Re: [wdvltalk] SCR:

2004-12-08 Thread Ross Clutterbuck
Good Job Stephen!
Re your image replacement for the title - exactly which flavour are you 
using? I don't think I've seen one which uses an empty span. My personal 
preference is styling the h1 with the background image and relevant sizes 
and then nesting a span inside that h1. That nested span is then 
styled with display:none to hide it. The only delay I then experience is the 
time it takes to download the image (which is always a factor anyway so 
resolving that is a different issue).

The only downside to this approach is a browser configured with CSS on and 
Images off as the h1 box will be rendered but nothing will show up in it.

I thought this might have something to do with what BlueRobot calls the 
Flash of Unstyled Content but the rest of the CSS loads in fine - could be 
worth a double-check though:

Apart from that it's looking good and onwards with XHTML+CSS!!! I sincerely 
hope there are some of those more CSS-loathing table-based designers out 
there who's seen this page...THIS is what we are talking about, and the code 
is so much cleaner than the nested junk that table-based design will churn 

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RE: [wdvltalk] SCR:

2004-12-08 Thread William Stewart
I agree with you, Ross.  CSS is so much cleaner and easier.  I made the
jump from tables to CSS (with the help of TopStyle Pro) and I haven't
looked back.

Kudos to Stephen for doing it right.


Professional Graphics Artist
Certified Web Designer (BCIP)

Stewart and Company
W: 304.550.2687

Rt. 1 Box 364
Buffalo, WV

-Original Message-
From: Ross Clutterbuck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Apart from that it's looking good and onwards with XHTML+CSS!!! I
hope there are some of those more CSS-loathing table-based designers out

there who's seen this page...THIS is what we are talking about, and the
is so much cleaner than the nested junk that table-based design will

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RE: [wdvltalk] SCR:

2004-12-08 Thread Cheryl D Wise
Using display: none defeats the purpose if accessibility is your concern.
That's the Fahrner technique see:
They see the same thing you report when css is on and images off. You need
to position it off page with a negative (or really high) margin. Might check
some of the other image replacement techniques listed in

Cheryl D. Wise
Certified Professional Web Developer
Microsoft FrontPage MVP 

-Original Message-
From: Ross Clutterbuck 

Good Job Stephen!

Re your image replacement for the title - exactly which flavour are you
using? I don't think I've seen one which uses an empty span. My personal
preference is styling the h1 with the background image and relevant sizes
and then nesting a span inside that h1. That nested span is then
styled with display:none to hide it. The only delay I then experience is the
time it takes to download the image (which is always a factor anyway so
resolving that is a different issue).

The only downside to this approach is a browser configured with CSS on and
Images off as the h1 box will be rendered but nothing will show up in it.

I thought this might have something to do with what BlueRobot calls the
Flash of Unstyled Content but the rest of the CSS loads in fine - could be
worth a double-check though:

Apart from that it's looking good and onwards with XHTML+CSS!!! I sincerely
hope there are some of those more CSS-loathing table-based designers out
there who's seen this page...THIS is what we are talking about, and the code
is so much cleaner than the nested junk that table-based design will churn

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Re: [wdvltalk] SCR:

2004-12-08 Thread Ross Clutterbuck
I'm not a big fan of image replacement anyway but since we can do so much 
with web design/development these days (Microsoft browsers permitting of 
course) but also have so many different aspects to consider 9 times in 10 I 
move more towards keeping things accessible and don't bother with any image 
replacement at all (common page graphics and titles are not usually part of 
my heading structure so alt text works fine for them - the meat of my copy 
is what I want visitors and search engines to see).

I did however forget about the off-screen positioning of text approach which 
does everything IR needs to do yet still is available by screen 
readers/accessibility tools (of course I will never understand why screen 
readers for web browsers read the rendered version for screen instead of the 
markup itself - screen is for display on screen surely?) so thanks for 
reminding me.

An upcoming project looks though like I might be needing an awful lot of IR 
so cheers for the link too.


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Re: [wdvltalk] SCR:

2004-12-08 Thread Stephen Caudill
Ross Clutterbuck wrote:
Good Job Stephen!
Thanks Ross!  Means a lot coming from the Master of the Universe and all :)
Re your image replacement for the title - exactly which flavour are 
you using? I don't think I've seen one which uses an empty span. My 
personal preference is styling the h1 with the background image and 
relevant sizes and then nesting a span inside that h1. That nested 
span is then styled with display:none to hide it. The only delay I 
then experience is the time it takes to download the image (which is 
always a factor anyway so resolving that is a different issue).
Apparently display:none doesn't get read by the bulk of aural browsers 
on the market now, so this was a method someone came up with to get 
around that issue and keep things accessible.  The basis of the idea is 
to leave the text in the header (set to position:relative and set to the 
height and width of the image), add the extra span(set to display:block, 
the height and width of the image and position:absolute; left:0; top:0;) 
and give this empty span the background-image...  The method is detailed at:
The only downside to this approach is a browser configured with CSS on 
and Images off as the h1 box will be rendered but nothing will show up 
in it.
Yeah, this technique gets around that.
I thought this might have something to do with what BlueRobot calls the 
Flash of Unstyled Content but the rest of the CSS loads in fine - 
could be worth a double-check though:
It's close, but that's not it...  Because the text isn't being hidden in 
any way, you simply see it until the image loads.  Definite drawback to 
this technique.  I don't consider it too much of a hit to take when you 
think about the fact that it gets around the CSS on / Images off and 
screen reader difficulties though.  Always a trade-off, eh? :D

Apart from that it's looking good and onwards with XHTML+CSS!!! I 
sincerely hope there are some of those more CSS-loathing table-based 
designers out there who's seen this page...THIS is what we are talking 
about, and the code is so much cleaner than the nested junk that 
table-based design will churn out.
w00t! w00t!
Thanks again MOU :)
- Stephen
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RE: [wdvltalk] SCR:

2004-12-08 Thread Cheryl D Wise
FWIW, I don't use the image replacement techniques either since plain text
alt tags especially when combined with structural mark-up so the alt gets
the proper heading mark-up without images is best in most circumstances. 

Nice to have options though if needed due to special circumstances.

As far as why screen readers read the displayed text I think it is because
most of them are built to use the OS tools to the maximum extent possible to
reduce the need for writing expensive code. That's why most screen readers
are available only for Windows and use IE as the base. 

FWIW, there is a screen reader emulator for Firefox under development. See:

Sounds like it might come in useful for that upcoming project.

Cheryl D. Wise
Certified Professional Web Developer
Microsoft FrontPage MVP 

-Original Message-
From: Ross Clutterbuck 

I'm not a big fan of image replacement anyway but since we can do so much
with web design/development these days (Microsoft browsers permitting of
course) but also have so many different aspects to consider 9 times in 10 I
move more towards keeping things accessible and don't bother with any image
replacement at all (common page graphics and titles are not usually part of
my heading structure so alt text works fine for them - the meat of my copy
is what I want visitors and search engines to see).

I did however forget about the off-screen positioning of text approach which
does everything IR needs to do yet still is available by screen
readers/accessibility tools (of course I will never understand why screen
readers for web browsers read the rendered version for screen instead of the
markup itself - screen is for display on screen surely?) so thanks for
reminding me.

An upcoming project looks though like I might be needing an awful lot of IR
so cheers for the link too.


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RE: [wdvltalk] SCR:

2004-12-08 Thread Trusz, Andrew

-Original Message-
From: Stephen Caudill  
Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 12:08 PM
Subject: [wdvltalk] SCR:

Was wondering if I could get a few folks to mosey by:

And let me know if they encounter any display quirks.  This is a template,
one page only and it's due for delivery today, so feedback is much
appreciated.  I'm especially interested to hear from the mac users on the

When responding, please include:

- Operating System
- Browser
- screen resolution
- connection speed
- details of any issue spotted

Thanks a heap!

- Stephen

Looks good and all, validates as transitional, but line 33 is:

div id=cartWrapper align=center



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Re: [wdvltalk] SCR:

2004-12-08 Thread Stephen Caudill
Trusz, Andrew wrote:
Looks good and all, validates as transitional, but line 33 is:
div id=cartWrapper align=center
Oh lord.  No telling, really.  I guess old habits die hard.  I've fixed 

Say Drew, you're on *nix right?  Is that what you tested on?  Using 
Konqueror? Something else?  Display's okay?

/me hopes so.
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RE: [wdvltalk] SCR:

2004-12-08 Thread Trusz, Andrew

-Original Message-
From: Stephen Caudill 
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 1:22 PM
Subject: Re: [wdvltalk] SCR:

Trusz, Andrew wrote:
 Looks good and all, validates as transitional, but line 33 is:
 div id=cartWrapper align=center

Oh lord.  No telling, really.  I guess old habits die hard.  I've fixed

Say Drew, you're on *nix right?  Is that what you tested on?  Using
Konqueror? Something else?  Display's okay?

/me hopes so.



I am on mandrake at home, at work it's an agency custom image of xp. That
may sound innocent but it should make you shudder to the roots of your soul.

If you can wait about 2 hours I'll let you know how it looks on Konqueror.


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Re: [wdvltalk] SCR:

2004-12-08 Thread Stephen Caudill
Trusz, Andrew wrote:
I am on mandrake at home, at work it's an agency custom image of xp. That
may sound innocent but it should make you shudder to the roots of your soul.
If you can wait about 2 hours I'll let you know how it looks on Konqueror.
Sure! It's not really a biggie, but I am interested.  The likelihood is 
that no big fixes will be done at this point even if there are problems, 
but I'd still like to know about them...  And adjust my coding practices 
accordingly for the future.

LOL @ agency custom image of xp... My last work place had custom 
versions of IE 5.5 that were installed as part of the image.  Stupid 
customized animated logo and all.  I can only imagine what some 
enterprising young men and women with way too much time invested in VBA 
could do to a whole OS :P

Thanks Again,
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RE: [wdvltalk] SCR:

2004-12-08 Thread Cheryl D Wise
Should look about the same as the report I gave you on Safari. It is based
on Konqueror. 

Cheryl D. Wise
Certified Professional Web Developer
Microsoft FrontPage MVP 

-Original Message-
From: Stephen Caudill 

Trusz, Andrew wrote:
 Looks good and all, validates as transitional, but line 33 is:
 div id=cartWrapper align=center

Oh lord.  No telling, really.  I guess old habits die hard.  I've fixed

Say Drew, you're on *nix right?  Is that what you tested on?  Using
Konqueror? Something else?  Display's okay?

/me hopes so.

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RE: [wdvltalk] SCR:

2004-12-08 Thread Trusz, Andrew

-Original Message-
From: Stephen Caudill 
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 1:35 PM
Subject: Re: [wdvltalk] SCR:

Trusz, Andrew wrote:
LOL @ agency custom image of xp... My last work place had custom versions
of IE 5.5 that were installed as part of the image.  Stupid customized
animated logo and all. 

 I can only imagine what some enterprising young men and women with way
too much time invested in VBA could do to a whole OS :P 

No you can't imagine that! Nobody is that depraved. This is a sustained,
decades long, group effort rooted in ever compounding bad decisions. 

Think custom dlls, active-x required, no validation, and a bizarre locked
down version of IE6 (add the patch, remove the patch, reinstall the patch,
patch the patch). If it were internet and not intranet we'd be covered in

Oh since I haven't figured out (or even found) the new web based interface
for the list, I'll have to shoot the reply to the gmail box if that's ok?
I'm not subscribed from home.


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RE: [wdvltalk] SCR:

2004-12-08 Thread Linda Cole
Oh since I haven't figured out (or even found) the new web based interface
for the list, I'll have to shoot the reply to the gmail box if that's ok?

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Re: [wdvltalk] SCR:

2004-12-08 Thread Stephen Caudill
Trusz, Andrew wrote:
No you can't imagine that! Nobody is that depraved. This is a sustained,
decades long, group effort rooted in ever compounding bad decisions. 
Oh, sure I can!  I've developed along side too many MicroSoftHeads to 
not be able to imagine it.  Glad you're not having to suffer that 
particular fate though :P

Think custom dlls, active-x required, no validation, and a bizarre locked
down version of IE6 (add the patch, remove the patch, reinstall the patch,
patch the patch). If it were internet and not intranet we'd be covered in
Been down that road before too... Scary place to browse :)  That was at 
my last employers in fact.  Before I left though, I'd whipped things 
into enough shape that I could get on the intranet with Mozilla if I 
faked the UA.

Oh since I haven't figured out (or even found) the new web based interface
for the list, I'll have to shoot the reply to the gmail box if that's ok?
I'm not subscribed from home.
Fine by me.  Maybe Linda will pick this up though and let us all know 
where the new web based interface is...  OH!!! And while I'm at it, does 
the new list software have an archive?  We haven't had a roundup since 

- Stephen
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Re: [wdvltalk] SCR:

2004-12-08 Thread Stephen Caudill
Linda Cole wrote:
Oh since I haven't figured out (or even found) the new web based 
for the list, I'll have to shoot the reply to the gmail box if that's ok?
Oooh!  I like the new interface :)  And you can get an RSS feed too?? 
Well, it's not well formed, but I can still pull it up in FeedDemon :) 
Snifty!  Any way we could we get a link put on WDVL to this?

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RE: [wdvltalk] SCR:

2004-12-08 Thread Trusz, Andrew
Oh good you were listening! 

-Original Message-
From: Linda Cole [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 2:03 PM
Subject: RE: [wdvltalk] SCR:


Oh since I haven't figured out (or even found) the new web based 
interface for the list, I'll have to shoot the reply to the gmail box if
that's ok?


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RE: [wdvltalk] SCR:

2004-12-08 Thread Linda Cole
At 02:15 PM 12/8/2004 -0500, you wrote:
Oh good you were listening!
heh heh.  Only with half an ear.  It's lucky I saw it.  If you guys need 
anything at all (pertaining to the list g), please don't hesitate to 
contact me directly.


-Original Message-
From: Linda Cole [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 2:03 PM
Subject: RE: [wdvltalk] SCR:
Oh since I haven't figured out (or even found) the new web based
interface for the list, I'll have to shoot the reply to the gmail box if
that's ok?

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Re: [wdvltalk] SCR:

2004-12-08 Thread Linda Cole
Oooh!  I like the new interface :)  And you can get an RSS feed too?? 
Well, it's not well formed, but I can still pull it up in FeedDemon :) 
Snifty!  Any way we could we get a link put on WDVL to this?
I believe it's in the works to have it added to the WDVL site, but I don't 
work on that site myself any more so can't say at what stage the addition 
might be.  In the meantime, there's a link to the web interface at the 
bottom of each post, it just doesn't say 'web interface.'  (I'll add that.)

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re:[wdvltalk] SCR:

2004-12-08 Thread Trusz, Andrew
Well, one significant problem in Konquerer 3.1.4. The navigation list loads but 
then becomes obscured. The links change from words to a symbol which looks like 
stacked equilaeral triangles turned on edge. Other than that, the page looks 

And you're right, Stephen, the web interface is nice.

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Re: [wdvltalk] SCR:

2004-12-08 Thread Stephen Caudill
Trusz, Andrew wrote:
Well, one significant problem in Konquerer 3.1.4. The navigation list loads but then becomes obscured. The links change from words to a symbol which looks like stacked equilaeral triangles turned on edge. Other than that, the page looks fine. 

And you're right, Stephen, the web interface is nice.
Thanks Drew!  Any chance I might get a screen grab?  I would be indebted 
to you :)

- Stephen
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Re: [wdvltalk] SCR:

2004-12-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Win XP SP2
SlimBrowser 4.02.004 (Tabbed interface, IE engine)
1024 x 768
300+ KB/sec
Page loaded quickly, but with this connection speed that's probably not a 
significant metric. I don't have any modem-connected systems anymore, so I 
can't help there. There was a delay while the logo and Legal Forms graphic 
in the left of the banner loaded. This would probably be much more 
significant on a slower connection, so you might want to check that.

I like the CSS dropdown menu, but like many such, it got a little out of 
sync (meaning the flyout arrows and the down arrow in the main entries) as 
one moved about the menu. I wouldn't think it would be anything that would 
affect usability, and it might not even be noticeable to the average user, 
but you said ... any display quirks. ;-)

Other than that, everything looks good. The layout flows as expected with 
browser resizing, color scheme is good, etc. Nice site.

- Original Message - 
From: Stephen Caudill [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 12:07 PM
Subject: [wdvltalk] SCR:

Was wondering if I could get a few folks to mosey by:
And let me know if they encounter any display quirks.  This is a template, 
one page only and it's due for delivery today, so feedback is much 
appreciated.  I'm especially interested to hear from the mac users on the 

When responding, please include:
- Operating System
- Browser
- screen resolution
- connection speed
- details of any issue spotted
Thanks a heap!
- Stephen
(Apologies in advance to R937 for the dropdown menus... they're based on 
suckerfish though, so if you're not using IE, they should still work.)

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RE: [wdvltalk] SCR:

2004-12-07 Thread William Stewart

Congratulations on a solid design.  Everything worked like it was
supposed to and it looks great.  Let's just hope that the client likes
it!  :)

- XP
- IE6
- 1024x768
- 56k


Professional Graphics Artist
Certified Web Designer (BCIP)

Stewart and Company
W: 304.550.2687

Rt. 1 Box 364
Buffalo, WV

-Original Message-
From: Stephen Caudill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 12:08 PM
Subject: [wdvltalk] SCR:

Was wondering if I could get a few folks to mosey by:

And let me know if they encounter any display quirks.  This is a 
template, one page only and it's due for delivery today, so feedback is 
much appreciated.  I'm especially interested to hear from the mac users 
on the list.

When responding, please include:

- Operating System
- Browser
- screen resolution
- connection speed
- details of any issue spotted

Thanks a heap!

- Stephen

(Apologies in advance to R937 for the dropdown menus... they're based on

suckerfish though, so if you're not using IE, they should still work.)

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Re: [wdvltalk] SCR:

2004-12-07 Thread Stephen Caudill
Win XP SP2
SlimBrowser 4.02.004 (Tabbed interface, IE engine)
hnnh.  You just never know :)
1024 x 768
300+ KB/sec
Page loaded quickly, but with this connection speed that's probably not 
a significant metric. I don't have any modem-connected systems anymore, 
so I can't help there. There was a delay while the logo and Legal 
Forms graphic in the left of the banner loaded. This would probably be 
much more significant on a slower connection, so you might want to check 
Bugger.  Had to empty my cache to see it, but I do get what you're 
saying...  The only thing that makes it different than any other site 
with a largish header graphic, IMO, is that there's image replacement 
going on and this particular flavor of image replacement leaves the text 
visible, so you can see it underneath until the graphic does load... 
bugger, bugger.  I'm all ears if anyone knows a way to deal with it.

I like the CSS dropdown menu, but like many such, it got a little out of 
sync (meaning the flyout arrows and the down arrow in the main entries) 
as one moved about the menu. I wouldn't think it would be anything that 
would affect usability, and it might not even be noticeable to the 
average user, but you said ... any display quirks. ;-)
:D true enough...  not terribly clear on what you mean by 'out of sync' 

Other than that, everything looks good. The layout flows as expected 
with browser resizing, color scheme is good, etc. Nice site.
Thanks, Scott :) Your help is much appreciated.
- Stephen
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Re: [wdvltalk] SCR:

2004-12-07 Thread Stephen Caudill
William Stewart wrote:
Congratulations on a solid design.  Everything worked like it was
supposed to and it looks great.  Let's just hope that the client likes
it!  :)
Thanks Will :)  I can't take all the credit though.  I'm not the graphic 
maven behind it, just the code jockey.  I've currently got the good 
fortune of working with an incredible designer named Mike Houghton 
( on some projects.  Also much to my 
benefit, the client has signed off on the design and code work, but 
being the perfectionist I am, I'm doing last minute cross-browser bug 
testing and commenting everything to hell and back.

Thanks Again,
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Re:[wdvltalk] SCR:

2004-12-07 Thread Stephen Caudill
No mac-users out there?  Gotta be one...  just a cursory glance would be 

Stephen Caudill wrote:
Was wondering if I could get a few folks to mosey by:
And let me know if they encounter any display quirks.  This is a 
template, one page only and it's due for delivery today, so feedback is 
much appreciated.  I'm especially interested to hear from the mac users 
on the list.

When responding, please include:
- Operating System
- Browser
- screen resolution
- connection speed
- details of any issue spotted
Thanks a heap!
- Stephen
(Apologies in advance to R937 for the dropdown menus... they're based on 
suckerfish though, so if you're not using IE, they should still work.)

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Re: [wdvltalk] SCR:

2004-12-07 Thread PBC Web Design
Verrry nice =)  I really like it and those drop downs look great!  Love the 
pen/paper/ink on the right.  Viewing Firefox on XP, 800x600 and 
1024x768.  Love the effect when it opens up to 1024x768, super!

At 11:07 AM 12/7/2004, you wrote:
Was wondering if I could get a few folks to mosey by:
And let me know if they encounter any display quirks.  This is a template, 
one page only and it's due for delivery today, so feedback is much 
appreciated.  I'm especially interested to hear from the mac users on the list.

When responding, please include:
- Operating System
- Browser
- screen resolution
- connection speed
- details of any issue spotted

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Re: [wdvltalk] SCR:

2004-12-07 Thread Stephen Caudill
PBC Web Design wrote:
Verrry nice =)  I really like it and those drop downs look great!  Love 
the pen/paper/ink on the right.  Viewing Firefox on XP, 800x600 and 
1024x768.  Love the effect when it opens up to 1024x768, super!
Thanks Deb! Again, I must hat-tip the designer.  He's pixel-riffic :)
- Stephen
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Re: [wdvltalk] SCR:

2004-12-07 Thread Gerrie Warner
 to satart is the Special Areas page, 

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Re: [wdvltalk] SCR:

2004-12-07 Thread Stephen Caudill
Gerrie Warner wrote:
 to satart is the Special Areas page, 
Thanks Gerrie!  Good catch :)
- Stephen
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RE: [wdvltalk] SCR:

2004-12-07 Thread Cheryl D Wise
Looks nice, works well and I didn't notice the lag in Firefox mentioned
earlier. I did see more of a lag in IE both in some of the images loading
and on the first rollover. Which brings up another point, if I were just
using IE I wouldn't stay on the site long because on my tablet pc the text
is too small to read comfortably and won't resize in IE. I tried. 11px text
is fine on an 800x600 screen but not on a 1400x1050 where there are 140
pixels per physical inch. 

Because you specifically asked for Mac checks I walked over to my Mac and
pulled it up in Safari. Download appeared even slower than on IE 6.
Everything look about the same with the exception that the first dropdown
entry Overview is not showing. Instead the top of the curve above the
search box shows through and makes the line impossible to read. You better
hope nobody using IE 5.2 for the Mac want to visit the site though. If I
knew how to take a screen shot on the Mac I'd post a picture but it is a
mess. The menu bar is at the top of the page. No dropdowns. The legal forms
logo doesn't show up at all and the other two boxes on the top for ads and
shopping cart have the text at the top of the boxes not as they appear on
the other browsers. On my Mac the screen resolution is 1024x768 and the text
size is fine on both browsers.

I'm on 5mps broadband for all the computers/browsers tested with. Windows is
tablet PC aka Windows XP - SP 2, Firefox 1.0, IE 6, screen resolution
1050x1400 (I'm viewing in slate mode). Mac is OS X 10.3 with Safari
(whatever the latest version is since it does push updates) and IE 5.2.

Cheryl D. Wise
Certified Professional Web Developer
Microsoft FrontPage MVP 

-Original Message-
From: Stephen Caudill

Was wondering if I could get a few folks to mosey by:

And let me know if they encounter any display quirks.  This is a template,
one page only and it's due for delivery today, so feedback is much
appreciated.  I'm especially interested to hear from the mac users on the

When responding, please include:

- Operating System
- Browser
- screen resolution
- connection speed
- details of any issue spotted

Thanks a heap!

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Re: [wdvltalk] SCR:

2004-12-07 Thread Stephen Caudill
Cheryl D Wise wrote:
Looks nice, works well and I didn't notice the lag in Firefox mentioned
earlier. I did see more of a lag in IE both in some of the images loading
and on the first rollover. Which brings up another point, if I were just
using IE I wouldn't stay on the site long because on my tablet pc the text
is too small to read comfortably and won't resize in IE. I tried. 11px text
is fine on an 800x600 screen but not on a 1400x1050 where there are 140
pixels per physical inch. 
Yeah.  I'm working for the designer.  The designer says: fixed-width 
fonts!.  I says: yawsah, massa.  Nothing doing on that one :(  I 
really did try to make the site accessible with exception to the 
fixed-width fonts though... Please don't tell SlimJimBuk on me :)

Because you specifically asked for Mac checks I walked over to my Mac and
pulled it up in Safari. Download appeared even slower than on IE 6.
Everything look about the same with the exception that the first dropdown
entry Overview is not showing. Instead the top of the curve above the
search box shows through and makes the line impossible to read. You better
hope nobody using IE 5.2 for the Mac want to visit the site though. If I
knew how to take a screen shot on the Mac I'd post a picture but it is a
mess. The menu bar is at the top of the page. No dropdowns. The legal forms
logo doesn't show up at all and the other two boxes on the top for ads and
shopping cart have the text at the top of the boxes not as they appear on
the other browsers. On my Mac the screen resolution is 1024x768 and the text
size is fine on both browsers.
Well crap on a stick.  I don't mind putting more time into it and trying 
to fix the problems, but I've got no way to test and browsercam is SO 
SLOOO...  I've really got to do something about not having a Mac 
to test on.

I'm on 5mps broadband for all the computers/browsers tested with. Windows is
tablet PC aka Windows XP - SP 2, Firefox 1.0, IE 6, screen resolution
1050x1400 (I'm viewing in slate mode). Mac is OS X 10.3 with Safari
(whatever the latest version is since it does push updates) and IE 5.2.
Thank you *very* much Cheryl!  I'll alert my client and see what's 
doin'... I'm thinking this might be a case of serving IE 5.2 mac an 
unstyled page :(

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RE: [wdvltalk] SCR:

2004-12-07 Thread Cheryl D Wise
Re the fixed font size argument with your designer, take a screenshot,
reduce it to 55% of the size (assuming you have an 800x600 monitor) then
resave it and send it to the designer and say it is a screenshot as seen by
someone on a high resolution medium to high end system. If you need to you
can refer them to me as being the person who complained. 

I do like the design and it doesn't have to fall apart using relative units
of measurements. I didn't check but I assume you used one of the suckerfish
variants for the menu. I use one on my site in ems. Besides it looks a bit
lonely sitting in the middle of my browser even in slate mode where my max
width is 1050. 

I did appreciate that you used 729 for the width which means most tablet pc
users would still be able to view it in slate mode without a horizontal
scrollbar. So that's to the plus side.

Re the one glitch in Safari on the first dropdown, I seem to recall
something a month or two ago on the css-d list about Safari and suckerfish
dropdowns. Might want to poke around in their archives or wiki.

Cheryl D. Wise
Certified Professional Web Developer
Microsoft FrontPage MVP 

-Original Message-
From: Stephen Caudill

Cheryl D Wise wrote:
 Looks nice, works well and I didn't notice the lag in Firefox 
 mentioned earlier. I did see more of a lag in IE both in some of the 
 images loading and on the first rollover. Which brings up another 
 point, if I were just using IE I wouldn't stay on the site long 
 because on my tablet pc the text is too small to read comfortably and 
 won't resize in IE. I tried. 11px text is fine on an 800x600 screen 
 but not on a 1400x1050 where there are 140 pixels per physical inch.

Yeah.  I'm working for the designer.  The designer says: fixed-width
fonts!.  I says: yawsah, massa.  Nothing doing on that one :(  I really
did try to make the site accessible with exception to the fixed-width fonts
though... Please don't tell SlimJimBuk on me :)

 Because you specifically asked for Mac checks I walked over to my Mac 
 and pulled it up in Safari. Download appeared even slower than on IE 6.
 Everything look about the same with the exception that the first 
 dropdown entry Overview is not showing. Instead the top of the curve 
 above the search box shows through and makes the line impossible to 
 read. You better hope nobody using IE 5.2 for the Mac want to visit 
 the site though. If I knew how to take a screen shot on the Mac I'd 
 post a picture but it is a mess. The menu bar is at the top of the 
 page. No dropdowns. The legal forms logo doesn't show up at all and 
 the other two boxes on the top for ads and shopping cart have the text 
 at the top of the boxes not as they appear on the other browsers. On 
 my Mac the screen resolution is 1024x768 and the text size is fine on both

Well crap on a stick.  I don't mind putting more time into it and trying to
fix the problems, but I've got no way to test and browsercam is SO
SLOOO...  I've really got to do something about not having a Mac to
test on.

 I'm on 5mps broadband for all the computers/browsers tested with. 
 Windows is tablet PC aka Windows XP - SP 2, Firefox 1.0, IE 6, screen 
 resolution 1050x1400 (I'm viewing in slate mode). Mac is OS X 10.3 
 with Safari (whatever the latest version is since it does push updates)
and IE 5.2.

Thank you *very* much Cheryl!  I'll alert my client and see what's doin'...
I'm thinking this might be a case of serving IE 5.2 mac an unstyled page :(

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Re: [wdvltalk] SCR:

2004-12-07 Thread John Hughes

I can test on a mac on netscape 7 in the morning if you have the time for


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Re: [wdvltalk] SCR:

2004-12-07 Thread Stephen Caudill
Thanks John, but it flapped it's little wings off to the client around
an hour ago :)  They're fine with serving IE5.2 no style sheet (along
with NS 4.x) and when they checked on their mac in Safari 1.1, they
didn't see anything out of place :)

All's well that ends well...


On Tue, 7 Dec 2004 23:31:29 -, John Hughes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I can test on a mac on netscape 7 in the morning if you have the time for
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