INSERT INTO ... SELECT not creating indexes ?

2002-10-05 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Bonjour, When I insert a lot of rows in a table from another table in MyISAM format it seems that indexes in the destination table are not updated. For example in table A I have index 1. This table contains many rows. I have table B with same structure as table A but

Selecting databases to replicate ?

2002-09-09 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Bonjour, I configured two of my servers for replication. On the master I added : log-bin master-host = xxx.. master-user = x master-password = x master-port = 3306 server-id = 14 master-connect-retry=10 binlog-do-db=db1 binlog-do-db=db2

Re[2]: InnoDB: Assertion failure in thread 10 in file btr0btr.c line 574

2002-03-19 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Heikki, HT since you are French, I assume you have accent characters in the strings you HT have stored into your database. HT The ordering of accent characters changed in 3.23.44! No accents. InnoDB tables on this server are mainly used for statistics, counters etc ... HT You

Re[4]: InnoDB: Assertion failure in thread 10 in file btr0btr.c line 574

2002-03-19 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
HT 616e647265747469 andretti HT 616e6472e9737069 andr.spi HT there is a character e9 in your string. It is not an ordinary character and HT can cause an error in the sorting order between InnoDB-.41 and InnoDB-.49. ok :) mysql insert into popup select * from popup2; ERROR 1213: Deadlock

Mysqld crashed : strange logs.

2002-03-13 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Bonjour, mysql Ver 11.15 Distrib 3.23.47, for sun-solaris2.8 (sparc) It crashed after more than a month with no problem and here are the logs : 020225 11:04:48 mysqld started 020225 11:04:50 InnoDB: Started /usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld: ready for connections 020226 12:01:05 failed

Mysql access rights problem ...

2002-03-07 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Bonjour, I have a problem with Mysql and access rights : I have a user who has rights to access tables in the database 'membres' : #/ mysqlaccess myuser membres Could not open outputfile

Bug ? : Mysql access rights problem ...

2002-03-07 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Bonjour, I have a problem with Mysql and access rights : I have a user who has rights to access tables in the database 'membres' : #/ mysqlaccess myuser membres Could not open outputfile

Re: Can not connect (again)

2002-03-07 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Bonjour, Did you try to connect to the server from network ? Try to force mysql client not to use the socket (what is does when it's connecting to localhost). Try to connect from another server or even from the same server but with the where

Assertion failure in thread 54 in file trx0undo.c line 1316

2002-01-08 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Bonjour, Any idea ? I will try to make the server crash one more time and tell you if I find the query. Regards, Alex. 020108 9:43:58 InnoDB: Started /opt/mysql/libexec/mysqld: ready for connections InnoDB: Error: undo-id is 2860816 InnoDB: Assertion failure in thread 54 in file

Stange Bug or Table corruption ... but strange.

2001-12-11 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Bonjour, I have a table : [11:09am] mysqldump -d cotations historique_AMS # MySQL dump 8.16 # # Host: localhostDatabase: cotations # # Server version3.23.45 # # Table structure for table 'historique_AMS' # CREATE TABLE

Re[2]: Stange Bug or Table corruption ... but strange.

2001-12-11 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
in set (27.02 sec) Regards, Alex. == RE BAUMEISTER Alexandre wrote: Bonjour, I have a table : [11:09am] mysqldump -d cotations historique_AMS # MySQL dump 8.16 # # Host: localhostDatabase: cotations

Re[2]: Stange Bug or Table corruption ... but strange.

2001-12-11 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Bonjour Sinisa, SM There were some bug fixes with packed keys. SM 3.23.47 will soon be out and it would be fine if you could test your SM case with it again. I tried to do alter table historique_AMS PACK_KEYS=0; But it did not correct the problem. Then I wanted check if the

Re[3]: Stange Bug or Table corruption ... but strange.

2001-12-11 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Bonjour, BA But I forgot the -d ... and here is what I found : There are some BA \r at the end of some symbols ! I corrected everything with one query : mysql UPDATE historique_AMS set symbole=TRIM(TRAILING '\r' FROM symbole); These '\r' may come from a program a colleague did.

InnoDB Recovery Job %

2001-09-24 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Bonjour, I've rebooted my server with sync;sync;reboot. It seems that Mysql/InnoDB did not have enough time for shutting down properly because when the server restarted I had these messages in the error log of Mysql : InnoDB: Doing recovery: scanned up to log sequence number

InnoDB tables : difficulties with COUNT(*), DELETE etc ...

2001-09-10 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Bonjour, I have a table created with : CREATE TABLE mybuffer_NAS_D ( id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, service varchar(10) NOT NULL default '', date datetime NOT NULL default '-00-00 00:00:00', data text, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY id_date (date) ) TYPE=InnoDB;

3.23 and DELETRE FROM very long.

2001-09-04 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Bonjour, With 3.22 I used to do some queries like DELETE FROM TABLE. And this was very rapid as Mysql only deletes and re-create the files. I knew that DELETE was very long with InnoDB because it has to clear all the table space used by the table from which you DELETE. But

Bug in Mysql access rights ?

2001-07-19 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Bonjour, I have a problem with Mysql-3.23.39 and users access rights. It's the second time I notice this problem since I installed .39 on two of my servers. But yesterday, the bug was even more flagrant. I had a user which had all rights on a database when connecting from

Re[4]: Bug in Mysql access rights ?

2001-07-19 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Sinisa, mysql show grants for news@'192.168.1.%'; ++ | Grants for [EMAIL PROTECTED]% |

Re[6]: Bug in Mysql access rights ?

2001-07-19 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Sinisa, | GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'news'@'192.168.1.%' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '' | | GRANT SELECT ON cotations.* TO 'news'@'192.168.1.%' | | GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON contenu.* TO 'news'@'192.168.1.%' | |

Re[2]: Inno DB question

2001-07-19 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Stanislav, HT I have a question about using InnoDB format of tables with MySQL. HT We have a following problem: HT our application collects data into MySQL database during some period of time HT (say 1 hour) and then we need to analyze these data then move insert results HT of analysis into

Re[2]: Mysql++ and Gcc 3.0 compile problems

2001-07-14 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
SM I am sending a patch straight to you Do someone see improvements compiling Mysql with Gcc 3.0 ? Regards, Alex. - Before posting, please check: (the manual)

Re[3]: Proposition: Attach a comment to each connection

2001-07-05 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Bonjour Werner, My web site as a lot of hits (really!), it's load balanced on the web side on more than 30 servers. I've to save database load as much as possible. The problem with your implementation is that it needs at least one more insert query for each page or even more if

Re[4]: Proposition: Attach a comment to each connection

2001-07-05 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Bonjour Werner, Am I naive or is this a viable proposition? WS Oh, I see, you would like to connect this information with the WS pid, right? I wouldn't know how to do that. How do you get a pid? WS Is this something MySQL could provide? No, not with the pid. With the number of places

Re[6]: Proposition: Attach a comment to each connection

2001-07-05 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
The only thing I would like is to be able to attach a comment to a connection id which could be returned by the mysqladmin process command. And something that would not add more load to Mysql nor more coding in the client. AB Yes!! Great idea. This would be helpful for

Re[2]: Proposition: Attach a comment to each connection

2001-07-05 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Bonjour Justin, user agent was just an example of what the commentary could be. You could put what you want as long as it's a string. I agree with you and I already had this reflection that it could be a modification that could create some problems to some. Instead of modifying

Re[2]: Proposition: Attach a comment to each connection

2001-07-05 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Bonjour Justin, JF I don't know why I got interested in this thread... More important (or less), why are you so negative ? JF I suppose you don't need a change to the wire protocol if JF you have, logically, something like below. The API has JF to be changed, however. JF id =

Re[2]: Proposition: Attach a comment to each connection

2001-07-05 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Bonjour Scott, SH Beyond that, you can already accomplish 90% of what you'd want by SH simply coding your queries as /* Comment */ SELECT ..., and so SH on. For connections which are not currently running a query, this SH won't work - but in my experience, you usually don't care much SH

Proposition: Attach a comment to each connection

2001-07-02 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Bonjour, When you have a big web site with a lot of pages, programs, cronjobs, applications ... connecting to Mysql, it's sometimes difficult to find from where a given query/connection comes from. And it's sometimes urgent to find the origin of a disturbing query.

Re[2]: 3.23.39+InnoDB = slower than 3.23.389InnoDB ?

2001-06-19 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Bonjour Heikki, In fact this morning Mysql is ... crashed on this server :( It never crashed with 3.23.38 :( I don't yet know if this is really a 3.23.39 problem or something else. If I'm able to restart Mysql, I will downgrade to 3.23.38 in order to see if it's back to

Out of memroy

2001-05-21 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Bonjour, Solaris 2.8 on SPARC 4x64bit processor . Mysql-3.23.37 with InnoDB What I was doing : I was altering a lot of table, converting them from InnoDB to MyISAM type (I don't know if this is the cause of my problem ...) Now, on the console here is what happens : [4:52pm]#

Out of memroy (no more, sorry)

2001-05-21 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Bonjour, Sorry for the previous email. I had to check more. I had a program of mine eating more than a giga of ram on the server :o( so no problem with Mysql this time :o) Regards, Alex. - Before posting, please

Mysql shutdwon very long

2001-05-14 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Bonjour, I'm using mysqladmin shutdown to take the server down. In the past, it was the question of a few seconds. But now, it takes many minutes to Mysql to shutdown. I'm wondering if this as something to do with Innobase ... ? Could there be a reason for Mysqld to take minutes to

Re[2]: Mysql shutdwon very long

2001-05-14 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Bonjour Heikki, HT InnoDB will flush the buffer pool and do the purge of old versions HT at shutdown. It does these operations also when the database is HT running, but there may be remaining work to do at shutdown. HT How is the load of your database when you are running it? HT Does mysqld

Re: MYISAM v.s. GEMINI Tables

2001-05-12 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Bonjour Warren, What about InnoDB tables ? Could you change the TYPE to INNODB and run the same test ? This would be great to compare MYISAM, GEMINI and INNODB. Regards, Alex. WvdM Goodday to you all WvdM For those that are interested, I have managed to get my GEMINI tables

Wrong COUNT(*) with Innobase !?

2001-05-09 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Bonjour, Mysql-3.23.37 with latest patch (patch of the patch from Heikki :) ) under Solaris 2.8 (SPARC 64bit). I have a table : CREATE TABLE mybuffer ( id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, bourse char(3) NOT NULL default '', service varchar(10) NOT NULL default '', date

Re[2]: Wrong COUNT(*) with Innobase !?

2001-05-09 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Heikki, HT can you print the EXPLAIN SELECT ... for the count(*) and the other query? mysql explain select count(*) from mybuffer where bourse='NAS'; +--+--+---+---+-+---+--+-+ | table| type | possible_keys | key

Primary key not unique on Innodb tables.

2001-04-25 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Bonjour, Mysql-3.23.37 on Solaris 2.8. I created this table : CREATE TABLE livequote_last_PAR ( symbole char(20) NOT NULL default '', id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', date datetime NOT NULL default '-00-00 00:00:00', last double(17,5) NOT NULL default '0.0',

Re[2]: Primary key not unique on Innodb tables.

2001-04-25 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Heikki, I did the downgrade to Mysql-3.23.36. I don't have this problem with 3.23.36 ! Alex. HT check by other queries whether it is the table which contains a HT duplicate row, or if the SELECT gives a wrong answer. HT Check what HT SELECT * FROM ... WHERE symbole='1rPFTE'; HT

Re[2]: Primary key not unique on Innodb tables.

2001-04-25 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Heikki, Another exemple : mysql select * from livequote_last_PAR where symbole='1rPFTE' order by id desc; +-+---+-+--++ | symbole | id| date| last | volume | +-+---+-+--++ |

Re[2]: Primary key not unique on Innodb tables.

2001-04-25 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Heikki, HT check by other queries whether it is the table which contains a HT duplicate row, or if the SELECT gives a wrong answer. HT Check what HT SELECT * FROM ... WHERE symbole='1rPFTE'; HT returns. Really strange : mysql select * from livequote_last_PAR where symbole='1rPFTE' order

TEMPORARY + InnoDB + select coun(*) + Bye = mysqld crash with signal 11.

2001-04-25 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Heikki, Mysql-3.23.36, Solaris 2.8. My mysqld crashes when I create a TEMPORARY InnoDB table from the console if I do a SELECT COUNT(*) before exiting from the console. No problem with MyISAM tables, no problem with no TEMPORARY table. mysql CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE mybuffer ( id int

col_name(length) index and INNOBASE problem

2001-04-12 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Bonjour, We found a bug in INNOBASE tables with col_name(length) indexes. Here is the table : create table test ( symbole char(20) not null primary key, libelle char(100) not null, index id_lib (libelle(1)) ) TYPE=INNOBASE; For the test I insert one row but there can be many,

col_name(length) index and INNOBASE problem

2001-04-12 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Bonjour, Sorry I mistyped the version of Mysql with which we have the bug. It's Mysql-3.23.36 with patch correcting Solaris and other non Linux Unix problem. We found a bug in INNOBASE tables with col_name(length) indexes. Here is the table : create table test ( symbole

Re[2]: col_name(length) index and INNOBASE problem

2001-04-12 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Heikki, Could you please tell me (and add in the manual perhaps) if this is a planned enhancement or not and if it's planned, if it will be added in a long or a short delay. Thanks, Alex. HT Innobase does not support partial-field indexes. We have to block their HT usage in the

Mysqld crashes with my DELETE query.

2001-04-03 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Bonjour, I have a table created with : CREATE TABLE intraday_PAR ( symbole char(20) NOT NULL default '', date datetime NOT NULL default '-00-00 00:00:00', first double(17,5) NOT NULL default '0.0', high double(17,5) NOT NULL default '0.0', low double(17,5) NOT NULL

Mysqld crashes with my DELETE query.

2001-04-03 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Bonjour, I may have copy all the lines from "mysqladmin process-list". While I'm doing my "DELETE FROM", another program is doing UPDATE on the query, but this should not be a problem. [12:32pm]# mysqladmin proc

Mysqld crashes with my DELETE query.

2001-04-03 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Bonjour, I have re-run my query without the other program trying to UPDATE the table : mysql delete from intraday_PAR where date'2001-04-03 00:00:00'; Query OK, 364842 rows affected (32.95 sec) It works. Why did both threads lock each other. There is one doing a lot of UPDATE

Re[34]: Warning: Got signal 14 from thread X

2001-03-26 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Bonjour, SM Seems like Innobase has introduced some timeout ( I do not see how) on SM the sleeping connections. I've been trying a few other things. When I run Mysql with Innobase, if no client connects, no "Warning signal 14" messages in the error log. Then I run a client

Re[30]: Warning: Got signal 14 from thread X

2001-03-24 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Sinisa, SM There is no thread 4 because may be it has died. SM If your daemon is multithreaded, then some of it's thread has may be SM died, thus causing timeout. SM I hate myself for saying this, as logically there could be no SM connection, but Just out of curiosity if you build without

Re[14]: Warning: Got signal 14 from thread X

2001-03-24 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Michael, BAUMEISTER No I did not do "make clean". I didn't knew that I had to in order BAUMEISTER to update mysqlbug. MW One must always doe a 'make clean' if one changes any configure arguments. I'm compiling from a fresh tarball each time. .. MW I assume you did used gnu make for

Re[28]: Warning: Got signal 14 from thread X

2001-03-23 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Sinisa, SM No, nothing, No need to test further. SM Try those Solaris patches, re-install gcc and build from the fresh SM tarball without debug and with all the options like the last time. Fresh tarball. Latest Solaris 2.8 patch applied ! But : 010323 17:38:04 mysqld started

Re[2]: Warning: Got signal 14 from thread X

2001-03-21 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Sinisa, SM Alex, you ran out of filedescriptors or out of anodes, depending on OS SM that you are using. I though filedescriptors could be the problem. I only had 256. I modified the system in order to have 1024 :

Re: Warning: Got signal 14 from thread X

2001-03-21 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Sinisa, SM Do you use thread cacheing ?? SM Please turn it off temporarily and see if problem reccurs. Currently I have : my.cnf

Re[4]: Warning: Got signal 14 from thread X

2001-03-21 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Sinisa, SM SM Alex, you ran out of filedescriptors or out of anodes, depending on OS SM SM that you are using. SM SM I though filedescriptors could be the problem. I only had 256. I SM modified the system in order to have 1024 : SM SM

Re[2]: Warning: Got signal 14 from thread X

2001-03-21 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Sinisa, SM SM Do you use thread cacheing ?? SM SM SM Please turn it off temporarily and see if problem reccurs. SM SM Currently I have : SM SM SM my.cnf SM

Re[6]: Warning: Got signal 14 from thread X

2001-03-21 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Sinisa, SM SM SM Alex, you ran out of filedescriptors or out of anodes, depending on OS SM SM SM that you are using. SM SM SM SM I though filedescriptors could be the problem. I only had 256. I SM SM modified the system in order to have 1024 : SM SM SM SM

Re[4]: Warning: Got signal 14 from thread X

2001-03-21 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Sinisa, SM Ok, do not erase your binary, save it and try our binary for 2.7. SM If you still get TCP errors, rebuilding MySQL will be the sole SM solution. First, we don't know if it's TCP errors isn't it ? Second, the binary I'm using now is one I built on my own from the sources.

Re[4]: Warning: Got signal 14 from thread X

2001-03-21 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Sinisa, SM Ok, do not erase your binary, save it and try our binary for 2.7. SM If you still get TCP errors, rebuilding MySQL will be the sole SM solution. Another thing to underscore, is that with Mysql-3.23.33 built on my own from the sources, I never had these messages in the log.

Re[8]: Warning: Got signal 14 from thread X

2001-03-21 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Bonjour Sinisa, SM BAUMEISTER Alexandre writes: SM Sinisa, SM SM Yes, for now. But in the final application, there will be a lot of SM connections from network. SM SM SM SM This entire problem with signal 14 can be due to PHP not using SM mysql_close. SM Please try

Re[10]: Warning: Got signal 14 from thread X

2001-03-21 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Sinisa, SM I've no PHP scripts accessing Mysql for now. SM SM Only some little programs written in C which are connecting to Mysql SM and doing some UPDATE on a few tables. SM SM Alex. SM SM SM SM And you have mysql_close at the end of them ?? These are

Re[10]: Warning: Got signal 14 from thread X

2001-03-21 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Sinisa, SM Bonjour Sinisa, SM SM SM I've no PHP scripts accessing Mysql for now. SM SM Only some little programs written in C which are connecting to Mysql SM and doing some UPDATE on a few tables. SM SM Alex. SM SM SM SM And you have mysql_close at the

Re[12]: Warning: Got signal 14 from thread X

2001-03-21 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Sinisa, SM These are daemon programs ... not exiting. I've about 10 programs SM initialising a connection and then looping, doing some updates on SM table while receiving data from another input. SM SM The schema is : SM SM1. Connecting to Mysql SM2.

Re[14]: Warning: Got signal 14 from thread X

2001-03-21 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Sinisa, SM If I add a thread on my daemons which executes a mysql_ping() each SM 30 secondes and increase net_read_timeout to 60 will it be ok ? Does SM a mysql_ping() reset net_read and net_write timer ? SM This is all that mysql_ping does (on the server) : SM send_ok(net);

Re[16]: Warning: Got signal 14 from thread X

2001-03-21 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Sinisa, SM No, I only referred to bugs as a possibility that daemon exited SM without closing a connection. That is all. I'm loggin the activity of my programs (start / stop / statistics during running). They are not exiting. SM There were also some reference to problems in Solaris

Re[18]: Warning: Got signal 14 from thread X

2001-03-21 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Sinisa, SM SM No, I only referred to bugs as a possibility that daemon exited SM SM without closing a connection. That is all. SM SM I'm loggin the activity of my programs (start / stop / statistics SM during running). They are not exiting. SM SM SM There were also some

Re[12]: Warning: Got signal 14 from thread X

2001-03-21 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Bonjour, SM Ok, start from the fresh tarball. Beside everything, add (in configure SM options): SM --with-mit-threads=no == My last try (for today) : CFLAGS=-DSOLARIS \ CXXFLAGS="-DSOLARIS -felide-constructors

Re[12]: Warning: Got signal 14 from thread X

2001-03-21 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Sinisa, This time I compiled with : CFLAGS=-DSOLARIS CXXFLAGS="-DSOLARIS -felide-constructors -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti" ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mysql --without-bench --enable-thread-safe-client --with-innobase --without-debug --with-named-thread-libs=-lthread

Warning: Got signal 14 from thread X

2001-03-20 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Bonjour, Here is my setup : Mysql-3.23.35 complied from sources with : ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mysql --without-bench --enable-thread-safe-client --with-innobase System: SunOS

Re[2]: Warning: Got signal 14 from thread X

2001-03-20 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Bonjour Heikki, HT let us see. A known bug with Innobase is that sys/stat was not included HT in univ.i in directory mysql/innobase/include. Then Innobase files are HT created with arbitrary access permissions on some Unixes. HT Could you look with ls -l what permissions Innobase data file

Re[2]: Warning: Got signal 14 from thread X

2001-03-20 Thread BAUMEISTER Alexandre
Bonjour Sinisa, SM The above could indicate some timeout problem. SM Can you build mysql --with-debug and start it with --debug and see in SM the trace file when are the above timeouts reported ?? SM Also, do you have clients that do not call mysql_close at the end , SM like PHP programs ?