Re: Is This True?

2010-10-14 Thread dbell
WHAT?!? Elvis is *dead*??? No, It is not true. This is old news. I engaged in an interesting exchange of information with Alex Rawls and analyzed the tower as a gnomon for Islamic prayers, The whole data does not support the thesis. The Asr prayer line curves the other way. You have to

Re: DST Misconceptions

2010-04-20 Thread dbell
Even in Kunming, a much more culturally Chinese area, people liked to quote the time-honored maxim that the mountains are tall and the emperor is far away. I had to think of the line from Fiddler: Is there a proper blessing for the Czar? Yes, 'May God bless and keep the Czar --- far away from

Re: how Italian hours

2010-03-30 Thread dbell
Roger Bailey wrote: The conversion of the presentation to an article fro the compendium is stalled at 80% complete. This follows the classic 80 20 rule defining work progress. Which is to say that the remaining 20% of work will consume the *other* 80% of time? Dave

Re: New type of clock

2010-01-20 Thread dbell
All, A friend of mine (Joe Rao of New York City) just sent me this neat link. Check it out! -- Roger A different way to display time on the green time line. This is a real cool clock! I believe it comes from a Dutch web site. Yes! Some really cool things you can program in

Re: Marton Géza's 2010 calendar

2009-12-21 Thread dbell
I have uploaded Marton Géza's magnificent sundial calendar to: Thank you, Bob! Merry Christmas Dave ---

Re: Troublesome things these sundials!

2009-12-07 Thread dbell
The poor image attached might just be small enough to get transmitted but it certainly shows the extensive damage. Wow, looks like most STOP signs in the southern US, peppered with bullet holes... Some kinds of stupidity are universal, I guess. Dave

RE: BSS web site

2009-11-25 Thread dbell
The space-holder site seems to be safe, for what that's worth. I think Fabio hit it on the head, with the domain registration expiring. Looks like it was successfully re-registered, so once the DNS information is passed through the system, it should return to accessability. Unfortunately, the IP

Re: Location aerial photography online

2009-10-30 Thread dbell
If I can't get a good result because the location is a new home in a new development, I go to and check it on their maps/aerials. They seem to have more recent aerial imagery much of the time. Jim Tallman Unrelated to dialing, but whereas I usually prefer Google maps and aerial and

Re: Fwd: Direct reading time.

2009-09-27 Thread dbell
Use the best clock of all, the Sun (or Earth, if you prefer that new notion of Copernicus') - a photocell to track the Sun, advancing the mechanism one tick per day. Dave Bill All we need now is a good clock to control the mechanism which compensates for the EoT? Brian Albinson -

[Fwd: RE: gnomon protection - shadow ridge dials]

2009-09-06 Thread dbell
Larry, I agree that waiting an hour (or 15 minutes, even) between brief illuminations would make it less usable. A couple of suggestions: A bunch of fiber strands spread across the bottom of each (larger diameter) well, converging into a single lighted spot. The brightest spot indicates the

Re: Inclining Cone Gnomons

2009-08-30 Thread dbell
Obviously, your insurers are well familiar with US litigiousness (and perhaps, incompetence!) Dave My insurers wanted $2,000,000 indemnity to cover the possibility of US clients falling onto a dial gnomon. They actually suggested building a wall around the dial to keep everyone at a safe

Re: Electrical sundial tested

2009-07-06 Thread dbell
Excellent project, Aimo! I look forward to seeing this evolve. Dave As some of you already may have noticed, I have recently worked with my electrical sun dial project. Instead of a shadow the sun's position is in it calculated from the output of two or more solar panels. I have now tested

Re: Help with 'Analemmatic' - thanks to all, especially John Davis

2008-06-10 Thread dbell
It was interesting to see responses change, as time went on - from initially saying that it was simply not possible, to some 'lateral thinking' which could actually fulfill the design envisaged by our Mr Phillips Alison, that's the beauty of a group like this one, and something I've

RE: Advice wanted, on 'Analemmatic' sundial orientation

2008-06-04 Thread dbell
Andrew James wrote: If, instead of standing on the central month scale, the user finds and stands on or near the hour number which casts his shadow onto the appropriate date, the numbers might be arranged to the South rather than to the North of the centre. This requires more action on the

Re: Advice wanted, on 'Analemmatic' sundial orientation

2008-06-03 Thread dbell
Good luck, Alison! I'll let the real experts address the weight of evidence, but you are quite correct, and Mr. Phillips is wrong. While many types of sundials can indeed be adjusted to operate in any location, they cannot be adjusted to arbitrary orientation. For the simplest argument you might

Re: A Most Beautiful Dial!

2008-04-21 Thread dbell
Also curious, I don't recall any mention of the two auxiliary dials, with the cherubim holding their own styles, one 4 hours fast, the other 4 hours slow relative to the main dial. And what about the apparent four additional styles, one at each lower corner of the window frames? Dave Dear John,

Re: Astronomical Clocks

2008-04-08 Thread dbell
I just ran across this photoset today. Along the same lines as the Prague clock, and reminds me of Jim's beautiful astrolabes... or Dave ---

Re: Dali sundial +

2008-03-13 Thread dbell
Some time ago someone posted a link to a painting by Salvador Dali that included a sundial. Could someone point me to it again? I found this: == Try this: == Since it has none, I suppose a sundial could be considered the timepiece with

Re: Monumental sundial

2008-02-12 Thread dbell
As you probably know, Britain (and England in particular) is filled with such memories of the past and we tend to take them for granted until others mention them!. I find the same here, except our past is so recent, compared to yours! Dave ---

Re: Monumental Sundial

2008-02-12 Thread dbell
Very intriguing idea, Edley! Should be great fun experimenting. I'm going to look for some trial ray-tracing software... Dave Some time ago an idea for a nodus on a Large Sundial appeared to me. It is the shadow of a thin-walled transparent sphere. This can be seen simply in the shadows of

Cute ad-hoc dial at AutoDesk Labs

2008-01-14 Thread dbell
World's cheapest sundial: Dave ---

Re: Dialist for PDA

2008-01-14 Thread dbell
Simon wrote: Of course, if you had C, C++, FORTRAN, LISP, COBOL, JAVA, Python, Scilab, Euler, Pascal, Basic, etc on your PDA, then you might look at my web site. I added the Python, Scilab, and Euler code for dial design just this week. What?!? No SNOBOL? On the other hand, Forth would

Re: bone terrestrial globe with sundial

2007-10-12 Thread dbell
I happen to own a small version of this exact item. I must concur with Sara that it is not what it purports to be. I picked up the small (about 5 high) version a few years ago as a curiosity - lamenting all the time that the gnomon design and placement make the whole thing useless. This is

Old dial design article

2007-10-10 Thread dbell
Interesting article from a 1949 Mechanix Illustrated... Dave ---

Re: Direct South Dial

2007-06-21 Thread dbell
While Willy is absolutely correct, the part about knowing and computing for the shape of the dish is probably the real killer task. This is an application where I would advocate the empirical approach: Properly orient the dial face and style, then manually lay out points, with a watch in hand.

RE: Equation of Time

2007-06-06 Thread dbell
Concerning equatorial tables, people seem to be looking at recent patents for ELABORATE designs (conical rollers and such). But the original Poncet table is quite simple. I made my 1977 prototype out of wood, with a piece of Formica for the inclined plane on which one end of the table slides.

Re: Russell Porter sundial

2007-05-15 Thread dbell
The Patent for Porter's reflecting telescope is available directly from the patent office's online site at a huge long url, which is too long to type in or put on a single line. For future reference, there's an easy fix for that problem: Once you have navigated to the site with the long URL,

Re: Analemmatic dial

1996-02-28 Thread dbell
Malcolm McClure responded to M. Jacquelin Hardy's questions about building an anlemmatic dial: I am still thinking about this one, but hope the following suggestions will help. (Corrections to logic gratefully received) I have seen a photo of a wall mounted analemmatic sundial at Greenwich. It