Seeking clarification on ServletContext.createServlet() behavior post context initialization

2024-07-24 Thread Ryan Lubke
Hey Folks,

Tomcat version: 10.1.26
JDK:   "21.0.3" 2024-04-16 LTS
OS: Macos Sonoma 14.5

I'm looking for clarification on what annotations will be supported when
calling ServletContext.createServlet() after the context has been

Some background; I have a tool that inspects a web application where for
each discovered Servlet (either declared in the {web,web-fragment}.xml or
via annotations) will wrap that Servlet which performs additional logic
during init and service before calling through to the actual delegate that
we wrapped.  When this wrapper's init() is first called by the container,
we will instantiate the delegate using ServletContext.createServlet().  The
Servlet 6.0 specification states the following:

-  T createServlet(Class clazz)

This method instantiates the given Servlet class. The method must support
all the annotations applicable to servlets except @WebServlet. The returned
Servlet instance may be further customized before it is registered with the
ServletContext via a call to addServlet(String, Servlet) as defined above.
The given Servlet class must define a zero argument constructor, which is
used to instantiate it.

This works fine for cases such as @Inject or @Resource, however, I've found
the behavior in the case of @ServletSecurity to differ between containers.
For example, Tomcat, Jetty, and Wildlfy appear to ignore @ServletSecurity
when calling createServlet() from the wrappers init() method.

However, section 13.4.1 has the following constraint on @ServletSecurity:
When metadata-complete=true is defined for a portable deployment
descriptor, the @ServletSecurity annotation does not apply to any of the
url-patterns mapped to (any servlet mapped to) the annotated class in the
deployment descriptor.

In my test case, the descriptor containing the original Servlet has the
metadata-complete attribute set to true.  If I set it to false, I find that
the security constraints are applied, but only when running with Jetty;
Tomcat and Wildfly continue to ignore the desired constraints.

Going back to section 4.4 for a moment which states:
The following methods are provided on the ServletContext interface to
enable programmatic definition of servlets, filters and the url pattern(s)
that they map to. These methods can only be called during the
initialization of the application either from the contexInitialized method
of a ServletContextListener implementation or from the onStartup method of
a ServletContainerInitializer implementation.

The javadocs for ServletContext.createServlet() don't impose any
restrictions on when it may be called unlike the javadocs for the various
dynamic registration methods.

I'm curious to see what the devs lurking here think.  What should the
behavior be?  It seems like the spec could use some tightening here either

Thanks for your time.

Tomcat 9: Java 11 to Java 17

2024-06-10 Thread Ryan Esch
Hi folks,I have a webapp running Apache Tomcat 9.0.67 with Java 11, using 
JASPIC for authentication. For reference, using these:
tomcat-catalina            9.0.85
catalina            6.0.53
This works.I need to get this running with Java 17. I've updated my javax 
classes to jakarta and my JASPIC dependencies to:
tomcat-catalina            11.0.0-M5
These are built with Java 17. My webapp compiles and builds. But at runtime, I 
get errors like this:
java.lang.VerifyError: Bad type on operand stackException Details:  Reason:    
Type 'org/apache/catalina/authenticator/jaspic/AuthConfigFactoryImpl' (current 
frame, stack[4]) is not assignable to 
Specifically, this does not cause any issues:          AuthConfigFactory 
factory = new AuthConfigFactoryImpl();
However, if I call any method on this factory, I see the above Error.I can't 
seem to figure out the cause. I don't see any old javax AuthConfig classes in 
the dependencies.Anyone familiar with this?

Getting provider/properties from jaspic-providers.xml to my ServerAuthModule

2024-02-08 Thread Ryan Esch
I'm using Tomcat 9. I have a provider in jaspic-providers.xml:
                I am not sure how to get these properties to my 
ServerAuthModule. I have a ServletContextListener and can see that the 
jaspic-providers.xml file is being processed if I call:
AuthConfigFactory factory = AuthConfigFactory.getFactory();It looks like I need 
to get the properties from the factory before calling:
factory.registerConfigProvider(        new SimpleAuthConfigProvider(props, 
factory),        "HttpServlet", null,        "test");I can't figure out how to 
get the properties from the provider in the xml. If I hardcode the properties 
before passing them into registerConfigProvider, the ServerAuthModule functions 

How does the user principal get set on the servlet container session?

2024-01-30 Thread Ryan Esch
>From what I understand, the container knows if a user is authenticated by 
>using the session id passed to it and then looking up the user principal. If 
>this is non-null, the user is authenticated. I am using web.xml with security 
>constraints and UsersRoleLoginModule defined in jaas.conf which is working 
>fine. I want to add an additional method of login.
How do I set the principal on the session in my custom login module? I have 
tried a number of things, including:
HttpSession session = request.getSession();

// Retrieve or create the Subject
Subject subject = (Subject) session.getAttribute("");
if (subject == null) {
subject = new Subject();
session.setAttribute("", subject);

Principal customPrincipal = new CustomPrincipal("Random Username");
subject.getPrincipals().add(customPrincipal);All my calls to 
request.getUserPrincipal() are null so of course my custom login 
fails.Alternatively/additionally, can I configure the container to also check 
for an access token for authentication?
Thank you for any input or advice. I'd be happy to share additional details.Ryan

Connection Closed Errors From JDBC-Pool

2022-03-11 Thread Ryan Bergman
at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy94.prepareStatement(Unknown Source)
at org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate.execute(
... 155 common frames omitted

I actually suspect there might be a network/IO issue at play but wanted to
check with this group to see if anyone had an idea on this issue or how I
might get more information from the pool about why this is happening?

Thank You!!
Ryan Bergman

Re: Context specific context.xml not loading.

2018-12-20 Thread Ryan Palmer

Do you have any context.xml for this context in the 
CATALINA_BASE/conf/Catalina/localhost/ directory? It may be overriding your 

On Dec 19, 2018, at 10:45 PM, Melvin>> wrote:
Hello All,

Just came across a problem today. Hope someone will clarify it.

Tomcat 9.0.13.
I wanted to customize ErrorReportValve by setting showReport="false" 

Below is the META-INF/context.xml -

It works fine for any internal server error produced or exceptions thrown. But 
for the case when the browser sends unencoded characters the URL becomes 
invalid and Exception is thrown and stacktrace is shown in the browser.
When I give this valve in server.xml. It works fine. No issues. No stacktrace 
is shown on the browser when sending unencoded characters. When I give it in my 
context it fails only for this case.

Can anyone please help me on this.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Melvin A

Re: log4j app logging

2018-12-18 Thread Ryan Palmer

Tomcat uses JULI internally. Have you taken necessary steps to redirect JULI to 


From: Lemke, Michael ST/HZA-ZIC2 
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2018 10:20 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: log4j app logging

On December 18, 2018 6:59 PM
Ryan Palmer wrote:
>The file needs to be named<> (or .xml, 
>.json, etc.) and needs to be in the classpath. You ommitted the 'j'.

Thanks for spotting this. Unfortunately, this typo was only in the email:

pc# ls src/main/resources/

So for being in the classpath it is sufficient to have it packaged in the jar, 
isn't it?

Archive:  myapp-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
 Length   MethodSize  CmprDateTime   CRC-32   Name
  --  ---  -- -   
   0  Stored0   0% 12-18-2018 16:56   META-INF/
  98  Defl:N   91   7% 12-18-2018 16:56 48730e36  META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
   0  Stored0   0% 12-18-2018 16:56   META-INF/maven/
   0  Stored0   0% 12-18-2018 16:56   com/
1123  Defl:N  451  60% 12-18-2018 16:56 eea5d81a

It ought to be something simple but before further digging into my setup 
details I want to make sure there isn't something special for tomcat. Something 
in ${catalina.base}/conf or conflicts with tomcat's logging system.

>On Dec 18, 2018, at 9:42 AM, "Lemke, Michael ST/HZA-ZIC2" wrote:
>I have an old webapp that uses log4j 1.2 and which I am trying to deploy on 
>tomcat. For the heck of it I can't get tomcat to use the 
><> file. What am I doing wrong?
>tomcat 9.0.6 is installed as a Windows service and does serve my webapp, so 
>the app is working fine. The project is mavenized, I put 
><> to src/main/resources and it ends up 
>in the jar file of my application. Is there anything special that needs to be 
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Re: log4j app logging

2018-12-18 Thread Ryan Palmer

The file needs to be named (or .xml, 
.json, etc.) and needs to be in the classpath. You ommitted the 'j'.

Sent from BlueMail
On Dec 18, 2018, at 9:42 AM, "Lemke, Michael ST/HZA-ZIC2">> wrote:

I have an old webapp that uses log4j 1.2 and which I am trying to deploy on 
tomcat. For the heck of it I can't get tomcat to use the file. What am I doing wrong?

tomcat 9.0.6 is installed as a Windows service and does serve my webapp, so the 
app is working fine. The project is mavenized, I put to src/main/resources and it ends up in 
the jar file of my application. Is there anything special that needs to be done?

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How to use server.xml with embedded Tomcat 9?

2018-12-17 Thread Ryan Palmer

I'm using the Tomcat class to embed the container in my application. I have 
configured the CATLINA_HOME and _BASE properties, and I know those are working 
because the 'work' folder gets generated there as expected. However if I put a 
server.xml file in a 'conf' folder in the same directory, it does not seem to 
be loaded when calling Tomcat.init().

Documentation is very sparse on the Tomcat class so I am unsure how to 
configure it the "standard" way.

Thank you,
Ryan Palmer

Re: "mime-mapping" and Content-Type

2017-02-27 Thread Ryan Yohnk

On Feb 24, 2017, at 11:12 AM, Christopher Schultz>> wrote:

Hash: SHA256


On 2/20/17 10:38 AM, Ryan Yohnk wrote:
I’ve come across a problem for which the “mime-mapping” element
would be a good solution. Specifically I have a web application
who’s source I can’t change, it’s not returning a specific
Content-Type header and I’d like to start utilizing compression
based on the mime-type.

Durning my investigation I created a trivial web app for testing
but was unable to get the mime-type specified in the mime-mapping
applied to requests sent to the specific extension. This was with
Tomcat 8.0.33. The details can be found below or at the stack
overflow post here:


so you know, the mime-mapping only applies to resources served by
the DefaultServlet. If the application is accepting a request to e.g.
/my-file.txt, then the content-type isn't automatically being set to
"text/plain" by Tomcat... it's up to the servlet to do that.

The Mime-Mappings are available to servlets, but it's pretty rare for
a custom servlet to bother actually using them.

I wasn’t aware there was a servlet in-between simple requests like you stated. 
But that makes perfect sense.

As noted in the SO post, I can see that
StandardContext:addMimeMapping() is being called with my specific
mapping during initialization. But I’m never seeing the backing
mimeMappings called from there.

I’ve seen quite a few online posts on this topic but can’t seem
find any official documentation for 8+. Is this feature something
that’s still supported? If so, is there something I’m overlooking
in my test or configuration?

Any light you guys can shine on the subject would be greatly

Thanks! Ryan


public class SimpleServlet extends HttpServlet { protected void
doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws
ServletException, IOException { IOUtils.write("Hello There!",
resp.getOutputStream()); resp.setStatus(202); } }





cURL request:

curl --trace-ascii - http://localhost:8080/testing.swa == Info:
Trying ::1... == Info: TCP_NODELAY set == Info: Connected to
localhost (::1) port 8080 (#0) => Send header, 89 bytes (0x59)
: GET /testing.swa HTTP/1.1 001b: Host: localhost:8080 0031:
User-Agent: curl/7.51.0 004a: Accept: * /* 0057: <= Recv header,
23 bytes (0x17) : HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted <= Recv header, 27
bytes (0x1b) : Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1 <= Recv header, 20
bytes (0x14) : Content-Length: 12 <= Recv header, 37 bytes
(0x25) : Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2017 22:37:17 GMT <= Recv header, 2
bytes (0x2) : <= Recv data, 12 bytes (0xc) : Hello There!
Hello There!== Info: Curl_http_done: called premature == 0 == Info:
Connection #0 to host localhost left intact

Yup: you are making a request to a custom servlet that doesn't do
anything with the MIME mappings.

You said you don't want to modify the source... what about *adding* to
it? Would it be okay to write a Filter and add it to the configuration
of the application? That is a very easy thing to do, and you can add
whatever headers you want for whatever reason.

Yep, a filter will be the next step. Honestly that’s the behavior I’m 
describing anyway. My initial hope was to keep the changes limited to Tomcat 
configuration but if that’s not possible that’s cool.

Since it seems like a pretty common filter, is anyone aware of an existing 
implementation? I know it’s pretty trivial but no sense in rewriting the wheel 
if it’s already out there.


- -chris
Comment: GPGTools -<>
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


"mime-mapping" and Content-Type

2017-02-20 Thread Ryan Yohnk
Hello everyone,

  I’ve come across a problem for which the “mime-mapping” element would be a 
good solution. Specifically I have a web application who’s source I can’t 
change, it’s not returning a specific Content-Type header and I’d like to start 
utilizing compression based on the mime-type.

  Durning my investigation I created a trivial web app for testing but was 
unable to get the mime-type specified in the mime-mapping applied to requests 
sent to the specific extension. This was with Tomcat 8.0.33. The details can be 
found below or at the stack overflow post here:

  As noted in the SO post, I can see that StandardContext:addMimeMapping() is 
being called with my specific mapping during initialization. But I’m never 
seeing the backing mimeMappings called from there.

  I’ve seen quite a few online posts on this topic but can’t seem find any 
official documentation for 8+. Is this feature something that’s still 
supported? If so, is there something I’m overlooking in my test or 

  Any light you guys can shine on the subject would be greatly appreciated.



public class SimpleServlet extends HttpServlet {
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) 
throws ServletException, IOException {
IOUtils.write("Hello There!", resp.getOutputStream());





cURL request:

curl --trace-ascii - http://localhost:8080/testing.swa
== Info:   Trying ::1...
== Info: TCP_NODELAY set
== Info: Connected to localhost (::1) port 8080 (#0)
=> Send header, 89 bytes (0x59)
: GET /testing.swa HTTP/1.1
001b: Host: localhost:8080
0031: User-Agent: curl/7.51.0
004a: Accept: *
<= Recv header, 23 bytes (0x17)
: HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
<= Recv header, 27 bytes (0x1b)
: Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
<= Recv header, 20 bytes (0x14)
: Content-Length: 12
<= Recv header, 37 bytes (0x25)
: Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2017 22:37:17 GMT
<= Recv header, 2 bytes (0x2)
<= Recv data, 12 bytes (0xc)
: Hello There!
Hello There!== Info: Curl_http_done: called premature == 0
== Info: Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
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AccessLogValve logging incorrect/cached data

2016-09-13 Thread Ryan Melissari
We have recently noticed that our Tomcat installation is writing incorrect
data to the localhost_access_log.  It seems to be writing cached data of a
previous request for some or all of the fields.  For example, sometimes the
jsessionid of another IP/client is written in the logs of having made a
request for a page.  There are other times where the request came from one
computer, but is logged with the IP and sessionid of another computer.  I
have included a sample of the access log that shows what I mean.

So far we have upgraded to the newest version of Tomcat (8.5.5) and added
RECYCLE_FACADES=true to our file.   We also see the
same behavior from inside our application using getRemoteAddr().  At this
point I am not really sure how to proceed as google doesn't return anything
about a problem like this.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Tomcat 8.5.5
OS:  Solaris 11.3 sun4v sparc
Java:  1.8.0_92
TCNative: 1.2.7





JSESSIONID: DF4331A7668F8D67249A86DA2313029D

*localhost_access_log.txt:* - - 2016-09-13T14:33:34.154-0500 "GET
/javascript/flyout-nav.js HTTP/1.1" 304 0 DF4331A7668F8D67249A86DA2313029D
7 - - 2016-09-13T14:57:59.110-0500 "GET
/javascript/custom-expand.js HTTP/1.1" 304 0
C345EEC54EA556A5E55CE1F7AAB9B706 11

Tomcat 7.0.66 expected release date?

2015-10-29 Thread Ryan Fong
G'day. I'd like to know if there is an expected release date for Tomcat 7.0.66. 
I was unable to locate a build schedule or calendar for Tomcat. Thank you.

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Page directive: invalid value for import

2015-03-26 Thread Bonser, Ryan
I have a webapp that has been working fine for years in Tomcat 5,6 and earlier 
releases of 7 up to 7.0.33.
Deployed the same app into Tomcat 8.0.20 and receiving the following errors in 
the localhost log

Mar 26, 2015 10:52:15 AM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher invoke
SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw exception
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Page directive: invalid value for import

Mar 26, 2015 10:52:15 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve invoke
SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet [Faces Servlet] in context with path 
[/WER] threw exception [An exception occurred processing JSP page /Tabpane.jsp 
at line 379

376:function linkClicked(selectedEntid, linkclientId){
377:<% searchObjects1 = 
379:   ArrayList entIdList1 = searchObjects1.getEntIdList();
381:   //System.out.println("~~The 
entIdList in JSP PAGE is "+entIdList);

The import hasn't changed in years in this jsp

%@ page import="*" %>
<%@ page import="java.util.*"%>

Thanks for the help!

Erroneous duplicate servlet mapping exception (IllegalArgumentException)

2015-03-04 Thread Adam Ryan

I had my tomcat webapp running fine (using Tomcat 8.0.9) in Eclipse Luna,
and I decided to have a play around with the build path. After changing a
few things and then changing everything back to its previous state, I am
now getting an IllegalArgumentException:

"The servlets named [] and []
are both mapped to the url-pattern [/BaseServlet] which is not permitted"

I understand what the exception is telling me, but I only have one class
named BaseServlet, which is in the package. I have no idea why
"src" is being prepended to my package name in the second instance above.
Whatever the reason is, it is causing my Tomcat server to not start up.

I have defined the BaseServlet class in my web.xml file as follows:



But as I said, this used to work until today. I must have not changed
something back to its original state in my build path, but I can't figure
out what. I'm hoping I don't have to recreate my project and tomcat server
just to make this work.

Any help is appreciated.


Re: Why does 'absolute-ordering' in web.xml without 'others' kill classpath scanning?

2015-02-15 Thread Ryan Scharer
Thanks! That comment was an enormous help. I was able to achieve what I
wanted just by setting metadata-complete to true. I had previously assumed
that that would disable jar scanning. Instead it simply disables
web-fragment scanning.

What still confuses me is why the only mechanism provided by the spec to
enable or disable scanning of a particular jar is by referring to the
 of a related web-fragment. What about jars that have annotations but
no web-fragment? Likely I'm still misunderstanding something fundamental.

Anyway, I now have the functionality I need. Thanks again for the


On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 2:54 PM, Mark Thomas  wrote:

> On 13/02/2015 18:49, Ryan Scharer wrote:
> > Chris,
> >
> > I share your misgivings about magic, though if it exhibits
> well-documented
> > and predictable behavior I usually just shrug and go along with it. Sadly
> > that doesn't seem to be the case here.
> It is documented but I'd agree it could be better documented.
>  I'll set aside some time to step
> > through the Tomcat code to try to figure this out,
> Save yourself the effort and read this from line ~1085.
> Mark
> > though in the meantime
> > my best bet may be to repackage the 3rd party jar minus its web-fragment.
> >
> > -R
> >
> > On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 1:18 PM, Christopher Schultz <
> >> wrote:
> >
> > Ryan,
> >
> > On 2/13/15 12:59 PM, Ryan Scharer wrote:
> >>>> I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but I can't find any relevant
> >>>>  information in the spec to suggest the behavior is expected.
> >>>>
> >>>> There's a web-fragment in my classpath that I'd like to skip. The
> >>>> only way to accomplish this that I know of is to put an
> >>>>  stanza in my web.xml and omit an .
> >>>> Though this has the desired effect of skipping the web-fragment I
> >>>> don't want, it has the very negative side effect that my
> >>>> ServletContainerInitializer doesn't get handed all instances of
> >>>> WebApplicationInitializer anymore, despite its @HandlesTypes
> >>>> annotation. If I add the , classpath scanning works fine,
> >>>> but the undesired web-fragment comes back. I've tested this in the
> >>>> latest 7.x and 8.x Tomcat releases.
> >>>>
> >>>> This begs two questions:
> >>>>
> >>>> 1. Why does specifying an  without an 
> >>>> kill classpath scanning, or at least the part of Tomcat
> >>>> responsible for finding types specified by @HandlesTypes and giving
> >>>> it to interested parties? 2. Is there an alternate way to skip a
> >>>> web-fragment, short of ripping it out of the jar, which I really
> >>>> don't want to do?
> >
> > It's unclear to me why  affects JAR scanning...
> > absolute-ordering should affect only the processing of web-fragments.
> > The Tomcat documentation for absolute-ordering makes it sounds like
> > you have to mention a JAR name while the spec documentation makes it
> > seem like you need to use the  element from web-fragments that
> > are detected in JAR files.
> >
> > The whole thing is a can of worms, honestly.
> >
> > As for your inability to skip a web-fragment... that seems
> > straightforward to me: if you have  specified, then
> > "everything else" will be processed in that order, including the
> > web-fragment you don't want. There does not seem to be a way to
> > blacklist a web-fragment short of completely removing it from your
> > project's libraries.
> >
> > But the fact that the lack of  causes Tomcat to fail to do JAR
> > scanning is surprising to me. I tend to prefer explicit configuration
> > over all this scanning-related magic so I'm afraid I don't have any
> > experience with this kind of thing. In fact, it's this kind of
> > foolishness that makes me stick with explicitly-specified
> > configurations instead of magic ones. Good luck figuring out how the
> > magic works / is supposed to work!
> >
> > -chris
> >>
> >> -
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> >> For additional commands, e-mail:
> >>
> >>
> >
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
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Re: Why does 'absolute-ordering' in web.xml without 'others' kill classpath scanning?

2015-02-13 Thread Ryan Scharer

I share your misgivings about magic, though if it exhibits well-documented
and predictable behavior I usually just shrug and go along with it. Sadly
that doesn't seem to be the case here. I'll set aside some time to step
through the Tomcat code to try to figure this out, though in the meantime
my best bet may be to repackage the 3rd party jar minus its web-fragment.


On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 1:18 PM, Christopher Schultz <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> Ryan,
> On 2/13/15 12:59 PM, Ryan Scharer wrote:
> > I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but I can't find any relevant
> >  information in the spec to suggest the behavior is expected.
> >
> > There's a web-fragment in my classpath that I'd like to skip. The
> > only way to accomplish this that I know of is to put an
> >  stanza in my web.xml and omit an .
> > Though this has the desired effect of skipping the web-fragment I
> > don't want, it has the very negative side effect that my
> > ServletContainerInitializer doesn't get handed all instances of
> > WebApplicationInitializer anymore, despite its @HandlesTypes
> > annotation. If I add the , classpath scanning works fine,
> > but the undesired web-fragment comes back. I've tested this in the
> > latest 7.x and 8.x Tomcat releases.
> >
> > This begs two questions:
> >
> > 1. Why does specifying an  without an 
> > kill classpath scanning, or at least the part of Tomcat
> > responsible for finding types specified by @HandlesTypes and giving
> > it to interested parties? 2. Is there an alternate way to skip a
> > web-fragment, short of ripping it out of the jar, which I really
> > don't want to do?
> It's unclear to me why  affects JAR scanning...
> absolute-ordering should affect only the processing of web-fragments.
> The Tomcat documentation for absolute-ordering makes it sounds like
> you have to mention a JAR name while the spec documentation makes it
> seem like you need to use the  element from web-fragments that
> are detected in JAR files.
> The whole thing is a can of worms, honestly.
> As for your inability to skip a web-fragment... that seems
> straightforward to me: if you have  specified, then
> "everything else" will be processed in that order, including the
> web-fragment you don't want. There does not seem to be a way to
> blacklist a web-fragment short of completely removing it from your
> project's libraries.
> But the fact that the lack of  causes Tomcat to fail to do JAR
> scanning is surprising to me. I tend to prefer explicit configuration
> over all this scanning-related magic so I'm afraid I don't have any
> experience with this kind of thing. In fact, it's this kind of
> foolishness that makes me stick with explicitly-specified
> configurations instead of magic ones. Good luck figuring out how the
> magic works / is supposed to work!
> - -chris
> Version: GnuPG v1
> Comment: GPGTools -
> 6u/mdQbNclsbMBFBGDReq0VJFTsKCqd857VpaxIdQmbCeHLc94+zDvGHYNpHddAw
> MjztFPIXkrLqahc1dWwztMQWQGFrOcFM5KmUeGWbZynHUirJknOlc/gx9xQbD61O
> a46h6iL1Dn3okBnGBIbmuWVmg1dyC2Pvg+qLgO4etfIaeuvSds2XXW6OgmnyWmM5
> neBRnnruFixDtz5xmiBArbRgqnVa59xVnUkvKfUPqtI3MQWq9X8a5/f5rXgfohMd
> BpgV/yPf6gm9fuFPVPSPLJof0UvenxeYiGMW+1BjIpi3Qt5Me4Ba8CYrmFXf2r2d
> g5flulx8k+9uZvLlE9vW8xKe+S4OK8vUif5PTcUv7oMTT3ASo1uvMb3Z0/WxNHvu
> NW/9eGIgGshOENfHu59+bBsPQhu/dsNdvwrdGXYlELjx3X64pCYLkdQr5ZTNBZar
> UOiIiLpUNgeUC0L10XC205e116G1P3ofVQqo5PZiFntu8sF9AUp+YL/6I3OQ6Q8B
> wDej78On3ZDmkJAkKZKgVaeAOXY64FF2B5T6QayPABJ/z+LU/DLP8zySLXY9o6I1
> FGZoweHmM0cWX3VpuyN167Hd5PEJyjlMpy6NZ+qMbWf3LnQvrrx15vpgd6cypm7B
> 5Uolv99PqOrAJOE+F/NV
> =sw5S
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
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Why does 'absolute-ordering' in web.xml without 'others' kill classpath scanning?

2015-02-13 Thread Ryan Scharer
Hey folks,

I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but I can't find any relevant
information in the spec to suggest the behavior is expected.

There's a web-fragment in my classpath that I'd like to skip. The only way
to accomplish this that I know of is to put an  stanza
in my web.xml and omit an . Though this has the desired effect of
skipping the web-fragment I don't want, it has the very negative side
effect that my ServletContainerInitializer doesn't get handed all instances
of WebApplicationInitializer anymore, despite its @HandlesTypes annotation.
If I add the , classpath scanning works fine, but the undesired
web-fragment comes back. I've tested this in the latest 7.x and 8.x Tomcat

This begs two questions:

   1. Why does specifying an  without an  kill
   classpath scanning, or at least the part of Tomcat responsible for finding
   types specified by @HandlesTypes and giving it to interested parties?
   2. Is there an alternate way to skip a web-fragment, short of ripping it
   out of the jar, which I really don't want to do?



Endorsed directory classloader

2012-01-09 Thread Ryan

I've got single Tomcat instance with 10 different webapps deployed. I'm in
the process of converting the webapps logging from using Tomcat's JULI via
java.util.logging to SLF4J, initally backed by log4j.

I've run into a classloader problem due to my usage of the endorsed/
directory: we place 2 jars in the endorsed/ dir so that the classes
contained within are shared across webapps. However, now that these classes
depends on SLF4J class initialization fails since the SLF4J classes are not
found on the classpath. I have attempted to put the required jars in:
${catalina.base}/lib, ${catalina.home}/lib and the endorsed/ directory
itself, and each time the dependent classes fail to load due to an
inability to locate the org.slf4j classes.

What do you recommend I do to make the slf4j jars available to the classes
within the endorsed/ directory?

Thank you,

NioReceiver using 100% CPU

2010-05-10 Thread Schoenemann, Ryan
I have 2 Tomcat 6.0.16 servers set up in a cluster running on a Windows
2003 VM as a windows service, with java version 1.6.0_10.  After 10 - 14
days of running one of the Tomcat instances will start using 100% of the
server CPU.  


Through JConsole I see that the NIOReciever thread is the top CPU using
thread, where it is usually at the bottom with next to none CPU usage.
When I restart the Tomcat6 windows service everything goes back to
normal, but a couple of days later the other server in the cluster will
need to be restarted.  I searched for similar occurrences but I was only
able to find a problem with the NIO selector while running on Linux, and
it was supposed to be fixed in a previous build of 1.6.  


I used the cluster setup from the tomcat manual, with the exception of
using synchronous replication.  



I took a thread dump during the most recent occurrence:


[2010-05-04 07:49:40] [info] "NioReceiver" 

[2010-05-04 07:49:40] [info] daemon 

[2010-05-04 07:49:40] [info] prio=6 tid=0x54f9b400 

[2010-05-04 07:49:40] [info] nid=0x2e8 

[2010-05-04 07:49:40] [info] runnable 

[2010-05-04 07:49:40] [info] [0x5522f000..0x5522fa18]

[2010-05-04 07:49:40] [info]java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE

[2010-05-04 07:49:40] [info] at$SubSelector.poll0(Native Method)

[2010-05-04 07:49:40] [info] at$SubSelector.poll(Unknown Source)

[2010-05-04 07:49:40] [info] at$SubSelector.access$400(Unknown Source)

[2010-05-04 07:49:40] [info] at Source)

[2010-05-04 07:49:40] [info] at Source)

[2010-05-04 07:49:40] [info] - locked <0x07563448> 

[2010-05-04 07:49:40] [info] (a$1)

[2010-05-04 07:49:40] [info] - locked <0x07563458> 

[2010-05-04 07:49:40] [info] (a java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet)

[2010-05-04 07:49:40] [info] - locked <0x075633d0> 

[2010-05-04 07:49:40] [info] (a

[2010-05-04 07:49:40] [info] at Source)

[2010-05-04 07:49:40] [info] at

[2010-05-04 07:49:40] [info] at

[2010-05-04 07:49:40] [info] at



The only other thing I have noticed is that every evening around the
same time I see the following messages posted in the catalina log for 5
- 30 minutes:


Apr 28, 2010 6:47:16 PM

INFO: Received
/{10, -116, 111, 42}:4000,{10, -116, 111, 42},4000,
alive=155973672,id={78 -71 -19 48 57 82 65 122 -80 52 -24 28 -126 95 77
27 }, payload={}, command={}, domain={}, ]] message. Will verify.


Apr 28, 2010 6:47:16 PM
org.apache.catalina.tribes.transport.nio.NioReceiver socketTimeouts

WARNING: Channel key is registered, but has had no interest ops for the
last 3000 ms. (cancelled:false) last
access:2010-04-28 18:47:10.283



And this is the last message I see every day:


Apr 28, 2010 6:47:29 PM

INFO: Verification complete. Member still
alive[org.apache.catalina.tribes.membership.MemberImpl[tcp://{10, -116,
111, 42}:4000,{10, -116, 111, 42},4000, alive=156009672,id={78 -71 -19
48 57 82 65 122 -80 52 -24 28 -126 95 77 27 }, payload={}, command={},
domain={}, ]]



I'm trying to track down what in our environment is causing the two
instances not to be able to communicate, and I'm not sure if this is
what causes the NIOReciever to use all the CPU.  


Any help identifying what is causing the CPU usage increase would be









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RE: Performance issues when adding Tomcat JK redirector to IIS's "Default Web Site"?

2010-02-15 Thread Steve Ryan
Apologies, for some reason the formatting of my e-mail get messed up. I have
reformatted below:

Hi Peter

Thanks for your reply.

To answer your questions:

I am using IIS 6 and IIS 7.
I am using the latest version of the redirector, i.e. JK-1.2.28.

Our technical architect decided how we should use the redirector. This is
the basic design:

- Default Web Site (ISAPI Filter = isapi_redirect.dll)
--- Virtual directory for our web application
--- Virtual directory for the redirector
--- Virtual directory for other third-party website

IIS Application Pools
- DefaultAppPool (may be used by "Other third-party website")
- AppPool for our web application
- AppPool for the redirector

So as you can see, all the virtual directories live under the "Default Web

The isapi_redirect.dll is added as an ISAPI Filter for the entire Default
Web Site, which means all the virtual directories under Default Web Site
will be affected by this. My worry is it might impact "Other third-party

Thanks for your help.



-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of Peter Crowther
Sent: 15 February 2010 11:47
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Performance issues when adding Tomcat JK redirector to IIS's
"Default Web Site"?

Steve, you're likely to get more specific answers if you can tell us
versions: what version of the redirector, and what versions of IIS?
Also, can you tell us whose instructions you followed to get it
working, as there are some out there that are... how shall I say it...
"less than ideal" :-).


- Peter

On 15 February 2010 11:30, Steve Ryan  wrote:
> Dear All
> I've tried googling this but can't find much, so I was hoping one of you
> guys might be able to help me.
> My web application lives under IIS's "Default Web Site". It needs to use
> Tomcat JK redirector, so I have added the redirector as an ISAPI Filter on
> the "Default Web Site". This means any websites which live under the
> "Default Web Site" will use the redirector.
> This is fine, however, there are other third-party websites which live
> IIS's "Default Web Site", which means the change I made above (adding the
> redirector as an ISAPI Filter on the "Default Web Site") also affects
> third party websites.
> So my question is this:
> Are there any known performance issues with the Tomcat JK redirector, in
> particular, any performance issues which could affect the third-party
> websites as explained in my example above?
> Any advice appreciated.
> Cheers
> Steve

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RE: Performance issues when adding Tomcat JK redirector to IIS's "Default Web Site"?

2010-02-15 Thread Steve Ryan
Hi Peter

Thanks for your reply.

To answer your questions:

I am using IIS 6 and IIS 7.
I am using the latest version of the redirector, i.e. JK-1.2.28.

Our technical architect decided how we should use the redirector. This is
the basic design:

-> Default Web Site (ISAPI Filter = isapi_redirect.dll)
---> Virtual directory for our web application
---> Virtual directory for the redirector
---> Virtual directory for other third-party website

IIS Application Pools
-> DefaultAppPool (may be used by "Other third-party website")
-> AppPool for our web application
-> AppPool for the redirector

So as you can see, all the virtual directories live under the "Default Web

The isapi_redirect.dll is added as an ISAPI Filter for the entire Default
Web Site, which means all the virtual directories under Default Web Site
will be affected by this. My worry is it might impact "Other third-party

Thanks for your help.



-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of Peter Crowther
Sent: 15 February 2010 11:47
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Performance issues when adding Tomcat JK redirector to IIS's
"Default Web Site"?

Steve, you're likely to get more specific answers if you can tell us
versions: what version of the redirector, and what versions of IIS?
Also, can you tell us whose instructions you followed to get it
working, as there are some out there that are... how shall I say it...
"less than ideal" :-).


- Peter

On 15 February 2010 11:30, Steve Ryan  wrote:
> Dear All
> I've tried googling this but can't find much, so I was hoping one of you
> guys might be able to help me.
> My web application lives under IIS's "Default Web Site". It needs to use
> Tomcat JK redirector, so I have added the redirector as an ISAPI Filter on
> the "Default Web Site". This means any websites which live under the
> "Default Web Site" will use the redirector.
> This is fine, however, there are other third-party websites which live
> IIS's "Default Web Site", which means the change I made above (adding the
> redirector as an ISAPI Filter on the "Default Web Site") also affects
> third party websites.
> So my question is this:
> Are there any known performance issues with the Tomcat JK redirector, in
> particular, any performance issues which could affect the third-party
> websites as explained in my example above?
> Any advice appreciated.
> Cheers
> Steve

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Performance issues when adding Tomcat JK redirector to IIS's "Default Web Site"?

2010-02-15 Thread Steve Ryan
Dear All


I've tried googling this but can't find much, so I was hoping one of you
guys might be able to help me.


My web application lives under IIS's "Default Web Site". It needs to use the
Tomcat JK redirector, so I have added the redirector as an ISAPI Filter on
the "Default Web Site". This means any websites which live under the
"Default Web Site" will use the redirector. 


This is fine, however, there are other third-party websites which live under
IIS's "Default Web Site", which means the change I made above (adding the
redirector as an ISAPI Filter on the "Default Web Site") also affects these
third party websites.


So my question is this:


Are there any known performance issues with the Tomcat JK redirector, in
particular, any performance issues which could affect the third-party
websites as explained in my example above?


Any advice appreciated.





RE: w3wp randomly crashes when redirector is used

2010-02-03 Thread Steve Ryan
Hi Andre

Thanks for your reply.

W3wp.exe is the process which manages the application pool where the
redirector lives. 

I'm fairly confident the problem is due to the redirector because the crash
only occurs when the redirector is used. Also, there is an open bug (45063)
which appears to be a very similar issue.

I do of course accept the problem could lie at Microsoft's door though. :)

I guess I'm hoping someone has heard of this issue before, and knows of some
sort of workaround which doesn't involve using the "Local System" account.



-Original Message-
From: André Warnier [] 
Sent: 03 February 2010 21:58
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: w3wp randomly crashes when redirector is used

Steve Ryan wrote:
> My issue is due to Tomcat Connectors 1.2.28.
> Is there a more specific mailing list for such issues? The Tomcat
> website shows as the mailing list.
No. If your issue is indeed due to the Windows version of the mod_jk 
connector, then you are on the correct list.

I am far from the specialist on the Windows/jk side of things, but I am 
still puzzled however.
According to your explanation below, the application which crashes is 
something called "w3wp.exe".  This does not really sound like an 
application which lives under Java and Tomcat.
The jk redirector's function is to redirect (or rather "proxy") some 
HTTP requests from IIS to a back-end Tomcat, so that these requests are 
processed by a Tomcat-based application.  Conversely, the response from 
this Tomcat-based application is then returned through the jk 
redirector, back to IIS, and from there to the client.
What motivates my puzzlement is that, if w3wp.exe is really an 
application which lives under IIS and not Tomcat, then there does not 
seem to exist any reason why the jk redirector would have anything to do 
with it.

My knowledge being limited, there might well be something I am missing 
in all of this.

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RE: w3wp randomly crashes when redirector is used

2010-02-03 Thread Steve Ryan
Hi Chuck

Thanks for your reply.

It is indeed a strange problem. The work around unfortunately causes a
severe security risk (giving the DefaultAppPool the "Local System" identity
is similar to running Apache as root) so it isn't really an option.

If someone who works on the Tomcat Connectors project is reading this, do
you think this might be the same issue as bug 45063? If so, do you have any
sort of idea when 45063 might be looked at?

Thanks again for taking the time to read & respond to my e-mails.



-Original Message-
From: Caldarale, Charles R [] 
Sent: 03 February 2010 21:47
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: w3wp randomly crashes when redirector is used

> From: Steve Ryan []
> Subject: RE: w3wp randomly crashes when redirector is used
> Is there a more specific mailing list for such issues? 

No, this is the proper mailing list.  Unfortunately, the problem is
sufficiently esoteric (as well as having a work-around) so you're not likely
to get much response from the user community.

 - Chuck

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RE: w3wp randomly crashes when redirector is used

2010-02-03 Thread Steve Ryan
Thanks for the reply.

My issue is due to Tomcat Connectors 1.2.28.

Is there a more specific mailing list for such issues? The Tomcat Connectors
website shows as the mailing list.



-Original Message-
From: André Warnier [] 
Sent: 03 February 2010 20:44
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: w3wp randomly crashes when redirector is used

Hmmm. Are you sure that you are posting to the right list here ?

Steve Ryan wrote:
> Hello
> I really hope someone can help me with this. I have been trying to figure
> out for days and I am beginning to go mad!
> The issue I am having appears to be very similar to
> It might even be
> the same issue.
> Note I can recreate the problem on various flavours of Windows, and in IIS
> & IIS 7. 
> Details of the issue:
> I have a web application which lives under the "Default Web Site" in IIS
> and which has its own app pool. The redirector (isapi_redirect.dll 1.2.28)
> lives under the DefaultAppPool. 
> The user would log into our web application (which uses our app pool) and
> everything works as expected. If he then uses functionality which uses the
> redirector (and the DefaultAppPool), w3wp.exe will probably crash. (I say
> "probably" because sometimes it works without error).
> Note everything works fine (i.e. there is no crash) if I run the
> DefaultAppPool as "Local System"; the problem only seems to exist if I run
> the DefaultAppPool as "Local Service" or "Network Service". 
> Details of the crash:
> In the Event Viewer I can see the following -
> Faulting application w3wp.exe, version 6.0.3790.3959, faulting module
> ntdll.dll, version 5.2.3790.4455, fault address 0x0004f053.
> And if I catch the crash using Debug Diagnostic Tool -
> Thread 5 - System ID 6140
> Entry point   w3tp!THREAD_MANAGER::ThreadManagerThread 
> Create time   01/02/2010 13:13:26 
> Time spent in user mode   0 Days 0:0:0.0 
> Time spent in kernel mode   0 Days 0:0:0.15 
> Function Arg 1 Arg 2 Arg 3   Source 
> ntdll!RtlpWaitOnCriticalSection+c5   4b66d376
> ntdll!RtlEnterCriticalSection+152 6a6ee4e8 6a6b9ae6 

> isapi_redirect!TerminateFilter+c24b   76bbcc54
> isapi_redirect+9ae6 01459180 4b66d376 
> isapi_redirect!TerminateFilter+21435  1000
> isapi_redirect!HttpExtensionProc+29c  732448ee
> iisutil!STRU::STRU+c 73243b7a 0157e69c 7327a93f
> nativerd!CONFIG_ELEMENT::ReferenceConfigElement+f 000cf7f0

> 7327a970
> nativerd!CONFIG_ELEMENT_LIST::GetMergedElement+483 73243e08
> 0x0157e68c   
> tion_C005.dmp the assembly instruction at
> ntdll!RtlpWaitOnCriticalSection+c5 in C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll from
> Microsoft Corporation has caused an access violation exception
> when trying to write to memory location 0x0014 on thread 5
> Module Information 
> Image Name: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll   
> Base address: 0x76fc   
> Checksum: 0x00135d86   
> COM DLL: False   
> ISAPIExtension: False   
> ISAPIFilter: False   
> Managed DLL: False   
> VB DLL: False   
> Loaded Image Name:  ntdll.dll   
> Mapped Image Name: 
> Module name:  ntdll   
> Single Threaded:  False   
> Module Size:  1.15 MBytes   
> Symbol File Name:
> c:\symcache\ntdll.pdb\B958B2F91A5A46B889DAFAB4D140CF252\ntdll.pdb   
> Symbol Type:  PDB 
> Time Stamp:  Sat Jan 19 07:32:54 2008  
> Comments:   
> Company Name:  Microsoft Corporation 
> File Description:  NT Layer DLL 
> File Version:  6.0.6001.18000 (longhorn_rtm.080118-1840) 
> Internal Name:  ntdll.dll 
> Legal Copyright:  C Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 
> Legal Trademarks:   
> Original filename:  ntdll.dll 
> Private Build:   
> Product Name:  MicrosoftR WindowsR Operating System 
> Pr

w3wp randomly crashes when redirector is used

2010-02-03 Thread Steve Ryan


I really hope someone can help me with this. I have been trying to figure it
out for days and I am beginning to go mad!


The issue I am having appears to be very similar to It might even be
the same issue.


Note I can recreate the problem on various flavours of Windows, and in IIS 6
& IIS 7. 


Details of the issue:


I have a web application which lives under the "Default Web Site" in IIS 6,
and which has its own app pool. The redirector (isapi_redirect.dll 1.2.28)
lives under the DefaultAppPool. 


The user would log into our web application (which uses our app pool) and
everything works as expected. If he then uses functionality which uses the
redirector (and the DefaultAppPool), w3wp.exe will probably crash. (I say
"probably" because sometimes it works without error).


Note everything works fine (i.e. there is no crash) if I run the
DefaultAppPool as "Local System"; the problem only seems to exist if I run
the DefaultAppPool as "Local Service" or "Network Service". 


Details of the crash:


In the Event Viewer I can see the following -


Faulting application w3wp.exe, version 6.0.3790.3959, faulting module
ntdll.dll, version 5.2.3790.4455, fault address 0x0004f053.


And if I catch the crash using Debug Diagnostic Tool -


Thread 5 - System ID 6140

Entry point   w3tp!THREAD_MANAGER::ThreadManagerThread 

Create time   01/02/2010 13:13:26 

Time spent in user mode   0 Days 0:0:0.0 

Time spent in kernel mode   0 Days 0:0:0.15 


Function Arg 1 Arg 2 Arg 3   Source 

ntdll!RtlpWaitOnCriticalSection+c5   4b66d376

ntdll!RtlEnterCriticalSection+152 6a6ee4e8 6a6b9ae6 

isapi_redirect!TerminateFilter+c24b   76bbcc54

isapi_redirect+9ae6 01459180 4b66d376 

isapi_redirect!TerminateFilter+21435  1000 01b6dd18

isapi_redirect!HttpExtensionProc+29c  732448ee 73243b7a

iisutil!STRU::STRU+c 73243b7a 0157e69c 7327a93f

nativerd!CONFIG_ELEMENT::ReferenceConfigElement+f 000cf7f0 

nativerd!CONFIG_ELEMENT_LIST::GetMergedElement+483 73243e08 0157eaa8




tion_C005.dmp the assembly instruction at
ntdll!RtlpWaitOnCriticalSection+c5 in C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll from
Microsoft Corporation has caused an access violation exception (0xC005)
when trying to write to memory location 0x0014 on thread 5


Module Information 

Image Name: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll   

Base address: 0x76fc   

Checksum: 0x00135d86   

COM DLL: False   

ISAPIExtension: False   

ISAPIFilter: False   

Managed DLL: False   

VB DLL: False   

Loaded Image Name:  ntdll.dll   

Mapped Image Name: 

Module name:  ntdll   

Single Threaded:  False   

Module Size:  1.15 MBytes   

Symbol File Name:

Symbol Type:  PDB 

Time Stamp:  Sat Jan 19 07:32:54 2008  


Company Name:  Microsoft Corporation 

File Description:  NT Layer DLL 

File Version:  6.0.6001.18000 (longhorn_rtm.080118-1840) 

Internal Name:  ntdll.dll 

Legal Copyright:  C Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Legal Trademarks:   

Original filename:  ntdll.dll 

Private Build:   

Product Name:  MicrosoftR WindowsR Operating System 

Product Version:  6.0.6001.18000 

Special Build:  & 


There is nothing obvious in Process Monitor which explains what is causing
the error.


Do any of you have any ideas what could be causing this? Any advice would be
greatly appreciated.






2009-06-05 Thread Alexander Ryan
The "unsubscribe" feature for this list appears to be broken.
Kindly unsubscribe me.
Thank you.


Alex Ryan's Facebook profile
> -Original Message-
> From: Mohamedin []
> Sent: Friday, June 05, 2009 9:40 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: APR is not working
> Dear everybody,
> I am trying to install APR for tomcat 6.0.18 on debian
> I did the following:
> apt-get install libapr1-dev libssl-dev
> cd tomcat-native-1.1.16-src/jni/native
> ./configure --with-apr=/usr/bin/apr-1-config --with-java-
> home=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun
>   --prefix=/usr/lib/catalina
> make
> make install
> and created the file $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ which has the
> following
> lines
> Then when I started tomcat the log shows the following lines and then
> nothing (It hangs)
> 05.06.2009 14:15:46 org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener init
> INFO: Loaded APR based Apache Tomcat Native library 1.1.16.
> 05.06.2009 14:15:46 org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener init
> INFO: APR capabilities: IPv6 [true], sendfile [true], accept filters
> [false], random [true].
> I have tryed to stop and run it again manytimes and the same result.
> Please help
> Thanks a lot,
> Mohamedin
> -
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Re: Tomcat PHP install

2008-07-21 Thread Ryan Ollerenshaw
I am have installed ArcIMS on my server which requires Tomcat to handle all the 
calls to the default port 80.  With Tomcat handling the calls to port 80 there 
is no way to have apache running on the same port to handle the PHP calls so i 
need some way to have Tomcat handle PHP.


- Original Message 
From: Gabe Wong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Tomcat Users List 
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2008 10:38:31 AM
Subject: Re: Tomcat PHP install

Hi Ryan,

Since you are already using Apache, why burden yourself with serving PHP 
through Tomcat. It would be so so much easier to serve PHP directly
from Apache.

Ryan Ollerenshaw wrote:
> I am trying to get Tomcat and PHP running on the same server.  I am using to 
> following tutorial: everything seems 
> to be working but when i load my test.php page i get the following error:
> java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: libphp4: /usr/lib64/gcj-4.1.2/ 
> undefined symbol: JNI_CreateJavaVM
> I am using the following:
> Tomcat 5
> apache 2.2
> java 1.4.2_18
> Any suggestions on what i should try next?


Gabe Wong
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Tomcat PHP install

2008-07-21 Thread Ryan Ollerenshaw
I am trying to get Tomcat and PHP running on the same server.  I am using to 
following tutorial: everything seems to 
be working but when i load my test.php page i get the following error:

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: libphp4: /usr/lib64/gcj-4.1.2/ 
undefined symbol: JNI_CreateJavaVM

I am using the following:
Tomcat 5
apache 2.2
java 1.4.2_18

Any suggestions on what i should try next?


Re: Status and Tomcat Manager links result in 404's

2008-05-28 Thread Ryan Steele

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:

From: Ryan Steele [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Status and Tomcat Manager links result in 404's

I've got a Tomcat 5.5.25 installation up and running for the
most part.

JRE/JDK version?


FC6 and 1.4.2, respectively.  They are outdated, but I needed to 
duplicate a client's environment for our developers to write code that 
would work on their boxes.

Do you have a real Tomcat installed, or a 3rd-party repackaged piece of junk?  
If the latter, download and install a proper one from

Packaged.  And, folks are already developing on it - I don't want to 
pull the rug out from underneath them.  But I do appreciate the wise 
words - I will certainly heed them in the future.  I hope that 
continuing to use the Fedora packaged version doesn't preclude any 
further advice.


I've got what looks like a proper context in

That one is just a copy of the real one, left there during packaging of the source.  
The  element for the manager app should be in 
/usr/share/tomcat5/conf/Catalina/localhost/manager.xml; if it's not there, you have a 
bad installation.

A 'bad' installation?  You mean, the whole install is fubar'ed or just 
needs some adjusting?  The phrasing makes the situation sound pretty 
dire.  The /usr/share/tomcat5/conf/Catalina/localhost/ directory is 
empty.  I'm not too terribly versed with regards to Tomcat, but I am 
eager to learn, so I took your advice below and read the fine manual.  I 
did find reference describing how to add an instance of the Manager web 
app Context to hosts at


I also tried editing the context to list a path (I set
it to path="/manager")

Don't ever do that; it's illegal to have a path in a  element unless the 
 element is inside server.xml - which it should never be, in this day and 
age.  Read the doc:
Really?  The docs seem to disagree: 
indicates I can use that in manager.xml as well.

But, thanks for pointing me to the docs - I did solve my problem by 
adding the manager.xml to the localhost directory in the Catalina directory.


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Status and Tomcat Manager links result in 404's

2008-05-28 Thread Ryan Steele

Hey list,

I've got a Tomcat 5.5.25 installation up and running for the most part.  
However, on the index.jsp on the main page (, 
the "Status" and "Tomcat Manager" links both result in 404's.

My Tomcat/Catalina home is /usr/share/tomcat5.  My main webapps folder 
is in /usr/share/tomcat5/webapps, and the admin/manager/host-manager 
apps are in /usr/share/tomcat5/server/webapps.  But, I always get the 
404 "The requested resource (/manager/html) is not available."  Just for 
kicks, I also tried manually entering /server/manager/html as the URI, 
but it failed similarly. 

I have added a role in my /usr/share/tomcat5/conf/tomcat-users.xml so 
that users can authenticate as an admin to that area, but I don't even 
get the prompt for credentials.  I've got what looks like a proper 
context in /usr/share/tomcat5/server/webapps/manager/manager.xml:

privileged="true" antiResourceLocking="false" 


I also tried editing the context to list a path (I set it to 
path="/manager") ...but alas, I'm still stuck with 404's.  I don't see 
anything in the logs when this happens.  Has anybody seen this before, 
and perhaps does anyone have any insight as to where I'm zigging where I 
should be zagging? 



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Re: How to make my web application the ROOT application

2008-05-21 Thread ryan webb
*Mr. Mark

*Thank you very much for your reply, you have saved me!
It is working like heaven. =)

You are correct about this, it is a broken link.

God bless you man!

On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 3:09 PM, Mark Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ryan webb wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am using Tomcat 6.0.14.
>> I renamed the original ROOT folder to adminstuff and I made my web app as
>> the ROOT.
>> I checked by typing the *http://localhost/* and I saw my web application.
>> =)
>> Now when I try to access *http://localhost/adminstuff/* It displays the
>> Tomcat Console, however when I click "Status" OR "Tomcat Manager".
>> Tomcat displays, "HTTP status 404" the requested resource is not
>> available.
>> I need to make my web app function as ROOT while maintaining the access to
>> the Tomcat console so I can still administer the site.
> It is just the links that are broken (they have been fixed for the next
> release). Just go directly to the pages eg http://localhost/manager/html
> Note that the manager is *not* part of the ROOT webapp. ROOT just provides
> a few helpful links.
> Mark
> -
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warmest regards,
Ryan Webb - Philippines


How to make my web application the ROOT application

2008-05-20 Thread ryan webb

I am using Tomcat 6.0.14.
I renamed the original ROOT folder to adminstuff and I made my web app as
the ROOT.

I checked by typing the *http://localhost/* and I saw my web application. =)
Now when I try to access *http://localhost/adminstuff/* It displays the
Tomcat Console, however when I click "Status" OR "Tomcat Manager".
Tomcat displays, "HTTP status 404" the requested resource is not available.

I need to make my web app function as ROOT while maintaining the access to
the Tomcat console so I can still administer the site.

Any help is greatly appreciated. (web sites, etc)
warmest regards,
Ryan Webb - Philippines


Re: how to change into

2008-05-20 Thread ryan webb
*Mr. David,*

Thank you for your kind reply.
I think I may have solved my problem. I have downloaded an open source
called Dual Server. It is DHCP + DNS server software. In configurations I
just resolved
IP to Name. Now I am able to ping from a remote computer.

God bless.

On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 5:57 PM, David Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You may not have to go through all that trouble.  Check with the name
> registration service you got your domain name from -- they may have DNS
> service.
> --David
> ryan webb wrote:
>> Mr. David,
>> Thank you very much for your kind reply. I've got a feeling that this is
>> not
>> Tomcat related.
>> I think I will try to setup a DNS server. For this.
>> God bless.
>> On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 5:46 PM, David Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Not a tomcat question ... you need to get your system registered with a
>>> DNS
>>> service and it will respond to the name regardless of
>>> service (tomcat, apache, iis, ssh, sftp, etc., ...).
>>> --David
>>> ryan webb wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> How to change into
>>>> in tomcat? If not Tomcat related please let me know...(give me tips or
>>>> anything)
>>>> Thank you =)
>>> -
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> --
> David Smith
> Network Operations Supervisor
> Department of Entomology
> Cornell University
> 2132 Comstock Hall
> Ithaca, NY 14853
> Phone: (607) 255-9571
> Fax: (607) 255-0940
> -
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warmest regards,
Ryan Webb - Philippines


Re: how to change into

2008-05-19 Thread ryan webb
Mr. David,

Thank you very much for your kind reply. I've got a feeling that this is not
Tomcat related.
I think I will try to setup a DNS server. For this.

God bless.

On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 5:46 PM, David Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Not a tomcat question ... you need to get your system registered with a DNS
> service and it will respond to the name regardless of
> service (tomcat, apache, iis, ssh, sftp, etc., ...).
> --David
> ryan webb wrote:
>> Hello,
>> How to change into
>> in tomcat? If not Tomcat related please let me know...(give me tips or
>> anything)
>> Thank you =)
> -
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warmest regards,
Ryan Webb - Philippines


how to change into

2008-05-18 Thread ryan webb

How to change into
in tomcat? If not Tomcat related please let me know...(give me tips or

Thank you =)

warmest regards,
Ryan Webb - Philippines


Re: I dont want my users to see tomcat console. Any advice?

2008-05-12 Thread ryan webb
Mr. Chris,

Yes thank you for your advice, I appreciate your tips.
And follow your suggestion.

Have a good day Mr. Chris.

On Mon, May 12, 2008 at 10:39 PM, Christopher Schultz <

> Hash: SHA1
>  Ryan,
> ryan webb wrote:
> | Yes, I will also read TC documentations. But for now I want a quick and
> | simple explanation..
>  The TC documentation is quick and simple. If not, you should suggest
> editions.
> | and besides all your experiences are the best teachers. =)
>  While that may be true, reading the documentation saves us from having
> to help you with problems covered by said documentation, and focus on
> issues other people are having that may not be so straightforward.
> - -chris
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
> pNMAn333cz0DsLnIksPBXph2tqvBPzf5
> =TScu
> -- ---
> To start a new topic, e-mail:
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warmest regards,
Ryan Webb - Philippines


Re: I dont want my users to see tomcat console. Any advice?

2008-05-09 Thread ryan webb
Dear Mr. Johnny, Mr. Chris and Mr. Mark,

Thank you very much for all your replies.
You have different approaches to my problem.
I will try all your solutions / suggestions and use what is most applicable
to my situation.

Yes, I will also read TC documentations. But for now I want a quick and
simple explanation..
and besides all your experiences are the best teachers. =)

God bless,
Ryan Webb - Philippines

On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 9:54 PM, Christopher Schultz <

> Hash: SHA1
> Johnny,
> Johnny Kewl wrote:
> | Make a new web app call it ROOT
> | Then in the JSP page add something like
> |
> | 
> Better yet, just rename your own webapp to ROOT and use that.
> - -chris
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
> iEYEARECAAYFAkgkV4gACgkQ9CaO5/Lv0PD/aQCfYqnk2Wx/n6Uij0lEc8HLG2TU
> oxEAn3NHT1mf/vLTABYR5asF4L6mD5nb
> =ydnl
> -
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Re: I dont want my users to see tomcat console. Any advice?

2008-05-08 Thread ryan webb
Mr. Johnny Kewl,

Thank you very much for your quick reply.
I get what are you trying to say.

except on the last part:
< Also make a note of the URL on the default page, so you can still get at
the admin stuff.
what note? please write simple example.

You're right, if I restricted the users from seeing Tomcat Manager console,
that means I cannot also get in.(if i use another computer).

Sir, would you recommend me some resources, websites about what i am trying
to accomplish?

God bless,
Ryan Webb - Philippines

On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 11:24 AM, Johnny Kewl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ---
> The most powerful application server on earth.
> The only real POJO Application Server.
> Making the Java dream come true.
> ---
> ----- Original Message - From: "ryan webb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "tomcat-help" 
> Sent: Friday, May 09, 2008 5:01 AM
> Subject: I dont want my users to see tomcat console. Any advice?
> Ryan... try this
> Make a new web app call it ROOT
> Then in the JSP page add something like
> Drop it into tomcat...
> I cant remember the deatails off hand, but because the ROOT that comes with
> TC is precompiled, it wont listen to you if you change it directly.
> Copy the old root out, just in case you change your mind later.
> Also make a note of the URL on the default page, so you can still get at
> the admin stuff.
> Have fun
>  Dear Tomcat users,
>> *Situation:*
>> - I have internal web application (corporate web site only).
>> - I don't have Domain, user access our site using example:
>> *Problem:*
>> - Users see tomcat manager console site when they type in URL
>> *Question:*
>> - I don't want users to see the tomcat manager console site. Is there some
>> sort of redirection to webApplication?
>> I want users to see our webApplication when they typed in
>> any advice, help, our suggestions are greatly appreciated
>> God bless,
>> Ryan Webb - Philippines
> -
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I dont want my users to see tomcat console. Any advice?

2008-05-08 Thread ryan webb
Dear Tomcat users,

- I have internal web application (corporate web site only).
- I don't have Domain, user access our site using example:

- Users see tomcat manager console site when they type in URL

- I don't want users to see the tomcat manager console site. Is there some
sort of redirection to webApplication?
I want users to see our webApplication when they typed in

any advice, help, our suggestions are greatly appreciated

God bless,
Ryan Webb - Philippines

Textarea Horizontal Scroll Bar Problems

2008-04-15 Thread Ryan Fleming
I am having difficulties getting the horizontal scroll
bar to work in a inputTextarea control in a java web
applicaton.  I have posted several questions on a few
groups, and everybody seems to think the code should
I am new to web apps.  Tomcat 6.0 is the first server
I have used with Netbeans 6.0.  So I am unsure if this
behavior is coding, or the webserver.
I have tried several CSS class style properties, both
in the XML, and also in the java code, to force the
horizontal scrollbar to work.  However, if the text
goes beyond the edges of the textarea, the text wraps
to the next line.  Unless I set the white-space to
nowrap, and then I get one long line of text with no
line breaks.  
When I set the value of the text area, linebreaks in
the java code are set using the \r\n.  I tired ,
but this text appears in the textarea.
While my first guess would not be this, I am wondering
if the problem lies in the way Tomcat interprets the
Java web app and present it to the browsers.  below is
a sample of the xml code for the textarea, and also a
sample of java code, where I also attempt to change
the style of the textarea.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!


txtRiderInfo.setStyle("white-space: normal;
border-width: 2px; border-style: solid; font-family:
'Courier New','Courier',monospace; font-size: 12px;
height: 75%; min-height: 400px; left: 24px; top:
144px; position: absolute; width: 96%; min-width:
400px; margin-right: 7500px");

The text gets created like this:

txtRiderInfo.setValue("Race Results Report.\r\nAll
Total Elapsed Times Are Based From The Start Of The
First Heat.\r\n\r\n");

Thanks for your time



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I cant access my webapplication issue is now Solved!

2008-02-29 Thread Ryan Webb

Dear fellow users,
I would like to thank all people who helped me solved my problem..
Problem is windows firewall I did not notice it was running.
I will configure windows firewall.
most reply was related to network, port and firewall..
God bless all of you.
Warmest regards,
Ryan Webb - Philippines
Help Splitzo Sally Before It’s Too Late!

RE: I can't access my webapplication from another computer

2008-02-29 Thread Ryan Webb

Dear Antonio,
Yes I think the machine which tomcat has been installled has firewall enabled 
Windows firewall..
Do you think that is the problem?
Thank you for replying on short notice.
Ryan Webb - Philippines> Date: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 08:47:14 +0100> From: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> To:> Subject: Re: I can't access my 
webapplication from another computer> > 2008/2/29, Ryan Webb <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>:> >> >> > > > Is the 
machine behind a firewall (even software firewall)?> Is your client computer in 
the same subnet of your server?> > Antonio
Get your free suite of Windows Live services today!

RE: I can't access my webapplication from another computer

2008-02-29 Thread Ryan Webb

Dear Partha,
My OS is windows XP professional SP2 and I configured Tomacat port to 80
Thanks for your quick reply..
Ryan Webb -- Philippines> Date: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 13:16:56 +0530> From: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> To:> Subject: Re: I can't access my 
webapplication from another computer> > what's the tomcat port? & ur OS ?> > On 
Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 1:14 PM, Ryan Webb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> > >> > 
Hello,> >> > I am new to Tomcat and i wish you would lend a hand.> >> > Here's 
the situation:> > I installed Tomcat 6.0.14 full install and I copied my .war 
file into> > /webapps> > I checked if my webapplication is running by typing> > 
http://localhost/webapplication/login.jsp> > and it worked ok..> >> > Problem:> 
> Unfortunately, when I tried to access my webapplication from another> > 
computer, I tried to type from url:> >, the browser always gives the> > 
"Page cannot be displayed" page.> > (where the IP address is the address which 
Tomcat 6 was installed).> > Are there futher configurations needed to be done?> 
>> > You may give me links / websites that relates to my problem (if you're 
not> > in the mood for explaining ha.ha!)> >> > Thank you for reading my 
e-mail.> >> > Godbless,> > Ryan Webb -- from Philippines> > 
_> > Get your 
free suite of Windows Live services today!> >> > 
> > > -- > Regards> Partha Goswami> Solaris/Open solaris User Group>
Help Splitzo Sally Before It’s Too Late!

I can't access my webapplication from another computer

2008-02-28 Thread Ryan Webb

I am new to Tomcat and i wish you would lend a hand.
Here's the situation:
I installed Tomcat 6.0.14 full install and I copied my .war file into /webapps
I checked if my webapplication is running by typing 
and it worked ok..
Unfortunately, when I tried to access my webapplication from another computer, 
I tried to type from url:, the browser always gives the "Page 
cannot be displayed" page.
(where the IP address is the address which Tomcat 6 was installed).
Are there futher configurations needed to be done?
You may give me links / websites that relates to my problem (if you're not in 
the mood for explaining ha.ha!)
Thank you for reading my e-mail.
Ryan Webb -- from Philippines
Get your free suite of Windows Live services today!

Help on Tomcat configurations

2008-02-27 Thread Ryan Webb

Dear Apache-Tomcat, 
Hello, I am Ryan Webb from Philippines and this is my first time to use Tomcat.
I have problem in configuring my Tomcat.
I have a computer and there are no other webserves (IIS, etc) installed, except 
tomcat 6.0.14 (full install).
I deployed war file by copying and pasting to /webapps folder.
I checked if my webapplication is working by typing 
http://localhost/webapplication/login.jsp and it is working fine.
when I try to access using other computer, I typed, error page occured.
where ip address is address of machine where Tomcat is installed. (Page cannot 
be displayed -- from IE 6.0)
Do i need to configure some things on Tomcat? or I did some thing stupid? How 
can i change Ip address to something customized like ?
-my webapplication is private use only. (intranet)
I have no collegue to help me. Please send me a lifeline..^^
Thank you very much for all your help (in advance!)
Warmest regards,
Ryan G. Webb
Help Splitzo Sally Before It’s Too Late!

Can't shutdown Tomcat

2008-02-05 Thread Alexander Ryan
I am unable to shutdown Tomcat 5.5.17.

When I try to shutdown using /bin/ or "./ stop" it
just pauses like so .

Feb 4, 2008 4:51:00 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11BaseProtocol pause
INFO: Pausing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-80

I have to kill the thread every time like so "pkill -9 java".
I am running on a Dell server with 2 AMD processors under Fedora 7.
I'm not sure what the problem might be but I've tried the following .

Switching from Sun's to IBM's 5.0 JRE.
chown -R root.root  
Nothing in the catalina.out file indicates what the source of the problem
might be (but its contents are not very verbose).
Anyone have any suggestions?

Tomcat is exhibiting other strange behavior for me as well.
It caches JSPs that have long since been replaced even though I've set
reloadable=true in the context.xml file.
It also periodically stops writing to catalina.out for some reason.
I'm guessing that the problems are related to my inability to shut it down
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Prefix Paths on Servlets

2007-08-14 Thread Ryan Shelley

My apologies, I replied to the wrong thread...

So I've been able to deploy the servlet and access it with the "/it"  
prefix, however, I noticed that when I redeploy my war, my custom  
it#idm.war context file is also removed.  Is there a way to keep that  
transient between deployments?  Or package it with the war?

On Aug 13, 2007, at 12:03 PM, Ryan Shelley wrote:

My apologies... I'm on Tomcat 5.5.  I'll take a look at it and give  
that a try.  Thanks Chuck!

On Aug 13, 2007, at 11:59 AM, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:

From: Ryan Shelley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Prefix Paths on Servlets

However, it's recently been requested that I add a prefix to my
servlet.  Now it should be http://myhost/it/idm/...

Assuming you're running a reasonably modern version of Tomcat (you
didn't bother to tell us), then place your idm.war file somewhere  

than the  appBase directory (usually webapps).  Then, create a
file in conf/Catalina/[host] named it#idm.xml containing a 
element with a docBase attribute pointing to the location of the  


As long as you haven't hard-coded the path in the html/jsp/java  

you should be o.k.

 - Chuck


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Re: character encodingg problem

2007-08-13 Thread Ryan Shelley
So I've been able to deploy the servlet and access it with the "/it"  
prefix, however, I noticed that when I redeploy my war, my custom  
it#idm.war context file is also removed.  Is there a way to keep that  
transient between deployments?  Or package it with the war?

On Aug 13, 2007, at 1:12 PM, Russo, Joe wrote:

Thank you very much for you response.  I am going to try and look  
at how

long it will take to do this type of conversion for 39 databases.

-Original Message-
From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2007 3:00 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: character encodingg problem

Hash: SHA1


Russo, Joe wrote:

Of course, the existing data that is stored incorrectly can not be
viewed correctly.  I thought by changing the filter you sent by
interrupting the charset as ISO-8859-1 for the response would work

No, the problem is that your application thinks that the data in  
the DB

is in UTF-8 format, but it's not. Here's what you have to do:

1.  Identify the rows that need to be "fixed".
2a. Run a query that reads the data as bytes (not characters), and  

cast it to UTF-8 character data, then write it back.
2b. Write a little Java program to read the data as bytes (not chars),
convert to a String using the suspected encoding (UTF-8, right?),
and then writing it back to the database.

This ought to work, but might be kind of a pain in the neck. Of  

always test that things are working the way you expect them to before
you COMMIT anything ;)

I would recommend using a Java program. Write a quick test like this:


ResultSet rs = ...;
InputStream in = rs.getBinaryStream("my_data");
int count = 0;
String s = "";
byte[] bytes = new byte[1024];

while(0 <= (c =
s = s + new String(bytes, 0, c, "ISO-8859-1"); // or whatever

System.out.println("Read string from database: " + s);

rs.updateString("my_data", s);


SELECT my_data ... WHERE ...

s = rs.getString("my_data");

System.out.println("Read fixed string from database: " + s);


Make sure that your terminal is configured to properly display UTF-8
character data, or that you have some other good way of determining  

the test output is correct.

- -chris

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: Prefix Paths on Servlets

2007-08-13 Thread Ryan Shelley
My apologies... I'm on Tomcat 5.5.  I'll take a look at it and give  
that a try.  Thanks Chuck!

On Aug 13, 2007, at 11:59 AM, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:

From: Ryan Shelley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Prefix Paths on Servlets

However, it's recently been requested that I add a prefix to my
servlet.  Now it should be http://myhost/it/idm/...

Assuming you're running a reasonably modern version of Tomcat (you
didn't bother to tell us), then place your idm.war file somewhere  

than the  appBase directory (usually webapps).  Then, create a
file in conf/Catalina/[host] named it#idm.xml containing a 
element with a docBase attribute pointing to the location of the  


As long as you haven't hard-coded the path in the html/jsp/java  

you should be o.k.

 - Chuck


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Prefix Paths on Servlets

2007-08-13 Thread Ryan Shelley
I developed a servlet with the package name "idm.war".  Therefore, my  
URL is http://myhost/idm/...

However, it's recently been requested that I add a prefix to my  
servlet.  Now it should be http://myhost/it/idm/...

Does tomcat provide a configuration that would allow me to add "/it"  
to just this servlet as a prefix, without having to repackage my war  
as "it.war" (my package is not all of IT's servlets, so I don't want  
to package it as such)?  I looked at the servlet context, and I don't  
believe that does what I need.  Any other suggestions?



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adding authentication to unprotected page

2007-05-31 Thread Ryan

Hi All,

I was wondering if any of you had experience with this. I want to add a form
on the homepage of an application that allows the user to quickly log in
(see below) and take them to the protected page. I've never done this before
and unfortunately the form below doesn't seem to work, it basically brings
me back to the original page. Any ideas?



Re: requiring multiple roles for access

2007-03-22 Thread Ryan

Yeh, this project is moving pretty fast, so I'm going with some quick
solutions that may or may not be elegant :-) If I get a chance to revisit
this, I'm going to try your solution. Thanks again for all your help. - Ryan

On 3/22/07, Propes, Barry L [GCG-NAOT] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

oh, ok. I'd say your solution's pretty plausible.

I've just now had to retool my users table a bit adding a timestamp for
auth purposes, too.

I've just got the one extra table that allows people to be in multiple
categories, yet confined to the one role in the users_role table.

-Original Message-
From: Ryan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2007 2:39 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: requiring multiple roles for access


This is a good implementation, and yes, it does make sense. I did go with
different implementation, though, essentially I created a new table that
stores the users previous roles  and timestamp them when the user is
disabled. When they are re-enabled, I just put the role data back into the
roles table so there's no change in their previous access. This way, the
developers don't have to think about it, it just happens in the
It's probably not the best implementation, but it'll do ;-).

By the way, I've given up on the role combo login, I was just hoping when
wrote that one.


On 3/22/07, Propes, Barry L [GCG-NAOT] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hey Ryan,
> I didn't end up catching it, only because the people getting the email
> that would log in to the "voting section," it doesn't come into play for
> them.
> In other words, if they get the email, they're already in the DB as a
> and have the necessary role.
> If I was going to catch it, I'd need to catch it in this JSP, the way I
> wrote it. The architecture I used on this one file was not ideal, as I
> three select query statements residing within it.
> What I could stand to do, and would do, is catch it in the JSP, but
> probably by the declared string variable I have, called jrole.
> jrole in this case is the one of admin, service, legal, risk, etc.
> So if they're not one of four roles, I need to throw in a catch block
> the SQL Exception there, otherwise I'd get an exhausted results set
> or invalid cursor state, if it can't find the matching role.
> Does this make sense? Or help you any? Sorry if it wasn't of more help.
> Let me know. And let me know moreso the way your site/app is structured;
> for example, who needs to go to a protected area, what roles, etc.
> I don't think you can make it have a dual/double login layer. Wouldn't
> make too much sense anyway as they'd have to use the same combo and that
> would defeat the session purpose anyway.
> -Original Message-
> From: Ryan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2007 9:35 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: requiring multiple roles for access
> Barry,
> Regarding your method below, do you catch this method in JSP or
> else?
> Thanks,
> Ryan
> On 3/21/07, Propes, Barry L [GCG-NAOT] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> > I don't know about disabling users, as I haven't tried something like
> > that, and there may be ways of tiering the access in regards to roles,
> which
> > I technically haven't tried either.
> >
> > But what I have is a group of people who absolutely have to access one
> > portion, and then some "admins" who have to access another. But for
> reasons
> > you can probably imagine, I certainly don't want it wide open to
> with
> > an account. So I've got it gated as such in this manner.
> > Does this make sense? Another thing I did was run separate select
> queries
> > from the users and "approvers" table, one I created and linked
> by a
> > unique ID. If someone contained one role, they could access this
> section. If
> > not, in another case, an exception is thrown, which I didn't catch
> properly
> > right away, but it doesn't let that user into the section.
> >
> > Let me know if you need more insight into it.
> >
> > Good luck with it Ryan!
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Ryan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 2:22 PM
> > To: Tomcat Users List
> > Subject: Re: requiring multiple roles for access
> >
> >
> > Barry,
> >
> > I'm looking for a way to disable the user by taking them out of one
> role,

Re: requiring multiple roles for access

2007-03-22 Thread Ryan


This is a good implementation, and yes, it does make sense. I did go with a
different implementation, though, essentially I created a new table that
stores the users previous roles  and timestamp them when the user is
disabled. When they are re-enabled, I just put the role data back into the
roles table so there's no change in their previous access. This way, the JSP
developers don't have to think about it, it just happens in the background.
It's probably not the best implementation, but it'll do ;-).

By the way, I've given up on the role combo login, I was just hoping when I
wrote that one.


On 3/22/07, Propes, Barry L [GCG-NAOT] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey Ryan,

I didn't end up catching it, only because the people getting the email
that would log in to the "voting section," it doesn't come into play for

In other words, if they get the email, they're already in the DB as a user
and have the necessary role.

If I was going to catch it, I'd need to catch it in this JSP, the way I
wrote it. The architecture I used on this one file was not ideal, as I have
three select query statements residing within it.

What I could stand to do, and would do, is catch it in the JSP, but
probably by the declared string variable I have, called jrole.

jrole in this case is the one of admin, service, legal, risk, etc.

So if they're not one of four roles, I need to throw in a catch block for
the SQL Exception there, otherwise I'd get an exhausted results set error,
or invalid cursor state, if it can't find the matching role.

Does this make sense? Or help you any? Sorry if it wasn't of more help.

Let me know. And let me know moreso the way your site/app is structured;
for example, who needs to go to a protected area, what roles, etc.

I don't think you can make it have a dual/double login layer. Wouldn't
make too much sense anyway as they'd have to use the same combo and that
would defeat the session purpose anyway.

-Original Message-
From: Ryan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2007 9:35 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: requiring multiple roles for access


Regarding your method below, do you catch this method in JSP or somewhere


On 3/21/07, Propes, Barry L [GCG-NAOT] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I don't know about disabling users, as I haven't tried something like
> that, and there may be ways of tiering the access in regards to roles,
> I technically haven't tried either.
> But what I have is a group of people who absolutely have to access one
> portion, and then some "admins" who have to access another. But for
> you can probably imagine, I certainly don't want it wide open to anyone
> an account. So I've got it gated as such in this manner.
> Does this make sense? Another thing I did was run separate select
> from the users and "approvers" table, one I created and linked together
by a
> unique ID. If someone contained one role, they could access this
section. If
> not, in another case, an exception is thrown, which I didn't catch
> right away, but it doesn't let that user into the section.
> Let me know if you need more insight into it.
> Good luck with it Ryan!
> -Original Message-
> From: Ryan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 2:22 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: requiring multiple roles for access
> Barry,
> I'm looking for a way to disable the user by taking them out of one
> but leaving them in the roles they were in before they were disabled
> informational purposes). I didn't think it would be possible, but I
> to throw it out there in case I missed something. What you are
> may also be suitable.
> Thanks,
> Ryan
> On 3/21/07, Propes, Barry L [GCG-NAOT] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> > I know you can assign different roles to an app, and to a user, and
> > that user need one role to get to one part and an additional role to
> access
> > a separate part of the app, but the entire app? Not sure about that.
> >
> > I've got people in my users table that have to have multiple roles for
> > several tasks within my app. If they only have one role, they're able
> do
> > a certain part of the app, but not all of it. Is this what you're
> to
> > accomplish?
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Ryan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 8:39 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: requiring multiple roles for access
> >

Re: requiring multiple roles for access

2007-03-22 Thread Ryan


Regarding your method below, do you catch this method in JSP or somewhere


On 3/21/07, Propes, Barry L [GCG-NAOT] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I don't know about disabling users, as I haven't tried something like
that, and there may be ways of tiering the access in regards to roles, which
I technically haven't tried either.

But what I have is a group of people who absolutely have to access one
portion, and then some "admins" who have to access another. But for reasons
you can probably imagine, I certainly don't want it wide open to anyone with
an account. So I've got it gated as such in this manner.
Does this make sense? Another thing I did was run separate select queries
from the users and "approvers" table, one I created and linked together by a
unique ID. If someone contained one role, they could access this section. If
not, in another case, an exception is thrown, which I didn't catch properly
right away, but it doesn't let that user into the section.

Let me know if you need more insight into it.

Good luck with it Ryan!

-Original Message-
From: Ryan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 2:22 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: requiring multiple roles for access


I'm looking for a way to disable the user by taking them out of one role,
but leaving them in the roles they were in before they were disabled (for
informational purposes). I didn't think it would be possible, but I wanted
to throw it out there in case I missed something. What you are suggesting
may also be suitable.


On 3/21/07, Propes, Barry L [GCG-NAOT] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I know you can assign different roles to an app, and to a user, and make
> that user need one role to get to one part and an additional role to
> a separate part of the app, but the entire app? Not sure about that.
> I've got people in my users table that have to have multiple roles for
> several tasks within my app. If they only have one role, they're able to
> a certain part of the app, but not all of it. Is this what you're trying
> accomplish?
> -Original Message-
> From: Ryan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 8:39 AM
> To:
> Subject: requiring multiple roles for access
> Hi All,
> I would like to require a user to belong to two roles to access a
> application (i.e. user must belong to role1 AND role2 to access). I've
> tried
> the following in my web.xml
>    role1
> Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work (it seems to allow role1 OR
> role2).
> Is what I'm trying to do possible??
> Thanks,
> Ryan
> -
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Re: requiring multiple roles for access

2007-03-21 Thread Ryan


I think you and Barry are correct, I will probably to define another role
for this purpose and segregate different parts of the application.


On 3/21/07, Caldarale, Charles R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Ryan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: requiring multiple roles for access
> I would like to require a user to belong to two roles to
> access a certain application (i.e. user must belong to role1
> AND role2 to access). I've tried the following in my web.xml
> Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work (it seems to allow
> role1 OR role2).

As expected; to quote from the servlet spec:

"A user must be a member of at least one of the named roles to be
permitted to perform the constrained requests."

> Is what I'm trying to do possible??

The easiest way might be just to define a separate role for this purpose
rather than trying to piggy-back off combinations.

- Chuck

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Re: requiring multiple roles for access

2007-03-21 Thread Ryan


I'm looking for a way to disable the user by taking them out of one role,
but leaving them in the roles they were in before they were disabled (for
informational purposes). I didn't think it would be possible, but I wanted
to throw it out there in case I missed something. What you are suggesting
may also be suitable.


On 3/21/07, Propes, Barry L [GCG-NAOT] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I know you can assign different roles to an app, and to a user, and make
that user need one role to get to one part and an additional role to access
a separate part of the app, but the entire app? Not sure about that.

I've got people in my users table that have to have multiple roles for
several tasks within my app. If they only have one role, they're able to do
a certain part of the app, but not all of it. Is this what you're trying to

-----Original Message-
From: Ryan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 8:39 AM
Subject: requiring multiple roles for access

Hi All,

I would like to require a user to belong to two roles to access a certain
application (i.e. user must belong to role1 AND role2 to access). I've
the following in my web.xml

Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work (it seems to allow role1 OR
Is what I'm trying to do possible??


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requiring multiple roles for access

2007-03-21 Thread Ryan

Hi All,

I would like to require a user to belong to two roles to access a certain
application (i.e. user must belong to role1 AND role2 to access). I've tried
the following in my web.xml

Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work (it seems to allow role1 OR role2).
Is what I'm trying to do possible??


OutOfMemory Exceptions and HTTP Processor Threads

2006-10-31 Thread Ryan Gies

What I observe is:

a) A certain amount of free memory is required to instantiate a web application
b) Concurrent requests are handled by separate HTTP Processor threads
c) The maxSpareThreads attribute of the HTTP Connector is not honored until GC

And when I:

1) Deploy three "helloworld" Turbine applications
2) Use JMeter to hit the first webapp with 100 concurrent threads
3) Subsequently hit the second and third webapps with the same test plan

I will get OutOfMemory Exceptions because there is no free memory to instantiate 
the 3rd webapp, as the idle HTTP Connectors have consumed all available memory.

So I ask, "Am I understanding this correctly?  Is this known and specified 

using apache-tomcat-5.5.20 out-of-the-box (tar.gz)
with jdk1.5.0_09 and starting it up with: jpda start -Xmx30m -Xms30m
sample apps created as:
maven turbine:setup

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Re: JSessionID Confusion

2006-10-24 Thread Ryan O'Hara
Thanks, Dave.  One more question -  How can you tell Tomcat to assign  
sessions based on session IDs defined in CGI variables?


On Oct 23, 2006, at 4:04 PM, David Smith wrote:

Short answer: no.  Tomcat doesn't have any knowlege of how many  
windows client-side are sharing the same session cookie.  As long  
as the same session cookie is returned, tomcat see's just one client.

The issue can be mitigated by storing state information in the  
request via hidden form fields or GET params on the page links.


Ryan O'Hara wrote:

Is there anyway to create JSessionIDs per window rather than per   
browser?  I am having the problem of when you open multiple tabs   
within a browser, and enter two simultaneous queries, the results   
returned are corrupted.  Any suggestions?  Thanks for the help.


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JSessionID Confusion

2006-10-23 Thread Ryan O'Hara
Is there anyway to create JSessionIDs per window rather than per  
browser?  I am having the problem of when you open multiple tabs  
within a browser, and enter two simultaneous queries, the results  
returned are corrupted.  Any suggestions?  Thanks for the help.


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Re: Help with Custom Analyzer

2006-10-16 Thread Ryan O'Hara

Ah.  Thank you.  Sorry, wrong list.


On Oct 16, 2006, at 4:08 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:


Looks like this guy accidentally posted a Lucene question to the  

list. I hope he comes back to see the responses. 


Caldarale, Charles R wrote:

From: Ryan O'Hara [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Help with Custom Analyzer

I have a few questions regarding writing a custom analyzer.

I don't get it; in what way is this associated with Tomcat?

 - Chuck


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Ryan O'Hara
Programmer, Center for Biomedical Informatics
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
3535 Market Street, Room 1406

Help with Custom Analyzer

2006-10-16 Thread Ryan O'Hara

I have a few questions regarding writing a custom analyzer.

My situation is that I would like to use the StandardAnalyzer but  
with some data-specific rules.  I was wondering if there was a way of  
telling the StandardAnalyzer to treat a string of text, that would  
normally be tokenized into more than one token, as only one token  
(maybe by inserting quotes around the text).  For example, say the  
StandardAnalyzer normally splits the string of text  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] into 4 tokens, but I want it to split the  
string into only 1 token.  Could I accomplish this by surrounding the  
string with quotes or by using some other type of flag?

Another question I have is how do I modify the text being analyzed?   
From how I interpreted what I have read (which could easily be off),  
it looks like in order to accomplish what I have previously  
described, I am going to have to add some code to my custom  
analyzer's tokenStream method.  I see that tokenStream() has a Field  
and a Reader as parameters.  Would the way I go about adding rules be  
to edit the reader text?  If so, would manipulation of the text be  
easier if I were to convert the reader into a string?

Any help is greatly appreciated.  Thanks.


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Re: jsvc-src make error

2006-09-21 Thread Ryan Suarez

Can someone please help?  I cannot find the answer in the archives...

much appreciated,


I'm trying to compile jsvc-src (from apache-tomcat-5.5.17 binary core 
distribution) on debian sarge.  I've installed 
jdk-1_5_0_08-linux-i586.bin using make-jpkg.

So autoconf and ./configure on jsvc-src works fine.  But I'm getting 
errors when running make:

make[1]: *** [jsvc-unix.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 

make: *** [native/all] Error 2

What am I doing wrong?  How do I compile this succesfully?

I've attached the output of configure and make for your perusal.

much appreciated,

*** Current host ***
checking build system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking host system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking cached host system type... ok
*** C-Language compilation tools ***
checking for gcc... gcc
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of executables... 
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ANSI C... none needed
checking for ranlib... ranlib
*** Host support ***
checking C flags dependant on host system type... ok
*** Java compilation tools ***
checking for javac... /usr/bin/javac
checking wether the Java compiler (/usr/bin/javac) works... yes
checking for jar... /usr/bin/jar
gcc flags added
*** Writing output files ***
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: creating Makedefs
config.status: creating native/Makefile
*** All done ***
Now you can issue "make"
make -C native all
make[1]: Entering directory `/apps/apache-tomcat-5.5.17/bin/jsvc-src/native'
gcc -g -O2 -DOS_LINUX -DDSO_DLFCN -DCPU=\"i386\" -I/usr/include 
-I/usr/include/linux -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -c jsvc-unix.c -o jsvc-unix.o
In file included from /usr/include/_G_config.h:44,
 from /usr/include/libio.h:32,
 from /usr/include/stdio.h:72,
 from jsvc.h:20,
 from jsvc-unix.c:17:
/usr/include/gconv.h:72: error: syntax error before "size_t"
/usr/include/gconv.h:88: error: syntax error before "size_t"
/usr/include/gconv.h:97: error: syntax error before "size_t"
/usr/include/gconv.h:174: error: syntax error before "size_t"
/usr/include/gconv.h:177: error: syntax error before '}' token
In file included from /usr/include/libio.h:32,
 from /usr/include/stdio.h:72,
 from jsvc.h:20,
 from jsvc-unix.c:17:
/usr/include/_G_config.h:47: error: field `__cd' has incomplete type
/usr/include/_G_config.h:50: error: field `__cd' has incomplete type
In file included from /usr/include/stdio.h:72,
 from jsvc.h:20,
 from jsvc-unix.c:17:
/usr/include/libio.h:351: error: syntax error before "size_t"
/usr/include/libio.h:360: error: syntax error before "size_t"
/usr/include/libio.h:468: error: syntax error before "_IO_sgetn"
/usr/include/libio.h:468: error: syntax error before "size_t"
In file included from jsvc.h:20,
 from jsvc-unix.c:17:
/usr/include/stdio.h:302: error: syntax error before "size_t"
/usr/include/stdio.h:309: error: syntax error before "size_t"
/usr/include/stdio.h:351: error: syntax error before "size_t"
/usr/include/stdio.h:355: error: syntax error before "size_t"
/usr/include/stdio.h:603: error: syntax error before "fread"
/usr/include/stdio.h:603: error: syntax error before "size_t"
/usr/include/stdio.h:609: error: syntax error before "fwrite"
/usr/include/stdio.h:609: error: syntax error before "size_t"
/usr/include/stdio.h:631: error: syntax error before "fread_unlocked"
/usr/include/stdio.h:631: error: syntax error before "size_t"
/usr/include/stdio.h:633: error: syntax error before "fwrite_unlocked"
/usr/include/stdio.h:633: error: syntax error before "size_t"
In file included from jsvc.h:21,
 from jsvc-unix.c:17:
/usr/include/stdlib.h:137: error: syntax error before "__ctype_get_mb_cur_max"
In file included from /usr/include/sys/types.h:266,
 from /usr/include/stdlib.h:416,
 from jsvc.h:21,
 from jsvc-unix.c:17:
/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h:50: error: syntax error before "size_t"
/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h:53: error: syntax error before "__stacksize"
In file included from jsvc.h:21,
 from jsvc-unix.c:17:
/usr/include/stdlib.h:433: error: syntax error bef

jsvc-src make error

2006-09-20 Thread Ryan Suarez


I'm trying to compile jsvc-src (from apache-tomcat-5.5.17 binary core 
distribution) on debian sarge.  I've installed 
jdk-1_5_0_08-linux-i586.bin using make-jpkg.

So autoconf and ./configure on jsvc-src works fine.  But I'm getting 
errors when running make:

make[1]: *** [jsvc-unix.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/apps/apache-tomcat-5.5.17/bin/jsvc-src/native'
make: *** [native/all] Error 2

What am I doing wrong?  How do I compile this succesfully?

I've attached the output of configure and make for your perusal.

much appreciated,
*** Current host ***
checking build system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking host system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking cached host system type... ok
*** C-Language compilation tools ***
checking for gcc... gcc
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of executables... 
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ANSI C... none needed
checking for ranlib... ranlib
*** Host support ***
checking C flags dependant on host system type... ok
*** Java compilation tools ***
checking for javac... /usr/bin/javac
checking wether the Java compiler (/usr/bin/javac) works... yes
checking for jar... /usr/bin/jar
gcc flags added
*** Writing output files ***
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: creating Makedefs
config.status: creating native/Makefile
*** All done ***
Now you can issue "make"
make -C native all
make[1]: Entering directory `/apps/apache-tomcat-5.5.17/bin/jsvc-src/native'
gcc -g -O2 -DOS_LINUX -DDSO_DLFCN -DCPU=\"i386\" -I/usr/include 
-I/usr/include/linux -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -c jsvc-unix.c -o jsvc-unix.o
In file included from /usr/include/_G_config.h:44,
 from /usr/include/libio.h:32,
 from /usr/include/stdio.h:72,
 from jsvc.h:20,
 from jsvc-unix.c:17:
/usr/include/gconv.h:72: error: syntax error before "size_t"
/usr/include/gconv.h:88: error: syntax error before "size_t"
/usr/include/gconv.h:97: error: syntax error before "size_t"
/usr/include/gconv.h:174: error: syntax error before "size_t"
/usr/include/gconv.h:177: error: syntax error before '}' token
In file included from /usr/include/libio.h:32,
 from /usr/include/stdio.h:72,
 from jsvc.h:20,
 from jsvc-unix.c:17:
/usr/include/_G_config.h:47: error: field `__cd' has incomplete type
/usr/include/_G_config.h:50: error: field `__cd' has incomplete type
In file included from /usr/include/stdio.h:72,
 from jsvc.h:20,
 from jsvc-unix.c:17:
/usr/include/libio.h:351: error: syntax error before "size_t"
/usr/include/libio.h:360: error: syntax error before "size_t"
/usr/include/libio.h:468: error: syntax error before "_IO_sgetn"
/usr/include/libio.h:468: error: syntax error before "size_t"
In file included from jsvc.h:20,
 from jsvc-unix.c:17:
/usr/include/stdio.h:302: error: syntax error before "size_t"
/usr/include/stdio.h:309: error: syntax error before "size_t"
/usr/include/stdio.h:351: error: syntax error before "size_t"
/usr/include/stdio.h:355: error: syntax error before "size_t"
/usr/include/stdio.h:603: error: syntax error before "fread"
/usr/include/stdio.h:603: error: syntax error before "size_t"
/usr/include/stdio.h:609: error: syntax error before "fwrite"
/usr/include/stdio.h:609: error: syntax error before "size_t"
/usr/include/stdio.h:631: error: syntax error before "fread_unlocked"
/usr/include/stdio.h:631: error: syntax error before "size_t"
/usr/include/stdio.h:633: error: syntax error before "fwrite_unlocked"
/usr/include/stdio.h:633: error: syntax error before "size_t"
In file included from jsvc.h:21,
 from jsvc-unix.c:17:
/usr/include/stdlib.h:137: error: syntax error before "__ctype_get_mb_cur_max"
In file included from /usr/include/sys/types.h:266,
 from /usr/include/stdlib.h:416,
 from jsvc.h:21,
 from jsvc-unix.c:17:
/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h:50: error: syntax error before "size_t"
/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h:53: error: syntax error before "__stacksize"
In file included from jsvc.h:21,
 from jsvc-unix.c:17:
/usr/include/stdlib.h:433: error: syntax error before "size_t"
/usr/include/stdlib.h:462: error: syntax error before "size_t"
/usr/include/stdlib.h:556: error: syntax error before "__size"

Re: Create an object that's shared with multiple applications?

2006-08-09 Thread Ryan O'Hara

How can I create a single object when Tomcat starts up and access that
object from multiple web apps?


Have you added listener and listener-class tags in each applications'  


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Re: Restarting Tomcat causes application to be displayed across all instances

2006-08-04 Thread Ryan O'Hara
I think I found a promising lead to what is going wrong here. The  
FABLE application is
reading as if the CLASSPATH is set to ~/cvs/fable/web/info/ instead  
of /usr/local/tomcat/
webapps/fable(_[user])/WEB_INF/classes/info. I found this out by  
doing the following:

1. make install_dev.
2. rm /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/fable_ohara/WEB-INF/classes/info/
3. Tomcat restart
4. Lucene still worked on
5. rm /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/fable & fable_darcy/WEB-INF/classes/ 

6. Tomcat restart
7. Lucene still worked on
8. rm ~/cvs/fable/web/info/MedlineIndexSearcher.class
9. Tomcat restart
10. Lucene did not work on

So, from this, I believe that somewhere (whether it be in the  
Makefile, the Tomcat restart
scripts, or somewhere else) the CLASSPATH is being set to ~/cvs/fable/ 
web/info rather than
/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/fable(_[user])/WEB-INF/classes/info. Now,  
if I can only find

where this is happening..  Anyone have any ideas?  Thanks so much.


On Aug 4, 2006, at 1:15 PM, Ryan O'Hara wrote:

Unfortunately, the startup script doesn't set the classpath and the  
classes are not in the shared folders.  Any other ideas?  I am  
currently digging..

Thanks again,

On Aug 4, 2006, at 12:47 PM, Filip Hanik - Dev Lists wrote:

could be several reasons, one common one is that somewhere in your  
restart script, you are setting the classpath manually to include  
the classes.
another would be that your classes are in shared/classes or shared/ 

if not, you'd need to dig deeper.

Ryan O'Hara wrote:
Currently, we have a few three development instances of the  
"same" application being run - webapps/A, webapps/B, and webapps/ 
C.  By same I mean the same application, although each instance  
is usually a bit different, as the developers work on their  
individual instance.  The problem we are facing is that when a  
user restarts Tomcat, their Java code (and not their jsp or html  
code) is displayed on their web instance as well as all other web  
instances.  So, for example, if user A restarts Tomcat, their  
Java code is seen also on the web instances of user B and user  
C.  It is important to note that the actual code is not copied  
over to each of the users directory when a restart occurs, yet  
the code is viewed across all instances.  Anyone have any idea  
why this behavior could be taking place?  I recently created a  
Listener class to precompute a few variables.  This may or may  
not be related (don't think it is).  Thanks.


Re: Restarting Tomcat causes application to be displayed across all instances

2006-08-04 Thread Ryan O'Hara
Unfortunately, the startup script doesn't set the classpath and the  
classes are not in the shared folders.  Any other ideas?  I am  
currently digging..

Thanks again,

On Aug 4, 2006, at 12:47 PM, Filip Hanik - Dev Lists wrote:

could be several reasons, one common one is that somewhere in your  
restart script, you are setting the classpath manually to include  
the classes.

another would be that your classes are in shared/classes or shared/lib

if not, you'd need to dig deeper.

Ryan O'Hara wrote:
Currently, we have a few three development instances of the "same"  
application being run - webapps/A, webapps/B, and webapps/C.  By  
same I mean the same application, although each instance is  
usually a bit different, as the developers work on their  
individual instance.  The problem we are facing is that when a  
user restarts Tomcat, their Java code (and not their jsp or html  
code) is displayed on their web instance as well as all other web  
instances.  So, for example, if user A restarts Tomcat, their Java  
code is seen also on the web instances of user B and user C.  It  
is important to note that the actual code is not copied over to  
each of the users directory when a restart occurs, yet the code is  
viewed across all instances.  Anyone have any idea why this  
behavior could be taking place?  I recently created a Listener  
class to precompute a few variables.  This may or may not be  
related (don't think it is).  Thanks.


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Restarting Tomcat causes application to be displayed across all instances

2006-08-04 Thread Ryan O'Hara
Currently, we have a few three development instances of the "same"  
application being run - webapps/A, webapps/B, and webapps/C.  By same  
I mean the same application, although each instance is usually a bit  
different, as the developers work on their individual instance.  The  
problem we are facing is that when a user restarts Tomcat, their Java  
code (and not their jsp or html code) is displayed on their web  
instance as well as all other web instances.  So, for example, if  
user A restarts Tomcat, their Java code is seen also on the web  
instances of user B and user C.  It is important to note that the  
actual code is not copied over to each of the users directory when a  
restart occurs, yet the code is viewed across all instances.  Anyone  
have any idea why this behavior could be taking place?  I recently  
created a Listener class to precompute a few variables.  This may or  
may not be related (don't think it is).  Thanks.


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Re: Initializing Parameter

2006-07-31 Thread Ryan O'Hara

Thanks a lot, David.


Christopher Schultz wrote:

Not really.  If the question is "how do I retrieve the stuff I put  
in servletcontext?", the answer is getServletContext().getAttribute 
( attributeName ).
Then just cast the result to the type it's supposed to be (String,  
Array, Hashtable, etc., ...) since getAttribute() returns type  
Object for everything.


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Re: Initializing Parameter

2006-07-31 Thread Ryan O'Hara
One more question:  What is the best method for retrieving the  
values?  Thanks again.


On Jul 31, 2006, at 2:47 PM, David Smith wrote:

ServletContextListener is a new feature of servlet spec 2.4 (tomcat  
5.0.x, 5.5.x).  The essential parts are:

1. write a class implementing the  
javax.servlet.ServletContextListener interface.  The interface  
itself requires two methods -- contextInitialized() [see below] and  

2. Add the listener to your web.xml in a  attribute.
3. Deploy your app and the contextInitialized() method below will  
be executed once each time the webapp is started.

The servlet spec itself and the servlet api javadocs have complete  
information on implementing this.


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Re: Initializing Parameter

2006-07-31 Thread Ryan O'Hara

You are creating a ServletContextListener, which must be configured in
the "listeners" section of your web.xml file: simply mention the
ServletContextListener in there, and the contextInitialized() method
will be called when the webapp is initialized (i.e. once for the  
life of

the webapp).

If you restart Tomcat, your webapp will be initialized again during
startup and your code will execute again.


ServletContextListener is a new feature of servlet spec 2.4 (tomcat  
5.0.x, 5.5.x).  The essential parts are:

1. write a class implementing the  
javax.servlet.ServletContextListener interface.  The interface itself  
requires two methods -- contextInitialized() [see below] and  

2. Add the listener to your web.xml in a  attribute.
3. Deploy your app and the contextInitialized() method below will be  
executed once each time the webapp is started.

The servlet spec itself and the servlet api javadocs have complete  
information on implementing this.



Chris and David,

Fantastic, thanks so much.  I'll give this a shot and see how it  
goes.  Your advice has been extremely helpful.  Thanks again!


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Re: Initializing Parameter

2006-07-31 Thread Ryan O'Hara

You're looking for . You can add these parameters to any
filter or servlet, or at the top-level for the entire webapp, and get
them when the filter or servlet runs (or any time you can get an
instance of the ServletContext which represents the webapp).
The usual way of doing this is to create a ServletContextListener  

implements the init() method, grabs the values from the 
parameters, and stuffs them into the "application" scope. Although  

is typically called the "application", you get it like this:

public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce)
ServletContext application = sce.getServletContext();

String myParam = application.getInitParameter("my-param");

application.setAttribute("myParam", new Integer(myParam));

You can pretty much do anything you'd like at this point.

Hope that helps,


Hey Chris,

Awesome, I do in fact use param-name and param-value (init-param).   
So, I understand I have to make an addition to web.xml like:


However, I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to do after this.  I  
see that your code accounts for non-String variables by binding an  
object to the param-name (via setсttribute()), but I'm not sure of a  
couple of things.  Where would this code go that gets and sets the  
value, so that it would only run once collectively for all users (not  
once per user)?  More specifically, would this be executed during a  
restart of Tomcat?  If so, how (by what class/method)?

Thanks for your quick response.  Your help is greatly appreciated.


Initializing Parameter

2006-07-31 Thread Ryan O'Hara
Is there a way to initialize an array (or any other Java object, for  
that matter), so that it is available to all users?  I would like to  
execute some Java methods to precompute and store two arrays to avoid  
creating them every visit for every user.  I read something about  
param-name and param-value in web.xml, however it looks like this  
only works for type String and does not allow Java code.  Thanks for  
any ideas.


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Re: java.util.PropertyPermission

2006-07-26 Thread Ryan Daly
I think I found the issue.  This is totally my mistake...

When I had deployed the web application, I had it in a folder
(  Yet, when I created the Tomcat instance, I named that  I think that was my issue.  It does realize that it's
from the same web app, but I had naming conflicts, and therefore it was

Lesson:  Just make sure that the naming convention used is consistent.

Martin Gainty wrote:
> If the log4j classes are not specifically located in 
> /usr/local/apache/vhosts/www/webapps/DHS
> then You need to grant a minimum of read,execute access to Log4j librariesin 
> catalina.policy
> //lets assume you dropped your log4j.jar in %CATALINA_HOME%/shared/lib
> //catalina.policy
> grant codeBase "file:${catalina.home}/shared/lib/log4j.jar" {
>   permission java.util.PropertyPermission "org.apache.log4j.*", 
> "read,execute";";
> };
> M-
> *
> This email message and any files transmitted with it contain confidential
> information intended only for the person(s) to whom this email message is
> addressed.  If you have received this email message in error, please notify
> the sender immediately by telephone or email and destroy the original
> message without making a copy.  Thank you.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Ryan Daly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Martin Gainty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: "Tomcat Users List" 
> Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 4:03 PM
> Subject: Re: java.util.PropertyPermission
>> Sure.  I have the following in my policy file:
>> // == DHS ==
>> grant codeBase "file:/usr/local/apache/vhosts/www/webapp/DHS/-"
>> {
>>  // Runtime permissions
>>  permission java.util.PropertyPermission "*", "read,write";
>>  permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "accessDeclaredMembers";
>>  permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "";
>>  permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "stopThread";
>>  permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "setContextClassLoader";
>>  permission java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission "suppressAccessChecks";
>> };
>> Yet, in catalina.out, I see:
>> access: access denied (java.util.PropertyPermission
>> log4j.defaultInitOverride read)
>> --
>> Martin Gainty wrote:
>>> can you provide the specific example where a webapp doesnt apply 
>>> permissions from catalina.policy 
>>> M-
>>> *****
>>> This email message and any files transmitted with it contain confidential
>>> information intended only for the person(s) to whom this email message is
>>> addressed.  If you have received this email message in error, please notify
>>> the sender immediately by telephone or email and destroy the original
>>> message without making a copy.  Thank you.
>>> - Original Message - 
>>> From: "Ryan Daly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> To: "Tomcat Users List" 
>>> Cc: "Propes, Barry L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 3:34 PM
>>> Subject: Re: java.util.PropertyPermission
>>>> I'm not following what you're suggesting.
>>>> --
>>>> Propes, Barry L wrote:
>>>>> isn't that because the permission object picks all of that up as one 
>>>>> item, and overrides your separate setting?
>>>>> I would think it would. Wouldn't you need to create an entire new object 
>>>>> or not for that to work?
>>>>> -Original Message-
>>>>> From: Ryan Daly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 2:01 PM
>>>>> To: Tomcat Users List
>>>>> Subject: java.util.PropertyPermission
>>>>> All:
>>>>> I have started seeing problems with using the
>>>>> java.util.PropertyPermission setting in the catalina.policy file.
>>>>> I have the following line:
>>>>> permission java.util.PropertyPermission "*", "read,write";

Re: java.util.PropertyPermission

2006-07-25 Thread Ryan Daly
Sure.  I have the following in my policy file:

// == DHS ==
grant codeBase "file:/usr/local/apache/vhosts/www/webapp/DHS/-"
  // Runtime permissions
  permission java.util.PropertyPermission "*", "read,write";
  permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "accessDeclaredMembers";
  permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "";
  permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "stopThread";
  permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "setContextClassLoader";
  permission java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission "suppressAccessChecks";

Yet, in catalina.out, I see:

access: access denied (java.util.PropertyPermission
log4j.defaultInitOverride read)

Martin Gainty wrote:
> can you provide the specific example where a webapp doesnt apply permissions 
> from catalina.policy 
> M-
> *
> This email message and any files transmitted with it contain confidential
> information intended only for the person(s) to whom this email message is
> addressed.  If you have received this email message in error, please notify
> the sender immediately by telephone or email and destroy the original
> message without making a copy.  Thank you.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Ryan Daly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Tomcat Users List" 
> Cc: "Propes, Barry L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 3:34 PM
> Subject: Re: java.util.PropertyPermission
>> I'm not following what you're suggesting.
>> --
>> Propes, Barry L wrote:
>>> isn't that because the permission object picks all of that up as one item, 
>>> and overrides your separate setting?
>>> I would think it would. Wouldn't you need to create an entire new object or 
>>> not for that to work?
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: Ryan Daly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 2:01 PM
>>> To: Tomcat Users List
>>> Subject: java.util.PropertyPermission
>>> All:
>>> I have started seeing problems with using the
>>> java.util.PropertyPermission setting in the catalina.policy file.
>>> I have the following line:
>>> permission java.util.PropertyPermission "*", "read,write";
>>> If that's in my policy entry for the specific web application, it does
>>> not get picked up.  If I have that in the area that gets applied to all
>>> web applications, it seems to work just fine.
>>> Has anyone else seen this?  Is this a bug or did something change that
>>> would make me have to modify the policy file in some way?
>>> Thanks.
>>> --
>>> -
>>> To start a new topic, e-mail:
>>> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> -
>> To start a new topic, e-mail:
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: java.util.PropertyPermission

2006-07-25 Thread Ryan Daly
I have those entries.  Those are the default entries included with
Tomcat (which I'm using 5.5.9).

In my years administering Tomcat, I have always created additional
entries and not touched the default entries.  The entries I add are per
application running under that certain Tomcat instance.

It now appears that I'm getting JAR files in the work folder that are
requesting permissions, and it doesn't realize that they came from the
application that already was granted that permission.

Is that normal?  I need to explicitly set those permissions all of a sudden?

Propes, Barry L wrote:
> I think you need to not remove the code, but add an additional one?
> My policy file looks like so. Without having touched it.
> // These permissions are granted by default to all web applications
> // In addition, a web application will be given a read FilePermission
> // and JndiPermission for all files and directories in its document root.
> grant { 
> // Required for JNDI lookup of named JDBC DataSource's and
> // javamail named MimePart DataSource used to send mail
> permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.home", "read";
> permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.naming.*", "read";
> permission java.util.PropertyPermission "javax.sql.*", "read";
> // OS Specific properties to allow read access
>   permission java.util.PropertyPermission "", "read";
>   permission java.util.PropertyPermission "os.version", "read";
>   permission java.util.PropertyPermission "os.arch", "read";
>   permission java.util.PropertyPermission "file.separator", "read";
>   permission java.util.PropertyPermission "path.separator", "read";
>   permission java.util.PropertyPermission "line.separator", "read";
> // JVM properties to allow read access
> permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.version", "read";
> permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.vendor", "read";
> permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.vendor.url", "read";
> permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.class.version", "read";
>   permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.specification.version", 
> "read";
>   permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.specification.vendor", 
> "read";
>   permission java.util.PropertyPermission "", 
> "read";
>   permission java.util.PropertyPermission 
> "java.vm.specification.version", "read";
>   permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.vm.specification.vendor", 
> "read";
>   permission java.util.PropertyPermission "", 
> "read";
>   permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.vm.version", "read";
>   permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.vm.vendor", "read";
>   permission java.util.PropertyPermission "", "read";
> Which version are you using?
> -Original Message-
> From: Ryan Daly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 2:43 PM
> To: Propes, Barry L
> Subject: Re: java.util.PropertyPermission
> Well, I removed some to verify that the block was being picked up.  When
> I remove lines from:
> //grant codeBase "file:/usr/local/apache/vhosts/www/webapp/ART/-" {
> I started seeing more 'access denied' messages.  It appears that the
> codeBase block is being picked up.
> --
> Propes, Barry L wrote:
>> sorry, I think I may have worded that incorrectly. Did you add any more 
>> grant statements to the file?
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Ryan Daly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 2:35 PM
>> To: Tomcat Users List
>> Cc: Propes, Barry L
>> Subject: Re: java.util.PropertyPermission
>> I'm not following what you're suggesting.
>> --
>> Propes, Barry L wrote:
>>> isn't that because the permission object picks all of that up as one item, 
>>> and overrides your separate setting?
>>> I would think it would. Wouldn't you need to create an entire new object or 
>>> not for that to work?
>>> -Original Message-

Re: java.util.PropertyPermission

2006-07-25 Thread Ryan Daly
I'm not following what you're suggesting.

Propes, Barry L wrote:
> isn't that because the permission object picks all of that up as one item, 
> and overrides your separate setting?
> I would think it would. Wouldn't you need to create an entire new object or 
> not for that to work?
> -Original Message-
> From: Ryan Daly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 2:01 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: java.util.PropertyPermission
> All:
> I have started seeing problems with using the
> java.util.PropertyPermission setting in the catalina.policy file.
> I have the following line:
> permission java.util.PropertyPermission "*", "read,write";
> If that's in my policy entry for the specific web application, it does
> not get picked up.  If I have that in the area that gets applied to all
> web applications, it seems to work just fine.
> Has anyone else seen this?  Is this a bug or did something change that
> would make me have to modify the policy file in some way?
> Thanks.
> --
> -
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2006-07-25 Thread Ryan Daly

I have started seeing problems with using the
java.util.PropertyPermission setting in the catalina.policy file.

I have the following line:

permission java.util.PropertyPermission "*", "read,write";

If that's in my policy entry for the specific web application, it does
not get picked up.  If I have that in the area that gets applied to all
web applications, it seems to work just fine.

Has anyone else seen this?  Is this a bug or did something change that
would make me have to modify the policy file in some way?


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Re: Setting heap once the tomcat JVM is started

2006-07-24 Thread Ryan Daly
Martin Gainty wrote:
> Ryan--
> Here is the policy setting I have in my %TOMCAT_HOME%/conf/catalina.policy
> // These permissions apply to the commons-logging API
> grant codeBase "file:${catalina.home}/bin/commons-logging-api.jar" {
> permission;
> };
> HTH,
> Martin --

That entry is already in the catalina.policy file.

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Security Manager

2006-07-21 Thread Ryan Daly
Has anyone seen any issues while running with the security manager and
it complaining that it doesn't have permission to do something when in
fact the permission is in the policy file?

I'm seeing the following error

Caused by: access denied
( tomcat.log write)

yet have the following in my policy file

permission "tomcat.log", "read,write,delete";

Any clues anyone may be able to provide would be appreciated.  Thanks.

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RE: Example Balancer Rules and Information

2006-06-13 Thread Ryan Clark
I have already set it up with Apache and it causes other issues with a document 
transfer mechanism which is part of the webapp (this is a Documentum Webtop 
setup if anyone knows that application). I can do nothing about them and a 
support call has been raised with the supplier. This solution means I can us a 
standard install of their webapp, but we can handle links that have been 
created with the old installation. I know I can use jsp but would like to do 
this by balancer rules if at all possible. Can that be done?


-Original Message-
From: Gillespie Jr, Edward L. (LNG-DAY) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue 13/06/2006 15:40
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Example Balancer Rules and Information
I know you mentioned that you can't use apache, but this looks like a
perfect use for Apache mod re-write.  This is how I would handle it.
In response to your question.   Yes, one way that this can be done is
with a web application running in tomcat.   For example a Servlet or jsp
can do a redirect or a forward of the request.


-Original Message-
From: Ryan Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2006 10:35 AM
Subject: Example Balancer Rules and Information

Hi, I have deployed tomcat 5.0.28 (it has to be this version) and I need
to configure it to redirect URLs sent to the ROOT to one of several
webapps. I am using the balancer app as the ROOT application and I have
been able to get the basic configuration working. (http://host1
redirects to http://host1/webapp1 and http://host2 redirects to
What I am looking for is to redirect urls such as
http://hostname/dir/dir2 to http://hostname/webapp/dir/dir2 where dir2
is actually a variable which appears in the url as a directory and is
handled by the webapp, so it cannot be hardcoded into the redirect. I
have done some searching and I cannot find many examples of the rules
that can be used for the standard balancer other than the 3 examples
that come in the rules.xml. 
Is what I am trying possible? I cannot use Apache in front of Tomcat as
this causes further problems with the webapp. I would prefer not to do
this via JSP if possible.
Ryan Clark
Senior Technical Consultant
Perspicuity Ltd
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Example Balancer Rules and Information

2006-06-13 Thread Ryan Clark
Hi, I have deployed tomcat 5.0.28 (it has to be this version) and I need to 
configure it to redirect URLs sent to the ROOT to one of several webapps. I am 
using the balancer app as the ROOT application and I have been able to get the 
basic configuration working. (http://host1 redirects to http://host1/webapp1 
and http://host2 redirects to http://host2/webapp2) 
What I am looking for is to redirect urls such as http://hostname/dir/dir2 to 
http://hostname/webapp/dir/dir2 where dir2 is actually a variable which appears 
in the url as a directory and is handled by the webapp, so it cannot be 
hardcoded into the redirect. I have done some searching and I cannot find many 
examples of the rules that can be used for the standard balancer other than the 
3 examples that come in the rules.xml. 
Is what I am trying possible? I cannot use Apache in front of Tomcat as this 
causes further problems with the webapp. I would prefer not to do this via JSP 
if possible.
Ryan Clark
Senior Technical Consultant
Perspicuity Ltd
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PERSPICUITY LIMITED UK, 2 Place Farm, Wheathampstead, Herts. AL4 8SB.
Registered in England & Wales No. 4365513

RE: Run Tomcat in W2k3 as service

2006-03-26 Thread Ryan Daly
On Fri, 2006-03-24 at 09:42 -0500, Ryan Daly wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-03-24 at 08:27 -0600, Benjamin Armintor wrote:
> > I'm not sure about Windows services specifically, but you can start the
> > JVM with a security manager generically by using the
> > "" and " > URL>" java startup options.  You can append these to  $JAVA_OPTS on Unix
> > systems to get a security manager (it's effectively what the catalina
> > startup script does), so I'd try using those as the --JvmOptions values.

This does appear to function properly.  Thanks for the help.

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RE: Run Tomcat in W2k3 as service

2006-03-24 Thread Ryan Daly
On Fri, 2006-03-24 at 08:27 -0600, Benjamin Armintor wrote:
> I'm not sure about Windows services specifically, but you can start the
> JVM with a security manager generically by using the
> "" and " URL>" java startup options.  You can append these to  $JAVA_OPTS on Unix
> systems to get a security manager (it's effectively what the catalina
> startup script does), so I'd try using those as the --JvmOptions values.

I was actually just taking a look at that.  I'll give that a try and see
how it goes...  Thanks.

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Re: Run Tomcat in W2k3 as service

2006-03-24 Thread Ryan Daly
On Fri, 2006-03-24 at 08:58 -0500, Ryan Daly wrote:
> I have an opportunity to take the site down in a few minutes.  I'll
> quickly try setting that and post what I find.

No good.

If anyone comes across the proper options to do this, please post it to
the list.


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Re: Run Tomcat in W2k3 as service

2006-03-24 Thread Ryan Daly
On Fri, 2006-03-24 at 13:55 +, Nic Daniau wrote:
> Not sure, TFM is a bit vague on this, it does not talk of the windows
> service. This must be one of the options, but which one?... StartMode?
> JvmOptions? 
> I've never really spent a lot of time on the security manager, but I'm
> definitively interested in an answer on this.

I have an opportunity to take the site down in a few minutes.  I'll
quickly try setting that and post what I find.

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Re: Run Tomcat in W2k3 as service

2006-03-24 Thread Ryan Daly
On Fri, 2006-03-24 at 13:38 +, Nic Daniau wrote:
> I wouldn't think so, these options are called when the service is
> launched so you would have to restart the service for this to be
> picked up.

Right, I understand that I'll have to restart the service.  But is that
the way to get the service to recognize the fact that I want the
security manager running?

> %CATALINA_HOME%\bin\tomcat5.exe //US/Tomcat5 --JvmOptions "-security"

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Re: Run Tomcat in W2k3 as service

2006-03-24 Thread Ryan Daly
On Thu, 2006-03-23 at 20:51 +, Nic Daniau wrote:
> You may need to reconfigure the service. Have a look to my post from a few
> min ago on "*running two instances of tomcat*"
> you can also update the service using e.g.
> %CATALINA_HOME%\bin\tomcat5.exe //US//Tomcat5 --Description "My updated
> description"

Referencing your other post, you're saying I can do something like the

%CATALINA_HOME%\bin\tomcat5.exe //US/Tomcat5 --JvmOptions "-security"

Will that work to get the security manager working while running as a

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Re: Run Tomcat in W2k3 as service

2006-03-23 Thread Ryan Daly
On Thu, 2006-03-23 at 08:52 -0500, David Kerber wrote:
> I believe you need the permission level which allows you to run as a 
> service, in order to change one.  IIRC, this means either power user or 
> administrator permissions.

I'm having the service log on as "tomcat".  Are you saying the user
"tomcat" would need to be a power user or greater?

When I'm modifying the service properties, I am doing so with an account
that has admin privileges, but the service itself runs as "tomcat",
which doesn't have any privileges.

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RE: Run Tomcat in W2k3 as service

2006-03-23 Thread Ryan Daly
On Wed, 2006-03-22 at 19:34 -0500, Tim Lucia wrote:
> You can specify parameters on the various tabs under the servicew app (the
> tray monitor).  You probably want "Startup" in this case, so it would go
> alongside the "start" option.

I did try that.  However, each time I put something there, it doesn't
stick.  When I reopen tomcat5w.exe, the options are no longer there.

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Running webapp as root context

2006-03-22 Thread Ryan Di Francesco
Hello -
I've just finished my first installation of Tomcat 5.5 along with
Meeting Maker.  Right now the URL to access Meeting Maker is
http://localhost/mmwebclient.  As this is the only application this
server will be running, ideally I'd like to configure it so just
accessing http://localhost will direct one to Meeting Maker, instead of
the default Tomcat webpage.  D:\Tomcat 5.5\webapps\mmwebclient is where
the Meeting Maker application resides.  If anyone can provide me with
details on how to do this or point me in the right direction, it would
be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance for your time and consideration.
Ryan DiFrancesco
Information Systems Specialist
Systems Group - Library ITS
New York University

Run Tomcat in W2k3 as service

2006-03-22 Thread Ryan Daly
Has anyone successfully set environment variables for the Tomcat process
when it's running as a service?

Is it possible to start the service with the "-security" option, as in

Thanks in advance.

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Re: mod_jk specific configuration problem

2006-03-17 Thread Ryan McDonald

apache + mod_jk, but I'd need 2 sets of, one per  
each virtual host, ie, virtual host 1 would forward requests to  
Tomcat A and Tomcat B, and virtual host 2, would follow the  
requests to Tomcat C and Tomcat D. I have noticed that the  
JkWorkersFile directive cant be used per vhost, but rather in the  
main apache configuration context, is there any solution to work  
this out with vhosts, besides running 2 different apache instances?

Actually the JkMount directive can be placed inside a vhost,  you can  
use on JkWorkers file to define workers for Tomcat A B, C, and D  use  
the appropriate JkMount statement in each vhost

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Re: Still Jasper/Ant problem

2006-03-16 Thread Ryan McDonald

On 16-Mar-06, at 12:00 PM, Dola Woolfe wrote:

Here's lines 17-22

What is the value of webapp.path seems like it either is not being  
set or is se to a location that doesn't exist.

Read the Ant documentation for specifying parameters, using a  
properties file, or edit build.xml to specify the value of webapp.path

Re: Image Scaling Code

2006-01-12 Thread Ryan McDonald
i believe adding this to your CATALINA_OPTS variable will solve this  


On 12-Jan-06, at 2:26 PM, Justin Jaynes wrote:

Hello all,

 I've written a java class to scale jpeg images.  But I can't seem to
get it to work.  Can anyone point me in the right direction?

 Here is my code:

package com.everybuddystree;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import javax.imageio.*;

public class ImageScaler {

 public ImageScaler() {

 public boolean scaleImageByWidth(String fileName, int newWidth) {

  File originalImage = new File(fileName);
  try {
   BufferedImage workingBufferedImage =;
   int width = workingBufferedImage.getWidth();
   int height = workingBufferedImage.getHeight();
   Image workingImage = workingBufferedImage;
   workingImage = (Image)workingImage.getScaledInstance 

   BufferedImage finalImage = (BufferedImage)workingImage;
   ImageIO.write(finalImage, "jpg", originalImage);

   return true;

  } catch (IOException ex){

   return false;




When I run the pass an image to the class using a jsp I get the
following errors from Tomcat:

 HTTP Status 500 -
 type Exception report
 description The server encountered an internal error () that  

it from fulfilling this request.
 javax.servlet.ServletException: Can't connect to X11 window server
using ':0.0' as the value of the DISPLAY variable.


javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( root  

 java.lang.InternalError: Can't connect to X11 window server using
':0.0' as the value of the DISPLAY variable.
sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment.initDisplay(Native Method)
)  sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment$ 
142) Method)

java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
(GraphicsEnviron  sun.awt.X11.XToolkit.(
java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
java.awt.Toolkit$ Method)



javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( note The
full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache
Tomcat/5.5.12 logs.

 Apache Tomcat/5.5.12

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 Photo Books. You design it and we'll bind it!

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Re: Securing File System Resources ?

2005-12-13 Thread Ryan Slack

Dov Rosenberg wrote:

Our application has its own security model that controls access to our
information based on our own roles and permissions. We store files related
to our application on the file system where our application is running.
These associated files are served out by a web server. Our goal is to come
up with a scheme where we could apply our security  model to control access
to these files via the web server. For example ­ someone associates a PDF
with some meta data. We don¹t want the user to be able to bookmark the
underlying URL and email it to their friends for them to download without
having them authenticated by our service.

We are looking at a couple of different ideas.

1. Create a servlet filter to sit in front of the resources requests and
somehow tie that into our application logic
2. Create a regular proxy type of servlet that can accept requests and
validate them using our security model
3. Figure out a way to secure the filesystem using a Proxy server of some

Any other thoughts or ideas are appreciated. Thanks in advance

Filter and container enforced security is mainly good for pattern based 
criteria. Are you looking to give permissions based on a name pattern, 
like *.pdf, or somedir/*.pdf? Otherwise you need a database of 
permissions and mappings, such as what Jaas/SecurityManager based 
applications rely on.
On top of that, you options may be limited by how your security model 
works. For example, you /could/ use a seperate servlet ala web.xml, but 
if your security model relies on all requests going through one servlet, 
you're better off with a filter.


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Permissions issues

2005-12-07 Thread Ryan Daly

I'm noticing something else strange.  I'm attempting to bring up a web
application using the Security Manager.  I have the following coming up
in my catalina.out log:

access: access denied (java.lang.RuntimePermission getClassLoader)

Yet, I have the following in my catalina.policy file:

  permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "getClassLoader";

I have a few other permissions that are being skipped over as well.  I
verified that the catalina.policy file is being read because various
other permissions work for this web application (like writing out a log
file using log4j).

Has anyone else noticed this strange behavior?


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Security manager issue

2005-12-07 Thread Ryan Daly

I have discovered the following in catalina.out:

policy: reading
policy: Adding policy entry: 
policy:   signedBy null
policy:   codeBase file:/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_04/jre/lib/-
policy:   (  )
policy: Adding policy entry: 
policy:   signedBy null
policy:   codeBase file:/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_04/jre/jre/lib/ext/-
policy:   (  )

Note that there is an extra path (/jre) after JAVA_HOME.  Why is this
happening?  Has anyone else come across this?

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