[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Bird Migration Report -May 21

2018-05-21 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
Another fine day in Point Pelee NP for the last day of the Festival of Birds. Birding has been quite steady with many warblers and flycatchers being sighted. There was a report of a YELLOW-THROATED WARBLER, just down the main road to the Tip south of the Visitor Centre, but it was not re-found a

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Bird Migration Report -May 20

2018-05-20 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
A fabulous day of birding in the park this morning. There was a notable fall out of many migrant species at the Tip, including many later migrant warbler species and flycatchers. Highlights include a BLACK-BILLED MAGPIE flying high over the Tip and then back and forth up to the Sparrow Field, a

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Bird Migration Report - May 19th 2018

2018-05-19 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
It is another beautiful day out in the park, and there has been a noticeable influx of new arrivals overnight. Bird activity at the Tip first thing this morning was moderate, with a bit of a reverse movement of blackbirds, CEDAR WAXWINGS, and INDIGO BUNTINGS. A flock of WHIMBREL was observed fl

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Migration Report - May 18th 2018

2018-05-18 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
It is a fine day again in Point Pelee, but the blustery winds have made birding a challenge today. Not many migrants have been located so far, but there was a report of a MISSISSIPPI KITE flying over Tilden Woods. A YELLOW-BREASTED CHAT was seen near the bench at the halfway tram stop. A few b

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Bird Migration Report - May 17th 2018

2018-05-17 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
It's a beautiful day in the Park today. There are many resident species and a few migrants, but not a large volume of birds. The weather is very calm today, so there was not much reverse movement off the Tip, but the BLACK-BILLED MAGPIE was flying very high up with some BLUE JAYS. A KIRTLAND'S

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Migration Report - May 16th 2018

2018-05-16 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
Good morning birders, We have lovely weather in the area this morning, and the birding quality is rather nice as well! The highlights so far this morning include a MISSISSIPPI KITE flying south over the Visitor Centre parking lot, and a BLACK-BILLED MAGPIE seen flying south over the Cactus F

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Migration Report - May 15th 2018

2018-05-15 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
Good morning birders! We have had a busy start to the day with a significant influx of migrants, and bird activity is high and widespread. A WORM-EATING WARBLER was found singing and moving north along the Tip road from the halfway tram stop early this morning, and a probable second individual

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Bird Migration Report -May 14

2018-05-14 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
We had a fine start to the day with some reverse movement off the Tip, but the rainstorm has settled in sending people into shelter. We are awaiting the rain to stop before continuing to bird. At the Tip, a few things were reported. The reverse movement of birds in the light south winds include

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Bird Migration Report - May 13

2018-05-13 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
Hope you are having a great Mother's Day! After the heavy rain in the morning birders were treated with very close views of many migrants. Many were foraging low throughout the Park. There was a report of a MISSISSIPPI KITE flying over Tilden's Woods. 22 species of warblers have been reported s

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Bird Migration Report -May 12

2018-05-12 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
Despite the cool wet weather, it has been an awesome morning. A fall-out of sorts occurred and bird activity is very good. Best birds reported so far are a RED-THROATED LOON, and ACADIAN FLYCATCHER. The Tip was quiet first thing but by 8 am, many warblers and other migrants were found. Offsho

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee National Park Migration Update - May 11, 2018

2018-05-11 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
Good Morning birders! A notable exodus of recent migrant songbirds last night has prompted birders to look harder for the cryptic birds. We were greeted with cooler temperatures this morning, which fortunately pushed the warblers and flycatchers close to the ground to forage. The major highli

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Migration Report -May 10

2018-05-10 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
Another great day of birding this morning. With the southerly winds, more migrants entered the Park, and there was another good reverse movement of birds off the Tip including the EURASIAN TREE SPARROW and many orioles, SCARLET TANAGER, INDIGO BUNTING AND BOBOLINK. Also noted off the Tip were

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Migration Report - May 9th 2018

2018-05-09 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
It was an exciting start to the morning with a EURASIAN TREE SPARROW and two AMERICAN WHITE PELICANS seen at the Tip. The PILEATED WOODPECKER continues and was also seen in the area. Bird activity and diversity is very high throughout the park. There was a significant reverse movement of BALTIM

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Migration Report - May 8th 2018

2018-05-08 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
After another clear but cool night, the morning started off with several exciting birds being seen. One of the few park records of PILEATED WOODPECKER was observed in the Tip area before heading north along East Beach past the Sparrow Field. Other highlights included a LECONTE'S SPARROW seen on


2018-05-07 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
It was a cool start to the morning, but there is quite a bit of activity throughout the park, though the volume of birds is relatively low. Highlights included a SNOWY EGRET flying south past the Marsh Boardwalk, a KENTUCKY WARBLER at the Tip, and a GLAUCOUS GULL seen flying north along the eas

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Migration Update-May 6,2018

2018-05-06 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
Excellent morning so far with many of yesterday's birds still here and with recent arrivals. Winds continued out of the southwest. Some birds at the Tip were involved in a reverse movement but mostly blackbirds. But also INDIGO BUNTING and a Few BOBOLINK. Highlights included a very cooperativ

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Migration Update- May 5,2018

2018-05-05 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
Good Morning, Bird activity continues to increase in the park along with the number of birders resulting in a nice variety of reports. Highlights this morning included Prothonotary Warbler, Hooded Warbler, Cerulean Warbler, Golden-winged Warbler, Yellow-breasted Chat, Summer Tanager, Sedge Wre

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Migration Update- May 4,2018

2018-05-04 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
Another great morning of birding in the park. Highlights included Kentucky Warbler along Chinquapin Trail between the Cactus field and Tilden, Hooded Warbler in Tilden's, Prothonotary Warbler near park entrance, Yellow-breasted Chat flying off the tip, and Blue-winged Warblers at multiple loca

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Migration Update- May 4,2018

2018-05-04 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
Another great morning of birding in the park. Highlights included Kentucky Warbler along Chinquapin Trail between the Cactus field and Tilden, Hooded Warbler in Tilden's, Prothonotary Warbler near park entrance, Yellow-breasted Chat flying off the tip, and Blue-winged Warblers at multiple locat

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Migration Update - May 3, 2018

2018-05-03 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
Birding in the Point Pelee area continues to be a success on this third day of the Festival of Birds, despite some heavy rainfall last night and this morning. It is worth noting that certain areas, particularly the Woodland Trail and the road going south from the Visitor Centre are a bit flooded

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Migration Update-May 2,2018

2018-05-02 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
Welcome to the Pelee Bird Festival Migration Report for May 2. Bird activity and variety is on the increase with a good selection of warblers, 15+ species and other land birds this morning. At the tip many birders reported an impressive reverse migration with 100s of blackbirds along with smalle

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Migration Update - May 1, 2018

2018-05-01 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
Welcome to the 2018 Pelee Bird Festival Migration Reports. Our first May morning was mild with some southwest winds. There were a few more migrant species which showed up. So far about 10 species of Warbler have been noted so far. A SEDGE WREN was seen along the West Beach Trail, about half-way

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Migration Update - May 22, 2017

2017-05-22 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
The Festival of Birds is going out with a bang. There are many migrants still to be seen and heard at the Tip and on the Woodland Trail. 20 species of warblers have been reported already today, including CANADA, WILSON'S, MOURNING, YELLOW-BREASTED CHAT, CONNECTICUT, NORTHERN PARULA and the nesti

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Migration Report-May 21

2017-05-21 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
Though weather conditions were wet, there were many migrants in the Park. Most were species one would expect at this date, and so many birds have been reported that a Fallout likely occurred. 22 species of warbler were reported, including CANADA, MOURNING, BLUE-WINGED, HOODED and CONNECTICUT.

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Migration Report - May 20, 2017

2017-05-20 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
Even though we should be on the down swing of migration, the park was still productive with numerous reports of new migrants. So far 22 species of warblers have been reported including: CANADA; WILSON'S; MOURNING; CONNECTICUT; and, BLACKPOLL WARBLERS. A YELLOW-BREASTED CHAT was found along WEST

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Migration Report -May 19

2017-05-19 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
After yesterday's warm temperatures winds shifted to the north and it is decidedly cooler in the Park this morning, but the birding continues to be very good. A total of 25 species of warblers were reported this morning. Bird activity along Woodland Nature Trail was good with several pockets of

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Migration Report-May 18

2017-05-18 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
Warm southerly breezes greeted birders today. Incoming migrants were not reported in large numbers but there were a few good pockets. About 15 species of warbler were reported. The most numerous species of warbler reported was CANADA. The Tip had a good group of birds including CANADA, WILSON'

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Migration Report-May 17

2017-05-17 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
Spring migration continues at a slow but steady pace with small numbers of warblers being reported from various parts of the park. A total of 20 species of warblers including CANADA WARBLER, MOURNING WARBLER, WILSONS WARBLER, BLUE-WINGED WARBLER, PROTHONOTARY WARBLER and YELLOW-BREASTED CHAT.

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Migration Update - May 16, 2017

2017-05-16 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
A brief shower didn't deter birders for long and a variety of good birds were located. The female BLUE GROSBEAK continues to be seen in the Cactus Field, and a female CERULEAN WARBLER and a male HOODED WARBLER were observed in the tip area. A male CERULEAN WARBLER and a PROTHONOTARY WARBLER were

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Migration Update - May 16, 2017

2017-05-16 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
A brief shower didn't deter birders for long and a variety of good birds were located. The female BLUE GROSBEAK continues to be seen in the Cactus Field, and a female CERULEAN WARBLER and a male HOODED WARBLER were observed in the tip area. A male CERULEAN WARBLER and a PROTHONOTARY WARBLER were

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Migration Update - May 16, 2017

2017-05-16 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
A brief shower didn't deter birders for long and a variety of good birds were located. The female BLUE GROSBEAK continues to be seen in the Cactus Field, and a female CERULEAN WARBLER and a male HOODED WARBLER were observed in the tip area. A male CERULEAN WARBLER and a PROTHONOTARY WARBLER were

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Migration Update - May 15, 2017

2017-05-15 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
Great weather greeted birders today. Another sunny day in the park! Though bird numbers were somewhat low, there was a good selection. The highlight of the day so far is a female BLUE GROSBEAK photographed and still being in the Cactus Field. At the tip, a flock of RUDDY TURNSTONE and another

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Migration Report - May 14

2017-05-14 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
Lots to report today with many migrants arriving overnight. The warbler count is up to 26 species. Most of birds reported from yesterday's influx are still hanging around this morning. More migrants have been added from last night. The Tip was slow but there was a report of a DICKCISSEL and it

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee N.P. Migration Report May 13, 2017

2017-05-13 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
Bird activity and variety continues to increase in the park. Both Tilden and Woodland Nature Trail had lots of birds singing including RED-EYED VIREOS, TENNESSEE WARBLERS, NORTHERN PARULAS, BLACK-THROATED BLUE WARBLERS, BLACKPOLL WARBLERS, BLACK-THROATED GREEN WARBLERS and BLACKBURNIAN WARBLER

[Ontbirds] Black-billed Magpie Point Pelee Park

2017-05-12 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
Just heard about a Black-billed Magpie seen on the Post Woods Trail, just north of the Sparrow Field heading south. It was seen at 11:20 but only by 2 birders, but hopefully it will be reported again soon. The description of both the bird and its sound, made it seem like a correct identification

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee N.P. Migration Report May 12, 2017

2017-05-12 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
Spring migration continues at a steady pace with 21 species of warblers reported from various parts of the Park, with Tilden and Woodland Nature Trails being the most productive. The warblers were feeding up high in the canopy. Multiple PROTHONOTARY WARBLERS are being reported from Bridges A and

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Migration Report-May 11

2017-05-11 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
A lot of the migrants that were here yesterday are still being seen today, and there are a number of new migrants that have arrived. Over 25 species of warbler are being seen including YELLOW-BREASTED CHAT, KENTUCKY WARBLER, PROTHONOTARY WARBLER, CERULEAN WARBLER, and LOUISIANA WATERTHRUSH. Othe

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Migration Report-May 10, 2017

2017-05-10 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
Most of birds reported from yesterday's influx are still hanging around this morning. More migrants have been added from last night. The Tip was slow but there was a report of a DICKCISSEL and it was seen again on the West Beach Trail north of the Tram Loop at the Tip. Further north near the W

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Migration Report-May 9, 2017

2017-05-09 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
After a long, wet wait the birds are back! Multiple sightings have been reported throughout the Park of many of our Wood Warblers and other migrants. Up to the time of this post more than 23 warblers have been reported including PROTHONOTARY, KIRTLAND'S, ORANGE-CROWNED, NORTHERN PARULA, BLACKBUR

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Migration Update - May 8, 2017

2017-05-08 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
While there was no evidence of a mass migration overnight some exciting birds were seen at Point Pelee this morning. Warbler numbers are picking up with 13 species seen so far. The Tilden Trail was the hotspot with KENTUCKY WARBLER; LOUISIANA WATERTHRUSH; and NORTHERN WATERTHRUSH. The Kentucky

[Ontbirds] Migration Update: Point Pelee National Park, May 7, 2017

2017-05-07 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
Sunny skies were a welcome sight this morning and many birders converged on the Park to see what the change in weather would bring. Light winds earlier last night seemed to facilitate movement. A total of 15 warbler species have been reported so far today. A CONNECTICUT WARBLER was reported fro

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Migration Update-May 6, 2017

2017-05-06 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
The rain has stopped but with the northerly flow of winds not too many new migrants were noted. However, birders were reporting a number of good birds from those lingering during the last few days. About 15 warbler species have been reported so far. The Tip did not produce too many species this

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Migration Update - May 5, 2017

2017-05-05 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
The rain and north winds made it a little tough for birding at Point Pelee today, but some good birds are still being seen. Just make sure to bring your rain gear when you come. The highlight at the Tip remains the EARED GREBE that can often be seen with several HORNED GREBE for a nice comparis

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Migration Update - May 4, 2017

2017-05-04 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
The rain started around 6 am today and doesn't seem to have affected migration with at least 12 species of warbler seen. Although, the strong east winds meant that the Tip area itself was rather quiet. The Woodland Trail produced at least 7 OVENBIRDS and 3 NORTHERN WATERTHRUSH. A YELLOW-BREASTE

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Migration Update - May 3, 2017

2017-05-03 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
It was nice to finally see the sun today at Point Pelee. With the warmth insects started to rise from the sand at the Tip attracting large numbers of swallows and the recurring SCARLET TANAGER. There was also at least 5 RED-HEADED WOODPECKERS in the Tip area. SOLITARY SANDPIPERS continue to be

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Migration Update - May 2, 2017

2017-05-02 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
High winds from the west greeted birders at Point Pelee today which made birding difficult. However, with effort a number of species were reported throughout the Park. WOOD THRUSH, OVENBIRD, INDIGO BUNTING & RED-HEADED WOODPECKER were more noted. There were at least 12 species of warbler includ

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP migration update-May 1, 2017

2017-05-01 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
Good Birding, Slow but steady birding today throughout the Park between rain showers. About 12 species of warbler have been reported thus far today. No sign of the Fish Crow that was near the Visitor Centre yesterday evening. The Eared Grebe is still hanging about near the Tip with many Horne

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee National Park Festival of Birds - May 19, 2014

2014-05-19 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
While the conditions were right for migration last night, and radar indicated that migration took place, it would appear that the birds kept heading north to their breeding instead of stopping at Point Pelee. While 19 species of warbler have been seen and heard in the Park this morning they are

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee National Park Festival of Birds - May 18, 2014

2014-05-18 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
While there did not appear to be much new migration overnight there were still 25 species of warbler being observed in Point Pelee today. The highlight would probably be a rare for this time of year PRAIRIE WARBLER being seen in the Tip area of the park. The non-warbler highlight is a BELL'S VIR

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee National Park Festival of Birds - May 17, 2014

2014-05-17 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
A breeding plumage PACIFIC LOON is currently being seen far out in the lake off of the beach east of the Sparrow Field. Another unusual migrant this morning was a fly over Northern Goshawk seen during the Friends of Point Pelee hikes. A total of 18 species of warbler have been seen this morning.

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee National Park Migration Report May 16, 2014

2014-05-16 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
Point Pelee NP Migration Report May 16 Activity is still very good after the wonderful fall-out of birds yesterday. At the Tip, with the westerlies, birding was best along the east beach. Birds were low and good views were had of many warblers, tanagers, thrushes, orioles and many others. About

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee National Park Festival of Birds - May 15, 2014

2014-05-15 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
Despite the intermittent rain today the Tip of the Point remained very active with at least 18 species of warbler out of a total of 23 warbler species seen so far today. Similar to yesterday many of the warblers were female including: BLACKBURNIAN; CANADA; AMERICAN REDSTART; and CHESTNUT-SIDED.

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee National Park Festival of Birds - May 14, 2014

2014-05-14 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
There was a mini-fallout of warblers at the Tip of Point Pelee this morning with females of many species being the most obvious. The warblers at the Tip included: CANADA, BLACKBURNIAN, MAGNOLIA, BLACKPOLL, and a late-ish PALM. A MOURNING WARBLER was reported just south of the washroom building a

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee National Park Festival of Birds - May 13, 2014

2014-05-13 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
Another very active and birdy day at Point Pelee today. It would seem that a wave of WILSON'S WARBLER and Empidonax Flycatchers came in overnight as they were quite common at the Tip. A total of 22 species of warbler have been reported this morning. The KENTUCKY WARBLER is still being seen app

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee National Park Festival of Birds - May 12, 2014

2014-05-12 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
While things started off slow first thing this morning it has really picked up through the course of the morning. Both YELLOW-BILLED and BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO were reported from the Tip. A CANADA WARBLER was near the Black-billed Cuckoo. The interior of the Park was very busy with at least 25 sp

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee National Park Migration Report for 11 May, 2014

2014-05-11 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
Point Pelee National Park Migration Report: Sunday, 11 May, 2014 Hello birders, Though it has seemed a generally slow day overall, there have been a good number of excellent sightings. The 2 most notable birds this morning were a WESTERN KINGBIRD and a SCISSOR-TAILED FLYCATCHER (presumably t

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee National Park Migration Report -Saturday, May 10, 2014

2014-05-10 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
Point Pelee NP Migration Report for May 10. Quite a few new migrants have arrived again today. So far birding was the best from the Tip up to Shuster Trail along the east beach. Birds were bug-hunting high and low in the brush along the beach. At least 20+ species of warbler are being seen. At

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee National Park Migration Report - May 9, 2014

2014-05-09 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
While the winds and temperature were ideal for migration last night it would appear that the majority of the northern breeding migrants in the Park yesterday moved on and only a minor influx of new birds arrived. The influx seemed to consist of CHESTNUT-SIDED WARBLER and SCARLET TANAGER with at

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee N.P. Migration Report - May 8, 2014

2014-05-08 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
Southerly winds and warming temperatures brought in a good influx of migrants this morning. Activity was most evident at the Tip where many birds were observed flying south overhead. Participating in this movement were hundreds of ORIOLES. Also heard and observed in high numbers were INDIGO BUNT

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee Migration Report May 7

2014-05-07 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
The day started with a thunderstorm coming across the lake which may have been responsible for the increase in bird activity in the Park today. A good number of some species has been reported so far. Many pockets of birds throughout the Park. About 15+ species of warbler have been reported so fa

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee N.P. Migration Report - May 6, 2014

2014-05-06 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
Cool but sunny weather this morning made viewing birds much more pleasant than yesterday. Although still on the quieter side, bird activity was noticeably busier than yesterday. Once again an Eared Grebe was reported at the Tip area. Further north, another Eared Grebe was observed on the Park b

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee N.P. Migration Report for Monday, May 5, 2014

2014-05-05 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
Cool and cloudy conditions greeted birders first thing this morning. Compared with yesterday, far fewer birds and bird song was present. The tip was especially quiet, with few warblers reported. However, one of them was a Hooded Warbler. Offshore, all three species of Scoters were observed. Else

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee National Park Migration Report for Sunday, 4 May

2014-05-04 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
Point Pelee National Park Migration Report: Sunday, 4 May Greetings folks, A significant influx of birds this morning was punctuated by 2 HENSLOW'S SPARROWS -- both observed during Friends of Point Pelee guided walks. One was showing well on the West Beach Trail 300 m north of the Tip

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee National Park Migration Report

2014-05-03 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
Good morning, birders: Bird diversity in the Park continues to rise amidst short bouts of rain in early and mid-morning. Highlights include an ACADIAN FLYCATCHER at the boardwalk on Shuster Trail and a RUSTY BLACKBIRD on Tilden Woods Trail -- both sighted during our guided tours. A HOODED W

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee National Park Migration Update - May 2, 2014

2014-05-02 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
Brisk south west winds again this morning making it cool at the Tip. A few pockets of migrants have been noted throughout the Park. A group of WILLET were at the Tip this morning first thing. As of writing this report at least one was still lingering there. Birding was more comfortable along t

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee National Park Migration Report - May 1, 2014

2014-05-01 Thread Festival of Birds via ONTBIRDS
Today is the first day of the Point Pelee National Park Festival of Birds and the start of the guided bird hikes offered by the Friends of Point Pelee. Cool temperatures and strong westerly winds continue to affect migration. An EARED GREBE was close to shore along the east side of the Tip near