Front Porches

2018-04-04 Thread Brian Kaufman
I really enjoyed reading Ken’s article about front porches. The article took me 
back to my own front porch during my high school days. We had a large front 
porch on the front of our farm house in north central Ohio. I have lots of 
memories of being on or around that porch...mostly of graduations, proms & 
weddings. We also had a large patio behind the house where we did our snapping 
of beans, husking ears of corn, etc..
Tonight I’m watching the episode, “Opie’s Rival” from Season’s 
coincidental that I was watching that episode while I was reading Ken’s 
article. The episode includes a very heartfelt segment on Andy’s front porch 
where Andy explains to Opie about their strong relationship.
Thanks so much for sharing your article, Ken!
Brian Kaufman
Proud TAGS Fan Since 1974

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Front porches

2018-04-03 Thread Ken Anderson
-- My Mayberryish article for the April Edition is about front porches.
Here is the link if you would like to read it.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
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of porches and things

2009-03-02 Thread Martha
And besides, I wistfully ask, who has time to sit anymore anyway?

A few years ago I went to some meeting about something sponsored by the local 
art group.  I was early--I'm always early; it's one of my worst traits.  Anyway 
one other lady was there; she'd been working on some art project and stayed 
over for the meeting.  I commented on the nice day outside and expressed 
something similar to the missing-porches-and-talking theme that's been going on 
here for the last few days.  She agreed, then backtracked and said that if we 
sat around and talked, we wouldn't have all the wonderful pieces of art we have 
now.  I looked at the paintings around us on the walls and thought of Otis's 
cow.  But I did restrain myself.  Aren'tsha proud?

Martha, the tactful, Humphreys
Huntsville, AL
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front porches

2009-02-28 Thread castone59
Aagh!  All this talk of front porches makes me want one so badly.  I have
time to sit.  I live slightly out of town so don't have neighbors walking by
much, but I like to watch traffic and joggers and such.  Not to mention
working on my philosophical meanderings.  I may have to speak sternly to my
husband about building me a porch.  I feel if I don't get one soon, I'll go
drink myself silly on Elly's ice cream sodas.  If she won't sell them to me,
I'll just get them somewheres else.

This doesn't mean the front porch talk is making me upset.  Keep the
memories coming.  I enjoy them even though they bring a nostalgic tear to
the eye.  Of course, I live in the North and we only get about 5 or 6 months
of porch sitting weather if we're lucky.  My porch (when I get one) will
face the east.  Has anyone experience the pleasure of sitting in the fresh
of the morning with a cup of tea and breathing the sweet air?  It stirs the
soul and makes one praise God for his wonderful creation.  Forget TAGS-L
versitis.  What is my condition called?  Is there a doctor on the porch?

Kind behind the eyes
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RE: Mayberry Front Porches

2009-02-28 Thread Ray Hadorn
Hey Ken:

You really have a way with the words. You really should write more. Thats an
excellent little story about front porches. It reminds me of all those TAGS
episodes that had a scene on the Taylor front porch and how they would sing,
laugh, make all the neighborhood dogs bark but most importantly talk and
communicate with one another. In my opinion TV has played the biggest part
in people forgetting how important it is to talk to one another.
Your piece made me want to look at houses with porches so I went to Amazon
and they have a bunch of books with photos.


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2009-02-28 Thread Ken Anderson
I am so glad so many people enjoyed my thoughts about the disappearance of 
the front porch.  Sometime when I am in a very nostalgic mood I shall pen my 
thoughts about the vanishing outhouses and all my memories of visiting them 
in my younger days.  On second thought I think some things about the past 
are better off not revisited.

Ken Anderson
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 

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RE: Front porches

2009-02-28 Thread Good, Don
... end of civilization... the automobile... isolated ... the loss of the 
front porch is definitely a contributing factor. ... isolated in our homes 
pretending the folks on the television are our friendslost the art of 
friendly conversation with our neighborsSay hey to Goob for me

An even deeper cause: Air conditioning.  Actually, I'm serious about that.  
Several scholarly works (sociological, etc) point to the popularity of air 
conditioning as a contributing factor to the loss of front porches, people 
generally staying inside longer, and therefore to ensuing cultural changes.

Dr. (for real, but not, as my kids say, the kind who can do anybody any good) 
Don Good
Oh, and Hey to Goober
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Mayberry Front Porches

2009-02-27 Thread Larry Gillum
  One of my favorite things to do while watching all the various episodes of 
TAGS is to pay special attention to all the front porches that are on the 
homes within Mayberry.  

'Twas a wonderful dissertation on the importance of the front porch, Ken.   It 
reminded me poignantly of my growing-up years on our small Midwestern farm.   
The front porch was a gathering place during daytime and nighttime hours alike. 
 We had the homemade ice cream, strawberry shortcake, friends and family coming 
and going, and all the rest.  Then, after curfew, the porch became my sleeping 
place during hot, humid summer nights, with my dog beneath my canvas army cot.  
 Our only neighbors during those hours were fireflies (we called them lightning 
bugs), June bugs, nighttime insect symphonies of sound, lonely distant coyotes, 
and occasional thunder.  I don't know if the good folk of Mayberry ever slept 
on their front porches, but I think Gomer might have tried it if it hadn't been 
for them spiders down there.  

The trouble nowadays is that people feel they need to retreat to inner 
sanctums, either inside their homes or within high fences of back yards and 
patios for safety, security, and privacy.   And besides, I wistfully ask, who 
has time to sit anymore anyway?   Front porch sitters symbolically have their 
arms and hearts opened to the world, or at least to their community.  They are 
ready to receive, accept, and enjoy their neighbors and even strangers who pass 
by.   Surely that is the Mayberry Spirit we cherish and actively promote.At 
least, maybe it's the simple Mayberry way of life we'd like to reclaim and 
relive.   It is a moment in time that my kids may never know.   

Long live Mayberry and its front porches, spiders included.   

Larry in CO
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re: Mayberry Porches

2009-02-26 Thread dudleygl
I like a good porch too! Personally, I though that Andy's house lost something 
when they took the screen door off of his porch in the later episodes.

Sheriff Roscoe P. Coletrain
Hazzard County
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2009-02-26 Thread DAVID QUINN


 Speaking of front porches, while I was watching an episode of Andy the other 
night, Three's A Crowd, by name, Barney led a great big gang of people 
(including Nice Dress Nellie) up onto Nurse Mary Simpson's front porch.  I 
thought I recognized that front porch, but could not place it.  Do any of you 
trained observers know which front porch that was?

Speaking of being a trained observer, my retirement is coming up pretty soon, 
and I have made a plan to keep me busy.  I am going to go through every episode 
of Andy and try to find out who owns that Aqua (green) Ford Falcon that is 
shown in several episodes. In the episode where Flora goes to work at Wally's, 
old Jud is driving it.  And in the episode where Goober gives away his Grab Bag 
of Cash, some young dark headed man is driving it.  I have also seen it parked 
on main street several times.  Just something to look forward to.


Orville Hendricks - Selling Butter and Eggs.  I never notice front porches too 
much, because I am always slipping around back porches after the husband has 
gone off to work.  But I am not a chicken coop casanova.

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Mayberry porches

2009-02-26 Thread castone59
Ken, that was a beautiful essay on front porches.  I don't have a front
porch but wish I did.  I like to sit out on my front step in the spring and
summer and watch traffic go by.  My husband will eventually build a back
deck and a front porch.  I wish it could be sooner rather than later, but
he's not suspicious about the economy.  He's *cautious*!  Enjoyment gained
would be worth more than the money spent for a porch.  You wouldn't happen
to have a lucky letter, rabbit's foot or four-leaf clover that my husband
could borrow, would you?  Just until he passes the shooting test, er, I mean
gets the porch and deck built.

Kind behind the eyes
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Porches

2009-02-25 Thread Ken Anderson
One of my favorite things to do while watching all the various episodes of 
TAGS is to pay special attention to all the front porches that are on the 
homes within Mayberry.  I believe I am partial to front porches on old 
houses because the big old house I grew up in had a 40 foot front porch 
along the entire front of our house.  The first home my wife and I bought 
for $14,000 had a nice screened in porch along the front of the house.  Many 
happy hours were spent on these porches during the long lazy summers back in 
the Midwest during the mid 1950' and early 1960's.  My best friend Greg and 
I would walk long slow walks all over the small town of Dorchester almost 
every night and we would speak to the many people who were spending a 
leisurely evening sitting on their porch relaxing after a hard days work.

When I see the porches on all those Mayberry homes I can't help but think of 
all the important events that took place on those front porches.  How many 
frightened parents said their tearful goodbyes to their sons going off to 
war while standing on a front porch.  How many tearful mothers were standing 
on their front porch when they were handed a military telegram telling then 
that they son was either missing in action or had bee killed in the line of 

Of course there were the happy events that took place on those porches,. 
Think of all the young people in love who received their first kiss on a 
porch while saying goodnight to the person of their dreams.  How many front 
porches in Mayberry were the location of numerous children playing games 
during a warm summer day or just listening to the sounds of the night on a 
warm summer night with no fear of school the following day,  I often wonder 
how many bushels of beans have been snipped on those porches or how many 
gallons of homemade ice cream were created on such a porch.

Newly married brides and grooms often said their tearful farewells to their 
loved ones standing on a porch before they headed off to their own new world 
to begin a new life together.  Distance families returning for a family 
gathering would often see each other for the first time while standing on 
that front porch. Card Tables with an array of foods were often served out 
on those delightful friendly front porches.

Yes the front porch had a purpose.  It brought people together during good 
times and bad times.  It was a natural gathering place for neighbors go join 
together for friendly talk and cool drinks as the long summer days drew to a 

The next time you watch an episode of TAGS pay special attention to all the 
houses that have porches.  I miss porches very much,  I have a very 
beautiful fenced in patio behind our house and our flower gardens surround 
it.  But you won't find me sitting back on my patio during the warm summer 
evenings.  I gather up several lawn chairs and I sit out by the front of my 
house and I make sure I have at least one empty one with me.  People still 
go out walking in our neighborhood,.  The only problem is there are no 
porches to sit on for a visit.  So we improvise and this old porch sitter 
still enjoys it as much as I used to do - even without the porch.

Ken Anderson
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 

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2007-01-12 Thread klw4760
 When I was little..back in the 1960's my brothers abd sisters would hang 
blankets all around the porch to completely enclose it. After that project was 
done we spent the entire night out on the porch in our makeshift tent. What fun 
it was!
A sad testament to our society is the fact that we won't let our son sleep in 
our backyard in a tent. Just not safe anymore.
There is alot to be said for the Mayberry lifestyle!
Kelly in South Dakota 

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2007-01-12 Thread Jason Harrod
I remember sitting with my grandmother on the porch swing in her  
house in Nebo, NC singing rain rain go away when it was raining.

They need more porches these days and less decks.

Jason Harrod

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Front Porches

2007-01-11 Thread maharmon
 I've really enjoyed reading everyone's notes about front porches. That's one 
strong memory I have from growing up in NC. We spent every summer night out on 
the front porch. We'd watch the lightning come across the horizon. If it got 
too close, we'd go inside. My fondest memories of my Dad was of him sitting in 
the swing waving at folks driving by. Eventually we acquired two swings (one on 
each end of the porch) so Dad didn't have to sit in the sun. Thanks for the 
memories. Marti 

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Front porches cont.

2007-01-09 Thread Janet Anderson
Who else had a front porch?
Floyd  (seeing Barney on the Horse)
Sam Becker
Mrs. Mendlebright (Barney talked about sitting out there with her)
The Parkers in Raleigh
The Preacher, Reverend Tucker
Thelma Lou

Who else??

Here's a couple more.  Mrs. Wiley had a front porch.  That's where everybody 
stood while discussing the rock that Ernest T. threw.  Of course, Barney wanted 
to send the rock to the boys at the lab to have it analyzed for fingerprints!

I think Ellie Walker had a front porch, though we don't see much of it.  But 
that's where Andy stood when he kept trying to apologize to Ellie while she 
kept shutting the door in his face.

Thelma Lou

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Front porches

2007-01-09 Thread Ruth Stanley
I lived in a small Ohio town in the 1930s  lived in several houses with front 
porches, some small  others larger, but the porch I dearly loved belonged to 
my grandmother. It extended across the front  partway up the side on the right 
hand side.  On the front part, grandma had a glider swing where friends  
family congregated.  The house was a 2 story built by my grandfather which had 
grown over the years as the family of 11 had been come along. Unfortunately 
grandpa did not have a will so years later family members were asked to sign 
off so that my Uncle Harry could sell the property. Most of us did but a few 
hold outs prevented the sale of this over one hundred year old home. When I 
wrote to the lawyer handling it, telling him how much I loved the old home  
that my sister  I had lived there a short time with grandma, he sent me a 
small snapshot which I framed as a reminder of the home I loved so much which 
shows that wonderful front porch. 
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2007-01-09 Thread Kim
The Taylor porch had steps leading up to it and I was thinking back about who 
in Mayberry had porches and who didn't.   I think one good porch episode is 
when Opie and his friend print the newspaper, then everyone ran around town 
gathering up the copies.  I think when Aunt Bee went to Mrs. Foster's house, 
there wasn't a step up porch, more like a concrete slab.  I think though the 
Grigsby's did have a porch.  I no longer have a VCR or I'd watch and see how 
many porches I could count in this episode alone.
  Whenever my husband and I drive around and look at houses, I'll point out 
ones I like.  He says, it's because of the porch.
  Kim - Wylie, TX

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front porches

2007-01-08 Thread rande roth
speaking of front porches - don't forget Wally rockin' on his when Mr. Tucker 
went to see him about his car; and then there is the one where the couple is 
fighting all the time and Andy and Barn could hear them inside while standing 
on it...

Sweet Juanite chapter in Mt.

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More front porches

2007-01-08 Thread Janet Anderson
Who else had a front porch?
Floyd  (seeing Barney on the Horse)
Sam Becker
Mrs. Mendlebright (Barney talked about sitting out there with her)
The Parkers in Raleigh
The Preacher, Reverend Tucker
Thelma Lou

Who else??

Wally in Man in a Hurry.  He had to warn Mr. Tucker to move his foot so he 
wouldn't rock on it, remember?

Also, Helen had a front porch.  That's where Barney and Goober stood to observe 
Andy get snuggly with Helen while they were watching TV.

Mr.Wakefield had a front porch where he sat with a gun to pick off any Carters 
that might try to sneak up on him.  Andy sat with him on the porch to try to 
resolve the feud.

Thelma Lou

WBMUTBB mailing list

Front porches

2007-01-08 Thread jlj9675
My late beloved always wanted a front porch but never got to it.  After he went 
to Heaven, I had one added along with a white picket fence so Thelma Lou could 
run around while I sit out there.  However, it is so hot most of the year that 
even with a ceiling fan, I do not get a lot of opportunity to linger there.  
Still, it makes me feel good when I do and I love hearing all your memories and 
moments about them.  My touch of Mayberry is Barney's thermometer on one wall 
and visitors remark about it!
Aunt Bee of Orlando
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2007-01-08 Thread Kim
The house I grew up in didn't have a large front porch, but there was a brick 
wall across it that we'd sit on.  My mother moved back into this house and the 
little girls who lived next door would like to bisit with her while sitting 
on that brick wall.  I wish there was more front porch sitting like the Taylors 
  Kim - Wylie, TX

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