RE: [jQuery] Browser / AJAX help

2010-02-01 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
This is the function. $(a.bookmarked).click(function(){ var url_id = $(this).attr('href'); var status = $(this).attr('class'); $(this).toggleClass(not); $.ajax({ type: POST,

[jQuery] Browser / AJAX help

2010-01-31 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I have a star click to bookmark type feature. It works in FF, IE but not Opera or Chrome. Filled star = page book marked Empty star = not bookmarked In FF and IE first click changes the star from empty to filled, click filled star turns back to empty (info saved in db successfully). In

RE: [jQuery] Browser / AJAX help

2010-01-31 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
Yes its there...just a miss on the copy / paste. No errors reported in FF or IE using firebug / IE developer bar. Cant find one for chrome. Just weirs how Opera and Chrome wont save a new bookmark yet if there is a bookmark saved fromFF or IE theni go to Chrome or Opera they will remove a

[jQuery] Complicated Question

2010-01-16 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I have sets of records on a page each has an edit link, clicking the link loads an edit form into the record the user wants to edit, so a user can click edit beside every link creating an unknown number of forms on the page. li id=r_123 user records edit /li li id=r_456 user records edit

RE: [jQuery] Complicated Question

2010-01-16 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I have changed my page js to: script type=text/javascript $(form).bind(submit, function() { var form_id = $(this).attr('id'); alert(form_id); uRec(form_id); return false; }) /script The alert shows the form id for the form i am attempting to submit and it

RE: [jQuery] Complicated Question

2010-01-16 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I have completely removed the uRec function for now and changed to a regular button, no submit. input type=button value=Button/ /form script type=text/javascript $(button).click(function () { var form_id = '#123123123'; //var form_id = $this.closest('form'); // get the

RE: [jQuery] Complicated Question

2010-01-16 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
Ok im getting closer. This gives me the id for each form being submitted, the alert(selector); in the external js fires off so its getting the request, but the form now does not submit...just stis there laughing at me. Page js: script type=text/javascript //dummy class added to button to test it

RE: [jQuery] Complicated Question

2010-01-16 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
actually getting bound to the button. - Jack Dave Maharaj :: wrote: I have completely removed the uRec function for now and changed to a regular button, no submit. input type=button value=Button/ /form script type=text/javascript $(button).click(function () { var

RE: [jQuery] Complicated Question - Solved

2010-01-16 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
example. It sounds like your click is not firing now, probably because the click isn't actually getting bound to the button. - Jack Dave Maharaj :: wrote: I have completely removed the uRec function for now and changed to a regular button, no submit. input type=button value=Button

[jQuery] Function help

2010-01-12 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I have this function: $('#new').live('click', addRecord); function addRecord() { var data = $('#add').serialize(); $.ajax({ type: post, url: /manage/add, data: data, dataType: 'json', success: function(response){ if (response.status === true) {

[jQuery] Disable Submit

2010-01-12 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I have a form i am submitting via Ajax. So after submit while its waiting for response i have my little spinner so user knows something is happening. But how can i disable the submit while its thinking waiting for a response so the user is not sitting there clicking submit over and over. Using

RE: [jQuery] Re: Disable Submit

2010-01-12 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
) not possible for your user to resubmit 2) gives dead obvious indication something is going on 3) simple as can be to use On Jan 12, 2:49 pm, Dave Maharaj :: wrote: I have a form i am submitting via Ajax. So after submit while its waiting for response i have my

RE: [jQuery] Re: Disable Submit

2010-01-12 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
Looks good . Thanks will try to add that to my site and see how it goes. Dave -Original Message- From: Scott Sauyet [] Sent: January-12-10 6:06 PM To: jQuery (English) Subject: [jQuery] Re: Disable Submit On Jan 12, 2:49 pm, Dave Maharaj ::

[jQuery] Append prepend?

2010-01-12 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I cant seem to understand the logic behind these functions. append prepend appendTo, prependTo I have: div id=sortable *** add new li from response here *** licontent/li licontent/li licontent/li /div so i get my response from the server and trying to get it to appear at the top of all the

RE: [jQuery] Re: Function help

2010-01-12 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
But I think I started off wrong using the click functions the form should be bind submit no? I am here now but nothing addTest('#add_test'); //this is the form ID and on the html page Below is in the external js sheet function addTest(selector) {

RE: [jQuery] Re: Ajax forms help

2010-01-11 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
(response.html); // Response contains errors } else { // return the form with the errors } On Jan 10, 5:00 pm, Dave Maharaj :: wrote: I need some help with a form. I

RE: [jQuery] Re: Ajax forms help

2010-01-11 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
. BTW do you have the Fiddler debugging proxy server and its JSON plugin (and standalone JSON viewer)? For the work you're doing now, you *need* these. -Mike On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 11:41 AM, Dave Maharaj :: d

RE: [jQuery] Re: Ajax forms help

2010-01-11 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
, Dave Maharaj :: wrote: My response comes back from the server looking like this: (don't think its right to begin with) {data:{title:,year_rec:{year:2010},description:,id:0936d6 115e4,profile_id:4b40eea7-2608-4a3b-9c24

RE: [jQuery] Re: Ajax forms help

2010-01-11 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
. On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 11:41 AM, Dave Maharaj :: wrote: My response comes back from the server looking like this: (don't think its right to begin with) {data:{title:,year_rec:{year:2010},description:,id:0936d6 115e4

RE: [jQuery] Re: Ajax forms help

2010-01-11 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
the code that generates the JSON. On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 11:41 AM, Dave Maharaj :: wrote: My response comes back from the server looking like this: (don't think its right to begin with) {data:{title:,year_rec:{year:2010

[jQuery] Fade question

2010-01-11 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
When i add a new record its inserted into a div. How can I make it so its has a color then fades out. Kind of like a success message after you save something only i am just fading out the color not the content. jquery UI highlight is a good example of the idea i am looking for. So I have my:

RE: [jQuery] Re: Fade question

2010-01-11 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
that... works really well On Jan 11, 5:35 pm, Dave Maharaj :: wrote: When i add a new record its inserted into a div. How can I make it so its has a color then fades out. Kind

[jQuery] Ajax forms help

2010-01-10 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I need some help with a form. I submit the form fine, my problem is depending on the success or failure of the form being saved. I will try to explain as simple as possible form is in its own div form here . div target saved data will appear here/div So what I need is i guess json

RE: [jQuery] Re: Styling dynamic content

2009-12-17 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
What about $(.file).live('click', function(){ alert(this) }); I load elements dynamically into a page after the original load and can access their events. For example I have a add new record button, loads a form saves to the database and updates the current page with

[jQuery] Doing something wrong

2009-12-06 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I have this function for an ajax edit form. script type=text/javascript $(document).ready( function() { var form_id = '#?php echo $form_id ?'; $(form_id).bind('submit',function() { var form_url = $(form_id).attr('action'); var page_target = form_url.substr(1).replace( new RegExp( / ,g),

RE: [jQuery] get random record?

2009-12-01 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
Sorry I should have explained it better. My php will get the record. I just need help using jquery to get the record every (set time, 60 seconds 120 seconds or when the user clicks next) Basically I want to add a side module to the page which has recent posts with a avatar of the person who made

[jQuery] get random record?

2009-11-30 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
Has anyone come across a simple function that will get a random record from the db? I just need to send a request every min or so to get new content from the db and change the content. Pretty much like a banner rotator but used for random content. thanks, Dave

[jQuery] Selector Help

2009-11-28 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
How would I go about adding class to the li in this set up? lia href=# class=filterspanall/span/a/li lia href=# class=filterspansome/span/a/li lia href=# class=filterspannone/span/a/li $('a.filter').click(function(){ $(???).addClass('active'); }); Thanks Dave

[jQuery] Validation Question

2009-11-24 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I submit my form , check valid, valid then away it goes. I was wondering 1 thing. I have $(this).validate(validate_awards); var valid = $(this).valid(); if (valid) { do my stuff } Now I have validate_awards which contains my rules for validation var validate_awards = {

[jQuery] Create a function?

2009-11-24 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I have the exact same code on every page where a form gets submitted. How can i turn that into a simple function? The only thing that changes is the $(this).validate(validate_awards) and the form ID; It would be so much easier if the function was in one place and called where needed but I cant

RE: [jQuery] Create a function?

2009-11-24 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
that if your call to the setValidation() function is already inside a document ready callback, but it doesn't do any harm either. -Mike On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 3:48 PM, Dave Maharaj :: wrote: I have the exact same code on every page where a form gets

RE: [jQuery] Create a function?

2009-11-24 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
).ready() block into that code. You don't need that if your call to the setValidation() function is already inside a document ready callback, but it doesn't do any harm either. -Mike On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 3:48 PM, Dave Maharaj :: wrote: I have

RE: [jQuery] Create a function?

2009-11-24 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
external .js file? Post a link to a test page and I can tell you for sure what's wrong. -Mike On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 6:33 PM, Dave Maharaj :: wrote: Sorry. I cant seem to get it to go. Maybe I did not clearly explain the problem

RE: [jQuery] slideToggle lag in Firefox

2009-11-23 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I have the same problem. Firefox eats up a lot of memory when open for a long time (900k sometimes) and my toggle divs drag ass. If I find a solution I would be happy to hear. Thanks, Dave -Original Message- From: Jason Kaczmarsky [] Sent: November-23-09

[jQuery] Best Practise Question

2009-11-21 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I have the following set up: When you click edit and the #manage_award toggles out and the #manage_award_edit toggles in giving and overlapping effect. On every browser it looks fine but in FF if I have the browser open for a while the memory FF uses gets up to 800k or more and the toggle looks

[jQuery] Remote Validation

2009-11-16 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
Does anyone know how to add the spinner to the field that's being checked remote? I have the validation and the rules working. I just cant seem to see how to add the little gif to let the user know something is happening while it checking. script type=text/JavaScript

[jQuery] Pagination with History

2009-11-13 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
Has anyone come across a nice pagination script for server side processing that has a built in history feature so if a user clicks on a link in the pagination then hits back in the browser it will take you back to your pagination set, not back to page 1. Thanks, Dave

[jQuery] IE Help - Code Included

2009-11-11 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I have a my content wrapped in a div. It has a delete' button. Click delete will add the pre_delete class to the div your about to delete and a confirm alert. Click yes and the section fades out / deleted in back-end. Click no the div returns to normal with the pre_delete class being removed. In

RE: [jQuery] IE Help - Code Included

2009-11-11 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
Belleville 2009/11/11 Dave Maharaj :: I have a my content wrapped in a div. It has a delete' button. Click delete will add the pre_delete class to the div your about to delete and a confirm alert. Click yes and the section fades out / deleted in back-end. Click

[jQuery] Submit Function Code Help

2009-11-10 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I have the same code one multiple pages and would like to clean that up. It is for submitting a form via Ajax. The only thing different in the form would be the form id , where its going and the validation rules. But all of that is taken care of thru standard naming convections thru-out the site.

[jQuery] Show Loading

2009-11-10 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
Is there a way that when your loading content to display the loading div for a minimum amount of time? I am requesting Ajax grab some content for me and while its doing so I show the loading spinner but in some cases it just flashes for a millisecond and gone. Can it be set to show for a minimum

[jQuery] Sortable Help

2009-11-10 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I am trying to send the data in a numbered array but i end up with set[]=56454set[]=54546522 when i need set[0]=56454set[1]=54546522 $(document).ready(function() { $(#sortable).sortable({ placeholder: 'ui-state-highlight', update: function() {$.post('/order/.php',{data:

[jQuery] Confirm Delete

2009-11-09 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I am attempting to add a class to a div before deleting it. I just cant get the class to remove if the user selects no. Anyone have tips or a link with suggestions? I found the jquery.confirm.js script but unable to add a class to the element being deleted before confirm Thanks Dave

RE: [jQuery] Confirm Delete

2009-11-09 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
: Re: [jQuery] Confirm Delete On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 8:58 AM, Dave Maharaj :: wrote: I am attempting to add a class to a div before deleting it. I just cant get the class to remove if the user selects no. Anyone have tips or a link

RE: [jQuery] Re: Confirm Delete

2009-11-09 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
).removeClass('pre_delete'); } return false; }); On Nov 9, 12:15 pm, Dave Maharaj :: wrote: My bad. Here is what I have so far. $(a.delete).live('click', function (){  var url_id = $(this).attr(href);  var div_id = url_id.split('/');  var set_id = 'set_

[jQuery] Validation Remote Question

2009-11-09 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
Can you set required as remote? For example I have a year field where the server validates the rules, 4 numeric characters, required. But rather then having to put the rules for every field in the js required: true, number: true, maxlength 4, minlength:4 that are duplicates the the server

[jQuery] Characters in a string

2009-11-08 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I have a string where i need to get the last specific number of characters but cant seem to find an answer when you don't know the length of the strings since its dynamic. var str=/folder/subfolder/setfolder/6ab0e34e915; where i need the last 11 digits (6ab0e34e915). The folder names change so

RE: [jQuery] Characters in a string

2009-11-08 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
Thanks. that's just what I needed. Dave _ From: Charlie Griefer [] Sent: November-08-09 3:32 PM To: Subject: Re: [jQuery] Characters in a string On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 10:53 AM, Dave Maharaj :: d

[jQuery] Append Help

2009-11-08 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I have a div that I want to add new content to after the div closes div id=originaloriginal content here /div div id=something_new new content here /div So the new content I am adding gets inserted after the original div. I tried: $(response).fadeIn('slow').appendTo('#original');

[jQuery] Ajax submit help

2009-11-07 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I am sending a form via Ajax and have that part working fine. Now my issue is if I use validate before sending I have to write the exact validation rues that are done on the server...not the best solution coding the same thing twice. And some of my validation rules require checking the database

[jQuery] Remove Error Message

2009-11-07 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
Well i finally got the remote validation working. But if there is an error in a form then i correct it the error message still shows. How can I remove the message once the error is fixed? I am testing a email address in a db with 2 emails so i know if its unique or not. rules: {

[jQuery] Toggle Help

2009-11-05 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I am loading a page using $Ajax and upon success i run a toggle function. Now how can i set it up so that once its been loaded it will not make a second Ajax request? Basically a user clicks edit and i get the form via Ajax request and place it into a div. Once completed the original content

[jQuery] Validate remote:

2009-11-05 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I have a simple test to check if email is registered already using validate remote. But am not getting any error message. I am watching the activity using Firefox and see the script checking the php script and i see the error being reported in my debug() Array ( [agree] = You must verify

[jQuery] Append Help

2009-11-04 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I am uploading images and once uploaded they appear in my sortable list. I have success response: $('li/li').appendTo('#sortable').fadeIn('slow').html(response); page code: ul id=sortable class=files liimage1/li - are there when the page loads liimage2/li - are there when the page loads

RE: [jQuery] Append Help

2009-11-04 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
:01 AM, Dave Maharaj :: wrote: I am uploading images and once uploaded they appear in my sortable list. I have success response: $('li/li').appendTo('#sortable').fadeIn('slow').html(response); page code: ul id=sortable class=files liimage1/li

RE: [jQuery] Append Help Issue

2009-11-04 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
=my_idcode. /li /li How can I just insert the response to the #sortable at the top? Thanks again, Dave _ From: Dave Maharaj :: [] Sent: November-04-09 1:40 PM To: Subject: RE: [jQuery] Append Help

RE: [jQuery] Append Help Issue

2009-11-04 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
2:17 PM To: Subject: Re: [jQuery] Append Help Issue Try prepend() instead of prependTo()? On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 9:40 AM, Dave Maharaj :: wrote: Ok i changed the code to: $('li/li

[jQuery] Sort after insert append?

2009-10-26 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I have a list of Educations that are ordered by Date Completed. Same page I have an ajax form to add new education. How can I insert the new education where it should go chronologically? Example: 2005 1997 And user add's new Education for 2002 how can I have that be inserted between 2005

[jQuery] Re: Sort after insert append?

2009-10-26 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
[] Sent: October-26-09 5:40 PM To: Subject: [jQuery] Re: Sort after insert append? a lot depends on html , are these lists, tables, text etc?? hard to guess what you need Dave Maharaj :: wrote: I have a list

[jQuery] Re: Sort after insert append?

2009-10-26 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
on parsing the text in the dd to determine years there are simpler ways with classes that could be added at server but this works with just the html provided. I used a select to show will insert before and after list if applicable Dave Maharaj :: wrote: Sorry, my

[jQuery] Toggle Help

2009-10-20 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I am trying to toggle two different views on the page. I have the users personal info in div id=edit_personalcontent/ So when the user clicks edit the content gets replaced with a form url: /manage/personal/edit, What would be the best way to do this/ So if they click edit the content gets

[jQuery] Sortable Help

2009-10-14 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I am sorting but the data being sent is in wrong format. Response headers: data = entry[]=cf43c5caa5eentry[]=1cb5758d6aaentry[]=ee713a3034aentry[]=d32cea34 83f key = entry_0[] but it should be entry[0]=cf43c5caa5eentry[1]=1cb5758d6aaentry[2]=ee713a3034aentry[3]=d32c

[jQuery] Prevent Select from opening.

2009-10-14 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I have a select input that when clicked i want to prevent from dropping down. How can this be done? I only have this so far: script type=text/javascript $(document).ready(function(){ $(#JobStateId).mousedown(function(){ alert('clicked'); return false; }); }); /script

[jQuery] Ideas how to build?

2009-10-13 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I came across this select / checkbox setup at for job search and was wondering if anyone has seen some thing like this jquery related? Not the drop/slide down. But when you click on the select input it shows a checkbox list instead of normal select options Thanks, Dave

[jQuery] Fade in/ out image

2009-10-10 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
How can i remove the image in an id but keep the div? div id = something image here /div I want to fade the image out then remove it completely from the div keeping the div so the new content can be loading inside it? Dave

[jQuery] Selectors .each

2009-10-01 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I am trying to add a class to the first dl item each time it appears inside set_list $('.set_list').each(function(){ $('dl.set:first').addClass('first'); }); This appers to only add 'first' to the first dl and not each one in each set_list I have my code like below..i simply want to add

[jQuery] Re: Selectors .each

2009-10-01 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
iteration of the .each() loop. Now find the DL elements with the 'set' class *inside* this '.set_list'. Give me the first of those elements. I'm assuming that the .set_list element actually is the parent of those DL/DT/DD elements. -Mike On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 8:19 AM, Dave Maharaj :: d

[jQuery] Ajax / Form Validation

2009-10-01 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I have a form that gets submitted via AJAX, now i want to add the validation but cant make sense of it. Using malsup form script to submit, Now I would like to incorporate the jQuery Validation Plug-in found on I currently have this so

[jQuery] Form validation

2009-10-01 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I cant get the validation in my form to work. Using malsup to sumbit and trying to add validate.js plugin but it wont work. I can submit the form on its own but adding the validation breaks it. I followed the examples for the validate but what about bind submit? Surely someone has sumbitted a

[jQuery] Re: Ajax / Form Validation

2009-10-01 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
}; On Oct 1, 10:52 am, Dave Maharaj :: wrote: I have a form that gets submitted via AJAX, now i want to add the validation but cant make sense of it. Using malsup form script to submit, Now I would like to incorporate the jQuery Validation Plug-in found

[jQuery] Re: Prevent jagged text in IE

2009-09-26 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
(English) Subject: [jQuery] Re: Prevent jagged text in IE What happens if you set a solid background-color to the element that holds the text? On Sep 25, 3:08 pm, Dave Maharaj :: wrote: Thanks, Will give it a shot. Dave   _ From: Rick Faircloth

[jQuery] Update Text or HTML

2009-09-26 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I have a div inside a div: div class=heading id=some_idSome Title Text div class=manage_optionsAdd | Edit | Delete/div /div I simply want to change the Some Title Text and leave the Add Edit Delete as is but my script type=text/javascript $(document).ready(function() {

[jQuery] Prevent jagged text in IE

2009-09-25 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I have content that loads into a div and in every browser except IE it renders fine. In the wonderful IE it comes in jagged...sometimes it snaps after and looks normal but for the most part its all jagged. The page is a white bg with text rendering into of it. Howcan I fix this so it looks normal?

[jQuery] Re: Prevent jagged text in IE

2009-09-25 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
sure the text opacity is 100%. Don't fade it in. IE renders non-antialiased text when opacity is less than 100%. If that's not it, post a link to a test page. -Mike On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 4:56 PM, Dave Maharaj :: wrote: I have content that loads into a div

[jQuery] Re: jQuery in loaded content doesn't work

2009-09-24 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I ran into the same thing. I have the apple style slider that is on a page that gets loaded into a div as content. And it no longer works. I would be interested in following this post to see if any headway is made in this particular topic. Dave -Original Message- From: mstone42

[jQuery] Update Div after ajax submit

2009-09-23 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I am using the jquery.form.js script and submit a form just fine. My Question is how can update an additional div after the form is sumbitted. Example h1title here /h1 = might say something like Edit you Green Earth Post Page content code. div id='formHere' form. /div So the

[jQuery] Toggle Fade

2009-09-17 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I am trying to build a simple little effect when a user checks / un-checks a checkbox a specific div will fade in or out depending on the check state. I found lots of examples using toggle but I do not want to completely hide the div, only fade it to 50% or back to 100% Ideas anyone? Thanks

[jQuery] Help with error script

2009-09-15 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I have an ajax function that checks fields to validate and display error messages. There are multiple messages depending on the error per field in some cases, to short, to long, already taken, invalid, cant be empty and so onyou get the idea. My function is like this: function(error) {

[jQuery] Help with getting variable

2009-09-13 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
Hoping for some simple help here. I have this structure in my forms name=data[User][username] But depending on the form it the ['User'] section will change throught the site. How can I pull the User as a variable? The script has something like this: $.post('/ajax_validate/users/', {

[jQuery] Selector bind help

2009-09-08 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I have a simple form field that runs a query. I have $('#Query').bind('keyup', function() { ...delay then search so after key up and delay it runs the search. Now when I click on the #query field the dropdown appears with my previous search text...if i select one it goes into the #query

[jQuery] live() help

2009-09-07 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I have this on a page that gets loaded into a div but its not working when loaded. I originally had the page load normally in the browser and it worked, only since loading it into the div has it stopped. Not sure if it has anything to do with it but i want to add .live() to the function and

[jQuery] Re: live() help

2009-09-07 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
you need to remove the $(window).ready event. Maybe the bound ready functions have been triggered already and are not being triggered again. Regards, Cam On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 10:29 AM, Dave Maharaj :: wrote: I have this on a page that gets loaded

[jQuery] Re: live() help

2009-09-07 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
. Maybe the bound ready functions have been triggered already and are not being triggered again. Regards, Cam On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 10:29 AM, Dave Maharaj :: wrote: I have this on a page that gets loaded into a div but its not working when loaded. I

[jQuery] Validation question

2009-08-31 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I have this script $(document).ready( function() { $('#username').blur( function () { fieldName = $(this).attr('id'); fieldValue = $(this).val(); $.post('/users/ajax_validate', { field: fieldName,

[jQuery] Load Ajax content from flash XML

2009-08-19 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I have a flash navigation which gets the URL's from an XML file like: item pathcontent/images/4.jpg/path url target_blank/target bar_color0x66/bar_color bar_transparency70/bar_transparency slideShowTime5/slideShowTime /item Does anyone know how to load

[jQuery] SlideTo Help

2009-08-13 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I have a standard li id=a_?php echo $id; ? code link /li x 10 list. What I would like to do is when the link is clicked inside any of the li's scroll the page to the top of the browser to the top of that li? How would I set something like that up? Dave

[jQuery] POST GET help

2009-08-13 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I have $('#JobQuery').keyup(function(){ $.post(/jobs/search/, $(#JobSearchForm).serialize()); }); So it acts as a live search function. Inspect the browser activity and I can see the searches being performed. How can I get the data in the response to load into a div? Dave

[jQuery] Toggle Help

2009-08-12 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I want to build add a favourites type widget into my site. Just so a user can bookmark a post they like. So I have my standard paginated view with various posts and a star beside each post. Solid star = bookmarked, empty star = not bookmarked I have the save/delete bookmark working the star

[jQuery] Add / Remove Class help

2009-08-12 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I have 2 class options .bookmarked and .not div id=b_97fd0f class=bookmarked not /div Or div id=b_97fd0f class=bookmarked /div My js looks like $(.bookmarked,.bookmarked not).click(function() { var url_id = $(this).attr('id').split('_'); var

[jQuery] Validation Error message help

2009-08-11 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I have this script: $(document).ready( function() { $('#username').blur( function () { fieldName = $(this).attr('id'); fieldValue = $(this).val(); $.post('/users/ajax_validate', { field: fieldName,

[jQuery] Pagination

2009-08-11 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
Does anyone know how or if possible to remember where you were at in pagination? Example a user clicks 1, 2, 3, finds what they want on the third page and clicks a link...nope not what they were looking for they click back which now brings them back to pagination page 1 when it would be nice to

[jQuery] Remove help

2009-08-06 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I have append to add a loading div. But once loaded i want to fade it out and remove it. I have: script type= text/javascript/*![CDATA[*/ $(document).ready(function(){ $('#content').append('div id=load/div'); $('#load').fadeIn('normal'); $('#content').load('/?php echo $url ; ?/profile/');

[jQuery] Re: Remove help

2009-08-06 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
to fade out the loading div as a callback to your load method: $('#content').load('/?php echo $url ; ?/profile/', function(){ $('#load').fadeOut().remove(); }); On Aug 6, 9:17 am, Dave Maharaj :: wrote: I have append to add a loading div. But once loaded i want

[jQuery] Fade in / Out

2009-08-06 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I was wondering how do you make text fade in for a specific amount of time then fade out. I have the fade in / out part..i just cant figure out the duration so it stays there after fading in for 5 seconds then fades out. Dave

[jQuery] append help

2009-08-05 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I want to add .loading class before an element (#admin_content) so when a user clicks on a link it add the loading class before the #admin_content DIV but just can figure out to add the div class=loading/div I do not want to load the pages up with loading div tags all over the site.

[jQuery] Newbie Question

2009-08-04 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I have a standard php page with some jquery going on its working fine. Now I want to take that page and load it into a div on a different page (tabbed layout pretty much) but when I do the script no longer works when the page loads into the div. SCRIPT CURRENTLY ON THE PHP PAGE THAT WORKS WHEN

[jQuery] Re: Newbie Question

2009-08-04 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
); } }); }); } _ajaxInit(); /script if that doesn't work, call _ajaxInit() on the tabs callback function Dave Maharaj :: wrote: I have a standard php page with some jquery going on its working fine. Now I want to take that page and load it into a div on a different page (tabbed layout

[jQuery] Re: Newbie Question

2009-08-04 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
); } }); }); } _ajaxInit(); /script if that doesn't work, call _ajaxInit() on the tabs callback function Dave Maharaj :: wrote: I have a standard php page with some jquery going on its working fine. Now I want to take that page and load

[jQuery] Re: Newbie Question

2009-08-04 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
) { ul.animate({'left' : ui.value * -1}, 500); }, slide: function (event, ui) { ul.css('left', ui.value * -1); } }); }); } /script Dave Maharaj :: wrote: 3 Errors

[jQuery] Re: Newbie Question

2009-08-04 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
a better picture of just what you are trying to do? Dave Maharaj :: wrote: Yes I have. Might be dumb of me but I will ask. Originally the script type=text/javascript /script and the needed js files were on the page specifically needing it. But now that I am loading

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