects.  How can I solve the problem?

Is anyone able to reproduce this?

No, for fun I gave it a spin... it worked, one count
Think ktou is going to have to post his code
Like chuck said, something fishy ;)
On NB its easy to mistakenly set up glassfish as the server - ha ha

 public class RemoteDBConnections
private static RemoteDBConnections sInstance = new 

private static int counter=0;
private RemoteDBConnections()
System.out.println(counter = + (counter++));

Add following line (assuming you do not override default toString method):


and compare results.

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Re: Single sign on issue with Tomcat and Apache

2008-06-05 Thread André Warnier

sridharmnj wrote:

Many thanks to all of you for responding to my problem.
I apologize, I hope I didnot mention my system architecture clearly. (As I
mentioned, it is an old application, which was developed 9 yrs ago, and no
documentation at all :-(  )

I am accessing those applications like.. - (aaa webapp) Its based on Tomcat FORM based
authentication. (JDBC Realm) - Here some static pages are deployed into Apache and
based on BASIC authentication.(mod_auth_mysql) - (ccc webapp) Here dynamic pages are deployed on
Tomcat based on BASIC authentication.(JDBC Realm)

That makes it clearer, and provides some good news also.
What I guess from the above is :
- there is only one Apache, and one Tomcat, on the same physical server
- there are no Apache VirtualHosts (or there is only one), and there is 
only one Tomcat Host section in server.xml
- the back-end for the authentication is the same MySql database system, 
and the same table.  In one case it is accessed by an Apache module 
(mod_auth_mysql), in the other by some Java module under Tomcat (that's 
my own weak point by the way, I'm not really a Java/Tomcat guy)

- there is only one single DNS domain (which simplifies certain issues)
- all authentication is of type Basic, which means based on the 
exchange of HTTP headers from browser to server.

But that last item troubles me. I believe that you mentioned initially 
that the Tomcat authentication of was Basic, 
even if it is form-based.  That troubles me because, as far as I know, 
that cannot be the case.  There must be some other mechanism used there, 
and that may be the very base of your problem.
My guess at this point is that the form-based authentication sets the 
credentials in Tomcat, and keeps these alive in some form of Tomcat 
session mechanism, but that it is never seen by the browser as a 
Basic authentication.  In other words, the browser knows nothing about 
it, and so can never pass this authentication from aaa to bbb.

If so, a very quick fix, would be to change the authentication setup of 
your aaa webapp (in webapps/aaa/WEB-INF/web.xml), to make it the same as 
in webapps ccc (webapps/aaa/WEB-INF/web.xml).

It's in the section at the end, in security-constraints or something.

The only visible difference in application aaa, would be that instead of 
receiving the html login form, the user would see the same browser popup 
than for application bbb and ccc.
You do not need to change the webapp application itself for this, just 
the web.xml, and restart Tomcat, and maybe it will just magically start 
working !! ??

Go on, try it, I'm curious !

If it works, then I will explain why.
But it would be consistent with the detailed explanation that you give 
below, of the behaviour of the different applications.

If that does not work, then there are still a couple of details missing. 
Can you then give us a copy of the relevant sections of the Apache 
configuration (simplified/edited if you want), showing how exactly the 
requests that initially all go through Apache (I suppose from the 
above), get passed to Tomcat if needed ?  There should be things like this :

Location /aaa
  JkMount /aaa ajp13
  JkMount /aaa/* ajp13
Location /bbb
  AuthType Basic
  Require valid-user
(or, maybe, it is not JkMount and it is some other Apache-Tomcat 
connector ?)


All the above applications are using same usertable for credentials.

Scenario 1: When I logs into the bbb, (Apache-BASIC) it is poping up a
dialog box with username and password and after providing the details it is
authenticating using mod_auth_mysql. I have a link to the ccc (Tomcat-BASIC)
from bbb pages. When I clicked that link, I am able to navigate those pages
without providing the credentials again. (I hope, here tomcat is finding
auth headers which are set by Apache)

Scenario 2: When I directly logs into ccc (Tomcat-BASIC) it is poping up a
dialog box with username and password and after providing the details, it is
authenticating using Tomcat BASIC authentication. If I click a link to bbb,
I am able to navigate to it without providing the details 2nd time. (I hope,
here Apache is finding the credentials which are set by Tomcat).

Scenario 3: When I logs into aaa, (TOMCAT-FORM) after authentication, I am
able to access ccc (TOMCAT-BASIC) without providing the credentials again.
(I hope, here Tomcat is sharing the credentials between FORM and BASIC
authentication credentials, as SingleSignOnValve is enabled).

These Scenarios 1,2,3 are working perfectly, and I need those as is.

Scenario 4: When I logs into aaa, (Tomcat-Form) after authentication, If I
click a link to bbb (Apache-BASIC) again its poping up a window for username
and password.

This is (Scenario 4) what I need to change. When a user logs into aaa using
Tomcat-Form based authentication and clicks a link to bbb, he should be

Re: Single sign on issue with Tomcat and Apache

2008-06-05 Thread Johnny Kewl

- Original Message - 
From: sridharmnj [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 4:33 PM
Subject: Re: Single sign on issue with Tomcat and Apache

Many thanks to all of you for responding to my problem.
I apologize, I hope I didnot mention my system architecture clearly. (As I
mentioned, it is an old application, which was developed 9 yrs ago, and no
documentation at all :-(  )

I am accessing those applications like.. - (aaa webapp) Its based on Tomcat FORM based
authentication. (JDBC Realm) - Here some static pages are deployed into Apache 

based on BASIC authentication.(mod_auth_mysql) - (ccc webapp) Here dynamic pages are deployed on
Tomcat based on BASIC authentication.(JDBC Realm)

All the above applications are using same usertable for credentials.

Scenario 1: When I logs into the bbb, (Apache-BASIC) it is poping up a
dialog box with username and password and after providing the details it 
authenticating using mod_auth_mysql. I have a link to the ccc 
from bbb pages. When I clicked that link, I am able to navigate those 

without providing the credentials again. (I hope, here tomcat is finding
auth headers which are set by Apache)

Scenario 2: When I directly logs into ccc (Tomcat-BASIC) it is poping up a
dialog box with username and password and after providing the details, it 
authenticating using Tomcat BASIC authentication. If I click a link to 
I am able to navigate to it without providing the details 2nd time. (I 

here Apache is finding the credentials which are set by Tomcat).

Scenario 3: When I logs into aaa, (TOMCAT-FORM) after authentication, I am
able to access ccc (TOMCAT-BASIC) without providing the credentials again.
(I hope, here Tomcat is sharing the credentials between FORM and BASIC
authentication credentials, as SingleSignOnValve is enabled).

These Scenarios 1,2,3 are working perfectly, and I need those as is.

Scenario 4: When I logs into aaa, (Tomcat-Form) after authentication, If I
click a link to bbb (Apache-BASIC) again its poping up a window for 

and password.

Ok this is very different to what we first thought.
This is a guess...

I think the problem is that you mixing auth methods...
You have to make them all BASIC in this case.
The browser is on the same domain... so I think it will be returning the 
auth header info, can check with a dump valve or get wireshark and just make 
sure it is returning header info... but I think it is, the problem is that 
the auth info is not the same.

I've never used FORM authentication, but I guess it just reads the UID and 
Password fields and then TC starts tracking that cookie as authenticated.
BASIC does not do that... there the browser returns a Base64 encoded mash 
and that is interpreted.

So if you go to say ccc (BASIC) and then bbb (BASIC). you havnt said... 
but I think that will work.
But when you go to FORM all the browser sends Apache is a little old 
cookie... and the BASIC logic will go what the hell... and challenges the 

So the initial thought that it was a domain problem is not correct... you 
just mixing incompatible auth schemes.
I think you have to lose the FORM auth... and even though you cant change 
the web app, I think that is is possible externally... all thats going to 
happen is that the browser pops up a password box... and that auth FORM is 
now going to be redundant.

I think the FORM auth has to go, must be made BASIC... my guess.

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RE: Relative internal links

2008-06-05 Thread Walter Thompson
I am talking about servlet code and configuration file information and
links in the htlm pages on the server under the root directory. 

-Original Message-
From: David Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 5:00 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Relative internal links

You mention links like ../webapps/MCRCServlets/logs/MCRCServlets.log
which implies these are presented in the browser, but then your talk
about absolute paths like C:/www/ implying a local read of the file
system.  These don't normally go together.  Could you clarify how you
are using these paths (from browser or servlet code)?


Walter Thompson wrote:
 I have run into an issue with Tomcat6. In Tomcat5 we were using links 
 like ../webapps/MCRCServlets/logs/MCRCServlet.log in the Java Code.
 I copied all of the folders over from Tomcat5 to Tomcat6 so that they 
 have the same directory structure:
 In all of the Java Code for the servlets and config files I have had 
 to put absolute paths in like 
 C:/www/Tomcat6/MCRCSerlets/logs/MCRCServlet.log for it to find the 
 Is there a configuration file that I can change to make the relative 
 references work? What would the config code would I add?
 I have searched everywhere for an answer to this quest and found no 
 Thanks for any help anyone can offer!
 Walter Thompson
 Midland Certified Reagent Company
 3112 W Cuthbert Avenue
 Midland, Texas 79701
 432-694-7950 Ph
 432-694-2387 Fx


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Re: Does HTTPRequest.getParameter() return encoded or decoded?

2008-06-05 Thread David Smith
Correct.  With regard to URI encoded GET requests, what you get from 
request.getParameter() is already decoded for %nn character encoding 
among others.  No need to decode it again.


Mark H. Wood wrote:

Sorry, I didn't fully specify the problem.  I do refer to
URI-(en|de)coding, not to character encoding issues.

So, if I've understood the answers I've seen so far, the value
returned by getParameter() should *not* be subjected to URI-decoding,
because it has already been URI-decoded and doing so again would lead to
trouble with a parameter value which, before URI-encoding, contained a
percent character.

I'm debugging code we got from elsewhere which URI-decodes stuff it
got from getParameter(), and as I am not very familiar with the code
in question and am only a beginner in working with servlet code myself
I want to be very sure there is not a good reason for these calls.  I
think now I'm sure enough to take them out.  Thanks!


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Re: Single sign on issue with Tomcat and Apache

2008-06-05 Thread Pid

sridharmnj wrote:

Many thanks to all of you for responding to my problem.
I apologize, I hope I didnot mention my system architecture clearly. (As I
mentioned, it is an old application, which was developed 9 yrs ago, and no
documentation at all :-(  )

I am accessing those applications like.. - (aaa webapp) Its based on Tomcat FORM based
authentication. (JDBC Realm) - Here some static pages are deployed into Apache and
based on BASIC authentication.(mod_auth_mysql) - (ccc webapp) Here dynamic pages are deployed on
Tomcat based on BASIC authentication.(JDBC Realm)

All the above applications are using same usertable for credentials.

Scenario 1: When I logs into the bbb, (Apache-BASIC) it is poping up a
dialog box with username and password and after providing the details it is
authenticating using mod_auth_mysql. I have a link to the ccc (Tomcat-BASIC)
from bbb pages. When I clicked that link, I am able to navigate those pages
without providing the credentials again. (I hope, here tomcat is finding
auth headers which are set by Apache)

Scenario 2: When I directly logs into ccc (Tomcat-BASIC) it is poping up a
dialog box with username and password and after providing the details, it is
authenticating using Tomcat BASIC authentication. If I click a link to bbb,
I am able to navigate to it without providing the details 2nd time. (I hope,
here Apache is finding the credentials which are set by Tomcat).

Scenario 3: When I logs into aaa, (TOMCAT-FORM) after authentication, I am
able to access ccc (TOMCAT-BASIC) without providing the credentials again.
(I hope, here Tomcat is sharing the credentials between FORM and BASIC
authentication credentials, as SingleSignOnValve is enabled).

These Scenarios 1,2,3 are working perfectly, and I need those as is.

Scenario 4: When I logs into aaa, (Tomcat-Form) after authentication, If I
click a link to bbb (Apache-BASIC) again its poping up a window for username
and password.

This is (Scenario 4) what I need to change. When a user logs into aaa using
Tomcat-Form based authentication and clicks a link to bbb, he should be
directly allowed to it without asking the credentials 2nd time.

Is there any way to do it, without modifying the Apache Authencitation?

Not to my knowledge.  AFAIK Tomcat sets a user principal that is not 
visible to the HTTPD server's authentication/authorization module.

HTTPD's authenticated remote user header can be visible downwards to the 
container with the right configuration, and the two Tomcat webapps can 
co-operate, but I don't believe that there is anything in JK to allow it 
to propagate a principal upwards.

Maybe one of the mod_jk committers has better info.


I am really sorry if I am confusing you. Please let me know still if you
need any other details.


Pid-2 wrote:

Johnny Kewl wrote:
- Original Message - From: Propes, Barry L  

To: Tomcat Users List

I am integrating two websites using single sign on. I have two sites 
namely and
I enabled SingleSignOn valve in server.xml file, and trying to access

Its not going to work...
Its not because of TC, its because of the way cookies are handled by the 

Its been a long long time since I wrote a filter to do this, and there 
are probably better third party products out there.

But this is what I remember...

The SingleSignOn is addressing the issue of sign on across web apps and 
within a single TC... not across machines.
ie Tomcat has to at least be able to track the session. If thats covered 

Then and I forget the terminology.
A browser will consider this the same domain

and I think even

but as soon as that becomes

the browser treats it like a stranger and does not return the session 
key, nor auth info for the other domain... so TC/Apache is screwed 
because the browser doesnt want to play.

Vaguely I remember setting persistent cookies in the browser, and then 
tracking my own cookies across  machines... but it also meant a complete 
redo of all the security and TC's generic security could not be used.

I remember seeing thrid party tools... but if you cant change the one 
webapp, you into something really creative, creating a filter wont work 
because security happens before the filter you have a creative 
problem on your hands ;)

E.g. OpenID, JOSSO etc

Search google for Java Single Sign On.

As has been stated, SingleSignOnValve isn't a true SSO solution.


I think if you can put TC behind Apache, thus getting it back to the 
same domain name, and the distinguishing only on sub context...

ie apache and the call is passed thru to TC

Then the browser will like it and return the authentication details 
otherwise is going to be some kind of complex 

Re: Relative internal links

2008-06-05 Thread David Smith

So we are still dealing with two separate issues here.

a) relative links in the browser -- these are expanded to full URIs by 
the browser based on the current page's uri and the link's relative 
uri.  Nothing tomcat can do about that and nothing that should 
behaviorally change from tomcat 5 to tomcat 6.

b) relative file paths in servlet code -- relative paths are flaky no 
matter what version of tomcat you use since it dependes on the working 
directory at the time tomcat was started as opposed to the webapp's path 
or current file's path.  I'd highly recommend using 
ServletContext.getResource() or ServletContext.getResourceAsStream() to 
read files stored within the webapp.   Both will properly provide access 
to resources within the same webapp.  Just use the full path relative to 
the top of your webapp like '/logs/MCRCServlets.log'.


Walter Thompson wrote:

I am talking about servlet code and configuration file information and
links in the htlm pages on the server under the root directory. 

-Original Message-
From: David Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 5:00 PM

To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Relative internal links

You mention links like ../webapps/MCRCServlets/logs/MCRCServlets.log
which implies these are presented in the browser, but then your talk
about absolute paths like C:/www/ implying a local read of the file
system.  These don't normally go together.  Could you clarify how you
are using these paths (from browser or servlet code)?


Walter Thompson wrote:

I have run into an issue with Tomcat6. In Tomcat5 we were using links 
like ../webapps/MCRCServlets/logs/MCRCServlet.log in the Java Code.

I copied all of the folders over from Tomcat5 to Tomcat6 so that they 
have the same directory structure:


In all of the Java Code for the servlets and config files I have had 
to put absolute paths in like 
C:/www/Tomcat6/MCRCSerlets/logs/MCRCServlet.log for it to find the 

Is there a configuration file that I can change to make the relative 
references work? What would the config code would I add?

I have searched everywhere for an answer to this quest and found no 

Thanks for any help anyone can offer!

Walter Thompson
Midland Certified Reagent Company
3112 W Cuthbert Avenue
Midland, Texas 79701

432-694-7950 Ph
432-694-2387 Fx


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RE: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 not working

2008-06-05 Thread ktou Ho

Have you tried to put in it the ROOT? I guess may be something work it that. 
Also I created a filter (MyFilter) to test it, the following got executed twice 
MyFilter.init() line: 30 
NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Constructor, Object[]) line: not 
available [native method] 
NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Object[]) line: 39 
DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Object[]) line: 27 
ConstructorT.newInstance(Object...) line: 513 
ClassT.newInstance0() line: 355 
ClassT.newInstance() line: 308 
ApplicationFilterConfig.getFilter() line: 255 
ApplicationFilterConfig.setFilterDef(FilterDef) line: 397 
ApplicationFilterConfig.init(Context, FilterDef) line: 108 
StandardContext.filterStart() line: 3709 
StandardContext.start() line: 4356 
StandardHost(ContainerBase).start() line: 1045 
StandardHost.start() line: 719 
StandardEngine(ContainerBase).start() line: 1045 
StandardEngine.start() line: 443 
StandardService.start() line: 516 
StandardServer.start() line: 710 
Catalina.start() line: 578 
NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Method, Object, Object[]) line: not available 
[native method] 
NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: 39 
DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: 25 
Method.invoke(Object, Object...) line: 597 
Bootstrap.start() line: 288 
Bootstrap.main(String[]) line: 413 
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Subject: Re: Singleton 
 in Tomcat 6.0 not working Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2008 17:19:57 +0200   - 
 Original Message -  From: Mikolaj Rydzewski [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: 
 Tomcat Users List Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 
 5:06 PM Subject: Re: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 not workingktou Ho 
 wrote:  The problem I am facing is the Singleton is not working at all in 
 the   servlet. I tried to synchnozed the constructor or make it static. I 
   still get two instances of the objects. How can I solve the problem?  
 Is anyone able to reproduce this?  No, for fun I gave it a spin... it 
 worked, one count Think ktou is going to have to post his code Like chuck 
 said, something fishy ;) On NB its easy to mistakenly set up glassfish as 
 the server - ha hapublic class RemoteDBConnections  {  private 
 static RemoteDBConnections sInstance = new   RemoteDBConnections();  
 private static int counter=0;  private RemoteDBConnections()  {  
 System.out.println(counter = + (counter++));   Add following line 
 (assuming you do not override default toString method):   
 System.out.println(this.toString());   and compare results. 
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RE: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 not working

2008-06-05 Thread ktou Ho

I tried to change the web app to other name, it works fine now. (only one 
instance).  Look like it is the ROOT cause all problem. Any one know why the 
ROOT is being called twice?
Elwin From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Subject: RE: 
Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 not working Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2008 17:03:30 +   
Have you tried to put in it the ROOT? I guess may be something work it that. 
Also I created a filter (MyFilter) to test it, the following got executed twice 
: - MyFilter.init() line: 30  
NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Constructor, Object[]) line: not 
available [native method]  NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Object[]) 
line: 39  DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Object[]) line: 27  
ConstructorT.newInstance(Object...) line: 513  ClassT.newInstance0() line: 
355  ClassT.newInstance() line: 308  ApplicationFilterConfig.getFilter() 
line: 255  ApplicationFilterConfig.setFilterDef(FilterDef) line: 397  
ApplicationFilterConfig.init(Context, FilterDef) line: 108  
StandardContext.filterStart() line: 3709  StandardContext.start() line: 4356  
StandardHost(ContainerBase).start() line: 1045  StandardHost.start() line: 719 
 StandardEngine(ContainerBase).start() line: 1045  StandardEngine.start() 
line: 443  StandardService.start() line: 516  StandardServer.start() line: 
710  Catalina.start() line: 578  NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Method, 
Object, Object[]) line: not available [native method]  
NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: 39  
DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: 25  
Method.invoke(Object, Object...) line: 597  Bootstrap.start() line: 288  
Bootstrap.main(String[]) line: 413   --  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
To: Subject: Re: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 not working 
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2008 17:19:57 +0200   - Original Message -  From: 
Mikolaj Rydzewski [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Tomcat Users List Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 5:06 PM Subject: Re: 
Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 not workingktou Ho wrote:  The problem I am 
facing is the Singleton is not working at all in the   servlet. I tried to 
synchnozed the constructor or make it static. I   still get two instances of 
the objects. How can I solve the problem?  Is anyone able to reproduce this? 
 No, for fun I gave it a spin... it worked, one count Think ktou is going to 
have to post his code Like chuck said, something fishy ;) On NB its easy to 
mistakenly set up glassfish as the server - ha hapublic class 
RemoteDBConnections  {  private static RemoteDBConnections sInstance = 
new   RemoteDBConnections();  private static int counter=0;  private 
RemoteDBConnections()  {  System.out.println(counter = + (counter++)); 
  Add following line (assuming you do not override default toString 
method):   System.out.println(this.toString());   and compare results. 
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RE: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 not working

2008-06-05 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 From: ktou Ho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 not working

 Have you tried to put in it the ROOT?

Yes, I've tried putting it in ROOT, and I get only a single instance, using 
Tomcat 6.0.16 under JDK 1.6.0_06.

For more information, add these lines to your constructor, immediately after 
printing out the counter:

  StackTraceElement[] traces = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();
  for (StackTraceElement ste : traces) System.out.println(   + ste);

This is what mine displays:
counter = 0

I'm not using any filters.

 - Chuck

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RE: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 not working

2008-06-05 Thread ktou Ho

I got twice of the following:
sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
Elwin From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Date: Thu, 5 Jun 
2008 12:11:24 -0500 Subject: RE: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 not working   
From: ktou Ho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Subject: RE: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 
not working   Have you tried to put in it the ROOT?  Yes, I've tried 
putting it in ROOT, and I get only a single instance, using Tomcat 6.0.16 under 
JDK 1.6.0_06.  For more information, add these lines to your constructor, 
immediately after printing out the counter:  StackTraceElement[] traces = 
Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace(); for (StackTraceElement ste : traces) 
System.out.println(  + ste);  This is what mine displays: counter = 0 
org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.process($  I'm not using any filters.  - Chuck 
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Re: request for simplistic Tomcat 5.5 log config

2008-06-05 Thread Mark Thomas

André Warnier wrote:
(This is Linux Debian Etch, with Tomcat5.5 out of the box, standard 
apt-get install.)

Without knowing if/how 5.5.x has been mangled by the packaging process it 
is going to be difficult to help you. The packaging process tends to play 
all sorts of games with file locations and default configurations. If you 
use a packaged version rather than the standard tar you limit the pool of 
people able to help to those running the same package as you.

If you can, switch to the standard tar.gz from one of the Apache mirrors.


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RE: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 not working

2008-06-05 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 From: ktou Ho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 not working

 I got twice of the following:

Let's double-check here: both traces include the clinit call for 

Exactly which JDK do you have installed?

 - Chuck

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Problem regarding the connector..

2008-06-05 Thread ramya lekha

installed apache and tomcat in my unix systems... and i m trying to connect
them using the mod_jk... I had set JkMount to the appropriate workers1 in
the httpd.conf filebut still whenever i type the URL the apache is not
redirecting it to the tomcat... Can anyone let me know where would the error


RE: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 not working

2008-06-05 Thread ktou Ho

And yes, both have the clinit call.
I double checked, both trace log are exact the same.
Elwin From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Date: Thu, 5 Jun 
2008 12:30:53 -0500 Subject: RE: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 not working   
From: ktou Ho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Subject: RE: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 
not working   I got twice of the following:  ==  
Let's double-check here: both traces include the clinit call for 
RemoteDBConnections?  Exactly which JDK do you have installed?  - Chuck  
MATERIAL and is thus for use only by the intended recipient. If you received 
this in error, please contact the sender and delete the e-mail and its 
attachments from all computers.  
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Re: Problem regarding the connector..

2008-06-05 Thread Mark Thomas

ramya lekha wrote:


installed apache and tomcat in my unix systems... and i m trying to connect
them using the mod_jk... I had set JkMount to the appropriate workers1 in
the httpd.conf filebut still whenever i type the URL the apache is not
redirecting it to the tomcat... Can anyone let me know where would the error

Somewhere in your configuration?

The people on this list are good but they aren't psychic ;)
You'll need to post the relevant extracts from your configuration files.


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RE: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 not working

2008-06-05 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 From: ktou Ho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 not working

  Context from the server.xml 
 Context docBase=ROOT path=/ROOT reloadable=true

Right there is a problem: the path attribute should be , not /ROOT, when 
you're defining the default webapp.  However, you should never be putting 
Context elements in server.xml; the Context element belongs in the webapp's 
META-INF/context.xml file, if you need it at all.  When the Context element 
is not in server.xml, you must not use the docBase or path attributes; also 
note that there is no source attribute for the Context element, so all it 
should contain is the reloadable setting.

 - Chuck

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RE: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 not working

2008-06-05 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 From: ktou Ho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 not working

 -- Filter---
 public class ElwinFilter implements Filter
 -- web.xml -
 filter-nameElwin Filter/filter-name

Looks like you're not giving us exactly what you are running.  For example, 
both the filter and the RemoteDBConnections sources omit any package 
statements, and the declared filter-class doesn't match the name of the 
filter class.  Your credibility just took a hit.

 - Chuck

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RE: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 not working

2008-06-05 Thread ktou Ho

Did you mean I should just remove this  Context element from the server.xml?
Elwin From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Date: Thu, 5 Jun 
2008 12:55:58 -0500 Subject: RE: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 not working   
From: ktou Ho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Subject: RE: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 
not working    Context from the server.xml   Context 
docBase=ROOT path=/ROOT reloadable=true  
source=org.eclipse.jst.jee.server:ROOT//Host  Right there is a problem: 
the path attribute should be , not /ROOT, when you're defining the default 
webapp. However, you should never be putting Context elements in server.xml; 
the Context element belongs in the webapp's META-INF/context.xml file, if you 
need it at all. When the Context element is not in server.xml, you must not 
use the docBase or path attributes; also note that there is no source attribute 
for the Context element, so all it should contain is the reloadable setting. 
PROPRIETARY MATERIAL and is thus for use only by the intended recipient. If you 
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RE: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 not working

2008-06-05 Thread ktou Ho

I changed the package name. (by only removed the compay name), as I am not 
supposed to expose the source code.
Sorry about that. 
Elwin From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Date: Thu, 5 Jun 
2008 13:08:14 -0500 Subject: RE: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 not working   
From: ktou Ho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Subject: RE: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 
not working   -- Filter---  public class ElwinFilter 
implements Filter  -- web.xml -  filter  
filter-nameElwin Filter/filter-name  filter-class  
com.elwin.IMeraFilter  /filter-class  Looks like you're not giving us 
exactly what you are running. For example, both the filter and the 
RemoteDBConnections sources omit any package statements, and the declared 
filter-class doesn't match the name of the filter class. Your credibility 
AND/OR OTHERWISE PROPRIETARY MATERIAL and is thus for use only by the intended 
recipient. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete 
the e-mail and its attachments from all computers.  
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RE: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 not working

2008-06-05 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 From: ktou Ho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 not working

 Did you mean I should just remove this  Context element
 from the server.xml?

You should never have put it in there, so definitely remove it.  If you need to 
set the reloadable attribute, then put just this:

Context reloadable=true/

in the file META-INF/context.xml inside the webapp.  Note that setting 
reloadable incurs some additional overhead inside Tomcat, so it is normally not 
used for production.

The doc reference:

 - Chuck

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RE: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 not working

2008-06-05 Thread ktou Ho

It works. You are the best :
Thanks a lot.
Elwin From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Date: Thu, 5 Jun 
2008 13:15:03 -0500 Subject: RE: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 not working   
From: ktou Ho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Subject: RE: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 
not working   Did you mean I should just remove this Context element  
from the server.xml?  You should never have put it in there, so definitely 
remove it. If you need to set the reloadable attribute, then put just this:  
Context reloadable=true/  in the file META-INF/context.xml inside the 
webapp. Note that setting reloadable incurs some additional overhead inside 
Tomcat, so it is normally not used for production.  The doc reference:  - Chuck   
MATERIAL and is thus for use only by the intended recipient. If you received 
this in error, please contact the sender and delete the e-mail and its 
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RE: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 not working

2008-06-05 Thread ktou Ho

By the way, I was using the Eclipse 3.3, it integrated the Tomcat development 
tool. It was the Eclipse add that line to the server.xml. May be we need to let 
them know about this.
Elwin From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Date: Thu, 5 Jun 
2008 13:15:03 -0500 Subject: RE: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 not working   
From: ktou Ho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Subject: RE: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 
not working   Did you mean I should just remove this Context element  
from the server.xml?  You should never have put it in there, so definitely 
remove it. If you need to set the reloadable attribute, then put just this:  
Context reloadable=true/  in the file META-INF/context.xml inside the 
webapp. Note that setting reloadable incurs some additional overhead inside 
Tomcat, so it is normally not used for production.  The doc reference:  - Chuck   
MATERIAL and is thus for use only by the intended recipient. If you received 
this in error, please contact the sender and delete the e-mail and its 
attachments from all computers.  
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It��s amazing, apache make TC performance decrease dramatically.

2008-06-05 Thread Zufeng Huang
  Hi, all
  I post a topic about the performance of apache+mod_jk_tomcat yesterday, and 
just now, I tried apache ab as the tool to do a benchmark. But the result is 
  My steps:
  1, Using a jsp as the target ONE.
  1.1, ab ¨Cn 25000 ¨Cc 1000 URL_via_apache
  Concurrency Level:  1000
  Time taken for tests:   410.105255 seconds
  Complete requests:  25000
  1.2,ab ¨Cn 25000 ¨Cc 1000 URL_direct_to_tomcat
  Concurrency Level:  1000
  Time taken for tests:   12.297322 seconds
  Complete requests:  25000
  2, Using a html page as the target TWO.
  2.1, ab ¨Cn 25000 ¨Cc 1000 URL_via_apache
  Concurrency Level:  1000
  Time taken for tests:   25.655253 seconds
  Complete requests:  25000
  2.2, ab ¨Cn 25000 ¨Cc 1000 URL_direct_to_tomcat
  Concurrency Level:  1000
  Time taken for tests:   24.132493 seconds
  Complete requests:  25000

  So this really make me amazing and there are two questions:
  1, According to my configurations, apache(2.2.4) has NO advantage against 
tomcat(5.5.15) in processing static content.
  2, In processing dynamic content, apache make performance decrease 
  It¡¯s the matter of MPM-prefork/worker???

  IfModule prefork.c
  StartServers 50
  MinSpareServers 50
  MaxSpareServers 100
  ServerLimit 2000
  MaxClients 1500
  MaxRequestsPerChild 0
  maxThreads=1500 minSpareThreads=20 maxSpareThreads=50
  enableLookups=false redirectPort=8443 acceptCount=300


Re: Single sign on issue with Tomcat and Apache

2008-06-05 Thread André Warnier

Well, Johnny, we seem to agree..

Johnny Kewl wrote:

- Original Message - From: sridharmnj [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 4:33 PM
Subject: Re: Single sign on issue with Tomcat and Apache

Many thanks to all of you for responding to my problem.
I apologize, I hope I didnot mention my system architecture clearly. 
(As I
mentioned, it is an old application, which was developed 9 yrs ago, 
and no

documentation at all :-(  )

I am accessing those applications like.. - (aaa webapp) Its based on Tomcat FORM based
authentication. (JDBC Realm) - Here some static pages are deployed into 
Apache and

based on BASIC authentication.(mod_auth_mysql) - (ccc webapp) Here dynamic pages are deployed on
Tomcat based on BASIC authentication.(JDBC Realm)

All the above applications are using same usertable for credentials.

Scenario 1: When I logs into the bbb, (Apache-BASIC) it is poping up a
dialog box with username and password and after providing the details 
it is
authenticating using mod_auth_mysql. I have a link to the ccc 
from bbb pages. When I clicked that link, I am able to navigate those 

without providing the credentials again. (I hope, here tomcat is finding
auth headers which are set by Apache)

Scenario 2: When I directly logs into ccc (Tomcat-BASIC) it is poping 
up a
dialog box with username and password and after providing the details, 
it is
authenticating using Tomcat BASIC authentication. If I click a link to 
I am able to navigate to it without providing the details 2nd time. (I 

here Apache is finding the credentials which are set by Tomcat).

Scenario 3: When I logs into aaa, (TOMCAT-FORM) after authentication, 
I am
able to access ccc (TOMCAT-BASIC) without providing the credentials 

(I hope, here Tomcat is sharing the credentials between FORM and BASIC
authentication credentials, as SingleSignOnValve is enabled).

These Scenarios 1,2,3 are working perfectly, and I need those as is.

Scenario 4: When I logs into aaa, (Tomcat-Form) after authentication, 
If I
click a link to bbb (Apache-BASIC) again its poping up a window for 

and password.

Ok this is very different to what we first thought.
This is a guess...

I think the problem is that you mixing auth methods...
You have to make them all BASIC in this case.
The browser is on the same domain... so I think it will be returning the 
auth header info, can check with a dump valve or get wireshark and just 
make sure it is returning header info... but I think it is, the problem 
is that the auth info is not the same.

I've never used FORM authentication, but I guess it just reads the UID 
and Password fields and then TC starts tracking that cookie as 
BASIC does not do that... there the browser returns a Base64 encoded 
mash and that is interpreted.

So if you go to say ccc (BASIC) and then bbb (BASIC). you havnt 
said... but I think that will work.
But when you go to FORM all the browser sends Apache is a little old 
cookie... and the BASIC logic will go what the hell... and challenges 
the browser.

So the initial thought that it was a domain problem is not correct... 
you just mixing incompatible auth schemes.
I think you have to lose the FORM auth... and even though you cant 
change the web app, I think that is is possible externally... all thats 
going to happen is that the browser pops up a password box... and that 
auth FORM is now going to be redundant.

I think the FORM auth has to go, must be made BASIC... my guess.

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Re: Problem regarding the connector..

2008-06-05 Thread André Warnier

Mark Thomas wrote:

ramya lekha wrote:


installed apache and tomcat in my unix systems... and i m trying to 

them using the mod_jk... I had set JkMount to the appropriate workers1 in
the httpd.conf filebut still whenever i type the URL the apache is 
redirecting it to the tomcat... Can anyone let me know where would the 


Somewhere in your configuration?

The people on this list are good but they aren't psychic ;)
You'll need to post the relevant extracts from your configuration files.

Taking the words out of my mouth ;-)
You know ramya, we believe you when you say that you set everything to 
the appropriate workers etc.., we really do. But we'd like to see 
anyway, just in case ;-)

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Tomcat upgrade and JSTL XML library

2008-06-05 Thread Sam Weinger
I have a web application that uses JSP 2.0 tag files and the Jakarta
standard implementation of the JSTL. Essentially, I have JSP files that use
custom tag files, both of which use the JSTL XML tag libraries for XML
manipulation. Under Tomcat 5.5.17 and earlier, in my tag file, I was able to
do something like: 

%@ taglib prefix=x uri=; %

x:parse var=fooDoc
  bazThis is some content/baz

'x:out select=$fooDoc/foo/bar/baz/'

And this would correctly display 'This is some content' in the generated
HTML. Once I tried to deploy the above in any Tomcat version 5.5.20 or
above, this failed to work, and would only display the single brackets, not
the content (''). What does work is changing the line above to:

'x:out select=$fooDoc/bar/baz/'

Basically removing the foo part of the xpath. I am using the same version of
the jstl jars in both cases, the only difference is Tomcat. Obviously, I
could go through and change every place where the x:out is used, but would
rather not have the code be specific to the servlet container. I am unable
to find any description of a change that could possibly cause this, and am
wondering if there is anyone who has encountered this same problem. Am I
missing some setting in my web.xml that would control this? Any help is
greatly appreciated.


Sam Weinger
Consultant at Wrycan, Inc.
sam dot weinger at wrycan dot com

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Re: Single sign on issue with Tomcat and Apache

2008-06-05 Thread sridharmnj

If there is no way to do this, what changes do you suggest?

except aaa changes.

Is it a better idea to move apache pages (bbb) into the tomcat (ccc)? (so
that there will be only tomcat authentication exists)


awarnier wrote:
 Well, Johnny, we seem to agree..
 Johnny Kewl wrote:
 - Original Message - From: sridharmnj [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 4:33 PM
 Subject: Re: Single sign on issue with Tomcat and Apache

 Many thanks to all of you for responding to my problem.
 I apologize, I hope I didnot mention my system architecture clearly. 
 (As I
 mentioned, it is an old application, which was developed 9 yrs ago, 
 and no
 documentation at all :-(  )

 I am accessing those applications like.. - (aaa webapp) Its based on Tomcat FORM based
 authentication. (JDBC Realm) - Here some static pages are deployed into 
 Apache and
 based on BASIC authentication.(mod_auth_mysql) - (ccc webapp) Here dynamic pages are deployed on
 Tomcat based on BASIC authentication.(JDBC Realm)

 All the above applications are using same usertable for credentials.

 Scenario 1: When I logs into the bbb, (Apache-BASIC) it is poping up a
 dialog box with username and password and after providing the details 
 it is
 authenticating using mod_auth_mysql. I have a link to the ccc 
 from bbb pages. When I clicked that link, I am able to navigate those 
 without providing the credentials again. (I hope, here tomcat is finding
 auth headers which are set by Apache)

 Scenario 2: When I directly logs into ccc (Tomcat-BASIC) it is poping 
 up a
 dialog box with username and password and after providing the details, 
 it is
 authenticating using Tomcat BASIC authentication. If I click a link to 
 I am able to navigate to it without providing the details 2nd time. (I 
 here Apache is finding the credentials which are set by Tomcat).

 Scenario 3: When I logs into aaa, (TOMCAT-FORM) after authentication, 
 I am
 able to access ccc (TOMCAT-BASIC) without providing the credentials 
 (I hope, here Tomcat is sharing the credentials between FORM and BASIC
 authentication credentials, as SingleSignOnValve is enabled).

 These Scenarios 1,2,3 are working perfectly, and I need those as is.

 Scenario 4: When I logs into aaa, (Tomcat-Form) after authentication, 
 If I
 click a link to bbb (Apache-BASIC) again its poping up a window for 
 and password.
 Ok this is very different to what we first thought.
 This is a guess...
 I think the problem is that you mixing auth methods...
 You have to make them all BASIC in this case.
 The browser is on the same domain... so I think it will be returning the 
 auth header info, can check with a dump valve or get wireshark and just 
 make sure it is returning header info... but I think it is, the problem 
 is that the auth info is not the same.
 I've never used FORM authentication, but I guess it just reads the UID 
 and Password fields and then TC starts tracking that cookie as 
 BASIC does not do that... there the browser returns a Base64 encoded 
 mash and that is interpreted.
 So if you go to say ccc (BASIC) and then bbb (BASIC). you havnt 
 said... but I think that will work.
 But when you go to FORM all the browser sends Apache is a little old 
 cookie... and the BASIC logic will go what the hell... and challenges 
 the browser.
 So the initial thought that it was a domain problem is not correct... 
 you just mixing incompatible auth schemes.
 I think you have to lose the FORM auth... and even though you cant 
 change the web app, I think that is is possible externally... all thats 
 going to happen is that the browser pops up a password box... and that 
 auth FORM is now going to be redundant.
 I think the FORM auth has to go, must be made BASIC... my guess.
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RE: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 not working

2008-06-05 Thread Larry Isaacs
I think the Tomcat support in Eclipse WTP is pretty reasonable, but it isn't 
perfect.  For example, if you name your project ROOT, Eclipse won't tell you 
that you are asking for trouble because some web servers, like Tomcat, may give 
that particular name special treatment.  This would explain the:

Context docBase=ROOT path=/ROOT reloadable=true 

Thus, I would recommend not naming a Dynamic Web Project ROOT.  You can make 
a Dynamic Web Project the default webapp by opening the Web Project Setting 
page of the project's Properties dialog and set the Context Root field to a 
blank string.  When published to a Tomcat server in Eclipse, it will become the 
default (i.e. ROOT) webapp.

Because putting Contexts in server.xml is supported by all versions of Tomcat, 
this is the default behavior.  For Tomcat 5.x and later, you can enable the 
Publish module contexts to separate XML files option in the server editor.  
This will remove the Contexts from the server.xml (the one found under the 
Servers project in your workspace) and write the Contexts to separate files 
when publishing the server.  Obviously, this implies the server.xml you find 
under the Servers project in your workspace is not the one used by Tomcat when 
it is running.  Tomcat runs off a modified copy created when the server is 

See for more details about the Tomcat 
support in Eclipse.


 -Original Message-
 From: ktou Ho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 2:24 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: RE: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 not working

 By the way, I was using the Eclipse 3.3, it integrated the Tomcat
 development tool. It was the Eclipse add that line to the server.xml.
 May be we need to let them know about this.

 Elwin From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To:
 Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2008 13:15:03 -0500 Subject: RE: Singleton in Tomcat
 6.0 not working   From: ktou Ho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Subject: RE: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 not working   Did you mean I
 should just remove this Context element  from the server.xml? 
 You should never have put it in there, so definitely remove it. If you
 need to set the reloadable attribute, then put just this:  Context
 reloadable=true/  in the file META-INF/context.xml inside the
 webapp. Note that setting reloadable incurs some additional overhead
 inside Tomcat, so it is normally not used for production.  The doc
 doc/config/context.html  - Chuck   THIS COMMUNICATION MAY CONTAIN
 only by the intended recipient. If you received this in error, please
 contact the sender and delete the e-mail and its attachments from all
 computers.  -
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RE: Single sign on issue with Tomcat and Apache

2008-06-05 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 From: sridharmnj [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Single sign on issue with Tomcat and Apache

 Is it a better idea to move apache pages (bbb) into the
 tomcat (ccc)?

If you're not using httpd for anything other than serving static content, then 
yes, get rid of it.  Tomcat by itself does that quite well.

 - Chuck

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RE: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 not working

2008-06-05 Thread ktou Ho

Thanks. I willl try that.
Elwin From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Date: Thu, 5 Jun 
2008 15:32:29 -0400 Subject: RE: Singleton in Tomcat 6.0 not working  I 
think the Tomcat support in Eclipse WTP is pretty reasonable, but it isn't 
perfect. For example, if you name your project ROOT, Eclipse won't tell you 
that you are asking for trouble because some web servers, like Tomcat, may give 
that particular name special treatment. This would explain the:  Context 
docBase=ROOT path=/ROOT reloadable=true 
source=org.eclipse.jst.jee.server:ROOT/  Thus, I would recommend not 
naming a Dynamic Web Project ROOT. You can make a Dynamic Web Project the 
default webapp by opening the Web Project Setting page of the project's 
Properties dialog and set the Context Root field to a blank string. When 
published to a Tomcat server in Eclipse, it will become the default (i.e. ROOT) 
webapp.  Because putting Contexts in server.xml is supported by all versions 
of Tomcat, this is the default behavior. For Tomcat 5.x and later, you can 
enable the Publish module contexts to separate XML files option in the server 
editor. This will remove the Contexts from the server.xml (the one found under 
the Servers project in your workspace) and write the Contexts to separate files 
when publishing the server. Obviously, this implies the server.xml you find 
under the Servers project in your workspace is not the one used by Tomcat when 
it is running. Tomcat runs off a modified copy created when the server is 
published.  See for more details about 
the Tomcat support in Eclipse.  Cheers, Larry   -Original 
Message-  From: ktou Ho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sent: Thursday, June 
05, 2008 2:24 PM  To: Tomcat Users List  Subject: RE: Singleton in Tomcat 
6.0 not workingBy the way, I was using the Eclipse 3.3, it integrated 
the Tomcat  development tool. It was the Eclipse add that line to the 
server.xml.  May be we need to let them know about this.   Thanks  
Elwin From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To:  Date: Thu, 5 
Jun 2008 13:15:03 -0500 Subject: RE: Singleton in Tomcat  6.0 not working  
 From: ktou Ho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Subject: RE: Singleton in 
Tomcat 6.0 not working   Did you mean I  should just remove this 
Context element  from the server.xml?   You should never have put it in 
there, so definitely remove it. If you  need to set the reloadable attribute, 
then put just this:  Context  reloadable=true/  in the file 
META-INF/context.xml inside the  webapp. Note that setting reloadable incurs 
some additional overhead  inside Tomcat, so it is normally not used for 
production.  The doc  reference:  
doc/config/context.html  - Chuck   THIS COMMUNICATION MAY CONTAIN  
by the intended recipient. If you received this in error, please  contact the 
sender and delete the e-mail and its attachments from all  computers.  
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Re: Tomcat sporadically hangs(long)

2008-06-05 Thread Lars Bo Hansen
We actually did make good progress this week. It was the firewall clipping
idle connections to the database, so we played around with the connection
pool configurations and haven't have the problem ever since. I can't imagine
we didn't think of this earlyer on:)

On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 8:50 AM, Mark Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Lars Bo Hansen wrote:


 We've been having this issue with tomcat that sporadically hangs once in a
 while (startet happening just after an apache was put up front, so I'm not
 quite sure if this is the correct list)

 Have you tried taking a thread dump whilst this is happening? If you take
 two ~30s apart it should be obvious which thread is hanging where.


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Re: Single sign on issue with Tomcat and Apache

2008-06-05 Thread André Warnier

sridharmnj wrote:

- there is only one Apache, and one Tomcat, on the same physical server
- there are no Apache VirtualHosts (or there is only one), and there is 
only one Tomcat Host section in server.xml

Apache virtualhost is there, and tomcat host is Host name=localhost...
- the back-end for the authentication is the same MySql database system, 
and the same table.  In one case it is accessed by an Apache module 
(mod_auth_mysql), in the other by some Java module under Tomcat (that's 
my own weak point by the way, I'm not really a Java/Tomcat guy)

yes, authentication is mysql database
- there is only one single DNS domain (which simplifies certain issues)
yes like
- all authentication is of type Basic, which means based on the 
exchange of HTTP headers from browser to server.

No, aaa is based on FORM authentication, and it should not be changed


Hmm, I am sorry, if I mislead you. aaa is based on FORM authentication only
and my client doesnot want to chage it.

As Johnny and I are telling you in different words but with the same 
meaning, you are mixing two different kinds of authentication, and 
Apache (and the browser) unfortunately never see the authentication that 
happens with the Tomcat FORM method.  And there is even no way, at the 
Tomcat level, to pass this information back to Apache (and neither does 
it need to be passed back to Apache, it should passed to the browser, 
see below).

Or, let me put this another way, there is no simple way, using just the 
standard Apache and Tomcat configuration and standard add-on modules.

If your client absolutely wants to keep the FORM authentication for aaa, 
and still wants to have a single-sign-on between the 3 areas 
aaa/ccc/bbb, then the other solution would be to change the 
authentication method for bbb and ccc.

One general solution, roughly outlined in one of my previous emails : do 
all the authentication(s) at the Apache level, and pass the Apache 
authentication to Tomcat.
You could do something, at the Apache level, that will authenticate the 
user always with a form (for aaa/bbb/ccc), and it could even be the same 
look as the login.jsp currently used on Tomcat/aaa.  And it would be 
single-sign-on for all aaa/bbb/ccc.

That would be the cleanest solution.
(Note : the Tomcat applications would still be protected and 
authenticated.  They just would no longer handle the login dialog 

Or, another solution : cut out Apache, and use Tomcat also as the HTTP 
server for the static pages of bbb.  If what happens on Apache is no 
more than serving static html pages for bbb, Tomcat can do that too. 
And this way, you could protect bbb by a Tomcat-level Basic 
authentication, and it would also fall within your Tomcat single-sign-on.

Or, leave Apache in-between, but have it pass all requests for bbb to 
Tomcat also (like it does for aaa and ccc), and serve the static pages 
from Tomcat, subject to basic authentication on Tomcat.  This way, after 
the first authentication, no matter where in aaa/bbb/ccc, Tomcat would 
know and keep the authentication even if you later switch between 

In Basic authentication, it is the browser basically that decides to 
send the authorization : Basic U3JpZGabkyuUZXN0aW5n  header, in 
function of what it knows (that the realm xxx requires authorization). 
 It knows that, because in a previous attempt to access this same 
realm, it received a 401 response from the server, telling him 
authorization required for realm xxx.
But in your case, when the user accesses aaa first, the browser never 
receives a 401 response, so it never knows that it must send the 
authorization header, and it never does.
So when you go from aaa to bbb, it does not send the header either, even 
if the realm is the same, because it does not know (yet) that an 
authorization is required.  The result is that Apache sends back a 401 
response then, and the result of that is that the browser pops up the 
login dialog (again).

That's a bit simplified, but it's the essence.

On the other hand, Tomcat *never* sends any authentication information 
back to Apache.  When you access ccc first, it is Tomcat that sends the 
401 response to the browser, and that is how *the browser* then knows.

Apache never knows.



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Re: Problem regarding the connector..

2008-06-05 Thread ramya lekha

I had attached the httpd.conf file along with this mail...
The Directory root is set to usr/abcd-web and our application testapp is
under usr/apache/tomcat/webapp So when ever the url is called it is searching under usr/abcd-web instead
of usr/apache/tomcat/webapp The error in the mod_jk.log file is
displayed below:

[Wed Jun 04 20:51:44 2008] [943571:3223019520] [debug] jk_shm.c (471):
Reseting the shared memory for child 6
[Wed Jun 04 20:51:44 2008] [943571:3223019520] [debug] jk_shm.c (262):
Duplicated shared memory lock /usr/apache/logs/mod_jk.shm.942337.lock
[Wed Jun 04 20:51:44 2008] [943571:3223019520] [debug] mod_jk.c (2730):
Attached shm:/usr/apache/logs/mod_jk.shm.942337 (28672 bytes)
[Wed Jun 04 20:51:44 2008] [943571:3223019520] [debug] mod_jk.c (2740):
Initialized mod_jk/1.2.26
[Wed Jun 04 21:04:16 2008] [943458:3223019520] [debug] mod_jk.c (3033):
missing uri map for

And the I wrote is :

# Define some properties
# Set properties for worker1(ajp13)

Do let me know if anything more is needed..


On 6/5/08, André Warnier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Mark Thomas wrote:

 ramya lekha wrote:


 installed apache and tomcat in my unix systems... and i m trying to
 them using the mod_jk... I had set JkMount to the appropriate workers1 in
 the httpd.conf filebut still whenever i type the URL the apache is
 redirecting it to the tomcat... Can anyone let me know where would the

 Somewhere in your configuration?

 The people on this list are good but they aren't psychic ;)
 You'll need to post the relevant extracts from your configuration files.

 Taking the words out of my mouth ;-)
 You know ramya, we believe you when you say that you set everything to the
 appropriate workers etc.., we really do. But we'd like to see anyway, just
 in case ;-)

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Re: Single sign on issue with Tomcat and Apache

2008-06-05 Thread sridharmnj

Many thanks!!

I am planning to follow the below approach only.

 Or, leave Apache in-between, but have it pass all requests for bbb to 
Tomcat also (like it does for aaa and ccc), and serve the static pages 
from Tomcat, subject to basic authentication on Tomcat.  This way, after 
the first authentication, no matter where in aaa/bbb/ccc, Tomcat would 
know and keep the authentication even if you later switch between 

I am planning to move bbb (Apache static pages) to Tomcat and make it Tomcat
Basic authentication.
So I can access aaa/bbb/ccc.

This seems to be the best solution for me. (Because, there are some other
applications which are running on tomcat and this may be useful for future
enhancements also) Now I am looking on feasibility of moving those pages to

Thanks to you all and thanks to the wonderful forum.

awarnier wrote:
 sridharmnj wrote:
 - there is only one Apache, and one Tomcat, on the same physical server
 - there are no Apache VirtualHosts (or there is only one), and there is 
 only one Tomcat Host section in server.xml
 Apache virtualhost is there, and tomcat host is Host name=localhost...
 - the back-end for the authentication is the same MySql database system, 
 and the same table.  In one case it is accessed by an Apache module 
 (mod_auth_mysql), in the other by some Java module under Tomcat (that's 
 my own weak point by the way, I'm not really a Java/Tomcat guy)
 yes, authentication is mysql database
 - there is only one single DNS domain (which simplifies certain issues)
 yes like
 - all authentication is of type Basic, which means based on the 
 exchange of HTTP headers from browser to server.
 No, aaa is based on FORM authentication, and it should not be changed
 Hmm, I am sorry, if I mislead you. aaa is based on FORM authentication
 and my client doesnot want to chage it.

 As Johnny and I are telling you in different words but with the same 
 meaning, you are mixing two different kinds of authentication, and 
 Apache (and the browser) unfortunately never see the authentication that 
 happens with the Tomcat FORM method.  And there is even no way, at the 
 Tomcat level, to pass this information back to Apache (and neither does 
 it need to be passed back to Apache, it should passed to the browser, 
 see below).
 Or, let me put this another way, there is no simple way, using just the 
 standard Apache and Tomcat configuration and standard add-on modules.
 If your client absolutely wants to keep the FORM authentication for aaa, 
 and still wants to have a single-sign-on between the 3 areas 
 aaa/ccc/bbb, then the other solution would be to change the 
 authentication method for bbb and ccc.
 One general solution, roughly outlined in one of my previous emails : do 
 all the authentication(s) at the Apache level, and pass the Apache 
 authentication to Tomcat.
 You could do something, at the Apache level, that will authenticate the 
 user always with a form (for aaa/bbb/ccc), and it could even be the same 
 look as the login.jsp currently used on Tomcat/aaa.  And it would be 
 single-sign-on for all aaa/bbb/ccc.
 That would be the cleanest solution.
 (Note : the Tomcat applications would still be protected and 
 authenticated.  They just would no longer handle the login dialog 
 Or, another solution : cut out Apache, and use Tomcat also as the HTTP 
 server for the static pages of bbb.  If what happens on Apache is no 
 more than serving static html pages for bbb, Tomcat can do that too. 
 And this way, you could protect bbb by a Tomcat-level Basic 
 authentication, and it would also fall within your Tomcat single-sign-on.
 Or, leave Apache in-between, but have it pass all requests for bbb to 
 Tomcat also (like it does for aaa and ccc), and serve the static pages 
 from Tomcat, subject to basic authentication on Tomcat.  This way, after 
 the first authentication, no matter where in aaa/bbb/ccc, Tomcat would 
 know and keep the authentication even if you later switch between 
 In Basic authentication, it is the browser basically that decides to 
 send the authorization : Basic U3JpZGabkyuUZXN0aW5n  header, in 
 function of what it knows (that the realm xxx requires authorization). 
   It knows that, because in a previous attempt to access this same 
 realm, it received a 401 response from the server, telling him 
 authorization required for realm xxx.
 But in your case, when the user accesses aaa first, the browser never 
 receives a 401 response, so it never knows that it must send the 
 authorization header, and it never does.
 So when you go from aaa to bbb, it does not send the header either, even 
 if the realm is the same, because it does not know (yet) that an 
 authorization is required.  The result is that Apache sends back a 401 
 response then, and the result of that is that the browser pops up the 
 login dialog (again).
 That's a bit simplified, but it's 

Re: jsp:include versus % include %

2008-06-05 Thread Bill Davidson

Andrei Tchijov wrote:
they are identical. you will want to use jsp:include if you care to 
have your JSP pages in form of valid XML.

They are most definitely not identical.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ... % happens at compile time.  That is, only the first
time the JSP page is loaded.  The included data ends up in the compiled
servlet.  It has been my experience that you can have other JSP directives
in the included file and they will be properly interpreted.

jsp:include ... / happens at run time, every time the JSP page is
loaded.  The included data is not compiled into the servlet, rather
the generated servlet has code to re-read the included file every time
it runs.  It has been my experience that JSP tags in the included file
will not be interpreted so you're pretty much limited to HTML (or whatever
your final output format to the user agent is) in the included file.

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mod_jk api?

2008-06-05 Thread Mike Dickson
Is there any way/api to talk to mod_jk to tell it of a new Tomcat
instance to register it automatically to take load?  The only way I can
see of doing this is to POST to /jkstatus.  Ideas?


Re: jsp:include versus % include %

2008-06-05 Thread Bill Davidson

Bill Davidson wrote:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ... % happens at compile time.  That is, only the first
time the JSP page is loaded.  The included data ends up in the compiled
servlet.  It has been my experience that you can have other JSP 

in the included file and they will be properly interpreted.

I forgot to add, if the included file changes, then the JSP will not reflect
that change unless you force it to be recompiled.

jsp:include ... / happens at run time, every time the JSP page is
loaded.  The included data is not compiled into the servlet, rather
the generated servlet has code to re-read the included file every time
it runs.  It has been my experience that JSP tags in the included file
will not be interpreted so you're pretty much limited to HTML (or 

your final output format to the user agent is) in the included file.

In this case, if the included file changes, the JSP should reflect the
changes on the next page load, without a recompile.

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Re: Session lost when switching from https to http after upgrade to Tomcat 6

2008-06-05 Thread Bill Davidson

krusek wrote:

I have Apache 2 with SSL,  mod_jk connection, and Tomcat.  Everything has
worked peachy from one tomcat upgrade after another.  However now I upgraded
to tomcat 6 and I am loosing the session when switching from https to http
within the same domain.

For clarity,  Apache 2 is handling SSL not tomcat.  

Does anyone know why this is happening?
I appear to be having the exact same problem.  If I figure it out, I'll 

here.  Likewise, please let us know if you figure it out.

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Memory Settings in Tomcat 5.5.25

2008-06-05 Thread semaj.najraham


I am getting java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space error in my

I need to find what how much memory have been allocation for tomcat 5.5.25

The server is running as a Windows Service, but there is no sys tray. So, I
cannot do Properties - Configure in sys tray to configure jvm memory

There is no JAVA_OPTS settings for memory in catalina.bat.

How much memory have been allocated for tomcat?

maximum and minimum heap size and perm gen size

Thank you,

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RE: Memory Settings in Tomcat 5.5.25

2008-06-05 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 From: semaj.najraham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Memory Settings in Tomcat 5.5.25

 I am getting java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space error in my

 I need to find what how much memory have been allocation for
 tomcat 5.5.25 server.

Use jconsole to look at the state of the heap in a running Tomcat.

 I cannot do Properties - Configure in sys tray to configure
 jvm memory options.

Run the bin\tomcat5w.exe program to access the heap settings.

 - Chuck

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Re: jsp:include versus % include %

2008-06-05 Thread Jim Cox
That's not really what I see here.

I think of %@ include=file% directives as akin to a C compiler's
#include, or a shell's source, directive in that the content of the file
is interpreted as if it were directly typed into the containing file. On the
old-ish version of Tomcat that I have, changes to the included file are
picked up automatically (i.e. no need to force a recompile).

I think of jsp:include page=relative url directives as essentially
making an HTTP request and including the output at the point of the tag
(though the analogy isn't quite perfect). It's been my experience that the
page included via jsp:include can be static HTML or a
dynamically-interpreted JSP page.

For example, try the following:

  int the_number_in_test_inc = 1 ;

[EMAIL PROTECTED] cat test-inc.jsp
The value passed to test-inc.jsp was

[EMAIL PROTECTED] cat test.jsp
%@ include %
The number in is %=the_number_in_test_inc%

jsp:include flush=true page=test-inc.jsp
  jsp:param name=for-test-inc value=/

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wget http://localhost/voxis/test.jsp
The number in is 1
The value passed to test-inc.jsp was 

# ...change to see if we get auto-recompile
  int the_number_in_test_inc = 1000 ;

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wget http://localhost/voxis/test.jsp
The number in is 1000
The value passed to test-inc.jsp was 

On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 4:50 PM, Bill Davidson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Bill Davidson wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ... % happens at compile time.  That is, only the first
 time the JSP page is loaded.  The included data ends up in the compiled
 servlet.  It has been my experience that you can have other JSP directives
 in the included file and they will be properly interpreted.

 I forgot to add, if the included file changes, then the JSP will not
 that change unless you force it to be recompiled.

 jsp:include ... / happens at run time, every time the JSP page is
 loaded.  The included data is not compiled into the servlet, rather
 the generated servlet has code to re-read the included file every time
 it runs.  It has been my experience that JSP tags in the included file
 will not be interpreted so you're pretty much limited to HTML (or whatever
 your final output format to the user agent is) in the included file.

 In this case, if the included file changes, the JSP should reflect the
 changes on the next page load, without a recompile.

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Re: Problem regarding the connector..

2008-06-05 Thread André Warnier

ramya lekha wrote:


I had attached the httpd.conf file along with this mail...
The Directory root is set to usr/abcd-web and our application testapp is
under usr/apache/tomcat/webapp So when ever the url is called it is searching under usr/abcd-web instead
of usr/apache/tomcat/webapp The error in the mod_jk.log file is
displayed below:

[Wed Jun 04 20:51:44 2008] [943571:3223019520] [debug] jk_shm.c (471):
Reseting the shared memory for child 6
[Wed Jun 04 20:51:44 2008] [943571:3223019520] [debug] jk_shm.c (262):
Duplicated shared memory lock /usr/apache/logs/mod_jk.shm.942337.lock
[Wed Jun 04 20:51:44 2008] [943571:3223019520] [debug] mod_jk.c (2730):
Attached shm:/usr/apache/logs/mod_jk.shm.942337 (28672 bytes)
[Wed Jun 04 20:51:44 2008] [943571:3223019520] [debug] mod_jk.c (2740):
Initialized mod_jk/1.2.26
[Wed Jun 04 21:04:16 2008] [943458:3223019520] [debug] mod_jk.c (3033):
missing uri map for

And the I wrote is :

# Define some properties
# Set properties for worker1(ajp13)

Do let me know if anything more is needed..

Well, yes probably.

1) You should have, in your Apache configuration, some instructions 
telling Apache which URI's should be handled by mod_jk.

Something like

JkMount /testapp  ajp13
JkMount /testapp/* ajp13

Location /testapp
  SetHandler Jakarta-servlet

2) in your Tomcat server.xml configuration, you should 
have a Connector element referencing port 2004

Something like
!-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 2004 --
Connector port=2004 enableLookups=false redirectPort= 
protocol=AJP/1.3 /

From the error message you show, it looks like it's the first item above 

that may be incorrect.

 [Wed Jun 04 21:04:16 2008] [943458:3223019520] [debug] mod_jk.c (3033):
 missing uri map for

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Re: jsp:include versus % include %

2008-06-05 Thread Bill Davidson

Jim Cox wrote:

That's not really what I see here.

I think of %@ include=file% directives as akin to a C compiler's
#include, or a shell's source, directive in that the content of the file
is interpreted as if it were directly typed into the containing file. On the
old-ish version of Tomcat that I have, changes to the included file are
picked up automatically (i.e. no need to force a recompile).
When I last tried testing this, it was with Sun Java System Application 
and it was a while back.  It didn't recompile if the included file 
changed.  I'll
have to try it with a recent version of Tomcat when I get a chance.  
to what you're saying, Tomcat is smart enough to notice that include 
files have


I think of jsp:include page=relative url directives as essentially
making an HTTP request and including the output at the point of the tag
(though the analogy isn't quite perfect). It's been my experience that the
page included via jsp:include can be static HTML or a
dynamically-interpreted JSP page.
Maybe it was that I was including files with extension .jspf since I 
them to be fragments, and not full JSP's.  I guess I should be thinking 
of them as

full JSP's instead.  Would they therefore have their own request/page scope
separate from the page including including them?  I guess as long as I'm 

using session data, it might be OK.

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Re: request for simplistic Tomcat 5.5 log config

2008-06-05 Thread André Warnier

Mark Thomas wrote:

André Warnier wrote:
(This is Linux Debian Etch, with Tomcat5.5 out of the box, standard 
apt-get install.)

Without knowing if/how 5.5.x has been mangled by the packaging process 
it is going to be difficult to help you. The packaging process tends to 
play all sorts of games with file locations and default configurations. 

Yes, it mangles quite a bit.  Tomcat5.5 is split (as files and links) 
between /etc/tomcat5.5, /var/lib/tomcat5.5, and /usr/share/tomcat5.5.
I suppose the Debian packagers have their very good and smart reasons 
for doing this, but it doesn't make searching config files easier.

If you use a packaged version rather than the standard tar you limit the 
pool of people able to help to those running the same package as you.

Understood.  But there must be some logic as to where log settings for 
given hosts or applications are defined, no ?

If you can, switch to the standard tar.gz from one of the Apache mirrors.

That I can't, or my main system maintainer would be very unhappy.

Now, again, I see the following files in the /var/log/tomcat5.5 
directory (that at least is easy, it seems to be the only location for 
logfiles) :


To take the issue one little bit at a time :

1) I would like to know for instance, in which configuration file(s) one 
would be likely to find out where it says to create 2 logfiles, one 
named catalina_2008-06-04.log and one named catalina.2008-06-04.log, 
and how to join them into a single file maybe ?

They contain different things :

catalina_x.log tends to contain this kind of info :

MaxTimeOut = 6120

while cataline..log tends to contain this kind of stuff :

Jun 3, 2008 1:17:58 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11BaseProtocol pause
INFO: Pausing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8180
Jun 3, 2008 1:17:59 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService stop
INFO: Stopping service Catalina
Jun 3, 2008 1:18:03 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11BaseProtocol destroy
INFO: Stopping Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8180
Jun 3, 2008 1:18:03 PM org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener 

INFO: Failed shutdown of Apache Portable Runtime
03-Jun-2008 13:18:14 org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener 

2) admin, host-manager and manager are applications.
If they each produce an individual logfile, I would imagine that it is 
defined somewhere that they should.
I have followed the path /var/lib/tomcat5.5/conf/Catalina/localhost, and 
in that directory I find 3 files :


All 3 files contain a Context element, but only in admin.xml was there 
a Logger element. I commented it out.
Then I stop Tomcat, delete all logfiles in /var/log/tomcat5.5, restart 
Tomcat, and presto, all files re-appear *including admin.2008-06-05.log* 
?? where does it come from ?  And what was the Logger element doing 
before I commented it out ?

In the other 2 files, there is no Logger. So why do these apps then 
still produce their own logfiles ?

For example, if I consider the manager application, and it has no 
Logger defined in it's context file 
/var/lib/tomcat5.5/conf/Catalina/localhost/manager.xml, then where else 
could it be defined ?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Moving from a very old Tomcat to a new Tomcat.

2008-06-05 Thread Bill Davidson

Christopher Schultz wrote:

Are you using cookies or URL-rewriting (or both) for your application?
Can you use a tool like LiveHTTPHeaders to observe the headers being
exchanged during the interaction described above?

We are using cookies to track sessions.  I don't think we're using URL
rewriting.  Servlets and jsp's are handed off to Tomcat.  Everything else
is Apache httpd.

We seem to be losing the cookie when a page being served from the SSL
virtual host forwards to a page that is not SSL (back in the regular host on
port 80).  No cookie means the server doesn't know that the browser is
attached to the session it created for the user.

My lack of Apache skills is no doubt showing.  Is there a way to have
Apache 2.2 serve both 80 (clear) and 443 (SSL) from the primary
host instead of a virtual host?  I'm guessing that the switch from the
virtual host to the main host (both with the same hostname and IP but
listening on different ports) is what's causing the cookie to get lost.

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RE: request for simplistic Tomcat 5.5 log config

2008-06-05 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 From: André Warnier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: request for simplistic Tomcat 5.5 log config

 Now, again, I see the following files in the
 /var/log/tomcat5.5 directory

Which further shows how the 3rd-party repackagers have corrupted the Tomcat 
distribution.  You really need to throw that away and install an actual Tomcat 
- or make it the sys admin's problem.

 - Chuck

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Re: Moving from a very old Tomcat to a new Tomcat.

2008-06-05 Thread Bill Davidson

One other thing I just noticed.  The login servlet runs
under https.  After successful login, including creating a valid
session, it calls
which is the one that ends up with no cookie.

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Re: quick question regarding jsvc

2008-06-05 Thread David Smith
I'm seeing that as well.  The root user jsvc process is parent to the 
tomcat user jsvc process.  You'll also notice from analysis of netstat's 
output that the tomcat user jsvc process is the only one listening to 
ports.  The one running as root is just there to spawn the true tomcat 
process with access to privileged ports.  I'm sure the root user jsvc 
process is also the one that takes a kill signal and sends a normal 
shutdown command to the other.


Adam Hardy wrote:
I'm running tomcat as user 'tomcat' on linux with jsvc.exec, using the 
associated shell script as the SysVinit start-up script.

I see tomcat running as 2 processes - one as root and one as tomcat. 
This doesn't seem right. Is it? Or should I change the command in the 
start-up script?


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Re: Moving from a very old Tomcat to a new Tomcat.

2008-06-05 Thread Martin

if your client doesnt want to write cookies
URL-rewrite is the answer

Apache analog is mod_rewrite

- Original Message - 
From: André Warnier [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 7:56 PM
Subject: Re: Moving from a very old Tomcat to a new Tomcat.

Bill Davidson wrote:

Christopher Schultz wrote:

Are you using cookies or URL-rewriting (or both) for your application?
Can you use a tool like LiveHTTPHeaders to observe the headers being
exchanged during the interaction described above?

We are using cookies to track sessions.  I don't think we're using URL
rewriting.  Servlets and jsp's are handed off to Tomcat.  Everything else
is Apache httpd.

We seem to be losing the cookie when a page being served from the SSL
virtual host forwards to a page that is not SSL (back in the regular host 

port 80).  No cookie means the server doesn't know that the browser is
attached to the session it created for the user.

This may not be the cause of your problem, but I remember vaguely that 
there can be a flag in a cookie saying for SSL only.  If such was the 
case, the browser may just decide to not send the cookie anymore, even to 
the same host, once you switch back to a non-SSL connection.

losing the cookie is also maybe a misnomer here.  The entity that has 
the cookie and decides to send it or not is the browser.  The only way 
the server can tell the browser to lose a cookie, is by resending the 
same cookie with an expiration date in the past.  That should cause the 
browser to delete the cookie and not send it anymore.

What I mean is : to set a cookie in the browser, the server sends a 
Set-Cookie HTTP header to the browser, along with some normal result 
page.  It does this once (or more, but once is enough).  After that, the 
browser will always send back the cookie with each request to the same
server, as a Cookie: HTTP header, until this cookie expires.  When the 
expiration date/time of the cookie is reached, the browser purges the 
cookie from its memory, and that is when it stops sending it.
There is no Unset-Cookie or Stop-sending-this-cookie HTTP header that 
the server can send to the browser.

My lack of Apache skills is no doubt showing.  Is there a way to have
Apache 2.2 serve both 80 (clear) and 443 (SSL) from the primary
host instead of a virtual host?  I'm guessing that the switch from the
virtual host to the main host (both with the same hostname and IP but
listening on different ports) is what's causing the cookie to get lost.

As far as I know, a cookie is not port-specific.  Host or domain-specific 
yes, but port not.

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Re: quick question regarding jsvc

2008-06-05 Thread Bill Barker

David Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 I'm seeing that as well.  The root user jsvc process is parent to the 
 tomcat user jsvc process.  You'll also notice from analysis of netstat's 
 output that the tomcat user jsvc process is the only one listening to 
 ports.  The one running as root is just there to spawn the true tomcat 
 process with access to privileged ports.  I'm sure the root user jsvc 
 process is also the one that takes a kill signal and sends a normal 
 shutdown command to the other.

Yeah, this is pretty much right.  Only the un-privilged child will handle 
incoming requests.  The privileged parent just sits there and waits for 
signals normally.  It is the same way that Apache httpd works.  It works 
around the fact that most JVM vendors on *nix systems register their own 
signal handler for SIGTERM and SIGHUP.


 Adam Hardy wrote:
 I'm running tomcat as user 'tomcat' on linux with jsvc.exec, using the 
 associated shell script as the SysVinit start-up script.

 I see tomcat running as 2 processes - one as root and one as tomcat. This 
 doesn't seem right. Is it? Or should I change the command in the start-up 


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Re: It��s amazing, apache make TC performance decrease dramatically.

2008-06-05 Thread Bill Barker
You haven't given your O/S details, but yes, AJP will s*ck big time on older 
Linux kernals with this test.  Older kernals can't handle having 1000+ 
threads active efficiently.  You could try testing again with the APR and/or 
(experimental) NIO AJP Connectors.  These usually get the difference down to 
somewhat acceptable.

However, using Apache+mod_jk just to increase performance is a myth, based 
on the state of Tomcat 8+ years ago ;).  It will almost always be slower 
with any current version.

Zufeng Huang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

  Hi, all

  I post a topic about the performance of apache+mod_jk_tomcat yesterday, 
 and just now, I tried apache ab as the tool to do a benchmark. But the 
 result is amazing.

  My steps:

  1, Using a jsp as the target ONE.
  1.1, ab ¨Cn 25000 ¨Cc 1000 URL_via_apache
  Concurrency Level:  1000
  Time taken for tests:   410.105255 seconds
  Complete requests:  25000

  1.2,ab ¨Cn 25000 ¨Cc 1000 URL_direct_to_tomcat
  Concurrency Level:  1000
  Time taken for tests:   12.297322 seconds
  Complete requests:  25000

  2, Using a html page as the target TWO.
  2.1, ab ¨Cn 25000 ¨Cc 1000 URL_via_apache
  Concurrency Level:  1000
  Time taken for tests:   25.655253 seconds
  Complete requests:  25000

  2.2, ab ¨Cn 25000 ¨Cc 1000 URL_direct_to_tomcat
  Concurrency Level:  1000
  Time taken for tests:   24.132493 seconds
  Complete requests:  25000

  So this really make me amazing and there are two questions:

  1, According to my configurations, apache(2.2.4) has NO advantage against 
 tomcat(5.5.15) in processing static content.

  2, In processing dynamic content, apache make performance decrease 

  It¡¯s the matter of MPM-prefork/worker???

  IfModule prefork.c
  StartServers 50
  MinSpareServers 50
  MaxSpareServers 100
  ServerLimit 2000
  MaxClients 1500
  MaxRequestsPerChild 0

  maxThreads=1500 minSpareThreads=20 maxSpareThreads=50
  enableLookups=false redirectPort=8443 acceptCount=300


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Re: It¡¯s amazing, apache make TC performance decrease dramatically.

2008-06-05 Thread Jess Holle

Bill Barker wrote:
You haven't given your O/S details, but yes, AJP will s*ck big time on older 
Linux kernals with this test.  Older kernals can't handle having 1000+ 
threads active efficiently.  You could try testing again with the APR and/or 
(experimental) NIO AJP Connectors.  These usually get the difference down to 
somewhat acceptable.

However, using Apache+mod_jk just to increase performance is a myth, based 
on the state of Tomcat 8+ years ago ;).  It will almost always be slower 
with any current version.
Yet until there's a Java equivalent of mod_jk/mod_proxy_ajp load 
balancing some of us are wed to Apache for that if no other reason.

I suspect it is possible to out-do Apache with Java in this capacity, 
but no such thing exists today.

Of course Apache 2.2's handling of authentication against multiple 
LDAPs, credential caching, etc -- all without extra work -- is also 
pretty nice [Tomcat does not yet have this last I checked...], but 
wouldn't by itself be sufficient justification for Apache in a primarily 
JSP/servlet environment.

Jess Holle

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Re: It��s amazing, apache make TC performance decrease dramatically.

2008-06-05 Thread Zufeng Huang
  OS: CentOS V4, 2.6.9-42.ELsmp #1 SMP
  Dell 6850 with 4*3.1Ghz CPU, 8G memory
This is a website service, if connections 800+, some requests become very very 
  I have two reasons for using apache+mod_jk+tomcat:
  1, URL rewrite
  2, Load Balance
  According to the result of my benchmark, and if this is the REAL fact, then I 
meet a headache problem. I can give up the purpose of LB, but URL 
rewrite( is needed.
  So, any more sugesstions?
Bill Barker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  You haven't given your O/S details, but yes, AJP will s*ck big time on older 
Linux kernals with this test. Older kernals can't handle having 1000+ 
threads active efficiently. You could try testing again with the APR and/or 
(experimental) NIO AJP Connectors. These usually get the difference down to 
somewhat acceptable.

However, using Apache+mod_jk just to increase performance is a myth, based 
on the state of Tomcat 8+ years ago ;). It will almost always be slower 
with any current version.

Zufeng Huang 
wrote in message 

 Hi, all

 I post a topic about the performance of apache+mod_jk_tomcat yesterday, 
 and just now, I tried apache ab as the tool to do a benchmark. But the 
 result is amazing.

 My steps:

 1, Using a jsp as the target ONE.
 1.1, ab ¨Cn 25000 ¨Cc 1000 URL_via_apache
 Concurrency Level: 1000
 Time taken for tests: 410.105255 seconds
 Complete requests: 25000

 1.2,ab ¨Cn 25000 ¨Cc 1000 URL_direct_to_tomcat
 Concurrency Level: 1000
 Time taken for tests: 12.297322 seconds
 Complete requests: 25000

 2, Using a html page as the target TWO.
 2.1, ab ¨Cn 25000 ¨Cc 1000 URL_via_apache
 Concurrency Level: 1000
 Time taken for tests: 25.655253 seconds
 Complete requests: 25000

 2.2, ab ¨Cn 25000 ¨Cc 1000 URL_direct_to_tomcat
 Concurrency Level: 1000
 Time taken for tests: 24.132493 seconds
 Complete requests: 25000

 So this really make me amazing and there are two questions:

 1, According to my configurations, apache(2.2.4) has NO advantage against 
 tomcat(5.5.15) in processing static content.

 2, In processing dynamic content, apache make performance decrease 

 It¡¯s the matter of MPM-prefork/worker???

 StartServers 50
 MinSpareServers 50
 MaxSpareServers 100
 ServerLimit 2000
 MaxClients 1500
 MaxRequestsPerChild 0

 maxThreads=1500 minSpareThreads=20 maxSpareThreads=50
 enableLookups=false redirectPort=8443 acceptCount=300


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RE: Memory Settings in Tomcat 5.5.25

2008-06-05 Thread semaj2008


I am able to view the memory settings with tomcat5w.exe as you've said.

few more questions:

1. How do we view the memory settings if the tomcat server is not installed
as a service? 
2. How do we view the memory settings if we run the server within eclipse?


Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
 From: semaj.najraham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Memory Settings in Tomcat 5.5.25

 I am getting java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space error in my
 I need to find what how much memory have been allocation for
 tomcat 5.5.25 server.
 Use jconsole to look at the state of the heap in a running Tomcat.
 I cannot do Properties - Configure in sys tray to configure
 jvm memory options.
 Run the bin\tomcat5w.exe program to access the heap settings.
  - Chuck
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