Re: Parrot FAQ

2001-12-07 Thread Nathan Torkington
Piers Cawley writes: I got some mail from a publisher off the back of my 'Not Just for Damians' article asking if I'd like to write a perl 6 book for them. Must reply really. Sure, I'd be glad to write about perl 6. Do you also want to know the next Lotto numbers, who'll win the Grand

Re: Parrot FAQ

2001-12-06 Thread Nathan Torkington
Simon Cozens writes: As mentioned in my other mail, I also edit for O'Reilly and Associates, who probably do have commercial interest in the development of Perl. The other ORA editors keep asking me should we sign more Perl 5 books? Is Perl 6 going to kill our sales? and I keep

Re: Schedule of things to come

2001-10-29 Thread Nathan Torkington
John Siracusa writes: I think we're due out in reasonably good alpha/beta shape for the summer. Heh, the phrase suitable vague springs to mind... :) There's a good reason for that, for why I've tried hard to avoid giving promises of when things would be ready. Have you seen Apache 2 and

Re: Schedule of things to come

2001-10-23 Thread Nathan Torkington
Dan Sugalski writes: Okay, here's a tentative list 'o stuff that is in the works for Parrot 0.03 (and possibly 0.04): *) Scalar PMCs *) Simple I/O *) Multiple interpreter thread creation *) A simple arena allocation system *) Garbage collection Sweet! I guess Simon and you should

Re: Twist and shout

2001-10-05 Thread Nathan Torkington
Dan Sugalski writes: * push_c_i_i_i_v has to be a varop (see my recent posting with print_s_v. Nope. No vararg ops! :) It might help forestall future flamewars if you explained why. We'll be introspective, but probably differently. We at least need to do things in ways both perl

Re: Using int32_t instead of IV for code

2001-09-24 Thread Nathan Torkington
Dan Sugalski writes: Speaking from on high here, bytecode is strictly identifiable as to its characteristics. It will be as portable as a platform implementer wants it to be. The only 'required' types of bytecode that need to be read are 32-bit integer (both big and little endian) with

Re: run

2001-09-22 Thread Nathan Torkington
Here's what I use ... #!/usr/bin/perl -w # parrot - compile and run parrot assembly language $srcfile = shift or die usage: $0 PASMFILE\n; ($pbcfile = $srcfile) =~ s{\.pasm$}{.pbc}i; system(perl $srcfile $pbcfile ./test_prog $pbcfile); --

Re: The core platforms list

2001-09-19 Thread Nathan Torkington
Simon Cozens writes: On Wed, Sep 19, 2001 at 01:22:04PM +0200, H. Merijn Brand wrote: Can't open perl script t/harness: No such file or directory MANIFEST? (using most recent parrot-nightly) Don't use parrot-nightly; use the snapshots from So parrot-nightly will only be

Re: coding standards

2001-09-15 Thread Nathan Torkington
Gibbs Tanton - tgibbs writes: I will try to watch things as they go in and make coding standard changes immediately from now on so we don't have such a massive change. Alternatively, pumpkings could refuse to apply patches that don't conform. One or two goes around and people will learn to

RE: Constant comparisons

2001-09-15 Thread Nathan Torkington
Gibbs Tanton - tgibbs writes: It seems to me that this might eventually get out of hand...could there possibly be some way to automate the generation of a family of opcodes? For example: Hear hear, the same thing occurred to me. The way that there are separate functions for each argument

Re: PDD 6 (parrot assembly) now in CVS

2001-09-13 Thread Nathan Torkington
Dan Sugalski writes: Lines 249 to 261 seem to duplicate 204 to 216. D'oh! Thanks, fixed. Oh man, good luck building a unit testing system for the docs :-) Nat

Re: #include config.h or #include parrot/config.h

2001-09-13 Thread Nathan Torkington
Andy Dougherty writes: #include config.h rather than #include config.h Isn't the correct solution to this problem to say #include parrot/config.h That is, include the subdirectory prefix in all #includes. You -I the directory containing parrot/, and that avoids randomly located

Re: Muddled Boundaries - Perl 6 vs Parrot

2001-09-11 Thread Nathan Torkington
Simon Cozens writes: I am in two minds here. I want to have Parrot_... prefices on functions even if they're *not* completely necessary /pour encourager les autres/. However, I don't want to go the way of opening up everything in a public API righht now, because once you've exported a

Re: Muddled Boundaries - Perl 6 vs Parrot

2001-09-10 Thread Nathan Torkington
Bryan C. Warnock writes: Like I said, just things to keep in mind. There's a slight difference between designing and coding Parrot as an interpreter backend, and coding it as a backend to Perl that other languages can use. (I'm in favor of the latter, though public opinion seems to favor

Re: Muddled Boundaries - Perl 6 vs Parrot

2001-09-10 Thread Nathan Torkington
Bryan C. Warnock writes: It's not a prioirty, but it's so much easier to walk the correct path from the start. Since it's all Parrot, it's even easier. I agree. How about this: when the code is available (i.e., this afternoon), why don't you sit down with whoever else feels passionately

Re: An overview of the Parrot interpreter

2001-09-03 Thread Nathan Torkington
Sam Tregar writes: If our PMC is a string and has a vtable which implements Perl-like string operations, this will return the length of the string. If, on the other hand, the PMC is an array, we might get back the number of elements in the array. (If that's what we want it to do.) Ok,

Where's da code?

2001-09-03 Thread Nathan Torkington
Simon and Dan have been teasing you, I know. I'm holding them back from releasing what they have until: 1) We have a CVS server running. (Ask has done this and is now working on anonymous access). 2) We have a bugtracking system. (We're currently thinking of Bugzilla). 3) We have a

Re: Should MY:: be a real symbol table?

2001-09-03 Thread Nathan Torkington
Dan Sugalski writes: Needless to say, this makes the optimizer's job... interesting. On the other hand, it does allow for some really powerful things to be done by code at runtime. The big thing I want it for is so I can write # - turn on strict and

Re: Something to hash out

2001-08-26 Thread Nathan Torkington
Simon Cozens writes: I was using .pas and .pac. Gotta think about 8.3ness, unfortunately. .pas is generally Pascal. I also think it's important we choose extensions based around their humour potential. With that in mind, I propose: .par for Parrot source, and .pao for Parrot Objects would

Anyone here with Sourceforge experience?

2001-08-25 Thread Nathan Torkington
I'd like to keep the code on Sourceforge from the get-go. I don't have much experience with Sourceforge, though, and would like to talk to someone who has. Which bits work well? Which bits aren't worth the effort? Any tips or tricks to pass on? Thanks, Nat

Python on Unicode etc.

2001-06-22 Thread Nathan Torkington
This is from the latest python-dev summary. It might be of interest to folks considering how to store strings. * Adding .decode() method to Unicode * Marc-Andre Lemburg asked for opinions on adding a .decode method to unicode objects:

Re: Stacks, registers, and bytecode. (Oh, my!)

2001-05-29 Thread Nathan Torkington
Dan Sugalski writes: Okay--Parrot Object Code. (If I was feeling cleverer at the moment, I'd come up with a name that has a snappier acronym. Alas I'm not... :) p-code. The p stands for Parrot :-) Nat

Re: Master-Apprentice and a sneak peek

2001-05-21 Thread Nathan Torkington
Not to speak for Dan, but there's no code yet to review or learn from. I'd love to see someone set up a perl *5* apprentice program, and Mark-Jason Dominus has some ideas on how it might work. For perl6, though, we're not yet at a place where I think it makes sense. Right now there's so little

Chip's topaz slides

2001-04-05 Thread Nathan Torkington
Better late than never! Chip's provided the slides for last year's Topaz talk at TPC5. Nat (Ask, could you put them on Thanks!) topaz-v2.pdf

We should have some YAPC talks on Perl 6

2001-01-11 Thread Nathan Torkington
--- start of forwarded message --- # CFP in English, followed by French (see below) # Third North American YAPC: First Call for Participation Yet Another Society calls for your participation in

Compiler theory text available

2000-12-28 Thread Nathan Torkington
I browsed this books on the shelves at Barnes and Noble and remember mocking it because of the section on "what makes a successful language" (orthogonal, minimal, clearly defined, ...). While we won't be using C++, it looks like this might be an interesting read if you're interested in learning

Re: Meta-design

2000-12-06 Thread Nathan Torkington
Simon Cozens writes: This is not a design document; it's a meta-design document - that is, it tells us what things we need to design, the things we need to consider during the design process of the Perl 6 internals. Thank you! Why does string Ceval have to screw everything up? It doesn't.

Re: Proposal for groups

2000-12-05 Thread Nathan Torkington
Simon Cozens writes: Yes, we should really postpone the inevitable markup language war until we have something to mark up. You channeled my very thoughts, Simon. I say that the person who *does* the work deserves the right to choose what format it is in. So long as we can make navigable

Re: Meta-design

2000-12-05 Thread Nathan Torkington
Bradley M. Kuhn writes: Java is portable and gives us OO, but it's slow and ugly. I am probably the biggest proponent of the "use Java to implement Perl" camp. Java is only somewhat portable. One concern that I have about the data structure design thus far (and I believe I wrote an RFC

Re: Proposal for groups

2000-12-04 Thread Nathan Torkington
Alan Burlison writes: seem a very optimal way to go about it. How about a design document (format to be decided) and a 'design + commentary' document which is the design document with the condensed email discussion inserted into it as the commentary. That way there is a design spec for the

Designers step forward now

2000-12-04 Thread Nathan Torkington
Simon Cozens writes: As for me, I hate this "self-selection" thing because it forces me to be immodest. Oh well, better get used to it: Me. I think I'd be useful. Excellent. Anyone else who wants to be part of the initial design team, now is the time to speak up. If you have perl5 internals

Re: Proposal for groups

2000-12-03 Thread Nathan Torkington
Simon Cozens writes: On Sat, Dec 02, 2000 at 09:23:42PM -0700, Nathan Torkington wrote: perl6-internals-design is for a team of no more than 10 people. And we decide those ten... how? :) Self-selecting. Who has the necessary experience to bring to the table and wants to be part

Proposal for groups

2000-12-02 Thread Nathan Torkington
I think I see two problems: * a lot of people want to know what's going on, but not all have the experience to be able to follow it * it's difficult for the design to happen through the questions How about we do this to design the architecture and API: perl6-internals-design is for a team

Another XS type of thing: Orchard/C

2000-11-15 Thread Nathan Torkington
--- start of forwarded message --- From: Ken MacLeod [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Orchard/C 0.2.3 preview release available Date: 15 Nov 2000 09:38:56 -0600 Half of the Perl interface into Orchard/C is complete, you can now call C functions and return C objects to

Re: Design, opps- govt foul up

2000-11-06 Thread Nathan Torkington
John van V writes: FTC = FCC (= FDA = DEA = FBI = DOJ = DOA = CIA = Ma_FIA = ...) This is so far away from being of use to the perl6-internals list, I'm surprised to see it here. Let's get back to design. Dan? Nat

Re: Design

2000-11-02 Thread Nathan Torkington
Another angle is to collect a set of mantras, design principles if you will, something like: Avoid copying. Avoid premature optimization. Be extensible. Be orthogonal. Orthogonal be. Be portable. Be scalable. Quite right. This is the standard

Re: Design

2000-11-02 Thread Nathan Torkington
Ken Fox writes: Nathan Torkington wrote: Robustness Portability Maintainability Testability Reusability Speed Simplicity Size Hey, whoa. Aren't we pre-maturely optimizing the development process? Not in deciding priorities. These are factors of architecture

Re: RFC 214 (v1) Emit warnings and errors based on unoptimized code

2000-09-15 Thread Nathan Torkington
Steve Fink writes: I suspect perl can do a much better job than it does now, but if you make it a requirement, you prevent many optimizations. I think the RFC should be very specific about when it applies and when it gets out of the way. I can't be more specific unless I know the

Re: RFC 214 (v1) Emit warnings and errors based on unoptimized code

2000-09-13 Thread Nathan Torkington
Dan Sugalski writes: I wouldn't worry about this too much. If it's all keyed off an opcode of some sort ("Current line info"), we could easily just strip those opcodes out. They won't take up that much space relative to the rest of the program, but I can see some sort of runtime overhead if

Re: A tentative list of vtable functions

2000-09-13 Thread Nathan Torkington
Dan Sugalski writes: It's possible, for example, for a tied/overloaded/really-darned-strange variable to look true but still be false. If you do: $foo = $bar || $baz; and both $bar and $baz are objects, the 'naive' way is to make $foo be $bar. But it's distinctly possible that $bar

Re: RFC 214 (v1) Emit warnings and errors based on unoptimized code

2000-09-13 Thread Nathan Torkington
Dan Sugalski writes: No, that's the point. But if someone explicitly strips out the debugging info then, well, you don't get much help in debugging, now do you? :) I buy that. It'd be nice to be able to be one step better than C, though, and given *something* that you can use to go back to

Re: Perl Implementation Language

2000-09-13 Thread Nathan Torkington
Ken Fox writes: The dogfood theory? One of the design goals for Perl is to make text munging easy. Parsing falls into that category and therefore we should use it, i.e. eat our own dogfood. How about this. During design, we try to make the parser a module with an interface designed so that

Re: New Perl rewrite - embedded Perl

2000-09-11 Thread Nathan Torkington
Tom Christiansen writes: We've been down this route. It doesn't help the way you think it does. These are merely wafer-thin wrappers about syscalls. It's Perl's complete infrastructure support system you're seeing, and that you will not reduce. Actually, if we can split compiler from

Re: A tentative list of vtable functions

2000-08-31 Thread Nathan Torkington
Jarkko Hietaniemi writes: I'm not too worried about getting the vtbl right at the first because it will be pretty obvious how it should go once the code starts to form. Some planning isn't that painful :-) Yes. Especially given that vtables are an unbenchmarked change. It'd be good to

Re: RFC 161 (v2) OO Integration/Migration Path

2000-08-27 Thread Nathan Torkington
Dan Sugalski writes: If the vtable stuff goes into the core perl engine (and it probably will, barring performance issues), then what could happen in the I have a lot of questions. Please point me to the appropriate place if they are answered elsewhere. vtables are tables of C functions?

Re: RFC 155 - Remove geometric functions from core

2000-08-25 Thread Nathan Torkington
Larry Wall writes: Tom Christiansen writes: : More of this nonsense, eh? Please don't use fighting words in here. On the subject of fighting words, I owe everyone an apology for my language on the subject of Perl being the only thing that can parse Perl. I've been banging my head against

Re: RFC 143 (v1) Case ignoring eq and cmp operators

2000-08-25 Thread Nathan Torkington
David L. Nicol writes: Any subroutine declaration, for instance sub Cmp:infix($$){ return uc($_[0]) cmp uc($_[1]) }; implicitly sets up a "catch unknown-keyword:Cmp" routine; that is, it installs the name of the function in a place the clarifier will know to

Re: RFC 155 - Remove geometric functions from core

2000-08-25 Thread Nathan Torkington
Stephen P. Potter writes: =head1 TITLE Perl is Tom's private domain. That's unproductive. Nat

Re: RFC 155 - Remove geometric functions from core

2000-08-25 Thread Nathan Torkington
Tom Christiansen writes: further abuse as the next bandit decides to chew on you. As nobody else said mum about that scat, I took care of it myself. 90 minutes passed on a Friday night. That doesn't mean it wasn't going to be dealt with. (hint: grown-ups would apologise at this point) I'm

Re: RFC 146 (v1) Remove socket functions from core

2000-08-24 Thread Nathan Torkington
Dan Sugalski writes: One of the current plans is for the parser to have access to a list of functions that trigger autoloading modules. Isn't dynamic loading really slow? If they're going to incur the penalty of dynamic loading, you might as make them request that slowdown by 'use'ing the

Re: RFC 127 (v1) Sane resolution to large function returns

2000-08-18 Thread Nathan Torkington
Perl6 RFC Librarian writes: There has been a proposed new core function Cwant(). this seems to be generally regarded as a good thing. Fine. If it is implemented we should use it. Offending functions (See RFC 37) should use Cwant() internally to determine what to return i.e; a list or a hash.

Program lifecycle

2000-08-09 Thread Nathan Torkington
It seems to me that a perl5 program exists as several things: - pure source code (ASCII or Unicode) - a stream of tokens from the parser - a munged stream of tokens from the parser (e.g., use Foo has become BEGIN { require Foo; Foo-import }) - an unthreaded and unoptimized optree - a

Re: Recording what we decided *not* to do, and why

2000-08-03 Thread Nathan Torkington
Steve Simmons writes: This idea is both important and more general. If we go thru a huge discussion of, say, multi-line comments and decide *not* to do it, we don't want to have the whole thing repeated with perl 6.1, 7.0, etc, etc. When something reaches RFC stage but is rejected, part of

Re: RFC Archive

2000-08-03 Thread Nathan Torkington
Steve Fink writes: What about updating RFCs? Should I increment the version number and send each new revision to perl-rfc? Do I need to be careful about the RFC number when submitting updates? Yes and yes. Also, I assumed the intention of the RFCs was to stimulate focused discussion and to

Re: RFC: Implementation of Threads in Perl (v1)

2000-08-02 Thread Nathan Torkington
Bryan C. Warnock writes: The librarian bounced, so sending this internals way. Sorry about that bounce. It's set up now. I'm still setting up the repository (should have done that *before* publishing the RFC format, I guess :-). Optimistic ETA: tomorrow. If it's not up by then, I'll fall

Re: Summary...tell me where I'm worng...

2000-08-02 Thread Nathan Torkington
Graham Barr writes: Why would the fuzzy regex not be done this way ? I have some small objections: I think one regexp syntax with potentially wildly variable interpretations is a dangerous thing. If we want fuzzy regexp matching, either put it into the core's re engine or make it a module

Re: RFC: On-the-fly tainting via $^T

2000-08-01 Thread Nathan Torkington
I respectfully request that one list be picked for this topic and discussion confined to that one list even if it should occasionally spill into the other bailiwick. Or perhaps it's a candidate for a new working group. If all messages are CC:ed to all lists, then simply have p5p reborn (and the