[Goanet] Our Agosto

2021-08-11 Thread eric pinto
We shared a nice meal together, two years ago. You can count on engaging conversation.  I had gifted hima two liter glass still.  Cannot say if that was a very smart move !    I miss him too, as do folk on a couple of other sites.    eric.

[Goanet] Nehru got it right, partly.

2021-08-09 Thread eric pinto
I have poured scorn on Nehru in these columns for decades. I am now willing to reassess and give himsome benefit of the doubt, in the light of recent develpoments in India.     Not too many realize that kshatria kings simply did not trust baniya desert tribals. The finance ministerwas

[Goanet] As Goa dissolves

2021-07-30 Thread eric pinto
Perhaps it it has its origins in the BJP defeat for the South Goa seat in parliament. Then came the popular opposition to the criminal conspiracies of the mineral lessors. At the head of the big three, was the Marwadi king maker, Vedanta'sAgarwal who shares the Delhi stage with Adani and

[Goanet] When insurance was corporate

2021-07-22 Thread eric pinto
Many Goans were employed by the companies when privately owned. The Mundhra scandal gave Nehruthe excuse he needed to nationalize them. LIC, the state owned king then emerged. It was profitable, but one canimagine seeing it being a lot more so, considering  the waste and theft in the state

[Goanet] LIC to be sold

2021-07-19 Thread eric pinto
Every insurance company was seized by Nehru after Mundra swindled his own outfit. He did time in prison. Two dozen latter day Mundhras have swindled our banks of every last penny on deposit in the kitty.  After London  Modi's caper, 12 billion dollars, there was no cash vailable to stuff ATM

[Goanet] Missing posters

2021-06-24 Thread eric pinto
  It is quite regrettable to see today's indifference to both what should endear us and many unfortunate facts of Goa life.  There is a case to be made for the element of 'information overload' that can overwhelm, I know I endure it.     Time and the Great Reaper have taken a toll, it pained

[Goanet] Former motherland

2021-06-21 Thread eric pinto
The compact between the two nations was never inked, but it requires each nation to come to the assistanceof the other if either is harmed or threatened. I am referring to Britain and the United States.   America joined the in the war with Germany in 1914 and lost a hundred thousand in the

[Goanet] Herald: Relying on cherished memories to escape the gloom of COVID

2021-06-07 Thread eric pinto

[Goanet] Arrivederchi Goa Roma

2021-06-05 Thread eric pinto
Good bye, Good bye to Rome, goes the song : we miss dean Martin. Our Archdiocese does not encourage the use of the term 'Goa, Rome of the East' It matters in the new political environment, and it is helpful to be considerate of the feelings of a significant numberof our neighbours and friends.

[Goanet] Goans of Pakistan and East Africa

2021-05-25 Thread eric pinto
-- My review of Menin Rodrigues's book Goans of Pakistan juxtaposes the Goan diasporas of Pakistan and East Africa, to find extraordinary similarities https://www.joaoroqueliteraryjournal.com/nonfiction-1/2021/5/25/revisiting-pakistani-and-east-african-goan-diasporas Selma Carvalho.

[Goanet] Sunday homily not very welcome

2021-05-24 Thread eric pinto
      I have a feeling the Reverand misse his regular congregation.  The problem for many in this information age is overload. We lack  both leisure time and neuron capacity to absorb and store offerings made available.

[Goanet] help our Goa.

2021-05-16 Thread eric pinto
From: "Ajai Chowdhry" ,Like the last wave,I have been supporting Goa in my own way.First wave,gave 40 L worth of Ventilators/High flow Oxygen machines and a Decontamination chamber for masks to GMC.This time arranged 30 concentrators and donated 30L worth of large cylinders of Oxygen.The govt


2021-05-14 Thread eric pinto
We can expect  veteran operators to swing into action. One, in Aldona, has lived off the proceeds of schemes for much of his life.  Not one to waste an opportunity, he has plunged into action, both feet first, and raised large sums, mostly from abroad, I suspect. The community should demand

[Goanet] Argentine tax dodgers feel the boot

2021-05-12 Thread eric pinto
    Their capacity to evade is legendary and the robust trade in in grain, meat and oil had sustained the economy : until now. They were in total collapse in recent months and the state, usually an arm of the mob was compelled to bite the bullet andmove on them. An asset or wealth tax was

[Goanet] Ian Gomes at the Ritz piano, in London

2021-05-07 Thread eric pinto
Evening tea there is legendary and runs around 75 pounds. Ian, a Calcutta Goan has performed for them for decades.Regulars are accustomed to the soothing lyrics and the melody of the classic song "When nightingales sing in BarkleySquare" and want to hear it every evening.   Ian is a graet

[Goanet] On the distant Coptic diaspora.

2021-05-04 Thread eric pinto
Georgia is one of a cluster of three northern  Coptic people, the other two being Armenia and Azerbaijan. The Armenians are the least caucasian of the trio, in physical features, which makes them self conscious and assertive. I watched a documentary last week which featured Georgia. Many names

[Goanet] Where have all the priests gone !

2021-04-29 Thread eric pinto
  I notice a new arrival, but we did host many more over the years.  Velimcar who teaches college history was early. He is in semi-retirement.  Monteiro, too, out of New York.  Borges was episodic, out of the Jesuit college in Baltimore. He mayhave retired. I am not sure if Londoner Rebello is

[Goanet] A name by any other ------

2021-04-27 Thread eric pinto
I see a fleeting flinch when I tell a person my name in the US. I am certain of what it implies : it belongs to us, yourdishonest does not belong in our country.    I have now adopted a new approach : names like Rain Cloud and Red River !  Those too are "our names" you  have chosen to

[Goanet] Quick okra

2021-04-26 Thread eric pinto
A little oil and a little water.  Boil with kerala fried onion.  pepper and vinegar to flavour. I am partial to ginger. - FC did not have

[Goanet] Churchill's prediction for India

2021-04-25 Thread eric pinto
I  disliked every aspect of the man, yet, sadly for me, his predictions for an independent India, none very palatable,  have come true.  Who do I  blame

[Goanet] Quick cooking. Expat version.

2021-04-23 Thread eric pinto
Men only.  Not a women option ! We are able to shop for kerala fried onnion. so you throw a few spoons in the water the pork boils in. The choice of spice could be grandma, or an online recipe.  One avoids cardamon and coriander with PORK vindaloo. Mixed with oil in a little bowl, it can be

[Goanet] Jim Jordan, vermin.

2021-04-21 Thread eric pinto
Jim Jordan belongs in the same sewer as Trump the unemployed undocumented alien who floated up a Brooklyn toxic flood creek. He sings the praises of the felon Dinesh on this site where they have no followingand are as disdained as the louts of Russia and Germany of the Reich.   I watched Jordan

[Goanet] Undivided India's North West Frontier

2021-04-19 Thread eric pinto
A reminder for Jason DeSouza : The Pashtunwalli code requires him to serve a lost stranger his own evening meal,and bed. The territory includes the city of Peshawar  and the Kashmir district.  It was annexed by Britain which then wenton to call it the North West Frontier, much the way

[Goanet] Prasad is right.

2021-04-19 Thread eric pinto
And the Tessa female is probably senile.  She reminds me of my mother pining for their ginger in a syrup that camein a clay pot, and Dean Rusks in a tin container : nothing but bread toast.   I regret the forward did not delete the extraneous gobble de gook that was inflicted on us.

[Goanet] The Bombay Bishop imbroglio. 1928 to 1950.

2021-04-15 Thread eric pinto
Bombay was ceded to Portugal in 1661 and Portugal claimed control of the local church in perpetuity, under the 15th century 'patronage' granted to the crown by the Vatican.     The language of the church continued to be Portuguese, leading to squabbles  between native Catholics and the Bishop

[Goanet] Korlai link to Salvacao Church

2021-04-14 Thread eric pinto
Alois : My guess is the Propaganda /  Padroado tussle that produced competing claims to parish membersin Bombay Diocese. Violence had erupted not just in the streets of Dadar, but on church premises too.  Korlai may have been offered as a sop to a Dadar padroado faction, an assertive arm of the

[Goanet] Raleigh Bicycles

2021-04-13 Thread eric pinto
The British product was popular with kids.  I did not dare ask my parents for one. It fell a victim to the blanket import ban that followed the 1952 bankruptcy.  Forward 1982 and I finally treated myself to one, risking Manhattan traffic to ride to work: parking was at a premium and I heard a

[Goanet] : Prince Phillip

2021-04-12 Thread eric pinto
His mother, a princess, was Greek royalty, which had descended from a branch of  Denmark's Crown family. She wasconfined for extended spells, treated for schizophrenia.  She donned a nun's habit in later years and, is best rememberedfor feeding the hungry during the war. The Greek Church

[Goanet] : Prince Phillip

2021-04-11 Thread eric pinto
His mother, a princess, was Greek royalty, which had descended from a branch of  Denmark's Crown family. She wasconfined for extended spells, treated for schizophrenia.  She donned a nun's habit in later years and, is best rememberedfor feeding the hungry during the war. The Greek Church

[Goanet] Barreto, Perfidy.

2021-04-08 Thread eric pinto
His statement on religions is in contravention of several criminal code statutes.  A body that publishes on his behalf may be liable for abetting the felony.   He is a special version of a base life form.

[Goanet] When machines go doolally

2021-04-06 Thread eric pinto
The letter claimed I had claimed a massive deduction on a fictitious line of the tax form. I say fiction because there isno line 18d on the legendary Form 1040, where 17, 18, 19 etc. have nos subsections.    So we pay a price for the facility and economics of the age of automation. Millions of

[Goanet] Miguel in Misery

2021-04-05 Thread eric pinto
Just forget about it worm, no Palestinian will ever die for you again. Israel has an army that protects it'scitizins.  You will need to crucify your grandmother, if you need to be saved. You can always considersuicide, however.   Jewish tribal law called for the stoning of a pregnant unmarried

[Goanet] Pearls of wisdom : Fredsouza.

2021-04-03 Thread eric pinto
As communicated to a Goan site : I don't want to be cash cow for medical industry.Preventive care people need to focus. We need to socialise so we don't get sick, ill, disease.Once in a while going to doctors should bankrupt people. After all everybody leave some kind of wealth behind before 

[Goanet] The genesis of Republican economics.

2021-04-03 Thread eric pinto
Charles Koch and his late brother created the Heritage Foundation and funded the hoax known as 'ending the global warminglie' from the beginning.  This was an attempt to thwart regulations that would affect their refinery business. They pay the same individuals who churned out 'science papers'

[Goanet] Fredrick DSouza, hypocrite.

2021-04-02 Thread eric pinto
He just informed friends he had been granted NY Medicaid.  It was called expanded Medicaid by Obama and itbecame the only issue in an election when the Democrats lost their majority in Congress. Offered to the very poor,Obama Care was a label of insult created by bigots and demagogues like

[Goanet] When a toilet is off limits and open D works just fine.

2021-03-26 Thread eric pinto
I got a curious invitation from the nun at a convent school, over the phone, to inspect a toilet 'wall.'  Turned out, she was too dainty to usethe word, but what she needed to excavate two squat toilets used by her wards because, as she put it, the mothers did not want theirlittle girls to use

[Goanet] Seabird, Karwar.

2021-03-25 Thread eric pinto
Essentially an eastern wharfage of the Fifth Fleet which lines the Indian Ocean for the Indo-Pacific Fleet, whichin turn has been promoted by Australia and Japan to bulk and bunker the US Pacific Seventh. Tab is on Pentagon.     The Fifth keels steady in home port Bahrain.      The only salt in

[Goanet] Non Aligned and Socialist.

2021-03-24 Thread eric pinto
Indeed.  Remember the commie front criminal clique that met in Cuba, Titos Yugoslavia, Nasser Egypt and SukarnoIndonesia : what a pathetic bunch of bankrupt creeps. Being socialist earned you the right to clean up a neighbour'sunsocialistic acts so you could finance revolutions or even out rite

[Goanet] Hyderabad on Napier's tombstone.

2021-03-24 Thread eric pinto
Google for a pic. Each side of the plinth has a city name engraved in large letters : Hyderabad is one. Not remembered is Washington, where his 1818 raiding party burnt the White House to the ground. LoyalistAmericans helped him escape out of New Orleans. He was later the governor of Crete,

[Goanet] Karachi and Goa.

2021-03-24 Thread eric pinto
I have not read much on Hyderabad, but there have been gleanings of Karachi on this site over the years. To create a cityout of a dusty desert fishing village, the Empire imported a English speaking civil service from Bombay : Eurasians andScots, Parsis, Mangalorians and Goans. The railroad to

[Goanet] An evil man, he lacks a soul.

2021-03-18 Thread eric pinto
Is what Biden called Putin publicly, yesterday, adding he used the same words in conversation with him a year ago.This is remarkable, given the status of his position : I so wish he had added the words " and you are akin to Donald Trump,your comrade in evil governance."  Putin has now restored

[Goanet] Slavery : Give Portugal a break.

2021-03-12 Thread eric pinto
It probably predates Egypt and the Pharoes, but those Pyramids are a monumental symbol of the gilded age. Rome was built by the humans they shipped home from the conquests around the Mediterranean. Every maid was one,and they satisfied the needs of the housewife as well the special ones of the

[Goanet] The Kashmir Effect : Why Good Things happen to Bad People

2021-03-11 Thread eric pinto
From: Cecil Pinto To: "goa...@goanet.org" ; "goa...@gmail.com" Cc: "ericpin...@yahoo.com"

[Goanet] : 2021 Biden Relief Package Update

2021-03-08 Thread eric pinto
Just finished watching 60 minutes.  CBS suggested to the director of the new Moon Landing Program that thespending of a hundred billion in the absence of a clear need for human progtess sounded like 'socialist' spreadof lucrative government contracts in twenty states. The answer was the

[Goanet] re; cow science

2021-03-05 Thread eric pinto
We cannot beat our countrymen. So we have to join them. Fifty years ago, I am told, a cow was seen in every Catholic,Mangalore yard. They are lovable and intelligent idiots. Let us switch to buffalo flesh. The majority do not care, but a shrillfringe has prevailed. Look how dick Trump won

[Goanet] Norteiros : ones from the north

2021-03-02 Thread eric pinto
Goa was the southern property. We in Goa are not familiar with 'East Indian' and have never used the term. Can John clarify. On Tuesday, March 2, 2021, 01:39:56 PM EST, Eugene Correia wrote: Is it not "noteres", the Portuguese Christians. During the Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria,

[Goanet] Goan food in Bassein

2021-03-02 Thread eric pinto
it to Papdi and Remedy and Merces. On Tuesday, March 2, 2021, 01:08:31 AM EST, Aloysius D'Souza wrote: Thanks for the invitation --  would love to accept   --  except that I now live in Goa . This will entice me to go to Mumbai and visit VassaiAloysius  On Tue, Mar 2, 2021 at 9:21 AM eric pinto

[Goanet] ANGALA Merkel

2021-02-20 Thread eric pinto
From: Aloysius D'Souza Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021, 12:39:45 PM ESTSubject: Fwd: Read, reflect and remember: Leadership This should be printed in large letters and framed in our government and various other offices and all those who are in a position to serve our people  should be


2021-02-18 Thread eric pinto
Very interesting. The version I had was that Timon’s was the admiral of the fleet of the Raja of Vijaynagar who was surrounded by five Muslim kingdoms and if these combined they could vanquish him . He therefore had to attack each one of them individually, separately. Goa which belonged to

[Goanet] The ancient capital of Goa

2021-02-17 Thread eric pinto
https://www.livehistoryindia.com/cover-story/2019/05/12/chandor-goas-anctient-capital    - - -  Vintage map of Goa Stanley Pinto  The Embassy

[Goanet] The Sikh Story

2021-02-13 Thread eric pinto
Actually, it was Coorg. They wear a dagger under a belt, on ceremonial occasions. Every home hunts boar and deerfor food. In conversation, they are very disdainful of Hinduism.  Worship is of nature and plant life. Names likeThimayya and Cariappa  come to mind.  Google to read more, the Coorg

[Goanet] Sudeep Dalvi's post

2021-02-11 Thread eric pinto
| | | |   | | See the post that she shared. | |     | |   | | |     | Facebook | |   | |     | |     | |   | | | | |     | |  Sonia Smart shared Sudeep Dalvi's post. | | February 10 at 11:39 PM | |   | | View | | | |   | | |   | |     | |     | |   | | This message

[Goanet] The Dinesh domestic circus

2021-02-10 Thread eric pinto
I informed Fredric DSouza that the impeachment is a very profound matter of of constitutional duty for the guardiansof  laws Americans elect to Congress. The real circus was exposed in divorce court where Dinesh's wiferevealed she had been battered by him very frequently.   To be elected, the

[Goanet] Mangalore Association USA. Charitable Contributions

2021-02-02 Thread eric pinto
Thisyear our contributions have been to catholic charities that served as directlocal food banks and provided the most impact for the vulnerable and poor amongus.    TheExecutive Board has decided on the donations below.    1. The Marianites of Holy Cross -

[Goanet] Reclaiming Elvira de Sousa as a Goan

2021-02-02 Thread eric pinto
I thought you might enjoy this article by me, a version of which first appears on Herald 28th Jan, 2020. It's a brief sketch of Elvira de Sousa the eldest daughter of Dr Bras de Sousa who became the first Goan vice-consul to represent Portugal in Zanzibar. A large part of the information here

[Goanet] Gracias Saldanha, other Goan magnates.

2021-01-31 Thread eric pinto
An out of date obituary has been making the rounds. He died around ten years ago. Ten Jesuits helped sped him on out of a Bandra Church Service.  One of them told me the family had turned a Xaviers Collegerequest for a donation. A memorial there thanks the Tata Trust for a gift of fourteen

[Goanet] FLUSH Agni number whatever

2021-01-30 Thread eric pinto
( I don't exactly mean FLUSH ) And flip every Amritsari butt that warmongers at the expense of the country. A starving nation needs food,housing and medical care. Your savage friends in the US think along the same lines which is why you do not have a decent job or home. Repent ! From:

[Goanet] Reclaiming Elvira de Sousa as a Goan

2021-01-27 Thread eric pinto
   ( A service of Goa Research Net ) I thought you might enjoy this article by me, a version of which first appears on Herald 28th Jan, 2020. It's a brief sketch of Elvira de Sousa the eldest daughter of Dr Bras de Sousa who became the first Goan vice-consul to represent Portugal in Zanzibar.

[Goanet] Marques & Co. Pianos. Bombay and Delhi.

2021-01-24 Thread eric pinto
Founded in Bombay, across the street from The Metro Cinema (Barrack Road ? ).  The Delhi locationcame later.  My friend Salazar closed both, his decline hastened by our happy potions.

[Goanet] Need a dentist

2021-01-24 Thread eric pinto
For the gap in Anika Noronha's incisors.  She is performing in Goa with Carlton this week. I have written Carltonand my credit good with him. Anyone able to help !  And screw the toad who thinks I want my name on a pole. ( hope you enjoy the Jukebox Jammies everyday )

[Goanet] "Susegado"

2021-01-18 Thread eric pinto
Pulling into Goa on a steamer from Bombay, one morning soon after Goa ceased to be Portugese India, I witnessed the symbolic transformation of our motherland. A large board atop a famous shop that read "Quexava Naique" for perhaps five decades, was being taken down, to be replaced by

[Goanet] Indian Americans in Bide/s team

2021-01-14 Thread eric pinto
For the first time ever, 12 Indian Americans will be a part of President-elect Biden's cabinet.1. Neera Tanden will be overseeing the budget for various federal agencies as Director of the White House Office of Management and Budget. 2. Dr. Vivek Murthy is named as the US Surgeon General3.

[Goanet] What I told Dinesh

2021-01-13 Thread eric pinto
  His  Assagao dad was J and J plant manager. He told me in his Peter Dias home in Bandra that we wereSocoll Vaddo kin. Dinesh studied at St. Stanislaus, but his father conducted a 'Christian' church out of his home. He used those contacts to send Dinesh to study at the Liberty College run by

[Goanet] What I told Dinesh

2021-01-13 Thread eric pinto
I called him a bigot whose alternate truth, or super lies, is the stuff of legend. I said I hoped it paid the rent: actuallythe adventures have seen millions flow into his coffers. His third sex object belies his early faith in 'Christian' conducthe and his friends sought to champion, and were

[Goanet] : Inventing India (but losing Hindustan), Mint Lounge 11/01/20

2021-01-13 Thread eric pinto
       For the record, the arrival of alien form is recent history.  Greek pagan introduced to north-western Kashmir by Alexander's   army,  the Thomas Semitism  of two millenia in the deep South, and the simultaneous Semitic introductions by the Portugueseand Central Asian invasions of

[Goanet] " The British Are Coming"

2021-01-09 Thread eric pinto
It became a battle cry when Washington's insurgents battled their king from faraway England. My own township,Flushing, voted 'loyal to the king', unanimously.  For the reconquest, Redcoats entered Detroit from Windsorand marched down the Dilavar valley to Washington, where Dar colonial Vivian

[Goanet] Trump not a nuclear mischief threat.

2021-01-08 Thread eric pinto
Vivian need not fear, the turnip was neutralized early in his term. Republicans in Congressarranged for any order from him to launch an attack to be routed through the Joint Chiefsof the military. This was not a first, Nixon was ordered to surrender ALL his powers to Senator Smith who was

[Goanet]  "East African Goans in World War One" by Clifford J Pereira

2021-01-05 Thread eric pinto
| | | | | | >From your Reading History: | | | | East African Goans in World War One | | | |  Clifford J Pereira | | 1,366 Views  PaperRank: 1.8 | | | | View PDF ▸ |   | | Download PDF ⬇ | | | | ABSTRACT | | The Great War is often regarded as nations at war. In actual fact

[Goanet] Wikipedia is NOT lying: Dinesh Dsouza DOES

2021-01-04 Thread eric pinto
He does so with the greatest ease and facility. He is a pardoned felon, by a fellow felon named Donald.All of it has made him a very wealthy man, and that is what the Republican "religion " is about, greed anddishonour. From: Frederick Dsouza Date: Sun, Jan 3, 2021 at 5:37 PM Subject:

[Goanet]  "Decoding "The Sabaio": Sultan Yusuf Adil Shah of Bijapur" by Ivar Goa

2020-12-31 Thread eric pinto
| | | | | | | | | | >From your Reading History: | | | | Decoding "The Sabaio": Sultan Yusuf Adil Shah of Bijapur | | | |  Ivar Goa | | 844 Views  | | | | View PDF ▸ |   | | Download PDF ⬇ | | | | ABSTRACT | | The Bijapur Sultan Yusuf Adil Shah was nicknamed "The

[Goanet] : Goa: a lost promise?

2020-12-30 Thread eric pinto
Roland Francis  wrote: Here is the missing link of BBC’s 2017 article. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-42390008 An interesting article from BBC News website. Three prominent Goans remember a red-letter day in Goa's history. And yet it's so very sad that each one ends with a lament .

[Goanet] Air India, sayonara.

2020-12-30 Thread eric pinto
Tata today paid Air Asia $38 million for a eighty percent stake in their India business, as they prepare to acquire Air India. People believe it will fold into the the domestic business of Air India. The international division will  emerge as a lean operation with many curtailed flights. Foreign

[Goanet] NYTimes: The Forgotten Radicalism of Jesus Christ

2020-12-25 Thread eric pinto
The Forgotten Radicalism of Jesus Christ https://nyti.ms/3nOwA7A

[Goanet] A brief roadmap to the konkni postcolonial language

2020-12-21 Thread eric pinto
( with thanks to GoaResearchNet ) I am not an outsider to the above topic as I was bornand grown in Goa, spoke konkni and preached sermons in almost all churches ofSalsete-Goa. While drawing the roadmap of my language following thetrail that I found in the lucid and substantial essay by Kyoko

[Goanet] Missing in action.

2020-12-16 Thread eric pinto
After entertaining us for many years: Bosco DMello, Calif Menezes, Edwin Pinto and spouse, Prof. Nazareth, Calif Viviana, NY Caje, Marshall, Nandkumar,  There are names I cannot immediatelyrecall.

[Goanet] Parrikar on coal route

2020-12-07 Thread eric pinto
He did, didn't he?     

[Goanet] Roland's Deity

2020-12-06 Thread eric pinto
I just watched a documentary about the Christ phenomenon with commentary fromthe heads of Divinity Colleges at very prestigious universities in the US and Canada.The consensus was that Paul of Tarsus gave the Jews the new messianic sectarianfaith, working on their timeless wait for the arrival

[Goanet] Museum of Christian Art

2020-12-03 Thread eric pinto
The Museum of Christian Art is one of the jewels 0f  Goa.   https://museumofchristianart.com/  and the video of some of the objet d'arts on display. .    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3ey9WrWekk4T6fyX2pEtow?view_as=subscriber        - - -   • Privacy • Unsubscribe •

[Goanet] Parrikar and Eddie

2020-11-30 Thread eric pinto
Rajan and Ed are both Goa patriots. One cannot but be taken up by their  dedication to the cause and pursuit of furthering public knowledge of and bythe community. The last thing one can allege of and see in Rajan's writingis sectarian leaning. I do hope the recent exchange does not go beyond

[Goanet] US justice calling, Fredrick DSouza cheers.

2020-11-27 Thread eric pinto
Trump's hooker on the bench cast the the vote that overturned precedent anddecided that religious rights took precedent over over the health of the nation'scitizens. The Church had sued to block rules that limited attendance at services.Voting with the minority, the Chief Justice dissented

[Goanet] :  "Objects, scents and tastes from a different home. Goan life experiences in Africa" by marta vilar rosales

2020-11-25 Thread eric pinto
| | | | | | | | | | >From your Reading History: | | | | Objects, scents and tastes from a different home. Goan life experiences in Africa | | | |  marta vilar rosales | | 2009, Two Homelands, , 29, 153-166, ISSN 0353-6777 | | 104 Views  | | | | View PDF ▸ |   | | Download

[Goanet] : NYTimes: How Sidney Powell inaccurately cited Venezuela’s elections as evidence of U.S. fraud.

2020-11-25 Thread eric pinto
How Sidney Powell inaccurately cited Venezuela’s elections as evidence of U.S. fraud. https://nyti.ms/35MbHU6

[Goanet] NYTimes: How Misinformation ‘Superspreaders’ Seed False Election Theories

2020-11-25 Thread eric pinto
Seed False Election Theories How Misinformation ‘Superspreaders’ Seed False Election Theories | | | | | | | | | | | How Misinformation ‘Superspreaders’ Seed False Election Theories Researchers have found that a small group of social media accounts are responsible for the spread

[Goanet] Fredrick DSouza

2020-11-25 Thread eric pinto
Dinesh DSouza has made tens of millions spreading falsehoods on behalf of the cult.  I suppose this new import will prove to be equally useful to themsome day. The Tobacco 'Institute'  paid science fiction authors two hundred for a  paper that claimed smoking was harmless. The Koch cult has

[Goanet] TESLA

2020-11-24 Thread eric pinto
Our Trump patriot Jimmy, got his frump crumped, but not so the stock he promotedwith special fervour. He pushed it hard at 100, it will hit 3000 soon, adjusted for afive split. I think Roland was sold on the pitch.


2020-11-16 Thread Eric Pinto
My PAPER : HE WAS A DISGUSTING KILLER IN THE EMPLOY OF A DISGUSTING MURDERER. CHE AND GOA: MY FOOT. On Sun, Nov 15, 2020 at 12:20 PM Brian Mendonca < brianmendo...@carmelcollegegoa.org> wrote: > Papers are invited for an international webinar on the theme CHE GUEVARA: > THE MAN AND THE MYTH.

[Goanet] Dr, Michael Lobo

2020-11-15 Thread eric pinto
, and Madras.  Michael Lobo   __._,_.___ Posted by: eric pinto | Reply via web post | • | Reply to sender | • | Reply to group | • | Start a New Topic | • | Messages in this topic (1) | �Research� is not bias-free, but we can try to make it emotion-free! [Moderator

[Goanet] Mangalore Diocese. Historical notes.

2020-11-14 Thread eric pinto
    Dr Michael Lobo Camelot, Bijey Church Road Mangalore 575 004, India   the 31st of December, 1878 – and marked the arrival of the Italian Jesuits, who had been entrusted by Pope Pius IX and his successor Pope Leo XIII with the administration of the Apostolic Vicariate of

[Goanet] Trump: an Obituary

2020-11-11 Thread eric pinto
_ “Why do some British people not like Donald Trump?” Nate White, an articulate and witty writer from England wrote the following response: A few things spring to mind. Trump lacks certain qualities which the British traditionally esteem. For instance,

[Goanet] ( Cardinal ) McCarrick

2020-11-10 Thread eric pinto
Cardinal SimonPimenta visited the US about twenty years ago. HIs host in the state of New Jersey was Cardinal McCarrick. We were invited to a service.His remarks when he addressed us were remarkably kind and outgoing, notsomething I have ever encountered in the country. I am sure other

[Goanet] Israeli, Portuguese researchers to collaborate on plastic-busting bacteria - The Times of Israel

2020-11-07 Thread eric pinto
Israeli, Portuguese researchers to collaborate on plastic-busting bacteria Ben-Gurion University scientists have found bacteria species able to biodegrade polyethylene; they will work with Portugal's ECOIBÉRIA to study these and find new ones

[Goanet] JRLJ Winter issue 2020

2020-11-05 Thread eric pinto
Our winter issue is now online for viewing. It contains among other things: A wonderful story about caste written in Konkani by Felicio Cardoso as translated into the English by Augusto Pinto. A romantic short story by Cecile Rischmann An interview with Canadian-Goan poet Gavin Barrett on his

[Goanet] Emma Gama-Pinto RIP

2020-11-02 Thread eric pinto
Emma Gama-Pinto (née Dias) died peacefully on October 28, 2020 at age 92 in Ottawa with family at her bedside.  Emma was born in Jamshedpur, India, on July 24, 1928 and educated at a convent boarding school near Darjeeling.  Emma was married to Pio Gama-Pinto, a member of the Kenyan

[Goanet] Burma and Japanese reparations

2020-10-24 Thread eric pinto
Vast amounts continue to go out to countries that were plundered and devastated.We in Goa never asked i believe, for the Burma losses. It also applies to Singapore,Hongkong and the pre-war US ruled Phillipines.  They expelled all foreigners after thewar and I met such a Manila family in Goa.   

[Goanet] Not just Burmah

2020-10-24 Thread eric pinto
How about South Tibet (1827), vast Pashtun lands including Peshawar/Kachmere, Baluchistan, the so called Tribal Areas of Afghanistan (Waziristan ), vast areas of Somalia and tiny Diego Garcia in the IndianOcean. Forty percent of Burma was annexed to the Empire, now Victoria's India.   Burma

[Goanet] German ships sink in Goa

2020-10-21 Thread eric pinto
Eric,   Thanks for forwarding this interesting information about these German ships in India during WW 2.   Some trivia-- these ships were owned by Hansa Lines whose vessels were regular visitors to Calcutta --they were competitors to the company I worked for -- “American Export

[Goanet] Pannikar: Malabar and the Portuguese

2020-10-19 Thread eric pinto
To exploit the new resources, a new expedition was fitted out under Pedro Alvarez Cabral.His instructions were to persuade the Zamorin to drive out Moors. Chance led his armadato the coast of Brazil which he claimed for Portugal, reaching India next with six ships.  After prolonged

[Goanet] N M Pannikar on Da Gama 1929

2020-10-17 Thread eric pinto
into an informal agreement with himand accepted his cargo.    He returned to Lisbon with cargo that was worth sixty times the cost of the  expedition. Honours and titles were showered on him, along with a lifetime giftof 200 Cruzados a year. __._,_.___ Posted by: eric pinto | Reply

[Goanet] TRAVELLING IN, TRAVELLING OUT - Konkan and the language

2020-10-15 Thread eric pinto
Vithal Pai memories --- From: vpai@xa Good reading. Brings back sweet memories. My mom was from Kumta and my dad was from Bhatkal. We travelled every summer to Kumta, Bhatkal, and Dharwad.  Enjoyed all Konkani fish dishes with rice and conjee.  Those were the days.   Vithal Pai  

[Goanet] Harappa to Vijaynagar to Kadamba to Bijapur - Colonies galore.

2020-10-13 Thread eric pinto
  Harappan India - clearly African, from recovered statues.  They proceeded to settle Australia 20K years ago. Dravid Vijaynagar India. Their tongue akin to native Moroccan spoken by the Berber majority of the country. They had moved north from the Lake Victoria valley. Kadamba Gove,

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