[Wesnoth-bugs] [bug #21776] Replays of reloaded games skip 'preload' event handlers

2015-06-08 Thread Daniel
Update of bug #21776 (project wesnoth):

  Item Group:  None of the others = WML


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[Wesnoth-bugs] [bug #21776] Replays of reloaded games skip 'preload' event handlers

2014-04-24 Thread SlowThinker
Follow-up Comment #18, bug #21776 (project wesnoth):

Correction of a sentence:

wesnoth.synchronize_choice: Recovers a WML table that was computed on one
client only or WAS STORED IN A REPLAY 

(i tried to use italic in place of capitals and failed)


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[Wesnoth-bugs] [bug #21776] Replays of reloaded games skip 'preload' event handlers

2014-04-20 Thread SlowThinker
Follow-up Comment #17, bug #21776 (project wesnoth):

Especialy in a mp game, a controller can also change during the game without
Inside of a mp game, the hosting player who changes the controller from/to AI
can take a measure before, by a context menu.
And yes, a new event controller_change would help.

 So the input must stay within turn 2. 
But i think the turin 2 event is inside turn 2? 
I understand now.
I thought it worked in a start event only. I missed words or also in every
other synced event.
It seems powerful, for example it allows private (or group) diplomacy talks or
an exchange of items in FFA games. The only problem is if only 2 players are
talking then the other ones must wait.

there is an option using sync_choice whcih is replay save even in 1.12 (maybe
even 1.10)
I think I understand: Naturally the argument function of synchronize_choice is
not called in replays, and rather the synchronized return table is used. So
synchronize_choice not only
sychronizes the table among the clients (this is useful after a select event
that changes the game state), 
but also 
sychronizes the replay with the real game (this is useful after a reload or
select event that changes the game state)

(I was confused by this sentence in the wiki
wesnoth.synchronize_choice: Recovers a WML table that was computed on one
client only or _was_ _stored_ _in_ _a_ _replay_
that probably tries to explain it but was unclear to me.

But I think the main problem would be to find an appropriate moment of the
synchronization of was_reloaded_synced. A moveto event needn't be sufficient
because the synchronization may be needed earlier.
So I would prefer to sychronize in game_events.on_event. Would it work?
game_events.on_event is onyl mpsave (mpsave = replaysave) when the fired
event is a mpsave event
Do you mean on_event is called only before mpsafe events? Or it is called also
before select events and so it may cause OOS if I am not careful?
Also I am a bit confused by the term mpsafe. I expected in BfW pre-1.11.13 one
must distinguish three types of events:
- select: it is fired on one client only
- attack_end: it is fired on all clients, but [message][text_input] is not
- moveto: it is fired on all clients, and [message][text_input] is


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[Wesnoth-bugs] [bug #21776] Replays of reloaded games skip 'preload' event handlers

2014-04-19 Thread Daniel
Follow-up Comment #15, bug #21776 (project wesnoth):

 Like the lua environment that is not saved. 
Well it's hard to do so. And most likeley that won't be fixed soon.
 don't forget the save/load process doesn't lead to an identical situation,
since the controller may change.
Especialy in a mp game, a controller can also change during the game without
reloading. And yes making decisions dependent on current controller types
might result in OOS in some cases.
 A preload event is fired sometimes, sometimes it is not.
I agree that this can be confusing
 So the input must stay within turn 2. 
But i think the turin 2 event is inside turn 2?

also if you are agree with fireing on teh next moveto event like 
 Hmm ... it could still work if a preload event just detected a reloaded game
and then first moveto 
there is an option using sync_choice whcih is replay save even in 1.12 (maybe
even 1.10):
1) Choose a variable name like 'was_reloaded'
2) set 'was_reloaded' to true in preload events.
3) in moveto events do something like 
   local was_reloaded = wesnoth.synchronize_choice(
 return wesnoth.get_variable(was_reloaded);
   wesnoth.set_variable(was_reloaded_synced, was_reloaded)
   wesnoth.set_variable(was_reloaded, false )
4) dont use the variable 'was_reloaded' anywhere else
and you'll have a replaysave variable 'was_reloaded_synced' that contains
whether there was a reload between this move and the last move.


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[Wesnoth-bugs] [bug #21776] Replays of reloaded games skip 'preload' event handlers

2014-04-19 Thread Daniel
Follow-up Comment #16, bug #21776 (project wesnoth):

PS: how do i make yellow blocks ?


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[Wesnoth-bugs] [bug #21776] Replays of reloaded games skip 'preload' event handlers

2014-04-16 Thread SlowThinker
Follow-up Comment #14, bug #21776 (project wesnoth):

(I agree this is a minor cause, probably not worth to work on it. Wesnoth has
much more serious problems. :) Like the lua environment that is not saved.

Also becasue i currently believe that relaoding should not change the

I understand that philosophy, but the problem is the WML/lua system is far
from perfect, and there are situations in which it is useful (see comment #7,
the text that come to my mind).

And from a philosophical point of view, don't forget the save/load process
doesn't lead to an identical situation, since the controller may change. 
An example scenario: WML may help AI to cheat

 IMO a replay should be an exact replay. 
there are other events aswell which arent fired in the replay (select ... )
I see.
But still ... it is expected a select event won't be fired during a replay
because it is not synchronized. It is natural to expect that any stuff will be
replayed iff it is synchronized.
Also select events behave consistently in a replay. A preload event is fired
sometimes, sometimes it is not. (The situation would be more clean if the
events were distinguished, name=preload,save_and_reload )

Conquest Minus:
which could maybe the be solved by moving all the make some input in the
turn 2 event. But maybe you meant player actions (move, attack) while i
thought you meant right click menus, [message][option] and similar by input. 
Yes, I meant [message][option]. But in turn 1 players play the game, and in
turn 2 they decide whether the start is balanced enough. So the input must
stay within turn 2.


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[Wesnoth-bugs] [bug #21776] Replays of reloaded games skip 'preload' event handlers

2014-04-14 Thread SlowThinker
Follow-up Comment #12, bug #21776 (project wesnoth):

so you want to use things like [option][message] or luas sync_choice during
preload events?

I was rather theoretizing.
Hmm ... it could still work if a preload event just detected a reloaded game
and then first moveto event (or select event or
wesnoth.game_events.on_event(?)) arranged a menu for a player.

Idk whether it helps you wit your original problem ...

It wouldn't help me: In fact I need to 'return' from the end of turn 3 to the
begining of turn 2.
(Maybe if I want to avoid a game reload then I can join two scenarios ... )

Anyway this is not a serious issue for me.
I object mostly from a general point a view: IMO a replay should be an exact


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[Wesnoth-bugs] [bug #21776] Replays of reloaded games skip 'preload' event handlers

2014-04-14 Thread Daniel
Follow-up Comment #13, bug #21776 (project wesnoth):

 it could still work if a preload event just detected a reloaded game and
then first moveto event (or select event or wesnoth.game_events.on_event(?))
arranged a menu for a player. 

that'd prevent the ui problem but still the dilaog wouldn't show up in the
rplay becasue the preload events didint happen.
and select event arent mpsave, and wesnoth.game_events.on_event is onyl mpsave
(mpsave = replaysave) when the fired event is a mpsave event.

 It wouldn't help me: In fact I need to 'return' from the end of turn 3 to
the begining of turn 2. 

hm i thought becasue you said earlier:
 In Conquest Minus, after the point of the first save and before the reload,
the game continues one more turn so that the players can make some input. If
the game continued (without a reload) then there would be one additional dummy
turn, which would increase a natural turn numbering. This is why the game must
be reloaded. 
which could maybe the be solved my moving all the make some input in the
turn 2 event. But maybe you meant player actions (move, attack) while i
thought you meant right click menus, [message][option] and similar by input.

 I object mostly from a general point a view: IMO a replay should be an exact
there are other events aswell which arent fired in the replay (select events,
victory events) and also there it's in the repsosibility of the
addonprogrammer no not modify the gamestate too much. Think of preload event
similar to select events, that what i currently do. It's not impossible to
implement fireing the preload events in replays, but as long as i don't know a
good scenario where that'd be useful i won't do this work (and i still didn't
understand what you are tying to do). Also becasue i currently believe that
relaoding should not change the gamestate, and instead behave like the
original game. Because i also think that this is what most players would
expect (especialy in SP).

I was thinking about a feature to 'escape' the unsycned context, during select
event which should then also work during preload events, similar to
ai.synced_command from which i don't know whether it's aquirable durign
preload events. but i doubt that'll go into 1.12.


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[Wesnoth-bugs] [bug #21776] Replays of reloaded games skip 'preload' event handlers

2014-04-13 Thread Daniel
Follow-up Comment #11, bug #21776 (project wesnoth):

so you want to use things like [option][message] or luas sync_choice during
preload events? im pretty sure that this shouldn't work Especialy because you
are not allowed to (that means you sholdn't) use ui things befreo the start

Idk whether it helps you wit your original problem, but in 1.13 i recently
implemented a feature
http://wiki.wesnoth.org/LuaWML:Misc#wesnoth.synchronize_choice the third
argument, to allow to show dialogs to All palyers in 'start' events (or also
in every other synced event). The intention with this was to allow things like
the Pick your recruits addon without loosong the extra turn which makes it
incompatible to most scenarios.


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[Wesnoth-bugs] [bug #21776] Replays of reloaded games skip 'preload' event handlers

2014-03-13 Thread SlowThinker
Follow-up Comment #10, bug #21776 (project wesnoth):

 a savefile can serve as the starting point of the game and can offer
hmm i still don't understand what you mean. 

Normally players choose a scenario, set its parameters in the game lobby or in
the game beginning, and play.
Similarly they could choose a savefile, a preload event would allow them to
set game paramenters, and they would play.

For example Conquest Minus generates random unit spawns. If a spawn is
interesting, more players might want to play it, but with different settings
than the original players.
A preload event could offer players to chanhge settings.
This is doable by a context menu too, but many Wesnoth players don't know
about custom menu items or don't expect it.


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[Wesnoth-bugs] [bug #21776] Replays of reloaded games skip 'preload' event handlers

2014-03-12 Thread SlowThinker
Follow-up Comment #7, bug #21776 (project wesnoth):

 but in the game the lua variables are deleted during reload, in the replay
that doesnt happen. And the prelaod events are normaly executed to compensate

Oh, I didn't know that.

thats also possible with the current implementation. save variables in
wesnoth.game_events.on_save and restore them in preload events. 

you mean in game_events.on_load? 
game_events.on_load is not skipped in replays like preload events?
and wiki confuses me - game_events.on_load is called also when a game starts
or only when a sevefile is loaded?

i don't think fireing preload events again would cause problems though.

If you don't delete the Lua environment concurrently then it can cause
- An initialization of a Lua structure in a preload event can use 'if
something == nil then'
- In a non-preload event one can check whether the game has been reloaded by
testing a Lua variable

  i think throwing them away just to rebuild it in a replay would waste of

IMHO to save cpu time by complicating things and asking for problems is not a
good idea.
I would say it even if I didn't see any concrete issues, but here are some
more that come to my mind:

- a savefile can serve as the starting point of the game and can offer
- a specific side controller may be required to play the game or may determine
a mode of the game
- sometimes a preload event is a way how to bypass a Wesnoth bug:
-- in past a status of disallow_end_turn was not saved in a savefile
-- if [variables] didn't exist then this bug could be prevented in a reload
event: https://gna.org/bugs/?19258

Conquest Minus:

hm i still dont understand how do you put the input you gained during that
one turn in the save of the first turn. do you use [set_global_variable] ? 

The players' input is not a part of the game. In the input players can veto
the game. So the input determines whether the game will continue (and will be
reloaded) or a new game will start. 
I need players do the input simultaneously, without any knowledge of the input
of the other player - this is why a Wesnoth chat cannot be used.


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[Wesnoth-bugs] [bug #21776] Replays of reloaded games skip 'preload' event handlers

2014-03-12 Thread anonymous
Follow-up Comment #9, bug #21776 (project wesnoth):

 Also this bug happens with reloaded savefiles: 
that bug is indeed very strange but if i am correct (im not 100% sure though)
these savefiles are generated by the server, while this bug is completely
localted on client side, so i doubt they are related.

 you mean in game_events.on_load? 
no you cannot use game_events.on_load in mpgames. And even if, it would be
skipped in replays too. i didnt meant you could achieve what you want with
game_events.on_save but you can use it to keep non-constant lua varuiables
consistent in savefiles. using set_variabe in on_save and get_variable and
clear afterwards in preload.

 if [variables] didn't exist then this bug could be prevented in a reload
event: https://gna.org/bugs/?19258 
ogh it seems like saveloading in mp is seriously bugged, and i think that bug
is definitely more serious than this bug ... .

 a savefile can serve as the starting point of the game and can offer choices

hmm i still don't understand what you mean.


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[Wesnoth-bugs] [bug #21776] Replays of reloaded games skip 'preload' event handlers

2014-03-11 Thread anonymous
Follow-up Comment #1, bug #21776 (project wesnoth):

the preload event event is normaly meant to intilialize things that are not
prsitent in savefiles. For instance Lua environments, wml variables ARE
persitent thats why you get OOS errors, it would be good if you gave us an
example where you get an error in real context (meaning what are you trying to

note that normaly people rely on the fact that the preload event is only fired
once after the game is loaded and therefore their lua environments can only be
inialized once.


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[Wesnoth-bugs] [bug #21776] Replays of reloaded games skip 'preload' event handlers

2014-03-11 Thread SlowThinker
Follow-up Comment #2, bug #21776 (project wesnoth):

There is no OOS in the game. An OOS may occur in the replay though, because
the replay is not synchronized with the real game.

This is because preload events are skipped in the replay.
In the example below, after the 'preload' event runs 2nd time, the variable
'reloaded_game' has a different value in the replay and in the game.

(To be very concrete, in Conquest Minus I allow a mode where players can
estimate their spawns while their units have zero movepoints. If they agree to
play then they reload a game, the add-on understands the game has been
reloaded (see the variable reloaded_game in the code below), and their units
get full movepoints back.)


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[Wesnoth-bugs] [bug #21776] Replays of reloaded games skip 'preload' event handlers

2014-03-11 Thread anonymous
Follow-up Comment #3, bug #21776 (project wesnoth):

so you realy want to have reloading an influence on the players game?

thats currently not realy supported so i'd rather call that a feature request
than a bug.

People currently use preload events to initialize lua envornemts, and load
data stored in gamesave (lua-)events and doing that twice in replays might
lead to errors. Still i implementing this would be possible but people would
have to check wether their envoronment is already loaded in every preload
event then.

is there a special reason why they have to reload a game to agree and not
pressing a right click menu button to do so?


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[Wesnoth-bugs] [bug #21776] Replays of reloaded games skip 'preload' event handlers

2014-03-11 Thread SlowThinker
Follow-up Comment #4, bug #21776 (project wesnoth):

I named it a bug because I expected the replay should replay the game exactly
how it went in reality.

 people would have to check wether their envoronment is already loaded in
every preload event then.

I cannot imagine how any problem could happen then.
If the real game had no problem and the replay is equal to the real game then
the replay must be problem-free too, musn't it?

Problems in Conquest Minus
This is a minor problem for Conquest Minus. I created a walkaround, which is
not perfect from several points of view, but it is sufficient.

is there a special reason why they have to reload a game to agree and not
pressing a right click menu button to do so?

In Conquest Minus, after the point of the first save and before the reload,
the game continues one more turn so that the players can make some input. If
the game continued (without a reload) then there would be one additional dummy
turn, which would increase a natural turn numbering. This is why the game must
be reloaded.

Other problems
There are other scenarios in which you expect a reload event not only loads
constants (Lua constants), that couldn't be saved, but does a real job:

Lua variables are not saved. Imagine you transform a table into a WML
container (this transformation would be somewhat opposite to
wesnoth.get_variable), so that it is saved. Then a reload event loads this
table from the WML container.
This way you can work a full-featured way with Lua tables, and you are not
limited to WML tables only.


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[Wesnoth-bugs] [bug #21776] Replays of reloaded games skip 'preload' event handlers

2014-03-11 Thread anonymous
Follow-up Comment #5, bug #21776 (project wesnoth):

 If the real game had no problem and the replay is equal to the real game
then the replay must be problem-free too, musn't it?

but in the game the lua variables are deleted during reload, in the replay
that doesnt happen. And the prelaod events are normaly executed to compensate
that. So the replay will never be equal to the game because the lua variables
arent deleted, and i think throwing them away just to rebuild it in a replay
would waste of cputime.

i don't think fireing prestart events again would cause problems though.


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[Wesnoth-bugs] [bug #21776] Replays of reloaded games skip 'preload' event handlers

2014-03-09 Thread SlowThinker

 Summary: Replays of reloaded games skip 'preload' event
 Project: Battle for Wesnoth
Submitted by: slowthinker
Submitted on: Sun Mar  9 20:43:26 2014
Category: Bug
Severity: 3 - Normal
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Item Group:  None of the others
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: 
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
 Release: 1.10.7
Operating System: Windows XP



Imagine this situation:

1. a game is started
2. 'preload' events are fired
3. the game continues
4. the game is saved and reloaded
5. 'preload' events are fired 2nd time
6. the game continues
7. the game is saved and replayed

The replay will skip point 5. Therefore OOS may occur during the replay.

An example:

The code bellow will behave this way:
in a game: it will write 'reloaded_game=no' before the game reload and
'reloaded_game=yes' after the reload
in a replay:
it will always write 'reloaded_game=no'

{VARIABLE start_passed yes}
{VARIABLE_CONDITIONAL start_passed not_equals yes}
# this is a very start of the game
{VARIABLE reloaded_game no}
# this is a reloaded game
{VARIABLE reloaded_game yes}
name=side turn
speaker=Debug info


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