Re: Timely object destruction

2003-06-03 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
a DESTROY method (or whatever it will be called in Perl6)? You get the same benefit without the additional brain-overhead of manually indicating that the class needs to be tracked. -Miko Miko O'Sullivan Programmer Analyst Rescue Mission of Roanoke

Re: Funding the design team

2003-03-20 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
to the development team. Sorry, the Electronic Frontier Foundation got the other $5 that was in that account this morning. -Miko Miko O'Sullivan Programmer Analyst Rescue Mission of Roanoke

Re: Language Discussion Summaries

2003-02-04 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
of new summaries. I'll be starting with three of my own favorites: vrep (http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg09684.html), the monolithic Loop controls thread (http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg09684.html), and named params in subroutines (http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg09551.html). -Miko Miko O'Sullivan Programmer

Re: Language Discussion Summaries

2003-02-04 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
on the discussion of each idea. -miko Miko O'Sullivan Programmer Analyst Rescue Mission of Roanoke

Re: Language Discussion Summaries

2003-02-04 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
weren't written until after the idea had been discussed. Sure, I'm aware of that. However, the language list goes on (and sometimes, on and on and on). If those discussions are to be useful, somebody needs to summarize them. -miko Miko O'Sullivan Programmer Analyst Rescue Mission of Roanoke

Re: Shortcut: ?=

2003-02-03 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
. Obviously this isn't a major requirement. It's just a nice little shortcut that would clean the code in the same way the other shortcuts do. I always feel somehow redundant type C$var = $var ? 1 : 0, and ??= would just be nice and tidy. -miko Miko O'Sullivan Programmer Analyst Rescue Mission

Language Discussion Summaries

2003-02-03 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
the thread. See for the home page for the summaries and one example summary. -miko Miko O'Sullivan Programmer Analyst Rescue Mission of Roanoke

Re: newline as statement terminator

2003-02-03 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
meetings next week, please make sure that Larry Wall isn't really Guido van Rossum with a fake mustache. -miko Miko O'Sullivan Programmer Analyst Rescue Mission of Roanoke

Shortcut: ?=

2003-02-02 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
: $var = $var ? 1 : 0; How 'bout a shortcut for that, something like this: $var ?= 1 : 0; -miko Miko O'Sullivan Programmer Analyst Rescue Mission of Roanoke

Re: purge: opposite of grep

2002-12-06 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
with something better.) -miko Miko O'Sullivan Programmer Analyst Rescue Mission of Roanoke

Re: purge: opposite of grep

2002-12-05 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
original inclinaton: perg? It just screams out the opposite of grep. -miko Miko O'Sullivan Programmer Analyst Rescue Mission of Roanoke

Re: purge: opposite of grep

2002-12-05 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
itched to fix it with grep {! (code) }. This may be a weakness on my part, but I like computers to address my weaknesses: I certainly spend enough time addressing theirs. -miko Miko O'Sullivan Programmer Analyst Rescue Mission of Roanoke

Re: purge: opposite of grep

2002-12-05 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
code} Miko O'Sullivan Programmer Analyst Rescue Mission of Roanoke

Re: purge: opposite of grep

2002-12-05 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
meaning that implies things it doesn't do. -miko Miko O'Sullivan Programmer Analyst Rescue Mission of Roanoke

purge: opposite of grep

2002-12-04 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
can simplifiy the array filter: @members = purge {$_-{'quit'}} @members; FWIW, I came up with purge because my first inclination was to spell grep backwards: perg. :-) -miko Miko O'Sullivan Programmer Analyst Rescue Mission of Roanoke

Re: Perl6 Operator List

2002-10-25 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
From: Larry Wall [EMAIL PROTECTED] : ? - force to bool context : ! - force to bool context, negate : + - force to numeric context : - - force to numeric context, negate : ~ - force to string context We're obviously missing the force to string context,

Re: perl6 operator precedence table

2002-10-23 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
On top of which, Damian has expressed an interest in ! for a superpositional xor. Which would behave how, exactly? ! the way people expect, I fear. -Miko

Re: @array = %hash

2002-08-31 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
From: Nicholas Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED] In Damian's excellent perl6 talk, I think he said that by default a hash in list context will return a list of pairs. Hence this @array = %hash for %hash with n keys would give an array of n elements, all pairs. Will there actually be a pair

Re: Light ideas

2002-08-04 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
From: Damian Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] what would true (the string) be converted to? In a numeric context: 0 (as in Perl 5). which was my point. You wouldn't want to cast any ol' scalar as a number just to get 1 or 0 representations or TRUE or FALSE... that wouldn't DWIM. -Miko

Re: Light ideas

2002-08-02 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
- There's already a huge population of programmers out there who already use this notation. I frankly admit that I think of PHP as a great idea that wasn't done quite right. I agree. Including that notation! ;-) Touche. Darn it's difficult disagreeing with pithy people. :-) OK, would

2002-08-01 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
This is a small collection of ideas for the Perl6 language. Think of this posting as a light and refreshing summer fruit salad, composed of three ideas to while away the time during this August lull in perl6-language. Give split an

Re: Light ideas

2002-08-01 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
From: Dave Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] But perl5 already does this: Dave gets the First to Point Out the Feature Exists award. I knew that out of three ideas I'd be lucky if just one of them was actually a new feature idea. I might still say that the parens don't make things quite obvious...

Re: 6PAN (was: Half measures all round)

2002-06-05 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
For the record, you will hear no disagreement from me. I recognize that this is a HARD problem. Nonetheless, I think it's an important one, and solving it (even imperfectly, by only supporting well-defined platforms) would be a major coup. I'd like to take that even further: just

Re: 6PAN (was: Half measures all round)

2002-06-04 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
[This seems like a good time to post something that's been on my mind for some time.] SUMMARY The world needs a really easy CPAN client. Here's one design for such a thing. DETAILS A few brief philosphical points: 1) People like languages that have tons of built-in doohickeys. See

Re: Idea

2002-05-23 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
From: Chris Angell [EMAIL PROTECTED] I have an idea for the int() function. I think it would be cool if it returned false/undefined when the argument passed to it is a whole number. This is related to something I've been pondering about variables and typing. Question A: In Perl6, how are

Re: Why not {,n} in quantifiers?

2002-05-15 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
From: Larry Wall [EMAIL PROTECTED] It's unlikely that {n,m} will still have that meaning in Perl 6. Maybe we'll have something like this: Perl 5 Perl 6 {1,3} 1..3 {3} 3 {3,} 3+ {0,3} 3- What are your feelings on multiple ranges for matches? E.g. the following

Re: Selective exporting of properties/methods

2002-05-12 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
While thinking Eiffel-ish thoughts the other day, I began to wonder if Perl6's classes could go beyond the simple private/public/protected scheme by optionally allowing for a property or method to only be accessed by a certain set of classes. Many times when I've used OO languages I've

Re: FIRST, BETWEEN, etc.. (was Re: Loop controls)

2002-05-12 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
From: David Whipp [EMAIL PROTECTED] It it too much to ask, of the creator of a tied array, to implement their code in such a way that *reading* an element of that array does not have significant side-effects? Actually, I think that *is* a significant imposition. The whole point of tied arrays

Re: Loop controls

2002-05-10 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
From: Damian Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] while (my $res = $search-getnext) { ...} has a valid meaning in Perl 6. In fact, it's meaning in Perl 6 is far more reasonable than in Perl 5. I don't think the new meaning makes sense at all. Essentially it's saying the statement gets run many times but

Re: FIRST, BETWEEN, etc.. (was Re: Loop controls)

2002-05-09 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
The implication is that we can only provide advanced PRE_LAST style blocks (or their equiv.) on the Cforeach loop. The fact that they are impossible on the Cwhile loop should not constrain our thinking for the Cforeach loop. Just checking here: is PRE_LAST a separate and non-mutually

Re: Loop controls

2002-05-09 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
while getNextValue() - $i { ... } while getOtherNextValue() - $i { ... } which generates no warning because each C$i is a parameter of the corresponding loop block, and hence scoped to that block. Ok, now I understand the plan. In brief, in the following example $result is scoped to

Re: Loop controls

2002-05-03 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
From: David Whipp [EMAIL PROTECTED] don't { die } unless .error; Whoa. This don't thing is starting to look eerily useful. Shades of the Parrot parody. -Miko

Re: Loop controls

2002-05-01 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
Damian said: 6. Cotherwise would seem to fit the bill rather nicely. To me, otherwise is a synonym for else, and that makes it too confusingly similar. I foresee forever explaining to people the difference between Celse and Cotherwise. I'm not sure if Cotherwise is popular because it is

Re: Loop controls

2002-05-01 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
Damian posted: NAME Acme::Don't - The opposite of `do' Wonderful job, Damian! I'll get to work on the complementary Acme::TryNotTo module. :-) -Miko

Re: Loop controls

2002-05-01 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
Jonathan said: I actually think exactly the opposite. In my mind otherwise would just be a synonym for else so that loop { ... } else { ... } loop { ... } otherwise { ... } would both be syntactically valid. I believe that the intention is that they *aren't* synonyms, i.e. they look

Re: Loop controls

2002-05-01 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
Damian said: The CBETWEEN block can't decide whether to execute until it knows whether the loop is going to iterate again. And it can't know *that* until it has evaluated the condition again. At which point, the $filename variable has the wrong value. :-( The example is a little contrived

Re: Loop controls

2002-04-30 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
Damian, now having terrible visions of someone suggesting Celswhen ;-) Then may I also give you nightmares on: elsdo, elsdont, elsgrep, elstry ... :-) -Miko

Re: Loop controls

2002-04-30 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
Then if you want else when or else do, you're all set. It's an easy change and there are no new keywords. Agree with everything else you said. One minor question: how would else do be different than else? do always does, doesn't it? -Miko

Re: Loop controls

2002-04-29 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
Well, if there's no while (replaced by generic loop, per Apoc4) why would there be an until? Whoa. I actually had a moment of panic there. Then I checked for myself. I don't see anything in Apoc4 about getting rid of while. It may be excluded from evolution, but it's still there, sorta like

Re: Loop controls

2002-04-29 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
Concerning the els(loop|for|while) controversy, I'd like to bring it back to the point that started it all: loop-else. There seems to be a fair amount of support for a loop-else contruct. Can we/Larry decide to accept loop-else, regardless of what other decisions need to be made? It would be

Re: Loop controls

2002-04-29 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
and C$cond is defined *outside* the block. So if Larry were to allow Celse on loops, you'd be able to write: [snip] Given how rarely this kind of thing is actually needed (I've *never* used such a construct), I suspect that an explicit variable is adequate. I don't know if we're talking

Re: Loop controls

2002-04-29 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
In Perl 6 a lexical variable is scoped to the block in which it's declared. Since C$cond is declared in the block *containing* the Cwhile and Celse, it's scoped to that block. So you can use it inside the Cwhile's block, inside the Celse's block (assuming Larry allows such a construct), and

Re: Please rename 'but' to 'has'.

2002-04-26 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
This is now extensible to any number of precedence levels, and you can now use simple string comparison to compare any two precedences. It even short circuits the comparison as soon as it finds a character that differs. Gee, maybe I should patent this. Too late. Amazon has already

Re: Loop controls

2002-04-26 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
Of course it brings other less wholesome things to mind like elsfor and elsloop and if ... elsfor and for ... elsif ... elsloop ... else, but why not? Well, I agree with the concept, but boyoboy those names ain't gonna fly. We'll have to head down the road of unlessfor

Loop controls

2002-04-25 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
SUMMARY A proposal for a set of loop structures that simplify code that is based on loop iterations. foreach my $var (arr) { ... } before { ... } # run before first iteration, only if there is at least one iteration between { ... } # run between iterations, not before first or after

Re: Loop controls

2002-04-25 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
(note: this repsonse arrived just in my mailbox, not to the list, but I thought I'd post my response to the list. -Miko) Okay, that's if you can store the results somewhere all at once, but so was your example. Iteration objects could be used to optimize for the case where you can't (or

Re: Loop controls

2002-04-25 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
And HR won't be printed before Done.? It *will* be printed there, according to the current design. A CNEXT is *always* called when the iteration leaves the block (whether it's coming around again or not). By analogy, CNEXT is a terminator, not a separator. Darn, we're so close. I

Tagmem* (was Unary dot)

2002-04-16 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
Wouldn't Know a Tagmemic if it Bit Him on the Parse Ooh, can I steal that as a title? (Though I'll s/Tagmemic/Tagmeme/.) I like it! :) You got it! I hope this isn't too off topic, but... is the word tagmeme somehow related to the urban legend concept of a cultural meme? -Miko

Subroutine variables are like underwear

2002-04-12 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
SUMMARY A way to declare public names for params irrelevant to the internal variable names: sub load_data (-filename $filename_tainted ; 'version' 'ver' $version_input / /= 1) {...} DETAILS Subroutine variables are like underwear: you don't generally go showing them to everybody. So, when

Re: Defaulting params

2002-04-11 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
sub foo($a=1, $b, $c=3) { ... } is ambiguous: While foo(2) sets $a=1, $b=2, $c=3, it's impossible to say what foo(4,5) should do. foo(2) means that $a = 2, $b defaults to undef, $c defaults to 3 foo(4,5) means $a = 4, $b = 5, and $c defaults to 3. -Miko

Defaulting params

2002-04-10 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
The current plans indicate that a subroutine's params should be defaulted like this: sub load_data ($filename ; $version / /= 1) {...} (The space between / and / is on purpose, my emailer has problems if they are together.) If that's the technique, how does the caller indicate that the

defaulting parameters

2002-04-04 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
Hi everyone! My name is Miko O'Sullivan, and I've been a devoted Perl Hacker for several years now. I'm looking forward to participating in the discussion of Perl 6. To give a little perspective on my comments, I got my degree in Marketing about a decade ago, and I've never quite decided if I'm