Re: [Trisquel-users] Replicant WARNING: latest version of DAVdroid kills system

2017-11-05 Thread tralfamadorianorator
I experienced this -- twice! First time: I updated DAVdroid on my Galaxy S3, with the latest stable build of Replicant, which I had been using since its release September, and Replicant immediately goes into what appears to be an endless reboot loop. Second time: I wiped the 'data' and

Re: [Trisquel-users] Transfer Thunderbird Mail History from Mint Backup to Trisquel?

2016-04-15 Thread tralfamadorianorator
The '.icedove' directory doesn't get made until you launch Icedove for the first time. You don't need to launch it. Just copy your '.thunderbird' directory into your home directory and do either one of the following. a) Rename the '.thunderbird' directory to '.icedove'. OR b) Make a

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to remove my swap partition

2014-01-21 Thread tralfamadorianorator
Other than for hibernation, swap space is kicked in when your RAM gets used up. You'll be fine as long as you don't do anything that causes your 4 GB of RAM to fill up, like graphics or video editing or genomic sequence analysis.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Simple guide to make happy a GNU user

2013-12-05 Thread tralfamadorianorator
We should also recall that Debian was originally funded by the FSF. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Non-fiction reading recommendations

2013-11-12 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
If you're not limiting the subjects to issues related to free software, I recommend Richard Feynman's books. Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! is wonderful. I belive all of Feynman's autobiographical books were transcribed by his friend, Ralph Leighton, from tape recordings of Feynman

Re: [Trisquel-users] [OT] free video formats

2013-10-16 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
You might consider softening the opening sentence. Despite the word please, it might sound aggressive, especially given how many people sometimes insincerely use the word please as a substitute for hey, asshole. Maybe you could open with something like, I'd like to raise concern over the

Re: [Trisquel-users] So I decided to upgrade

2013-10-08 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
I recently did an upgrade of my friend's Ubuntu 10.10 server to Trisquel 6.0 by manually changing the /etc/apt/sources.list file and then doing a whole lot of wrangling with aptitude. I eventually got it to work. It involved 1) running sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, 2) finding all the packages

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to date girls using free software :P

2013-10-04 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
I have convinced 2 people so far.( I think it's great just to make good examples of ourselves by publicly rejecting these big, centralized services -- especially services that are known to comply with massive state surveillance of users. It's hard to convince others (I can't even convince

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU-Linux on Wikipedia

2013-09-01 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
It's always possible that I've misinterpreted, but here's how rms put it in his article Linux and the GNU System ( '...the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU-Linux on Wikipedia

2013-09-01 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
Here's a recent interview with rms. Key quote: GNU is an operating system... millions of people are using the GNU system, but mostly they don't know it because they think it's Linux.

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU-Linux on Wikipedia

2013-09-01 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
Here's a recent interview with rms. Key quote: GNU is an operating system... millions of people are using the GNU system, but mostly they don't know it because they think it's Linux.

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU-Linux on Wikipedia

2013-08-31 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
GNU does have a usable kernel, it's called Linux. GNU is the name of the operating system. When Linux is used as its kernel, Linux is a part of the GNU operating system. The name of the operating system was coined in 1984, following the old tradition of naming that gives a nod to its

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU-Linux on Wikipedia

2013-08-30 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
You're wrong, and here's why. The name GNU does not refer to the toolchain. The name GNU refers to the operating system as a whole. Appending the name of the kernel is already a compromise. The GNU toolchain is a part of the GNU operating system.

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU-Linux on Wikipedia

2013-08-28 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
Misconceptions don't become true just because they are common. When something is popular it does not magically become right. If an article on Wikipedia is wrong due to popular misconception, we should help its moderators understand why it's wrong so that it can be corrected. Some people are

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU-Linux on Wikipedia

2013-08-28 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
It doesn't hurt to annoy the Wikipedia moderators about it, especially when Wikipedia is helping to propagate the popular misconceptions. Those moderators are partly responsible.

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU-Linux on Wikipedia

2013-08-25 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
In a lot of articles, the term Linux is used to refer to the GNU operating system. Whenever it gets corrected, someone who monitors the GNU/Linux distro pages almost immediately undoes the correction. Maybe if we all work together and do it in a reasoned way, with persistence, and without

Re: [Trisquel-users] I am waiting the day when Hurd kernel will be default kernel in Trisquel

2013-08-24 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
It is precisely because so many people don't care that we must make that speech and have that debate. More speech is always better than no speech. The best way to counter bad speech is with more speech.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Replicant on Galaxy S2

2013-08-20 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
As far as WiFi, Bluetooth and NFC are concerned, you don't need to worry about nonfree firmware, because I'm pretty sure that firmware isn't included with Replicant. I use Replicant on my phone tracking device, and it does not have working WiFi, Bluetooth or NFS.


2013-08-19 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
More speech is always better than no speech. Those who think GNUser's speech is bad should combat it with more speech rather than silence it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Privacy in Trisquel

2013-07-19 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
You wouldn't need to read through all the code -- just look at the parts that use the libraries you're interested in investigating. For example, if you want to search for instances of 'libgeo' in the source, you might try running the following inside the root of the GIMP source directory.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can I recover from moronic loss of the root password?

2013-07-13 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
This vulnerability exists on all operating systems, not just GNU/Linux systems. That's why encryption is a good idea.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are most of you free software extremists?

2013-06-19 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
Nobody here is extremist. In this community, it makes more sense to replace the word extreme with principled. Individuals that protect their freedoms by using free software are helping themselves without hurting anybody in the process.

Re: [Trisquel-users] unable to login after installing linux-libre 3.9.2

2013-05-14 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
I suspect an issue with a graphics device driver. What graphics device do you use?

Re: [Trisquel-users] GIMP auto-close

2013-04-22 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
If you feel like building GIMP from source, you can try the attached script. I haven't actually tested this script. What's in the script are really just my notes on what I needed to do to build GIMP on a fresh installation of Trisquel 6.0.

Re: [Trisquel-users] GIMP auto-close

2013-04-22 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
Here's the script: #!/bin/bash # Build script for GNU Image Manipulation Program 2.8 on Trisquel 6.0. GIMP_INSTALL_DIRECTORY=/opt/gimp if [ ! -d $GIMP_INSTALL_DIRECTORY ]; then RANDOM_TMP=$RANDOM mkdir -p /tmp/gimp-$RANDOM_TMP/share sudo mv /tmp/gimp-$RANDOM_TMP

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNOME Panel is lost

2013-01-16 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
I think purging a package using apt-get purge only removes system-wide config files. Can someone tell us where the user's gnome-panel config file is located? I still love my gnome2 and compiz 0.8, so after I installed Trisquel 5.5, I installed MATE from the repository. Then

Re: [Trisquel-users] software updates repos vs build myself

2012-09-30 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
To avoid breaking any dependencies, you can also install everything (including new build dependencies) in a separate directory using the --prefix option. I still use Trisquel 5.0 (dagda), but I want to use the newest release of GIMP, so I build its newer dependencies, glib, gtk+, babl,

Re: [Trisquel-users] Apple patent could remotely disable protesters' phone cameras

2012-09-11 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
You mean crackers. Let's not buy into the mass media's persistent misuse of the word hacker.

[Trisquel-users] HOWTO: Build GIMP 2.8 in Dagda (5.0)

2012-09-01 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
With help from some GIMP devs (Martin Nordholds and Mikael Magnusson), after several weeks of trial and error, I've finally gotten the hang of building GIMP 2.8 in Trisquel 5.0. Install the build dependencies. sudo apt-get install fontconfig gtk-doc-tools intltool libcairo2

Re: [Trisquel-users] HOWTO: Build GIMP 2.8 in Dagda (5.0)

2012-09-01 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
I wish I could make some edits. In step 15, where it says With this edit, it should say Without this edit. And there shouldn't be a + in front of Libs.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Gimp 2.8 ppa not working

2012-08-26 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
When GIMP 2.8 is built with any prefix other than /usr or /usr/local, a lot of plug-ins won't work. I asked about this in the GIMP IRC channel today, and user mikachu helped me fix it with a simple edit. add the following to the Libs: line in the file gimp-2.0.pc. -Wl,-rpath,${libdir} In

Re: [Trisquel-users] Gimp 2.8 ppa not working

2012-08-26 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
One last note that should have been included in my first reply: Before trying to build GIMP, install at least the following. sudo apt-get install fontconfig gtk-doc-tools intltool libcairo2 libdbus-glib-1-2 libexif-dev libfontconfig1 libfreetype6 libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 libgtk-3-0 libjasper-dev

Re: [Trisquel-users] Gimp 2.8 ppa not working

2012-08-17 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
In case you feel like building GIMP 2.8 yourself, here are the packages I needed on my Dagda system. atk -- git:// babl -- git:// cairo -- git:// gdk-pixbuf -- git:// gegl -- git:// glib

Re: [Trisquel-users] graphics issue -- Intel 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE

2012-08-10 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
On Dagda, up until just a moment ago, I was having issues with choppy video playback. Using the following /etc/xorg.conf file fixed it. I can now play my HD Ogg Theora copy of Louis CK's comedy special again! Section Device Identifier Configured Video Device Driver

Re: [Trisquel-users] graphics issue -- Intel 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE

2012-08-06 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
I tried changing the xorg.conf settings, but I wasn't able to get the issue sorted out in Brigantia, so I installed Dagda. Everything works great now. I didn't file any bug report because I don't know what was causing the problem. I guess I'll stick with Dagda until someone else figures out

Re: [Trisquel-users] graphics issue -- Intel 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE

2012-08-04 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
I'll try the nomodeset kernel paramenter and report back on the results. Thanks, lembas.

Re: [Trisquel-users] graphics issue -- Intel 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE

2012-08-04 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
nomodeset didn't work. I tried booting twice and got a blank screen. The system did not seem to be responding to the keyboard. CTRL-ALT-DEL didn't reboot the computer, and the num lock key did not turn on the light on the keyboard. I'm going to try adding Option DRI false to

Re: [Trisquel-users] graphics issue -- Intel 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE

2012-08-04 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
I'm going to try adding Option DRI false to /etc/X11/xorg.conf to see what that does.

Re: [Trisquel-users] graphics issue -- Intel 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE

2012-08-04 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
Darn. Setting option DRI to false does not work. I'm out of ideas.

[Trisquel-users] graphics issue -- Intel 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE

2012-08-03 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
I recently installed Brigantia on a Dell Dimension 4500S. This desktop computer was, until the upgrade, running another GNU/Linux distribution derived from Ubuntu natty. After the upgrade, I've been experiencing a kind of crashing that I don't know how to describe properly. My screen goes

Re: [Trisquel-users] graphics issue -- Intel 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE

2012-08-03 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
For the past 6 months, I had been using Mint 12 on this computer without GPU hangs. (In my previous message, I said the GNU/Linux distro I used previously was derived from Ubuntu 11.04 natty. I was wrong. Mint 12 is derived from Ubuntu 11.10 oneiric.) I have noticed a pattern tonight. This

Re: [Trisquel-users] graphics issue -- Intel 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE

2012-08-03 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
Scratch what I said about this issue happening while typing. I rebooted about five minutes ago, and the GPU hang occurred while I was reading a Wikipedia article. I was not typing anything and I was not moving the mouse.

Re: [Trisquel-users] MP3 decoder

2012-05-29 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
You can also build from source. This is my usual procedure: In case you don't have the build requirements yet: sudo apt-get install build-esssential ncurses5 wget tar xf

Re: [Trisquel-users] Running kernel 3.4

2012-05-29 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
You can also build the kernel from source. Here's my usual procedure. If you don't have the build requirements: sudo apt-get install build-essential ncurses5 wget tar xf

Re: [Trisquel-users] Running kernel 3.4

2012-05-29 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
Yes, the -j option will be recognised. Cheers!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Orientation Advice

2012-04-26 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
If you use [pre]make menuconfig[/pre] instead of [pre]make xconfig[/pre], you won't require the QT libraries.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Blocking Facebook buttons and content

2012-01-22 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
I just checked my cookies for the first time in many months. I'm surprised that I have well over a hundred cookies stored. I think I'll follow your example and use a short whitelist. Thanks for link to Panopticlick on the EFF website. Very helpful.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Blocking Facebook buttons and content

2012-01-21 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
UC Berkeley made a Firefox add-on called Priv3, released under a BSD license, which aims to block just the tracking code from social networking websites, including Facebook. Here's the add-on on the Mozilla website: And here's the

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft trying to prevent Linux on ARM hardware

2012-01-17 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
I've been doing this kind of micro-marketing for the past three or four years, mostly in the San Francisco suburbs. I had grand dreams of seeding an explosion in GNU/Linux adoption, but I've started to grow disheartened lately. The people I've shared GNU/Linux with have adapted well to

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wireless Lan not working after kernel update.

2012-01-10 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
Hi, megurineturilli. Is ath9k in the output of lsmod? Does the the ath9k module load at all? Or did you build it into the kernel when you compiled it?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wireless Lan not working after kernel update.

2012-01-10 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
By the way, I've been using kernel-libre 3.2 for the past few days, and I've noticed a considerable performance improvement in my older hardware. An old computer I have with an Intel i845 video device is now playing most HD videos reasonably well. For example, the HD Ogg Theora video file

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wireless Lan not working after kernel update.

2012-01-10 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
I think jbar is probably right. You can still build the ath9k driver now and load it as a module. The source can be downloaded here: Next time you build the kernel, if you use make menuconfig to generate your .config file, you can go to the

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux-libre 3.1.1 hibernation issue

2011-12-28 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
Just a quick update. The whole issue of hibernation and suspend failing sporadically was actually my fault. I made some really dumb modifications to the scripts in /etc/network/. The modifications I made called macchanger to change the MAC address of my wireless device every time the

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux-libre 3.1.1 hibernation issue

2011-12-10 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
Thanks for the encouragement, jdenz! When I have some time, and if the issue persists, I'll attempt some more structured testing and share the results.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux-libre 3.1.1 hibernation issue

2011-12-03 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
I experienced a few sporadic failures after my previous post. I did update to kernel-libre version 3.1.2, however, so I don't know if that was the cause. At one point, hibernation failed least three times in a row, and resuming from a suspend to ram occasionally failed too. I have since

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux-libre 3.1.1 hibernation issue

2011-11-24 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
Strange. Hibernate has stopped working again. s2disk displays the progress of the hibernation process to 100%, and then I get a newline with , it hangs, so I power off the computer by pressing down the power button for a few seconds. An attempt at resuming from hibernate fails with a frozen

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux-libre 3.1.1 hibernation issue

2011-11-24 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
I edited /etc/default/acpi-support and changed the line SUSPEND_METHODS=dbus-pm dbus-hal pm-utils to SUSPEND_METHODS=acpi-support dbus-pm dbus-hal pm-utils (I added acpi-support) Now everything is working fine again. I don't remember, but I may have had this edit in the file before, when I