Re: question about multiple files for a book

2010-01-08 Thread Marcelo Acuña
I'm working with a long document in multiple files, and I can tell you that most things do work very well: * Labels from any file may be used everywhere * You only need to include the bibliography once, etc. About ortography, I guess one of the points of having multiple files is being

question about family fonts

2010-01-18 Thread Marcelo Acuña
hello, If I choose Times Roman for roman font, what font I must to choose for sans serif font If I want to obtain an aesthetically coherent aspect? The same for Bookman font. Regards Marcelo Acuña visitá mi sitio web

Re: question about family fonts

2010-01-20 Thread Marcelo Acuña
  If I choose Times Roman for roman font, what font I must to choose for sans serif font If I want to obtain an aesthetically coherent aspect? Times is a font designed for newspapers (New York Times). Its glyphs are therefore thinner with less space between them. When you want to write a

Re: question about family fonts

2010-01-22 Thread Marcelo Acuña
  If I choose Times Roman for roman font, what font I must to choose for sans serif font If I want to obtain an aesthetically coherent aspect? ... There is no definitive answer to this question, as there is no Times Sans. It depends on what you are after. The most used choice is a

Re: in Koma script book: how to put pages before the title page

2010-01-26 Thread Marcelo Acuña
Thanks for the reply, Waluyo. I had managed to do this: but I am unable to put more than one line before the title without getting a compile error (No title found). what I can't do, is to put several (in fact 5) pages before my title- which is a requirement I have. Some of these pages

Re: question about family fonts

2010-01-28 Thread Marcelo Acuña
Three simple steps: * Open the document in LyX and set DocumentSettingsFonts to [Default]. * find a font in the font catalogue ( * Copy the Usage line(s) to DocumentSettingsLaTeX preamble This assumes that the font in question is installed in your

Re: question about family fonts

2010-01-31 Thread Marcelo Acuña
I have Debian Lenny with Tex-Live. I chose Libertine. I download the zip file from CTAN and put files in dir tree and run texhash. For TeX font installing under Debian, see:    file:/usr/share/doc/tex-common/TeX-on-Debian.html/ch4.html#s-sec-font-installation I hope this helps.

Re: linux-libertine fonts

2010-01-31 Thread Marcelo Acuña
I have installed the ttf-linux-libertine (4.4.1-4) family of fonts under Debian (using synaptics) texhash and reconfigure of LyX but can't get it under Documentsettingsfontsserif etc what am I missing? You must see in the font catalogue ( en then copy

How I can add a new button to the tool bar?

2010-01-31 Thread Marcelo Acuña
Hello, I need to make many changes in the size of the letters, and also to put bold or normal, in texts in which I must emphasize certain parts. It would help me much to have buttons such as those of emphasized and noum. How I can add them to the tool bar? Regards Marcelo Marcelo Acuña visitá

Re: How I can add a new button to the tool bar?

2010-02-04 Thread Marcelo Acuña
I need to make many changes in the size of the letters, and also to put bold or normal, in texts in which I must emphasize certain parts.    It would help me much to have buttons such as those of emphasized and noum.    How I can add them to the tool bar? Toggling bold can be done withe

Re: How I can add a new button to the tool bar?

2010-02-04 Thread Marcelo Acuña
  The unique problem that I could not solve is to have   icons adapted for those buttons, since, I don´t know in which   directory I must put them and whereupon name so that it   takes them to Lyx. You only need to replace the existing icons in the LyX installation subfolder lib/images

Re: How I can add a new button to the tool bar?

2010-02-10 Thread Marcelo Acuña
  lib/images, Ok, but, in /home/marcelo or /usr/share? In /home/marcelo/.lyx/images (maybe the .lyx is something else). The files there override the ones from /usr/share/lyx/images). JMarc This worked very well. Thank you very much. Marcelo Yahoo! Cocina Encontra las mejores

Re: Changing Default Heading Typeface in KOMA-Script Documents

2010-02-12 Thread Marcelo Acuña
  I thought that I had saved instructions for changing the typeface for headings in KOMA-Script documents from san-serif to the default serif font. My search of my e-mail archive does not turn up this command. I also haven't seen an example in the KOMA-Script users guide.   A clue on how

Re: a few chapter*s between TOC and chapter 1 (NOT part of TOC)???

2010-02-18 Thread Marcelo Acuña
The sequence is the TOC followed by a tex code box containing: \mainmatter \pagenumbering{roman} Then a few short chapter*(s) That are not part of the numbered chapters. And it is not desired for them to be labeled as contents in the output And finally  Chapter 1... How can I stop

Re: title page using koma script book

2010-03-05 Thread Marcelo Acuña
Uisng koma script book, and having on my title page only a title, subject and authors, for some reason I get a white page after the title page whereas I need to put the title verso there. I can't see any reason why this is happening: what should I check? A long time ago I decided to

too great marks in itemize

2010-03-08 Thread Marcelo Acuña
Hello, I updated the package spanish.ldf, and now I have too great marks in itemize. They have the height of a capital letter. How I can correct this? Regards Marcelo Acuña visitá mi sitio web

I can´t to compile lyx

2010-03-17 Thread Marcelo Acuña
Hello, I can´t to compile lyx 1.6.5 with qt 4.6.2. How I can solve it? Marcelo Acuña visitá mi sitio web == Yahoo! Cocina Encontra las mejores recetas con Yahoo! Cocina. http

RE: I can´t to compile lyx

2010-03-17 Thread Marcelo Acuña
Hello, I can´t to compile lyx 1.6.5 with qt 4.6.2. How I can solve it? What is the problem ? I have linux lenny and qt 4.6.2. When I try to compile lyx I get a message that say that moc is too different. Marcelo Yahoo! Cocina Encontra las mejores recetas con Yahoo!

RE: I can´t to compile lyx

2010-03-17 Thread Marcelo Acuña
I have linux lenny and qt 4.6.2. When I try to compile lyx I get a message that say that moc is too different. Then, there are still moc_*.cpp files left that were generated during a previous build with an older version of qt. Please try clean up your sources and/or explicitly remove to

RE: I can´t to compile lyx

2010-03-17 Thread Marcelo Acuña
Ok. But, previous to ./configure I run make clean and get same error. Maybe not everything is cleaned. Please manually remove the following *_moc.cpp files: src/support/SignalSlotPrivate_moc.cpp Src/frontends/qt4/Action_moc.cpp Src/frontends/qt4/BulletsModule_moc.cpp

Re: Suppressing page numbers in lyx 1.6.5

2010-03-17 Thread Marcelo Acuña
I'm running Lyx on Windoze 7 (64bit).  I was under the impression that the following document style setting will suppress page numbers: Document -- Settings -- Page Layout -- Headings Style -- empty This option supress the headers and footers. For page number supress you need

Re: I can´t to compile lyx

2010-03-17 Thread Marcelo Acuña
Hello,   I can´t to compile lyx 1.6.5 with qt 4.6.2.   How I can solve it? by fixing it? :) seriously, when you dont report the exact error there is no way how to help. pavel Excuse me. When I responded to Vincent I believed to do it with copy to the list. As Vincent says the error

Re: I can´t to compile lyx

2010-03-19 Thread Marcelo Acuña
This file was generated using the moc from 4.5.1. It inside lyx tree: find . -name '*moc*' | xargs rm Before compiler error I found only one *moc*. I run make clean and is deleted. I run configure and make produces the error again. Marcelo Yahoo! Cocina Encontra las mejores

Re: I can´t to compile lyx

2010-03-19 Thread Marcelo Acuña
This file was generated using the moc from 4.5.1. It inside lyx tree: find . -name '*moc*' | xargs rm Before compiler error I found only one *moc*. I run make clean and is deleted. I run configure and make produces the error again. In case you compiled Qt by yourself

Re: I can´t to compile lyx

2010-03-20 Thread Marcelo Acuña
Before compiler error I found only one *moc*. I run make clean and is deleted. I run configure and make produces the error again. 1. post the error here. 2. try fresh svn checkout, what happens? pavel Problem solved with links. Error here: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../..

Re: I can´t to compile lyx

2010-03-20 Thread Marcelo Acuña
inside lyx tree: find . -name '*moc*' | xargs rm Before compiler error I found only one *moc*. I run make clean and is deleted. I run configure and make produces the error again. In case you compiled Qt by yourself and you also have the system Qt installed, then, most

Re: I can´t to compile lyx

2010-03-21 Thread Marcelo Acuña
  Thanks Enrico. This solved the problem.   I gave a look to output of the configure and I noticed that also it find for   rcc-qt4   without finding it.   It will be necessary to also make a link to that file? That doesn't hurt but should not be necessary. The configure script

Re: Help for to install texlive

2010-03-27 Thread Marcelo Acuña
Hello,   I have download texlive 2009 from CTAN but I can´t install it in my debian lenny. I followed the instructions but lyx does not recognize the new latex and does not use it. How I can make the installation? have you set as root the pathes in /etc/profile as: export

Re: Dimension too large

2010-03-29 Thread Marcelo Acuña
   I have a koma-script book in US letter page.    When I try to go to A5 size I get this error when run latex: Dimension too large. Very strange. Do you have a _small_ LyX example file? A5 is a small page. I'd suspect a float too large to fit. Is not a problem of size page. I

Re: Error en LyX

2010-04-05 Thread Marcelo Acuña
        Soy un nuevo usuario de LyX sin ningún conocimiento efectivo de LaTex. Acabo de descargar LyX y si bien la Introducción y el Tutorial de la Ayuda se obtienen perfectamente en su edición PDF no ocurre lo mismo con la Guía de Usuario que resulta imposible obtener en ese formato (solo

Re: Help for to install texlive

2010-04-06 Thread Marcelo Acuña
Hello,   I have download texlive 2009 from CTAN but I can´t install it in my debian lenny.   I followed the instructions but lyx does not recognize the new latex and does not use it.   How I can make the installation? [Helge] Why did you download from CTAN? To get a special version?

Re: option of spanish babel in lyx

2010-04-06 Thread Marcelo Acuña
  Spanish Babel has an option to avoid that the ray of the beginning of  an interjection ---like this--- is separated at the end of a line of  the first word of the interjection. (It look ugly.) The option is   activated by putting a ~ or + at the beginning of the ray. You might try with

Re: option of spanish babel in lyx

2010-04-06 Thread Marcelo Acuña
  Spanish Babel has an option to avoid that the ray of the beginning of an interjection ---like this--- is separated at the end of a line of the first word of the interjection. (It look ugly.)   The option is activated by putting a ~ or + at the beginning of the ray. What is the LaTeX code

Re: LyX

2010-04-07 Thread Marcelo Acuña
Tengo toda la información del problemilla. Lo primero es que la descarga desde la web me pedía proxis y nombres de usuario y contraseñas que desconozco por lo qué me decidí por la pg.  (espero que no tenga importancia).  En todo caso será y no la que

Re: duda al exportar a pdf

2010-04-12 Thread Marcelo Acuña
hola soy nuevo usando el programa instale el programa version 1.6.5 mi sistema operativo es windos 7 quisiera saber si puedo exportar a pdf sin tener instalado adobe acrobat en mi computador Hola, Nunca hice la prueba, pero creo que podés exportar sin problmeas a pdf porque ese

Re: como evitar espacios en blanco entre párrafos

2010-04-15 Thread Marcelo Acuña
Hola. Estoy usando Lyx para redactar mi tesis en la que aparecen bastantes dibujos. Con  cierta frecuencia el espacio entre párrafo y parrafo se expande  y quedan espacios en blanco que no consigo eliminar. Aunque he estudiado un poco las distintas opciones para colocar las figuras así

alpha 2 crash

2010-04-16 Thread Marcelo Acuña
When I make a click in Find and Replace button, I have a crash. Regards Marcelo Marcelo Acuña visitá mi sitio web ==

Re: Thesaurus in spanish lyx-2.0.0alpha1

2010-04-16 Thread Marcelo Acuña
I have installed Spanish ( Spain ) Openoffice's thesauro; I have indicated the path  in Preferences, admits me the thesauro with an icon, but it does not work. Hm. Looks like the thesaurus is broken currently in trunk. Last time I touched it, it still worked. Jürgen With alpha

Re: alpha 2 crash

2010-04-16 Thread Marcelo Acuña
When I make a click in Find and Replace button, I have a crash. can reproduce here, please file bug report and attach backtrace if possible. _can't_ pavel Excuseme, Find and Replace (Advanced). Marcelo

Re: alpha 2 crash

2010-04-17 Thread Marcelo Acuña
When I make a click in Find and Replace button, I have a crash. can't reproduce here, please file bug report and attach backtrace if possible. pavel The problem is with Find and Replace Advanced. This problem not appears with alpha 1. I have linux lenny, qt 4.6.2 and g++ 4.3.2.

Re: option of spanish babel in lyx

2010-04-17 Thread Marcelo Acuña
What is the LaTeX code you are using in Kile? This LaTeX-code ~---like this---   That is the one that I am using. This doesn't work for me but for you, so can you please send me a TeX-file that you created with Kile that works for you? regards Uwe p.s. what

grammar check?

2010-04-17 Thread Marcelo Acuña
It is in schedule a grammar check in future versions of lyx? Thanks Marcelo Marcelo Acuña visitá mi sitio web ==

Re: grammar check?

2010-04-17 Thread Marcelo Acuña
It is in schedule a grammar check in future versions of lyx? No. If there is a good open source one, it could perhaps be linked into LyX, if someone wanted to do that work. Richard Open Office has one, although with a poor implementation of the Spanish. Marcelo

Re: elegant titlepage

2010-05-09 Thread Marcelo Acuña
I would like to do a elegant title page like some books as I attach, with a photo as background and two columns. I have tried with titlepage package, but it seems that don't works in LyX. Have you any idea? In contrast, generating something similar to your example with Scribus

Re: Problems with pdf conversion

2010-05-12 Thread Marcelo Acuña
I was looking for some solution to my problem and I found that it's a recurrent one on other LaTeX-related sites too. I started writing my degree dissertation in LyX and it was fine at the onset but then I suddenly fonud out the file gets no longer compiled. I can produce neither pdf nor dvi

Re: How

2010-05-14 Thread Marcelo Acuña
I found a few options in the KOMA Script guide, how do I enable them in LyX? [Need detailed help, am a newbie] Example: I want to enable Koma Script option : titlepage=true so that The chapter title starts on a new page You can add options with Document Configuration and put the

Re: Install LyX 2.0 alpha3 in Ubuntu

2010-05-24 Thread Marcelo Acuña
I have try to install LyX 2.0 alpha3 in Ubuntu Karmic Koala using the instructions that appear in the compress file, but I haven't success. Some suggestions. We need more details about error messages, etc. Marcelo

Re: lyx chokes on documents with many subsections?

2010-06-18 Thread Marcelo Acuña
Hi again, I have to say, I still find slowness overall. On both sabayon and ubuntu. Everybody I know describes LyX as lighting fast. And it has the most useful outliner I know (and getting better). It'd be a pity we cannot have both things at the same time. Several months ago,

Re: No page number on page starting new chapter

2010-06-18 Thread Marcelo Acuña
Dear all: Is it possible to give a command that would ensure that no page numbers appeare on the starting page of every chapter (of a book)? Thanks! FN If you use koma-script, this style have specific commands for that. Marcelo

Re: install latest lyx

2010-06-21 Thread Marcelo Acuña
I would like to install the latest LyX version on my Debian Linux. I used Guenther Mildes proposal: wolfgang:/home/wolfgang# apt-get build-dep lyx and get Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to

Re: Drag and drop text support on Lyx

2010-06-22 Thread Marcelo Acuña
It is not possible to drag-and-drop text (just by selecting it with mouse pointer) like other text processors i.e. OpenWriter. Do you know when this feature will be added to lyx? I think that it will be very useful for many users. It will be great if this option is available for

Re: What are your favorite packages?

2010-08-07 Thread Marcelo Acuña
As LyX users, what are your favorite 5 or 10 or 20 or 30 packages to use with LyX? I'm going to compile a list of packages so I reinvent the wheel less. koma-script microtype titlesec Marcelo

Re: What are your favorite packages?

2010-08-12 Thread Marcelo Acuña
Very important packages: lettrine tweaklist rotating Marcelo

Re: Centering page numbers for a book

2010-08-13 Thread Marcelo Acuña
Is there some way I could CENTRE all the page numbers at the bottom of the page, on a book? titlesec package or fancyhdr package. They allow to define page styles. I like the current look, of having the page numbers on the outer side of the page. But if any pagination changes, all goes

I can´t run lyx 2.0

2010-08-20 Thread Marcelo Acuña
: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory What I make bad? How I can correct the problem? Marcelo Acuña visitá mi sitio web ==

Re: I can´t run lyx 2.0

2010-08-27 Thread Marcelo Acuña
Hello,     I upgrade my computer to amd 64 bit processor, and re installed linux with amd64 version and installed last qt, 4.6.3.     I compiled lyx 1.6.7 and it run without problem.     But lyx 2.0 alpha 4 and alpha 5 not run.     I get: lyx-2.0a5: error while loading shared

Re: Enlace roto

2010-08-30 Thread Marcelo Acuña
Hola LyX,   He experimentado problemas al querer descargar la versión 1.6.7 de LyX para Windows de su página de descargas desde hace ya mucho tiempo así como instalando diccionarios aspell con versiones anteriores, ¿tienen algún sito en donde se pueda descargar la última versión de LyX sin

Re: ANNOUNCE: LyX version 2.0.0 (alpha 6)

2010-09-16 Thread Marcelo Acuña
Tarballs can be found at What is LyX-2.0.0alpha6+qt4.dmg? Marcelo

Re: ANNOUNCE: LyX version 2.0.0 (alpha 6)

2010-09-17 Thread Marcelo Acuña
What is LyX-2.0.0alpha6+qt4.dmg? [Walter] That is for those among us who sacrifice loads of money on their translucent white altars of Steve, the demi-god with the Reality Distortion Field, cultists of OS X. Regards, [Marcelo] ¡ja, ja, ja, ja! very good joke ;-) Marcelo Acuña visitá mi

Re: Indentation of Itemize environments in KOMA-Script

2010-10-07 Thread Marcelo Acuña
I am using the KOMA-Script article class to write a short manual. I have noticed that the bullet lists (itemize environment) are not indented from the text body, but that enumerate environments are (see attached screenshots from the PDF output). I read the KOMA-Script manual and I see no option

Re: '** qt 4 library not found !' configure error

2010-10-15 Thread Marcelo Acuña
The trick is to install pkgconfig. With that, configure will automatically find the correct location for Qt. Indeed. It's pkg-config on Debian-based, and it wasn't installed. I can´t get that my debian lenny find my new qt libs installed. How I can to use pkg-config for get it? Marcelo

Re: '** qt 4 library not found !' configure error

2010-10-16 Thread Marcelo Acuña
I can´t get that my debian lenny find my new qt libs installed. How I can to use pkg-config for get it? Do you have 'pkg-config' installed? Normally it should work automatically. Otherwise, did you try '--with-qt4-dir=/usr/share/qt4/'? Liviu I have installed pkg-config but I don´t

Re: '** qt 4 library not found !' configure error

2010-10-16 Thread Marcelo Acuña
I have installed pkg-config but I don´t know how to use it. I try with '--with-qt4-dir=/usr/share/qt4/' but this work fine with lyx 1.6.7 but not with 2.0 alpha.  With 2.O I can compile it without error but I can´t run it. You give us very little information. What does ./configure

Re: pdfpages: remove blank page between two included pdfs?

2010-11-04 Thread Marcelo Acuña
I am using pdfpages to include pdf pages into my LyX document. However, when I have two pdf files included this way, one immediately after the other, the resulting pdf will include a blank page between the two included pdfs. Is there a way to remove the blank page? I have 3 pdf

compilation of lyx 2 beta 1 destroyed my linux

2010-11-15 Thread Marcelo Acuña
This morning I configured lyx beta 1 and start the compilation. During the course of the compilation it appeared a message of error: segment violation. It was trying to read the error message when I noticed that the computer was hung. I reset it and now, during the starting, shows an error as if

Re: compilation of lyx 2 beta 1 destroyed my linux (solved)

2010-11-15 Thread Marcelo Acuña
During the course of the compilation it appeared a message of error: segment violation. the only case i have seen such strange messages during compilation of anything was when my memory chipset got subverted. so maybe time to run memory check tests... the only other way i'm aware how

Re: [LyX2.0beta1] side bar always closed

2010-11-18 Thread Marcelo Acuña
I have just installed the new beta version. After relaunch the side bar (with, e.g., the content table) is always closed, although it was opened at last shut down. A bug? If so, just give me a shout to file a bug report. If for side bar you said outline, I have same problem and the bug

Re: AW: [LyX2.0beta1] side bar always closed

2010-11-18 Thread Marcelo Acuña
I have just installed the new beta version. After relaunch the side bar (with, e.g., the content table) is always closed, although it was opened at last shut down. A bug? If so, just give me a shout to file a bug report.   If for side bar you said outline, I have same problem and

Re: AW: [LyX2.0beta1] side bar always closed

2010-11-18 Thread Marcelo Acuña
I have just installed the new beta version. After relaunch the side bar (with, e.g., the content table) is always closed, although it was opened at last shut down. It works fine here. Can you please remove your userdir and try again. Vincent Ok, but my userdir contains my

Re: UNSOLVED AGAIN -- AW: [LyX2.0beta1] side bar always closed

2010-11-21 Thread Marcelo Acuña
But only for the first relanch of LyX. The next fire up gave me the frustrating result that the problem persists. ... But I can live with hitting the button once a day. If you would like me to file a bug on this, just tell me. Please include the information you need. I suspect that

Re: Problemas con las imágenes en lyx

2010-12-05 Thread Marcelo Acuña
de repente no compila más a ninguno de los formatos y me tira el sig error: Error al convertir a un formato legible. Acá dejo una imagen del error: Intenté cambiándole los formatos a las imágenes (.bmp

Re: suppress printing of toc

2011-01-16 Thread Marcelo Acuña
In powerdot handout mode, how to suppress printing the first page which is the toc page? I don´t understand what you meaning, but I you not insert the Index TOC, you have not a toc page. Marcelo

Re: highlight current line or make cursor bigger?

2011-01-18 Thread Marcelo Acuña
De: Jose Quesada Asunto: highlight current line or make cursor bigger? Is there a way to highlight current line or make cursor bigger? I've changed colors, but still I find myself losing this little guy often. Have a bigger cursor is a feature that I want very much. I want to

Re: lyx2.0.0beta3 vs. texlive 2010

2011-01-31 Thread Marcelo Acuña
This is fedora 14 using texlive 2010 package from  Jindrich Novy checking for a Latex2e program... +checking for latex...  yes texlive 2010 work very well for me, with all 2.0 alphas and betas and 1.6.8 versions. I have debian lenny. Marcelo

Re: float border in latex

2012-08-28 Thread Marcelo Acuña
I have a curious question: Can (table) *floats* in LaTeX have a *border*? I would like to put a thin, possibly grey border to a table float and I'm wondering how this could be done. (Table borders are of no use as the table float contains R output, not traditional tables.) Hi,  you can put a

headers with fancy option are repeated beyond TOC

2012-08-29 Thread Marcelo Acuña
Hi,  I start new book with koma-script and option fancy headings.  I put TOC after dedication and noted that headers are printed in page of Introduction.  How I can solve this problem?   Marcelo Acuña visitá mi sitio web ==

Re: headers with fancy option are repeated beyond TOC

2012-08-31 Thread Marcelo Acuña
  I start new book with koma-script and option fancy headings.   I put TOC after dedication and noted that headers are printed in page of Introduction.   How I can solve this problem? The best advice is probably to read the fancy headings documentation. :-) With that said when I use koma-script

Re: Footnotes question...

2012-09-18 Thread Marcelo Acuña Dear all: The URL above shows a couple of footnotes which have a lot of unnecessary white space between them. Can you please help me with a hint on how this could be sorted out? Many thanks, FN Do all footnotes are displayed in this

Re: Footnotes question...

2012-09-20 Thread Marcelo Acuña
with other commands that do not cause this problem. I use koma-script and I know nothing of memoir, so I can not say exactly how to do it Luck!   Marcelo Acuña     visitá mi sitio web ==

thinspace too wide

2014-02-04 Thread Marcelo Acuña
hello  I want to get control over wide of thinspace.  The present is too wide.  Plus I want that thinspace make a hard link between parts and not be broken by hypenation.  Thanks Marcelo

rotate longtables in lyx

2014-02-04 Thread Marcelo Acuña
hello  I want rotate a longtable created in lyx and that became landscape.  How I can get that? Thanks Marcelo

Re: thinspace too wide

2014-02-05 Thread Marcelo Acuña
Marcelo Acuña hello   I want to get control over wide of thinspace.   The present is too wide. The original definition is \def\thinspace{\kern .16667em } go change it in the preamble.   Plus I want that thinspace make a hard link between parts and not be broken

Re: rotate longtables in lyx

2014-02-07 Thread Marcelo Acuña
: On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 6:58 PM, Marcelo Acuña wrote: hello   I want rotate a longtable created in lyx and that became landscape.   How I can get that? Liviu Thanks Marcelo -- Do you know how to read?

box in a float

2014-03-10 Thread Marcelo Acuña
How to put a box in a float? Marcelo

Re: box in a float

2014-03-11 Thread Marcelo Acuña
Insert - Box - Frameless no put the box in a float.  El día lunes, 10 de marzo de 2014 10:42, Rich Shepard escribió: On Mon, 10 Mar 2014, Marcelo Acuña wrote: How to put a box in a float? Marcelo,   The same way you'd put on outside a float: Insert - Box

Re: box in a float

2014-03-13 Thread Marcelo Acuña
don't know how I make bad? Regards Marcelo El día miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2014 9:59, Rich Shepard escribió: On Tue, 11 Mar 2014, Marcelo Acuña wrote: Insert - Box - Frameless no put the box in a float.    Why not, Marcelo? I use two frameless boxes (each 45

Re: lyx-es : a mailing list for Spanish speakers

2014-05-05 Thread Marcelo Acuña
I can't send a mail to the address Is rejected for yahoo. What I make bad? Marcelo El día viernes, 2 de mayo de 2014 18:51, Scott Kostyshak escribió: We've created a mailing list for users interested in communicating in Spanish. To subscribe

Re: KOMA-script book -- author is blank when I display pdf

2014-05-18 Thread Marcelo Acuña
Please, send the file. Is difficult to imagine the solution without it. Regards Marcelo El día lunes, 12 de mayo de 2014 0:49, escribió: Hello,   I've selected KOMA-script book for my next work. I've marked the author as Author and have tried

Re: Narrower columns (on a two column page)

2014-05-18 Thread Marcelo Acuña
You can make the margins and the space between columns more wider. Regards Marcelo El día domingo, 11 de mayo de 2014 11:23, Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا escribió: Can I somehow make my columns narrower on a two-column page. Thanks in

Re: KOMA-script book -- author is blank when I display pdf

2014-05-20 Thread Marcelo Acuña
posts. But one question here: When you ask for the file, do you truly want the whole book file or just the local area of source that is likely culprit for the problem at hand? Many thanks for your response. Lloyd -Original Message- From: Marcelo Acuña Sent

Re: KOMA-script book -- author is blank when I display pdf

2014-05-20 Thread Marcelo Acuña
: Marcelo Acuña Sent: Sunday, May 18, 2014 6:54pm To:, Subject: Re: KOMA-script book -- author is blank when I display pdf Please, send the file. Is difficult to imagine the solution

I can't solve a latex message error

2014-08-20 Thread Marcelo Acuña
When I tray to compile a doc with childs I get a message that say: Incomplete \iffalse; all text after was ignored after line 2203 but I have not idea how to relate line 2203 with my lyx doc, I think the bug is in a child doc but in the latex message error I have not text that aimed to any

Re: Lyx crashes accepting a change

2014-08-24 Thread Marcelo Acuña
upgrade to lyx 2.1.1 Marcelo El día viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014 0:07, Julio Rojas escribió: Dear all, I was working with a rather long document with changes control activated, when I tried to cut-and-paste one section in a different place. Then, when I accepted

Re: \usepackage{flushend} on two-column documents causes misplaced footnotes

2014-08-28 Thread Marcelo Acuña
I have not problem with flushend and two columns. Maybe the problem is caused elsewhere in the document or preamble. Regards Marcelo El Jueves, 28 de agosto, 2014 12:24:03, Richard Heck escribió: On 08/28/2014 07:11 AM, Jerry wrote: When I insert \usepackage{flushend}

compiled lyx 2.1.1 has not spellchecker

2014-09-07 Thread Marcelo Acuña
I have a computer with a fresh debian 7.6 installed, and I configured and compiled lyx 2.1.1 without problems, (I have installed aspell and dictionaries). But no spell checker does not appear in the corresponding menu lyx. How I can get it? Marcelo

dictionary not found

2014-10-31 Thread Marcelo Acuña
hello,  I have lyx 2.1.2 compiled in debian linux.  I can`t get that spellcheckers work. I have installed all components of myspell, enchant (development librarys included) and dictionarys but when I start a run of the spellchcker I get a dictionary not found message. All other functions of lyx

Re: dictionary not found

2014-11-01 Thread Marcelo Acuña
Yes, work ok.LibreOffice spellchecker work too. El Viernes, 31 de octubre, 2014 22:39:16, John Coppens escribió: On Fri, 31 Oct 2014 19:55:09 + (UTC) Marcelo Acuña wrote: hello,  I have lyx 2.1.2 compiled in debian linux.  I can`t get

Re: dictionary not found

2014-11-02 Thread Marcelo Acuña
fail randomly  uahhh!Ok, but for me fail all times.Thanks! El Domingo, 2 de noviembre, 2014 13:19:54, John Coppens escribió: On Sat, 1 Nov 2014 15:40:56 + (UTC) Marcelo Acuña wrote: Yes, work ok.LibreOffice spellchecker work too.   I

Re: dictionary not found

2014-11-03 Thread Marcelo Acuña
The problem with hunspell is that debian no have spanish dictionary for hunspell.Plus I installed hunspell but is not recongized by lyx 2.1.x. El Lunes, 3 de noviembre, 2014 10:23:05, Stephan Witt escribió: Am 03.11.2014 um 05:41 schrieb John Coppens

re: LyX 1.6.0 is released

2008-11-12 Thread Marcelo Acuña
The Debian package works well! A mild annoyance: files prepared with RC5 (and older, I suppose) can't be opened. The fileformat must be changed for the file to open. Eran I take a doc with 330.000 words, with tables, footnotes and more in rc5 and have no problem in open it with 1.6.0.

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