Re: security with mod_perl

2003-06-11 Thread siberian
We use BSD::Resource for our mod_perl clients. Keeps them from eating the machine alive. On another shared machine each client gets their own interpreter with some pretty tight limits on child spawning, open children etc. on top of the Resource limits Shared hosting mod_perl is a real drag to

Re: Dual Processors Mod Perl

2003-03-13 Thread siberian
I have have had about 50 dual CPU/1GB ram boxes running a combo of linux/freebsd over the least few years (20 currently). All running modperl/apache. I always go Dual-CPU. Its not that pricey. We have had no SMP problems at all and I think it performs much better, about 30% higher

Porting Orphans : (was: apache::sandwich)

2003-03-10 Thread siberian
This brings up a good point, is there a list of 'ModPerl Orphans' anywhere? For the most part I would imagine that a modules author/maintainer will manage the transition to mp2 but there must be a ton of modules that are Orphans with little hope of making it over unless some kind developer

Per Vhost @INC

2002-12-10 Thread siberian
This has come up a few times but I still do not fully understand how it works. Here is my situation. I have a body of software that runs in a specific namespace with about 10 libraries. (TourEngine::**). I have many versions of this software and will need the ability to, on the same server,

Re: How do I force a 'Save Window?'

2002-11-20 Thread siberian
I guess its a your mileage may vary sort of thing. The marketing folks here use XP and whatever IE comes with it. I send $r-content_type( 'application/' ) ; $r-header_out('Content-Disposition' = 'attachment; filename=report.xls' ) ; #$r-content_type(

Re: How do I force a 'Save Window?'

2002-11-19 Thread siberian
Quick google search shows : Send the mime type as : application/ I do this with excel using application/ and the marketing folks love it. So, you would have to provide a link to your modperl

Re: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-31 Thread siberian
I dont really understand where you are coming from, its easy enough for the script to recompile its external dependancies on install. This way I don't really care what core version of linux or solaris or BSD is installed on each platform since we do not control them all. Precisely _because_

Perl Configured VirtualHost question

2002-10-30 Thread siberian
Typically my manually configured vhosts look like this : NameVirtualHost VirtualHost ServerName DocRoot ... ... /VirtualHost VirtualHost ... /VirtualHost This works great for my statically configured hosts. How do you

[OT] Re: Yahoo is moving to PHP ??

2002-10-30 Thread siberian
If they are going to inherently mangle their php and perl and lose that abstraction layer I think in 2 years they will look back and wish TMTOWTDI was their only problem That said, Kudo's to yahoo for being this public about it. These are the sorts of publically available presentations

Re: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-30 Thread siberian
We felt the same way but once we went to CVS we never looked back and can not imagine going with out source control. It may seem like the web doesnt fit that paradigm but if you break your modules up properly it works like a champ. We broke out into 'html','components',

Re: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-30 Thread siberian
Just give each developer their own sandbox. We have gone from : 1 Apache proxy/1 modperl server to 1 apache proxy / 1 modperl per developer running out of their homedirs to each developer gets their own proxy and modperl. If you tune your apache min/max server stuff this is quite doable.

Re: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-30 Thread siberian
We use CVS to do in-place upgrades on the live system for smaller updates. For the big stuff we bring the boxes out of their pools one at a time and upgrade them. In both cases, the worse case is that a user might see two versions of the same page in the span of 60 seconds if they catch us

Re: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-30 Thread siberian
Who needs network guys, reverse pop the ssh tunnel ;) I find it amazing that so many of us are doing the exact same thing in terms of managing our large site installs yet its nowhere to be found in any FAQ, knowledge base or general forum. I know on our side we developed these solutions over

Re: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-30 Thread siberian
We check in all of our perl modules into CVS and its a _MAJOR_ life saver. Keeps everyone on the same path so to speak. I don't believe in transfering _any_ binaries around, every binary recompiles on its new platform at install time. All modules, apache, external software etc. This

Re: Apache::SharedMem

2002-10-05 Thread siberian
We are using IPC::MM and it works great. We use it to cache about 5000 strings for our internationlized systems ( EFIGS-J right now, going to 15 languages soon ). Its pretty easy, in our startup handler we have : my $MM_SIZE = 500; my $MM_FILE = 'st_cache_mm_file'; my $st_cache_mm =

Re: UTF8 character issue with Apache::Request?

2002-09-30 Thread siberian
Confirmed, but its browser dependant. IE on Mac OS X sends the file but munges the filename. So they file arrives fine but with the wrong name. Mozilla on Mac OS X doesnt even send the file. Still waiting for results with windows systems buth Eng and J. John- On 28 Sep 2002 23:02:59 -0400

UTF8 character issue with Apache::Request?

2002-09-27 Thread siberian
Hi All- We are using Apache::Request to handle our uploads via the browser. Now that we switched to UTF-8 encoding any filename with Kanji in the filename uploads with a size of '0' and nothing goes to disk. Take the same file, put its name to roman chars and it uploads fine. All other

Re: Reverse Proxy Setup

2002-09-26 Thread siberian
Make proxy and mod_perl have the same document root. Use mod_rewrite on the lightweight proxy to serve certain directories from itself rather then passing them back to modperl (have it server images while you are at it) Upload files to the directory specified above. Result : File is uploaded

Re: mod_perl 2.x vs. mod_perl 1.x benchmarks

2002-09-19 Thread siberian
On the Apache 2.0 note, 2.0 breaks terribly when it has to proxy chunked data. It strips the chunk length and does not replace it with a Content-Length. Bug is filed but no one in the Apache group seems to want to play with it :( Just a warning for those of you who may potentially be doing

Re: Apache::Session - What goes in session?

2002-08-20 Thread siberian
We do see some slowdown on our langauge translation db calls since they are so intensive. Moving to a 'per child' cache for each string as it came out of the db sped page loads up from 4.5 seconds to .6-1.0 seconds per page which is significant. Currently we are working on a 'per machine'

Re: Apache::Session - What goes in session?

2002-08-20 Thread siberian
We are investigating using IPC rather then a file based structure but its purely investigation at this point. What are the speed diffs between an IPC cache and a Berkely DB cache. My gut instinct always screams 'Stay Off The Disk' but my gut is not always right.. Ok, rarely right.. ;) John-

Re: Apache::Session - What goes in session?

2002-08-20 Thread siberian
Thanks, you just saved us a ton of time. Off to change course ;) J On Tue, 20 Aug 2002 13:12:29 -0400 Perrin Harkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: We are investigating using IPC rather then a file based structure but its purely investigation at this point. What are the

Re: Apache::Session - What goes in session?

2002-08-20 Thread siberian
I havent had much luck with that but we will look at it again and see what we can get from it. We want to avoid preloading all data per child direct from the database but I wouldnt mind doing it on startup for the root process and then copying it to each child. J On Tue, 20 Aug 2002

Re: Any known good configuration for mod_perl DSO?

2002-06-24 Thread siberian
We built our own RPM that did source level builds on our entire system. So you load the rpm and it in turn executes a build script that built our entire system. Not just apache, modperl and mason but also it rebuilt all the modules that were needed, compiled external binaries, installed the

[JOB] ModPerl developer at PrintMe.Com

2002-04-12 Thread siberian
I posted this a few months ago, got great response and was unable to follow-up on it immediately for a variety of reasons. The need has become critical so I am pursuing those who responded before and hoping to gather some new faces for interviews in the next two weeks. John- Here is the

Re: Apache::Session suggested mod

2002-04-10 Thread siberian
I once did a one-off mod of Apache::Session to do just this but eventually gave up and just changed my table names. It was to hard to keep in sync with new releases of Apache::Session and I don't have enough faith in my ability to send a real patch :) So I think its a natural path. When you

Re: PDF generation

2002-04-03 Thread siberian
I have used the HTMLtoPDF converter from htmldoc ( ) with great success. I also have used html2ps and ps2pdf to make this transition as well using ImageMagick ( ). Its a really nice approache since it essentially makes

Re: Sessions on win 32

2001-02-09 Thread siberian
linked to from Beleive? thats very helpfull, thanks. Haris siberian wrote: I have used apache::session on windows with great success. I downloaded the modules pre-built along with the modperl DSO from : They seem to work well

Re: Sessions on win 32

2001-02-08 Thread siberian
I have used apache::session on windows with great success. I downloaded the modules pre-built along with the modperl DSO from : They seem to work well. I even installed on top of OpenSA ( ) and obtained SSL features. I did have to do some oddities

Re: HTTP_REFERRER and Mod_perl

2001-01-15 Thread siberian
I think your mispelling : HTTP_REFERER , not HTTP_REFERRER When in doubt run a check on your %ENV hash foreach( keys %ENV ) { print "$_ = $ENV{ $_ }\n" ; } John- On Mon, 15 Jan 2001, Stef Telford wrote: hello, okay, this may be a silly configuration problem, but I would

Re: HTTP_REFERRER and Mod_perl

2001-01-15 Thread siberian
Are you hitting the page directly? If so then you will not get a referer. You have to link to it from another page in order for that variable to be set. If the page is the first to load in the browser there is no referring page. Just a thought! John- On Mon, 15 Jan 2001, Stef Telford wrote:

Interesting ReverseProxy + PerlSections issue

2001-01-14 Thread siberian
Hello all- I have an interesting situation and I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction. Scenario : I am running two apache servers, stronghold up front for my reverse proxy ( 80 / 443 ) and a modperl apache running on port 802. All 80/443 requests are reverse proxied to

[JOB] : Perl Developer at EFI

2001-01-10 Thread siberian
Hi All, This talk of jobs etc etc has reminded me that I need another person to fill out my team here at Electronics For Imaging( ). EFI is a big player in the high end print solutions business and has a major presence and history. Its a big company that does its best

Win32 Proxy question

2000-11-13 Thread siberian
I know I get a lot when I use a lightweight proxy in front of my modperl servers under UNIX but how about under Win32? Since it uses a different model does a reverse proxy really give you that warm and fuzzy feeling or does it just become another layer between the system and the user? I am

Re: Win32 Proxy question

2000-11-13 Thread siberian
? Ian On Mon, 13 Nov 2000, siberian wrote: I know I get a lot when I use a lightweight proxy in front of my modperl servers under UNIX but how about under Win32? Since it uses a different model does a reverse proxy really give you that warm and fuzzy feeling or does it just become

Re: Proxy setup w/ SSL

2000-08-08 Thread siberian
I use SSL hardware acceleration cards and they work like a champ. I think Rainbow builds these for a reasonable price ( ours came with the F5 hardware ). Before that we just ran a 'Lite' Stronghold on the front end and proxy'd back all connections to our dynamic ocntent servers. It held up

Re: Running file based sessions via NFS

2000-05-09 Thread siberian
Yes Jeffrey, you have railed against the netapp multiple times now. Send me some flawless hardware, I'd appreciate it :) The problems you describe effect all session management schemes that must span multiple systems ( database is down, can't read sessions, requests stack up etc ) and are not

Using network appliance Filer with modperl

2000-01-31 Thread siberian
Hi All- I am building a pretty in depth architecture for our new service using ModPerl. I've done a lot of large scale/high traffic apps in modperl before but never in conjunction with a network attached file server. I am thinking that it would really make my life easy to have one central

Re: Search engines with mod_perl

2000-01-09 Thread siberian
You could try UDMSearch. I run it as a registry script wrapped in Apache::SSI and it works pretty well. Not sure if it meets all your requirements or not but its worth a gander. John- On Sun, 9 Jan 2000, Bill Moseley wrote: At 04:21 PM 1/9/00 +, Matt Sergeant