Sorry for the late multiple reply, I just spent seven hours sleeping...
And ditto for my delayed reply - I've just spent 9 hours in a car on a
motorway :)
I am not the maintainer of Data.Derive, nor did I write the majority
of the nice code; Neil Mitchell did it, you can ask him
> Regarding type variable naming, a few of my more hardware minded
> friends I've asked to try Haskell often tease me about the opaque type
> variable names in the Prelude--it seems greater consideration of type
> variable names in the Prelude might behoove new users.
I think that single let
> Yes. It will break 100's of applications.
That sounds like a challenge! Find me 100 applications that use
Data.Map.map and I will eat crow.
Since most people import qualified Data.Map as Map. Not all of those
At any rate, since Map is a Functor, I vote for Data.Map.map to be
deleted. Any disagreements before I submit the ticket?
Yes. It will break 100's of applications.
If you are going to do this, you probably need to propose it be marked
as depreciated, and then deleted sometime years into t
Reducing to just haskell-cafe - since this isn't yet a concrete
proposal - more just a discussion.
1. Namespace pollution
Do you want to overload (.) ? I think its good that some names mean
standard things. Maybe not as many as the prelude, but some standard
things are good.
This is a h
? Of course, I would like to get indexed in haskell.org/hoogle - but how
to do that?
Wait for Hoogle 4, sadly. Once thats done, by adding your package to
hackage you'll be indexed by Hoogle.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> I don't know how to add it into the one liner though - although I
> suspect someone here will :)
head . head . filter (\(x:y:_) -> abs (x-y) < 0.1)
Doesn't work, I assume you meant (and typo'd):
head . head . filter (\(x:y:_) -> abs (x-y) < 0.1) . tails
Which does work fine.
Hi Longesh
But I've found learning Haskell so tough (this is my 4th try in the last
two years) that I feel I have to bore everyone with my first non-trivial
Well done on getting something going!
my_sqrt t = last (take 20 (iterate (\n -> n/2 + t/(2 * n)) t))
last (take 20) can be r
Hi Nikhil,
haskell-case is probably a better choice of list for this - haskell is
more for announcements.
> I am Nikhil N, a third year Computer Science student from India. I am
looking at building a good
IDE for people learning Haskell(as part of SoC).This IDE will be modeled
on Dr Scheme
Arithmetic operators in haskell appear to require their operands to
have the same type. How can I do arithmetic between operands of
different types?
You probably don't want to.
Alternatively, how do I coerce a value from being an Int to being a Double?
You ask Hoogle:
Hi Nicolas,
It seems like we could refine the first parameter of carryPropagate
just as the second: make an= type N1 that only admits values [1..].
newtype N1 = N1 Int
(put that in a module and don't export N1)
define the constant 2, define the increment operator, change div and mod.
Note: Total = total ignoring non-termination, for this post
Surely we can assume them total given that base is never zero?
They are not total, they are called in a manner which does not cause
them to raise an error. If you want every function to be total, you
need to fix div.
If you are h
-- There are no pattern-matching failures here.
-- The totality is harder to see: all digits are roughly of the same range,
-- but each recursive call increments base. Eventually, base becomes bigger
-- than d+9 and so the first alternative will be selected, which is in the
-- WHNF and so rec
> head []
return Nothing? I guess it's a bit of a silly suggestion, but it helps
to highlight why we use Maybe in the first place. So --- where's the
cutoff point in your code?
If that is what you want, then see my Safe library:
I notice that there's not much user-accessible documentation of what you
can expect GHC (or some other Haskell implementation) to do and not do
with a given piece of code.
Yhc/nhc/Hugs - nothing
GHC - inlining, simplification, fusion if you use the build in
functions in a specified way, st
I note that the deadline for discussion of System.FilePath has now passed (well,
a long time ago :-), so it looks like it's going into base. Any final
objections before we do this?
The deadline passed before Christmas, and no one objected. I still
intend to move it in to base, I just haven
i noticed that you often reply to feature requests by pointing to undocumented
tools/features, either already released in secret, or forthcoming. not that it
nice to have those tools, but won't you lose track of your software and its
capabilities at this rate (not to talk about your cu
For a while I have been thinking: Isn't there a way to get rid of the
intermediate Maybe construct in a common expression like "fromMaybe
default . lookup". It seems that a way to do that would be to pass more
information to the Maybe-generating function: What to do with a
Just-Value, and wha
It appears that you need to be logged in to edit the page, and I
couldn't find/guess any appropriate passwords. How do we log in?
But registering works fine, so thats the way to go. So many tracs, so
many rules, and I'm still confused.
Hi Malcolm,
Well, our wiki to gather ideas is now up-and-running again:
It appears that you need to be logged in to edit the page, and I
couldn't find/guess any appropriate passwords. How do we log in?
Gtk2Hs and HDBC are both LGPL licensed, but aren't they always
static linked? Is there a way to use them in closed-source programs?
If you are concerned about static linking, Yhc may offer a solution,
since it produces bytecode files, which don't statically link to
anything. Of course,
On 3/4/07, Roberto Zunino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm posting the code of a module, IORefs, allowing top-level IORefs to
be safely declared and used. Usafety reports are welcome. Tested in GHC 6.6.
That looks cool, does it work on Hugs?
** Features:
1) IORef a provided
Hi Claus,
Neil: is there any documentation on the output format? i couldn't find the
flag in the haddock manual, so i was surprised to see it in haddock --help;
it works, though, and does seem to generate modules with implementations
removed, and some declarations simplified?
Documentation isn
I tried that but I guess I was too impatient to figure out what exactly
haddock wants (it seemed to choke on #ifdefs), so I just used the
hoogle.txt from darcs and ran it through sed.
Haddock can't cope with #ifdef's, or .lhs files - haddock-ghc will be
able to (the next version), so hopefu
If someone knows of a simple way to generate a function/type list of
the standard modules, I'd love to hear about it. Generating such a
list on the fly each time is probably not an option, as it would be
too slow.
Using a recent version of haddock, the --hoogle flag gives you exactly
what y
> The darcs repo version of lambdabot does run on windows. you'll need to
> remove the unix dependency from the .cabal file. At least 2 people have
> had it working.
Anyone have some binaries they want to share?
I keep some binaries at
There are a couple of things about that function...
First, I did see it, but its description is rather vague on what it
does. From the description, it sounds like it is possible that it
would not return an absolute path; I read it more as expanding
symlinks. If it does indeed return an abs
FilePath is indeed quite nice. You might also want to look at
System.Path and its submodules in MissingH (API docs at [1]).
I've got some stuff that FilePath doesn't, namely making paths
absolute, wildcard matching/globbing, and also a function that
converts a POSIX wildcard into a regexp.
And when will Hoogle 4 be more than vapourwear? :) I guess the answer
is 'whenever people stop asking me and start contributing patches' ;)
Patches are not what I need, since all the ideas/designs are in my
head. I'll try and get somewhere on it soon, but my time is pretty
well booked for t
Hi David,
I realise it's similar. I don't they fulfill quite the same aim
though. Hoogle might give me two dozen results when I roughly know the
name of a function, but this isn't what I want.
hoodoc doesn't, it gives you the exact result.
The main reason this is hard at the moment, incident
Hi David,
I'm proposing something simple that should make it easier for both
Haskell programmers and Haskell tool writers to find the documentation
for a function. We need a simple URL for the Haddock docs of any
function. PHP has this already: just hit php.net/funcname for the
documentation for
forgive my ignorance but I thought functional programming was a
mathematically sound framework unlike Object Oriented programming.
Referentially transparent is a better term than mathematically sound
here. This is the property that x = y means that instances of x can be
replaced with y.
Hi Isaac
Trying to implement literate haskell[*], I realized several
ways in which the correct behavior for unliterating (especially with
regard to errors) was unclear. I have several cases which ghc, hugs
and Haskell 98 have differing opinions on! The Report as it stands
is far from a clear a
I have looked on Hoogle. I would have asked Djinn, but I don't have it
around. So, can someone find a term that inhabits
(forall a. a -> b) -> (forall a. m a -> m b)
Asking hoogle about rank-2 types won't get you very far, the
development version of Hoogle gives a warning that it ignores
Coq does have termination checking, and Neil Mitchell is working on a
case-and-termination checker for Haskell.
I was working on a case and termination checker. Now I'm just working
on a case checker (which is pretty much done).
The main reason I gave up on termination is that it was
And also I guess the compilers will do more optimisations, etc.
So this suggests an obvious extra feature for nobench which would be the
ability to view a graph of each compiler's performance over a period of
time, obviously this probably wouldn't be useful for at least a few
We hop
Hi Stefan,
Since we don't know in advance the length of the list, we need an
existensial type; this immediately causes problems because existential
types do not exist in any current Haskell implementation. There are
two approaches:
-- Using an existential datatype box
data VarList a = foral
I'm starting to play with GADT's, and I was trying to write a safe
version of head and tail, on a safe version of lists. What I came up
with is:
data ConsT a
data NilT
data List a t where
Cons :: a -> List a b -> List a (ConsT b)
Nil :: List a NilT
instance Show a => Show (List a
I want to write a program where a user would update a bunch of variables,
and everything that depends on those variables (and nothing else) are
recalculated. Basically, a spreadsheet, but generalized for any
computation. Could someone recommend an elegant way to do it or some good
reading m
Incidentally, inserting NList into the existing Safe.List does not
seem like a good match as NList critically relies on being in a
separate module with a limited export.
As mentioned before, Safe.List would be an entirely separate module in
my package, so can export/not export whatever it c
Hi Nick
That sounds like a great option. Candidate numero uno as of now. What
I have in mind right now should be pretty light weight, but it will
mostly be a regurgitation of code I've seen floating around. Some of
the code from the previous wiki link, type-level decimal numbers I saw
in an Oleg
Hi Chad,
I think this idea is better than what I had suggested, but as it
stands it doesn't typecheck. Did you mean something like this?
Yep, just the type signature was wrong :)
leaves :: Tree -> [Int]
leaves = f []
f rest (Leaf n) = n : rest
f rest (Branch l r) = f (f r
Hi Tom
data Tree = Branch Tree Tree | Leaf Int deriving (Eq, Ord)
leaves :: Tree -> Set Int
leaves (Leaf n) = singleton n
leaves (Branch left right) = union (leaves left) (leaves right)
The standard method for a traversal over leaves with accumulation is:
leaves :: Tree -> Set Int
leaves x
IMHO I think that isJust/fromJust could simply be removed. Using
'maybe' is a much better practice, it is safe and much even more
Yes, its more expressive if you let someone write (error "Umm, what
should I do here?") as one of the options. And now you've gone from
something wit
pidigits is not (currently) one of the nofib programs (phew :-).
I suppose the
reason for the results is because the test spends most of its time in GMP?
Taking a brief look that does indeed appear to be true. I don't think
there could be any other reason for Yhc getting so clo
Hi Simon
Benchmarks please! Let's see some comparisons on the nofib suite. If there's a
factor of 2 or less between GHC -O2 and YHC for any of the nofib programs, I'll
eat my keyboard for lunch :-)
Test: pidigits (lazy, arbitrary preci
Well, he was willing to make concessions for Yhc brokenness (wrt importing
System.Environment - yhc's System doesn't export getArgs like the Report
says it should (first tangible result of nofib: the Yhc team has fixed it))
The second tangible result should be that Yhc runs faster than nhc.
> Is it possible to write multi-line definitions in GHC interactive interpreter
? (like in Python interp. ?)
As it happens, it is possible to do with WinHugs, I've just never
turned it on by default. If there is massive need I'll polish this
feature up and put it in the next builds.
Hi Dons,
Yhc is consistently half the speed of nhc, whereas in our tests, its
typically 20% faster. Can you make sure you've built Yhi with -O
(scons type=release should do it). I opened a bug just a few days ago,
because I realise
Hi Don,
Type :? for help
Hugs.Base> :l Text.Printf
Text.Printf> printf "%d" (1::Int) :: String
My bad - sorry, too many presentations/papers were people encoded
printf using multi-ranked-generalised-associated types :)
Fix Yhc!
Fair point, should be as simple as compiling that file...
Eeek, a solution that does monadic maps and require's rank 2 types!
arr = [('a',1), ('b',2), ('c',3)]
showAll = lines (map showItem arr)
showItem (a,n) = a : " = " ++ show n
main = putStr showAll
I've broken this up a bit more than usual - most people would probably
just put showAll inside m
Hi Simon,
> Yhc can happily compile code and run it. You'll probably pay a factor
> of 2-8 times slower than GHC, depending on what the code does.
Benchmarks please! Let's see some comparisons on the nofib suite. If there's a
factor of 2 or less between GHC -O2 and YHC for any of the nofib pr
Good point. Perhaps you can persuade the people who look after GHC on
win32 to have it use the Windows debug log service for exception
messages like that when there's no GUI available. Of course if you can
code up and submit such a patch yourself then even better.
Does anyone read that? Wou
> Also, I recommend looking into embedding YHC. I have not had a
> chance to use
> it yet, but it looks like it is a better fit to an "interpreter-only"
> embedding situation than GHC--with GHC, you are getting a lot more
> than you
> seem to be asking for.
I would want to compile code as we
Hi Chad
I think what you are after is Haskell All-In-One:
As it happens, since that date Yhc has moved on to the point where:
yhc Main.hs -linkcore
loadCore "Main.yca" >>= writeFile "Main.hs" . coreHaskell
Will get you a similar result - but
Hi Ricky,
For the last year I've been working on a program to translate between
Haskell and Java. Originally this was for my third year dissertation to
contribute towards my Masters in computer science at Sheffield University,
I have been given the opportunity to continue this project and
Hi Alfonso,
Reading the sources of Lava (a Haskell Hardware Description DSL) I run
into this definition ...
unsafeCoerce :: a -> b
Is this actually equivalent to the infamous unsafeCoerce# ?
Yes, see the comment in the haddock documentation for unsafePerformIO:
Hi Miranda,
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filter p [] = []
filter p (x:xs) = if p 'mod' x
then x : filter p xs
else filter p xs
I tried this, but it doesn't work
You are mixing a few things together. First point, mod should be `mod`
and n
Hi Miranda,
Now I need to know how to remove all numbers that are divisable by an
Is this a homework problem? Is there some bigger goal you are trying to achieve?
I tried to use some zipWith...filter and other predefined functions..but I
can't really find the right solution :(
Hi Miranda,
How to calculate the sum of list of lists in Haskell?
What do you mean by this? What is the value of a list?
If you mean sum the numbers such that [[1,2],[3,4]] = 1+2+3+4 then you
are able to ask two alternative questions - how do i convert a list of
lists to a list, and how do i
This is true. Some time ago I swore off the use of fromRight and
fromLeft in favor of maybe, and have been forgetting about the other
functions in Data.Maybe ever since.
I think you mean you swore off fromJust. Unfortunately when people
started to debate adding fromLeft and fromRight they
Hi Justin,
A quick google search turned up a couple of blogs and some papers -
but is there more out there?
Laziness, circularity and prime numbers all in one :)
Hi John,
Does the Haskell community have an equivalent to C++ community's Boost
project with the aim of writing libraries for the eventual inclusion into
We have:
1) MissingH - a nice staging ground for things that may end up in the
base library
2) Library submission process, to add
Hi Alexy,
Heard that statement recently -- that Excel is a functional
programming language, and the most used one -- of any programming
languages -- on Earth! Is it true? Are there good examples of
typical FP style in Excel?
You can't define functions in Excel, hence its not really a functio
Hi Conrad,
If the data header stores the alignment/size/endianness, then there's
no reason for the data to be unportable. The normal get* instances
(not get*host) could suffice for reading.
That requires the stream to have a header. Which means that any
arbitrary slice within the ByteString is
Hi Daniil
My desire is simple. I want GHC-Cygiwn.
Why? I find Cygwin really really horrible and avoid it where possible.
I was just wondering what advantages you get from having GHC-Cygwin?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> So yes, we need to fix it. There's people to do it. Now we just need
> social factors to kick in and make it happen!
We really do! The inability to get a file off a website is quite
depressing given that the "hard bit" should be designing an API, but
that anyone could do that for openURL
> My standard solution was to invoke wget, but a Haskell solution would
> be nicer. For my purpose following redirects etc. isn't required, so
> thanks very much for your help. I will be releasing this function as
> part of a library shortly, so will be giving you credit for your help!
Haddock generates interface documentation. That's only appropriate for
libraries, isn't it?
Wrong, its very useful for normal programs as well. That along with a
nice HsColour generated source links with Haddock and you can navigate
the code just a bit quicker. Having a Hoogle database for
I have got loads of requests to allow Hoogle to do this, usually
something like if you search [Bool] -> [Bool] it should suggest map
not, or something - combining functions into the one you want.
Unfortunately the search space would be huge for even the smallest
library. Worse still, the sec
Hi Dennis,
(/) :: Fractional a => a -> a -> a
div :: Integral a => a -> a -> a
Basically, use / on Float/Double like things, and div on Int/Integer
like things:
If you do want to use double like things throughout, then using
fromInteger around the place will help:
floor (fromInteger j * (fromI
Hi Daniel,
Adding in
hPutStrLn h ("Connection: close\r\n")
hPutStrLn h ("Connection: keep-alive\r\n")
as appropriate should sort that.
Works like a charm.
This is responding with a 302, the resource has been found but is temporarily
at another location indicated in the responses Locat
What about using darcs as a benchmark? I heard people say it's slow.
The undercurrent is that it's slow because it's written in Haskell.
Its slow because some algorithms are O(stupid value). Some operations
(I've been told) would take 100's of years to terminate. That has
nothing to do with
> I also fear that the existing script does not handle types with more than
> 256 constructors correctly. While uncommon, those are not unrealistic.
Feel free to send in a patch. All it needs to do is check if there are
more than 2^8 constructors and if so encode the tag in a Word16 rather
Hi Daniel
Note that I haven't tried this, or the rest of Alistair code at all, so the
usual 30 day money back guarantee doesn't apply. It certainly won't handle
Thanks, it certainly gets more things, but has a nasty habit of taking
a very long time in Hugs on certain URLs:
Hi Alistair,
> Is there a simple way to get the contents of a webpage using Haskell on a
> Windows box?
This isn't exactly what you want, but it gets you partway there. Not
sure if LineBuffering or NoBuffering is the best option. Line
buffering should be fine for just text output, but if you re
HI Don
> (But of course, having Read/Show defined for UArray may well be
> useful, and sounds a good idea)
There's also an instance Binary for UArray. That might be useful?
Is there an instance Binary in a released library?
I was trying to convert some code from ordinary boxed array to unboxed
arrays for performance reasons.
However my code ultimately failed because
I load a large array saved as a text file using the derived Read, Show
I found that Read was maybe 30 times slower than the slowest
Although there may not be a lot of optimizing Haskell compilers, there are
compilers for languages similar to Haskell that consistently perform well.
One could point to O'caml or others in the ML family, or even more
interesting is the case of Clean, whose syntax heavily borrows from Haskell.
> Yhc has intermediate code that is substantially more Haskell like, and
> with the command:
Wow, the core looks really cool! One look and you see it all. I would
even rename the local variables to single letters like a,b,c because the
cryptic numbers are quite hard to track. This is somet
Hi Alan,
Usually, when I have a question like this, I try Hoogle first:
Unfortunatly, the right answer (fmap) is on the second page of results.
The reason for this is that Hoogle 3 doesn't understand higher-kinded
Sorry for being unclear. I agree with your comments on GHC, and one
thing I was suggesting was that somebody should think about profiling
tools for improving our understanding of how those transformations
interact with each other, not just profiling tools for understanding
the end result.
I have to disagree with this. That is, I don't object to Don's
explanation of why the shootout entries degraded in this particular
case, but I do think that Andrzej was right to point this out:
"Perhaps making a collective effort towards benchmarking Haskell programs and
analyzing the results
sq = squishiness $ Table {colour = Black, weight=1, height= 2}
main = putStr $ show sq
squishiness is just translated to:
squishiness :: Furniture -> Double
squishiness (Chair _ _ x) = x
squishiness _ = error "doh"
main: No match in record selector Main.squishiness
Hence this is a patt
> prove/compute anything you couldn't before. While removing _|_ from
> the language does make some things nicer to reason about, there aren't
> many corners where _|_ really gets in the way that much - seq being
> one of those few corners.
But that is exactly the problem: `seq` forces _|_
That's not quite what I was trying to say. (p^~p)->q is equivalent
to _|_ in the sense that once you derive/compute (respectively) it,
the "world" in which it exists breaks.
I think thats a bit overly harsh view of _|_ to take. The world does
not break once you compute _|_ - a _|_ value do
This should clear up some of the questions:
Note to others (esp Cale): does this page not appear on the new wiki?
On 1/23/07, Marco TĂșlio Gontijo e Silva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I talked for a while with bd_ about t
Hi Alexy,
Now I'm reading a
Haskell book which states the same. Is there a more efficient Haskell
string-handling method? Which functional language is the most
suitable for text processing?
There are the Data.ByteString things, which are great, and have much
less overhead.
But remember that
Hi Brian,
I've often wondered why seq is the primitive and not $!
Would this solve the problem?
Is there any solution that would allow excess laziness to be removed from a
Haskell program such that Hask would be a category?
class Seq a where
seq :: a -> b -> b
Then you have a different seq
Isn't _|_ = \x -> _|_?
_|_ `seq` () = _|_
(\x -> _|_) `seq` () = ()
Whether this is the fault of seq or not is your call...
Haskell-Cafe mailing list
I've often wondered the same as the above poster. Something like
readWebPage (in the same style as readFile) would be a really handy
function. Do no libraries provide this?
(if not, can one start providing it? MissingH?)
On 1/18/07, Alistair Bayley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi David,
For some reason, in Firefox printing those diagrams to a black and
white printer gives black for the background. It means that the arrows
and annotations are in black on black, not the most readable...
Any way to fix that? Perhaps uploading diagrams with white
backgrounds, instead of t
Hi Stefan,
myFunction x@(Constructor1 _*) = ...
myFunction x@(Constructor2 _*) = ...
myFunction x@(Constructor1 {}) =
myFunction x@(Constructor2 {}) =
myFunction2 (Constructor1 _* a _*) = ...
could be possible as long as the pattern is non-ambiguous (in this
case, only one variable with t
Hi Stefan,
I am writing a network server in haskell. Lately I seem to have
introduced a new bug. On Linux, when a client closes the connection to
the server, the server dumps core.
Are you using any calls to system? Any libraries which may do funky stuff?
application.exe: config.xml: openFil
I.e. cabal + hackage + planet.haskell + weekly news ;)
Does hackage actually allow a user to setup a new darcs repo on a
remote server? That's about the only thing lacking - for everything
else people can just use code.google.com, which is way better than
anything any Haskell hacker would e
In the meantime, how about the following:
In default non-verbose mode, silently memoize
the list of packages that were not found. Then,
only if something goes wrong, say something like:
"The package failed to build. Perhaps the reason
is that one of the following packages was not found:"
Hi Brad,
i have a small problem that will be certainly trivial for almost
everyone reading this, i would appreciate a little help
If you have trivial problems, its often useful to ask on Haskell IRC
from which my intent is that "a" be replaced
On the contrary, I think it's an excellent way of learning Haskell.
I'm writing a lot of useful Haskell code with only one IO action
(interact). I don't think I could reasonably construct an
introductory problem that couldn't be solved with it, and I haven't
yet found an application for whic
I was solving some programming puzzles today[1], and found myself
pining for Map comprehensions.
[ ... (key,val) <- fromList map, ... ]
It isn't really that much more than a straight comprehension would be on a map.
By default should a map comprehension let you inspect the values, or
Hi Michael,
cpphs is the answer: http://www.cs.york.ac.uk/fp/cpphs/
It has a --unlit mode, and if one of the other flags doesn't remove the
various forms of line dropping, I'm sure if you posted what you need doing,
contacted the author or submitted a patch that someone would be able to do
it. I
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