Re: Content-type changing somewhere

2007-10-12 Thread Steven Mark McCraw


Totally weird, I just started having the same exact issue.  I still  
haven't tracked down where the content type is getting changed, but I  
did find a workaround that seems to be holding for now (at least,  
it's a workaround for my problem).  I was using response.setHeader 
(contentType, content-type.  Notice the capitalization in the key.   
This worked just fine for years, but recently, it started yielding  
the exact behavior you are describing.  My workaround was to change  
content-type to Content-Type.  But it looks like you are already  
doing that, so there's probably something else going on here.  If you  
find anything, please post it to the list and I will do the same.


On Oct 12, 2007, at 2:37 PM, Miguel Arroz wrote:


  I'm setting up a component with an element inside, so that I can  
download a file.

  My problem is in the content type. On the element code, I do:  
response.setHeader(contentType, Content-Type);

  I'm absolutely sure that the content-type is being set to the  
Excel content type (I NSlogged it just above that line).

  When the browser receives it, the Content-type is back to plain  
text, and the file is saved as whatever.xls.html on Safari. On  
Firefox ir works, but Firebug shows the content type is not what I  
set it to be.

  As the headers are a dictionary, it's hard to watch for changes  
on the debugger. So, my question is, how can I track down who's  
changing my content type?


Miguel Arroz

Miguel Arroz

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Re: Improve Upload speed...

2007-09-26 Thread Steven Mark McCraw
I agree with Simon.  I used to try to use WebObjects for this kind of  
thing, but it is a never ending pain.  EOF is especially terrible for  
that kind of task.  If you can just write a perl script or something,  
things will go  a lot easier (perl is great for this kind of task).   
If you have to have it in java, consider making a straight JDBC  
connection.  I'm not sure if you can do inserts through  
EOUtilities.rawRowsForSQL, but I would try it.  Otherwise, if you  
google around a bit you can find out how to push the raw SQL through  

On Sep 26, 2007, at 6:15 AM, Shravan Kumar.M wrote:

No! its Oracle 9i.

Thank you,
Shravan Kumar.M
Effigent India

On 26-Sep-07, at 3:43 PM, Andrew Lindesay wrote:

Hello Shravan;

We recently had a problem of not able to upload a file having 40K  
number of records from our WebObjects application to the  
database. We used to get java.lang.OutOfMemoryError after uploading

Is MySQL involved per chance?


Andrew Lindesay
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Re: Deadlocks

2007-09-05 Thread Steven Mark McCraw
You are probably safe for general EC usage there, but you can still  
do other bad things and end up deadlocked.

There are many great things in the win column for WebObjects, but I  
believe one of the definite negatives of the technology is how  
ridiculously easy it is to deadlock a webobjects application.  You  
have to take the bad with the good.  This is miserably scary and  
nasty until you learn to dump the thread stack traces (see the URL  
Guido posted earlier:  Learning the  
tricks shown here cost me a week of sleep once, but now it's  
beautifully documented, so profit from the work people have done to  
write up these instructions).  Once you have the stack traces in  
hand, it becomes pretty obvious where the problem is and you can fix  
it.  Look for the thread which isn't stuck in a wait queue or  
sleeping while waiting for requests.

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Re: Maybe No Need for a WOBuilder Replacement?

2007-09-04 Thread Steven Mark McCraw
- the ability to cut or copy a whole group of elements and paste  
them somewhere else, bindings and all.

If you use WOOgnl and inline bindings, you will have this ability  
within Eclipse's component editor.  I think you will find that  
general readability of your components is much improved as well.  I  
literally never put anything in a wod file any more, and that has  
made all the difference for me.  But it's all just personal  
preference.  Maybe try using WOOgnl and inline bindings and see if it  
addresses you concerns:

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Re: Maybe No Need for a WOBuilder Replacement?

2007-09-04 Thread Steven Mark McCraw
For the record, I was trying to lend no comfort (cold or otherwise)  
by suggesting inline bindings.  The tools are what they are.  People  
were complaining about one aspect of the tool, and I offer inline  
bindings as a suggestion of what made that particular aspect of the  
tool workable for me, with the suggestion to try it and see if it had  
the same effect for you.  I don't think anyone is calling anyone else  
slow or stupid or behind the times if they don't like the eclipse  
component editor.  And certainly no one is trying to shove the  
eclipse component editor (which is apparently veal) down a  
vegetarian's (which is apparently the entire webobjects community)  
throat ;-p.  But it is the accepted tool we have to work with, so  
it's nice to share tips about what helps and what has worked.  No  
antagonism intended.

On Sep 4, 2007, at 5:14 PM, Galen Rhodes wrote:

That's the problem!  It IS all about personal preference.  No two  
people write code the same way.  Just as people are individuals in  
their preference for color, clothes, music, whatever, people have  
preferences for how they write code!  A good number of us became  
very use to working with WOBuilder and, yes, even got use to it's  
many quirks.  What's faster for one person may very well be slower  
for others simply because we're use to working in a different way.   
For some of us who were use to WOBuilder, having to use Eclipse is  
like going from JEdit back to using VI.  And telling us to try  
changing the paradigm even more by switching to inline bindings is  
cold comfort.  You may as well be telling a lifelong vegetarian to  
just shut up and try the veal.

Galen Rhodes

On Sep 4, 2007, at 4:42 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:

- the ability to see, in a graphical way, what components are  
contained in other components, what they are, and (for simple  
things like conditionals), what their main binding is. Using  
WOBuilder with a complex component I can see what I need in less  
than a second, while it sometimes takes minutes in Eclipse to do  
the same thing. Although viewing tables is much easier this way,  
that's not the important thing. I don't need to see how the page  
will look-- I want to see the component hierarchy in a graphical  
Just personal preference on this one ... I find the exact  
opposite.  We don't do almost any table layout, and opening a  
complex css-laid-out component in WOBuilder appears to me to be  
unintelligible.  Component editor in Eclipse shows both an outline  
view of your components as well as the collapsible HTML editor  
with rollovers that show the span of each tag.  But this has been  
debated to death, so I'm leaving this at personal preference.

- the ability to cut or copy a whole group of elements and paste  
them somewhere else, bindings and all.
This could definitely be added into component editor ... I can  
pretty easily, I think, track the associated wod bindings when you  
cut HTML and autocut/copy related wod entries.


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Re: setting default order of entity fetches

2007-08-22 Thread Steven Mark McCraw
For Wonder users, you can do all kinds of neat things with  
ERXArrayUtilities and key-value coding: 

This allows you to do things like quickly and easily sort in your  

list = [EMAIL PROTECTED],firstName

There are tons of neat things you can do besides sorting (and you can  
extend it to do still other things), but this thread made me think of  
the sorting functionality (although I'm not clear if it useful for  
solving the problem that started the thread).


On Aug 22, 2007, at 10:40 PM, Ken Anderson wrote:

To me, sorting is something that should really occur at the UI or  
'use' level.  Also, if you consider the amount of CPU needed to  
sort the EOs returned to you, it's probably comparable to what the  
DB has to do anyway, so why not distribute it?

On Aug 22, 2007, at 9:22 PM, Lachlan Deck wrote:

On 23/08/2007, at 10:46 AM, Chuck Hill wrote:

On Aug 22, 2007, at 5:09 PM, Lachlan Deck wrote:

Hi there,

EOEntity has a restrictingQualifier that's applied to every  
fetch for the relevant entity.

Is there any similar mechanism for installing a default ordering  
for fetched objects of each entity (e.g., when following a  
toMany relationship)? Or any delegate methods somewhere?

No.  And don't override the EOF methods to do this or you risk  
messing with EOF.  And we all know how that ends up.  :-)  The  
reason for the lack of sorting, as I understand it,  is that EOF  
would then need to keep the list sorted each time something was  
added to it.

It's already keeping them sorted (think about it...). Just not how  
I'd like.

Furthermore, it's impossible to fetch records from a database  
without them sorted in some kind of order. I'm simply wanting to  
override the arbitrary sort order that the database wants to  
return to suit this particular application.

And what if you wanted alternate sorts?

Simply apply the default sorting in the absence of a specific sort  
orderings array. Not hard conceptually.

The standard approach is to have a cover method that sorts the  
contents of the relationship and returns it.

Which kinda makes *every* toMany relationship generated from each  
EOEntity useless don't you think?

with regards,

Lachlan Deck

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Re: Using WO components inside HTML tags

2007-08-17 Thread Steven Mark McCraw
Another possibility, if you use WOOgnl, is to add the following to  
your properties file:


Now you can do things like

td bgcolor=$myColorVariable 

On Aug 17, 2007, at 11:11 AM, Kieran Kelleher wrote:

Use WOGenericContainer of type td and then add a bgcolor binding  
to it. That is the preferred way AFAIK to avoid tag within a tag.

This, I believe, is the primary raison d'ĂȘtre for  
WOGenericElement and WOGenericContainer.

HTH, Kieran

On Aug 17, 2007, at 10:58 AM, Pascal Robert wrote:

Ok, I know it's a basic question, but what's the best way to  
include a WO component (in that case, a WOString) inside a HTML  
page ?  I need to change the background color of a td with the  
value of a WOString, something like this :

td bgcolor=webobject name = Couleur/webobject/td

I know it's bad pratice, so what's the fix ?

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Re: Which way is more efficient to get particular EOEnterpriseObject

2007-08-16 Thread Steven Mark McCraw
ditto for me.  My early code is littered with tons of complex data  
structures (dictionaries, arrays of arrays, lists, etc) created with  
the intent of diminishing performance overhead.  I have come to  
believe that the best strategy you can take for something like this  
is just to build it the easiest way first, and if it's miserably  
slow, find the bottlenecks and fix them.  If it isn't slow, you have  
more maintainable code and you didn't waste any time optimizing  


On Aug 16, 2007, at 8:17 AM, James Cicenia wrote:

When I first started with WebObjects I was very worried about all  
the overhead

of creating EOs, etc.

Well like some said here,, build it the easy way using WO and see  
if you really
need to optimize. I use filtered arrays on relationships all the  
time and it works

really well. I easily have over 100 related objects though not 1000s.

WebObjects has been an excellent performer and has scaled very  
linearly for us
too. So, build it using WO as easy as possible and then really see  
if you need

to optimize.


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Re: Which way is more efficient to get particular EOEnterpriseObject

2007-08-16 Thread Steven Mark McCraw

Hi Pierre,

Can you elaborate on stale cache notification a bit, or else point us  
to some documentation on it?


You can listen to EOF notifications to see when your cache goes stale.


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Re: log4j initialization problem

2007-08-15 Thread Steven Mark McCraw

Don't leave us hanging ;-) What was the fix?
On Aug 15, 2007, at 12:04 PM, James Cicenia wrote:

never mind.

On Aug 15, 2007, at 10:22 AM, James Cicenia wrote:

Hello -

I am now getting serious.   ;-)

I want to use logging and in particular log4j.

In my Application constructor I have:

String log4jFile = resourceManager().pathURLForResourceNamed 
(, null, null).toString();

then I have:

System.out.println(Log4j file (from .woa):  + log4jFile);
log = Logger.getLogger( Application.class );
log.debug(Log4j has been initialized);

And I get this outputed in my current log:

Log4j file (from .woa): file:/usr/local/apple/Library/WebObjects/ 
log4j:ERROR Could not read configuration file [file:/usr/local/ 
Resources/]. file:/usr/local/apple/Library/ 
WebObjects/Applications/Blakey.woa/Contents/Resources/ (No such file or directo

at Method)
at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.doConfigure 
at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.configure 

at com.tos.Application.init(

HOWEVER that file referenced is there and with completely opened  
permissions (777)

What obvious thing am I doing wrong?

James Cicenia

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Re: WOFileUpload + Safari 3 Beta

2007-08-02 Thread Steven Mark McCraw

Hi Clark,

I know there is some stupid hack that I don't really understand that  
fixes your particular problem (No form data left for WOFileUpload).   
You can set a system property in the following way:

System.setProperty( WOUseLegacyMultipartParser, YES );

and the problem will probably go away.  Be warned though, there are  
some places where this seems like a bad idea.  I recently lost a good  
half day trying to get AjaxUploadComponent to work.  The key to  
fixing it?  Remove the line I just mentioned above.

Does anyone on the list actually understand the underlying issues  
here?  I've always been curious, but never had time to dig.


On Aug 1, 2007, at 10:00 PM, Clark Mueller wrote:

I should also mention... my enctype is set to multipart/form- 
data, and I get a stack trace that says:

[2007-08-01 19:59:46 MDT] WorkerThread0  
Exception occurred while handling request:
com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOFileUpload No form data left  
for WOFileUpload!


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Re: WebObjects documentation site

2007-07-08 Thread Steven Mark McCraw

Hi Andrew,

When you say typographical elements, what do you mean?  Can you  
give me a specific example of what is different between the two wikis  
for the page you linked to (at first glance, I can't see any  
differences between the confluence wiki entry and the wikibook entry)?

Also, I haven't had time to look into image exports (I wasn't sure if  
there were even that many pages in the wikibook with images).  If you  
can give me an example of a page with images, I'll start digging  
around for how to move all of the images over.


On Jul 8, 2007, at 6:16 PM, Andrew Lindesay wrote:

Hello Steven;

Thanks for undertaking that migration.  Unfortunately many of the  
typographical elements are broken in documents such as; 

As well as this, images are missing that were present in the  
WikiBook.  If there is nothing that can be done about this then it  
will have to wait until I have time to re-format all of the  
documents I entered, otherwise if something can be done then this  
would save a significant amount of work.


If there is agreement from everyone that everything has been moved  

correctly, we will totally disable the wikibooks wiki (except for a
note pointing to in a week or so to avoid future
confusion over the best place for documentation.

Andrew Lindesay
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Re: WOBuilder Replacement

2007-07-06 Thread Steven Mark McCraw
I'm kicking my own ass for keeping this thread going, but I couldn't  
resist.  Until about a year ago, I was pretty dependent on WO  
Builder, just because I'd never put together templates any other way,  
so I know how a lot of the people who are complaining that there is  
no rendering previewish editor feel.  But in truth, WO Builder forced  
me into some pretty sloppy HTML and haphazard templating, and I never  
would have realized that if I hadn't switched to editing the HTML by  
hand.  It was a little bumpy for a while, but honestly now that I'm  
used to it, I wouldn't use a WO Builder like tool even if one were  
available.  I just feel like a better coder now, and things make more  
sense in a lot of places, and I'm really expanding in terms of my  
usage of HTML/CSS (Having a visual tool kept me stuck in the world of  
always using tables for layout, etc).

When you have to look at the HTML, you suddenly discover a lot of  
ways to make things better.  So I encourage anyone writing in who  
can't bear the thought of not having WO Builder to bite the bullet  
and try using the WOLips component editor for a month and see what  
happens.  If you still hate it, go back to using WO Builder.  There's  
no reason you can't use WO Builder and Eclipse together, although the  
integration isn't quite as good as it was with XCode (because when  
you make a change, you have to go back to Eclipse and refresh the  
component there before the change will show up in your running app).


On Jul 6, 2007, at 5:36 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

On Jul 6, 2007, at 2:07 PM, Louis Demers wrote:

On 6-Jul-07, at 16:33 , Andrew Lindesay wrote:

Hello Janine;

The only feature of WOBuilder that I consider important is the one
that helps you to visualize what your component will look like when
it's rendered.  WOBuilder always did a lousy job of this,  

It's interesting; we all have quite different ways of working  
with components which probably illustrates different ways of  
thinking.  I really do like Mike's component editor, but to  
augment it, I would also enjoy the visual modeller in WOB.  I  
really do not feel at all like I need a full render of the page  
with data or anything -- what WOB does is perfect for my use.   
It's really a logical view for making bindings.  I'd love to have  
the time for such an undertaking. :-/

You expressed exactly what I was trying to say. Indeed, I believe  
that the graphical presentation must not aim at the aesthetics of  
the page/component but rather it's structure along with a decent  
inspector for the available bindings. The aesthetics of the  
presentation should be done through CSS and could be handed off to  
other tools like CSSEdit and the like.

In a sense, couldn't it be structured like the eomodeler in  
eclipse ? A tree showing the structure and some inspector specific  
to the webobject tags being edited ?

Two thoughts:

1. If you have clean, well formatted HTML the structure is usually  
evident.  Even with larger forms and tables, the ability to  
collapse sections can still make it easy to see.   Or, like Mike  
posted, you can use the Outline view.  Yes, Eclipse is amazing.

2. There is already an inspector (of sorts) for the WO tag being  
edited.  Click on the tag in the HTML and the WOD portion  
automatically scrolls to the definition in the WOD.  Ctrl-space in  
the definition to see all bindings ( foo =).  Adding an inspector  
is probably not too much work, though perhaps of little benefit  
once you have gotten used to auto-complete.

So it is not really too far off what you want with no real need for  
a full blown WO Builder.



Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their  
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Re: WOBuilder Replacement

2007-07-05 Thread Steven Mark McCraw


Take some slow deep breaths before your head explodes.  Here's the  
beauty of an open source project for you:  you don't have to use it.   
If you think it isn't meeting your needs, run along and pay for  
something that will.  If wonder dies, it dies, but right now a lot of  
people see it as very useful and beneficial, even if you don't.  And  
if you don't, that's totally fine.  If you don't see it as  
beneficial, don't use it.  It's hard to feel ripped off if a  
volunteer open-source community creates something that you don't  
like, and you shouldn't get super angry if they don't take the  
project (or, especially, some small aspect of the project) in the  
direction you want it to go in.


On Jul 5, 2007, at 5:07 PM, Galen Rhodes wrote:

On Jul 5, 2007, at 4:36 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

* SNIP *

I doubt that very much.  The development to date has been  
developers building what _they_ personally need to get their job  
done.  Most of what is in Entity Modeler and WOComponent Editor  
are things that Mike need to do his job more efficiently.  He, and  
mDimension, were kind enough to donate the results.  As long as we  
WO developers have unmet needs, development will continue.  It may  
happen in fits and bursts as our needs dictate, but it will  
happen.  It will only stagnate if all of our needs are met (or  
if those with needs are too damn lazy to do anything about them).   
And in that case, it will be more of stable than stagnant.

* SNIP *

Or make their work on projects that make money more efficient.   
Don't forget that.  Money does not need to be made directly.  And  
this is the primary reason, IMHO, why WOComponent Editor is not  
WYSIWYG.  A developer set out to make something that would be very  
efficient to use while requiring less effort than it would save.   
I think that Mike has succeeded admirably in this.  While it is  
not flashy, it is far more productive for me than WOBuilder ever  
was and I am FAR happier using it than I was using WOBuilder.  Too  
many people seem to be more concerned with which font is used or  
IDE layout, or cute drag and drop tricks than they are with  
actual, real life productivity.  OK, enough of that rant...

Your two statements really made my point for me.  Your needs are  
not the same as someone else's needs.  This is probably the #1  
problem with the OpenSource community is that they develop software  
for themselves and not others.  They develop software to meet their  
needs and not anyone else's needs.  Which I think is probably why  
they never make any money off of their labors.

And I personally LOVE your extremely insulting line of or if those  
with needs are too damn lazy to do anything about them.  Wow!  I  
mean WOW!  Arrogance is always my favorite sin!  Remember the old  
saying, Pride goeth before the fall?

So what you're saying is that I'm a lazy bastard if I don't have  
time to develop the tools myself?  WOW!  That attitude is exactly  
what is going to kill WO off for good.  I've said it before, you  
develop a WYSIWYG replacement for WOBuilder and EOModeler I'll pay  
upwards of $500 for them.  That's not a small amount of money!  But  
you know what?  I'll save three times that much in a year over  
having to use the current WOLips tools!

You may not desire WYSIWYG because it slows _YOU_ down.  But there  
may be others that truly feel that WYSIWYG enhances _THEIR_  
productivity.  And your refusal to accept that is EXACTLY what is  
wrong with OpenSource projects.  The developers adopt a very  
arrogant view that what's good for them is good for everyone.

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Complex EOQualifier format

2007-07-04 Thread Steven Mark McCraw

Hi all,

Does anyone know why I can't build an arbitrarily complex qualifier  
with EOF?

The following code

CCGGregorianCalendar now = new CCGGregorianCalendar();
now.setMonth(now.getMonth() + 3);
args.addObject(new NSTimestamp());
		String qualString = (POW((69.1 * ( location.longitude -  +  

+  ) * cos(  + zipCode.latitude() + 
 / 57.3)), 2) + 
+ POW((69.1 * ( location.latitude - 
 + zipCode.latitude()
+ )), 2))  
		+ _selectedMileageOption.intValue() *  

+  and bidCloseDate = %@ and 
bidCloseDate  %@;
		EOQualifier qual = EOQualifier.qualifierWithQualifierFormat 
(qualString, args);


[2007-07-04 14:52:56 EDT] WorkerThread6 for  
com.webobjects.eocontrol._private.ParseException: Encountered ( at  
line 1, column 5.

Was expecting one of:
= ...
= ...
= ...
= ...
!= ...
= ...

	at com.webobjects.eocontrol._private._EOQualifierParser.Expression 
	at com.webobjects.eocontrol._private._EOQualifierParser.Expression 
	at com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOQualifier.qualifierWithQualifierFormat 


Do I just give up here and fetch raw rows with a pre-build SQL  
string, and then use the PK to fetch in the EO when I need it?  It's  
seems super lame to me that EOQualifier can't parse something with  
parentheses, but maybe I'm missing something obvious.


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Re: Complex EOQualifier format

2007-07-04 Thread Steven Mark McCraw
Okay, after googling for another half hour or so, I think I can  
answer my own question.  You absolutely cannot use EOQualifier to  
fetch EOs with an expression like the one I want to write.   
Apparently EOF considers even subtraction to be a database specific  
task, and I guess the thought is that somehow this ruins database  
independence.  You could theoretically use 'setHints' on your fetch  
specification, but to do that you have to build a full query string  
anyway, and have all of the attributes present in the exact order  
that EOF expects them in (and God only knows what that is... plus if  
you change your model by adding or deleting a column, you have to  
remember to go back and change your hints, I assume).  This does not  
seem worth the hassle to me.  I am just going to convert my complex  
qualifier construction code so that it instead constructs a raw sql  
string (which will be more efficient anyway, as it only fetches the  
columns I want to display, plus gives me the flexibility to do  
arithmetic within my query string), and then fetch raw rows.

On Jul 4, 2007, at 3:00 PM, Steven Mark McCraw wrote:

Hi all,

Does anyone know why I can't build an arbitrarily complex qualifier  
with EOF?

The following code

CCGGregorianCalendar now = new CCGGregorianCalendar();
now.setMonth(now.getMonth() + 3);
args.addObject(new NSTimestamp());
		String qualString = (POW((69.1 * ( location.longitude -  +  

+  ) * cos(  + zipCode.latitude() + 
 / 57.3)), 2) + 
+ POW((69.1 * ( location.latitude - 
 + zipCode.latitude()
+ )), 2))  
		+ _selectedMileageOption.intValue() *  

+  and bidCloseDate = %@ and 
bidCloseDate  %@;
		EOQualifier qual = EOQualifier.qualifierWithQualifierFormat 
(qualString, args);


[2007-07-04 14:52:56 EDT] WorkerThread6 for  
com.webobjects.eocontrol._private.ParseException: Encountered (  
at line 1, column 5.

Was expecting one of:
= ...
= ...
= ...
= ...
!= ...
= ...

	at com.webobjects.eocontrol._private._EOQualifierParser.Expression 
	at com.webobjects.eocontrol._private._EOQualifierParser.Expression 


Do I just give up here and fetch raw rows with a pre-build SQL  
string, and then use the PK to fetch in the EO when I need it?   
It's seems super lame to me that EOQualifier can't parse something  
with parentheses, but maybe I'm missing something obvious.


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Re: Complex EOQualifier format

2007-07-04 Thread Steven Mark McCraw

On Jul 4, 2007, at 5:15 PM, Pierre Bernard wrote:

I feel the urge to voice opinions about this.

- EOF is an ORM not a SQL generator. Its task is to allow you to  
work in a pure OO work and make object graph management and  
persistent transparent. Meaning: you want to do your processing in  
Java, not in the database.

I can appreciate this, but there are times when you absolutely cannot  
do your processing in Java.  The example I posted earlier (which  
fetches geographical points within a certain distance of other  
geographical points) is a perfect example.  You can do this in the  
database and have a response to your users within seconds, or you can  
do it in java and have a response to your users in minutes.  It would  
appear that the option you are left with here is fetching raw rows.

- You are free to extend EOF's magic by writing custom qualifiers.  
I have some on my web site:

That sounds like a neat idea, but I don't really know how you would  
go about it.  I downloaded your code just now and will have a look  
when I have more time.

- qualifierWithFormat() is evil. The qualifier string cannot be  
validated by the compiler. You are tempted to write out attribute  
names in String, thus making future evolutions of the model  
difficult. It is almost like writing SQL

How do you create your qualifiers if not with  

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Re: Complex EOQualifier format

2007-07-04 Thread Steven Mark McCraw
I see!  I'd wondered why those constants were getting tossed in  
there.  That's very fancy!  Thanks guys!


On Jul 4, 2007, at 5:44 PM, Ken Anderson wrote:

Are you using EOGenerator?  It creates constants for you for all  
the names of your attributes.  So, you would construct one like this:

EOKeyValueQualifier qualifier = new EOKeyValueQualifier 
(User.LastNameKey, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorEqual, McCraw);

If you modify your model, EOGenerator will update the constants,  
and your code will no longer compile.  If you're using Eclipse and  
WOLips, this pretty much happens automatically and then you can  
just refactor.


On Jul 4, 2007, at 5:37 PM, Steven Mark McCraw wrote:

In a previous post, it was mentioned that

The qualifier string cannot be validated by the compiler. You are  
tempted to write out attribute names in String, thus making  
future evolutions of the model difficult. It is almost like  
writing SQL

It looks like EOKeyValueQualifier still takes the attribute name  
as a string in its constructor.  How would the compiler validate  
your (possibly changed) attribute names even if you weren't using  

On Jul 4, 2007, at 5:31 PM, Ken Anderson wrote:

You create them using instances of EOKeyValueQualifier,  
EOAndQualifier, EOOrQualifier, etc.  All  
qualifierWithQualifierFormat does is build this structure for  
you... sometimes poorly.

On Jul 4, 2007, at 5:28 PM, Steven Mark McCraw wrote:

How do you create your qualifiers if not with  

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WebObjects documentation site

2007-07-02 Thread Steven Mark McCraw

Hi all,

A small group of people have begun to look into the problem of lack  
of good, easy to use documentation for WebObjects and wonder, and  
based on feedback from the developer lists, we have created spaces at for the  
documentation.  Right now those spaces are all empty, and almost none  
of them have been claimed by an author to fill them.  We are hoping  
that people will see a topic that they know a great deal about  
already or want to learn a great deal about, and fill in the gaps.

If you've already written something on a topic, please post it here.   
The speed of this process depends on the willingness of the community  
at large.  If just a small handful of people are committed, it will  
take a very long time to get a useful consolidated reference library  
in place, and we run the risk of the technology developing faster  
than the documentation.  However, if everyone steps up and  
contributes even a little bit, we will quickly catch the  
documentation up to the technology, and develop a great resource that  
everyone benefits from.  This is everyone's opportunity to contribute  
to the community that they already benefit from.

There are plenty of good reasons to contribute to this effort:  It's  
a great way to say thanks to all of the people who have sacrificed  
their time and resources to create, free of charge to you, a codebase  
that enables you to remain up to date and competitive in the web  
application marketplace while still using WebObjects.  It's a great  
way to exchange information:  in return for taking 8 or 9 hours to  
write a good article on something you already understand well, you  
get to digest information on a topic you know nothing about in a  
fraction of the time you otherwise would have had to spend to learn  
it.  If you were willing to spend thousands of dollars for a trip to  
San Francisco to attend a developers conference which had only a tiny  
amount of time to present cutting edge information, surely you can  
spare a work day or two (or a week of evenings perhaps) contributing  
information to a resource which makes all of this information  
available to others (and yourself) at a pace that's easy to digest,  
and a breadth that could never be covered at a single conference.

There are even valid selfish reasons to contribute.  If you know  
nothing at all about a specific topic, writing an article on it is a  
great way to focus your attention to learn it.  If you know only a  
bit about a topic, by the time you finish authoring a well  
constructed how-to in print, you will know it extremely well.  You  
will gain respect and gratitude from the community, and it reflects  
well on the community as a whole.  And if everyone does their share,  
you'll be able to learn from others on any topic you need to know  
about without having to do it the hard way (endless googling + trial  
and error).  If everyone tries to help, then the jobs and lives of  
everyone who develops with WebObjects will be happier and more  

Finally, please do not feel that you are too limited in your  
capacities to make a worthwhile contribution.  Any sincere attempt to  
contribute is better than no attempt to contribute.  The wiki and all  
its new entries are being monitored by people who have been  
programming with WebObjects for close to a decade now, and by the  
authors of project wonder.  If you make a mistake in your  
documentation, it will be caught and corrected quickly.

We are asking people to denote that they are working on an article  
before they start writing it, so that we won't be duplicating each  
other's efforts (it's a big enough task if you only do it once!).   
Therefore, we ask that before you claim a topic, you ensure that you  
have the time and resources available to compose it in a timely  
fashion (say, two weeks?).  We just don't want willing people to  
avoid authorship of a topic because someone has already claimed it,  
and the claiming person is never actually getting around to doing it.

To contribute to the wiki, you will need to set up an account.  Just  
go to!default.jspa  
to create that account.  When you have chosen a topic that you want  
to write on, edit the entry for that topic and change the '**' on the  
end to '(under construction)'.  As soon as you have your article in  
place, you can just remove the '(under construction)' from the title.

A large amount of information on many of these topics already exists  
here and there about the web, and we are hoping to collect it all  
here in the form of easy to understand step by step how-to guides.   
If you claim a topic, please feel free to incorporate any of the  
information which already exists at 
Programming:WebObjects (the reason we are not simply expanding this  
site is that there was a strong consensus that 

Re: [Wonder-disc] WebObjects documentation site

2007-07-02 Thread Steven Mark McCraw

Hi Kieran,

Starting at the top (aka root, dashboard) are these the final  
categories of info?

Really, these are more of a starting point.  At the moment, we're  
kind of directing our efforts towards the WebObjects space (which  
should contain all sorts of information about Wonder as well  
eventually), but of course people should feel free to contribute to  
and build the other spaces as they see fit

 and do we need some little elaboration as to what goes where,  
especially with Wonder/WebObjects since both are involved in many  
of technology topics Steven has listed under WebObjects?

This might be a good idea.  In general, we were hoping to approach it  
from a specific problem solution standpoint.  That is, each article  
would answer a specific question such as how do I add Ajax partial  
page refreshes to my application.  The articles we are hoping get  
put there will hopefully begin by explaining how it is possible to  
solve the task with WebObjects, and then show how much easier it is  
if you are willing to incorporate everything wonder brings to the  
table.  So although wonder will be heavily referenced, the root of  
the article is in WebObjects.  Perhaps if this all works out, we can  
create links from various wonder topics over to the articles rooted  
in the WebObjects section that mention them.

. and should content be out here instead of wikipedia? (IMO,  
better have it here in objectstyle maintained by community than  

The consensus of everyone who discussed this was that the objectstyle  
site was better than the wikipedia site.  I do not remember any  
objections whatsoever to the objectstyle site, so that's where we  
decided to nudge people to post things.

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Re: WebObjects documentation site

2007-07-02 Thread Steven Mark McCraw


I am sympathetic to your concerns.  There has been some thought given  
to migrating the pages over, but there was also a large volume of  
concern expressed that the content be reorganized, so a straight  
programmatic migration doesn't seem to be what everyone wants.  We  
expect most of the content  to make its way over soon, but we'll  
probably be doing it a piece at a time to restructure a bit.


On Jul 2, 2007, at 4:07 PM, Andrew Lindesay wrote:


Gee; that really is a shame because I've loaded quite a few pages  
into the Wikipedia books site.  Can it be migrated over somehow?   
Given the volume of stuff there it may be worth just staying on the  
Wikipedia books site?


. and should content be out here instead of wikipedia? (IMO,
better have it here in objectstyle maintained by community than

The consensus of everyone who discussed this was that the objectstyle
site was better than the wikipedia site.  I do not remember any
objections whatsoever to the objectstyle site, so that's where we
decided to nudge people to post things.

Andrew Lindesay
technology :
business :

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Re: [Wonder-disc] log4j version update?

2007-06-30 Thread Steven Mark McCraw

Which bits of it would you like them to open up ? and why ?

I would like every bit of it opened up, and the reason is that Apple  
moves like a glacier in response to fixing glaring issues that  
WebObjects has had in the past.  If you adopted Webobjects prior to  
5.2, you know what I'm talking about.  The wonder community is far  
more responsive to issues, and if it had direct access to the source,  
it would be much easier to patch problems.  Why *wouldn't* you want  
the source?

Just about everything i want to tinker with is already open source,  
because the Wonder project either covers it or has replacements for  
the closed source bits i have any interest in.

Yes, and if WO had been open sourced, you wouldn't need a separate  
framework.  You wouldn't need replacements, because the fixes would  
already be in WebObjects.

What about EOF ? Do i care it's closed source. Not at all:

- it works perfectly (ok, there's a couple of bugs, but nothing to  
cry about)
- it has a wonderful, elegant design, which despite many attempts  
has still not been matched by any other java framework (IMHO)

- it's very stable
- it's very scalable
- it is supported and maintained by Apple
- it's free

EOF does not work perfectly.  Outside of all the things wonder fixes  
for you, I would call it kind of a mess, especially if you follow the  
documentation Apple provides (although they have done better as of  
I agree it's better than most of it's competitors, but it certainly  
has its share of frustrations.  That is just my opinion.   I am glad  
EOF has been kinder to you.
supported and maintained by Apple is another matter of opinion.  In  
my opinion, it is not supported and maintained well.  Many of the  
important fixes/workarounds/documentation attempts have come from  
outside of Apple.

I see EOF as an extension of my database. We use MySQL - a great  
open source database. Have I ever tinkered with the source code of  
MySQL ? Of course not - i haven't even downloaded it, let alone  
looked at it. It works well and that enables me to build great  
apps. And that's all i care about.

I also use MySQL, and I agree with you.  It is great.  I have never  
had the problems with MySQL that I have had with EOF.  With great  
source code, you never need to tinker, and I never have.  But, could  
it be that MySQL is great because the source code is available, and  
people who understand it and are more inclined to tinker have been  
able to fix problems they have had in the past?  It's hard to know  
for sure, but there have been many, many frustrating instances for me  
in the past where having the code to EOF would have helped me  
tremendously, if not to fix a problem in EOF, at least to figure out  
what was going on.

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Re: Refreshing complete page from a header component

2007-06-29 Thread Steven Mark McCraw
Can anyone comment  on the benefits of returning context().page() vs.  
returning null for an action method?  Returning context().page()  
seems to not work when using Wonder Ajax components, so I always  
return null there.  Someone who worked at Apple once told me that  
returning context().page() was WAY more efficient.  I took them at  
their word and started using it everywhere, but it's come to be one  
of those things that I kind of doubt makes that big of a difference.   
Does anyone know what the difference actually is, and why one might  
be better than the other?


On Jun 29, 2007, at 9:17 AM, Paul Lynch wrote:

On 29 Jun 2007, at 12:31, Johan Henselmans wrote:

I must be missing something: I have a header component, which  
contains the menubar, and sets the default language, by calling  
session.setlanguages() via a WOHyperlink. After that I want to  
return the current page. But a return this from within the  
Header WOComponent will only return the header. Any idea how to  
get the current page returned from within the header component?

This is the structure:



return context().page();

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Caret Notation

2007-06-29 Thread Steven Mark McCraw

Hi all,

I've always thought that using caret notation was a good idea when  
creating reuseable components, but it only seems to work for me about  
half the time, so I'm not sure I fully understand it.

I have a component that has a textfield whose default binding  
should be inherited from it's parent component bindings:

wo:textfield value = $date id = $id size=~format.length()  
dateformat = $format default=^default/

This textfield is embedded within a component named  
TextFieldCalendar.  Here's my usage of TextFieldCalendar in another  

wo:TextFieldCalendar date = $maxBidClosingDate default = Bid  
Closing Before/

When I run the application, I get the following exception:

Jun 29 10:44:50 LDC[11001] ( WARN  NSLog   
- er.extensions.ERXDirectActionRequestHandler: Exception while  
handling action named advancedSearch on action class  
$UnknownKeyException: [TextFieldCalendar name: TextFieldCalendar  
subcomponents: null  takeValueForKey()]: attempt to assign value to  
unknown key: 'default'.
This WOComponent does not have an instance variable of the name  
default or _default, nor a method of the name setDefault or _setDefault
[2007-06-29 10:44:50 EDT] WorkerThread10$UnknownKeyException:  
[TextFieldCalendar name: TextFieldCalendar subcomponents: null   
takeValueForKey()]: attempt to assign value to unknown key: 'default'.
This WOComponent does not have an instance variable of the name  
default or _default, nor a method of the name setDefault or _setDefault
	at com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent.handleTakeValueForUnboundKey 
	at com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent.takeValueForKey 


I thought that the point of using caret notation was that you didn't  
have to declare a local variable called default in the reuseable  
component.  Am I off track here?  Has anyone else noticed this behavior?

Mark ___
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Re: Caret Notation

2007-06-29 Thread Steven Mark McCraw

So caret notation only works if you're not synchronizing bindings?

On Jun 29, 2007, at 10:54 AM, Jean-François Veillette wrote:

The component TextFieldCalendar should not synchronize it's bindings.

- jfv

Le 07-06-29 Ă  10:50, Steven Mark McCraw a Ă©crit :

Hi all,

I've always thought that using caret notation was a good idea when  
creating reuseable components, but it only seems to work for me  
about half the time, so I'm not sure I fully understand it.

I have a component that has a textfield whose default binding  
should be inherited from it's parent component bindings:

wo:textfield value = $date id = $id size=~format.length()  
dateformat = $format default=^default/

This textfield is embedded within a component named  
TextFieldCalendar.  Here's my usage of TextFieldCalendar in  
another component:

wo:TextFieldCalendar date = $maxBidClosingDate default = Bid  
Closing Before/

When I run the application, I get the following exception:

Jun 29 10:44:50 LDC[11001] ( WARN   
NSLog  - er.extensions.ERXDirectActionRequestHandler: Exception  
while handling action named advancedSearch on action class  
$UnknownKeyException: [TextFieldCalendar name: TextFieldCalendar  
subcomponents: null  takeValueForKey()]: attempt to assign value  
to unknown key: 'default'.
This WOComponent does not have an instance variable of the name  
default or _default, nor a method of the name setDefault or  
[2007-06-29 10:44:50 EDT] WorkerThread10$UnknownKeyException:  
[TextFieldCalendar name: TextFieldCalendar subcomponents: null   
takeValueForKey()]: attempt to assign value to unknown key:  
This WOComponent does not have an instance variable of the name  
default or _default, nor a method of the name setDefault or  
	at com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent.takeValueForKey 


I thought that the point of using caret notation was that you  
didn't have to declare a local variable called default in the  
reuseable component.  Am I off track here?  Has anyone else  
noticed this behavior?

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Re: [Wonder-disc] log4j version update?

2007-06-29 Thread Steven Mark McCraw

I am not sure what happening here is fair anyway. You guys at wonder
are doing the job of an open source community, giving Apple the tools
it works with, and what is Apple doing in counterpart? Nothing!
Or very little. WO does not evolve, or so slowly. Apple does not even
maintain the tools. Apple does not open source WO, creating a lot of
problems for you and the WO community (you have hard time writing
patches, and WO developpers have difficulties selling their products
when there are open sources alternatives).
In my opinion, this is not a fair deal.
In a ideal world, Apple would either open source WO or actively
develop it, and those who develop wonder and WOLips ought to be
rewarded in some way, allowing them perhaps to devote more time to  

I don't understand that you seem to be happy with the current
situation. But I am surely not aware of everything, and I don't know
what WO 5.4 brings us.

I don't know that I am happy with the situation, but I accept it for
what it is.  I am certainly happier now than I was before WWDC.
Apple will never open source WO, so I never think about that.  I just
try to make WO better for me and hopefully better for others as well
as a result of making it better for me.  My other option is to go do
VB.Net or Ruby on Rails.  I'd rather not.  So I do this.

ditto.  I think has done a terrible job managing WebObjects for at  
least the last 5 years.  Their support for the product sucks, and  
their business strategy for it makes no apparent sense.  Their  
refusal to ever consider open sourcing it (in spite of how Steve Jobs  
rants about how he looves open source) makes me feel even  
more animosity about the platform.  The wonder guys have pulled WO  
development out of the gutter for me for now, and to be honest, I  
spent about a year evaluating all kinds of J2EE alternatives after  
hours, and all of them seemed terrible to me (maybe just because I've  
always done WO, so I'm used to that way of thinking, but still).  WO  
seems like the lesser of dozens of evils at this point.  Plus,  
everyone who went to WWDC seems about to lose it in their gushing  
excitement for 5.4, so maybe Apple picked the ball back up.  Fingers  

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Re: Java Client : who is using it ?

2007-06-26 Thread Steven Mark McCraw

Hi Florijan,

A couple of people are spending about 30 minutes a day each to  
consolidate a documentation effort for WebObjects.  Obviously, at  
this pace, it's going to be weeks or months before anything really  
significant materializes (especially if it just remains two of us  
working on it), but such are the realities of our lives.   I don't  
know java client from a hole in the ground, so if it's up to me,  
nothing will get written, but if you want to write up some things  
about it, I'll be happy to add it to the wiki we're trying to get  


Hi Garry,

Since you and a few more people are interested, I will make it. At  
the moment I am too busy to put much time into it, but that should  
change in a week or two.

I have two questions still:

1. How and where to most effectively lobby for JC future with  
Apple, or at least for an answer??? There seems to be enough  
interest for it for some of us to work together in documenting this  
and exchanging info, techniques and code, but we NEED TO KNOW (hint  
to Apple people) is there any point in it?

2. To all WO users, not only JC, shall we make this effort a part  
of some big WO site? I must admit I am not sure what sort of  
consensus was reached on centralizing resources. Or do we start  
another standalone thing? If not, with whom should we coordinate this?

Best regards,

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Re: [Wonder-disc] ERSelenium without ERExtensions

2007-06-26 Thread Steven Mark McCraw

ERSelenium's idea is to facilitate a lot of common tasks that are
usually solved manually to organize Selenium testing. Among these
tasks are:
- Automatic test suites generation from your folder structure.

I am curious as to what you are doing for this.  To me, Selenium
tests are for functional testing and so have no relation at all to
project structure.

The reason for doing it this way (says the guy who's used ERSelenium  
a few times now) is that is a piece of cake to create test suites.   
There is no maintaining an external test suite.  You just create a  
folder called Selenium (or whatever you configure the name to be) in  
the Properties folder of the project you want to test, and any folder  
you embed within it becomes a test suite when you run everything from  
a simple URL.  You drop your selenium tests in child folders of the  
Selenium folder and you are done.  It is ridiculously easy, as  
opposed to the whole chrome:// test suite thing, which I never got to  
work, although I did not spend much time trying because ERSelenium  
became available just as I began getting good and familiar with using  

The up side to user ERSelenium test suites (besides how easy it is to  
create them) is that they run in any browser.  All you have to do is  
point to the 'StartSeleniumTesting' direct action class in your  
application url, and away you go.  I believe I read that if you use  
chrome:// as your URL, you are stuck with Firefox as a testing  
platform, because only Firefox supports that protocol.

- Writing tests in the preferred format - wiki/html.

Is that different from Selenese?

The difference is that instead of using html tags to delimit things,  
you use pipe symbols, and it's a lot more readable (says me).   
Instead of


You have


But I believe you can use this format with or without ERSelenium.

- Unified format of setup/tear down methods with appropriate error

I don't see the need for these.  For me, the Selenium tests should be
from the point of view of the user of the application.  So any
setup / tear down outside of loading the bootstrap data should be
done through the UI and be part of the test.  In some rare occasions
(mimicking interactions from other systems), I do need some setup
that is not possible from the UI.  In that case, I create a direct
action to do this and call it from the test in a new window.  The
direct action is only enabled during testing runs.

I agree with you here.  I've just been using direct actions.  Not  
sure what ERSelenium brings to the table here or how to use it.

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Re: WOPopUpButton

2007-06-22 Thread Steven Mark McCraw
Is your code in a framework, or in your application?  If it is in a  
framework, chances are good that the code will not compile because it  
knows nothing about a class named Session, which is probably in your  
application project.  There shouldn't be any need to cast session()  
here anyway.


On Jun 22, 2007, at 1:15 PM, SigurĂ°ur E. Vilhelmsson wrote:

Sorry to stray back to the original topic :P but I'm getting an error
in my java file.  I used the code from David:

public NSArray allCourseDescription() {
   		EOEditingContext ec = ((Session)session 
   		return EOUtilities.objectsForEntityNamed(ec,  


(I figured the extra space and s in allCourseDescription s() were a  

However, now I get an error complaining that Session cannot be
resolved to a type.

Best regards,
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Re: creating tables on the fly with webobjects

2007-06-22 Thread Steven Mark McCraw
Having a table with 10,000 is no big deal.  That's what databases are  
for:  to efficiently organize data.  Are you familiar with indexing?   
If not, go do a little research in that direction to figure out how  
to make your queries fast.  Having a table with 10,000 rows is far  
better than having 10,000 tables.  You should be able do a  
complicated fetch on a properly indexed table with 10,000 rows  
literally within a blink of an eye.


On Jun 22, 2007, at 2:06 PM, .::welemski::. wrote:

It's like this. I'm creating a webapplications for work groups.  
Each user that is registered in the database can have a table on  
their own. So each user can register a member or a user can  
register to be a member of that user.Each main user can have a  
domain of their own and each member can have a blog of their own.It  
would be nice to separate them because one my friend told me that  
it would be inefficient to have all of them on one table. Imagine a  
table with 1000 or 1 or more records that would be inefficient  
for them for fetching. He also added that it'll have impact on time  
in terms of fetching.

But if it's really okay to have one table for all users then I  
might as well stick with WebObjects then.

I think I'll try Chuck's and Jacky's solutions first.

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Re: Getting Started With WO site

2007-06-18 Thread Steven Mark McCraw
Well, then, should those of us who want a centralized repository  
focus on the confluence wiki?  I would be happy to volunteer a little  
time each day trying to organize the thing and bring content from the  
wiki book (and anywhere else I can get info with the author's  
permission) over to the confluence site if everybody is in agreement  
that this is the smart thing to do.

On Jun 18, 2007, at 6:50 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:

Yeah it seemed like it would be nicer going in, but once the  
content was in there it has been less than useful ... The one big  
benefit of it is that it's not going away any time soon, which  
can't necessarily be said of any place that might host a confluence  
for us.


On Jun 18, 2007, at 6:45 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

I also am less than thrilled with the WikiBook:

- the process of adding images is painful
- I am not sure if anything else can be added
- searching just the WO content is either not possible or not clear
- the markup is limited
- no one has control over the backups etc.

I have used Confluence quite a bit and find that to be much better  
for documenting technical material.


On Jun 14, 2007, at 9:22 AM, Steven Mark McCraw wrote:

Agreed.  How do we (and I guess by we I mean everybody on this  
list) come to an agreement on the one place that should be the  
definitive posting grounds?  Honestly, I sometimes find  
navigating the wiki book less than ideal, but it's kind of a  
minor irritation that I can live with if it solves the problem of  
a central repository, and there's so much there already that it  
seems like the most logical place to me.  Whatever it is, it  
should be publicly editable, I think, and it has to be searchable  
and individual articles must be linkable.  Is anybody in  
disagreement that the wiki book is the best place ongoing to post  
information?  If so, can we start an effort to shuttle  
information posted elsewhere into the wiki book if it is  
missing?  If not, what are alternative suggestions for the  
central repository of information?


On Jun 14, 2007, at 12:10 PM, Dana Kashubeck wrote:

On 6/14/07 11:57 AM, Steven Mark McCraw wrote:
My understanding is that the webobjects wiki book (http:// is trying to  
become the central point of documentation for WebObjects that  
people post to.  There's already a ton of info there, but we  
all know it could use a ton more.  At WOWODC, when the experts  
panel was asked what could be done to help with project wonder,  
this is what they came back with immediately:  We need people  
writing documentation, and this is the place to put it.  Even  
if it's bad, there are so many people watching it that bad info  
will get edited out quickly.
I think there's a danger in having TOO many informational  
sites.  If everybody decides to wing it because they get on a  
high at a developer's conference regarding being able to  
document stuff to widen the movement, I think we will end up  
with dozens of blogs, half finished tutorials, etc.  There's a  
reason there isn't much documentation on Wonder and  
WebObjects:  writing good documentation is HARD and time  
consuming, and not a very glamorous task.  So if you have 10  
spare hours to write a decent article on a very specific issue,  
I think everybody would be better served if that went to the  
wikibook.  That way, everybody can always point to one resource  
as definitive.
I don't mean to be preachy about it or rain on anybody's parade  
that is putting up yet another site about WebObjects.  What I  
just wrote might sound snappy or mean, but I don't mean it that  
way.  I'm just trying to advocate a central repository for  
everything so people don't have to go here and there to get  
various pieces of the overall puzzle.  Maybe if you start a  
site, you could also make sure that all of the contents of that  
site are also posted in the wiki book in the sensible place?   
I was thinking the same thing.  Last year there were some really  
great efforts to put together the site for WebObjects  
information.  I think it was this one:  http://

So there's that wiki, the wiki book,, etc.,  
etc.  I completely agree that there is a huge need for  
documentation and resources and it is important for the  
community to put these things together.  But right now  
everything just seems *so* scattered!  Can those who have been  
generous enough with their time please post their content on one  
of the already existing sites?

Dana Kashubeck
Systems Manager
Riemer Reporting Service Inc.

Phone: 440-835-2477 x. 125
Fax:   440-835-4594


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Re: News from Webobjecs sessions

2007-06-15 Thread Steven Mark McCraw
When Apple first posted the sessions for WWDC, it looked like there  
would be absolutely nothing at all about WebObjects at the developers  
conference (I was under the impression that this was the major  
impetus for WOWODC).  So after WOWODC, I opted to skip WWDC and head  
back home.  I am now kicking myself since apparently there's more  
news regarding WebObjects this year than at any developer's  
conference in the past.  Of course, I'm merely speculating since any  
non-attendees are banned by the iron hand of Apple's NDA from knowing  
what all this cheery banter is about :)

On Jun 15, 2007, at 1:48 PM, Janine Sisk wrote:

Hmm, I think I can only go so far as A+ - I guess I am just not as  
exuberant as Mark and Pierre.  Call it understated happiness. :)


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Re: Getting Started With WO site

2007-06-14 Thread Steven Mark McCraw
Hey, thanks for doing that.  I think it looks snazzy.  WebObjects  
today is all about supportive community, from my POV, and I'm glad to  
be part of it.  I'm glad to see so many links on the page pointing to  
the wiki book, because I think that's turning into the central  
repository for documentation.

This might actually work against the goal, but what do you think  
about having a page where all the people on the lists that use  
WebObjects can go and list themselves and their organization as  
WebObjects users?  I think one of the scary things about adopting  
WebObjects, is either that nobody has heard of it or they think it is  
a dead, has-been technology.  It might be nice to see a bunch of  
people saying hey, I use WebObjects!  It would also be useful just  
to see demographic info on what kinds of companies are using the  


On Jun 14, 2007, at 2:29 AM, David LeBer wrote:

Hey all,

For those of you who are not attending WWDC, there has been a  
lively discussion about many things WO. Motivated by this I whipped  
together a WO Getting Started page http:// and I'd like to get your  

This is just a baby step, but please let me know if you think I'm  
heading in the right direction.

This the first of what I hope will be a trio of sites:

I would like to create a general WO news blog (with multiple core  
contributers) so there is a central clearing house for news of  
interest to the WO community (new features in Wonder or WOLips,  
announcements from Apple, significant additions to the wikkibook,  
good blog posts, etc).

I would also like to create a tutorial blog where short clear  
graphical task-oriented tutorials could be posted - I have some  
ideas of how I'd want these tutorials to be presented, but I still  
have to work out the style guidelines (I'm thinking: short on text,  
long on screenshots or maybe screencasts).

I approach this with some trepidation - because someone seems to  
try and do something like this once a year - but my goal is to  
present unified (a dare I say) inviting front to new developers to  
the WebObjects platform. We have a ton of outstanding material in  
the various wikis and lists, and I have no interest in replacing  
that, but I'd like to give new users a way to find and make sense  
of what is there.

Again, feedback (and offers of assistance) is welcome and appreciated.


David LeBer
Codeferous Software
'co-def-er-ous' adj. Literally 'code-bearing'
Toronto Area Cocoa / WebObjects developers group:

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Re: Getting Started With WO site

2007-06-14 Thread Steven Mark McCraw
My understanding is that the webobjects wiki book (http:// is trying to become the  
central point of documentation for WebObjects that people post to.   
There's already a ton of info there, but we all know it could use a  
ton more.  At WOWODC, when the experts panel was asked what could be  
done to help with project wonder, this is what they came back with  
immediately:  We need people writing documentation, and this is the  
place to put it.  Even if it's bad, there are so many people watching  
it that bad info will get edited out quickly.

I think there's a danger in having TOO many informational sites.  If  
everybody decides to wing it because they get on a high at a  
developer's conference regarding being able to document stuff to  
widen the movement, I think we will end up with dozens of blogs, half  
finished tutorials, etc.  There's a reason there isn't much  
documentation on Wonder and WebObjects:  writing good documentation  
is HARD and time consuming, and not a very glamorous task.  So if you  
have 10 spare hours to write a decent article on a very specific  
issue, I think everybody would be better served if that went to the  
wikibook.  That way, everybody can always point to one resource as  

I don't mean to be preachy about it or rain on anybody's parade that  
is putting up yet another site about WebObjects.  What I just wrote  
might sound snappy or mean, but I don't mean it that way.  I'm just  
trying to advocate a central repository for everything so people  
don't have to go here and there to get various pieces of the overall  
puzzle.  Maybe if you start a site, you could also make sure that all  
of the contents of that site are also posted in the wiki book in the  
sensible place?  Thoughts?

On Jun 14, 2007, at 11:40 AM, Janine Sisk wrote:

I have been thinking sort of along the same lines.  I have received  
several requests this week to put my tutorial up where other people  
can edit it, but due to some bad experiences in the past (not with  
anyone here) I get hives just thinking about allowing open  
editing.  So my thought was to set up a blog specifically for my  
tutorial, where people could post comments, point out mistakes and  
suggest future topics.  This would also allow me to announce  
updates to all interested parties without spamming everyone on  
these lists.

I've taken the opposite approach as David on tutorials - Mine is  
long on words and code, with no screenshots at all.  That's partly  
due to time constraints and I might eventually put some in, but I  
think there is room for both styles.  Some people are verbal  
learners, others are visual.

I think David's idea is a great one, and I hope this can become the  
central repository of links to WO-related content.  Things are a  
little confusing right how - people talk about the wiki and you  
always have to ask which one?  That probably won't change, but  
having one place to send people for links to everything else would  
be very helpful.


PS some people have asked me where to find my tutorial, so here's a  
shameless plug.  The downloads are linked from http://

On Jun 13, 2007, at 11:29 PM, David LeBer wrote:

Hey all,

For those of you who are not attending WWDC, there has been a  
lively discussion about many things WO. Motivated by this I  
whipped together a WO Getting Started page http:// and I'd like to get your  

This is just a baby step, but please let me know if you think I'm  
heading in the right direction.

This the first of what I hope will be a trio of sites:

I would like to create a general WO news blog (with multiple core  
contributers) so there is a central clearing house for news of  
interest to the WO community (new features in Wonder or WOLips,  
announcements from Apple, significant additions to the wikkibook,  
good blog posts, etc).

I would also like to create a tutorial blog where short clear  
graphical task-oriented tutorials could be posted - I have some  
ideas of how I'd want these tutorials to be presented, but I still  
have to work out the style guidelines (I'm thinking: short on  
text, long on screenshots or maybe screencasts).

I approach this with some trepidation - because someone seems to  
try and do something like this once a year - but my goal is to  
present unified (a dare I say) inviting front to new developers to  
the WebObjects platform. We have a ton of outstanding material in  
the various wikis and lists, and I have no interest in replacing  
that, but I'd like to give new users a way to find and make sense  
of what is there.

Again, feedback (and offers of assistance) is welcome and  


David LeBer
Codeferous Software
'co-def-er-ous' adj. Literally 'code-bearing'

Re: Getting Started With WO site

2007-06-14 Thread Steven Mark McCraw
Agreed.  How do we (and I guess by we I mean everybody on this list)  
come to an agreement on the one place that should be the definitive  
posting grounds?  Honestly, I sometimes find navigating the wiki book  
less than ideal, but it's kind of a minor irritation that I can live  
with if it solves the problem of a central repository, and there's so  
much there already that it seems like the most logical place to me.   
Whatever it is, it should be publicly editable, I think, and it has  
to be searchable and individual articles must be linkable.  Is  
anybody in disagreement that the wiki book is the best place ongoing  
to post information?  If so, can we start an effort to shuttle  
information posted elsewhere into the wiki book if it is missing?  If  
not, what are alternative suggestions for the central repository of  


On Jun 14, 2007, at 12:10 PM, Dana Kashubeck wrote:

On 6/14/07 11:57 AM, Steven Mark McCraw wrote:
My understanding is that the webobjects wiki book (http:// is trying to become  
the central point of documentation for WebObjects that people post  
to.  There's already a ton of info there, but we all know it could  
use a ton more.  At WOWODC, when the experts panel was asked what  
could be done to help with project wonder, this is what they came  
back with immediately:  We need people writing documentation, and  
this is the place to put it.  Even if it's bad, there are so many  
people watching it that bad info will get edited out quickly.
I think there's a danger in having TOO many informational sites.   
If everybody decides to wing it because they get on a high at a  
developer's conference regarding being able to document stuff to  
widen the movement, I think we will end up with dozens of blogs,  
half finished tutorials, etc.  There's a reason there isn't much  
documentation on Wonder and WebObjects:  writing good  
documentation is HARD and time consuming, and not a very glamorous  
task.  So if you have 10 spare hours to write a decent article on  
a very specific issue, I think everybody would be better served if  
that went to the wikibook.  That way, everybody can always point  
to one resource as definitive.
I don't mean to be preachy about it or rain on anybody's parade  
that is putting up yet another site about WebObjects.  What I just  
wrote might sound snappy or mean, but I don't mean it that way.   
I'm just trying to advocate a central repository for everything so  
people don't have to go here and there to get various pieces of  
the overall puzzle.  Maybe if you start a site, you could also  
make sure that all of the contents of that site are also posted in  
the wiki book in the sensible place?  Thoughts?
I was thinking the same thing.  Last year there were some really  
great efforts to put together the site for WebObjects  
information.  I think it was this one: 

So there's that wiki, the wiki book,, etc.,  
etc.  I completely agree that there is a huge need for  
documentation and resources and it is important for the community  
to put these things together.  But right now everything just seems  
*so* scattered!  Can those who have been generous enough with their  
time please post their content on one of the already existing sites?

Dana Kashubeck
Systems Manager
Riemer Reporting Service Inc.

Phone: 440-835-2477 x. 125
Fax:   440-835-4594


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Re: Getting Started With WO site

2007-06-14 Thread Steven Mark McCraw


I think you make a good point.  The last thing I want to do is  
discourage participation.  Maybe people can just be on the lookout  
for useful content on these third party smaller sites, and can ask  
the author for permission to post in the wikibook (or whatever).   
Also, maybe the third party site authors can be aware that they will  
get more eyes reading their material if they post in the central  
repository as well, and maybe even link back and forth (i.e., on the  
independent site in the header of the article, put a link to the  
effect of also published in the WO wiki book and in the wiki book a  
link at the top of the article that says originally published at;).  Perhaps that will seem like a good  
compromise to people and further the goal of getting good  
documentation out there in an easy to find place.

Of course, if people aren't into posting into the wiki, they just  
aren't into it.  I think it would be ideal if they did, but I'm not  
looking down on them if they don't agree.  Just wanted to plant the  
seed that it might benefit the community the most if everybody posted  
to a central place.  It should always be approached in the manner of  
hey, you wrote a great article on this.  Thanks!  Most people go  
here to read about WebObjects stuff.  Can we put your great article  
there?  as opposed to hey, why are you doing all that work to set  
up a site for that when a better site already exists.


On Jun 14, 2007, at 12:19 PM, Janine Sisk wrote:

I've been participating in open source projects for a long time,  
and I've seen many different approaches.  In my experience, when  
people worry about having too many sources of information it ends  
up stifling participation.  Each person who sets up their own site  
has reasons why they don't want to use the existing one(s).   
Whether or not the rest of the community would agree with their  
reasons really isn't important;  what matters is that if they are  
discouraged from doing so, they typically don't contribute at all,  
or not nearly as much as they would have on their own site.  I  
think it is better to let people set up various sites, make sure  
there is one central point where they can all be found, and let the  
situation shake itself out.  Usually one (or a small number) of the  
sites will emerge as the most used and the others will fade away.
The thing to avoid is having discouraged the person who would have  
set up that most used site so that it is never created at all.

Note that I'm not suggesting that the site I proposed will become  
one of those; it's meant as a site for those who wish to  
participate in and;or follow the writing of my tutorial. It's not a  
documentation site per se and not one that everyone is going to  
want to go to.


On Jun 14, 2007, at 8:57 AM, Steven Mark McCraw wrote:

My understanding is that the webobjects wiki book (http:// is trying to become  
the central point of documentation for WebObjects that people post  
to.  There's already a ton of info there, but we all know it could  
use a ton more.  At WOWODC, when the experts panel was asked what  
could be done to help with project wonder, this is what they came  
back with immediately:  We need people writing documentation, and  
this is the place to put it.  Even if it's bad, there are so many  
people watching it that bad info will get edited out quickly.

I think there's a danger in having TOO many informational sites.   
If everybody decides to wing it because they get on a high at a  
developer's conference regarding being able to document stuff to  
widen the movement, I think we will end up with dozens of blogs,  
half finished tutorials, etc.  There's a reason there isn't much  
documentation on Wonder and WebObjects:  writing good  
documentation is HARD and time consuming, and not a very glamorous  
task.  So if you have 10 spare hours to write a decent article on  
a very specific issue, I think everybody would be better served if  
that went to the wikibook.  That way, everybody can always point  
to one resource as definitive.

I don't mean to be preachy about it or rain on anybody's parade  
that is putting up yet another site about WebObjects.  What I just  
wrote might sound snappy or mean, but I don't mean it that way.   
I'm just trying to advocate a central repository for everything so  
people don't have to go here and there to get various pieces of  
the overall puzzle.  Maybe if you start a site, you could also  
make sure that all of the contents of that site are also posted in  
the wiki book in the sensible place?  Thoughts?

On Jun 14, 2007, at 11:40 AM, Janine Sisk wrote:

I have been thinking sort of along the same lines.  I have  
received several requests this week to put my tutorial up where  
other people can edit it, but due to some bad experiences in the  
past (not with anyone here) I get

Re: Getting Started With WO site

2007-06-14 Thread Steven Mark McCraw


I agree with all your points about the way the wiki looks/behaves.   
And I am approaching it from the POV of somebody who has been doing  
WO development for coming up on 10 years now (yikes! I'm getting old)  
and am just hungry for the new information (project Wonder stuff,  
etc.).  So it might not work for newbies.  There is a scary amount of  
info there.  It's hard trying to weigh that against all the benefits  
of the wiki (everybody can post there, it's searchable, etc) and  
figure out the overall best approach.  As long as there is good cross- 
linking, I suppose everybody wins.  Thanks for the input.


On Jun 14, 2007, at 12:29 PM, David LeBer wrote:

On 14-Jun-07, at 8:57 AM, Steven Mark McCraw wrote:

My understanding is that the webobjects wiki book (http:// is trying to become  
the central point of documentation for WebObjects that people post  
to.  There's already a ton of info there, but we all know it could  
use a ton more.  At WOWODC, when the experts panel was asked what  
could be done to help with project wonder, this is what they came  
back with immediately:  We need people writing documentation, and  
this is the place to put it.  Even if it's bad, there are so many  
people watching it that bad info will get edited out quickly.

I think there's a danger in having TOO many informational sites.   
If everybody decides to wing it because they get on a high at a  
developer's conference regarding being able to document stuff to  
widen the movement, I think we will end up with dozens of blogs,  
half finished tutorials, etc.  There's a reason there isn't much  
documentation on Wonder and WebObjects:  writing good  
documentation is HARD and time consuming, and not a very glamorous  
task.  So if you have 10 spare hours to write a decent article on  
a very specific issue, I think everybody would be better served if  
that went to the wikibook.  That way, everybody can always point  
to one resource as definitive.

I don't mean to be preachy about it or rain on anybody's parade  
that is putting up yet another site about WebObjects.  What I just  
wrote might sound snappy or mean, but I don't mean it that way.   
I'm just trying to advocate a central repository for everything so  
people don't have to go here and there to get various pieces of  
the overall puzzle.  Maybe if you start a site, you could also  
make sure that all of the contents of that site are also posted in  
the wiki book in the sensible place?  Thoughts?

I hear you Steven, so let me be clear my intention is not to  
replicate or duplicate any of the contents in the wikibook. I agree  
that it should contain the sum of the real-world knowledge  
possessed by the community but it does have some failings when it  
comes to presenting and attractive front to new developers - and  
they are my focus.

1. It is butt ugly - not that that matters as far as the content is  
concerned, but compare that with the Rails landing page and we are  
at a serious disadvantage as far as the perception of new developers.

2. It doesn't support images or other rich media (if I'm wrong let  
me know). The tutorials I am thinking about are high on visual  
appeal. My philosophy is: If it looks easy, people will think it  
*is* easy and if it looks cool, people will think it *is* cool.

3. It can be intimidating to new developers to WO. Pointing a new  
developer at the wikibook is like pointing someone at Niagara Falls  
for a glass of water (I just made that up, you can use it if you  
want :-).


1. A news site that gathers details from the disparate sources and  
puts them in one place. ie: ERSlenium.framework just added to  
Project WONDER and WebObjects Wikibook enhanced with new  
ERSelenium.framwork getting started guide and WWDC WebObjects  
Birds of a Feather - flashback to the summer of love! etc.

2. A tutorial site that offers task-oriented tutorial snippets.  
WIth a focus on being well designed, attractive, inviting, and  
above all easily digestible. Obviously each will contain links to  
the more detailed documentation contained elsewhere.

Ultimately my focus is to entice new developers to the platform,  
and realistically the only way to do that is with sites that  
compete with the other frameworks vying for this mind share (ie:  
Rails, Django, TurboGears, etc).


David LeBer
Codeferous Software
'co-def-er-ous' adj. Literally 'code-bearing'
Toronto Area Cocoa / WebObjects developers group:

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Re: Getting Started With WO site

2007-06-14 Thread Steven Mark McCraw
My only objection to a non-virtual book is how quickly things  
change.  Chuck Hill's book on WebObjects is brilliant.  It's the best  
book I've read on the subject by far.  But many aspects of it are  
already out of date with respect to the best way to do things.  For  
example, my company just muddled through over a week of development  
time to implement comprehensive localization for a client's site,  
following the information in PWO as an example.  Then we learned at  
WOWODC that project wonder now has the exact functionality that we  
implemented, although probably done better because more people have  
worked on it longer.  I haven't refactored our code to use it yet,  
but I'll bet we could have saved days if we had known about the  
project wonder code.  This kind of thing happens all too often, and  
it would be nice if, embarking on a new undertaking,  there were one  
place to go and feel very confident that you could get the best, up  
to date information on a subject.  To me, that's better than googling  
something and then sifting through half a dozen sites or more of  
varying quality on the subject.  But judging from all the email posts  
earlier today on the subject, that may be an impractical utopia.

On Jun 14, 2007, at 2:10 PM, Michael Warner wrote:

The amount of brain power in the WO community is staggering.   This  
was confirmed when I attended the WOWODC session last Sunday and  
listened to the presenters.   Yet, IMESHO, there is something bogus  
about asking others to write documentation for you (see post  
below).   I HATE writing documentation and I am as guilty as the  
next person of not doing it.   Nevertheless, the difficulties in  
one's initial approach to WO, Project Wonder, etc.,  and  
difficulties in understanding and learning how to apply its (their)  
most powerful features are its central weakness.   And this  
weakness is in turn based on a problem that is endemic to Apple and  
WO -- the lack of the kind of documentation that clearly lays out  
the why, when and how of the WO way.

Clearly written expository text can make practically all of WO and  
WO-related methods (including when and how to use them)  accessible  
to almost anyone.  The elegant design aspects of WO could similarly  
be revealed by way of thorough,  extensive text.  I argued a couple  
of years ago that a multiple volume non-virtual book would be the  
best way to go,  because in taking on such a project, the authors  
would have to develop a comprehensive sense of how all the specific  
bits of information fit together.   Moreover (perhaps I am too old  
school) there is a public-ness and permanence (of historical value)  
to a book,  a concrete thing that one can point others to, as a  
authoritative and centralized source.   Just imagine a 2-3 volume  
set sitting on the shelf of every Barnes and Noble.   Most  
responses to my suggestion at  that time were negative,  mostly  
based on the idea the such a project was impractical, which it  
probably is.

If I wanted to wax cynical,  I would say that making WO available  
to a wider audience is not a good idea -- people who were not smart  
enough to 'just get it'  (without documentation and examples) , or  
not stubborn  enough to approach things through extensive trial and  
error (my approach),  and who were unable to appreciate its  
brilliance and elegance,  might start using it -- the secrets of  
the inner sanctum would be revealed widely and soon all sorts of  
bad things might follow.

A more/less ? practical suggestion might be this -- require as part  
of professional practice/protocol, that anyone who is developing  
applications like WO or who is writing methods to enhance WO be  
required to pair with a professional technical writer who's job it  
is to writie documentation.   It may well be that the developers  
themselves may not be the best people to write the docs -- besides,  
they won't do it anyway, as history has shown.

Mike Warner,  curmudgeon at large

On Jun 14, 2007, at 8:57 AM, Steven Mark McCraw wrote:

My understanding is that the webobjects wiki book (http:// is trying to become  
the central point of documentation for WebObjects that people post  
to.  There's already a ton of info there, but we all know it could  
use a ton more.  At WOWODC, when the experts panel was asked what  
could be done to help with project wonder, this is what they came  
back with immediately:  We need people writing documentation, and  
this is the place to put it.  Even if it's bad, there are so many  
people watching it that bad info will get edited out quickly.

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Re: Nested Editing Contexts

2007-05-31 Thread Steven Mark McCraw
Oh yes, and one more thing:  You need to set up your system  
properties in the following way:


The last one is optional, I think, but I don't have a good enough  
grasp of what that last one is about to be able to explain it here.   
I saw it recommended in a posting once, and using it has done me no  

I think that's it.  List, is there anything else I'm missing?


On May 31, 2007, at 10:04 AM, Mike Schrag wrote:

The only place where there are MAYBE some pitfalls (and this is  
just theoretical because I haven't done much testing of this case)  
is passing EO's between threads.  I instead pass GID's, or use  
ERXEOControlUtilities.convertGIDtoEO/convertEOtoGID if I have  
dictionaries or arrays of them.


On May 31, 2007, at 10:00 AM, Steven Mark McCraw wrote:

Hey Ted,

That's how I've been doing it for a bit now, and so far, so good!   
It certainly doesn't HURT to lock and unlock editing contexts  
created through ERXEC, but the authors of that whole business have  
done a great job in making it just as easy to use (locking-wise)  
as the default editing context, so there doesn't appear to be a  
need to.  If you're already tightly integrated with Project  
Wonder, it shouldn't be too hard to make the changeover (just kind  
of tedious as you go through and find all the places that you need  
to retrieve local instances for relationships).  Good luck!


On May 31, 2007, at 3:15 AM, Ted Archibald wrote:

So, if I use ERXEC is there anything else I have to concern  
myself about?  Is all the locking taken care of that I need to  
worry about?

IOW, I can just go into my code and any instances I have of a  
defaultEC for creating and inserting objects I can simply use  
ERXEC keeping in mind that I need to retrieve local instances of  
other objects if need be.

On 5/30/07, Steven Mark McCraw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Ted,

So, at the page
level, I create a peer ec:

EOEditingContext _peerEC = ERXEC.newEditingContext();

and then use it to create the new objects:

MyEO eo = (MyEO)EOUtilities.createAndInsertInstance(_peerEC,  

There are plenty of gotchas to be aware of here, mainly that if you
are relating your newly created objects to objects that are  

in another editing context, you have to first bring those other
options into the peer:

OtherEO oeo = (OtherEO)EOUtilities.localInstanceOfObject(_peerEC,  

(or use EOUtilities.localInstancesOfObjects(EOEditingContext,  

to do a whole set at once).

Hope this helps.  Getting past these issues was a bitter struggle  

me, and I wasn't even aware of all of the various problems (like
having to have an EO in and editing context before doing ANYTHING to
it) for several years.  Trust me, better to start off following the
rules people have figured out from experience than to have to go  

later and refactor tons of code to fit those rules.


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Re: Nested Editing Contexts

2007-05-31 Thread Steven Mark McCraw

Hey Ted,

That's how I've been doing it for a bit now, and so far, so good!  It  
certainly doesn't HURT to lock and unlock editing contexts created  
through ERXEC, but the authors of that whole business have done a  
great job in making it just as easy to use (locking-wise) as the  
default editing context, so there doesn't appear to be a need to.  If  
you're already tightly integrated with Project Wonder, it shouldn't  
be too hard to make the changeover (just kind of tedious as you go  
through and find all the places that you need to retrieve local  
instances for relationships).  Good luck!


On May 31, 2007, at 3:15 AM, Ted Archibald wrote:

So, if I use ERXEC is there anything else I have to concern myself  
about?  Is all the locking taken care of that I need to worry about?

IOW, I can just go into my code and any instances I have of a  
defaultEC for creating and inserting objects I can simply use ERXEC  
keeping in mind that I need to retrieve local instances of other  
objects if need be.

On 5/30/07, Steven Mark McCraw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Ted,

So, at the page
level, I create a peer ec:

EOEditingContext _peerEC = ERXEC.newEditingContext();

and then use it to create the new objects:

MyEO eo = (MyEO)EOUtilities.createAndInsertInstance(_peerEC, MyEO);

There are plenty of gotchas to be aware of here, mainly that if you
are relating your newly created objects to objects that are contained
in another editing context, you have to first bring those other
options into the peer:

OtherEO oeo = (OtherEO)EOUtilities.localInstanceOfObject(_peerEC,  

(or use EOUtilities.localInstancesOfObjects(EOEditingContext, NSArray
to do a whole set at once).

Hope this helps.  Getting past these issues was a bitter struggle for
me, and I wasn't even aware of all of the various problems (like
having to have an EO in and editing context before doing ANYTHING to
it) for several years.  Trust me, better to start off following the
rules people have figured out from experience than to have to go back
later and refactor tons of code to fit those rules.


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Re: InsertObject

2007-05-30 Thread Steven Mark McCraw
I personally stay away from using nested editing contexts, because I  
have been lost days of development a couple of times now by the state  
of the database context being mangled inexplicably when using a  
nested editing context.  However, the exact same code works fine  
whenever I use a peer editing context rather than a nested editing  
context.  No one posting to the list seems to have had these types of  
problems, however, so it might be specific to something else I was  
doing, but there is definitely some set of circumstances under which  
nested editing contexts do not work as advertised (and in a very  
frustrating, misleading way).  At any rate, if you don't need any of  
the functionality you get from a nested editing context, I would  
avoid it and just create new (peer) editing contexts as needed.

On May 30, 2007, at 11:56 AM, Guido Neitzer wrote:

On 30.05.2007, at 09:49, Mark Morris wrote:

I might have missed something, but for his case I'm not sure he  
needs anything more than the default editing context, and since  
he's new to some of the concepts, that might be easier.

This is never really easier because it is s simple to screw up  
the default editing context and then you can't save anymore and you  
don't know why because errors happen in completely unrelated  
parts of the object graph.

Just get used to different editing contexts. It makes your life so  
much easier!

Applications that use only the defaultEditingContext scare me.

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Re: Nested Editing Contexts

2007-05-30 Thread Steven Mark McCraw
I definitely don't want to strike up a semantic argument on a list,  
but just to clarify:  I think it's weak due to documentation and  
implementation.  I can fully appreciate the complexity of the problem  
set EOF is solving.  Tracking state is a bear, and I can appreciate  
the necessity of having to constrain programming language rules for a  
particular set of objects in an unintuitive way.  But if the  
framework is such that failure to comply to those rules leads to  
untraceable, mysterious, unexpected behavior, I think the vendor should:

A) Clearly document the issue from the outset of the product.   
Without an active third party community that enlightened these  
issues, I feel sure I would have never been aware of them, and  
probably would have switched development platforms in frustration by  

B) Programmatically constrain programmers to follow those rules.   
Since changing the state of an object is so catastrophic if the  
object is not in the pool that enables it to be tracked, why not  
throw an exception when that condition is encountered, rather than  
just letting the programmer proceed and wander into the terrible  
limbo of a hosed database context and all sorts of strange,  
untraceable and difficult to reproduce behavior?

I think either one of those things would have saved lots of grief  
over the years for developers.  I know it would have for me.  At any  
rate, it's just my opinion, and it's so irrelevant anyway that I  
almost deleted this email without sending it to the list, but my  
fragile ego prevailed.  I promise this will be the last one :)


On May 30, 2007, at 3:21 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:

You have stumbled upon what I believe to be one of the biggest  
weaknesses in EOF, and the solutions are (again, in my opinion)  
I don't really see this as a big weakness of EOF ... It has to be  
able to track changes, and without an editing context, it's not in  
a transaction, and therefore you can't do it.  You can usually  
get away with this if you're setting non-relationship attributes,  
but especially when it comes to relationships to other objects,  
this just can't fly.

I put my constructor eogenerator templates up on the wikibook  
page months ago -- it autogenerates YourEntity.createYourEntity 
(...) with the attributes based on all required attributes and all  
required relationships.  This gives you essentially exactly what  
you would expect a constructor to have, but more like a factory  
sort of pattern than a traditional constructor.


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Re: Nested Editing Contexts

2007-05-30 Thread Steven Mark McCraw

Cough.  Cough. 

And I quote, Note that immediately after the enterprise object is  
created, it is inserted into an editing context. As a cardinal  
rule, all enterprise objects reside in an editing context. This is  
necessary in order for enterprise objects to send and receive the  
notifications necessary for change tracking and other mechanisms  
within Enterprise Objects. So, for every enterprise object you  
create, you must immediately insert it into an editing context. 

You may wonder why it’s not recommended to initialize an  
enterprise object’s values in an object’s constructor. An  
enterprise object’s constructor represents the earliest state in  
the life of a particular object. The state of an enterprise object  
at the point of construction is not complete; the object is not  
fully initialized. It may not yet have been inserted into an  
editing context and it might not even have been assigned a global  
ID. You don’t ever want to manipulate an enterprise object that  
isn’t in an editing context or that doesn’t have a global ID.

I've seen that document as well, but I noticed the date on it was the  
latter half of 2005.  I read all of the documentation Apple had  
regarding WebObjects back in 2000, and I even managed to get my hands  
on the training manuals for the courses they used to offer on  
WebObjects, and I don't ever recall seeing anything like that in any  
of the material.  Of course, that is not to say it wasn't there.  I  
wasn't specifically looking for it, so it's easy for me to imagine  
myself zipping over those short paragraphs without them making a big  
enough impression for me to remember.  It is entirely possible that  
something like this was available from Apple very early on and I  
missed it.

Even so, the language in even the recent document is pretty weak:   
it's not recommended to initialize an enterprise object's values in  
an object's constructor implies some violation of best practices or  
perhaps style, but certainly not if you do this your application  
will at some point break in frustrating ways that you cannot even  
imagine.  But now I'm truly nitpicking about language, and I'm  
supposed to be a programmer, not an attorney.  I'll quit publicly  
bitching at Apple on the list now.  It's totally pointless anyway  
(except for that warm, happy feeling it gives me) ;)

I have often wondered that.  Now you have gone and provoked me.  I  
will file a bug report.  You _can_ do this yourself by adding this  
to your base EO class:

 public void willRead() {
if (editingContext() == null) {
		throw new IllegalStateException(Access of instance of  +  
entityName() +  that has not been inserted into an  
EOEditingContext or whose EOEditingContext has been disposed);


That's good thinking.  Also, I'll be interested to see what they say  
about it when you file that report.

I think either one of those things would have saved lots of grief  
over the years for developers.  I know it would have for me.  At  
any rate, it's just my opinion, and it's so irrelevant anyway that  
I almost deleted this email without sending it to the list, but my  
fragile ego prevailed.  I promise this will be the last one :)

Not if you reply to this one!  Grin.

Ugh.  You win this time ;)

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Re: Slow Batch Utility

2007-05-25 Thread Steven Mark McCraw
Working directly at the JDBC level is really quick, particularly if  
you use connection pooling.  Apache's dbcp library has worked great  
for me, and it's fairly easy to use (although configuration is a  
little bit of a pain).  Here's how I use it:

In your application, create a ConnectionPool (you can configure this  
any way you want):

  GenericObjectPool connectionPool = new GenericObjectPool(null);

  connectionPool.setMaxActive( 20);
  connectionPool.setMaxIdle( 10);
  connectionPool.setMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis( 6 );
  ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new  
DriverManagerConnectionFactory(url, username, password);
  PoolableConnectionFactory poolableConnectionFactory = new  

  dataSource = new PoolingDataSource(connectionPool);

To make sure all the connections close properly when the application  
exits, I override _terminateOrResetTimer() as well:

  public void _terminateOrResetTimer() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {

Finally, create a convenience method to get a connection from the pool:

public static Connection getConnection() {
try {
return dataSource.getConnection();
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;

Now whenever you need to do things with the database, you just need  
to get a connection from the pool, create a statement with it, and  
then use that statement to execute your queries/updates:

Connection connection = null;
Statement statement = null;
ResultSet result = null;
try {
connection = Application.getConnection();
Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
String sql = update something set something where 
ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery(sql);
if (!result.first()) {
sql = select max( + column + ) + column +  from 
 + table;
result = statement.executeQuery(sql);
if (result.getInt(column) == 0) {
next = startValue;
} else {
next = result.getInt(column) + 1;
sql = insert into something values(' + someValues + 
', 0);
} catch (SQLException e) {
} finally {
try {
// closing the connection frees it back to the 
} catch (SQLException f) {

This code is mostly from memory, so no guarantees, but I believe the  
concepts are all right.

I find it kind of frustrating and poorly designed that for every  
single thing you do throws a SQL exception that you either have to  
throw yourself or handle in some way.  I can appreciate the reasoning  
behind it (database connection are probably more prone to fail than  
most things), but in my experience, failure rarely occurs and it  
makes coding a bit of a pain.  You can write subclasses of  
Connection, Statement, and ResultSet that handle the exceptions in a  
consistent way if you like without having to catch exceptions all  
over the place.

Hope this helps.


On May 25, 2007, at 9:59 AM, Guido Neitzer wrote:

On 25.05.2007, at 01:22, Ted Archibald wrote:

I have a webobjects accounts receivable application that I have a  
batch utility that changes certain fields everynight.  I'm having  
issues with the speed of the batch utility and I suspect the  
slowness is due to having to access the full EO.

Is there a way to change the value of a field in an EO WITHOUT  
having access to the full EO?  I know you can do this through a  
stored procedure, but I would rather not do that.  Is there a way  
to do this in WebObjects?

In addition to what Kieran said:

You can also use raw SQL. Look at 

Re: Apple's Support of WebObjects

2007-05-04 Thread Steven Mark McCraw

Chuck does, well, at least he has once ;)

Pretty Sweet.

On May 4, 2007, at 7:57 PM, Miguel Arroz wrote:


  I didn't even knew that existed! :) Java world is usually so  
boring and dull that I simply don't care (the fact that WO runs on  
Java is an incident!)... do they talk often about WO in that podcast?


Miguel Arroz

On 2007/05/05, at 00:46, Q wrote:

On 05/05/2007, at 7:56 AM, Miguel Arroz wrote:


On 2007/05/04, at 21:38, Kieran Kelleher wrote:

I used Apple Tools for a few years and switched to WOLips/ 
Eclipse at the start of this year. Recently I had to work on an  
old XCode project and after 2 days, I was suicidal and I *had*  
to convert it to WOLips  it was just too slow and painful to  
work in XCode and the pain is worse the bigger the project  
is. If you used both sets of tools for 3 months, you would not  
say that, especially when productivity and profit is at stake.  
The *majority* of Apple WO developers use Eclipse/WOLips, not  
XCode  and that's public knowledge if you listen to certain  

  What podcasts?

You mean you don't listen to the java posse?


Quinton Dolan - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
Ph: +61 419 729 806

The world lies in the hands of evil
 And we pray it would last -- Apocalyptica, Life Burns!

Miguel Arroz

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Re: Un-Worder-ized Ajax framework

2007-04-26 Thread Steven Mark McCraw

Hi Ralph,

I started out down the same path as yourself.  Here is what I learned:

1)  Don't try to get Wonder 3.0.  You would think that this would be  
far more stable that the current build, but a recent build is the way  
to go (FAR more stable and complete than 3.0), especially with regard  
to AJAX stuff.

2)  subclass ERXAjaxApplication instead of ERXApplication if you  
don't want to use other WOnder stuff

3)  Consider using the frameworks.  It's a few days of investment up  
front, but speaking as someone who was initially skeptical in  
adopting the frameworks in their entirety, I have to say, everything  
there seems really solid.  I'm pretty heavily integrated now, and  
have no regrets about taking the plunge.


On Apr 26, 2007, at 11:57 AM, Ralph Scheuer wrote:


we are currently evaluating the Ajax framework from Project WONDER.  
However, we do not intend to use anything else from those frameworks.

Does anybody on this list have an un-WONDER-ized version of this  
framework or did anybody manage to get the version from WONDER 3.0  
running without using ERExtensions (in particular without extending  
ERXSession and ERXApplication)?

Thanks for any pointers.

Ralph Scheuer
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Re: Get fetched raw row into an editing context

2007-04-25 Thread Steven Mark McCraw

Hi Dana,

I've had the exact same experience.  I always just do a fetch.  I  
find it's still very much worth it and cuts down a ton on memory and  
overhead if you're in the paradigm of showing overviews of a lot of  
items (especially if the hitlist is composed of attributes from  
several joined tables) to fetch raw rows and only instantiate as an  
EO if the user clicks to see detail, etc.  One extra fetch (plus  
faults) doesn't seem to be that big of a deal performance-wise, and  
compared to grabbing everything as EOs, it's been a clear win for me.


On Apr 25, 2007, at 12:48 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

On Apr 25, 2007, at 8:54 AM, Dana Kashubeck wrote:

Maybe there is an obvious answer, but if there is I'm missing it.

I am fetching raw rows from the database at the adaptor level.  I  
have no problem converting those raw rows into EOs, but I cannot  
for the life of me figure out how to get those EOs into an editing  
context without performing another fetch.  Is there a way to get  
an editing context to register an EO that represents an existing  
row in the database fetched via the adaptor channel?

There probably is a way to register the snapshot yourself, but it  
won't be overly easy.  EOF has no way of knowing if a raw row has  
all the needed data so it always goes back to the database when a  
raw row is converted into an EO.  I found this surprising too, but  
that is the way it is.



Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their  
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Re: Snapshot problems

2007-04-23 Thread Steven Mark McCraw
Ok, I jumped the gun.  When you asked if I had custom attributes, I  
thought you meant do you have instance variables within your custom  
classes of type 'NSMutable...'.  After looking at page 43 of my  
shiny new PWO eBook, I see you were actually talking about custom  
attributes specified in the EOModel.  The answer to that is, Good  
Lord, no.  Here is what I meant (and thought you meant at first):

public class CatalogItem extends _CatalogItem {

   * Temporarily holds the sale prices and quantities so we don't  
have to fetch them over
   * and over (since we don't want to use a relationship to  
saleItem, because
   * there may be many relationships to sale items which are for  
different sales

   * than the one we are concerned with.).
  public NSMutableDictionary saleInfo;
  public NSMutableArray sortedSaleQuantities;
  private boolean saleItemsFetched;

  public CatalogItem() {
saleInfo = null;
saleItemsFetched = false;
configurableKit = false;


Or was I right the first time, and the code I added above is  
problematic?  Sorry for all the confusion / false hope.


On Apr 20, 2007, at 5:41 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

On Apr 20, 2007, at 2:28 PM, Steven Mark McCraw wrote:

Another explanation occurred to me.  Do you have any custom  
attributes in any of the objects?  Are any of them mutable (e.g.  
NSMutableDictionary, NSMutableArray, a custom class that you wrote)?

Yes, many of my classes have custom attributes.  CatalogItem has  
an NSMutableDictionary and an NSMutableArray as custom attributes.

DING DING DING!  We have a winner!

  I believe some of my EOs also have attributes that are  
references to custom classes that I have written.  Could this be  

Mutable attributes are death to EOF.  That is your problem.  Or at  
least one of them.  If you really, really work at it you can  
probably get it to work, but it is really not worth the effort  
IMO.  Make them immutable.  Add cover methods to modify these  
values: make a mutable clone of the attribute, modify it, make an  
immutable clone and replace the attribute value.  See page 43 of  
PWO if you have it.  If you don't have it, can pretty much assure  
that you want it!


Are you doing anything else, anywhere, that might be a departure  
from plain jane EOF?  You may be doing something that appears  
innocent and unrelated which is actually hammering EOF.  I am  
just trying to prod your memory.

It's hard to know.  What is an example of something you would  
consider not plain jane EOF?  In InventoryItem, I'm overridding  
the 'set' methods for a couple of attributes that are likely to  
change frequently underneath EOF so that it can automatically  
handle Optimistic locking exceptions.  An example of something  
like that is below.  Yesterday after some of our email, I got  
worried that this may be doing something terrible with regards to  
EOF, and commented it all out so that everything was using the  
default implementation (and of course this was also the case when  
I commented out the entire body of each custom class), but it had  
no impact whatsoever on the test case that started all of this, so  
I felt more secure that it was ok to do this kind of thing.

  public void setShelfQuantity( Number newValue ) {
Integer existingShelf = (Integer) shelfQuantity();
if ( shelfQuantity() != null  availableQuantity() != null   
rawPrimaryKey() != null ) {
  int difference = newValue.intValue() - shelfQuantity 

  if ( difference = 0 ) {
increaseShelfQuantityBy( difference );
increaseAvailableQuantityBy( difference );
  } else {
reduceAvailableQuantityBy( difference * -1 );
reduceShelfQuantityBy( difference * -1 );
} else {
  super.setShelfQuantity( newValue );
  setAvailableQuantity( newValue );
if ( ( existingShelf == null || existingShelf.intValue() ==  
0 )  newValue != null

  newValue.intValue()  0 ) {
  Enumeration catalogEnum = catalogItems().objectEnumerator();
  CatalogItem catalog = null;
  while ( catalogEnum.hasMoreElements() ) {
catalog = (CatalogItem) catalogEnum.nextElement();
if ( catalog.futureRelease().intValue() == 1 ) {
  catalog.setFutureRelease( new Integer( 0 ) );

  public void increaseShelfQuantityBy( int numberSold ) {
super.setShelfQuantity( new Integer( shelfQuantity().intValue 
() + numberSold ) );

// try to save changes but check for conflicts
try {
} catch ( EOGeneralAdaptorException e ) {
  // conflict!! try again on the refaulted object
  super.setShelfQuantity( new Integer( shelfQuantity().intValue 
() + numberSold ) );

  try {
  } catch ( EOGeneralAdaptorException f ) {
NSLog.out.appendln( Multiple conflicts increasing shelf  
qty!:   + shelf

Re: Snapshot problems - Solved, sort of

2007-04-22 Thread Steven Mark McCraw

Are other people using nested editing contexts?

Yes, in reasonably heavily used production applications.  BUT the  
big difference that I see is that you seem to create on per  
session.  I usually create one per function/page.

This seemed like the way to go to me, too, at first.  But then I read  
(see link below) that you couldn't reliably lock an editing context  
in a page's awake/sleep like in session, because those might not  
always get called with a one to one correlation (that is, you might  
somehow have two awake() invocations or two sleep() invocations in a  
row).  Since attributes on EOs in that ec will be getting set when  
the form values are pulled, I didn't know how to lock correctly if I  
couldn't lock/unlock in awake/sleep, so I moved all that business to  
session, as the post suggested.


In general you are better to lock EC's in the session (if you've got  
one) rather than the component


One thing to watch out for is that EC locking on the page's awake()  
and sleep() doesn't really work, because awake may be called more  
often than sleep.

So how do you get around the locking issues at the page level?  Do  
you just use the project wonder classes, which appear to lock  
everything for you?

I finally found a workaround that works, taken from a post in like  
2002.  In Application's constructor, I call


HACK!  :-)

Agreed :)  But why does it work?  If the application runs great  
without snapshot reference counting, it tells me that the problem  
lies in the way EODatabase is managing its snapshot dictionary.   
Specifically in this instance, it seems to be decrementing the count  
of things pointing to each entry prematurely, leading it to  
prematurely delete the dictionary entry.  So what are the possible  
causes of EOF making this mistake (or what is it that I'm doing that  
prompts EOF to make this mistake, if you prefer ;))?  I guess that's  
what this whole thread has been about.  Here's the list of things I  
know about:

Don't set EO properties in the EO constructor -- use  
awakeFromInsertion(...) or awakeFromFetch(...) instead :  I've  
examined each and every EO constructor in all my frameworks at least  
4 times now.  Most either don't exist, or just call super(), and the  
rest (one or two) only call super() and set a couple of non-modeled  
local attributes.
Don't do anything to an EO before inserting it into an editing  
context. Always insert EOs into ECs immediately. See rule #1:  I made  
a comprehensive list of all my EO classes (about 90) and then  
searched all applications and frameworks for new X() where  X is  
the name of each EO.  There are no results for any of my EOs anymore,  
because they all use EOUtilities.createAndInsertInstance.  There are  
actually one or two places that I use introspection to create new  
EOs ,but in each of those places, they get inserted immediately after  
creation.  Actually, this is something I've never heard discussed.   
Does EOF play nice with introspection?  Maybe that is my problem.  I  
will rewrite that code next...
Don't modify any EO properties in validateFor...(...) methods. Doing  
this in validateValueForKey(...) is ok as Chuck Hill noted in the  
list.:  There is only one validateFor method in all of the frameworks  
and applications:

 public void validateForSave() throws  
NSValidation.ValidationException {

if ( supplier() == null ) {
  throw new NSValidation.ValidationException( All inventory  
items must have a supplier );

If over-riding awakeFromInsertion(...), remember to call ther  
superclass implementation. Same with awakeFromFetch(...):  This was  
the easiest one to verify.  Searched all EOs, and for sure they all  
call super.awake...
Don't change the behavior of methods that EOF uses. For example, do  
not override to-many relationships to return a sorted list of the  
related objects. Make another method to do this.:  Verified that this  
cannot happen by commenting out all overridden methods in every EO I  
have, recompiling, rerunning the problematic code, and getting the  
same behavior
Don't use mutable classes (e.g. NSMutableArray, NSMutableDictionary,  
any other class that can change internal state after creation) as  
attributes. If you want this effect, use immutable classes and  
provide cover methods to replace the immutable instance with an  
updated instance. You and EOF will be much, much, much happier:   
Definitely not doing this
Locking problems:  I turned on DebugGroupMultithreading in NSLog, and  
nothing happened.  If I explicity comment out the code which locks my  
ECs, I get warnings all over the place, so it looks like my code is  
working in that regard.
Does anyone know of any other thing that causes EOF's snapshot  
counting to go screwy?

You have 

Re: Snapshot problems - Solved, sort of

2007-04-22 Thread Steven Mark McCraw

Hi Lachlan,

Thanks for responding.

Interesting approach.

If the only method available to getting the nested context from the  
session is always going to revert the changes on it, why not just  
do the following?

public EOEditingContext getNestedEC() {
return ERXEC.newEditingContext( defaultEditingContext() );

That way (as Ken mentioned) if the context is not saved in the  
editing page using it then it's simply garbage collected.

Good suggestion.  I tried it, but ended up with the same problem.

Also my understand is that ERXEC has automatic locking, so I'm not  
sure why you're attempting to lock/unlock in your session awake/ 
sleep methods. That may be overriding some normal behaviour. Or  
have you turned off it's automatic locking?

My understanding regarding ERXEC is the same as yours, and even  
reading through the Project Wonder code, I get the strong impression  
that it should work everywhere.  But if I comment out my locking code  
and add the following to my application constructor:

(NSLog.DebugGroupEnterpriseObjects |

I get output everywhere that I am using an editing context without a  
lock.  So I'm a little afraid to leave it that way.

Within my Edit page, I have an instance variable that I call  
_nestedEC which gets initialized by calling  

I can create EOs, insert them into _nestedEC, save _nestedEC, save  
session.defaultEditingContext(), and everything is great.  If I  
then immediately delete the newly saved and created EOs:


Is this being done within the same edit page? i.e., there's some  
method to apply changes which displays the same page again and then  
there's an action that can be hit which allows the user to delete  
the objects?

Yes, exactly. The main point of the edit page is to allow the user to  
create a catalog item in a store which represents a bundle of other  
items, but at a discounted price if they are bundled together.  The  
overall catalog item gets created correctly, but the section of the  
page which allows you to add/remove bundled items is where the  
issue is.  For some reason, adding is not a problem, and removing  
items when you first come into the page is not a problem, but if you  
add items (which reloads the page) and then delete items that you  
have just created, it might do fine on the first one or two that you  
create/delete, but somewhere along the way it will throw an exception  
that complains that it doesn't have a snapshot for the item you are  

java.lang.IllegalStateException: recordDeleteForObject:  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] failed to find a  
snapshot for EO with Global ID:_EOIntegralKeyGlobalID[KitQuantity  
(java.lang.Integer)1234] that has been deleted from  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Cannot delete an  
object that has not been fetched from the database

Is it possible that because each edit page always receives the same  
nested context from the session rather than a unique instance for  
that page that the user has opened another edit window within the  
same session and thus blown away the nested ec's current state?

I think that technique is problematic in either case.

It is possible.  I've never tried creating the nested EC at the page  
level because of information contained here: 

How/where do you lock nested editing contexts that you create at the  
component level?

Furthermore, if I examine the state of the snapshots, I can see  
that they get in all kinds of terrible shape as I add/delete  
things in the nested EC and save changes.  I should clarify one  
point.  _nestedEC's snapshots of the objects seem fine, but the  
default editing context's snapshots just go to hell in no time if  
I don't use EODatabase.disableSnapshotRefCounting() in my  
application's constructor.  Do you do this in your applications?


Cool.  Well, it certainly seems to be working correctly for a few  
people at least, so there must be something I'm doing that's throwing  
if off.  I'll keep trying things that people suggest as long as the  
suggestions keep coming in...


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Re: Snapshot problems - Solved, sort of

2007-04-22 Thread Steven Mark McCraw

Hey Mike,

Just looked up how to turn on auto-locking.  Added the following to  
my properties file:


Now when I run with the prior suggestion of creating a new nested ec  
at the beginning of the page, I still have the original problem, but,  
as advertised, no complaints about locking.


On Apr 22, 2007, at 2:04 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:

Sorry to say that, but than still something seems to be screwed up  
in your environment. I'm not saying that you're doing something  
wrong as I really don't know that, but I found that the Wonder  
(ERXEC) locking stuff and also nested editing contexts just work  
in about two dozen applications we are using with that.
Only if he explicitly turned it on, though ... It sounds to me like  
he's not actually using auto-locking.


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Re: Snapshot problems - Solved, sort of

2007-04-22 Thread Steven Mark McCraw
And if you have not turned on automatic locking, it may be that the  
logging for missing locks you thought you had on is either not or  
or going someplace that you are not seeing. Try intentionally  
creating a regular EOEditingContext and doing a fetch with out  
locking. Do you get an warning message in the log?


Yes, something to the effect of This is not a real exception, just  
an indication of the missing lock plus a stack trace. ___
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Re: Snapshot problems - Solved, sort of

2007-04-22 Thread Steven Mark McCraw
cat /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaWebObjects.framework/Resources/ 

Comes back 5.3.3 for me:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC -//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN http://

plist version=1.0

I've ruled out a couple of more issues.  I took out creating EOs  
through plain old java introspection (although I assume  
EOUtilities.createAndInsertInstance uses introspection to create an  
EO if it just has the string, and I'm still using that).  Also, I  
ruled out that it is the way I'm doing locking with the nested  
editing context.  I took everything out of session, turned on  
autolocking in Project Wonder, and created the nested editing context  
at the page level rather than at the session level.  I don't do any  
explicit locking of anything anywhere, but PWO appears to be handling  
that perfectly.  However, I'm still getting the exception, and in  
fact, I'm getting more of these warnings now before actually throwing  
the exception:

 DEBUG NSLog  - decrementSnapshotCountForGlobalID:  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- is unable to decrement  
snapshot count for object with global ID _EOIntegralKeyGlobalID 
[KitQuantity (java.lang.Integer)1346] - count is already 0 or this  
snapshot doesn't exist

This might just be a coincidence though.

I'm interested in the possibility of peer editing contexts mentioned  
by Mike and Chuck rather than using nested editing contexts.  That's  
going to be my next attempt.  If the editing context is at the  
component level, there shouldn't be a problem if someone leaves the  
page with the EOs in the EC in a half-finished state.  I can't think  
of any other issues.  Are there any gotchas there I should be aware  
of?  I'll post the results as soon as I know them...

Mark ___
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Snapshot problems SOLVED, FOR REAL, NO JOKE

2007-04-22 Thread Steven Mark McCraw
Holy crap, people!  I finally got the stupid code to work without any  
hacks!  Ok, I'm excited because it's finally working, but things  
still may be broken all over the place.  I haven't tested extensively  
yet.  The problem?  NESTING THE EDITING CONTEXT.  I'm not kidding.   
It was a matter of changing




And if you're using Project Wonder's automatic locking, there are no  
problems (that I've found) with needing to lock.  Heck, I imagine you  
could keep an editing context in session like I was doing earlier and  
lock and unlock in awake/sleep as long as it wasn't nested in the  
session's default ec (although I have not bothered to verify this yet).

The more I think about it, why would you ever need to use a nested  
editing context instead of a component level peer editing context?  I  
guess I just got the idea stuck in my head because some Apple  
document I read ( 
Developer/WebObjects/Topics/ProgrammingTopics.39.html) recommended  
doing it that way.  Ok, I know this document is old, but it's the  
only document from Apple I could find on the subject.  I should  
really know better by now than to trust Apple WebObjects  
documentation.  Oh well, live and learn.

Thanks everybody!

Mark ___
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Re: Snapshot problems

2007-04-21 Thread Steven Mark McCraw

Hi all,

I think I've made some progress on the problem of my snapshots  
getting out of line when trying to delete a newly added EO.  For a  
long time, I chased the notion that I was somehow, somewhere,  
violating one of the EOF Commandments ( 
Programming:WebObjects/EOF/Using_EOF/The_EOF_Commandments).  I did  
exhaustive searching through all of my custom EO code, determined  
that I was not violating anything in any way, and then just to be  
sure, went through and commented out every overriding method in every  
Custom EO I had (even toString and the awakeFrom* methods, out of  
paranoia).  Even with all of this, I still had the problem, so I  
concluded it must be something else.  I turned up logging on  
everything I could think of, and started watching the logs as I went  
through the workflow, and soon I came to this:

DEBUG er.eo.ERXGenericRecord  - saveChanges: before save to child  
context [EMAIL PROTECTED], need to  
flush caches on objects in parent context [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Now, I am not sure what is going on here, and definitely do not want  
to start pointing the finger at the project wonder stuff, but  
suddenly this seems like a very good place to look.  So I changed my  
EOGenerator templates so that nothing inherited from ERXGenericRecord  
anymore, and removed any references to ERXEC, but I still seem to get  
that same message in my output.

So my questions are:

A)  Why are my EOs getting cast to ERXGenericRecord still, and how do  
I make that stop so that I can see if it is in fact the problem


B)  Why is something flushing caches on the parent object when the  
child object saves?  This certain SOUNDS like it could be what's  
screwing up my parent editing context's snapshot.

Mark ___
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Snapshot problems - Solved, sort of

2007-04-21 Thread Steven Mark McCraw
Ok, so I turned off all the project wonder stuff (another 5 hours of  
work) and the thing keeps breaking.  But I think I can rule out ERX*  
as the cause of the problem.  I started looking way back on the list,  
and noticed that in early versions of WebObjects 5, tons of people  
(relatively speaking) where having the exact same problem I'm  
currently having.  That is, when they were using nested editing  
contexts, they would often get messages and exceptions from  
EODatabase because of the (I think I've earned a rant here) poor,  
poor, pathetic job that EOF does of keeping track of the snapshots.   
I think that this has something to do with using nested editing  
contexts.  I never once ran into the problem before I started using  
nested editing contexts (I was just creating EOs and not inserting  
them into an editing context, which worked fine), but after reading  
that this was one of the worst things I could do, changed all my code  
so that EOs immediately got inserted (there is now no instance of a  
EO constructor being called in my code.  I use  
EOUtilities.createAndInsertInstance everywhere).

Are other people on the list creating EOs without inserting them into  
an editing context?  Are other people using nested editing contexts?   
If not, how do you keep things from getting stuck in the database  
half finished all over the place?  Tons of local variables?  And if  
so, is no one else seeing these kinds of ridiculous corrupted  
snapshot problems?

I finally found a workaround that works, taken from a post in like  
2002.  In Application's constructor, I call


Supposedly, this means that memory from every snapshot ever created  
of any object will just stick around in the database until the  
application dies  (I say supposedly, because I can't find a shred of  
documentation from Apple that says exactly that, but posts from other  
people have implied as much.  Am I starting to sound bitter?).  And  
if that is the case, it sucks to do it.  The only thing that sucks  
worse is an application that breaks randomly and unpredictably  
everywhere I use a nested editing context.  Is there some workaround  
to the workaround?  That is, is there some way to periodically tell  
EODatabase to clean itself up so that it doesn't waste so much  
memory?  Are people just scheduling monitor to restart their  
applications periodically?

Any thoughts?


On Apr 21, 2007, at 3:08 PM, Kieran Kelleher wrote:

AFAIK Project Wonder patches in ERXGenericRecord as a default  
entity class name for EOGenericRecord. Check this property in your  
Properties file


Look at method
public void prepareEntityForRegistration(EOEntity eoentity)

On Apr 21, 2007, at 2:18 PM, Steven Mark McCraw wrote:

A)  Why are my EOs getting cast to ERXGenericRecord still, and how  
do I make that stop so that I can see if it is in fact the problem

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Re: Snapshot problems - Solved, sort of

2007-04-21 Thread Steven Mark McCraw

Hi Ken,

Thanks for writing.

If not, how do you keep things from getting stuck in the database  
half finished all over the place?  Tons of local variables?

I'm not sure why this would happen.  If you destroy the child  
editing context without saving to the parent, you should not have  
anything half finished anywhere.

I wasn't very clear here.  What I meant to say was that I'm  
attempting to use nested editing context as a means of preventing  
people from setting a few attributes of an EO, not committing, going  
to another totally unrelated page, and committing the previous  
changes from before when they save.  Nested editing contexts seem to  
be one means of accomplishing this.  I'm having all kinds of  
difficulties with them, so I'm looking for other alternatives.  One  
other alternative would be to define a dictionary or a bunch of local  
variables per page to bind to, and only copying those into an EO when  
you are ready to commit.  However, this requires a lot of extra  
boring work, since you would have to bind to each local variable  
(instead of just binding to the EO's attributes) and then copy those  
over to the relevant EO's when you were ready to commit.  Since the  
thing I've been doing for years (not inserting the object) has been  
getting so much bad press lately, and the suggested alternative  
(nested ECs) is causing me to lose tons of sleep, and the other  
alternative I can think of seems like a lot of boring work, I'm  
asking if there are other alternatives or at least if others are  
having the same experiences I am having with nested ECs.

And if so, is no one else seeing these kinds of ridiculous  
corrupted snapshot problems?

Honestly, I don't.  Can you give us some examples of your usage of  
nested contexts and why you end up with half finished data?


As explained above, I don't end up with half finished data, but I do  
end up with corrupted snapshots in EODatabase which cause exceptions  
when I try to do fairly trivial things.  Here is the setup...  I have  
a nested editing context reference in session (nested in the  
session's default editing context):

  protected EOEditingContext _nestedEC;
  protected boolean _lockedNested;

  public Session() {
_nestedEC = ERXEC.newEditingContext( defaultEditingContext() );
_lockedNested = false;

  public EOEditingContext nestedEC() {
return _nestedEC;

  public EOEditingContext getAndRevertNestedEC() {
return _nestedEC;

  public void awake() {
_lockedNested = true;

  public void sleep() {
try {
  if ( _lockedNested ) {
try {
} catch ( Exception e ) {
  NSLog.out.appendln( unlock without lock:  + e );
_lockedNested = false;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
  NSLog.out.appendln( ErrorStackTrace.toString( e ) );

Within my Edit page, I have an instance variable that I call  
_nestedEC which gets initialized by calling  

I can create EOs, insert them into _nestedEC, save _nestedEC, save  
session.defaultEditingContext(), and everything is great.  If I then  
immediately delete the newly saved and created EOs:


I will eventually randomly get something that looks like this:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: recordDeleteForObject:  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] failed to find a  
snapshot for EO with Global ID:_EOIntegralKeyGlobalID[KitQuantity  
(java.lang.Integer)1234] that has been deleted from  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Cannot delete an  
object that has not been fetched from the database

Furthermore, if I examine the state of the snapshots, I can see that  
they get in all kinds of terrible shape as I add/delete things in the  
nested EC and save changes.  I should clarify one point.  _nestedEC's  
snapshots of the objects seem fine, but the default editing context's  
snapshots just go to hell in no time if I don't use  
EODatabase.disableSnapshotRefCounting() in my application's  
constructor.  Do you do this in your applications?

Mark ___
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Re: Snapshot problems

2007-04-20 Thread Steven Mark McCraw

Hi Mark,

Now we are getting somewhere!  I have removed the mostly irrelevant  

Super!  I am dying to get to the root of this.

There was nothing in them at all last night when I tested.  I went  
ahead and uncommented everything this morning, because it seemed  
to have no effect.  The superclasses are just the generated   
classes from EOGenerator.  The only unusual thing about them is  
that I had to change the template for the to-many relationships to  
make sure that they returned an empty array rather than null if no  
relationships had been set,

RIght here.  This is where the red lights flash and the sirens  
start whooping.  This is also a symptom of the problem but it much  
closer to the problem.  Until you fix this, EOF is not right and  
you are wasting time trying to fix a symptom of a deeper,  
underlying problem.

Does this happen for both newly created objects and fetched  
existing objects?  Just one of them?  Does it happen for all EOs or  
just some of them?  Usually this means that you have forgotten a  
call to super.awake... in awakeFromFetch or awakeFromInsertion.   
Are you using inheritance at all?  Check all the way up the  
inheritance chain, even into frameworks.

Ok, I have reverted to the original template that came with  
EOGenerator, I have regenerated all of my EOs, and recompiled.  So  
far, I have not hit the NullPointerException difficulties that I used  
to have with the old template.  As I recall, the previous issue  
applied to all objects that referenced a to-many relationship which  
had no foreign rows defined yet, whether the object was new or not.   
The only thing that I changed in the EOGenerator template (I used  
EOGJavaSource.eotemplate) was importing  
er.extensions.ERXGenericRecord and making everything subclass  
ERXGenericRecord.  Could this be a mistake?  Should I go back to  
subclassing EOGenericRecord?

The only other reason that this would happen is if it failed to  
find a ClassDescription for the entity.  It uses model information  
to determine what relationships to initialize.  Right now, I  
suspect that this is your problem.  Add your application as an  
omniscient observer to NSNotificationCenter and log out all  
notifications.  That will probably show where the problem starts.

ok, my application is now an omniscient observer, and holy cow, there  
is a lot of logging coming out.  The relevant part seems to be at  
startup, and sure enough, for every table in the model, there is a  
line that looks like this:

INFO  NSLog  - class 
(name=EOEntityLoadedNotification, object=EOEntity CatalogItem  
2061482, userInfo={})

Then there is this line:

INFO  NSLog  - class 
(name=ERXModelGroupAddedNotification, object=EOModelGroup  
((CCGStore, file:/Library/Frameworks/ 
(Karaoke, file:/Library/Frameworks/EclipseKaraokeMisc.framework/ 
Resources/Karaoke.eomodeld), (erprototypes, file:/Library/ 
(CCGAuth, file:/Library/Frameworks/EclipseCicadaUtility.framework/ 
Resources/CCGAuth.eomodeld)), userInfo={})

Then, (again for every table in each of the EOModels I am loading)  
there is a line that looks like this:

INFO  NSLog  - class 
object=CatalogItem, userInfo={})

When I actually do things in the application, a ton more stuff comes  
out, but I'm not sure how much is relevant.  Is there something else  
I should be looking for?  What does  
EOClassDescriptionNeededForEntityNameNotification mean?  Does this  
signify some kind of problem with my EOModel(s)?

Now, before you do that, you might want to look at the model  
again.  Are you sharing classes across entities (have multiple  
entities using the same class name)?  Are some of the entities in  
another model that is not getting loaded?  Are using inheritance  
with non-unqiue restricting qualifiers?


I am not sharing classes across entities, and it appears all my  
models are getting loaded from all the included frameworks.  I am not  
using inheritance anywhere.

That is because you hid the earlier symptom of the real problem.

Good to know.  I'll be thrilled to find the real problem so that I  
can avoid it in the future.  Thanks again for the help.

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Re: Snapshot problems

2007-04-20 Thread Steven Mark McCraw

Have you tried creating a new KitQuantity and verifying that the to  
many relationships are non-null and instances of NSMutableArray?

KitQuantity actually doesn't have any to-many relationships, just 2  
to-one relationships (to CatalogItem and InventoryItem).  However, I  
did print out the class of every to-many relationship of CatalogItem  
(both a new one and one that existed already) and they were always of  
type com.webobjects.eocontrol._EOCheapCopyMutableArray, so at least  
that problem isn't still haunting me/begging for a cheap workaround.   
It could very well have been the case that when I was having those  
problems, I was initializing something in a constructor somewhere or  
some other EOF Commandment violation.  I only became aware of the EOF  
commandments a few months back, and I've been trying to revise all my  
code to conform to them.  That is what has led me to all of this, but  
I have faith I will be better off in the end for it.

It might be worth trying to sub-class EOGenericRecord to see if it  
makes any difference.  I am not aware of any problems related to  
ERXGenericRecord, but it is a good test to make anyway.

I started to roll this back to EOGenericRecord, but I've been leaning  
pretty heavily on some of ERXGenericRecord's methods (like primaryKey 
() and rawPrimaryKey()), and at this point it would probably take me  
an hour or two to switch everything out, recompile, and recheck.   
I'll put this on the last resort list for now and come back to it.

No, that is normal.

Try adding this to KitQuantity and create a new one:
public EOClassDescription classDescription()
EOClassDescription description = super.classDescription();
NSLog.out.appendln(KitQuantity classDescription:  + description);
return description;

The output is below.  It all looks correct.  Just for the heck of it,  
I added this to CatalogItem and InventoryItem as well.

KitQuantity classDescription: class  
er.extensions.ERXEntityClassDescription (entity name: KitQuantity,  
attributes: (quantity), to-one relationships: (catalogItem,  
inventoryItem), to-many relationships:())

CatalogItem classDescription: class  
er.extensions.ERXEntityClassDescription (entity name: CatalogItem,  
attributes: (electronicDelivery, keyDetailObject,  
searchSummary, isAvailable, weight, volume, sku,  
itemDescription, msrp, expirationDate, storefrontVisibility,  
visibleReviewCount, creationDate, manufacturer,  
futureRelease, releaseDate, detailClass, isTaxed, oversize,  
name, descriptionSummary, totalSold, featuredItemPriority,  
price, shippingCost, salesStatus), to-one relationships:  
(hugeMedia, smallMedia, sale, organization, largeMedia,  
vendor, store, inventoryItem), to-many relationships: 
(kitQuantities, categories, orders, relatedToCatalogItems,  
reviews, upSaleItems, kitGroupItemSpecifications, freebies,  
relatedCatalogItems, sideSaleItems))

InventoryItem classDescription: class  
er.extensions.ERXEntityClassDescription (entity name: InventoryItem,  
attributes: (minimumOrderQuantity, availableQuantity,  
lastWholesalePrice, shelfQuantity, isDropShipped,  
quantityPendingArrival, wholesaleCost, discontinued,  
skuFromSupplier, bin2, minimumAvailableQuantity,  
expectedReorderArrivalDate, numberSold, bin1), to-one  
relationships: (supplier, organization), to-many relationships: 
(catalogItems, itemsOrderedNotReceived, kitQuantities,  

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Re: Snapshot problems

2007-04-20 Thread Steven Mark McCraw

Another explanation occurred to me.  Do you have any custom  
attributes in any of the objects?  Are any of them mutable (e.g.  
NSMutableDictionary, NSMutableArray, a custom class that you wrote)?

Yes, many of my classes have custom attributes.  CatalogItem has an  
NSMutableDictionary and an NSMutableArray as custom attributes.  I  
believe some of my EOs also have attributes that are references to  
custom classes that I have written.  Could this be problematic?

Are you doing anything else, anywhere, that might be a departure  
from plain jane EOF?  You may be doing something that appears  
innocent and unrelated which is actually hammering EOF.  I am just  
trying to prod your memory.

It's hard to know.  What is an example of something you would  
consider not plain jane EOF?  In InventoryItem, I'm overridding the  
'set' methods for a couple of attributes that are likely to change  
frequently underneath EOF so that it can automatically handle  
Optimistic locking exceptions.  An example of something like that is  
below.  Yesterday after some of our email, I got worried that this  
may be doing something terrible with regards to EOF, and commented it  
all out so that everything was using the default implementation (and  
of course this was also the case when I commented out the entire body  
of each custom class), but it had no impact whatsoever on the test  
case that started all of this, so I felt more secure that it was ok  
to do this kind of thing.

  public void setShelfQuantity( Number newValue ) {
Integer existingShelf = (Integer) shelfQuantity();
if ( shelfQuantity() != null  availableQuantity() != null   
rawPrimaryKey() != null ) {
  int difference = newValue.intValue() - shelfQuantity().intValue 

  if ( difference = 0 ) {
increaseShelfQuantityBy( difference );
increaseAvailableQuantityBy( difference );
  } else {
reduceAvailableQuantityBy( difference * -1 );
reduceShelfQuantityBy( difference * -1 );
} else {
  super.setShelfQuantity( newValue );
  setAvailableQuantity( newValue );
if ( ( existingShelf == null || existingShelf.intValue() == 0 )  
 newValue != null

  newValue.intValue()  0 ) {
  Enumeration catalogEnum = catalogItems().objectEnumerator();
  CatalogItem catalog = null;
  while ( catalogEnum.hasMoreElements() ) {
catalog = (CatalogItem) catalogEnum.nextElement();
if ( catalog.futureRelease().intValue() == 1 ) {
  catalog.setFutureRelease( new Integer( 0 ) );

  public void increaseShelfQuantityBy( int numberSold ) {
super.setShelfQuantity( new Integer( shelfQuantity().intValue()  
+ numberSold ) );

// try to save changes but check for conflicts
try {
} catch ( EOGeneralAdaptorException e ) {
  // conflict!! try again on the refaulted object
  super.setShelfQuantity( new Integer( shelfQuantity().intValue 
() + numberSold ) );

  try {
  } catch ( EOGeneralAdaptorException f ) {
NSLog.out.appendln( Multiple conflicts increasing shelf  
qty!:   + shelf:  
+ shelfQuantity() + , avail:   +  
availableQuantity() + \n

+ ErrorStackTrace.toString( f ) );
  public void refresh() {
editingContext().invalidateObjectsWithGlobalIDs(new NSArray 


  public void successfulChangeSave() throws EOGeneralAdaptorException {
try {
} catch ( EOGeneralAdaptorException f ) {
  throw f;
if ( editingContext().parentObjectStore() instanceof  
EOEditingContext ) {

  try {
( (EOEditingContext) editingContext().parentObjectStore 
() ).saveChanges();

  } catch (EOGeneralAdaptorException f) {
throw f;


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Re: Snapshot problems

2007-04-20 Thread Steven Mark McCraw

On Apr 20, 2007, at 5:41 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

On Apr 20, 2007, at 2:28 PM, Steven Mark McCraw wrote:

Another explanation occurred to me.  Do you have any custom  
attributes in any of the objects?  Are any of them mutable (e.g.  
NSMutableDictionary, NSMutableArray, a custom class that you wrote)?

Yes, many of my classes have custom attributes.  CatalogItem has  
an NSMutableDictionary and an NSMutableArray as custom attributes.

DING DING DING!  We have a winner!

  I believe some of my EOs also have attributes that are  
references to custom classes that I have written.  Could this be  

Mutable attributes are death to EOF.  That is your problem.  Or at  
least one of them.  If you really, really work at it you can  
probably get it to work, but it is really not worth the effort  
IMO.  Make them immutable.  Add cover methods to modify these  
values: make a mutable clone of the attribute, modify it, make an  
immutable clone and replace the attribute value.  See page 43 of  
PWO if you have it.  If you don't have it, can pretty much assure  
that you want it!


Wow!  Ok, I had no idea.  I'll go through and strip all of those out  
in whatever way is necessary.  I have PWO, but I loaned it to another  
developer at my company for something. Sounds like I need to re-read  
it, and I figure buying another copy is the least I can do, so I'm  
buying the eBook.  I'll check it out and let you know how it goes.

Thanks again,
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Snapshot problems

2007-04-19 Thread Steven Mark McCraw

Hi all,

I've been seeing a lot of exceptions/warnings in the logs for one of  
my applications lately, and all seem to have something to do with an  
unexpected snapshot state.  I'm not really sure what causes this, or  
where to look next.  Has anyone seen these before?

The first appears just to be logging from something, and not a full- 
blown exception:

DEBUG NSLog  - decrementSnapshotCountForGlobalID:  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- is unable to decrement  
snapshot count for object with global ID _EOIntegralKeyGlobalID[Media  
(java.lang.Integer)9755] - count is already 0 or this snapshot  
doesn't exist

I'm also getting a lot of these, which seem like they might be  
related somehow:

Error:  java.lang.IllegalStateException
Reason:  There is no database snapshot available for the object Disc  
pk:76798 with GlobalID _EOIntegralKeyGlobalID[Disc  
(java.lang.Integer)76798] line 4205 method objectsForSourceGlobalID  
package com.webobjects.eoaccess line 682 method  
objectsForSourceGlobalID package com.webobjects.eocontrol line 3904 method objectsForSourceGlobalID  
package com.webobjects.eocontrol line 1036 method objectsForSourceGlobalID package  
er.extensions line 4418 method _fireArrayFault package  
com.webobjects.eoaccess line 70 method  
completeInitializationOfObject package com.webobjects.eoaccess line 38 method willRead package  
com.webobjects.eocontrol line 92 method count package  
com.webobjects.eocontrol line 33 method _setArray package  
com.webobjects.eocontrol line 151 method  
completeInitializationOfObject package com.webobjects.eoaccess line 126 method willRead package  
com.webobjects.eocontrol line 95 method objectsNoCopy package  
com.webobjects.eocontrol line 393 method init package line 60 method init package line 197 method arrayExcludingObjectsFromArray  
package line 6100 method recordChangesInEditingContext  
package com.webobjects.eoaccess line 412 method  
saveChangesInEditingContext package com.webobjects.eocontrol line 3165 method saveChanges package  
com.webobjects.eocontrol line 947 method _saveChanges package er.extensions line 870 method saveChanges package er.extensions line 427 method successfulChangeSave package  
InventoryItem line 799 method increaseShelfQuantityBy package  
InventoryItem line 499 method setShelfQuantity package  
InventoryItem line NA method invoke0 package sun.reflect line 39 method invoke package sun.reflect line 25 method invoke package  
sun.reflect line 324 method invoke package java.lang.reflect line 65 method setMethodValue  
package KeyValueCodingProtectedAccessor line 1175 method setValueInObject package line 1205 method setValueInObject package line 1601 method takeValueForKey package  
com.webobjects.eocontrol line 519 method takeValueForKey package line 733 method validateTakeValueForKeyPath package line 1363 method validateTakeValueForKeyPath  
package com.webobjects.eocontrol line 551 method validateTakeValueForKeyPath package line 741 method validateTakeValueForKeyPath package line 1273 method validateTakeValueForKeyPath package  


Thanks in Advance,

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How to view EODatabaseContext snapshot

2007-04-19 Thread Steven Mark McCraw

Hi all,

I've been working all morning trying to debug cryptic EOF exceptions,  
and as per the usual with that, am getting nowhere.  I can almost  
replicate some of them, but the behavior is inconsistent and  
therefore very frustrating.  Almost all of them seem to hinge in some  
way or other on EODatabaseContext whining about its snapshot.  Either  
it can't find a snapshot for an EO that is being deleted, or it can't  
decrement a snapshot count (that doesn't exist or is already zero),  
or there is no snapshot available for some object when it is trying  
to save changes.  I am obviously doing something wrong, although I  
can't figure out where to look.  I think it would be extremely  
helpful in tracking down the issue if there were some way to be able  
to examine the snapshot of the EODatabaseContext for session 
().defaultEditingContex().  I'm guessing (based on the existence of  
the method EODatabaseContext.localSnapshotForGlobalID(...)) that when  
the Apple documentation vaguely rambles on and on about the  
snapshot that what they're really talking about is an  
NSMutableDictionary keyed on a EOGlobalID whose values are  
NSDictionaries mapping attribute names to values for Enterprise  
Objects.  Is there some way to just get this overall dictionary so  
that I can print it out as I go to see where things are getting off  
track?  Am I taking the right approach here?  Any advice would be  

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Re: Snapshot problems

2007-04-19 Thread Steven Mark McCraw

Hi Chuck,

Thanks for the response.  I'm 99.9% sure that I'm locking properly,  
and the only EOF commandment I might possibly be breaking is the one  
that says:

Don't change the behavior of methods that EOF uses. For example, do  
not override to-many relationships to return a sorted list of the  
related objects. Make another method to do this.

I'm not overriding to-many relationship methods, but I do sometimes  
override setters.  For example, I might override a particular  
attribute so that I can make a record of the time that the attribute  
was changed.  Moreover, there are places that I override accessors  
for formatting purposes.  An example of this would be overriding a  
phoneNumber() method to add formatting to the returned string, or  
overriding a setPhoneNumber method so that it strips formatting off.   
Are these things problematic?


On Apr 19, 2007, at 12:50 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

This pretty much means one of two things:

1. You are not locking properly 

2. You are violating EOF commandments 


On Apr 19, 2007, at 7:54 AM, Steven Mark McCraw wrote:

Hi all,

I've been seeing a lot of exceptions/warnings in the logs for one  
of my applications lately, and all seem to have something to do  
with an unexpected snapshot state.  I'm not really sure what  
causes this, or where to look next.  Has anyone seen these before?

The first appears just to be logging from something, and not a  
full-blown exception:

DEBUG NSLog  - decrementSnapshotCountForGlobalID:  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- is unable to  
decrement snapshot count for object with global ID  
_EOIntegralKeyGlobalID[Media (java.lang.Integer)9755] - count is  
already 0 or this snapshot doesn't exist

I'm also getting a lot of these, which seem like they might be  
related somehow:

Error:  java.lang.IllegalStateException
Reason:  There is no database snapshot available for the object  
Disc pk:76798 with GlobalID _EOIntegralKeyGlobalID[Disc  
(java.lang.Integer)76798] line 4205 method objectsForSourceGlobalID  
package com.webobjects.eoaccess line 682 method  
objectsForSourceGlobalID package com.webobjects.eocontrol line 3904 method objectsForSourceGlobalID  
package com.webobjects.eocontrol line 1036 method objectsForSourceGlobalID package  
er.extensions line 4418 method _fireArrayFault package  
com.webobjects.eoaccess line 70 method  
completeInitializationOfObject package com.webobjects.eoaccess line 38 method willRead package  
com.webobjects.eocontrol line 92 method count package  
com.webobjects.eocontrol line 33 method _setArray package  
com.webobjects.eocontrol line 151 method  
completeInitializationOfObject package com.webobjects.eoaccess line 126 method willRead package  
com.webobjects.eocontrol line 95 method objectsNoCopy package  
com.webobjects.eocontrol line 393 method init package line 60 method init package line 197 method  
arrayExcludingObjectsFromArray package line 6100 method  
recordChangesInEditingContext package com.webobjects.eoaccess line 412 method  
saveChangesInEditingContext package com.webobjects.eocontrol line 3165 method saveChanges package  
com.webobjects.eocontrol line 947 method _saveChanges package er.extensions line 870 method saveChanges package er.extensions line 427 method successfulChangeSave package  
InventoryItem line 799 method increaseShelfQuantityBy package  
InventoryItem line 499 method setShelfQuantity package  
InventoryItem line NA method invoke0 package  
sun.reflect line 39 method invoke package  
sun.reflect line 25 method invoke package  
sun.reflect line 324 method invoke package java.lang.reflect line 65 method setMethodValue  
package KeyValueCodingProtectedAccessor line 1175 method setValueInObject package line 1205 method setValueInObject package line 1601 method takeValueForKey package  
com.webobjects.eocontrol line 519 method takeValueForKey package

Re: Snapshot problems

2007-04-19 Thread Steven Mark McCraw

Hey Chuck,

/Library/Receipts tells me I'm on the 5.3.3 update.

I have been running with DebugGroupMultithreading for a few days now,  
and nothing seems to have changed, so I assumed everything was ok  
there, but it could just be that I set things up wrong.  I just added  
the following lines to my Application constructor:

(NSLog.DebugGroupEnterpriseObjects |

Should that do it, or is there something else I need to do?

Otherwise, I will go through and clean out anything anywhere that  
overrides a setter or getter and changes the data being set/get, and  
I'll see if that makes a difference.

Thanks for the suggestions.


On Apr 19, 2007, at 3:42 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

Also, are you on the latest WO version?

On Apr 19, 2007, at 12:33 PM, Steven Mark McCraw wrote:

Hi Chuck,

Thanks for the response.  I'm 99.9% sure that I'm locking  
properly, and the only EOF commandment I might possibly be  
breaking is the one that says:

Don't change the behavior of methods that EOF uses. For example,  
do not override to-many relationships to return a sorted list of  
the related objects. Make another method to do this.

I'm not overriding to-many relationship methods, but I do  
sometimes override setters.  For example, I might override a  
particular attribute so that I can make a record of the time that  
the attribute was changed.  Moreover, there are places that I  
override accessors for formatting purposes.  An example of this  
would be overriding a phoneNumber() method to add formatting to  
the returned string, or overriding a setPhoneNumber method so that  
it strips formatting off.  Are these things problematic?


On Apr 19, 2007, at 12:50 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

This pretty much means one of two things:

1. You are not locking properly 

2. You are violating EOF commandments 


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Re: Snapshot problems

2007-04-19 Thread Steven Mark McCraw
	at com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext.saveChanges 

at er.extensions.ERXEC._saveChanges(
at er.extensions.ERXEC.saveChanges(
at EditKitHelper.removeItem(

Here the editing context identified by b88745 represents the  
session's editing context, and the exception is thrown when I call  
saveChanges on the default editing context within the removeItem  
method.  Furthermore, if I print out ec.deletedObjects() right before  
calling ec.saveChanges (and after _nestedEC.saveChanges), the item to  
be deleted is there!:

ec.deletedObjects():  (KitQuantity pk:1216)

So it appears that the nested EC is flushing its information to the  
default ec correctly, and I can tell that the editingContext's  
snapshots are fine until very shortly before the operation.  Just in  
case there was something funny going on in the EO's, I commented out  
every line of code from CatalogItem, InventoryItem, and KitQuantity  
(the three classes being dealt with here), so that effectively they  
were all blank implementations, and I still get the same result.   
This would seem to rule out any possibility of EOF commandment  

At this point I am over trying to understand what is going on or walk  
on eggshells to make sure I don't offend EOF's delicate  
sensibilities.  I'm under a deadline and I'm seriously considering  
just cutting EOF out of the loop and doing the whole thing using  
straight JDBC, but I hear (and somewhat know from experience) that  
that approach is a slippery slope to misery, so I thought I would put  
out a detailed description of what I'm doing just in case anyone sees  
something glaringly obvious or stupid in my methodology (always a  
distinct possibility).  Any help or thoughts are greatly appreciated.


On Apr 19, 2007, at 4:34 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

On Apr 19, 2007, at 12:54 PM, Steven Mark McCraw wrote:

Hey Chuck,

/Library/Receipts tells me I'm on the 5.3.3 update.

I have been running with DebugGroupMultithreading for a few days  
now, and nothing seems to have changed, so I assumed everything  
was ok there, but it could just be that I set things up wrong.  I  
just added the following lines to my Application constructor:

(NSLog.DebugGroupEnterpriseObjects |

Should that do it, or is there something else I need to do?

I think that should do it.

Otherwise, I will go through and clean out anything anywhere that  
overrides a setter or getter and changes the data being set/get,  
and I'll see if that makes a difference.

Thanks for the suggestions.

The only other things that I can think of that might _possibly_  
causing something like this are

- misuse of the shared EC
- somehow keeping a reference to an  EO after its editing context  
has been disposed
- holding a lock on an EC for too lock and it getting out of synch  
with the snapshots


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Re: Problem with nested editing contexts

2007-03-26 Thread Steven Mark McCraw

Hi Chuck,

As it turns out, I was abusing EOF (although not in a way that has  
ever been documented by Apple, to my knowledge).  In my EOModeler  
generation template, I was initializing all of the the to-many  
relationships to empty (but non-null) arrays in the generated  
constructor to avoid null pointer exceptions all over the place (and/ 
or to avoid having to write lots of code to check that the  
relationships were non-null).  I took the following steps:

a) started using EOGenerator
b) updated my EOGenerator templates so that the generated code checks  
for null in the to-many relationship accessors and returns an empty  
array if it is null

Lo and behold, that fixed the problem.  It's frustrating to me that  
there are so many gotchas in the framework that make it break in very  
basic places and that have never, ever been documented by Apple (to  
my knowledge), so much to the point that I have come very close to  
just giving up WebObjects development all together.  But I'm feeling  
a lot better recently thanks to the support of people like yourself  
and (what seems to be) a helpful growing user community containing  
people like the project wonder guys.  I feel like WebObjects is once  
again becoming a good useable, viable development platform in spite  
of Apple's loathsome lack of support for the product, because of a  
user community that is taking up the slack.  Thanks!


On Mar 26, 2007, at 12:53 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

On Mar 24, 2007, at 9:37 PM, Steven Mark McCraw wrote:

Hi Chuck,

That's was a good thought, and actually I was not locking the  
child EC.  It still strikes me as bizarre that the responsibility  
of locking and unlocking the editing context is left up to the  
programmer, but that's just me griping.

I am not sure what the original rationale for not providing  
something at the WOSession level to manage more editing contexts.

Also, it looks from the output like ERXEC is getting used  
(although I haven't done anything explicitly other than importing  
the project wonder frameworks and subclassing ERXApplication and  
ERXSession).  Isn't that supposed to do automatic locking/ 
unlocking for you, or is there something I need to add?  Could  
ERXEC be part of the problem?  I modified my code by adding a  
nestedEC.lock() before the saveChanges, and a nestedEC.unlock()  
after, but to no avail.  I still got the same behavior.  Any other  
thoughts about what I might be doing wrong?  It seems like such a  
simple thing I'm trying to do...

I trust you have seen Mike's message on this.

Alternately, is there any workaround other than storing attribute  
values in local instance variables which are then just copied into  
the EO itself right before the save is committed?  Would it really  
be such a terrible idea just to not insert the EO into an editing  
context until you know you're ready to save?

A very terrible idea.  Unless, of course, you want to spend even  
more quality debugging time with your app.  ;-)

I keep reading things that say that this is a terrible idea, but  
I've actually been doing it for years with no apparent problems.

We call that luck.

  But because of all the posts, etc. that say it's a bad idea, I'm  
trying to use the nested EC technique, but quite literally getting  
nowhere doing even simple things with it.  Any advice on what  
approach I should take?

There is no need for a workaround.  Somehow, somewhere, you are  
abusing EOF.  Even if you work around this, EOF will just lie in  
wait and take its revenge elsewhere.  I used nested editing  
contexts.  I know lots of others do too.  They work just fine if  
you play nice with EOF.


On Mar 24, 2007, at 6:00 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

Are you locking the child EC?

On Mar 24, 2007, at 2:30 PM, Steven Mark McCraw wrote:

Hi all,

I have recently bumped into a problem with using nested editing  
contexts to accomplish add/edit workflows.  What I'm doing seems  
simple enough, and correct from my understanding of the  
documentation.  I'm creating a nested editing context:

EOEditingContext nestedEC = new EOEditingContext 

and then creating my EOs in this.  When it's time to save, I do  
the following:


This seems to work fine with newly created items.  The problem  
comes when I try to do that on an item that has been modified.   
I have printed out a few things within the code to confirm  
this:  when the nested editing context saves its changes, it's  
supposed to push them into its parent context (or so I thought),  
but this is definitely not happening.  Is this a well known  
issue?  Has anyone seen this before?  Am I missing something?  A  
couple of hours of googling turned up nothing for me.  The code  
and its output is shown below.

Thanks in advance for any help.

NSLog.out.appendln(nestedEC updatedObjects:   +  

Re: Problem with nested editing contexts

2007-03-26 Thread Steven Mark McCraw
to avoid null pointer exceptions all over the place (and/or to  
avoid having to write lots of code to check that the relationships  
were non-null).  I took the following steps:

You should never need to worry about that.   If the to-many  
relationships are null, you have overridden awakeFromInsertion  
(and / or awakeFromFetch) and failed to call  
super.awakeFromInsertion / awakeFromFetch.  EOF automatically sets  
these to empty arrays in the super implementation.

b) updated my EOGenerator templates so that the generated code  
checks for null in the to-many relationship accessors and returns  
an empty array if it is null

You should not need to do that, you still have a problem to hunt down.

I am not sure where to look next.  I have double checked, and for  
sure I am calling super's implementation on every method that I  
override, but I still get null pointer exceptions if I don't  
explicitly check the relationship accessors.  I always thought this  
was stupid EOF behavior, but had no choice but to override my  
templates, because it was the behavior I was getting.  It might very  
well be thanks to something I'm doing elsewhere, but not sure where  
else to looks because I've never been violating any of the rules set  
forth by the vendor, and now I'm not violating any rules set forth by  
the non-vendor user community (that I'm aware of).

But at any rate, at least the code works in predictable ways now, and  
the added code in my templates shouldn't impose a noticeable  
overhead, even if it's theoretically unnecessary.  Next time I can  
afford to spend a few hours researching the problem, I will have  
another look and see if I can track down something else, or else  
start an entirely new project to see if I can replicate the behavior  
there and work backwards from that.  I'll let you know and post to  
the list if I find anything from those exercises.  Thanks again for  
the help!

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Problem with nested editing contexts

2007-03-24 Thread Steven Mark McCraw

Hi all,

I have recently bumped into a problem with using nested editing  
contexts to accomplish add/edit workflows.  What I'm doing seems  
simple enough, and correct from my understanding of the  
documentation.  I'm creating a nested editing context:

EOEditingContext nestedEC = new EOEditingContext 

and then creating my EOs in this.  When it's time to save, I do the  


This seems to work fine with newly created items.  The problem comes  
when I try to do that on an item that has been modified.  I have  
printed out a few things within the code to confirm this:  when the  
nested editing context saves its changes, it's supposed to push them  
into its parent context (or so I thought), but this is definitely not  
happening.  Is this a well known issue?  Has anyone seen this  
before?  Am I missing something?  A couple of hours of googling  
turned up nothing for me.  The code and its output is shown below.

Thanks in advance for any help.

NSLog.out.appendln(nestedEC updatedObjects:   +  
NSLog.out.appendln(nestedEC.parent:+ nestedEC.parentObjectStore 
NSLog.out.appendln(session.defaultEditingContext:   +  

NSLog.out.appendln(session.defaultEditingContext updatedObjects:
+ session.defaultEditingContext().updatedObjects());


The output is:

nestedEC updatedObjects:  (Test, 380.00, null)
nestedEC.parent:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
session.defaultEditingContext:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
session.defaultEditingContext updatedObjects:  ()

The first line shows that there is an updated object in the nested EC
The second and third lines show that the ec is actually nested within  
editing context and that the nested ec's parent is the session's  
default editingContext
The fourth line shows that after calling saveChanges() in the nested  
ec, the parent ec still is showing no objects to update

Consequently, if I check the database after calling the final  
saveChanges, my change is not there. ___
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Re: Problem with nested editing contexts

2007-03-24 Thread Steven Mark McCraw

Hi Chuck,

That's was a good thought, and actually I was not locking the child  
EC.  It still strikes me as bizarre that the responsibility of  
locking and unlocking the editing context is left up to the  
programmer, but that's just me griping.  Also, it looks from the  
output like ERXEC is getting used (although I haven't done anything  
explicitly other than importing the project wonder frameworks and  
subclassing ERXApplication and ERXSession).  Isn't that supposed to  
do automatic locking/unlocking for you, or is there something I need  
to add?  Could ERXEC be part of the problem?  I modified my code by  
adding a nestedEC.lock() before the saveChanges, and a nestedEC.unlock 
() after, but to no avail.  I still got the same behavior.  Any other  
thoughts about what I might be doing wrong?  It seems like such a  
simple thing I'm trying to do...

Alternately, is there any workaround other than storing attribute  
values in local instance variables which are then just copied into  
the EO itself right before the save is committed?  Would it really be  
such a terrible idea just to not insert the EO into an editing  
context until you know you're ready to save?  I keep reading things  
that say that this is a terrible idea, but I've actually been doing  
it for years with no apparent problems.  But because of all the  
posts, etc. that say it's a bad idea, I'm trying to use the nested EC  
technique, but quite literally getting nowhere doing even simple  
things with it.  Any advice on what approach I should take?


On Mar 24, 2007, at 6:00 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

Are you locking the child EC?

On Mar 24, 2007, at 2:30 PM, Steven Mark McCraw wrote:

Hi all,

I have recently bumped into a problem with using nested editing  
contexts to accomplish add/edit workflows.  What I'm doing seems  
simple enough, and correct from my understanding of the  
documentation.  I'm creating a nested editing context:

EOEditingContext nestedEC = new EOEditingContext 

and then creating my EOs in this.  When it's time to save, I do  
the following:


This seems to work fine with newly created items.  The problem  
comes when I try to do that on an item that has been modified.  I  
have printed out a few things within the code to confirm this:   
when the nested editing context saves its changes, it's supposed  
to push them into its parent context (or so I thought), but this  
is definitely not happening.  Is this a well known issue?  Has  
anyone seen this before?  Am I missing something?  A couple of  
hours of googling turned up nothing for me.  The code and its  
output is shown below.

Thanks in advance for any help.

NSLog.out.appendln(nestedEC updatedObjects:   +  
NSLog.out.appendln(session.defaultEditingContext:   +  

NSLog.out.appendln(session.defaultEditingContext updatedObjects:   
 + session.defaultEditingContext().updatedObjects());


The output is:

nestedEC updatedObjects:  (Test, 380.00, null)
nestedEC.parent:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
session.defaultEditingContext:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
session.defaultEditingContext updatedObjects:  ()

The first line shows that there is an updated object in the nested EC
The second and third lines show that the ec is actually nested  
within another
editing context and that the nested ec's parent is the session's  
default editingContext
The fourth line shows that after calling saveChanges() in the  
nested ec, the parent ec still is showing no objects to update

Consequently, if I check the database after calling the final  
saveChanges, my change is not there.

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Re: using primary and foreign keys as class properties

2007-02-04 Thread Steven Mark McCraw

Hi Pierre,

First off, thanks for the response (and thanks to the others who  
responded earlier).  It is good to hear from someone at Apple who is  
familiar with the code.  It sounds like the smart thing to do is not  
to add keys as class properties directly, since EOF might have some  
branch in the future that follows through on the assumption that they  

I have just begun to really get into the Project Wonder framework,  
and it looks like ERXGenericRecord provides nice ways to get at the  
keys easily without writing 3-6 lines of code each time (why didn't I  
think of the methods that ERXGenericRecord provides earlier?).   
Thanks to Kieran for that suggestion.

As to the question of whether writing custom SQL code is poor design,  
I certainly don't want to get into an argument about it.  I'm sure  
sticking totally with EOF for database communication has advantages,  
and I spent many, many hours (probably amounting to weeks or months)  
trying to keep within those parameters based upon the documentation  
that I have read that advocates doing so.

My real world experience taught me the hard way that sometimes (if  
you need to do quick optimized fetches on data sets with more than a  
few thousand records that span several tables) you can save lots and  
lots of time (not to mention lots and lots of memory) just generating  
custom SQL to get raw rows.  It's far easier to optimize, and you  
don't have to deal with the time and memory overhead of encapsulating  
the data as a set of full fledged enterprise objects (In a large  
hitlist the user will probably not drill down for detail on the vast  
majority of these rows anyway).  The strategy of fetching the display  
hitlist as raw rows and then creating an EO for use only when a user  
selects the row for a more detailed view has worked out really well  
for me, and I've found that managing the SQL isn't really more  
complicated than managing a complex fetch specification.  It's felt  
very liberating, actually, to code this way, and when combined with  
using a connection pool for non-EOF database communication, it's  
very, very fast compared to EOF (even when using all the tricks like  
prefetching, batch faulting, etc).

I've been using this paradigm for several years now and have yet to  
experience any downside.  I've had far less grief with it than the  
days and days I used to spend trying to optimize EOF to acceptable  
performance levels (acceptable from the customer's point of view).   
I'm not trying to pretend that this method is the height of clean  
design (I'm no more thrilled with embedding complex custom SQL in my  
application layer than I am with embedding complex  
EOFetchSpecification construction), but it is pragmatic, and I would  
encourage developers to at least think through the possible benefits  
and harms before simply writing it off as an option (as I did for  
years).  It's easy to say that it's a bad approach until you've  
actually tried it and seen it work.

I would welcome any more thoughts or discussion on the subject, and  
again, appreciate the feedback thus far.


On Feb 4, 2007, at 11:30 AM, Mr. Pierre Frisch wrote:

Hi Mark,

Before setting primary keys as class properties I would really  
question my design. This question typically occurs when you use the  
primary to convey meaning about the object and this can usually  
better be expressed in the object itself. This will give you a  
better object design and a more readable code. In 10 years  
developing with WebObjects I am yet to see a problem that could not  
be worked around that way. Primary key should left at the database  
layer. The application layer should manipulate EOGlobalID you will  
save you self and the developer that will fix your code after you a  
lot of trouble and time by keeping that encapsulation.

You are right EOF make the assumption that primary keys are not  
class property. I do not think anything break in the current  
version if you make them class properties and consider them as read  
only but that is not guaranteed for the future. Primary Keys are  
considered private to the EOControl layer and should only be  
accessed directly if you are writing extension to that layer.

As for optimizing there are lots of way of doing it within EOF and  
for the same reason you should probably try those very hard before  
writing custom SQL code. The same apply here I have used all sort  
of delegate and even written custom qualifiers but I have always  
stuck to the rule that I do not embed SQL code in the application  
layer. If you are missing feature to optimize your application  
please file a bug report. I promise that it will be read.


Pierre Frisch

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using primary and foreign keys as class properties

2007-02-03 Thread Steven Mark McCraw

Hi everyone,

I recall reading in some of the early Apple WebObjects documentation  
that it's a huge terrible thing to mark your foreign and primary keys  
as class properties (e.g. check the little diamond in EOModeler so  
that your generated classes give you setters and getters to access  
them directly).  Over the years, I've often thought it would be  
convenient to have the keys as class properties, particularly when  
I've had to write custom queries.  I know EOUtilities gives you  
methods to get the primary and foreign keys for an object, but using  
these are kind of a pain compared to just calling a simple accessor  

I've actually set keys as class properties a few times, but whenever  
a strange EOF exception cropped up, this was the first thing I always  
changed back (in a rather superstitious, paranoid way) for fear that  
somehow having the keys as class properties was giving EOF a fit.  I  
started thinking about it again the other day for some reason, and  
frankly I can't think of any reason it should have an effect on EOF,  
so I thought I would pose the question to the list.

Is having keys as class properties just something that is for some  
reason considered bad form by the early documentation writers at  
Apple (I recall the same documentation firmly asserting that you  
never need to do anything outside EOF, but in the real world this  
isn't always practical when you need to optimize)?  Or is there in  
fact something about having keys as class properties that throws a  
monkey wrench into EOF at unpredictable times?

Thanks in advance for help/discussion.

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