Re: how can I add this feature to vim!!

2007-06-04 Thread vim

Robert Cussons wrote:

Michael F. Lamb wrote:

jaywee wrote:

*! Swap caps lock and escape, good for Vim
remove Lock = Caps_Lock
keysym Escape = Caps_Lock
keysym Caps_Lock = Escape
add Lock = Caps_Lock
*to a file named .speedswapper to the home directory, and run 
*xmodmap ~/.speedswapper* in a terminal, I follow the guide and 
finally done! but the bad thing is I have to run the command every 
time I reboot ubuntu!!

so any helps??

If it's a default Ubuntu install, meaning you're a Gnome user, name 
the file .Xmodmap rather than .speedswapper. When you log in, it 
should detect it automatically, and ask if you wish to use it.

You might also find that configuration option available in the Gnome 
"Keyboard Properties" part of the system configuration menu, I'm not 

Hi, I've been using this tip for ages and find it very useful, but I 
have the same problem as jaywee and none of the solutions so far 
suggested have solved the problem. I am using Debian Etch with KDE 
3.5.5. In my home directory, I have tried creating a .xinitrc with the 
same contents as the .speedswapper file (there wasn't one already 
existing), I have tried creating a .Xmodmap file with the same 
contents and I have looked in the KDE control panel for anything that 
might be able to do this, but didn't find anything. It's not a big 
problem, but it just would be nice to have it done automatically :-)

Thanks for any help,
Hi, to make commands to be run when your desktop first loads I found 
this page useful:

so, to ensure your keys get swapped when KDE starts, put the commands 
into any accessible file (~/.speedswapper above).  Then create a shell 
script in the appropriate directory for your distribution (on xfce4 here 
it is ~/.config/autostart, and in KDE it is ~/.kde/Autostart) that calls 

xmodmap ~/.speedswapper

Make that executable (chmod +x ~/.kde/Autostart/swapscript)

and you should have what you want (just in case any of you are lawyers, 
I, of course, do not mean to imply that this solution will give you 
everything that you want, just the required results of this question).



minibuf explorer and vim's default scrolling position

2007-05-10 Thread fdr-vim
When I use the MiniBufExplorer plugin with a vertical buffer list and
open 30 files in a 34-line window, it only shows the last 16 entries.

I don't know if it's a MiniBufExplorer problem or some kind of default
scrolling behavior in vim that causes it to want to fill up only half
the screen.  I want it to use all 32 lines in the display area for the
file list.

A text screenshot is at:

Any help appreciated, apologies if this isn't the right place for this

'set hidden' overwrites cmdline after BufEnter event?

2007-03-16 Thread vim

I wrote a plugin that displays some information in the commandline using
the echon command when entering a buffer. This works fine, unless a
buffer is entered for the second time and the 'set hidden' option is
enabled - in this case vim overwrites the command line with info like:

"/tmp/file1"  [readonly] 557 lines --0%-- (1 of 2)  1,1   Top

I would like to understand why vim overwrites the commandline on some
occasions, but not on others and if there is a possible workaround.

The following code shows this behaviour:

- save the following vimscript in ~/.vim/plugin/bla.vim:

function! Bla()
  echon "-- bla bla bla --"
set hidden
autocmd BufEnter * call Bla()

- start vim with 2 filenames on the commandline

- vim now displays the first file, and shows -- bla bla bla -- in the bottomline

- go the the next buffer with :bnext

- vim now displays the second file, and shows -- bla bla bla -- in the 

- go the the next buffer with :bnext

- vim now displays the first file, but instead of showing the blablabla line,
  it now shows something like "filename" [readonly] 57 lines --0%-- (1 of 2)

When the 'set hidden' line is omited from the script, the behaviour is
consistent and the 'blablabla' line is always printed in the
commandline, also when entering the first buffer for the second time.

Can anybody explain to me why this is happening ?


Re: Insert mode and arrow keys philosophy

2007-02-21 Thread vim

Hi all,

In my first reply to this topic, I had in mind the 'small' keyboards 
without arrows keys (I first started to code BASIC on an Apple 2 and the 
T arrows weren't on the keyboard).  This is why I said "although the use 
of h/j/k/l might have originated for other reasons back in the old 'vi' 
days".  Thanks to Gene to confirm this and here is a picture of an 
ADM-3a keyboard:

About the wrist movement that's just as bad when you hit ESC as when you 
use the arrow keys: just do the movement in slow motion for yourself: 
Hitting ESC is merely a little stretch with your hand (I use my middle 
finger to hit ESC) while you have to move your arm, elbow, forearm and 
hand to use the arrows keys.  Don't forget either that in 'motion' mode 
you have tons of other shortcuts that will speed up your typing and 
avoid you to 'move' your hand to HOME, END, PG-UP and PG-DOWN etc.  And 
as Raimon pointed out, ESC can be remapped to anything you want that 
could be easier for you to use.

If it is true that at first some of the shortcuts are a bit 'unnatural' 
and could feel like you type twice more to reach the same results as 
with using the keyboard-provided keys, in the long term, once you've 
mastered motion in Vim, you'll realise that it's tuely priceless and it 
does speed up your typing.

Good luck with it!

All the best;

Re: Insert mode and arrow keys philosophy

2007-02-20 Thread vim


Insert mode is to insert something in your text.  If you want to move 
again, just hit ESC and you'll be back in motion mode.

The idea behind using h/j/k/l is to avoid moving your hand/wrist too 
often while going back and forth between your keyboard and the arrow set 
(although the use of h/j/k/l might have originated for other reasons 
back in the old 'vi' days).

If you touchtype, just hit ESC and stick with h/j/k/l as often as you 
can, using arrows will waste your time.  If you don't touchtype, you 
won't really 'get' how great h/j/k/l is so don't worry too much about it 
and use the arrows whenever you want it.


Yakov Lerner wrote:

On 2/20/07, Pavel Shevaev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Can you clarify which costs you are willing to
> pay/sacrifice to avoid use of arrows ?

Actually I'm just trying to follow the best vim practices and it's
really hard for me to get used to h/j/k/l combination after working
with some other text editors. That's why I'm asking how vim gurus work
the most efficient way in insert mode...

BTW, i type English symbols without looking at the keyboard(we call it
"blind typing" in Russia) and the basic position of my right hand is
on j/k/l/; buttons, that's why it's kinda hard to get used to switch
to h/j/k/l position. I wonder if anybody remaps h/j/k/l => j/k/l/; and
; => h ;)

If you ask me, I advise you to feel free to use arrows in any mode.
"Arrows not working in insert mode" was the worst annoyance
of the original vi, as far as I remember.


How to list occurrences of a pattern in a *buffer*?

2007-01-10 Thread wdtsxx-vim
Assume I have an unnamed buffer which hasn't been
saved to the disk.
Can I list all occurrences in that buffer of a pattern
in the QuickFix window,
and navigate with double-clicking mouse-1 or ""?

I know something about ":grep" and ":vimgrep". They
seem to be use only on *files*.
And ":g//#" just *prompts* a list.

Any idea?


Re: alphabetical order of a long bibl file

2007-01-05 Thread Vim Visual

gosh, I was wrong!

you don't even need vim7 for that...

just visual, !sort -k 2 and that's it

the problem is that after that the block are no longer
separated by whitespaces and a BIG blank screen is showed but the
rerefences are ahead, in the bottom of the file... That's why I
thought vim was removing everything... it wasn't, it was just working
properly... you delete spaces and they are kept, as blank lines... the
size of the file is the same but you just have to look in the bottom!

A mere :%s/$/\r suffices then, as Tim said

vim is just great!


2007/1/5, Vim Visual <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


thanks for the answer.

If I try that the whole reference blocks are deleted... If I do it
after having selected them on visual mode, I get "Not an editor

If you want to try yourself, the whole file is here

vim version 7.0.42 here ...




2007/1/4, Tim Chase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > I have a long bibliography file for a latex document and I must put
> > the references in order. Unfortunately the different authors have used
> > different styles, so that I have two blocks.
> > In the first block all references look like
> >
> > 
> > \bibitem[ {Aarseth}, 1999]{Aarseth99}{Aarseth}, S.~J. (1999).\newblock
> > {From NBODY1 to NBODY6: The Growth of an Industry}.\newblock {\em
> > PASP}, 111:1333--1346.
> > --
> >
> > (note that each entry is a single row)
> >
> > And in the second block I have
> >
> > --
> > \bibitem{stroeer06emri} Stroeer A, Gair J R and Vecchio A, 2006,
> > Proceedings of 6th LISA Symposium submitted, preprint gr-qc/0605227
> > --
> >
> > (idem, single rows)
> Well, if a few liberties can be taken, Vim7's sorting
> functionality offers a killer solution to this problem:
> :%sort /\\bibitem[^{]*{\zs/
> Since each bib item is on its own line (and not overflowing to
> multiple lines), a simple sort at the "right" offset (as kindly
> found by the regexp) will do the trick.  In this case, the
> pattern is "start ("\zs") the sorting comparison after '\bibitem
> up through the first open-curly-bracket' ("\\bibitem[^{]*{")"
> (okay, now /that/ had some odd quoting and parenthesizing in it...)
> It does have the side effect that the block are no longer
> separated by whitespace, but this can then be rectified with
> :%s/$/\r
> which will doublespace them again.
> Adjust the "%" for to be your desired range.
> > I have more than 200 references and I don't feel like doing this per hand!
> Hopefully this does the trick for you.  If not, drop a line to
> the list with the details of went gonzo (likely some precondition
> I'm missing).
> -tim

Re: alphabetical order of a long bibl file

2007-01-05 Thread Vim Visual


thanks for the answer.

If I try that the whole reference blocks are deleted... If I do it
after having selected them on visual mode, I get "Not an editor

If you want to try yourself, the whole file is here

vim version 7.0.42 here ...




2007/1/4, Tim Chase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I have a long bibliography file for a latex document and I must put
> the references in order. Unfortunately the different authors have used
> different styles, so that I have two blocks.
> In the first block all references look like
> \bibitem[ {Aarseth}, 1999]{Aarseth99}{Aarseth}, S.~J. (1999).\newblock
> {From NBODY1 to NBODY6: The Growth of an Industry}.\newblock {\em
> PASP}, 111:1333--1346.
> --
> (note that each entry is a single row)
> And in the second block I have
> --
> \bibitem{stroeer06emri} Stroeer A, Gair J R and Vecchio A, 2006,
> Proceedings of 6th LISA Symposium submitted, preprint gr-qc/0605227
> --
> (idem, single rows)

Well, if a few liberties can be taken, Vim7's sorting
functionality offers a killer solution to this problem:

:%sort /\\bibitem[^{]*{\zs/

Since each bib item is on its own line (and not overflowing to
multiple lines), a simple sort at the "right" offset (as kindly
found by the regexp) will do the trick.  In this case, the
pattern is "start ("\zs") the sorting comparison after '\bibitem
up through the first open-curly-bracket' ("\\bibitem[^{]*{")"

(okay, now /that/ had some odd quoting and parenthesizing in it...)

It does have the side effect that the block are no longer
separated by whitespace, but this can then be rectified with


which will doublespace them again.

Adjust the "%" for to be your desired range.

> I have more than 200 references and I don't feel like doing this per hand!

Hopefully this does the trick for you.  If not, drop a line to
the list with the details of went gonzo (likely some precondition
I'm missing).


alphabetical order of a long bibl file

2007-01-04 Thread Vim Visual


I have a long bibliography file for a latex document and I must put
the references in order. Unfortunately the different authors have used
different styles, so that I have two blocks.
In the first block all references look like

\bibitem[ {Aarseth}, 1999]{Aarseth99}{Aarseth}, S.~J. (1999).\newblock
{From NBODY1 to NBODY6: The Growth of an Industry}.\newblock {\em
PASP}, 111:1333--1346.

\bibitem[ {Aarseth}, 2003]{Aarseth03}{Aarseth}, S.~J. (2003).\newblock
{Black hole binary dynamics}.\newblock {\em Ap\&SS}, 285:367--372.

\bibitem[ {Alexander} and {Hopman}, 2003]{AH03}{Alexander}, T. and
{Hopman}, C. (2003).\newblock {Orbital inspiral into a massive black
hole in a galactic center}.\newblock {\em ApJ Lett.}, 590:L29--L32.

(note that each entry is a single row)

And in the second block I have

\bibitem{stroeer06emri} Stroeer A, Gair J R and Vecchio A, 2006,
Proceedings of 6th LISA Symposium submitted, preprint gr-qc/0605227

\bibitem{farmer} Farmer A J and Phinney E S, 2003,
Mon.~Not.~Roy.~Astron.~Soc.~{\bf 346} 1197

\bibitem{sesana05} Sesana A, Haardt F, Madau P and Volonteri M 2005
{\it Astrophys. J.} {\bf 623} 23

\bibitem{emriconf} Barack L and Cutler C 2004 \PR D {\bf 70} 122002

(idem, single rows)

This means that (for these four entries) the final result should be

\bibitem[ {Aarseth}, 1999]{Aarseth99}{Aarseth}, S.~J. (1999).\newblock
{From NBODY1 to NBODY6: The Growth of an Industry}.\newblock {\em
PASP}, 111:1333--1346.

\bibitem[ {Aarseth}, 2003]{Aarseth03}{Aarseth}, S.~J. (2003).\newblock
{Black hole binary dynamics}.\newblock {\em Ap\&SS}, 285:367--372.

\bibitem[ {Alexander} and {Hopman}, 2003]{AH03}{Alexander}, T. and
{Hopman}, C. (2003).\newblock {Orbital inspiral into a massive black
hole in a galactic center}.\newblock {\em ApJ Lett.}, 590:L29--L32.

\bibitem{emriconf} Barack L and Cutler C 2004 \PR D {\bf 70} 122002

\bibitem{farmer} Farmer A J and Phinney E S, 2003,
Mon.~Not.~Roy.~Astron.~Soc.~{\bf 346} 1197

\bibitem{sesana05} Sesana A, Haardt F, Madau P and Volonteri M 2005
{\it Astrophys. J.} {\bf 623} 23

\bibitem{stroeer06emri} Stroeer A, Gair J R and Vecchio A, 2006,
Proceedings of 6th LISA Symposium submitted, preprint gr-qc/0605227

My first feeling was to try something like visual + ! sort -k but this
doesn't work...

any idea?

I have more than 200 references and I don't feel like doing this per hand!



Re: sorting columns alphabetically

2006-11-22 Thread Vim Visual

sorry, I got it:

sort -k 3

The problem now are midnames, like

Mr Bla Blo
Ms Ble Blu
Dr Bli T. Blu

but I have deleted them :)

2006/11/22, Vim Visual <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


I have a text file like

Mr Bla Blo
Ms Ble Blu
Dr Bli Blu

and I would like to sort the file alphabetically after the surname
(3rd column). How can I do that? I know how to sort it after the first
one (visual + !sort)



sorting columns alphabetically

2006-11-22 Thread Vim Visual


I have a text file like

Mr Bla Blo
Ms Ble Blu
Dr Bli Blu

and I would like to sort the file alphabetically after the surname
(3rd column). How can I do that? I know how to sort it after the first
one (visual + !sort)



set -o vi

2006-10-30 Thread Vim Visual


I guess you already know that typping

set -o vi

sets the cursor to vi mode... but vi indeed... Is there a way to set
the cursor to vim, and load all map, ab etc defined in my vimrc? It'd
great because I have to type a lot of times long commands like rsync
-avurltz --rsh=ssh --progress [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Of course I
could use aliases in my zshrc but I don't like aliases and would
prefer vim to do the job for me, so that I could define a map RS to
complete that command, for instance



Re: Fighting with comments - Close the gap between vimtutor and :help

2006-10-21 Thread vim

Gary Johnson wrote:

I don't think that's true. Vim :help comprises two manuals:

Vim User Manual - :help user-manual
Vim Reference Manual - :help reference

This is even discussed in ":help 01.1". The User Manual is written
in a different style than the Reference Manual and is more readable.
I believe the User Manual is intended to be the intermediate-level
guide you're looking for.


Well, I said "that's basically it", I didn't really want to go through 
the details of :help and analyse what's missing in it because I don't 
think there is anything missing in it.

I'm more talking about a tutorial "that will take you by the hand and 
bring you through the Vim universe in a nice and easy way" to quote 
myself.  I believe that an official well-written tutorial that goes nice 
and easy with lengthy descriptions and good examples is missing.  
Something to turn people from novices to Vim addict.

I'm always surprised that not every single coder doesn't use Vim on an 
everyday basis.  Especially when I can say that since I've made the 
effort to learn the 'basics' of the software, I code two to three times 
faster, even tho I believe I don't use more than 20% of Vim.

I've also had a look at the FAQ as suggested by belgian compatriot Tony 
and I think that it could be the perfect start for a good tutorial.  Yet 
the tutorial needs to be adressed to novices with the objective to get 
them hooked asap :)

I'll be in touch with the FAQ team and see if it is possible to start 
such a project.


Re: Fighting with comments - Close the gap between vimtutor and :help

2006-10-20 Thread vim

Hi everobody,

I recently had a very similar conversation with three guys on #vim 

Basicaly, there is two official help for Vim:
   - the vimtutor
   - :help

And that's basically it.

:help being your Vim dictionnary/encyclopedia/bible, it's very complete 
and has everything in it but it's hardcore to read and understand.  
Unfortunately, it's not easy at all to go through and to 'get' the way 
it works.

I believe that there is room between vimtutor and :help to have some 
beginner to intermediate tutorial that will take you by the hand and 
bring you through the Vim universe in a nice and easy way.  Let's not 
forget (especially for the Vim gurus out there) that Vim is very 
powerful but because of that it can be very hard to understand sometimes 
or even to adapt to it and make it your favourite text editor.

Of course Google is your friend but the sheer ammount of tutorials out 
there can easily make you go left, right and center and basically not 
teach you anything useful but some 'tips and tricks' that is cool but 
won't make you code faster or deeply understand Vim.

So I think that there is room for some official tutorial after the 
vimtutor and before a perfect use of the ultimate :help.  The tutorial 
will totally avoid to be a scientific precision on 
The tutorial should be well written and take time to explain things to 
novice in simple words.  The idea is to bring people to the Vim highway 
efficiently.  Such a basic tutorial could _also_ help novices to avoid 
asking questions that will make any Vim guru feel like saying: 'RTFM'

As an example, here are some topics proposed:

- Phylosophy behind Vim
   Where you would learn why it will help you to be faster in your 
everyday coding and what the user has to understand to truely enjoy Vim 
(talk about the need to touch-type to be truely efficient for instance)

- Phylosophy behind the three modes (Normal, Visual, Insert)
- Phylosophy behind the command line mode
- Differences between Vi and Vim
- Explain the folder structure and how the various config files work
- Differences between Vim on Windows, Mac, Linux, Unix and console use
- Configure once, use everywhere (or how to adapt your config to a 
different platform)

- etc.

- The big apple : Think different!
   Where you would learn that you need to think gg instead of 
'CTRL-home' or xp to invert the order of two letters etc.  This could 
have a list of standard keyboard shortcuts mapped to a list of Vim 

- Basics of Vim variables (:set :let etc.)
- My first function : hello world!
- Basic understanding of filetypes
- Basic folding
- Basics of syntax highlighting
- Basic mappings & abbreviations
- etc.

Help!  I need somebody
- Phylosophy behind the :help command: how to 'think' :help
- How to use :help efficiently
- Good references to go one step further
- etc.

Of course, this is only a guide of what would be useful to a beginner 
but I firmy believe that some official tutorial is needed.  Maybe this 
could be achieved by doing a 'best off' the various tutorials already 

Let me know what you think of this,

A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

Meghdad Azriel wrote:

I was just kidding ;)

I know that they are not secret but, they´re not that intuitive... 
and i´m

still learning how to use that help  effectivelly...

maybe I neet to read those basic files with care...


To use the help effectively, one should learn to use the tools Vim 
itself includes to search the help (see, among others, ":help :help" 
and ":help :helpgrep"):


brings you to the help for  if there is one, otherwise to some 
help topic "resembling" what you typed

:help pattern

completes your command-line with the first help topic matching the 
pattern. Hit  again to see the next one. Hit Ctrl-D to see them 
all. If you have 'wildmenu' on, the bottom status line will be 
replaced by a "menu" of possible matches: hit  or  to 
select,  to accept,  to abort.

:helpgrep pattern

searches the whole help text for /pattern/. The results are used to 
build a "quickfix error list" (see ":help quickfix.txt"). Then the 
following commands may come useful:

:cp[revious] or :cN[ext]
:cpf[ile] or :cNf[ile]
:cfir[st] or :cr[ewind]

to navigate the list, displaying the helpfiles with the cursor on a 


to open the list of matching lines in its own split-window, where you 
can position the cursor on any of those lines then hit  to see 
the same line in context in its helpfile;


to close the quickfix window, even if it is not the current window. 
(Brackets represent the optional part of the command name

Re: copy from pdfs

2006-10-16 Thread Vim Visual


I love you!

you solved the problem!

My encoding was set to UTF-8, though

2006/10/16, A.J.Mechelynck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Vim Visual wrote:
> Hi,
> is there a way to remove all those strange symbols (and substitute
> them with proper caracters) you get when you select a text section
> from a pdf file and try to paste it into a vim file?
> The "fi" and " ` " etc are unknown to vim and it refuses to paste them...
> For instance:
> - efficient
> - "K"
> Try to copy and paste them into a vim file...
> Pau

What do you have 'encoding' set to? If it is set to Latin1, try adding the
following to your vimrc:

if (&enc !~? '^u') && (&tenc == '')
let &tenc = &enc
set enc=utf8
setglobal bomb

Best regards,

copy from pdfs

2006-10-16 Thread Vim Visual


is there a way to remove all those strange symbols (and substitute
them with proper caracters) you get when you select a text section
from a pdf file and try to paste it into a vim file?

The "fi" and " ` " etc are unknown to vim and it refuses to paste them...

For instance:

- efficient

- "K"

Try to copy and paste them into a vim file...


Mac OS 10.3 - v7.0 - netrwPlugin.vim

2006-07-21 Thread Vim List


I have not upgraded for some time, so today I did.

I read a thread here about the new way the split vertical file
explorer and the netrwPlugin.vim plugin. I also got used to the way
the old directory and file list would open a file when clicked in the
main window.

So I changed the name of netrwPlugin.vim to stop it and pasted the old
explorer.vim into my plugin directory.

I don't have the time nor the expertise to go through the
netrwPlugin.vim to see if I will be breaking anything I might really

I couldn't find anything in :help about it, nor on the vim site or the
authors site.

Any thoughts?



Re: re-edit of previously edited file no longer returns to same location w/vim7

2006-06-18 Thread vim

Linda W wrote:

I don't source example files by default.  But my system has a /etc/vimrc
and it does have the lines below, which appear to be equivalent if not 
same as what is in the example.  Perhaps vim no longer reads 

   [EMAIL PROTECTED] computersdunno how old vim was resetting position
   "refixed" though...thanks for help

Re: How to comment a line in vim?

2006-06-03 Thread Vim Visual

I have this in my vimrc to comment/uncomment lines or blocks of text
in visual with the characters - (comment) and _ (uncomment)

Have a look and you'll get the idea. You have to define the symbol for
the extension
of the file you're working on

" Per a comentar/descomentar blocs de text sencers
" "-" comenta i "_" el descomenta. Cal emprar-ho en
" mode "visual"

function! SimboletComentarZsh()
map - :s/^/# /:nohlsearch
map _ :s/^\s*# \=//:nohlsearch
set comments=:#

function! SimboletComentarFortran()
map - :s/^/C /:nohlsearch
map _ :s/^\s*C \=//:nohlsearch
set comments=:C

function! SimboletComentarLatex()
 map - :s/^/% /:nohlsearch
 map _ :s/^\s*% \=//:nohlsearch
 set comments=:%

" Ací definim el tipus de "comment" segons el fitxer...

autocmd FileType zsh   call SimboletComentarZsh()
autocmd FileType pythoncall SimboletComentarZsh()
autocmd FileType perl  call SimboletComentarZsh()
autocmd FileType shcall SimboletComentarZsh()
autocmd FileType octavecall SimboletComentarZsh()
autocmd FileType java  call SimboletComentarJava()
autocmd FileType fortran   call SimboletComentarFortran()
autocmd FileType tex   call SimboletComentarLatex()

Re: deleting repeated blocks of text

2006-05-05 Thread Vim Visual

Again thanks a lot... it's working fine, but today I found out that
some blocks are repeated!!

This script is meant to filter the information of a web page, and it's
run once every 24 hours

Can you have a look at the beginning of my file, Gerald? I think it's
correct and still I am getting the last block of today repeated (in

:!links -dump > /tmp/arXiV_1.txt
:e /tmp/arXiV_1.txt
:%s/\[abs, ps, pdf, other\] ://g
:%s/\[abs, pdf\] ://g
:let @a=''
:put a
:w! /tmp/arXiV_2.txt

Re: deleting repeated blocks of text

2006-05-04 Thread Vim Visual


Thanks! This worked out perfectly

Now I have another question to you...

The final file, which I got thanks to the help of all of you, is to be
embedded into another web page...

Which command should I add in the script to tell vi to embed it in the
correct place?

At the moment I do it by telling vi something like "go to line XXX,
delete everything, insert text":

:r /tmp/arXiV_2.txt
:w! ~pau/WWW/arXiV.html

But the inconvinient is that I have to modify the vim script whenever
I add something to the web page, the number line 386 is wrong... and
it is very tedious

The place of the web page to embed it looks like this (without blank
lines) : Between

.";>   astro-ph/0605080
  Títol/Title: Populating the Galaxy
with low-mass X-ray binaries
  Autors/Authors: Paul D. Kiel, Jarrod R. Hurley

  Comentaris/Comments: 17 pages and 9
figures; accepted by MNRAS

  We perform binary population synthesis calculations to investigate
  the incidence of low-mass X-ray binaries and their birth rate in
  the Galaxy. We use a binary evolution algorithm that models all
  the relevant processes including tidal circularization and
  synchronization. Parameters in the evolution algorithm that are

  uncertain and may affect X-ray binary formation are allowed to
  vary during the investigation. We agree with previous studies that
  under standard assumptions of binary evolution the formation rate
  and number of black-hole low-mass X-ray binaries predicted by the
  model are more than an order of magnitude less than what is
  indicated by observations. We find that the common-envelope
  process cannot be manipulated to produce significant numbers of
  black-hole low-mass X-ray binaries. However, by simply reducing
  the mass-loss rate from helium stars adopted in the standard

  model, to a rate that agrees with the latest data, we produce a
  good match to the observations. Including low-mass X-ray binaries
  that evolve from intermediate-mass systems also leads to
  favourable results. We stress that constraints on the X-ray binary
  population provided by observations are used here merely as a
  guide as surveys suffer from incompleteness and much uncertainty
  is involved in the interpretation of results.";>   astro-ph/0605093
  Títol/Title: Toroidal LNRF-velocity
profiles in thick accretion discs
  orbiting rapidly rotating Kerr black holes
  Autors/Authors: Zdenek Stuchlik, Petr
Slany, Gabriel Torok

  Comentaris/Comments: Updated version of
the Section talk at Albert Einstein
  Century International Conference at Palais de l'Unesco, Paris,
  France, 18-23 July, 2005; to appear in the Proceedings; AIP style
  files included; 8 pages

  We show that in the equatorial plane of marginally stable thick
  discs (with uniformly distributed specific angular momentum the

  orbital velocity relative to the locally non-rotating frames
  (LNRF) has a positive radial gradient in the vicinity of black
  holes with spin a>0.99979. The change of sign of the velocity
  gradient occurs just above the center of the thick toroidal discs,
  in the region where stable circular geodesics of the Kerr
  spacetime are allowed. The global character of the phenomenon is
  given in terms of topology changes of the von Zeipel surfaces
  (equivalent to the equivelocity surfaces in the tori with constant
  specific angular momentum distribution). Toroidal von Zeipel

  surfaces exist around the circle corresponding to the minimum of
  the equatorial LNRF velocity profile, indicating a possibility of
  development of some vertical instabilities in those parts of
  marginally stable tori with positive gradient of the LNRF
  velocity. Eventual oscillatory frequencies connected with the
  phenomenon are given in a coordinate-independent form.";>   astro-ph/0605094

  Títol/Title: Basic properties of
toroidal structures in Kerr--de Sitter
  Autors/Authors: Zdenek Stuchlik, Petr Slany
  Comentaris/Comments: Updated version of
the Section talk at Albert Einstein

  Century International Conference at Palais de l'Unesco, Paris,
  France, 18-23 July, 2005; to appear in the Proceedings; AIP style
  files included; 8 pages

  Perfect fluid tori with uniform distribu

deleting repeated blocks of text

2006-05-03 Thread Vim Visual


this is the continuation of a post... The point is that I have a file
where blocks of text appear sometimes once, sometimes twice or even
three times etc...
I would like to find out how to delete the blocks that are repeated,
so that in the end I am left with a text file in which the blocks
appear only ONCE

The text file looks like this, for instance:(please note that there
are NOT blank lines in my text file, it's just after pasting here)

What a call a "block" is a paragraph starting with a ""; until the next "";";>   astro-ph/0605038
  Títol/Title: The Mass of the
Central Black Hole in the Seyfert Galaxy

  NGC 4151
  Autors: Kyle G. Metzroth (1, 2), Christopher A.
Onken (1,3),
  Bradley M. Peterson (1) ((1) Department of Astronomy, The Ohio
  State University, (2) Department of Mechanical Engineering, The
  Ohio State University, (3) NRC Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics)
  Comentaris/Comments: 25 pages, 5 figures.
Accepted for publication in The

  Astrophysical Journal

  In order to improve the reverberation-mapping based estimate of
  the mass of the central supermassive black hole in the Seyfert 1
  galaxy NGC 4151, we have reanalyzed archival ultraviolet
  monitoring spectra from two campaigns undertaken with the
  International Ultraviolet Explorer. We measure emission-line time
  delays for four lines, C IV 1549, He II 1640, C III] 1909, and Mg
  II 2798, from both campaigns. We combine these measurements with

  the dispersion of the variable part of each respective emission
  line to obtain the mass of the central object. Despite the
  problematic nature of some of the data, we are able to measure a
  mass of 41.1 (+/- 7.3) million solar masses, although this, like
  all reverberation-based masses, is probably systematically
  uncertain by a factor of 3-4.";>   astro-ph/0605038

  Títol/Title: The Mass of the
Central Black Hole in the Seyfert Galaxy
  NGC 4151
  Autors: Kyle G. Metzroth (1, 2), Christopher A.
Onken (1,3),
  Bradley M. Peterson (1) ((1) Department of Astronomy, The Ohio
  State University, (2) Department of Mechanical Engineering, The

  Ohio State University, (3) NRC Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics)
  Comentaris/Comments: 25 pages, 5 figures.
Accepted for publication in The
  Astrophysical Journal

  In order to improve the reverberation-mapping based estimate of
  the mass of the central supermassive black hole in the Seyfert 1
  galaxy NGC 4151, we have reanalyzed archival ultraviolet

  monitoring spectra from two campaigns undertaken with the
  International Ultraviolet Explorer. We measure emission-line time
  delays for four lines, C IV 1549, He II 1640, C III] 1909, and Mg
  II 2798, from both campaigns. We combine these measurements with
  the dispersion of the variable part of each respective emission
  line to obtain the mass of the central object. Despite the
  problematic nature of some of the data, we are able to measure a
  mass of 41.1 (+/- 7.3) million solar masses, although this, like
  all reverberation-based masses, is probably systematically

  uncertain by a factor of 3-4.";>   astro-ph/0605046
  Títol/Title: On the viability of
holistic cosmic-ray source models
  Autors: J. Aublin, E. Parizot

  Comentaris/Comments: 5 pages, 1 figure,
Accepted for publication in Astronomy
  and Astrophysics

  We consider the energy spectrum of cosmic-rays (CRs) from a purely
  phenomenological point of view and investigate the possibility
  that they all be produced by the same type of sources with a
  single power-law spectrum, in E^{-x}, from thermal to ultra-high

  energies. We show that the relative fluxes of the Galactic (GCR)
  and extra-galactic (EGCR) components are compatible with such a
  holistic model, provided that the index of the source spectrum be
  x \simeq 2.23\pm 0.07. This is compatible with the best-fit
  indices for both GCRs and EGCRs, assuming that their source
  composition is the same, which is indeed the case in a holistic
  model. It is also compatible with theoretical expectations for
  particle acceleration at relativistic shocks.";>   astro-ph/0605049
  Títol/Title: X-rays from the
Globular Cluster G1: Intermediate Mass
  Black Hole or Low Mass X-ray Binary?
  Autors: David Pooley (UC Berkeley), Saul Rappaport (MIT)


Re: modify a text file

2006-04-29 Thread Vim Visual

The problem is that I have to tell vim to convert the end of line and
empty spaces into , and I do it like this:

I mean :

The problem is that I have to tell vim to convert the end of line and
empty LINES into , and I do it like this:

Re: modify a text file

2006-04-29 Thread Vim Visual

> when I run it I end up with an empty file... ?

Well, you should be able to trace through it by entering
each of the commands individually instead of sourcing the
file to see where things are going funky.  Places matters
could go awry:

I solved it like this:

:$?^\s*For subscribe options?,$d
:let @a=''
:put a
:w! /tmp/2.html

and using the

cat /tmp/1.html | vim -s foo_arXiv.vim -

Well, we all have our peculiar areas of specialty.  When it
comes to things like plugins, syntax-highlighting nuances,
i18n/encoding stuff, and indentation, I leave that to the
folks on the list that are far more well-versed than myself.
  I'm more of an "ex" & regexp sorta guy, doing some crazy
stuff there, but otherwise, just using pretty stock
unadorned vim.

I guess I am one of the syntax-highlighting guys...

Now, as you can see, I am trying to generate an html out of the result
... the idea is to
create not a web page but an htmlized file to include it later into a
"real" web page...

The problem is that I have to tell vim to convert the end of line and
empty spaces into , and I do it like this:

:$?^\s*For subscribe options?,$d
:let @a=''
:put a
:w! /tmp/2.html

But it doesn't work...

In case you are interested in what I am doing, try this:

#!/usr/bin/env zsh

links -dump | sed 's/\[abs,
ps, pdf, other\]//' | sed 's/Title:/\Title\<\/b\>/g'| sed
's/Authors:/\Autors\<\/b\>/g'  > /tmp/1.html &&

cat /tmp/1.html | vim -s ~pau/bin/foo_arXiv.vim -

where foo_arXiv.vim is posted above

And, btw, if you also tell me how to make vim embed the resulting file
into a determined position of the real web page (let's call it
real_web.html) , I will be more than grateful!!



Re: modify a text file

2006-04-29 Thread Vim Visual

Hi Tim,

somehow my email was partially deleted... ??

cat file | vim -

What stands the "-" for?

Then, clean up the stuff we don't want

$?^\s*For subscribe options?,$d

to strip off the header and footer.

this worked out nicely

My first-pass solution will end up with duplicate results if
  more than one of your keywords appear in the same "block"
but on diff. lines:

:let @a=''
:g/red\|relativistic/?^\s*astro-ph?,/^\s*astro-ph/-y A
:put a
:wq name_of_output.txt

this is the content of foo.vim? On separated lines? I also tried with
CTRL + V + ENTER at the end of each line, but the result was the

cat input.txt | vim -s foo.vim -

when I run it I end up with an empty file... ?

I'm sorry I couldn't come up with a clean way to snag just
the unique paragraphs easily without having an instance show
up as its own result-block.

I was saying in my deleted email that in any case it's a nice
lesson... When I think that people here think I know vim... what a

Anyways, it's at least one sorta-solution to what you describe.


Re: Vimdiff

2006-04-28 Thread vim

Alright, got it.  The path wasn't correct in my _vimrc file.

Stupid me for not looking further into this myself.  Ah well, sometimes 
you work so hard that you can't think proprely anymore and that extra 
little effort you should put into solving a problem is just not there.

Thanks Roy and Benji,

Roy Fulbright wrote:
Make sure you have a "diff" program located somewhere in your path on 
MSWin. That's what caused the error for me when I first installed Vim 
and tried to run vimdiff.

Roy Fulbright 

Benji Fisher wrote:

On Thu, Apr 27, 2006 at 12:30:27AM +0200, vim wrote:
When I'm opening a file and then going into File->Split diff with and 
choose another file, I get the following error:

E97: Cannot create diffs

Version used:
Version gVim 7.0f beta
MS-Windows 32 bit GUI version

 There are a few suggestions under

:help E97

HTH --Benji Fisher


modify a text file

2006-04-28 Thread Vim Visual

I am struggling with sed and gawk but I guess that it'd be possible to
employ vim in the command line (it's to make a script that will be
automatically launched every 24 hours) but I don't have any idea of
how to do it...

How could I select the blocks (see file ahead) of a text file (say
.txt) in which some particular words appear?
Imagine that I want to keep the blocks containing words like "black",
"supermassive", "red", "intermediate", "relativistic"...
 and delete the rest of blocks (and also the header and bottom of the file)

What would be the command line with vim? (or are there other possibilities?)

I would also like how to reemplace the

astro-ph/0604565 with

for all numbers, not only for 0604565 ...

any hint???


 Remark: What I call header is the part from "" at the
beginning of the file and until  "received", and the bottom is from
"For subscribe" until "(Access key information)".

What I call a "block" is from the "astro-ph/number", Title, Authors
and the tex block
 > astro-ph

   Search for
   (Help | Advanced search)
   ___ [__] [ Go! ]


astro-ph new abstracts, Thu, 27 Apr 06 00:00:08 GMT

0604527 -- 0604550 received

   astro-ph/0604527  :
   Title Constraints on the Nature of Jets from kpc
Scale X-ray Data
   Autors D. E. Harris (SAO), H. Krawczynski
(Washington University

   in St. Louis)
   Comments: 5 pages; 3 figures; latex. This paper is based on a
   poster contribution to the meeting, ``Triggering Relativistic
   Jets'', held in Cozumel, MX at the end of March 2005 and will be
   published via a CD distributed with a special issue of Revista
   Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, Serie de Conferencias, eds.
   W.H. Lee & E. Ramirez-Ruiz, 2006

   Motivated by the large number of jets detected by the Chandra
   X-ray Observatory, and by the inverse Compton X-ray emission model
   (IC/CMB) for relativistic jets, we revisit two basic questions:
   ``If the medium that carries the jet's energy consists of hot
   electrons, can we use the physical length of the jet to constrain
   the maximum electron energy?'' and ``Why do jets have knots?''
   Based on the two non-thermal emission processes for X-rays from
   jets, we consider constraints on the jet medium and other
   properties from these two simple questions. We argue that hot
   pairs cannot be the dominant constituent of the medium responsible
   for the jet's momentum flux and that some mechanisms for producing
   fluctuating brightness along jets (rather than a monotonically
   decreasing intensity) are precluded by observed jet morphologies.

   astro-ph/0604528  :
   Title Minimal Noncanonical Cosmologies
   Autors Gabriela Barenboim, Joseph D. Lykken
   Comments: 20 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables

   We demonstrate how much it is possible to deviate from the
   standard cosmological paradigm of inflation-assisted LambdaCDM,
   keeping within current observational constraints, and without
   adding to or modifying any theoretical assumptions. We show that
   within a minimal framework there are many new possibilities, some
   of them wildly different from the standard picture. We present
   three illustrative examples of new models, described
   phenomenologically by a noncanonical scalar field coupled to
   radiation and matter. These models have interesting implications
   for inflation, quintessence, reheating, electroweak baryogenesis,
   and the relic densities of WIMPs and other exotics.

 For subscribe options to combined physics archives,

 e-mail To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Subject: subscribe
 For help on viewing and making submissions, see this http URL
 For a list of archive mirror sites, see this http URL

 Third-party submissions cause excessive problems.
 Author self-submissions are exceedingly preferred.
 E-mail submissions have been discontinued in favor of better support for
 Web submissions. See this http URL

   Links to: arXiv, form interface, /find, astro-ph, /recent, /0604, /abs,
   help  (Access key information)


2006-04-26 Thread vim
When I'm opening a file and then going into File->Split diff with and 
choose another file, I get the following error:

E97: Cannot create diffs

Version used:
Version gVim 7.0f beta
MS-Windows 32 bit GUI version
