Re: [dba-dev] Where to find all open DB connections and closes them

2010-07-01 Thread Frank Schoenheit, Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Fernand, When opening a DatasourceBrowser with the dispatcher using loadComponentFromURL(.component:DB/DataSourceBrowser, _beamer, 0, aProps) I have a connection opened with the database server. How can i find this opened connection and close it with the API ? I tried and found a

Re: [dba-dev] Typo in a string

2010-06-23 Thread Frank Schoenheit, Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Sophie, In the file openoffice_org/dbaccess/source/ext/macromigration.po there is a typo in the source string [No database document found in the initializatin arguments.] I think it should be [initialization]. Do I open an issue? If we want to have it fixed for 3.3, then yes, please

Re: [dba-dev] ORB args ComponentData

2010-06-23 Thread Frank Schoenheit, Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Fernand, How and in witch format can i provide the ComponentData Argument when using LoadFromURL i try to set the filter to new value Looking into the code, it seems to me that the only parameter in the component data which is respected so far is the ActiveConnection. So, I don't think

Re: [dba-dev] UnoComponent: invoking from form control

2010-05-06 Thread Frank Schoenheit, Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Peter, in Uno dialogs you can bind an event to a dialog control: either a macro or a method of a uno component. In form controls I'm missing the latter. Any hints? (hoping Frank is reading here yet) I can't remember ... that's so long ago ... :-P No, this doesn't work for form

Re: [dba-dev] ODBC from AS/400, results dependent on server version

2010-03-29 Thread Frank Schoenheit, Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Terrence, I wonder if this behaviour is right. And if it is wrong, does anybody care, given the age of V5R2? V6R1 of the o/s has been in production for a couple of years, and V7R1 is anticipated shortly. In short, is this a candidate for a bug report? Normally I'd say every bug is

Re: [dba-dev] issue 94543, some progress and request for help

2010-03-29 Thread Frank Schoenheit, Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Terrence, Ocke would be better to answer (most of) your questions, since a) I'm no active Base developer anymore :) and b) the ODBC driver is his domain. But since he's on vacation currently, let me jump in. (*) I am not satisfied with my analysis of the impact of the change. For me to

[dba-dev] resigning as Base project lead (and as Base team member)

2010-03-01 Thread Frank Schoenheit, Sun Microsystems Germany
Hello fellow Base users and developers, of the ~2000 mails I sent to d...@dba and us...@dba (wow! 20% of the mails were from me? My mail client must be lying to me ...), this is one of the more difficult ones. Effective immediately, I'll be resigning from the position of Base's project lead.

[dba-dev] Base project lead suggestion

2010-03-01 Thread Frank Schoenheit, Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi, if you're reading your mails in the order they were written by their authors, you know by know that I resigned from the Base Project Lead role. Which means we need to find somebody else ... It won't come as a big surprise to you that I suggest Ocke Jansen (usually merely known as Ocke,

Re: [dba-dev] dev 33m72 and nativ driver for mysql

2010-02-28 Thread Frank Schoenheit, Sun Microsystems Germany
I'm pretty certain that the integration does not, at least at this point, mean the extension is going into the main distribution package. So you still need to install separately. Correct. Ciao Frank -- - Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer - - Sun

Re: [dba-dev] How to load a SRB report from his

2010-02-19 Thread Frank Schoenheit, Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Fernand, 'the wonder: it Runs the report with the wanted Filter Conditions !!! From here on the wonder continious it works just by running the third part OK wonders do happen :-) but please can someone explain this behaviour See our thread over there in d...@api.

Re: [dba-dev] Please welcome the newest member of the Base QA Team - Zoltan Reizinger

2010-02-17 Thread Frank Schoenheit, Sun Microsystems Germany
It is my pleasure to have as my first opportunity in this capacity the chance to announce the teams newest member, Zoltan Reizinger. Welcome Zoltan (whatever this official welcome will change, or not change :) ) - not only the Sun Report Builder would, without your invaluable work, look much

Re: [dba-dev] Problem: OpenOffice Base and PostgreSQL stored procedures

2010-02-12 Thread Frank Schoenheit, Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Marc, Can the internal SQL parser be changed to accept statements like SELECT * FROM function(:parameter) ? Probably, yes (but Ocke has a saying in this, he has deeper insights in the parser implementation). Feel free to submit an issue. Ciao Frank -- - Frank Schönheit, Software

Re: [dba-dev] Problem: OpenOffice Base and PostgreSQL stored procedures

2010-02-10 Thread Frank Schoenheit, Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Marc, I can, however, set the query editor to native SQL mode, then the SQL code is passed as is to the database backend and no error is output. But with native SQL mode, I loose the possibility to have OpenOffice ask the user for parameters. I can only use calls without parameters.

Re: [dba-dev] How to find the Schema name from a dataform using the MySQL native connector?

2010-02-10 Thread Frank Schoenheit, Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Drew, Specifically the updateSchema name. The property at the dataform returns a null string. The SQLQueryCompoers doesn't seem to have a way. The column objects returned by the composer should have a SchemaName. Remember that the schema basically belongs to the table name, and the

Re: [dba-dev] SetBlob.... ( was Re: setBlog not implemented for preparedStatement in HSQLdb SDBC driver)

2010-02-09 Thread Frank Schoenheit, Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Ocke, I thought that I fixed that one in a DEV320 but that doesn't seem to be. So please submit an issue for it. Thanks. Wasn't that in one of the dba33? CWS', i.e. for 3.3 only? Ciao Frank -- - Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer - - Sun Microsystems

Re: [dba-dev] Question 1: Finding the actual column name for an aliased field?

2010-02-09 Thread Frank Schoenheit, Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Drew, I have a query: SELECT COL1 AS ALIAS FROM TABLE Now I am handed a dataform in a routine and I need to find the column names in the table, not the alias. depending on which column object you have ... there might be a property RealName, though I do not know, out of my head, at

Re: [dba-dev] ResultsetColumn.Typename inconsistent between drivers?

2010-02-09 Thread Frank Schoenheit, Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Drew, for cntr = 1 to oDataForm.Columns.count CurrentColumn = oDataForm.Columns(cntr -1 ) if UCASE( CurrentColumn.Typename) = UCASE(longvarbinary) then because under HSQLdb it is LONGVARBINARY under MySQL Native it is longvarbinary. Shouldn't this be consistent? Issue?

Re: [dba-dev] forms cannot handle Oracles mode of generated values

2010-01-13 Thread Frank Schoenheit, Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Peter, just for the record ... just tested with m7 and jdbc; Oracle handles the autogenerated values as following: ... After pushing Save the message comes: Exhausted resultset, but the record was inserted. But not enough: If the focus wants to left the form, a new record is

Re: [dba-dev] turning Create New Base file off

2010-01-04 Thread Frank Schoenheit, Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Drew, Checking 3.2 RC1 and this issue OK I edited the file /opt/ Uhm, not sure editing the schema is a good idea, I don't know which restrictions

Re: [dba-dev] Border of controls visible after filtering

2009-12-14 Thread Frank Schoenheit, Sun Microsystems Germany
I fixed this in one of our 3.3-CWS, IIRC, though I am not sure whether it was dba33a, dba33b, or dba33d ... Thanks for reporting, nonetheless. it was 106368 in CWS dba33b ... Ciao Frank -- - Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer - - Sun Microsystems

Re: [dba-dev] Base throwing error using HSQLDB Database Driver

2009-12-10 Thread Frank Schoenheit, Sun Microsystems Germany
Hello Sebastian, I am trying to set up a HSQL database and connect OpenOffice Base to it. Whenever I try connection OpenOffice tells me: Unable to establish connection. Fehler-Code: 1000 The driver class ' org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver ' could not be loaded. (I translated this) You need to

Re: [dba-dev] Border of controls visible after filtering

2009-12-08 Thread Frank Schoenheit, Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Peter, another regression for you (though I wouldn't call that a stopper ;) ): I fixed this in one of our 3.3-CWS, IIRC, though I am not sure whether it was dba33a, dba33b, or dba33d ... Thanks for reporting, nonetheless. Ciao Frank

Re: [dba-dev] Regression in m7: Stepping to filtered records not possible in special cases

2009-12-07 Thread Frank Schoenheit, Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Peter, I'd like to pay your attention to This has worked at least in OpenOffice 2.2 and should considered as a stopper? Yes. Care to visit relea...@ooo? Thanks Ciao Frank -- - Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer

Re: [dba-dev] report: argument Hidden for loadComponentFromURL()

2009-12-04 Thread Frank Schoenheit, Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Peter, seems, the property Hidden=false is not supported for report-documents. ... Any hints no, sorry. Any workarounds I could think of (for instance passing a hidden Frame to the loader to plug the to-be-loaded component into) are not implemented for this particular loader. (of course

Re: [dba-dev] enhance the Query definition code to recognize CALL

2009-12-04 Thread Frank Schoenheit, Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Drew, The request is to enhance the query parser components to recognize a command such as CALL somefunction( params ) - allowing escape processing for function parameters -- I don't know what the implications are regarding column names They need to be provided by the DB then,

Re: [dba-dev] Recovery process

2009-12-04 Thread Frank Schoenheit, Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Peter, seems the recovery process for base has some shortcomings yet. Neither a created report nor the basic code is restored after crashing and starting the recovery (WinXP and m6). A known issue? Accidentally, I spent the last ...

Re: [dba-dev] problem repaint formcontrols ..

2009-12-01 Thread Frank Schoenheit, Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Cor, While working in m6, writer document with form controls. When editing some text, the form control becomes invisible. Which can be corrected by zooming / scrolling. Was the same in M5, maybe earlier? Known problem? Not that I know. Cannot reproduce out of the box, interesting

Re: [dba-dev] method setBinaryStream not working with Oracle BLOB using jdbc

2009-11-13 Thread Frank Schoenheit, Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Peter, fine, so I consider this a bug in OpenOffice. Quite reasonable. Ocke just reworks the [B|C]LOB handling, it seems this code was never confronted with reality before. How to workaround? Sorry, don't have to offer anything here. BLOB is highly ... under-implemented currently :-\ If

Re: [dba-dev] Opening a GridControl in a UNO Dialog

2009-10-07 Thread Frank Schoenheit, Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Noel, This sounds a little familiar to something we discussed on this list in the past ( it wasn't exactly the same thing, but if you remember we talked about using form control models ( especially data aware ones ) with the toolkit controls in dialogs ) as such I darkly remember, now

Re: [dba-dev] Opening a GridControl in a UNO Dialog

2009-10-06 Thread Frank Schoenheit, Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Fernand, For months i am looking for the best solutions to manipulating data in Dialogs instead of forms. Just this morning, sitting in the subway and having no newspaper to read :), I wondered whether it would make sense to implement the runtime code for all the database controls in

Re: AW: AW: [dba-dev] internationalization of exception messages in a database driver extension

2009-09-30 Thread Frank Schoenheit, Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Michael, I'm a bit confused. Actually our driver extension is written in Java, Ah - actually I don't know much (put carefully) about implementing UNO components in Java, so I hope that Ariel's idea solves your problem (I suppose it does, given Ariel's expertise :) ). So, assuming it does,

Re: [dba-dev] internationalization of exception messages in a database driver extension

2009-09-23 Thread Frank Schoenheit, Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Michael, I'm looking for a possiblity to provide the user with custom exception messages in a database driver extension, according to the locale of his installation/system. The prefered solution from my side would be to provide the messages strtings in some sort of plain text ressource

Re: [dba-dev] connect to ldap fails with authentication

2009-09-22 Thread Frank Schoenheit, Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Peter, in m58 and in former installations I cannot connect to a ldap datasource if a password is required. Without password the connect succeeds. Maybe it has something to do with the name of the user: CN=install,OU=Admins,OU=xxx DC=de I tried the user/pw authentication

Re: [dba-dev] Resultset FetchDirections

2009-09-22 Thread Frank Schoenheit, Sun Microsystems Germany
Hello Fernand, The DEV guide told us to set the approriate FetchDirection in the Statement object. OK: but where can I find more information about this Fetch settings ? In theory: In practice: All of OOo's

Re: [dba-dev] connect to ldap fails with authentication

2009-09-22 Thread Frank Schoenheit, Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Peter, So I tell you, that it doesn't work in an old version (2.2) neither. okay, this reliefs me from the suspicion that it is a regression from the SeaMonkey migration, at least. Thanks Ciao Frank -- - Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer - - Sun

Re: [dba-dev] Sun Connector for mySQL Column Default and Description not passed(correction)

2009-09-11 Thread Frank Schoenheit, Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Fernand, Defaultvalues are passed for Native and ODBC Comment are NOT passed for both drivers There's no code for passing this down, what you see as column description in the table designer UI is purely client-side. The whole table designer would need some overhauling here, fixing this

Re: [dba-dev] MySQL Native Driver source

2009-09-05 Thread Frank Schoenheit, Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Ariel, any idea where the MySQL Native Driver source code can be found? switch a local SVN working copy of the OOo source tree to .../cws/mysqlnative, and issue a build --all in module mysqlc. Ciao Frank -- - Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer - - Sun