Re: Recreate Table With Sorted Data

2007-08-16 Thread Chris Boget
The solution was CREATE TABLE copyname SELECT * FROM originalname I was having problem with a PHP command that's not pulling what I want from the table Ruling out random order for the rows was narrowing the focus on the PHP problem. Why not just create a VIEW and leave your original table

RE: Finding a value in multiple tables

2007-07-31 Thread Chris Boget
I want to find the value 123 in the field id in any one of these tables. SELECT id FROM TableA WHERE id = 123 UNION SELECT id FROM TableB WHERE id = 123 UNION SELECT id FROM TableC WHERE id = 123 Please note that UNION requires that the same number (and type?) of fields be selected from each

RE: DELETE query help please?

2007-07-05 Thread Chris Boget
I want to delete from the 'Item' table all the items identified by the folowing query: If you have MySQL 5+, you can do it using a sub-query: DELETE FROM Item WHERE ProductID IN ( SELECT Item.ProductID FROM Item, ItemTag WHERE ItemTag.TagID = '168' AND

Re: Birthday format

2007-06-25 Thread Chris Boget
we have a simple query to calculate someones birthday: SELECT (TO_DAYS(CURDATE()) - TO_DAYS('1952-10-06')) / 365; = 54.75 Now is there away, using SQL, to remove the .75 without rounding off. we just want the '54' value. We can do it easy enough with our Perl programming, but was wondering if

RE: Figuring out the difference in value between 2 fields

2007-06-06 Thread Chris Boget
Okay, so I have been gooling all over trying to figure this out. I'm sure it's easy enough to do, but I can't seem to find it. All I want to do is figure out the difference between 2 fields. IE: Field 1= 20 Field 2 =10 Difference between Field 1 2 is: 10 Any ideas? Umm, basic math?

Re: a function to convert a uk date to and from mysql date

2007-05-22 Thread Chris Boget
My UK dates are this format DD/MM/ I want it reversed and then the seperator changed so it becomes -MM-DD I use this PHP at the moment $available_from = implode('/', array_reverse(explode('-', $available_from))); An even better solution would be: $UKDate = '22/05/2007' $USDate = date(

RE: string to timestamp conversion

2007-05-21 Thread Chris Boget
Take a look at the following: tion_unix-timestamp That looks like exactly what you need... thnx, Chris -Original Message- From: Bryan Cantwell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, May 21, 2007 4:45 PM To:

RE: SELECT from 3 tables - Need help

2007-01-18 Thread Chris Boget
Do you mean that I should replace SELECT * FROM with SELECT field1, [field2],[...] FROM? Yes. If so, I need to specify the table name like SELECT Clients.Name correct? You only need to do that when 2 tables have the same column name. In general, though, it's good practice to always

Re: Workaround for distinct?

2006-12-14 Thread Chris Boget
I tried this out this morning on MySQL 5. It works. Please try this in MySQL 4 and see. Unless I'm way off, I do not believe your solution will work in 4.x because it doesn't support sub-queries... thnx, Chris -- MySQL General Mailing List For list archives:

Query not using indexes?

2006-12-13 Thread Chris Boget
Here is a query I'm trying to run. It doesn't look like it is overly complex and, granted, it's joining on a few tables, I wouldn't imagine it would take 6.5s to execute. SELECT TRIM( users.username ) AS username, TRIM( games.game_name ) AS game_name, CASE WHEN 0 != UNIX_TIMESTAMP( MAX(

Re: Query not using indexes?

2006-12-13 Thread Chris Boget
Make sure that all joined fields are of identical types, otherwise the query executor must cast each and every join value, which may be affecting the query time... Can you even define fields having foreign keys to be of a different type? Anyway, taking a look at my JOIN INNER JOIN users ON

Re: Is this possible?

2004-04-01 Thread Chris Boget
GROUP_CONCAT() is in 4.1. :-) Oh, so close yet so far. We're running 4.0.14 and my company has no plans on upgrading in the near future. *sigh* Thanks for the info, however!! Chris -- MySQL General Mailing List For list archives: To unsubscribe:

Is this possible?

2004-03-31 Thread Chris Boget
I have 2 tables (looks best in fixed width font): test_items +---+--+ | name | rec_num | +---+--+ | Book | 1| | Game | 2| +---+--+ test_attributes +---++ | item_rec_num | attribute | +---++

Re: OT:select in mysql

2004-03-05 Thread Chris Boget
I want a list of not included in Table2 but i don't find the solution! I _*think*_ this will work for you. If I'm wrong, I'm sure someone will come behind and correct me: select from table1 left outer join table2 on = where = NULL; Chris

Re: OT:select in mysql

2004-03-05 Thread Chris Boget
select from table1 left outer join table2 on = where = NULL; Sorry, that last should be where IS NULL; Chris -- MySQL General Mailing List For list archives: To unsubscribe:[EMAIL

Re: Design Advice?

2004-03-01 Thread Chris Boget
If you are not using 5.0 and don't want to switch to 5.0, then using database view will also work. This link tells how to create views: What version does this work for? We're using 4.0.14 and it doesn't

Re: Resetting auto_increment field in an INNODB table

2004-01-28 Thread Chris Boget
How do I reset an AUTO_INCREMENT column? My table type is InnoDB and the method mentioned in the manual is not applicable. I am using MySQL 4.0.17. Otherwise you should recreate the table. Or, if you no longer need any of the data, simply use TRUNCATE. Chris -- MySQL General Mailing

(Left) Join and Union

2004-01-23 Thread Chris Boget
Can you UNION 2 queries and use the result to JOIN with another table? (SELECT, FROM tableA) UNION (SELECT FROM tableB) LEFT JOIN tableC ON =; This doesn't work. But I don't know if it isn't working because I have the wrong syntax

CASE after the WHERE

2004-01-23 Thread Chris Boget
It used to be that I used SQL for basic stuff and did the rest in my code. Now I'm starting to learn some of the cooler features of SQL and I'm trying to figure out what I can move into a query and what I'll still need my code to do thing. In trying this conversion, I've run across something

Stumped on a query

2004-01-20 Thread Chris Boget
I'm working with data that has not been normalized. If it were up to me and I had the time, I'd go in and change all the code so that the data were normalized, but right now that's not an option. The data I'm working with looks like this: table1.columnA = '1;3;4;6;8;9;12;13;14;15';

Re: SQL Tutorial Trouble in MySQL

2003-12-10 Thread Chris Boget
SELECT vend_city+', '+vend_state+' '+vend_zip FROM Vendors ORDER BY vend_name; SELECT CONCAT( vend_city, ', ', vend_state, ' ', vend_zip ) FROM Vendors ORDER BY vend_name The solution is to concatenate the three columns. In SQL SELECT statements, you can concatenate columns using a


2003-12-04 Thread Chris Boget
If you can do this: SELECT table_a_alias.col_name FROM table_a table_a_alias; Why can't you do this: SELECT 1 AS A, A + 1 AS B, B + 1 AS C; Why can't you use column aliases later in the select? When you can use table aliases even before they are defined. thnx, Chris -- MySQL

Re: Query Help

2003-12-02 Thread Chris Boget
Access. However, when I run it against MySQL I get an error. select l.ltsysid,l.lientraknum, from lientrak as l, customer as c where l.custsysid=c.custsysid and l.ltsysid in (select l2.ltsysid from lientrak as l2 where l2.lientraknum like '2003-%') Sub queries are not going to be

Re: Export in XML

2003-12-01 Thread Chris Boget
Or from my place, It pays for me to read the docs - thoroughly. Oh! Docs! What are they? :-[ Or just mysqldump --help :p Chris -- MySQL General Mailing List For list archives: To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Problems creating databases

2003-11-24 Thread Chris Boget
When I type a command after the mysql prompt nothing happens and no error. For example: mysql CREATE DATABASE members SHOW DATABASES What do you think is the problem. This is an apache web server. The OS is Redhat This is just a shot in the dark, but there are no semi-colons at

Re: GUI interface

2003-11-11 Thread Chris Boget
Hello. I'm looking for a GUI client that will run under Windows 2000 and attach to Solaris 8 server that will allow me to see all the tables and data in my mysql database. Others have mentioned phpMyAdmin. While that is an excellent piece of code, I find that it's someone slow to do what I

Re: Database-design

2003-11-11 Thread Chris Boget
On an entry not all fields of the four quarter fields are covered with values. Following combinations are possible: Why don't you just use one extra column (apart from whatever other data you are storing) with that column being a date field. Then, you can determine what data is part of

Re: Table Creation

2003-11-06 Thread Chris Boget
What is wrong with this table creation CREATE TABLE `spid_1__0` ( `recordname` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `data` enum NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`recordname`,`data`) ) TYPE=MyISAM ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC; What is the specific error you are getting? W/o knowing that information, I


2003-11-06 Thread Chris Boget
But that's not what a ROWID is compared to what I think the original poster was looking for. In Oracle for example, a ROWID is the unique address of a row in the database. Every row, unique key or not has a unique address. Is there such a thing in MySQL? ROWIDs are extremely useful for

Case statement

2003-10-24 Thread Chris Boget
I'm trying to do something like the following: SELECT CASE status WHEN IN ( 'BR', 'VQ', 'RQ', 'NG' ) THEN 'binding' WHEN IN ( 'NA', 'NG', 'RA' ) THEN 'approving' END as action FROM master_info WHERE (( status IN ( 'BR', 'VQ', 'RQ', 'NG' )) OR ( status IN ( 'NA', 'NG', 'RA' ))); But this

Re: Case statement

2003-10-24 Thread Chris Boget
SELECT CASE WHEN status IN('BR', 'VQ', 'RQ', 'NG' ) THEN 'binding' CASE WHEN status IN('NA', 'NG', 'RA') END as action FROM master_info WHERE (( status IN ( 'BR', 'VQ', 'RQ', 'NG' )) OR ( status IN ( 'NA', 'NG', 'RA' ))); Sadly, that didn't work: Your MySQL connection id is 208517 to

Re: Case statement [SOLVED]

2003-10-24 Thread Chris Boget
I didn't have your table so I tried to write the same command by one of my tables. my query which worked, is: SELECT CASE WHEN left( workorder, 1 ) IN ( 'C', 'T' ) THEN 'group1' WHEN left( workorder, 1 ) IN ( '3', 'R' ) THEN 'gorup2' ELSE 'group3' END FROM workfile; which is

Re: selecting table structure

2003-10-22 Thread Chris Boget
Is there a way to select/query the table structure and get a recordset with the results? Something like: Id, int, not null, autoincrement name, varchar(20), not null DESC table_name Chris -- MySQL General Mailing List For list archives: To unsubscribe:

Re: sql syntax

2003-10-17 Thread Chris Boget
Hello, my name's Marlon. I have a question about sql and I need some help! How can I do something like it using mysql? update registre set (name='NewName' where lastname='OldLastName'), (name='OldName' where lastname='NewLastName'); I _believe_ you can do it this way. I'm sure someone

Re: JOIN Statement on 2 Database Tables?

2003-09-17 Thread Chris Boget
Is it possible to Join 2 tables in 2 different databases? Can someone give a quick example? select database1.table1.* from database1.table1, database2.table2 where database1.table1.common_field = database2.table2.common_field. Chris -mysql,query,blah -- MySQL General Mailing List For list

Re: SubQueries and IN

2003-09-08 Thread Chris Boget
sub-queries, but also seen examples of it done. Is it only supported in a later version? We are running v. 3.23.3. As far as I know, subqueries are only supported in MySQL v4(.1?)+ Chris -- MySQL General Mailing List For list archives: To unsubscribe:

Re: How can I select the column names?

2003-09-04 Thread Chris Boget
I am trying to select the column names from a table to be displayed in a web page. Is there anyway to select column names without desc? If you are using PHP, you can look at the following: Chris -- MySQL General Mailing List For

Re: Tracking a delete

2003-08-14 Thread Chris Boget
How can I see if a record was deleted from a database? You can attempt to SELECT it, and if you get no result, it's not there. But that doesn't necesarily mean that it was once there and has now been deleted. If you want to determine that, you'll need to create a log of record deletions.

Re: auto number primary key - restarting

2003-07-15 Thread Chris Boget
Easiest way to do what you want is to make this: 1.SHOW CREATE TABLE TableName and copy SQL 2. DROP TABLE TableName 3. CREATE TABLE - with SQL copied in 1. Actually, the easiest way to do this (assuming *all* records have been deleted) is: UPDATE table_name SET auto_increment_field = 0;

Re: auto number primary key - restarting

2003-07-15 Thread Chris Boget
truncate table_name does both in one statement. And even optimizes the table (frees up unused disk space). However take care that you cannot rollback this DDL. Wow. Learn something new every day! :p Thanks for the tip, Rudy! Chris -- MySQL General Mailing List For list archives:

What's wrong with this query?

2003-07-10 Thread Chris Boget
I'm beating my head against the wall. I just can't see what's wrong with it; what would be causing the error: SELECT certificate.cert_num, master_info.uid FROM certificate JOIN master_info ON ( certificate.uid = master_info.uid ) LEFT JOIN endorsements ON ( certificate.cert_num =

Re: What's wrong with this query?

2003-06-23 Thread Chris Boget
Why isn't the key being used in the c (certificate) table? SELECT DISTINCT a.uid,, a.firstname, a.lastname FROM master_info a, logins lsl, logins lc, certificate c WHERE a.uid = lsl.uid AND lc.parent = lsl.uid AND lc.uid = c.uid AND c.void 1 AND c.status IN ('CP', 'MC',

What's wrong with this query?

2003-06-19 Thread Chris Boget
Why isn't the key being used in the c (certificate) table? SELECT DISTINCT a.uid,, a.firstname, a.lastname FROM master_info a, logins lsl, logins lc, certificate c WHERE a.uid = lsl.uid AND lc.parent = lsl.uid AND lc.uid = c.uid AND c.void 1 AND c.status IN ('CP', 'MC', 'AIC',

Problem with MAX()

2003-06-11 Thread Chris Boget
We are running v4.0.12. Consider the following: mysql SELECT MAX(assets) as assets - FROM do_deductibles - WHERE currency = 'usd'; ++ | assets | ++ | NULL | ++ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) mysql SELECT MAX(assets) as assets - FROM do_deductibles - WHERE

Re: Foreign keys

2003-01-14 Thread Chris Boget
Use table type =Innodb for foreing keys and transacionts...etc and type =myisam for speed Yes, but do the foreign keys in InnoDB honor the constraints? I think that was the original question. What's the poing of using foreign keys if it's not going to maintain the integrity of your data. That

Re: Query mysql on another server

2003-01-08 Thread Chris Boget
Why can't you use an Env variable to point to the server you want to query from and switch the value back and forth as needed in the case that you want to periodically switch back and forth between servers? Or write a function that runs on server1 to query against the tables on server2 making

Query mysql on another server

2003-01-07 Thread Chris Boget
We have a *nix network and on that network we have 2 web servers. One for development (server1) and one for production (server2). And on each of those servers we have MySQL installed. Is there a way we can query a table on server2 from server1? I know that when you are using a database from

Re: Query mysql on another server

2003-01-07 Thread Chris Boget
You can use the command line mysql with the host option, i.e. --host=hostname, to connect to another machine. Likewise, you could set up a data source using ODBC to look at the database on the second host machine through which you could generate queries against the tables on the other host's

Re: MySQL and PHP question

2002-12-17 Thread Chris Boget
Why is it that I can not use two mysql queries in the same PHP file. You can, I assure you. Any info is appreciated. Perhaps if you could provide your code? W/o it there is no way we can determine where the problem might be coming from. Chris

Please help with a query

2002-11-27 Thread Chris Boget
This is the query that was given to me: SELECT e.*, c.* FROM correspondence e, certificate c, logins l WHERE c.void1 AND c.uid = l.uid AND l.parent = wd001 AND e.invoice_num = c.invoice_num AND e.to_uid = wd001 AND e.actioned= 0 ORDER BY e.message_num Pretty

Re: My Database Manager

2002-11-06 Thread Chris Boget
Yesterday, someone (I cannot recall who) posted a link for a piece of software called My Database Manager. I tried going to that link on and off for the last day and I'm always getting a 404. Has anyone successfully DL'd this app? If so, could you send me a copy? I'd be very interested in


2002-10-29 Thread Chris Boget
I see the above referenced throughout the documentation in the context of foreign keys. What are the possible choices for CONSTRAINT symbol. I've searched the docs and have come up empty in this regard. Chris sql,query -

Re: InnoDB and auto_increment fields

2002-10-28 Thread Chris Boget
stored? Why isn't this done automatically as it is for [ISAM] tables? As for the why, I'm not a MySQL developer, but I believe the reason goes something like this: When ISAM tables were implemented, they did it the wrong way. When other table types came along, they fixed this bug and do it

InnoDB and auto_increment fields

2002-10-25 Thread Chris Boget
sql, query (*sigh*, I hate this filter) I have an auto_increment key set up on my InnoDB table. Whenever I delete all the records, the number isn't reset. However, for my ISAM tables, whenever I delete all the records, the auto_increment number is reset. Is there a reason for this in InnoDB? Is

Re: InnoDB and auto_increment fields

2002-10-25 Thread Chris Boget
CB However, for my ISAM tables, whenever I delete all the CB records, the auto_increment number is reset. CB Is there a reason for this in InnoDB? Is there a way that I CB can reset the auto_increment number when all the records CB are deleted? try exec this query: alter table TABLE_NAME

JOIN in an update query?

2002-08-19 Thread Chris Boget
Is there any way I can do something like this other than create a little script to do it programatically? UPDATE interests_shipping_conditions_master SET interests_master_record_num = interests_master.record_num WHERE interests_shipping_conditions_master.interest_name =

Re: MyISAM v. InnoDB

2002-07-16 Thread Chris Boget
Of the data? Or of the queries? Not the data. Just your query, the output from explain and a create table statement. Query: SELECT DISTINCT cards_crypt.* FROM user_haves, cards_crypt WHERE LIKE %harrod% AND user_haves.card_name = AND

MyISAM v. InnoDB

2002-07-15 Thread Chris Boget
When dealing with a considerable number of records (10s of thousands) in a particular table, which is better to use? Currently we are using MyISAM and the queries on those tables are kind of slow. I've set the most frequently used (in a query) columns as keys and that isn't speeding it up any.

Re: MyISAM v. InnoDB

2002-07-15 Thread Chris Boget
When dealing with a considerable number of records (10s of thousands) in a particular table, which is better to use? Currently we are using MyISAM and the queries on those tables are kind of slow. Really? That's not a lot of data. Can you provide examples? Of the data? Or of the queries?

Re: MyISAM v. InnoDB

2002-07-15 Thread Chris Boget
When dealing with a considerable number of records (10s of thousands) in a particular table, which is better to use? Currently we are using MyISAM and the queries on those tables are kind of slow. Really? That's not a lot of data. Can you provide examples? Of the data? Or of the queries?

Re: Record dependencies

2002-06-04 Thread Chris Boget
Yes, the concepts he presents are in generic SQL. I've used them in 2 different systems (menus and security) and they work fine. (NOTE: You DO have to write your own code.) ;) Ok, I picked up the book yesterday. It has alot of really good information. However, with regards to the concepts

Record dependancies

2002-06-03 Thread Chris Boget
Is there a way to do this in one query (never mind the possibilities for endless loops): Say you have a table that looks like this: fieldName dependantOn joe monster bob joe briggs monster briggs vision I want to do a query so that the records are

Re: Record dependencies

2002-06-03 Thread Chris Boget
SQL for Smarties by the demigod Joe Celko. Chapters 28 and 29 describe this tree structure. READ BOTH OF THEM, even though you won't use the code in 28. Chap 29 holds the simplified concepts to make a tree structure work with single select. It's not easy. It's a complex concept but once

Win32 Binaries on WinXP

2002-04-25 Thread Chris Boget
I downloaded the binaries yesterday and installed on my WinXP laptop. I read the documentation that came with it but couldn't seem to get it to run. It seemed like any executable I ran, it would open up a DOS window which would then close very quickly. I tried everything to get it to work

Foreign languages

2002-03-18 Thread Chris Boget
I've looked through the documentation and if this question is answered there, please point me to the relevant section because I've obviously missed it. What foreign languages does MySQL support definitively. As in can do all kinds of searches in, etc? I'm curious about Chinese and Japanese (and

Re: [PHP] Next and Preview Row

2002-02-22 Thread Chris Boget
How do I find out a next and preview row values by using PHP and MYSQL. For examples, Take a look at the function mysql_result(); Chris - Before posting, please check: (the manual)

Re: [PHP] Next and Preview Row

2002-02-22 Thread Chris Boget
The solution I have been using is to do three queries similar to the below SELECT * FROM table WHERE field='ID00025' SELECT * FROM table WHERE field'ID00025' ORDER BY field DESC LIMIT 0,1 SELECT * FROM table WHERE field'ID00025' ORDER BY field ASC LIMIT 0,1 If you whish more row returned

Re: [PHP] Next and Preview Row

2002-02-22 Thread Chris Boget
It seems worst to me because in your case mysql has to retrieve all the rows. If it's a table with 1 million records or more, this should hurt ;) As I said, it was pseudo code. Now, imagine that you were just getting the records for a particular user? a particular application? Where there

Re: Explain this Explain ?

2002-02-18 Thread Chris Boget
I couldn't find anything like this in my MySQL book or in the on line help. Could this be what you are looking for? Not sure exactly what you need to know... Chris - Before

Re: Need some easy select assistance

2002-01-29 Thread Chris Boget
Given this example: table CARS has got an entity Labourghini with car_id=5 table NEWS has got an entity Lambourghini displays new super model with date=2002-05-02, news_id=735 and car_id=5 I want this output: NEWS HEADLINES date: headline (car_brand) Can I do this without 2 select

2 queries in one?

2002-01-02 Thread Chris Boget
I've looked through the docs and I couldn't find out how to do this. If you can point me to the right place in the documentation so I can read how, that would be great. If you could give me a little sample query to start from, that would be great as well. I've 2 columns in a table. Status and

Can this be done?

2001-12-07 Thread Chris Boget
Is there a way to do this? If so, I've not been able to find it in the documentation... I have 3 fields: PrimaryKeyField StatusField DueField I want to update the DueField to 0 (zero) where the PrimaryKeyField = XYZXYZ. I also want to update the StatusField for those records to be equal to C