Re: [slim] SC7 Won't Save My Plug-In Settings

2008-04-03 Thread Michael Herger
I don't have a ProgramData folder anywhere. You do. But Microsoft has decided not to tell you. It's either displayed under a different name (yes, they do this in Vista - [EMAIL PROTECTED]) or simply hidden. It's what was called documents and settings in XP. Paste that path in the execute

Re: [slim] duet controller red wireless icon

2008-04-03 Thread ETK
I have very similar condition for the red icon issue. But no firmware update issue. I also post at this thread = my network configuration is bridge mode , and

Re: [slim] defective buttons on new controller?

2008-04-03 Thread bpa
You're not alone - see below and possibly make MickeyG aware of your problem. -- bpa bpa's Profile: View this

Re: [slim] classic fm's listen-again jazz on Mac/SB?

2008-04-03 Thread Ramage
whitman;286517 Wrote: Anyone managed to get to the listen-again jazz content on Classic FM working through a Mac/SB set-up? Now that Classic FM have dumped their station thejazz because the only thing they really care about is making money, the listen-again route is the only way to hear

Re: [slim] How do you use your Squeezbox/Receiver/Transporter

2008-04-03 Thread ModelCitizen
Increasingly I have the living room Transporter and the kitchen SB3 permanently synced. This is beacuse I move between the two rooms a fair bit and because the lounge set up provides a big loud sound for the whole of the downstairs and most of the upstairs too. If I become ensconsed in one room

Re: [slim] The 'Duet' is here

2008-04-03 Thread rmigneron
Hi, From a table somewhere on the site, we can see the following : - SB3 - Burr-Brown PCM1748 which is a 24-bit 96 KHz (max) converter - SBR - Wolfson WM8501 which is a 24-bit 192 KHz (max) converter Now, at 44.1 KHz (CD type sampling), we get from the Datasheets : Dynamic Range : - PCM1748 -

[slim] Problems with Duet Controller - a suggestion

2008-04-03 Thread cliveb
I see lots of posts about problems with the Duet Controller, many of them related to apparent wireless issues, with a sprinkling of other glitches. It's not clear, but it appears that most of these problems are happening on recent beta-test versions of both SqueezeCenter and Controller firmware.

Re: [slim] Squeeze controller losing network connection

2008-04-03 Thread Kim . T
@lex;286788 Wrote: Bug 7153: Poor connectivity with ZyXEL routers: Maybe possible to change some wlan power management settings on the Zyxel Routers? Or upgraded firmware from ZyXEL. (I have ZyXEL). @lex Not all users have access for configuring their routers - mine is preconfigured and

Re: [slim] Problems with Duet Controller - a suggestion

2008-04-03 Thread mav
I agree with you Clive. I have had everything up and running since just before Easter (same version and firmware as you), and have no problems. I have the Duet and 2 SB3s. The controller seems to work all without any issues. The whole system gets a huge thumbs up from me! mav -- mav

Re: [slim] Pause/Previous/Next buttons not working on controller (7.0.1 r2147) ?

2008-04-03 Thread EliteAV
I realised late last night that this problem has probably been present on the controller from the start. Although I thought the buttons were working properly with controller firmware r2114, this was on the first controller that I had. So my tally so far is first Duet, controller works, receiver

Re: [slim] classic fm's listen-again jazz on Mac/SB?

2008-04-03 Thread whitman
Chris and Ramage, ta for response, but I think you may have misunderstood. Thejazz station has definitely gone; stopped Mar 31st. But Classic FM, its deranged owner, now offers a jazz stream on its site and a jazz show on Classic FM at midnight. I'm trying to get to that show through Classic FM's

Re: [slim] SB Receiver without controller?

2008-04-03 Thread rmigneron
mvalera;259195 Wrote: I completely understand what he wants, I just don't think he REALLY wants it. The SB Controller is by far the best way to control a whole house of Squeezeboxes. Especially if you don't want them to have a display. I say this having used most of the other options.

Re: [slim] SC 7.0.1 - 404 Not Found: settings/plugins/SqueezeScrobbler/settings/basic.html

2008-04-03 Thread tday01
I had the same problem and contacted tech support; a clean install fixed it. Instructions for Mac OSX follow: trying a completely clean install will be a good first step. Below I have included instructions on both a clean install of SqueezeCenter 7.0. To perform a clean installation of our

Re: [slim] Clear entire 'Now playing' with remote?

2008-04-03 Thread kdf
press NOW PLAYING, LEFT, ADD. or press ADD when you see the Now Playing menu item on the top level menu. -kdf ___ discuss mailing list

[slim] Remote streaming

2008-04-03 Thread bernt
Hi! I stream music from SC7 at home to WMP at work. Is there a way to make the player to stick in SC even if it's not connected? For some reason it get disconnected everytime a playlist ends. This did'nt happen in SS 6.5. -- bernt

Re: [slim] Possible SC7.0 Server for $119?

2008-04-03 Thread Jesper Pedersen
Hi' As I also have interest in this question (how to use DNS-323 without using a PC), I forward some info on the DNS-323: All the needed info should be here. I hope that this helps Thanks for your reply. Jesper -- Jesper Pedersen

Re: [slim] Clear entire 'Now playing' with remote?

2008-04-03 Thread RonHatl
Ok, thanks! Regrettably (and naturally) this only works if you have NOT removed the 'Now playing' menu from the top level menu... I have removed it because I am only using the NOW PLAYING key on the remote... But that's my loss, I guess.. :-) -- RonHatl

[slim] Maybe it's time to start a Duet forum?

2008-04-03 Thread JJZolx
Just a thought. A product-centric approach isn't really in keeping with how these forums are currently structured, but a lot of threads are now focused on Duet/Controller/Receiver issues. But most of us don't own one. -- JJZolx Jim

Re: [slim] Squeeze controller losing network connection

2008-04-03 Thread rtitmuss
kimbl;286711 Wrote: However - to buck the trend - my impression is the problem only came on after an upgrade to 7.01 SC (I've been fiddling with squeezeslave builds) - apparently fine out of the box working with 7.0 SC. Can your revert to the 7.0 SC? The 7.0.1 SBC firmware turns the wlan

Re: [slim] Squeeze controller losing network connection

2008-04-03 Thread rtitmuss
The new 7.0.1 nightly build is now available, you can down load this from I am interested on your feedback, on bug 7376. Richard -- rtitmuss rtitmuss's Profile:

[slim] Clear entire 'Now playing' with remote?

2008-04-03 Thread RonHatl
Hi, In the SC7 web GUI there is a icon in the lower right corner which clears the ENTIRE 'Now playing' list. Is this also somehow possible with the standard Squeezebox remote? (I know that tracks can be removed one by one) -- RonHatl

Re: [slim] Problems with Duet Controller - a suggestion

2008-04-03 Thread xn03296
I thougt the same: my duett worked for 5 days without any problem. Then - suddenly - the controller lost the connection, the receiver couldnt connect to sc7. I reconfigured the duett, I reinstalled sc7 - but nothing helped. Yesterday I got a message on the controller, that a new softwareversion

Re: [slim] How to avoid the 'click' when a track starts

2008-04-03 Thread bloemert
I use a Profigold s/pdif cable. Yesterday I have bought a profigold toslink cable (35 EUR) and the problems are the same with this cable. According to Sean’s suggestion I have modified a track via “CoolEdit” and changed some parts for 10 or 20 seconds “silence”. Some other parts I have changed

Re: [slim] Clear entire 'Now playing' with remote?

2008-04-03 Thread Skittler
In the old Fishbone skin, the ability to remove everything by a particular artist from the Now Playing list, or to remove a whole album, both in one go was very useful. I know I could go back to Fishbone even now I use SC7, but: - As there is no equivalent in the default SC7 skin is it possible

Re: [slim] Receiver/Controller WOL support

2008-04-03 Thread PSSO
Problem fixed with latest (beta) firmware 7.0.1 r2166 - Great ! -- PSSO Ole PSSO's Profile: View this thread:

Re: [slim] Possible SC7.0 Server for $119?

2008-04-03 Thread aubuti
Looks like 64MB RAM, a 500 MHz ARM processor, and telnet access. I expect that will be able to run SC7, but no guarantees on that. I can guarantee that if you get it running the web ui will be extremely slow, and it will take a long time to scan your music library, but for the most important

Re: [slim] Squeeze controller losing network connection

2008-04-03 Thread Stormen
Just downloaded it, the remote took ages to update so I had to leave from home after lunchbreak, I'll get back within 4 ours after work to report. -- Stormen Stormen's Profile:

Re: [slim] classic fm's listen-again jazz on Mac/SB?

2008-04-03 Thread Ramage
whitman;286819 Wrote: Chris and Ramage, ta for response, but I think you may have misunderstood. Thejazz station has definitely gone; stopped Mar 31st. But Classic FM, its deranged owner, now offers a jazz stream on its site and a jazz show on Classic FM at midnight. I'm trying to get to

[slim] Duet suggestion - larger 'Now Playing text'

2008-04-03 Thread mikeselectricstuff
Just started getting into Internet radio on the duet. I think the screen space could be better used in radio mode - at present most of the 'Now Playing' screen is taken up with the station logo, with the artist/track in the smallest, not-even-bold font. However when listening, it's quite likely

Re: [slim] classic fm's listen-again jazz on Mac/SB?

2008-04-03 Thread whitman
Ah yes, Ramage, that is presumably the same as the continuing stream that Classic FM have on their site now. They stopped broadcasting thejazz this Monday. It's the jazz-content show on Classic FM at midnight that I'm trying to get at, through Classic FM's listen again

Re: [slim] Some compilations not shown under 'Various Artists'

2008-04-03 Thread EliteAV
I had the same issue as this was a change in behaviour from 6.5.x to 7.x. Killie99 suggested using a tag editor like Tag Rename (as per this post: to set the compilation tag on all music files. The app provides a very useful batch function

[slim] Duet Day Two...

2008-04-03 Thread runtherisk
I have not had time to run through the forum for the appropriate placement of this thread, but I had to say how impressed I am with the Duet! Installation was a snap and the remote is something special. I can't seem to get my album art to show (art in album folder..etc.) but I assume I'll grind

Re: [slim] Rhapsody Question

2008-04-03 Thread jmpugh2ndAccount
bopyanker;286691 Wrote: I save my playlists in my rhapsody library. From then on just go to rhapsodyaccountplaylist to hear them. I can play them fine by using the remote and even through SN. The problem is you have to save the playlist as a favorite in order to associate it with an alarm.

[slim] The Guardian reviews Sonos

2008-04-03 Thread jeebers
A reasonably fair review from what I can tell (never having used a Sonos...) although it is a little frustrating when it is criticised on price, and then the only competitor mentioned is Apple. -- jeebers

Re: [slim] Duet Day Two...

2008-04-03 Thread jmpugh2ndAccount
Haven't had a chance to play with a duet yet. I'm considering one for the guest bedroom. If the duet uses Slimserver/Squeezeconnect like I think it does then you should be able to use Media Monkey to create playlists. It is what I use to do it! -- jmpugh2ndAccount

Re: [slim] duet controller red wireless icon

2008-04-03 Thread radish
davec67;286769 Wrote: Also, had to reset the duet controller a couple of times, trying to do a software update tells me there is one there, downloads it, verifies, restarts but then tells me there is one there again - ad finintum - it shows a version from March 7 When you say it tells

Re: [slim] The Guardian reviews Sonos

2008-04-03 Thread jaffacake
The review is fairly flawed in several areas, but not entirely surprising given the limited research the author often does for his articles. His US pricing comparisons fail to take into account currency variations, import duties and local taxes - the Sonos website price in the US even excludes

Re: [slim] I'm so excited!

2008-04-03 Thread FredFredrickson
HEheheh- so this was basically all that I have been looking for for so long- that the very same day I heard about it (yesterday) I placed an order. I'll be getting mine on monday!!11 YAY! -- FredFredrickson

Re: [slim] classic fm's listen-again jazz on Mac/SB?

2008-04-03 Thread Ramage
whitman;286890 Wrote: Ah yes, Ramage, that is presumably the same as the continuing stream that Classic FM have on their site now. They stopped broadcasting thejazz this Monday. It's the jazz-content show on Classic FM at midnight that I'm trying to get at,

Re: [slim] I'm so excited!

2008-04-03 Thread radish
FredFredrickson;286916 Wrote: the very same day I heard about it (yesterday) I placed an order And people say all that time spent hanging out on slashdot was wasted ;-) -- radish radish's Profile:

Re: [slim] Squeeze controller losing network connection

2008-04-03 Thread Jeff Flowerday
I just downloaded 18321 and installed it, updated the remote when prompted. It didn't fix it. I browse to a song, start it playing, sit the remote down for 20-30 seconds, pick it up hit back till I'm back at my artists, try entering an artist and all I get is the spinning I then hit back,

Re: [slim] duet controller red wireless icon

2008-04-03 Thread davec67
yes, only from software update - every time I go in it says update available what about the red wireless icon on the duet controller? Does it mean a faulty controller or something else? -- davec67 davec67's Profile:

Re: [slim] I'm so excited!

2008-04-03 Thread FredFredrickson
Hahaha- it's really funny- That would be the most useful conversation I've ever had on slashdot. I appreciate all the info! Honestly, I haven't received the duet yet- and I'm wondering how to work my finances to start getting receivers... when will those be available? -- FredFredrickson

Re: [slim] Pause/Previous/Next buttons not working on controller (7.0.1 r2147) ?

2008-04-03 Thread jsharper
I received my new Duet last night and I am experiencing the exact same problem.I didn't notice this thread last night when I posted a 'similar thread' ( I'm running r2164. -- jsharper

Re: [slim] duet controller red wireless icon

2008-04-03 Thread radish
davec67;286953 Wrote: yes, only from software update - every time I go in it says update available OK, don't worry about that. It will prompt you automaticallyif there really is an update available. what about the red wireless icon on the duet controller? Does it mean a faulty

Re: [slim] Squeeze controller losing network connection

2008-04-03 Thread Kim . T
I have just updated both SqueezeCenter and Jive. It worked for approx 30sec the the blue Icon on the remote apeared. I but now instead of writing connecting to Squeezebox it says connecting to FreeNAS.local My SNR is 55-59 (54 mb/s) NO-go from Denmark ;-) -- Kim.T HP T5700 Thin Client running

Re: [slim] I'm so excited!

2008-04-03 Thread radish
I think the official word is soon :) If you're that desperate you could always troll ebay for old SB/2/3 devices. -- radish radish's Profile: View this thread:

Re: [slim] I'm so excited!

2008-04-03 Thread FredFredrickson
I hope soon is sooner than later! Cause if anybody else is like me- I'm practically throwing money at Slim Devices here- they gotta start catching it. -- FredFredrickson FredFredrickson's Profile:

Re: [slim] No analog output after updating to SqueezeCenter 7.0 and Squeezebox firmware 86

2008-04-03 Thread radish
Good question! You could try a factory reset (press and hold the front button for over 6 seconds, until it flashes red quickly). Release and wait for it to reset, then go back through setup. -- radish radish's Profile:

Re: [slim] I'm so excited!

2008-04-03 Thread FredFredrickson
Eh- I'll wait. Not actually that loaded at the moment. But I'm still anxious! -- FredFredrickson FredFredrickson's Profile: View this thread:

Re: [slim] The Guardian reviews Sonos

2008-04-03 Thread ik632
He did mention beer several times during the article so he may have been too busy focusing on that then reviewing the hardware :D Though, it's good to see more of this. As people get interested in multi-room audio and start searching they will find the Slim solution and it's a great option. I

Re: [slim] SC7 introduces static

2008-04-03 Thread glen
7.01 has NOT helped audio issues. -- glen glen's Profile: View this thread:

Re: [slim] I'm so excited!

2008-04-03 Thread radish
Or you could just buy duets and then sell the controllers on to all those who are waiting for them to be sold individually :) -- radish radish's Profile: View this

Re: [slim] Possible SC7.0 Server for $119?

2008-04-03 Thread bobkoure
And the attraction is...? small size? low power usage? because it's there? I'm asking because, for about the same $$, without messing about with rebates, you can get components that will plug together and that you can install a standard version on, so not have to mess about with building it. Not

Re: [slim] Possible SC7.0 Server for $119?

2008-04-03 Thread ik632
It looks like you can get a KPC with 512mb ram, 80gb hdd, and 1.8ghz processor for around $229 (it's the K-4500 model). It also runs Foresight Linux which seams to be based on rPath Linux. I don't have any familiarity with this distro, but it would make sense that it should run SC7 without issue

Re: [slim] Possible SC7.0 Server for $119?

2008-04-03 Thread Pat Farrell
bobkoure wrote: And the attraction is...? I'm asking because, for about the same $$, without messing about with rebates, you can get components that will plug together and that you can install a standard version on I've never spent any money on a SqueezeCenter server. I've been using

Re: [slim] I'm so excited!

2008-04-03 Thread haunyack
pfarrell;286616 Wrote: ... record label's best friend.-- If only the labels would overcome their intertia and cease resisting the inevitable consumer demand for network streaming content, free of legalistic hindrances. These devices have changed the proprietary nature of home audio/video

Re: [slim] Squeeze controller losing network connection

2008-04-03 Thread Stormen
I got it running without any hickups this time, I'll report back if it shows up any more later today. -- Stormen Stormen's Profile:

Re: [slim] SC7 Won't Save My Plug-In Settings

2008-04-03 Thread Mr_Smiley
Found it, thanks. Here's some exerts from the server log that have to do with plugins: 08-03-11 16:57:07.7968] Slim::Schema::Storage::dbh (47) Error: Unable to connect to the database - even tried restarting it twice! [08-03-11 16:57:07.7971] Slim::Schema::Storage::dbh (48) Error: Check the

Re: [slim] Squeezebox 3 + Apple Time Capsule + Wireless = no love?

2008-04-03 Thread ronnie136
I see from the bug list that the Time Capsule issue has been fixed in Squeezebox Firmware 88, but does anyone have any idea when firmware 88 will be available? What is the usual leadtime between build, I see the nightly build isn't always updated with the latest build. I currently can't use mine

[slim] Albums view never displays

2008-04-03 Thread JSharp
Using Squeezecenter 7.0 and Firefox. Clicking on Albums never results in a display of albums. The program indicates it is loading for about 15 minutes and then stops loading and just displays an empty page on the left. Clicking on Artists works fine and displays all Artists within a minute or

Re: [slim] I'm so excited!

2008-04-03 Thread FredFredrickson
-I believe SlimD/LT products have contributed greatly towards the coming-of-age of this exciting trend.- They certainly have. I mean, the rich has always had access to neat toys- so Sonos hasn't done much to make the world a better place. Not that the sonos wasn't good- but that it was priced

Re: [slim] How to avoid the 'click' when a track starts

2008-04-03 Thread seanadams
bloemert;286864 Wrote: Via the squeezebox in digital mode during the #8220;silence#8221; periods the input mode switches to blinking NOLOCK and gives the click at the first time NOLOCK appears. It stays blinking during the silence period and changes back to PCM (without a click) at the end

Re: [slim] Squeezebox 3 + Apple Time Capsule + Wireless = no love?

2008-04-03 Thread Cintra
ronnie136;287006 Wrote: I see from the bug list that the Time Capsule issue has been fixed in Squeezebox Firmware 88, but does anyone have any idea when firmware 88 will be available? What is the usual leadtime between build, I see the nightly build isn't always updated with the latest

Re: [slim] How to avoid the 'click' when a track starts

2008-04-03 Thread seanadams
There is a further test you could do to rule out the Squeezebox completely: Burn your test track to an audio CD, and try playing it on a regular CD player via s/pdif into the same processor. -- seanadams seanadams's

[slim] Turning Duet receiver off

2008-04-03 Thread consciouspnm
There's an option on the controller to turn the receiver off. Why would you want to do this, what does it save? -- consciouspnm Duet/SB3 - Linn Kinos - Linn 5Ch Amp - Linn Speakers consciouspnm's Profile:

Re: [slim] Turning Duet receiver off

2008-04-03 Thread radish
Very little! There are a few reasons it's useful (switches off the output lines which can help some amps auto-swtich) but in general it's there on the SBR and all the other SB players because people complain if there isn't an off switch ;-) -- radish

Re: [slim] Turning Duet receiver off

2008-04-03 Thread peterw
bklaas;287040 Wrote: Off is really a convention with the Squeezebox players, and some users are not comfortable without it. In reality the receiver is an always-on device, and what you are doing by hitting off is really hitting pause. Pardon my pedantry... Off and Pause are different. Turn

Re: [slim] Turning Duet receiver off

2008-04-03 Thread bklaas
consciouspnm;287032 Wrote: There's an option on the controller to turn the receiver off. Why would you want to do this, what does it save? Off is really a convention with the Squeezebox players, and some users are not comfortable without it. In reality the receiver is an always-on device,

Re: [slim] Turning Duet receiver off

2008-04-03 Thread bklaas
peterw;287043 Wrote: Pardon my pedantry... Off and Pause are different. Turn off a player that's been synced with another player and the other player keeps going through the playlist. Pause a player that's been synced with another player and the whole sync group goes silent and maintains the

[slim] SC7.0 sometimes doesn't start up

2008-04-03 Thread Sam Lowry
WinXP, 764MB RAM, very large HD. I never had problems until I updated to 7.0. At least every other time I reboot my squeezecenter server computer, the little SB icon keeps blinking and says Squeezecenter is starting. But it never does. I have excluded the Squeezecenter directory from my virus

Re: [slim] SC7.0 sometimes doesn't start up

2008-04-03 Thread y360
Check the logs in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\SqueezeCenter -- y360 y360's Profile: View this thread:

Re: [slim] How does the volume control work?

2008-04-03 Thread timmorris
While I appreciate the need to cut down on duplicate threads I'd appreciate a link to at least one of the threads you referred to. I did search befor posting. I've just searched again and can't find them. I moderate another board and am always telling ppeople to use the search function, but do

Re: [slim] SC 7.0.1 - 404 Not Found: settings/plugins/SqueezeScrobbler/settings/basic.html

2008-04-03 Thread oddquad
ostmovid;286425 Wrote: I have cleared the cache, reinstalled, rebooted server and computer. What else can i do ? I just went through this myself, did all the above... Finally solved it by doing a factory reset on the SB3 (unplug SB3, hold the 'Add' button on the remote while plugging

Re: [slim] How does the volume control work?

2008-04-03 Thread bhaagensen
Did you try with the search string digital volume control? It gives good results for me. Edit: Here's one -- bhaagensen bhaagensen's

Re: [slim] SC7.0 sometimes doesn't start up

2008-04-03 Thread MuckleEck
Sam, Is the last message (or near last)...something like insane number of timers If so, I posted a bug, see thread, -- MuckleEck Alasdair 3 SB3s - Duet - Linn LK1/LK240 - Acoustat Spectra 11 - AudioEngine 2 -

Re: [slim] How to avoid the 'click' when a track starts

2008-04-03 Thread ptrainer
This is pretty interesting because when I first got my Squeezebox1 I tried digital output via coax and optical into my Onkyo tx800 and experienced a truncation of the first 1/2 second of audio at the start of every new track. If the song began with a drumbeat, I'd only hear the second half of the

Re: [slim] When will the Duet be available for purchase in Australia

2008-04-03 Thread egd
Guess we won't be getting a response here or anywhere else then. I think I'll be cancelling my back orders, this has become a bit of a joke. -- egd Internet forums: conclusive proof depth of gene pool is indeed variable, monkeys can be taught to cut code, and world peace is utterly

Re: [slim] ALAC and FLAC

2008-04-03 Thread Peter
bpa wrote: This describes the issue and fix. I'm no Apple fan, but with their market position it would be nice to have lossless files that work natively on the iPod and the SB range. Not if it would mean ditching FLAC though... Regards,

Re: [slim] Some compilations not shown under 'Various Artists'

2008-04-03 Thread smc2911
pajamabama;286737 Wrote: Thanks for the tip. How does one go about adding a 'compilations' tag?I use mp3tag ( for this purpose. -- smc2911 smc2911's Profile:

Re: [slim] Possible SC7.0 Server for $119?

2008-04-03 Thread flipflip
Try installing SSODS on it. It seems to have the same CPU as the TS-x09. And on those SSODS runs fine with minor changes (see the included ssods-ts script). -- flipflip Check out flipflip's 'SlimServer On DiskStation (SSODS)' (!

Re: [slim] How to avoid the 'click' when a track starts

2008-04-03 Thread seanadams
ptrainer;287084 Wrote: This is pretty interesting because when I first got my Squeezebox1 I tried digital output via coax and optical into my Onkyo tx800 and experienced a truncation of the first 1/2 second of audio at the start of every new track. If the song began with a drumbeat, I'd only

Re: [slim] ALAC and FLAC

2008-04-03 Thread jaffacake
peter;287098 Wrote: bpa wrote: This describes the issue and fix. I'm no Apple fan, but with their market position it would be nice to have lossless files that work natively on the iPod and the SB range. Not if it would mean

Re: [slim] ALAC and FLAC

2008-04-03 Thread bpa
SC lets you choose - Apple does not. Why won't Apple support Flac or WMA Lossless ? On the Audiophile forum there are a group of users who insist that server decoder Flac sounds better than SB decoded Flac. Why is it necessary to have ALAC decoder in the SB ? The decoders required in the SB

[slim] Softsqueeze for duet.

2008-04-03 Thread Millwood
It would be terrific if softsqueeze simulated to controller so we could see before we buy. -- Millwood Millwood's Profile: View this thread:

Re: [slim] Softsqueeze for duet.

2008-04-03 Thread bklaas
Millwood;287112 Wrote: It would be terrific if softsqueeze simulated to controller so we could see before we buy. there already is one, but it's not softsqueeze, it's squeezeplay. What's missing is downloadable binaries that can be easily installed (which will be available TBD).

Re: [slim] Softsqueeze for duet.

2008-04-03 Thread bpa
If you mean an emulation of SBC running under Windows or Linux then it is available although not readily as built executables. The SBC software is called SqueezePlay. See Wiki Instructions for building and installing SqueezePlay on Windows

Re: [slim] SC 7.0.1 - 404 Not Found: settings/plugins/SqueezeScrobbler/settings/basic.html

2008-04-03 Thread ostmovid
oddquad;287069 Wrote: I just went through this myself, did all the above... Finally solved it by doing a factory reset on the SB3 (unplug SB3, hold the 'Add' button on the remote while plugging in the SB3) and Voila! all was well with the plugins again. Hope this helps. Derek Hi,

Re: [slim] Duet Controller drops packets

2008-04-03 Thread jrichardson
fireupthegrill;284340 Wrote: Looks like I spoke too soon. This morning the controller had the dreaded Please Wait screen. After about 15 minutes watching the spinning circle, I power-cycled it, and it was back to its old ways -- dropping DHCP leases and packets all over the place.

Re: [slim] The Guardian reviews Sonos

2008-04-03 Thread James_B
jeebers;286902 Wrote: A reasonably fair review from what I can tell (never having used a Sonos...) although it is a little frustrating when it is criticised on price, and then the only competitor mentioned is Apple.

[slim] The future of audio encoding... or not....

2008-04-03 Thread bhaagensen -- bhaagensen bhaagensen's Profile: View this thread:

Re: [slim] ALAC and FLAC

2008-04-03 Thread radish
jaffacake;287104 Wrote: If I need to convert to something else, a couple of clicks in iTunes and I can convert my entire library to AIFF and onwards to FLAC etc. Going the other way FROM FLAC isn't so easy at all. That's only because Apple keep ALAC locked up. That's obviously not in your

Re: [slim] The future of audio encoding... or not....

2008-04-03 Thread jsprag
Sounds like just a very advanced form of MIDI music, where instead of the file containing music it instead contains the instructions on how to make the music. I certainly can't see it replacing recordings of actual musical performances. -- jsprag

Re: [slim] The Guardian reviews Sonos

2008-04-03 Thread smc2911
From the article: Just about the only thing it can't do is navigate to any of the BBC's Listen Again pages - which is, it must be said, a real shame.Thank you AlienBBC for giving us this on the SBs! -- smc2911

Re: [slim] The Guardian reviews Sonos

2008-04-03 Thread Robin Bowes
jaffacake wrote: The review is fairly flawed in several areas, but not entirely surprising given the limited research the author often does for his articles. snip Ahem, unlike your totally fair and thoroughly researched cnet reviews, eh Ben? More FUD from the Sonos fanboy. R.

Re: [slim] When will the Duet be available for purchase in Australia

2008-04-03 Thread Apteryx
Not quite Australia, but I've ordered mine directly from the local NZ distributor and their ETA is 7th April. No indications as yet that this date will not be met, but I guess I'll know after the weekend. -- Apteryx

Re: [slim] Nokia 770 Skin

2008-04-03 Thread bklaas
A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the results, please visit Question:

Re: [slim] ALAC and FLAC

2008-04-03 Thread amey01
bpa;287110 Wrote: SC lets you choose - Apple does not. Why won't Apple support Flac or WMA Lossless ? On the Audiophile forum there are a group of users who insist that server decoder Flac sounds better than SB decoded Flac. Why is it necessary to have ALAC decoder in the SB ? The

Re: [slim] The Guardian reviews Sonos

2008-04-03 Thread jaffacake
Robin Bowes;287134 Wrote: Ahem, unlike your totally fair and thoroughly researched cnet reviews, eh Ben? More FUD from the Sonos fanboy. R. Very much unlike. At least everything in my review was accurate and factual. I fail to see how any of my input in this thread is FUD, you

Re: [slim] Control all receivers at once with Duet

2008-04-03 Thread kolding
damager;286224 Wrote: You go to Settings, Synchronize on the SBC, and then select which Receivers you want to sync with the currently selected SB. You can also use the plugin The Synchronizer which has options to a: synchronize all players to a given master, or b: create predefined sets of

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