Re: Mersenne: /. article

2002-02-26 Thread bjb
On 26 Feb 2002, at 19:46, Henk Stokhorst wrote: factoring breakthrough? Doesn't look like a breakthrough, although there may be a very significant reduction in the amount of work required to factor awkward numbers. The implications in terms of public key cryptography

Re: Mersenne: Re: Trial Factoring: Back to the math

2002-02-17 Thread bjb
On 16 Feb 2002, at 12:26, Mary Conner wrote: Trial factoring is well ahead of LL testing, but the gap is closing. Yesterday was the first day in a long time where the net number of checkouts for factoring exceeded those for first time LL's. That is due to the fact that one team is having

Assignment balancing (was: Re: Mersenne: Re: Trial Factoring: Back to the math)

2002-02-17 Thread bjb
On 17 Feb 2002, at 17:54, Russel Brooks wrote: Am I interpreting this thread correctly? That more factoring is needed? My climb up the LL top producers is starting to stall so maybe it's time to switch to factoring. I'm quite sure there's no need to panic! So far as I'm concerned, I've

Re: Mersenne: Re: Trial Factoring: Back to the math

2002-02-16 Thread bjb
On 15 Feb 2002, at 18:35, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: The algorithm under discussion does share some superficial features with p-1, in that we do a bunch of a big-integer modular multiplies followed by a gcd to extract any factors. But in fact we have complete control over the factors that

Re: Mersenne: Re: Trial Factoring: Back to the math

2002-02-16 Thread bjb
On 16 Feb 2002, at 15:42, George Woltman wrote: To put it in perspective, let's say you are looking for 64 bit factors of a 10,000,000 bit number. The basic algorithm is: Multiply 156,250 trial factors together to form a 10,000,000 bit number. do {

Re: Mersenne: Re: Trial Factoring: Back to the math

2002-02-15 Thread bjb
On 14 Feb 2002, at 20:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Rich Schroeppel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: The cost analysis of trial factoring by GCDs of 2^P-1 with the product of many small candidate divisors ignores an important optimization: All the candidates can be multiplied together mod

Re: Mersenne: Re: Are problems more likely in the last 1% of a 10,gigadigit LL?

2002-02-15 Thread bjb
On 14 Feb 2002, at 19:44, Michael Vang wrote: I doubt George would be interested in working in a little simple zip routine when saving/reading save files? It might slow it down too much for some folks (although honestly, it takes a fraction of a second to zip using the lowest

Re: Mersenne: Are problems more likely in the last 1% of a 10,gigadigit LL?

2002-02-14 Thread bjb
On 14 Feb 2002, at 0:47, Russel Brooks wrote: George Woltman wrote: ***NOTE: There is an important lesson to be learned here. All testers of 10M digit numbers should backup their save files regularly!! You don't want a hardware glitch, disk crash, etc. cause you to loose months of

Re: Mersenne: Are problems more likely in the last 1% of a 10 gigadigit LL?

2002-02-14 Thread bjb
On 13 Feb 2002, at 16:39, George Woltman wrote: ***NOTE: There is an important lesson to be learned here. All testers of 10M digit numbers should backup their save files regularly!! You don't want a hardware glitch, disk crash, etc. cause you to loose months of work. Same applies to LL

Re: Mersenne: RE: Factoring top 10

2002-02-12 Thread bjb
On 12 Feb 2002, at 12:41, Aaron Blosser wrote: Have the predictions on the work eliminated by P-1 factoring been pretty much confirmed by the # of large factors found? In other words, is the extra processing time paying off? I'd hazard a guess that the time saving is indeed appreciable,

Re: Mersenne: Preventing hacks

2002-02-12 Thread bjb
On 12 Feb 2002, at 13:21, Aaron Blosser wrote: After long and hard thought on this (approximately 30 seconds), I have the following suggestion: Each team account (could apply to accounts with just one machine as well) should have 2 passwords. A master password that could be used on the

Re: Mersenne: Trial Factoring: Back to the math.

2002-02-08 Thread bjb
On 7 Feb 2002, at 15:02, Bruce Leenstra wrote: All, What this list needs right now is a nice juicy math debate, so here goes: I was reading the faq about P-1 factoring, and it talks about constructing a 'q' that is the product of all primes less than B1 (with some multiples?) And then I

Re: Mersenne: Work being wasted

2002-02-07 Thread bjb
On 7 Feb 2002, at 14:11, Daran wrote: Nah, the candle is being burned from both ends. The point is that the small ones _are_ being poached. If you work in the same order as the poacher, work on lots of exponents will be replicated. If you work in the opposite order, only one exponent

Re: Mersenne: Work being wasted

2002-02-04 Thread bjb
On 4 Feb 2002, at 11:52, Robin Stevens wrote: On Sun, Feb 03, 2002 at 08:06:27PM -, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: As for Mary's current predicament, with that block of small exponents you have, my best suggestion is to reverse the order of the lines in worktodo.ini so that the _largest_

RE: Mersenne: Work being wasted

2002-02-03 Thread bjb
There are two points of view here. They seem to be more or less irreconcilable. This argument repeats on a regular basis. I have to say that: (a) I agree completely that having an assignment poached is annoying to extremely offputting, especially for a relatively new user; (b) I don't see

Re: Mersenne: further code optimisation using a recompile?

2002-01-26 Thread bjb
On 26 Jan 2002, at 14:45, John R Pierce wrote: has a link to on a new Intel compiler for Linux an M$ Windows. The new compiler makes use of the new instructions in the Pentium III and IV. Of course, the most important part of the Prime95 code

Re: Mersenne: just some comments to improve our site

2002-01-16 Thread bjb
On 15 Jan 2002, at 23:26, Torben Schlüntz wrote: Why is P-1 factoring not a single schedule task? like the LL and the Trail Factoring? Why is P1 factoring hooked upon the LL test? Why does P1 not have it's own life like the TF and the LL? I realy hated the P1 until now 21.4 fixed

Re: Mersenne: variable iteration speeds

2002-01-16 Thread bjb
On 15 Jan 2002, at 22:00, Robin Stevens wrote: On an otherwise idle Linux system, I've been noticing that the per-iteration speed has been varying during the course of a single primality test. Until Saturday afternoon I'd been getting a fairly consistent 0.188/0.189s time when the system

Re: Mersenne: Slaying Cdplayers for prime95

2002-01-16 Thread bjb
On 16 Jan 2002, at 2:13, Daidalos wrote: As the current PFC is still going on, and following the experience of the list, I took my beloved computer to a friend's computer store, in order to instal a video card, and thus achieve the speed arranged by great Apollo for a decent P3 at 850.

Re: Mersenne: Preventing new assignments

2002-01-14 Thread bjb
On 12 Jan 2002, at 10:27, Paradox wrote: In about 10 days, I've got 5 Pentium4 computers that will be submitting completed LL tests (for 10,000,000 digit numbers). I used to have dozens of smaller computers working on such LL tests for years, and so I have a collection of Prime95/mprime

Re: Mersenne: Optimizing P4 usage

2002-01-14 Thread bjb
On 13 Jan 2002, at 21:37, Gerry Snyder wrote: At home I have 2 PC's, both of which devote their spare cycles to GIMPS. One is a 1.3 GHz P4 running W98, and the other a dual 1 GHz P3 running linux. One of the P3's is doing LL testing, and the other is doing mostly ECM, with a little trial

Re: Mersenne: slaying cpus with prime95

2002-01-14 Thread bjb
On 14 Jan 2002, at 12:18, Mary Conner wrote: Laptop fans don't seem to be very durable. Fans in general? I've had very little trouble with CPU fans (fortunately - and perhaps I'm lucky) but I find failed PSU fans and noisy (vibrating) case fans to be just about the commonest faults on

Re: Mersenne: slaying cpus with prime95

2002-01-14 Thread bjb
On 14 Jan 2002, at 14:45, Steve Elias wrote: 1 - i just got my wife's toshiba laptop back from toshiba warranty service. running prime95 for ~6 months on it caused the fan to die, and then the laptop would overheat shutdown even without prime95 running. apparently the heat caused lots of

Re: Mersenne: GIMPS on new iMac ??

2002-01-12 Thread bjb
On 11 Jan 2002, at 22:58, Russel Brooks wrote: How do you think GIMPS will run on the new iMac? (Or will it run at all?) Is there any significant architectural difference between the new old iMacs? I think not. The reports I've read about the new iMac say that it's faster (no surprise)

Re: Mersenne: Re: 10 million digit overkill

2001-12-26 Thread bjb
On 25 Dec 2001, at 14:54, Steinar H. Gunderson wrote: On Tue, Dec 25, 2001 at 01:41:31AM -0500, Paradox wrote: If the computer above could do each iteration in 0.001 seconds, the amount of seconds required to complete the task would

RE: Mersenne: Re: 2^4-1 Factored!

2001-12-21 Thread bjb
On 20 Dec 2001, at 15:16, Aaron Blosser wrote: It's when they start producing near instant factors of 1024 to 4096 bit numbers that we'll have to really think about our current encryption measures. Even if they reduced the time it took to factor such numbers from millions of years to

Re: Mersenne: M4 completely factored!

2001-12-20 Thread bjb
On 20 Dec 2001, at 9:57, Henk Stokhorst wrote: L.S., Another milestone has been acomplished. M4 has been completely factored, two factors were found, 2^4 -1 = 15 = 3 * 5. more details at see: IBM builds a limited quatum computer. Wow! Are we _really_ sure they

Re: number of primenet machines Was: Mersenne: CNET coverage of M39: Very good

2001-12-16 Thread bjb
On 16 Dec 2001, at 9:47, Henk Stokhorst wrote: at the time of the discovery the amount of personal computers checking in results to primenet was around 20,000. I have no idea where the 210,000 number came from. If you read the original press release I think you will find that the 210,000

Re: Mersenne: Speed of RAM

2001-12-14 Thread bjb
On 14 Dec 2001, at 4:57, Philip Whittington wrote: I'm sorry to trouble GIMPSers with what might be more of a computer question. I am using an Athon Thunderbird 1.3GHz and 256 MB of 133 MHz (DDR) Ram. My computer has always emitted a high pitched squeaking noise when processes like GIMPS

Re: Mersenne: New exponents

2001-12-06 Thread bjb
On 5 Dec 2001, at 21:23, Nathan Russell wrote: However, when the client does contact the server (every 28 days by default, IIRC), will it not get an this assignment does not belong to us? But the test will continue if it is underway. If it isn't the first entry in worktodo.ini the result

Re: Mersenne: New exponents

2001-12-06 Thread bjb
On 5 Dec 2001, at 22:33, George Woltman wrote: No. The server never contacts the client. That's too much of a security risk in my book. Correct. Though I suppose the server could automatically e-mail a warning to the user that their assignment has been pre-empted. That isn't exactly

Re: Mersenne: Re: Mersenne Digest V1 #913

2001-12-05 Thread bjb
On 4 Dec 2001, at 20:36, Gordon Spence wrote: I've triple-checked thousands of small exponents - some of the ones where the accepted residual was recorded to only 16 bits or less, which makes the chance of an undetected error _much_ greater (though still quite small) - so far no substantive

Re: Mersenne: New exponents

2001-12-05 Thread bjb
On 4 Dec 2001, at 17:59, George Woltman wrote: Case 1: I finish first, find a prime and announce my discovery. I did the work but the exponent is assigned to you! Who gets the credit??? You, get the credit. User b will be mighty disheartened. I know first hand. Slowinski's Cray beat my

Re: Mersenne: Re: Factoring benefit/cost ratio

2001-12-05 Thread bjb
On 5 Dec 2001, at 6:09, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Brian Beesley wrote: > > On 3 Dec 2001, at 20:38, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > [... snip ...] > > > I think our record shows that a verified factor is still > > > slightly (by a minute but nonzero margin) more reliable an > > > indicator of

RE: Mersenne: Re: Factoring benefit/cost ratio

2001-12-04 Thread bjb
On 4 Dec 2001, at 1:19, Paul Leyland wrote: From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] (Aside - we're rather more likely to find a 75-bit factor than a 75- digit factor. In fact, finding a 75-digit prime factor of a no factors known Mersenne number with an exponent

Re: Mersenne: New exponents

2001-12-04 Thread bjb
On 4 Dec 2001, at 11:48, Nathan Russell wrote: For the information of the list, the folks who *want* to try to get exponents below (the presumed) M#39 might want to look into manually fetching work at 2:00 (IIRC) in the morning Eastern standard (7 or 8 GMT), when the server releases

Re: Mersenne: Re: Factoring benefit/cost ratio

2001-12-03 Thread bjb
On 3 Dec 2001, at 20:45, Daran wrote: Shouldn't that be 1.015 for double-checking assignments? I think 1.03. However you do have a point. P-1 limits do depend on the trial factoring depth, and are much smaller for DC assignments than for first tests, so there is already something built in.

Re: Mersenne: Re: Factoring benefit/cost ratio

2001-12-02 Thread bjb
On 1 Dec 2001, at 17:39, George Woltman wrote: This is because my rather limited reporting software only adds up the LL results in the verified and one-LL-tests databases. Once an exponent is factored it is removed from those databases. The other problem here is that the known factors

Re: Mersenne: Re: Mersenne Digest V1 #912

2001-12-02 Thread bjb
On 2 Dec 2001, at 19:57, Gordon Spence wrote: From: Steve Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED] George did say that, and I was aware of his statement, but that still has no effect on the point I was making. George's GIMPS stats also give no credit at all for finding factors, Tell me about it, over

Re: Mersenne: M#39 news!

2001-12-01 Thread bjb
On 1 Dec 2001, at 17:47, Alexander Kruppa wrote: Warut Roonguthai wrote: Look like the cat is out of the bag now - it's 2^13,466,917 - 1. Was this early publication indended? I thought the press release was due only after

Re: Mersenne: Trial factoring time

2001-11-27 Thread bjb
On 26 Nov 2001, at 19:18, George Woltman wrote: Hi, At 12:46 AM 11/27/2001 +0100, george de fockert wrote: One of my machines does trial factoring. Now in the M1790 range, factoring to 2^66. This takes a very long time, is it better to let it double check ? It is a matter of

Re: Mersenne: AMD XP 1600+

2001-11-21 Thread bjb
On 20 Nov 2001, at 21:11, George Woltman wrote: At 07:54 PM 11/20/2001 -0500, A T Schrum wrote: I looked but hadn't found how an AMD XP 1600+ should identify itself within Prime95. It calls the processor a Cyrix 6x86 running at 144 MHz when it is running on a 1400 MHz motherboard. I set it

Re: Mersenne: Primenet communication details.

2001-11-21 Thread bjb
On 20 Nov 2001, at 23:46, Martijn Kruithof wrote: Are you talking about a linux system?! Add a cron job executing: ifup ppp0 (or your distro's equivalent to get up the dail up link) sleep 10 ; mprime -c ; sleep 5 ; ifdown ppp0 Every week for instance (also configure mprime

Re: Mersenne: Fw: The Mersenne Newsletter, issue #18

2001-11-13 Thread bjb
On 12 Nov 2001, at 23:34, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Many recent double-check assignments involve a second round of factoring because (a) the trial-factoring breakpoints are higher now than they were when the first L-L test was assigned, and/or (b) P-1 factoring had not yet been implemented in

Re: Mersenne: 1st 6 P90CPU yrs jump!

2001-11-12 Thread bjb
On 11 Nov 2001, at 20:12, Nathan Russell wrote: The output from the script is interesting, but it can be very misleading for those of us who have recently upgraded equipment. Yes, those who have recently upgraded equipment - or added more systems - will find their hours per day very far from

Re: Mersenne: Fw: The Mersenne Newsletter, issue #18

2001-11-12 Thread bjb
On 12 Nov 2001, at 3:37, Daran wrote: * Over 70,000 double-checks completed. * Over 100,000 exponents tested for the first time! Does this mean that we're not doing enough double-checking? Seems to imply that about 40% more first tests are being completed than double checks. If so then

Re: Mersenne: number of processors participating

2001-11-08 Thread bjb
On 6 Nov 2001, at 16:09, Gerry Snyder wrote: In a recent ethics briefing I was told that running seti@home on work PC's was a no-no because there had been three break-ins to computers using that program as a back door. No idea whether that is really the case, and no idea what

Re: Mersenne: SMT

2001-11-04 Thread bjb
On 3 Nov 2001, at 21:40, Kel Utendorf wrote: At 21:01 11/03/2001 -0500, George Woltman wrote: Can prime95 take advantage of SMT? I'm skeptical. If the FFT is broken up to run in two threads, I'm afraid L2 cache pollution will negate any advantage of SMT. Of course, I'm just guessing -

Re: SV: Mersenne: number of processors participating

2001-10-31 Thread bjb
On 30 Oct 2001, at 14:39, John R Pierce wrote: near as I can guess, the issue here is that Prime95 is running a few priority notches above idle and when another process tries to run at a lower priority it will stall behind prime95. Well - a process that keeps being preempted will tend to

Re: Mersenne: Intel IA64 AMD Sledgehammer

2001-10-30 Thread bjb
On 30 Oct 2001, at 10:37, Lars Lindley wrote: Are there plans for making mprime and prime95 capable of using 64bit processors like IA64 and AMD Sledgehammer? I know that these processors are able to run 32 bit code but will there be a 64bit optimized version of mprime/prime95? IA64 may

Re: SV: Mersenne: number of processors participating

2001-10-30 Thread bjb
On 29 Oct 2001, at 19:37, John R Pierce wrote: I've had similar problems with a few other multimedia sorts of junkware. Near as I can tell, some of these things put their video or animation thread at Idle_Priority+1 or something, and it gets eaten alive by Prime95. Isn't it the old problem

Re: Mersenne: number of processors participating

2001-10-29 Thread bjb
On 28 Oct 2001, at 0:28, Terry S. Arnold wrote: Another consideration is that many system/network administrators have gotten ludicrous about what they will allow on their networks. They think that Prime95 just might let in a virus or even worse spill company secrets. By and large they are

Re: Mersenne: number of processors participating

2001-10-29 Thread bjb
On 29 Oct 2001, at 19:30, Henk Stokhorst wrote: [... snip ...] However it has already been implemented in the latest version (v21). That version contains more improvements so I wondered if it wouldn't be a good idea to inform users through the occasional newsletter. Particulary because it

Re: Mersenne: Mprime crash

2001-10-27 Thread bjb
On 26 Oct 2001, at 11:36, Nathan Russell wrote: Presumably a badly written Linux driver can cause the same problems as a badly written Windows driver. Yes. There is however a subtle difference. Linux drivers come with source code, so if there is a bug, any competent programmer can fix it.

Re: Mersenne: Lucas Wiman Mersenne Prime FAQ

2001-10-25 Thread bjb
On 25 Oct 2001, at 10:31, Ken Kriesel wrote: M33219278 is the smallest Mersenne Number with at least 10^7 digits, but M33219281 is the smallest Mersenne Prime with at least 10^7 digits. Um, I seem to remember testing that number confirming Rick Pali's discovery that it is _not_ prime.

Re: Mersenne: Glucas v 2.8c released.

2001-10-21 Thread bjb
On 20 Oct 2001, at 9:44, Mikus Grinbergs wrote: Interesting to compare the performance numbers given for the Itanium running Glucas v2.8c against my Thunderbird running mprime v21.4 : - At the smallest FFT length, the Itanium is WAY faster. Probably a large cache effect. this

Re: Mersenne: AthlonXP

2001-10-15 Thread bjb
On 14 Oct 2001, at 19:57, George Woltman wrote: The P4 has two advantages. One is memory bandwidth. The other is SSE2. If memory bandwidth was a primary reason then the P4 would run the standard P6 (Pentium Pro) code efficiently. If you remember the postings when the P4 was originally

Re: Mersenne: AthlonXP

2001-10-15 Thread bjb
On 14 Oct 2001, at 13:40, Francois Gouget wrote: Nope. It is still 0.18 microns (see Anandtech). If you have a source claiming otherwise I would like to see it. They plan to switch to 0.13 early next year. Then, they should be able to increase the frequency big time. Oops, I got that

Re: Mersenne: AthlonXP

2001-10-14 Thread bjb
On 14 Oct 2001, at 7:30, Jean-Yves Canart wrote: According to latest benchmarks (, AthlonXP seems to be slower than the Thunderbird. Does anybody have a technical explanation ? The Athlon XP lies about its speed. Remember the old Cyrix trick? Well AMD have

Re: FW: Mersenne: Start at Bootup

2001-09-26 Thread bjb
Just my 2c worth: Wouldn't it make more sense for XP users to run NTPrime now that George has released v21.4 in that format? Surely you would then have one copy running irrespective of how many users happened to be logged in - even zero :) ? I presume the Win XP problem is that start at

Mersenne: Service downtime

2001-09-21 Thread bjb
Hi, Due to work on the electrical power supply to the building, the server which provides a mirror for the Mersenne database software files will be offline from 15:00 GMT today Friday September 21st until 08:00 GMT Monday September 24th. I apologize for any

Re: AW: Mersenne: Prime Net Server

2001-09-10 Thread bjb
On 10 Sep 2001, at 7:34, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I beg your pardon: you didn´t really expect to get informed about a planned outage BEFORE it happens or a crash AFTER it happened, did you? Well, as a service operator myself (though without any responsibility to PrimeNet), I do try to warn

Re: Mersenne: Entropy of mersenne calculations.

2001-09-10 Thread bjb
On 10 Sep 2001, at 14:47, Gareth Randall wrote: What is the entropic efficiency of our calculations? Um. We're not even gaining information in the strict (information theory) sense, since all Mersenne primes existed long before anyone formulated the concept - yet we are certainly raising

Re: Mersenne: RE: L2 Cache

2001-09-10 Thread bjb
On 10 Sep 2001, at 0:44, Stephan T. Lavavej wrote: So, will the Pentium 4 Northwood core (with 512KB L2 cache as compared to the current Willamette's 256KB L2 cache) perform even better on Prime95? Will there be a setting to tell Prime95 that a Willamette or Northwood core is specifically

Re: Mersenne: All Cunningham Wanted Numbers Factored

2001-09-08 Thread bjb
Hi, Coincidentally to Peter's message, and as an encouragement to anyone else working in this field, it just so happens that one of my systems discovered a previously unknown (AFAIK) factor of one of the Cunningham Project numbers yesterday evening: [Fri Sep 07 21:33:06 2001] ECM found a

Re: Mersenne: mprime vs prime95

2001-08-08 Thread bjb
On 8 Aug 2001, at 9:44, Christian Goetz wrote: I changed the OS and the prime program with it. But now I am shocked! With prime95 my comp needs .315 with mprime he needs .405 !!! I think the improvements of prime95 should be included in mprime as well. There is a pre-release of mprime

Re: Mersenne: New Prime...I wonder if the islands theorem will hold fast?

1999-06-02 Thread bjb
On 2 Jun 99, at 6:03, Aaron Blosser wrote: Once this new one is verified, it will be interesting to see if there is a prime either just below or just above it, to see if this elusive and highly unverified "island" theory sticks in this case or not. I thought "Noll's Island conjecture"

Re: Mersenne: New Mersenne Prime found!! Not yet verified

1999-06-02 Thread bjb
On 1 Jun 99, at 21:26, George Woltman wrote: The 38th Mersenne prime was *probably* discovered today. The exponent is in the 6,000,000s (the prime is in the neighborhood of 2,000,000 digits). The discoverer is a member of the top 200 contributors according to

Re: Mersenne: Repeating LL remainders

1999-05-25 Thread bjb
[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: We can illustrate working modulo M23 = 8388607 = 47 * 178481. 3 is a quadratic reside modulo 47 (e.g, 12^2 == 3 mod 47), so 2 + sqrt(3) is in the base field of order 47. The multiplicative order of 2 + sqrt(3) divides 47-1, and turns out to be 23. 3 is a