Yes that's the correct URL. There is some mention concerning our
decision to not respect the trademark madness.
joe baptista
On Thu, 18 May 2000, Jeff Williams wrote:
> Joe and all,
> The URL you are refrencing seems to mostly be dealing with
> the good idea of .GOD TLD. Are you
Joe and all,
The URL you are refrencing seems to mostly be dealing with
the good idea of .GOD TLD. Are you sure you have the right URL?
!Dr. Joe Baptista wrote:
> You can all consider the slashdot disscussions our contribution to the
You can all consider the slashdot disscussions our contribution to the
Sunrise + 20 crap.
Love and kisses
Joe Baptista
tlane wrote:
> unsubscribe
So sorry to see you go, tlane. Thanks for your many, many helpful
P.S. Try unsubscribing from the listserv.
Michael Sondow I.C.I.I.U.
Tel. (718)846-7482
The cloest thing to this was the IFWP consensus calls.
I still have them here in a file folder; the disconnect between them
and what is, is major.
At 02:12 PM 5/18/00 -0700, Greg Skinner wrote:
>John the Repoman wrote:
>> P.S.: I wonder how much it would cost to mail every domain(s) registra
John the Repoman wrote:
> P.S.: I wonder how much it would cost to mail every domain(s) registrant in
> the world a brief opinion questionaire (even by snail mail (argh)- postcard
> even - no ppd return envelope necessary) on major issues under
> consideration by ICANN to get a feel for the sent
> Andrew McLaughlin replied to my similar question:
> "The selection of the nominating & election committees was done
> by the Board
Where was this item placed on the board's agenda?
Where is the discussion of these matters by the board recorded?
When and where was a vote by the board
More censored reporter stuff. Good for discussion.
-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 13:25:24 -0400 (EDT)
From: !Dr. Joe Baptista <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: reporter query
On Thu, 18 May 2000, wrote:
> Just some general questions if you can spare a few
Joe and all,
Thank you Joe for addressing my question so promptly and directly.
We [INEGroup] are pleased to see that sunrise +20 is not to become
a policy with the .GOD gTLD. I hope that the DOC/NTIA and ICANN
can take a lesson from this wise and stability minded decision.
!Dr. Joe Baptista
I love being difficult and frankly we've had enough press for today. My
mother has advised me its one of the things I do well - apart from
bringing her endless joy and entertainment. Of course, as usual, names
have been censored to protect the innocent.
Joe Baptista
-- Forward
A censored communication of interest to all of us in tld's.
-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 12:11:23 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Give it up, Please!!
The article fails to mention the history of this tld. It
Thought this might be of interest to the list. For media contacts or
more information:
Richard Sheehe 202-994-3087
Anna McCollister 202-261-2897
You want a domain name too Ellen? Just remember, the dot.god tld was
operated by the Church long before you wrote your little ditty. Back in
May 17 1996 the church began operating the tld as a naming convention for
internal networks. Furthermore on the 31 Jul 1996 Jan K. Masek made a
request t
Sorry Jeff - forgot to address the rest of your question. I've been busy
with people sending in so many queries to dot.god.
On Thu, 18 May 2000, Jeff Williams wrote:
> By the way does Sunrise +20 work with your .GOD TLD as a policy
> Joe?
That does not work with .GOD. Were not having any of
Joe and all,
Ok thank you Joe. >;)
!Dr. Joe Baptista wrote:
> On Thu, 18 May 2000, Jeff Williams wrote:
> > Joe and all,
> >
> > Sure, that would be fine. Send me the bill. And than I will grant it
> > to either Kent or a worthy non-profit sunrise +20 supporter organization.
> > By the
On Thu, 18 May 2000, Jeff Williams wrote:
> Joe and all,
> Sure, that would be fine. Send me the bill. And than I will grant it
> to either Kent or a worthy non-profit sunrise +20 supporter organization.
> By the way does Sunrise +20 work with your .GOD TLD as a policy
> Joe? I hope not
Joe and all,
Sure, that would be fine. Send me the bill. And than I will grant it
to either Kent or a worthy non-profit sunrise +20 supporter organization.
By the way does Sunrise +20 work with your .GOD TLD as a policy
Joe? I hope not. But if so, randomly select the best 20 possibilities
>Joe Baptista
Well, .GOD is not exactly new. Although not operational, it was
recommended in the 1997 RONY Plan for New Generic Top Level Domains (gRony
TLDs) along with .BUBBA, .EGO, .DUH, .NETORGCOM and others.
Shall I register it in your name Jeff? Or in crispies name? Someone has
already register icann.god.
Joe Baptista
On Thu, 18 May 2000, Jeff Williams wrote:
> Joe and all,
> How does Crispy-Songbird.god sound joe? >;) Oh yes, of co
Joe and all,
How does Crispy-Songbird.god sound joe? >;) Oh yes, of course there
are no trailing "-'s"... Is that ok with you Louis or Mike?
!Dr. Joe Baptista wrote:
> On Wed, 17 May 2000, Jeff Williams wrote:
> > As for Kent, well the bullshit flowith! Joe B. How about a
> > .GOD sp
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