Re: Re: Re: letters to the editor [pension reform]

2002-12-23 Thread joanna bujes
(the illusion of power drug) got very popular. Joanna At 03:25 PM 12/22/2002 -0600, you wrote: joanna bujes wrote: The looting spree started in 1980 This is a misprint for 1780? Carrol

Re: Re: Re: the humbling?

2002-12-23 Thread joanna bujes
At 03:15 PM 12/23/2002 +, you wrote: But I haven't seen one word in the media about investors' disgust. No, but the stock market will reflect it. I guess there's still a lot of ordinary folks' money still waiting to be fleeced, so why advertise the fact that business as usual continues

Re: letters to the editor [pension reform]

2002-12-22 Thread joanna bujes
At 10:08 AM 12/22/2002 -0800, you wrote: I must ask (after reading the Dec. 17 article in Business about Bush's presence at a 1997 Enron party where there were jokes told about accounting practices), has everyone in this country decided to loot what's left? And people wonder why so many have

Re: Re: Re: RE: Re: The Economist considers Karl Marx

2002-12-20 Thread joanna bujes
At 03:59 PM 12/20/2002 -0600, you wrote: I didn't pry into those 14 columns, but I bet they contain abundant (respectable) sanction for the linguistic acceptability of the proposition that Markets are natural. The question is though Markets are natural to what? Joanna

Re: taxation question

2002-12-19 Thread joanna bujes
in a separate message, Ellen writes: What people deserve is exactly the issue the right wing will raise -- the rich deserve their luxuries and the poor have no right to take what others have earned fairly (I guess they'll want to leave Ken Lay out if it). Well, the question of how the rich

Re: Re: Mass arrests of Muslims in LA

2002-12-19 Thread joanna bujes
At 09:07 PM 12/19/2002 +, you wrote: The question is which nationality, race, group, or religion is next. Mohammad Maljoo The roundup is expected to intensify. By January 10, men from the following countries must report to immigration officials: Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Eritrea,

Re: imperialism vs. Empire.

2002-12-18 Thread joanna bujes
We can be confident that in the long run their real interests will lead global elites to support empire and refuse any project of US imperialism. In the coming months, and perhaps years, we may face a tragedy that we read about in the darkest periods of human history, when elites are

Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: imperialism vs. Empire.

2002-12-18 Thread joanna bujes
The difference seems to be that Hardt seems to be pretty positively disposed toward ultra-imperialism (imperialist unity) or what he and Negri call empire. .. so the only question is, what can be learned from such scum? Joanna

Re: Re: FW: housing bubble?

2002-12-17 Thread joanna bujes
It's hard to know what data to look at in figuring out whether there's a bubble. But falling margin requirements always make me suspicious; and, nowadays, at least in the Bay area, you can get a mortgage with little or no money down. There is also the extraordinary obligation of the mortgage

Re: Re: Re: Blowback

2002-12-11 Thread joanna bujes
At 02:06 PM 12/10/2002 -0500, you wrote: joanna bujes wrote: I assume all sorts of unimaginable consequences will flow out of the attempt to remake the Middle East. I wonder if anyone in power gives any thought whatsoever to long-term consequences. Nah. They're too stupid and too arrogant

Re: Blowback

2002-12-10 Thread joanna bujes
At 10:39 AM 12/10/2002 -0800, you wrote: I have been thinking about the horrendous cost of the U.S. support for Israel. Does anybody believe that Israel would exist except for the Nazis? In effect, the Middle East Holocaust is a continuation of the original one. I forgot who it was who said

Re: RE: Blowback

2002-12-10 Thread joanna bujes
Better is Isaac Deutscher's explanation of the connection between the Nazis and Israel: it's as if someone had jumped out of a burning building -- and had fallen and squashed his neighbor (the Palestinians). Say what? Joanna

Re: Re: re: Query: : ?xml:namespace prefix = o

2002-12-06 Thread joanna bujes
At 04:03 PM 12/06/2002 -0500, you wrote: Hey Ravi- You do know what humour is! Gee...Wasn't sure from your prior note! H I think he's just the sweetest thing alive!!! But I've said that before. Joanna

Re: Re: Stallin Stalin 3 of 3

2002-11-25 Thread joanna bujes
At 02:32 PM 11/24/2002 -0800, you wrote: The reason why I think the Republican coup of 2000 may be a historical turning point for the capital accumulation process (from speculation back to production) is that finance capital siphoned much of what could have been siphoned from the rest of the

Re: Re: Stallin Stalin 3 of 3

2002-11-24 Thread joanna bujes
At 09:17 PM 11/22/2002 -0800, Sabri wrote: but maybe we can explain this shift of capital from production to speculation using a more comprehensive theory, which does not exclude advanced robotics. From my reading of Marx, I seem to remember that the shift from productive to speculative capital

Re: Sounds like surreal, doesn't it?

2002-11-21 Thread joanna bujes
No, it's for real. Joanna At 12:22 AM 11/21/2002 -0800, you wrote: Please tell me that this news is a hoax. Sabri +++ Thursday, November 21, 2002 By Major Garrett Fox News WASHINGTON — A massive database that the government will use to monitor every purchase made by

Re: Re: Re: Rx6: Joanne- re 2WW - I almost forgot

2002-11-21 Thread joanna bujes
Beats me. I don't know. I have no fascinataion with Stalin. Joanna At 05:10 PM 11/20/2002 -0800, you wrote: What is this strange fascination with Stalin? -- Michael Perelman Economics Department California State University Chico, CA 95929 Tel. 530-898-5321 E-Mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Re: Re: Privatization of information

2002-11-21 Thread joanna bujes
At 12:08 PM 11/21/2002 -0800, you wrote: The fly in the ointment is this: the government is now controlled by the very forces that want to end government, period, and exchange it for total control by themselves, the elite wealthy corporatistas. Right, though you'll notice nobody wants to

Re: Rx6: Joanne- re 2WW - I almost forgot

2002-11-20 Thread joanna bujes
I do not have detailed knowledge of pre WWII days; a friend who does, writes: That is true about Czechoslovakia, except that Stalin was lobbying Britian and France to go to war against Germany at the same time. But they didn't, and the geographical layout of Czechoslovakia viz a viz the USSR

Re: Re: Hi Joanne- re 2WW - I almost forgot

2002-11-19 Thread joanna bujes
When is the quarter/semester over? Joanna At 04:29 AM 11/19/2002 +, you wrote: Gar Lipow wrote: Hi Joanna - I'm an anarchist leaning independent socialist myself. (I would explain why I'm not an anarchist, but I doubt it would be of great interest to anyone.) This makes the three of

Re: Hi Joanne- re 2WW - I almost forgot

2002-11-18 Thread joanna bujes
Dear Hari, Of course the imperialists wanted Hitler to mop up those troublesome commies; of course the imperialists had no objection to Hitler's building a SLAVe camp in the east...that goes without saying. The problem has more to do with our very different views of Stalin. And, I suspect

Re: Archetypes

2002-11-17 Thread joanna bujes
At 05:14 PM 11/15/2002 -0800, you wrote: The US is the puzzle. Is it deflation or stagflation. Given what I intuitively feel about the US economy's critical mass of true unproductivity, I'm betting stagflation. Uh, is that the short way of saying unemployment + inflation? Joanna

Re: economy in novels

2002-11-14 Thread joanna bujes
At 08:31 PM 11/13/2002 -0600, you wrote: A student wants to read some novels to compare the views on capitalism they portray. Any suggestions? (something more contemporary than, say, Dickens' Hard Times). Post-WWII or thereabouts. Thanks, Mat These three are roughly about the same time period:

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Negri explains the multitude

2002-11-14 Thread joanna bujes
At 02:34 PM 11/13/2002 -0500, you wrote: The U.S. is under the control of a frightening gang of lunatics hellbent on war with a good bit of the world. Why are Toni Negri and The Nation magazine such urgent enemies? Doug Who says they're enemies? I think Carrol and I are saying, in different

Re: economy in novels

2002-11-14 Thread joanna bujes
Oh, of course, I left out the old testament of capitalism Robinson Crusoe and the new testament Lost Illusions (Balzac) cause you said you wanted more modern stuff. Joanna

Re: RE: Aesopian Language on Maillists

2002-11-14 Thread joanna bujes
well, wouldn't you be? Joanna At 05:50 PM 11/14/2002 -0800, you wrote: the death of Satan was a tragedy for the imagination -- Wallace Stevens Satan is NOT dead, 'e's just pinin' for the fjords. Tom Walker 604 255 4812

Re: why marxism doesn't work

2002-11-14 Thread joanna bujes
At 07:47 PM 11/14/2002 -0800, you wrote: OK. That was too, too silly. How could three male roommates ever achieve socialism? Now with three female roommates, things might be different :) Besides, is it possible to have socialism in one

Re: Re: Re: why marxism doesn't work

2002-11-14 Thread joanna bujes
Oh that's easy. Whoever doesn't get the chocolate gets the next fuckable man. Joanna At 08:07 PM 11/14/2002 -0800, you wrote: - Original Message - From: joanna bujes [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 7:59 PM Subject: [PEN-L:32239] Re: why

Re: Re: Re: Negri explains the multitude

2002-11-13 Thread joanna bujes
At 02:17 PM 11/13/2002 -0500, you wrote: I am quite sure that Toni Negri's terminology stands a very good chance of becoming part of everyday academic discourse down the road. God help us all. On the other hand, it may also be a sign that pomo scholasticism is spinning on the tip of its last

Re: Re: US needs 1.2 million more nurses by 2010

2002-11-09 Thread joanna bujes
At 06:42 PM 11/09/2002 +, you wrote: This is an interesting and important area of the economies of developed capitalist countries. Ironically the more the emphasis on commodity production and service industries, the higher the relative use value placed by people on good health care. It is

Re: little upward mobility in the US, says Fed economist

2002-11-08 Thread joanna bujes
What's the solution? Mazumder suggests that more access to educational loans might help. He says many poor people who have children with great potential can't raise enough money to send them to good schools, so the children never take home the incomes they're capable of earning. God, I hate

Re: Re: Re: Re: little upward mobility in the US, says Fed economist

2002-11-08 Thread joanna bujes
At 01:47 PM 11/08/2002 -0500, you wrote: or are idle bums, or they have a victim mentality, and have not taken the ample equal opportunity available to all, like condoleeza rice, dinesh d'souza and colin powell have. in which case they deserve to be poor. screw 'em. Yeah, like a former friend

Re: What is obvious about this election

2002-11-07 Thread joanna bujes
Yup. Joanna At 08:10 PM 11/06/2002 -0800, you wrote: Greetings Economists, The democrats lost the election. If the democrats can't win elections why vote for them? Does that mean the Republicans represent working people? No. Obviously this is what the left can build a movement around. The

US will fine companies boycotting Israel

2002-11-07 Thread joanna bujes
Subject: BBC: US will fine companies that boycott Israel From US warns companies over Israel boycott The United States has threatened to fine US companies that take part in an Arab lead economic boycott of Israel. The US government is strongly

Re: RE: RE: RE: Re: RE: Re: dismantling due process

2002-11-05 Thread joanna bujes
At 04:44 PM 11/05/2002 +, you wrote: I've been waiting for years to hear Jim Devine agree with me that the Soviet Union was a Good Thing. At last! At last! The next step in his intellectual evolution would be to acknowledge the indispensable role of Stalin in defending the existence of the

Re: RE: Re: RE: RE: RE: Re: RE: Re: dismantling due process

2002-11-05 Thread joanna bujes
Mark wrote: The next step in his intellectual evolution would be to acknowledge the indispensable role of Stalin in defending the existence of the USSR againt imperialist attacks in the 1940s-1950s. Joanna wrote: I'd give the credit to the Soviet people. Mark wrote: then you'd

Re: RE: X 5 dismantling due process

2002-11-05 Thread joanna bujes
Dear Mark, Akhmatova, one of the greatest poets of this century, would turn over in her grave if she knew that her poetry was used in defense of Stalin. As for the piece by Simonov, it is a typical piece of nationalistic clap trap--having nothing whatsoever to do with the heroic and selfless

Re: Sociobiology in the Nation Magazine

2002-11-04 Thread joanna bujes
At 05:13 PM 11/04/2002 -0500, you wrote: When I got my first complementary copy this morning, I was reminded why I let this awful magazine lapse. Starting out with an editorial admonition to its readers against wasting a vote for the Green Party in tomorrow's elections, it then proceeds to a

Re: dismantling due process

2002-11-04 Thread joanna bujes
After 9/11, a fence-sitting zionist had a change of heart and said to me: Looks like the Israelis always had it right; what we need is targeted assassinations. I guess we're getting with the program. Joanna November 4, 2002 Bin Laden Associate Is Killed in Yemen By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

Re: Re: Re From Toronto Star_Assaults on Public Health Care in

2002-11-04 Thread joanna bujes
At 07:49 PM 11/04/2002 -0500, you wrote: (v) - But really - the question is much better phrased to the Americans on the list - why the hell have they not erupted? I mean the US health care system sucks - so much worse than the Canadian. Yet??? Oh, that's simple. If you're an


2002-11-01 Thread joanna bujes
Slight change of plans for tonight. As it turns out, tonight is the one night that the dance performance will start at 9 p.m. That shouldn't be too late for the kids, so we can still go see that. There's also going to be a huge light show, which the kids should enjoy. AND, I did buy three

Re: Re:Tonight

2002-11-01 Thread joanna bujes
Oooops. Sorry about that everyone; the email was meant to go to Sabri. Joanna At 10:54 AM 11/01/2002 -0800, you wrote: Slight change of plans for tonight. As it turns out, tonight is the one night that the dance performance will start at 9 p.m. That shouldn't be too late for the kids, so we

Re: Re: Re: Re:Tonight

2002-11-01 Thread joanna bujes
In order to come to the show...or to hang out with all the sexy belly dancers I know, you and Divya have to pony up some $$ to Jet Blue...and I'll pick you up at the Brahmin you... Love, Joanna At 03:16 PM 11/01/2002 -0500, you wrote: joanna bujes wrote: Oooops

Re: Re: RE: Re: against lesser of two evils

2002-11-01 Thread joanna bujes
At 05:21 PM 11/01/2002 -0500, you wrote: Yes, and he should have stayed away from that batty Frieda Kahlo as well. Hell, he didn't even get a portrait out of it. Joanna

Re: Private Education nightmare

2002-10-30 Thread joanna bujes
Wow!.Unfuckingbelievable! Joanna At 11:34 AM 10/30/2002 -0800, you wrote: Is this as bad as they say? Does anybody have more info? Published on Wednesday, October 30, 2002 by the Toronto Globe Mail For-Profit U.S. Schools Sell Off Their Textbooks by Doug Saunders Students already

Re: Re: Readings needed on Marxist analyses of Theater

2002-10-30 Thread joanna bujes
Georg Luckacs also has some more theoretical but valuable points to make about the ontology of drama and the novel in his Historical Novel. I think it amounts to one introductory chapter. Joanna At 03:09 PM 10/30/2002 -0500, you wrote: Steve Cohn wrote: I teach a senior seminar on paradigm

Re: War and deflation

2002-10-28 Thread joanna bujes
At 04:57 PM 10/28/2002 -0500, Lou quoted Yardeni: Deflation is a very unstable and potentially dangerous economic environment. Macroeconomists, particularly monetarists, believe it can be overcome by pumping up the money supply. I am not so sure. I believe that it is a consequence of

Re: S.F. anti-war demo report

2002-10-27 Thread joanna bujes
Yes, the diversity was wonderful. This was the first time that I attended an anti-war rally where there were actually a fair sprinkling of African Americans and this was good to see. Also included was every age group and, clearly, a variety of people of differing backgrounds that I don't usually

Re: Re: Autism on the rise

2002-10-22 Thread joanna bujes
At 07:09 PM 10/22/2002 -0700, you wrote: The reality is that many children and adolescents just can't adapt to incarceration-style education. Oh man, is that ever true! I didn't know the meaning of the word boredom until I went to school. Joanna

Re: Re: Autism on the rise

2002-10-19 Thread joanna bujes
I would think it would be relatively easy to determine whether you are right. Surely they must keep statistics that would help you correlate age/medical intervention with incidence of learning disorders, autism, etc. Joanna At 05:56 AM 10/19/2002 -0700, you wrote: I think a big factor--whether

Re: Re: RE: fashion, obsolescence, and cultural bankruptcy

2002-10-16 Thread joanna bujes
At 09:10 PM 10/15/2002 -0700, you wrote: Anyone have the stats on sales of women's clothes, fashion accesories, perfumes etc. since Reagan and Thatcher? I suspect they've been brisk. Probably, but what's pushing it forward is not fashion change but the by-now compulsive impulse to buy.

US market share falls

2002-10-15 Thread joanna bujes | Fighting for American Companies, Fighting for American Jobs Market Share Nosedive for U.S. Industries By Alan Tonelson Friday, October 11,

Re: Re: US market share falls

2002-10-15 Thread joanna bujes
At 10:58 AM 10/15/2002 -0700, you wrote: The response to the falling market share on the part of the U.S. government is to intensify the intellectual property extortions and arms sales. But eventually we'll all figure out that the emperor is naked and holding a bazookaright? Joanna

fashion, obsolescence, and cultural bankruptcy

2002-10-15 Thread joanna bujes
At 04:57 PM 10/15/2002 -0400, Michael P wrote: And the clothing fashion cycle, the ultimate model of all modern fashion cycles, is almost as old as mass production itself; it becomes annualized and society-wide in the early 19th century. Well fashion changes go back to year zero, I'm sure.

Re: RE: Western Rationality

2002-10-14 Thread joanna bujes
At 08:01 PM 10/13/2002 -0700, you wrote: To put it differently, is there a unique order relation that partially orders the universal set? Yes. They call it Nature. And, as Aristotle said, Nature IS order. The guiding question in science has been How do you read/interpret that order? The answer

Re: Re: RE: Western Rationality

2002-10-13 Thread joanna bujes
At 03:47 AM 10/12/2002 +, you wrote: The sheer complexity of modern technologies requires that RD be a team effort; no one individual acting alone can supply the expertise needed to advance the state of the art. If you have a team effort, you need administrators to coordinate efforts,

Re: Re: RE: Re: Re: Re: Re: RE: Re: Western Rationality

2002-10-10 Thread joanna bujes
At 05:12 PM 10/10/2002 +, you wrote: Again, I believe it's the nature of science itself -- not just the corruptive effects of capitalism -- that so often causes technology to have a destructive, dehumanizing impact on society. The ever increasing specialization of scientific knowledge

Re: Re: Re: Western Rationality

2002-10-09 Thread joanna bujes
At 10:56 AM 10/09/2002 -0400, you wrote: Unfortunately critical thinking toward bourgeois science (and there *is* such a thing has been associated with postmodernist relativism, Not really. There is the work of Feyerabend and a tremendous amount of ground breaking by the phenomenlogists and by

Re: RE: Western Rationality

2002-10-09 Thread joanna bujes
Even more generally, the single number fallacy fits with the general capitalist philosophy that the value of everything should be measured by its contribution to profits. Yup. Joanna

Re: Re: RE: Re: Western Rationality

2002-10-09 Thread joanna bujes
At 02:41 PM 10/09/2002 +, you wrote: That's the horror of it all. As Huxley suggested in Brave New World, there doesn't seem to be any choice between the dehumanization of science and reversion to simple savagery. As I said, I don't have any answer to this. Oh, that's just silly. We have

Re: Re: Re: Re: RE: Re: Western Rationality

2002-10-09 Thread joanna bujes
At 06:01 PM 10/09/2002 +, you wrote: From: joanna bujes [EMAIL PROTECTED] At 02:41 PM 10/09/2002 +, you wrote: That's the horror of it all. As Huxley suggested in Brave New World, there doesn't seem to be any choice between the dehumanization of science and reversion to simple

Re: Re: Western Rationality

2002-10-08 Thread joanna bujes
At 10:35 PM 10/08/2002 +, you wrote: Scientific study by its nature puts distance between a human observer and human subject, creates a hierarchical relationship and deliberately limits development of empathy. I think this has had a deeply damaging effect on human relations overall.

Re: Tragedy on the docks: White House Warns of Economic Harm

2002-10-06 Thread joanna bujes
It's interesting that Bush has not treated this situation so far as Reagan did the air traffic controllers. Any speculation as to why he's holding off? Joanna At 10:18 PM 10/05/2002 -0700, you wrote: Port Talks Resume; White House Warns of Economic Harm (Update3) By Karen Gullo San

Re: Re: War Against Literacy=$$$$

2002-09-30 Thread joanna bujes
At 07:30 PM 09/29/2002 -0700, Charles wrote: I would bet you used phonics methods in beginning reading within a much larger approach to reading, which usually is, in a nutshell, to learn to read by reading so as to have lifelong reading to learn. That might include sight vocabulary/whole word

Re: oilism redux

2002-09-30 Thread joanna bujes
At 08:27 PM 09/30/2002 +0100, you wrote: Here's how the US news media now tends to rpesent the case for US predation in the Middle East. We're seeing a lot of this kind of 'bonanza' stuff but what they don't talk about is what will happen if they _don't_ get their hands on Iraqi oil, for whatever

Re: War Against Literacy=$$$$

2002-09-29 Thread joanna bujes
Hey Charles, I'm lost. I've taught three children to read using phonics...with outstanding results. Is the point that phonics is a bad method? Or that the tests are self serving? Joanna

Argentine Workers Seize Factories

2002-09-28 Thread joanna bujes
09/25 00:19 Argentine Workers Seize Factories, Assets as Recession Deepens By Helen Murphy Buenos Aires, Sept. 25 (Bloomberg) -- Domingo Ibanez has a new boss: himself. Six months ago he and 44 other workers seized the bankrupt ice-cream flavoring factory where they worked. Now the plant in

Re: academic lingo

2002-09-27 Thread joanna bujes
No, I don't think so. (see ravi's post below). What pollutes academic life is the fact that ideas are turned into various forms of intellectual real estate. This transformation is effected by the expression of ideas/arguments in a capricious poetics/language -- making it difficult for any but

Re: RE: Re: academic lingo

2002-09-27 Thread joanna bujes
But the idea of a new pseudo-mathematical language that would make meaningless debates impossible and force some form of responsible analysis has been used for this purpose. True. But if our goal is to find the truth, rather than to censure unorthodox ideas, the technique of choice would be

Re: humor

2002-09-24 Thread joanna bujes
Don't forget news://alt.politics.socialism.trotsky! Doug Hey Doug. Netscape says it can't find it. Was THAT the joke? Well, too bad, cause this is my one and only chance to tell my Trotsky joke: A messanger arrives at the Kremlin bearing a telegram. I must speak to Comrade Stalin, he cries

Re: [A-List] Left Book Club: Zed titles

2002-09-23 Thread joanna bujes
How do you subscribe to the A list? Joanna At 08:25 AM 09/23/2002 +0100, you wrote: Dear Pen-lers, The Left Book Club by the A-list officially launches with the following titles courtesy of Zed Books. As was recently discussed, Zed operates a differential pricing policy enabling purchasers

Re: military keynesianism question

2002-09-22 Thread joanna bujes
At 08:38 AM 09/22/2002 -0700, you wrote: How effective can military keynesian be now? Not any rate, the market doesn't seem to think it would be very effective; have you noticed how it swoons everyt ime we come one step closer to war? The US economy is very open, so much of the

Re: Euroland Economy: one of the weakest links

2002-09-22 Thread joanna bujes
Thanks for this, I was wondering about Europe. Also, totally off the subject, are you Turkish? Joanna At 12:40 PM 09/22/2002 -0700, you wrote: Europe Is Giving Up on Itself Stephen Roach (New York) Global Economic Forum, Sept 20, 2002 These past two weeks in Europe have been sort of an

Re: UK dereg melting down

2002-09-20 Thread joanna bujes
At 11:55 AM 09/20/2002 -0700, you wrote: In either case, US academics (read: MIT, Harvard, UC Berkely, et al), consultants, and apologists at FERC and the Congress will continue to boast that deregulation works. Gene Coyle It works for some (the people who work the scams); it doesn't work for

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: raising min wage/Socioeconomic Democracy

2002-09-19 Thread joanna bujes
At 03:32 PM 09/18/2002 -0400, you wrote: More obscene than the polarization of wealth is the expropriation of the resources of the earth and the resources of humanity as the private property and exclusive concerns of the few. Joanna Excuse, but what *is* the polarization of wealth but the

Re: Re: Re: raising min wage/Socioeconomic Democracy

2002-09-18 Thread joanna bujes
At 01:52 PM 09/18/2002 -0400, you wrote: You may have seen this before but one needn't be a Marxist to see clearly that what you say is certainly so. Therefore I repeat my announcement about Socioeconomic Democracy and the democratic and peaceful reduction of the obscene -- and harmful --

Re: 2003 IAFFE-MEA Call for Abstracts

2002-09-10 Thread joanna bujes
Wooops. Forgot to send you my Sun address: Joanna Bujes Sun Microsystems 1800 Harrison St. Oakland, CA 94612 Joanna At 06:21 PM 09/10/2002 -0400, you wrote: [Please forward to others who may be interested] CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: MIDWEST ECONOMICS

Re: Emergency contraception

2002-09-09 Thread joanna bujes
Thanks much. Joanna At 12:03 PM 09/08/2002 -0400, you wrote: [Dear friends and colleagues, please forward the following very usual information by Katha Pollitt and Jennifer Baumgardner on EC (emergency contraception) to all...but especially young people. Many thanks, Diane] Date: Sun, 08 Sep

The silver tax lining for failing corporations

2002-09-04 Thread joanna bujes
The following is an excerpt from an interview with Robert Willens a tax expert, published in Barron's 8/26/02. FYI. Joanna ___ Q. We've talked aobut some macro issues. How about some micro issues? A. A lot of companies have sustained losses this year. When a company

Re: Re: Re: Re: The New University Underclass

2002-09-03 Thread joanna bujes
Yes, thanks. I did read that; it was probably that article I had in mind, plus more stuff from the UC Berkeley strike, when I wrote the post below. Joanna At 03:06 PM 09/03/2002 -0400, you wrote: At 02:58 PM 9/2/2002 -0700, joanna bujes wrote: The current situation in academia is the triumph

Re: Re: The New University Underclass

2002-09-02 Thread joanna bujes
The current situation in academia is the triumph of divide and rule tactics. It is an enraging, nauseating situation. However, if current drifts continue (what is it presently?... 70% non-tenured, 30% tenured nation-wide?), it will simply come to this: that by dint of sheer numbers,

Re: Re: Re: Re: No Brains, No Revolution Re: Who Make the revolution?

2002-08-21 Thread joanna bujes
At 09:47 PM 08/20/2002 -0400, you wrote: Numers don't tell lies because numbers don't make propositions - people do. I don't see how this is a counter-example, either. I provided figures for both the % of high school graduates proceeding directly to college and the % of all 25-29 year-olds who

Re: Re: No Brains, No Revolution Re: Who Make the revolution?

2002-08-20 Thread joanna bujes
At 10:58 AM 08/20/2002 -0400, you wrote: I don't think 57% is right. The percentage of high-school graduates enrolled in college for the subsequent year was at a high of 67% in 1997, and over 60% ever since (see for latest figures), and the

Re: re: stupidities

2002-08-20 Thread joanna bujes
(Has anyone ever been to a Mensa meeting?) No, but when I was a state park ranger, they were having some kind of annual meeting at the conference grounds where I worked. I have never, in my entire life, met a group of people that were more rude and pathetic than these Mensa geeks. Joanna

Re: Re: No Brains, No Revolution Re: Who Make the revolution?

2002-08-20 Thread joanna bujes
At 03:47 PM 08/20/2002 -0400, you wrote: About 66% of high school graduates get some college education, but not everyone graduates from high school. Counting the high school dropout rate, it's about 57% of young Americans who get some college education. Big numbers can tell big lies. In

Re: Re: Re: RE: Japan

2002-08-20 Thread joanna bujes
At 09:44 AM 08/21/2002 +1000, you wrote: I do remember a chat we had on LBO a couple of years back concerning the inverse relationship between ball-size and player-wealth. It'd be no bad thing if a few thousand golf-courses were to go under in sympathy with, um, the post-wealth effect, as golf

Re: Re: Stiglitz interview

2002-08-19 Thread joanna bujes
At 04:48 PM 08/19/2002 -0700, you wrote: was not particularly impressed by Stiglitz. He stands out only compared to the complete dolts at the IMF who are not only stupid but obviously arrogant and blind to reality, completely brain-washed by text-book economics and immune and unable to

Re: Re: Foucault = ?

2002-08-17 Thread joanna bujes
At 04:35 PM 08/13/2002 -0400, you wrote: Foucault is a obscurantist and aesthete who has poisoned the mind of a whole generation of intellectuals and activists who should be reading Lenin and/or Alinsky instead. Worse, he's French. How dare you bring him up on PEN-L!? ...and a bad scholar.

Ellen Meiksins Wood

2002-08-03 Thread joanna bujes
I became aquainted with Wood's writing and thought by reading through an interview and an article in some old Monthly Reviews. I then went out to look for some/all of her books and I've been having a lot of trouble locating them. Apparently some are even out of print. I live in Oakland (CA)

Re: Re: Re: Re: Expertise and Vanguard Parties

2002-08-03 Thread joanna bujes
At 01:30 PM 08/03/2002 -0700, you wrote: I thought it happens when your wife is a socialist and you actually pay some attention to what she says. Hmmm. Reminds me of when I used to be married to a Trotskyist. Since he was so busy doing political work and thinking political thoughts, he never

Re: final word on expertise?

2002-08-02 Thread joanna bujes
Jim wrote: One thing we should do is to make sure that the experts don't restrict the supply of education in order to shore up their status as experts. You mean like the American Medical Association? Joanna

Re: Jim Blaut on world systems analysis

2002-08-01 Thread joanna bujes
Louis Proyect wrote... A related position is Giovanni Arrighi's peculiar 'geometry' of world processes under capitalism. Arrighi is an admitted Kantian, and he believes that the basic forces determining the historical trajectory of the modern world are ultimately spatial, in an absolutist,

Re: self-congratulatory expertise

2002-07-31 Thread joanna bujes
At 11:14 AM 07/31/2002 -0700, Ian wrote: [problem solved; all is better now!] There is nothing uniquely American about corporations that cook their books, or accountants and bankers who countenance it, or executives who use corporate treasuries as personal piggy banks. But it is probably only

Re: convergence?

2002-07-31 Thread joanna bujes
At 02:34 PM 07/31/2002 -0700, you wrote: [comments?] THE ECONOMIST / July 20, 2002 Convergence, period The Economist is the most loathsome economic periodical I have ever read. It is such a mass of confusion, legerdemain, prevarication, and obfuscation that I do not think it is worth

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: RE: Expertise

2002-07-30 Thread joanna bujes
Yes I do object. With regard to reserach, neither I nor anyone here wants to be told what to work on. Now, there is some democratization possible in the decision to fund kinds of projects. The legislature can (and does) decide to alot a certain amount of funds to, say, cancer research. Or

Re: The size of the bubble?

2002-07-30 Thread joanna bujes
At 09:16 AM 07/30/2002 -0400, you wrote: 4] To what degree has the bubble (aka new) economy been nothing more than an elaborate and calculated scheme to steal money from employees and middle class investors, or was it more fortuitous accident of history for those who got rich at every one else's

Re: Re: RE: Expertise

2002-07-30 Thread joanna bujes
At 08:42 PM 07/30/2002 +, you wrote: What do you think of juries? Is this an example of the hoi polloi interfering in your area of expertise? Joanna No. Juries find facts, they don't decide questions of law. Neither I nor any other lawyer has any expertise in hwta happened in a

Re: Re: Re: Expertise and Vanguard Parties

2002-07-30 Thread joanna bujes
At 08:55 PM 07/30/2002 +, you wrote: What part do you reject, Doug? Representative govt? Univeral suffrage? Extensive civil and political liberties? In fact you reject none of it. You are a bourg lib too, as are probably 95% of the people on this list. Explain the bourgeois part. Thanks,

Re: Re: Re: Fed on preventing parallels to Japanese deflation

2002-07-30 Thread joanna bujes
At 12:00 AM 07/31/2002 +, you wrote: What?! The Federal Reserve is explicitly authorized to take equity stakes in private enterprise? My God, is there anything the sovereign state of the Fed is *not* entitled to do? I'm confused. The Federal Reserve, despite its name, is very much a

Dante and the experts

2002-07-30 Thread joanna bujes
Many of you are familiar with the story of the Tower of Babel, but just so we all start on the same page, here it is (from King James version): 1 And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. 2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a

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