This message is from:
So I was watching the WEG this afternoon, and when a commercial for Alltech
came on, I thought that I was imagining a Fjord because, well...I see
Fjords everywhere. But it was!! A beautiful (fit) Fjord who even popped
a little jump...anyone k
This message is from:
Hi, all--
Just wanted to share our newly launched farm website. Although we are not
breeders, the Fjords figure prominently in everything that we offer here and
hopefully my love for this amazing breed is written all over the site. I'd
love to have you
This message is from:
Take a look at this truly amazing link! I should be so lucky to still be
riding at 87 and of course, it is a beautiful Fjord that is taking care of
this inspiring rider...anyone know her or the horse personally?
This message is from:
If I'm not mistaken, isn't fourth place Ardeth Obenauf also a Fjord
owner/driver...? I'd call that a near sweep for the mohawked ponies!
Kris Batchelor
Triple Play Fjords
Davidson, NC
with Monark, Kasper and Clyde
Important FjordHorse L
This message is from:
Hi, all--
There is also a Fjord gelding named Snickers who is on the Charlotte, NC
Craigslist for $1650.00. I spoke to the seller and distributed the
information to local Fjord owners and therapeutic riding centers. No obvious
flags with thi
This message is from:
This past Sunday, our small Fjord farm hosted a Pony Club group of about
ten girls who had never seen a Fjord before. The girls were so enthusiastic
and appreciative and the ponies behaved wonderfully. At one point, as one
of the girls came trotting
This message is from:
Try They have an adorable Fjord image and can customize
size/color, etc. Very helpful and willing to help!
Kris in NC
**The Average US Credit Score is 692. See Yours in Just 2 Easy
This message is from:
I hesitate to post this because my ponies have gotten so fat on spring
grass, and these pictures made me run for the grazing muzzles (does the camera
add 10 pounds or 100?!), but this was a nice local plug for a benefit event
that we are participating
This message is from:
Hey, Kelly--
Welcome to the List!
Beware of Kate Seidel, she gave me my first hit off the Fjord crack pipe a
few years ago. Sure, she said, "Just try it this one time..." and now I need
rehab with a 14 acre farm and three Fjord geldings. Serious
This message is from:
I suspect that I am one of the people that Kate is talking about who bought
an older horse. It has been almost two years since I asked the List for
advice about my new gelding, Monark, who I feared was too aloof to ever bond
adequately. Everyone urg
This message is from:
So, this morning I head out for my usual shift at the therapeutic riding
program. They are always giving me a hard time about my admitted bias for
Fjords. Well, here comes the Executive Director with a sheepish look on his
and says, "I don't k
This message is from:
In the last thirty days, I have switched my nineteen year old gelding,
Monark, to Triple Crown Lite and have been very happy with the results. It is
palatable and does not require much volume to achieve vitamin/mineral
In spite of
This message is from:
Okay, I always suspected that Monark was eligible for Mensa, but today it
was confirmed. I was bringing the last of my three geldings in from the
pasture and heard something loud coming from the vicinity of the water tank.
As I
approached, I saw th
This message is from:
You can definitely use clicker training with Fjords, but as with everything,
you have to be thoughtful about what you teach because mine will drive it
into the ground to activate the human treat dispenser. We taught our coming
four year old
This message is from:
Hooray, Linda!
Remember your amazing video and am so glad they loved it too! Knock 'em
dead...I have a feeling there will be some new Fjord converts at that
event...have someone tape it if you can.
Best of luck,
Kris in NC
with Monark, Clyde an
This message is from:
LOVE what you are doing with Bo. Thanks so much for sharing. To all the
folks who think that minis have no purpose, take that! Now if I could just
convince my husband to add one to the Fjord herd...
Kris in NC
with Monark, Clyde and Kasper
This message is from:
Happy holidays everyone!
Beautiful day in NC, so was lucky enough to fit in a ride on Monark and a
drive with Clyde. Both allowed me to keep my sanity long enough to deal with
out of town guests. :)
At the behest of a more experienced riding friend
This message is from:
Thanks for letting us know. After reading your accounts of him for the last
couple of years, I feel like I know him and am so glad that he is okay. As
a fellow owner of a grumpy gelding, I know that sometimes those old guys have
a weird hold
This message is from:
We are having very strange weather here in is supposed to be in
the 60s and more precip. Just posted this video of our three geldings playing
first thing this morning. The larger brown dun is my eighteen year old,
Monark. It is rare for
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Okay, that is my new favorite video and is immediately being sent to all my
friends who don't understand the appeal of the Fjord. Are you kidding me?!
I love to see the Fjords perform western and you blew my mind, especially
when you did th
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi, all--
Yesterday was so beautiful here in North Carolina so we had two guests to
the farm. Ever since we bought a farm and brought the Fjords home in July, it
has been so much fun to share them with other people, especially those who
have never s
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have recently been contacted by two local (Charlotte, NC) NARHA accredited
Therapeutic riding centers who are searching for a Fjord to add to their
programs. One currently has a wonderful Fjord cross that they currently use
the other has simply
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Just want to add our good thoughts for a smooth recovery for sweet Galianna
and her pasture mate. I hate to think of anyone taking advantage of their
trusting nature, but with your constant care, Paula, I am sure that she will
retain her loving person
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
That's just there are a million little first graders also
clamoring for Bogie's affections right along with me. He is really going to
a trail of disappointment when he relocates to North Carolina. How long do I
have to ride
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dear Sue,
Glad to hear that you are opening your heart to another Fjord and having
such a great time. Good for you.
Kris in NC
**Looking for simple solutions to your real-life financial
challenges? Check out WalletPop for the latest
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thank you so much to everyone on the list who helped me brainstorm about
farm names. They are all in the hopper and hopefully we will decide on
something soon!
Enjoy your Fjords,
**It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Fin
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi, all--
My husband Tom and I have spent the last month moving across town and
finally bringing our three Fjord geldings home! It has been an amazing,
and humbling experience. Now that the dust is starting to settle, I would
love to co
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi, Gail--
I got a great horse ball from is an animal training ball
that is also used for zoo and circus animals and is pretty indestructible.
You can get them with a variety of really cute washable covers, and I think
that I paid
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I am a firm believer in barefoot if possible, but use a "traditional"
farrier and have had great luck with the Fjords' feet.
We just received our Renegade boots on Sunday in preparation for a road trip
that will involve some graveled trails (
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To all involved with the creation of the improved website:
BRAVO!! Love the colors, layout and flow...I will be proud to direct
friends, family and curious visitors to the barn to this really comprehensive
website. Especially like the survey and deta
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi, all--
I am looking for transport for our NEW grey gelding, COF Ivar, aka Kasper,
from the Tampa, Florida area to the Charlotte, North Carolina area sometime in
the next sixty days. If there are any snowbirds heading north who would be
willing to
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Yet another testament to the versatility of our beloved Fjords!
That settles it...I am training my pug to ride on Clyde's back.
Kris in NC
**It's Tax Time! Get tips, forms, and advice on AOL Money &
Finance. (
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi, all--
I just listed two saddles on
_TackTrader Item ID: 214764 - TackTrader.com_
_TackTrader Item ID: 214766 - TackTrader.com_
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
After much searching and looking at Aussie, endurance, dressage, and western
saddles, I ended up buying a Big Horn Trail Lite saddle that I love. I
really wanted something that was secure with a balanced seat that was not too
difficult to heave
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Try Cool site with plenty of information!
with Monark and Clyde in NC
**It's Tax Time! Get tips, forms, and advice on AOL Money &
Finance. (
The FjordHorse List a
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I am so sorry for your loss. I too remember him from Patti Jo's website and
remember being struck by his sweet expression and description.
Wishing you peace,
Kris in NC
**It's Tax Time! Get tips, forms, and advice on AOL Money &
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
So, at the urging (read: dare) of my fellow Fjord owner and trail riding
buddy, Kat, I present Exhibit A. The weather finally crept over 30 degrees
today (my apologies to those of you in the tundra regions), so we happily ran
our saddles for a de
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
See Kate, you always go for the obvious picks. Who wouldn't fall prey to
that gamely stallion prancing across his CO pasture while the mares swoon from
the far side of the fence?
I stay loyal to my favorite stalking victim in the west, Bogie the Love
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I had to write and tell you all about the amazing day that my friend Kat and
I had on our wonderful geldings, Monark and Vral. It was the annual holiday
parade here in Davidson, North Carolina, a little town just north of
Charlotte. The weather was b
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Let me be the first to report on the wonderful weekend at the Kentucky Horse
Park. The weather and scenery were amazing and honestly, I have never been
so proud to be a Fjord owner...I kept wanting to stand up and shout during
the demos, "Aren't they
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dear Kelly,
Thanks for the link. My favorite is the video of you free lunging Skovy...I
can definitely tell by the way that you speak to him exactly how you feel
about him. He is beautiful.
Take care,
Kris in NC
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dear Debby,
In your discussion of Eagle, I can hear your attachment to him. It sounds
like he has a good heart, but needs just the right person.
I also have a cribbing Fjord--it is fairly mild on complete turnout on large
acreage and generally a v
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
We are going to try to get in a couple of hours on Sunday, but will have to
start back by early afternoon to relieve my in-laws before they lose their
minds with our three little boys, who are 4, 7 and 10.
Cherie, I am hoping to get there in about 5-6
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dear Debbie,
My husband Tom and I are making the trip from North Carolina to Lexington
next month and CAN'T wait. We are going with some fellow boarders who are
ecstatic to have just purchased two Fjord geldings of their own. She asked me
this week
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dear list,
My parents are heading to Scandinavia next month and of course, I have told
them to keep their eyes peeled for all four legged Fjords and to take an empty
suitcase to load up with any and all souvenirs. I know that they will
spend time in
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To heck with the dry discussion on insurance, let's hear the happy, juicy
details on your new, long awaited Fjord! :)
Kris in NC
(with Clyde & Monark, affectionately referred to by fellow boarders as Eeney
and Meeney)
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Today I uploaded another video of my two year old Clyde in his usual pasture
mode where we board. It is a beautiful setting where the horses roam over
150 acres in a large, natural herd with a fresh stream and plenty of trails.
Fjord owners will appr
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dear Claudia,
There is a nice looking driving mare named "Stoney" in Florida listed on
_Norwegian Fjord Horse For Sale, Florida, Bradenton_
I don't know anything about th
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dear List,
Thank you so much to everyone who shared their experiences with me on the
list and privately. I am so grateful for your input and support.
After much (!) navel gazing and a long pasture session tonight, I have
decided to keep Monark.
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I currently have a very talented seventeen year old gelding who is a Gjest
son on a thirty day trial. The seller has been generous enough to allow me to
try the horse to ensure a good match.
On the plus side, he is a very tall, longbacked Fjord, among
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi, all--
I love when Fjords have a beautiful long forelock that falls over their
beautiful eyes. Has anyone had any luck using a formula like M-T-G to
growth or is it simply a genetic blessing?
And, no, Kate, I am not trying to grow Clyd
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Okay, Kate, I didn't want to have to bring this up in a public forum, but I
am forced to point out that your beloved and admittedly beautiful grey gelding
Joe shares a significant bough on the family tree with my darling bucket
head. Don't deny it--he
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi, all--
I have finally uploaded the Youtube video of a recent morning at the barn
when Clyde fell asleep in my lap. Unfortunately, after much searching, I was
not able to figure out how to rotate it, but you get the idea. There are a
few napjerks
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi, list--
Does anyone have an Australian saddle with a size 18 seat that they are
interested in selling?
Kris in NC
** See what's free at
The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Yes, Gina, go look at him!
"What harm is there in looking?" said all of your fellow addicts... :)
** See what's free at
The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Only fellow Fjord owners will appreciate this story:
Yesterday, I was at the barn feeding as usual and after the dust had settled
and the sharks stopped circling, of course, Clyde was the only horse still
hanging around for a little human company. My
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi, all--
I feel like I already know many of you just from lurking on the list, but
have never introduced myself.
I live in Davidson, North Carolina and own a coming two year old out of
Grabb lines who I adore. Working with Clyde on the ground h
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Has anyone seen the wonderful spot that is running on the Disney Channel
between programs about therapeutic riding?! The kids had left the television
this afternoon and I was half listening and pretending to do dishes. The
spot was about kids mak
58 matches
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