Re: SECURITY breach in Tomcat

2009-01-22 Thread Brian Clark
What version of Tomcat are you using? 
What version of the JVM? 
What version of Windows? 
Are you up to date on your Windows patches?

From: Toby Kurien
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2009 9:16:46 AM
Subject: SECURITY breach in Tomcat

I have a webapp for my company that has been running for several
years. Recently, we got infected by a trojan or virus and this has
been causing a lot of abnormal behavior. The trojan creates user
accounts in Windows and also creates web applications like safee.war
and zhu.war into the webapps folder of Tomcat and also shuts down
Tomcat. The trojan webapps have jsp and exe files which try to modify,
copy and delete files in the system and also try to access the
database. Symantec and Norton have not been able to rectify or detect
I am totally at loss on what's going on and how to tighten or rectify
this. Anyone with any ideas is highly appreciated.


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Re: SECURITY breach in Tomcat

2009-01-22 Thread Brian Clark
I suggest removing all of the bundled web apps (in the webapps folder), 
including root, manager and host-manager. 

Also, upgrade your JVM to the latest 1.5.x version, which I think is 1.5.15 or 
something like that. 

Finally, scan your app/system for vulnerabilities with something like these:

Qualys and Alertsite have free trials. I suggest you use them. They may also be 
able to find a hole in your own web apps as your problem may not be in Tomcat, 
the JVM or the OS. 


From: Len Popp
To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2009 10:27:31 AM
Subject: Re: SECURITY breach in Tomcat

This sounds like an attack that has been seen before:
That message also has tips on tightening security.
In those cases it seems that the security hole was a weak password for
the manager webapp.

On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 10:16, Toby Kurien wrote:
 I have a webapp for my company that has been running for several
 years. Recently, we got infected by a trojan or virus and this has
 been causing a lot of abnormal behavior. The trojan creates user
 accounts in Windows and also creates web applications like safee.war
 and zhu.war into the webapps folder of Tomcat and also shuts down
 Tomcat. The trojan webapps have jsp and exe files which try to modify,
 copy and delete files in the system and also try to access the
 database. Symantec and Norton have not been able to rectify or detect
 I am totally at loss on what's going on and how to tighten or rectify
 this. Anyone with any ideas is highly appreciated.


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Re: Monitor Tomcat

2009-01-21 Thread Brian Clark
I use Sun's Visual VM.


From: Zaki Akhmad
To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2009 10:02:51 PM
Subject: Monitor Tomcat


I am deploying my web application on Tomcat. How do I monitor the
tomcat performance?
1. If I am using GNU/Linux environment
2. If I am using Windows XP environment

What F/OSS package/software I should install?

Zaki Akhmad

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Re: maxKeepAliveRequests attribute configuration

2009-01-18 Thread Brian Clark
Do you monitor your tomcat server(s) for memory and CPU use?  I'd get some 
baseline measurements and then incrementally increase your maxKeepAliveRequests 
value until your problem goes away, all the while making sure you don't have 
memory or CPU issues.

Brian Clark

On Jan 18, 2009, at 2:13 PM, Prakash Nathan1 wrote:


We are planning to define the maxKeepAliveRequests attribute in Tomcat

As of now, this attribute is not defined and I believe the default value is

What is the preferred value to configure? please advise.

Here are the environment details

Apache Tomcat/4.1.27

JVM/JDK: 1.4.2_06

OS Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 3 (Taroon Update 5) 

The reason for the definition of the attribute is because we encounter high
socket connection issues 
and we suspect improper HTTP Keep alive configuration could be the root

Please let me know if you need more details.


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Re: SSL Accelerator - Front ending Tomcat

2009-01-07 Thread Brian Clark

From: Rainer Jung
To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2008 9:46:56 AM
Subject: Re: SSL Accelerator - Front ending Tomcat

Mike Koponick schrieb:
 Hello Everyone,
 I have not been a frequent administrator of Tomcat, but it seems that
 I am becoming one!
 So, Here is my setup, I using an SSL accelerator in front of a Tomcat
 server running two instances. When I try to access the website, the
 webserver (rightfully so) redirects me to another page on the same
 machine for the same instance. Thusly, I do not have the https URL
 any longer, but have http instead, of course this kills the
 So, I was wondering if anyone has had any experience setting up this
 type of environment. It seems to me that Tomcat doesn't know that
 this is a secure connection.
 Any information is good information.

So look at

especially proxyName, proxyPort, scheme and secure.



Anyone have success doing this?  I am having lots of problems getting this to 
work, and in choosing the config directives to use to get it to work. 

For example, I set secure=true and scheme=https in the Connector block of 
my server.xml. In testing, However, when I call request.isSecure()it returns 
false. When I call request.getScheme() it returns http. I tested this with 
a simple page on my local instance of Tomcat--I accessed that page via 
http://localhost:8080.  Shouldn't the secure and scheme directives override 
whatever connection the browser initiated and return the configured value? 

Am I missing something? Do I need to define the proxyName and proxyPort config 
directives? I tried that, and it didnt' seem to have an effect. 

I have the exact scenario (SSL accelerator in front of Tomcat) described above 
and am having problems forcing my apps to generate https URLs instead of http. 
(BTW:  I'm running Tomcat 6.0.16 on Windows 2003)



Re: Optimizing Tomcat with Http11NioProtocol?

2008-12-30 Thread Brian Clark
We use Hyperic HQ to monitor all of our production servers without any 
noticeable performance impact. Hyperic takes samples (remotely) from the Tomcat 
server at regular intervals--which is configurable--but no more than once per 
minute. That has been good enough for us to see when we have heap usage or 
thread usage issues. 

However, Mark makes a good point--your issue may not be heap usage or thread 
usage. It may be your app code. I suggest first seeing if you have a heap or 
thread usage problem because that is easier to diagnose and (sometimes) easier 
to fix. But if those aren't your problems, then you will probably need to use a 
profiler to find the problems. Yourkit seems to be the most popular. It is a 
commercial application, and we have used it and seen it have a significant 
impact on our production servers--as much as a 15% performance hit. We have 
also seen it cause stability issues on our servers. However, if you can afford 
to run it for 5 or 10 minutes, you can see what is going on in your code and 
possibly find your issue. 

Another lightweight profiler and troubleshooting tool is from Sun called 
VisualVM. I have found it very useful, and it's free. But it only works with 
JDK 1.6.x. It seems to have most of the features of LambdaProbe, Jmeter and 
Jconsole, as well as a bunch of others.


From: Mark Thomas
To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2008 4:48:47 AM
Subject: Re: Optimizing Tomcat with Http11NioProtocol?

nodje wrote:
 thanks again Brian.
 one last question about monitoring, have you bean able to use Hyperic HQ on
 your production environment without significant performance reduction?
 We have identified Glassbox and LambdaProbe as potentially good tools but
 never dared to put them on the production server.

I have run LambdaProbe on production without issue in the past but I doubt it
(or jconsole) is going to help you very much.

The quickest way to track down a performance bottleneck, assuming your
application logging isn't giving you enough data, is to use a profiler. A good
profiler, like YourKit (I use it because they give free copies to Tomcat
developers) will tell you how much time is spent in what code. It will place a
little more load on the server but a little more load for 5 minutes to tell you
where the real problem is will be worth it.

Other techniques (access logs, jmeter, etc) should point you in the right
direction but you'll need to do soem more work to figure out exactly where the
bottleneck(s) is(are).


 Brian Clark-10 wrote:
 Glad to be of help.

 First, I don't think that APR has anything to do with thread management. I
 think the two things it does really well is to serve up static content and
 provide native SSL processing. Tomcat 6 and/or Java 6 may help with though
 (I would assume so, but I don't know for sure).

 Second, Tomcat 6 and Java 6 will provide performance
 enhancements--particularly from the newer hotspot compiler in Java 6. If
 using on 32-bit Windows, be sure to select the server version of the
 JVM, and not the client JVM. By default, Tomcat will select the client
 version on 32-bit Windows. On 64-bit Windows, there is only one version
 available, the server version. 

 Also, as your original question started off with asking about the NIO
 protocol, according to the benchmarking done by the authors of the
 O'Reilly Tomcat book, the JIO connector is sometimes faster than the
 NIO connector. I recommend getting this book and reviewing the sections
 on performance tuning.

 Finally, I suggest using a tool to monitor your JVM and applications over
 a period of time. We use the free Hyperic HQ monitoring tool. It uses JMX
 to remotely monitor Java 6/Tomcat 6, and I have found it to be very
 valuable. There is a free and a commercial version. WE use the free
 version and it works great. Check it out at  We use
 this tool to monitor heap usage and thread usage over time, so that we can
 tell if we are hitting our upper limits on either of these constraints. 


 From: nodje
 Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 9:10:05 PM
 Subject: Re: Optimizing Tomcat with Http11NioProtocol?

 Hi, thanks all for your answers.

 I have jconsole in place. I can monitor Tomcat and general JVM
 The think is it's not easy to understand statistics.

 - How much I am using of Xmx is definitely something I want to know
 - how many thread are used in peak times is also something I need to know:
 if it reaches 150, the max, how much further can I push it? Would
 Http11NioProtocol help for this matter?
 - How can I detect if it's the application that takes time to process
 request or Tomcat that is at its max capacity? Number of threads and Heap
 memory usages are probably two good

Re: Optimizing Tomcat with Http11NioProtocol?

2008-12-29 Thread Brian Clark
Try using jconsole.exe (it is part of the Sun JDK) to review memory and thread 
usage of your JVM. That should help you narrow down where the issue is. One key 
thing to look at with Jconsole is the heap memory used figure. You are setting 
your -Xmx, but how much of it are you actually using? Heap memory used will 
tell you if you have a memory constraint or not. Also look at how often you 
have garbage collections. You'll have more of them if you have a memory 
constraint. One more thing, be sure your min and max memory configurations are 
the same. It's more efficient that way. 

On 32-bit Windows, you should be able to use 1536MB as your -Xmx size. That is 
what we are able to use, at least using JDK 1.6.x. Upgrading to 64-bit Windows 
and a 64-bit JVM (and 64-bit Tomcat) will allow you to use as much RAM as you 
have available. We have a 64-bit Windows system with 18 GB of RAM allocated to 

Good luck,

From: nodje
Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 2:57:14 AM
Subject: Optimizing Tomcat with Http11NioProtocol?


we are still using 5.5.12 in production and our users are facing increasing
delays with their requests (like way too long by now already).
While we are not entirely sure about what's causing this (database vs Java
application), we suppose it comes from the Java application (the database
server never seems to be under stress).
The CPU of the Tomcat machine doesn't seem too busy either.

Providing it comes from the Java application side (by the way, any tips on
how to precisely identify that is more than welcome), and providing that the
problems come from too many requests, would Http11NioProtocol help Tomcat
speed up the execution? 
It seems worth trying Http11NioProtocol before going for clustering+load
balancing. Any advice on the matter?

Also we think that request that cannot b served in the reasonable time
should be refused. Taking into account the described behaviour with the
default maxThreads=150 and acceptCount =100 values, shouldn't we decrease
the acceptCount?
Moreover the CPU on the Tomcat machine doesn't seem too busy. Is it a sign
that we can increase maxThreads?

Tomcat is on a Windows 32bits machine, so even though the machine has 4Gb of
RAM, the MAX -Xmx size  that we can be used seems to be around 1200Mb. Would
a 64bits OS automatically allows for more memory usage?

A lot of questions I know, but facing big problems like we are now, we want
to try anything possible to quickly relieve the pain from using the

thanks to anyone providing advice
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Re: Hints on upgrading from 6.0.14 to 6.0.18 on production server

2008-12-29 Thread Brian Clark
The only thing we found when going from 6.0.16 to 6.0.18 was an issue with some 
of our JSP's. The fix is described by jroller here:

Since I had a real hard time getting to this website, I'll copy and paste the 
article here

Tomcat 6.0.18 includes a fix for JSP specification compliance as described in 
Bug #45015. Unfortunately, that means a lot of your JSPs will fail with the 
following exception: 
/WEB-INF/jsp/myPage.jsp(44,72) Attribute value some java
scriplet is quoted with  which must be escaped when used within
the value
While I haven't found a way to automatically fix them, you can at least find 
all of your JSPs ( *.jsp*) in need of an update with the following regular 
expression (take a deep breath): 



From: Alan Chaney
To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 11:54:56 AM
Subject: Hints on upgrading from 6.0.14 to 6.0.18 on production server


I have a 6.0.14 running with Apr 1.1.10 and I seem to be seeing instances of 
CVE-2007-6286: Tomcat duplicate request processing vulnerability

(64-Bit Server VM (build 1.6.0_03-b05, mixed mode)
(Centos 5.0 - Linux 2.6.18-8.el5  x86_64 )

The obvious thing to do is to upgrade from 6.0.14 to 6.0.18. Firstly, are there 
any changes in server.xml and web.xml in 6.0.18 that mean I can't just use the 
existing ones in the new installation.

My current installation has $TOMCAT_HOME pointing to /usr/local/tomcat

My intended upgrade sequence is:

1. opy down 6.0.18 and untar it int /usr/local/tomcat18 (after checking 

2. copy over the jars that I have placed in the old $TOMCAT_HOME/lib (eg 
postgres jdbc jar) to /usr/local/tomcat18/lib

3. copy over my webapp wars from $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps to the new webapps folder.

4. as I am using jsvc to control tomcat, copy over the 'tomcat' file from the 
$TOMCAT_HOME ('tomcat' is actually a shell script which sets up
all the environment variables for jsvc.) jsvc is in /usr/lib/tcnative/jsvc so 
it should be unaffected by the move. However
I do need to copy over the $TOMCAT_HOME/bin/commons-daemon.jar.

5. stop the old server and rename its directory to /usr/local/tomcat.old

6. rename the directory of the new server to that of the current the new server.

7. restart the server.

Am I missing anything? What have I overlooked? I need this to go as smoothly as 
possible as there is quite a lot of traffic on this site.

Thanks in advance

Alan Chaney

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Re: Optimizing Tomcat with Http11NioProtocol?

2008-12-29 Thread Brian Clark
Glad to be of help.

First, I don't think that APR has anything to do with thread management. I 
think the two things it does really well is to serve up static content and 
provide native SSL processing. Tomcat 6 and/or Java 6 may help with though (I 
would assume so, but I don't know for sure).

Second, Tomcat 6 and Java 6 will provide performance enhancements--particularly 
from the newer hotspot compiler in Java 6. If using on 32-bit Windows, be sure 
to select the server version of the JVM, and not the client JVM. By 
default, Tomcat will select the client version on 32-bit Windows. On 64-bit 
Windows, there is only one version available, the server version. 

Also, as your original question started off with asking about the NIO
protocol, according to the benchmarking done by the authors of the
O'Reilly Tomcat book, the JIO connector is sometimes faster than the
NIO connector. I recommend getting this book and reviewing the sections
on performance tuning.

Finally, I suggest using a tool to monitor your JVM and applications over a 
period of time. We use the free Hyperic HQ monitoring tool. It uses JMX to 
remotely monitor Java 6/Tomcat 6, and I have found it to be very valuable. 
There is a free and a commercial version. WE use the free version and it works 
great. Check it out at  We use this tool to monitor heap 
usage and thread usage over time, so that we can tell if we are hitting our 
upper limits on either of these constraints. 


From: nodje
Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 9:10:05 PM
Subject: Re: Optimizing Tomcat with Http11NioProtocol?

Hi, thanks all for your answers.

I have jconsole in place. I can monitor Tomcat and general JVM information. 
The think is it's not easy to understand statistics.

- How much I am using of Xmx is definitely something I want to know
- how many thread are used in peak times is also something I need to know:
if it reaches 150, the max, how much further can I push it? Would
Http11NioProtocol help for this matter?
- How can I detect if it's the application that takes time to process
request or Tomcat that is at its max capacity? Number of threads and Heap
memory usages are probably two good indicators right?

More generally avout Http11NioProtocol, can it be less efficient than the
std connector? Or is it suppose to be the next generation good-for-all

We are going to update to Tomcat 6 +APR anyways. Is the APR good only for
static content? I thought it would help the thread management anyways.

Thanks Brian for confirming memory usage! That's very good to know it's
possible to use that much memory!


Brian Clark-10 wrote:
 Try using jconsole.exe (it is part of the Sun JDK) to review memory and
 thread usage of your JVM. That should help you narrow down where the issue
 is. One key thing to look at with Jconsole is the heap memory used figure.
 You are setting your -Xmx, but how much of it are you actually using? Heap
 memory used will tell you if you have a memory constraint or not. Also
 look at how often you have garbage collections. You'll have more of them
 if you have a memory constraint. One more thing, be sure your min and max
 memory configurations are the same. It's more efficient that way. 
 On 32-bit Windows, you should be able to use 1536MB as your -Xmx size.
 That is what we are able to use, at least using JDK 1.6.x. Upgrading to
 64-bit Windows and a 64-bit JVM (and 64-bit Tomcat) will allow you to use
 as much RAM as you have available. We have a 64-bit Windows system with 18
 GB of RAM allocated to Tomcat/Java.
 Good luck,
 From: nodje
 Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 2:57:14 AM
 Subject: Optimizing Tomcat with Http11NioProtocol?
 we are still using 5.5.12 in production and our users are facing
 delays with their requests (like way too long by now already).
 While we are not entirely sure about what's causing this (database vs Java
 application), we suppose it comes from the Java application (the database
 server never seems to be under stress).
 The CPU of the Tomcat machine doesn't seem too busy either.
 Providing it comes from the Java application side (by the way, any tips on
 how to precisely identify that is more than welcome), and providing that
 problems come from too many requests, would Http11NioProtocol help Tomcat
 speed up the execution? 
 It seems worth trying Http11NioProtocol before going for clustering+load
 balancing. Any advice on the matter?
 Also we think that request that cannot b served in the reasonable time
 should be refused. Taking into account the described behaviour with the
 default maxThreads=150 and acceptCount =100 values, shouldn't we decrease
 the acceptCount?
 Moreover the CPU on the Tomcat machine doesn't seem too busy. Is it a sign
 that we can

Re: SSL Accelerator - Front ending Tomcat

2008-10-13 Thread Brian Clark
I don't know if this will actually help Mike do what he wants to do. I don't 
think he needs to know about Tomcat SSL configuration.

I think we do exactly what Mike wants to do...we have a network load balancer 
with SSL accelerator in front of all of our Tomcat instances. All of our 
incoming SSL connections terminate on the load balancer. The load balancer acts 
as a sort of reverse proxy to Tomcat. The Tomcat instances do not have any SSL 
configuration whatsoever--communications between the load balancer and Tomcat 
is via HTTP. Some load balancers support re-encrypting traffic between the load 
balancer and the web/app server. You could setup your environment like this, 
and it might solve your problem. We didn't do it this way though. 

To make this work in our environment, we had to engineer our applications to be 
SSL-aware, even though Tomcat wasn't. To do this, we did two major pieces of 
engineering effort: 
 1) Used relative links in our apps as much as possible. If you could make 
all of your URL's relative, then you wouldn't have any problems, as there would 
never be any miscommunication between the browser, the load balancer and Tomcat.
 2) Whenever we generated full URL's inside of an SSL-enabled application, 
we had to make sure that our code generated an HTTPS URL, and not an HTTP URL. 
You don't normally have to do this, as Tomcat can do it for you. But since 
Tomcat isn't aware that the connection is SSL-enabled, you have to write code 
to force the kind of URL that you want. For our HTTP apps, we had to make sure 
that HTTP URL's were generated. 

Hope this helps. 


- Original Message 
From: Martin Gainty [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2008 7:20:48 PM
Subject: RE: SSL Accelerator - Front ending Tomcat

all your SSL/nonSSL connections are all defined in 
if you provide information on who/what/why/how specific security features you 
want your website to implement
we can be of point you in the right direction
check out
also pay attention to redirectPort of the NON-ssl connector *usually 8443*

a very simple primer located here

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not necessarily endorse content contained within this transmission. 

 Subject: SSL Accelerator - Front ending Tomcat
 Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2008 15:53:35 -0700
 Hello Everyone,
 I have not been a frequent administrator of Tomcat, but it seems that
 I am becoming one!
 So, Here is my setup, I using an SSL accelerator in front of a Tomcat
 server running two instances. When I try to access the website, the
 webserver (rightfully so) redirects me to another page on the same
 machine for the same instance. Thusly, I do not have the https URL
 any longer, but have http instead, of course this kills the
 So, I was wondering if anyone has had any experience setting up this
 type of environment. It seems to me that Tomcat doesn't know that
 this is a secure connection.
 Any information is good information.
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Re: jstack and Tomcat 6 on Windows

2008-09-22 Thread Brian Clark
Thanks again for all of our suggestions. The Eclipse Memory Analyzer Tool looks 
very interesting and helpful. It also calls out the JAVA_OPT  
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError to auto generate a heap dump for me. I was 
originally looking for a way to automatically generate a thread dump, but this 
will be extremely helpful as well. 

Another alternative to JHAT is Sun's new free tool, Visual VM. I think JHAT is 
part of its underlying technology. Visual VM now ships with Sun JDK 1.6.0_07 
and later, and is available via download separately from 

I believe that VisualVM will eventually replace Sun's Jconsole, as it has all 
of Jconsole's functionality as well as heap dump, thread dump, and basic 
profiler functionality. It seems to have some of the functionality that is in 
Eclipse MAT. Not sure of the pro's and con's of one vs. the other though. I 
plan on looking at both. 

Thanks again,

- Original Message 
From: Surendrakumar Viswanathan -X (suviswan - HCL at Cisco) 
To: Surendrakumar Viswanathan -X (suviswan - HCL at Cisco)  Tomcat Users List
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2008 4:56:05 AM
Subject: RE: jstack and Tomcat 6 on Windows

OOPS It's alternate to JHAT and not JMAP.


 -Original Message-
 From: Surendrakumar Viswanathan -X (suviswan - HCL at Cisco) 
 Sent: Monday, September 22, 2008 3:25 PM
 To: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Subject: RE: jstack and Tomcat 6 on Windows
 Check Eclipse Memory Analyzer Tool This 
 is alternate to JMAP, but it can parse the hprof file faster 
 and have a very visual GUI.
  -Original Message-
  From: Johnny Kewl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2008 4:40 PM
  To: Tomcat Users List
  Subject: Re: jstack and Tomcat 6 on Windows
   Thanks everyone for their suggestions.
   Unfortunately, that doesn't help me with my particular
  issue. I have
   a memory leak in one of my apps, and when the system runs out of 
   memory, it stops responding to new requests. I have a 
 script that 
   will detect this condition and automatically restart 
 Tomcat. I was 
   hoping to add a jstack command to this script to give me 
 a thread 
   dump prior to restarting Tomcat to give me better 
   information. Your solution would work under normal
  circumstances, but
   I don't know how to script a
   ctrl+break. ;-)
  OK... I couldnt resist giving it a little go... JHat is 
 exactly what 
  you looking for...
  Well done Sun... its exactly what I've been looking for...
  Let the server run a little do a dump, run the server and then 
  from the browser to the HIST option...
  The highest non Sun class... webapp class... is going to be the bad 
  guy ;)
  Damn thats nice...
  The most powerful application server on earth.
  The only real POJO Application Server.
  See it in Action :


jstack and Tomcat 6 on Windows

2008-09-19 Thread Brian Clark

I run Tomcat 6.0.x as a service on Windows 2003, using Sun JDK 1.6. I was 
trying to use the jstack program, part of the JDK, to get a stack dump from 
Tomcat/Java on my server. However, I ran into a problem. First of all, Tomcat 
on Windows seems to hide the JVM instance. Java doesn't show up in my process 
listing. I tried running jstack against the  Tomcat PID but it errored out. 

Any idea how to make jstack work with Tomcat running as a service on Win2k3?

BTW:  I can get a stack dump using a tool like Sun's VisualVM, but I wanted to 
use jstack as part of a script, which I obviously can't do with VisualVM.



Re: jstack and Tomcat 6 on Windows

2008-09-19 Thread Brian Clark
Thanks everyone for their suggestions. 

Unfortunately, that doesn't help me with my particular issue. I have a memory 
leak in one of my apps, and when the system runs out of memory, it stops 
responding to new requests. I have a script that will detect this condition and 
automatically restart Tomcat. I was hoping to add a jstack command to this 
script to give me a thread dump prior to restarting Tomcat to give me better 
troubleshooting information. Your solution would work under normal 
circumstances, but I don't know how to script a ctrl+break.  ;-)

- Original Message 

From: Johnny Kewl [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you need thread dumps

Start TC from the BAT file.
When you need a dump... press ctrl + break from term window... easier than 


Re: Non-Heap Memory always increasing during deployment for TC 5.5.26/Solaris/JVM 1.5.0_16

2008-09-16 Thread Brian Clark
I think you need to add one more line to your CATALINA_OPTS statement:

If that does not help you, I'd try using port 6969 (the default) instead of 
. It should not matter, but I would at least give it a try as part of the 
troubleshooting process. You could also check to make sure you have access to 
the system on port , and that there are no firewalls (or iptables) in 
between you and the system preventing access to this port. 


- Original Message 
From: emerson cargnin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 8:40:59 AM
Subject: Re: Non-Heap Memory always increasing during deployment for TC 
5.5.26/Solaris/JVM 1.5.0_16

Correcting, in windows I wasn't actually connected to tomcat. For some
reason it wouldn't allow me to choose a port with the following
appended to catalina.bat

Anyone knows why?

2008/9/16 emerson cargnin [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I tried to find about this in the tomcat faq, google, but still
 haven't found the reason for this strange behaviour.
 Every time I hot-deploy an application, the non-heap memory goes up.
 This ends up breaking the tomcat server with the message:
 Exception in thread RMI TCP Connection(13)-
 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space

 I profiled it and got the result in the image:
 I tested in two different solaris servers witht he same behaviour.

 Even after I undeployed the application via manager app the memory
 didn't go down.
 I know I can get this non-heap memory up using -XX:MaxPermSize but
 shouldn't the memory go down after the undeployment?

 My Configuration:
 JVM: JVM 1.5.0_16
 Server: SunOS boxname 5.10 Generic_120011-14 sun4v sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-T200
 Tomcat: 5.5.26

 I just did the same test on windows and I couldn't see the non-heap
 memory going mad.

 Thanks a lot

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Re: Fw: Tomcat Patch Management

2008-09-11 Thread Brian Clark
So, do you think Automatic windows patch
management and manual tomcat patch management would ideal as patch releases
from Tomcat is very rare?

Yes, that's the way we do it. We use WSUS for Windows patch management, and 
manually upgrade Tomcat as needed. This has not been an issue for us, as Tomcat 
is only updated a few times per year, not once per month like Windows is. If 
your environment is standardized enough, you could probably build your own MSI 
installer for Tomcat to make the upgrade process even easier. I've not done 
this, but there are inexpensive tools that you can get to help you do it. 



Tomcat logging properties

2008-09-10 Thread Brian Clark
At the bottom of my Tomcat 6.0.16 file, I have the following 
#org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig.level = FINE
#org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.level = FINE
#org.apache.catalina.session.ManagerBase.level = FINE

Aside from being commented out at the moment, I don't really know what these 
do. I couldn't find any documentation on them. Can someone point me to 
something that explains what these things might log? I'm struggling with an 
application issue, and my current logs and logging levels aren't showing me 



Re: Tomcat logging properties

2008-09-10 Thread Brian Clark
Yep, read through that, but it didn't tell me what those directives actually 
mean. Anyone have anything else?

- Original Message 
To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 8:17:01 PM
Subject: Re: Tomcat logging properties

have a look here if you still need more info

On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 2:10 AM, Brian Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At the bottom of my Tomcat 6.0.16 file, I have the 
 following entries:
 #org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig.level = FINE
 #org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.level = FINE
 #org.apache.catalina.session.ManagerBase.level = FINE

 Aside from being commented out at the moment, I don't really know what these 
 do. I couldn't find any documentation on them. Can someone point me to 
 something that explains what these things might log? I'm struggling with an 
 application issue, and my current logs and logging levels aren't showing me 


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Problems with running 64-bit Tomcat 6 as a Windows service

2008-09-03 Thread Brian Clark

I am trying to get Tomcat 6.0.18 to run on my Win2k3 x64 edition server. I 
basically did the same thing talked about here:
but it didn't work for me. I didn't use the service.bat install though. I 
installed the service manually with the sc.exe command.

I am using the 64-bit 1.6.0_06 JDK.  I don't get any Windows errors, the 
service start process just times out. My catalina and jakarta logs don't have 
anything useful. The logs seem to indicate that Tomcat started up fine--only it 

When I start up Tomcat from the command line, it works fine. I did have to 
check the box in tomcat6w.exe to allow the service to interact with the desktop 
to run it from the command line though. That seemed a little weird. 

Anyone successful in running Tomcat 6 as a 64-bit service? 



Tomcat Native library for Windows

2008-09-02 Thread Brian Clark

I am getting the following error when starting up Tomcat 6.0.16 on Windows 2003:

Sep 2, 2008 4:18:13 PM org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener init
INFO: The APR based Apache Tomcat
Native library which allows optimal performance in production
environments was not found on the java.library.path: C:\Program
Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat

the catch, I do have the library installed in the bin directory (the
very same bin referenced in the PATH above). I downloaded version from and tried to just drop 
it in the bin directory. I don't know why it
doesn't work. I also tried putting it in my windows\system32 directory,
but with the same result. 

I've done a lot of research on the
'net, and found lots of other people that have this problem. However,
most seem to have the problem resolved by putting the library in the
right place, such as described in this earlier mailing list posting:

Any ideas on what is going on here? 

Brian Clark


Re: Tomcat Native library for Windows

2008-09-02 Thread Brian Clark
I downloaded the file
I didn't change the name. 

- Original Message 
From: Mark Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Tuesday, September 2, 2008 5:38:45 PM
Subject: Re: Tomcat Native library for Windows

Brian Clark wrote:
 I am getting the following error when starting up Tomcat 6.0.16 on Windows 
 Sep 2, 2008 4:18:13 PM org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener init
 INFO: The APR based Apache Tomcat
 Native library which allows optimal performance in production
 environments was not found on the java.library.path: C:\Program
 Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat
 the catch, I do have the library installed in the bin directory (the
 very same bin referenced in the PATH above). I downloaded version 
 from and tried to just 
 drop it in the bin directory. I don't know why it
 doesn't work. I also tried putting it in my windows\system32 directory,
 but with the same result. 
 I've done a lot of research on the
 'net, and found lots of other people that have this problem. However,
 most seem to have the problem resolved by putting the library in the
 right place, such as described in this earlier mailing list posting:
 Any ideas on what is going on here?

Which file did you download. What is its current name?


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Re: Tomcat Native library for Windows

2008-09-02 Thread Brian Clark
Hmmm...on Windows, what is the difference between java.library.path and the 
Windows environmental variable PATH?

I am not sure I understand your suggestion. I have my Java Classpath set to 
this, which contains my bootstrap.jar. 
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\bin\bootstrap.jar

Should I just set, via JAVA_OPTS, my java.library.path to the same directory, 
since that's where I put my tcnative-1.dll file?
-Djava.library.path=C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\bin

I don't want to break anything. Setting the java.library.path won't make Tomcat 
stop looking at other libraries in other locations (like the built-in /lib 
directory) will it?


- Original Message 
From: Martin Gainty [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Tuesday, September 2, 2008 5:59:10 PM
Subject: RE: Tomcat Native library for Windows

AprLifecycleListener reads java.library.path
so either start Java with -Djava.library.path
java -Djava.library.path=LocationOfBinary bootstrap.jar
(easier to place -Djava.library.path into JAVA_OPTS)
set LD_LIBRARY_PATH=LocationOfBinary

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 Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2008 23:38:45 +0100
 Subject: Re: Tomcat Native library for Windows
 Brian Clark wrote:
  I am getting the following error when starting up Tomcat 6.0.16 on Windows 
  Sep 2, 2008 4:18:13 PM org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener init
  INFO: The APR based Apache Tomcat
  Native library which allows optimal performance in production
  environments was not found on the java.library.path: C:\Program
  Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat
  the catch, I do have the library installed in the bin directory (the
  very same bin referenced in the PATH above). I downloaded version 
  from and tried to 
  just drop it in the bin directory. I don't know why it
  doesn't work. I also tried putting it in my windows\system32 directory,
  but with the same result. 
  I've done a lot of research on the
  'net, and found lots of other people that have this problem. However,
  most seem to have the problem resolved by putting the library in the
  right place, such as described in this earlier mailing list posting:
  Any ideas on what is going on here?
 Which file did you download. What is its current name?
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Re: Tomcat Native library for Windows

2008-09-02 Thread Brian Clark
Thanks for the suggestions. I just re-downloaded the file and now it works. I 
guess it was corrupted during the original download or something. Go figure. 


- Original Message 
From: Caldarale, Charles R [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Tuesday, September 2, 2008 7:19:32 PM
Subject: RE: Tomcat Native library for Windows

 From: Brian Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Tomcat Native library for Windows

 Hmmm...on Windows, what is the difference between
 java.library.path and the Windows environmental variable PATH?

By default, none.

 I have my Java Classpath set to this, which contains
 my bootstrap.jar.

Hopefully that's what shows in the tomcat6w.exe program, not something you're 
setting in the system environment variables.  (If you do have a CLASSPATH 
environment variable, get rid of it - it will only break things.)

 Should I just set, via JAVA_OPTS, my java.library.path to the
 same directory, since that's where I put my tcnative-1.dll file?
 -Djava.library.path=C:\Program Files\Apache Software
 Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\bin

Don't bother, the JVM is already looking there, as shown by the INFO message.

 I don't want to break anything. Setting the java.library.path
 won't make Tomcat stop looking at other libraries in other
 locations (like the built-in /lib directory) will it?

No, it won't break anything, but it's also not going to make it work.  The 
java.library.path is used for native library DLLs only, not for classes.

Check for ownership and access permissions on the file - insure that the 
account the Tomcat service is running under can access the DLL.

By any chance, is this a 64-bit version of Windows Server?  If so, and you're 
using a 64-bit JVM, you'll need the 64-bit version of the DLL.

- Chuck

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