Merry X-Mas

2011-06-05 Thread Alyxandor Aristocles
A year or two ago, I wrapped flash with gwt with relatively little work. in flash: expose your IO methods that you want gwt to access by adding them to the root window. in gwt: expose any IO methods you want flash to access by doing $wnd.MY_IO = { 'method1' : function(a){@com.mydomain.someStaticMe

Re: GWT/GPE 2.3 unable to sign in with Google Apps account

2011-05-26 Thread Alyxandor Aristocles
e web browser that is wrapped by eclipse. Note, the failed OS was win7x64. I saw someone else on a similar thread also had problems on this particular OS. Hopefully this helps anyone debugging / work-arounding the situation. On May 24, 5:30 pm, Alyxandor Aristocles wrote: > Wait, nevermin

Re: GWT/GPE 2.3 unable to sign in with Google Apps account

2011-05-24 Thread Alyxandor Aristocles
I'm setting up on a linux box to see if this helps. If anyone does find / have a link to the 2.2.0 google plugin repo, I would love you forever if you could post it for me =} Thanks =} On May 24, 4:38 pm, Alyxandor Aristocles wrote: > I found the old repository from a manifest of the update

Re: GWT/GPE 2.3 unable to sign in with Google Apps account

2011-05-24 Thread Alyxandor Aristocles
to show the list of old versions of the eclipse plugin when search for "google eclipse plugin downgrade". Many thanks to Alex Humesky for helping me by email with this issue. His help lead to me finding this link. On May 21, 3:27 pm, Alyxandor Aristocles wrote: > Hi, > > I

Re: GWT/GPE 2.3 unable to sign in with Google Apps account

2011-05-21 Thread Alyxandor Aristocles
Hi, I have a project with multiple admins from multiple apps accounts. At first I tried deploying, and had transitioning issues with the account, which I resolved, and still it did not work. So I tried another account from a different apps domain that was already transitioned, and got the same p

Re: Announcing GWT 2.0 Milestone 1

2009-10-10 Thread Alyxandor
Ok, I see where you're going, and I've been there A few times. No, seperate root entry points have completely separate obfuscation patterns, and will never share java objects. You CAN do it if you're willing to collapse down to JSNI on every transaction, but this can be costly and inefficien

Re: Announcing GWT 2.0 Milestone 1

2009-10-10 Thread Alyxandor
As to your questions about Module-A and Module-B, you don't HAVE to make the interfaces for Module-B available in Module-A; but if you also want to use those interfaces in Module-C, it will be more efficient to download the interfaces first, in Module-A, so both Module-B and Module-C can implement

Re: Announcing GWT 2.0 Milestone 1

2009-10-10 Thread Alyxandor
Yes. You definitely want to load entire modules to make the best use of runAsync. I forgot to mention the inclusion of a class object in the call... It uses the classname of {preferable} the "root" or "control" class in the module, the one that does all your "work"... This, I believe, is so th

Re: Announcing GWT 2.0 Milestone 1

2009-10-10 Thread Alyxandor
> Is there a way i can try these? the documents i got along with the milestone > download doesn't contain anything about 2.0 Milestone 1 and its Features? i > was hoping if some one could point me to examples of Declarative UI and Code > Splitting examples? Check the mail sample for declarativ

Re: Password Encryption

2009-05-19 Thread Alyxandor
You can't attack the post-RSA password field, but if there's any point along the way that the password is passed inside javascript, it might be possible for a script-injection attacker to overwrite your functions / add getter functions to prototypes and post your password using something like rsa.

Re: GWT widget -> HTML rendering

2009-05-19 Thread Alyxandor
You can make your own widgets with custom html without wrappers, just be careful because event listening often relies on the proper html elements being present to operate properly {spans can be wonky when it comes to KeyListeners} The following code is for a simple widget that you can send arbitr

Re: about multiple module & entry point

2009-05-19 Thread Alyxandor
Sounds like you've got static code blocks executing for both modules because they are in the same package. To make two mutually-exclusive modules, you need to put the different modules in different packages... In fact, you'll need three packages at least... One for common classes, and one each

Re: Serialization RPC call exception

2009-05-19 Thread Alyxandor
Pretty sure your inner classes need @Embedded annotations... --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Google Web Toolkit"

Re: remove input

2009-05-19 Thread Alyxandor
A little sample code would be nice... Maybe an online public build or something to inspect with Firebug... Can't really help without more info! All I can think of is to inspect the dom and make sure all form elements are being properly removed... --~--~-~--~~~---~--~

Re: Which J2EE versions supported by GWT1.6.4

2009-05-19 Thread Alyxandor
Not sure for plain-jane GWT, but appengine builds {using the google plugin with appengine enabled} chokes on 2.4... Maybe I'm not doing something right, but you should just try changing the values and finding out whether they build or not... --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ Y

Re: Redirecting to a different page

2009-05-19 Thread Alyxandor
It depends on how secure you want to be. If you aren't dealing with sensitive information, build one module that using an internal boolean value to determine how to run depending on authentication, and set that value using rpc or cookies, or however you do your authentication. If you want the mo

Re: Different values calling RootPanel.getAbsolutreLeft() in IE7 and other broswers

2009-05-19 Thread Alyxandor
@Override public native int getLeft(Element elem) /*-{ try { var computedStyle = $doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, null); var Left = computedStyle.getPropertyValue("left"); return Left.indexOf("px") == -1 ? 0 : parseInt(Left.substr(0, Left.length - 2)); } cat

Re: MathML and XML and nocache.js, oh my!

2009-05-18 Thread Alyxandor
You can insert xml into a regular html document if you properly namespace every element, and then you can grab the text of the xml and use GWT XmlParser to turn it into DOM; I believe it wraps the native FF support anyway... Just be careful of IE, as it WILL parse everything the same, but any Xml

Re: SIGSEGV in Ubuntu java 6 out the Wazoo!

2009-05-16 Thread Alyxandor
Sweet! DANKE! --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Google Web Toolkit" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to google

SIGSEGV in Ubuntu java 6 out the Wazoo!

2009-05-16 Thread Alyxandor
Hey all, I've been having a slight problem plaguing me of late, and thought to post this solution for anyone else experiencing the same issue. There's already a few bugs filed for variations of this, but they're a little different, on older builds of GWT, so rather than doing +1 on an old bug rep

Re: Something is worong with my app in GWT 1.6

2009-05-16 Thread Alyxandor
Like dean said, just getting your php scripts present won't let you run php scripts in hosted mode. Even if you deploy to a php-enabled server, requesting .php returns text, namely, the php source. If you don't want to run caucho, you could try another somewhat underhanded approach... Use the G

Re: Eclipse & GWT: How to include source from other projects?

2009-05-16 Thread Alyxandor
You need a gwt.xml module in the Common package, anywhere below the code you want to include. These files don't need an EntryPoint in the java source, they just need to be present. You can even leave the source + classes {you MUST have source, classes aren't enough} in their jar, just create the

Re: Compilation not renewing the files

2009-05-15 Thread Alyxandor
Hm, I'm not sure what you're getting at... Which output? In the hosted mode browser? Just click refresh to update changes. If that doesn't work, close hosted mode and open it again {changing configuration files like web.xml require a restart}. Or do you mean the compiled output? Cos you have

Re: Help With Programmatic Events in 1.6

2009-05-15 Thread Alyxandor
Ok, seriously, I'm here, trying to help, and you keep giving me terrible ratings for it? ...SHALLOW! Oh, and please give me another one-star for this post as well I know I'm not a doctor or anything, but I'm doing my best. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received

Re: help required

2009-05-15 Thread Alyxandor
Does your jar have "source attached"? Also, try putting a copy in your war/WEB-INF/lib folder. What build method do you use? IDE? Ant? Cypal... Don't use Cypal anymore, the official GWT + Appengine plugin works like a dream, provided your source level and source compliance level are set to 1

Re: JDOObjectNotFound exception when using getObjectById

2009-05-15 Thread Alyxandor
Ya, having datanucleus around to solve all our problems is pretty sweet... You should worry whether your Long id will survive a trip through GWT Als

Re: Empty object when returning from RPC call

2009-05-15 Thread Alyxandor
Do your homework! How hard is using (Long)? --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subsc

Re: New bie question: import cannot be resolved

2009-05-15 Thread Alyxandor
Fred's methods are rock solid, look near the middle of the page for the super-source hack needed to make Key happy for the client side. There are very few restrictions on what can go into the client side, {file operations and bytecode enhancements, mainly}. To make life easier, don't try to use a

Re: Question on GWT1.6

2009-05-15 Thread Alyxandor
If you change one file name, you must change all three; Service, ServiceAsync and ServiceImpl. Then, go to your web.xml in war/WEB-INF file, and make sure the classnames there have changed as well. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are sub

Re: Help With Programmatic Events in 1.6

2009-05-15 Thread Alyxandor
Wow, I'm a fool. The end. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Google Web Toolkit" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send ema

Re: Strange horizontal scrollbar issue

2009-05-15 Thread Alyxandor
Aye aye! Firebug is key! You can right click an element in HTML tab, click "add attribute", type style ENTER overflow-x:hidden ENTER, then in the right hand panel, you can add / edit styles w/ autocomplete. To add a new style in the css panel, just click on any entry, and press enter until you g

Re: Dealing with html pages within your GWT application

2009-05-15 Thread Alyxandor
Hm, I slogged through the code, but didn't really notice anything out of place... What I didn't see was any references to padding, try setting it to 0px as well. Then, inside the test page, do: Window.setMargin("0px 0px 0px 0px"); and Window.enableScrolling (false);, in case it's your div making

Re: how to overlay one grid over the other?

2009-05-15 Thread Alyxandor
@alex.d -> The only way to make the "two panel" approach work would be to use Salvador's ScrollHandler linkage, plus a function to loop through each row of both tables, measure the max height of each row, and apply that height to an element inside each table; just beware browser differences when m

Re: difficulties constructing reduced example of super-source

2009-05-15 Thread Alyxandor
Good to hear. Sorry about the "" part, I don't sleep much, so I sometimes slip up ;-) Basically, there's nothing you can do about your IDE... I always have a couple errors now that I use super-source, but I like to think of them like, "Error: GWT is too powerful for Java to handle,

Re: getClass().getName() performance?

2009-05-15 Thread Alyxandor
Check your file sizes without the calls, then check them again with the calls. File size will be number of classes * average package name length. The performance issue will be basically none. The actually class in the prototypes is an integer, that just points to the name. Don't worry about sp

Re: getClass().getName() performance?

2009-05-14 Thread Alyxandor
Obfucated code returns obfuscated class names, I believe. Test to find out... It did so in 1.5 for me, and I have to hardcode the class names when I wanted to use them. Personally, I just use gwt-log, and include short String descriptions I

Re: Reading XML on Client

2009-05-14 Thread Alyxandor
If you aren't worried about modifying your xml, one way to do it WITHOUT servlets {as java servers are not always available} is to read the file using GWT HttpRequest {must ensure text/plain content-type, more later...}, Parse it into XML, then translate that into JSNI or Java Objects. I prefer J

Re: help required

2009-05-14 Thread Alyxandor
Even if you do package all your code in a jar, you should keep at least one module and entry point OUTSIDE the jar, so the compiler has some raw source to start with. Also check that you're including your packaged jar in your build process. If you just want to reuse your code, you can just inclu

Re: onModuleLoad is sometimes not called (Internet Explorer)

2009-05-14 Thread Alyxandor
OH YA! I just remembered... I was having other problems with IE due to the compiler over-optimizing IE scripts... One issue was with ImageResource.getUrl()... It's was an internal method used to create resources, but if I didn't manually "touch" the method {calling it once in an onModuleLoad e

Re: onModuleLoad is sometimes not called (Internet Explorer)

2009-05-14 Thread Alyxandor
Step one: Upgrade to 1.6.4, it fixed most of my problems. The upgrade is backwards-compatible, just replace the jars and ignore all the deprecation warnings; you can clear those when you see fit. Step two: Check your History methods. Make sure you've included the History iframe {needed only by

Re: gwt 1.64 with gwt-dnd

2009-05-14 Thread Alyxandor
I certainly know what your problem is! You need the gwt incubator. Those are the new Styling classes that are almost ready for production gwt, but kept elsewhere because they aren't fully up to spec {CssResource uses Image Sprites with data URI's for good browsers, and the old ImageBundle-like c

Re: RPC Confusion

2009-05-14 Thread Alyxandor
You need an RPC call for authentication, and at least one more for every other type of call you want the user to perform. If you're worried about whether or not the user is still authenticated, use session variables and session cookies... Please don't ever make a boolean MayIDoSomething() AND a

Re: sIFR Wrapper for GWT?

2009-05-14 Thread Alyxandor
However you would use sIFR with javascript, you wrap in java native methods... I don't know about it, or feel like learning it right now, but it goes something like this: Include the script tag in your gwt.xml module definition, ensuring that all .js and .swf are in your page. Wrap native calls

Re: Change font size on a DecoratedTabPanel

2009-05-14 Thread Alyxandor
Use em units {0.5 em}... Percent can sometimes be wonky if your DecoratedTabPanel is the child of an object with font-size set in px or pt. A quick google shows: If this doesn't work, just inspe

Re: Empty object when returning from RPC call

2009-05-14 Thread Alyxandor
Does User implement Serializable or IsSerializable? You have to use at least one to tell GWT that you want to send it over the wire. I'm having a little trouble understanding your situation, please post you file structure, and if possible, or your .gwt.xml modules... /foo/bar/Common.g

Re: "No source code is available for type" Error on Web Mode Compile

2009-05-14 Thread Alyxandor
Does DbPojo.gwt.xml have element in it? Cos by default, gwt looks for source from /path/to/Module.gwt.xml /path/to/ client. You use source to change this {just be wary, I haven't done this since 1.4, and it was a little buggy about setting the source path back to client... Cheers! --~--~--

Re: Deploy GWTapplication to a remote server with the eclipse-plugin.

2009-05-14 Thread Alyxandor
In 'Nix: #!/bin/sh cd /home/uname/workspace/yourproject/war ncftpput -mRDD -u USERACCOUNT -p PASSWORD /remote/ upload/path * --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Google Web Toolkit" gro

Re: Dealing with html pages within your GWT application

2009-05-14 Thread Alyxandor
If it an iframe-border {like, a border attribute}, or is it white padding inside the page you're loading? Your css border has to be "0px none". The none is most important, and the px is used to prevent browser incompatibilities... Try to always include units... If you can't figure out style pro

Re: difficulties constructing reduced example of super-source

2009-05-14 Thread Alyxandor
Are you getting a "wrong package error"? Because if you aren't, you should! Also, you've got to make your hack-pack-age another level deeper... You don't need to make two different source folders, that's just to minimize IDE confusions Try this... test/ src/

Re: Help With Programmatic Events in 1.6

2009-05-14 Thread Alyxandor
fireNativeEvent it deprecated, so don't use it. I've heard of a very dirty hack that uses native code to skip past the private-ness of the Gwt Event system, but it is too much of a hack to promote anywhere. Better yet, rather than trying to fire an event with some kind of synthetic event, you wo

Re: How to suppress the token change for Hyperlink

2009-05-14 Thread Alyxandor
@Thomas, AYE! Your example does work best, provided users don't Ctrl +Click to open in a new Window. My iframe example was certainly incomplete. I leave the History tokens alone {don't inject directional "do not fire" tokens}, until the user clicks the close button or opens a new link. THEN, i

Re: GWT 1.6 in Ubuntu

2009-05-14 Thread Alyxandor
Good to know! I haven't tried 64 bit since 7.1... Maybe now I'll give it a go. Do you use any virtual headers? I'm not sure, but I heard they were still buggy on 64 bit builds... /Searches So, it works fine, but vBox just doesn't support 64-bit virtual machines... No biggy. ...Maybe it's ti

Re: Diffrent UI behaviour with browsers

2009-05-14 Thread Alyxandor
The honest truth? As I tend to, I overcomplicate everything. Basically, all of my Panels are absolutely positioned on the screen as a ratio of screen width and height. All of my widgets get the proprietary IE css property hasLayout=-1. This is the style property to look for when debugging your

Re: Share Source Files Between Modules (GWT 1.6)

2009-05-14 Thread Alyxandor
...A stack trace or some code for this problem would be nice Cheers! --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Google Web Toolkit" group. To post to this group, send email to Google-Web-Toolkit@googlegroup

Re: MouseHandler on Hyperlink

2009-05-14 Thread Alyxandor
Aye aye! ...I like to overcomplicate everything. I think the div wrapper is needed for IE... It's got problems with making links properly size themselves. Also, IE6 has no :hover or :active support and IE7 has no :active support. ...Of course, I prefer it when IE must go without nicer styling

Re: GWT Module inheritance and entry point class

2009-05-13 Thread Alyxandor
Aye aye; To add to Ian's response, the module definition files do three things: A) When you inherit any module.gwt.xml {say, com.example.util.A}, you add access to all the source in that modules package, as if you used: import com.example.util.*; Note, this causes ALL static code calls in the p

Re: Official libraries

2009-05-13 Thread Alyxandor
Go to and search on gwt. You'll find a metric whackload of results. There's also a list in the regular GWT docs of third-party-extensions; many of them are quite powerful. If you want to maintain consistency with future versions of gwt, I recommend that you do not stray too far

Re: App engine data types

2009-05-13 Thread Alyxandor
I'm really not sure, but I'd recommend checking out the Appengine google group first... There's over a hundred posts a day there, so I'm sure someone there with a little more expertise than yours truly will be of more help. Out of curios

Re: maximize the hosted window...?

2009-05-13 Thread Alyxandor
Two things: A) HostedMode opens at a specific size to remind you that many users have smaller browsers windows, so you can test to make sure your app will look good at 800x600 without having to change your screen resolution. If it's not a layout issue, and simply personal preference, there is ano

Re: migration result

2009-05-13 Thread Alyxandor
A little known secret... You CAN in fact, change ANYTHING using gwt... It's called the super-source method, and it lets you replace whole entire files from any jar or jre library you want. I won't go into great detail, as you can read about it in

Re: Reading/Writing a public XML file at the server side

2009-05-13 Thread Alyxandor
Hey, In GWT 1.6, you don't need to put files into your app's source folder; instead, put it directly into the war folder. In this way, the HostedMode server will know to update when the file changes, as opposed to having to manually recompile the file every time you write to it. Consider using a

Re: MouseHandler on Hyperlink

2009-05-13 Thread Alyxandor
Have you checked out the HyperlinkOverride in the Incubator? It uses deferred binding to replace the old Hyperlink class with a new one that will allow users to Ctrl+click the link to open it in a new Window. It simply overrides the onBrowserEvent method, and acts when event.getTypeInt()==Event.

Re: AXIS I.P. camera

2009-05-13 Thread Alyxandor
I checked it out on FF, and when I clicked on something, a dialog popped up, asking for authentication {don't worry, I didn't try any hackery}. My guess is that FF uses a separate thread for pop ups, whilst IE uses your pages rendering thread for the pop up, and that freezes your display. Try a

Re: console output in Eclipse in Hosted mode

2009-05-13 Thread Alyxandor --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Google Web Toolkit" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, se

Re: JDOObjectNotFound exception when using getObjectById

2009-05-13 Thread Alyxandor
On second thought, don't bother with my answers I'm sure a thousand other people there know more than me on this subject. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to t

Re: JDOObjectNotFound exception when using getObjectById

2009-05-13 Thread Alyxandor
Is that the whole Category class, or is there more? Because, if you have a persistent field with a null value, it gets skipped by index operations. The low-level query will succeed because an equality test on the primary key uses the default, built-in automatic index table, whilst all other quer

Re: Announcing GWT 1.6...and quite a bit more

2009-05-13 Thread Alyxandor
@Darkflame, @Isaac, @Netbeans Users - If you're having problems with your IDE, or your IDE is not as plugin-friendly as Eclipse, use an ant build script. Ant is IDE independant, and it can be run from within the IDE. GWT Webappcreator will make one for you, and if that's not good enough, here's

Re: Add keyHandler to Absolute panel

2009-05-13 Thread Alyxandor
YourWidget.addDomHandler(new KeyUpHandler(){ public void onKeyUp(KeyUpEvent event) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }, KeyUpEvent.getType()); Just like real DOM, you've got to manually add Ke

Re: Browser compatibility issue for displaying the User interface in GWT?

2009-05-13 Thread Alyxandor
Well, your first issue is IE6. It has TERRIBLE box model support. If you don't already know about it, shed a few tears now for all the hours you and every web developer has and will spend on it. a,div,img { border: 0px none; min-width: 0; } Using css, you can fix some of the b

Re: RequestBuilder and REST PUT (HTTP Protocol)

2009-05-13 Thread Alyxandor
gwt uses an option called super-source to let you literally replace one class with another. It's dangerous mojo and potentially dangerous, but you basically make a seperate module whereever you want {com.example for now}, and in that whatever.gwt.xml, you put: THEN, if you want to overrid

Re: Share Source Files Between Modules (GWT 1.6)

2009-05-13 Thread Alyxandor
Aye, not only must each one be in a gwt module, whatever build method you use must know to put proj2 into proj1. If you use Eclipse IDE {or other IDE} to build, you should right click the project, go to properties, edit the BUILD or SOURCE path, and include the other project. If you prefer to us

Re: Diffrent UI behaviour with browsers

2009-05-13 Thread Alyxandor
Arun, we'd be more than glad to help, but we'll need more details. What kind of Widgets are you using {AbsolutePanel, HorizontalPanel, YourSweetCustomPanel}? Is your host page document in quirks more {HTML transitional} or standards more {HTML strict}? ...Don't try using xhtml doctypes, or IE wi

Re: GWT 1.6 in Ubuntu

2009-05-13 Thread Alyxandor
I forgot to mention, your life will be much easier if you use Eclipse Ganymede from, not the repositories. Maybe it's changed since I made the switch, but the last time I got Eclipse out of the repo, I got some VERY odd stack traces that amounted to only one logical answer: Get it fro

Re: GWT 1.6 in Ubuntu

2009-05-13 Thread Alyxandor
sudo apt-get install galternatives You won't have to use synaptic to remove stuff, you can just change defaults. I use the sun binaries for everything gwt; openJDK is nice, but Sun makes and updates java, so I'll look past it's proprietary-ness just this once. Now that you've made the wonderful

JSNI Optimizations

2009-05-13 Thread Alyxandor
Hi all, This isn't really a problem, I'm just curious to see if anyone else has had the same experience as me, and possibly get a little advice from the Masters... I like using JavaScriptObject extensions instead of Collections... About a year ago I noticed that over half of my small projects we

Re: GWT Module inheritance and entry point class

2009-05-13 Thread Alyxandor
Aye, use deferred binding to override any direct references to the code you want to include. Be careful of static fields that are auto initialized, and static code blocks, as you CANNOT override these. Even if you never access the static object, GWT must inc

Re: Module works fine in Firefox or Safari but doesn't load in Internet Explorer

2009-05-07 Thread Alyxandor
I've seen IE die on page loads where you check History.getToken() right away and there is no token, so make sure you test {with a cleared cache} and They behave differently, and sometimes, waiting a little with a timer to check History.getToken() or

Re: How to suppress the token change for Hyperlink

2009-05-06 Thread Alyxandor
George's hack with the boolean for "don't do history stuff" is actually a surprisingly good way to deal with History Events. In order to achieve History events from multiple sources with multiple targets, some validation on HistoryToken is needed, and using a boolean variable will let you change

Re: How do I write my own version of DialogBox?

2009-05-06 Thread Alyxandor
Aye, I use the "absolute-floating-trick" too Just be careful of using left:100% or top:100%, it will work with CSS2Compatibility, but not CSS1 {IE6, I'm pointin at you!} will balk and anything that's supposed to float on the right or bottom might wind up 100% of screen width {unless you're wi

Re: Trying to use server in another module

2009-05-06 Thread Alyxandor
I've had some luck with adding multiple module-definitions in my build file. Instead of just x.dt or x.gwtlogin, put both {in ant}

Re: HandlerRegistration not always so friendly ??

2009-05-06 Thread Alyxandor
So, after having my errors pointed out to me, I did my research and realized that I was talking about HandlerRegistrations, not HandlerManager. Oops... ...I've been trying to avoid as much of the Collections routines in favor of custom JSNI stacks; they might obscure bugs, but they run much fast

Re: Optimisation of obfuscated mode

2009-05-06 Thread Alyxandor
This is true, I was thinking of this later, and saw that in many cases, this COULD be done, And it can be done outside of the gwt compiler, if you like. Some fancy regexp to find functions with EXACT method bodies and renaming+deletion could potentially decrease file sizes dramatically, but only