Re: A problem of tracking the commits of Lucene using SHA num

2017-11-09 Thread Chris Hostetter
: In the first few weeks of 2016, the Lucene/Solr project migrated from : svn to git.  Prior to this, there was a github mirror of the subversion : repository, but when the official repository was converted, that github : mirror was completely deleted, and replaced with an exact mirror of the :

Re: recent utf8 problems

2017-11-07 Thread Chris Hostetter
: 1) When looking for Tübingen in the title, I am expecting the 3092484 Just to be clear -- I'm reading that as an 8 character word, where the 2nd character is U+00FC and the other characters are plain ascii: T_bingen Also to be clear: I'm attempting to reproduce the steps you describe using

Re: recent utf8 problems

2017-11-06 Thread Chris Hostetter
: We recently discovered issues with solr with converting utf8 code in the search. One or two month ago everything was still working. : : - What might have caused it is a Java update (Java 8 Update 151). : - We are using firefox as well as chrome for displaying results. : - We tested it with

Re: Java 9

2017-11-06 Thread Chris Hostetter
: Anyone else been noticing this this msg when starting up solr with java 9? (This is just an FYI and not a real question) : Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in a future release. : Java HotSpot(TM)

Re: Java 9

2017-11-06 Thread Chris Hostetter
: Anyone else been noticing this this msg when starting up solr with java 9? (This is just an FYI and not a real question) : Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in a future release. : Java HotSpot(TM)

Re: Edismax - bq taking precedence over pf

2017-10-26 Thread Chris Hostetter
: ok. Shouldn't pf be applied on top of bq=? that way among the object_types : boosted, if one has "Manufacturing" then it should be listed first? No. bq is an *additive* boost ... documents must match your "main query" to be included, but if document X scores very high against the bq query,

Re: Newbie question about why represent timestamps as "float" values

2017-10-09 Thread Chris Hostetter
: Here is my question. In schema.xml, there is this field: : : : : Question: why is this declared as a float datatype? I'm just looking : for an explanation of what is there – any changes come later, after I : understand things better. You would hvae to ask the creator of that

Re: Doubt about facet with dates

2017-10-06 Thread Chris Hostetter
: : gwithDates-DateMath : : Your query would be something like : mydate:[* TO NOW/DAY] AND mydate:[NOW+1DAY/DAY TO *] specifically you could use those with "facet.query" ... instead of trying to do them with "facet.range"

Re: Slow when query with cursorMark

2017-10-06 Thread Chris Hostetter
: I would guess that your first query is hitting the queryResultCache. yeah, that's almost certainly why you're seeing the "page#0" query be so fast -- but IIRC the cursorMark pages can't be cached in the same way? where you'll start to see significant speed ups is in in the subsequent

Re: mm is not working if you have same term multiple times in query

2017-10-05 Thread Chris Hostetter
: I'm using Solr 6.6.0 i have set mm as 100% but when i have the repeated : search term then mm param is not honoured : I have 2 docs in index : Doc1- : name=lock : Doc 2- : name=lock lock : : Now when i'm quering the solr with query :

Re: Solr not preserving milliseconds precision for zero milliseconds

2017-10-05 Thread Chris Hostetter
: > "startTime":"2013-02-10T18:36:07.000Z" ... : handler. It gets added successfully but when I retrieve this document back : using "id" I get following. ... : > "startTime":"2013-02-10T18:36:07Z", ... : As you can see, the milliseconds precision in date

Re: Solr test runs: test skipping logic

2017-10-05 Thread Chris Hostetter
: I am seeing that in different test runs (e.g., by executing 'ant test' on : the root folder in 'lucene-solr') a different subset of tests are skipped. : Where can I find more about it? I am trying to create parity between test : successes before and after my changes and this is causing

Re: Jenkins setup for continuous build

2017-10-05 Thread Chris Hostetter
: I have some custom code in solr (which is not of good quality for : contributing back) so I need to setup my own continuous build solution. I : tried jenkins and was hoping that ant build (ant clean compile) in Execute : Shell textbox will work, but I am stuck at this ivy-fail error: : : To

RE: Moving to Point, trouble with IntPoint.newRangeQuery()

2017-10-04 Thread Chris Hostetter
: Ok, it has been resolved. I was lucky to have spotted i was looking at : the wrong schema fike! The one the test actually used was not yet : updated from Trie to Point! And boom goes the dynamite. This is a prime example of where having assumptions in your code (that the field type will

Re: Moving to Point, trouble with IntPoint.newRangeQuery()

2017-09-26 Thread Chris Hostetter
: I have a QParser impl. that transforms text input to one or more : integers, it makes a BooleanQuery one a field with all integers in : OR-more. It used to work by transforming the integer using : LegacyNumericUtils.intToPrefixCoded, getting a BytesRef. : : I have now moved it to use

RE: How to remove control characters in stored value at Solr side

2017-09-18 Thread Chris Hostetter
: But, can you then explain why Apache Nutch with SolrJ had this problem? : It seems that by default SolrJ does use XML as transport format. We have : always used SolrJ which i assumed would default to javabin, but we had : this exact problem anyway, and solved it by stripping non-character

RE: How to remove control characters in stored value at Solr side

2017-09-18 Thread Chris Hostetter
: You can not do this in Solr, you cannot even send non-character code : points in the first place. For Apache Nutch we solved the problem by Strictly speak: this is false. You *can* send control characters to solr as field values -- assuming your transport format allows it. Example: using


2017-09-01 Thread Chris Hostetter
all of the low level SSL code used by Solr comes from the JVM. double check which version of java you are using and make sure it's consistent on all of your servers -- if you disable SSL on the affected server you can use the Solr Admin UI to be 100% certain of exactly which version of java

Re: Facet on a Payload field type?

2017-08-31 Thread Chris Hostetter : Subject: Re: Facet on a Payload field type? : : You are describing the idea pretty accurately. Apparently Endeca has : something that sort of supports this, which we used for the problem. : : On Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 1:59 PM, Chris Hostetter <> : wr

Re: Facet on a Payload field type?

2017-08-31 Thread Chris Hostetter
it. The idea being that the : translations would be stored in the payloads : : On Wed, Aug 23, 2017 at 7:47 PM, Chris Hostetter <> : wrote: : : > : > : The payload idea was from my boss, it's similar to how they did this in : > : Endeca. : > ... : >

Re: Facet on a Payload field type?

2017-08-23 Thread Chris Hostetter
: The payload idea was from my boss, it's similar to how they did this in : Endeca. ... : My alternate idea is to have sets of facet fields for different languages, : then let our service layer determine the correct one for the user's : language, but I'm curious as to how others have

RE: [EXTERNAL] - Re: custom search component process method not called

2017-06-30 Thread Chris Hostetter
of purpose you are using it for. : : : -S : : -Original Message- : From: Chris Hostetter [] : Sent: Friday, June 30, 2017 1:34 PM : To: solr-user : Subject: [EXTERNAL] - Re: custom search component process method not called : : : : : : I believe the init

Re: custom search component process method not called

2017-06-30 Thread Chris Hostetter
: : I believe the init bit is called on startup, so that leaves the second : part of your puzzle. I find this a bit suspicious though: : :${} : : Are you sure this is different for all three cores? My thought is that : the component is being called for all three cores but

Re: Same score for different length matches

2017-06-30 Thread Chris Hostetter
: we have multiple documents that are matches for the query in question : ("name:hubwagen"). Thing is, some of the documents only contain the : query, while others match 100% in the "name" field: ... : 5.9861565 = (MATCH) weight(name:hubwag in 8093) [DefaultSimilarity], : result of: :

Re: IndexSchema uniqueKey is not stored

2017-06-16 Thread Chris Hostetter
Markus: I'm 95% certain that as long as the uniqueKey (effectively) has useDocValuesAsStored everything should still work and it's just the error checking/warning that's broken -- if you want to test that out and file a jira that would be helpful. the one concern i have is that a deliberate

Re: Solr 6: how to get SortedSetDocValues from index by field name

2017-06-15 Thread Chris Hostetter XY Problem Your question appears to be an "XY Problem" ... that is: you are dealing with "X", you are assuming "Y" will help you, and you are asking about "Y" without giving more details about the "X" so that we can understand the full issue.

Re: _version_ as LongPointField returns error

2017-06-12 Thread Chris Hostetter
just replying to some comments/discussion in general rather then individual msgs/sentences.. * uninversion/FieldCache of *singlevalued* Points fields was fixed in SOLR-10472 * currently a bad idea to use indexed="true" Points for _version_ due to SOLR-10832 * AFAICT it's a good idea (in

Re: Solr query with more than one field

2017-06-01 Thread Chris Hostetter
: I could have sworn I was paraphrasing _your_ presentation Hoss. I : guess I did not learn my lesson well enough. : : Thank you for the correction. Trust but verify! ... we're both wrong. Boolean functions (like lt(), gt(), etc...) behave just like sum() -- they "exist" for a document if and

Re: Solr query with more than one field

2017-06-01 Thread Chris Hostetter
: Because the value of the function will be treated as a relevance value : and relevance value of 0 (and less?) will cause the record to be : filtered out. I don't believe that's true? ... IIRC 'fq' doesn't care what the scores are as long as the query is a "match" and a 'func' query will match

Re: cursorMark value causes Request-URI Too Long excpetion

2017-05-22 Thread Chris Hostetter
: I've been using cursorMark for quite a while, but I noticed that sometimes : the value is huge (more than 8K). It results in Request-URI Too Long FWIW: cursorMark values are simple "string safe" encoded forms of sort fields -- so my guess is you are sorting on some really long string values?

Re: Automatic conversion to Range Query

2017-05-10 Thread Chris Hostetter
: I'm facing a issue when i'm querying the Solr : my query is "xiomi Mi 5 -white [64GB/ 3GB]" ... : +(((Synonym(nameSearch:xiaomi nameSearch:xiomi)) (nameSearch:mi) : (nameSearch:5) -(Synonym(nameSearch:putih : nameSearch:white))*(nameSearch:[64gb/ TO 3gb])*)~4) ... : Now due to

Re: Solr performance on EC2 linux

2017-05-02 Thread Chris Hostetter
: I specify a timeout on all queries, Ah -- ok, yeah -- you mean using "timeAllowed" correct? If the root issue you were seeing is in fact clocksource related, then using timeAllowed would probably be a significant compounding factor there since it would involve a lot of time checks in a

Re: Solr performance on EC2 linux

2017-05-01 Thread Chris Hostetter
: tldr: Recently, I tried moving an existing solrcloud configuration from : a local datacenter to EC2. Performance was roughly 1/10th what I’d : expected, until I applied a bunch of linux tweaks. How many total nodes in your cluster? How many of them running ZooKeeper? Did you observe the

Re: SolrIndexSearcher#getDocList() method returns zero results, if query includes tdate range query

2017-04-25 Thread Chris Hostetter
: The correct way for a plugin to do the sort of thing you are trying to do : would be to use an instance of SolrQueryParser -- see for example the code : in LuceneQParser and how it uses SolrQueryParser ... you'll most likeley : just want to use LuceneQParser directly in your plugin to

Re: SolrIndexSearcher#getDocList() method returns zero results, if query includes tdate range query

2017-04-25 Thread Chris Hostetter
Diff FieldType's encode diff values into terms in diff ways. at query time the FieldTypes need to be consulted to know how to build the resulting query object. Solr's query parsers are "schema aware" and delegate to the appropriate FieldType to handle any index term encoding needed -- but

Re: Pagination bug? when sorting by a field (not unique field)

2017-03-29 Thread Chris Hostetter
The thing to keep in mind, is that w/o a fully deterministic sort, the underlying problem statement "doc may appera on multiple pages" can exist even in a single node solr index, even if no documents are added/deleted between bage requests: because background merges / searcher re-opening may

Re: Licensing issue advice for Solr.

2017-03-24 Thread Chris Hostetter
: I know that the product in general is licensed as Apache 2.0, but unfortunately there are packages : included in the build that are considered "non-permissive" by my company and as such, means that ... : It appears that the vast majority of the licensing issues are within the

Re: Solr Delete By Id Out of memory issue

2017-03-22 Thread Chris Hostetter
: OK, The whole DBQ thing baffles the heck out of me so this may be : totally off base. But would committing help here? Or at least be worth : a test? ths isn't DBQ -- the OP specifically said deleteById, and that the oldDeletes map (only used for DBI) was the problem acording to the heap

Re: Solr Delete By Id Out of memory issue

2017-03-21 Thread Chris Hostetter
: Thanks for replying. We are using Solr 6.1 version. Even I saw that it is : bounded by 1K count, but after looking at heap dump I was amazed how can it : keep more than 1K entries. But Yes I see around 7M entries according to : heap dump and around 17G of memory occupied by BytesRef there.

Re: Solr Delete By Id Out of memory issue

2017-03-21 Thread Chris Hostetter
: facing. We are storing messages in solr as documents. We are running a : pruning job every night to delete old message documents. We are deleting : old documents by calling multiple delete by id query to solr. Document : count can be in millions which we are deleting using SolrJ client. We are

Re: Problems executing boolean queries involving NOT clauses

2017-03-10 Thread Chris Hostetter
: From the first class, it seems similar to : See also: -Hoss

Re: solr init script won't execute under user account without login shell

2017-03-10 Thread Chris Hostetter
: My temporary solution is to add the command line option "-s /bin/bash" to : the solr init script by hand. : : Is there already a better way to avoid this manual modification? : : If not - might it be a good idea to add an option to the installation : script in order to specify a shell? If i

Re: Paging\sorting with RTG

2017-03-09 Thread Chris Hostetter
What are you doing with RTG that you care about sorting/paging? XY Problem Your question appears to be an "XY Problem" ... that is: you are dealing with "X", you are assuming "Y" will help you, and you are asking about "Y" without giving more

Re: copyField match, but how?

2017-03-03 Thread Chris Hostetter
: In my schema.xml, I have these copyFields: you haven't shown us the field/fieldType definitions for any of those fields, so it's possible "simplex" was included in a field that is indexed=true but not stored-false -- which is why you might be able to search on it, but not see it in the

Re: requiring both

2017-02-22 Thread Chris Hostetter
: how would you handle a query like "johnson AND johnson"? i don't want : something that has "author: linden b. johnson" to hit, only things that : actually have two occurrences. I'm not even sure if/how that would be possible using the underlying lucene Query objects available -- IIUC the

Re: Solr - example for using percentiles

2017-02-22 Thread Chris Hostetter
: > Using the stats component makes short work of things. : > : > stats.true=foo : : The stats component has been rendered obsolete by the newer and shinier : json.facet stuff. json.facet still doesn't support multi-shard refinement, so saying stats (and/or) facet components are obsolute can

Re: Facet query - exlude main query

2017-02-21 Thread Chris Hostetter
: Maybe I'm doing something wrong ? : /select?q.op=OR=2={!tag=mq}nissan=name%20name_raw=json=0=20={!ex=tag_mq}feature_s_1_make that url still contains "ex=tag_mq" .. which is looking for a query with a tag named "tag_mq" .. in your q param you are using a tag named "mq" Use

Re: Facet query - exlude main query

2017-02-21 Thread Chris Hostetter
: facet.field: [ : "{!ex=tag_make,tag_model,tag_mq}feature_s_1_make", : "{!ex=tag_model}feature_s_2_model" ... : q: "{!tag=mq}nissan", You are attempting to exclude tags named "tag_make", "tag_model", and "tag_mq" -- but the name of the tag you are using in the query is "mq" if you

Re: Facet query - exlude main query

2017-02-21 Thread Chris Hostetter
: Solr3.1 Starting with Solr 3.1, the : primary relevance query (i.e. the one normally specified by the *q* parameter) : may also be excluded. : : But doesnt show me how to exlude it ?? same tag + ex local params, as you had in your example... : 2.

Re: Division in JSON Facet

2017-02-17 Thread Chris Hostetter
I'm sorry I didn't see your original question last month, but as you've since realized you can't use functions like "div" in this way. The syntax for getting "stats" in the JSON Faceting API doesn't really make this clear, but the outermost function call you make must be somethign that can

RE: Atomic updates to increase single field bulk updates?

2017-02-16 Thread Chris Hostetter
: partial update or a complete document. Under the hood a partial update : is a complete object anyway. Using partial updates you gain a little : bandwidth at the expense of additional stored fields. FWIW: once SOLR-5944 lands in a released version, that won't always be true -- atomic updates

Re: project related configsets need to be deployed in both data and solr install folders ?

2017-02-01 Thread Chris Hostetter
Renee: Huh ... so sounds like something must have been wonky in your original install? Glad it worked out for you, and thanks for following up. : Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2017 15:09:54 -0700 (MST) : From: Renee Sun : Reply-To: : To:

Re: project related configsets need to be deployed in both data and solr install folders ?

2017-02-01 Thread Chris Hostetter
Based on your description of the problem, and the fact that explicitly setting configSetBaseDir in your solr.xml works, I suspect there is some sort of weird bug in how the "default" configSetBaseDir is determined in some diff code paths in Solr. We should definitely file a jira issue

Re: After migrating to SolrCloud

2017-01-27 Thread Chris Hostetter
That error means that some client talking to your server is attempting to use an antiquated HTTP protocol version, which was (evidently) supported by the jetty used in 3.6, but is no longer supported by the jetty used in 6.2. (some details: ) If

Re: Error Loading Custom Codec class with Solr Codec Factory. Class cast exception

2017-01-15 Thread Chris Hostetter
: But when I try to load this codec directly via Solrconfig.xml CodecFactory : as below. : : : ...there is a difference between a (lucene layer) Codec. And a (solr layer) CodecFactory. Having the codec code in place (with the necessary SPI metadata files) let's Solr/Lucene *read* indexes

Re: Referencing a !key and !stat in facet.pivot

2017-01-15 Thread Chris Hostetter
If i'm understanding your question correctly, what you're looking for is simply... stats.field={!tag=pivot_stats}lastPrice facet.pivot={!key=pivot stats=pivot_stats}buyer,vendor ...there should only ever be one set of "{}" in the facet.pivot, defining the set of local params, and there are 2

Re: ttl on merge-time possible somehow ?

2016-12-19 Thread Chris Hostetter
: So, the other way this can be made better in my opinion is (if the : optimization is not already there) : Is to make the 'delete-query' on ttl-documents operation on translog to not : be forced to fsync to disk (so still written to translog, but no fsync). : The another index/delete

Re: Confusing debug=timing parameter

2016-12-19 Thread Chris Hostetter
SG: IIRC, when doing a distributed/cloud search, the timing info returned for each stage is the *cummulative* time spent on that stage in all shards -- so if you have 4 shards, the "process" time reported could be 4x as much as the actual process time spent. The QTime reported back (in a

Re: ttl on merge-time possible somehow ?

2016-12-16 Thread Chris Hostetter
: > lucene, something has to "mark" the segements as deleted in order for them ... : Note, it doesn't mark the "segment", it marks the "document". correct, typo on my part -- sorry. : > The disatisfaction you expressed with this approach confuses me... : > : Really ? : If you have many

Re: ttl on merge-time possible somehow ?

2016-12-16 Thread Chris Hostetter
: Yep, that's what came in my search. See how TTL work in hbase/cassandra/ : rocksdb . There : isn't a "delete old docs"query, but old docs are deleted by the storage : when merging. Looks like this needs to be a lucene-module which can then

RE: DocTransformer not always working

2016-12-15 Thread Chris Hostetter
: Well, i can work with this really fine knowing this, but does it make : sense? I did assume (or be wrong in doing so) that fl=minhash:[binstr] : should mean get that field and pass it through the transformer. At least : i just now fell for it, maybe other shouldn't :) that's what it *can*

Re: DocTransformer not always working

2016-12-14 Thread Chris Hostetter
Fairly certain you aren't overridding getExtraRequestFields, so when your DocTransformer is evaluated it can'd find the field you want it to transform. By default, the ResponseWriters don't provide any fields that aren't explicitly requested by the user, or specified as "extra" by the

Re: "on deck" searcher vs warming searcher

2016-12-14 Thread Chris Hostetter
: In a situation where searchers A-E are queued in the states : A: Current : B: Warming : C: Ondeck : D: Ondeck : E: Being created with newSearcher : : wouldn't it make sense to discard C before it gets promoted to Warming, : as the immediate action after warming C would be to start warming D? :

Re: "on deck" searcher vs warming searcher

2016-12-13 Thread Chris Hostetter
(disclaimer: i'm writing this all from memory, maybe there was some code change at some point that i'm not aware of and i'm completley wrong) : I've always understood the "on deck" searcher(s) being the same as the : warming searcher(s). So you have the "active" searcher and them the warming

Re: Solr 6 Default Core URL

2016-12-13 Thread Chris Hostetter
No, Solr stoped supporting the concept of a default core back in Solr5. The only tangible benefit to having a default was being able to change the default to point at a diff core w/o impacting existing users. You can easily do the same thing by creating a core/collection alias that you use in

Re: Traverse over response docs in SearchComponent impl.

2016-12-13 Thread Chris Hostetter
FWIW: Perhaps an XY problem? can you explain more in depth what it is you plan on doing in this search component? : I can see that Solr calls the component's process() method, but from : within that method, rb.getResponseDocs(); is always null. No matter what : i try, i do not seem to be

Re: CREATEALIAS to non-existing collections

2016-12-13 Thread Chris Hostetter
: > We currently support requests to CREATEALIAS to collections that don’t : > exist. Requests to this alias later result in 404s. If the target : > collection is later created, requests to the alias will begin to work. I’m : > wondering if someone is relying on this behavior, or

Re: Adding DocExpirationUpdateProcessorFactory causes "Overlapping onDeckSearchers" warnings

2016-12-09 Thread Chris Hostetter
: > If you are seeing an increase in "Overlapping onDeckSearchers" when using : > DocExpirationUpdateProcessorFactory, it's becuase you actaully have docs : > expiring quite frequently relative to the autoDeletePeriodSeconds and : > the amount of time needed to warm each of the new searchers.

Re: Adding DocExpirationUpdateProcessorFactory causes "Overlapping onDeckSearchers" warnings

2016-12-09 Thread Chris Hostetter
: bq: it triggering a commit every 30 seconds, because that's what : I have the autoDeletePeriodSeconds set to yes a commit is triggered each time a delete is fired. : There's a note in the code about making the commits optional, it seems : fair to raise a JIRA about implementing this.

Re: The state of Solr 5. Is it in maintenance mode only?

2016-12-08 Thread Chris Hostetter
: On the 5.x front I wasn't expecting 5.6 release now that we have 6.x but : was simply surprised to see fix for 4.x and not for 5.x. As Shawn mentioned: jira issues might have inccorrect fixVersion info if people don't pay enough attention when resolving (especially with dups/invalid) but

Re: Difference between currency fieldType and float fieldType

2016-12-06 Thread Chris Hostetter
: Thanks for your reply. : : That means the best fieldType to use for money is currencyField, and not : any other fieldType? The primary use case for CurrencyField is when you want to do dynamic currency fluctuations between multiple currency types at query time -- but to do that you either

RE: Solr seems to reserve facet.limit results

2016-12-05 Thread Chris Hostetter
I think what you're seeing might be a result of the overrequesting done in phase #1 of a distriuted facet query. The purpose of overrequesting is to mitigate the possibility of a constraint which should be in the topN for the collection as a whole, but just outside the topN on every shard --

Re: Reserved characters in password used by Jetty (Solr)

2016-12-05 Thread Chris Hostetter
: I fixed the issue by URL encoding. Here is a slim down version of my code : (with the fix): ... : // Gives back: http://username:password@server:port/solr/... : String solrUrl = "http://; + username + ":" + password + "@" + : getSolrServerName() + ":"

Re: empty strings outputting to numeric field types

2016-11-15 Thread Chris Hostetter
: fields storing dollar values as tdouble. they don't always exist in the : outputted rows, however, at which point they throw an error and fail at : indexing because the field is seen as an empty string (the log message: str : = ''). : : for now i've gotten around this by skipping out of any

Re: Issue with empty strings not being indexed/stored?

2016-11-15 Thread Chris Hostetter
You'll have to give us more details on what exactly you are doing to reproduce the problem you are seeing, and more detals on how exactly you upgraded (and what version you upgraded from) ... When i launch 6.3.0 using "bin/solr -e

Re: Sorting Problem with custom ValueSourceParser

2016-10-04 Thread Chris Hostetter
: Eg: if i make a query to sort by func(cost) desc : It works. : Now if i change cost with some another field eg func(rating) desc : It sorts the result by cost only. : : Now if i restart the solr server and call sort by func(rating) it works but : now it will stick with rating : : Any idea why

Re: Convert BytesRef to long in Solr 6.2

2016-09-29 Thread Chris Hostetter
: I am in the process of upgrading from Solr 5.5 to 6.2, so I changed NumericUtils to LegacyNumericUtils. ... : However, LegacyNumericUtils is the deprecated form of NumericUtils. It : says that I should use the PointValues class instead. However, unless I : am missing something, it

Re: Tutorial not working for me

2016-09-21 Thread Chris Hostetter
: FWIW, my next step was to work with the movie example file, which worked : perfectly and was a much, much better "getting started" intro. You could do : worse than to build a new tutorial/getting started from this example. : Dataset is way more fun, too -- a quality that should never be :

Re: Exception is thrown when using TimestampUpdateProcessorFactory

2016-09-19 Thread Chris Hostetter
: But I am getting below exception when i run update or through DIH. Please : let me know how to fix this. : : java.lang.NullPointerException : at : org.apache.solr.update.processor.TimestampUpdateProcessorFactory$1.getDefaultValue( That's a

Re: Tutorial not working for me

2016-09-16 Thread Chris Hostetter
: I apologize if this is a really stupid question. I followed all It's not a stupid question, the tutorial is completley broken -- and for that matter, in my opinion, the data_driven_schema_configs used by that tutorial (and recommended for new users) are largely useless for the same

Re: Feedback on Match Query Parser (for fixing multiterm synonyms and other things)

2016-09-07 Thread Chris Hostetter
: I wanted to solicit feedback on my query parser, the match query parser ( : It's a work in progress, so : any thoughts from the community would be welcome. : : The point of this query parser is that it's not a query parser! 2 Thoughts based purely

Re: Bad signature in 6.2.0?

2016-09-07 Thread Chris Hostetter
: : I imported the keys and attempted to verify... : : ~# gpg --import KEYS : ~# gpg --verify solr-6.2.0.tgz : : But got the following error... you're attempting to verify the signature of the ZIP file against the TAR GZIP file. -Hoss

Re: Can't create collection without plugin, can't load plugin without collection

2016-09-07 Thread Chris Hostetter
Isn't the designed workflow for something like this... 1) upload a very minimal configset 2) create your collection 3) upload your plugin jar 4) use the Schema API to create the new fieldtype that uses your plugin ? : Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2016 11:07:39 -0600 : From: John Bickerstaff

Re: Solr document missing or not getting indexed though we get 200 ok status from server

2016-09-06 Thread Chris Hostetter
: We tried to post the same manually from SOLR ADMIN / documents UI. It got : indexed successfully. We are sure that it's not duplicate issue. We are : using default update handler and doesn't configure for custom one. We fire : the request to index using direct HTTP request using XML :

Re: Want zero results from SOLR when there are no matches for "querystring"

2016-08-11 Thread Chris Hostetter
: First let me say that this is very possibly the "x - y problem" so let me : state up front what my ultimate need is -- then I'll ask about the thing I : imagine might help... which, of course, is heavily biased in the direction : of my experience coding Java and writing SQL... Thank you so

Re: Problems using fieldType text_general in copyField

2016-08-04 Thread Chris Hostetter
TL;DR: use entity includes *WITH OUT TOP LEVEL WRAPPER ELEMENTS* like in this example...

Re: Problems using fieldType text_general in copyField

2016-08-04 Thread Chris Hostetter
t; NOT EXISTING HERE* : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 3:55 PM, Chris Hostetter <> : wrote: : : > : > you mentioned that the problem only happens when you u

Re: Problems using fieldType text_general in copyField

2016-08-04 Thread Chris Hostetter
you mentioned that the problem only happens when you use xinclude, but you havne't shown us hte details of your xinclude -- what exactly does your schema.xml look like (with the xinclude call) and what exactly does the file being included look like (entire contents) (I suspect the problem you

Re: matchAllDocsQuery instead of WildCardQuery from lucene qp with df and *

2016-07-29 Thread Chris Hostetter
: I'd argue that the behavior is incorrect. Could you raise a JIRA? that behavior was intentionally added becaus most users kept getting really confused by the older default behavion (which was previously a 0-length prefix against hte default search field)

Re: Send kill -9 to a node and can not delete down replicas with onlyIfDown.

2016-07-29 Thread Chris Hostetter
: On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 5:47 AM, Chris Hostetter <> : wrote: : : > : > Maybe the problem here is some confusion/ambuguity about the meaning of : > "down" ? : > : > TL;DR: think of "onlyIfDown" as "onlyIfShutDownCleanly&quo

Re: How to index text field with html entities ?

2016-07-29 Thread Chris Hostetter
: I have several xml files that contains html entities in some fields. ... : If I set my field like this: : : Brown Gammon : : Solr generates error "Undeclared general entity" ...because that's not valid XML... : if I add CDATA like this: : : : : it seems that I can't search

Re: Solr Rounding Issue On Float fields.

2016-07-21 Thread Chris Hostetter
: Hi, I am running into a weird rounding issue on Solr 5.2.1. I have a float : field (also tried tfloat), I am indexing 154035.26 into it (confirmed in : the data), but at query time, I get back 154035.27 (.01 more). : Additionally when I query for the document and include this number in the q :

Re: Send kill -9 to a node and can not delete down replicas with onlyIfDown.

2016-07-20 Thread Chris Hostetter
Maybe the problem here is some confusion/ambuguity about the meaning of "down" ? TL;DR: think of "onlyIfDown" as "onlyIfShutDownCleanly" IIUC, the purpose of the 'onlyIfDown' is a safety valve so (by default) the cluster will prevent you from removing a replica that wasn't shutdown

Re: using lucene parser syntax with eDisMax

2016-07-19 Thread Chris Hostetter
: Yes on both counts. Although it takes a bit of practice, if you add : =query to the query you'll see a section of the : response showing you exactly what the resulting query is after : all the rules are applied. In addition, something else about edismax that you might find useful (but isn't

Re: Index and query brackets

2016-07-18 Thread Chris Hostetter
If you index the literal string value of "[ DATA ]" and then you wnat to be able to query for "[ DATA ]" again later there are two things you have to consider: 1) how is your field value analyzed? If you use something like StrField then an index term for the literal string "[ DATA ]" is

Re: Problem using bbox in schema

2016-07-18 Thread Chris Hostetter
can you please send us the entire schema.xml file you were using when you got that error? Would be nice to get to the bottom of how/why you gut an error regarding "positionIncrementGap" on AbstractSpatialPrefixTreeFieldType. : Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2016 18:10:40 +0200 : From: Rastislav Hudak

Re: Filter Query that matches all values of a field

2016-07-08 Thread Chris Hostetter
: I have a single type field that can contain zero or more values (comma : separated values). This field stores some sort of access value. : : In the filter, I am given a list of allowed values for the field and a : document must be considered if all values contained in its field must be :

Re: Disabling solr scoring

2016-07-08 Thread Chris Hostetter
: Can you please elaborate? I am passing user defined sort field and order whenever i search. I think Mikhail just missunderstood your question -- he was giving an example of how to override the default sort (which uses score) with one that would ensure scores are not computed. : > Is there

Re: Facet in SOLR Cloud vs Core

2016-07-07 Thread Chris Hostetter
: The problem with the shards appears in the following scenario (note that : the problem below also applies in a solr standalone enviroment with : distributed search): : : Shard1: DATA_SOURCE1 (3 docs), DATA_SOURCE2 (2 docs), DATA_SOURCE3 (2 docs). : Shard2: DATA_SOURCE3 (2 docs), DATA_SOURCE2

Re: Facet in SOLR Cloud vs Core

2016-07-07 Thread Chris Hostetter
: My question specifically has to do with Facets in a SOLR : cloud/collection (distributed environment). The core I am working with ... : I am using the following facet query which works fine in more Core based index : :

<    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   >