Re: [Artemis-users] loading a eukaryotic genome assembly(multifasta) and annotation into Artemis 16.0.0

2014-02-25 Thread Tim Carver
In Artemis, with a multi-fasta sequence file, the options for the annotation file are to use a GFF file or to in some way to concatenate the EMBL/GenBank feature table (adjusting the coordinates to match the correct position of the assembly). This is what Œunion¹ should do with EMBL files. I am

Re: [Artemis-users] Automatically create gene names

2014-02-19 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Mircea I think you have to careful about how you are selecting. If you select the first CDS in the sequence and then use 'Select'-'Same key' and then use the Auto Create Gene Names option the numbering will be from left to right. Then you do the same for 'gene' (using the same start and

Re: [Artemis-users] ACT - error message: out of range

2013-09-16 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Astrid I would double check that you are working with single FASTA files (not EMBL/GenBank) when creating the BLAST comparison. Also check that you have the subject sequence above the query sequence. If not let me know where the files are and I will take a look. Regards Tim On 13/09/2013

Re: [Artemis-users] Invisible line colour option?

2013-07-04 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Mike No there is no way of doing that currently within Artemis (other than setting the lines to white which you have tried). It may be necessary to prepare several user plot files with just the data you want to display. I will look at adding in the option of being able to hide lines from the

[Artemis-users] Artemis and ACT new release

2013-03-20 Thread Tim Carver
The new Artemis v15 and ACT v12 are available for download from the website. Some of the highlights are: * project file manager, to help group files and make it easier to return to and open project files (annotation, BAM, VCF). * SVG (scalable vector graphics) support for producing high

Re: [Artemis-users] ACT - loading a .tab file

2012-11-19 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Astrid That message means that one or more of the features in the tab file extends beyond the end of the sequence. I would check the features in the file and find which ones are not within the plasmid sequence. Do you have the additional genes in there as well for example. If you let me know

Re: [Artemis-users] Fwd: ACT 11.0/

2012-10-15 Thread Tim Carver
Hi John As discussed with you off list but for other users... you can use the output from blast+ (using outfmt 6) as the comparison file. So you do not actually need to use the script to generate that. Regards Tim On 10/10/12 2:39 PM, John Legato wrote: Hello, We are

Re: [Artemis-users] [artemis-users] RAST generated gbk file open error

2012-08-13 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Sheila The output of this looks to be a multiple genbank entries in a single file. Artemis therefore just opens the first contig in the genbank file. Looking at the example you sent me, you can use EMBOSS to create a multiple fasta file: seqret RAST.gbk out.fa and use Œunion¹ to join the

Re: [Artemis-users] Artemis and multiple (interactive) annotation tracks

2012-04-13 Thread Tim Carver
=GI:somenumber? Alex Van: Bossers, Alex Verzonden: woensdag 11 april 2012 22:31 To: Tim Carver; Onderwerp: RE: Artemis and multiple (interactive) annotation tracks Tim, thanks for the rapid reply! I will have a look

Re: [Artemis-users] Artemis and multiple (interactive) annotation tracks

2012-04-13 Thread Tim Carver
postprocess these files into embl annotation files using the ORF prediction location and the blast info... Looks lik the dev will exactly show the 4x annotation feature...hopefully :-) Will experiment with the hyperlinks Cheers Alex Van: Tim Carver

Re: [Artemis-users] Artemis and multiple (interactive) annotation tracks

2012-04-11 Thread Tim Carver
? thanks Alex Van: [] namens Tim Carver [] Verzonden: dinsdag 13 maart 2012 10:23 To: Onderwerp: [Artemis-users] Artemis and ACT new

Re: [Artemis-users] Edit Menu, adding qualifiers for CDS's

2012-03-29 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Rudi One way to achieve this would be to select the features you would like to add the qualifier to and then from the ŒEdit¹ menu pick ŒQualifier of Selected Feature(s)¹ and ŒChange¹. From this window you can add or replace existing qualifiers and their values, so you can add

Re: [Artemis-users] Java web start with Artemis

2012-03-20 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Preethi There is some general JNLP documentation online if you search for Œjnlp syntax¹. For Artemis arguments and properties, you may find it useful to download some of the JNLP files on that webpage and start with those. Below is one of these examples. The properties and arguments are the

Re: [Artemis-users] Problems viewing VCF files

2012-03-19 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Louis You need to read in the bgzip'ed vcf file not the tabix index file. It is expecting a file to be loaded with the suffix .vcf.gz rather than .tbi. It will then automatically look for the index (.tbi) file in the same directory as the VCF file. Regards Tim On 3/17/12 2:48 PM, Louis

Re: [Artemis-users] How to show normalized RNA-seq data?

2012-02-27 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Qinglu I suspect these two plots are loaded into Artemis as user plots. So they probably generated the plot data with scripts and loaded them via the Graph menu as user plots. For the strand-specific plot you could generate this via the BAM view by separating the strands into separate BAM

Re: [Artemis-users] error message with artemis

2012-02-17 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Zeenia This is a warning message. Artemis attempts to match the length of the sequence in the GFF with the sequence lengths in the BAM header. If it doesn't then it gives that message. It may be worth checking the header of the BAM. Regards Tim On 2/17/12 4:21 AM, Zeenia Jagga

Re: [Artemis-users] How to save memory

2011-09-22 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Feifei Artemis is optimised already so that it loads into memory only the reads that are visible in the display, i.e. for the region you are looking at. If you have not already done so you should look at increasing the memory available to Artemis. See below for instructions on how this can be

Re: [Artemis-users] Order of attribs in gff3 file

2011-09-20 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Feifei It seems that we can not guarantee the order. Although I did try label and accession_id on a feature and the order did remain label, accession_id between saving out to separate files. Were you adding new features or annotations on features? Artemis does an auto-save once changes are

Re: [Artemis-users] problem running blast from within Artemis on Linux

2011-08-18 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Laura This needs to be configured for your site. You will need the databases to be searched set up locally and you may need to edit the Artemis scripts that run blast. There is some documentation in the manual for ŒConfiguring the Run Menu¹. The error you get may mean that blastall is not in

Re: [Artemis-users] Bitten by multiFASTA annotation bug

2011-08-01 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Florent Apologies for not getting round to this. It has not been a priority here as the EMBOSS application 'union' does this. I shall try and promote it up the todo list. Regards Tim On 8/1/11 7:28 AM, Florent Angly wrote: Hi, I was trying Artemis to view some

Re: [Artemis-users] Bitten by multiFASTA annotation bug

2011-08-01 Thread Tim Carver
implemented. Regards Tim On 8/1/11 2:47 PM, Tim Carver wrote: Hi Florent Apologies for not getting round to this. It has not been a priority here as the EMBOSS application 'union' does this. I shall try and promote it up the todo list. Regards Tim On 8/1/11 7:28

Re: [Artemis-users] Search sequence

2011-06-13 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Shahar You can use the Artemis Navigator under the ŒGoto¹ menu for that. There are options to find base or amino acid strings. Regards Tim On 6/13/11 12:25 PM, Shahar . wrote: Hello, This is quite basic, but I couldn't figure out how to search for a DNA sequence or

Re: [Artemis-users] problems in visualizing artemis plot

2011-05-07 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Elena This may mean that the file is not in the correct format for Artemis to read. I would recommend you check the Artemis user manual (³Add User Plot² section) for the supported formats. Alternatively it may be that you just need to turn scaling on by right clicking on the graph window and

Re: [Artemis-users] BAM in Artemis

2011-04-20 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Ed Given a BAM file e.g. x.bam the application is looking for the file x.bam.bai in the same directory. It sounds this is the case? If you create the index file with samtools : samtools index x.bam then it will create x.bam.bai. You could try re-creating the index with samtools.

Re: [Artemis-users] annotation and saving problem

2011-03-29 Thread Tim Carver
Hi, So you constructed the file of genes in Artemis but then you cannot see the annotation when loaded back in? One thing to check is that you have not given it a filename with spaces in the name. Regards Tim On 3/29/11 12:49 PM, Dragica Šalamon wrote: Hello, everyone!

Re: [Artemis-users] Java Web Start on Windows - option file location

2011-03-16 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Leighton Actually using .artemis_options in the users home directory works on windows, or at least on the windows version I have tried it on here. To find where java thinks the user home directory is there is an application here:

Re: [Artemis-users] launching DnaPlotter with a sequence file

2011-02-21 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Scott Yes it is template driven, so there is no -f option. You can manually create a template or export a template out from a DNAPlotter session. Example templates can be found in the online manual page: The template then restores

Re: [Artemis-users] artemis inside other software

2011-02-21 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Bernd Thank you for your message. There are command line options for running Artemis and setting various display parameters, e.g. you can open sequences and feature tables from different files from the command line. The options are documented in the user manual. There is no programmer manual

Re: [Artemis-users] launching DnaPlotter with a sequence file

2011-02-21 Thread Tim Carver
first view to be the circular plot. Scott -Original Message- From: Tim Carver [] Sent: Monday, 21 February 2011 1:32 AM To: Scott Markel; Subject: Re: [Artemis-users] launching DnaPlotter with a sequence file Hi Scott Yes

Re: [Artemis-users] ACT comparisons

2011-02-17 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Magdalen Sorry to hear you are having trouble with WebACT. I have tried it a couple of times and it is working for me. It may be a temporary glitch or possibly an issue with the size of the sequence. It may be worth trying again? Regards Tim On 2/16/11 3:34 PM, Bossers, Alex

Re: [Artemis-users] multiple contigs, blast and interproscan

2011-02-16 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Intikhab Artemis can read in the output from blastall when it is run with the Œ-m 8¹ flag to generate the one line per HSP. It then displays each blast HSP as a separate feature. The blast needs to be run on the single fasta sequence of the contigs (rather than a multiple fasta) so that the

Re: [Artemis-users] DNAplotter for MacOSX

2010-11-01 Thread Tim Carver
before. Thanks again. Regards, -- yealing -- On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 4:35 PM, Tim Carver wrote: Hi Yealing Thanks for the feedback. One way to restrict the range on a track is to define it in Artemis first, i.e. delete the features outside a range by first selecting

Re: [Artemis-users] DNAplotter for MacOSX

2010-10-29 Thread Tim Carver
PM, Tim Carver wrote: Hi Kajsa The best way to avoid that is to set up the tracks first. The track manager works by filtering the features to display and will refresh them when you click UPDATE. So you should ideally do your editing after you have set the tracks. Regards On 10

Re: [Artemis-users] Export annotated Artemis data to CLC Bio

2010-10-21 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Jack Artemis is not really meant as a conversion tool between formats and in particular EMBL/GenBank to GFF, although it will have a go. You could try EMBOSS (seqret) to convert. However, it sounds like you have multiple fasta records in your file which may cause problems if you are writing

Re: [Artemis-users] keyboard commands

2010-09-16 Thread Tim Carver
For ACT, if you want to use shortcuts (other than edit selected feature) on any of the sequences you need to use the 'ALT' key with the shortcut, e.g. ALT+T to trim to any met. Regards Tim On 9/16/10 10:09 AM, Oscar Franzén wrote: Hi! I'm using ACT to compare three

Re: [Artemis-users] Multiple Bamview plots

2010-07-27 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Roy If you download the latest development version of Artemis (v12.1.1) you can colour reads for each file differently. So you can then differentiate them by the file. You can set this colour scheme by right clicking on the BamView window and selecting 'Colour By'-'Coverage Plot Colours' (the

Re: [Artemis-users] Searching for a qualifier?

2010-07-20 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Lionel You can use the feature selector to locate the pseudogenes. From the 'Select' menu open the 'Feature Selector'. Select the Key and Qualifier (CDS and pseudo) to search for and click the 'View' button. This will list those features with that qualifier in a separate window. You can use

Re: [Artemis-users] using ACT tool with mummer output

2010-07-11 Thread Tim Carver
is different from users plot format recommended ACT, so I got error message when I upload) 3. if I upload a dot-plot file, can I select a region and get sequences of there? best regards. Sun-young 2010. 6. 28., 오후 4:50, Tim Carver 작성: Hi There are some useful examples on how to parse

Re: [Artemis-users] Chado connection Note/note case sensitivity

2010-06-02 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Leighton At the moment it show /note and /comment in database mode. I will look at making it use /Note as well. For now you can change it manually by right clicking on the feature list and using the 'Show Selected Qualifiers ...' option to add the Note qualifiers. Regards Tim On 6/2/10 2:39

Re: [Artemis-users] Hide forward and reverse frame lines

2010-05-24 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Shahar No there isn¹t an option for this in the options file. If it would be useful I can add the options : show_forward_lines and show_reverse_lines so that these can be controlled from the options file. This would control both the zoomed out and zoomed in feature displays. Regards Tim

Re: [Artemis-users] Artemis-users post from requires approval

2010-02-17 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Jocelyne If you use the 'Find/Replace Qualifier Text' option under the Edit menu this should hopefully help. Regards Tim From: Lew Jocelyne Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2010 18:35:30 +0100 To: Conversation: search by key in

Re: [Artemis-users] Viewing next gen sequence reads on artemis

2010-02-03 Thread Tim Carver
sequence using the latest version of Mosaik software, but I am unclear on the exact Samtools commands that would convert this into a BAM file suitable for Artemis (sorted and indexed). Is there some info on this? Thank you for your help. Regards, Tony Barbet Tim Carver wrote: Hi

Re: [Artemis-users] Viewing next gen sequence reads on artemis

2010-01-27 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Gowtham Have a look at BamView. This is integrated into Artemis and can be found in the Artemis development version (which is available from the above link as well as the Artemis home page) and will be in the next release. Regards Tim On 1/26/10 8:07 PM,

Re: [Artemis-users] ACT, transfer annotations

2010-01-21 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Kajsa Unfortunately there is no tool in ACT to do this with flat files. With the database version of Artemis and ACT there is a transfer annotation tool: that can be used. I suspect what you are looking for is a bulk

Re: [Artemis-users] Command line option to load data file for ACT

2009-12-29 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Gowtham, You can use something like this: act seq1.embl seq1_v_seq2.comparison seq2.embl for an additional comparison: act seq1.embl seq1_v_seq2.comparison seq2.embl \ seq2_v_seq3.comparison seq3.embl so you can keep adding seqeunce and comparisons files. You would need

Re: [Artemis-users] ACT is sluggish...

2009-08-10 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Kenneth To increase the memory on MaxOSX, you edit this file in the ACT application directory: Towards the bottom of this file there is a line that looks like: string-Xmx512m/string This is the memory limit that you can increase. Regards Tim On 8/7/09 10:49

Re: [Artemis-users] Configuring Blast with webstart Artemis

2009-03-24 Thread Tim Carver
the blastp and run_blastp scripts.. Thanks very much in advance, Gowthaman SBRI On 3/18/09 3:35 AM, Tim Carver wrote: Hi Rob You can find documentation for setting up blast/fasta and the databases in the Readme.txt in the MacOSX distribution. You can then edit

Re: [Artemis-users] Configuring Blast with Mac Art 11

2009-03-24 Thread Tim Carver
complains as following..but does the JOB Error seen: Fatal server error: Server is already active for display 0 If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock and start again. AbortDDX Quitting Xquartz... On 3/24/09 11:09 AM, Tim Carver wrote: Hi Gowthaman

Re: [Artemis-users] Configuring options for blast, etc for v11 on macosx

2009-03-18 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Rob You can find documentation for setting up blast/fasta and the databases in the Readme.txt in the MacOSX distribution. You can then edit the run_blast* scripts in and options file if required as per the documentation in the manual:

Re: [Artemis-users] Bug: crash when loading GFF3 containing multiple sequences

2009-03-16 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Torsten Thanks for that. I have fixed that and I hope to get that in the development version in the next few days. However, there is still a problem that has been mentioned before on the list in that Artemis does not yet take into account column 1 in GFF3 (the ID of the landmark used to

Re: [Artemis-users] vector graphic

2009-03-16 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Daniel Under the File menu there is a Print option. From there you should be able to get it to print a postscript file. Regards Tim On 3/16/09 12:21 PM, Daniel Herlemann wrote: Is there a possibility to export the screens as vector-graphic (pdf, ps, eps)?

Re: [Artemis-users] Artemis can't read Chado database

2009-02-26 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Björn I have just added some documentation that describes loading in two examples one of these is the one you have used (NC_008783): I did not experience the problem you seem to have with feature types. However I had to

Re: [Artemis-users] multiple fasta sequence files and feature

2009-02-26 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Malcolm I think the normal trick is to create a single fasta from Artemis by File-Write-All Bases-FASTA format. This then gets them on the correct coordinate system for your query. The GFF multiple contig thing is a problem. It only really copes with a single sequence. I haven't loaded GFFs

[Artemis-users] Artemis and ACT new releases

2009-02-23 Thread Tim Carver
/ Some of the more notable changes are described here with links to the documentation: Regards Tim Carver ___ Artemis-users mailing list

Re: [Artemis-users] Artemis output and default options

2009-02-23 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Santiago 1) Is it possible to save the textual summary at the bottom of main Artemis edit window as a text file with tab delimited fields? If you right click on the feature list at the bottom then you get a popup menu with the option Save List To File This will save a space delimited

Re: [Artemis-users] File on Windows

2009-01-16 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Chris The easiest thing to do is unwrap the jar and replace it with the file in lib/j2ssh/ It is used here to tunnel from windows machines and set off BLAST searches. Regards Tim On 1/16/09 3:44 PM, Chris Friedline wrote: Hello all, We would like to

Re: [Artemis-users] Configure Run window

2008-12-20 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Aparna To be able to run blast you need to download blast and set up and format your databases. You add the database to the Run menu by editing 'etc/options' and you need to edit the associated run_blastp/run_blastn script for your site. (This means that you need to running this on a UNIX

Re: [Artemis-users] opening a gff file - log4j issue

2008-11-19 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Gareth Those are warnings that can be safely ignored. Have you tried increasing the maximum memory it can use? Look for the line beginning 'MEM=' in the art run script. Are there any message written to the terminal window? Regards Tim On 19/11/08 17:11, Gareth Bloomfield [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Artemis-users] opening a gff file - log4j issue

2008-11-19 Thread Tim Carver
Tim On 19/11/08 17:17, Tim Carver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Gareth Those are warnings that can be safely ignored. Have you tried increasing the maximum memory it can use? Look for the line beginning 'MEM=' in the art run script. Are there any message written to the terminal window

Re: [Artemis-users] Possible EOL issue with user plots?

2008-11-03 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Nicole This may well be just Artemis running out of memory. It has to read in the entire file and it is likely that it may be running out of memory before it can display the data. I have changed the code so that it will warn you if this happens ­ this will appear in the next release of

Re: [Artemis-users] Performance problem generating gene names

2008-10-31 Thread Tim Carver
Thanks Keith. This is fixed now in the development version. Tim On 30/10/08 12:55, Keith James [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'm trying to add gene names using the automatically create gene names function under the edit menu. Here's the process: 1. Select 4550 CDS features using the feature

Re: [Artemis-users] resolution of Print Image Files

2008-09-05 Thread Tim Carver
stage of proof preparation at least! Cheers Derek At 14:57 03/09/2008, Tim Carver wrote: Hi Derek, I have added File-Print, so that you can create PostScript files now. (I did look at other options to improve dpi but I think this would require extra image I/O libraries.) I have

Re: [Artemis-users] problem with zooming in/out in ACT

2008-07-17 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Marcus It may help for larger sequences/comparisons to increase the memory you allow ACT to use. If you are using the 'act' script to run it the change the MEM line which will look something like this: MEM=-mx500m -ms20m Regards Tim On 17/7/08 12:31, Marcus Claesson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Artemis-users] ACT and more than two genomes

2008-06-23 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Stefanie For 3 genomes you need 2 comparison files. In the file requestor window the Œmore files...¹ button expands the window to allow more sequence and comparison files to be given as input: Regards Tim On 23/6/08 08:06,

Re: [Artemis-users] multiple contig reading problem

2008-03-20 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Chris You need to use something like the EMBOSS application 'union'. Separate them into individual EMBL files and concatenate them into a single EMBL entry file (use the -feature option and -sformat embl). Regards Tim On 20/3/08 15:18, Chris Knight [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I am having

Re: [Artemis-users] v9

2008-02-20 Thread Tim Carver
flavour of UNIX are you using and what version of Java? You could try getting the latest Java if you haven¹t already. Regards Tim Carver On 20/2/08 08:57, Duffield Melanie L [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, I am trying to get Artemis v9 set up on a networked Unix computer (or at least co

Re: [Artemis-users] Artemis display issues

2008-02-04 Thread Tim Carver
until the first SPACE (the standard behaviour). That way it is possible to add some description. thanks in adv, FG Tim Carver wrote: Hi Filipe It sounds like you are better off using the Frame Line Features... option. This allows you to define what features you want displayed

Re: [Artemis-users] Artemis display issues

2008-02-01 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Filipe It sounds like you are better off using the Frame Line Features... option. This allows you to define what features you want displayed on the frame lines. I think the other option is there for convenience and for when it is suitable. In the development version of Artemis you can have

Re: [Artemis-users] Intergenic region extraction

2007-12-13 Thread Tim Carver
For those interested in doing this: I have added an option in Artemis under the Create menu to create features in the intergenic regions. If you want to try this new function it is in the development version. Look for the ³Development² section on the Artemis homepage and click on LAUNCH ARTEMIS

Re: [Artemis-users] Intergenic region extraction

2007-12-12 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Mel You can use the ŒCreate Intron Features¹ option under the Create menu and then write those to file. Regards Tim On 12/12/07 09:39, Duffield Melanie L [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello, I would like to extract all the non-coding region of sequence from my bacterial sequence and write

Re: [Artemis-users] Intergenic region extraction

2007-12-12 Thread Tim Carver
Opps. I just realised that isn¹t exactly what you meant. I am not sure that there is a way of doing this in Artemis easily and you may need a script. Tim On 12/12/07 10:40, Tim Carver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Mel You can use the ŒCreate Intron Features¹ option under the Create menu

Re: [Artemis-users] Artemis and Java WebStart

2007-08-08 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Michael You probably just need to add '+' to the second argument. This should then reproduce how it is run on the command line, i.e.: art URL1 + URL2 Regards Tim On 8/8/07 14:06, Michael Nuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi! I am trying to let our users start Artemis with Java WebStart. I

Re: [Artemis-users] Loading mRNA sequence in GenBank format from Entrez Gene

2007-08-07 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Rupert You are right it looks like PRIMARY is a new keyword in RefSeq. I have added this to the code and the changes have been committed. I have also updated the development version that can be found on the Artemis home page. Regards Tim On 6/8/07 22:17, Rupert Millard [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Artemis-users] out-of-range error in ACT

2007-07-26 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Derek I haven't heard reports of this. I *think* DoubleACT may just be expecting fasta format. A quick solution to this is to use the WebACT version and right click in the middle over the comparison part of the window. This should give you a popup menu with an option to save out the comparison

Re: [Artemis-users] changing the orientation

2007-07-02 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Jane Have a look at: VERSE-AND-COMPLEMENT-CONTIG This allows contigs to be reverse complemented and there is also the option of contig re-ordering. Regards Tim On 30/6/07 22:02, Christiane Nerz [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Artemis-users] Question / Feature request: ORFs that do not run over contig borders

2007-06-25 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Jack, Scott, This does look to be the best solution at the moment and appears that may have been a quick solution here in the past. I will look at implementing this for the next release. This may take the form of an extra check box on the ³minimum open reading frame² window, so that Artemis

Re: [Artemis-users] short_name?

2007-05-09 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Michael On Tue, 8 May 2007, Michael Herron wrote: On a mac I would like to set the min and max window for a User Plot as described in the Options For Plots and Graphs section. What is the short name for a User Plot? Ther is no short name. Bigger question is can I set options at all on

Re: [Artemis-users] Compile Artemis V9

2007-05-01 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Oliver The best thing to do is get the CVS version as described on the Artemis home page (under the Development section). This contains a Makefile and a build.xml file. So you can compile using make: e.g. make clean make Or use the build.xml there to compile with ant. Regards Tim On Tue,

Re: [Artemis-users] Fw: [Sanger #29341] SANGER website feedback

2007-04-27 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Andrea What you get in the FASTA header are: systematic name Label Product (if any) Location You should be able to alter what it takes as the first 2 (systematic name and label) in version 9 of Artemis by going to File - Preferences and changing the defaults for Feature Display Labels and

Re: [Artemis-users] Artemis Plugin

2007-04-23 Thread Tim Carver
would suggest you start by getting the code downloaded from CVS. If you want further pointers from then let me know and it would be useful to know more about what you plan. Regards Tim Carver On 23/4/07 17:57, Oliver Krieg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, I wan't to extend the functionality

Re: [Artemis-users] problems with large sequences

2007-04-05 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Nydia You are right it does look like Double ACT has either moved or no longer exists. For WebACT, the best thing to do is to use their 'Contact Us' link to report the problem. Regards Tim On 4/4/07 16:16, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, I've been trying to run a

Re: [Artemis-users] artemis on ubuntu

2007-01-30 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Stefano I think you can probably just copy 'etc/run_blastp' from version 7 to version 8 then. Regards Tim On 30/1/07 16:16, Stefano Ghignone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Dear all, ok...I need an help! I have an artemis v.7 working on a FedoraCore3 machine, perfectly integrated

Re: [Artemis-users] artemis on ubuntu

2007-01-30 Thread Tim Carver
is that the script doesn't find the database swissprot! ...even if I create a DATABASE environment variable with the same value as BLASTDB... Any other idea? Stefano Tim Carver wrote: Hi Stefano I think you can probably just copy 'etc/run_blastp' from version 7 to version 8

Re: [Artemis-users] Import ORFS

2007-01-24 Thread Tim Carver
Hi You can write out the ORFs from Artemis. If you select all the ORF's by going to the Select menu : Select - By key Then create a multiple fasta file by going to Write - Bases of Selection - FASTA format Regards Tim On 24/1/07 15:17, Mekhala Acharya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, I

Re: [Artemis-users] color tag

2006-12-06 Thread Tim Carver
file of, say, a unix distribution of Artemis? Thanks, Andrew On Dec 6, 2006, at 3:09 AM, Tim Carver wrote: Hi Andrew The colours and the default colours for features are defined in the Œetc/options¹ file in the distribution. This gives you some more on this: http

Re: [Artemis-users] database entry connection failed (mysql problem)

2006-12-04 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Andrew Yes, Artemis will be supporting chado. It will not be limited to postgres but will be using a chado schema. There are currently no plans to support a Bio::DB::GFF database. Regards Tim On 1/12/06 21:50, Andrew Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I open Artemis Release 8, then proceed

Re: [Artemis-users] Re: Can ACT do a protein comparison?

2006-11-08 Thread Tim Carver
blastall -d Seq1_fasta -i Seq2_fasta -p blastn -m 8 -o $outputfile where the input files $sequence_1 $sequence_2 are genbank file or genbank/embl generated by artemis Regards Peter At 2:04 PM + 7/11/06, Tim Carver wrote: I should add that you can of course use tBLASTx to generate the comarison

Re: [Artemis-users] Re: Can ACT do a protein comparison?

2006-11-07 Thread Tim Carver
I should add that you can of course use tBLASTx to generate the comarison data. Regards Tim On 7/11/06 13:41, Tim Carver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Bala No, this is only for DNA sequence comparisons. Regards Tim On 7/11/06 12:02, BALASUBRAMANIAN GANESAN [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

Re: [Artemis-users] ACT v5 for mac - can only see small part of comparison

2006-11-06 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Balasubramanian On 5/11/06 08:23, BALASUBRAMANIAN GANESAN [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello I am using ACT v5 for the Mac to look at a two-genome comparison to start off with. Many features seem to not work such as score cutoff, percent ID cutoff are never apllied or saved after setting

Re: [Artemis-users] Preparing Artemis annotation for Sequin submission

2006-10-23 Thread Tim Carver
Title: Re: [Artemis-users] Preparing Artemis annotation for Sequin submission Hi Jay This web service may be of some use to you: ? Regards Tim Carver On 20/10/06 19:48, Jay McCarren [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: [Artemis-users] CHADO connectivity

2006-09-25 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Preethi This is still work in progress. However, I have Artemis reading and writing to a test CHADO database (using either iBatis or straight JDBC) and we have been working on the java interface to do this. This is top priority on my list of things to do over the next few months. If you want

Re: [Artemis-users] query on Parallelization --- ACT

2006-09-01 Thread Tim Carver
SSH connections. Please let me know if you have other specific questions or want to know more. It may also be good to know where your interests are with ACT. Regards Tim Carver On 1/9/06 12:12, Mangala [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, Plz anyone clarify me the following questions: 1. Is the ACT

Re: [Artemis-users] problem importing ensembl export view flat files into Artemis

2006-06-22 Thread Tim Carver
Title: Re: [Artemis-users] problem importing ensembl export view flat files into Artemis Hi Lesley Actually I think Artemis doesnt like the location references to another entry, e.g.: FT gene complement(AC012146.25.1.171309:6053..52695) Regards Tim On 22/6/06 17:21, Lesley Nicolson [EMAIL

Re: [Artemis-users] open several files with several entries at once

2006-06-03 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Marie-Pierre The easiest solution is to make use of the 'art' script and supply the names of the files on the command line: You could then wrap that in a script or define an alias for the command. Regards Tim On

Re: [Artemis-users] database

2006-01-26 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Brad Just to let you know that we are currently developing Artemis to be able to talk to a database (CHADO). Currently we have it reading from an internal test database. This is not available yet but will start to become part of the next few Artemis releases as it gets implemented. Regards

Re: [Artemis-users] printing gene lists

2005-11-22 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Peter When you get the list of the features, you can right click on the window to get a pop up menu. One of the options on the menu is 'Save List To File'. Regards Tim Tim Carver The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, CB10 1SA, UK On 21/11

Re: [Artemis-users] Copy and paste

2005-11-22 Thread Tim Carver
Hi Yung-Yao What you can do is highlight the bases you want by dragging over the feature display with the left hand mouse button held down. The when you have selected the bases you want, go to the 'Write' menu and select 'Bases of Selection' and write them to a file of your chosen format.

Re: [Artemis-users] Comparison View Menu, Set Percent ID cutoffs

2005-07-19 Thread Tim Carver
to display. In very coarse terms the higher the % identity the more meaningful that hit may be. As the score comes from using a scoring matrix this cut-off takes into account the similarity as well and so you can also use this when filtering what is being displayed. Best Regards Tim Tim Carver