Re: Kitab-I-Aqdas and other questions

2008-01-03 Thread Rich Ater
Iskandar Hai wrote: Dear Rich: Actually, `Abdu'l-Baha did not reverse Himself; it's rather straightforward if you follow it rather carefully. Here is the thing: as you know, `Abdu'l-Baha is the Interpreter of Baha'u'llah's "mind" not just the Writings of Baha'u'llah; so, `Abdu'l-Baha tells Bah

Re: Kitab-I-Aqdas and other questions

2008-01-03 Thread Rich Ater
Susan Maneck wrote: Personally I don't want to read other people's commentary when I can't read the original text. But we do have the text. Dear Rich, Amr va Khalq is a compilation with a lot of commentary. I'd much prefer to see texts translated in their entirety so we can rea

Re: Kitab-I-Aqdas and other questions

2008-01-02 Thread Rich Ater
Susan Maneck wrote: I can appreciate the need to translate all the writings, but I sometimes wonder if these commentaries might be more helpful. Dear Rich, Personally I don't want to read other people's commentary when I can't read the original text. But we do have the text. We

Re: Kitab-I-Aqdas and other questions

2008-01-01 Thread Rich Ater
Susan Maneck wrote: Also why have commentaries on the laws from such collections as Amr Va Khalq not been translated? We aren't going to see commentaries being translated when we have yet to translate all the Writings! warmest, Susan Hi Susan, Long time. Thanks for the web site

Re: Kitab-I-Aqdas and other questions

2008-01-01 Thread Rich Ater
Dear Sen, I got a lot out of your response to Ron. It does bring up up a couple of issues for me. Why hasn't the Persian or Arabic Bayan been translated into English as this might help clarify some issues? Also why have commentaries on the laws from such collections as Amr Va Khalq not been t

Re: Catholic questions

2007-08-08 Thread Rich Ater
Ralph Wagner wrote: Just a minor correction to the discussion of married Catholic priests: married men are ordained as priests in the Eastern Rites, but may not marry after ordination. And only single men are eligible to become bishops. Ralph Wagner Ralph, That's True in Eastern Orthod

Re: Catholic questions

2007-08-06 Thread Rich Ater
Susan Maneck wrote: In many countries Catholic priests were marrying up to about 1000 AD. I Dear Rich, They still do marry in Lebanon. warmest, Susan Susan, Also in the Ctholic Uniate Church in Ukrania. These churches, both the Lebanese Marionite, the Catholic Uniate, and

Re: Catholic questions

2007-08-03 Thread Rich Ater
David, Limbo was nixed years ago. The Pope may be reminding folks, but it hasn't been Catholic doctrine for years. Papal infallability has only been a doctrine since the 1870s, how it came about is a fascinating story. Susan is right the Pope is only infallable when speaking ex cathedra (From

Re: Short Obligatory Prayer

2007-04-26 Thread Rich Ater
Larry Marquardt wrote: Dear Friends, In regards to the Short Obligatory prayer, I bear witness O my God... Can anyone offer their understanding why the invocation 'O My God' is written at the beginning of the Short Obligatory prayer in Arabic but is written after 'I bear witness' when translat

Re: Some help

2006-02-07 Thread Rich Ater
Benjamin La Framboise wrote: Dear Rich, Thanks for the email. Would this Muslim consider himself 'devout'? That's an interesting arrangement (regarding Feast); I'd never heard that before, and I guess it still preserves the Baha'i-onlyness of the business portion, right? Would your frien

Re: Some help

2006-02-07 Thread Rich Ater
Benjamin La Framboise wrote: Dearest friends, I have a little favor to ask, and I'm only reluctant because I'm afraid it's not really related to Baha'i Studies. I'm just not sure where else to turn. I have a couple of friends, a Baha'i and a Muslim, both devout, who would like to get marr

Re: badaa: a Prophet before one thousand years?

2006-01-28 Thread Rich Ater
*/[EMAIL PROTECTED] /* escribió: ...badaa signifies a change in the Divine Will. So theoretically it would be possible. But given the strong language Baha'u'llah used in that regard, I think it about as likely as God changing the law of gravity (which the

Re: Question: wife of Mohammed

2005-12-06 Thread Rich Ater
Dear Gabriel, According to the Sirah Muhammadiyyih, Ali and Aisha first had a falling out over the incident where she got left behind by a caravan and was brought back by a young man. I guess Ali had acted suspicious or something. warmest, Susan I forgot about that. Then later she oppose

Re: Question: wife of Mohammed

2005-12-04 Thread Rich Ater
firestorm wrote: for reasons of my own, i have always been rather find of aisha. do we have any available clues as to what her issues with the Imam Ali were? or at least, what people said they were? Firestorm, Aisha sided with Mu'awiyya and the Ummayyads against Ali's authority as Cal

Re: seeking former Catholic religious who accepted Baha'u'llah

2005-11-27 Thread Rich Ater
marylou9 wrote: Dear friends, These are the early days of a special project and I would like to ask your assistance. I am gathering stories and experiences of former Catholics as well as former priests and nuns who have become Bahais. The focus will be how they learned of the Bahai Faith

Re: Question: wife of Mohammed

2005-11-26 Thread Rich Ater
Sandra wrote: In an interview with Newsweek, former US Secretary of State. Madeleine Albright makes the following comment: “Islam itself and the Qur'an are not actually antiwoman. Mohammed was married to a businesswoman. It is more the culture of particular Arab countries and not Islam.” Cou

Re: Baha'i Liberation "Theology" ((long quote))

2005-10-02 Thread Rich Ater
I certainly don't think we must eschew all activism. For instance, if Baha'is think it appropriate to boycott certain multi-nationals that routinely contract work out to those who utilize child labor, that's fine, IMO. Granted. We shouldn't oppose governments but there is no reason we can't

Re: Baha'i Liberation "Theology" ((long quote))

2005-10-02 Thread Rich Ater
Susan Maneck wrote: One problem in interpreting Baha'i doctrine as "Liberation Theology" lies in the fact that Baha'is are usually discouraged from involving themselves in political affairs. Cole regards this a temporary measure adopted by `Abdu'l-Baha, made in response to the turmoil of the Ira

Re: Devastating stampede

2005-09-18 Thread Rich Ater
But those whose names were removed from the roles were also acting in violation of the Covenant. In those cases the Universal House of Justice decided their understanding of the Covenant was not sufficient to warrant calling them Baha'is period. warmest, Susan Susan, I can appreciate tha

Re: Self Identification

2005-09-17 Thread Rich Ater
Mark, I am humbled. I had forgotten about that quote. You are quite right. I've gained some knowledge from the discussion, and in one sense I still think that we need to be vigilant about how the name Baha'i is used, but I also agree that in the broader sense there are Baha'i who have never

Re: Self Identification (was: Re: Devastating stampede)

2005-09-17 Thread Rich Ater
Tim, Those were wonderful points and I agree with them. It is only when the claims effect how Baha'is are percieved by others that I have an issue. I believe that when the Remeyites tried to use the name of the Baha'i Faith in the early sixties, they were taken to court and told that they c

Re: Devastating stampede

2005-09-17 Thread Rich Ater
Susan Maneck wrote: "Would it not be the case that CBs also no longer fot the criteria for being Baha'is?" Were that simply the case, then why not just remove them from the roles rather than declare them Covenant breakers? Principally because of the act of trying to destroy the Covenant. Ri

Re: Devastating stampede

2005-09-16 Thread Rich Ater
To my knowledge this is not the case. I've never seen the House say anything to the effect that they *never* were really Baha'is only that they did not meet the qualifications of membership at the time they were disenrolled. People change. warmest, Susan Susan Excellent point and I stand

Re: Devastating stampede

2005-09-16 Thread Rich Ater
As to what I'm going to do, I'm not going to say they're Baha'i when I don't believe they are. Fine, don't. What are you going to do about it? Hit them with a trademark violation? I ask again because you did not answer. I left my quote above as to what I do in these

Re: Mystified

2005-09-16 Thread Rich Ater
Richard H. Gravelly wrote: I thank you very much Rich. Would it be possible then that ghars, gharasa, and gharasi refer to the "planting" with "tree" being understood in the following passage? In the year ghars [i.e.1260] the earth shall be illumined by His light, and in gharasa [1265] the

Re: Devastating stampede

2005-09-16 Thread Rich Ater
My point is that the Universal House of Justice apparently *does* consider Covenant breakers Baha'is on some level but not those it has removed from the roles. Otherwise the ones they removed from the roles would have been declared CBs as well. warmest, Susan Susan, Maybe it's a matter of

Re: Devastating stampede

2005-09-14 Thread Rich Ater
So? What are you going to do hit them with a trademark violation for CLAIMING to be Baha`i? Its pointless to try to stop "self-identification" its against everything western society holds dear. Scott, Who says I care about everything Western Society holds dear?

Re: Mystified

2005-09-14 Thread Rich Ater
"I have planted their trees" (ana (I) gharastu (have planted_ ashjar (Trees) aha (their) Rich The information contained in this e-mail and any attachments thereto ("e-mail") is sent by the Johnson County Community College ("JCCC") and is intended to be confidential and for the

Re: Devastating stampede

2005-09-14 Thread Rich Ater
You are taking the passage out of context. It is addressed to religious leaders, not scientists. The standards and sciences referred to are those of Islamic theology. warmest, Susan No I'm not. I may be interpreting it differently than you, but I am not taking it out of context. The standard

Re: Devastating stampede

2005-09-14 Thread Rich Ater
Wouldn't that be true of those who were removed from the roles, as well? There must be some distinction. warmest, Susan Susna, I would agree, but I don't see your point. They're still not Baha'is, right? Rich The information contained in this e-mail and any attachm

Re: al-ghars

2005-09-11 Thread Rich Ater
Mark A. Foster wrote: Richard, At 10:11 PM 9/10/2005, you wrote: Dr. Lawson translates (ana gharastu ashjaraha) to "I have planted their trees". Does al-ghars refer to the tree or to the planting thereof or to both?<< Ghars (tree) is the singular of aghsan. "al-" is the definite

Re: Self-Definition

2005-09-11 Thread Rich Ater
I am always a Baha'i, always a sociologist, and always an individual. I have no problem simultaneously seeing an issue from various perspectives associated with each of these statuses. Mark, Of course you are. Upon rereading my response, it was churlish and I apologize. My point was t

Re: Devastating stampede

2005-09-11 Thread Rich Ater
Only this Revelation insists that religion becomes superstition when it discards reason. Susan, The Revelation also says, "Weigh not the Book of God with such standards and sciences as are current amongst you, for the Book itself is the unerring Balance established amongst men." (Baha'u

Re: Devastating stampede

2005-09-11 Thread Rich Ater
Dear Rich, My point is that if they *had* been considered Baha'is they would have been declared Covenant breakers. That acknowledges that Covenant breakers are indeed Baha'is in some sense of the word. warmest, Susan Susan, An interesting point, but it could also be interpreted as th

Re: Devastating stampede

2005-09-11 Thread Rich Ater
  The answer is "yes" and "no". They are not considered Baha`i's by the administrative order. In that sense the administrative order does not define them as Baha`i's. This is to their advantage, since if they were considered and defined as "covenant breakers", this might caus

Re: Devastating stampede

2005-09-09 Thread Rich Ater
Gilberto Simpson wrote: On 9/9/05, Rich Ater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: My point was that the Gilberto made a statement about how Baha'is react to or regard covenant breakers. While I can respect your methodology, I think in the case given I think it muddied

Re: Devastating stampede

2005-09-09 Thread Rich Ater
Susan Maneck wrote: "I guess from a Baha'i perspective we wouldn't see this as splinter Baha'i groups, because from our point of view they stopped being Baha'is at the moment they broke off from any point of the administrative order." Dear Rich, I'm not sure that is true. In recent years the U

Re: Self-Definition

2005-09-09 Thread Rich Ater
Mark A. Foster wrote: I define myself differently in different contexts. Why are you being so judgmental? I don't recall you ever having expressed yourself in this way. I guess I don't. When I'm treating patients, I'm a Baha'i. Ian Semple, in a talk on obedience,

Re: Devastating stampede

2005-09-09 Thread Rich Ater
Mark A. Foster wrote: Rich, At 05:02 PM 9/5/2005, you wrote: We're not sociologists, we're Baha'is and we go by the Baha'i definitions of Covenent Breakers and their followers.<< Not everyone on this list is a Baha'i. This is also not a "Baha'i" list. I

Re: Self Definitions

2005-09-05 Thread Rich Ater
Brent Poirier wrote: Mark is a sociologist. I would compare this to a physician who holds strong moral opinions and has a well-defined belief system. But when a patient is before him and he is caring for him, he does not care what that person's beliefs are; in fact does not care if the perso

Re: Self-Definition

2005-09-05 Thread Rich Ater
Sure, but that cuts both ways. If I'm not a Bahai and have no particular loyalty to the UHJ why would I think that the Orthodox Bahais are not Bahais? They both believe in the Bab, Bahaullah, Abdul-Baha and Shoghi Effendi. They both read the same writings (I think). They seem to have the same theo

Re: Self-Definition

2005-09-05 Thread Rich Ater
Mark A. Foster wrote: Tim, At 06:49 AM 9/4/2005, you wrote: A person can define himself as anything, there is no way to control that. However, that doesn't mean the rest of the world must accept that self-definition.<< As a sociologist of religion, I have no alternative but to acc

Re: Devastating stampede

2005-09-05 Thread Rich Ater
Mark A. Foster wrote: Rich, At 09:00 PM 9/3/2005, you wrote: Actually, that would be true. The sanctity of the confessional is inviolate. A priest cannot reveal to anyone what he hears in confession, no matter how heinous. Priests have gone to jail, and in some instances to their deaths f

Re: Devastating stampede

2005-09-05 Thread Rich Ater
As a sociologist (and also as an individual), I would consider them to be Baha'is based on self-definition, and I also would regard their organizations, where they exist, to be branches of the Baha'i Faith. (The word 'sect" has a precise usage in the sociology of religion, and none of the organ

Re: Devastating stampede

2005-09-03 Thread Rich Ater
For example if a child molestor goes to a priest and confesses his sins, the confession would be protected.<< To my knowledge, in most cases that would *not* be true (at least not in the U.S.). Mark, Actually, that would be true. The sanctity of the confessional is inviolate. A

Re: Devastating stampede

2005-09-03 Thread Rich Ater
Gilberto Simpson wrote: I've gotten into discussions before with Bahais where they tried to say that the Bahai faith has never split and that its unity is promised by the central figures and is proof of its divine origin and at the same time, these Bahais would make a big deal about divisions wi

Re: 2000 Years of suffering

2005-08-29 Thread Rich Ater
  Dear Gilberto, Susan, Iskandar, and everyone else.     I know Mark and Susan have asked that this thread be discontinued and I'd like to honor that, But first I'd like to clear up some things for the sake of peace.     It is a little weird to mention

Re: 2000 Years of suffering

2005-08-28 Thread Rich Ater
  I don't know any Muslims who actually persecute Bahais I'm not a Shia. I'm not Iranian. I have absolutely no pull with the Iranian government. I get along pretty well with the Bahais I know face-to-face. If you yourself haven't been persecuted by Muslims, and I haven't p

Re: Nominalism

2005-07-26 Thread Rich Ater
Excuse my clumsy fingers, that's Majid Fakhry. Rich I have been using the translation of Majid Kakhry, it is endorsed by Al-Azhar. He is also the author of works on Islamic philosophy and biographies of Al-Farabi and Ibn Rushd. Rich The information contained in this e-mail an

Re: Nominalism

2005-07-25 Thread Rich Ater
Susan Maneck wrote: I am interested in trying, once again, to read the Quran, and I am wondering what translation (into English) might be recommended by those on this list. I have been using the translation of Majid Kakhry, it is endorsed by Al-Azhar. He is also the author of works on Islamic

Re: Anti-depressants

2005-07-03 Thread Rich Ater
David, As someone who prescribes anti depressants I wanted to wade into this briefly. Some people develope a depression that is so severe that they develope psychotic features. Other people isolate, stop eating, bathing, or even leaving there rooms. I work at a jail on weekends, we have a w

One Common Faith

2005-05-25 Thread Rich Ater
Hi everyone, I have not been able to puruse the document by the House. Can anyone tell me where to obtain it. Rich __ You are subscribed to Baha'i Studies as: Unsubscribe: send a blank email to mailto:[EMAIL PROTE

Re: Hey Bahai-st ;)

2005-05-23 Thread Rich Ater
MARK, Jilla is on the list. She is a Baha'i in Spokane WA and a very nice person to boot. Rich Mark A. Foster wrote: Come join my network at hi5!<< Is this spam, or is this person on the list? Does anyone know? Via moderna, Mark A. Foster • http://markfoster

Re: Common Faith

2005-05-04 Thread Rich Ater
Gilberto, You can find it at the Vatican Web Site. Rich Gilberto Simpson wrote: > On 5/4/05, Barmak Kusha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > I would have to check it once I am home. > > > > W00-01 Savi, JulioThe Declaration Dominus Iesus: A Brake on > > Ecumenism and Interfaith Dial

Re: happy fasting

2005-03-09 Thread Rich Ater
Gilberto, Thanks. The Persians in the community tell me that they say May your fast be acceptable. The Muslims I know also say this during Ramadan. Rich Gilberto Simpson wrote: I'm not sure what the standard greeting is and I realize this is late, but happy fasting to all those who are fasting

Re: Just governments...

2005-02-18 Thread Rich Ater
Ian,     All duly noted. I understand the point you were trying to make now. I would love to learn more about the individual Baha'is during the Third Reich. Rich Ian Kluge wrote: Dear Rich,   I, too, remember our meeting fondly and likewise hope that this finds

Re: Happy New Year

2005-02-18 Thread Rich Ater
Forouz, Sorry it took me so long to get back. I am aware of this and I should of wished all the Friends a joyous holiday. Eid ul miladayn mubarak! Rich Firouz Anaraki wrote: Dear Rich, 1st and 2nd of Muharram are very important for Baha'is too. Birthday of the Bab is on 1st of Muharram and th

Happy New Year

2005-02-12 Thread Rich Ater
Gilberto, Sorry this is late. Yesterday was the 1st of Muharram. Happy New Year! Rich __ You are subscribed to Baha'i Studies as: To unsubscribe, send a blank email to mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] To subscribe, use subsc

Re: Just governments...

2005-02-12 Thread Rich Ater
    Hitler was never elected Chancellor; in Germany’s last truly democratic election, he pulled 37% of the vote, which means that 63% of voters opted for various other parties. A government can be legally constituted with 37% or 44% of the vote if that's a majority. Look at us

Re: Past Revelations

2005-02-10 Thread Rich Ater
Susan     WOOF! Color me embarrassed. Of course you're right and I plea exhaustion when I wrote that. I remember reading of a North African Scholar who declared that the tales of the Mahdi were folktales and I, somehow, transposed this onto Ibn Khaldun. Nonetheless it is sloppy scholarship and

Re: Just governments...

2005-02-10 Thread Rich Ater
With regard to obedience/disobedience to governments... there is a "qualifier" that seems to be missing from the discussion. That word is "just". Obedience to JUST governments. Hi everyone,     Just wading in briefly. If I remember right, Shoghi Effendi defined a just g

Re: A History of Islamic Philosophy

2005-02-09 Thread Rich Ater
JS, I think most anything by Fakhry is good. I've read his bios of Averoes and Ibn Faraby and find them excellent. His translation of the Qur'an is, to my knowledge, the first approved by AlAzhar. Rich JS wrote: Inspired by Gilberto's questions, I decided to purchased 'A History of Islamic P

Re: Bahai jihad?

2005-01-25 Thread Rich Ater
Listen, judging from the huge number of postings on this list, some of you folks seem to have a lot of time on your hand. I don't. So this is my last word on the subject. Ahang, I'm sorry for your bad feelings towards Islam. Nonetheless it gives you no cause to be dismisive and insulting

Re: Bahai jihad?

2005-01-25 Thread Rich Ater
Balyuzi's "Baha'u'llah the King of Glory." There is more to the role of Baha'u'llah than it's in that book though. Thanks, Ahang. --- Rich Ater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: In Gilberto's defense, I believe that Umar actu

Re: Past Revelations

2005-01-25 Thread Rich Ater
Gilberto: I never said Islam was the only religion that preaches finality. It clearly teaches that Muhammad was the last prophet. Christianity does not teach that Jesus was the last prophet. Judaism does not teach that Moses was the last prophet. I just don't want to overgeneralize acr

Re: Arson

2005-01-23 Thread Rich Ater
IT'S TIME FOR THE GUY WHO WORKS AT A JAIL TO WEIGH IN :-). Actually, you're both right. In forensics we discuss the sociopathic triangle; fire setting, cruelty to animals, and bed wetting. All three turn up in many serial killers. Rich Susan Maneck wrote: " It seems that sociopaths manifest th

Re: Bahai jihad?

2005-01-23 Thread Rich Ater
In Gilberto's defense, I believe that Umar actually deferred the paying of the jizya in many instances. Rich Gilberto Simpson wrote: On Fri, 21 Jan 2005 12:34:27 -0800 (PST), Ahang Rabbani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: You ought to be kidding! "Jizya" was a tax imposed on minorit

Re: Past Revelations

2005-01-23 Thread Rich Ater
G: Fine. Then as long as you recognize that, we are done. And to keep dwelling on it is unnecessary. No, We're not. At least not in the sense you think. As I said in my past posting, just because Christianity allows for prophets, by their definition; not your's, does not mean that Chri

Re: Past Revelations

2005-01-19 Thread Rich Ater
Gilberto,     Sorry it has taken so long to respond. Christianity does not teach that Jesus is the last prophet. Christianity does teach that to really get access to God properly you have to go through Jesus. So in particular, what I would suggest is that the part of Christianity which is

Re: Bahai jihad? Re: Men and Women equal?

2005-01-13 Thread Rich Ater
G Gilberto: In some neighborhoods, teenagers will kill one another because someone is wearing a red bandana instead of a blue bandana (and vice versa in certain other neighborhoods). This doesn't prove that bandana color is a fundamental essential issue.     I spent ten years as a parame

Re: Past Revelations

2005-01-13 Thread Rich Ater
Gilberto Simpson wrote: Dear Rich, So we were talking about whether the Bahais are taking the Quran and other sources seriously. You had said that one can take something seriously while still disagreeing with it.     Yes. I can respect scholarship, but not necessarily agree with the conc

Re: Luke 21:33 & the Qur'an

2005-01-13 Thread Rich Ater
It seems to be suggesting that with God, God's speech exists in a form beyond human language, but when God reveals that word to a particular culture it comes out with particular sounds and letters in the form of the scriptures we are familiar with. Which to me suggest that on some level the Torah

Re: Christian Rejection of Islam - was [Responding with affection. Recalling ...

2005-01-13 Thread Rich Ater
Are dependent Manifestations also ruled out during the 1000 years? I seem to recall banned any new person claiming to have revelation. I don't remember it only limiting independent manifestations. Excellent question! We tened to bat that one around ourselves. I stand firmly in the I don

Re: Bahai jihad? Re: Men and Women equal?

2005-01-11 Thread Rich Ater
Gilberto: Shia and Sunni disagree about certain issues but I'm not persuaded that the issues are fundemnantal or essential.     Well, you may be in a minority here. Sunni are killing Shi'a in India and they are persecuted in Saudi Arabia. Iraq is a whole other kettle of worms. We shouldn't

Re: Past Revelations

2005-01-11 Thread Rich Ater
Gilberto: In general sure. In this case it's different. Gilberto,     This, I guess, is none of those areas where we part company. To me it is no different. I understand that it is to you. You consider Islam the last revelation, period. I consider Islam another stop on the path of progress

Re: Past Revelations

2005-01-07 Thread Rich Ater
I don't believe that we will ever know everything, it's > one of humanity's limitations. This being the case there will always be need of new teachers and new laqws to fit the times we live in. I guess for me, I see Islams legal code as being spent in this time. I also see us

Re: Bahai jihad? Re: Men and Women equal?

2005-01-07 Thread Rich Ater
I've read that Ibn Taymiyyah was a Qadri. At the very least he had a great deal of respect for Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani and called him "my shaykh" and refrained from criticizing him. Gilberto, That's true. I just finished his Kitab ul Iman and Introduction to Tafsir as well his treatises agai

Re: Bahai jihad? Re: Men and Women equal?

2005-01-07 Thread Rich Ater
Gilberto: I don't think that among sunnis there is a consensus that ANYONE after the prophet was infallible. Not even Abu Bakr, Umar or Uthman. So I think that asking about infallibility is the wrong question because that doesn't allow any difference between Abu Bakr and Ali (from the sunni

Re: God's Hand [Q: 5:64], God's Mashiyyat [Will Q:13:39] and two commentaries by the Imam Ja'far S.aadiq [PBUH]

2005-01-07 Thread Rich Ater
I agree. I didn't mean to say that sending saints rules out sending prophets. I think numerous Islamic texts, both from sunnis and shites rules out sending more prophets. The reason why I have been mentioning sainthood (in part) is to show that Muslims still believe in continuing presence of guid

Re: God's Hand [Q: 5:64], God's Mashiyyat [Will Q:13:39] and two commentaries by the Imam Ja'far S.aadiq [PBUH]

2005-01-07 Thread Rich Ater
further or take away ***Wa la hu al Mashiyyatu *** for With Him is the Will. s.adaqa al Imam S.aadiq The Imam S.adiq has spoken the truth With very warm regards Dedicated to Rich Ater, Gilberto Simpson, Richard Gravelly, John Smith, and all others

Re: God's Hand [Q: 5:64], God's Mashiyyat [Will Q:13:39] and two commentaries by the Imam Ja'far S.aadiq [PBUH]

2005-01-07 Thread Rich Ater
Gilberto, God can send whatever He likes. Including prophets. Yes he sent aints and others as well. Many Saints came to Christianity during the time before Islam, this does not mean that God did not send a Prophet after them. In the future I believe other Saints and Holy people will arrise,

Re: Bahai jihad? Re: Men and Women equal?

2005-01-07 Thread Rich Ater
Susan,     That's true. Even Ibn Tamiyyah had no trouble with Sufism in the since. His objection, I believe; and Ghazali's too, was to the Wahad ul Wajud type of belifs that had developed in some scools. Rich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: In a message dated 1/4/2005 5:35:55 P.M. Central

Re: Past Revelations

2005-01-07 Thread Rich Ater
Ok, other than gender (which I would momentarily exclude only because I've had that argument several times before and I just want to think about something else) what would be a concrete example of how we need more revelation due to human imperfection? I guess what would be an ideal or pr

Re: Bahai jihad? Re: Men and Women equal?

2005-01-07 Thread Rich Ater
Gilberto: That is interesting. I've actually heard the opposite view. There is a saying: "Difference of opinion among the scholars is a mercy". I think the idea is that the diversity allows for a certain amount of flexibility. I don't have the exact quote but I think Seyyid Huss

Re: Bahai jihad? Re: Men and Women equal?

2005-01-07 Thread Rich Ater
Gilberto, I don't know he seems to be telling us what we believe. Anyway, I'm refering to my understanding of Sunni beliefs, not which ones I think Gilberto subscribes to. Rich Susan Maneck wrote: And then on top of that, Sunnis (especially Sufis) still see Ali as a spiritual successor to the

Re: Bahai jihad? Re: Men and Women equal?

2005-01-04 Thread Rich Ater
Rich: I think you're skirting the issue here. Sunni's do not believe that the 12 Imams were infallible in there interpretation of the Qur'an or that their rulings are infallible. Sunnis do not believe that the 12 Imams were the temporal AND spriritual head of the Ummah.

Re: Past Revelations

2005-01-04 Thread Rich Ater
Gilberto: I see your point and would tend to agree with you in mundane examples but when you are talking about divine revelation I think you start to run into problems. Rich: How so? Gilberto: In the mundane case it is easier to deal with the idea that nothing is

Re: Past Revelations

2004-12-27 Thread Rich Ater
Gilberto Simpson wrote: On Mon, 27 Dec 2004 19:45:16 -0800, Rich Ater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Gilberto, Not true. If I praise the grandeur of Rome it does not mean that I think we should remain ruled by emperors or that if I say that Rome's time has passed

Re: Bahai jihad? Re: Men and Women equal?

2004-12-27 Thread Rich Ater
It depends on what you mean by recognize. Even from a Sunni perspective, Sunnis are supposed to have love for ahl al-bayt. (The family of Muhammad). So Ali, Hassan, and Hussein, are still beloved companions who were close to the prophet. Subsequent imams were either followers or followe

Re: Not Exhausted

2004-12-27 Thread Rich Ater
Gilberto: Ok, occasionally whole villages get wiped out in modern times as well. But then I'm a little lost or confused in terms of what you are saying. It seems like you are changing the focus and emphasizing the question of whether or not massacres and genocides occured in the past. I

Re: Bahai jihad? Re: Men and Women equal?

2004-12-27 Thread Rich Ater
But what does that mean exactly? What would be missing? Because the Shia recognize Ali as the imam. They have Nahjul-Balagha the book of Ali's letters and sermons, the hadith, the other writings of the imams. And Even most of the sunni Sufi orders trace their lineage through Ali (rather than Abu

Re: Past Revelations

2004-12-27 Thread Rich Ater
Gilberto,     Not true. If I praise the grandeur of Rome it does not mean that I think we should remain ruled by emperors or that if I say that Rome's time has passed and modern democracy is an improvement that I have ceased to admire Rome. Rich Gilberto Simpson wrote: On Mon, 27 Dec 2004 0

Re: Bahai jihad? Re: Men and Women equal?

2004-12-26 Thread Rich Ater
You have to look at what the actual teachings of Muhammad and the Quran on warfare are and you compare them to what the Bahai writings say. Gilberto,     So do Muslims. A problem is that they frequently don't at least not in public. I will agree that the media does po

Re: Bahai jihad? Re: Men and Women equal?

2004-12-26 Thread Rich Ater
But it does seem to suggest that the previous religions are sufficient guidance for later times as well. Except that they were corrupted by the limitations of humanity. As you know, the Baha'i Faith does tend to side with the Shi'a explanation of things. Since we are discussing being honest wit

Re: Not Exhausted

2004-12-26 Thread Rich Ater
G I don't have trouble with believing that these events may have occurred, considering the times. Gilberto: I don't know what "considering the times" means. I'm not sure how the passing of time could by itself change the moral status of genocide. If you a

Re: Not Exhausted

2004-12-24 Thread Rich Ater
Gilberto Simpson wrote: Dear Rich, I highly respect what you said and would agree with alot of it. Just a few issues around the question of Biblical corruption: [2.79] Woe, then, to those who write the book with their hands and then say: This is from Allah, so that

Re: Bahai jihad? Re: Men and Women equal?

2004-12-24 Thread Rich Ater
Gilberto,     I don't think so. Hikmat, from my understasnding means presenting the Faith from the point of view of timliness and capacity of the listener, as well as using tact. You brought this up earlier yourself, in terms of dialogue with other religions. Holy War is forbidden to Baha'is pe

Re: Not Exhausted

2004-12-21 Thread Rich Ater
Gilberto: I'm not sure I've read enough of Bahaullah's writings to say that he gives a particularly deep understanding. Some Bahai interpretations of Quranic passages I don't find terribly satisfying or super-deep. I think there are Muslim scholars, especially Sufis and others

Re: Not Exhausted

2004-12-19 Thread Rich Ater
Gilberto: I think you have to be careful about how you go about doing it. Bahais call their belief *progressive* revelation which strongly suggests that the dispensations of the Bab and then of Bahaullah are somehow deeper, more complete, more suitable, new and improved, or otherwise bet

Re: Not Exhausted

2004-12-14 Thread Rich Ater
And I would say is that people like Khalid Abul Fadl isn't an exception to what I"m talking about he's an example. There are certainly Muslims who are looking at the sources of the religion differently and starting to "reform". Amina Wadud would be another. There are also fairly traditional schol

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