[osint] 'Toxic' Explosion Shakes Romulus

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
Undoubtedly, FBI will shortly report not terrorist related... Bruce www.clickondetroit.com 'Toxic' Explosion Shakes Romulus POSTED: 10:26 pm EDT August 9, 2005 An explosion at a chemical factory in Romulus is causing a hazardous situation in the area. Initial reports said the

[osint] Ground war linked with Internet

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.cantonrep.com/index.php?Category=23ID=236591r=0 Ground war linked with Internet Wednesday, August 10, 2005 By Susan B. Glasser and Steve Coll The Washington Post The jihadist bulletin boards were buzzing. Soon, promised the spokesman for al-Qaida in the Land of the Two Rivers, a new

[osint] CIA 'let atomic expert Khan go'

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4135998.stm Last Updated: Tuesday, 9 August 2005, 18:08 GMT 19:08 UK CIA 'let atomic expert Khan go' http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/3991/jpg/_39910967_pakistannuclear khanbody.jpg Pakistan pardoned AQ Khan, despite his dramatic revelations Pakistani

[osint] Armed With Half a Credential

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/08/09/AR2005080901 368.html Armed With Half a Credential By Al Kamen Wednesday, August 10, 2005; Page A15 There's increasing chatter that the FBI is getting ready to name the head of its new super-spy agency, the National Security

[osint] 9/11 clue hid in Tampa

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.sptimes.com/2005/08/10/Worldandnation/Reports__911_clue_hid.shtml Reports: 9/11 clue hid in Tampa A lawmaker says a Special Operations Command unit identified terrorist Mohammed Atta before the attacks. By PAUL DE LA GARZA, Times Staff Writer Published August 10, 2005 TAMPA -

[osint] 2000 Connection to London Attacks?

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
Terrorist plotter trapped by MI5 is given 20 years By Michael Evans, Defence Editor http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2-221350,00.html February 28, 2002 A BANGLADESHI-born terrorist who plotted to detonate a bomb in Britain that would have caused immense risk to life was jailed

[osint] First terrorism war plans created

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
RESPONSE not PREVENTION. Bruce http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050808/REPOSITORY /508080342/1013/NEWS03 First terrorism war plans created Military outlines responses to attacks By BRADLEY GRAHAM The Washington Post August 08. 2005 8:00AM COLORADO SPRINGS - The

[osint] Pentagon devising scenarios for martial law in US

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.asiantribune.com/show_article.php?id=2620 Date : 2005-08-10 Pentagon devising scenarios for martial law in US By Patrick Martin - World Socialist Web Site According to a report published Monday by the Washington Post, the Pentagon has developed its first ever war plans for

[osint] Europe's New Terror Profile and the State of Play in the Balkans

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
Excellent information. Bruce http://www.antiwar.com/deliso/?articleid=6899 August 8, 2005 Europe's New Terror Profile and the State of Play in the Balkans by Christopher Deliso balkanalysis.com The latest revelations from European terror experts hardly come as news for us in the

[osint] Ex-CIA officer keeps an eye on surveillance technology

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
This guy is a clown and a huckster...a former CIA employee/analyst is not an operations officer. Bruce http://www.dailytexanonline.com/media/paper410/news/2005/08/05/TopStories/Ex Cia.Officer.Keeps.An.Eye.On.Surveillance.Technology-966051.shtml Top Stories | 8/5/2005 Ex-CIA officer keeps an

[osint] Lawmakers Assail DOD Security Requirements

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.connectionnewspapers.com/article.asp?article=54105paper=61cat=1 09 Lawmakers Assail DOD Security Requirements Davis and Moran say new security rules for Defense Department offices in Northern Virginia are excessive. by Brian McNeill August 4, 2005 Testifying last Wednesday before a

[osint] Prepare to be scanned

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.heise.de/tp/r4/artikel/20/20635/1.html Prepare to be scanned John Horvath 02.08.2005 Biometrics and the Surveillance Society In light of the recent wave of terror attacks in the UK, Turkey, and Egypt, biometrics technology is increasingly being discussed as a means to tackle

[osint] The State Of Surveillance

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/05_32/b3946001_mz001.htm?chan=d b AUGUST 8, 2005 COVER STORY The State Of Surveillance Artificial noses that sniff explosives, cameras that I.D. you by your ears, chips that analyze the halo of heat you emit. More scrutiny lies ahead Slide Show

[osint] The Young and the Dead

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
Last two paragraphs have some useful insight. Bruce http://www.lacitybeat.com/article.php?id=2416IssueNum=113 The Young and the Dead It took nearly a century for the IRA to renounce violence. But the wait could be longer for the west to resolve the threat of homegrown jihadists ~ By MICK

[osint] Manufactured bombs smuggled from Iran to Iraq

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
Only now the Americans wake up and realize that Iran is the enemy? It declared war on the US in 1979...and has been directly or indirectly involved with every incident of international Islamic terrorism since. Maybe they are finally getting our attention. Bruce Manufactured bombs smuggled

[osint] American sends Canada an ominous warning

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
Sun, August 7, 2005 American sends us an ominous message By http://www.canoe.ca/NewsStand/Columnists/Calgary/Ted_Byfield/home.html Ted Byfield -- Calgary Sun outbind://53-625F35DA9B8E2C43B0A3422CC3CDB74D84343601/http://www.ca noe.ca/CNEWSImages2003/byfield_ted66.jpg Now

[osint] Explosions rock chemical plant in Detroit

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
...no one was inside the plant when the fire started... No one was known to be inside the plant. Spontaneous combustion? not-terrorist related? -Bruce Explosions rock chemical plant in Detroit By JOANNE VIVIANO ASSOCIATED PRESS WRITER photo

[osint] Canadian Convicted of Aiding Hezbollah

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
Montreal quintuplets' father tied to terrorists Pleads guilty to shipping materiel to Hezbollah Stewart Bell National Post August 10, 2005 A Montreal businessman who became a national media sensation in the 1990s when he fathered Quebec's first quintuplets pleaded guilty in

[osint] Reasons to despair

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
Excellent insight from a Canadian. Bruce Reasons to despair David Warren The Ottawa Citizen August 10, 2005 Here are five unanswerable reasons to despair about the future of the Middle East and therefore about any alleviation of the root cause of the Islamist violence

[osint] Reasons to despair

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
Excellent insight from a Canadian. Bruce Reasons to despair David Warren The Ottawa Citizen August 10, 2005 Here are five unanswerable reasons to despair about the future of the Middle East and therefore about any alleviation of the root cause of the Islamist violence that

[osint] US may deny Iran chief visa

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
Height of stupidity not to. Bruce http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5744,16210073%255E2 703,00.html US may deny Iran chief visa August 10, 2005 WASHINGTON: The US has responded to Iran's revival of its nuclear program by signalling it might deny Iran's President

[osint] Terrorist rush-hour bombs injure 14 in southern Philippines

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
Terrorist rush-hour bombs injure 14 in southern Philippines 12 minutes ago http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20050810/wl_afp/philippinesblast;_ylt=Apcr3X0hli WUNBYSzz50hsMBxg8F;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl ZAMBOANGA, Philippines (AFP) - A series of powerful explosions described

[osint] Taliban kill woman accused of spying

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
Had to have been an ulterior reason to kill her...probably involving rape. Bruce Taliban kill woman accused of spying August 10, 2005 From: Reuters TALIBAN guerrillas have executed an Afghan woman after accusing her of spying for US-led forces. The unidentified woman was shot dead

[osint] Texas man arrested for airline bomb scare

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://today.reuters.com/news/newsArticle.aspx?type=domesticNews http://today.reuters.com/news/newsArticle.aspx?type=domesticNewsstoryID=20 05-08-09T235816Z_01_N09450108_RTRIDST_0_USREPORT-SECURITY-SOUTHWEST-DC.XML storyID=2005-08-09T235816Z_01_N09450108_RTRIDST_0_USREPORT-SECURITY-SOUTHWE

[osint] Turkey detains 10 over Al-Qaeda plot on Israeli ships

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
Turkey detains 10 over suspected Al-Qaeda plot on Israeli ships 1 hour, 19 minutes ago http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20050810/wl_afp/turkeyisraelqaeda;_ylt=AjYyudQYq T3ZXkXbLGTzH0oBxg8F;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl ISTANBUL (AFP) - Turkish police have detained 10 people suspected

[osint] Are terrorist cells still in the US?

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
Duuh. One would have to be blind, stupid and ignorant to even pose the question, much less answer it in the negative. 4 years after 9/11 and people still don't get it. Bruce Are terrorist cells still in the US? Arrests of a Maryland paramedic and a possibleterror-camp organizer raise

[osint] US plays both Venezuela sides

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
US plays both Venezuela sides By Mike Ceaser | Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor August 10, 2005 CARACAS, VENEZUELA - While the Bush administration engages in a war of words with Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez, the US government has been giving permits to American arms

[osint] Female circumcision surfaces in Iraq

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
You'd think the leftists and the feminists would be all over this issue, if they weren't hypocrites. Bruce Female circumcision surfaces in Iraq A German aid group finds the first solid proof of the practice, thought to be prevalent in the Middle East. By Nicholas Birch | Contributor to

[osint] Aussie al-Qaeda video authentic: Downer

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
Aussie video seems authentic: Downer By AAP and Jano Gibson August 10, 2005 - 5:15PM Sydney Morning Herald An insurgent issues a warning in this image from TV, broadcast by the Al-Arabiya TV channel. An insurgent issues a warning in this image from TV, broadcast by the Al-Arabiya TV

[osint] Eleven Golden Candle Awards in Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) for International Peacekeeping

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=104STORY=/www/story/08-09 -2005/0004085308EDATE= OSS.Net Announces Eleven Golden Candle Awards in Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) for International Peacekeeping WASHINGTON, Aug. 9 /PRNewswire/ -- OSS CEO Robert David Steele Vivas, the

[osint] Blair repeatedly failed to tackle radical Muslims in his backyard

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
Yeah, kinda like the Americans, Canadians and everyone else in the Western world. Bruce Blair repeatedly failed to tackle radical Muslims in his backyard By Richard Beeston and Michael Binyon London Times August 10, 2005 The outgoing Saudi Ambassador says lack of response to warnings

[osint] Commission Urges Investigation Into 9/11 Claim

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
Commission Urges Investigation Into 9/11 Claim Wednesday, August 10, 2005 http://www.foxnews.com/images/foxnews_story.gif WASHINGTON - Lee Hamilton, co-chairman of the now-disbanded http://www.9-11commission.gov/ Sept. 11 commission, wants to know whether U.S. defense intelligence officials

[osint] Western missions issue Saudi terror warning

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
Financial Times Western missions issue Saudi terror warning By Guy Dinmore in Washington Published: August 8 2005 18:34 | Last updated: August 8 2005 23:44 http://news.ft.com/cms/s/775b781c-0832-11da-97a6-0e2511c8.html Saudi Arabia's new leader-ship confronted its first security crisis on


2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
BRITISH CLERIC FLEES BRITAIN http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2005/08/09/nbakri09.xml sSheet=/news/2005/08/09/ixnewstop.html Omar Bakri Mohammed, one of several British-based Islamist clerics facing possible terrorist incitement charges, has fled to Lebanon, it was

[osint] U.N. Removes Seals at Iran Nuke Site

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
I would not be surprised if this is, at least, part of the reason more troops are being sent to Iraq. And yet another reason why the UN is worthless! = http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,165276,00.html U.N. Removes Seals at Iran Nuke Site Wednesday,

[osint] Explosions Rock Chemical Plant in Mich.

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
Explosions Rock Chemical Plant in Mich. By JoANNE VIVIANO, Associated Press Writer1 hour, 23 minutes ago A series of explosions rocked a chemical plant, causing a fire that lit up the night sky and prompted hundreds of residents to evacuate their homes. Authorities said no serious injuries

[osint] Colombia Unearthing Plight of Its 'Disappeared'

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
Colombia Unearthing Plight of Its ‘Disappeared' By http://query.nytimes.com/search/query?ppds=bylLv1=JUAN%20FOREROfdq=199601 01td=sysdatesort=newestac=JUAN%20FOREROinline=nyt-per JUAN FORERO New York Times August 10, 2005 Panos for The New York Times One of the graves dug up by

[osint] Bakri case highlights disarray on terror laws

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
Bakri case highlights disarray on terror laws By Peter Popham in Rome Published: 10 August 2005 The Independent javascript:launchPopup('http://news.independent.co.uk/uk/politics/article30 4911.ece?service=imagePopUpfield=bodyCopypageNumber=1','imagePopUp',640,64

[osint] Iran agrees to talk about nuclear plans

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
Iran agrees to talk about nuclear plans By Anne Penketh, Diplomatic Editor Published: 10 August 2005 The Independent Iran has pulled back from the brink in a crisis with the West, after the Iranian President offered a fresh negotiating initiative to three European countries to end

[osint] Australia bars Muslim radical

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5744,16220522%255E2 702,00.html Muslim radical barred entry Caroline Overington August 11, 2005 ABDUR Raheem Green, a radical Muslim convert from Britain who has said Muslims and Westerners cannot live peaceably together, has been

[osint] Hurdles for High-Tech Efforts to Track Who Crosses Borders

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
Hurdles for High-Tech Efforts to Track Who Crosses Borders By http://query.nytimes.com/search/query?ppds=bylLv1=ERIC%20LIPTONfdq=199601 01td=sysdatesort=newestac=ERIC%20LIPTONinline=nyt-per ERIC LIPTON New York Times August 10, 2005 Hurdles for Biometrics Jeff Topping for The New York

[osint] Turkey arrests key Al-Qaida figure said planning attack on Israelis

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
Turkey arrests key Al-Qaida figure said planning attack on Israelis By Reuters and Haaretz Service http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/610987.html ISTANBUL - Turkish police have detained a suspected Al-Qaida militant from Syria who they believe was organizing an attack on Israeli

[osint] IAEA Board of Governors cancels emergency meeting on Iran

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.payvand.com/news/05/aug/1112.html /10/05 IAEA Board of Governors cancels emergency meeting on Iran Vienna, Aug 10, IRNA-The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Board of Governors has cancelled its emergency meeting on Wednesday due to continuing rows among member

[osint] California Muslim Cleric Connected To Bin Laden

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://abclocal.go.com/kgo/story?section=politics http://abclocal.go.com/kgo/story?section=politicsid=3334906 id=3334906 FBI: Lodi Cleric Connected To Bin Laden KGO http://a.abclocal.go.com/graphics/v3/global/stockgraphics/icons/kgo_byline. gif By Mark

[osint] Iran plays nuclear cat and mouse

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,3-1729617,00.html August 10, 2005 Analysis: Iran plays nuclear cat and mouse By Times Online http://images.thetimes.co.uk/images/trans.gif http://images.thetimes.co.uk/images/trans.gif

[osint] China calls for constructive attitudes toward Iran nuclear issue

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2005-08/10/content_3336391.htm China calls for constructive attitudes toward Iran nuclear issue www.chinaview.cn 2005-08-10 21:03:43 VIENNA, Aug. 9 (Xinhuanet) -- China on Tuesday called for constructive attitudes from the

[osint] ukraine-us nuke cooperation for the EU membership

2005-08-10 Thread Michael Kerjman
Ukraine-US nuke cooperation to ease a country bid for the EU membership To minimize dependency from Russian power supply and to ease her possibility to become the EU member the Ukraine is to built own in- reached uranium and cesium plant, deepens cooperation with the USA in related fields of

[osint] U.S. spotted Qaeda cell before 9/11

2005-08-10 Thread David Bier
More than a year before the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, a U.S. military intelligence unit identified four future hijackers as likely members of a cell that Al Qaeda was operating in the United States, according to a former defense intelligence official and a Republican member of Congress. The

[osint] Bush Is No Nixon

2005-08-10 Thread David Bier
They were nice men. I told them Iraq was not a threat to the United States and that now people are dead for nothing. I told them I wouldn't leave until I talked to George Bush. I want to ask the president, 'Why did you kill my son? What did my son die for?' Last week, he said my son died for a

[osint] Bomb cache found in Iraq believed to be from Iranian Revolutionary Guard:

2005-08-10 Thread David Bier
We believe they came from Iran's Revolutionary Guards, the official told AFP, speaking on condition of anonymity. The find is significant not only because of the Iranian connection but also because it indicates manufactured bombs are now being introduced in a conflict that has seen the widespread

[osint] Syria's empty Iranian gambit

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
Syria's empty Iranian gambit By Michael Young Daily Star staff Thursday, August 11, 2005 In search of increasingly rare dinner partners, Syrian President Bashar Assad flew to Iran earlier this week to meet with officials, including the new president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. During the two-day

[osint] U.S. forces rely on dogs to detect bombs in Iraq. Insurgents rig them with explo

2005-08-10 Thread David Bier
Before, they used to use car bombs. Now they are using people and animals, said Col. Adnan Jaboori, a spokesman for the interior minister. They are finding new ways to use remote-control technology.

[osint] U.S. forces rely on dogs to detect bombs in Iraq. Insurgents rig them with explosives

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
Before, they used to use car bombs. Now they are using people and animals, said Col. Adnan Jaboori, a spokesman for the interior minister. They are finding new ways to use remote-control technology. http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/iraq/la-fg-dogs10aug10,0,2727461.sto

[osint] UK: Terrorist to have heart op paid for by taxpayers

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Tefft
If the Brits were smart, he wouldn't survive. -Bruce Bakri to have heart op on NHS By Brendan Carlin, Duncan Gardham and John Steele (Filed: 11/08/2005) Daily Telegraph The Government was under intense pressure last night to carry out

[osint] Michael Schwartz on Iranian Ironies

2005-08-10 Thread David Bier
...as of late summer 2005, the Pentagon, under instructions from Vice President Dick Cheney's office, was drawing up a contingency plan to be employed in response to another 9/11-type terrorist attack on the United States. The plan mandates a large-scale air assault on Iran employing both