Ammonia or freon ?

2015-08-20 Thread Holland Shoaf
When Aunt Bea's refrigerator went out and she called Gomer ( instead of the man 
), Gomer busted the line and all went running. Aunt Bea referred to ammonia . I 
recover freon at my job sometimes and know ammonia is POWERFUL stuff and would 
run too if there was a leak.  I recover freon from all types of new and OLD OLD 
freezers and refrigerators. I often see freezers like the one in the episode in 
question. However I have never seen a floor freezer ( that plugs into an 
electric outlet ) that runs on ammonia. Ammonia freezers and refrigerators I 
see are the ones that go into campers and run off of propane.
I dont think that was ammonia in Aunt Bea's freezer.Do you ?
HollandLexington NCLess than 1 hour from Mayberry   
WBMUTBB mailing list

Murder in Coweta County

2015-07-30 Thread Holland Shoaf
Glad to have found this movie for 50 cents at our towns flea market.
Really neat to see the old cars and the way people dressed and such.
Sheriff Wallace ( Andy Taylor ) was an EVIL EVIL Sheriff ! 
Bad Sheriff ! haha
Wonder if Coweta County was a reference to Sheriff Wallaces cow getting stolen 
for which the thief got murdered .???
Hope yall see the movie. Johnny Cash did well acting too.
HollandLexington NCLess than an hour from Mayberry.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Map

2015-07-15 Thread Holland Shoaf
A pic of the Mayberry map at the Mayberry Trading post in the real Mayberry USA 
! Not far from Mt Airy.I tried without the flash but it was too dark.
I will leave it up for about 2 weeks.
HollandLexington NCLess than 1 hour from Mayberry.  
WBMUTBB mailing list


2015-06-04 Thread Holland Shoaf
Thought I'd share a picture.Saw this at the flea market today.You may like 
looking over it as much as I did.HollandLexington NCLess than 1 hour from 
WBMUTBB mailing list

How big is Mayberry ?

2015-05-04 Thread Holland Shoaf
How big is Mayberry ? Its big, real big ! O big aint the word !Andy and Barn 
have to drive many hours to the Darlings to take care of the long , very long 
arm of the law with Ernest T Bass. I mean Barney had to wake up at 4 am so the 
could drive across the Robert E Lee Natural Bridge during the day light hours. 
Andy said they had a long drive ahead of them so just how long was it ? How big 
is Mayberry or more realistically how far out is Andy and Barneys jurisdiction ?
If Dud and Charlene came into town to have Andy marry them, you can bet they 
took even longer to get there via their means of travel. I mean how often to 
stop for water at a horses water trough ?
HollandLexington NCLess than one hour from Mayberry 
WBMUTBB mailing list

girls girls girls

2015-04-04 Thread Holland Shoaf
In the Lodge , Howard tells Andy in the last 23 years his records show that 
females outnumbered the males ( in birth ) by 94 percent. An alarming ratio of 
almost 2 to one. What kind of strange circumstance could have taken place in 
Mayberry to cause this phenomena ?Could Colonel Harvey's Elixir have been 
poured into Mayberrys water supply caused this ?Maybe Opie made a 4th wish ( 
Opies 3 wishes ) that none of us know about. You know he did have an eye for 
the girls.  It was never concluded that Count Istvan Teleky left Mayberry so 
who knows what kind of wishes he could have granted.
Any other ideas ? NC

WBMUTBB mailing list

Barneys Bulllet and the Shoplifter caper

2014-11-21 Thread Holland Shoaf
 This is probably old news but then may be theres someone here who could find 
this slightly amusing. By now such TAGS findings should be drug through the mud 
many a time. Anyway, watching the Shoplifter ep I see Barney arms himself with 
his pistol while going through the back door of Ben Weavers. Only after 
entering does he put his bullet in. 

Thank goodness Barneys theory ( which is not very pretty ) was wrong. Had he 
been correct about Ben, then Ole Barn would have been an easy target when 
coming through the back door at Weavers store. Ben could have attacked him with 
that bottle opener/umbrella


Lexington NC

Less than one hour from Mayberry
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You haven't seen the last of .......

2014-08-04 Thread Holland Shoaf
I was at work today where we seperate trash from recycables and this fellow I 
never seen before pulled up. My jaw dropped ! 

I gave him my card and hope he will write !


Lexington NC

Less than one hour from Mayberry
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Peggy in biker movie

2014-06-30 Thread Holland Shoaf
Watching one of the many biker movies I have. Watching J.C The Iron Horseman 

Saw Andys girlfriend Peggy in the movie. Shes in the movie throughout ( J.C's 
sister )  but you can go to 33 minute mark and see her for a little bit there 
until the 37 min mark.  I know shes in there before at after that clip. Bad 
movie but if your a big fan of her you can search for her within the movie at

ps. cuss words in that movie so I dont endorse this movie for clean family 


Lexington NC

Less than one hour from Mayberry
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Baked Alaska

2014-06-07 Thread Holland Shoaf
Thought about my friends at TAGS when I saw this news article our local 
newspaper The Dispatch here in Lexington ! It's that new dessert that come out 
since it became a state. Barney actually wasn't that far off when he said it 
was a new dessert they came up with since Alaska became a state. This dessert 
was first called "Baked Alaska" in 1876 when Delmonico's Restaurant in New York 
City named it in honor of the newly acquired territory of Alaska.


Lexington NC

Less than one hour from Mayberry
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50 mph minus 45 equals

2014-06-06 Thread Holland Shoaf
Long time since I posted. Good to be back in Mayberry. Was watching the episode 
where the fun girls drove through Mayberry doing 50 mph  ( as Andy said to 
Barney ) . Later Andy told Daphne she must have been doing 45.  If I take the 
latter from the former and use a popular algorithm, I would bet by mid show 
they wouldn't have been found guilty of speeding at all  ( which was in a 20 
mph zone )!
Also it must have took them at least a few minutes to catch up to them , but 
were they still in Mayberry ? Did Skippy and Daphne do a U turn on the road 
somewhere and end back in Mayberry or were they in another town where our 
fearless crime fighters had jurisdiction there too? Surely Mayberry wasn't big 
enough that the chase started and ended inside the limits of Mayberry. Don't 
remember Palmerton Café in Mayberry. Doesn't mean there wasn't one.
Lexington NC
Less than 1 hour from Mayberry
WBMUTBB mailing list

A Face in the Crowd

2013-10-18 Thread Holland Shoaf
Finished watching A Face in the Crowd last night.
Strange movie indeed. I thought ( I will refer to him as Andy ) Andy's 
character lacked so much talent in comparison to the fame he received. It was 
way off balance. It reminded me of the movie " The Patsy " with Jerry Lewis ; 
how the staff of a deceased famous talented man tried to make a somebody out of 
a nobody just to keep the " family alive  and working ". Not saying that Andy 
was a nobody, he did have some singing talent ( not much ) and liked to ramble 
on but I thought when the senator was asking for some help from ( Lonesome 
Roads /Rhodes ) in appealing with the United States voting population was just 
a bit too much ! A jailbird and loner who was taken out of his element probably 
would have been better off living the lifestyle that he had before being 
discovered. I would go on about it, but no need. The movies message may have 
been (  you cant make a silk purse out of a sows ear ). Again it was a strange 
movie but worth watching even if you didn't know who Andy Griffith was.
Lexington NC
Less than one hour from Mayberry
WBMUTBB mailing list

Play the Game

2013-09-12 Thread Holland Shoaf
This movie surely has been touched on here before, but Id like to chime in and 
say I thoroughly enjoyed it !
No detailed critique, but it was really nice to watch Andy do his magic even at 
his age.
Lexington NC
Less than 1 hour from Mayberry
WBMUTBB mailing list

about Warren

2013-08-23 Thread Holland Shoaf
Since I saw some notes on Warren here..

Well really not about Warren but I sometimes think how perfect it would have 
been if Jerry Van Dyke could have been deputy In Mayberry. Really if you think 
about it, he would have been too much for the show,... kinda like a Ernest T
Lexington NC
Less than 1 hour from Mayberry.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Gasoline Sales in Mayberry - Ken

2013-08-08 Thread Holland Shoaf
Ken, the reason Goober pumped so little gas with the Mayberry population being 
what it was, is because people lived close by to one another , most hung uptown 
but more importantly if you lived in Mayberry why would you want to leave town 
to begin with ? Ok to take the kids to play baseball against Mt. Pilot but 
that's wasn't often.
Lexington NC
Less than one hour from Mayberry
WBMUTBB mailing list

fish eyes

2013-08-01 Thread Holland Shoaf
Andy and the new mayor episode.
It appears Opies trout doesn't have any eyes in it.
Freezed the frame and blown it up on TV and it really looks at least like there 
is no eye in the left side.
Maybe Im overnoticing things.
Lexington NC
Less than one hour from Mayberry
WBMUTBB mailing list

that's just plain wrong in Mayberry !

2013-07-19 Thread Holland Shoaf
episode is Opies Girlfriend. 

In short Helen is teaching her niece to allow boys to think they are better 
than girls sometimes. That is just plain wrong ! And to sum up my short speech, 
allow me to say that Opie deserved the black eye he got and Helens niece 
shouldn't have apologized . 


Lexington NC

Less than one hour from Mayberry
WBMUTBB mailing list

Shorted on the shortwave.

2013-06-24 Thread Holland Shoaf
In the color episode with the band of gypsies ( so wild and free ) the large 
shortwave radio  supposedly worked on batteries ( never seen one that big that 
works on batteries ). Being an amateur radio operator for 15 years doesnt make 
me the final word on that but I did take notice. 

It was interesting that when Goober held it at the end of the episode it 
worked. When Andy tried to turn it on, he found the inner working parts of it 
had been removed. The gypsies left town the moment their source of weather 
knowledge was found out.  Maybe it was " Behind the scenes Barney " that had 
chased them down and confiscated their shortwave. And why was the whole town of 
Mayberry being kept in the dark to the weather reports ( those that only a 
shortwave broadcast could reveal )? All I can say is the weather people still 
cant get it right !

ps. Always feel free to correct me on my insight. Sometimes I dont write about 
episoded until after many days of viewing them. 


Lexington NC

Less than one hour from Mayberry
WBMUTBB mailing list

Goat'n around

2013-06-15 Thread Holland Shoaf

This picture straight from my grandfathers photo album.
Jimmy's not the only goat that gets the run of the town.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Landfill album

2013-06-12 Thread Holland Shoaf
People throw away the darndest ( you can spell that two different ways ) things 
at the county landfill were me and my friend Mike L. work. We are both TAGS 
nuts. We talk about the show all the time. We got excited when we found this 
that someone trashed.
ps though we have all AG's audio files, its still a neat find !!!
another ps. My friend Mike and Gomer have the same birthday !!! Shazaaam !
Lexington NC
Less than one hour from Mayberry
WBMUTBB mailing list

Extreme fabrications on TAGS

2013-06-10 Thread Holland Shoaf
Could this be the most extreme ( lets call it a fabrication ) on TAGS ?

Near the end of the episode " Mans Best Friend "; Goober tells Tommy (when 
Tommy is asking for the phone number of the man with a horse ) that HE DIDNT 
HAVE A PENCIL HANDY and told the number to his dog ( the one that could talk ). 
So Goober was asking Spot the dog for the number. Can you imagine Goober not 
having something to write with ??? Is there any other exteme " fabrications"  
on TAGS that you can think of ?

Also this is another momentary suspension of disbelief scene, I still like to 
point them out. Opie was explaining that the walkie talkies transmit button had 
to be pushed to transmit and released to recieve, it makes you wonder how Spot 
operated the thing !


Lexingon NC

Less than one hour from Mayberry
WBMUTBB mailing list

Go easy on Emmett

2013-06-02 Thread Holland Shoaf

It was about 4 of the past few episodes I've watched ( I love my TAGS all 
seasons box set ) and Emmett was having a rough time on all 4.

1. Emmett is stuck between saving for him and Marthas retirement years and 
buying her a very expensive ( and not needed ) mink coat ; what did Martha get 
him ? 

2. Howard Sprague is having a swinging " singles " party and doesnt allow 
Emmett and Martha to come over ( but though not married, Andy and Helen are 
invited ). Well you see the party they missed out on huh ? ( Luckily Emmett 
crashes the party and shows em how to really dance ).

3. Emmett run for city counsel and right of the bat Andy , Howard and Goober 
take aim to find someone better fit. Yeh, Emmett takes offense and so did I !!!

and D... Emmett was having such a rough time with his brother in law and the 
new Insurance salesman job. Too bad they didnt have Paxil back in Mayberry , 
Emmett would be a good candidate for some !

I'll keep a close tab on the other color eps I see Emmett getting a raw deal.


Lexington NC

Less than one hour from Mayberry
WBMUTBB mailing list

Wigs in womens prisons ?

2013-06-02 Thread Holland Shoaf
Who knows what kinds of crafts are being taught in women's prisons but I'm 
curious as to know if wig making is one of them. If Sally ( she's the on that 
dances with Al ) made one to conceal her identity, she certainly one have done 
something to keep her prison uniforms from identifying she's an inmate. They 
certainly don't look like anything the Girl Campers of America would look like 
but what do I know ; I never seen a Girl Camper of America.
Lexington NC
Less than 1 hour from Mayberry
WBMUTBB mailing list

How could you say no ?

2013-05-28 Thread Holland Shoaf
How could you say no to this bible study in my town
Lexington NC
Less than one hour from Mayberry
WBMUTBB mailing list

Aunt Bea the Warden

2013-05-24 Thread Holland Shoaf
Good eyes Thelma Lou ( Janet ) for noticing the number of people in the squad 
car on Aunt Bea the Warden. I did a freeze frame of that car scene but it was 
hard to see with Andy flying down that dirt road. It obviously didnt look like 
5 people in the car. which would bring to mind some questions.

Interesting how Andy ( after having a fight to the point of bodily harm / and 
carrying a rifle ) could detain such villians in a car without the necessary 
detainment equipment. And I would love to see Andy detain these ornery 
moonshining men while he was getting his hand bandaged up at Dr Zacks.  Was one 
hand being doctored while the other was holding a rifle ?

 And why was Andy flying so fast down the dirt road for ? He already spent who 
knows how long at Docs. Malcom Tuckers not the only one that gets in a hurry in 
Mayberry !  I know I know, here I go again. Im a glutton for ignoring a major 
rule while watching TAGS; momentary suspension of disbelief. I wonder if Barney 
has a statute number for that  ?


Lexington NC

Less than one hour from Mayberry
WBMUTBB mailing list

Continuity Error via Paul Mulik

2013-05-22 Thread Holland Shoaf
For Pauls continuity error question.
Let me take a stab at your question. Could it be the belt packs on Andy's Belt 
being in one place in one scene and another place in a latter shot ?
REF: make a game out of it. It happens during the first five minutes of "Aunt 
Bee the Warden" and here's a hint, it has to do with police equipment. Put in 
your DVD (season two) or find the episode on Netflix and see if you can spot 
what I'm talking about. If no one gets it I'll give the answer in a couple of 

Paul Mulik
In the scene with Andys hand being wrapped up. I think its my understanding 
that Andy hurt his hand when he punched a wall in his house during an argument 
with his wife. If so I have to say better this than hitting her with a leg of 
lamb in the mouth !
WBMUTBB mailing list

Malcolm's work for damages

2013-05-19 Thread Holland Shoaf
About Andy paying ( Malcolm) a non US citizen ? I dont know if there is a rule 
for working for recompense for damage of items is there ? No money being handed 
over in this instance and even so, I wonder if Malcolm worked long enough to 
pay for those crates, the damage to ( ?'s) truck and Andys house window.

 If there was ever an audit, Andys numbers and Malcolms pounds, shillings, 
farthings, quid, pences, etc would never mesh for a conviction !  You could use 
Aunt Bea's money conversion machine but I think that only worked for Peso's. 


Lexington NC

Less than 1 hour from Mayberry
WBMUTBB mailing list

food talk

2013-05-19 Thread Holland Shoaf
With all the food talk going on here, I was compelled to watch " The Mayberry 
Chef " episode.  I was going to surf the scene ( chicky baby ) for food dishes 
but then I got kinda ill at the portrayal of the masculine genders inability to 
live without a woman in the house via going hungry. The writers laid it on hard 
with Andy burning up the corn beef hash and cutting his finger on the tuna can. 
And then theres poor Opie resorting to vitamins for survival and even offerning 
his paw to pay for a meal at the diner. Well not only is reminiscing about food 
items from Mayberry fun, it may be interesting in conjuring up episodes where 
food played an important scene in TAGS. One of my favorites is Ernest T Bass 
passing the bread to Opie. This scene for some unknown reason is one of my 
favorites - 

Perfect timing with everyone at the table; Opies hands are down at his side 
before the heaving of the bread and the sense of complete suprise from Andy and 
Aunt Bea at the caveman like food transport system of Ernest T . You cant blame 
Ernest T here since he's probably not familiar with a dinner table to begin 
with !

ps. O the things we men go through to attract girls !
WBMUTBB mailing list

I can name that tune in .............

2013-05-16 Thread Holland Shoaf
I'm just driving along at work today and listening to some Andy Griffith music 
files from the show. 
While listening to one in particular a bell went off in my head ... I have 
heard that tune at the start of a popular 80s pop song but where, so I thought 
and thought and thought. It only came to me after using Gomers metal pail.
I'll share the pop song, you share the persons name ( and song ) from Mayberry 
which is reflected in the 
first few seconds at
Watch the vid long enough and you will see the band. You may get chill bumps 
when you see how they are dressed !
Lexington NC
Less than one hour from Mayberry
WBMUTBB mailing list

A brush in the mouth is better than a punch in the nose !

2013-05-14 Thread Holland Shoaf
Seems too obvious not to be intentional but in the episode Alcohol and Old Lace 
I see Floyd putting the brush ( with talcum powder ) right on Andys mouth as 
he's finishing up his haircut. Certainly this couldnt be scripted . Accident ? 
Strange how Andy didnt flinch or anything but continued on .. Its the actor 
of the man.
I'm sure when a few years pass Floyd wont ever remember doing it and would 
certainly give Andy a punch in the nose if he said he did ! 

Lexington NC
Less than one hour from Mayberry  
WBMUTBB mailing list

A question for the forum - ???

2013-05-14 Thread Holland Shoaf
May I ask the forum a question ?  Im lazy and do not feel like searching my 
Mayberry 101 book ( dont know if the answer to my quesion is in there to begin 
with ). 
Whats behind Andy Griffith making a quick change about continuing after the 5th 
season after claiming he wouldnt ?
That was quick and painless ?
Thank you in advance !
Lexington NC
Less than one hour from Mayberry
---heres a little reading on the subject 
Why did Barney (Don Knotts) leave TAGS after the 5th Season?

Andy had originally signed to do the show for 5 years, and I had a five year 
contract. He said " I'm only going to do this for 5 years and then move on." 
Even in the beginning of the fifth year he was still saying that. So I started 
self-protecting immediately and began searching out what I was going to do 
next. I interviewed with all networks. I was very hot with that show, so I 
could have had almost anything I wanted. Finally, I wound up getting a very 
nice feature deal with the universal to make The Ghost and Mr. Chicken. Anyway, 
it came down to this: I hadn't actually signed with Universal yet but had made 
a lot deals and negotiated for a long time. Then all of a sudden Andy turned 
around and changed his mind. He came to me and said, "I've decided to stay on. 
What do you think? We've got a new deal to offer you. Do you want to stay. But 
by then I had already committed myself to universal, where I had an opportunity 
to make features. Although I didn't have a production company , they gave me an 
office, my own writers and a five year contract. It was a nice deal, and by 
then I thought it was time for me to move on - so I did. I came back and did a 
few shows with Andy. I used to kid them when I came back. I'd say "Are you 
still working with that little screen? Then they'd yell, "here comes the movie 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Is it ok to park here or isn't it ?

2013-05-10 Thread Holland Shoaf
When Freddy Fleet and his band come to town, they ( making this short ) receive 
a parking violation for being in two parking spaces for over 30 minutes. Now 
their in jail ( for 24 hours) and Andy interjects that their "bus" will be ok 
parked out on the street ? hmm ? HollandLexington NCLess than on hour from 
Mayberry   PS !  If anyone would like to share a special picture with a 
short story ( relating to TAGS ) at my " Anything Mayberry " gallery please 
send them to this address...  You will never be 
spammed from me ! 
WBMUTBB mailing list

A sudsy scene

2013-05-08 Thread Holland Shoaf
On Andys Investment, the first wash machine overflows with the suds coming from 
the bottom of the washer.I'm no washer mechanic ( though I do take them apart 
for a living ), I've never seen one send the suds out the bottom. Andy was 
asking for a wrench, but Aunt B fessed up she used too much detergent. Shame 
Aunt B, a lady of your caliber should have never made such a mistake. Even if a 
loose pipe was found, overflow suds come out around the top/ lid of a washer 
correct ? If so, what was the reason the director had them come out at the 
bottom of the washer ? ps. I believe I saw Aunt B put ONE coin in the washer. 
Wonder when they went to two coins , then 3, then 4 , then your whole wallet 
??? HollandLexington NCLess than one hour from Mayberry 
WBMUTBB mailing list

The law of numbers

2013-05-08 Thread Holland Shoaf
Shazam Harriet Browder for straightening me out on Barneys " string to camera " 
system on the Great Filling Station Robbery.Your right, even if the door opens 
inward OR outward the camera's shutter would be triggered. If it weren't for 
the # 4 eye loop near the stations door, the cameras shutter would not have 
triggered. I never debated about the subject but I have read about it here in 
the forum and replied to a certain post without going back to the clip and 
looking. Barney is a marvel when it comes to stringing up things. Just like the 
jails cell doors , Barneys eye loops are numbered first on the right and 
increase in number going left. Now for something I noticed when watching this 
video segment.Look at how the cans are stacked on the left and right of the 
camera ( the one that is secured with the famous screwdriver )  in the first 
shot, then look at the way they are stacked in the second shot of the 
camera notice any difference ? Also ( when will I ever stop ) , is it a 
coincidence that every one of the cans on the shelves are facing is such a 
fashion that the brand names can not be read ? Whats the chance that could 
happen after simply throwing cans up on a shelf ? HollandLexington NCLess than 
one hour from Mayberry
WBMUTBB mailing list

Doug Johnsons find on the great filling station roberry

2013-05-02 Thread Holland Shoaf
Good find Doug! No surprise since I cant figure out what the screwdriver was 
used for.Good eyes and a mind DougHolland

Has anyone ever noticed that when Barney rigs up the hidden camera at the 
filling station he attaches the string to the camera and then ties it to the 
door.  Well, that's all well and good, but when he demonstrates it to Gomer, 
the door opens IN rather than OUT.  So rather than tightening the string and 
clicking the shutter on the camera, opening the door actually created slack in 
the string and couldn't have caused the camera to take a picture.  Always 
seemed kind of strange to me... 

WBMUTBB mailing list

How fast can Miss Lesh run ?

2013-04-30 Thread Holland Shoaf
Has anyone given thought to what Mrs Lesh's (sp?) possible plan was if Barney 
had taken the car for a test drive or allowed Wally to give it a once over ? 
She was pretty insistent on having Barney take the car to a mechanic and being 
that selling "clunkers" was her racket I'm sure she had a plan. And what has 
Mrs Lesh's first name ? Whas it Myrt ?
Lexington NC
Less than one hour from Mayberry  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Cheers, bottoms up and "skoal" ?

2013-04-30 Thread Holland Shoaf
Interesting word I learned today thanks to TAGS episode of Barney tags the 
governors car.  
Todays TAGS mystery word is skoal.  
At 20 min 14 sec
Otis says cheers, bottoms up and skoal when someone takes a gulp from the crock 
( someone needs to clean that thing ). 
skoal (sk½l) interj. Used as a drinking toast. [Danish and Norwegian skaal, 
cup, skoal, from Old Norse sk³l, bowl, drinking vessel. See skel-1 below.] 
Interesting note that the audience laughs at the word skoal as though they all 
know what it means. Either they are all Norwegian or a laugh track is being 
used here. I choose the latter. 
ps. Thank you Harriet Browder for your insight into Gomer up on the roof. 

Lexington NC
Less than one hour from Mayberry  
WBMUTBB mailing list

A lemon phosphate

2013-04-29 Thread Holland Shoaf
I was watching The Bank Job and noticed that Andy suggested to Barney he go to 
the drugstore and get a lemon " phosphate ". I looked it up cuz my young self 
never heard of it.
 It appears the drink is used for a laxative. Maybe since this was a specialty 
drink at a drug store and not a drink that can be found at a restaurant would 
suggest that it definately is a drink used as a laxative. 
Question : Was Andy suspicious that Barneys irritability about the bank being a 
pushover had something to do with a possible digestive problem ? You know how 
sensitive Barneys digestive system is.  
Lexington NC
Less than one hour from Mayberry  
WBMUTBB mailing list

The Great Filling Station Robbery and the screwdriver

2013-04-29 Thread Holland Shoaf
The Great Filling Station Robbery.
Whats the screwdriver for when Barney says " Screwdriver Gomer" ..
watch at 18 minutes 08 seconds -
Some added notes for those who say its for the camera.
I would wouldnt think a nice browning type camera needed a screwdriver to get 
the film out and secondly even if the film was extracted from the camera with a 
screwdriver, why would Barney or Gomer do it ? You would take the film out of 
the camera in a darkroom. Knowing that there could be spiders in the darkroom , 
that would eliminate Gomer from doing it , and an old tramp would keep Barney 
out !
Lexington NC
Less than one hour from Mayberry  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Notes on the Big House

2013-04-28 Thread Holland Shoaf
The episode is the Big House. The place is Mayberry. The names have not been 
changed to protect...  When Barney slams the two cops in jail, I 
notice he has the jail keys in his hand. He doesnt reach on the wall to pull 
the keys off the wall in this scene . Thats when # 3 and # 4 bad guys come in 
and one takes the keys out of Barneys hand.  ((See they were not in the cell 
DRAWER... or near the DOOR )).  Apparently Barney doesnt put them in the drawer 
which is what I " used to think" was maxium security. He carried them with him 
this time. 
Question : How many times has Barney or Andy kept the cell keys on their person 

Also Gomer has a few Christmas lights in his hand when he comes into the jail 
at the very end of the show. Did Gomer carry those few Christmas 
lights/ornaments into the jail so to fool Andy  into believing he had been " 
cleaning up the roof " ? Right after Andy comes around the building with the 
rifle you can see Gomers feet once again hanging over the edge of the building. 
He couldnt have been working with this feet hanging over the building. Which 
then would raise another question why would Gomer dump the Christmas 
decorations  over the edge of the roof when Andy called out his name ? There 
was no accident in this because the basket of Christmas decorations were not on 
the edge of the roof wall to be accidentally knocked over but they had been 
sitting in a chair ( a little below the edge of the roofs wall ) in a previous 
seen. Gomer had to have picked the basket up and then turn the basket over. If 
he knew to do this just after waking up from a nap, then I must conclude that 
Gomer DOES have eyes in the bottom of his feet !!!
I'm thinking too much. I need a vacation, maybe do some gardening and read the 
Lexington NC
Less than one hour from Mayberry  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Andys tall tales

2013-04-24 Thread Holland Shoaf
Being an avid motorcyclist I couldnt help but feel ill toward Andy pulling the 
wool over Barney's goggled eyes with the famous motorcycle story. Barney went 
from his bike being accepted ( via the new seat covering ) to losing it via the 
fake sign under the seat. Wow, Barney was hurt, he felt terrible Im telling 
you. I've felt his pain a number of times losing a bike ( Ive had many ) but 
only due to a wreck or resell. Barney ( dont look back ) had to live with 
knowing his beloved bike would sit on display and would probably never be 
ridden again.
Well its best for the people of Mayberry that the bike went were it did because 
Barney just about ran over Aunt Bee , and for her to want to string up a line 
and chop his head off would be a bit understandable.
I know its just a show but I would have like to see Andy come up with at least 
a half honest way of getting the bike away from Barney. O and this isnt the 
first time Andy made up such a story.  The Teddy Roosevelt war canon was a tall 
tale.  H, did Barney ever create such a story for Andy ? 
Lexington NC
less than 1 hour from Mayberry
WBMUTBB mailing list

Fairy stones

2013-04-23 Thread Holland Shoaf
Someone sent a message to me and asked what fairy stones were on the sign in my 
I called up to the store and the proprietor said " you will have to come in and 
look ".
I thought that was typical of an answer any salesman would give.  He then went 
on to say they were stones that came from Fairystone Park somewhere between 
Woolvine and Stuart Va. Well Ive been to both towns but havent been to this 
park ( stones 
description on that page )
I suppose I will have to put it on my to visit list !
Thank you Larry in Lincolnton for asking me about the sign on the store. It 
didnt cross my mind when I was there nor did I look around in the store very 
much. I agree with you about the possibility that Earnest T Bass had a few of 
them in his possession at one time.
Lexington NC
Less than 1 hour from Mayberry
WBMUTBB mailing list

The real Mayberry , not just another lost city.

2013-04-22 Thread Holland Shoaf
A picture from last Sundays motorcycle ride.  
I often get on my motorcycle and ride all around the Blue Ridge Parkway area.
This picture was taken on Squirrel Spur Road between Ararat and Meadows of Dan 
looking southwest toward Pilot Mountain. You can see Pilot Mt in the 
background. Mt Airy is somewhere between me and Pilot Mt.  ( I think I heard 
some bluegrass playing in the area ).
Along this road were two roads named Mayberry Church Road and Mayberry Creek 
Road. You should have seen me on my bike doing a double take when I passed the 
first road and then another when I passed the second one !! Later when I got 
home I looked them up on satellite view and discovered I was less than a mile 
from the Mayberry Trading Post (on the Blue Ridge Parkway) which  I wrote about 
in a previous letter !!

Like Count Istvan Teleky, I believe that Mayberry really exists !!! 

Lexington NC
Less than 1 hour from Mayberry
WBMUTBB mailing list

Pictures and video - Mayberry's origin

2013-04-08 Thread Holland Shoaf
Wonderful weather today for motorcycling here in the real Mayberry !
I took a few pictures of this old store on the Parkway not too far from Mabry 
Mills. VA
Of course seeing the " Mayberry " signs up from the Parkway, I had to stop and 
ask questions.
The lady ( proprietor)  said the area has been called " Mayberry " for 300 
years. I thought Andy came up with the name " out of his head " to reflect Mt 
Airy.  This had to be where he got the name  or its an astronomical coincidence 
!  And about 4 miles north of this store is Mabry Mill ( a very popular 
attraction on the Parkway).  Both these places are on the Blue Ridge Parkway. 
Mabry Mill is only 21 miles line of sight from Mt Airyh ?
 I wonder which came first Mayberry or Mabry and is there a connection ? Do we 
know if this area is where our beloved TAGS hometowns name originated ? Do I 
need to go up there an interview this lady some more or am I just late getting 
this revelation ?
8 pictures of the store start at .
click ( NEXT ) for next picture
A one minute video with the lady can be seen at ...
( let me make a correction via the end of the video, the store may have not 
been there for 300 years but the area was called that for as long ). There may 
have been a building on that site for who knows how long. 
 Please forgive my motorcycles noise in the background, I left it running while 
in the store ( I could barely hear it while in the store ).
Lexington NC
Less than 1 hour from Mayberry ( Mt Airy )  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Jurisdiction Continued

2013-04-05 Thread Holland Shoaf
Thank you Paul for that "Rainman like " insight !  Without getting too 
technical ( and having Ernest T Bass do his rithmuteck, I considered these 
things.Barney or was it Floyd that forgot to fill the squad car with gas and 
they had to walk a long ways for some,or Goober had to take the car apart and 
put it back together during the crossover at the Robert E. Lee Bridge ?Maybe 
they had to wait to for Aunt B to make them a few sandwiches or was it Gomer 
slowing em down for an illegal U-turn ?  What else could have made them take so 
long ? HollandLexington NCLess than 1 hour from Mayberry.   
WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy and Barneys Jurisdiction

2013-04-02 Thread Holland Shoaf
Knowing its almost impossible to add anything new to the minds here concerning 
TAGS trivia, its still nice to share what you found on your own.Though I knew 
this in the past, I considered bringing it up after watching Mountain Wedding 
again.Being that Andy and Barney were ready to travel to the Darlings at 4 AM, 
and then arriving after the sun came up, I wondered how long it took them to 
get there ? Taking the shortest amount of time possible to reach B from A, then 
you would have the Mayberrys Police Dept's Jurisdiction, which would be way way 
out there. Subtract some mountain driving and it would shorten it a bit. ps. I 
went to Snappy Lunch to eat Easter Monday but I should have known it was 
closed. Did eat at Mountain View Restaurant in Mt. Pilot though. Just out 
biking it in the nice weather. 70 degrees that day. HollandLexington NCLess 
than one hour from Mayberry  
WBMUTBB mailing list

A " Mayberry " fix

2013-03-24 Thread Holland Shoaf
Cabin Fever ! Ok, the weather here in NC hasnt allowed me to do as much outdoor 
activities as I would like lately and this Sunday was no different. I went to 
Cooks ( indoor )Flea Market in Winston Salem today and did the walk-n-look like 
I always do. This metal picture caught my eye and an instantaneous grin grew on 
my winter weary face. Its nice to know we always have a place to visit to get 
away from " things" with anything Mayberry. And having this forum and other 
TAGS sites to visit where we can gather amongst our TAGS friends is a great 
comfort as well.
Lexington NC
Less than 1 hour from Mayberry
WBMUTBB mailing list


2013-02-25 Thread Holland Shoaf
I was watching She Devils on Wheels ( 1968 ). During the movie the all gal bike 
gang strung up a wire across the road and decapitated a rival gang member while 
he was chasing them on a bike. I thought " these girls are vicious " !
And then it came to mind that Aunt Bee would have fit right in with them.
Lexington NC
Less than one hour from Mayberry  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Could have been shot

2012-10-07 Thread Holland Shoaf

Im know Andys been close to being killed on TAGS many a time.
But if Asa's ( did I spell his name correctley ) gun had those screws he needed 
in his old horse pistol revolver,
would Andy have taken a bullet there ?
Thanks !
Less than 1 hour from Mayberry
WBMUTBB mailing list

Hollering fish !

2012-06-18 Thread Holland Shoaf

What did Gomer say at 5:50 ?
Lexington NC
Less than 1 hour from Mayberry
WBMUTBB mailing list

The Art of Love and the definition of albatross

2012-05-08 Thread Holland Shoaf

Hi, please allow my sadness for the lost of Goober to precede my post.
Watching episodes that Goober has a major role in via WFMY Channel 2 here in 
The episode (The art of love ). In that episode where Barney and Andy are 
trying to get Goober a date ( so that he will quit intruding on their time with 
Helen and Thelma Lou ) , Barney refers to Lydia Crosswaith ( sp?) as an 
albatross. Now Lydia has a good size nose on her that appears to be offline 
somewhat , not to mention that knot or whatever it is on the end of her nose as 
well. Now when Barney is referring to her as an albatross is he 1. referring to 
her as a woman with a long crooked nose. 2 A worriesome burden that is always 
meddling in their affairs or C. Both ?
Lexington NC , just 55 minutes from Mayberry
albatross or al·ba·tross·es. 1. Any of several large, web-footed birds 
constituting the family Diomedeidae, chiefly of the oceans of the Southern 
Hemisphere, and having a hooked beak and long, narrow wings. 2.a. A constant, 
worrisome burden. b. An obstacle to success.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Instant TAGS

2011-10-23 Thread Holland Shoaf

In the world of Instant Coffee and about a thousand other instant things, 
shouldnt there be an INSTANT TAGS ?
Sharing my love of TAGS - with story 
This pic is inside my gallery of TAGS related pics.
If anyone would like to use this gallery to upload  a pic or 2 along with 
something about the picture, please send it to me at and will get right on it !
Lexington NC
Less than 1 hour from Mayberry
WBMUTBB mailing list

Otis sighting ?

2011-08-11 Thread Holland Shoaf

If this isnt Otis - at 0:15, then it 
is his twin brother.
Looks like he had a run in at the back of the Mayberry Jail too !
Lexington NC
Less than 1 hour from Mayberry
WBMUTBB mailing list

To be or not to be a 22 caliber rifle

2011-06-24 Thread Holland Shoaf

On the episode where Opie tries to win his pa an electric razor at the 
carnival... u know; the one where the sights on the rifle were bent.
At the beginning of the show the rifle Opie used had a big cord attrached to it 
... ( like the air rifles they use at carnivals today ). Then later in the show 
the cord was gone from the rifle/s and I " think " I remember hearing Goober 
refer to the guns as 22's. Either way the guns didnt make what I would think a 
22 rifle should sound like. Could you imagine if carnivals had 22 rifles laying 
around at  carnivals today !
Any insight ? No bent sights please.
ps. and speaking of carnivals on TAGS. I think Jerry Van Dyke could have kept 
that show running for a very long time !
Lexington NC
Less than one hour from Mayberry  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mount Airy Could be Named Friendliest Town in America

2011-06-05 Thread Holland Shoaf

Of course Id vote Mayberry # 1 but if we could get a word from Barbara Eden, 
it'd surely help out the chances alot !!
June 3, 2011 - 
Mount Airy is one of USA Today's six finalists in the running to be named one 
of the "friendliest" towns in the country.

Mount Airy will be competing against Walla Walla, Wash., Valdosta, Ga., Lake 
Havasu City, Ariz., Woodward, Okla., and Nacogdoches, Tex., in claiming the 

The top six friendliest towns are based on votes collected by Rand McNally and 
U.S.A. Today.

Lexington NC
Less than one hour from Mayberry  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Life saver man to the rescue ................ again !

2011-05-31 Thread Holland Shoaf

Hi all. I could keep coming here and updating my findings on the copycat caper 
mystery. Who is bringing the TAGS ideas for episodes to the writing table of 
the Gomer Pyle Show ?
Gomer Pyle Show certainly uses alot of ideas from TAGS episodes. Some of them 
Would love to go into detail about my findings from the many Gomer Pyles shows 
Ive watched but too much work for this lazy fellow.
I will share this copycat episode of one I saw today. Gomer is doing the exact 
same thing he did when Andy saved his life.
Will the show end the same way ?
Lexington NC
Less than 1 hour from Mayberry
WBMUTBB mailing list


2011-05-20 Thread Holland Shoaf

I have found yet another copycat version of an episode from TAGS.
Gomer is tricked into marrying a date -
Same thing happened to Barney .
Hmmm, who brought those copycat ideas to the writers table of the Gomer Pyle 
Show ?
Lexington NC
Less than 1 hour from Mayberry
WBMUTBB mailing list


2011-05-18 Thread Holland Shoaf

I have found yet another copycat version of an episode from TAGS.
Gomer is tricked into marrying a date -
Same thing happened to Barney .
Hmmm, who brought those copycat ideas to the writers table of the Gomer Pyle 
Show ?
Lexington NC
Less than 1 hour from Mayberry
WBMUTBB mailing list


2011-05-17 Thread Holland Shoaf

In the episode " Just move your lips seargant " on the Gomer Pyle Show, has 
anyone noticed that the theme ( the whole show ) is a copycat version of the 
episode where Barney couldnt sing in the choir on TAGS ?
Lexington NC
Less than 1 hr from Mayberry  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Poor Butterfly - Audio file

2011-05-05 Thread Holland Shoaf

Was it a problem on my end or did the " Poor Butterfly " audio file sent to me 
get chopped off at 211 kb. I heard the screeching trumpet players in the parade 
but the show never got started.
Lexington NC
Less than one hour from Mayberry  
WBMUTBB mailing list

To Ken Anderson and Andys near death experiences

2011-04-27 Thread Holland Shoaf

Ken, you are the man ! Thanks for replying. I also would like to add that 
Barney about got someone killed ( via Gentleman Dans trigger finger ) on the 
Gentleman Dan Caldwell episode by placing a bullet in his gun without telling 
Andy. I think Barney should have spoke up while Andy was trying Gentelman Dans 
Message: 2
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2011 07:52:29 -0500
From: "Ken Anderson" 
To: "Maybery Digest" 
Subject: Andy's Near Death Experiences
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
I think Andy came very close to having a near death experience on several 
occasions. One was when Helen caught him with the Fun Girls in the courthouse 
and the other was when Helen was sitting behind Andy and Mavis Neft at the 
diner. You heard the old saying, "If looks could kill". I think the vein was 
even sticking out on Helen's neck.
Kenneth G. Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, WI 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Citizens arrest on Andy

2011-04-27 Thread Holland Shoaf

No, not the episode with Gomer running around yelling "citizens arrest" , but 
the episode with Barneys Uniform.
Andy is warning Fred Plummer about Barneys Judo experience.
While he's doing this Andy is nonchantly eating grapes sitting out in front of 
the grocery store.
I say " Stop Thief, Citzens arrest " !
I know, I shoudnt have mentioned it.
Lexington NC
Less than one hour from Mayberry.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Citizens arrest on Andy

2011-04-19 Thread Holland Shoaf

No, not the episode with Gomer running around yelling "citizens arrest" , but 
the episode with Barneys Uniform.
Andy is warning Fred Plummer about Barneys Judo experience.
While he's doing this Andy is nonchantly eating grapes sitting out in front of 
the grocery store.
I say " Stop Thief, Citzens arrest " !
I know, I shoudnt have mentioned it.
Lexington NC
Less than one hour from Mayberry.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Near Death Experiences for Andy

2011-04-19 Thread Holland Shoaf

I was watching "Barney gets his man " and saw where Barney about shot Andy in 
the chicken shed scene.
Andy is hiding behind a post, throws a rock at a metal can and startles Barney. 
Barney then turns around and shoots " aimlessly" in the direction of Andy. I 
watched the scene over a few times and would guestimate that Barneys bullet was 
in the proximety of 10 to 15 degrees off the direct path to Andys position.
Has there been any closer to death experiences for Andy than this one ? Andys 
been shot at several times but Im talking about situations where Barney about 
killed him.
Lexington NC
Less than 1 hour from Mayberry ( gateway to danger  )   
WBMUTBB mailing list

3.2 percent and my response

2011-04-15 Thread Holland Shoaf

Thanks to all who wrote in about what 3.2 is. I assumed it was just that. 
I was more interested in Otis's 3.2 drinking days. Evidently he started out 
with the mild stuff ( though still intoxicating ) and worked his way into the 
illegal moonshine ring. I could dig deeper and asked where he bought his beer 
back in his younger days if he was just that .. a beer drinker in Mayberry . 
Obviously he was a resident of Mayberry ( and Mayberry was a dry town/county ) 
since his first offense was in Mayberry. Wait  maybe the report Andy read 
was just that, his first offense in Mayberry at that time. Otis may have lived 
elsewhere and then once he moved into Mayberry found the spirits their were 
just as lively as Count Istavantaleky ( spelling ? ).
ps. I did not know that the book of Psychic Phenomona was missprinted on the 
book that Andy held in the episode of Opies 3 Wishes-
Lexington NC
Less than 1 hour from Mayberry
WBMUTBB mailing list

What does 3.2 mean ?

2011-04-11 Thread Holland Shoaf

Hi, I was watching a case of the punch in the nose -
At 2:03 Barney says " a good bit of 3 point 2 too ( also ). Because of subject 
matter of the conversation, I would assume it has something to do with alcohol. 
  Could it mean 3.2 % alcohol ? Certainly Otis doesnt drink the water'd down 
What does 3.2 mean ?
Lexington NC
Less than 1 hour from Mayberry
WBMUTBB mailing list

3rd shift in Mayberry

2011-04-11 Thread Holland Shoaf

Cerainly most of the good folk of Mayberry put the lights out early but then 
theres probably a few that stay out late. 
Who keeps law in the wee hours of the morning ?
Usually its Barney and Andy on Patrol during the day and even if that wasnt the 
case, we could guess that each one does an 8 hour shift, totallying 16 hours. 
Who works 3rd shift in Mayberry ? Who would chase down Otis on his cow if he 
was out later than usual and who would arrest Mr Darling and the boys while 
they were singing to Aunt Bee ?
Lexington NC
Less than 1 hour from Mayberry
WBMUTBB mailing list

Kens Chicken

2011-03-12 Thread Holland Shoaf

Ken , I loved your chicken video !
My grandmother used to pass out stones at the dinner table and tell everyone to 
have potatoe. They looked like the real thing. Would go great with your chicken.
Hungry in Lexington NC
Less than 1 hour from Mayberry 
WBMUTBB mailing list

thanks for sharing

2011-03-09 Thread Holland Shoaf

Thanks so much for the Ken Anderson video ! I enjoyed that very much. And I 
also enjoyed the 2 Chairs No Waiting episode of revisiting Myers Lake.
Lexington NC
Less than 1 hour from Mayberry
WBMUTBB mailing list

Free youtube downloader

2011-02-07 Thread Holland Shoaf

I dont know where I found it but its called " free youtube downloader " Of 
course you can rip any video from youtube with it, but what I really enjoy is 
ripping the videos of TAGS to my harddrive. THEN with the same software I 
convert the vids to mp3 files. Then I burn those mp3 audio files to a cd and 
listen to TAGS in my car.  I really enjoy that !
Lexington NC
less than 1 hour from Mayberry
WBMUTBB mailing list

Lexington and all its charms outpace even Mayberry

2011-01-24 Thread Holland Shoaf

Hi Mayberry fans ! I sometimes post here from time to time. Im an avid TAGS 
viewer and read the forum here often.
You will see at the end of every post I sign my name and city with the " less 
than one hour away from Mayberry " tagged at the end.
I live in Lexington and we have a circulation newspaper here called the 
Dispatch. Today that printed an article that got my feathers riled.
I overviewed the article and didnt see any reference to Mayberry, but its 
understood in the title someone is trying to draw contrast between the two 
places or draw attention to the article using my beloved Mayberry. I have lived 
in Lexington all my life and visit Mayberry ( Mt Airy ) not often enough. I see 
the charm in both towns but why one " writer " would take a poke at wonderful 
Mayberry just to draw attention to an article that doesnt include Mayberry in 
its story kinda takes the cake. Its as though all the nice things that were 
written about Lexington doesnt include Mt. Airy in any form or simularity. Our 
paper is owned by the New York Times if that tells you anything. I will write 
them a little something. I feel like Barney did when he wrote his resignation 
papers to the Esquire Club. 
Lexington NC
Less than one hour from Mayberry. 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Bill Bixby and the flying celery stalk

2011-01-13 Thread Holland Shoaf

Theres always something that gets my attention when I watch the Bill Bixby 
episode when he ( Ronald Bailey ) comes racing through town.
When he said to Andy " Noones going to be hurt if we just drop the whole 
thing", and then he said " Sherriff, Maybe I better straighten you out "  as he 
was getting out his car. Both Andy and Barney just stood there. No one bullet 
drawn or anything. Today the man would have been tazed the moment he reached 
for his door handle. 
And a question-  Circuit Judge " Judge Parker" was to come in and try this case.
I know about zero when it comes to law but wasnt Andy the Justice of the Peace 
? Isnt that the same thing as a district judge... one that tries cases as 
wreckless driving as was in this case ? Or was it a hit and run which should be 
held in the criminal court system ? There was vegetables in the back of Ronald 
Baileys car.  There were a number of cases that Andy tried as a judge that 
included vehicles correct ?
Would yall help to clear things up for me ?
I could imagine Fletch behind Ronald Baileys Lawyer Mr Harrington saying " shut 
up boy " your going to ruin my chances of getting a new truck "
Well thank goodness, law and order prevailed once again in Mayberry.
exposing my ignorance
Lexington NC
Less than 1 hour from Mayberry
WBMUTBB mailing list

trips to Raleigh and the Esquire Club

2011-01-13 Thread Holland Shoaf

While watching the Esquire Club episode I noticed that Andy made a comment 
about his trips to Raleigh that caught my attention.
He said he usually takes his deputy along when he goes there.
How many trips did Andy make to Raleigh with Barney ?
you remember Baked Alaska, its the new desert that came since it become a 
state. The name Baked Alaska 
originated at Delmonico's Restaurant in New York City in 1876, and was created 
in honor of the newly acquired territory of Alaska.
Not only does Barney have insight into Baked Alaska, he knew a little something 
about Giraffes getting hit by lightning.
Im beginning to believe Barney is the reincarnate of Count Istvan Teleky !
If you have any neat pics to share at , please send them to 
me and your story at
Lexington NC
Less than one hour from Mayberry
WBMUTBB mailing list

Cloggers at Mayberry Days

2010-12-02 Thread Holland Shoaf

Heres a short video of some cloggers doing a short dance skit I took at 
Mayberry Days 2010.
Notice the poor gal with the tired and aching back at the 15 second mark.
Lexington NC
Less than 1 hour from Mayberry
WBMUTBB mailing list

Disconnected motorcycle side car stunt - Marx Brothers

2010-12-01 Thread Holland Shoaf

I was watching the Marx Brothers 1933 movie " Duck Soup" and was a bit startled 
when I saw them doing the disconnected motorcycle/sidecar stunt. I knew I had 
seen Andy and Barney do it but now wondering if anyone on screen had done it 
previous to the Marx Brothers.
Lexington NC
Less than 1 hour from Mayberry
WBMUTBB mailing list

Disconnected motorcycle side car stunt - Marx Brothers

2010-11-29 Thread Holland Shoaf

I was watching the Marx Brothers 1933 movie " Duck Soup" and was a bit startled 
when I saw them doing the disconnected motorcycle/sidecar stunt. I knew I had 
seen Andy and Barney do it but now wondering if anyone on screen had done it 
previous to the Marx Brothers.
O' and of course Im wondering now what other stunts in previous movies were 
redone on TAGS. 
Lexington NC
Less than 1 hour from Mayberry
WBMUTBB mailing list

Ben Weavers glasses

2010-09-16 Thread Holland Shoaf

In the episode where Ben Weavers store was getting robbed by the little old 
lady who clanked ( and little old ladys ought never clank ) , what was in the 
glasses on the table ? Ben Weaver accidentally shook them while hiding from 
 I saw liquid in them or thought I did. Were there fish in them or maybe 
candles that floated in water ?
I will see you at Mayberry Days !!
Lexington NC
Less than 1 hour from Mayberry
ps. Everyone is always welcomed to add any favorite TAGS pictures to my gallery 
by sending them to
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayor Stoner gets caught getting frisky ( video included )

2010-08-26 Thread Holland Shoaf

Mayor Stoner gets caught getting frisky. No , this isn't the Mayberry drugstore.
" Just for fun so dont let that vein pop out on your neck "
Lexington NC
Less than 1 hour from Mayberry
WBMUTBB mailing list

Larceny ?

2010-08-26 Thread Holland Shoaf

Got your attention ?
Was watching the episode where Howard Sprague gets tricked by his study pal 
Tommy . Tommy cons Howard to stop studying with him by having him drive his sis 
to a dance hall. Howards there dancing too ! Andy goes to check in on Howard.
I got the biggest laugh watching Howard walking by Andy and unknowingly give 
him an "anybodys " hi on the initial face to face contact.
Back to Larceny.
At the end of the show Andys scolding Howard for forgetting his priority study 
plans and explains how Tommy is a smart boy and has alot of "Larceny" in him. I 
looked up the word and the only definiton I could find was the bad one we all 
know about.
That kid is a smart kid and hes got alot of larceny in him and he outfoxed you.
Whats your take on the word? Is my hearing going bad or am I going deaf ?
ps. Its good to know that real friends will go out of their way to help friends 
get back on their way.
Lexington NC
Less than one hour from Mayberry.   
WBMUTBB mailing list

Items from Goober

2010-08-24 Thread Holland Shoaf

Cut this newsclipping out for my favorite TAGS friends !
If anyone has anything TAGS related they would like posted at my "our" gallery
just send an email and its attachement to me at
ps. U bet I will be at Mayberry Days !
Lexington NC
Less than 1 hour from Mayberry 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Beer 25 cents

2010-08-13 Thread Holland Shoaf

Theres probably nothing yall TAGS fans dont know but I get a kick out of 
learning stuff just from watching the episodes myself.
Watching Aunt Bee and Mr. Lee or is it Chee start out the new Chinese 
Resteraunt in Mayberry.
On the wall is a Menu which includes BEER at 25 cents.
A quarter a beer and being a dry town ( county ) it would seem Aunt Bee wouldnt 
have a worry in the world about business regardless of her fortune cookie !
Lexington NC
Less than 1 hour from Mayberry
WBMUTBB mailing list

Opies report card

2010-07-22 Thread Holland Shoaf

Come on now Opie, you knew you werent going to get all A's on that report card 
when there was an F coming your way. Surely you should have known. 


Shouldnt Andy have questioned the A ? Certainly a good parent will be up to 
date on at least some daily graded work papers. 


Shouldnt have Miss Crump recieved an F in transcription ? 


I know I know, momentary suspension of disbelief. Dont question it so that you 
can enjoy it. A good episode showing unconditional love.


ps. I would have eaten the pie and taken a bike ride before fessing up. 



Lexington NC

Less than 1 hour from Mayberry
The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with Hotmail.
WBMUTBB mailing list

TAGS story by AARP

2010-07-05 Thread Holland Shoaf



I scanned the pages of AARP ( July- August 2010 ) so this is very recent.


Not the best scan job. Hope you can read them.  Starts here   click NEXT for next page.



Make sure you are looking at the ( original size ) for biggest print . I read 
through them ok.


enjoy !


Anytime anyone would like to add to my gallery anything TAGS related please 
send the email to





Lexington NC

less than 1 hour from Mayberry


The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with Hotmail.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Susan Oliver - reason Andy went back to the courthouse

2010-05-30 Thread Holland Shoaf

Episode with Susan Oliver


Did Andy go back to the courthouse ( after smelling her perfume on his collar )

1. Because he was going back to " be with her "


2. Because he knew Barney wouldnt be able to fight of the persuasion of a 
beautiful woman ?



Me and my aunt got into it about this one.





The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with Hotmail.
WBMUTBB mailing list

A Chat with Thelma Lou

2010-05-04 Thread Holland Shoaf


I was going through my local community college website and found this . U bet I 
will register !!





A Chat with Thelma Lou 
Reminisce with Betty Lynn about her adventures with Andy, Barney, Helen and the 
rest of the Mayberry townspeople. In addition, learn about her Broadway and 
Hollywood film career prior to the Andy Griffith Show. Autographed photo 
included with registration. 
CID # 21620
May 18 
6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m., 2 ½   hours
Davie Campus, $15.00
The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with Hotmail.
WBMUTBB mailing list

The Cannon (11/22/1965) to B athing suit or not to B athing suit ?

2010-03-31 Thread Holland Shoaf

In the episode where Warren and Goober guard Raleighs Mobile Museum, it was 
rather strange to see the issue of a gal in a bathing suit being brought up. No 
big thing really until it was evident that Aunt Bees obvious displeasure in the 
idea was quickly brushed and then she quickly hushed. 


Was there any underlying story to this? It seems rather odd.




Lexington NC

Under an hour from Mayberry


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WBMUTBB mailing list

Cigarettes saved Barneys life

2010-03-25 Thread Holland Shoaf


Just for fun

What episode did cigarettes save Barneys life ?



Lexington NC

Less than 1 hr from Mayberry
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Bad Boy Bailey

2010-03-25 Thread Holland Shoaf

I want to thank everyone for replying to Andys comment about the " The fish 
isnt the only one that got away ".


I took a step back from the pier scene and view the rest of the episode as it 
was one long sentence.


I see the writer showing the reality of treating people with kindness. Kindess 
doesnt always produce fruit immediately. Some people are kind to others ( to 
get something in return ). But after a while Ronald B saw that Andy was a fair 
game player in other situations and began given in to being a fair game player 


Pure genious in this episode.


Andys comment about " your a better man than I am " was a bit awkward sounding 
but he had to say something off the wall to spark Ronalds skepticism with his 


I,ll say it again... pure genious in this episode.



Lexington NC

Less than an hour from Mayberry


Thanks for letting me say "MY SEN-TENCE"



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What did Ellen Brown say ?

2010-03-24 Thread Holland Shoaf

When Ellen Brown the manicurists is explaining to Andy that she cant marry him 
at the very end of the episode, she says something I cant make out what it is.


Right before Ellen says " I will always have fond memories of you" it sounds 
like the words she spoke were not the ones she moved with her lips. Sounds like 
it was dubbed. I cant figure out what she said. The closest guess I can make 
out is she said " Although Im married to Pierre "... but we know she wasnt 
married but only engaged. Im real curious as to what she said.



ps. It was also nice to see that Andy was cleaning his pistol in this episode. 
Wonder if it was the same one he keeps on top of the china cabinet in the 
dining room.




The nitpicker from

Lexington NC


Holland Shoaf


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Hes not the only one that got away ( Baileys Bad Boy )

2010-03-23 Thread Holland Shoaf

The speedy 19 year old kid Bill Bixby has to go fishing with Andy and Opie 
after getting caught causing an accident and leaving the scene.

He gets mad when he thinks Andy is buttering him up after catching a big fish 
and Andy says " your a better man than me ". He throws the fish he caught with 
Andys pole back in the water. and walks to the other end of the pier away from 
Andy and Opie fuming. Opie says "he let him (the fish ) get away. Andy says " 
Im afraid the fish aint the only one that got away "


at 7:40


What does Andys comment mean ?





Lexington NC

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Dismissing the Mt. Airy Connection

2010-03-19 Thread Holland Shoaf

I read at that Andy 
often "dismissed" any ties between Mt Airy and Mayberry. It is under the 
subject (The Mount Airy Connection ).


Like the story says " there are too many similarities to ignore the Mt 
Airy-Mayberry connection ". So with all these similarities, why did Andy 
dismiss them to begin with? It took 45 years before Andy acknowledged the 
connection.  Was he just being humble or was their a bigger plan involved ?


It is very neat to read about how the residents of Mt. Airy resorted to 
renaming their businesses to ( anything TAGS related) to help with the 
declining economy.  Reminds me of the episode where the whole town of Mayberry 
goes "Hollywood"  when the Hollywood film crew comes to town.



If you would like to have your pic and appeal to TAGS posted at my website, please mail me at


I am a BIG fan of TAGS !!



Lexington NC

Less than 1 hour from Mayberryer uh Mt. Airy



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mystery episode idea

2010-03-16 Thread Holland Shoaf

I was reading this during my downloading of the 2 Chairs no Waiting Podcasts.


Thought " how neat it would be " to have a group play out this mystery episode 
on stage during A Mayberry Days celebration !or have I missed the 
event already ???





Q. Were there any TAGS scripts which were written but never filmed?

A. Yes .Paul, I wrote one ..( I don’t know if other writers wrote any.) Our 
unfilmed episode was THE WANDERING MINSTREL, which I wrote with Ray Allen 
Saffian for the 1962-1963 season.. It featured a charming footloose guitar 
player we called “Wally Jordan.” ( based on an actual musician Andy had great 
respect for, Brownie Mcghee)

Andy had constantly spoken in praise of Brownie, so it was inevitable someone 
would write the story. We wrote the outline and then the fully completed 
script. Now the weird part. To this day nobody on TAGS can give a reason why it 
wasn’t filmed. It’s still a mystery.

If you’d like to read the script, it is printed in its entirety in Richard 
Kelly’s seminal book THE ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW .. Pickled Tink to hear from you. 
Harvey B

**You can get Richard Kelly’s book at…you guessed it…Weaver’s Dept Store***
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Today in Mayberry

2010-03-13 Thread Holland Shoaf

My friend Mike and I decided to kick it a bit around Mayberry today. March 13, 

First thing we did was enjoy a delightful porch chop sandwich at Snappy Lunch.


While eating there, a couple from West Virginia overheard us talking "Andy 
Trivia" and began chatting with us. Like us, their eyes widened at finding a 
fellow fan to share the

love of "anything Mayberry". Its like this every time you visit Mt Airy.

Now its off to see the new Andy Griffith Museum. Before we got there, we took a 
close look at the vandalized statue that has been in the news.

 You still can see some blue and red paint left on the statue. I heard the 
restoration has been miraculous compared to what it had looked like. I could 
only imagine what it did look like and dont think I want to see the "before" 
picture. Ok , on to the museum.

Their were so many unbelievably interesting things to see in the museum.

We spent about 30 minutes just within the first couple of steps past the 
entrance door.

One thing that I was interested in was a check written by Andy to some movie 
studio for about 18 dollars. It was on the wall in the very back.

I wondered why he wrote a check to the movie studio. I thought it should be the 
other way round. The attendant there couldnt answer it and said the check was 
up there only because of his signature. Maybe so, but I'm such a skeptic that I 
couldnt accept that. Certainly there is some story behind that check he wrote.

My favorite thing to see what the actual wooden chairs that Andy and Barney 
used in the show. I was simply in awe !

During our visit, I heard a deligthful Mayberry quote . 

A married couple who were both proprietors in one of the many stores we 
visited, were cutting up amongst themselves. The wife replied to her husband " 
alright # 3 .watch it "  Wow, these Mayberrians are really into this. 
Ive died and gone to Mayberry heaven.

Always an enjoyable visit at Mayberry.

ps. Heres is a large copy of a picture I bought. Ive made it into my desktop 
background. you may use it for something...




Lexington NC

Less than 1 hour from Mayberry
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its not an emergency

2010-03-12 Thread Holland Shoaf

Im not coldhearted, cruel or insensitive. But Id like to know what you think , 
not about me, but about how NEWS/Stations will interrupt normal tv broadcasting 
for non public emergency news.





The story is


The situation was that Im sitting on my couch watching The Andy Griffith Show 
on WFMY here in Lexington NC and about 10 minutes in the show, WFMY interrupts 
the show at 5:40 pm to notify the public that a verdict has been reached in the 
killing of Winston Salems Police Seargant.A terrible terrible tradgedy and 
Im truly sympathetic toward all in involved, but couldnt WFMY have waited 20 
minutes to air this at the 6 pm news ? What could I do " Mr TV viewer " with 
this news that I couldnt have done if I had to wait 20 minutes more. I dont 
understand it. They done this with a small airplane crash once. Cars crash all 
the time and people die here in the triad constantly but the news doesnt break 
tv broadcasting for that.


TV Sensationalism is my answer.




Wonder if the adminstrator will let this one slip through .



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Cave near the lake at Franklin County

2010-03-10 Thread Holland Shoaf

Reading my Mayberry 101 book..again.


The cave in the scene were Helen and Andy get trapped in ( and Barney came to 
the rescue) was all synthetic according to the writer. Man is that some good 
trickery ! 

The scenes in front of the cave are claimed to be very close to the Myers Lake 
which can be seen at the start of every show.


So is there really a cave near that lake ?


"shaking the moths out of my hair" 




Lexington NC

Just 50 mins from Mayberry
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Deputy tries to shoot his way out of jail cell

2010-03-08 Thread Holland Shoaf

Another reason why Barney was only allowed one bullet !





Lexington NC

Just 50 mins from Mayberry





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Andys Hand

2010-03-05 Thread Holland Shoaf

I have the answer here in Mayberry 101 book. But I have to find it.

I read the book but forgot. If I remember correctly Andy and his wife were 
having a tuf and he punched a wall in the house. A rumor for now till I find 
it. When I do I,ll type it out as its read in the book if yall dont turn me in 
to the copyright infringment dept.


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Vandalized Statue and WHAT IF

2010-02-24 Thread Holland Shoaf

What if someone came into the Mt Airy Police Station and 

said " What yall didnt know was the Andy Griffith Statue was under my 24 hour 

surveillance and I hold in my hand the folder which contains the picture of 
said perpetrator that vandalized said statue. 


And you could see the Chief and everyone standing around anxiously peering at 
the folder as the pic is slowly drawn out.   And its the same picture that 
Barney took of himself in the great filling station robbery !!!




What do you think would happen to this fellow ?


If it was in Mayberry you might hear Andys """ welll " or " i got a right 
mind to arrest you " or "citizens arrest citizens arrest" or Barneys " Halt " 

   Any others ? 


Trying to make light of a unpleasant situation



Lexington NC

Just 50 minutes from Mayberry


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email address

2010-02-16 Thread Holland Shoaf

I only touch base with TAGS forum ever so often and when I do I read 1 or 2 
interesting letters . I overviewed the disussion about removing or adding email 
addresses in everyones post due to unfortunate circumstances.


Why not leave it up to the member writing ?


Leave out the address in the headerfield per the administrator and allow the 
writer to add  his name and email address when he/she chooses to do so ?


When I post I like signing my name to things. An email address ? Wouldnt bother 
me to copy and paste that too in the letterhead . I dont write that often.




Lexington NC

Just 50 minutes from Mayberry.


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Taylor Home Replica

2010-01-29 Thread Holland Shoaf

Heres the link. Just found it. From my earlier post. Am told the courthouse 
replica is in the basement of this house.




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