Okay, I'm getting there, but this should be translating A umlaut to an old
DOS box character, according to my ASCII table, but instead it's print
small 'u':
def main():
zark = ''
for x in "ÀÄÄÄ":
print(unichr(ord(u'x')-3), end=&
DOS isn't commonly used, a python program
would be better anyway.
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On 22 July 2013 11:26, Marc Tompkins wrote:
> If you haven't already read it, may I suggest Joel's intro to Unicode?
> http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/Unicode.html
I had a bad feeling I'd end up learning Unicode ;')
unichr() arg not in range(0x10000) (narrow Python build)
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/f > pytree.txt
might be illuminating. I piped since it took forever to print because I
have python(x,y). Unfortunately, I got tiny numbers and A with umlauts
instead of the nice path outlines in the dos box:
³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄtests
Ben Fishbein
Here's a good source - and has a link to a recent book (ten bucks on kindle)
On 15 July 2013 14:38, Ben Fishbein wrote:
> Hello. I wrote a python program for my small business. It works fine but
> it is all from command prompt and makes
;t always find what you want
on the net so you have to download it.)
A good feature of pip is pip freeze, which shows you what you've already
got installed.
Figuring out the Python install mess is harder than figuring out Python,
IMHO ;')
If you find yourself running into a wal
in the future: And it's nice they're all there. I
recently installed something that, only afterward the install failed, told
me it needed wxPython. I checked their web page - no mention at all of the
dependency. That's just not nice ;')
On 14 July 2013 18:03, Marc Tompkins wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 4:18 PM, Jim Mooney wrote:
>> I prefer import antigravity , but then I lose the rest of the day ;')
> Pretty sure that comes from sampling everything in the medicine cabinet
7;, 'unicode_literals', 'barry_as_FLUFL']
I prefer import antigravity , but then I lose the rest of the day ;')
Cleaning Windows 7:
Start Menu > Contol Panel > Programs and Features > Java > Uninstall
It's that easy ;')
input = raw_input
range = xrange
except NameError as err:
Since it's the same error in both cases, and I only pass in either case, so
the logic looks the same to me? Or am I missing something?
Wash your fruits and veggies, folks. Contrary to the
xcept using a callback would mean editing the inputter module, which I am
pretending is some module code I'm importing but don't want to mess with.
So I just import it and do the so-called monkey patch without actually
editing the module. My thought was I could do quick tests and dummy inpu
port division, print_function
import sys
if int(sys.version_info[0]) < 3:
input = raw_input
range = xrange
for my header macro. I'll try to remember about Tkinter.
Anything else missing of great import ;') I don't want that to get too big
- just the minimum.
On 13 July 2013 20:03, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> I don't understand that last sentence.
Ah, I can be marvelously unclear. I keep forgetting telepathy only works
on my home planet ;')
I wiped everything out to start fresh with Py27, so this is just a very
simple example of what worked in sendi
ith_statement, print_function
import sys
if int(sys.version[0]) < 3: input = raw_input
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ule stuck to truncated. But either way it's good to know
__future__ is not your usual sort of import.
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orted after it. That's a gotcha to avoid ;')
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to nail procedural -
I'm in no rush - but that looks simple enough.
Damn, computer is overheating again. I'll be glad when the AZ heatwave is
over so I can get back to more hours on the computer, but Reality
intervenes ;')
> --
> DaveA
On 8 July 2013 00:12, Steven D'Apranocatching ArithmeticError
> further on), please use a custom exception
Well, an Arithmetic Error was better than bubbling up to a totally general
one. I'm not sure how do custom error code. Short example,
om my program to a test program and it
gets an index error after 6,000 or so tests of random integer strings. in
case someone finds that, I'm already workin' on it ;')
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"Do they mean version 3 and
above?" since a lot is not ready for version 3. BTW, I understand the
basics of regexes, but had some problems and looked into pyparsing. Has
anyone used that and does it seem better than regexes, or easier on the
"I asked God for a bike, but
seemed natural since a user
entering Zero is, I assume, asking for what they want, and they get Zero,
finissimo. But I guess I should be generous and figure they mistyped, then
loop for better input. I think I already asked (or maybe not) if more than
one exit is a good idea, though.
first, second, third, last_two = (triplet[0], triplet[1],
triplet[2], triplet[1:])
if triplet == '000':
triplen -= 1
if first > '0':
if last_two == '00': # special case - snip extra space separator
avoid, but what if you're adding five or six very long
things, like some really long strings?
Never run on gravel with a lightbulb in your mouth (personal
experience - don't ask.)
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if a dumb pol is reading his teleprompter he'll get brain freeze
trying to cipher numerals that big, but he can just read out words.
Resistance is futile, but running away is often surprisingly effective.
Tutor maillist - Tutor@pytho
On 06/23/2013 06:50 PM, Dave Angel wrote:
On 06/23/2013 12:43 PM, Jim Byrnes wrote:
On 06/22/2013 06:24 PM, Dave Angel wrote:
On 06/22/2013 07:03 PM, Jim Byrnes wrote:
On 06/22/2013 05:10 PM, David Rock wrote:
* Jim Byrnes [2013-06-22 16:01]:
I need to convert a series of digits like
e ninety_nine dictionary entries to do
that. I'm too lazy a typer ;')
Resistance is futile, but running away is often surprisingly effective.
Tutor maillist - Tutor@python.org
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On 06/22/2013 06:24 PM, Dave Angel wrote:
On 06/22/2013 07:03 PM, Jim Byrnes wrote:
On 06/22/2013 05:10 PM, David Rock wrote:
* Jim Byrnes [2013-06-22 16:01]:
I need to convert a series of digits like 060713 to a string so I can
make it look like a date 06-07-13.
>>> a = 060713
On 06/22/2013 05:10 PM, David Rock wrote:
* Jim Byrnes [2013-06-22 16:01]:
I need to convert a series of digits like 060713 to a string so I can
make it look like a date 06-07-13.
>>> a = 060713
>>> a[:2]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1,
t;>> b = str(a)
>>> b[:2]
>>> b
I was confused at first but then realized that the 0 makes it octal. I
thought str() would do it but it didn't. Reading about str() it talks of
string represe
(There is a big difference between
managers and entrepreneurs, which an entrepreneur once pointed out to
me, though.)
A pride of lions, a gaggle of geese, a pack of wolves, a sewer of bankers.
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To u
zippy = zip([1,2],[3,4,5,6,7,8,9])
>>> D = dict(zippy)
>>> D
{1: 3, 2: 4} # dict works fine
>>> next(zippy) # exhausting zippy raises StopIteration
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 301, in runcode
File "", line 1, in
roblems. Although some
of them are from the IDE. But others might be from the OS, and there
are different OSes so this wouldn't be portable.
A pride of lions, a gaggle of geese, a pack of wolves, a sewer of bankers.
Tutor maillist - Tu
On 21 June 2013 14:59, ALAN GAULD wrote:
> Give us a clue, show us your code!
I was hoping you wouldn't say that since it's another of my insane
Lazy Typer programs to avoid typing, which are no doubt considered
frivolous. Although I'm learning a lot doing them ;')
Okay, I have a snippet that
value every time. So far I have a
next(gen) as a parameter into the function but that's exactly not what
I want - since I need to increment three different numbers that will
persist in the function. I tried a few examples I saw but I keep
getting the same number, so I'm doing something wron
ten a first language,
have two-tier help - offer a learner help Lhelp(), that omits the
__garbola__ and uses the space saved for simple examples. With a
proviso on top to go to real help or the docs once you get past the
elementary phase. Just a thought. Or encourage docstring writers that
an example now
big push for Usability, which I would assume includes visibility - but
it appears to be totally forgotten in the lust for gray on gray to
look kewl ;')
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en black is out of style except for
Goth kids, who do look kinda kewl ;')
A pride of lions, a gaggle of geese, a pack of wolves, and a sewer of bankers.
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a bit better but still
finds garbage you must sift through. So builtin help would be
preferable if it were just a bit less concise and had some examples.
It's only an opinion. The gods of Python may do otherwise as they
Sci-fi novel in one line:
Congratulations miss, yo
e it.
I think the name is confusing zip with compacting, too.
Although to be fair.
might be too much typing compared to zip() ;')
Sci-fi novel in one line:
Congratulations miss, you have
Just remember - the first three letters in Diet is DIE
I'll stick with my cheeseburgers ;')
On 19 June 2013 05:17, jessica peters wrote:
> http://piranhadvertising.com/yi/eem/lbabm/kfghr/skhnig/uaozl.html
> jessica
it really is good to know how to use DOS first.
And if you're not using Windows, all this typing will be useful to
someone else. But Bayesian inference tells me you most likely are ;')
Sci-fi novel in one line:
Congratulations miss, you have twins - but one is dark matter.
On 18 June 2013 19:41, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 06:41:01PM -0700, Jim Mooney wrote:
>> Is there a way to unstring something? That is str(object) will give me
>> a string, but what if I want the original object back, for some
>> purpose, without
ot;Bob" and Python thinks Bob is a
nonexistent variable name and shouts at you.
Scorn that fancy food - put bread in your head!
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;bob', age=50)
That doesn't bother me so much - fewer quotes and no colons - so I
threw my module to the winds.
Still, I'm learning a lot of Python trying to use Python to find lazy
ways to do things ;')
Scorn that fancy food - put bread in your head!
Is there a way to unstring something? That is str(object) will give me
a string, but what if I want the original object back, for some
purpose, without a lot of foofaraw?
After indictment the bacon smuggler was put on the no-fry list
r to think everyone else is them and knows what they know, in
which case why write it at all? It's not written at a consistent
After indictment the bacon smuggler was put on the no-fry list
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ke to see my name in lights, I didn't
discover it, Dave did, so that would be dishonest ;')
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nd close needs the file handle.
Nope. close() is not in the built-in function list:
We've caught them in a boo-boo ;')
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wants an object, even if you don't see it:
import builtins
help(builtins.open) works to get the
supercalifragilisticexpialidocoius genormous help file for open, which
tells you more things about open than you could possibly want to know
unless you are really Hardcore ;')
But it is not
On 16 June 2013 22:02, eryksun wrote:
> http://docs.python.org/3/library/abc
> http://docs.python.org/3/library/numbers
Thanks. My left eye burns when I stare at the monitor too long, so I
think I'll print out the Data Model and those for bathroom reading. I
can be the Potty Progamm
, so I
sometimes forget to reset it to text, when I'd like a Default to text.
I only want to set rich text on a per-message basis, if I have a
picture to include. If a program offers a new "convenience" it should
also offer to un-convenience the convenience and simply use a default
Now I can remap CapsLock to something else ;')
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since this package is just basics and not some Huge graphical
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## Oops, looks like I accidentally went complex ;')
I certainly like a module where you don't have to search and ponder,
and it works about like you expect. It seems very straightforward.
After indictment the bacon smuggler was put on the no-fry list
ed, and it didn't look like you needed solve(expr,x,
dict=True) the first time
since it's repeated in pprint, so I ditched it. Then it worked nicely.
That's a nice little package. Just about self-explanatory, and you
don't need a big, honking GUI or TeX. I think I'll ke
> I'd look closer at the IDE and see if it's configurable to remove ugly
> features.
Well, at least the BUNG! which sounds like a spring flew out of my
front end. It's a jarring "feature" ;')
Tutor maillist
nd red traceback screen I get
from my IDE, then having to close the message-box so I can see the
interpreter again ;')
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> There is also an active community writing third-party plugins for Vim
> and this is probably where the bulk of significant new features are
> developed.
So as Dr. Frankenstein exclaimed: "It's Alive!" ;')
After indictment the bacon smuggl
ception I need to use in the except clause from the more English-like message?
#Using C:\Python33\python.exe on Win 7 in c:\python33\jimprogs
fh = open('nosuchdirectory/text/truthyfalsey.txt')
for line in fh:
nt. I was thinking of an actual visible tree,
but it doesn't go that deep, so that wouldn't be of use.
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et you with a phony
letter from your bank or "You won a Prize" or something more devious.
Although the appeals from Nigerian princes have dropped way off ;')
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ll public, takes considerably
longer. Although an editor that's been around since the stone age
probably doesn't blow up. I doubt VIM has a constant stream of
upgrades (not always compatible), bug fixes, and security fixes ;')
After indictment the bacon smuggler was put
On 15 June 2013 23:30, Dave Angel wrote:
>>> The sort() method doesn't work, but sorted does.
How many times have I read you can't sort a dictionary in Python. Was
I just misreading or was that true of older Pythons?
After indictment the bacon smuggler was put
got a bunch of specific wheeze. What I want is a
list of the whole tree. Is there such, or a way I can generate it?
Everyone has made bad decisions; it's just that some pretend they haven't.
Tutor maillist - Tutor@python.org
On 15 June 2013 22:32, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2013-June/649710.html
A succinct list - worth putting in my Keep file ;')
After indictment the bacon smuggler was put on the no-fry list
hat's a breath of fresh air - talk about freedom ;') Makes me eager
to get to classes so I can redefine sets as tagged sets.
After indictment the bacon smuggler was put on the no-fry list
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To un
e gate level, why not the quantum
level, where they are now building gates that use the square root of
Not. (And I thought the square root of minus one was bad ;')
After indictment the bacon smuggler was put on the no-fry list
Tutor maillis
bject such as empty
string, empty list, empty tuple, or empty dict, is always True. But it
appears that idea fails for an empty class:
class NobodyHome: pass
x = NobodyHome()
print(not x) # Result is False when I thought this would be True.
After indictment the bacon smuggler was put on th
t types
## "Because not has to invent a value anyway, it does not bother to return a
## value of the same type as its argument, so e.g., not 'foo' yields
False, not ''."
## Finally, 1 and 0 are oh-so-special standins for True and False,
that should have
## been strangle
n look out
for - and throwing in the 1, 0 baloney, which I was hoping to get away
from when I decided to do Python instead of Javascript. I may be lazy
but I really don't need to substitute 0 for False.
After indictment the bacon smuggler was put
;> not ''
Why the difference here?
After indictment the bacon smuggler was put on the no-fry list
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is NOT equal to false
##Empty string is NOT equal to False
##Empty list is NOT equal to false
##Zero is equal to False
##None is equal to false
##Empty string is equal to False
##Empty list is equal to False
After indictment the bacon smuggler was put on the no-fry list
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7;s for another day. Too many all at once would just
be going backward.
That may not seem important but while Python is fun to learn, hunting
keys far off from the home keys is annoying, at least to me. Or maybe
I'm just really lazy, since I recline way back while typing ;')
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ess. I
already remapped Caps Lock to End. Every time I turn around I'm inside
something where I need to be at the end, and have to find the right
arrow or End key, so remapping was an amazing time saver. I never use
Caps Lock. It's Internet rudeness. And if I need all caps for a big
I expect and presents me with
something useful. All I can do is look at the d.keys or d.values
result. But then, I could look at a usable list or tuple just as
easily, so I'm surprised they made it kind of useless.
After indictment the bacon smugg
ay 16 2013, 00:03:43) [MSC
v.1600 32 bit (Intel)] on win32. ***
>>> d.keys()
dict_keys(['alpha', 'olf', 'bog', 'dog'])
After indictment the bacon smuggler was put on the no-fry list
statement, since a lot of Py 3 stuff was backported to 2.7. There is also a
program that comes with Python, called 2to3, which will translate a Py 2.7
program to a Py 3.3 program. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't -
if my IDE doesn't make a disagreeable honk and give m
Hey, that's fun - although my cat kept hitting the wall ;')
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On 14 June 2013 08:49, eryksun wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 11:55 PM, Jim Mooney
> wrote:
> C:\>python -i -c "import os; os.chdir('C:/Python33')"
Well, that didn't work anyway. Got me the right directory and the
interpeter, but I coul
instantly, which means DOS is much, much faster
than my IDE, since the entire list had to be figured before printing (which
took a long time in the IDEs ;')
Which means the IDE could fool me into thinking something takes forever to
run when it gallops in DOS. Useful to know.
On 14 June 2013 13:47, Dave Angel wrote:
> On 06/14/2013 03:09 PM, Jim Mooney wrote:
> You mean you don't write your own microcode in hex? New fangled computers
> get between us and the hardware. Give me instructions that directly
> manipulate voltages, and I'll b
this is getting marvelously off-topic, so I'll end it there ;')
Then there is the lysdexic keyboard, which corrects letter-reversals as you
tpye them...
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On 14 June 2013 10:56, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On 15/06/13 03:32, Jim Mooney wrote:
> Now you're going to tell me there's a programmer's keyboard ;')
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/**Space-cadet_keyboard<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spac
t? On the one hand, it's more memorizing, but on the other it
might be a simpler syntax. My little finger has trouble finding the : key.
All those odd characters are hard to find - they didn't design keyboards
for programming. Maybe someday.
Now you're going to tell me there
and it
> looks like they're still in win 7.
A noun is just a verb with the hiccups
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convoluted ways to use {}, which can get
convoluted indeed ;')
A noun is just a verb with the hiccups
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On 13 June 2013 21:53, Dave Angel wrote:
> On 06/13/2013 11:55 PM, Jim Mooney wrote:
>> Alan Gauld
This is for my own convenience on my own machine. As a former webmaster I'm
of course used to idiot-proofing anything released into the wild so it is
usable by
ide it. ActiveState
makes it clear so I used them. I'm pretty sure Canopy is for 2.7 but I'm
not going to do a huge download on a slow connection when they don't tell
A noun is just a verb with the hiccups
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, called IDLE, which should be already
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s in my program directory, though. Of
course, if you have an IDE or editor that lets you set the default
directory that's no problem.
If your editor doesn't do default directories but has startup scripts this
will work (changing the directoy in chdir to your system, of course)
import os
to enlist instead. And
that was during Vietnam ;')
A noun is just a verb with the hiccups
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On 12 June 2013 14:16, Steve Willoughby wrote:
> or if you try to take the square root of a negative number, etc.
Or the log of -10. Although sqrt(-1) works fine for cmath.sqrt(-1) - I
think I get it.
Come to think of it you can do cmath.log(-10), but that's getting sca
wouldn't be a type error rather than a value error.
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example of something that is the "right
type but an inappropriate value"?
A noun is just a verb with the hiccups
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I guess that would be hard on Ben Flinkelstein ;') But I guess I could
still have give_cake = True to be more understandable.
Or keep the program the way it is, use if '' in msg , and sell it to
On 11 June 2013 19:19, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On 12/
triple quote docstrings to change the
error message in the duplicate app. Good Lord, nothing worse than a
problem caused by two different things ;')
Today is the day that would have been tomorrow if yesterday was today
Tutor maillis
>> First you are effectively creating an entire Tkinter app
>> inside popup() each time.
Actually, that was the source of the error. When I put the app
creation above the function, the dots no longer appeared. As to why,
I'm not even going to try to figure that out ;')
I don't have, it may be a
windows-only response I can get around by changing the code a bit.
But I do like the idea of using plain old words, like "bad" as a
switch, instead of some inscrutable program-switch ;')
Tutor m
On 5 June 2013 13:38, Walter Prins wrote:
> Jim,
> You might be interested to know there's several incarnations of Python for
> browser already available. PyJS and PyJaco are Python to Javascript
> compilers, and Brython is basically a Python subset that allows you to
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