Re: [Vo]:Elemental Ovens

2012-02-18 Thread Nigel Dyer
It is interesting that you should wonder why E-cat systems have not been 
seen earlier.

Over Christmas I met someone whilst out on a walk, got chatting, and 
found that they had been working on Palladium/Hydrogen systems in the 
1960's, and had become aware that there was something odd going on.   He 
had neither the time or authority to pursue this, and was therfore very 
interested when the P  F thing happened a couple of decades later.

He was unaware of the more recent events in Italy, and was fascinated, 
and not surprised by what is now happening.


On 18/02/2012 00:32, Bastiaan Bergman wrote:

given that thousands of scientists using billions of dollars in hydrogen
and metal-hydride research (fuel cells and storage) have not stumbled upon
E-Cat like processes for many years, I have to agree with you. unless, of
course, the un-scientific evidence of Rossi was wrong to begin with.
On Feb 17, 2012 11:41 AM, Randy  wrote:

Re: [Vo]:Simple Genius: This Says it all!

2012-02-18 Thread Craig Haynie
On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 12:48 AM, Jarold McWilliams oldja...@hotmail.comwrote:

 The problem with all of that is the ones who work the least are the ones
 with the most money.

It's only a problem to you.

 Do you think Buffet really worked a million times harder than the average

No,  but he has a very rare talent. What Buffet does is find companies with
a good business plan and good management, and he buys their stock. In the
aggregate, over the course of Buffet's life, he has funneled more money
into companies that use it productively, than others would have done with
this money, without him. We have no idea how this may have helped improve
technology, or the economy, or how it helped to bring new innovations to
market. It is an unmeasurable benefit.

 Socialism does not mean equality, but I really don't think Buffet deserves
 to make a million times more just because he can shuffle stocks around.

And here you're injecting your opinion into the issue.

 Socialism just means government ownership of business which is a lot of
 times more efficient than private ownership.

Socialism can never be more efficient than private business because there
is no accountability for the money spent. When people spend money that is
taken from others by force and threats of violence, they then use it to
pursue their own values in deference to the values of those from whom they
took the money. They may be making themselves more efficient at pursuing
their own values, but are necessarily depriving others of the ability to
pursue the values held by those others, because they took the money of
those others.

For example, when the government creates Amtrak and subsidizes passenger
rail, they do this by taking money from people by threats of violence. This
deprives those people from whom they took the money of the ability to
pursue their values to some degree. Now the government runs a railroad, and
for those who are hired by Amtrak, their lives may be better off. If those
people sought jobs from Amtrak because they love railroads then they are
then able to pursue careers in a field of their choice, but only at the
expense of those who were deprived of their money through force, to run
Amtrak. Some customers might be better off using rail in an era when rail
can't survive in the market on its own, but Amtrak was created because most
people would rather fly when they travel, and those customers who'd rather
fly, are simply being deprived of their money in this whole process.

There is no improvement in efficiency.

 Engineers and scientists should get paid more while lawyers and doctors
 should get paid less because they are more important for society.

There's no way to know who's important to society and who isn't. Importance
is a value judgement. To the person saved from a terminal disease by the
latest advancement in technology, that doctor might be far more important
to them than the engineer who invented the eCat.

  Here's a question for this professor.  If the majority of people are
 stupid enough to vote for Obama, do you think they could manage their own
 finances or run their own businesses?

Political preference is not a determining factor in intelligence.

 If you had a smart person like me as leader of the country back in 1989,
 we'd already have LENR as our main energy source if it is real.  There are
 not many private businesses willing to touch cold fusion, but the
 government can invest in it if they were smart.

Again, you're interjecting your personal values into the issue. YOU may
believe that LENR is a good risk for YOUR money, but here you are
suggesting that you take money from others by force and threats of
violence, and use it to pursue those things that match YOUR values. This
has nothing to do with being smart. It has everything to do with how the
lives and property of others could be expropriated by you.

  And if LENR is not real(which I don't think is the case)?  Well, both
 private businesses and the government have wasted trillions on a lot of
 stupider things.

But when businesses waste money, they waste their own money and invest it
in pursuit of their own values. Government does nothing but waste money
because the money it uses is taken from others by force and threats of
violence. If those people from whom government took the money had their
choice, they would keep their money and use it to further their own values.
The point is that you can't take money from others with threats of violence
and expect it to somehow 'benefit everyone', because values are personal,
and the pursuit of those values can only be accomplished by the individuals
that hold those values. So nothing you do with my money, taken from me by
force, can benefit me, or I would freely have given you the money.

 I am not in favor of welfare, but government ownership of business and
 investments is much more efficient than private ownership.  The problem is
 not government itself.  It's the CURRENT 

Re: [Vo]:Leonado Corp Ownership

2012-02-18 Thread Jed Rothwell
Krivit wrote:

Not verified. Just reporting the facts on record.
 I’m trying to wrap this investigation up and finish up the loose ends.
 In month 12 now. Has cost me more than $50,000 in labor and expenses.
 Has cost the field at least a one-year delay/interference in covering real

Then stop doing it! If this is not real science why spend any time on it?
Leave it to fraud investigators. If Rossi is not real, he is
unimportant. We make a big deal about him here only because we think he is
real. If he is a scammer he has not scammed anyone yet as far as I know.
What could be less newsworthy than an unsuccessful scam artist?

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Leonado Corp Ownership

2012-02-18 Thread Daniel Rocha
50K$  for that shitty investigation?!? Seriously???

2012/2/18 Jed Rothwell

 Krivit wrote:

 Not verified. Just reporting the facts on record.
 I’m trying to wrap this investigation up and finish up the loose ends.
 In month 12 now. Has cost me more than $50,000 in labor and expenses.
 Has cost the field at least a one-year delay/interference in covering
 real science.

 Then stop doing it! If this is not real science why spend any time on
 it? Leave it to fraud investigators. If Rossi is not real, he is
 unimportant. We make a big deal about him here only because we think he is
 real. If he is a scammer he has not scammed anyone yet as far as I know.
 What could be less newsworthy than an unsuccessful scam artist?

 - Jed

Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:Elemental Ovens

2012-02-18 Thread Jed Rothwell
Nigel Dyer wrote:

 Over Christmas I met someone whilst out on a walk, got chatting, and found
 that they had been working on Palladium/Hydrogen systems in the 1960's, and
 had become aware that there was something odd going on.  . . .

In his book, Mizuno said every electrochemist knew there were puzzling
thermal and nuclear anomalies with palladium deuterides. He himself
observed several. However, he eventually dismissed them as experimental
errors. He gives full credit to FP for following up on these things and
producing them with far higher s/n ratios and reproducibility. He says this
discovery is theirs, and theirs alone.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Leonado Corp Ownership

2012-02-18 Thread Jed Rothwell
I wrote:

 If he is a scammer he has not scammed anyone yet as far as I know.

More to the point, Krivit has not found any victims yet either. What kind
of investigation is this? He thinks he has disproved the science. I
disagree, but if that is what he did, he could have done it as easily
sitting in a chair at home, looking at the data.

As Daniel says, what could possibly cost $50,000 about this? What has
Krivit done? He has not uncovered anything that has not been reported here,
as far as I know. He went all the way to Italy to report that Rossi will
not let people use their own instruments and the experiment is poorly done.
Rossi told me that when he invited me to visit. He said I can look but make
no measurements. He described the experiment, and I thought was lousy. That
took me about an hour and 6 e-mails to discover, not $50,000. I reported it
here. End of story.

This reminds me of Krivit's investigation of McKubre, which has revealed
confusion in Krivit's own mind, but nothing in the real world.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion GT willing to accept Dick Smith's offer + Official tests info

2012-02-18 Thread Wolf Fischer
It seems to me as Dick Smith doesn't want to understand what Defkalion 

Where do they talk of a minimum COP of 3? They just say, that 3 will 
definitely be met and even surpassed... This is totally in line with the 
proclaimed COP of 20 and above as Defkalion originally mentioned. The 
COP of 3 was proposed by Mr. Smith originally somewhere...

He even doesn't want to understand, why Defkalion currently just offers 
bare reactor tests... This seems to go exactly that way which some 
already imagined: They can't agree on the terms and conditions and 
therefore everything stays the same... I really hope that real tests 
begin on next friday and will be finished around february 28th, so that 
we soon know if this thing is real or not...

I find this to be just annoying...


On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 6:50 PM, Patrick  wrote:

Dick Smith will make offer official to DGT. below his replies

Assuming it really is him.

Dick Smith
February 16, 2012 at 9:03 pm
Yes. I am the real Dick Smith and the offer is genuine.
I will contact Defkalion and organize the simple testing protocols. Does
anyone have the best email address?

If you wish to answer:


Re: [Vo]:Leonado Corp Ownership

2012-02-18 Thread Terry Blanton
On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 3:09 PM, Alan Fletcher wrote:

 The SK continues to believe that a corporate address and a factory have to be 

LOL! If this were true, Delaware would be an industrial behemoth:

More than 900,000 business entities have their legal home in Delaware
including more than 50% of all U.S. publicly-traded companies and 63%
of the Fortune 500.


[Vo]:Live stream with 22passi readers and Francesco Celani

2012-02-18 Thread Akira Shirakawa

Hello group,

It has come to my attention that in about 20 minutes (at 17:30 local 
time) a meeting between Francesco Celani and some 22passi readers in 
Rome, Italy will be webcast here:

Unfortunately for the international audience, this event will be held in 
Italian language only, as far as I know. It will be possible to submit 
questions to Celani and others both in the blogpost or, better yet, in 
the live chat interface.


RE: [Vo]:Leonado Corp Ownership

2012-02-18 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Jed:




 As Daniel says, what could possibly cost $50,000 about this?

 What has Krivit done? He has not uncovered anything that has

 not been reported here, as far as I know. He went all the

 way to Italy to report that Rossi will not let people use

 their own instruments and the experiment is poorly done. 

 Rossi told me that when he invited me to visit. He said I

 can look but make no measurements. He described the

 experiment, and I thought was lousy. That took me about

 an hour and 6 e-mails to discover, not $50,000. I reported

 it here. End of story.


 This reminds me of Krivit's investigation of McKubre,

 which has revealed confusion in Krivit's own mind, but

 nothing in the real world.


IMO, Krivit is working out of habit he learned years ago. That habit is to
look for what he personally perceives to be suspicious activity, and then go
digging for dirt. Sometimes filthy dirt is found hiding under carpets.
However, what is sometimes perceived as dirt turns out to be valid
fertilizer as perceived by others. It's all in the eye of the beholder.


Krivit perceives himself to be an independent investigative reporter. I beg
to differ. In fact I STRONGLY disagree. When I was still one of the NET BoD
directors I asked Krivit whether he was actually pursuing the role of an
advocate rather than that of an independent investigative reporter. This was
related to the fact that I noticed he was spending a great deal of time
promoting the so-called merits of the Widom-Larsen theory out on his NET
website. What did promoting the merits of the W-L theory have to do with
being an independent investigative reporter? I suggested to Krivit that if
he really was an advocate then for heaven's sake make it clear to everyone
that you ARE an advocate (nothing wrong with that). Also, stop trying to
make yourself out as independent investigative reporter. Krivit disagreed
with my outlook. I think I asked the question too late. Let me explain what
I mean by that.


Years ago it looked to me as if Krivit became disillusioned with McKubre
over certain encounters he experienced, the specifics of which I will not go
into detail here. However, based on what Krivit told me it seemed pretty
clear to me that Krivit's perception of McKubre (which initially was someone
infallible, and as a mentor) was seriously challenged. Based on what Krivit
inferred I suggested that perhaps now was an opportune time in his life to
simply declare his own independence from any particular mentor, individual
or organization. Unfortunately, I think I offered up the suggestion too late
as far as Krivit was concerned. It soon looked to me as if Krivit had
already switched his allegiance from McKubre ( possibly Storms as well)
over to mentors residing in the Widom-Larsen camp. I honestly don't know
WHO in the W-L camp those affiliates might be, but no matter. The point
about forming an allegiance with an affiliate is the fact that when one does
so it means THEIR enemy now becomes YOUR enemy.


When I see Krivit going after Rossi, McKubre, and the rest of the CF camp,
what I often see is someone going after the ENEMY based on his newly formed


It looks to me as if Krivit never gave himself the chance to declare his
independence. It looks to me as if he's just working for someone else now.
Under the circumstances, it would be almost impossible for Krivit to dig up
anything good about individuals like the mysterious  quirky Rossi - someone
who obviously exhibits many flagrant personality flaws. Likewise it would be
next to impossible for Krivit to have anything good to say about McKubre,
based on past history. His new allegiance, and the security and stability he
derives from it, wouldn't allow for it. In wacky non-scientific New Age
terms I'd say Krivit is still in the throes of learning the valuable lesson
pertaining to leaving the ideological nest that has been manufactured by
others and declaring his own intellectual independence. IMHO, this is a huge
and scary lesson we all must eventually pass through - some more awkwardly
and obnoxiously than others.


It also explains why, IMO, Krivit is no longer an investigative reporter, or
perhaps never really was.



Steven Vincent Johnson


Re: [Vo]:Simple Genius: This Says it all!

2012-02-18 Thread Jarold McWilliams
Everything you just said is your personal opinion too you know.  People's 
values are stupid.  You said the guy who was terminally ill would rather have a 
good doctor than LENR.  This is because he is basing his decision off his 
emotions and doesn't think.  If LENR was widespread, we could have more money 
to spend on health care and less time wasted on other things so that we could 
have more and better doctors.  Maybe if he would have been smarter in 1989 and 
invested in LENR, his life would have been saved, so it's his own fault to be 
in this situation now.  Only good government leaders realize this, so socialism 
with good leaders is the best form of government.  I'll be making plenty of 
money, so it doesn't bother me personally that the people who don't work that 
hard get paid the most.  
On Feb 18, 2012, at 7:04 AM, Craig Haynie wrote:

 On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 12:48 AM, Jarold McWilliams 
 The problem with all of that is the ones who work the least are the ones with 
 the most money.  
 It's only a problem to you.
 Do you think Buffet really worked a million times harder than the average 
 No,  but he has a very rare talent. What Buffet does is find companies with a 
 good business plan and good management, and he buys their stock. In the 
 aggregate, over the course of Buffet's life, he has funneled more money into 
 companies that use it productively, than others would have done with this 
 money, without him. We have no idea how this may have helped improve 
 technology, or the economy, or how it helped to bring new innovations to 
 market. It is an unmeasurable benefit. 
 Socialism does not mean equality, but I really don't think Buffet deserves to 
 make a million times more just because he can shuffle stocks around.  
 And here you're injecting your opinion into the issue.
 Socialism just means government ownership of business which is a lot of times 
 more efficient than private ownership.  
 Socialism can never be more efficient than private business because there is 
 no accountability for the money spent. When people spend money that is taken 
 from others by force and threats of violence, they then use it to pursue 
 their own values in deference to the values of those from whom they took the 
 money. They may be making themselves more efficient at pursuing their own 
 values, but are necessarily depriving others of the ability to pursue the 
 values held by those others, because they took the money of those others.
 For example, when the government creates Amtrak and subsidizes passenger 
 rail, they do this by taking money from people by threats of violence. This 
 deprives those people from whom they took the money of the ability to pursue 
 their values to some degree. Now the government runs a railroad, and for 
 those who are hired by Amtrak, their lives may be better off. If those people 
 sought jobs from Amtrak because they love railroads then they are then able 
 to pursue careers in a field of their choice, but only at the expense of 
 those who were deprived of their money through force, to run Amtrak. Some 
 customers might be better off using rail in an era when rail can't survive in 
 the market on its own, but Amtrak was created because most people would 
 rather fly when they travel, and those customers who'd rather fly, are simply 
 being deprived of their money in this whole process.
 There is no improvement in efficiency.
 Engineers and scientists should get paid more while lawyers and doctors 
 should get paid less because they are more important for society.
 There's no way to know who's important to society and who isn't. Importance 
 is a value judgement. To the person saved from a terminal disease by the 
 latest advancement in technology, that doctor might be far more important to 
 them than the engineer who invented the eCat.
  Here's a question for this professor.  If the majority of people are stupid 
 enough to vote for Obama, do you think they could manage their own finances 
 or run their own businesses?  
 Political preference is not a determining factor in intelligence.
 If you had a smart person like me as leader of the country back in 1989, we'd 
 already have LENR as our main energy source if it is real.  There are not 
 many private businesses willing to touch cold fusion, but the government can 
 invest in it if they were smart.
 Again, you're interjecting your personal values into the issue. YOU may 
 believe that LENR is a good risk for YOUR money, but here you are suggesting 
 that you take money from others by force and threats of violence, and use it 
 to pursue those things that match YOUR values. This has nothing to do with 
 being smart. It has everything to do with how the lives and property of 
 others could be expropriated by you.
  And if LENR is not real(which I don't think is the case)?  Well, both 
 private businesses and the government have 

[Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Rossi's Information regarding Leonardo Corporation’s Commercial License Policy

2012-02-18 Thread Harry Veeder
2012/2/16 OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
 So Rossi doesn't take money from investors, but he does take money
 from the sale of licenses for an unreliable product. Is this a responsible
 way to run a business?

 Harry, what's your point?

 Surely you realize the fact that many within the Vort Collective
 question Rossi's business practices. And so do I. It's exacerbated by
 the fact that Rossi tells us only what he wants to tell us, so who the
 hell really knows what is happening.

 I also know that I'm not in Rossi's shoes. Are you in his shoes? Do
 you really know what's happening?

Rossi doesn't just selectively reveal information about the state his
business he also lies about the state of his business. I don't think
the misinformation is part of some brilliant business stragety.
Instead, I think he lies out of a sense of shame of appearing
falliable and therefore weak.  Perhaps he behaves this way because he
his mother or father did not tolerate failure. Anyway a recognition of
your own weakness is essential for success in any endeavour.


[Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Rossi's Information regarding Leonardo Corporation’s Commercial License Policy

2012-02-18 Thread Terry Blanton
2012/2/18 Harry Veeder

 Perhaps he behaves this way because he
 his mother or father did not tolerate failure.

Or poor potty training.


Re: [Vo]:Live stream with 22passi readers and Francesco Celani

2012-02-18 Thread Jed Rothwell
It seems to have a transcript below. Is that possible?

It seems they are conducting the meeting in a wine cellar, like a scene in
a Tintin comic. Is *that* possible?!?

Now there is a fire alarm going off. This is a lively event.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Live stream with 22passi readers and Francesco Celani

2012-02-18 Thread Jed Rothwell
I guess the text below is being sent by the viewing audience on the

At times like this it does feel like we are living in the 21st century.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Live stream with 22passi readers and Francesco Celani

2012-02-18 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-02-18 19:19, Jed Rothwell wrote:

I guess the text below is being sent by the viewing audience on the

The event is being broadcast from a tasting room of a wine shop.
Yes, the text below is from the viewing audience on the Internet. 
Questions written there get asked to Celani from time to time.


RE: [Vo]:Leonado Corp Ownership

2012-02-18 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Jed:




 As Daniel says, what could possibly cost $50,000 about this?

 What has Krivit done? He has not uncovered anything that has

 not been reported here, as far as I know. He went all the

 way to Italy to report that Rossi will not let people use

 their own instruments and the experiment is poorly done. 

 Rossi told me that when he invited me to visit. He said I

 can look but make no measurements. He described the

 experiment, and I thought was lousy. That took me about

 an hour and 6 e-mails to discover, not $50,000. I reported

 it here. End of story.


 This reminds me of Krivit's investigation of McKubre,

 which has revealed confusion in Krivit's own mind, but

 nothing in the real world.


In an addition to my previous arm-chair psychology analysis of Krivt.


I wouldn't have given out dollar amount, like the alleged $50,000 in labor
and expenses unless my intention had been to impress my readership with my
observational skills. Giving a dollar amount in the manner that he did tells
me this is all about Krivit's ego. He has now wrapped himself in a flag of
narcissistic self-importance because investigating Rossi, he claims, has
cost him ...a one-year delay/interference in covering real science. So,
Krivit is basically inferring to his readership to please admire him for all
of the thankless work he has performed to expose the scammer Rossi. Krivit
hopes we will all eventually get around to thanking and admiring him when we
all come around to his POV.


But now that Krivit has unwisely boasted of a specific dollar amount for all
of his investigative work to expose Rossi it automatically leads one to
ask WHO is footing all of Krivit's expenses to expose Rossi? It seems to me
that it isn't likely that one would shell out fifty grand unless the
benefactor expects to get something in return, even if that return is
nothing more than pushing for a specific ideological POV. If they didn't
like what Krivit was investigating and subsequently publishing, no more
funding. It's a simple as that.


So, who is backing Krivit? What are their motivations, their educational



Steven Vincent Johnson


RE: [Vo]:Live stream with 22passi readers and Francesco Celani

2012-02-18 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
  I guess the text below is being sent by the viewing audience on the
 The event is being broadcast from a tasting room of a wine shop.
 Yes, the text below is from the viewing audience on the Internet.
 Questions written there get asked to Celani from time to time.

This is fascinating. Damn! Wish I knew Italian.

I hope someone will eventually be able to perform a reasonable translation
into English pertaining to the high points.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Live stream with 22passi readers and Francesco Celani

2012-02-18 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-02-18 20:08, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:

This is fascinating. Damn! Wish I knew Italian.

I hope someone will eventually be able to perform a reasonable translation
into English pertaining to the high points.

Videos of this event will be uploaded to Youtube and Vimeo as far as I 
know. I don't know about translations.


Re: [Vo]:More from S. Africa

2012-02-18 Thread mixent
In reply to  Jones Beene's message of Fri, 17 Feb 2012 19:46:33 -0800:
IOW, since Pb is heavy and does not normally have 60% of the energy of coal,
our leap of faith in this example, is that the Bedini style of back-EMF
pulsing on the reactants is able to derive chemical energy in a new way, but
still using only valence electrons - so really we are more concerned on the
bottom line with its actual mass than anything else. As long as net energy
extraction does not exceed normal chemistry as epitomized by hydrocarbon
combustion, then we are technically not invoking overunity, or LENR.

Coal has about 870 W-hr per pound when combusted. We are thus imagining that
lead when used in this new way has about 522 W-hr per pound. This battery
has about 6 pounds of reactants and if fully extracted, its (hypothetical)
energy would then be about  3.2 kWhrs IF this new method gives us 60% of the
energy of a 6 pound mass of coal.  
An atom of Lead is about 17 times heavier than an atom of carbon, so for it to
have 60% of the energy density, it would need to produce about 10 times the
energy per atom that carbon produces. Since carbon produces about 4 eV / atom,
when combined with oxygen to create CO2, the implication is that the lead would
need to produce about 40 eV / atom. I think that's a bit of stretch, don't you?

(Coincidentally, this about equal to the first shrinkage level Hydrino energy.

Robin van Spaandonk

Re: [Vo]:Live stream with 22passi readers and Francesco Celani

2012-02-18 Thread Guenter Wildgruber

 Von: OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Gesendet: 20:08 Samstag, 18.Februar 2012

This is fascinating. Damn! Wish I knew Italian.

Well. At least the Italians and Greeks have a feeling for drama and comedy.
To perform the interview in a Toscany vine cellar has style and adequacy.
Anticipates the age of energy-abundance, when e-cats are used to keep the vine 
at temperature.
Americans presumably would have lots of high-tech-gadgets as a background, and 
dream of something interstellar.

Reminds me of Zappa:
The chances are fifty-fifty,  that I might have something to say, 
which was a substantial contribution to epistemology.


RE: [Vo]:More from S. Africa

2012-02-18 Thread Jones Beene
-Original Message-

 An atom of Lead is about 17 times heavier than an atom of carbon, so for
it to
have 60% of the energy density, it would need to produce about 10 times the
energy per atom that carbon produces. Since carbon produces about 4 eV /
when combined with oxygen to create CO2, the implication is that the lead
need to produce about 40 eV / atom. I think that's a bit of stretch, don't

Well, not if we allow supra-chemistry (but I was hoping for this kind of
response). If we define energy release via accumulated electron orbitals as
chemical in a quasi-Millsean way ... almost in the way you quickly mention

 (Coincidentally, this about equal to the first shrinkage level Hydrino
energy ;)

Yes, this is what I was getting at - but not quite. The sum of the first
three valence electrons of Pd is almost exactly 54.4 eV and lead oxides will
be able to manipulate these 3 electrons in a way that is not exactly
Millsean - as I tried to outline in this message:

Robin - for the record - the density of carbon (graphite) is 2.25 gm/cm^3
and lead is 11.35 so the ratio of the two is not much more than 5:1 for
those two - but the point is the same - that more than deeper orbitals needs
to be involved in an energy hole arrangement with hydronium from the
battery acid (in a new kind of reduction reaction) to see this kind of gain.


Re: [Vo]:Live stream with 22passi readers and Francesco Celani

2012-02-18 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-02-18 17:11, Akira Shirakawa wrote:

Hello group,

Here's a nice recap of what has been discussed during the meeting, 
courtesy of user AB from (in the comment section here: ):

The 22passi meeting has ended. There were no real news, but I learned a few 
things I wasn’t aware of before. It was very interesting to hear Celani talk 
about LENR research.

The project to send Celani and a few other tests to Greece to test the Hyperion 
is on ice. Defkalion’s proposed protocol was deemed unnecessarily complicated 
and difficult to work with due to lack of cooling. The Hyperion would have to 
be throttled quite heavily in these conditions. It would be possible to verify 
that a LENR is taking place but it wouldn’t be possible to make any conclusions 
about the commercial usefulness of the Hyperion. Nevertheless, Celani seemed 
convinced that they’ll let him test the Hyperion.

Celani was surprised that CERN showed interest in LENR. He thinks it has 
something to do with his replication of Arata and his discovery that the 
temperature coefficient of resistance in a Ni-Cu alloy loaded with hydrogen 
changes and that this is associated with excess heat.

Celani was asked about his secret spectrometric reading in the one e-cat test 
that he attended. He said that gamma radiation readings were off the chart of 
the instrument for a moment at about the same time the reactor started. He also 
took several other secret readings by pretending to go to the bathroom which 
was nearby. The instability of the emission was a good sign according to him.

Back in 1989 the NASA did an interesting experiment but never published. Had they 
published, the PF story might have gone differently. They wanted to see what would 
happen with deuterium gas and without current as opposed to the electrolytic PF 
cell. The Hydrogen loading process matched the theory: when hydrogen was loaded into 
the metal, temperature increased, when it was unloaded temperature decreased. The 
deuterium loading process did not match theory: the loading produced heat and the 
unloading as well.

These were the things that struck me as particularly interesting. I hope I made 
no mistake in understanding and remembering them. Anyway, somebody mentioned 
that the whole talk was filmed by a better camera than the one that streamed, 
so it should be up on youtube fairly soon, and hopefully with English subtitles.


Re: [Vo]:Sterling Allan / S-African Free Fuel Generator FFG trip

2012-02-18 Thread Alan Fletcher
Uh-oh .  ???

Just says Report pending . . .

AND it's no longer in the Top 5

Re: [Vo]:1MW Customer

2012-02-18 Thread Alan Fletcher
Krivit continues his investigative journalism :

Rossi Blames E-Cat Delivery Discrepancy on Translation Error

Artist's visualization of 1 MW plant on its way to the customer ..


Readers should not get confused between Rossi’s 1MW E-Cat and his electric 
generators. Both are constructed within shipping containers, but the 1MW E-Cat 
comes in a big blue box, the gensets come in big grey boxes.


But today we learned from readers that Rossi had, in fact, told his fans that 
he had shipped the 1 MW E-Cat. According Rossi, the discrepancy is the result 
of a “translation error.”

[ with a Rossi blog comment from Jan 19 ]

Rossi explained that a translation problem made him think that the big blue box 
had already been delivered to the customer.

“A misunderstanding, due to bad translation, has made [me] think the plant was 
already in the place of the Customer,” Rossi wrote.

Re: [Vo]:Live stream with 22passi readers and Francesco Celani

2012-02-18 Thread Alan Fletcher
 On 2012-02-18 17:11, Akira Shirakawa wrote:
  He also took several other secret readings by pretending to go to the 
  bathroom which was nearby.

No wonder Rossi distrusts academics!  

Re: [Vo]:More from S. Africa

2012-02-18 Thread mixent
In reply to  Jones Beene's message of Sat, 18 Feb 2012 13:24:05 -0800:
Hi Jones,
-Original Message-

 An atom of Lead is about 17 times heavier than an atom of carbon, so for
it to
have 60% of the energy density, it would need to produce about 10 times the
energy per atom that carbon produces. Since carbon produces about 4 eV /
when combined with oxygen to create CO2, the implication is that the lead
need to produce about 40 eV / atom. I think that's a bit of stretch, don't

Well, not if we allow supra-chemistry (but I was hoping for this kind of
response). If we define energy release via accumulated electron orbitals as
chemical in a quasi-Millsean way ... almost in the way you quickly mention

 (Coincidentally, this about equal to the first shrinkage level Hydrino
energy ;)

Yes, this is what I was getting at - but not quite. The sum of the first
three valence electrons of Pd is almost exactly 54.4 eV and lead oxides will
be able to manipulate these 3 electrons in a way that is not exactly
Millsean - as I tried to outline in this message:


IOW - oxygen, which want to takes 2 electrons from lead's massive number of
82 (and also can have the same 54.4 eV 'hole') - can interact within these
oxidation states to create an energy gap at 54.4 eV ... which, after all, is
many times normal redox spreads which go from +1.7 to -1.5.

At first I thought The energy hole in Oxygen of 54.4 eV occurs when losing
electrons, not when acquiring them. The same goes for the Lead, so one can't the
donor and the other the acceptor., however obviously the reverse can also
happen, i.e. the highly oxidized state of Oxygen (i.e.) O+++ can also acquire
electrons and return to O++, and so can the Pb+++ return to Pb, so it's
conceivable that e.g.

O+++ + Pb - O++ + Pb+++. (Note that this would require an unbalanced number of
electrons, which consequently would need to be absorbed by other reactions)

Perhaps you would care to come up with a specific reaction (or set of

BTW you were correct about Pb and 54.4 eV. In fact it's 54.388 eV, and the
actual energy hole value is 4*13.598 = 54.392 eV so they are very close indeed.
However the value for Pb is probably only valid for atomic lead, not for
metallic lead. Atomic lead may however have been available during combustion of
Tetraethyl lead, when lead used to be added to gasoline, so it seems at least
possible that cars using leaded gasoline produced more energy than they should

(O++ has a value of 54.934 eV)

Robin - for the record - the density of carbon (graphite) is 2.25 gm/cm^3
and lead is 11.35 so the ratio of the two is not much more than 5:1 for
those two - but the point is the same - that more than deeper orbitals needs
to be involved in an energy hole arrangement with hydronium from the
battery acid (in a new kind of reduction reaction) to see this kind of gain.

Quote from your original email:

Coal has about 870 W-hr per pound when combusted. We are thus imagining that
lead when used in this new way has about 522 W-hr per pound.

This expresses energy density as energy per unit mass, which may be expressed
just as well in eV/amu as in Whr/lb (since we are looking at the ratio; IOW it's
ok as long as the same measure is used for both substances; the conversion
factor cancels out when the ratio is taken).

The volumetric density is irrelevant.

(BTW I have a figure of 3720 Wh/lb for Anthracite, 3380 Wh/lb for bituminous
coal, see ).


Robin van Spaandonk

Re: [Vo]:Leonado Corp Ownership

2012-02-18 Thread Jed Rothwell
OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:

When I was still one of the NET BoD directors I asked Krivit whether he was
 actually pursuing the role of an advocate rather than that of an
 independent investigative reporter. This was related to the fact that I
 noticed he was spending a great deal of time promoting the so-called merits
 of the Widom-Larsen theory out on his NET website.

Krivit has done important work, and he has done a lot of good for the
field. Both Steven and I have worked with Krivit, and benefited from the
experience. So I do not wish to turn this thread into a bash Steve Krivit
extravaganza. But I would like to add one thing.

From my perspective, it is pathetic that Krivit is advocating a theory. I
do not think he has the expertise to evaluate cold fusion theory. I am sure
that I do not have that expertise. I am not ashamed to admit that
because Mizuno and many other chemists have told me they cannot make head
or tail of theory, and they skip the theory sessions at conferences. If
they don't have a clue what Hagelstein is talking about, it is cinch I

I get the impression I have a somewhat stronger background in physics and
biology than Krivit does. But I am sure that you gave me an oral exam on
these theories and asked me to explain some paragraphs from the W-L theory
papers, I would have slightest idea what they mean. Here's the thing: I am
pretty sure that Krivit would not have the slightest idea either. He can
parrot some of the claims in the papers but that is far from understanding
what it means, or being able to argue the merits of the theory compared to
Hagelstein's theory or some other. For example:

Imagine asking Krivit to explicate this:

Generally it can be considered that all effective mass calculations about
the charges (electrons and holes) in solids are based on the
corresponding electron band structures ignoring the rule given in [1,
2].  However, recently some authors [3, 4] have considered the impact of
interaction of external electro-magnetic field with
electrons in solids on the electron effective mass, and they have found
that increase of this mass can be expected.

Imagine asking him: Can you explain what an effective mass calculation of
charges is? What rule is ignored? How can a magnetic field increase the
effective mass of an electron, and what does this mean? Why is this

I wouldn't have a clue! I can barely make out the claim, and I can't
imagine how a magnetic field can increase mass in any sense, virtual or

Ask him what Eq. 1 means, and what the terms r is the radius-vector of the
electron, E(q) is electron energy in the quasi-elementary cell mean and I
am sure he would be lost at sea.

There is a paper by Krivit that says:

Allan Widom and Lewis Larsen propose that, in condensed
matter, local breakdown of the Born–Oppenheimer approximation occurs in
homogeneous, many-body, collectively oscillating
patches of protons, deuterons, or tritons found on surfaces of
fully loaded metallic hydrides; Born–Oppenheimer breakdown
enables a degree of electromagnetic coupling of surface proton/
deuteron/triton oscillations with those of nearby surface plasmon
polariton (SPP) electrons. Such coupling between collective
oscillations creates local nuclear-strength electric fields in the
vicinity of the patches.

That is impressive but I suspect it is was written by his co-author Marwan.
Anyway, I could crib a similar description of many theory papers without
actually knowing what I was saying. I have often edited such papers
and occasionally translated them. Naturally, I warn the authors that I may
mess things up since I do not understand the content in any depth. There
are many secretaries in university departments who edit and rewrite papers
without knowing in detail what the papers really mean.

Needless to say, there are hoards of nitwits out there editing Wikipedia
and making trouble elsewhere who do know the first thing about cold fusion
yet who pontificate about it endlessly with great assurance. Krivit is not
the only one who does this. But someone is paying him 50 grand to do it . .

Back in the 1980s I read several computer science papers written by
management consultants that were cribbed. That is to say, the authors
knew how to string together impressive sounding jargon describing what was
then state-of-the-art programming techniques and the latest microcomputer
hardware. It sounded good, like an article in Byte magazine. But I knew a
 more about computers than these people did, and I could tell they were
faking it. I recall in particular a report from McKinsey  Co. in which the
authors confused EPROM firmware with operating system object code and
application object code.

As Dirty Harry said, a man should know his limitations.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Leonado Corp Ownership

2012-02-18 Thread Daniel Rocha
If one is advocating it,  this limitation should be overcome. With 50k$, a
year, that is possible, either by self learning or going  to an university.

2012/2/18 Jed Rothwell

 As Dirty Harry said, a man should know his limitations.

 - Jed

Daniel Rocha - RJ

[Vo]:how common is heat pump / absorption cooling?

2012-02-18 Thread Andre Blum

Rossi says an optional cooling / air conditioning module can later be 
attached to the e-Cat. Supposedly this is some kind of heat pump / 
absorption cooler. I can understand how that would work, theoretically. 
In real life, however, I have not seen much more of this technology than 
a camping fridge on gas.

Last summer, I moved from Europe to an island in the Caribbean; one of 
the warmer places on Earth. We have a large oil refinery here, and as a 
result liquid petroleum gas is cheap. On the other hand, due to the 
issue of scale (140.000 inhabitants), electricity is insanely expensive, 
say about $1/KWh. Air conditioning is a major component of my high 
electricity bill.

You would say these are ideal circumstances for cooling based on a heat 
source, also when not considering LENR. If not from the sun, through 
(non-PV) collectors, then from LPG. Still, I don't see those anywhere.

So: how practical or common is the idea of cooling a house from a heat 
source like an e-Cat?


Re: [Vo]:Dick Smith $1M sentiments

2012-02-18 Thread Daniel Rocha
The worse part it is that  he considers a written communication (e-mail)
better than a phone or skype video conference. I think he forgot that the
latter can be easily recorded and hardly faked whereas the former can be
easily forged. Go  figure.

2012/2/18 Andre Blum

 Judging from the latest thread at, after just
 a few days, Dick Smith already manages to irritate a lot of people at with his impatience and amateurism.

 His plan was clear: show me that it works, and I will give you $1M.
 Defkalion accepts the offer, and they should be admired for doing so. But
 instead of now allowing them to produce evidence, it looks like Smith will
 continue his ranting about how much this looks like it is a scam.
 Apparently he doesn't even have the patience to sit out his own show.

 What irritates me most, personally, is that, while he himself brought up
 the necessity of having experts like Kullander and Essen present, he seems
 to have forgotten about their relevance already, forgets to get them in the
 loop and is now in personal negotiations with Defkalion about the test
 plan, including calorimetry details, as if he were an expert.

 At this time, IMHO, Smith would do best in sitting back a bit, establish
 contact with these experts he mentioned, or good alternatives, then agree
 on a good schedule and give the other players some stage time.

 Initially I thought I envied Smith for coming up with a plan that would
 make him come out as a winner no matter of the outcome of the
 demonstration. But he is screwing up already by playing unfair, and now I
 am not so certain he will come out undamaged.


Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:Dick Smith $1M sentiments

2012-02-18 Thread Daniel Rocha
BTW, Dick Smith is acting like a retarded. It seems he cannot understand
his own email exchanges, his own native language.

2012/2/18 Daniel Rocha

 The worse part it is that  he considers a written communication (e-mail)
 better than a phone or skype video conference. I think he forgot that the
 latter can be easily recorded and hardly faked whereas the former can be
 easily forged. Go  figure.

 2012/2/18 Andre Blum

 Judging from the latest thread at, after
 just a few days, Dick Smith already manages to irritate a lot of people at with his impatience and amateurism.

 His plan was clear: show me that it works, and I will give you $1M.
 Defkalion accepts the offer, and they should be admired for doing so. But
 instead of now allowing them to produce evidence, it looks like Smith will
 continue his ranting about how much this looks like it is a scam.
 Apparently he doesn't even have the patience to sit out his own show.

 What irritates me most, personally, is that, while he himself brought up
 the necessity of having experts like Kullander and Essen present, he seems
 to have forgotten about their relevance already, forgets to get them in the
 loop and is now in personal negotiations with Defkalion about the test
 plan, including calorimetry details, as if he were an expert.

 At this time, IMHO, Smith would do best in sitting back a bit, establish
 contact with these experts he mentioned, or good alternatives, then agree
 on a good schedule and give the other players some stage time.

 Initially I thought I envied Smith for coming up with a plan that would
 make him come out as a winner no matter of the outcome of the
 demonstration. But he is screwing up already by playing unfair, and now I
 am not so certain he will come out undamaged.


 Daniel Rocha - RJ

Daniel Rocha - RJ

[Vo]:do postings get lost?

2012-02-18 Thread Andre Blum

sorry to interrupt for this question:

what do I do wrong, that most of the time my postings do not show up in 
my own e-mail box, and apparently also not on ?

For example, on, my message with title Dick Smith $1M 
sentiments shows up only as a reply from Daniel (who apparently did see 
the original message).

This seems to happen to other people as well. Simple genius: This says 
it all also starts with a reply, both on mail-archive and in my 
mailbox. I did never receive the original posting.

Re: [Vo]:Krivit: con letter from Rossi is another example.

Do postings get lost??


RE: [Vo]:do postings get lost?

2012-02-18 Thread Robert Leguillon
I received your original post entitled: Dick Smith $1M sentiments

The mail-archive site does on occasion miss emails, out fail to correctly 
catalogue them. The best thing to do are:
A) Ensure that any time you create a new thread, you start a new email from 
scratch. If you reply and change the title, it may confuse the archiving system.
B) Ensure that any time you respond to a post, double check the to: 
addressee.  Depending upon the original poster's email client, some reply 
emails may get directed to that poster instead of the vortex listserve.
Your original post looked fine, though, and merely a problem with mail-archive.

Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2012 22:53:44 -0400
Subject: [Vo]:do postings get lost?


sorry to interrupt for this question:

what do I do wrong, that most of the time my postings do not show up
in my own e-mail box, and apparently also not on

For example, on, my message with title Dick Smith
$1M sentiments shows up only as a reply from Daniel (who apparently
did see the original message).

This seems to happen to other people as well. Simple genius: This
says it all also starts with a reply, both on mail-archive and in
my mailbox. I did never receive the original posting.

Re: [Vo]:Krivit: con letter from Rossi is another example.

Do postings get lost??




Re: [Vo]:do postings get lost?

2012-02-18 Thread fznidarsic
I think postings get lost when sent to a group and to vortex as this both to my 
self and another copy to vortex

[Vo]:predictions from Stevek's past life

2012-02-18 Thread fznidarsic

Re: [Vo]:Leonado Corp Ownership

2012-02-18 Thread Jed Rothwell
Daniel Rocha wrote:

If one is advocating it,  this limitation should be overcome. With 50k$, a
 year, that is possible, either by self learning or going  to an university.

I believe you are suggesting that with $50,000 per year, Krivit might study
by himself or attend classes at a university to the point where he could
master these theories and make credible critique of the W-L theory. I do
not think that is possible. Take Mizuno for example. He earned a PhD
studying with Bockris, who was a notorious slave driver who expected top
notch work and made his students work 80-hour weeks. Mizuno has decades of
practical experience in chemistry. Yet he says he cannot understand these
theories. As I said, I know several other scientists with similar deep
backgrounds and experience who cannot understand the theories well enough
to debate which is best, or even which has merit. If people like this
cannot debate the issue, I doubt that Krivit could after a few years of
school after reading some textbooks.

Modern physics is extremely complicated. It is not something you can master
in your spare time, and probably not after you pass age 30. That would be
like trying to become a concert pianist in your 30s when you had only
amateur-level training in high school.

It may be that these theories are particularly complicated and difficult to
learn because they are  wrong. I wouldn't know, but in the past incorrect
theories have often been complicated than correct ones. In the book The
Double Helix Watson wrote that he could not make head or tail of the
theories proposed to explain cellular reproduction before 1952. They were
over his head. He paid no attention to them. It turned out they were all
completely wrong. He discovered the actual cause, and it was relatively
simple. (Simple enough that even I understand it in some depth.)

There are some disciplines you can master to the farthest extent anyone can
go in a few years. Learning a modern foreign language for example. Once you
can read an adult level book, understand a movie, conduct business or write
a speech or newspaper column in another language, you may not be a native
speaker but you have mastered it. No language is more intrinsically
complicated than any other, because children everywhere master their own
languages by age 5. There other disciplines such as physics or biology in
which the amount that can be learned is far greater than any individual can
master -- or even hear about. In the mid-19th century there were still a
few people who could understand every major development in these fields,
but that is impossible now. I think that is one of the reasons the pace of
progress in science is slowing down, and why it has taken 22 years for
people to accept cold fusion. Science is too big and too complicated for
the human mind.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Leonado Corp Ownership

2012-02-18 Thread Daniel Rocha
Well, I personally do not see WL theory as something that would require
much more than an undergraduate level, or for the most complicated ones,
anything close to a PhD. I believe Mizuno said he cannot  understand
 simply because the theories presented  so far really do not make  sense.
But he is being  polite  and not saying they do  not making sense...

2012/2/19 Jed Rothwell

 Daniel Rocha wrote:

 If one is advocating it,  this limitation should be overcome. With 50k$, a
 year, that is possible, either by self learning or going  to an university.

 I believe you are suggesting that with $50,000 per year, Krivit might
 study by himself or attend classes at a university to the point where he
 could master these theories and make credible critique of the W-L theory. I
 do not think that is possible. Take Mizuno for example. He earned a PhD
 studying with Bockris, who was a notorious slave driver who expected top
 notch work and made his students work 80-hour weeks. Mizuno has decades of
 practical experience in chemistry. Yet he says he cannot understand these
 theories. As I said, I know several other scientists with similar deep
 backgrounds and experience who cannot understand the theories well enough
 to debate which is best, or even which has merit. If people like this
 cannot debate the issue, I doubt that Krivit could after a few years of
 school after reading some textbooks.

 Modern physics is extremely complicated. It is not something you can
 master in your spare time, and probably not after you pass age 30. That
 would be like trying to become a concert pianist in your 30s when you had
 only amateur-level training in high school.

 It may be that these theories are particularly complicated and difficult
 to learn because they are  wrong. I wouldn't know, but in the past
 incorrect theories have often been complicated than correct ones. In the
 book The Double Helix Watson wrote that he could not make head or tail of
 the theories proposed to explain cellular reproduction before 1952. They
 were over his head. He paid no attention to them. It turned out they were
 all completely wrong. He discovered the actual cause, and it was relatively
 simple. (Simple enough that even I understand it in some depth.)

 There are some disciplines you can master to the farthest extent anyone
 can go in a few years. Learning a modern foreign language for example. Once
 you can read an adult level book, understand a movie, conduct business or
 write a speech or newspaper column in another language, you may not be a
 native speaker but you have mastered it. No language is more intrinsically
 complicated than any other, because children everywhere master their own
 languages by age 5. There other disciplines such as physics or biology in
 which the amount that can be learned is far greater than any individual can
 master -- or even hear about. In the mid-19th century there were still a
 few people who could understand every major development in these fields,
 but that is impossible now. I think that is one of the reasons the pace of
 progress in science is slowing down, and why it has taken 22 years for
 people to accept cold fusion. Science is too big and too complicated for
 the human mind.

 - Jed

Daniel Rocha - RJ

[Vo]:NI and Rossi not related anymore

2012-02-18 Thread Daniel Rocha

Confirmed by NI.

Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:Live stream with 22passi readers and Francesco Celani

2012-02-18 Thread Peter Gluck
And no wonder academics and many other people
distrust Rossi- even if they admit he has found something potentially

On Sun, Feb 19, 2012 at 1:55 AM, Alan Fletcher wrote:

  On 2012-02-18 17:11, Akira Shirakawa wrote:
   He also took several other secret readings by pretending to go to the
 bathroom which was nearby.

 No wonder Rossi distrusts academics!

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

Re: [Vo]:NI and Rossi not related anymore

2012-02-18 Thread Randy Wuller
Did Krivit ask if NI was working with any partner/customer/joint venturer of 
Rossi/Leonardo Corp.

At this point if Rossi is legit he has to Partner with an entity with resources.

Frankly, it would be just like Krivit not ask that question or tell if he did.

Also, NI could be working under an NDA.


Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 18, 2012, at 11:37 PM, Daniel Rocha wrote:
 Confirmed by NI.
 Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:Elemental Ovens

2012-02-18 Thread Bastiaan Bergman
There are reports decades before FP about cold fusion, Filimonenko Ivan
Stepanovich for example...

On Sat, Feb 18, 2012 at 6:34 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

 Nigel Dyer wrote:

 Over Christmas I met someone whilst out on a walk, got chatting, and
 found that they had been working on Palladium/Hydrogen systems in the
 1960's, and had become aware that there was something odd going on.  . . .

 In his book, Mizuno said every electrochemist knew there were puzzling
 thermal and nuclear anomalies with palladium deuterides. He himself
 observed several. However, he eventually dismissed them as experimental
 errors. He gives full credit to FP for following up on these things and
 producing them with far higher s/n ratios and reproducibility. He says this
 discovery is theirs, and theirs alone.

 - Jed