[xmail] Re: 1.25-pre06 ...

2007-04-19 Thread Tom Banting
 How can you get an A record if the name servers are off line? What am I
missing? The only A records you have are for the off line name servers.
At 02:21 PM 19/04/2007, you wrote:
On Thu, 19 Apr 2007, Rob Arends wrote:

Davide, I have some domains I can play with if you like to do what you

What specific 'errors' do you want to create.

The last test I have to run, requires having a registered domain whose NS 
servers are out-of-reach. This to test that XMail will not try A-record 
delivery in that case. 
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[xmail] Re: xmail DNS problem : How I fixed it

2006-05-23 Thread Tom Banting
 After getting lots of mail rejected by Earthlink and others because of
domain name A records instead of MX records, about a year ago I made the
following changes to SMAILSrv.cpp:

In the USmtpGetFwdGateways() function I added the following code at about
line 782:

if ( ppszMXGWs == NULL ) {
 MXS_HANDLE hMXSHandle = USmtpGetMXFirst( hSvrConfig,
pszDestDomain, szDomainMXHost );

ADDED:  if ( hMXSHandle == INVALID_MXS_HANDLE ) {   // fix for failing
toget MX record.
ADDED:   Sleep( 5000 );  // wait 5 seconds and try again
ADDED:   hMXSHandle = USmtpGetMXFirst( hSvrConfig, pszDestDomain,
szDomainMXHost );

 if ( hMXSHandle != INVALID_MXS_HANDLE ) {

A bit of a kludge but I have not seen the problem since.

At 06:30 AM 22/05/2006, you wrote:

Hello Davide

I restart here the various 'dns problems' for smtp delivery from xmail =
I have more and more complains about users saying our server is 'bad' =

Tom Banting Internet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[xmail] Re: auto block spammer

2005-11-22 Thread Tom Banting
 In server.tab set:
SMTP-MaxErrors 2
This will stop dictionary attacks but it is not remembered after the
connection is dropped however it is sill quite effective. I wrote a program
to collect these attacks from the log file and add them to spammers.tab but
stopped using it because with a setting of 2 it was catching some legitimate

At 05:04 PM 21/11/2005, you wrote:

Is there a way to automatically block a sender IP address after he/she trie=
to deliver more than (for example)  10 consecutive messagens to email=20
addresses that doesn't exist on server in a given elapsed time?
I think it would be a good antispam tool.
It could also releases blocked IPs after a punishment time.

Helio Cavichiolo Jr
Altecnet Inform=E1tica Ltda
(19) 8137-6822
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[xmail] Add/Delete/Change password for users

2005-11-11 Thread Tom Banting

I have written a module in C++ (VC6) that uses active directory for xmail 
If mail arrives for an active directory user an xmail account is automatically 
created with default settings. The password is not stored in any .tab file. If 
an active directory user checks mail an account is created in the same way. 
This is compiled as part of xmail, it is not an external program. It involves 
adding a call to the authentication module from UPopBuildSession( ) for POP3 
and a call from SMTPCheckForwardPath( ) for SMTP authentication.
I have been using since version 1.20 with no issues.

Tom Banting Internet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Telcom Research WEB:http://www.TelcomResearch.com
Voice 1 (905) 336-2450Fax 1 (905) 336-1487 

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[xmail] Re: Attachment stripping filter?

2005-11-02 Thread Tom Banting
 I wrote one that I have been using for a couple of years now.

It is in C++ for Windows. It quarantines the message and sends a mail
notification message to the recipient with info about the message. If the
recipient replies to this message the quarantined message is delivered. 

The process is controlled by a text file containing file extensions and a
brief description of the file type of the attachment (the description is for
inclusion in the notification message). It has no provision to check size
butthat should be trivial to add.

At 02:09 PM 02/11/2005, you wrote:

Hi all:

I'm wondering if anyone knows of a filter that will strip attachments
(ideally, attachments over a certain kb threshold) from an incoming message,
post them to a web-accessible directory, and insert a link to the stripped
attachment into the message? I'd like to avoid re-inventing this, if
something exists already.

Thanks in advance


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Tom Banting Internet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[xmail] Re: smtpfwd.tab problem (and general dns problem !)

2005-06-17 Thread Tom Banting
 I get one or 2 a day. Xmail 1.21 Windows reverts to A addresses when it
can't find MX records. Nslookup finds the MX records. These are not all the
same domain but there are a few that show up often (earthlink and a few
others). This happens with and without SmartDNSHost. I'm using Microsoft
DNS servers but am now testing with a UNIX DNS server as the first entry in

At 03:10 AM 17/06/2005, you wrote:

It seems xmail (only suspected, not sure) switch back to use 'A' =
for target domains when encourating some connectivity problems to the =
domain EVEN if xmail is configured to use a smartdnshost AND the
smartdnshost get the good mx list for the target domain AND xmail =
file (so the dns response) for the target domain is correct too AND the
target dns zone IS correct with GOOD mx's pointers (no cnames, all =
exist, ...). 
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[xmail] Re: DNS entry files

2005-06-08 Thread Tom Banting
 Don't backup the DNS cache. All the entries will probably expire before you
ever have to restore it. The cache is a convenience, not a necessity anyway.
If you are using an external DNS server all the entries are cached there
anyway. The DNS cache I was referring to was the XMail dnscache directory
andI looked at it with explorer.  The Microsoft DNS server cache always has
atrailing period in its Cached Lookups entries as shown below (if the
graphicis not removed by the list server)
This is a listing output from the Microsoft DNSserver:
NameType Data
(same as parent folder) NS   athea.ar.
(same as parent folder) NS   ctina.ar.
(same as parent folder) NS   merapi.switch.ch.
(same as parent folder) NS   ns.uu.net.
(same as parent folder) NS   ns1.retina.ar.
(same as parent folder) NS   relay1.mecon.gov.ar.
At 10:43 AM 08/06/2005, you wrote:
Thank you again Tom,
How did you search for files in the DNS cache? All the methods I used does 
not find them since according to Windows they shouldn't exist. I tried using

the Windows search, VB script, and using the FindFirstFile API with no luck.

If I actually go to each folder in explorer and there is a file with a 
trailing period, I can see it, but I can't delete it.

Tom Banting Internet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Telcom Research WEB:http://www.TelcomResearch.com
[1]Voice 1 (905) 336-2450Fax 1 (905) 336-1487 

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-- Binary/unsupported file stripped by Ecartis --
-- Type: application/octet-stream
-- File: 9d7791b.jpg

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[xmail] Re: DNS entry files

2005-06-07 Thread Tom Banting
 Yes Windows will not allow trailing spaces or periods in file or directory
names. I have just checked my DNS cache. There are 20986 entries and none
endin a period. I am using Windows 2000 server and XMail 1.21.  CreateFile()
removes trailing spaces and periods from file and directory names as your
link points out.  XMail uses fopen() to create DNS cache files.
FILE * pCacheFile = fopen( szFilePath, wt );
This function also strips trailing spaces and periods.  Where are the
trailing periods coming from. It looks like XMail should be unable to create
these type of files.
At 01:19 PM 07/06/2005, you wrote:
The trailing period is quite legal and indicates that this is a fully
qualified domain name and no local domains should be appended when trying 
resolve the name.
If the trailing period is not present the DNS resolver will append local
domain names before resolving the name.

Thank you very much Tom for the explanation of why there is a period on the 
However, this doesn't help me with the fact that Windows does not like file 
names with periods on the end. It certainly is not even the Windows 8.3 
convention which is normally used for compatibility across platforms.
There isn't much I can find that refers to compatibility with Windows and a 
period at the end, but it is obviously a problem and not supported by 

The result is that I can not back up the hard drive which contains XMail 
without throwing errors. I can not delete, rename, or move a file with a 
period at the end with Windows. If I could, this wouldn't be an issue 
because I'd just recourse the DNS cache folder and delete anything that has 
this condition.

AutoTraker Inc.

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[4]Voice 1 (905) 336-2450Fax 1 (905) 336-1487 

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[xmail] Re: DNS entry files

2005-06-02 Thread Tom Banting
 The trailing period is quite legal and indicates that this is a fully
qualified domain name and no local domains should be appended when trying to
resolve the name.
If the trailing period is not present the DNS resolver will append local
domain names before resolving the name.
See the example below:

Server:  dns1.telcomresearch.com

Got answer:
opcode = QUERY, id = 6, rcode = NXDOMAIN
header flags:  response, auth. answer, want recursion, recursion
questions = 1,  answers = 0,  authority records = 1,  additional = 0

xmailserver.org.telcomresearch.com, type = A, class = IN
-  telcomresearch.com
ttl = 9 (1 day 1 hour)
primary name server = telcom-1.telcomresearch.com
responsible mail addr = dnsadmin.telcomresearch.com
serial  = 11150
refresh = 900 (15 mins)
retry   = 600 (10 mins)
expire  = 172800 (2 days)
default TTL = 9 (1 day 1 hour)

Got answer:
opcode = QUERY, id = 7, rcode = NOERROR
header flags:  response, auth. answer, recursion avail.
questions = 1,  answers = 1,  authority records = 2,  additional = 2

xmailserver.org , type = A, class = IN
-  xmailserver.org
internet address =
ttl = 86400 (1 day)
-  xmailserver.org
nameserver = x35.xmailserver.org
ttl = 86400 (1 day)
-  xmailserver.org
nameserver = mail.xmailserver.org
ttl = 86400 (1 day)
-  x35.xmailserver.org
internet address =
ttl = 86400 (1 day)
-  mail.xmailserver.org
internet address =
ttl = 86400 (1 day)


At 12:05 PM 02/06/2005, you wrote:
I'm finding that quite a few files in the dnscache are terminated with a 
An example is panda.co.jp.
This seems to be a real non-no in windows. My backup utilities choke on this

and I can't even delete it from windows explorer. I can't even rename it.
I find the only way I can get rid of it is to go to that directory and use 
 del *.*

I looked at these guys MX record and offhand I don't see anything wrong. 
This bust be kind of attempt at getting around address filters.  I did have 
*.jp in spam-address.tab and should have blocked that address anyway. I 
changed it to *.jp. and hopefully this will take care of it. I have run 
into it in the past but very isolated and can't remember if it is only a MX 
from Japan or not.
Has anyone else run into this and might there be a better way of blocking 
this type of thing?

AutoTraker Inc. 

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[xmail] Re: DNSREPORT says Xmail violates RFC821 4.3 RFC2821 4.3.1

2005-05-09 Thread Tom Banting
 Your server is configured incorrectly.
server.tab should contain the following line:
HeloDomain mars.bigeagle.com.au
Also the @ symbol is not legal in a fully qualified domain name.
At 02:48 AM 09/05/2005, you wrote:
Davide,  I just did a dnsreport on my domain, and it spat out he following

dnsreport output
WARN:Mail server host name in greeting  
WARNING: One or more of your mailservers is claiming to be a host other than
what it really is (the SMTP greeting should be a 3-digit code, followed by a
space or a dash, then the host name). This probably won't cause any harm,
but is a technical violation of RFC821 4.3 (and RFC2821 4.3.1). Note that
the hostname given in the SMTP greeting should have an A record pointing
back to the same server.

mars.bigeagle.com.au claims to be non-existent host
220 [EMAIL PROTECTED] [XMail 1.20 ESMTP Server] service
ready; Mon, 9 May 2005 14:45:29 +1000 
/dnsreport output

Now I assume it is complaining about:
Not saying something like:

I have an A record for [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Can you explain:
1. did I misunderstand something?, if so, what?
2. if not, then why does Xmail appear to violate RFC821 4.3 and RFC2821
4.3.1 (according to dnsreport)

Thanks, Rob :-)
Signature: Live like you'll die tomorrow!
Reply: I tried your signature out once. It took years off my life!  

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[xmail] Re: Problems with hotmail.com

2005-03-11 Thread Tom Banting
 I have seen this too.  Earthlink says:
[00] XMail bounce: [EMAIL PROTECTED];Error=[550-EarthLink
does not recognize your computer ( as connecting from an
EarthLink connection.  If this is in error, please contact technical
550 relaying to [EMAIL PROTECTED] prohibited by administrator]

At 04:39 PM 11/03/2005, you wrote:
We have started to get these same errors - for the last 2-3 months.  Never 
any before then.  It has happened sending to earthlink, hotmail, and some 
others.  Its does not allways seem to happen.  Often, if the user resends 
the message - it goes through just fine. 
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[xmail] Re: CPU use with 1.21

2005-01-20 Thread Tom Banting
 I have seen this too but only once.
Unfortunately I didn't save the file or look into it further.
I do not use any filters.
At 03:34 PM 19/01/2005, you wrote:

Please, Davide:

Remember my problem on Xmail 1.21 over W2000 (mail RE: problem with 
spool file; 12/30/2004):
my spool structure shows spool errors in the Event Manager regulary (a 
few per day). The server works, and the file system is REALLY OK.

An example:
ErrCode   =3D -56
ErrString =3D Invalid spool file
Unable to load spool file 
SMTP-Error =3D 554 Error loading spool file

Is the problem the .rej ?
The documentation refers .rej as the extension of a file response with 
filters processing, and I=B4m not using them (I mean a .rej file; I use 
filters, of course).

Sergio Perrone

Davide Libenzi wrote: 
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[xmail] SPF

2004-10-12 Thread Tom Banting
Has anyone added SPF functionality to xmail?

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