Re: MD: mr-z30 problems

2001-01-28 Thread Jeanmougin
=== = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please = = be more selective when quoting text = === Maybe your unit is quite old. Do you often use

Re: MD: A question...

2001-01-28 Thread Jeanmougin
At the beginning of MD, Sony sold a portable recorder with digital optical out. Nowaday, the only equipments that have digital out capacity are MD decks. They very often have optical out but the high-end decks have TOSLink and S/PDIF. Concerning me, the only equipment with digital out I own

Re: MD: MDLP- makes a good thing better!

2000-12-08 Thread Jeanmougin
In the normal (SP) mode, you record 60, 74 and 80 minutes of stereo music. You also have a LP mode that doubles the record capacity but the sound is monaural not stereo. New MD products have normal mode, mono LP mode and MDLP. MDLP consists in two new modes: recordind durationx2 and x4 in

Re: MD: Track labelling

2000-11-09 Thread Jeanmougin
=== = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please = = be more selective when quoting text = === As a Mac user, i ignore if there's a

Re: MD: Which stereo system (with integrated minidisc) should I buy?

2000-11-09 Thread Jeanmougin
there are a lot of products. You'd better have a look at Look for "Equipment browser" on the left column. Robin, 50 Watts is already very powerful except if u want to sonorize a night-club or something like that. Your optical out, you want it on the CD player or on the

Re: MD: What's the best way for me to record digitally?

2000-11-07 Thread Jeanmougin
Les connexions RCA sont des prises blanches et rouges. Si tu les branches a ton Midiman CO2 pour utiliser la sortie optique et ensuite enregistrer nmériquement, ça ne marchera pas. La différence entre RCA et coaxial? Les RCA sont rouge et blanc (2

Re: MD: What's the best way for me to record digitally?

2000-11-07 Thread Jeanmougin
=== = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please = = be more selective when quoting text = === when we talk about "digital" or "analog"

Re: MD: Speeding

2000-11-06 Thread Jeanmougin
=== = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please = = be more selective when quoting text = === I tought that when you burnt a CDR at speeds


2000-09-03 Thread jeanmougin
will be the SCMS status of this new digital copy (unlimited copy or one generation allowed?)? David W. Tamkin a écrit: Jeanmougin wrote, | When you make a copy of a CD with optical cable, SCMS is implemented on | the MD. SCMS was implemented on the CD to start, but it was set to allow one gene- ration


2000-09-02 Thread jeanmougin
When you make a copy of a CD with optical cable, SCMS is implemented on the MD. The copy bit 10 is written and prevents a second generation digital copy. But is it the MD recorder that puts SCMS protection on the disc or does the MD recorder only write the copy bit of the source? In other words,

Re: MD: 60 Minute MD?

2000-08-29 Thread jeanmougin
Sony still produces 60 minutes MD but it's true that the 74 minutes is the best-seller. Like you, I hate to use 4 MD74 just to record 50 or 55 minutes. Moreover, MD 60 are more and more rare. Jason Selwitz a écrit: Does anyone still make the 60 minute discs they were a bit cheaper that the

Re: MD: Sharp MS-722

2000-08-15 Thread jeanmougin
You say that the Sharp 722 has no editing functions? Is it a joke? You have a button called EDIT or something like that. You access to DISC NAME, TRACK NAME, COMBINE, DIVIDE, TRACK ERASE, ALL ERASE functions. Moreover, on my Sharp 722, when I press

MD: Track marks problem linked with digital recording

2000-06-05 Thread jeanmougin
Some days ago, I made a digital copy of the Corrs MTV Unplugged album. I noticed that the total recorded time on MD was inferior to the total time of the CD. When I played the MD, I noticed that a lot of the tracks were often amputed of 1 second or 2 (even more sometimes). The result is that

Re: MD: Trace and Map URLs

2000-06-03 Thread jeanmougin
Jim Coon, do u know a program for Mac that makes the same thing than VisualRoute? J. Coon a écrit: This has no minidisc content, but i thouhgt people might be interested in it. basically you run the program and put in a web address. The program

MD: Track marks problems linked with digital optical recording

2000-05-31 Thread jeanmougin
Some days ago, I made a digital copy of the Corrs MTV Unplugged album. I noticed that the total recorded time on MD was inferior to the total time of the CD. When I played the MD, I noticed that a lot of the tracks were amputed of 1 second or 2. The result is that it's quite unpleasant to listen

Re: MD: MD to MP3? what programs?

2000-05-24 Thread Jeanmougin
As a Macintosh user, I found a little program called Coaster at You can record with the line input of your computer you plugged to the line-out of your MD recorder. I just had to set the line-in level to avoid clipping. When I finish, the file is saved in AIFF. After

Re: MD: Record overwrite

2000-05-24 Thread Jeanmougin
What is the interest of overwriting? Simon Mackay a écrit: ===BEGIN QUOTE== Is there such a function in the Sony JE530 deck? If yes, how do I activate it? I couldn't find anything like that in the manual.


2000-05-23 Thread Jeanmougin
So, I asked myself, when you record something on a MD and after you erase it, the TOC is edited. But is the recorded material physically erased or is its access impossible due to the TOC updating (like on a hard drive)? - To stop

Re: MD: portable MD with mic recording?

2000-05-22 Thread Jeanmougin
All the portables have stereo microphone inputs but the majority of mics are powered with low voltage. The consequence is that if you plug them to the mic input, you will have to raise the recording volume and, in that case, you will have a backgroung noise (caused by the mic input). So, you'd

MD: Cardioid mics

2000-05-22 Thread Jeanmougin
When you have mics with clips, where do u put them? On your shoulders (not very stealth)? Or near of your collar? - To stop getting this list send a message containing just the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: MD: T Mark

2000-05-17 Thread Jeanmougin
I think this the default setting. There must have a silence of 2 or 3 seconds between two tracks and when I say silence, it means that the vu-meter must nothing. At the end of a track, you may have the mpression that there s silence but there's still a little entry level. The problem with LP

MD: Sharp 722's battery life

2000-05-16 Thread Jeanmougin
I've got a Sharp 722. It is said to have an autonomy of about ten hours in plays mode and 8 when you record. But I have the impression that the real autonomy is inferior to what is claimed by Sharp. How do they measure the autonomy? At which volume and which bass level (0, 1, 2, 3)? I always

Re: MD: Sharp

2000-05-16 Thread Jeanmougin
You have to use your rechargeable battery. For the external battery case and which type of battery is allowed, you'd better check your user manual for details. But I'd say that the use of rechargeable AA batteries isn't recommended. I may be wrong but that's what I think. Gordon, Richard a

MD: microphones concealing tips

2000-05-12 Thread Jeanmougin
I ask this question to people that record concerts with MD recorder and microphones. How do u dress? Where do u conceal the recorder, where do u conceal mics (when u know that they often have 5-6 feet long cables) and battery box in order to avoid body checks by the security service?

Re: MD: Concert taper

2000-05-12 Thread Jeanmougin
how do I do to put a Sharp 722 in my undergarnments and walk naturally? Generally, do they check with attention or do they make it quickly? Is the decurity service expected to use metal detectors? Roger a écrit: To the guy that was asking about mic


2000-05-02 Thread Jeanmougin
Why audio MD can't record data. How can the recorder make the difference between audio data stream and computer data stream? Explain me. - To stop getting this list send a message containing just the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL

MD: Higher capacity MDs possible?

2000-05-01 Thread Jeanmougin
60 minutes MD spins at 1,4 m/s linear. 74 minutes MD spins at 1,2 m/s linear. 80 minutes MD has the same linear speed than 74 minutes MD and thinner groove to increase the capacity. So, is it possible to make MD with a groove as thin as MD 80's but with a slower linear speed to increase the

MD: digital copy of an analog recording

2000-04-28 Thread Jeanmougin
One friend lent me a MD with Conan the Barbarian soundtrack. It is an analog recording so I can make a digital copy of it. But will I be able to make a digital copy of this copy? Moreover, when you make a digital copy with optic fiber, is there a loss (even unoticeable)?

Re: MD: Analog Recording Quality

2000-03-20 Thread Jeanmougin
When you record with the analog input, the MZ-R55 takes care of the input level. When there's no audio signal during 3 seconds or more, it adds a new track mark. Damien Saunders a écrit: Ok Im still a newbie when it comes to recording ... well no ...

MD: mz-r30 in X-Files

2000-03-15 Thread Jeanmougin
You're right. The man uses a mz-r30 to record the conversation from the distance. Using a MD is cool but the best is the type of microphone employed to do it: it is a laser microphone. Very compact, stealth, no EM or RF emissions. Detectable only with a laser detector.