[videoblogging] any mashup makers out there?
I'm looking for someone(s) to take a few music videos and cut/mix/mash em up into something fun/creative. I need several. pay= $25 - $250 depending on quality/polish/effort (feel free to send examples of your work) wanna play? contact me offlist: j...@lifestudent.com -john [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[videoblogging] opportunity for YouTube homepage
I'm working on a promo video for a YouTube contest (for FreeCreditReport.com) that will be running in early fall. I'd like to include a montage of people singing/lipsyching, and figured I would ask if anyone here wanted to be in it. Should take 5 min. details here: http://www.behind.freecreditsong.com/2008/08/we-want-you-for-the-youtube-homepage/ (Full contest details will be available soon.) ((HUG))! -halcyon pinkbroadcasting.com [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [videoblogging] Start/Stop detect in Final Cut Pro
What format is your video? I cannot view it. (But want to learn!) Thank you! -halcyon On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 1:49 PM, brogan_kerry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > A time consuming and often tedious part of the video editing process is > logging and > capturing individual editable clips in Final Cut Pro. Capturing the entire > tape as one clip is > easy, but that makes cutting the captured footage into smaller clips useful > in editing difficult. > But not if you use Final Cut Pro's Start/Stop Detect feature. I just > figured this all out this > week and I'm sure some of you all know about it already but its really > useful so I put together > a little tutorial on how to use it and thought I would share. > > http://blip.tv/file/1061203 > > Kerry > > > -- -=H=- halcyon -= http://lifestudent.com =- [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[videoblogging] Eggnography, your Xmas vids, & a free gift from Grandpa Caleb
1) I've begun counting down the days of Xmas with Holiday videos & fun at Eggnography.com 2) I would love to link to other people's Xmas vids! Got one? email me or post your URLS! 3) I have a couple hundred "Love on Demand" DVDs that I am giving unconditionally to anyone who would like a copy. I'd love to send one to any Vlogger that wants one! Details: http://www.eggnography.com/12/?page_id=6 Hope your Halls are Decked, Ho Ho Hug, -Halcyon -- (HUG) http://www.HugNation.com [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [videoblogging] Podcasting While In Hospital
My grandpa and I did a number of HugNations from the hospital before he passed. I filmed with my Xacti and a mini tripod and the staff were very cool about it. (And I am VERY thankful to have captured the moments) http://www.veoh.com/videos/v273083PTR5YTfN http://www.veoh.com/videos/v284975wQDPZ3w8 (not a private room) Good luck! -john www.hugnation.com On Nov 23, 2007 9:08 AM, Patrick Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi everyone: > > A thought just occured to me a couple of hours ago (I know...Such a > thing IS scary, isn't it?). > > Anyhow, what I thought of doing is (Assuming I get a private enough > room in which to do it) taking my Mustek DV5300SE along with the $10 > tripod I just bought from Radio Shack, my iRiver with my cliptie mic > (The latter for better audio quality and the iRiver alone to capture > PT sessions and because I'll no doubt need it for other things related > to my surgery anyway), and a decent supply of batteries to last me the > entire time I'm in the hospital (Which they're talking would be > overnight, but you know how overly-optimistic doctors like to make > things sound). > > Question is has ANYONE ever tried this AS A PATIENT? Now mind you, > I'm NOT talking about violating someone else's right to privacy here. > I mean it's not like I'm gonna be recording while someone is talking > to their doctor or nurse or whatever as that would CERTAINLY be a > privacy issue. But WHAT IF I'm put in MY OWN room where the bed I'll > be in IS THE ONLY ONE IN THE ROOM? > > If need be, I'll forego the tripod and hold the cam in my hand. > > Of course, I won't be able to edit and upload till I get home, but at > least it'll give me something to do after I catch up with all the > email you guys post to the list. :) > > BTWAs things stand now - Pre-Op for my lap band now appears to be > set for Dec. 6th with the surgery itself a week later. > > Thoughts & comments anyone? > > Cheers :D > > -- > Pat Cook > Denver, Colorado > PODCASTS - > AS MY WORLD TURNS - Blogger Page - > http://asmyworldturnstv.blogspot.com/ BlogTV Page - > http://www.blogtv.com/Shows/20453 > PAT'S REAL DEAL VIDEO BLOG - http://patsrealdeal.livejournal.com/ > PAT'S HEALTH & MEDICAL WONDERS VIDEOCAST - > http://patshealthmedicalwondersvideocast.blogspot.com/ > YOUTUBE CHANNEL - http://www.youtube.com/amwowttv/ > THE PAT COOK SHOW - http://www.livevideo.com/thepcshow > THE PAT COOK SHOW (Video Podcast) - Blogger Page - > http://thepctvshow.blogspot.com/ - BlogTV Page - > http://www.blogtv.com/Shows/19924 > > -- (HUG) http://www.HugNation.com [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[videoblogging] one-time editing project (5 min demo for BrainTracy.com)
A friend at BrianTracy.com had a video made for them demonstrating a product. They are unhappy with it and are looking to have it re-done. They want slicker, faster, more punch, etc. Here is their version: mms://videoprojx.com/videoroot/briantracy/promo_2007/course-demo-hps-300.wmv I told them I would ask around and see if I knew anyone who they could hire to re-do it. email me (with a link to sample work) if that is up your alley! -john [EMAIL PROTECTED] p.s. not sure if this is inappropriate for this list. if so, my apologies! -- (HUG) http://www.HugNation.com [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[videoblogging] Invite to LA peeps, plus HugNation on CNN
HugNation's 6 city "Hug Tour" rolls into LA on Sunday. ( http://www.hugmobile.com) So if you are looking for some warm fuzzies, join us at Venice Beach, Sunday at 1pm sharp. 1400 Ocean Front Walk (park in front of Sidwalk Cafe.) Or hug yourself wherever you are at 1pm Pacific. :) Also, CNN just did a story on HugNation: http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/bestoftv/2007/10/08/news.to.me.hug.cnn<http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/bestoftv/2007/10/08/news.to.me.hug.cnn> or on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2y0RB7s5LPg Hope your day is filled with warm fuzzies, ((HUG)) -john halcyon (HUG) http://www.HugNation.com [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [videoblogging] video hosting for monetizing
Veoh.com allows you to set a price for your videos if you upgrade to Pro, I believe. But I'm a viewslut so I always make mine free. -halcyon On 9/11/07, Charles Iliya Krempeaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Hello, > > What you are looking for is usually called "Video on Demand"... and is > often shortened to "VOD". > > Although the search engines are quote spammed when you search for any > of those terms. But you might find something. > > My advice for you would be to try to avoid licensing costs or > "lock-in" for whatever you use. > > You could go with a the free and open source WordPress > <http://wordpress.org/> software to get what you want -- to get your > turnkey system. > > (NOTE... I'm talking about the WordPress software found at > http://wordpress.org/ ... not the free hosting site > http://wordpress.com/ ) > > You'd need a custom WordPress plugin (to take care of handling your > paid users)... and if you want your own "look" to the site... a custom > WordPress theme made. > > And that's it really. > > If you'd like a list of companies that do that let me know. > > See ya > > On 9/11/07, M. Raheem <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote: > > > > Charles: > > > > I am looking for a turnkey solution that is secure (requires login), can > host videos and make them available for free or for sale. > > > > Thanks > > > > - Pandu > > > > Charles Iliya Krempeaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > wrote: Hello, > > > > Are you looking for an already made turnkey solution? > > > > Or are you looking for hosting space to make a system do this? > > > > See ya > > > > On 9/11/07, blah blah wrote: > > > > > > This might be a common question. I am looking to host some training > > > videos that we sell to clients. So we need something secure and with > > > really good quality. The client will login, watch some free videos > > > with the option of watching paid videos. Can anyone recommend some > > > video hosting services that would work well for this? > > > > > > Thank you. > > > > > > - Pandu > > > > See ya > > > > -- > > Charles Iliya Krempeaux, B.Sc. > > > > Vlog Razor... Vlogging News > > http://vlograzor.com/ > > -- > Charles Iliya Krempeaux, B.Sc. <http://ChangeLog.ca/> > > Vlog Razor... Vlogging News > http://vlograzor.com/ > > -- (HUG) http://www.HugNation.com [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [videoblogging] Re: got any Xacti example vids?
so glad to hear someone mention the sound issues on the Xacti HD. I have had a TERRIBLE time with sound. Especially with external mics (which was my main motivation for buying it.). The size rocks. But the sound bugs me and the auto WB is worse than my cheap canon digi-cam. But the truth is, it is awesome for travel when "BEST QUALITY" is not a requirement. -jHalcyon pinkbroadcasting.com On 7/8/07, ryanne hodson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > just got my hands on the E1 newest waterproof xacti > i actually really love it. > great in low light > the best sound of a xacti yet > i have the first (?) C4 and one of the newest HD1A (ok it's jays but i > steal > it sometimes) > the sound on the HD is terrible IMHO. > it's really blown out and hot. really annoying for a 700$ camera. > the E1 has much better sound though it's not in HD > i still like it so far. > i'll be posting some footage of underwater fun > so y'all can see. > > this is a video i shot above water with the E1 though: > > > http://ryanishungry.com/2007/07/06/real-goods-we-took-a-workshop-at-the-solar-living-institute/ > > i think the quality is great > and this isn't on the highest quality setting, it's on the second highest. > > cheers > -ryanne > > On 7/8/07, beth_tilston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > wrote: > > > > David, > > > > I have a Xacti HD2. I haven't posted anything with it yet so I can't > > show you anything. I think it's a great camera but the things that > > people complain about in general about Xactis are true of the HD2 too. > > The sound quality is pretty poor, however with the HD2 there is an > > external mic jack so I am going to look into getting a mic for it. I > > don't think many of the other Xactis have an external mic jack - but I > > might be wrong about this. When people say that it's not proper HD > > then I think you have to consider that most 'proper' HD cameras are 4x > > as much as this one. It's easily good enough quality for what I want. > > > > Beth > > > > > > > > -- > http://tinyurl.com/yq63qk > Pixelodeon-Kicked Butt! > -- > Author of Secrets of Videoblogging >http://tinyurl.com/me4vs > Me > http://RyanEdit.com, http://RyanIsHungry.com > Educate > http://FreeVlog.org, http://Node101.org > Community Capitalism> http://HaveMoneyWillVlog.com > iChat/AIM > VideoRodeo > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[videoblogging] planting a pink seed...
I'm planning on doing a HugNation west coast motorhome tour in October. And I would LOVE to get videobloggers to come out if we stop in your town for a big group hug. Obviously I'll be documenting from the inside, but Zadi brought up how cool it would be to get the perspectives of other people as we roll into town. As of now, the anchor cities are San Diego, LA, Sacramento, SF, Portland, And Seattle. But we will be adding cities in-between as we find people to help host. Again, this isn't until October. But I'm excited (got my motorhome painted pink yesterday) and just wanted to plant a seed. tee-hee! -John Halcyon http://www.HugMobile.com
Re: [videoblogging] History?
Interesting! What is the date on those? 2000? When I lived in a webcam house in 2001, all housemates were required to do a weekly "show" live and archived. These ranged from cooking shows, to puppet shows, to a call-in talk show. (mine was called the 'Feel The Love' Show: http://radio.cockybastard.com/) good times. :) -halcyon www.hugmobile.com On 6/28/07, Caleb J. Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Merry Vloggers. Caleb here, mostly a lurker. I'm building a learning > center over at blip.tv this summer and a student at NYU's ITP program > (BTW: I'll post a draft of the center here before we go live for your > feedback). > > Anyway I was doing a little research on the history of video blogging > and ran into an interesting historical occurrence. > > While video blogging seems to have started in 2000, and of course with > with Steve in 2004. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_blog > > Eric, the content editor here at blip.tv, showed me 40 episodes of the > "JENNIShow" he salvaged. This is NOT the famous JenniCam > (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JenniCam), but the same woman doing a > show every 14 days and posting the videos. A video blog? no RSS? It > was a "Show." same theme, name, etc. Maybe it's just one of the first > "web shows"??? > > The video won't play unless you download the source: > http://blip.tv/file/get/11178564089.40492372102202.rm > The blip.tv page is here: http://astraldisaster.blip.tv/file/88/ > The way back machine pegs the show at 1997: > http://web.archive.org/web/19971224180244/http://thesync.com/ > > I watched/listened to it. Mostly an apt. tour. didn't hear a date > mentioned, but her computer is shown, as is a cabbage patch doll. It > is a show for sure, and she asks for emails for show ideas, building > community and all and ends with "i'll see you in two weeks." > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[videoblogging] Chat solutions for large (200+) crowds?
I've been playing with a number of the new live video sites. (several look very promising, but most limit the size of your "audience" quite a bit.) And I'm trying to find a solution that will hold up if you have several hundred or thousands online simultaneously. Any sites or software that you know of? (Chat can be stand alone) Thanks! -john halcyon www.hugnation.com
Re: [videoblogging] Can't sleep? On blogtv.com right now
nice! hey, can you embed a blogtv stream on your site? or do you have to watch through their system/pages? -halcyon hugnation.com On 6/15/07, randulo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > http://www.blogtv.com/Shows/787 > > I have an hour in front of me where I'll be on live from Paris. Come > and co-host if you're awake! Free espresso for all. > > r > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[videoblogging] 5 word Webby speech
I uploaded a copy of my 5 word Webby speech (and an explanation of it) http://www.lifestudent.com/hub/2007/06/06/my-5-word-speech/ After Host Rob Corddry's endorsement of my hugs, I became *THE* guy to hug for the rest of the night. It was awesome! What an amazing time I had! (bummer they broke the awards into 2 nights...would have been cool to see the rest) -halcyon [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [videoblogging] Vertical video rotation in iMovie
I use turnclip from cf/x . (I think it is free) -halcyon On 5/22/07, yeehawsunny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Howdy folks! > > I'm trying to make my first videoblog and have hit a roadblock. Am so > used to shooting stills that I shot a bunch of my stuff verticle on my > new Sony Handycam DCR-HC28.aaah! So I downloaded simplerot ($3 > plug-in allowing you to rotate clips in iMovie) and can't get it to > just stop at 90 degrees...it keeps rotating for the length of the clip. > > Someday I'll laugh about it! > Any suggestions? > cheers, ~sunny > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[videoblogging] combined audio & video feeds in itunes?
I have a friend with an audio podcast feed available in itunes. He wants to start posting vlogs. Is there any danger to mixing up audio and video? Or should I make a separate feed? I've never messed with audio podcasts so not sure what to be careful about. THANKS! -halcyon [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [videoblogging] Re: External Microphones?
I have had bad luck with external mics and audio in general for my Xacti. I tested several mics (mono,stereo, powered, non) and none sounded very good at all to me. BUt I'm totally novice about audio. -halcyon p[.s http://xacti.proboards3.com/index.cgi?board=xactichat On 4/21/07, Mark Schoneveld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Thanks, Rob! > > No,I the HD2 doesn't have manual gain control, unfortunately. It also > doesn't have a headphone jI haack I quickly discovered, so it's hard to > monitor what anything is sounding like in the field (wind noise, etc). > > I'm plugging in various mics that I had laying around and comparing > them to one another vs. the on-board stereo mic. The on-board mic is > very sensitive, but as you might imagine, too broad. I like the > external's sound better, but I wish you could monitor in real time. > > Anyone else have any feedback for this particular camera? > > Also, maybe we should start a "Gear List" on the wiki to compare and > contrast what hardware everyone is using, no? > > > If the Sanyo Xacti HD2 has manual gain, that is quite a find these > > days. I'm not sure what type of recordings you have in mind, but the > > Rode VideoMic seem to be a good investment mic for a boom mic. The > > shock it comes with can be mounted on a pole too. A pair of small > > lavaliere electret mics is very flexible for recording locations in > > stereo and interviewing. You can make these for less than $20 or buy > > them for around $70. > > > > >Audio gear gets so neglected in the tech gear blogs! Help! > > > > The naturerecordist list is a good resource to search about field > > audio recording: > > http://bioacoustics.cse.unsw.edu.au/archives/html/naturerecordists/ > > Rob D. > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [videoblogging] Webbys
HugNation is up for 'Film & Video: Reality' One last tribute to Grandpa! Woo-Hoo! -halcyon On 4/10/07, Steve Rhodes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Jetset is up for MUSIC/VARIETY, but there don't seem to be many other > vlogs > > http://webbyawards.com/webbys/current.php?media_id=97 > > blip & revver are up for broadband > > http://webbyawards.com/webbys/current.php > > haven't had a chance to look over the honorees > > http://webbyawards.com/webbys/current_honorees.php?season=11 > > -- > Steve Rhodes > > http://flickr.com/photos/ari/ photos > > http://del.icio.us/tigerbeat interesting articles & sites > > http://twitter.com/tigerbeat > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[videoblogging] Grandpa Caleb Tribute
Thanks for all the warm thoughts and words. I finally got my video tribute online. Caleb would have been 95 today. :) http://www.lifestudent.com/hub/2007/04/09/1912-2007/ [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [videoblogging] Re: passing of caleb
i guess I don't know how to use flickr... here's another try at linking the pic: *http://tinyurl.com/ywuwqb -Halcyon * On 3/29/07, Halcyon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > That was awesome, thank you. > > Grandpa passed at 8:30 this morning, a week shy of his 95th bday. I was > holding his hand as he took his last breaths. > > Our final vlog was recorded 2 days ago from the hospital: > http://www.veoh.com/channels/GrandpaCaleb > > It was such a joy to see him embrace new technology the last few years. I > believe (and he said) that it was the online connections...his digital > congregation...that kept him alive and full of meaning for his final > chapter. > > much love, > -halcyon > p.s. Caleb with Martin Luther King Jr.: > http://flickr.com/photos/halcyon/439222735/ (found this clipping today) > > > > On 29 Mar 2007 16:06:38 -0700, DOUG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com , > > "RANDY MANN" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > wrote: > > > > > > i just got word of his passing, from halcyion's myspace page. > > > > > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > > > > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZ2LPjk2xyg > > > > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [videoblogging] Re: passing of caleb
That was awesome, thank you. Grandpa passed at 8:30 this morning, a week shy of his 95th bday. I was holding his hand as he took his last breaths. Our final vlog was recorded 2 days ago from the hospital: http://www.veoh.com/channels/GrandpaCaleb It was such a joy to see him embrace new technology the last few years. I believe (and he said) that it was the online connections...his digital congregation...that kept him alive and full of meaning for his final chapter. much love, -halcyon p.s. Caleb with Martin Luther King Jr.: http://flickr.com/photos/halcyon/439222735/ (found this clipping today) On 29 Mar 2007 16:06:38 -0700, DOUG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com , > "RANDY MANN" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > wrote: > > > > i just got word of his passing, from halcyion's myspace page. > > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZ2LPjk2xyg > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [videoblogging] Re: my footage from SXSW now online
LOVED the morgan/Rev Billy piece!! AMEN! -h On 15 Mar 2007 23:17:33 -0700, Tamara Krinsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Halcyon - > Love your stuff from SXSW! I shot a bunch of stuff for iklipz (most > of which we're still in the middle of editing) that focused on the > film side of things, so I liked watching what the interactive peeps > had to say. > > Here are the links we've posted so far. > > -Morgan Spurlock (Super Size Me) interview: > http://www.iklipz.com/MovieDetail.aspx?MovieID=77e4213b-6490-4be9- > 8924-ec3d0d9de448 > > -"Elvis & Annabelle" interview with Blake Lively (Sisterhood of the > Traveling Pants) and Max Minghella (Art School Confidential): > http://www.iklipz.com/MovieDetail.aspx?MovieID=72cdf00e-7baa-45c4- > b470-d2330c82fa06 > > -Interview with Mike Mills (Does Your Soul Have a Cold?/graphic > designer): > http://www.iklipz.com/MovieDetail.aspx?MovieID=cc8a1cfc-e342-408a- > 9fb4-4708b4eaf5f7 > > Tamara Krinsky > www.iklipz.com/TamaraKrinsky > > --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com , > Irina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > halcyon this is great -- can you submit this for the seagate contest > > here is the entry button > > http://vloggiesshow.com/ > > > > everyone else too -- any footage from sxsw! > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [videoblogging] my footage from SXSW now online
The contest looks fun, Irina. alas, It kinda depresses me that the publishing instructions are beyond my technical prowess. Yet another thing about sxsw that makes me feel behind the tech curve. :( I'm sure I can figure you out by the deadline. Your interviews are a hoot, though! Sorry I never got back to your booth. -h On 3/15/07, Irina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > halcyon this is great -- can you submit this for the seagate contest > here is the entry button > http://vloggiesshow.com/ > > everyone else too -- any footage from sxsw! > > > On 3/15/07, Halcyon <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > > wrote: > > > > While in Austin, I asked a bunch of people "what I love most about the > > web > > is..." > > > > http://www.veoh.com/videos/v302385akhAYWmJ > > > > Of course, I only scratched the surface. I wish I had a chance to > > interview > > 10x as many people. > > But so glad I got to meet the people I did!! > > > > -Halcyon, > > PinkBroadcasting.com > > friend of Veoh > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > > > > > > -- > http://geekentertainment.tv > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[videoblogging] my footage from SXSW now online
While in Austin, I asked a bunch of people "what I love most about the web is..." http://www.veoh.com/videos/v302385akhAYWmJ Of course, I only scratched the surface. I wish I had a chance to interview 10x as many people. But so glad I got to meet the people I did!! -Halcyon, PinkBroadcasting.com friend of Veoh [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [videoblogging] Re: SXSW Roll Call
late 9th - 13th !! Woo-hoo! Doing a live hugnation on sunday 12:30 and panel sat eve. about "what mainstream can learn from porn" http://www.austinchronicle.com/gyrobase/Issue/story?oid=oid%3A451626 -halcyon pinkbroadcasting.com On 3/6/07, bestdamntechshow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > I'll be there. > > 8th-14th > > _drew olanoff > www.pluggd.com > www.bestdamntech.com > www.scriggity.com > > --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com , > "JV" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > Who is there when? I'll start - > > > > Jim V - 9-13th > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [videoblogging] DivX??
I love DivX! It has become my preferred format. In fact, my current 3 step DivX/Veoh-related publishing flow for those that care: 1) I export a hi-res DivX version directly from iMovie (QT -> expert settings --> DivX --> high quality) 2) I upload to Veoh where the full-res DivX version is available via their P2P system and player 2 a) Veoh creates an ipod version and flash version 2 b) Veoh uploads the file to youtube and myspace for me. 3) I upload a copy of the DivX file to stage6.com I sit back and giggle while the world digests my brilliance. -Halcyon pinkbroadcasting.com On 2/23/07, Rupert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > I feel a bit of a fool. I was talking to somebody about vlogging > and they were raving to me about the quality and compression of DivX. > > I don't know anything about DivX. I don't feel that much wiser after > reading up about it on Wikipedia, DivX.com etc > > I don't know any vloggers who use it, and can't remember seeing a > DivX labelled feed, the way many people list QT, WMV and iPod feeds. > Why do so few people use it, when it would appear to be very popular > among P2P video sharers? > > Every conversation about which formats to use, always discusses QT, > MP4, Windows Media and Flash? When people talk about using Windows > Media files, are they also assuming that DivX is under this banner, > because Windows Media Player comes preinstalled with the DivX codec? > > And if so, why do people provide wmv files and feeds instead of divx, > if DivX is so much better? Or is it not? > > Yours confused > > Rupert > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [videoblogging] Re: sound/mic help? (SOLUTION!)
You are a genius! I have a stereo sony mic and tried that. I think it's gonna work (better at least). I'll also try to pick up a 2 mono imputs-to-stereo plug converter, too. THANK YOU On 2/18/07, Bill Cammack <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote: > > From that video you made, it looks like you're using a mono mic. The > specs of the camera say that it has a stereo input. If that's the > case, the number of rings on the end of your mic is going to be > different from the number of rings on the plug that goes into the > camera. Basically, you want both to be the same, one way or the other. > > Try going to Radio Shack and getting a really cheap (or actually, > maybe just asking them to use it to see if it works with your camera, > like Jan suggested) mixer that accepts mono inputs but outputs stereo. > Plug the adapter plug all the way in and have that connect to the > stereo mixer and have that attach to your mic. That solves two > problems. 1) Going from mono to stereo and 2) if it's still too loud, > you can use the mixer to lower the volume to an acceptable level. > This might not be practical "on the go", but if you're staying in one > place or using a tripod, this could work for you. An added benefit of > using a mixer is that you would be able to plug in as many mics as the > mixer allows. You could mic yoursef and someone else and have your > input go left and their input go right, so while you're taping, you > have two clean signals instead of having to pass a mic back and forth. > Another application could be to have one side attached to a mic set > up to pick up natural sound from the background and the other side > pick up your mic. That way, you could mix the sound however you want > when you get to editing. > > My miniDV camera has a stereo input also. The difference is that it > also has a headphone jack. When I plug a mono mic into my camera, I > only hear the audio on one channel. The other channel is just static, > because it's not receiving any input. That doesn't matter, because > coming through a mono mic, I'm only going to receive a mono signal, so > I only need one channel to come through. I can tell on the headphones > that I'm getting what I need, so it's a wrap. > > They DO sell stereo mics, though, so either try your camera with the > adapter all the way in and connected to a stereo mic, or use a mixer > to convert the mono signal into a dual-mono signal that the camera can > pick up properly on both channels. > > -- > Bill C. > http://ReelSolid.TV > > --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com , > "Halcyon " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > interesting. The included adaptor has 2 bandsmaybe I can find a mono > > adapter and see if that works. > > > > the included 2.5mm -> 3.5mm adaptor cable: > > http://farm1.static.flickr.com/129/394257604_63f4841808.jpg > > > > and short video of me talking with the plug pulled out a little: > > http://www.veoh.com/videos/v252405ZxWjZ6RJ > > > > -halcyon > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [videoblogging] Re: sound/mic help? (SOLUTION!)
interesting. The included adaptor has 2 bandsmaybe I can find a mono adapter and see if that works. the included 2.5mm -> 3.5mm adaptor cable: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/129/394257604_63f4841808.jpg and short video of me talking with the plug pulled out a little: http://www.veoh.com/videos/v252405ZxWjZ6RJ -halcyon On 2/18/07, bordercollieaustralianshepherd < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Hal > > Take a look at the plug. Is there one or two "Bands" below the tip? > Post the link and any details/links to your mics, cables, and the plug > you are using. > > <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Photo-audiojacks.jpg> > > What might be happening is that your camera is stereo but the mini > plug is mono. The sleeve is shorting the two channels until you pull > it out just past that first section of the sleeve. > > <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Jack_plug.png> > > Simple solution hopefully is using correct "stereo" plug. If that > doesn't do it, I'd contact Xacti. > > --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com , > "Halcyon " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > ohmygoodnesss > > > > I found something on dvinfo.net. (below) > > > > The hot scratchy sound goes away if I pull the plug out 1/16 of an inch. > > WTF!? What a crappy solution. > > > Both the adaptor lead supplied with the camera, and the plastic 2.5/3.5 > > adaptor I've tried can be pushed too far into the jack socket! If > they are > > plugged fully in, then you get lots of electrical noise: if you pull the > > jack out about 1/16th inch, where there's a natural, but small detent > > position, then all the mikes work fine. > > So it's simply a mechanical design problem with the jack socket used > on HD1, > > certainly on the camera I have and from what others have said, on at > least > > some others as well." > > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [videoblogging] Re: sound/mic help? (SOLUTION!)
yeah, there is no headphone jack AND 3rd party adaptors do not work, either. I'll be on the phone with Sanyo on monday morning. -h On 2/18/07, Bill Cammack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > I can go for Randy's solution, since I would personally never do > either one (tape or string). Whatever you can use that causes the > least mess and gets the job done. > > The bottom line is that that can't be the solution, or else there > should be recalls and free shipping for every single person who bought > one to receive a newly created "adapter lead supplied with the > camera". It makes sense for 3rd-party stuff not to work, but NOT > accessories supplied WITH the camera. :/ > > -- > Bill C. > http://ReelSolid.TV > > --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com , > "RANDY MANN" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > wrote: > > > > no dont use tape use a string.tape will leave sticky stuff every > wehre . put > > a small peice of sting on the jack to do the same thing. wehn you > get sick > > of the micky mouse stuff go and get a propeer addaptor. > > > > randy > > > > On 2/17/07, Bill Cammack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > > > If that's actually the solution, which I can't believe that it is... > > > You have to A) wrap an amount of tape around the end of the connector > > > so that you can push the plug "all the way in" and the tape will > > > restrict the plug from going so far that it becomes a problem, and B) > > > use headphones to check whether you have sound or not and whether it's > > > sratchy. > > > > > > I'm assuming that that camera has a headphone jack. > > > > > > -- > > > Bill C. > > > http://ReelSolid.TV > > > > > > --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com > , > > > "Halcyon " wrote: > > > > > > > > okay, so I just went out and tried to record a segment using my new > > > "pull > > > > out the cord a little" technique. > > > > > > > > And I guess I pulled it out a little too much, making the mic not > > > connected > > > > at all (so only the camera mic recorded). > > > > An external mic is totally useless if I am never sue if it is > > > connected or > > > > not. I'm going to have to send it to Sanyo or return it. Which > sucks, > > > > because I was enjoying it. > > > > > > > > meh > > > > > > > > -h > > > > > > > > On 2/17/07, Halcyon wrote: > > > > > > > > > > ohmygoodnesss > > > > > > > > > > I found something on dvinfo.net. (below) > > > > > > > > > > The hot scratchy sound goes away if I pull the plug out 1/16 of an > > > inch. > > > > > WTF!? What a crappy solution. > > > > > > > > > > Now if I'm on location I have to dangle the mic connection and > > > hope that > > > > > it's working!? ugh. > > > > > > > > > > Anyway, thanks for all the help and suggestions!! > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > from dvinfo.net: > > > > > "I've discovered what the problem is with the external mike input > > > on my > > > > > HD1. > > > > > > > > > > Both the adaptor lead supplied with the camera, and the plastic > > > 2.5/3.5 > > > > > adaptor I've tried can be pushed too far into the jack socket! If > > > they are > > > > > plugged fully in, then you get lots of electrical noise: if you > > > pull the > > > > > jack out about 1/16th inch, where there's a natural, but small > detent > > > > > position, then all the mikes work fine. > > > > > So it's simply a mechanical design problem with the jack socket > > > used on > > > > > HD1, certainly on the camera I have and from what others have > > > said, on at > > > > > least some others as well." > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [videoblogging] sound/mic help? (SOLUTION!)
okay, so I just went out and tried to record a segment using my new "pull out the cord a little" technique. And I guess I pulled it out a little too much, making the mic not connected at all (so only the camera mic recorded). An external mic is totally useless if I am never sue if it is connected or not. I'm going to have to send it to Sanyo or return it. Which sucks, because I was enjoying it. meh -h On 2/17/07, Halcyon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > ohmygoodnesss > > I found something on dvinfo.net. (below) > > The hot scratchy sound goes away if I pull the plug out 1/16 of an inch. > WTF!? What a crappy solution. > > Now if I'm on location I have to dangle the mic connection and hope that > it's working!? ugh. > > Anyway, thanks for all the help and suggestions!! > > > from dvinfo.net: > "I've discovered what the problem is with the external mike input on my > HD1. > > Both the adaptor lead supplied with the camera, and the plastic 2.5/3.5 > adaptor I've tried can be pushed too far into the jack socket! If they are > plugged fully in, then you get lots of electrical noise: if you pull the > jack out about 1/16th inch, where there's a natural, but small detent > position, then all the mikes work fine. > So it's simply a mechanical design problem with the jack socket used on > HD1, certainly on the camera I have and from what others have said, on at > least some others as well." > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [videoblogging] sound/mic help? (SOLUTION!)
It's the converter cable that came with the camera. :( The guy on dvinfo.net said he had the same problem when using a 3rd party converter cable, too. -h On 2/17/07, RANDY MANN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > are you useing the right size conector? there are 1 2 and 3 pin mike > cables > > On 2/17/07, Ed Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote: > > > > Sounds like the person that designed that equipment is the same person > > the > > writes software code for most of the programs I use. Good detective > work, > > Ed. > > > > On 2/17/07, Halcyon <[EMAIL > > PROTECTED] tard.com>> > > > wrote: > > > > > > ohmygoodnesss > > > > > > I found something on dvinfo.net. (below) > > > > > > The hot scratchy sound goes away if I pull the plug out 1/16 of an > inch. > > > WTF!? What a crappy solution. > > > > > > Now if I'm on location I have to dangle the mic connection and hope > that > > > it's working!? ugh. > > > > > > Anyway, thanks for all the help and suggestions!! > > > > > > from dvinfo.net: > > > "I've discovered what the problem is with the external mike input on > my > > > HD1. > > > > > > Both the adaptor lead supplied with the camera, and the plastic 2.5 > /3.5 > > > adaptor I've tried can be pushed too far into the jack socket! If they > > are > > > plugged fully in, then you get lots of electrical noise: if you pull > the > > > jack out about 1/16th inch, where there's a natural, but small detent > > > position, then all the mikes work fine. > > > So it's simply a mechanical design problem with the jack socket used > on > > > HD1, > > > certainly on the camera I have and from what others have said, on at > > least > > > some others as well." > > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > > > > > > > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [videoblogging] sound/mic help? (SOLUTION!)
ohmygoodnesss I found something on dvinfo.net. (below) The hot scratchy sound goes away if I pull the plug out 1/16 of an inch. WTF!? What a crappy solution. Now if I'm on location I have to dangle the mic connection and hope that it's working!? ugh. Anyway, thanks for all the help and suggestions!! from dvinfo.net: "I've discovered what the problem is with the external mike input on my HD1. Both the adaptor lead supplied with the camera, and the plastic 2.5/3.5 adaptor I've tried can be pushed too far into the jack socket! If they are plugged fully in, then you get lots of electrical noise: if you pull the jack out about 1/16th inch, where there's a natural, but small detent position, then all the mikes work fine. So it's simply a mechanical design problem with the jack socket used on HD1, certainly on the camera I have and from what others have said, on at least some others as well." [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [videoblogging] Re: What really traps new talent (and it's not the gatekeepers)
Totally agree! I think that 'quick and dirty video editor' is soon going to be the "web designer" of the Internet bubble days. EVERY business will need a video commercial/brochure soon -- in the same way every company needed a webpage in 99. Sharpen those imovie skills!!! -halcyon On 2/16/07, humancloner1997 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Yes, there are people out there who are really dumb. > > However, I know one enterprising professional filmmaker who > shoots "auditions" for aspiring actresses for a fee---just like the > old game of selling photographic portfolios to would-be models. > > Actually, there is nothing wrong with doing that. I'm surprised move > vloggers haven't gotten the idea of just going door to door & telling > someone that for $200 they'll put up a five minute ad for their > bakery (or other business) & give them a copy on DVD. > > For those unable to do it for themselves, $200 would be a great > investment if you had a location/hotel/lounge/retial shop with an > interesting ambience. > > "Ma, I found this fabulous 'Magic Shop' in NYC with powerful > crystals. They said you could get an idea by watching this link on > the Internet! I really 'have to have' the big quartz crystal in > their window. It's only $395.00!" > > You get the idea. Like that famous old "Carvel Man" (am I dating > myself here?), everyone gets a kick out of seeing & hearing > themselves in the media--even if it is just on the Internet at > YouTube. > > Randolfe (Randy) Wicker > Hoboken, NJ > "One mile West of the center of the world!" > > --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com , > "leesarbarnes" > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com , > "humancloner1997" > > wrote: > > > I couldn't agree more with Schlomo on this one. Vlogging removes > > > the "gatekeepers" but traditional media tries to trap new > talent. > > > When you buy into "them", you won't feature the really > interesting, > > > different and fabulous things in your own life because you have > been > > > brainwashed to think "most popular" is best. > > > > New talent is trapped, not by traditional media, but by their > limited > > thinking. > > > > Case in point - I met an actress about a month ago at a photo > shoot. I > > go into a studio once a year to get professional pictures done. I > love > > the camera, but the whole of act of cheesing in front of one for > hours > > on end is too rigid for my taste. > > > > So, I met this young woman who's an aspiring actress. And I use the > > word aspiring loosely as she's still trying to get her first gig. > > > > She was complaining that she couldn't find an agent to represent her > > and just couldn't get any breaks. Of course, my video podcasting hat > > goes on and I start telling her about the benefits to her career if > > she starts one. > > > > That if she could put together a show and broadcast it over the > > internet, she could amass a following. That people who show that > they > > have a following are 10x more likely to get their break on TV (these > > are my made-up stats, so don't quote me). > > > > I told her about Amanda and gave her a Canadian example, Amber > > MacArthur - both women who used podcasting to jump start their > careers > > in mainstream media. > > > > This wanna-be aspiring actress couldn't wrap her mind around what I > > was saying. She was still asking me about casting agents. She > thought > > I was her connection to Hollywood - wow! > > > > So, I broke it down. I asked her what makes her different from all > the > > other wanna-be actresses out there. She couldn't answer me (okay, > > there's her first problem). I then asked her what would look more > > attractive to a casting agent - a wanna be actress with a pretty > smile > > or a wanna be actress with a pretty smile and a following of 3- > million > > online fans? > > > > Can you believe it, but she still didn't get it. She was asking me > if > > I knew of any video podcasters that could get her to Hollywood. > Like I > > mean, pay her way, put her up in a hotel and connect her with all > the > > cool people in Hollywood. I nearly laughed. If only she knew ;) > > > > The Internet in general and video podcasting in particular puts the > > power of distribution in the hands of many, but sadly, people like > > this actress will claw away at scarce resources because they can't > see > > beyond the traditional path. > > > > > > Thanks, > > > > Leesa Barnes > > Website - http://www.leesabarnes.com > > Blogsite - http://podonomics.com > > Creator - http://www.planakillerpodcast.com > > Organizer - http://podcamptoronto.org > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [videoblogging] sound/mic help?
I tested again with the mic level (camera setting) lower and did not hear much improvment. :( maybe the included adapter (2.5 mm to 3.5 mm) is faulty? *sigh* On 2/16/07, David King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > I'm chiming in a little late on this, but all the mics sound like > there's a > bad connection/cable. My guess is if you get a new cable, you'll have a > better sound. > > Hope so anyway - I haven't tested the external mic thing on my Xacti yet! > > David > > > On 2/15/07, Halcyon <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > > wrote: > > > > I am SUPER ignorant when it comes to sound. So this may be a silly > > question... > > > > But my audio sounds scratchy and crappy when I use the mic jack on my > new > > Sanyo Xacti, mini HD recorder. > > > > I made a short (under 1 min) video showing what I mean. Can anyone > listen > > and give me some help/advice? > > http://www.veoh.com/videos/v2492355Drj5R8t > > > > -Halcyon > > www.pinkbroadcasting.com > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > > > > > > -- > David King > davidleeking.com - blog > http://davidleeking.com/etc - videoblog > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [videoblogging] Re: Feeling the Vlog love... (Huggable Vday)
The footage from the hug (in the room) is with the xacti. I'm going to do a test with the mics and lowring the mic input level (camer setting) now. Thanks again! -h On 2/16/07, bordercollieaustralianshepherd < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Hal > > Is the Grandpa Caleb Shikles audio/video from the xacti? Sounds very > good for the room. In agreeement with the others, it is compatability. > Let us know what you do to solve the problem. > > Nice stuff > > Dave > > > --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com , > "Halcyon " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > Slightly off topic... > > But we had a "live" hug on Vday and invited viewers of our vlog > (hugNation) > > to come and join in a Physical Hug for valentine's day. 17 people > showed up > > for a little 'love party' at my grandpa's (94) retirement community. > Plus > > people attended digitally from panama, england, canada, germany, and > more. > > > > It was a profound experience to see the effects of our digital work > growing > > in the hearts of real people around the world . And it was an > amazing thing > > to see all the pixels we've broadcast come back 10fold in the form > of love. > > And since my grandpa is on his last legs, it was really an amazing > way to > > have a goodbye party for him. > > > > Anyway, just wanted to share how richly vlogging can change lives. > > > > here's the video from the day: http://www.veoh.com/channels/GrandpaCaleb > > > > ((HUG)) > > -halcyon > > hugnation.com > > p.s. I'm planning on doing a hugnation hug live at SXSW on sunday > noon, for > > those of you who will be in Austin! > > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[videoblogging] Feeling the Vlog love... (Huggable Vday)
Slightly off topic... But we had a "live" hug on Vday and invited viewers of our vlog (hugNation) to come and join in a Physical Hug for valentine's day. 17 people showed up for a little 'love party' at my grandpa's (94) retirement community. Plus people attended digitally from panama, england, canada, germany, and more. It was a profound experience to see the effects of our digital work growing in the hearts of real people around the world . And it was an amazing thing to see all the pixels we've broadcast come back 10fold in the form of love. And since my grandpa is on his last legs, it was really an amazing way to have a goodbye party for him. Anyway, just wanted to share how richly vlogging can change lives. here's the video from the day: http://www.veoh.com/channels/GrandpaCaleb ((HUG)) -halcyon hugnation.com p.s. I'm planning on doing a hugnation hug live at SXSW on sunday noon, for those of you who will be in Austin! [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [videoblogging] Re: sound/mic help?
freaking awesome info!! Thank you! Thanks Jan and Randy, too! I'll test more with this info and report back. -Halcyon On 2/15/07, bordercollieaustralianshepherd < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Hal > > I took a listen to your vid. It is pretty hard to judge this way, but > these are my thoughts as I listened. > > Mic test 1: That mic seemed to transfer the "handling" noise. Who is > it made by? Is it heavy (does it have weight to it) and is the cord > hard wired into it? At the very end of this test when you have a solid > grasp on the mic the audio is much better > > Mic test 2: This mic almost sounds like one from radio shack. If it is > a RS it is crisp for audio and should work much better then it sounds. > I am guessing that this is the same mic as the handheld on test four. > > Mic test 3: This one has me stumped. What model lavalier? The really > sticky thing with Lav's is that clothing and placement really impact > the quality. Fabrics all have a texture, some that can screw with you. > I don't think that it is the shirt you are wearing, but it may explain > some of the muffledness (is that a word?). Placement is as picky. To > stay on topic, I'll skip details, they don't apply as best I can tell > here. I posted a link to the list a few weeks ago to a great site with > audio tips/tricks. I assume this is the same mic used in test 4. > > Mic test 4 (lav and handheld): At this point I am of the opinion it is > the camera's internal audio processing. If it is possible to do a test > with the camera's built in mics, I'll take the time to listen to it > too. But you can do the compare to get a better idea. Look at the spec > sheet that came with the camera and all your mics. If you'll send me > the model numbers and or a link with the specs I'll take a look to see > if there is any outright wrong compatability issues. > > The mini jacks are not the greatest when it comes to quality. In that > same post I mentioned, is a link to a XLR to mini cable with gold > connectors. I think it is about $20. IMO I would buy a connector like > this, attach it to your camera and seldom if ever unplug it from the > camera. The reason is wear and tear is eliminated on the camera's > connector. Longer life. It sucks I know but will help in several other > ways... a whirlwind or any other mic cable can be bought at a music > store. The quality is much better, shielding, guage of wire etc... > (damn I bring it up twice might as well find the URL now... > > <http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/videoblogging/message/54103> > For your cable: > You can make this cable yourself if you have the parts and handy with > a soldering iron: > > With Monster Cable's iStudioLink XLR to 1/8" Mini Plug you can connect > your microphone directly to your laptop or desktop computer. This > single cable provides you with a fast, flexible connection to record > vocal tracks directly to your Apple software, like GarageBand and > LogicExpress. Just plug one end into your microphone's XLR male > audio-out and the other directly into your computer's 1/8" audio input > and you are ready to go. > > > http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?A=details&Q=&is=REG&O=productlis\ > t&sku=400719<http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?A=details&Q=&is=REG&O=productlist&sku=400719> > Same link http://tinyurl.com/ycq7ac > > Some wireless recievers provide control of the signal. Are there any > obvious controls? > > I looked around the net for any "audio problems" with the xacti. > Didn't come across one in top tens. I did see that there is some > choice in bit settings. Are you using the best audio setting (highest > bits vs needs)? > > I like the work/tips this guys has been doing... > <http://www.steves-digicams.com/2006_reviews/c6.html> > > > --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com , > "Halcyon " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > I am SUPER ignorant when it comes to sound. So this may be a silly > > question... > > > > But my audio sounds scratchy and crappy when I use the mic jack on > my new > > Sanyo Xacti, mini HD recorder. > > > > I made a short (under 1 min) video showing what I mean. Can anyone > listen > > and give me some help/advice? > > http://www.veoh.com/videos/v2492355Drj5R8t > > > > -Halcyon > > www.pinkbroadcasting.com > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[videoblogging] sound/mic help?
I am SUPER ignorant when it comes to sound. So this may be a silly question... But my audio sounds scratchy and crappy when I use the mic jack on my new Sanyo Xacti, mini HD recorder. I made a short (under 1 min) video showing what I mean. Can anyone listen and give me some help/advice? http://www.veoh.com/videos/v2492355Drj5R8t -Halcyon www.pinkbroadcasting.com [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[videoblogging] Webbies Reels?
anyone else get mail from the webbies about submitting a 'broadcast quality' reel? I sent in something, but included a note about the silliness of the request. I'm applying for a WEBby...if I knew how or wanted to make broadcast video, I'd probably be doing it. :) -halcyon [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [videoblogging] Re: Valentine's Videos
>>>>did you color it to match the website color scheme/hug theme? *smile* No, I've had pink hair 3+ years now. Grandpa actually tried to do his pink once, but the women at his retirement village talked him out of it. :) It's just as well. The white suits him. ;) ((HUG)) -halcyon On 2/13/07, Obreahny O'Brien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > AW! that's the cutest website > and pics of you and your grandpa. AND I LOVE YOUR HAIR i never > imagined that pink would look so good on guy. did you color it to match > the website color scheme/hug theme?Obreahny O'BrienTo: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] : > [EMAIL PROTECTED] : Tue, 13 Feb > 2007 20:12:47 -0800Subject: Re: [videoblogging] Re: Valentine's Videos > > Grandpa and I are doing a live HugNation tomorrow (our weekly show) in > case > anyone wants a Valentine Hug tomorrow in San Diego. > (He isn't doing well so we're having one last hug hurrah) > > We've been doing a whole "huggable" campaign leading up to Valentine's > day. > Http://www.hugnation.com/huggable > > You are invited for lunch and a hug, wed at noon, Seriously. email me if > you > want directions. > halcyon AT cockybastard.com > > -halcyon > p.s. here's today's hug: > http://www.veoh.com/series/s2987 > > On 2/13/07, billshackelford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > wrote: > > > > http://danchannel.blip.tv/file/3624/ > > > > This is the video I will be posting for v-day in my video bomb feed > here: > > > > web: > > http://www.videobomb.com/users/show/bshack > > > > or > > > > feed: > > http://feeds.feedburner.com/BshacksVideoBombVideos > > > > --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com > > , > > > Obreahny O'Brien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > > > Aside from Schlomo inquiring about a heart wipe, I haven't heard > > anything about > > making Valentine's day videos. Maybe it's just implied that you'll make > > one, but if you do > > so, i think it would be nice to share them with the group (or send me a > > link to them). Plus > > if you live in the New York City area and the douche that you've been > > seeing has neglected > > to ask you to do something for Valentines, or you're in fact the douche > > who neglected to > > ask the person you've been seeing to do something, or if you're neither > a > > douche nor the > > one who has been douched on and would like to check the following out > > that's cool too: > > My comedian friend is throwing a "valoween" party downtown, which is a > mix > > between a > > valentines day party and halloween party (dressing in a costume is > > optional) either way it > > might provide interesting footage. e-mail me off list if you want to go, > > and i'll give you > > more info. i feel like if i could get just one more video carrying > vlogger > > there, i could go > > against my friend's creative efforts and make it a vlog-a-valentines day > > party ;) i don't > > think there's a cover, but either way if you tell me you're coming then > > i'll just smuggle you > > in with me. :)Obreahny O'Brien > > > __ > > > Live Search: New search found > > > http://get.live.com/search/overview > > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > > > > > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > __ > Live Search: Better results, fast > http://get.live.com/search/overview > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [videoblogging] Re: Valentine's Videos
Grandpa and I are doing a live HugNation tomorrow (our weekly show) in case anyone wants a Valentine Hug tomorrow in San Diego. (He isn't doing well so we're having one last hug hurrah) We've been doing a whole "huggable" campaign leading up to Valentine's day. Http://www.hugnation.com/huggable You are invited for lunch and a hug, wed at noon, Seriously. email me if you want directions. halcyon AT cockybastard.com -halcyon p.s. here's today's hug: http://www.veoh.com/series/s2987 On 2/13/07, billshackelford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > http://danchannel.blip.tv/file/3624/ > > This is the video I will be posting for v-day in my video bomb feed here: > > web: > http://www.videobomb.com/users/show/bshack > > or > > feed: > http://feeds.feedburner.com/BshacksVideoBombVideos > > --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com , > Obreahny O'Brien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > Aside from Schlomo inquiring about a heart wipe, I haven't heard > anything about > making Valentine's day videos. Maybe it's just implied that you'll make > one, but if you do > so, i think it would be nice to share them with the group (or send me a > link to them). Plus > if you live in the New York City area and the douche that you've been > seeing has neglected > to ask you to do something for Valentines, or you're in fact the douche > who neglected to > ask the person you've been seeing to do something, or if you're neither a > douche nor the > one who has been douched on and would like to check the following out > that's cool too: > My comedian friend is throwing a "valoween" party downtown, which is a mix > between a > valentines day party and halloween party (dressing in a costume is > optional) either way it > might provide interesting footage. e-mail me off list if you want to go, > and i'll give you > more info. i feel like if i could get just one more video carrying vlogger > there, i could go > against my friend's creative efforts and make it a vlog-a-valentines day > party ;) i don't > think there's a cover, but either way if you tell me you're coming then > i'll just smuggle you > in with me. :)Obreahny O'Brien > > __ > > Live Search: New search found > > http://get.live.com/search/overview > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [videoblogging] veoh
So far, I love it. I haven't tried the pay-per-view thing yet, but I think the whole system is a huge imporvement. I also love the recommendations engine. So far it has been dead on for me.. DISCLAIMER: I sometimes work with Veoh and know them personally -Halcyon pinkbroadcasting.com On 2/12/07, Peter Van Dijck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > I have to say, the new Veoh release is very impressive. Kinda like > blip mixed with Joost... thoughts anyone? > > Peter > > -- > Find 1s of videoblogs and podcasts at http://mefeedia.com > my blog: http://poorbuthappy.com/ease/ > my job: http://petervandijck.net > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[videoblogging] Xacti HD editing!?
Anyone have a Xacti HD? I have edited short HD clips using iMovie. But I recorded a 13 minute clip and it is practically un-usable. It took 12+ hours to import into imovie and my system can't really handle it as far as editing. The file format is not recognized by Premiere or Windows Movie Maker (my PC is a more of a workhorse) I guess I'll just export as-is, sans editing. But unless I figure something out, I'll have to only use teh hi-def for short clips. :( If anyone has tips/advice, I would appreciate it! -Halcyon hugnation.com/huggable [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [videoblogging] Thx and Canon PowerShot Elph series as video cam
funny, I have been using my canon powershot610 for most my videos lately and very happy with the results (especially for web).. But just picked up the Xacti today. But I've also been looking at an elph as a "super mobile" option, too. (Since the Xacti is a bit too...*impresive* a bulge in the ol' pants pocket.) -halcyon pinkbroadcasting.com On 1/31/07, Caleb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Love the list, even if i can't always keep up. And thanks to everyone > for the help with FCP settings. > > I'm researching tiny video cameras because my Canon SD400 is old. But > it's so good at video with a low profile and the 640/15fps is > surprisingly good. Everything here is from the 400, http://lrntv.blip.tv/ > except the Tales of Grim which was minidv as original. > > But to get the point. The Xacti's looks good, and have a mic input, > but I get the feeling it is too early to go there and my Canon will > suffice for a bit more. I just want an Elph with a mic jack basically! > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [videoblogging] CNET video incubator
That is bad ass!! Go Schlomo! Very exciting stuff. -halcyon On 1/29/07, Jay dedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > http://newteevee.com/2007/01/26/cnet-video-incubator-getting-started/ > > Looks like Schlomo is working on a pretty cool project. > see, I like it when money is available for people wanting to make good > work. > this project make sense. > > "Up to twenty thousand dollars will be made available to production > teams, along with professional advice and the promise of whatever > resources they can wrangle from CNET. Creators will own their own > content what Project Spotlight is asking for is exclusivity for some > period of time after the content debuts" > > Jay > > -- > Here I am > http://jaydedman.com > > > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/videoblogging/ <*> Your email settings: Individual Email | Traditional <*> To change settings online go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/videoblogging/join (Yahoo! ID required) <*> To change settings via email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
Re: [videoblogging] Veoh Playing Nice?
Yes. Know them well, do occasional work for them, and am deeply connected personally. And I have had good experiences working with their support team whenever I have issues. And, to address the original question, am not aware of any issues since the first syndication, misstep. humbly, Halcyon pinkbroadcasting.com friend of Veoh.com On 1/23/07, Mike Hudack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > And you work for or worked for them and are good friends with their CEO. > > > > - Original Message - > From: videoblogging@yahoogroups.com < > videoblogging@yahoogroups.com > > To: videoblogging@yahoogroups.com < > videoblogging@yahoogroups.com > > Sent: Tue Jan 23 00:46:03 2007 > Subject: Re: [videoblogging] Veoh Playing Nice? > > I continue to have good experiences and get quick response whenever I make > > suggestions/have concerns. > > 2 cents > -Halcyon > pinkbroadcasting.com > > On 1/22/07, johnleeke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > wrote: > > > > I've recently been contacted by a person from Veoh, saying they'd like > > to feature my videos at their site. > > > > Considering the Veoh brouhaha a while back it seems nice that an > > actual person is actually asking. > > > > Has anyone had some recent Veoh experiences they would like to relate? > > > > Is Veoh playing nice these days? Or, should I stay in my own > > neighborhood and play with my old regulars? > > > > John Leeke > > by hammer and hand great works do stand > > by cam and light he shoots it right > > > > > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [videoblogging] Veoh Playing Nice?
I continue to have good experiences and get quick response whenever I make suggestions/have concerns. 2 cents -Halcyon pinkbroadcasting.com On 1/22/07, johnleeke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > I've recently been contacted by a person from Veoh, saying they'd like > to feature my videos at their site. > > Considering the Veoh brouhaha a while back it seems nice that an > actual person is actually asking. > > Has anyone had some recent Veoh experiences they would like to relate? > > Is Veoh playing nice these days? Or, should I stay in my own > neighborhood and play with my old regulars? > > John Leeke > by hammer and hand great works do stand > by cam and light he shoots it right > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [videoblogging] The GETV Xmas Special
hahahahaha!!! That was awesome. On 12/23/06, Irina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Happy Every Day To You > > http://www.geekentertainment.tv/2006/12/23/xmas-special-music-video/ > > -- > http://geekentertainment.tv > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [videoblogging] I was Attacked by NYPD ~ Wanna Watch?
holy shit. I'm...stunned. As an aside, in the era of video cameras on cell phones, isn't seizing video pretty futile? I mean, even in this situation, the seizing was captured on video. -halcyon pinkbroadcasting.com On 12/12/06, ~ FluxRostrum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > The War on Journalism > > http://fluxrostrum.blogspot.com/2006/11/war-on-journalism.html > > description from I-Witness Video > http://iwitnessvideo.info > > On October 30, 2006 at a demonstration protesting the murder of journalist > Brad Will in Mexico, members of the NYPD assaulted an independent > videographer and stole his videocamera. > > That's right, stole. The filmmaker, FluxRostrum, was not arrested. He did > not receive a receipt for seized property. He was not even directly asked > for his camera. Instead, without any warning, he was jumped by two police > officers, one of whom is an NYPD captain, and knocked down onto the asphalt > of 39th Street. One police officer was succcesful in wrenching the camera > out of Flux's hands. As Flux crawled around on the ground looking for the > eyeglasses which had been knocked off his face during the attack, the cop > with the camera quickly conferred with another officer. Then he ran off to > hide the camera. > > When Flux attempted to get his camera back after the demonstration, he was > threatened with arrest by a Lieutenant at the 17th Precinct. His lawyer was > told that camera was found "abandoned" at the scene and that it had been > turned over to the Manhattan District Attorney's office to be used as > evidence against people arrested at the Mexican Consulate demonstration that > day. > > Someone at the 17th Precinct told the D.A. that the camera was found > "abandoned" on the sidewalk. Now the D.A. is insisting on keeping a copy > of the stolen videotape to use as evidence. > > Is this the new normal? Is it legal just because the police say so? > > If police do not have their own videocameras at events will they simply > bonk one of us over the head and steal our gear and videotapes? What if they > decide that they do not like what the videotape shows? Will they then > destroy it as has happened to so many cameras seized by the NYPD over the > past couple of years? > > This story is a little hard to believe, isn't it? Fortunately, you do not > have to take my word for it. Not to be denied his voice, Flux made a > videotape about his experience at the hands of NYPD. > > This is the first blog installment in an ongoing I-Witness Video > investigation, The War on Cameras. > > POSTED BY > Eileen Clancy > > Solidarity, > ~FluxRostrum > > ~ > VLOG~FLUX > http://FluxRostrum.BlogSpot.com > ~~~ > Syndicate Flux > http://feeds.feedburner.com/VLOGFLUX > ~~~ > Old School > http://Fluxview.com > ~~~ > NOTICE: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the National Security Agency > may have read this email without warning, warrant, or notice. They may do > this without any judicial or legislative oversight. You have no recourse nor > protection save to call for the impeachment of the current President. > ~~~ > > -- > ___ > Get your free email from http://www.graffiti.net > > Powered By Outblaze > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [videoblogging] anyone have any experience with veoh.com?
I'm a huge fan and active on their site. I host a version of both my main vlogs there: http://www.veoh.com/vlogs/cockyvision & http://www.veoh.com/vlogs/GrandpaCaleb disclaimer: I've also known CEO Dmitry for years and have worked with him on a number of projects (including some consulting for Veoh) -Halcyon www.pinkbroadcasting.com On 11/28/06, sdorfman.rm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > I just got an email from someone at veoh.com asking if they can feature > my videos on their > site: > > "I love your website and your overall project and would love to feature > your work on our site. > Perhaps we could create a channel for your work? Please let me know how I > can bring your > work to Veoh!" > > Have any other video bloggers gotten an email like this? Any experience > with veoh, positive > or negative? > > Thanks, > Simon Dorfman > www.PeopleOfNewOrleans.com > Video Interviews with New Orleanians > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[videoblogging] Mom's Day Videos
Anyone else make Mom vids? My brother and I made this oh-so-funny video for our mom using green screen and Improv (can't wait to show her in a few hours): http://www.veoh.com/videoDetails.html?v=e63403yXWbN72T& HAPPY MOTHERS DAY! Thanks for doing the most important job in the world -Halcyon p.s. I made all you mothers a card, too: http://static.flickr.com/44/145933034_54ea95598a_o.jpg SPONSORED LINKS Fireant Individual Use Explains YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS Visit your group "videoblogging" on the web. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
[videoblogging] Boobs
I just wanted to point out/apologize that in my last 2 videos, I flaunted my boobs shamelessly. http://www.veoh.com/vlogs/cockyvision I have always used my visual apearance as an audience draw. Without something to look at...it's just radio. Halcyon, CEO The PBC www.pinkbroadcasting.com SPONSORED LINKS Fireant Individual Use Explains YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS Visit your group "videoblogging" on the web. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
[videoblogging] Re: Sick of the sexism
Oh, Ron... You had me at "Harrison Bergeron." ... But in regards to this SEXISM debate... **I'm trying to put it into words** There is something poetic about this episode. In "normal" media, if someone said something on air that was upsetting to me, I would feel compelled to respond/retort/make it right! But in this new universe where everyone's voices are heard, it is INSANE to try to respond to every perspective you disagree with. Discussions like this become excercises in patience and reminders to re-read my Dalai Lama book. Look... TO ME, this revolution is about technology and distribution. Those are the tools we now have to combat whatever evils we see in the world. So go battle sexism with your vlog. Go battle sexual repression. Go battle censorship. Go battle racism. Go battle boredom. Go battle your own self esteem issues. ...But I think this list should ease-up on attaching too much politics to our tools. My 2 cents. Keep fighting the good fight (whatever that means to you), -Halcyon, CEO, The PBC http://www.PinkBroadcasting.com www.cockybastard.com --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Ron Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > I am a white man, and I have been a minority, and you are right, it > is different. > I found this thread entertaining. I also find the outrage > entertaining, but in a different way. > This whole thing reminds me of Harrison Bergeron. > > Boob jokes are not sexist. > > Saying that a woman can't do a job because she is inferior is, and > nobody did that. > > Saying that a woman is generally more pleasing to look at is also not > sexist. > > Saying that men like to look at boobs is not sexist. > > Saying that boobs make a woman is, and nobody did that. > > This is like saying that black men make better basketball players, > and the teams want to win so they hire black men to play. That is why > there are more black men in basketball. > > I don't think anyone would disagree with that, would they? > > Video is visual, so pretty people tend to do the best in this media, > that is quite simply human nature. Golfers, or men (male and > female...Is it getting hot in here? Flame on!) tend to like looking > at pretty girls. > > So this guy is... "looking to hire a > video podcast hostess. What would be the most effective way to spread > the word about this opportunity? Or do you know anyone who might be > interested?" > > That statement just oozes sexism. > > Someone took issue with the idea of a female lead, a couple of > serious posts were made, then a boob joke. Oh the sexism. > > I can't wait to hear something akin to 'size doesn't matter' so I can > get equally outraged. > > I might check out your video, but I think it would just be a waste of > my time, as I think you are taking things way too seriously and > reading into things far too deeply. > > I apologize if my 'embrace the boob' comment was sexist. I was quite > serious. > > I have no problem with idiots talking about something they don't know > about. It happens on TV every single day. It happens in the > vlogosphere too. Now you can read into that and make the assumption > that I mean 'she' don't know golf, which would be just as incorrect > as 'she' has to be a hottie, which is what got us started on this. > > Personally I don't really care if you were offended. People are > offended every day by stuff that is just as silly, in fact, I found > your reply on this list far more offensive than any other post. What > does that make you? Am I sexist because I was offended by your > _expression_ of outrage? Or am I something else? > > Keep in mind that I am not saying that Sexism is silly, just your > interpretation of this thread. > > Ron Watson > > Pawsitive Vybe Canines > 12 E Bridge St Suite G > Rockford, MI 49341 > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > 301.524.6670 > http://pawsitivevybe.com > http://k9disc.com > http://k9disc.blip.tv > > > > > > On May 10, 2006, at 7:25 PM, David Howell wrote: > > > Allow me to be the first non "white guy" to reply to your video. For > > the record, I'm Native American. Dont even try to talk to me about > > racsim. You wont get very far. I'm pretty sure you dont have any first > > hand experience with it affecting you. > > > > You go and talk about racism yet lump white guys responding into a > > group as if they are bad people if they reply to you? As well you > > think this group is the "vlogosphere"?? > > > > Wow..just...wow. > > > > David
[videoblogging] Vloggercon promo (combined age=129 years)
Not sure if he'll make the trip, but me and grandpa made a little vloggercon promo. :) http://hugnation.com/video/Vloggercon_hugPromosmall.wmv -Halcyon video.hugnation.com SPONSORED LINKS Fireant Individual Use Explains YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS Visit your group "videoblogging" on the web. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
Re: [videoblogging] Re: veoh article with "interesting" statements from the company
Speaking of Dmitry, he was interviewed on CNBC:http://veoh.com/videoDetails.html?v=e58555GeFRX7g8 -halcyon p.s. are the people who have issues with Veoh unhappy with the way they fixed it? or just upset they made a mistake in the first place? Or something else? Is anyone's content on Veoh that doesn't want it there? On 4/20/06, Michael Sullivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote: Veoh.com is where you can see the transcoded flv previews.Btw, I like Veoh way more than crApple iTunes. God forbid people speak out against precious Apple. At least people... humans... speak to us here from Veoh. Christ, the CEO responded! When has anyone from Apple contributed to the conversation of videoblogging? sull YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS Visit your group "videoblogging" on the web. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
[videoblogging] Halcyon's disclosure (was: Veoh Transcoding Feeds...)
> Let's have a straight-up conversation, here. Direct conversation. For > example, Halcyon (screen-name) forwards messages from you however we do > not know if he is an affiliated party, please advise. Since my integrity was questioned (not maliciously, just questioned)...I wanted to explain my position and feelings about Veoh. (Note: I do NOT represent veoh. These are my personal thoughts.) 1) My name is John Halcyon Styn.Aka cockybastard.com. I have considered myself a digital explorer for over 10 years now, so this is not the first media revolution I have been excited to be a part of...which has pros and cons. :) 2) I have known Dmitry for...8 years? We've worked together and brainstormed dozens of projects. We built citizenx.com together 6 years ago. Before Veoh had a name, I spent many hours with Dmitry getting excited about the new media revolution happening. As Veoh has become a real company with real product, I have continued to use it heavily and chime in frequently. I have done (and continue to do) interface consulting and "test piloting" including asking for features. I realize I have very different views than many on this list and fear my "advise" may have mis-steered Veoh at times (or at least misrepresented vloggers priorities). I believe this is why Dmitry is looking to expand his advisory group to include people here. 3) I should mention that the majority of my work the last few years has been consulting for the online adult industry. I have lots of experience with (adult) video distribution on the web and the total lack of control that content creators maintain once something is public. (Or even if it is not public). Some of my duties have been in trying to ensure the creator gets value from the distribution even as the content gets away from them. In this early beta of Veoh, it isn't yet apparent, but I honestly believe that Veoh will be the best solution to empower content creators. I could tell you more about why I love Veoh, but maybe that is for another day (perhaps after Veoh's response to the current debate). I just wanted to disclose my relationship with Dmitry. -Halcyon On 4/8/06, robert a/k/a r <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Dmitry, > > Manually by whom, specifically. Is anyone employed or volunteering > (i.e., working in the interest of Veoh for pay or not) making these RSS > submissions or are you claiming that 100% of the RSS feed you use to > harvest are entered by non-affiliated and non-interested persons? > > Let's have a straight-up conversation, here. Direct conversation. For > example, Halcyon (screen-name) forwards messages from you however we do > not know if he is an affiliated party, please advise. > > > On Apr 8, 2006, at 7:48 PM, dmitry_veoh wrote: > > > > ... > > Veoh is NOT spidering. We have an automated RSS reader that checks > > RSS feeds that were put into the system manually. We DO NOT crawl. > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > -- www.SpreadingThePink.com Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/videoblogging/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
[videoblogging] msg from Dmitry Shapiro (Veoh CEO)
I just talked to Dmitry Shapiro (CEO of Veoh.com - contact info below). He is awaiting the ability to post to this Yahoo group, but wanted to make sure you got his response, asap. So I am posting the below on his behalf. -- Forwarded message -- From: Dmitry Shapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Apr 7, 2006 6:57 PM Subject: Please post to Videoblogging group My name is Dmitry Shapiro, and I am the CEO of Veoh. I would like to address a few of the issues that have been discussed here today, and offer a few solutions. First, let me assure you that Veoh is no evil corporation out to steal anyone's content. If you do some research, you will find that I have been very vocal about what we are trying to accomplish. We want to make video broadcasting available to everyone, to democratize video broadcasting by removing any hurdles that currently exist in the mainstream media. We are on your side, and greatly value your opinions. Second, let me apologize for the way that we have handled the RSS feed issues. My only excuse is that we have done a poor job defining what is really needed and implemented a fractional solution. We are diligently working on making Veoh a great place for video bloggers, and are implementing your suggestiions from this forum. We are taking steps to do the following : 1. We are fixing our system to display a link back to your original video blog. This was in the original spec, but somehow got left out. 2. We are fixing our RSS reader to be sensitive to CC licenses and will automatically respect your licenses. 3. We are figuring out ways to give you the statistics that you need so that views on Veoh are reflected in your feed stats. We expect these changes to be completed over the next 2 weeks. If you would rather we take your feed off of our system, I can assure you that we will be happy to oblige. If you would like your feed out of our system, we will either read your CC license or you can email us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and we will remove it immediately. I encourage you to give us a chance to fix things, and provide you with a great tool. Some of you are experiencing great load on your servers and are starting to have to pay a lot of money for hosting your videos. We provide you a free service that hosts your videos, and allows you to post any length, full-screen, much higher quality (high bitrate) video, without worrying about the cost of distribution. Give us 500MB videos, and we will distribute them for you completely free of charge. Some of you couldn't care less about such capabilities but others are extremely excited about the opportunity to be broadcasting television-length and television-quality shows. We not only welcome your feedback, but solicit it, and would love for you to drive the direction of our product offering. You will notice that there is no advertising on our site or our client. This is a venture backed company, but it is also a labor of love, out to change the world by giving everyone a free, unrestricted voice. In the near future YOU will have the capabilities to choose if you would like to charge for your video blog, or if you would like to make money by letting us sell advertising, or neither. I will be happy to speak with any of you in person or via phone/email. We are based in San Diego, but I will be in Atlanta on Monday and Tuesday and in Manhattan on Wed, Thurs, and Friday. Please let me know if any of you are available to meet me in person (I'll buy the coffee or beer). My contact info is below, including my cell phone number. My contact info is : Dmitry Shapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] 619-602-3305 cell Thank you so much for reading this, and please forgive us if we caused you any heartache. We really are your friends. Dmitry Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/videoblogging/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
Re: [videoblogging] Spoke with Veoh CEO ** was: Veoh transcoding feeds?
Well, part of this situation is due to the organic nature of the technology growing (and not any evil plan). i.e. Veoh originally did not have encoded versions at all. It was more of a system to find videos (*my understanding) and use a peercasting method to distribute large files without bandwidth fees for broadcasters. Alas, as all my friends started using YouTube to share videos, I was one of the people that begged Veoh to add an automated flash preview for the videos available in their directory. I'm personally STOKED with the resulting technology, but as seen today, new issues have risen up. I've heard nothing from Veoh that made me think they weren't more than willing to make changes or rethink their plans. -Halcyon On 4/7/06, Brad Webb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > How about only including feeds that have CC info that allow them to > aggregate? Guess what, no CC means it needs to be presumed that it's > Copyright which means they need permission. I don't understand this > mentality? Can someone clear out my big-dumb-canadianness so I can get it? > > Halcyon Lujah wrote: > > > Just talked with Dmitry @ Veoh (he posted his phone here a while back). > > > > He is on the road and apologizes for all the ill-will. > > > > He will chime in when he is back online, but asked me to pass on to > > those concerend about their feeds on Veoh: > > > > 1) short term, email the name of your feed to [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to be removed. > > 2) they are implementing the automated attribution link as we speak. > > (no need to claim your feed) > > 3) they are working on ways to exclude feeds based on CC info. > > > > But they are totally to feedback and suggestions and changes. > > > > -Halcyon > > www.spreadingthepink.com <http://www.spreadingthepink.com> > > www.veoh.com/vlogs/cockyvision <http://www.veoh.com/vlogs/cockyvision> > > > > > > > > > > YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS > > > > * Visit your group "videoblogging > > <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/videoblogging>" on the web. > > > > * To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > >[EMAIL PROTECTED] > > <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > > > * Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of > > Service <http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/>. > > > > > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > -- www.SpreadingThePink.com Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/videoblogging/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
[videoblogging] Spoke with Veoh CEO ** was: Veoh transcoding feeds?
Just talked with Dmitry @ Veoh (he posted his phone here a while back). He is on the road and apologizes for all the ill-will. He will chime in when he is back online, but asked me to pass on to those concerend about their feeds on Veoh: 1) short term, email the name of your feed to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to be removed. 2) they are implementing the automated attribution link as we speak. (no need to claim your feed) 3) they are working on ways to exclude feeds based on CC info. But they are totally to feedback and suggestions and changes. -Halcyon www.spreadingthepink.com www.veoh.com/vlogs/cockyvision YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS Visit your group "videoblogging" on the web. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
Re: [videoblogging] Veoh transcoding feeds?
> > In most cases a simple link back to the originating site would be > sufficient, why is that so hard for them to do... I just sent them an email asking about this, specifically. -Halcyon Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/videoblogging/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
Re: [videoblogging] Veoh transcoding feeds?
I have talked to Dmitry Shapiro, the CEO and he seemed VERY willing to do what it takes to please broadcasters. They are working on some sort of "claim your feed" campaign as well. If you don't want to claim your feed, and don't want your content available to Veoh users, email them. I would be very suprised if they didn't remove your feed immediately. -Halcyon On 4/7/06, Stephanie Bryant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Veoh has my whole feed in their service. They have ripped my videos to > their formats and are re-distributing them, using their own > permalinks. > > From their own TOS: > " As explained above, Veoh does not permit copyright infringing > activities on the Veoh Service and reserves the right to terminate > access to the Veoh Service, and remove all User Materials posted, by > any persons who are found to be repeat infringers (i.e., persons found > to have uploaded copyright infringing User Material on more than two > occasions)." > > Here's the email I sent them: > Dear Veoh, > > You are infringing on my license terms for Hold My Beer and Watch > This! (http://mortaine.blogspot.com). > > I have a creative commons license on my videoblog. My license terms > are derivs-ok, non-commercial, and must-attribute. This means that if > you make a derivative work by ripping my videos to your format for > re-distribution, it must be for non-commercial purposes. From what I > can see, Veoh is a commercial entity. If this is not the case, please > send me your 501c status documentation. > > However, you are still violating the "must-attribute" portion of my > videoblog's license, and that is not acceptable. You are displaying my > work on your website without attribution to the creator. Please create > a clear, unambiguous link-back to my website. Personally, I would > prefer it if you made the permalink space on your site as a permalink > to the vlog entries on my blog site. It's not as if you don't have > that data available, and doesn't seem like it would be too technically > difficult. > > Failure to comply with my CC license means that you are infringing on > my copyright, something that is specifically prohibited in the Veoh > Terms of Service. > > Please let me know how you are rectifying this situation. > > Sincerely, > Stephanie Bryant > > > -- > Stephanie Bryant > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Blogs, vlogs, and audioblogs at: > http://www.mortaine.com/blogs > > > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > -- www.SpreadingThePink.com Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/videoblogging/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
[videoblogging] If your content is on Veoh** was: Veoh transcoding feeds?
I have been talking to Veoh about this There are working towards a system of organizing the (quickly becoming unmanagable) amount of video content. Part of the proicess was indexing and presenting RSS feeds. I claimed (see below) my feed so that I can be in charge of my Veoh comments, links, etc. Why I like Veoh: up to a 10 min. flash preview that i can embed OR use their pre-built Vlog format: see: http://veoh.com/vlogs/cockyvision. Its great for lazy people like me, I can upload a full res version for tv-quality download, and let the Veoh system worry about my web-based Vlog. (emcoding, hosting, and rss) **BUT IF YOU WANT TO BE EXCLUDED from their search and system, just send them an email. [EMAIL PROTECTED] They are aware that not everyone wants to be included and will remove you immediately. TO CLAIM YOUR FEED: >>>If you would like to claim your feed and control how they are presented on Veoh from your own account, please follow these instructions. Here's how you claim your feed on Veoh: 1. Go to the series page for your vlog 2. Select the "Claim Feed" button. 3. You'll be asked to place a snippet of code into your vlog. 4. Once you have done that select the "Verify" button. -Hal http://veoh.com/vlogs/cockyvision On 4/7/06, Andreas Haugstrup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Fri, 07 Apr 2006 19:03:38 +0200, Devlon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > So I registered and dowloaded their player...the only way to see > > entire clips listed on veoh and my stuff is intact. > > Which is a pretty shitty concept since the complete video is already > available at people's vlogs. This kind of lock-in is so 1999. > > > I may have had a knee-jerk reaction earlier (I am famous for them), > > but by not providing a link back to the originating site, aren't they > > violating a 'by attribution' cc licence? > > Yes. > > -- > Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen > http://www.solitude.dk/ > > Commentary on media, communication, culture and technology. > > > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > -- www.SpreadingThePink.com Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/videoblogging/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
Re: [videoblogging] Re: Other People's Videos
This is a very interesting topic... If you open up your content to free syndication, how much control can you retain? In the friendly blogroll sense, it can be governed by netiquette and friendly emails. But can that scale? I have experience in the "adult" web world where "appropriating content" is rampant. If it is content that they charge for, an owner *may* fight to have it taken down. (which is usually way more effort than it is worth) But If it is promotional content, trailers, watermarked vids, etc. They actually PAY people (affiliates) to re-broadcast their content in the hopes of type in traffic. It is tough to be free and open...while retaining control. -Halcyon www.spreadingthepink.com On 3/26/06, Melanie Morgan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Thanks for the input guys! > > To Steve, > > > Keep in mind that some creators don't want you to host their video on > > your site because they are counting on traffic to their site to get > > viewer counts and ad views, while others pay for bandwidth and more > > views cost them money. > > I'm actually aware of this and this is where the confusion lies. I've > always believed in giving credit where it's due no matter what type of > media it is, and don't want to rob anyone of their traffic (if > anything, I'd like to help generate more traffic for them). At the same > time, I don't want to increase anyone's bandwidth costs for linking to > their videos. > > > I'd be interested in what Geek Entertainment TV thinks of the method > > you used to post one of their interviews. > > > > http://www.newmediacollective.org/2006/03/ > > sxsw2006_blogging_while_black.html > > > > Looks like you have a direct link to their movie with a link back to > > their site for credit. > > In this case, and in the SXSW video, I linked back to their sites. > Although I use pop-ups to showcase videos on my other site > (http://nyc-tv.com), on The New Media Collective I've elected to use > embedded video because 1) it integrates better with the design, and 2) > the playing in place feature is just cool. > > Since GETV does use a CC license, and host their videos on blip.tv, > there shouldn't be a problem since I did give them credit and linked > back to the original post. I would be interested in their input though. > As far as SXSW goes, that's another issue. ;-) > > With The New Media Collective I consider myself to be a journalist > disseminating information. The way I see it, I'm only helping the > cause. As they say, as long as the names are spelled right, there's no > such thing as bad publicity. :-) > > > When I use clips of others videos for Vlog Soup, I let the creator > > know > > as a courtesy. > > You're absolutely right to do this. Sometimes, in my haste and anxiety > to get the post up, I'll skip this part of things. I'll have to slow > down long enough to do this, even if it's after the fact. > > > To Nathan, > > > I often contact the person and work out a deal. > > Most of the time, I host the video. > > Not a bad idea, but like I said, there often isn't enough time to wait > if it's a hot topic. As far as hosting the vids myself, I only want to > do it if it's something I shot or was specifically contributed to the > site by one of my editors. I really don't want to rob anyone of their > traffic numbers. > > I definitely appreciate the feedback, I guess there'll always be > questions, but things are definitely a little clearer now. > > Melanie > > > The New Media Collective > It's a WE thing! > http://newmediacollective.org > -- www.SpreadingThePink.com Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/videoblogging/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
Re: [videoblogging] A Vlogger Channel on Veoh?
I've been talking with Veoh alot, too. And I'm starting to move more and more stuff over as their tools get easier. (see: hugnation.blogspot.com) I've been pushing them to make a "Vlogging Easy enough for Grandpa" tool. We shall see. I saw your video btw, Mr. Jesus. Funny stuff. Err...I mean...serious and important Spiritual message. ;) -Halcyon On 3/21/06, jsonofgod1 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I contacted Veoh today, and got a response from the CEO. Below is the > thread. It looks like they are open to doing something special for > the group, maybe a channel like their cult classics channel. > > Not sure if anyone is interested, but he suggested that they have some > more vlogging tools coming out and that we could get a glimpse of them > before they are out through a webinar (think that is a web seminar). > Anyone interested in helping me get them to do something for us? I am > starting to really like the service, and it is cool that the CEO > responds to bizdev emails at 10pm. > > Anyone else think this is a good idea? > > Here is the thread > > Jesus, > > Thanks for your email. We do have some vloggers already on the > system, and would love to do something with the Yahoo Vlogging Group. > What did you have in mind? One option is to create a Channel for > vloggers. We also have some new vlogging tools coming out in the next > couple of weeks, that I would appreciate getting everyone's feedback > on prior to launch. Would it be possible for you to schedule a > webinar that we could sponsor to pre-brief the group prior to our > tools announcement. > > Once again, thanks for contacting us, > > Dmitry Shapiro > CEO > Veoh Networks, Inc. > 619-602-3305 > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > > On 3/21/06 10:06 PM, "Jesus Of Nazareth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >Hi, > >I would like to talk with someone about creating a Vlogging group > or channel on Veoh. I belong to the Yahoo Vlogging group, and you > already have lots of vlogging videos on the service. I also have a > few videos under the username mfjrs. > >Please write me back. > >Jesus > >__ >Do You Yahoo!? >Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > -- www.SpreadingThePink.com Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/videoblogging/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
Re: [videoblogging] Re: embedding flash video
I've been playing with using the flash previews built in to Veoh. Then they generate the "embed" code for you...and people can click to get the full version (using the veoh client.) example using my grandpa's vlog: http://hugnation.blogspot.com/ -Halcyon On 3/22/06, Bill Streeter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > You should try Enrics vpip: http://utilities.cinegage.com/videos- > playing-in-place/ > > Works great. I have it on my site. It works with flash, wmv and QT. > Swaps an image for an imbeded video. > > Bill Streeter > LO-FI SAINT LOUIS > www.lofistl.com > > > --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Richard Show" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > wrote: > > > > I have been playing around trying to embed flash video on my web > page, so, > > visitors could just click on that and play it (as an alternative > to my > > feed). > > > > I created a flv file, and used dreamweaver 8 to embed it in a web > page, and > > it seems to work on a test page I created (though it takes some > time to > > load) > > > > http://www.richardshow.com/flash_test.html > > > > I tried lifting the code that dreamweaver generated and put it in > a word > > press post, but the page did not show anything. > > > > The code I used looked like this > > > > codebase=" > > > http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#v > ersion=7,0,0,0" > > width="342" height="291" id="FLVPlayer"> > > > > > > > > > >> value="&MM_ComponentVersion=1&skinName=Halo_Skin_3&streamName= > > http://richard.blip.tv/file/get/Richard- > RichardsWifesBirthdayWMV360&autoPlay=false&autoRewind=false" > > /> > >> flashvars="&MM_ComponentVersion=1&skinName=Halo_Skin_3&streamName= > > http://richard.blip.tv/file/get/Richard- > RichardsWifesBirthdayWMV360&autoPlay=false&autoRewind=false" > > quality="high" scale="noscale" width="342" height="291" > name="FLVPlayer" > > salign="LT" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=" > > http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"; /> > > > > > > Also, I moved two .swf files that dreamweaver generated to the > same root > > directory of the site, which is where I think the wordpress > pages/posts go. > > > > These were > > > > FLVPlayer_Progressive.swf > > > > and > > > > Halo_Skin_3.swf > > > > (I guess I should note that dreamweaver also generated some java > script in > > the header and something inside the body tag which is onLoad, but > I'm pretty > > sure that had to do with checking to see if the right player was > available - > > I tried adding that to the main index page template too and that > didn't seem > > to change anything, though I didn't think it would ... but FYI ... > you can > > see all this in the source of the file that dreamwever generated > that works > > flash-test.html) > > > > ... any ideas on what I did wrong would be appreciated ... thanks! > > > > ... Richard > > > > > > -- > > Richard > > http://www.richardshow.com > > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > -- www.SpreadingThePink.com Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/videoblogging/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
Re: [videoblogging] Tagging clips for remixing?
If I understand you correctly, www.Veoh.com does this. You can upload and tag. Then browse/search the flash-preview versions online. Then assemble them into a playlist using the client. Am I understanding? -Halcyon SpreadingThePink.com GrandpaCaleb.com On 3/20/06, strollingbones2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hey Gang, > > I have accumulated quite a collection of video clips that I would like > to repurpose and recycle into a forthcoming videoblog. I'm looking for > a way to catalog and sort the clips so I can find the one I'm looking > for quickly and easily, and then drag and drop it into the timeline. > > My dream scenario is to be able to tag the individual clips in the > collection the way you can tag a photo in Flickr or tag a link in > Del.icio.us. > > I'm happy to store the clips on my harddrive or on the Internet. > > Any suggestions? > > Eric > http://strollingbones.blogspot.com > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > -- www.SpreadingThePink.com Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/videoblogging/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
Re: [videoblogging] SXSWi interviews (eric rice, eddie codel, others)
Grrr. I'm sorry. Link fixed. (I learned a lesson about "citizen media" when eddie pointed out 3 typos yesterday. I guess I named it wrong when I re-exported it. Thanks!) On 3/17/06, Markus Sandy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > 404 not found > > > Halcyon Lujah wrote: > > >Sadly...I botched Verdi's audio, so I had to edit that out. > > > >Basically got a number of people to comment on the power that > >vlogging/new tech is giving "the people." > >Thought several people here would enjoy: > > > >http://pinkgasm.citizensex.com/spreadthepink/video/sxsw_5min.wmv http://pinkgasm.citizensex.com/spreadthepink/video/sxsw06_5min.wmv > > > > > >Eddie Codel (GeekEntertainment.tv), Craig Newark (craigslist.org), > >Jason Carlin (ifilm.com), Jon Lebkowsky, Eric Rice (ericrice.com), > >Nancy White, Matt Mullenweg (wordpress), Danah Boyd, Srini Kumar > >(unamerican.com), Peter Merholz (adaptive path), more > > > >-Halcyon > >www.SpreadingThePink.com > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -- > > My name is Markus Sandy and I am app.etitio.us > > http://apperceptions.org > http://digitaldojo.blogspot.com > http://node101.org > http://spinflow.org > http://wearethemedia.com > http://xpressionvlog.blogspot.com > > aim/ichat: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > msn: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > skype: msandy > spin: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > -- www.SpreadingThePink.com Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/videoblogging/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
[videoblogging] SXSWi interviews (eric rice, eddie codel, others)
Sadly...I botched Verdi's audio, so I had to edit that out. Basically got a number of people to comment on the power that vlogging/new tech is giving "the people." Thought several people here would enjoy: http://pinkgasm.citizensex.com/spreadthepink/video/sxsw_5min.wmv Eddie Codel (GeekEntertainment.tv), Craig Newark (craigslist.org), Jason Carlin (ifilm.com), Jon Lebkowsky, Eric Rice (ericrice.com), Nancy White, Matt Mullenweg (wordpress), Danah Boyd, Srini Kumar (unamerican.com), Peter Merholz (adaptive path), more -Halcyon www.SpreadingThePink.com Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/videoblogging/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
Re: [videoblogging] SXSW Saturday!
I got a last minute flight and added my name to the Wiki... I'm going to come to SXSW sun-tues with camera in tow. :) Planning on hitting web awards, fray cafe, blogger party, ??? Hoping to get as many people as possible to answer on camera "What does 'personal publishing' mean today? And where is it heading?" (I may refine the wording, but looking to see how innovators see the individual's role changing/growing in the era of vlogging, tv/net convergence, etc.) Would love to get sound bites and hugs from anyone there! (I'll be the one with pink hair) xoxo -Halcyon www.spreadingthepink.com Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/videoblogging/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
Re: [videoblogging] external hard drive
Its too expensive for a toy,bbut if you are an archive whore or do video for DVDs and such, I would recommend the Terastation by Buffalo. I LOVE it. http://www.buy.com/prod/Buffalo_TeraStation_1TB_NAS_RAID_1_0_5_Back_up/q/loc/101/10396259.html $750, networked terabyte (700 gigs with RAID setup. Meaning: 4 drives, and any one failure will result in zero data loss.) plus it just feels cool to have a terabyte in my bedroom. -halcyon On 2/23/06, Pete Prodoehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Richard Show wrote: > > you know ... that's actually a really interesting idea, given that I have a > > 60gig I pod and alwasy delete stuff after watching it ... I'm not sure how > > that works to store regular stuff, like word files etc... but I might give > > this a try ... thanks for the suggestion ... Richard > > In iTunes under the iPod preferences, there is a checkbox that says > something like 'Enable Disk Usage' which will allow your iPod to show up > on your desktop as just another hard drive. > > Pete > > -- > http://tinkernet.org/ > videoblog for the future... > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > -- www.SpreadingThePink.com Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/videoblogging/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
Re: [videoblogging] Better camera? Sony HC1 or Panasonic PV-GS400
I have been unable to take advantage of the HD from my HC1. (Premiere doesn;t handle it, that I know of) And I have trouble importing video even WITH the down conversion to regular DV. It will work in chunks shorter than 9 minutes. But I can no longer capture tapes in Premiere. And the new iMovieHD has been a nightmare, too, for me. -halcyon spreadingthepink.com On 2/11/06, gmjoyce_y <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Which is the better camera for vlogging? Or are both overkill? > > And can Premiere Pro handle editing hi-def from the HC1? > > Discuss. > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > -- www.SpreadingThePink.com Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/videoblogging/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
Re: [videoblogging] Re: Bandwidth
I use dreamhost.com's generous bandwidth plans for smaller versions of videos, then put a high quality one on veoh.com (that uses peercasting to do bandwidth) -halcyon www.spreadingthepink.com On 2/12/06, David Howell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > *meh* > > It looks like Ourmedia has it's share of problems as well. Just tried > to upload a 6 meg video both with their site and with their upload > tool and it failed. The upload tool just plain crapped out and > crashed. Numerous times. According to their forums, looks like others > are having multiple problems there as well. > > Very few things come for free. Think I am going to use my own host > then start paying for the extra bandwidth if/when that time comes. > > David > http://www.taoofdavid.com > > --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Michael Verdi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > Lots and lots of people use Ourmedia.org and/or Blip.tv > > We have a tutorial for Ourmedia on Freevlog.org - > http://freevlog.org/#Step3and > > http://freevlog.org/#step4 We don't have one for Blip yet but it's easy > > enough to figure out. > > -Verdi > > > > > > On 2/12/06, davecircumnavigator <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > > > My videos are ~10 meg. I'm using 1and1 and looking at significant > > > amounts of money in bandwidth charges if my user base expands (which > > > I'm hoping it does). Does anyone have advice on a way around the > > > bandwidth issues of serving up video? Glenn, my web guy, contacted a > > > service that was offering unlimited bandwidth but they said that > was an > > > old promotion, from before video blogs and they won't honor it > > > anymore. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -- > > Me: http://michaelverdi.com > > R&D: http://evilvlog.com > > Learn to videoblog: http://freevlog.org > > Learn to videoblog in person: http://node101.org > > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > -- www.SpreadingThePink.com Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/videoblogging/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
Re: [videoblogging] Re: Vlogging @ SXSW Interactive
!?!? I thought I had a contract to be involved in ALL nudity-related SXSW panels. Hugh is getting a spanking. -Halcyon cockybastard.com On 1/20/06, Chuck Olsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > OMG. I thought that was just a running joke, but there it is! > > Should be Halcyon and Verdi... in the buff. > > --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Ted Tagami <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > Looks like Verdi is in a panel on the first day: "We Got Naked, Now What?" > > ;) > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > -- www.SpreadingThePink.com Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/videoblogging/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
Re: [videoblogging] Are You Going to SXSW?
I'm on the fence. This would be the first year in MANY that I have not made it. We shall see. -Halcyon On 1/20/06, Eddie Codel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > i'll be there for interactive and maybe part of music. irina too and > we'll be cranking out a few GETV episodes while we're there. > > -eddie > > On Fri, Jan 20, 2006 at 12:00:36PM -, James A. Donnelly wrote: > > Besides Verdi and Andrew... > > anyone else going to SXSW, TX in March? > > jadonnelly > > > > madpod.com > > dummycast.com > > petsonboard.com > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > -- www.SpreadingThePink.com Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/videoblogging/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
Re: [videoblogging] Godaddy question
I have about 75 domains registered at GoDaddy. i like the interface and management tools. But I host with Dreamhost and oc3Networks. -halcyon spreadingthepink.com On 1/16/06, Lucas Gonze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I use Godaddy for domains but not for hosting. I use them for domains > because they're not jerks and the prices and features are fine. I've had > them for a couple years now, and my long term experience has been good. For > hosting something about them doesn't turn me on, though that's just a vibe > thing. > > > > > > YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS > > Visit your group "videoblogging" on the web. > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > -- www.SpreadingThePink.com Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/videoblogging/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
Re: [videoblogging] Re: my 93 year old grandpa the 'PodMaster'
He definitely needs help, but he is eager to learn. I visit each week and tape him. (And download his digital camera for him.) I have been toying with taping lots of the people in his village. But hard to find the time. -Halcyon On 1/12/06, Ms. Kitka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > He's so adorable! Doesn't look 93, though... looks more like late 70s > early 80s. I wish I could talk my feisty 92 year old gramma into > videoblogging... all she understands about my show is that she has no > way of watching it on her television! > > Kitka > > --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Halcyon Lujah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > My grandpa gets an absolute kick out of the fact that he is a > > podcaster." He loves the word (although he gets it right about 50% of > > the time) "I'm an ipodMaster!") > > > > But here's a 1 min clip of him saying he's a podcaster (among other > things) > > http://www.youtube.com/watch.php?v=QrUhefMDTso > > > > or wmv file: > > http://www.hugnation.com/video/Jan06_promo.wmv > > > > Just thought some of you would get a kick, too. > > :) > > -Halcyon > > SpreadingThePink.com > > > > > > > > On 1/12/06, thebigboomboom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > Hello Everone, I am new to videoblogging and I noticed no one seems to > > > use Flash. Most of the vlogs seem to be Quick Time. I am using a PC > > > ;however, my video editing software supports quick time. Flash files > > > seem to be smaller and the video looks better. What is up? Also what > > > is this newer codex somthing 265? > > > Dale > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -- > > www.SpreadingThePink.com > > > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > -- www.SpreadingThePink.com Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/videoblogging/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
Re: [videoblogging] Re: Looking for any videoblogs that are a higher resolution
I have been uploading large version files (100 megs plus) to Veoh.com to deal with bandwidth. 2 cents. -halcyon On 1/12/06, Ms. Kitka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I WISH I could post my show at that resolution, but it would take a > lot of storage space and you'd definitely need unlimited bandwidth. I > think that once space is cheaper and everything is faster it will > become a standard to broadcast on the Internet using widescreen HD > tv-sizes. I hope that someday I will get all my subscribed shows sent > directly to the screen implanted into my digi-wall. (Sure, I may be > living in a Star Trek fantasy, but I swear that it will happen someday!). > > I look forward to seeing this in the future... > Kitka > > > --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Steve Watkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > wrote: > > > > Would be extremely greatful if people could post links to any > > videoblogs or other non-porn internet video that uses resolution much > > higher than 320x240 (eg 960x540 High Definition). > > > > Also wondered if any of the videoblogging books currently being > > written will deal with any of this stuff, even if only briefly? > > > > I know this stuff isnt the norm and has disadvantages, so I dont > > expect there to be much or for it to be worth writing a whole chapter > > on at the moment, but Im interested in it so I thoght Id ask anyway. > > > > Many thanks > > > > Steve Watkins > > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > -- www.SpreadingThePink.com Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/videoblogging/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
[videoblogging] my 93 year old grandpa the 'PodMaster'
My grandpa gets an absolute kick out of the fact that he is a podcaster." He loves the word (although he gets it right about 50% of the time) "I'm an ipodMaster!") But here's a 1 min clip of him saying he's a podcaster (among other things) http://www.youtube.com/watch.php?v=QrUhefMDTso or wmv file: http://www.hugnation.com/video/Jan06_promo.wmv Just thought some of you would get a kick, too. :) -Halcyon SpreadingThePink.com On 1/12/06, thebigboomboom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hello Everone, I am new to videoblogging and I noticed no one seems to > use Flash. Most of the vlogs seem to be Quick Time. I am using a PC > ;however, my video editing software supports quick time. Flash files > seem to be smaller and the video looks better. What is up? Also what > is this newer codex somthing 265? > Dale > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > -- www.SpreadingThePink.com Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/videoblogging/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
Re: [videoblogging] Re: XXX on Blip.tv
That was an EXCELLENT summary of 2257! Well said! -Halcyon On 1/2/06, Stephanie Bryant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > As Halcyon said-- this is only relating to pornography, not copyright. > > Under the new rules, sites that redistribute adult content (including > websites) would have had to maintain a separate copy of the > documentation (drivers license, model release form, age verification > form) of each actor appearing in every item they publish. Previously, > this documentation was only kept by the studio producing the material. > On the back of every porn DVD and in the fine print on every primary > producing adult website, you can find an address where these records > could be inspected during business hours. Any adult studio maintains > these records as a matter of their business practices. To require it > of every website owner who scans and posts a DVD cover for purposes of > selling that DVD is a fast way to putting porn websites out of > business or offshore (the way the rules were changed, without any > congressional oversight, means that there cannot be a significant > financial impact of the rules change-- Gonzales basically lied > flat-out in changing these rules when he said they didn't have an > impact). > > Anyway, here's a fun entanglement with copyright, though: Under > current copyright laws, a copyright violation is a civil offense, > resulting in civil damages (fines). However, if the secondary producer > clause had remained, someone copying a DVD and re-publishing it would > not just be a copyright violation. The aggrieved party could then call > the FBI, tell the FBI "they don't have documentation" and have the > offender thrown in prison. The first offense is worth 5 years of hard > time. Each subsequent offense is worth 10 years, and the rules were > supposedly retroactive, meaning they could get you for not having > documentation even before you were required to keep it. I think most > of us can agree that 10 years in prison for breaking a copyright on a > legal product is excessive (10 years in prison for breaking child porn > laws is not). > > These rules, by the way, don't actually catch child pornographers, who > work outside of the adult entertainment industry. The industry polices > its own and effectively shuts out anyone with ties to child porn. > > --Stephanie > > On 1/2/06, Joshua Kinberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Stephanie, > > > > Can you point me to any documentation on this "secondary producer > > clause" and what it means? > > > > I've been wondering about how sites like iFilm.com and YouTube.com > > persist seemingly without liability even though they willfully display > > content they have no right to broadcast (SNL clips and other content > > they do not have permission to distribute). > > > > Does this clause cover sites like this or does it only relate to > > pornography? > > > > -Josh > > > > > > On 1/2/06, Stephanie Bryant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > Eddie, > > > > > > As of last week, the secondary producer clause was struck down (yay!). > > > Blip.tv can't get into trouble for some jerk posting porn to their > > > service. > > > > > > I say "can't," but everyone needs to be aware that individual DA's > > > have prosecuted (and persecuted) people for selling/providing adult > > > material even when the material was not sold, targeted, distributed or > > > otherwise meant for their local community. So, while the law no longer > > > requires blip.tv to have all the underage reporting and documentation, > > > that's no guarantee that some overzealous "porn task force" at the FBI > > > won't decide to take it upon themselves to go after them, and the > > > resulting legal quagmire can land Enric and all the blip.tv servers in > > > court for years. Also, if some jerk posts child porn, Enric has to > > > remove it immediately, even if it's not theirs. [And it'd be smart to > > > call the cops if that happened, in case you can track down the source > > > and fry them over an open grill.] > > > > > > We've been watching this very closely in my house, since hubby's biz > > > depends on it. Check freespeechcoalition.com for updates on free > > > speech issues in the adult industry if you're interested. > > > > > > On 1/1/06, Eddie Codel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > Seems like a bigger issue is how does someone like blip or Veoh deal > > > > wi
Re: [videoblogging] Re: XXX on Blip.tv
Secondary producer is a part of the 2257 wording which (in my understanding) is strictlly for porn, and used under the pretense of stopping child porn. (age of performers documentation, etc.) It is not related to using others' content. -Halcyon On 1/2/06, Joshua Kinberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Stephanie, > > Can you point me to any documentation on this "secondary producer > clause" and what it means? > > I've been wondering about how sites like iFilm.com and YouTube.com > persist seemingly without liability even though they willfully display > content they have no right to broadcast (SNL clips and other content > they do not have permission to distribute). > > Does this clause cover sites like this or does it only relate to pornography? > > -Josh > > > On 1/2/06, Stephanie Bryant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Eddie, > > > > As of last week, the secondary producer clause was struck down (yay!). > > Blip.tv can't get into trouble for some jerk posting porn to their > > service. > > > > I say "can't," but everyone needs to be aware that individual DA's > > have prosecuted (and persecuted) people for selling/providing adult > > material even when the material was not sold, targeted, distributed or > > otherwise meant for their local community. So, while the law no longer > > requires blip.tv to have all the underage reporting and documentation, > > that's no guarantee that some overzealous "porn task force" at the FBI > > won't decide to take it upon themselves to go after them, and the > > resulting legal quagmire can land Enric and all the blip.tv servers in > > court for years. Also, if some jerk posts child porn, Enric has to > > remove it immediately, even if it's not theirs. [And it'd be smart to > > call the cops if that happened, in case you can track down the source > > and fry them over an open grill.] > > > > We've been watching this very closely in my house, since hubby's biz > > depends on it. Check freespeechcoalition.com for updates on free > > speech issues in the adult industry if you're interested. > > > > On 1/1/06, Eddie Codel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > Seems like a bigger issue is how does someone like blip or Veoh deal > > > with the newly expanded 2257 reporting requirements? Wouldn't they be > > > considered a > > > "secondary producer" in the eyes of the feds? > > > > -- > > Stephanie Bryant > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > Vlog: http://mortaine.blogspot.com > > Audioblog: http://bookramble.blogspot.com > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > -- www.SpreadingThePink.com Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/videoblogging/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
Re: [videoblogging] XXX on Blip.tv
We as a part-time professional pornographer, I feel like I should say *something*... Sexual content is just a type of content. Like extreme sports. If it is labeled properly, I don't see the problem. Of course, if a site says , "NO PORN" then they have to undertake the tide-fighting battle tof trying to keep adult off of an open system. I know that Veoh.com allows adult and gives you the ability to tag it as such. That way, unles you change your default settings, you would never see the risque content in searches or on the site. -Halcyon www.SpreadingThePink.com www.PinkBroadcasting.com On 1/1/06, Paul Knight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Dear all, > > On the subject of Pornography, something seems to have slipped through > the net and landed writhing on the pages of blip.tv It is also > happening in Dailymotion. Although a lot softer core. The video I am > talking about is called XXX and was posted by LeNoX. I don't know > about you but, although I have nothing against pornography, but for me > these video sites both blip and dailymotion used to be a safe haven for > me away from porn where I could concentrate, more on artistic value and > creativity rather than having to suppress the urge to run to the > bathroom every five minutes for tissue paper. I have found that the > worst thing you need when you have vloggers block is to get sucked into > porn. Or maybe I take this whole thing a bit too seriously, I wish to > make films, I wish to share my creativity, it's enough when corpo's > come on ranting about companies, I think that sucks also, big time. > > Paul Knight > > > Do yourself a favour and Visit my Vlog > > http://pjkproductions.blogspot.com > > It's worth a laugh and work friendly. > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > -- www.SpreadingThePink.com Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/videoblogging/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
Re: [videoblogging] iTunes Channel Image
On 10/30/05, Ted Tagami <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: If your feed is less than a week old or so it takes awhile for the image to appear. My image was broken for about 48-60 hours or so before it appeared.On 10/30/05, David Meade < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Can anyone give me any advice as to why the following image isn't working as my iTunes channel image? It's 300x300 at 72dpi (I'm pretty sure anyway) per the specifications ... but my podcast page shows a broken image. http://www.davidmeade.com/Pics/logo/podcast.jpg Thanks in advance, - Dave-- http://www.DavidMeade.com SPONSORED LINKS Individual Fireant Use YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS Visit your group "videoblogging" on the web. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. -- Ted Tagamitagami.comU N I V E R S U S YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS Visit your group "videoblogging" on the web. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. -- www.SpreadingThePink.com SPONSORED LINKS Individual Fireant Use YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS Visit your group "videoblogging" on the web. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
Re: [videoblogging] Vlogging Highs and Lows
You describe an emotional evolution I've felt several times. With the web/HTML, then with FLASH, and now with vlogging/Video web. With vlogging (as it was with HTML and Flash) there was the initial "aha" moment when I realized that everything was changing. Then an era when all these people around me realized that we are culturally on the crest of something...significant. "The people" had just received a huge amount of power via technology. At first the tech is hard to use and filled with limitations. At first you used 6 different sites and 9 pieces of software. There is no book…just experimentation and online gurus. And you feel an excitement (and camaraderie with fellow explorers) just by DOING IT. But then it becomes clear that the rapid flow of ideas in my head was moving WAY faster the world around me. It will be a while before people are gonna adopt the technology…if EVER in the ways I envisioned it. Then the next era is a more technical "white paper era." Where tons of energy is spent with testing and building easier to use technologies so that grandfolks and non-techies can use it. (I still can't get my enclosures formatted right in my feed.) I think we are in a period where big systems are being built and awareness is spreading slowly. It is still VERY exciting, but lacks the initial rush. Not sure if that answered the questions… just stuff I was thinking about. J -Halcyon On 10/10/05, Tim D <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hey Vloggers and Vloggettes,At the risk of going out on a limb here personally, and as something of an attempt to start a conversation about the more psycho-social aspects of videoblogging, I thought I would talk to you all about feelings. You know, touchy-feely kinda stuff. As a counselor, I excel at that sort of thing, so gather round on the green shag carpet, turn up your listening ears, and hear my story. I'm hoping some of you out there may have experienced what I am going to call the highs and lows of personal media publishing. When I started vlogging back in May, I had been looking for something new and innovative to funnel my creative energy into. Being introduced to this community was the start of an awesome time of discovery for me. Hell, I didn't even know I had video editing software on my computer, let alone how to use it! I swore that this was finally it. I had found my niche. I've learned so much since then. I was tired of simply blogging, and vlogging was the next level. Why hadn't I found this place earlier? For the last several months I have made videos about all types of things. I've grown more and more comfortable in front of the camera, all while dealing with my own personal privacy issues. I've been acting as a reporter for We Are The Media for the last two months, and that totally legitamized what I was doing. I felt accepted. I even got a digital videocam as a wedding present from my wife! The point is, right now I am experiencing my personal vlogging "low". Even after all that self-discovery, I'm losing it. I'm having a hard time turning on the camera. I am finding it difficult to edit footage that I would have jumped at not that long ago. I'm not even watching vlogs as much as I used to. My poor FireANT is getting all backed up. I guess I'm having a hard time figuring out why I've lost thatoomph. Maybe it's pressure to perform, to put out great content, meaningful content. What is meaningful anyway? I feel like it has been only 5 short months, and I'm already losing it. I'm feeling this squeeze, and I'm starting to walk the other way. Perhaps it vlog overload. Then I have to ask myself, am I taking this too seriously? Or maybe I'm not taking it seriuosly enough. Am I cut out to be part of the early stages of a movement? That is what this is, afterall. You know that, right? So many questions with so many different answers, I suppose. I'm hoping one or two of you out there have experienced this before. After blogging for about 2.5 years, I just decided one day that I was through, and I ripped my whole site down, archives and all. Vlogging was my "re-birth", if you will. Now I'm feeling that same pointlessness all over again. I feel very disconnected, and I'm thinking about entering the cocoon phase again (don't worry...I won't emerge as Wilford Brimley...at least I hope not). Listen...I'm not a dramatic person, but I was encouraged to throw this out there to the group to inspire some discussion. I think the list has been very technical lately, and it's good to mix it up a bit. That's what I'm doing. Mixing it up. Take it as you will, and vlog on. Tim-- realitysandwich.typepad.comwearethemedia.comv SPONSORED LINKS Individual Fireant Typepad Use YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS
[videoblogging] Digital Hollywood Conference Report
In case anyone is interested: I went to the Digital Hollywood conference a couple weeks ago with Dmitry Shapiro (CEO of Veoh.com). It was the launch ofthe Veoh beta so we wore veoh shirts and talked to attendees about the future of media. It is veoh focussed, but some interesting interview bits with people from TiVo, Arbitron, and more. Full size version on veoh, smaller one on my vlog and here (13 min. wmv): http://www.pinkgasm.citizensex.com/spreadthepink/video/STP_digitalhollywood.wmv be well, -Halcyon -- www.SpreadingThePink.com Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--> Get Bzzzy! (real tools to help you find a job). Welcome to the Sweet Life. http://us.click.yahoo.com/A77XvD/vlQLAA/TtwFAA/lBLqlB/TM ~-> Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/videoblogging/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
Re: [videoblogging] VEOH Boy!
I think they are polishing the syndication tools. Hopefully things like that will be cleaned up soon! (I know they are working on lots of upgrades) I'll make sure to subscribe to you! -halcyon SpreadingThePink.com - vlog www.PinkAid.org - hurricaine relief through sexual relief On 9/22/05, Deirdre Straughan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Looks pretty cool. I don't know why I'm in there twice; one is stuff I provided to them, the other seems to have been scraped off my site by somebody, including a picture that someone had to have cropped to fit. Which is okay, except that the accented e in my name didn't translate...-- best regards,Deirdré Straughan www.straughan.com (personal) www.tvblob.com (work) SPONSORED LINKS Individual Fireant Typepad Explains YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS Visit your group "videoblogging" on the web. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. -- www.SpreadingThePink.com SPONSORED LINKS Individual Fireant Typepad Explains YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS Visit your group "videoblogging" on the web. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
[videoblogging] Your snippet in Veoh Vlog collage?
I'm hesitent to post this since last Veoh "announcement" have been had mixed receptions. But I know that I *personally* love to see my work out there and would guess that many on this list think the same. :) Basically: I was told that Veoh is launching next week (Yay!) and Dmitry asked for my opinions on their proposed new home page. I suggested that their little flash intro should have "snippets" from independent content producers to show the kinda programming that will be available in the post-TV era. Of course, since they are kinda product-focused right now, he asked if I would help. So I sent the designer 4 little 10 second clips and said I would pass the request on. So if you wouldn't mind seeing you or your work flashed on the homepage of Veoh Networks (veoh.com) let me know! [EMAIL PROTECTED] And I'll forward your stuff on. Or just point me to your work if you're cool with an under 10 sec snip being used. (I'm guessing there is a specific Creative Commons license that would apply, but I'm not sure how to search based on that.) Thank you! -Halcyon -- www.SpreadingThePink.com Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--> Fair play? Video games influencing politics. Click and talk back! http://us.click.yahoo.com/T8sf5C/tzNLAA/TtwFAA/lBLqlB/TM ~-> Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/videoblogging/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
Re: [videoblogging] Re: Spam from Veoh?
Hey, I'm the pink haired guy and I may have been resposible for some of the confusion and mistaken emails. I get excited and may not have communicated well with Maddie when I was gushing over many of the people on the list. I truly apologize. In any case, I have known Dmitry for many years and he is a stand up guy with a visionary passion. I just spoke with him and I have confidence he will do whatever possible to make this right. If you have lingering frustration or doubt, I'd give him a call (he posted his phone number). Again, my apologies to those who got mail they didn't want. -Halcyon www.SpreadingThePink.com On 8/19/05, Steve Watkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > To be fair they already did that here in the past. Someone posting > their previous press release caused some moaning about press releases, > which caused several people connected to Veoh to appear, apologise, > and provide a link to the yahoo group for Veoh. > > The best way they can fix the current mailing list strife is to > concede that their mailing list database is impossibly tainted, and to > trash it and start again with a fully compliant opt-in and opt-out system. > > I guess that would be a brave move, considering at the product beta > release stage they need to spread the word to those who are genuinely > interested, but because the database has lots of people in it who dont > want to be there, I think its a measure that should be taken for the > sake of their reputation. > > As for the reality behind anti-spam legislation, I believe people who > are sending thousands of emails occasionally, as opposed to millions > every day, are more likely to suffer the negative effects of annoying > the hell out of potential customers, than legal penalties. > > Cheers > > Steve of Elbows > > --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Michael Meiser > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > If I may make the suggestion... they should start all over, a clear > > slate and instead of emailing us all off group through our personal > > email.. use this group as a forum as MANY others have (from ANT to > > Vlogmaps), for approaching us all us all as a group in the open. A > nice > > short introduction should work well, where we can ask questions in an > > open manner and then perhaps... a link to Veoh's own Yahoo group or > > mailing list for those of us who are interested. Personally I've loved > > to follow the conversation on projects I'm interested in. > > > > > > YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS > > > Visit your group "videoblogging" on the web. > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > -- www.SpreadingThePink.com SPONSORED LINKS Individual Fireant Explains YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS Visit your group "videoblogging" on the web. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
Re: [videoblogging] microphone flag - for Halcyon
Yay! Thank you, Jan!! -HOn 8/17/05, Jan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Sorry, deleted your question (and the subject) which was about how to make those ID boxes for microphones. The technical term is "microphone flag". http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=breadCrumb&A=search&Q=&ci=8666 > http://www.google.com/search?q=%22microphone+flag%22&sourceid=mozilla-search&start=0&start=0&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official > You could make one out of corrugated plastic or cardboard. The trick is to fill the hollow interior with foam - with a hole for the mic of course. The foam is what holds the flag in place. Jan -- "It isn't done alone. Pay more." http://fauxpress.blogspot.com - motionhttp://blog.urbanartadventures.com - soundhttp://vlogpresskit.blogspot.com - communityhttp://the-hold.blogspot.com - literature. SPONSORED LINKS Individual Fireant Explains YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS Visit your group "videoblogging" on the web. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. -- www.SpreadingThePink.com YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS Visit your group "videoblogging" on the web. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
Re: [videoblogging] video from a webcam
Speaking of mic accessories... Does anyone know where to buy or how to make one of those "boxes" around a mic (logos on 'em) that network folks have ? -halcyon spreadingthepink.comOn 8/17/05, Jan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: The best thing is not to get wind noise in the first place - it's very difficult if not impossible to remove in post. Tape some fairly thick foam over the mic. You might even want to get some fake fur to put over that in really rough wind situations. Here's a brief tutorial: http://fauxpress.blogspot.com/2005/04/faux-press-vlog-wind-noise-tutorial_28.html > Jan -- "It isn't done alone. Pay more." http://fauxpress.blogspot.com - motion http://blog.urbanartadventures.com - sound http://vlogpresskit.blogspot.com - community http://the-hold.blogspot.com - literature . - Original Message - From: "Pete Prodoehl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <videoblogging@yahoogroups.com> Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 3:46 PM Subject: Re: [videoblogging] video from a webcam > Randolfe Wicker wrote: >> Will filters take out noises caused by wind? I have some great tape & > didn't realize the zoom mike was so sensitive to the wind when it was > held at a certain angle. > > What I would try is to extract the audio, and then use Audacity (or > another audio editor) to try to filter out the noise. You can sample a > few seconds of noise then use the Noise Removal effect and see what > happens. Occasionally you'll get good results. > > Pete > > -- > http://tinkernet.org/ > videoblog for the future... > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > SPONSORED LINKS Individual Fireant Explains YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS Visit your group "videoblogging" on the web. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. -- www.SpreadingThePink.com YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS Visit your group "videoblogging" on the web. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
[videoblogging] Any Burning Man folks here?
I'm planning on shooting some video there, and wondered if anyone else was planning on it. I'd love to do some collaborative stuff. Plus, this new Media World makes some of the BM Media rules kinda confusing. I.e. is vlogging a personal project? (I just posted some older Burning Man footage to www.SpreadingThePink.com) -halcyon SPONSORED LINKS Individual Fireant Explains YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS Visit your group "videoblogging" on the web. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
Re: [videoblogging] Re: Veoh Networks Announces Financing - Get ready to upload your video
I have been working with Veoh. I'm not an employee...yet. We'll see. To me, the benefit of an ad system, is that it creates the possibility of making a living doing this very realistic. (Remember the ad revenue is split with the broadcaster) AND it puts all the sales duties on someone else's plate. I can remember when my "home page" was very popular in the late 90's and I was trying to invent a business plan around a popular site. The only people I knew doing personal publishing and making money had organized into networks (I think Maxi was one?). Then the networks had resources to sell niche ads for those sites (instead of broad stroke "click to punch the monkey" ads.) I see Veoh's system as one of those networks (on a much larger scale.) At this stage, doing everything yourself isn't much different. But how many people are making, or watching personal video publishing right now? It reminds me of the days of when you could check "Cool Site of the Day" and stay up to date on all things web. I think the big benefits to Veoh (or any system like it) will be much more clear when iptv revolution is more widespread and the amount of content starts to reach infinity. -Hal (John Halcyon Styn) ;)On 8/11/05, Jay dedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I encouraged Dmitry to post that here. Sorry about that. > I got excited about the Veoh launch (and all the other products launching, > too). All the development going on is one of the most exciting things, to > me. Personally, I like to see the relevent press releases, but maybe they're > better for a different list. > > -Halcyon > SpreadingThePink.com Halcyon(funny that we call each other by these names)you work for Veoh, correct? what is the difference between what youre offering and me having my own videoblog with a feed? it also says on your site that : "Veoh does not charge content producers to broadcast their content, and allows them to specify if they would like to offer that content for free or for a fee. Veoh derives revenues from taking a percentage of the fee, or advertising wrapped around the free content." so why would i host my video on veoh and and allow it to be wrapped in ads? this IPTV-hype reminds me of all the problems with regular TV. Jay Jay -- http://www.momentshowing.net> Adventures in Videoblogging SPONSORED LINKS Individual Fireant Explains YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS Visit your group "videoblogging" on the web. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. -- www.SpreadingThePink.com YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS Visit your group "videoblogging" on the web. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
Re: [videoblogging] Re: Veoh Networks Announces Financing - Get ready to upload your video
I encouraged Dmitry to post that here. Sorry about that. I got excited about the Veoh launch (and all the other products launching, too). All the development going on is one of the most exciting things, to me. Personally, I like to see the relevent press releases, but maybe they're better for a different list. -Halcyon SpreadingThePink.com On 8/10/05, petertheman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Dmitry Shapiro > We are pleased to announce that today I am seriously considering just plain banning press releases from this list. Anyone disagree? Peter -- Moderator YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS Visit your group "videoblogging" on the web. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. -- www.SpreadingThePink.com SPONSORED LINKS Individual Fireant Explains YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS Visit your group "videoblogging" on the web. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
Re: [videoblogging] Re: Disclosures, disclosures
On 8/9/05, R. Kristiansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Soon we will all be evangelists evangelizing each other about a zillion different products and business approaches and ways in which you can make money on your vlogs or just plain give us your copyrights in exchange for free server space and bandwidth so we can make money on your content and put that salt on our table. Raymond vlog evangelist oooh yeah baby hire me hire me. On 8/9/05, Halcyon Lujah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > -I'm personally not doing any back-end (YAY!) > My role is more of a test pilot / evangelist for this New World Media Order > that vlogging is trailblazing. I have seen the light and I want to spread > the word. :) > > I want it too...I want it too. :) I think we all *are* evangelists. But it sounds like you're expressing some of the frustration I've heard regarding the recent explosion of vlog attention and the potentially shattered purity. But I think it's a wonderful thing!! We're headed for a normal stage of technological evolution. Lots of creatures step out of the water , we will very soon find out which ones adapt to the air. Yes, I would love it if Veoh becomes *the* source for video content on the web, tv, you name it. But my evangelism is about the evolution itself. I think it's fantastic there is so much innovation happening in this space... there should be! But I can't wait to see the tools we'll have at our disposal a year from now, regardless of who designs them. **Regarding the commerce aspect: If someone wants broadcasting to be a hobby, that is fantastic, too! No reason to bother with any of the ugliness of commerce. Believe me, I understand that struggle. But I've always spent a lot of time and energy into my art. I've never done it for money. And I'll continue to do it. But I would sure love it if I had enough resources to stay fed and housed without needing a day job. I used to be so resistant to making money off of projects that I did for love. Post-hippy guilt, I guess. But now I consider myself in a war with the status quo... and the war needs time, money, and people. I imagine having ALL my time to dedicate to my art, a budget for equipment, maybe someday some staff to help me... *sigh* Is everyone with a vlog going to make a living doing so? Hell no. hel no. But to me, the exciting thing is that some *might.* I'll keep you posted on Veoh stuff (when appropriate) and hope many of you decide to Broadcast there! -Halcyon SPONSORED LINKS Individual Fireant YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS Visit your group "videoblogging" on the web. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. -- www.SpreadingThePink.com SPONSORED LINKS Individual Fireant Explains YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS Visit your group "videoblogging" on the web. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
Re: [videoblogging] Re: Disclosures, disclosures
On 8/8/05, Adam Quirk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I apologize if this may have been covered, but since I'm as lazy as you are cocky, I'll ask it anyway. Will Veoh be open to the public? How will Veoh make money? Will Veoh be easily integrated into my entertainment system and TV? Are you soliciting content for Veoh or working on backend or doing publicity? TV over IP is coming, I just want to figure out who to watch and why. I want it now, goddamit. I want a remote control for vlogs on my TV. -Adam A FREAKIN' MEN! That's what I want, too! -Yes Veoh will be open. -I'm probably the wrong guy for money questions, but I'll try: *if they choose* broadcasters will have the option of making money off their content. It could be pay-per view, pay-per subscription, or allow Veoh to sell ads for their programming. Veoh will make a percentage off of these. (You can sell your own ads/sponsorship within your show, if you'd rather keep that cut. I'm unsure of rates, etc.) -As far as easy integration, another one out of my expertise, but but my understanding is we're going to make it as easy as possible, as long as the hardware meets us half way. -We are DEFINITELY seeking content. We will have tech specs avail, and a content submission system launching soon (I'll be sure to make a hoopla here) and we are working on the RSS integaration, too. -I'm personally not doing any back-end (YAY!) My role is more of a test pilot / evangelist for this New World Media Order that vlogging is trailblazing. I have seen the light and I want to spread the word. :) I want it too...I want it too. :) -Halcyon www.SpreadingThePink.com www.cockybastard.com www.Veoh.com <-- soon! YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS Visit your group "videoblogging" on the web. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
Re: [videoblogging] Re: Disclosures, disclosures
Dis-close-err: In case it was missed in my earlier posts, I have been working with Veoh Networks (veoh.com) on their upcoming Internet TV system. I've been involved with "adult" video online (pinkgasm.com) for a while and all sorts of multi media crap for years (cockybastard.com) -Halcyon www.SpreadingThePink.com <--vlog YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS Visit your group "videoblogging" on the web. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
[videoblogging] 93 year old vlogger
Okay, so that is a bit of an exageration. But I decided to start including my weekly videos of grandpa in my vlog (instead of making him his own.) We do a virtual event via webcam every Tuesday and I just started taping it. Since I think everyone should meet my grandpa, I wanted to share the latest episode. :) http://www.SpreadingThePink.com Hope your weekend is filled with sunshine, -Halcyon www.Spreadingthepink.com www.cockybastard.com SPONSORED LINKS Individual Fireant YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS Visit your group "videoblogging" on the web. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
Re: [videoblogging] Vlogs As TV
On 7/21/05, Michael Sullivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > i have very little interest at this point in watching vlogs on a > television, regularly. Interesting! This thread has made some things much more clear to me. For example, *my* eventual goal is to have people watch my videos on a TV, not via their computer. (You can't even buy a new PC now without being offered the Media center...so this is not far off.) The computer is a terrible place to present video. People are in multi-tasking mode. Personally, It is rare that I watch more than 2 minutes of video without checking my email at some point (and I don't think my habits are unique.) I long for the great convergence when my self-produced, self-published videos will be available and viewable in a TV setting...when people have their feet kicked up. When they settle in to their sofa with a beer and actually focus on my work. I am new to vlogging and am now understanding that maybe I don't want to be a vlogger at all. (I still think it is SUPER cool, but not my end goal.) I just started working with a company that is focussed on full-screen, all-can-publish, TV-like programming. At first I thought the overlap with vlogging was substancial, but I am learning that they quite distinct. They address similar ideas and I'm excited about both! (I'll post about the new company soon.) In any case, thanks for the great brain food! -Halcyon www.SpreadingThePink.com www.cockybastard.com YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS Visit your group "videoblogging" on the web. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
Re: [videoblogging] Re: Vlogs As Art
This is a very interesting idea. I have been frustrated by the web sized video of vlogging. But I like this thinking of it as something different than a show. Something more intimate. Would your vlog have different content if you made a bigger size? One that a viewer would watch on a TV in their living room? -Halcyon On 7/21/05, duncan speakman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > oh.. an interesting topic.. for me the quality that sets vlogs > apart is the 'single viewer' idea.. i try to approach mine like those > mini-polaroid pictures (the credit card size ones).. i like the sense > of intimacy that a 320x240 image brings (or other aspect rations.. > quicktime lets me make videos in a portrait aspect ration and not > leave any dead space my videos are always made with the intention of > only being seen by one person at a time. > > d > > > -- > 29fragiledays.blogspot.com > > > > > SPONSORED LINKS > Individual Fireant Typepad > > > YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS > > > Visit your group "videoblogging" on the web. > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > -- www.SpreadingThePink.com YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS Visit your group "videoblogging" on the web. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
Re: [videoblogging] Re: My First Video Blog from Ghana
I had lunch today with my 93 year old Grandpa and told him about vlogging from Ghana. He was so excited to hear about it. His vlog is coming soon. Right now he just has a podcast. :) http://hugnation.blogspot.com http://www.grandpacaleb.com -Halcyon www.SpreadingThePink.com > > --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Andy Carvin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Thanks... So far, the video I've captured hasn't exactly been > stellar, but that's because I'm > > focusing on my official assignment, which is interviewing people > here at the cyber cafe. I > > got some video clips of interviews, but the lighting in the meeting > rooms isn't great, so the > > footage looks terrible. > > YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS Visit your group "videoblogging" on the web. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
Re: [videoblogging] Let's Whip 'Em Out Boys!!
Ha!!! I love it! (I actually own cockybitch.com, too) :) -Halcyon www.cockybastard.com www.SpreadingThePink.com On 7/19/05, Cheryl Shuman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > By the way, I just had time to review some of the posts I noticed > that we now have a > "Cocky Bastard" > > Maybe I should just call myself the "Fucking Bitch" > > Whaddaya think? > > > Cheryl Shuman > > I can see it on T-Shirts now!!! > > <Note to self, Must license and trademark "Fucking Bitch" > before someone else does.. Most money in entertainment is > made through licensing and merchandising :-) > > > On Jul 19, 2005, at 3:27 PM, Michael Verdi wrote: > > > OMG, just wait... > > > > On Jul 19, 2005, at 5:16 PM, Cheryl Shuman wrote: > > > >> Funny I haven't gotten any penis mail yet from the "Flamers" > >> > >> I guess they decided it was best to keep their dick in their pants, > >> now > >> that they know that some women > >> may not have dicks , but we have HUGE BALLS. > > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > SPONSORED LINKS > Computer internet access Individual Fireant > Introduce yourself Browse > > > YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS > > > Visit your group "videoblogging" on the web. > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > -- www.SpreadingThePink.com SPONSORED LINKS Individual Fireant Typepad YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS Visit your group "videoblogging" on the web. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.