RE: [osint] OSINT moderation

2005-04-19 Thread R.A. Hettinga
At 11:07 AM -0400 4/19/05, wege wrote: (primarily by one individual) Fine. I'm outta here. Thanks for all the fish. Cheers, RAH -- - R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131

[osint] Brand vs. Romm

2005-04-18 Thread R.A. Hettinga Technology Review Blog Brand vs. Romm In Environmental Heresies, Stewart Brand argues against four of the environmental movement's longstanding positions. Former Dept. of Energy official Joseph Romm begs to differ. The two square off in this special

[osint] Stewart Brand: Environmental Heresies

2005-04-18 Thread R.A. Hettinga Technology Review Print | Forums Environmental Heresies By Stewart Brand May 2005 Over the next ten years, I predict, the mainstream of the environmental movement will reverse its

[osint] Robert Novak: Walling off Christianity

2005-04-18 Thread R.A. Hettinga Walling off Christianity Robert Novak (back to web version) | Send April 18, 2005 WASHINGTON -- The venerable Rep. Henry Hyde is a staunch supporter of Israel, but he is also a prominent Catholic layman known

[osint] Peter Brookes: Tokyo's China troubles

2005-04-18 Thread R.A. Hettinga Tokyo's China troubles Peter Brookes (back to web version) | Send April 18, 2005 A long-festering Sino-Japanese rivalry is becoming increasingly apparent. If tensions between the Asian giants continue to

[osint] Joseph P. Duggan: An Eastern Rite pope as a catalyst for Christian unity

2005-04-18 Thread R.A. Hettinga An Eastern Rite pope as a catalyst for Christian unity Joseph P. Duggan (back to web version) | Send April 18, 2005 Chroniclers do not record whether the 58th pope, Silverius, called his father by the

[osint] Armstrong Williams: Shepherd to the world

2005-04-18 Thread R.A. Hettinga Shepherd to the world Armstrong Williams (back to web version) | Send April 18, 2005 Pope John Paul II passed away last week after 26 years of service to the Catholic Church, and to the world. In the

[osint] Jeff Jacoby: Does Israel want Palestinian democracy?

2005-04-18 Thread R.A. Hettinga Does Israel want Palestinian democracy? Jeff Jacoby (back to web version) | Send April 18, 2005 During their press conference in Crawford, Texas, this week, President Bush and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon

[osint] Michael Barone: Mollifying centrism

2005-04-18 Thread R.A. Hettinga Mollifying centrism Michael Barone (back to web version) | Send April 18, 2005 On two propositions most good-hearted civic-minded people agree: It is good to have centrist politics, and it is good to have high

[osint] Live with TAE: Victor Davis Hanson

2005-04-18 Thread R.A. Hettinga Live with TAE Victor Davis Hanson Equally at home with ancient history and contemporary politics, a reader of Greek and Latin who exhibits a strong popular touch, a man with unusually deep roots and phenomenally broad

[osint] Did bin Laden Escape Because of Female Warriors?

2005-04-17 Thread R.A. Hettinga To view this email as a web page, go here. Apr. 16, 2005 Insider Report from Headlines (Scroll down for complete stories): 1. Did bin Laden Escape Because of Female Warriors? snip... 1. Did bin Laden

[osint] MAG: U.S. no-fly list has grown to more than 31,000

2005-04-17 Thread R.A. Hettinga The Drudge Report MAG: U.S. no-fly list has grown to more than 31,000 Sun Apr 17 2005 06:40:11 ET Aviation sources say the U.S. no-fly list has grown to more than 31,000, up from 19,000 last September. And a little-noticed incident on April 8

[osint] Hacking the Papal Election (was Re: CRYPTO-GRAM, April 15, 2005)

2005-04-15 Thread R.A. Hettinga
At 12:37 AM -0500 4/15/05, Bruce Schneier wrote: Hacking the Papal Election As the College of Cardinals prepares to elect a new pope, people like me wonder about the election process. How does it work, and just how hard is it to hack the vote? Of course I'm not advocating voter

[osint] Iraqis Find Graves Thought to Hold Hussein's Victims

2005-04-15 Thread R.A. Hettinga The New York Times April 15, 2005 Iraqis Find Graves Thought to Hold Hussein's Victims By ROBERT F. WORTH AGHDAD, Iraq, April 14 -

[osint] Two-Thirds of Lethal Asian Flu Virus Destroyed - WHO

2005-04-15 Thread R.A. Hettinga Two-Thirds of Lethal Asian Flu Virus Destroyed - WHO Apr 15, 9:02 AM (ET) By Stephanie Nebehay GENEVA (Reuters) - Some two-thirds of the 3,700 laboratories worldwide that received

[osint] Row deepens over UN oil scandal

2005-04-15 Thread R.A. Hettinga The BBC Entertainment | Have Your Say | Week at a Glance Friday, 15 April, 2005, 14:21 GMT 15:21 UK Row deepens over UN oil scandal The US and Britain have rejected allegations by UN chief Kofi Annan that they turned a blind eye to oil

[osint] Columbia's Bigotry

2005-04-15 Thread R.A. Hettinga The New York Post COLUMBIA'S BIGOTRY By CHARLES E.F. MILLARD April 14, 2005 -- COLUMBIA University, only a few miles north of Ground Zero, treats young people who are training to defend this nation as second-class citizens.

[osint] South Park Conservatives: Snapshot of the Culture Wars

2005-04-15 Thread R.A. Hettinga
Somewhere out there there *must* be an Eric Cartman for President t-shirt... In 6XL, of course... My people won't come unless there's punch and pie, RAH That's 6XL*T* to you... --- Edward B. Driscoll, Jr. South Park Conservatives:

[osint] Bolton's Hair: No Brush With Greatness

2005-04-15 Thread R.A. Hettinga The Washington Post Bolton's Hair: No Brush With Greatness By Robin Givhan Washington Post Staff Writer Friday, April 15, 2005; Page C01 John Bolton, President Bush's nominee for ambassador to

[osint] China Boosts Sophistication Of Web-Content Filters

2005-04-14 Thread R.A. Hettinga,,SB111349186603007104,00.html The Wall Street Journal April 14, 2005 11:52 a.m. EDT China Boosts Sophistication Of Web-Content Filters Associated Press April 14, 2005 11:52 a.m. The Chinese government has become increasingly sophisticated at

[osint] Hey, We've Got One! (was Re: OpinionJournal - Best of the Web Today - April 14, 2005)

2005-04-14 Thread R.A. Hettinga
At 4:46 PM -0400 4/14/05, OpinionJournal wrote: Hey, We've Got One! *** QUOTE *** Perhaps you can help us with our collection. We're keeping tabs on various examples of Republicans lashing out at financier and philanthropist George Soros using anti-Semitic code language. We're calling it The

[osint] Renew Patriot

2005-04-14 Thread R.A. Hettinga The National Review The Editors April 14, 2005, 9:26 a.m. Renew Patriot Several provisions of the Patriot Act - the antiterrorist law enacted in the weeks after September 11 - are scheduled to expire

[osint] Climate Science: In Need of Due Diligence

2005-04-14 Thread R.A. Hettinga Tech Central Station Climate Science: In Need of Due Diligence By Hans Labohm Published 04/14/2005 At their Summit of 22 and 23 March, European leaders decided to cancel the initial target to reduce CO2 emissions in 2050 by 60% - 80%. But

[osint] 3 Indicted in Suspected Plot on East Coast Finance Sites

2005-04-13 Thread R.A. Hettinga The New York Times April 13, 2005 3 Indicted in Suspected Plot on East Coast Finance Sites By DAVID JOHNSTON and ERIC LICHTBLAU ASHINGTON, April 12 - Three men have been indicted in the

[osint] Nominee Vows Tighter Control of Intelligence

2005-04-13 Thread R.A. Hettinga The New York Times April 13, 2005 Nominee Vows Tighter Control of Intelligence By DOUGLAS JEHL ASHINGTON, April 12 - John D. Negroponte, nominated as the first director of national intelligence,

[osint] Summertime in Gaza

2005-04-13 Thread R.A. Hettinga The New York Times April 13, 2005 EDITORIAL Summertime in Gaza f the chatter among the Israelis and the Palestinians is anything to go by, this is going to be a July to remember in the Middle East. The

[osint] Star Parker: A papal message on socialism

2005-04-12 Thread R.A. Hettinga A papal message on socialism Star Parker (back to web version) | Send April 12, 2005 In 1991, Pope John Paul II issued an encyclical called Centesimus Annus. It is a sweeping and fascinating discussion about

[osint] Having a Blast in Vegas

2005-04-12 Thread R.A. Hettinga OpinionJournal WSJ Online April 12, 2005 8:35am EDT Having a Blast in Vegas A visit to the Nevada Test Site Museum. BY MICHAEL J. YBARRA Tuesday, April 12, 2005 12:01 a.m. EDT LAS VEGAS--On Jan. 27, 1951, an Air Force B-50D flew from its

[osint] In Battling Hunger, A New Advance: Peanut-Butter Paste

2005-04-12 Thread R.A. Hettinga
Wherein nobody uses the M word, Markets, when they *exactly* solve the problem... Cheers, RAH ---,,SB111325755024103974,00.html The Wall Street Journal April 12, 2005 PAGE ONE Famine Relief In Battling Hunger, A New Advance: Peanut-Butter

[osint] What I learned serving in Iraq

2005-04-12 Thread R.A. Hettinga OpinionJournal WSJ Online AFTER THE WAR Coming Home What I learned serving in Iraq. BY GREG MOORE Tuesday, April 12, 2005 12:01 a.m. EDT SARANAC LAKE, N.Y.--There are no longer generators running, or armored vehicles rumbling, or mortars

[osint] Catching a 'Curveball'

2005-04-12 Thread R.A. Hettinga,,SB111326384573804082,00.html The Wall Street Journal April 12, 2005 REVIEW OUTLOOK Catching a 'Curveball' April 12, 2005 We journalists are bound to make mistakes from time to time, and there's nothing dishonorable about acknowledging it. So we

[osint] The Smart Money

2005-04-12 Thread R.A. Hettinga The New York Times April 12, 2005 OP-ED COLUMNIST The Smart Money By JOHN TIERNEY Do not be fooled by the talking heads in Rome. The journalists handicapping the papal election may sound as confident

[osint] More Spies, Worse Intelligence?

2005-04-12 Thread R.A. Hettinga The New York Times April 12, 2005 OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR More Spies, Worse Intelligence? By LINDSAY MORAN Washington - AS the Senate begins confirmation hearings today for John D. Negroponte as director of

[osint] Guilty Until Proven Innocent

2005-04-12 Thread R.A. Hettinga The New York Times April 12, 2005 EDITORIAL Guilty Until Proven Innocent The post-9/11 world involves two competing nightmares. One imagines another terrorist attack that occurs because authorities fail

[osint] 'Can't Anybody Here Play This Game?'

2005-04-12 Thread R.A. Hettinga,,SB111326566186204160,00.html The Wall Street Journal April 12, 2005 GLOBAL VIEW By GEORGE MELLOAN 'Can't Anybody Here Play This Game?' April 12, 2005 As Washington, D.C. returns to the baseball majors with a team of its own and simultaneously

[osint] High-Octane Amnesia

2005-04-12 Thread R.A. Hettinga,,SB111326447292404104,00.html The Wall Street Journal April 12, 2005 COMMENTARY High-Octane Amnesia By JERRY TAYLOR and PETER VAN DOREN April 12, 2005 Ever since the 9/11 attacks, a steady drumbeat has grown to reduce U.S. reliance on foreign oil

[osint] India and China Agree to Resolve Decades of Border Disputes

2005-04-12 Thread R.A. Hettinga The New York Times April 12, 2005 India and China Agree to Resolve Decades of Border Disputes By SOMINI SENGUPTA EW DELHI, April 11 - China and India agreed Monday to resolve a decades-old

[osint] China Risks Overplaying its Hand

2005-04-12 Thread R.A. Hettinga,,SB111325470938103884,00.html The Wall Street Journal April 12, 2005 COMMENTARY China Risks Overplaying its Hand By DANIEL LYNCH April 12, 2005 The current Chinese dispute with Japan owes much more to international power politics than to earnest

[osint] One Country, One Vote?

2005-04-12 Thread R.A. Hettinga,,SB111325531924203905,00.html The Wall Street Journal April 12, 2005 REVIEW OUTLOOK One Country, One Vote? April 12, 2005 When British Prime Minister Tony Blair decided last year to hold a referendum on the European Union constitution, it sparked a

[osint] Scandals Leave Big Banks Vulnerable

2005-04-12 Thread R.A. Hettinga,,SB111334165396705051,00.html The Wall Street Journal April 13, 2005 BUSINESS By ALAN MURRAY Scandals Leave Big Banks Vulnerable April 13, 2005 I have nothing against rainforests. But I did get disturbed when I read that the Rainforest Action

[osint] French may have to buy compulsory biometric ID cards

2005-04-12 Thread R.A. Hettinga InfoWorld French may have to buy compulsory biometric ID cards Plan for compulsary ID card could go into effect in 2007 By Peter Sayer, IDG News Service April 12, 2005 PARIS -- French citizens will have to pay for

[osint] Tokyo Protests Anti-Japan Rallies in China

2005-04-11 Thread R.A. Hettinga The New York Times April 11, 2005 Tokyo Protests Anti-Japan Rallies in China By NORIMITSU ONISHI OKYO, April 10 - Japan lodged a formal protest against China on Sunday after violent

[osint] U.S. Commanders See Possible Cut in Troops in Iraq

2005-04-11 Thread R.A. Hettinga The New York Times April 11, 2005 U.S. Commanders See Possible Cut in Troops in Iraq By ERIC SCHMITT ASHINGTON, April 10 - Two years after the fall of Saddam Hussein, the American-led military

[osint] Woods Prevails in Close Battle for the Masters

2005-04-11 Thread R.A. Hettinga The New York Times April 11, 2005 Woods Prevails in Close Battle for the Masters By DAMON HACK UGUSTA, Ga., April 10 - Tiger Woods and his determined challenger, Chris DiMarco, chased each other to

[osint] Health Workers Race to Block Deadly Virus in Angolan Town

2005-04-11 Thread R.A. Hettinga The New York Times April 11, 2005 Health Workers Race to Block Deadly Virus in Angolan Town By SHARON LaFRANIERE ÍGE, Angola, April 10 - Larrinda Pinto died Thursday, probably unaware of

[osint] Peter Brookes: Bolton from the blue

2005-04-11 Thread R.A. Hettinga Bolton from the blue Peter Brookes (back to web version) | Send April 11, 2005 The fireworks start this morning: Sen. Dick Lugar's Foreign Relations Committee begins three days of what promises to be grueling,

[osint] Unitarian Jihad: First Communique

2005-04-11 Thread R.A. Hettinga
According to the Unitarian Jihad Name Generator, you may now refer to me by my new Unitarian Jihad Name: The Logging Chain of Forgiveness, or, heh, Chainey, for short... Cheers, RAH Unless you prefer: Garrotte of Courteous Reason, (Garry, for short...)

[osint] Metaphor Alert (was Re: OpinionJournal - Best of the Web Today - April 11, 2005)

2005-04-11 Thread R.A. Hettinga
At 3:20 PM -0400 4/11/05, OpinionJournal wrote: Metaphor Alert From a column by Robert L. Jamieson Jr. in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer (intelligent as a post!): *** QUOTE *** The Republican Red Scare is on the loose. Again. The

[osint] Unpatriotic Dissent Watch (was Re: OpinionJournal - Best of the Web Today - April 11, 2005)

2005-04-11 Thread R.A. Hettinga
At 3:20 PM -0400 4/11/05, OpinionJournal wrote: Unpatriotic Dissent Watch On Friday we noted a refreshing quote from 46-year-old antiwar activist Connie Harris, who was participating in an

[osint] Fresh target, fresh pit bull for GOP

2005-04-11 Thread R.A. Hettinga SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER Fresh target, fresh pit bull for GOP Friday, April 8, 2005 By ROBERT L. JAMIESON JR. SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER COLUMNIST The Republican Red

[osint] Roger Ebert and Mohammad Atta, partners in crime

2005-04-11 Thread R.A. Hettinga News | Roger Ebert and Mohammad Atta, partners in crime David Horowitz has a new project calculated to give the left apoplexy: A Web site that proclaims insidious links between latte liberals and murderous

[osint] Old Media on Iraq: Good News Not Newsworthy

2005-04-11 Thread R.A. Hettinga David Limbaugh April 11, 2005 New Column: Old Media on Iraq: Good News Not Newsworthy When it comes to reporting on the Iraq War, the Old Media might as well be an appendage of the anti-war wing of the Democratic Party.

[osint] Caroline B. Glick: Middle East mythology

2005-04-10 Thread R.A. Hettinga Middle East mythology Caroline B. Glick (back to web version) | Send April 9, 2005 Tuesday the 2004 Arab Human Development Report was released by the UN Development Project. The report placed a large chunk of

[osint] al-Sadr's Demonstrators in Iraq Demand That U.S. Leave

2005-04-10 Thread R.A. Hettinga The New York Times April 10, 2005 Demonstrators in Iraq Demand That U.S. Leave By DEXTER FILKINS BAGHDAD, Iraq, April 9 - Tens of thousands of Iraqis marked the second anniversary of

[osint] Bellow's Democratic Nobility of the Intellect

2005-04-10 Thread R.A. Hettinga The New York Times April 10, 2005 OP-ED COLUMNIST Bellow's Democratic Nobility of the Intellect By DAVID BROOKS In this country we have hotels that are democratized versions of European palaces. We

[osint] U.S. Seeks Access to Bank Records to Deter Terror

2005-04-10 Thread R.A. Hettinga The New York Times April 10, 2005 U.S. Seeks Access to Bank Records to Deter Terror By ERIC LICHTBLAU ASHINGTON, April 9 - The Bush administration is developing a plan to give the government access

[osint] Terrorist Attacks on Reactor Pools

2005-04-09 Thread R.A. Hettinga The New York Times April 9, 2005 EDITORIAL Terrorist Attacks on Reactor Pools A report just released by the National Academy of Sciences bears two disturbing revelations. The cooling pools for nuclear

[osint] North Korea Said to Reject China's Bid on Nuclear Talks

2005-04-09 Thread R.A. Hettinga The New York Times April 9, 2005 North Korea Said to Reject China's Bid on Nuclear Talks By JOEL BRINKLEY ASHINGTON, April 8 - After two senior-level meetings between North Korean and Chinese leaders

[osint] Iran, Iraq sign agreement on visa to pilgrims, businessmen

2005-04-08 Thread R.A. Hettinga Iran, Iraq sign agreement on visa to pilgrims, businessmen Tehran, April 7, IRNA Iran-Iraq Iraq's Deputy Foreign Minister Sa'd al-Hayani conferred here Thursday with Foreign Minister Kamal

[osint] Sunday Book Review Goodbye to Privacy

2005-04-08 Thread R.A. Hettinga The New York Times April 10, 2005 Goodbye to Privacy By WILLIAM SAFIRE NO PLACE TO HIDE By Robert O'Harrow Jr. 348 pp. The Free Press. $26. CHATTER Dispatches From the Secret World of

[osint] Greenhouse Gas

2005-04-07 Thread R.A. Hettinga Technology Review Print | Forums Greenhouse Gas Joseph Romm May 2005 Michael Crichton has written that rarest of books, an -intellectually dishonest novel. Crichton has made a fortune

[osint] Victor Davis Hanson: Move the U.N.?

2005-04-07 Thread R.A. Hettinga
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Jewish World Review April 7, 2005 / 27 Adar II, 5765 Move the U.N.? By Victor Davis Hanson | Americans grew up with kind feelings

[osint] Little USSR

2005-04-07 Thread R.A. Hettinga Tech Central Station Little USSR By Sylvain Charat Published 04/07/2005 Just like big cities often have their own peculiar neighborhoods -- Little Italy, Chinatown, Greek Town, etc. -- the EU has its own Little USSR. It's called France.

[osint] Saddam Hussein, Couch Potato (was Re: OpinionJournal - Best of the Web Today - April 7, 2005)

2005-04-07 Thread R.A. Hettinga
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 At 4:21 PM -0400 4/7/05, OpinionJournal wrote: Saddam Hussein, Couch Potato The New York Times notes the

[osint] As Oil Demand Surges, Saudis Offer to Boost Output

2005-04-07 Thread R.A. Hettinga
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1,,SB111282627132800108,00.html The Wall Street Journal April 7, 2005 PAGE ONE As Oil Demand Surges, Saudis Offer to Boost Output Rare Move Aims to Head Off Cuts, Backlash From Buyers; Meeting With Bush

[osint] The Rearguard Pope

2005-04-07 Thread R.A. Hettinga The National Review April 07, 2005, 10:43 a.m. The Rearguard Pope One man vs. a posthuman tsunami. I am not a Roman Catholic. In fact, I was raised in the old English tradition to think of the Roman

[osint] Chinese begin to worry U.S. militarily: printer friendly version

2005-04-07 Thread R.A. Hettinga International Herald Tribune Chinese begin to worry U.S. militarily By Jim Yardley and Thom Shanker The New York Times Friday, April 8, 2005 Officials say equation has shifted in event of a Taiwan crisis

[osint] The Pope and Hypocrisy

2005-04-06 Thread R.A. Hettinga The New York Times April 6, 2005 OP-ED COLUMNIST The Pope and Hypocrisy By NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF resident Bush and other world leaders are honoring John Paul II in a way that completely misunderstands his

[osint] Damascus Devilry

2005-04-06 Thread R.A. Hettinga The New York Post DAMASCUS DEVILRY April 6, 2005 -- Syria now says it will withdraw all of its military and intelligence personnel fully and completely from Lebanon by the end of this month - fulfilling President Bush's demand and

[osint] Wild and Crazy Old Gray Lady (was Re: OpinionJournal - Best of the Web Today - April 6, 2005)

2005-04-06 Thread R.A. Hettinga
At 3:00 PM -0400 4/6/05, OpinionJournal wrote: Wild and Crazy Old Gray Lady This Editor's Note appears in today's New York Times: *** QUOTE *** A front-page article on Thursday described a report by a committee at Columbia

[osint] FBI seeks expanded search powers

2005-04-05 Thread R.A. Hettinga FBI seeks expanded search powers Justice Dept. also wants expiring Patriot Act provisions renewed NBC News and news services Updated: 12:16 p.m. ET April 5, 2005 WASHINGTON - FBI Director Robert Mueller on Tuesday asked

[osint] Blair to ditch ID cards

2005-04-05 Thread R.A. Hettinga The Register Biting the hand that feeds IT The Register » Internet and Law » eGovernment » Original URL: Blair to ditch ID cards By John Oates (john.oates at

[osint] Technology Transfers Help Further Repression

2005-04-04 Thread R.A. Hettinga,,SB111256713595396581,00.html The Wall Street Journal April 4, 2005 COMMENTARY Technology Transfers Help Further Repression By FRED ARMENTROUT April 4, 2005 Those advocating the lifting of the arms embargo that was imposed on China after the 1989

[osint] Yushchenko discusses challenges ahead

2005-04-04 Thread R.A. Hettinga Yushchenko discusses challenges ahead Confirms missile sales to Iran, says health improving By Preston Mendenhall Correspondent NBC News Updated: 11:34 a.m. ET April 4, 2005 KIEV, Ukraine - Ahead of his first visit to the

[osint] High-tech passports coming; complaints already in

2005-04-04 Thread R.A. Hettinga USA Today * High-tech passports coming; complaints already in By Mimi Hall, USA TODAY WASHINGTON - The dark blue cover will look the same, but U.S. passports are getting a high-tech makeover this year. Blue-jacketed tourist

[osint] Caroline B. Glick: The Palestine problem

2005-04-03 Thread R.A. Hettinga The Palestine problem Caroline B. Glick (back to web version) | Send April 2, 2005 JERUSALEM, Israel -- With the Israeli Knesset's defeat this week of the proposed referendum on Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's

[osint] Watch out, France, we may rename another food

2005-04-03 Thread R.A. Hettinga Portland Press Herald Sunday, April 3, 2005 Watch out, France, we may rename another food By WAYNE M. O'LEARY, They're back! Just when you thought it was safe to start calling freedom fries French fries once more, the

[osint] Controversy At Columbia: A View From Inside The Institution

2005-04-03 Thread R.A. Hettinga Controversy At Columbia: A View From Inside The Institution Posted 3/30/2005 By Neil S. Shachter, M.D. In the past year there have been press reports of a problem at Columbia University. The New York Sun has been

[osint] Sir Mark Thatcher refused US visa

2005-04-03 Thread R.A. Hettinga The BBC Sunday, 3 April, 2005, 09:28 GMT 10:28 UK Sir Mark Thatcher refused US visa Sir Mark Thatcher has been refused a visa to enter the United States in the wake of his conviction in connection with an African coup plot. The son of the

[osint] Ousted Kyrgyzstan President Agrees to Resign

2005-04-03 Thread R.A. Hettinga VOA News - Ousted Kyrgyzstan President Agrees to Resign By Anya Ardayeva Moscow 03 April 2005 Askar Akayev (File photo) Kyrgyzstan's ousted president, Askar Akayev, has agreed to resign from his post. Mr. Akayev fled

[osint] Chinese Catholic bishop, priest arrested

2005-04-03 Thread R.A. Hettinga The Washington Times Catholic bishop, priest arrested Published April 3, 2005 From combined dispatches The Vatican said yesterday that Chinese authorities have carried out a new series

[osint] Experts in U.S. debate over aging warheads

2005-04-03 Thread R.A. Hettinga International Herald Tribune Experts in U.S. debate over aging warheads By William J. Broad The New York Times Monday, April 4, 2005 Scientists question costly overhaul plan For more than two decades, a

[osint] Mugabe's opponents call for re-run

2005-04-03 Thread R.A. Hettinga The Scotsman Mon 4 Apr 2005 show images Robert Mugabe: Hand-picked observers gave the president their endorsement.

[osint] The new Dutch model?

2005-04-03 Thread R.A. Hettinga The Economist Living with Islam The new Dutch model? Mar 31st 2005 | AMSTERDAM AND THE HAGUE From The Economist print edition Hollandse-Hoogte Increasingly, the Netherlands wonders whether diversity is always desirable

[osint] Privacy Advocates Criticize Plan To Embed ID Chips in Passports

2005-04-03 Thread R.A. Hettinga The Washington Post Privacy Advocates Criticize Plan To Embed ID Chips in Passports By Sara Kehaulani Goo Washington Post Staff Writer Sunday, April 3, 2005; Page A06 A government plan to embed

[osint] Groups object to passport chips

2005-04-03 Thread R.A. Hettinga United Press International Groups object to passport chips [World News] WASHINGTON, April 3 : Travel and privacy groups have objected to a plan to embed U.S. passports with radio frequency chips, saying the

[osint] Avi Rubin: Critics Call Proposed US Passport Technology 'Dangerous'

2005-04-03 Thread R.A. Hettinga E-Commerce News: Technology Technology Critics Call Proposed US Passport Technology 'Dangerous' By Jay Lyman Part of the ECT News Network 03/31/05 12:01 PM PT Avi Rubin, whose

[osint] Microsoft Working on New ID System for Windows

2005-04-03 Thread R.A. Hettinga Reuters Microsoft Working on New ID System for Windows Tue Mar 29, 2005 01:23 PM ET By Reed Stevenson SEATTLE (Reuters) - Microsoft Corp. (MSFT.O: Quote, Profile, Research) will build software for managing

[osint] Joel Mowbray: The Real Mahmoud Abbas

2005-04-03 Thread R.A. Hettinga The Real Mahmoud Abbas Joel Mowbray (back to web version) | Send April 4, 2005 Turn on Palestinian television or open a Palestinian newspaper these days, and much of the content looks like it could have come

[osint] Book Review: Atomic Iran by Jerome R. Corsi

2005-04-03 Thread R.A. Hettinga Atomic Iran How the Terrorist Regime Bought the Bomb and American Politicians By Jerome R. Corsi Review by Dexter Ingram Imagine several of the most powerful forces of the Western world seeking to appease the leaders of a rogue nation

[osint] Michael Barone: One man can make a difference

2005-04-03 Thread R.A. Hettinga One man can make a difference Michael Barone (back to web version) | Send April 4, 2005 One man can make a difference: that is the lesson of the life of Pope John Paul II. If someone had told you, 50 years

[osint] Helle Dale: Troubling Russian democracy

2005-04-02 Thread R.A. Hettinga Troubling Russian democracy Helle Dale (back to web version) | Send April 1, 2005 The Russian bear is an aging, ailing animal in bad health, but it is still a predator, and it longs for the days when it could

[osint] Rich Lowry: The WMD scandal that wasn't

2005-04-02 Thread R.A. Hettinga The WMD scandal that wasn't Rich Lowry (back to web version) | Send April 1, 2005 The commission studying the intelligence failures that produced disastrously flawed estimates of Iraq's weapons-of-mass-destruction

[osint] Pope John Paul II Has Died

2005-04-02 Thread R.A. Hettinga
Two of the three people who won cold war have died. Only Maggie's left, now... Cheers, RAH,,SB110926029031763148,00.html The Wall Street Journal April 2, 2005 3:18 p.m. EST POPE JOHN PAUL II Pope John Paul II Has Died By GABRIEL KAHN

[osint] Charles Krauthammer: The Arab spring continues in Lebanon

2005-04-01 Thread R.A. Hettinga
Right, then. When do we go to Damascus? :-) Cheers, RAH --- The Arab spring continues in Lebanon Charles Krauthammer (back to web version) | Send April 1, 2005 WASHINGTON -- Say what you will about

[osint] Jeff Jacoby: Sharon's retreat is a victory for terrorists

2005-04-01 Thread R.A. Hettinga Sharon's retreat is a victory for terrorists Jeff Jacoby (back to web version) | Send April 1, 2005 In January 2003, Ariel Sharon won a second term as Israel's prime minister by crushing the Labor Party's Amram

[osint] Jonah Goldberg: It's the end of the world, and I feel fine

2005-04-01 Thread R.A. Hettinga It's the end of the world, and I feel fine Jonah Goldberg (back to web version) | Send April 1, 2005 The bad news is that a new United Nations report says the world's coming to an end. But, first, some good

[osint] Mona Charen: The press misses the point about WMDs and intelligence

2005-04-01 Thread R.A. Hettinga The press misses the point about WMDs and intelligence Mona Charen (back to web version) | Send April 1, 2005 The President's Commission on (deep breath) Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding

[osint] Economic woes have hit the rural areas of Zimbabwe the hardest

2005-04-01 Thread R.A. Hettinga The Star Economic woes have hit the rural areas the hardest By Lucia Mutikani Chinamhora, Zimbabwe - Whatever the outcome of the parliamentary elections, few Zimbabweans believe it will do much

[osint] On the Sunni Side of the Street (was Re: OpinionJournal - Best of the Web Today - April 1, 2005)

2005-04-01 Thread R.A. Hettinga
At 4:09 PM -0500 4/1/05, OpinionJournal wrote: On the Sunni Side of the Street The Associated Press brings this excellent news from Baghdad: *** QUOTE *** Influential Sunni scholars encouraged Iraqis to

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