RE: EXTERNAL: RE: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2010-10-09 Thread Roarty, Francis X
How about The Naudts explanation of relativistic hydrogen for the hydrino which 
by the stationary nature of Rayney Nickel points to a nano scale form of 
equivalent acceleration (Casimir effect amplifies the effect inversely to the 
cube of plate separation) - You have others saying the same thing regarding C 
inside a cavity increasing relative to an observer outside the cavity due to EM 
suppression which from a relativistic perspective means that ALL EM frequencies 
are up-shifting en mass from our perspective -the tail is wagging the dog and 
the entire fabric of space- time inside the cavity is curving not just 
up-translating the longer wavelengths that don't fit inside the geometry. In a relativistic 
interpretation the longer vacuum fluctuation wavelengths that standard Casimir 
theory claims are being displaced from the cavity are actually still present 
inside the cavity but  appear shorter in wavelength from our perspective 
because Space - Time  is actually curving. Time dilation accumulates just like 
the twin paradox where one twin endures equivalent acceleration at the bottom 
of a deep gravity well while the other remains relatively stationary in free 
space or a shallow gravity field such as earth. Gravity also appears modified 
since the time metric and speed of light appear changed inside a cavity but 
DiFore et all never detected a change at macro scale because their stacked 
cavities acts more like a segregators where the suppression concentrated 
inside the cavity is balanced by a pressure dispersed over the surface area 
of the plates like sails of a ship. It is only gas atoms that are steered 
through the suppression areas (cavities/holes in the sails) while avoiding the 
pressure zones (outer plates/sails) that allow us to exploit the imbalance. 
With equivalent acceleration the spatial velocity of the hydrogen atom is 
unimportant - at the macro equivalent acceleration is an accumulated effect 
of mass and I am positing it also exists at the nano scale as the accumulated 
effect of Casimir geometry. Whenever that geometry changes rapidly you get 
catalytic action like the white water in a stream when boulders suddenly change 
the flow rate. 

-Original Message-
From: Jones Beene [] 
Sent: Friday, October 08, 2010 9:24 PM
Subject: EXTERNAL: RE: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

-Original Message-

 He talks about Hydrogen isotopes embedded in heavier atoms, then goes on
to suggest a new form of gravity to explain this.

 A more likely explanation is a Hydrinohydride ion displacing one of the
inner electrons of the heavy atom ...

Wow, Robin - you are really behind on your email ... but my reflexive
response, also from memory is that the two explanations are not mutually

It does not have to be a new form of gravity at least not in some of the
attempts at unification (of all the forces) where gravity is more than a
long-range force, in that it flip-flops and increases exponentially at close

... not that I can explain it any better than that...

RE: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2010-10-08 Thread Jones Beene
-Original Message-

 He talks about Hydrogen isotopes embedded in heavier atoms, then goes on
to suggest a new form of gravity to explain this.

 A more likely explanation is a Hydrinohydride ion displacing one of the
inner electrons of the heavy atom ...

Wow, Robin - you are really behind on your email ... but my reflexive
response, also from memory is that the two explanations are not mutually

It does not have to be a new form of gravity at least not in some of the
attempts at unification (of all the forces) where gravity is more than a
long-range force, in that it flip-flops and increases exponentially at close

... not that I can explain it any better than that...

Re: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2010-10-07 Thread mixent
In reply to  Jones Beene's message of Mon, 28 Dec 2009 07:43:17 -0800:

Since some blithering idiot won't allow even the copying of a single passage,
I'll comment from memory.

He talks about Hydrogen isotopes embedded in heavier atoms, then goes on to
suggest a new form of gravity to explain this.

A more likely explanation is a Hydrinohydride ion displacing one of the inner
electrons of the heavy atom (much as a negative muon would do).


Robin van Spaandonk

Re: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2010-01-02 Thread Michel Jullian
Hi Jones,

Sorry for the delay, here is the ref (note it refers to hydrogen, not
deuterium, whose heat of adsorption could thus conceivably be the 2 eV
per D found by Kitamura for 5 nm particle sizes):

JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS 104, 1-16 (1987)
Calorimetric Heat of Adsorption Measurements on Palladium
I. Influence of Crystallite Size and Support on Hydrogen Adsorption

Here is the abstract (some OCR errors may have escaped my scrutiny):

 A modified differential scanning calorimeter was used to measure
integral heats of adsorption of hydrogen, Qad, at 300 K on unsupported
Pd powder and on Pd dispersed on SiO2, SiO2-Al2O3, Al2O3, and TiO2.
The supports were found to have no significant effect on Qad, and
although reduction of Pd/TiO2 samples at 773 K sharply decreased the
amount of hydrogen chemisorbed on these samples, the Qad values
measured on these samples were comparable to the other catalysts.
In contrast, Pd crystallite size had a very pronounced effect on Qad.
On all these catalysts the heat of adsorption for hydrogen remained
constant at 15 +- 1 kcal mole^-1 as the average Pd crystallite size
decreased from 1000 to 3 nm, but it increased sharply as the size
dropped below 3 nm. The highest value, 24 kcal mole^-1, was obtained
on one of the most highly dispersed samples. Heats of formation of
bulk Pd hydride showed a similar behavior, remaining constant at 8.7
+- 1.0 kcal mole^-1 for samples with low Pd dispersions and then
increasing noticeably as the crystallite size dropped below 3 nm. Most
of this variation in Qad is attributed to changes in the electronic
properties of small Pd crystallites because the differences in Qad
values reported on single crystal surfaces are not sufficient to
explain the enhanced bond strength.


2009/12/30 Jones Beene

 Ø  The spread is not large for a given set of conditions. In particular
 there is one very important (IMHO) point which seems consistently
 overlooked, not just by you, which is that the binding energy is not the
 same on the surface (heat of adsorption) as it is in the bulk (heat of
 absorption). It's much higher on the surface. Interestingly, decreasing the
 Pd particle size  increases the surface binding energy (I can dig up a ref
 if anyone is interested)  which is what the Kitamura work re-discovers IMHO.

 By all means - we are very interested, since this is really one of the two
 important points left to be decided. And providing this reference in an
 unequivocal way (i.e. specifically wrt hydrogen and palladium) would salvage
 your other comments out of the category of “fishy”.

 Therefore, we eagerly await your (hopefully authoritative) reference, since
 the “much higher” surface binding attribute as you claim, is a bit
 counter-intuitive; and without it we have a compelling set of circumstances
 for expanding the importance of the putative anomaly – which as Terry
 opined, might possibly be related to nascent hydrogen.

 The next issue, of course, is whether or not the 2 eV per atom loading heat
 of Kitamura is accurate and reproducible by others. That is where I suspect
 the problem will be found.

 Side note: as many of us are aware, hydrogen comes off of bulk palladium
 easily enough that it can be, and once was, once used as a cigarette lighter
 (which presumably did not require much input to ignite – other than a spark)
 but was surely an expensive indulgence.

 As I recall – and a brief googling confirms, the so-called Doebereiner
 cigarette lighter from the 1800’s was used by early CF skeptics to explain
 away the excess heat of the PF effect, since it apparently got quite hot
 following a hydrogen recharge.

 Problem is – they apparently never checked the complete thermodynamic
 balance of the Doebereiner effect … at least there is no record of that
 which I can find. Is it presumptive to suggest, given Kitamura, that the
 very same effect used by skeptics to try to disprove CF could instead point
 to another, and perhaps more usable anomaly?

 Nah, probably not. But it would be one great way to convert palladium into
 irony ;-)


RE: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2010-01-02 Thread Jones Beene

This is a very interesting paper, especially in the date - but can you
explain how it supports the thesis of increased surface binding in two-way
thermodynamic balance, with the heat of adsorption? Yes, the phrase
enhanced bond strength is used, but it does not seem to follow logically
from the results presented, that this is proved to be reciprocal bond

I agree that going to a smaller particle size increases the heat of
adsorption, and that at the same time, the surface area increases, but the
specific point in question (for alternative energy) is the possibility of
asymmetry between the two, such that CoE is violated. Instead, it seems that
the *presumption* of CoE is what is being used to support the argument that
it is balanced, instead of actual proof.

Don't get me wrong - it may be balanced. CoE is a strong presumption. But is
it specifically shown in this paper?

It is great to find that Kitamura's heat results are pre-approved back in
1987, so to speak, but that that does not really address the issue of an
asymmetry at the nano level, does it? 

Plus, don't overlook that this 3 nm particle size is coincidentally near the
peak of the Casimir force active geometry, so there is an underlying factor
of importance which would tend to merit an exact thermodynamic study. Have
you seen the Haisch/Moddell patent?

In fact the reason that the Doebereiner cigarette lighter example was
mentioned in the earlier post was to show that a fully complete study is
absent in the record (or else I missed it). Early CF skeptics used the heat
of adsorption (and perhpas this same paper) to explain away the putative
excess heat of the PF effect (since the lighter apparently got quite hot
following a hydrogen recharge). 

However, the precise thermodynamic balance was apparently never demonstrated
- simply presumed. At the nano level, there could be a tiny, iterative
in-out asymmetry at or near the surface binding layer - (which operates at
the IR frequency range) such that a tiny consecutive imbalance is additive
for net excess heat. That would be the fabled ZPE pump - which admittedly
may be only a fable, but we need to leave open the possibility until a
complete accounting is performed.

This gives me one more opportunity to Pun the skeptical presumptiveness of
the mainstream in 1989, which may have served to transmute palladium into
irony ;-) 


-Original Message-
From: Michel Jullian 

Hi Jones,

Sorry for the delay, here is the ref (note it refers to hydrogen, not
deuterium, whose heat of adsorption could thus conceivably be the 2 eV
per D found by Kitamura for 5 nm particle sizes):

JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS 104, 1-16 (1987)
Calorimetric Heat of Adsorption Measurements on Palladium
I. Influence of Crystallite Size and Support on Hydrogen Adsorption

Here is the abstract (some OCR errors may have escaped my scrutiny):

 A modified differential scanning calorimeter was used to measure
integral heats of adsorption of hydrogen, Qad, at 300 K on unsupported
Pd powder and on Pd dispersed on SiO2, SiO2-Al2O3, Al2O3, and TiO2.
The supports were found to have no significant effect on Qad, and
although reduction of Pd/TiO2 samples at 773 K sharply decreased the
amount of hydrogen chemisorbed on these samples, the Qad values
measured on these samples were comparable to the other catalysts.
In contrast, Pd crystallite size had a very pronounced effect on Qad.
On all these catalysts the heat of adsorption for hydrogen remained
constant at 15 +- 1 kcal mole^-1 as the average Pd crystallite size
decreased from 1000 to 3 nm, but it increased sharply as the size
dropped below 3 nm. The highest value, 24 kcal mole^-1, was obtained
on one of the most highly dispersed samples. Heats of formation of
bulk Pd hydride showed a similar behavior, remaining constant at 8.7
+- 1.0 kcal mole^-1 for samples with low Pd dispersions and then
increasing noticeably as the crystallite size dropped below 3 nm. Most
of this variation in Qad is attributed to changes in the electronic
properties of small Pd crystallites because the differences in Qad
values reported on single crystal surfaces are not sufficient to
explain the enhanced bond strength.


2009/12/30 Jones Beene

 Ø  The spread is not large for a given set of conditions. In particular
 there is one very important (IMHO) point which seems consistently
 overlooked, not just by you, which is that the binding energy is not the
 same on the surface (heat of adsorption) as it is in the bulk (heat of
 absorption). It's much higher on the surface. Interestingly, decreasing
 Pd particle size  increases the surface binding energy (I can dig up a ref
 if anyone is interested)  which is what the Kitamura work re-discovers

 By all means - we are very interested, since this is really one of the two
 important points left to be decided. And providing this reference in an
 unequivocal way (i.e. 

RE: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2010-01-02 Thread Frank
Nice post Jones,
 I totally agree with your points and regarding CoE, ask Vorticians
to keep an open mind towards a relativistic solution as an escape .


RE: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2010-01-02 Thread Jones Beene
Here is a recent SciNews article which gives hope that Casimir cycling for
gain is ultimately doable:

... indicating at least that some high-priced brain power at DoE and Argonne
believe that Casimir attraction can be manipulated into repulsion. That
would be the key to finding a useable asymmetry in the heat of adsorption,
at this geometric level.

It could be as simple as rapidly cycling an electric field, in which the
nanoparticles are place with hydrogen ...

As characteristic device dimensions shrink to the nanoscale, the effects of
the attractive Casimir force becomes more pronounced making very difficult
to control nano-devices. This is a technological challenge that need to be
addressed before the full potential of NEMS devices can be demonstrated,
... The goal is to not only limit its attractive properties, but also to
make it repulsive.

-Original Message-
From: Frank 

 I totally agree with your points and regarding CoE, ask Vorticians
to keep an open mind towards a relativistic solution as an escape .


Re: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2009-12-30 Thread Michel Jullian
2009/12/29 Jones Beene
 OK, vorticians. This is could be an important paper and topic, so let me
 one more point of clarification to Michel Jullian's point about the heat
 combustion of hydrogen, compared to the anomalous loading heat of
 Kitamura's claim.

 Michel correctly finds that if you only look at one-half of the reaction,
 and ignore the mass of the end product, then what we have is:

 (294.6 / 2) / 6.02e23) * kJ = ~1.5 electron volts/amu based on hydrogen

I didn't ignore anything, I converted the energy released by the reaction of
D2O formation (all two halves of the reaction ;) from a per D2O mole basis
to a per D atom basis, the same basis Kitamura used for his 2 eV value,
and the same basis you used for your 0.5 eV value presumably, since you
compared it with Kitamura's.

Begin Fish drowning

 This is the energy released relative to initial hydrogen mass, but that
 might assume that oxygen is unnecessary, if you leave it out.  One should
 take the mass of O2 into consideration for the comparison with reversible
 hydride loading.

 ERGO. It would have been clearer back a few posts ago - if I had broken
 comparison down this way. The steam from hydrogen combustion will have a
 molecular wt of 18 amu per hot molecule. The heat of combustion of the two
 hydrogen atoms is ~3+ eV in total. The resultant energy per amu of the
 steam, therefore, is 3/18 or .16 eV per amu of combustion end product.

 When we compare that energy per mass of combustion product - with the
 Kitamura reaction of hydrogen which has been reversibly loaded into a
 matrix, and then released, then we find that the amu of the end product is
 still about one since there is/was no permanent bond. The thermal energy
 released, according to Kitamura is ~2 eV, so the eV per amu is about a
 to one ratio,* when the energy of the hydride bond is deducted - compared
 hydrogen combustion (by mass of all non-renewable reactants).

End Fish drowning  (those who understand French, see

Come on my dear Jones, a little more work and you will find that your 0.5 eV
is correct for some thing or other I am sure ;-)

 Next big issue. What is the real hydride bond energy for Pd? There is a
 chart here (Fig 3):

Interesting paper, thanks for the pointer!

 It appears that the bond energy for Pd varies between .9 eV and a negative
 value, depending of a number of variables. The bond is field influenced,
 which could be important. From the chart - an average value appears to be
 less than .5 eV. However, the indication is that it could be much lower.
 Therefore, if Kitamura were correct on the heat energy (which I am
 to doubt), then this kind of iterative recycling of hydrogen would be a
 window of opportunity for gainfulness, since the spread is very large.

The spread is not large for a given set of conditions. In particular there
is one very important (IMHO) point which seems consistently overlooked, not
just by you, which is that the binding energy is not the same on the surface
(heat of adsorption) as it is in the bulk (heat of absorption). It's much
higher on the surface. Interestingly, decreasing the Pd particle size
 increases the surface binding energy (I can dig up a ref if anyone is
interested) , which is what the Kitamura work re-discovers IMHO.

The surface binding energy is of course relevant for putative LENRs
occurring there!


RE: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2009-12-30 Thread Jones Beene


*  The spread is not large for a given set of conditions. In particular
there is one very important (IMHO) point which seems consistently
overlooked, not just by you, which is that the binding energy is not the
same on the surface (heat of adsorption) as it is in the bulk (heat of
absorption). It's much higher on the surface. Interestingly, decreasing the
Pd particle size  increases the surface binding energy (I can dig up a ref
if anyone is interested)  which is what the Kitamura work re-discovers IMHO.


By all means - we are very interested, since this is really one of the two
important points left to be decided. And providing this reference in an
unequivocal way (i.e. specifically wrt hydrogen and palladium) would salvage
your other comments out of the category of fishy. 


Therefore, we eagerly await your (hopefully authoritative) reference, since
the much higher surface binding attribute as you claim, is a bit
counter-intuitive; and without it we have a compelling set of circumstances
for expanding the importance of the putative anomaly - which as Terry
opined, might possibly be related to nascent hydrogen.


The next issue, of course, is whether or not the 2 eV per atom loading heat
of Kitamura is accurate and reproducible by others. That is where I suspect
the problem will be found.


Side note: as many of us are aware, hydrogen comes off of bulk palladium
easily enough that it can be, and once was, once used as a cigarette lighter
(which presumably did not require much input to ignite - other than a spark)
but was surely an expensive indulgence.


As I recall - and a brief googling confirms, the so-called Doebereiner
cigarette lighter from the 1800's was used by early CF skeptics to explain
away the excess heat of the PF effect, since it apparently got quite hot
following a hydrogen recharge. 


Problem is - they apparently never checked the complete thermodynamic
balance of the Doebereiner effect . at least there is no record of that
which I can find. Is it presumptive to suggest, given Kitamura, that the
very same effect used by skeptics to try to disprove CF could instead point
to another, and perhaps more usable anomaly? 


Nah, probably not. But it would be one great way to convert palladium into
irony ;-)





RE: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2009-12-29 Thread froarty572

On Mon, 28 Dec 2009 10:22:14 Jones Beene said 


[snip] Others here on Vo - have mentioned or debated the fact that the gravity 

force must grow exponentially at close dimensions - IF - grand unification 

is accurate. I think it is accurate. Dufour puts some numbers to that 

hypothesis. He may be onto something.[End Snip] 


[snip] But here is an irony. We have often asked the rhetorical question: if 

Casimir 'force' is essentially negative, then how can it produce a net 

energy gain?  And now, with pico-gravity in the picture, we seems to 

have a tantalizing clue, in a reversed solution, so to speak. [End Snip] 


[reply] How about if the gravity is also a relativistic effect? If Naudts is 
correct then the hydrino can be explained relativistically. The Casimir plates 
are a negative energy sink reshaping longer vacuum fluctuations to fit between 
the plates meaning the Casimir cavity represents a different inertial frame. 
Any matter diffused inside the cavity is redrawn on these reshaped vacuum 
fluctuations which also modify gravity from our perspective outside the cavity 
because gravity is defined as distance/time^2. Gamma is changing inside the 
cavity in the same way as the Twin approaching C see his twin back on earth 
except the boundary is abrupt and the accumulating dv results from a difference 
in equivalent accelerations between the ambient gravitational field outside the 
cavity and reduced field inside. The cavity maintains the zones spatially 
stationary to each other but the reshaped / restricted vacuum flux open a novel 
relativistic solution for the dv. We pull away in our ambient inertial frame 
while the cavity contents fall behind in time proportional to the Casimir 
force/ plate spacing at their locality, different inertial frames forming a 
gradient for different spacing until finally reaching the plate boundaries and 
restoring the normal ambient energy levels for vacuum fluctuations. The 
gradient represents different levels of deceleration (or negative energy/sink), 
the energy would be conservative upon exiting the cavity unless we somehow pin 
the reshaped atoms into their new shape making the vacuum flux do work to 
restore the atoms on the way out such as forming a compound or molecule. I 
don't think the world will ever see a steep fractional hydrogen outside of a 
Casimir cavity / skeletal catalyst and I think this property can be exploited 
in conjunction with natures preference for diatomic states. The black light 
plasma could well be decelerated hydrogen oscillating between H1/H2 as it is 
drug back up to speed exiting the cavity.[end reply] 



animation - long vacuum fluctuations reshaped instead of displaced  

Re: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2009-12-29 Thread Michel Jullian
2009/12/28 Jones Beene

 - but the 2 eV available
 from loading alone without deuterium (contrast that to about .5 eV if the
 hydrogen were burned in air) is a huge surprise -

Jones, where did you get that  .5 eV figure? I did the maths and found
about 1.5 eV instead, here is the Google calculator result;

((294.6 / 2) / 6.02e23) * kJ = 1.52719998 electron volts

294.6 kJ/mol is the energy released per mole of D2O formed (=minus the
enthalpy of formation of D2O), which I divided by 2 (2 D per D2O) and
by Avogadro's number and then converted to eV to find the burning
energy in eV per D atom. Did I get it wrong?


RE: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2009-12-29 Thread Jones Beene
-Original Message-
From: Michel Jullian 

 - but the 2 eV available
 from loading alone without deuterium (contrast that to about .5 eV if the
 hydrogen were burned in air) is a huge surprise -

MJ: Jones, where did you get that  .5 eV figure? I did the maths and found
about 1.5 eV instead, here is the Google calculator result;

((294.6 / 2) / 6.02e23) * kJ = 1.52719998 electron volts

Michel, the half-eV figure is the common 'real world' estimate based on the
maximum average temperature of the resultant steam - but even so, it appears
you did not first deduct the dissociation energy of O2 and H2 and then later
deduct the parasitic losses of NOx, peroxides etc. and the other losses that
are expected in actual practice, for combustion in air?

IOW there are lies, damn lies, and theoretical calculations ;) when trying
to go from 'paper numbers' to actual practice. Kitamura's numbers were
indicated to be actual practice (if they can be trusted) so it is fair to
contrast those numbers with that which would happen if one were to actually
burn H2 in air - and .5 eV is a fair estimate even if you discount the 80%
of air which is nearly inert.

Since water can be split into H2 and O2 with 1.23 volts - does it stand to
reason that one could get 1.5 eV in return ? That was rhetorical; and of
course this one of nature's built-in cases of systemic overunity - 

... except for the damn lie that it simply does not work out that way in
practice - but it does serve to contrast the large disparity of the actual
with the calculated.

 Did I get it wrong?

Well, let's say that you got it partly right and mostly wrong - if your
intent was to suggest that hydrogen can be burned in air with resultant
steam being formed at about 17,000 degrees K. 


Re: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2009-12-29 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

On 12/29/2009 11:19 AM, Jones Beene wrote:
 -Original Message-
 From: Michel Jullian 

 - but the 2 eV available
 from loading alone without deuterium (contrast that to about .5 eV if the
 hydrogen were burned in air) is a huge surprise -
 MJ: Jones, where did you get that  .5 eV figure? I did the maths and found
 about 1.5 eV instead, here is the Google calculator result;

 ((294.6 / 2) / 6.02e23) * kJ = 1.52719998 electron volts

 Michel, the half-eV figure is the common 'real world' estimate based on the
 maximum average temperature of the resultant steam

Isn't combustion of hydrogen in air rather different from the situation
we've got here?

  - but even so, it appears
 you did not first deduct the dissociation energy of O2 and H2 and then later
 deduct the parasitic losses of NOx, peroxides etc. and the other losses that
 are expected in actual practice, for combustion in air?

Parasitic losses, in particular, would not seem to apply in the present

 IOW there are lies, damn lies, and theoretical calculations ;) when trying
 to go from 'paper numbers' to actual practice. Kitamura's numbers were
 indicated to be actual practice (if they can be trusted) so it is fair to
 contrast those numbers with that which would happen if one were to actually
 burn H2 in air - and .5 eV is a fair estimate even if you discount the 80%
 of air which is nearly inert.

 Since water can be split into H2 and O2 with 1.23 volts - does it stand to
 reason that one could get 1.5 eV in return ? That was rhetorical; and of
 course this one of nature's built-in cases of systemic overunity - 

Now you're neglecting the splitting cost of H2-2H and O2-2H.

 ... except for the damn lie that it simply does not work out that way in
 practice - but it does serve to contrast the large disparity of the actual
 with the calculated.

 Did I get it wrong?
 Well, let's say that you got it partly right and mostly wrong - if your
 intent was to suggest that hydrogen can be burned in air with resultant
 steam being formed at about 17,000 degrees K. 



Re: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2009-12-29 Thread Michel Jullian
2009/12/29 Jones Beene
 -Original Message-
 From: Michel Jullian

 - but the 2 eV available
 from loading alone without deuterium (contrast that to about .5 eV if the
 hydrogen were burned in air) is a huge surprise -

 MJ: Jones, where did you get that  .5 eV figure? I did the maths and found
 about 1.5 eV instead, here is the Google calculator result;

 ((294.6 / 2) / 6.02e23) * kJ = 1.52719998 electron volts

 Michel, the half-eV figure is the common 'real world' estimate based on the
 maximum average temperature of the resultant steam - but even so, it appears
 you did not first deduct the dissociation energy of O2 and H2

Their formation enthalpy is zero, by convention

 and then later
 deduct the parasitic losses of NOx, peroxides etc. and the other losses that
 are expected in actual practice, for combustion in air?


 IOW there are lies, damn lies, and theoretical calculations ;) when trying
 to go from 'paper numbers' to actual practice. Kitamura's numbers were
 indicated to be actual practice (if they can be trusted) so it is fair to
 contrast those numbers with that which would happen if one were to actually
 burn H2 in air - and .5 eV is a fair estimate

No (see below)

 even if you discount the 80%
 of air which is nearly inert.

why would you not discount them???

 Since water can be split into H2 and O2 with 1.23 volts - does it stand to
 reason that one could get 1.5 eV in return ? That was rhetorical; and of
 course this one of nature's built-in cases of systemic overunity -

This was not rhetorical at all actually, I hadn't made the connexion
but yes, the combustion energy per D atom in eV should be, of course,
exactly equal to the thermoneutral electrolysis voltage... and it is,
as a matter of fact: the thermoneutral voltage for electrolysis of D2O
is 1.54V, which confirms my 1.53V calculation. And BTW, it's 1.48V for
H2O, not 1.23V.

 ... except for the damn lie that it simply does not work out that way in
 practice - but it does serve to contrast the large disparity of the actual
 with the calculated.

 Did I get it wrong?

 Well, let's say that you got it partly right and mostly wrong

Or rather, as it turns out, exactly right. Physics works, contrary to
your suggestions  :)
Besides, you don't have to take my word, see
Hydrogen: 140 kJ/g, which is about 1.5eV per atom.

The important result here is that the 2 eV you get by letting an
hydrogen atom bond to the _surface_  of a Pd nanoparticle are
comparable with the chemical energy you get by letting it bond to an
oxygen atom  (starting from molecular gas phase in both cases)


Re: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2009-12-29 Thread Michel Jullian
2009/12/29 Stephen A. Lawrence

 On 12/29/2009 11:19 AM, Jones Beene wrote:
 Since water can be split into H2 and O2 with 1.23 volts - does it stand to
 reason that one could get 1.5 eV in return ? That was rhetorical; and of
 course this one of nature's built-in cases of systemic overunity -

 Now you're neglecting the splitting cost of H2-2H and O2-2H.

No he isn't, that's comprised in the price (if you use the correct
value of 1.48V that is). What's the energy needed to go from water  to
the gases? 1.48V, times the charge of the transferred electrons (1
electron per hydrogen atom). Of course, you get the same energy when
going the other way.


RE: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2009-12-29 Thread Jones Beene
-Original Message-
From: Michel Jullian [

 Or rather, as it turns out, exactly right. Physics works, contrary to
your suggestions  :)

It works of course, but not as perfectly as you suggest, in real world

 Besides, you don't have to take my word, see

Hydrogen: 140 kJ/g, which is about 1.5eV per atom.

Yes, but once again your reference is NOT to burning hydrogen in air. At
the very top of the page you site, it clearly says The heat of combustion
is the energy released as heat when one mole of a compound undergoes
complete combustion with oxygen 

Burning H2 in air is not complete combustion with oxygen and in fact H2
can be leaned-out sufficiently in air so that it will not burn at all.
Contrary to what you state, parasitic loses cannot be ignored - unless you
are merely trying to prove a pedantic point, which seems to be the case.

 The important result here is that the 2 eV you get by letting an
hydrogen atom bond to the _surface_  of a Pd nanoparticle are
comparable with the chemical energy you get by letting it bond to an
oxygen atom  (starting from molecular gas phase in both cases)

NO! Absolutely not a relevant comparison, nor an accurate value. Otherwise
metal hydrides could not be used for hydrogen storage, and palladium could
not be used as a filter to separate H2 from other gases, both of which
applications are common. 

Imagine having to apply 2 eV of thermal energy to a metal hydride in order
to release the stored hydrogen gas for use in an engine. That is absurd.


RE: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2009-12-29 Thread Jones Beene
OK, vorticians. This is could be an important paper and topic, so let me add
one more point of clarification to Michel Jullian's point about the heat of
combustion of hydrogen, compared to the anomalous loading heat of
Kitamura's claim. 

Michel correctly finds that if you only look at one-half of the reaction,
and ignore the mass of the end product, then what we have is:

(294.6 / 2) / 6.02e23) * kJ = ~1.5 electron volts/amu based on hydrogen 

This is the energy released relative to initial hydrogen mass, but that
might assume that oxygen is unnecessary, if you leave it out.  One should
take the mass of O2 into consideration for the comparison with reversible
hydride loading.

ERGO. It would have been clearer back a few posts ago - if I had broken the
comparison down this way. The steam from hydrogen combustion will have a
molecular wt of 18 amu per hot molecule. The heat of combustion of the two
hydrogen atoms is ~3+ eV in total. The resultant energy per amu of the
steam, therefore, is 3/18 or .16 eV per amu of combustion end product.

When we compare that energy per mass of combustion product - with the
Kitamura reaction of hydrogen which has been reversibly loaded into a metal
matrix, and then released, then we find that the amu of the end product is
still about one since there is/was no permanent bond. The thermal energy
released, according to Kitamura is ~2 eV, so the eV per amu is about a *ten
to one ratio,* when the energy of the hydride bond is deducted - compared to
hydrogen combustion (by mass of all non-renewable reactants). 

Next big issue. What is the real hydride bond energy for Pd? There is a
chart here (Fig 3):

It appears that the bond energy for Pd varies between .9 eV and a negative
value, depending of a number of variables. The bond is field influenced,
which could be important. From the chart - an average value appears to be
less than .5 eV. However, the indication is that it could be much lower.
Therefore, if Kitamura were correct on the heat energy (which I am beginning
to doubt), then this kind of iterative recycling of hydrogen would be a
window of opportunity for gainfulness, since the spread is very large.

This is too simple and robust to be real, no?

This looks like a COP of close to three. For an accurate cross-comparison
based on all reactants - it is fair to say that we are looking an initial
gain of almost ten to one over combustion; moreover it is an infinite gain
if based on the renewability of the hydrogen, that is: if the COP~3 allows
that to happen, after the conversion losses of heat back into electricity. 

Before we can arrive at an accurate final appraisal for the usefulness of
the process, we must consider the net energy necessary to release the
hydrogen from the matrix. If that were to be .5 eV as the IOP paper suggests
(or less with an electric field) - then there is a huge potential for net
gain from recycling the hydrogen.

IF of course, Kitamura got the 2 eV thermal number correct. Doubts remain
on that issue. The big if.


Re: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2009-12-29 Thread Terry Blanton
So, how does this compare to the recombination energy of atomic
hydrogen?  Here's a reference by a dubious source:



On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 4:04 PM, Jones Beene wrote:
 OK, vorticians. This is could be an important paper and topic, so let me add
 one more point of clarification to Michel Jullian's point about the heat of
 combustion of hydrogen, compared to the anomalous loading heat of
 Kitamura's claim.

 Michel correctly finds that if you only look at one-half of the reaction,
 and ignore the mass of the end product, then what we have is:

 (294.6 / 2) / 6.02e23) * kJ = ~1.5 electron volts/amu based on hydrogen

 This is the energy released relative to initial hydrogen mass, but that
 might assume that oxygen is unnecessary, if you leave it out.  One should
 take the mass of O2 into consideration for the comparison with reversible
 hydride loading.

 ERGO. It would have been clearer back a few posts ago - if I had broken the
 comparison down this way. The steam from hydrogen combustion will have a
 molecular wt of 18 amu per hot molecule. The heat of combustion of the two
 hydrogen atoms is ~3+ eV in total. The resultant energy per amu of the
 steam, therefore, is 3/18 or .16 eV per amu of combustion end product.

 When we compare that energy per mass of combustion product - with the
 Kitamura reaction of hydrogen which has been reversibly loaded into a metal
 matrix, and then released, then we find that the amu of the end product is
 still about one since there is/was no permanent bond. The thermal energy
 released, according to Kitamura is ~2 eV, so the eV per amu is about a *ten
 to one ratio,* when the energy of the hydride bond is deducted - compared to
 hydrogen combustion (by mass of all non-renewable reactants).

 Next big issue. What is the real hydride bond energy for Pd? There is a
 chart here (Fig 3):

 It appears that the bond energy for Pd varies between .9 eV and a negative
 value, depending of a number of variables. The bond is field influenced,
 which could be important. From the chart - an average value appears to be
 less than .5 eV. However, the indication is that it could be much lower.
 Therefore, if Kitamura were correct on the heat energy (which I am beginning
 to doubt), then this kind of iterative recycling of hydrogen would be a
 window of opportunity for gainfulness, since the spread is very large.

 This is too simple and robust to be real, no?

 This looks like a COP of close to three. For an accurate cross-comparison
 based on all reactants - it is fair to say that we are looking an initial
 gain of almost ten to one over combustion; moreover it is an infinite gain
 if based on the renewability of the hydrogen, that is: if the COP~3 allows
 that to happen, after the conversion losses of heat back into electricity.

 Before we can arrive at an accurate final appraisal for the usefulness of
 the process, we must consider the net energy necessary to release the
 hydrogen from the matrix. If that were to be .5 eV as the IOP paper suggests
 (or less with an electric field) - then there is a huge potential for net
 gain from recycling the hydrogen.

 IF of course, Kitamura got the 2 eV thermal number correct. Doubts remain
 on that issue. The big if.


Re: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2009-12-28 Thread Terry Blanton
It is very difficult to understand this experiment.  There is so much
left unsaid.  As I understand it, the first phase loading with zero
change in pressure and the second phase loading is marked when
pressure begins to increase presuming that all DH flow is being
absorbed in the first phase.  I also assume they determined the
loading ratios by the flow rates instead of weighing the loaded

Are we to assume that multiple runs were with new Pd?  In other words,
the six PZ runs used six PZ samples.  Or were they progressive runs
with two samples.

sigh  I guess you had to be there.


Re: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2009-12-28 Thread Terry Blanton
On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 10:43 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

 Essentially that is what happens in a piston or Stirling engine, no?

With the size of those error bars, it's difficult to say what is going
on in some instances.  But the phase one energy output of the H sample
in the PZ is a real puzzler.  And why the heck does it match the D?
Is it something Casimir?  Or is it an error?

Listen to me, I sound like a skeptic.  :-)


RE: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2009-12-28 Thread Jones Beene
-Original Message-
From: Terry Blanton 

...  But the phase one energy output of the H sample
in the PZ is a real puzzler.  And why the heck does it match the D?

It is obviously non-nuclear in phase one. And since it is so rapidly
energetic, why wait for phase two? Doh !

 Is it something Casimir?  Or is it an error?

Since it cannot be reconciled with A-Z or with other findings, it is either
an error ... or else it is the discovery of the decade (if it is not related
to fractional hydrogen, since that would be an arguable explanation, were it
not for the reversibility).

 Listen to me, I sound like a skeptic.  :-)

Speaking of logical skepticism, the Dufour hypothesis would be the one to
jump on. Or not.

Others here on Vo - have mentioned or debated the fact that the gravity
force must grow exponentially at close dimensions - IF - grand unification
is accurate. I think it is accurate. Dufour puts some numbers to that
hypothesis. He may be onto something.

But here is an irony. We have often asked the rhetorical question: if the
Casimir'force' is essentially negative, then how can it produce a net energy
gain?  And now, with pico-gravity in the picture, we seems to have a
tantalizing clue, in a reversed solution, so to speak. 

That being that the Casimir itself is NOT the active force of interest, but
instead the Casimir is the energy sink for picogravity.

Get it?


Re: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2009-12-28 Thread Horace Heffner
I hope the Kitamura et al. run powders and some of each of the  
original materials are retained.  The samples, especially the PZ  
samples, should be analyzed by someone (preferably multiple  
organizations)  in a mass spectrometer for heavy transmutations.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2009-12-28 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

On 12/28/2009 11:59 AM, Terry Blanton wrote:
 On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 10:43 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

 Essentially that is what happens in a piston or Stirling engine, no?
 With the size of those error bars, it's difficult to say what is going
 on in some instances.  But the phase one energy output of the H sample
 in the PZ is a real puzzler.  And why the heck does it match the D?
 Is it something Casimir?  Or is it an error?

Speaking of error bars, I see what may be a nit and I have a question
about it...

In table 1, they give the average loading of D into PdZr as 1.1 +/-
0.0.  That appears to mean 1.1 D per Pd with a zero sized error bar --
the result is exact.

Is that a correct reading?

I find that puzzling because the process they describe for measuring
loading doesn't seem likely to lead to an exact value.  They say (p. 4,
first paragraph):

 After the gas is introduced, pressure does not begin to
rise for a while. During this phase (the first phase) the Pd powder
absorbs almost all of the D2
(H2) gas atoms as they flow in, and heat is released as a result of
adsorption and formation of
deuterides (hydrides). After about 30 minutes, the powder almost stops
absorbing gas; the gas
pressure begins to rise, and the heat release from deuteride (hydride)
formation subsides. This
is the beginning of the 2nd phase, and the gas flow rate in the 1st
phase is evaluated from the
rate of the pressure increase. From the flow rate multiplied by the
duration of the 1st phase,
loading is estimated ... 

This description was for loading determination during the runs using Pd
powder; they don't repeat the description for the other runs but one
would tend to assume it would be about the same.

So what we seem to have is this:   They time phase during which pressure
doesn't rise, then they measure the rate of pressure rise once the Pd
gas absorption slows down, and they use that measured pressure rise,
along with the duration of the constant-pressure phase, to *estimate*
the amount of gas injected into the container.  Using that, plus the
weight of the Pd, they arrive at an estimated value for the loading.

Is that how other folks understood this?

How can this approach lead to a zero sized error bar?  Surely there is a
good bit of wiggle room in a number of the steps in forming the
estimate, or so it appears to me.

 Listen to me, I sound like a skeptic.  :-)



RE: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2009-12-28 Thread Jones Beene
-Original Message-

From: Terry Blanton 


...  But the phase one energy output of the H sample

in the PZ is a real puzzler.  And why the heck does it match the D?


It is obviously non-nuclear in phase one. And since it is so rapidly
energetic, as a practical matter, why wait for phase two? Doh !


 Is it something Casimir?  Or is it an error?


Since it cannot be reconciled with A-Z or with other findings, it is either
an error ... or else it is the discovery of the decade (if it is not related
to fractional hydrogen, since that would be an arguable explanation, were it
not for the reversibility).


 Listen to me, I sound like a skeptic.  :-)


Speaking of logical skepticism, the Dufour hypothesis would be the one to
jump on. Or not.


Others here on Vo - have mentioned or debated the fact that the gravity
force must grow exponentially at close dimensions - IF - grand unification
is accurate. I think it is accurate. Dufour puts some numbers to that
hypothesis. He may be onto something.


But here is an irony. We have often asked the rhetorical question: if the
Casimir 'force' is essentially negative, then how can it produce a net
energy gain?  And now, with pico-gravity in the picture, we seems to
have a tantalizing clue, in a reversed solution, so to speak. 


That being that the Casimir itself is NOT the active force of interest, but
instead the Casimir is the energy sink for picogravity.


Get it?




Re: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2009-12-28 Thread Terry Blanton
On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 1:18 PM, Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:

 Is that how other folks understood this?

Roger that.

I think maybe for all the non-zero error bars, they were out of the
room and had to estimate when the pressure started rising.  ;-)


Re: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2009-12-28 Thread Terry Blanton
On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 1:21 PM, Jones Beene wrote:

 That being that the Casimir itself is NOT the active force of interest, but
 instead the Casimir is the energy sink for picogravity.

 Get it?

Yeah, like, There is no such thing as gravity, the earth sucks.


RE: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2009-12-28 Thread Jones Beene
-Original Message-
From: Stephen A. Lawrence 

 So what we seem to have is this:   They time phase during which pressure
doesn't rise, then they measure the rate of pressure rise once the Pd
gas absorption slows down, and they use that measured pressure rise,
along with the duration of the constant-pressure phase, to *estimate*
the amount of gas injected into the container.  Using that, plus the
weight of the Pd, they arrive at an estimated value for the loading.

 Is that how other folks understood this?

Yes and no. It is in seeming conflict with the charts at the end. BTW - and
this is jumping ahead, since the results are in doubt and need to be
carefully replicated ... but ... If there were some kind of useable loading
gain that could be exploited; then apparently it would need to be
engineered in a way that the cycling of active material is in a narrow range
... one which goes from almost completely loaded to fully loaded - and
this happened at a rapid rate.

Let's say you could go from a H/Pd ratio of 1.1 down to 1.05 and back, ad
infinitum - and furthermore that there would be continuous excess heat in
that small gap - due to some force like Casimir or picogravity. In general,
we would still label this as ZPE pumping since we can probably define the
zero point field in such a way that all of these putative forces and sources
are covered.

And a major point of the recent A-Z results is that there is that order of
magnitude gain (10x) in moving from the Pd-zirconia material to the Nickel

Catch-22 Arata does not show the gain with hydrogen like Kitamura does.


Re: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2009-12-28 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

On 12/28/2009 02:11 PM, Jones Beene wrote:
 -Original Message-
 From: Stephen A. Lawrence 

 So what we seem to have is this:   They time phase during which pressure
 doesn't rise, then they measure the rate of pressure rise once the Pd
 gas absorption slows down, and they use that measured pressure rise,
 along with the duration of the constant-pressure phase, to *estimate*
 the amount of gas injected into the container.  Using that, plus the
 weight of the Pd, they arrive at an estimated value for the loading.

 Is that how other folks understood this?
 Yes and no. It is in seeming conflict with the charts at the end. BTW - and
 this is jumping ahead, since the results are in doubt and need to be
 carefully replicated ... but ... If there were some kind of useable loading
 gain that could be exploited; then apparently it would need to be
 engineered in a way that the cycling of active material is in a narrow range
 ... one which goes from almost completely loaded to fully loaded - and
 this happened at a rapid rate.

 Let's say you could go from a H/Pd ratio of 1.1 down to 1.05 and back, ad
 infinitum - and furthermore that there would be continuous excess heat in
 that small gap - due to some force like Casimir or picogravity.

But why do you think there would be less energy needed to unload the Pd
than it released during loading?   Nothing in these results suggests that.

Certainly if picogravity is at the bottom of it, you're dealing with a
conservative force, and what comes out must go back in if you're return
to your starting conditions.

Casimir is going to behave conservatively too in situations where all
you're doing is letting things smash together and then yanking them
apart again.

RE: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2009-12-28 Thread Jones Beene
-Original Message-
From: Stephen A. Lawrence 

 But why do you think there would be less energy needed to unload the Pd
than it released during loading?   Nothing in these results suggests that.

First off - the level of heat released itself is anomalous. 2 eV is clearly
much higher than expected. That fact (if accurate) gives hope that the
underlying process for providing it, is asymmetrical. 

Actually, I see a glimmer of that non-conservative suggestion in the other
data as well, but obviously it is only an interpretation. Look again at
Table I with an appreciation that the unloading itself could provide
excess energy via gas expansion, instead of requiring it. 

The negative energy data - going from phase 1 to phase 2 with hydrogen, are
clearly ambiguous in the details. But the fact it exists at all could be
an implication that manipulation of pressure (and heat via Boyles' Law) is
providing a reversible trigger for the anomalous gain, as Arata suggests.
Going beyond that: to a reversible and asymmetrical trigger, is a stretch
for you, but to me it is not ruled out.

 Certainly if picogravity is at the bottom of it, you're dealing with a
conservative force, and what comes out must go back in if you're return
to your starting conditions.

That would depend on such details as to whether the Casimir negative energy
gap could provide a proper 'sink' or energy dump, and whether in the
process, a range of distance near the critical Casimir dimensions (around 2
nm) could be cycled by the sink, so that we get the fabled ZPE pump with
energy from another dimension being harnessed. 

Check out the Dufour paper. I am not saying it is right. In fact it is new
to me. It might have merit, especially if all of the natural forces are
indeed becoming unified at a smaller geometry. We are starting to see this
in many nano phenomena and we are knocking on the door of pico.

Basically, it goes back to this - if the heat from loading is indeed
anomalous - that fact alone may indicate an asymmetry, since excess heat in
and of itself implies new physics. New physics will not necessarily conform
to old laws in the way you are assuming. Yes, this would be grasping at
straws without Kitamura's published results. Let's hope they can be
confirmed by others.


Re: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2009-12-28 Thread Frank Roarty
on Mon, 28 Dec 2009 13:17:23 -0800 Stephen A. Lawrence  very correctly said


But why do you think there would be less energy needed to unload the Pd

than it released during loading?   Nothing in these results suggests that.


Certainly if picogravity is at the bottom of it, you're dealing with a

conservative force, and what comes out must go back in if you're return

to your starting conditions.


Casimir is going to behave conservatively too in situations where all

you're doing is letting things smash together and then yanking them apart


[end snip]


Yes! The force is conservative unless you perform a chemical reaction while
the atoms are in the depleted zone.  Without taking sides about whether the
orbitals are fractional , pancaked, relativistic or whatever I think we will
all agree they are in some way different than atoms outside of a Casimir
cavity. If these orbitals form into a compound or molecule their orbitals
become locked into a specific mode or orientation that is NOT appropriate
for the isotropic field outside the cavity. As the bonded atoms diffuse away
from the specific depletion level where they bonded the gradient of the
depletion field changes in opposition to the molecular bond - I suspect that
the bond is broken by this opposition and that a hydrino will never be seen
outside of the cavity but it may be strong enough to maintain a weak hydrino
or FH outside the cavity.  See animation   the atoms once decelerated by the
cavity can oscillate between monatomic and diatomic until they escape the
depletion field - the normally chaotic vacuum fluctuations are able to
donate energy in a non chaotic manner thanks to the energy sink of the
cavity. The favored molecular bond becomes our rectifier when formed by
altered atoms that find themselves no longer able to unaltered because
the bond is holding them in the altered state despite the restoration of the
ZPF when the molecule diffuse away from the particular gradient of depletion
(1/(2-137) at which it formed.