Re: [IxDA Discuss] Definitions of Design

2009-02-07 Thread Mike Myles
This is an ancient insight that I feel summarizes the nature of design... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Posted from the new __

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Quality standard of interaction design

2009-02-08 Thread Mike Myles
Patterns can help with consistency, and design heuristics, tenets, guidelines, walk throughs and critiques can all help in improving a design; but I don't see anyway to truly evaluate quality of interactions without actual testing. I suggest setting measurable design goals at the start of a projec

Re: [IxDA Discuss] User Testing and Recruiting Advice

2009-02-08 Thread Mike Myles
Regarding your question about remote testing - I've done a great deal of remote testing and have had excellent results. I've even run pseudo-paper prototypes remotely using PhotoShop layers to handle the paper switching. PowerPoint can be useful for that as well As for software to use, I've had th

Re: [IxDA Discuss] List ordering: alphabetical vs. logical?

2009-02-08 Thread Mike Myles
For long lists without an obvious logical arrangement alphabetical order allows one to take advantage of Hick's law ('s_law), but if the list is relatively short and there is a logical order to the items then alphabetizing is probably not the way to go. In most cas

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Experience Definition

2009-02-08 Thread Mike Myles
Nehal, Experience is the totality of ones perception, but I think what you are getting at is how to differentiate a positive experience from a negative one. I believe the key is expectation. If an experience meets or exceeds ones expectations of that experience it's perceived as positive, if it's

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Experience Definition

2009-02-09 Thread Mike Myles
Yes Andy, play is a particularly interesting form of interaction since discovering the rules and possibilities of the game is often a major component of the experience. Unlike game designers who selectively and deliberately obfuscate some interactions, application & website designers usually want

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Right-Click Actions in Web Applications (Enterprise)

2009-02-11 Thread Mike Myles
I've worked on several browser based enterprise applications, and I have seen reluctance from users in trying interaction they see as not being something done in a browser (i.e. on a website). This includes right-click as well as interactions like drag & drop and window selection. Even when instruc

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Interaction Designer vs User Experience Designer vs User Interface designer

2009-02-11 Thread Mike Myles
"Can anyone tell me the difference between these three titles: Interaction Designer, User Experience Designer, User Interface Designer?" Yes, a Designer can... but not anyone else. :-) Seriously though, designers tend to like to ruminate over what to call things, and nothing more than the name fo

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Right-Click Actions in Web Applications (Enterprise)

2009-02-12 Thread Mike Myles
Ambrose, The specific questions... "What are your thoughts on right-click actions in web applications? What about specifically for "enterprise" applications? Should there even be a difference?" Hence the focus on right-click in web apps in this discussion. But alternate approaches to exposing fe

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Icon suggestions for account related activities

2009-02-12 Thread Mike Myles
There are countless icon providers to choose from. Just have your friend search on "icon" in Google and plenty will come up. Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Poste

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Working Backwards

2009-02-13 Thread Mike Myles
It sounds like a serious development process problem. There are many good books on the subject of integrating design into the development process by folks like Cooper, Mayhew, Constantine & Lockwood, Garrett and others; but they all make a similar recommendation that is key: start with a small proj

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Nice article, Is Good Design Replicable? by Joshua Porter

2009-02-13 Thread Mike Myles
There is a quote attributed to Yogi Berra that I find relevant to discussion of the role of process in design, "In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is." To me process is like an Airline Pilot's preflight checklist and training. Does the preflight check

[IxDA Discuss] IxD Greats?

2009-02-17 Thread mike myles
Many of the great architects & industrial designers are known to the general public. To name a few (in no particular order): Walter Gropius, Frank Lloyd Wright, Antoni Gaudí, Frank Gehry, Raymond Loewy, Henry Dreyfuss, Charles and Ray Eames... Who do we feel are the greats of IxD? And to follow..

Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxD Greats?

2009-02-18 Thread mike myles
Lot's of wonderful discussion! To the IxDA's mission points of Evangelism and Education, should we work to create a "Hall of Fame" site touting the accomplishments of innovators in computer interaction design? We can learn from our history, and demonstrating the progressive advancement of the cra

Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxD Greats?

2009-02-18 Thread mike myles
Liz, The timeline concept sounds like a great one. It strikes me that people (teams & individuals), projects, products and publications all work in concert to show the evolution of interaction design. A timeline could be an effective way to tie all those items together and enhance understanding o

Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxD Greats?

2009-02-19 Thread mike myles
Andrei, I agree that the artifacts are as important to acknowledge as the individuals who created them. I like the timeline approach for that reason. It's a way to aggregate the artifacts; such as applications, components, and publications - and the people that created them in a format that illust

Re: [IxDA Discuss] When Input is Output is Input

2009-02-21 Thread mike myles
I suggest asking some target users what name they would use. You should also look at similar naming conventions in leading development tools - Dev. Studio, Eclipse, etc. I don't know the exact nature of the tool you are designing, but terminology in the development community is fairly well define

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Successful designers must influence product direction and strategy

2009-02-23 Thread mike myles
Have you read Bill Buxton's views on the role of design in executive leadership? (found in his book "Sketching User Experiences") If not I'd recommend it. It makes points very closely related to those in your article. Both designers and executive teams need to take action that will bring about str

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Teaching to program: arrays.

2009-02-28 Thread Mike Myles
A spreadsheet analogy usually works well. A single dimension array is like 1 row in a spreadsheet. The array name is the row label (ex. "A") and the column numbers let you cycle through values - A1, A2, A3... Most people will get that since spreadsheets are so common. And you can build from there

Re: [IxDA Discuss] The war on widgets

2009-03-05 Thread Mike Myles
I think the move is to more 'just in time' UI. Look at tabs, more popular than ever. All the cool browsers are using them now. :) They only show what pages you have active at any given time. The entire Office 2007 UI is built around task based, just in time UI; contextual Ribbon tabs, for example

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Is social networking doomed to frivolity?

2009-03-05 Thread Mike Myles
IMO, the vast majority of social networking communication is background noise. But to go from that to, "...since online interaction lacks the human elements of empathetic facial responses, body language, and touch, will social networking media be relegated to only the more frivolous types of interp

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Design/UX goals in your company

2009-03-06 Thread Mike Myles
I've been working on using desired user responses as a way to communicate design intent. These responses are potentially measurable goals, but more importantly they are effective at getting non-designers to understand the core objectives of a project. It's important to be able to measure design an

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Icons vs. Symbols

2009-03-07 Thread Mike Myles
If you're so averse to icons then just use text. The use of single characters like !, Q, $, and C seems risky. "!" generally denotes a warning or error - "Q" to me reads as question or query - "$" is money (USD that is) - "C"... speed of light. :) My point is, single characters tend to already be

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Surface-like interface: without using flash

2009-03-13 Thread Mike Myles
It feels like I'm using an old microfiche reader. I'm not crazy about either of the two example sites, but the approach has potential. I could see using it for image browsing, or navigating a large map or floor plan. In those instances a zoom out capability would be useful to see the entire page.

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Persona skeptics

2009-03-13 Thread Mike Myles
I've found personas to be a very effective tool. That said, I've seen them done incorrectly and fail more often than not: They are too verbose, they are not realistic (no grounding in user research), there are too many of them for a project, they change radically from release to release, they are d

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Survey Tools (pop-up type)

2009-03-23 Thread Mike Myles
I've always had good results with . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Posted from the new Welcome to the Interaction Design Associat

Re: [IxDA Discuss] When to use icons and when to use text

2009-03-27 Thread Mike Myles
Joshua Porter's post most clearly captures the value of using both, "The reason why icons text works best is because that combination provides the most information...which by sheer probability makes it more likely that a user will recognize them when they need to." I would add that icon text cr

Re: [IxDA Discuss] When to use icons and when to use text

2009-03-27 Thread Mike Myles
To Jared's point, >Keep in mind that there's a lot more work to make a high-quality icon than to make high-quality labels. I certainly agree that is most often the case, but there cases where it's easier to convey a concept symbolically. One specific personal experience... I worked on an applica

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Wood gatherers, boat architects, or sailing experience designers?

2009-03-30 Thread Mike Myles
Overall I find the discussions on IxDA to be quite thoughtful; covering a great width and depth of design issues. That said, I 100% agree that the "what do we call ourselves?" conversation rears its ugly head far too often on every discussion board and at every conference related to design. It's n

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Inspirations from art

2009-05-04 Thread Mike Myles
I'm a avid musician - I've been making music longer than I've been designing. For me there are many parallels between music and design. Most of my musical 'career' has been dedicated to writing and performing original material. I find the act of composition, or of arranging someone else's material

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Nice Research on Persona Effectiveness

2009-05-28 Thread Mike Myles
I've personally found personas to be very effective design tools, and have frankly been surprised to hear so many negative opinions about personas from designers on forums like these, at conferences, and in my work over the last couple of years. It's fantastic to see some research that not only sh

Re: [IxDA Discuss] HELP NEEDED: Need to find a list of military ranks for a drop down menu

2009-06-23 Thread Mike Myles
Jamie's point is important, each branch has a different rank structure (I'm presuming we're talking US military). You can find this sort of info online - Wikipedia for example... for the US Marines: You could either have users

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Bike-sharing design

2009-07-07 Thread Mike Myles
The City Bikes of Copenhagen have been around for quite a few years, and are very heavily used by locals and tourists. They use airless tires, so there is no chance of a flat. Here is an example of a company that makes those - That would solve one of your problems. . . . . .

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Writing for Information Scent?

2009-07-14 Thread Mike Myles
This may not be exactly what you're looking for, but I have a very brief overview I put together on a presentation about Information Foraging Theory (IFT) given by Peter Pirolli at CHI 2007. It's available on my website at - It's not specifically t

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Getting a start in IxD from a technical background

2009-07-14 Thread Mike Myles
I'm surprised someone with a MS in HCI is not considered qualified for an IxD role. What do they see as your skill deficiencies? Is it primarily an experience issue (too senior a post), or do they feel you are lacking some specific training? As far as I'm concerned, some reasonable level of compet

Re: [IxDA Discuss] "His/Her" vs. "Their" in website copy

2009-07-21 Thread Mike Myles
I'd be strongly inclined to use their over his/her. It's become a fairly accepted approach (though some certainly object to it). Here is a related Wikipedia entry on the "singular they" - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Re: [IxDA Discuss] "His/Her" vs. "Their" in website copy

2009-07-21 Thread Mike Myles
One may say that the use of the singular they is not universally accepted, but to state that it's blatantly incorrect ignores the flexibility and ever changing nature of the English language. It's more commonly accepted by speakers of British English - who incidentally adopted the title prefix "Ms"

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Are We The Puppet Masters? The Ethics of IxD.

2009-07-23 Thread Mike Myles
This reminds me of a talk I saw by Bill Buxton recently. He asked attendees to sketch a PDA in 15 seconds, then do the same for its UI, and lastly for it's interaction design. In the last case he said something to the effect, "If there isn't some part of a person in the sketch of the interaction, y

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Are We The Puppet Masters? The Ethics of IxD.

2009-07-29 Thread Mike Myles
How about the ethics of temporarily blinding users that don't use a products as intended? Read this story: Now that's what I call influencing behavior through design. What's next, the tazer equipped vending machine? "You better have exact ch

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Aesthetics in HCI

2009-07-29 Thread Mike Myles
What is aesthetics, and what is it's role in design?... A simple question?... Really? OK, a simple answer then. Aesthetics: The branch of philosophy that deals with the nature and expression of beauty. (American Heritage Dictionary) As for it's importance in interaction design, one could safely

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Aesthetics and Interaction/Usability

2009-07-29 Thread Mike Myles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Posted from the new Welcome to the Interaction Design Association (IxDA

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Charles Eames Quote: Role of the Designer

2009-07-29 Thread Mike Myles
Excellent analogy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Posted from the new Welcome to the Interaction Design Association (IxDA)! To post to this list

Re: [IxDA Discuss] video sharing / hosting

2009-08-05 Thread Mike Myles
Being a corporate video site I'd presume the requirements are considerably different than a public one. What sort of quantity of videos are you considering? Certainly not YouTude scale, I would think. Will they fall into clear categories? Training, Corporate Messaging, Company Meetings, User Rese

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Dynamic graphics

2009-08-11 Thread Mike Myles
As others have said, it's difficult to make a specific recommendation without more details. That said, X3D may be worth looking at. I'm not very familiar with it, but I did use VRML a bit many years back, which preceded X3D, and I found it useful for some things. Depending on the graphics you are

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Flowchart: action box or decision box?

2009-08-11 Thread Mike Myles
What you're trying to chart is a switch statement. It can be done with multiple decision nodes. Here is an example... And there is more info here on charting different decision statements...

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Forms as gates to further information

2009-08-11 Thread Mike Myles
Jennifer, I think you're 100% correct in suggesting an alternative to the proposed design. Speaking just as a user of the web, rather than a IxD practitioner, I can tell you that would tick me off! When I've had that sort of thing happen to me I will almost always just say, "forget it," and not

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Redesign - No Link Colors

2009-08-13 Thread Mike Myles
I can't distinguish link text from static text unless I painstakingly mouse over the whole page. What were they thinking!? - Make out website look like a news paper, because we're a news paper company. - News papers don't have hyperlinks. - Don't show hyperlinks on our website. I think someone

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Looking for a row-entry design pattern

2009-08-18 Thread Mike Myles
The table interaction in MS Word is, - Tab to the next cell in a row - In the last (right most) cell of a row, tab wraps down. - If no row on wrap, create a new one. - Enter puts a line break in the current cell contents. MS Excel goes down a row on Enter. Applications like Work have the need to

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Looking for a row-entry design pattern

2009-08-18 Thread Mike Myles
That is a good point Oleh. I've used that approach before in a query editor UI, and have seen it often before - there is always a blank row to go to at the bottom of the list. As soon as any focus is given to that last row, a new one comes in below it. If one were to close out of the interface at t

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Required fields - one or the other

2009-10-14 Thread Mike Myles
I just came across this example the other day tracking an order (so it sticks in my mind)... It has some obvious issues: the inputs aren't horizontally aligned, and the "OR" text is barely readable in yellow. So I wouldn't call it a good example. I probably rem

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Question on brainstorming personas

2009-11-20 Thread mike myles
Rather than making up personas that you may validate later, I think you'd do better to use User Roles - from the Usage Centered Design approach by Constantine & Lockwood. There is an in depth pdf on the subject here: Good luck! . . . . . . . . .