Re: [AMaViS-user] R: One more reason not to use an autoresponder

2007-06-17 Thread mouss
Giampaolo Tomassoni wrote: -Messaggio originale- Da: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:amavis-user- Gary V wrote: I am doing some tests on a Debian machine with the Debian 2.4.2 package and the postfixadmin script and I noticed that because the vacation program sends a

Re: [AMaViS-user] some question about spam

2007-05-30 Thread mouss
Wilson Kwok wrote: Hello, I using Postfix + Amavisd + Clamav + Spamassassin The Amavisd can detect virus and will delete it, but i have troble on spam mail, the following is the maillog that have Passed SPAM message, but I don't how to configure the spam to be delete,

Re: [AMaViS-user] some question about spam

2007-05-30 Thread mouss
Wilson Kwok wrote: Hello, I using Postfix + Amavisd + Clamav + Spamassassin The Amavisd can detect virus and will delete it, but i have troble on spam mail, the following is the maillog that have Passed SPAM message, but I don't how to configure the spam to be delete,

Re: [AMaViS-user] postfix/amavisd-new

2007-05-10 Thread mouss
Martin Schiøtz wrote: On 5/10/07, Jeremy Laidman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Martin Schiøtz wrote: Is it possible with postfix only to send incoming mails to amavisd-new and outgoing mails without configuring two ip-addresses on the server? I think you're asking if outbound

Re: [AMaViS-user] postfix/amavisd-new

2007-05-10 Thread mouss
Bill Landry wrote: Jeremy Laidman wrote the following on 5/10/2007 3:40 PM -0800: Bill Landry wrote: smtpd_recipient_restrictions = ... check_client_access pcre:/etc/postfix/filter_outbound permit_mynetworks permit_sasl_authenticated check_client_access

Re: [AMaViS-user] Using amavis-new for compliance?

2007-05-03 Thread mouss
Jeremy Laidman wrote: Hi Has anyone shoehorned amavis-new to do compliance policy such as required for HIPAA? By this I mean detecting keywords within a message that suggest leakage of personal information (medical records, social security numbers and the like). does compliance

Re: [AMaViS-user] Amavis + Postfix w/virtual domains creates largequeue of rejected emails

2007-04-28 Thread mouss
Colin Viebrock wrote: [snip] virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/maps/virtual,regexp:/etc/ postfix/maps/mylists-regex, hash:/etc/postfix/maps/mylists, hash:/var/ lib/mailman/data/virtual-mailman, proxy:mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql/ make sure these don't

Re: [AMaViS-user] curious amavisd-new behavior

2007-04-15 Thread mouss
Pickel, Gerd - Betax-Systems GmbH (IT) wrote: Hello, we run a mailserver on Debian etch (amd64) with amavisd-new (Version: 1:2.4.2-6.1) and exim4 (Version: 4.63-17). Yesterday suddenly no incoming mails were delivered to the local account from where we grap these mails with our jana server

Re: [AMaViS-user] error clamav

2007-02-10 Thread mouss
boricua wrote: On Sat, 10 Feb 2007 01:38:39 +0100 Mark Martinec [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: boricua, i run clamd as daemon and during the sample test i get this error when sending a spam (!)run_av (ClamAV-clamd, built-in i/f): Too many retries to talk to /var/run/clamav/clamd

Re: [AMaViS-user] error clamav

2007-02-10 Thread mouss
boricua wrote: # grep LocalSocket /etc/clamd.conf (adjust the clamd.conf depending on your system). then use the path you see in amavid.conf. bash-3.1# grep -i localsock /etc/clamd.conf LocalSocket /var/run/clamav-milter/clamd.sock when i change that to

Re: [AMaViS-user] local outbound mail marked as spam

2007-02-08 Thread mouss
Elvar wrote: Hello, I have the following rules set up to ensure outbound mail is not filtered for spam including mail originating from the box itself. @mynetworks = qw( [::1] [FE80::]/10 [FEC0::]/10 );

Re: [AMaViS-user] redirect spam to user spam box

2007-02-08 Thread mouss
Henry wrote: How can I redirect detected spam email to be sen to user mailboxes but not in their inbox, instead their spam folder? use maildrop or procmail. - Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web

Re: [AMaViS-user] maRBL on Debian

2007-01-04 Thread mouss
Henrik Krohns wrote: On Thu, Jan 04, 2007 at 01:43:27AM +0100, mouss wrote: grant maxwell wrote: It would be very simple to add greylist command support to policyd- weight. Used when you match only one RBL or get over some specific score. And p0f support contributing to the score

Re: [AMaViS-user] maRBL on Debian

2007-01-03 Thread mouss
grant maxwell wrote: It would be very simple to add greylist command support to policyd- weight. Used when you match only one RBL or get over some specific score. And p0f support contributing to the score? Heck, I'll make some patches myself, it would be much more useful than maRBL.

Re: [AMaViS-user] Nigerian scam getting through

2006-12-30 Thread mouss
Hans du Plooy wrote: Hi guys, I have postfix set up with greylisting and a few RBL checks, and amavisd-new-2.4.2 and spamassassin-3.1.7 on Debian Etch. The box was running Sarge with amavisd-new-2.3 (from experimental repo) before, and I upgraded via apt-get distupgrade. All is working

Re: [AMaViS-user] question re mailgraph graph

2006-12-26 Thread mouss
Peter Matulis wrote: I have amavisd-new and postfix running together. I use mailgraph to summarize the activity. I have a question re the graph (see attached png image) that is being produced by mailgraph. My server is strictly a spam filter and mail gateway. There is no local postfix

Re: [AMaViS-user] Spam quarantine

2006-12-26 Thread mouss
Ed Lucero wrote: How can I send spam to a dedicated spam respository server. I know I can send all spam to a single address by setting spam_quarantine_to to [EMAIL PROTECTED] But I want to maintain the recipient address when it gets sent, so the receiving MTA can place it in the correct

Re: [AMaViS-user] Place taged spam in users Junk-folder

2006-12-26 Thread mouss
Christopher Rasch-Olsen Raa wrote: Hi, I have been trying to find out how I can get amavis configured so messages tagged as spam gets delivered to a 'Junk'-folder for that particular recipient. After some googling I've come to believe that is achieved using plus-addressing, but I have

[AMaViS-user] handling message/partial

2006-12-26 Thread mouss
I just discovered that amavisd-new doesn't like message/partial (nor do I:) X-Amavis-Alert: BAD HEADER, MIME error: error: part did not end with expected boundary This was for a message with Content-Type: message/partial; total=2; id=...; number=1 what is the

Re: [AMaViS-user] Activate bayes + how to run sa-learn?

2006-10-22 Thread mouss
Daniel Johansson wrote: Hello, I've just installed postfix (virtual users) + amavisd (postfix + clamav) on FreeBSD 6.1. Everything seems to be working fine but I'm a little confused how to run sa-learn to train spamassassin. fix you clock:) run ntpdate then run ntpd. First of do I have to

Re: [AMaViS-user] Tagging image spam

2006-10-22 Thread mouss
albi albinootje wrote: mm, i wasn't aware that postfix can possibly also block gif-attachments, thanks for the reminder Not that I encourage blocking gif, but you can use header_checks. something like: /^Content-Type:\s*image\/gif/ 550 gif obsoleted here. use png. should do. If

Re: [AMaViS-user] Tagging image spam

2006-10-22 Thread mouss
Voytek Eymont wrote: On Mon, October 23, 2006 7:37 am, mouss wrote: albi albinootje wrote: mm, i wasn't aware that postfix can possibly also block gif-attachments, thanks for the reminder Not that I encourage blocking gif, but you can use header_checks. something like

Re: [AMaViS-user] How to bypass spam filtering forsystemgeneratedmessages

2006-10-01 Thread mouss
Mark Martinec wrote: I have not been able to figure out if there is a way to tell sendmail to use an alternate pickup daemon when piping a message back to Postfix. I don't think there is a way. Pickup picks messages from a maildrop directory, and by the time message gets there,

Re: [AMaViS-user] Disable X-Spam-Status header field

2006-10-01 Thread mouss
Vladimir wrote: Hi all. I'm using postfix + amavisd-new-2.4.2 + spamassassin. Is there any chance to completely disable the insertion of the X-Spam-Status header field with all the scores, tests, etc. even if the message is considered spam? I only need the X-Spam-Flag header field set to YES

Re: [AMaViS-user] banned files questions

2006-09-26 Thread mouss
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: you deliver messages tagged as undesirable to a quarantine. This may be - a junk folder - spam headers added to message (then MUAs are configured to use these to eithe put the message in a special folder or to just allow user to order messages so that they can focus

Re: [AMaViS-user] banned files questions

2006-09-25 Thread mouss
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: You can use HOLD (in postfix) or a quarantine mechanism. What do you mean quarantine mechanism? If this can be done in sendmail, please tell me how. you deliver messages tagged as undesirable to a quarantine. This may be - a junk folder - spam headers added

Re: [AMaViS-user] How to bypass spam filtering forsystemgeneratedmessages

2006-09-24 Thread mouss
Bill Landry wrote: [snip] Mark, is amavisd-new missing anything that I should be concerned about by having mail injected via SMTP vs. ESMTP? I noticed that Postfix delivers to Amavisd via ESMTP, but the smtpclient delivers via SMTP. old smtp doesn't support DSN, 8BITMIME, ... You may

Re: [AMaViS-user] banned files questions

2006-09-24 Thread mouss
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Yes, but is there an alternative that will permit rejection of messages? A dual SMTP setup will only let you bounce them. You can use HOLD (in postfix) or a quarantine mechanism. Bouncing viruses or spam is not the best way to go, however losing mail isn't very

Re: [AMaViS-user] Sharing spam-training techniques

2006-09-24 Thread mouss
Shane Hickey wrote: Hello all, I'm running with Amavisd-new, Postfix, Spamassassin, ClamAV and SquirrelMail (with the amavisnewsql and spam_buttons plugins) on my mail server. (See versions below). Anyway, recently I put dspam into the mix but I want to refine how I train it. I'm

Re: [AMaViS-user] Recover quarantined mail

2006-09-10 Thread mouss
Andreas Dahlén wrote: Hello! Today we are handleing mail via Sendmail, MimeDefang and SpamAssassin. Mail classified as SPAM is quarantined and once every day a list of quarantined mail is sent to the user, from which he/she could recover a quarantined mail. We are now going to switch

Re: [AMaViS-user] Directing tagged mails to a separate mbox for a domain

2006-09-10 Thread mouss
Mark Martinec wrote: Sysadmin, My settings are as follows in amavisd.conf $sa_tag2_level_deflt = 3.1; $sa_kill_level_deflt = 9.0; So suppose I want the mails which have a score of equal to or greater than 3.1 and less than 9.0 to go to a separate spam box for that domain . Above 9.0

Re: [AMaViS-user] correlating postfix and amavis log entries

2006-07-30 Thread mouss
Karsten Scheibler wrote: Hello, I've written (yet another) loganalyze script for postfix and amavis. Currently i use the message-id of a mail to bring together all postfix and amavis log entries belonging to a specific mail (after using queue-id and amavis pid+child_id to get all postfix

Re: [AMaViS-user] Skip virus scanning for certain senders?

2006-04-22 Thread mouss
Scott Friedman wrote: Is there a way (virus_lovers_maps?) to tell Amavisd (2.4) to not virus scan? I run a PhpBB forum, and i'm getting errors now, since it seems like Clamscan is taking up to 30 seconds to scan for viruses, and the smtp.php times out on the forum (or takes forever) can

Re: [AMaViS-user] 2.4.0-rc5, hopefully the last release candidate

2006-03-28 Thread mouss
Mark Martinec wrote: Hopefully the last release candidate before the final release: Working here: NetBSD (3.0_RC5) with Net Server 0.88. --- This SF.Net email is

Re: [AMaViS-user] Extending AMaViS

2006-03-22 Thread mouss
Bowie Bailey a écrit : Harry Hoffman wrote: I'm looking at writing a bit of code that automatically encrypts emails with gpg that are not encrypted and was wondering if it would be best to use Amavis to do this. A email would arrive via smtp be handed off to amavis for spam/virus scanning, if

Re: [AMaViS-user] amavisd-new-2.4.0-rc1 release candidate is available

2006-03-21 Thread mouss
Mark Martinec a écrit : mouss, a quick test resulted in an error: Mar 21 00:28:39 ouzoud amavis[8008]: (08008-01) (!!) TROUBLE in check_mail: parts_decode_ext FAILED: parsing file(1) results - missing last 1 results at (eval 44) line 154. This is on a NetBSD 3.0_RC5 (the file command

Re: [AMaViS-user] amavisd-new-2.4.0-rc1 release candidate is available

2006-03-20 Thread mouss
Mark Martinec a écrit : A release candidate for 2.4.0 is available at: Since -pre7: added access controls to, better logging of DSN decisions, properly handle DSN with D_DISCARD, read_hash fixed, cleaner

Re: [AMaViS-user] amavisd-new-2.4.0-rc1 release candidate is available

2006-03-20 Thread mouss
Jim Knuth a écrit : Mar 21 00:28:39 ouzoud amavis[8008]: (08008-01) (!!) TROUBLE in check_mail: parts_decode_ext FAILED: parsing file(1) results - missing last 1 results at (eval 44) line 154. not by me. Works fine. :) Are you running NetBSD (3.0 or whatever)?

Re: [AMaViS-user] How to preserve X-DSPAM-Signature in detected spam email?

2006-03-18 Thread mouss
Peter Santiago a écrit : Hi, Let me rephrase the subject line... ^_^ Is there anyway I can preserve the X-DSPAM-Signature in the headers when an email is tagged as spam? I'm just using SA's static rules and DSPAM's bayesian capability. what do you mean? I am using dspam before

Re: [AMaViS-user] Per-user subject blacklisting

2006-03-02 Thread mouss
Richard Bishop a écrit : Hi, I'm not sure whether this is an amavis or SA question, but here goes. The setup we have uses exim, amavisd-new, SA, razor, which is extremely reliable and catches most of the spam we recieve, though still misses the occassional few. Much of the spam we

Re: [AMaViS-user] white-listed spam

2006-02-09 Thread mouss
Les Ault a écrit : On Thu, 2006-02-09 at 00:03 +0100, mouss wrote: Les Ault a écrit : [snip] but your postfix log shows a correct address: Feb 7 16:13:01 mta1 postfix/qmgr[3198]: 1E0EE91EF1: from=[EMAIL PROTECTED], size=2460, nrcpt=1 (queue active) Don't you reject_non_fqdn_sender

Re: [AMaViS-user] Nightly mail log summary being marked as spam

2006-02-09 Thread mouss
Leone, Michael a écrit : I have a bit of an odd issue. I use postfix, with amavisd-new-20030616 and spamassassin 3.1.0a, on Debian testing. I have a cronjob that creates a postfix log summary (using pflogsumm), and then it mails it to me. some things that may help: 1- set your

Re: [AMaViS-user] white-listed spam

2006-02-08 Thread mouss
Les Ault a écrit : One of my users just received some spam that made it past amavisd/SpamAssassin; The message was your average text formatted mortgage spam. This message has been blocked by amavisd/SpamAssassin in the past so I did some checking and found the envelope sender on this

Re: [AMaViS-user] Re: Best way to train statistical DB's ?

2006-02-08 Thread mouss
Christopher Jack a écrit : Hi there, I've been looking into this very problem over the last few days and wondered how you got on with your solution as I'm in the same boat as you. That is that my amavisd-new box and my web host are different machines. How did you get on with the Horde

Re: [AMaViS-user] white-listed spam

2006-02-08 Thread mouss
Les Ault a écrit : The space is from the sending MTA (spamming MTA) during the MAIL FROM command. To test my theory, I used a previously quarantined spam message (all my messages are quarantined in BSMTP format). Using vi, I added a space between the tld and the , then re-injected the

[AMaViS-user] Re: Best way to train statistical DB's ?

2006-02-05 Thread mouss
Jakob Curdes a écrit : Try the command line option '--user=[EMAIL PROTECTED]'. Do you use DSPAM with virtual users? We have many domains on the server and user postfix as MTA. We use the postfix virtual table to map mail addresses to system users, but all mail users (i.e. pop/imap

Re: [AMaViS-user] Amavisd + Spamassassin Problem ?

2006-02-05 Thread mouss
Sebastien Andreatta a écrit : Hello, and good evening all ;-) I'm new user from the mailing list and i come today to ask you a simple question... I have installed spamassassin (yum install spamassassin on FC4) after clamav.. And to finish, amavisd ... I have using this page to

Re: [AMaViS-user] OT: Is this a virusmail?

2006-02-01 Thread mouss
Al Bogner a écrit : No, it is a bounce message. Decoded message text follows: To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Message delivery failed to the following address [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reason: Mailbox [EMAIL PROTECTED] deactivated How did you decode it? man uudecode.

Re: [AMaViS-user] Recipient Address validation problem with dualpostfix

2006-01-25 Thread mouss
Matthias Keller a écrit : Hi I know this would fit to a postfix list too, but since I guess a lot of you guys are running this setup I hope to find a solution here too... I'm running a dual postfix-2.2.5-5 setup with amavisd-new-2.3.3-5 It all works fine except for something that

Re: [AMaViS-user] Custom spamassassin rule don't work

2006-01-03 Thread mouss
Santos a écrit : I have this custom rule on /etc/mail/spamassassin/ uri GEOCITIES /^http:\/\/(uk|it|de|sg|ar|jp|in|es|au|ca|www)\.geocities\.com\/.*\/\?/i describe GEOCITIES Tons of spam with Geocities URL scoreGEOCITIES 4.0 However it simply doesn't work. Geocities spam,

[AMaViS-user] Re: Include spamassassin in postfix OR in amavis . Is there a difference ?

2005-12-20 Thread mouss
Nokin Jérôme a écrit : Hello, I'm currently using Postfix + Spamassassin at my office. So my file look like this : #--- smtp inet n - n - - smtpd -o content_filter= spamassassin

Re: [AMaViS-user] fetchmailded mail doesn't get scanned

2005-12-10 Thread mouss
Jorge Salamero Sanz a écrit : hi all, i've this fetchmail configuration, i redirect all my email in fooserver to my account in myhost.tld: set postmaster [EMAIL PROTECTED] set bouncemail set no spambounce set properties set daemon 60 poll fooserver.tld with proto POP3 user 'luser' there

Re: [AMaViS-user] what should happen when many filters match ?

2005-12-08 Thread mouss
Gérald Macinenti a écrit : Hi, Using Amavis-new 2.3.3, having all destiny set to D_DISCARD except aheh? so you don't fear false positives? for virus which is set to D_PASS, a mail matching virus and banned will arrive to its recip and go to virus quarantine, but a mail matching virus and

Re: [AMaViS-user] Skip spam scanning for one user

2005-12-08 Thread mouss
Randy Kintner a écrit : Hi, I'm trying to configure our amavis-new/spamassassin/postfix setup to skip scanning of mails directed to one particular user. Currently, I am set up to scan, tag (if evaluated as spam), and deliver all mail (deletion or quarantine of even one false positive is not

Re: [AMaViS-user] several basic questions

2005-11-19 Thread mouss
Peter a écrit : Well, for me, it is a huge contributor to identifying spam. Typically I get scores of around 7 with AWL being responsible for 6 of that. I turned it off in and now the spam just floats by... If you decide to turn it off, you'll need to look at your spam and tune

Re: [AMaViS-user] A bit stuck again

2005-11-13 Thread mouss
mouss a écrit : if content_filter is only defined in smtp -in, that won't get filtered. I meant in smtpd. --- SF.Net email is sponsored by: Tame your development challenges with Apache's Geronimo App Server. Download

Re: [AMaViS-user] submitting MS Exchange email to Bayes

2005-11-10 Thread mouss
Yackley, Matt a écrit : For the most part Exchange will add some Microsoft specific headers and remove most of the original headers. Here are some of the headers that the message will retain: From Received Content-Type Date Message-ID To: and CC: I guess. Here are some of the headers

Re: [AMaViS-user] Bypassing spam check for webmail

2005-11-09 Thread mouss
Shelley Waltz a écrit : I am running postfix-2.0.18-1/amavisd-new-20030616/spamassassin-2.63-1. I am also running squirrelmail-1.4.3. These all run on the same host. I wish to exclude mail sent from squirrelmail to either local recipients or non-local recipients from spam filtering.

Re: [AMaViS-user] turned off spam checking, but still checking

2005-10-11 Thread mouss
Mark Martinec a écrit : ...My guess is the headers were there prior to accepting this message. ... So it looks like existing X-Spam headers are not removed unless spam scanning is enabled. It does not mean is scanning. Indeed. There is no need to remove

Re: [AMaViS-user] amavis-stats 0.1.15

2005-10-09 Thread mouss
Elijah Savage a écrit : Dale Walsh wrote: I've done a major rewrite again, daemonized the application, cleaned up the web interface. I realize that I just added the auto cron create/delete routines but since some platforms were having issues with the cron jobs I decided to go a

Re: [AMaViS-user] geocities spammers switched to new urls

2005-10-03 Thread mouss
Gregory Mokhin a écrit : Looks like same spammers that had used geocities before now send messages with new urls (an excerpt): Free check-up details review with our approved expert. message to oz, saying if he lilyhanded did not let them in

Re: [AMaViS-user] Re: three questions

2005-10-02 Thread mouss
Gregory Mokhin a écrit : Thanks Pavel, Noel and Gary for your replies. uri GEOCITIES /^http:\/\/(uk|it|www)\.geocities\.com\/.*\/\?/i Isn't this too generic? Any false positives? you can remove it in the future if you fear FPs. but for now, it brings too much spam. anyway,

Re: [AMaViS-user] Re: Move spam to specific users directory

2005-09-20 Thread mouss
Jochen Seifarth a écrit : I do use SquirrelMail, but still AFAIK it's only a web interface to email, i.e. it displays on a Web UI what's in my mail folders (via IMAP). No idea if/how you could get SquirrelMail to move your mail items to different folders. Isn't that an LDA (e.g. procmail) job ?

Re: [AMaViS-user] X-Spam-Status

2005-09-19 Thread mouss
Charles Farinella a écrit : Can I attach X-Spam-Status to all emails regardless of whether they actually reach the kill level? In amavisd.conf I have set: $sa_tag_level_deflt = -99.0; # add spam info headers if at, or above that level this should work. make sure you don't have a second

Re: [AMaViS-user] Bypass spam checks on local dsn/bounce

2005-09-14 Thread mouss
Clifton Royston a écrit : I guess my point was more along the lines of: why is it routed through amavisd in the first place? Why send a self-generated DSN through anyway? because he is using transport to pass mail to different amavisd's depending on the recipient domain. The problem

Re: [AMaViS-user] Bypass spam checks on local dsn/bounce

2005-09-14 Thread mouss
Clifton Royston a écrit : Ah, I see. If you replace transports with a Postfix access map that does: FILTER smtp:localhost:10026 FILTER smtp:localhost:10025 or similar, then you can still route domains (or even specific users) to a specific amavisd

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