[wanita-muslimah] Contemplation of the day : Puasa Itu Sepanjang Hayat

2009-10-01 Terurut Topik L.Meilany
Puasa Itu Sepanjang Hayat.

Katakanlah, Sesungguhnya shalatku, ibadahku, hidup dan matiku hanyalah untuk 
Rabb semesta alam [QS Al An'aam; 6:162]

Puasa adalah ibadah yang paling tua usianya merupakan sarana untuk melatih jiwa 
dan raga.
Puasa tidak sekedar menahan keinginan makan dan minum.
Puasa adalah sarana pengendalian nafsu.
Menahan diri untuk tidak melihat, mendengar, membaca hal-hal tercela yang dapat
merangsang nafsu syahwat, nafsu amarah.
Menjaga lidah-lisan dari ucapan-ucapan yang buruk dan keji yang tidak memberi 
Menahan diri dari perbuatan jahat, menipu, berbuat ke arah yang dapat 
melalaikan diri dari 
ketaatan terhadap Allah SWT.
Puasa dapat menahan diri dari hal yang berlebihan. Berempati terhadap yang 
papa, tidak 
bermegah-megah-an diatas penderitaan kaum yang kurang beruntung.

Berpuasa tidak hanya dibulan Ramadhan, puasa adalah ibadah; yang sebaiknya 
dilakukan selama hidup.
Dari Abdullah bin Amr berkata, Rasulullah SAW telah bersabda, Puasa yang 
paling disukai Allah adalah 
puasa Daud dan shalat yang paling disukai adalah shalat Daud.
Ia tidur seperdua [separuh] malam, bangun sepertiganya, lalu tidur 
seperenamnya, dan ia berpuasa satu 
hari lalu berbuka satu hari

Puasa adalah 'obat hati' yang menyembuhkan jiwa dari ambisi keduniaan yang 
rendah, pemikiran duniawiyah.
FirmanNya dalam hadith Qudsi :
Ditingggalkannya makan minum dan nafsu syahwat karena Daku. Puasa itu adalah 
untuk-Ku dan Aku 
akan memberinya ganjaran.. [HR Bukhari dan Abu Dawud] -[lm]

(Dari berbagai sumber)


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[wanita-muslimah] Kisah of the day : Kinclong tapi Bolong

2009-10-01 Terurut Topik L.Meilany
Ramadhan telah berlalu namun ada kisah di penghujung ramadhan yang kiranya 
sayang untuk dilewatkan.
Kinclong, tapi Bolong
Oleh : Fradhyt Fahrenheit, Penulis Novel
KOMPAS, Jumat, 25 September 2009 | 02:45 WIB

Tiga hari menjelang Lebaran lalu, saya sedang menunggu teman-teman saya berbuka 
puasa bersama di sebuah restoran berputar nan mewah di salah satu gedung 
langit di Jakarta. Suasana begitu syahdu di ruangan ini, jauh berbeda dengan 
di bawah sana yang hiruk pikuk dan macet.

Di meja sebelah berkumpul tiga ibu muda. Mereka adalah para sosialita yang 
sering terlihat 
di berbagai pesta kalangan atas Jakarta. Di hadapan mereka tersaji hidangan 
ruah untuk berbuka puasa.

Tiba-tiba, salah satu dari mereka memaki di telepon genggam.

Tahu, enggak, Yem?! Baju itu seharga sepuluh tahun kamu kerja! Belum pernah 
sudah kamu laundry?! Bego amat sih?! Pokoknya, harus sudah ketemu sebelum saya 
umrah besok! Kalau tidak, potong gaji dan kamu tidak boleh mudik! sergahnya.
Wah, Jeng Sisly jadi umrah? komentar satu temannya.
Biasa, Si Madame. Kalau Lebaran enggak ada bedinde sama tukang kebun, escape, 
timpal temannya yang lain.
Oh iya, dong, habis umrah, kita langsung belanja ke Eropa. Aku lagi incar tas 
Louis Vuitton 
terbaru di Paris, sekalian ke London lihat konser 100 hari wafatnya Michael 
Jackson! ujar orang 
pertama yang ternyata bernama Jeng Sisly itu.

Saya cuma tersenyum memandang hiburan gratis itu. Tiba-tiba di meja lain, 
terdengar seorang 
bapak muda bergaya metroseksual tidak kalah heboh mengumpat di telepon 
Pokoknya, saya tidak mau tahu, mobil harus sudah sampai besok pagi! Lebaran 
nanti buat saya 
pakai ke open house Pak Menteri! You minta servis yang bagus. Harga mobil itu, 
kan, hampir Rp 3 miliar?

Sungguh suasana buka puasa yang bikin bete. Apakah mereka tak tahu makna puasa? 
Mereka mengejar 
kesempurnaan dan tampang kinclong pada hari Lebaran dengan cara mencaci maki.

Akhirnya, teman-teman saya pun datang. Mereka suami istri dari keluarga 
pengusaha jamu terpandang 
dan tentu saja kaya. Mereka mengajak saya ikut berlebaran bersama para korban 
gempa di sebuah 
desa di Tasikmalaya. 
Mereka berencana membagi zakat dan sembako kepada para korban itu dan tak mau 
ada publikasi!

Ah, seandainya semua orang terkaya di Jakarta seperti sosok teman saya 


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[wanita-muslimah] Info : Memahami Aborsi Sebagai Isu Sosial

2009-10-01 Terurut Topik L.Meilany
Sekedar untuk bacaan,

Memahami Aborsi sebagai Isu Sosial
KOMPAS, Selasa, 29 September 2009 | 04:48 WIB
Gadis Arivia

Kelompok perempuan yang bergiat di bidang kesehatan perempuan dan Benny Phang 
sedang jengkel dengan Undang- Undang Kesehatan yang memuat pasal aborsi.

Kejengkelan mereka diungkap di media. Kejengkelan kelompok perempuan terletak 
pada aturan aborsi 
yang belum melihat persoalan kesehatan reproduksi secara menyeluruh, yakni 
penekanan pada keamanan 
aborsi diabaikan. Mereka berargumen, pengecualian aborsi yang tertuang pada 
pasal 84-85 tidak cukup. 
Aborsi harus dibolehkan secara aman sebab kasus-kasus yang ditemukan bukan 
hanya kasus pemerkosaan 
dan kondisi darurat medis, tetapi ada kasus-kasus nyata lain seperti inses, 
remaja hamil di luar nikah, 
dan aneka tekanan ekonomi yang membuat seorang perempuan dengan berat hati 
memutuskan untuk aborsi. 
Kelompok perempuan bertumpu pada argumentasi sosial, mengemukakan fakta-fakta 

Janin, seorang individu?

Berbeda dari pandangan kelompok perempuan, Benny Phang menekankan argumentasi 
moral dan menolak aborsi. 
Ia berpendapat, eksistensi manusia dimulai dari tahap embrionik, tak jelas 
apakah embrio yang dibekukan untuk 
kepentingan penelitian dan medis juga masuk dalam pengertian manusia. Ia pun 
tak sependapat dengan opini 
medis yang menyatakan aborsi dapat dilakukan dengan aman di bawah 16 minggu. 
Dari argumen moral itu Benny 
meloncat ke argumen Deklarasi HAM yang bersifat sosial, soal hak atas hidup. 
Ada kejanggalan atas pola pikir Benny.

Bagi saya, Benny Phang ingin menyamakan konsep janin dengan konsep 
individu. Pertanyaannya,
apakah janin seorang individu? Bila janin adalah seorang individu, lalu 
apakah ia berwarga negara? 
Bila ia seorang warga negara, apakah ia disebut di dalam Konstitusi? Di dalam 
Konstitusi disebutkan setiap orang 
atau setiap warga negara berhak atas hak-haknya, apakah maksud Konstitusi 
juga termasuk janin? 
Lalu, bagaimana dengan hak-hak seorang ibu yang jelas-jelas sudah berwujud 
manusia dan seorang warga negara? 
Tidakkah seorang ibu memiliki hak untuk memilih?

Konsekuensi dari pemikiran bahwa janin sebagai seorang individu mengarah pada 
argumentasi lain bahwa melakukan 
intervensi untuk pembuahan merupakan tindakan menghentikan proses kehidupan. 
Jadi, menurut alur pemikiran ini, 
penggunaan alat kontrasepsi pun dapat dipermasalahkan.

Jelas, argumentasi konservatif seperti ini sama sekali tidak menghargai hak-hak 
reproduksi perempuan dan tidak 
membantu kesehatan perempuan. Bagaimanapun perempuan yang dipaksa memiliki anak 
banyak bukan saja 
membahayakan kesehatan ibu, tetapi memberatkan ekonomi dan menghambat 
kesejahteraan keluarga serta
pencapaian kualitas hidup yang optimal.

Jaminan hak

Aborsi bukan sebuah hobi. Pengalaman perempuan menunjukkan, pilihan perempuan 
untuk melakukan aborsi 
merupakan pilihan berat dan bersifat amat pribadi. Tidak ada perempuan yang 
bergembira ria melakukan aborsi, 
justru sering mempertaruhkan nyawa.

Penelitian menunjukkan aborsi tidak aman merupakan salah satu penyebab kematian 
ibu dan negara-negara 
yang menyediakan akses aborsi aman justru bisa menekan angka kematian ibu.

Kita tahu, Indonesia masih menghadapi angka kematian ibu yang tinggi. Begitu 
banyak perempuan Indonesia 
miskin terpaksa pergi ke dukun atau orang-orang yang tidak memiliki keahlian 
medis, melakukannya di gang-gang 
sempit, di ruang-ruang gelap tanpa jaminan kebersihan, atau ke dokter-dokter 
tak bertanggung jawab yang 
menguras uang mereka.

Berbagai penelitian juga menunjukkan, keputusan melakukan aborsi sering karena 
desakan kekasih, suami tidak 
sanggup membiayai, atau suami kawin lagi. Ironisnya, di dalam Undang-Undang 
Kesehatan justru yang dikenai 
hukuman adalah pelaku aborsi. Mereka terjerat hukuman berat dan denda hingga 
miliaran rupiah. 
Perempuan lagi-lagi menjadi korban. Di manakah tanggung jawab laki-laki? Para 
dokter dan hakim? 
Bukankah negara seharusnya menyediakan akses pelayanan kesehatan perempuan yang 
Termasuk hak perempuan untuk melakukan aborsi dengan aman. -[lm]

(Gadis Arivia Pendiri Jurnal Perempuan dan Pengajar Tetap di Departemen 
Filsafat, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, 
Universitas Indonesia)

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[wanita-muslimah] Info : Peraturan Hukum di NAD - Qanun Rajam

2009-10-01 Terurut Topik L.Meilany
kalo sudah dirajam kan langsung bebas, gak dipenjara.
jadi mendingan mana langsung dirajam, sakitnya cuma setengah jam, misalnya
atau dipenjara , kurungan?

Qanun Rajam, Langkah Mundur Aceh
KOMPAS, Rabu, 30 September 2009 | 03:20 WIB

Jakarta, Kompas - Meski qanun jinayat rajam di Aceh terbuka untuk proses 
koreksi, pengesahan 
qanun itu merupakan langkah sangat mundur karena dalam sejarahnya Aceh telah 
produk-produk hukum lokal yang sangat maju.

Salah satu indikatornya adalah memberikan perlindungan hak-hak yang layak dan 
kepada perempuan, di antaranya adalah hareuta peunulang, ujar Rusjdi Ali 
Muhammad, mantan 
Rektor Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry, Banda Aceh, di Jakarta, Selasa.

Hareuta peunulang atau harta bawaan adalah penghibahan barang tidak bergerak, 
baik rumah 
maupun tanah, dan sering ditambah yang lain-lain, dari orangtua kepada anak 
yang hendak menikah.
Kebiasaan itu, selain untuk mengimbangi pembagian warisan menurut hukum Islam 
yang lebih 
besar pada ahli waris laki-laki, juga untuk memperkuat posisi perempuan dalam 
Kalau sampai ada perceraian, maka yang keluar dari rumah adalah laki-laki, 
bukan perempuan, 
tegas Rusjdi dalam bedah buku Demi Keadilan dan Kesetaraan: Dokumentasi Program 
Jender Hakim Agama di Indonesia, diterbitkan oleh Pusat Studi Hukum, Konstitusi 
dan Hak Asasi 
Manusia Universitas Islam Negeri Jakarta dan The Asia Foundation.

Harus dikoreksi
Penerbitan buku itu memperlihatkan suatu paradoks politik. Ketika para hakim 
agam bergerak maju 
dengan membuka wawasan dan tindakan yang lebih sensitif dan lebih berpihak pada 
kaum perempuan, 
parlemen di Aceh malah merendahkan kaum yang melahirkan mereka dengan qanun 
yang dalam 
Al Quran pun tak dikenal. Begitu ditegaskan Rusjdi dan Lies Marcoes Natsir dari 
The Asia Foundation.
Karena qanun itu merupakan produk politik di negara demokrasi, maka selalu 
terbuka untuk proses 
koreksi, tegas Direktur Puskumham UIN Arskal Salim.
Rusjdi melihat dua solusi, yaitu dengan mengajukan uji materi ke Mahkamah 
Konstitusi yang juga bisa 
diajukan oleh individu atau direvisi.
Qanun rajam itu mustahil diimplementasikan karena secara teknis sulit 
pembuktiannya, katanya.

Duta Besar Kerajaan Belanda Nikolaus van Dam mempertanyakan, apakah peraturan 
semacam itu sesuai 
dengan tata kelola yang baik dan penghormatan terhadap hak asasi manusia, dan 
apakah sesuai dengan 
kehidupan kemanusiaan pada abad ke-21.
Di antara topik penting yang universal dalam isu hak asasi manusia adalah 
penghapusan hukuman mati dan 
penyiksaan serta perlindungan hak kaum perempuan dan anak. (MH) -[lm]

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Re: [wanita-muslimah] The Destruction of Makkah Madinah!

2009-10-01 Terurut Topik sunny
Untuk dibangun hotel dan fasilitas-fasilitas lainnya untuk tamu-tamu jemah haji.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Razia Fatima 
  To: yanabi_sis...@yahoo.com.au 
  Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 3:59 AM
  Subject: [wanita-muslimah] The Destruction of Makkah  Madinah!

  The Destruction of Historical Sites in
  Makkah  Madinah - The Cradle of Islam

  Yet Muslim Ummah Remains Absolutely Silent! Q. WHY?

  The Saudis are now set on unprecedented onslaught of demolishing the 
  of Prophet Muhummed and the remaining historical structures in the heart of
  Makkah and Madinah, the cradle of Islam, revered by the world's over 1.5
  billion Muslims. Over the last two decades most of Makkah's
  1000-year-old historic sites have been bulldozed and replaced by casino style
  hotels, huge westernized malls, parking lots, roads and public washrooms.
  Failure to protect them from destruction is the biggest tragedy for the 
  architectural heritage. The Saudi royal family claims to be guardians of the 
  places of Islam, and profits hugely by visiting believers to Makkah and Medina
  for pilgrimage, and yet such self proclaimed custodians are party to this
  barbaric desecration of the holiest sites in the Islamic world.

  Today, the religious zealots in Saudi Arabia
  are not alone. Commercial developers such as Bin Laden Group and many others
  have joined hands with them and are making hundreds of millions in profits as
  they build ugly with out respecting any environmental concerns, and today
  lucrative high-rises are shadowing the Grand Mosque know as the Kaaba (House 
  God/Allah). Today Saudi petrodollars have the ability to silence even its most
  vocal critics, but when all is said and done, history will render a harsh
  judgment on those who try to wipe out its footprints and steal the heritage of
  all humanity.

  The problem is the Saudi's interpretation of Islam; they are opposed to the
  preservation of the old historic structures due to belief that some Muslims in
  their ignorance would overcome with love and awe that historic sites may
  invoke, leading to idolatrous thoughts. Destruction of the most precious sites
  in Islam for presumptuous fear of idolatry by some is like killing a child
  for fear that he may grow up to be less than pious. Instead of
  teaching proper Islamic etiquettes and manners one must conduct themselves
  with, when being around such historical sites of religious importance, the
  Saudis just annihilated these sites one by one. In effect, behind
  the obsessive fear of idolatry lies a complete lack of understanding and total
  fanaticism of radical Islam, unable even to appreciate its own past. The
  truth is that under the context of Preventing Idolatry Thoughts and
  be able to safely Accommodate Pilgrims in large numbers, all most
  all sites of historical importance related to Islam and early Muslims have 
  wiped out.

  What is the reason for this silence? Is it because Muslims nations have
  become so overwhelmed by the power of the Saudi denial of Visas for Pilgrimage
  (Hajj), that we have lost all courage and self-respect? Or is it because we
  feel a need to cover up Muslim-on-Muslim violence; Muslim-on-Muslim terror;
  Muslim-on-Muslim oppression? Or it is fear of loosing ones life in a barbaric
  way?, stories of citizens being disappeared are far too common, where it
  is commonly believed that the truth seekers and protesters get thrown naked in
  middle of Rab-al-Khali, the worlds 3rd largest and the hottest
  desert if not executed in one of the many underground hidden prisons.


  As all Muslims
  of the world have stake in the upkeep and maintenance of two Holiest Mosques
  and related historically important Islamic sites. King Abdulaziz, upon 
  control of Arab lands including holy cities of Makkah and Madinah from
  legitimate Hashemite (Prophets Muhummed’s Tribe) rulers, promised to consult
  with Muslims of the world while undertaking major changes in the holy cities,
  this promise was never upheld, and hence it is time that Muslims held this
  regime responsible for such an irreversible breach of trust.


  We Muslims constantly
  rail against any wrongs inflicted on fellow-Muslims by non-believers, but hold
  our silence when Muslims kill, exploit and terrorize other Muslims. Thus, when
  the Americans kill Iraqis, or the Russians persecute Chechens; we are rightly
  offended and resentful. But when Saddam Hussein massacred Iraqi Muslims for
  years, Muslims around the world maintained a discreet silence. So why this
  conspiracy of silence? Thousands demonstrated against the desecration of the
  Holy Book Quran at Guantanamo Bay and thousand complained at the remark by
  Congressman Tom Tancredo of Colorado, referring to Makkah and Madinah said
  If there is another 9/11 we should take out their holy places,
  Where are those zealots now? Why aren't preachers at mosques 

[wanita-muslimah] Terrorist Noordin M Top Was Sodomized: Indonesian Forensic Expert

2009-10-01 Terurut Topik sunny

September 30, 2009 
Nufrika Osman

Terrorist Noordin M Top Was Sodomized: Indonesian Forensic Expert

A forensic pathologist said on Wednesday that an examination of the body of the 
terrorist mastermind Noordin M Top, who was killed during a raid in Central 
Java last month, indicated that he had been sodomized at some point in his life.

There is an anomaly in Noordin's anus because it is shaped like a funnel, 
said Mun'im Idris, a forensic pathologist from the University of Indonesia. It 
indicated that somebody had sodomized him.

Mun'im was part of the team of experts that conducted the autopsy on the body 
of Noordin, a Malaysian-born terrorist sought for a string of attacks carried 
out across the country in the name of Islam. 

It is unclear why Mun'im released the information.

Badaruddin Ismail, a spokesman for Noordin's family in Malaysia, told the 
Jakarta Globe that he accepted the allegation but insisted it remained unclear 
as to when the sodomy took place when he was a child or as an adult. I don't 
know about his private life so I cannot comment more, he said.

Other media outlets that carried the story on Wednesday, speculated on 
Noordin's sexual deviance because of the anomaly. Homosexuality, though not 
against the law in the country, remain unacceptable among the nation's 
mainstream religious communities.

The comments from Mun'im are likely to spark anger among some extremist members 
of the Muslim community that supported Noordin and his supporters.

Separately, National Police spokesman Nanan Soekarna said he had no information 
about the allegations.

I haven't received the report about the anomaly on Noordin's body because it 
is not a part of the investigation, Nanan said, adding the information would 
not affect the investigation.

Nanan also said that the family could collect the remains of the terrorist on 

Noordin's body can be collected by his family on Thursday because we have 
wrapped up the investigation, he said, adding the family would come to the 
headquarters in the morning and they would go to Kramat Jati Hospital with 
officers from the National Police in the afternoon. 

Badaruddin said the family was expected to claim the body on Friday.

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[wanita-muslimah] Fw: Fundraising untuk Padang Re: Posting foto Anda di link Flickr ini pada hari Batik, Jum'at 2 Oktober 2009

2009-10-01 Terurut Topik Dwitra Zaky

--- On Thu, 1/10/09, Dwitra Zaky dwitraz...@yahoo.com wrote:

Dear all...

Dengan adanya musibah Padang, website foto-foto yang tadinya untuk kumpulan 
foto-foto berBatik Ria pada hari batik Indonesia, saya tambahkan menjadi 
sekalian untuk menunjukkan support pada korban musibah Padang. 

Jadi untuk siapa saja ( Indonesia ataupun non-Indonesia) yang mencintai Batik 
dan sekaligus memberikan doa dan support kepada korban musibah Padang, bisa 
bergabung di link website Flickr ini 

Website ini akan saya share dengan banyak teman-teman non-Indonesia.
Jadi tolong dong sekalian disebar ke teman-teman non-Indonesia lainnya, 
sekalian Fund-Raising untuk Padang.

wassalam, Dewi 
note: Email di bawah ini bisa di copy and paste

Indonesian and Batik on Friday, Oct 2nd 2009


Indonesia's 's president is pressing the country's 234 million people
to wear batik clothes to celebrate a triumph over neighbour Malaysia in
a poisonous feud over cultural heritage.

I urge Indonesians wherever they are to wear batik on October 2,
Yudhoyono was quoted as saying this week by state news agency Antara
while in the United States for the G20 meeting of world leaders.

Yudhoyono said the country should have a batik party to let the world know 
that the art form comes from Indonesia.



Please, for any Indonesian ( especially who live outside of Indonesia
/abroad) or any non-Indonesian who loves Batik , take your picture or
you and your friends / families picture wearing Batik on that day. Then
post it here.

Anybody, everybody can join and post their picture here, as long as not 
pornographic or inappropriate pictures.  

You can post your picture/pictures here, from Friday Oct 2nd 6 AM EST
until Tuesday Oct 6th 6 PM. Let's the world see our Batik Collection
and how we, as an Indonesian proud with our Heritage.

About this group:

Simple Rules Only:

One (1) photo per day in the group's stream.

How to post your photos to our gallery and threads. Click on the link for easy 
instructions :)

ABSOLUTELY NO NUDITY (This includes Female Topless).


No Graphic Violence or Obscenities.

These photos will be deleted from the group and are grounds for
banning. If you have a concern as to whether your photo would be
considered nudity, violent or obscene, please contact one of the Admins
via Flickrmail. We will be more than happy to review it and let you


We are a FAMILY FRIENDLY Group :)

Do not start your own thread. If you have an idea for one please let us
know by emailing one of our admins and we will post it for you. We
maintain our threads on a daily basis and have too much on the go
sometimes to be maintaining additional ones. We appreciate your
cooperation on this.

Photo's submitted into any threads are separate from the gallery
therefore there is no limit set for posting in them unless the admin
hosting the thread asks you only post a certain amount. 

Put the place and date where and when you take the pictures.

We created this group with hopes of providing a friendly place for an
Indonesian from around the world to share their photos with their batik
clothes and to show others the beauty they capture with just a simple
click of their camera. You may be as creative with your photos as you
like or as simple as you like. This is a group for everyone regardless
of race, religion or sexual orientation. Everyone is always welcome
here .


Versi Indonesia:

Pada hari Batik , Jum'at 2 Oktober, silahkan teman-teman, bapak / Ibu
untuk mengambil foto berpakaian Batik. Lalu posting disini. Boleh foto
sendirian atau beramai-ramai dengan keluarga atau teman.

Jangan lupa mencantumkan tempat dan tanggal dimana dan kapan foto itu diambil.


Mari yuuk...!!!


Added Thursday , 9/30/09

Several days after the announcement from the Indonesian's President, there were 
several earthquakes in Padang, West Java.

First was Wednesday afternoon , a powerful quake with a magnitude 7.6
Scale of Richter and the epicenter is only less than 32 miles away from
Padang. The second one was on Thursday morning with 7 SR.

Until now at least around 1.100 building and houses already collapsed
and most of them flattened into the ground. There were several fires
around the area, as well. Thousands people still trapped under the

[wanita-muslimah] Indonesian Legislature Receives Rotten End-of-Term Report Card

2009-10-01 Terurut Topik sunny

October 01, 2009 
Emmy Fitri 

A member of the House of Representatives waiting for a plenary session to vote 
on the contentious Anti-Corruption Court bill. (Reuters Photo)

Indonesian Legislature Receives Rotten End-of-Term Report Card

In response to the simple question of how they would rate the performance of 
the 550 lawmakers who served the country over the past five years, political 
analysts and political novices alike immediately give the same response - a big 
thumbs down.

The 2004-09 batch of lawmakers that officially ended their terms on Wednesday 
has been little more than a cast of colorful characters in a five-year display 
of what many consider to be plain incompetence exacerbated by blatant 

They simply failed, said Sulastio, an analyst from nongovernmental 
organization Indonesian Parliamentary Center.

Rustiono M, a teacher at an East Jakarta high school, echoed his view. Only a 
few of them really represented the people's interests, he said.

The House of Representatives has three main functions: to produce laws, to 
monitor the executive branch of government and to produce the state budget. In 
the wake of the post-1998 reform movement, the legislature should have shifted 
its role from being the New Order government's rubber stamp to a strong 
political power house that keeps the balance of power among the three branches 
of government in check.

But the legislators don't appear to have taken this new role seriously. 
Bickering and grandstanding, it seems, occupied most of the legislators' time, 
as more news stories on legislative scandals seemed to have been reported in 
the past five years than actual laws passed. 

The legislators mostly failed to achieve the legislation targets they set. I 
think they were overly confident when setting targets that they couldn't 
fulfil, Sulastio said. 

The House has only managed to pass 193 bills of the targeted 284, or 68 

The failure to hit its target is even more disappointing given that the 2004-09 
legislative period was allocated a significant increase in budget. 

After the 2004 elections, the government, in an attempt to boost the quality of 
their work, set aside Rp 6.54 trillion ($680.2 million), or Rp 1.3 trillion 
more than the previous period - to boost the House's communications, expert 
staff and operations budget. 

Our legislators use more money from the state compared to legislators in the 
US and Australia who are allocated less than 1 percent of their respective 
state budgets. Here, their budget is nearly 2 percent, he said.

We haven't even talked about the quality of the legislation that they gave 
us, Sulastio said. The fact the public strongly reacted to some legislation, 
as shown in the number of laws brought by the public to be reviewed [in court], 
is proof that public participation is particularly low or nonexistent during 
the drafting process.

The 2004-09 House will be known for the number of challenges filed in the 
Constitutional Court against the laws it passed. The Legislative Election Law 
alone, for instance, has had 10 judicial review requests filed against it. 

House Speaker Agung Laksono had set up a Work Improvement Team, a kind of 
resource and development center, which was expected to provide assessment and 
evaluation for the legislators.

But unlike in other countries, Sulastio said, the team did not function as 
expected, partly because members had to spend most of their time in legislation 

Isn't it sad that one legislator can sit on eight special committees? How 
could he work his utmost if he has to divide his time and energy in such a 
way, Sulastio said. With all the improvement and increased budget, we pinned 
so much hope on these legislators. But alas, they just didn't meet our 
expectations, he said.

Image wise, there is also nothing to be proud of as some members were 
implicated in graft cases, Sulastio said.

Indonesia Corruption Watch said around 40 House members have been implicated in 
graft cases, and most of them are from major parties, including the Indonesian 
Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), Golkar Party and the National Mandate 
Party (PAN). 

Rustiono, the high school teacher, said he believed he was not the only one 
disappointed with legislators' performance, which didn't match up with promises 
made during election campaigns. The corruption cases allegedly committed by 
the lawmakers are saddening. In addition, I rarely heard anything about 
defending of public interests, he said. They were busy bickering when the 
government raised the fuel price, for instance. They tend to be reactive when 
it comes to high-profile cases.

Indria Samego, a political analyst from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences 
(LIPI), called for the drafting of clear guidelines for future lawmakers so the 
House could function more efficiently.

[wanita-muslimah] Race to aid Sumatra quake survivors

2009-10-01 Terurut Topik sunny

Friday, October 02, 2009 
00:28 Mecca time, 21:28 GMT 

  Race to aid Sumatra quake survivors 

  Rescue and relief teams have been ordered to 'flood' Padang 
with aid [AFP] 

  Indonesia is appealing for international aid in the wake of a series of 
powerful earthquakes that officials say have killed at least 770 people, with 
thousands more feared trapped under the rubble.

  A 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck Sumatra on Thursday morning, according 
to the US Geological Survey, just hours after a larger, 7.6 magnitude undersea 
earthquake had rocked the island.

  The first earthquake, which struck bout 50km from the coastal city of 
Padang, flattened hundreds of buildings there, including hospitals, schools and 

  Search and rescue teams were at work in heavy rain in Padang when the 
second earthquake struck, causing widespread panic and badly damaging houses in 
Jambi, another Sumatran town.

  Indonesia's health ministry has said it fears thousands of people may 
have died.

  Rescue operations

  Rick Cameron, the director of Island Aid, a disaster relief organisation 
in Indonesia, said he had been taken by surprise by the second tremor.

Send your pictures 

Send us your videos, pictures and comments 

  He told Al Jazeera: We all jumped up, ran to a grassy area outside the 
house. As we went down the stairs it intensified. Some of my friends fell over, 
it was so strong.

  It was extremely disorienting and shakes every perspective of what you 
think the world is.

  It was unclear how many injuries the second earthquake had caused, but 
Raphael Abreu, a geophysicist with the US Geological Survey, told Al Jazeera 
that it had been definitely capable of creating, by itself, significant damage 
to structures and property.

  Step Vaessen, Al Jazeera's correspondent reporting from Padang, said: So 
far, the worst incident I've seen is 160 people buried at one location.

  It's sporadic damage, but the damage is serious. High-rise buildings, 
many of which have collapsed totally or partially - so lots of people trapped 
... but it is still hard to say how many have died.

  I haven't seen many rescue workers active at all. I don't think there's 
enough equipment at the moment in Padang to conduct these operations.

  By 1300 GMT on Thursday, an official with the disaster ministry put the 
toll at 770, with 290 people seriously injured and 2,090 slightly injured. 

  Padang 'overwhelmed'

  Fauzi Bahar, Padang's mayor, appealed for help on Indonesian radio saying 
the city was overwhelmed.

In video 

 Quake wrecks Sumatra town
 Padang warning ignored
  We really need help. We call on people to come to Padang to evacuate 
bodies and help the injured, he said. 

  Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Indonesia's president, instructed officials to 
flood Padang with aid and medical relief, while his government announced $10m 
in emergency aid.

  He has been to Padang to oversee the relief effort and gave a little 
message, asking people to pray for a miracle to help the city, said Al 
Jazeera's Veronica Pedrosa.

  Vaessen reported that medical teams and military aircraft had been 
arriving with field hospitals, tents, medicine and food rations as officials 
ramped up the rescue and relief operation.

  Massive damage

  At daybreak on Thursday, many Padang residents used their bare hands to 
dig through the rubble searching for survivors.

  Survivors were seen being pulled out and hospitals struggled to treat the 
many injured. 

  Officials in Padang said about 500 houses had caved in and witnesses said 
many buildings had collapsed after the first earthquake.

  Priyadi Kardono, a spokesman for Indonesia's disaster management agency, 
said the effects could be as big as the Yogyakarta quake, referring to a 2006 
disaster that killed or injured more than 5,000 people and damaged or destroyed 
150,000 homes.

  The tremor was felt in the Indonesian capital Jakarta, 940km away, and 
sent frightened office workers streaming out of buildings in Singapore as well 
as Malaysia's capital, Kuala Lumpur.

  Dozens of aftershocks followed.

  'Ring of Fire'

  Padang, the capital of Indonesia's West Sumatra province, sits on one of 
the world's most active fault lines along the so-called Ring of Fire, the same 
one that cracked off Aceh, at the northern tip of Sumatra, in 2004 to trigger 
the Indian Ocean tsunami.

Shopping malls, hospitals and hotels in Padang were among the 
structures toppled [Reuters] 
  That disaster killed more than 220,000 people in Indonesia, Thailand, Sri 
Lanka and India among other countries. 


[wanita-muslimah] Toward disseminating human values

2009-10-01 Terurut Topik sunny

Thursday 1 October 2009 (12 Shawwal 1430)

  Toward disseminating human values
  Abdul Aziz Valiyaveetil | azi...@yahoo.com

  As the winds of change, here is another historical moment to 
remember - the Geneva Conference 2009. Initiated by the Custodian of the Two 
Holy Mosques King Abdullah and organized by the Makkah-based Muslim World 
League, the conference is titled Inter-religious Dialogue and its Impact in 
Disseminating Human Values. 

  Last year, under the wise guidance and leadership King 
Abdullah and the patronage of the king of Spain, Juan Carlos, Madrid marked the 
beginning of a new era of Consensus of Civilizations. And this year, in Geneva, 
the work continues.

  All mankind dreams of a beautiful and peaceful world, where 
there will be no place for hatred and hardship. The advancement of science and 
technology has given even more substance to these dreams. We once shed the 
banner of religion in favor of science for achieving this end. Science, we 
believed, had the answers to all our problems. But the unbridled growth of 
science without a conscience has caused irreparable harm to humanity. What we 
see today is that people are abandoning moral values and virtues for material 
gains. Greed and jealousy have conquered the human mind. War, terrorism and 
crime have become everyday news.

  It is here that King Abdullah calls for the unity of 
civilizations on common grounds to promote common goodness and the peaceful 
coexistence of various faiths, creeds and communities.

  Let us not forget that those who oppose dialogue and 
cooperation between cultures and religions are those who wish the world to 
remain in chaos and discord. For only if the various cults fight between 
themselves can the weapons be sold, only then can nations be subjugated. The 
imperialist long ago realized that the best way to rule was to divide - and the 
easiest way to divide is on the basis of beliefs and culture. 

  It is, therefore, integral to end the call for the clash of 
civilizations and cultures and to warn of the danger of campaigns seeking to 
worsen conflicts and destabilize peace and security. We need to embrace common 
human values, to cooperate in their dissemination within societies and to solve 
the problems that prevent their attainment.

  Disseminating a culture of tolerance and understanding 
through dialogue in order to be a framework for international relations through 
holding conferences and symposia, as well as developing relevant cultural, 
educational and media programs is vital for the modern world.

  Let us hope that this dialogue follows in the footsteps of 
the one before and triggers an end to divisions on the basis of religion, 
sects, beliefs, colors, creeds and origins. Let the world be divided only into 
two - the good and the bad. And let the forces of good come together till the 
evil is defeated, till light shines, peace prevails and the Kingdom of God 
reigns supreme on earth as it does in heaven. 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] count down

2009-10-01 Terurut Topik sunny
Count down :


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[wanita-muslimah] New Indonesian Lawmakers Take Oath

2009-10-01 Terurut Topik sunny

October 02, 2009 
Febriamy Hutapea  Markus Junianto Sihaloho

New Indonesian Lawmakers Take Oath

With just a passing mention of the disaster unfolding in Padang, 560 new 
members of the House of Representatives and 128 members of the Regional 
Representatives Council were sworn in on Thursday for the 2009-14 term in a 
ceremony criticized for its $4.7 million budget. 

Greeted by banners outside the House that read, Don't disappoint the people, 
and Remember your sweet promises, the legislators stood to take their oaths 
of office in front of beaming family members and foreign dignitaries during a 
House plenary session. 

In the name of Allah, we promise to fulfill our duties to the best of our 
abilities, they repeated after Supreme Court Chief Justice Harifin Tumpa. We 
will work seriously to uphold democracy and fight for the people's aspirations 
for the national interest. 

The Regional Representatives Council (DPD) members then made similar pledges. 
The DPD and the House (DPR) comprise the People's Consultative Assembly. 

Hopes that the new crop of legislators would be able to distance themselves 
from the corruption that blighted the body over the last term took a hit with 
the inauguration of Muhammad Izzul Islam, a United Development Party (PPP) 
legislator from West Nusa Tenggara. 

He had been sentenced by the Mataram District Court on Lombok to eight months 
in jail for counterfeiting his high school certificate, but has yet to begin 
his incarceration. The 2008 Election Law stipulates that legislative candidates 
would be disqualified if they had been convicted of a crime punishable by 
imprisonment of five years or more.

Related articles
Indonesia's House Passes Four More Bills as Clock Ticks
11:22 PM 15/09/2009

Indonesia's House Passes Record Four Bills in One Day
12:58 AM 15/09/2009

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Chinese communists paint town red for 60th anniversary

2009-10-01 Terurut Topik sunny

Chinese communists paint town red for 60th anniversary

October 02, 2009 

Article from:  The Australian 
AFTER a week of dreadful smog and gloom, the Chinese capital was blessed with 

The sun shone in a stunning clear blue sky, flags fluttered in the light breeze 
and the implacable Chinese President Hu Jintao reviewed 8000 immaculately 
drilled troops through a Tiananmen Square awash in red and yellow and down the 
length of Beijing's magnificent Chang'an Avenue. 

In Beijing, at least, everything was right with the world as China's Communist 
Party celebrated its 60 years in power. 

For Mr Hu in a black Mao jacket, standing ramrod stiff through the sunroof of a 
black limousine as he reviewed the troops following a 60-gun salute, it was 
perhaps the pinnacle of a long career, in his seventh year at the head of 
China's ruling Politburo. 

Taking the stage on the parapet of the Forbidden City, Mr Hu promised peace, 
harmony and a united China. 

China has infinitely bright prospects, he said. 

The development and progress of New China over the past 60 years fully proved 
that only socialism can save China and only reform and opening up can ensure 
the development of China, socialism and Marxism. 

The two-hour parade featured the latest in Chinese defence hardware and 
thousands of troops and civilian standard bearers. 

It's 60 years since Mao Zedong - whose embalmed body remains in state at the 
edge of Tiananmen Square - seized power in a bloody civil war, ending a century 
of turmoil, only to usher in 30 years of experimental socialist government on a 
scale never seen before or since. 

The devastating famine of the 1950s was followed by the murderous Cultural 
Revolution, before Mao's death ushered in China's new era of booming 
semi-capitalist growth under Deng Xiaoping. 

Yet China's Communist Party has succeeded where Russia and its satellite states 
failed in maintaining an ever-morphing form of socialism to govern its people. 

A total of 52 types of new weapon systems, including China's newest model of 
intercontinental nuclear-capable ballistic missiles, were on display. 

Other cutting-edge weaponry includes China's new generation of tanks, radar, 
airborne early warning and control aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles and 
satellite communication devices. 

Some types of equipment were displayed in previous military parades, but what 
is to be shown in this parade are their upgraded models, parade director 
Lieutenant General Fang Fenghui said. 

The parade involved more than 8000 servicemen and women, nearly 500 tanks, 
missiles and other military vehicles and 151 warplanes. 

Party leaders including former leader Jiang Zemin and heir apparent Xi Jinping 
watched on, among 30,000 invited guests including Australia's ambassador to 
China, Geoff Raby. 

On Wednesday night, the country's top leaders gathered in the Great Hall of the 
People to hear Premier Wen Jiabao say the world's economic development faced 
the most severe challenge since the Great Depression and admit China's economy 
had also been seriously hit by the global economic crisis. 

China's double-digit growth had slowed to 8 per cent. 

Mr Wen pledged to maintain the sustainability and stability of the country's 
macroeconomic policy to achieve steady and rapideconomic development and 
contribute to global economic recovery. 

He urged the people to be sober-minded and proceed with confidence in driving 
the country's development.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Indonesia Earthquake Leaves City of Devastation

2009-10-01 Terurut Topik sunny

October 02, 2009 
Anita Rachman, Markus Junianto Sihaloho, Farouk Arnaz, Putri Prameshwari, 
Ismira Lutfia  April Aswari

Soldiers and volunteers carrying an earthquake victim from a collapsed hotel in 
Padang, West Sumatra. Crews battled poor communications and road access in an 
effort to rescue thousands still pinned under ruins. (Reuters Photo)

Indonesia Earthquake Leaves City of Devastation

With emergency aid in short supply, a desperate search-and-rescue effort was 
mounted in Padang on Thursday in a race to save thousands of people trapped 
under rubble from buildings that collapsed after the powerful earthquake the 
day before. 

The death toll as of late Thursday remained unclear, with the United Nations 
putting the number of fatalities at 1,100, while some media agencies quoted the 
ministries of health and social affairs as saying 770 fatalities had been 

But with rescue efforts only reaching the surface of the extensive ruins 
dotting this city of 900,000, the death toll from the 7.6-magnitude quake is 
feared to run into the thousands. 

Poor transportation and communications made it difficult to determine the 
actual number of people missing or trapped, or the extent of damage in 
surrounding areas. Wednesday's quake toppled at least 500 buildings in Padang, 
started fires, severed roads and caused power and communications outages. All 
main roads leading to Padang from the neighboring provinces of North Sumatra, 
Riau, Jambi and Bengkulu were cut off by landslides. 

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati announced on Thursday that Rp 250 
billion ($26 million) had been prepared for initial relief efforts. President 
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who flew to Padang on the same day, indicated that 
the government was ready to accept foreign assistance. 

A number of foreign governments had offered aid, but none had been confirmed as 
of press time. Meanwhile, various government agencies immediately mobilized 
teams to assist survivors and rescue those still trapped. 

Armed Forces Chief Gen. Djoko Santoso said more than 1,000 soldiers had been 
dispatched to the city, and National Police spokesman Nana Soekarna said 500 
members of the elite Mobile Brigade (Brimob) from neighboring provinces were 
sent to help rescue efforts. 

Soldiers, policemen and volunteers, along with heavy machinery, were mostly 
concentrated around two multistory hotels that had collapsed in downtown Padang 
- the seven-story Bumi Minang and the nearby five-story Ambacang. Only one 
survivor has so far been pulled from the wreckage of the Bumi Minang. More than 
100 victims were believed to be trapped under the toppled Ambacang. 

The police also sent a 40-person medical and forensic team along with medicine 
and mobile communications equipment. The military said it had prepared four 
Hercules military transport aircraft to lift personnel and aid, the police lent 
five aircraft and the Navy deployed six vessels, including some that would be 
transformed into floating hospitals operating off the coast of West Sumatra. 

Despite these deployments of aid, the humanitarian needs were overwhelming. The 
Muhammad Djamil General Hospital, part of it severely damaged, and the Yos 
Sudarso Hospital, both in Padang, were overflowing with the wounded. Large 
military tents were erected on open spaces in the hospital compounds for 
surgery and to shelter patients. 

As the sun set on Thursday, residents of Padang and the surrounding 
countryside, scared of more aftershocks, prepared to spend a second night in 
the makeshift tents and shelters they had erected in the open, despite the 
rains that have been falling over the past few days. 

More than 24 hours after the disaster struck, the city was still bereft of 
electricity, communication was erratic, and with shops closed, food, water and 
other essentials were scarce. Public transportation was almost nonexistent, and 
vehicles that were still operable after the quake were stuck for hours in long 
lines for fuel. 

I can't buy bread anymore, all I have is instant noodles, said Afrini Yeti, a 
housewife in Padang. In Pariaman, just northwest of Padang and the town closest 
to the epicenter of the quake, a small post set up by the local police was 
flooded by people reporting missing family and friends. 

Among them, was Efrijon Darwis, 47, a resident of South Pariaman, who was 
looking for his wife and two daughters. Nelly Gustif, 46, had gone to Padang by 
train to shop with her two daughters, Annisa Melia, 16, and Safira Tri 
Darmayanti, 10. I don't know where I should look for them now. I hope they are 
still alive, he told the Jakarta Globe.

Related articles
Survivor: 'Sumatra Quake Was By Far The Worst I've Ever Seen'
12:38 AM 02/10/2009

Indonesia Earthquake: Hospital Forced to Stop Surgeries Due to Shortages
3:02 PM 01/10/2009

Search for Indonesia Quake Victims 

[wanita-muslimah] Reinforcing Traits of Personal Excellence

2009-10-01 Terurut Topik Sigit Wahyu
*Reinforcing Traits of Personal Excellence*

Driven by our spiritual beliefs, we Muslims demonstrated unrelenting
dedication, commitment, and sincerity for the full month of Ramadan. We
pushed to achieve more in reward by setting and keeping to a discipline
without fail for the consecutive 30 days. For most of us, procrastination
became a non-issue. We endured physical strain through long prayers, hunger
and thirst during the day, and little and interrupted sleep schedules. All
in all, we shirked little in stepping out of our comfort zones and though a
positive mental attitude, focus and self motivation, not for a moment any of
these stresses deterred us from attaining our spiritual goals.

Believe it or not – what most of us demonstrated for the full month of
Ramadan were traits required to attain personal excellence. People have
accomplished more, tackled and resolved the most difficult problems, and
become effective leaders by espousing these traits of excellence. *Why then,
one wonders, do a majority of Muslims fail to achieve the same levels of
excellence in other areas of their lives? Why is the plight of Muslims today
only mediocre at best? Why do so many Muslims sincere and passionate in
their prayers, fasting and other rituals snap out of the spirit of Islam in
other aspects of their lives?*

* *

A chasm obviously exists between how we successfully step up to excel in our
religious rituals and how we otherwise choose not to do so in other aspects
of our lives. Because if we habitually lived by the same traits of
excellence, we would excel more in our careers, learning and education,
dealings with people, enjoy exemplary family lives, possess great health and
healthy relationships, and dramatically improve all aspects of our lives. If
each one of us did their part to drive toward excellence, the plight of
Muslims the world over will be much better than what it is today.

The answer to this “disconnect” lies deep in our minds and is mostly
attributed to our beliefs. Our beliefs ingrained in our psyche, whether
spiritual or otherwise, provide us with feelings of certainty and drive us
to take the right actions. So, while the strength of our *spiritual
beliefs*drives us to take the right actions and consequently to excel
*spiritual fronts* (one proof of which we saw in Ramadan), lack of such
strength in beliefs related to other areas of our lives keeps us from moving
forward. Therefore, when we hold weak beliefs (or none at all) related to
our desired actions, we only do the very minimal to get by – a far cry from
what is needed to excel in those areas. As a result, we struggle in our
relationships, have lower standards of education, pursue mediocre
professional careers, struggle with maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and so

Beliefs propel us to take action that we otherwise would struggle with. For
example, how many chain smokers do you know of who can quit smoking for
hours during Ramadan, which they are not able to do otherwise? How many
brides and grooms do you know of who were able to lose weight a few weeks
before their wedding that they otherwise could not do earlier? How many
cardiac patients do you know of who were able to alter their diet plans and
healthy lifestyles permanently after they endured a serious heart attack? In
all such cases, something changes in their minds that make them take
full-fledged action without fail. That is the power of beliefs.

In changing behaviors, forcing oneself to act without believing works only
for the short term. Can you recall how many times have you forced yourself
to get into the habit of doing something but reverted to your old way of
doing things? How many times have you forced your children to do something
only to see no change in their behavior for the long run? Quran teaches us
too that simply the act of praying for example does not mean much unless one
is grounded in the right beliefs. Consider this verse in the Quran:

*Righteousness is not that you turn your faces towards the East or the West
(in prayers), but righteousness is the one who believes in Allah, the Last
Day, the Angels, the Book and the Prophets. [Surah al?Baqarah (2):177].*

So, if you have failed to see certain results in any area of your life that
is because *you must address your underlying beliefs related to what you
have been trying to change.* Simply forcing yourself to act for the moment
can get you only so far.

*Forming of Beliefs*

Your beliefs come together through a combination of your experiences,
knowledge, and the process of thought and reflection. Such beliefs also
strengthen (or weaken) through the interplay of the same three factors. You
can probably easily see how the interplay of these three factors have shaped
your spiritual beliefs. The exact same applies to other areas of your life
as well.

We know for example, that some of the beliefs that you develop through your
childhood *experiences *carry forward in your life. Research 

[wanita-muslimah] Lindungilah Batik melalui Hari Batik Nasional

2009-10-01 Terurut Topik Djoko Suryo
Nelson Mandela dengan bangganya mengenakan baju batik, pada saat
pidato pertamanya sebagai Presiden Afrika Selatan (Mei 1994). Sebagai
hari pembebasan pemisahan ras kulit putih. Saya merasa salut kepada
Mandela, karena ia lebih sering dan lebih senang mengenakan baju batik
daripada jas. Entah dalam acara bagaimana formilnya sekalipun juga.
Baju batik ini di Afrika Selatan diberi nama Madiba. Konon batik
pertama kalinya diperkenalkan secara international oleh mantan
Presiden Soeharto pada saat konferensi PBB.

Ibu kandung dari Barack Obama – Ann Dunham terkenal sebagai kolektor
batik. Pada bulan Juni 2009 kemarin hasil koleksinya di pamerkan
diberbagai macam museum di Amerika - Barack Obama's Mother and
Indonesian Batiks. Pakaian dari disainer kondang Italy Prada bukan
hanya senang dipakai oleh perempuan papan atas sekarang ini saja,
bahkan ratusan tahun sebelumnya. Para bangsawan kerajaan jaman dahulu
mengenakan batik Prada atau Pinarada Mas adalah kain batik yang
ditulis dengan menggunakan serbuk emas murni.

Pada tanggal 2 Oktober nanti, UNESCO akan mengukuhkan batik Indonesia
sebagai Warisan Budaya Dunia (World Heritage) di Perancis. Hal inilah
yang mendorong saya melalui artikel ini untuk turut mempromosikan
Batik. Tetapi apa sebenarnya yang Anda ketahui tentang Batik?

Kata Batik itu sendiri diserap dari bahasa Jawa “amba” = menulis dan
“nitik”. Batik erat dikatikan dengan kebudayaan etnis Jawa, bahkan
sudah dikenal semenjak zaman Raden Wijaya (1294-1309) pada masa
kerajaan Majapahit. Setelah akhir abad ke-XVIII batik mulai meluas
menjadi milik rakyat Indonesia dan khususnya suku Jawa. Batik secara
historis ditulis dan dilukis pada daun lontar. Pada awalnya kesenian
batik ini hanya khusus untuk pakaian raja dan keluarga serta para

Dikerjakannya pun hanya terbatas di lingkungan kraton saja. Akhirnya
kesenian ini dibawa ke luar keraton oleh pra pengikut raja yang
tinggal di luar kraton, sehingga akhirnya menjadi pakaian rakyat.
Sampai awal abad ke-XX batik yang dihasilkan semuanya batik tulis yang
dikerjakan hanya oleh kaum perempuan. Membuat batik tulis membutuhkan
waktu dua sampai dengan tiga bulan.

Batik secara historis ditulis dan dilukis pada daun lontar. Pembuatan
batik cap baru dikenal setelah perang dunia pertama. Ide pembuatan
batik cap ini timbul dari seorang Tionghoa yang bernama Kwee Seng dari
Banyumas. Sejak adanya produksi batik cap inilah kaum pria juga bisa
turut dikaryakan dalam pembuatan batik.

Pada awalnya batik dibuat dengan menggunakan kain mori. Dewasa ini
batik dibuat juga dari bahan-bahan lainnya misalnya sutera, rayon
ataupun poliester. Motif gambar batik dibentuk/ditulis dengan cairan
lilin dengan menggunakan alat yang dinamakan canting untuk motif
halus, atau kuas untuk motif berukuran besar. Kain yang telah selesai
dilukis dengan lilin kemudian dicelup dengan warna yang diinginkan.
Panjangnya batik pada umumnya sekitar 2¼ meter.

Apakah Anda tahu bahwa di Pekalongan ada Museum Batik. Apabila Anda
lewat Pekalongan ajaklah anggota keluarga Anda untuk berkujung ke
Museum tersebut agar mereka juga bisa lebih mengenal dan lebih
mencintai Batik. Silahkan klik:

Sebagai akhir dari tulisan ini saya ingin mengajak rekan-rekan dan
para pembaca semua untuk turut mengkampanyekan Batik. Mulai dengan
menyebar luaskan oret-oretan ini maupun mengenakan pakaian batik pada
saat akhir pekan nanti. Dimulai pada hari Jumat tanggal 2 Oktober 2009
sebagai Batik Day. Marilah kita perjuangkan perlindungan Batik dengan
aksi nyata dari semua warga Indonesia, dimana kita merasa bangga
mengenakan pakaian batik melebihi daripada jas ataupun pakaian formil

Mari Mencintai Indonesia
Mari Berjuang untuk Indonesia
Mari lindungi Budaya Indonesia dan
mari batikan Indonesia
pada hari Batik Nasional

Mang Ucup
Email: mang.ucupatgmail.com
Homepage: www.mangucup.org

Milis Wanita Muslimah
Membangun citra wanita muslimah dalam diri, keluarga, maupun masyarakat.
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[wanita-muslimah] Converting to Islam in Britain

2009-10-01 Terurut Topik moin khan


I generally do not pay attention to stories decribing the conversion of some 
prominent figures to Islam because often these are not true or are of no 
consequence.  Yet I am curious about the below report sent to me by an 
individual whose judgement I trust.  
Kaleem Kawaja
 - - - --
Britain’s High Class Are Flocking to Islam

Authentic research has shown that over 14000 Brits have converted to Islam 
after having lost hope in the style of life the West is offering.

‘Amongst the converts there exists many famous personalities which is a great 
booster for the Muslims who have become a prey to accusations of terrorism and 
are living in fear’ in the words of Muslim leaders.

The Muslim Council has appointed the former health minister’s son Ahmed 
Dobson as chairman of  their new committee which is striving to explain the 
reality of Islam to the whites living in the United Kingdom.

Yahya Britt (Jonathan Britt) the former BBC director has researched thoroughly 
the data of Christians converting to Islam and concluded that the total number 
of new Muslims in Britain was 14200. In his statement of conversion to Islam 
last week, Britt stressed the point that Britain also needed a leader to bring 
whites more easily into Islam, just as Malcom X had done for the blacks of 
America and to make Islam a more national religion rather than the strange one 
it is at present. Furthermore, he explained how Islam’s balanced system, 
strong beliefs and spirituality gave him that hearts contentment.

Herbet Scott’s great grand daughter, Emma Clark has also accepted Islam as a 
way of life, a former designer for the gardens of the Prince of Wales is now 
involved in designing a mosque’s garden. She stated to the press a few days 
ago that ‘I accepted Islam after detesting the doubt standards of Western 
values and to lee from the filth that surrounds it. Her great grandfather who 
was the prime minister of Britain in 1908-1916 led his people to the lines of 
victory in the First World War.

Most new converts have been greatly influenced by Charles Easton’s book, 
‘Islam and the Destiny of Man’. He states that I’ve receives thousands of 
letters informing me that we have lost hope in today’s Christianity which is 
following the whims and desires of people and are searching for such a religion 
which does not have this.

The earl of Yarbrough who is the owner of over 28000acres of land in 
Lincolnshire told the press, ‘I have changed my name to Abdul Mateen and 
would only like to say that ‘Study Islam and you shall see its beauty’.

Her Majesty has given full permission for Muslim staff working in Buckingham 
Palace to take time off to perform their Friday prayers.

The above were examples of people who were directly connected to the kingdom, 
whose grandparents were the bearers of knighthoods and lordships, who used to 
sit in the houses of Parliament, wealthy people, from a nation who has never 
been ruled. But what happened to these people’s progeny? There was no slavery 
or force on them to make them accept Islam; ‘it was solely the unexplainable 
hearts contentment we found which compelled us.’

After all this I see not the reasons of my shyness, my regret, my inferiority 
complex that is stopping me from even performing my Jumu’ah Salaat amidst my 
colleagues at work only because of the fear of what will people say and that my 
business may lose important profits, yet the kingdom headquarters, Buckingham 
Palace, has such facilities…

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Seeking Opinion About Quran

2009-10-01 Terurut Topik moin khan
You may join my group for ocean of knowledge.
Allah hafiz

--- On Thu, 1/10/09, Nida Sultani nidasult...@yahoo.com wrote:

From: Nida Sultani nidasult...@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: Seeking Opinion About Quran
To: moin khan moinos...@yahoo.com
Date: Thursday, 1 October, 2009, 4:22 AM

Junk Score: 3 out of 10 (below your Auto Allow threshold) | Approve sender | 
Block sender | Block domain 

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Now! http://messenger.yahoo.com/download.php

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Dargah Khwaja Sahib

2009-10-01 Terurut Topik mr.y214u
He is great Muslim  saint just visit link to read about him

Re: [wanita-muslimah] The Destruction of Makkah Madinah!

2009-10-01 Terurut Topik Dharma Hutauruk
Apabila hal ini benar, alangkah sayangnya.
Bagi Anda yang ingin mengetahui lebih jauh kota Mekah dan Madina, silahkan
menghubungi kami untuk mendapatkan Buku Penting: Mekah dan Madinah
Di penuhi  foto-foto yang mengharukan dan membanggakan.

hubungi saya lewat japri di
dharma.hutau...@gmail.com atau dharma_hutau...@erlangga.net

On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 2:04 PM, sunny am...@tele2.se wrote:

 Untuk dibangun hotel dan fasilitas-fasilitas lainnya untuk tamu-tamu jemah

 - Original Message -
 From: Razia Fatima
 To: yanabi_sis...@yahoo.com.au yanabi_sister%40yahoo.com.au
 Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 3:59 AM
 Subject: [wanita-muslimah] The Destruction of Makkah  Madinah!

 The Destruction of Historical Sites in
 Makkah  Madinah - The Cradle of Islam

 Yet Muslim Ummah Remains Absolutely Silent! Q. WHY?

 The Saudis are now set on unprecedented onslaught of demolishing the
 of Prophet Muhummed and the remaining historical structures in the heart of
 Makkah and Madinah, the cradle of Islam, revered by the world's over 1.5
 billion Muslims. Over the last two decades most of Makkah's
 1000-year-old historic sites have been bulldozed and replaced by casino
 hotels, huge westernized malls, parking lots, roads and public washrooms.
 Failure to protect them from destruction is the biggest tragedy for the
 architectural heritage. The Saudi royal family claims to be guardians of
 the holy
 places of Islam, and profits hugely by visiting believers to Makkah and
 for pilgrimage, and yet such self proclaimed custodians are party to this
 barbaric desecration of the holiest sites in the Islamic world.

 Today, the religious zealots in Saudi Arabia
 are not alone. Commercial developers such as Bin Laden Group and many
 have joined hands with them and are making hundreds of millions in profits
 they build ugly with out respecting any environmental concerns, and today
 lucrative high-rises are shadowing the Grand Mosque know as the Kaaba
 (House of
 God/Allah). Today Saudi petrodollars have the ability to silence even its
 vocal critics, but when all is said and done, history will render a harsh
 judgment on those who try to wipe out its footprints and steal the heritage
 all humanity.

 The problem is the Saudi's interpretation of Islam; they are opposed to the
 preservation of the old historic structures due to belief that some Muslims
 their ignorance would overcome with love and awe that historic sites may
 invoke, leading to idolatrous thoughts. Destruction of the most precious
 in Islam for presumptuous fear of idolatry by some is like killing a child
 for fear that he may grow up to be less than pious. Instead of
 teaching proper Islamic etiquettes and manners one must conduct themselves
 with, when being around such historical sites of religious importance, the
 Saudis just annihilated these sites one by one. In effect, behind
 the obsessive fear of idolatry lies a complete lack of understanding and
 fanaticism of radical Islam, unable even to appreciate its own past. The
 truth is that under the context of Preventing Idolatry Thoughts and
 be able to safely Accommodate Pilgrims in large numbers, all most
 all sites of historical importance related to Islam and early Muslims have
 wiped out.

 What is the reason for this silence? Is it because Muslims nations have
 become so overwhelmed by the power of the Saudi denial of Visas for
 (Hajj), that we have lost all courage and self-respect? Or is it because we
 feel a need to cover up Muslim-on-Muslim violence; Muslim-on-Muslim terror;
 Muslim-on-Muslim oppression? Or it is fear of loosing ones life in a
 way?, stories of citizens being disappeared are far too common, where it
 is commonly believed that the truth seekers and protesters get thrown naked
 middle of Rab-al-Khali, the worlds 3rd largest and the hottest
 desert if not executed in one of the many underground hidden prisons.

 As all Muslims
 of the world have stake in the upkeep and maintenance of two Holiest
 and related historically important Islamic sites. King Abdulaziz, upon
 control of Arab lands including holy cities of Makkah and Madinah from
 legitimate Hashemite (Prophets Muhummed’s Tribe) rulers, promised to
 with Muslims of the world while undertaking major changes in the holy
 this promise was never upheld, and hence it is time that Muslims held this
 regime responsible for such an irreversible breach of trust.

 We Muslims constantly
 rail against any wrongs inflicted on fellow-Muslims by non-believers, but
 our silence when Muslims kill, exploit and terrorize other Muslims. Thus,
 the Americans kill Iraqis, or the Russians persecute Chechens; we are
 offended and resentful. But when Saddam Hussein massacred Iraqi Muslims for
 years, Muslims around the world maintained a discreet silence. So why this

[wanita-muslimah] Amazing 3 year old boy memorized the whole Holy Quran!

2009-10-01 Terurut Topik moin khan

Amazing 3 year old boy memorized the whole Holy Quran
To see video, click following link:



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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Domain www.nu.or.id expired !!!

2009-10-01 Terurut Topik Kinantaka
Siapa PIC web ini?




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   - Pemakai/pengelola nama domain ini tidak menerima email informasi
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[wanita-muslimah] Thousands perish in quakes

2009-10-01 Terurut Topik sunny

Thousands perish in quakes 
October 2, 2009 

Video will begin in 5 seconds.

Video feedback

  a..  Play video 
  Indonesia quake aftermath 

  b..  Play video 
  Second quake hits Indonesia 

Replay video 
Second quake hits Indonesia
The US Geological Survey says another powerful earthquake has shaken western 

  a.. Video feedback 
  b.. Video settings 
A DESPERATE humanitarian crisis was unfolding last night on the Indonesian 
island of Sumatra, where rescuers were battling to save thousands of people 
feared to have been buried under collapsed buildings in the coastal city of 

The official death toll stood at 770, but local authorities warned that the 
body count would soar into thousands once the rubble was cleared in the wake of 
two powerful earthquakes that struck the area within 24 hours.

A shortage of heavy equipment left many rescuers searching hopelessly for 
survivors by hand. Disaster management experts said there was a window of only 
about 72 hours to find people alive.

A man runs past a burning building in Padang in the aftermath of the 
earthquake. Photo: AP

Thousand of kilometres away in the Pacific island nations of Samoa, American 
Samoa and Tonga, more bodies were being recovered, hundreds of people remained 
missing and villages lay in ruins after Wednesday's offshore earthquake and 
giant tsunami waves that slammed into coastal communities.

The number of deaths on the islands was expected to climb well beyond last 
night's official toll of 149. Four Australians and one New Zealand child who 
lived in Australia have been confirmed among the dead in Samoa. A further six 
who were missing have now been located.

Twenty-five Australian survivors of the disaster in Samoa arrived in Brisbane 
yesterday on a chartered flight, some sporting cuts and bruises. The group 
included passengers with no luggage or passports after the tsunami wiped out 
resorts and killed scores of people.

 Click for more photos 
A man sits on a motorcycle outside a collapsed shopping mall after an 
earthquake hit Padang, on Indonesia's Sumatra island. Photo: Reuters

Foreign Minister Stephen Smith said Australia was working closely with NZ and 
France to co-ordinate aid efforts for Samoa. Medical personnel, fire and rescue 
officers and Australian Federal Police officers were among a large Australian 
contingent already in the island nation.

Two more military transport planes left yesterday with more supplies and rescue 

As the magnitude of the disaster in Indonesia became clearer yesterday, 
Australian officials left for a famed surfing spot on Sumatra searching for 
missing Australians.

Mr Smith said 13 Australians were known to have been in or near Padang when the 
first quake struck. Of those, seven had been contacted so far. ''We are seeking 
to make contact with remaining registered nationals,'' Mr Smith said. He said 
Australia was preparing to respond to any requests from Indonesia for rescue or 
disaster relief.

The first Indonesian Government and military flights laden with food, medicine 
and body bags began arriving in the devastated region yesterday as another 
powerful quake struck further south, sending residents fleeing their homes in 

Wednesday's 7.6-magnitude quake caused buildings to crumble and fires to rage 
in Padang, a city of just under a million people that was left largely without 
power and communications.

The official toll of 529 dead and 2400 injured was expected to soar. ''Our 
prediction is that thousands have died,'' said Health Ministry crisis centre 
head Rustam Pakaya.

Terrified residents rushed from homes and ran through the streets as the tremor 
hit off Sumatra's west coast at 5.16pm local time on Wednesday, 47 kilometres 
north-west of Padang. Dozens of aftershocks followed, including a major one 
yesterday afternoon that was measured by the United States Geological Survey at 
6.8 and struck on land 225 kilometres south-east of Padang.

Rescue teams from the Indonesian army and Health Ministry descended on Padang 
and surrounding towns yesterday to hunt for survivors in the twisted wreckage 
of collapsed buildings and homes.

In pouring rain, overwhelmed police and soldiers were clawing through the 
tangled remains of schools, hotels and at least one major hospital that buckled 
in the quake.

The Dr M Djamil hospital in the centre of Padang bore the brunt of the main 

Most of the two-storey concrete complex was destroyed and so far rescuers have 
been unable to clear away rubble to search for survivors. ''We don't have 
enough doctors,'' said Dr Sudyar Iskander, director of the hospital. ''The 
other problem is phone

[wanita-muslimah] Blasphemy laws won't be misused, Pope assured

2009-10-01 Terurut Topik sunny

Friday, October 02, 2009

Blasphemy laws won't be misused, Pope assured

* Vatican expresses concern over plight of minorities in Pakistan 
* Pope urges Pakistan to protect its Christians 

ROME: Pope Benedict urged Pakistan on Thursday to guarantee protection of 
minority Christians, and President Asif Ali Zardari assured him that all 
stakeholders and political forces would be consulted to check and stop the 
misuse of blasphemy laws. 

Zardari met the Pope at his residence south of Rome at the end of a four-day 
trip to Italy aimed mainly at promoting trade. 

A Vatican statement said Zardari's talks with the Pope and Vatican officials 
centred on minority Christians in Pakistan following violence against their 
communities two months ago. 

Emphasis was given to the need to overcome all forms of discrimination based 
on religious affiliation, with the aim of promoting respect for the rights of 
all citizens, it said. 

Seven people - including four women and a child - were killed in violence that 
broke out in Gojra in August. The Christians' homes were burnt after 
unsubstantiated accusations that some of them had desecrated the holy Quran. 
Some 40 houses were burned down in the violence, which was condemned at the 
time by the Vatican, the Archbishop of Canterbury and the World Council of 

The Vatican statement said the talks also focused on elements that have 
favoured such incidents, an apparent reference to groups that have exploited 
Pakistan's blasphemy law, which allows the death penalty for blaspheming Islam. 

Pakistani government officials said at the time that the violence was the work 
of groups linked to Al Qaeda and the Taliban. 

The Vatican said the talks with Zardari examined the situation in Pakistan, 
with particular reference to terrorism and the commitment to create a society 
more tolerant and harmonious in all its aspects. 

The president said the government was committed to promoting interfaith harmony 
and tolerance, and that was why it had pioneered a resolution in the UN calling 
for interfaith harmony. F

Federal Minister for Minorities Shehbaz Bhatti - who also attended the meeting 
- said that Pope Benedict also praised the steps taken by the government for 
the protection of minorities' rights and promotion of interfaith harmony. 

He said the pope had been told that the government also had plans to set up a 
federal interfaith complex, in addition to interfaith harmony committees in all 
districts of the country, which would have representation from members of all 

Non-Muslims make up less than 5 percent of Pakistan's 175 million people. 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Penghinaan Malaysia Terkait Kehadiran Dua Juta TKI

2009-10-01 Terurut Topik sunny

Penghinaan Malaysia Terkait Kehadiran Dua Juta TKI

Rabu, 23 September 2009 18:57 WIB | Peristiwa | Naker | 
Brisbane (ANTARA News) - Penghinaan sebagian warga Malaysia terhadap Indonesia 
tidak dapat dilepaskan dari kehadiran sekitar dua juta pekerja Indonesia di 
negara tetangga itu.

Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI) yang bekerja di Malaysia melakukan pengecekan 
keimigrasian di Bandara Adi Sumarmo, Solo. (ANTARA/Abar Nugroho Gumay)
Mengapa Malaysia menghina kita ? Itu karena ada dua juta orang Indonesia 
(bekerja-red.) di sana, kata Menteri Negara BUMN Sofyan Djalil, pada acara 
ramah tamah dan dialog dengan puluhan mahasiswa dan warga Indonesia di kampus 
Universitas Queensland (UQ), St Lucia, Selasa malam (22/9).

Sofyan mengemukakan, untuk memperbaiki citra bangsa, Indonesia mutlak perlu 
memiliki pertumbuhan ekonomi yang tinggi.

Selama Indonesia belum mampu melipatgandakan pertumbuhan ekonomi nasionalnya 
agar mampu menyerap jutaan orang pencari kerja di Tanah Air, penghinaan bangsa 
lain terhadap Indonesia sulit dibendung, katanya.

Menurut Sofyan, banyaknya warga Indonesia yang bekerja di berbagai sektor 
informal di Malaysia dan beberapa negara lain, tidak dapat dilepaskan dari 
keterbatasan daya serap lapangan kerja di Tanah Air akibat pertumbuhan ekonomi 
nasional yang belum mampu menyerap lebih banyak pencari kerja.

Menurut anggota Kabinet Indonesia Bersatu kelahiran Aceh 23 September 1953 ini, 
dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional sebesar tujuh persen, misalnya, jumlah 
tenaga kerja yang dapat diserap hanya sekitar 2,2 juta orang, sedangkan angka 
pencari kerja jauh di atas daya serap lapangan kerja yang ada.

Fenomena tenaga kerja Indonesia di sektor informal di luar negeri, seperti 
pembantu rumah tangga, juga sudah memengaruhi citra RI di kawasan Timur 

Pengalaman Malaysia
Kemajuan Malaysia saat ini pun tidak terlepas dari strategi pemerintah negeri 
jiran itu mengirim sebanyak mungkin warganya belajar ke negara-negara industri 
maju, sehingga sumber daya manusianya kini umumnya lebih baik dari Indonesia. 
Bahasa Inggris pun tidak masalah bagi mereka, katanya.

Sebaliknya Indonesia menghadapi bottle neck (masalah pelik-red.) pada 
kualitas sumberdaya manusia. Kualitas sumberdaya manusia adalah masalah besar 
di Indonesia. Di Indonesia, orang-orang qualified (ahli) sangat terbatas, kata 
suami akademisi perempuan kenamaan, Dr Ir Ratna Megawangi MSc itu.

Sofyan Djalil mengatakan, sejak tumbangnya rezim Orde Baru tahun 1998 yang 
mengawali era reformasi, Indonesia mengalami banyak kemajuan dengan reputasi 
internasional yang menguat, namun bangsa ini masih dihadapkan pada sejumlah 
bottle neck akibat relatif rendahnya mutu sumberdaya manusia dan kelembagaan.

Anda (mahasiswa Indonesia di luar negeri-red.) adalah orang-orang terpilih 
karena tidak banyak warga Indonesia yang mendapat peluang ini, katanya.

Sofyan Djalil dan istri, Dr Ir Ratna Megawangi MSc, berada di Brisbane untuk 
mengunjungi anak mereka yang kuliah di UQ.

Di sela kunjungan pribadinya itu, Sofyan Djalil memenuhi undangan Perhimpunan 
Mahasiswa Indonesia di UQ (UQISA), Perhimpunan Masyarakat Muslim Indonesia di 
Brisbane (IISB) dan Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia di Australia (PPIA) 
Queensland untuk bertatap muka dan berdialog dengan kalangan mahasiswa dan 
warga. (*)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [wanita-muslimah] The Destruction of Makkah Madinah!

2009-10-01 Terurut Topik kmj...@indosat.net.id
Israel saja tidak mengijinkan pembangunan di sekitar kota Jerusalem 
lama secara sembarangan. Bahkan ketika Hotel King David dibangun, ia 
tidak boleh terlalu dekat dengan situs-situs yang disucikan oleh agama-
agama Semit dan harus menggunakan batu yang sama dengan batu kota 
Jerusalem lama. Dengan demikian suasana sakral tetap terjaga.

Original Message
From: dharma.hutau...@gmail.com
Date: 01/10/2009 15:27 
To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
Subj: Re: [wanita-muslimah] The Destruction of Makkah amp; Madinah!

Apabila hal ini benar, alangkah sayangnya.
Bagi Anda yang ingin mengetahui lebih jauh kota Mekah dan Madina, 
menghubungi kami untuk mendapatkan Buku Penting: Mekah dan Madinah
Di penuhi  foto-foto yang mengharukan dan membanggakan.

hubungi saya lewat japri di
dharma.hutau...@gmail.com atau dharma_hutau...@erlangga.net

On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 2:04 PM, sunny am...@tele2.se wrote:

 Untuk dibangun hotel dan fasilitas-fasilitas lainnya untuk tamu-tamu 

 - Original Message -
 From: Razia Fatima
 To: yanabi_sis...@yahoo.com.au yanabi_sister%40yahoo.com.au
 Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 3:59 AM
 Subject: [wanita-muslimah] The Destruction of Makkah  Madinah!

 The Destruction of Historical Sites in
 Makkah  Madinah - The Cradle of Islam

 Yet Muslim Ummah Remains Absolutely Silent! Q. WHY?

 The Saudis are now set on unprecedented onslaught of demolishing the
 of Prophet Muhummed and the remaining historical structures in the 
heart of
 Makkah and Madinah, the cradle of Islam, revered by the world's over 
 billion Muslims. Over the last two decades most of Makkah's
 1000-year-old historic sites have been bulldozed and replaced by 
 hotels, huge westernized malls, parking lots, roads and public 
 Failure to protect them from destruction is the biggest tragedy for 
 architectural heritage. The Saudi royal family claims to be 
guardians of
 the holy
 places of Islam, and profits hugely by visiting believers to Makkah 
 for pilgrimage, and yet such self proclaimed custodians are party to 
 barbaric desecration of the holiest sites in the Islamic world.

 Today, the religious zealots in Saudi Arabia
 are not alone. Commercial developers such as Bin Laden Group and 
 have joined hands with them and are making hundreds of millions in 
 they build ugly with out respecting any environmental concerns, and 
 lucrative high-rises are shadowing the Grand Mosque know as the 
 (House of
 God/Allah). Today Saudi petrodollars have the ability to silence 
even its
 vocal critics, but when all is said and done, history will render a 
 judgment on those who try to wipe out its footprints and steal the 
 all humanity.

 The problem is the Saudi's interpretation of Islam; they are opposed 
to the
 preservation of the old historic structures due to belief that some 
 their ignorance would overcome with love and awe that historic sites 
 invoke, leading to idolatrous thoughts. Destruction of the most 
 in Islam for presumptuous fear of idolatry by some is like killing a 
 for fear that he may grow up to be less than pious. Instead of
 teaching proper Islamic etiquettes and manners one must conduct 
 with, when being around such historical sites of religious 
importance, the
 Saudis just annihilated these sites one by one. In effect, behind
 the obsessive fear of idolatry lies a complete lack of understanding 
 fanaticism of radical Islam, unable even to appreciate its own past. 
 truth is that under the context of Preventing Idolatry Thoughts 
 be able to safely Accommodate Pilgrims in large numbers, all most
 all sites of historical importance related to Islam and early 
Muslims have
 wiped out.

 What is the reason for this silence? Is it because Muslims nations 
 become so overwhelmed by the power of the Saudi denial of Visas for
 (Hajj), that we have lost all courage and self-respect? Or is it 
because we
 feel a need to cover up Muslim-on-Muslim violence; Muslim-on-Muslim 
 Muslim-on-Muslim oppression? Or it is fear of loosing ones life in a
 way?, stories of citizens being disappeared are far too common, 
where it
 is commonly believed that the truth seekers and protesters get 
thrown naked
 middle of Rab-al-Khali, the worlds 3rd largest and the hottest
 desert if not executed in one of the many underground hidden 

 As all Muslims
 of the world have stake in the upkeep and maintenance of two Holiest
 and related historically important Islamic sites. King Abdulaziz, 
 control of Arab lands including holy cities of Makkah and Madinah 
 legitimate Hashemite (Prophets Muhummed’s Tribe) rulers, promised to
 with Muslims of the world while undertaking major changes in the 

[wanita-muslimah] Palestinians Drop Effort to Push War Crime Report

2009-10-01 Terurut Topik sunny

Palestinians Drop Effort to Push War Crime Report 
Published: October 1, 2009 

UNITED NATIONS - In a startling shift, the Palestinian delegation to the United 
Nations Human Rights Council dropped its efforts to forward a report accusing 
Israel of possible war crimes to the Security Council, under pressure from the 
United States, diplomats said Thursday.

The Americans argued that pushing the report now would derail the Middle East 
peace process that they are trying to revive, diplomats said.

We don't want to create an obstacle for them, Ibrahim Khraishi, the 
Palestinian ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva, said by telephone from 
Geneva, where the Human Rights Council is based. We want to get a strong 
resolution to deal with the report in a good manner to get a benefit from it.

The report - produced by a panel of investigators led by an internationally 
respected jurist, Richard Goldstone - found extensive evidence that both Israel 
and Palestinian militant groups took actions amounting to war crimes during the 
Gaza war last winter. Israel says that it acted only to halt missile fire from 
Gaza that terrorized Israeli civilians.

The position of the United States since the Goldstone report was released in 
early September has been that the Human Rights Council alone should deal with 
it. But in a compromise, the body is expected to pass a resolution Friday 
presented by the bloc of Arab and Muslim states that any action will be delayed 
until the next meeting in March. 

The Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, warned the Palestinians and 
international powers earlier Thursday that any action to advance the report 
would be a denial of Israel's right to self-defense and would kill any chance 
of peace talks. 

Mr. Netanyahu, speaking during a cabinet meeting in Jerusalem, said that any 
international endorsement of the report would strike a severe blow to the war 
against terrorism.

But most immediately, he said, it would strike a fatal blow to the peace 
process, because Israel will no longer be able to take additional steps and 
take risks for peace if its right to self-defense is denied. 

Diplomats said that the Americans took their position that the report would 
delay the peace process before Mr. Netanyahu made his remarks. Michael Posner, 
the new assistant secretary of state for democracy, human rights and labor, 
would not comment Thursday about the negotiations. 

In a speech to the council this week, however, Mr. Posner called the report 
deeply flawed and criticized the council for what he called a fixation with 
Israel. But he concluded by saying that fair reviews on both sides would build 

Israel says that it has a serious inquiry under way, with 100 complaints from 
Gaza already examined and 23 cases still pending court action. It says that 
about a third of the 36 incidents in the Goldstone report are already under 
investigation by the military, while others have been referred for 

The Israeli government mounted a concerted diplomatic effort over the past few 
days against the resolution to forward the report. But there has been a growing 
debate within Israel itself, with some human rights organizations and academics 
calling for an independent, nonmilitary review of the Gaza conflict. 

Mr. Khraishi, the Palestinian ambassador, said that if a resolution were passed 
now insisting that the General Assembly or the Security Council deal with the 
matter, as the report itself recommends, it would most likely face an American 
veto. A delay gives the Israelis and Palestinians time to take up another 
recommendation in the report: that both sides set up independent investigation 
panels to look into possible war crimes. 

I don't think that the Americans or the Israelis or anybody can escape from 
the realities that Goldstone collected - not Hamas either, Mr. Khraishi said, 
referring to the Islamist group that controls Gaza. He said that he had the 
support of at least 33 members of the 47-member council - but not that of the 
United States, European Union members or Japan. 

There was a tremendous amount of pressure on all members by the Americans, 
said an Arab diplomat, who requested anonymity according to diplomatic 
protocol. The Americans wanted something to finish it; the compromise is to 
defer it, which means it is still alive.

Isabel Kershner contributed reporting from Jerusalem.

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[wanita-muslimah] Unjuk Rasa Anarkis PLN Ternate Dilempari Massa

2009-10-01 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Dimana-mana PLN bermain padam-padam listerik. Mungkin ini tanda masa 
kegelapan yang akan tiba? Ataukah sengaja listrik dikedip-kedipkan guna 
memperkuat tawaran SBY kepada perusahaan listerik di USA beberapa hari lalu? 


Unjuk Rasa Anarkis  PLN Ternate Dilempari Massa

Ternate, 1 Oktober 2009 10:08
Kantor PLN Ternate, Maluku Utara (Malut), Rabu malam (30/9), dilempari massa, 
setelah PLN melakukan pemadaman listrik secara bergilir di kota ini.

Akibat aksi pelemparan tersebut, sejumlah kaca jendela Kantor PLN Ternate 
pecah. Selain itu juga menimbulkan ketakutan pada karyawan PLN yang tinggal di 
perumahan sekitar kantor PLN itu.

Massa yang dari sejumlah warga kelurahan tersebut melempari kantor PLN Ternate 
karena kesal terhadap pimpinan dan staf PLN yang tidak mau menemui mereka.

Aksi anarkis massa tersebut berhasil dikendalikan aparat kepolisian yang sejak 
awal mengamankan kantor PLN Ternate serta kompleks perumahan di sekitar kantor 

Salah seorang anggota kelompok masyarakat tersebut, Irwan mengatakan, mereka 
melakukan aksi demo di PLN Ternate karena pemadaman listrik secara bergilir 
yang dilakukan oleh PLN setempat semakin menyengsarakan masyarakat.

Pemadaman listrik secara bergilir yang sebelumnya hanya selama lima jam per 
hari, dalam sepekan terakhir ini bertambah menjadi 10 jam per hari dan itu 
dilakukan secara tidak teratur.

Coba bayangkan apa yang bisa dilakukan masyarakat kalau dalam setiap hari 
terjadi pemadaman listrik selama 10 jam. Anak-anak tidak bisa belajar pada 
malam hari, usaha juga banyak terhambat, katanya.

Sebelumnya, massa dari sejumlah kelurahan di Kota Ternate juga mendatangi 
Kantor PLN Ternate dengan alasan yang sama. Saat itu Manajer PLN Ternate La Ode 
La Wati menjelaskan bahwa mereka terpaksa melakukan pemadaman secara bergilir 
karena kapasitas listrik di PLN Ternate semakin terbatas.

Terbatasnya kapasitas listrik tersebut karena dari enam mesin listrik yang ada 
di PLN Ternate, berfungsi saat ini hanya tiga mesin, itu pun salah satu 
diantaranya sedang mengalami kerusakan.

Kebutuhan listrik di Kota Ternate sebanyak 15 MW, sementara kapasitas yang ada 
sekarang hanya 12 MW. Kami sekarang sudah memprogramkan menyewa mesin listrik 
untuk mengatasi keterbatasan kapasitas listrik itu, katanya. [TMA, An

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Salam kenal

2009-10-01 Terurut Topik ... Maya Purnomo ...
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh  
Salam kenal untuk smuanya,

Sy Maya Purnamihayu Artanty
Tinggal d kelapa gading jakarta utara
Senang rasanya bergabung dsini 
Banyak ilmu yg sy dpt
Alhamdulillah menambah tali silaturahim


... Maya Purnami ...

 Happiness is not having what you want. It is wanting what you have 

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powered by INDOSAT

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