Re: About StrutsTypeConverter

2011-07-03 Thread Vincent Lin
into this method? Best Regards, Vincent Lin 2011/7/3 Łukasz Lenart : > Take a look on EnumTypeConverter > > > Regards > -- > Łukasz > + 48 606 323 122 > Warszawa JUG conference - Confitura > > > 2011/7/2 Vincent Lin :

About StrutsTypeConverter

2011-07-02 Thread Vincent Lin
? Does it mean struts will pass a array of String to converter when there are multiple parameter with the same name in JSP? But in that case, how do we convert the object back to String[] when the JSP is being rendered? Best Regards, Vincent

Re: Struts 2.2.3 i18n properties not reloaded after redeployed

2011-06-20 Thread Vincent Lin
Hi Steven, I didn't restart the server. We are usint JBoss. We just copy the war file to deploy directory (the directory is similar to tomcat webapps) and let Jboss to redeploy it. If the server is restarted, the i18 properties will be reloaded. Regards, Vincent On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at

Struts 2.2.3 i18n properties not reloaded after redeployed

2011-06-19 Thread Vincent Lin
properties will be reloaded after the web app is redeployed with struts.i18n.reload=false. Can we set any configuration to let i18n properties reloaded in 2.2.3 without setting struts.i18n.reload=true? It seems to hurt performance a lot. Thanks! Vincent Lin

Re: Error Throwing With Struts 2 Tags

2009-01-09 Thread Vincent Lin
It's really an annoying issue of struts2. It took me long time to troubleshoot this kind of problem. One time I came across "NoClassDefFoundError". It was swallowed by xwork. I wouldn't know it if I'd not used eclipse debbuger to step in the code. I wonder why this simple issue is not fixed in st

OGNL exceptions are swallowed by struts2

2009-01-09 Thread Vincent Lin
nformation in it. All of them seem to be converter related problem. Is there anyway to make struts 2 easier to debug? There's an article complaining about this issue: Thanks, Vincent

[s2]Runtime exception in a bean setter

2007-11-22 Thread Vincent Lin
ff in or struts.xml? Thanks! Vincent Lin

Re: [S2] Preselected option in tag

2007-07-25 Thread Vincent Lin
I just checked jira and found this: It's a bug and has been fixed in 2.0.7. I migrated my struts library to 2.0.9 and the problem was gone. Thanks. On 7/26/07, Vincent Lin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: The generated html con

Re: [S2] Preselected option in tag

2007-07-25 Thread Vincent Lin
a JIRA issue would be a good idea :-) L. Vincent Lin wrote: > But I already specified name="adminGroupMapData.adminRid" in the tag. > Shouldn't the preselected option be the value of > "adminGroupMapData.adminRid > "? > If the preselected option won't

Re: [S2] Preselected option in tag

2007-07-25 Thread Vincent Lin
e is less than 1000? On 7/26/07, yitzle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On 7/25/07, Vincent Lin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I found some people are discussing this problem. > When the data type of the attribute is Integer, the value can't be too > large. > We can

Re: [S2] Preselected option in tag

2007-07-25 Thread Vincent Lin
I found some people are discussing this problem. When the data type of the attribute is Integer, the value can't be too large. We can use toString() to make pre-selecting work. So I changed my tag to: And it works now. Is this a bug of struts 2.0.6??? On 7/25/07, Vincent Lin &l

[S2] Preselected option in tag

2007-07-25 Thread Vincent Lin
. But when the value is greater than 1000, it doesn't work. Why? Is there any way to solve this problem? Thanks, Vincent Lin

Re: [S2] Chinese encoding problem

2007-06-27 Thread Vincent Lin
er affect the character encoding in HttpServletRequest? On 6/27/07, Christopher Schultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Vincent, Vincent Lin wrote: > I use POST in my form. :( You mentioned that MSIE seems to fail, while Mozilla Firefox works. Is this behavior consistent? Does ff always work?

Re: [S2] Chinese encoding problem

2007-06-27 Thread Vincent Lin
I use POST in my form. On 6/27/07, Christopher Schultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Vincent, Vincent Lin wrote: > I'm having problem to submit Chinese characters from browser to web server. GET, POST, or both? If it's only failing for GET, check to make sure that your

Re: [S2] Chinese encoding problem

2007-06-27 Thread Vincent Lin
debug mode Emilia -Original Message- From: Vincent Lin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2007 1:30 PM To: Struts Users Mailing List Subject: Re: [S2] Chinese encoding problem Emilia, I've tried -Dclient.encoding.override=UTF-8, it doesn't seem to change a

Re: [S2] Chinese encoding problem

2007-06-27 Thread Vincent Lin
uot;zh_TW" while the setting in firefox is "en". Is there any interceptor in S2 changing the encoding of request? On 6/27/07, Emilia Ipate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Vincent, Your server must have as a Java VM Argument this line: -Dclient.encoding.override=UTF-8 (search o

Re: [S2] Chinese encoding problem

2007-06-27 Thread Vincent Lin
By the way the settings in my JSP: <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" %> Did I miss anything else? On 6/27/07, Vincent Lin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi I'm having problem to submit Chinese characters from browser to web server. I have

[S2] Chinese encoding problem

2007-06-27 Thread Vincent Lin
Hi I'm having problem to submit Chinese characters from browser to web server. I have the following settings in struts.locale=zh_TW struts.i18n.encoding=UT8 But when I submit Chinese characters to web server. It gets scrambled characters. (The wierd thing is that sometimes

Re: [S2] onsubmit in tag

2007-06-26 Thread Vincent Lin
Hi Dave, Thank you. You are right. There is an error in my validateFields() function. It works now. The "return true" in onsubmit has nothing to do with my problem. Vincent On 6/26/07, Dave Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: --- Vincent Lin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

Re: [S2] onsubmit in tag

2007-06-26 Thread Vincent Lin
ions are passed. Return false when there is something wrong in your input. On 6/26/07, Dave Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: --- Vincent Lin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > For example, onsubmit="return (validateFields())" is > specified in html tag. If the javascript &

Re: [S2] How do I create a client side validator?

2007-06-26 Thread Vincent Lin
]> wrote: --- Vincent Lin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Is there any document talking about how to create a > client side validator in struts2? Yes, it's one of the links under the "validation" section on the wiki. ht

Re: [S2] onsubmit in tag

2007-06-26 Thread Vincent Lin
uts2 always add 'return true' in onsubmit event. That causes validateFields() useless. On 6/26/07, yitzle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Um... Firstly, it does the same thing. I think if you move the code to the submit button it renders it as expected. On 6/26/07, Dave Newton <[EMAI

[S2] How do I create a client side validator?

2007-06-26 Thread Vincent Lin
Is there any document talking about how to create a client side validator in struts2? Thanks!

[S2] onsubmit in tag

2007-06-26 Thread Vincent Lin
Hi! I wrote in my JSP, but struts 2 rendered the following html: Why it renders onsubmit="return (validateFields()); return true;" instead of onsubmit="return (validateFields())" ? Can I make renders onsubmit="return (validateFields())" only? Thanks!

[S2] datetimepicker reset value to 00:00 when type="time" after submitting page

2007-06-10 Thread Vincent Lin
I have a datetimepicker in my JSP to let user select time: When user select 10:15 and submit to webserver, after the web page refreshes the value becomes 00:00. Is this another datetimepicker bug? I have a type converter for converting time the format string is "HH:mm": public class TimeConve

Re: FormFile: Catching IllegalArgumentException

2007-06-08 Thread Vincent Lin
Do you have this setting in your form? enctype="multipart/form-data" On 6/8/07, Eric Jain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I have a form with a FormFile field, which works great, except that when someone submits a plain string for this field (e.g. a spammer crawling the site and doing random submiss

Re: [s2] How to get the value of dojo datetimepicker object

2007-06-07 Thread Vincent Lin
t long ago on this list. Basically you have to use > "getDate()" to get a JavaScript date object and getValue() to get the text > entered in the datepicker. > > musachy > > On 6/7/07, Vincent Lin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > I am trying to get the val

[s2] How to get the value of dojo datetimepicker object

2007-06-07 Thread Vincent Lin
I am trying to get the value inputed by the user from datetimepicker object. I have the following javascript in my JSP: var obj = dojo.widget.byId("createTimeTm"); alert(obj); alert(obj.getValue()); But "alert(obj.getValue())" encounter a javsacript error. Can anyone tell m

Re: datetimepicker & S2 validation

2007-06-06 Thread Vincent Lin
Is struts 2.1 available for downloading? I only find struts 2.0.6 in apache website. On 6/7/07, Musachy Barroso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: sorry. 2.1 is the one. musachy On 6/6/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > It is getting to the action! Can you tell me if a new version

Re: [S2] issues

2007-06-06 Thread Vincent Lin
What is the data type of autoridade.orgao.codObjeto and autoridade.cargo.codObjeto? On 6/7/07, Rafael Dittberner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: This is my code: Someone please explain to me why in the first one i had to use toString() to make it work, but the second one works perfectly as is?

Re: cannot reset dynavalidatorform in struts 1.2.9

2007-06-06 Thread Vincent Lin
Could you check the generated HTML code? (Use the view source function of your browser) If the html of the field has value="x", the reset button won't clear it. It just reset the value to original value. Did you set the properties to your DynaActionForm? Or the form has default values? On 6/

Re: display current date in header

2007-06-06 Thread Vincent Lin
You can write a base action and have every action extends it. And do this in your execute() method: Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); Date currDate = cal.getTime(); SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM."); String showDate = df.format(currDate); request.setAttribute("showDat

[S2] Is Action thread-safe in struts 2?

2007-06-06 Thread Vincent Lin
Hi I am a newbie in struts2. I have a fundamental question abut s2. We all know that a Servlet is not a thread-safe object unless it implements SingleThreadModel. Is Action in s2 thread-safe or not? Container will create a new Action instance for each new request? Thanks!

[s2] Is there a tag similar to in s1

2007-06-06 Thread Vincent Lin
Hi! Is there a tag in struts 2 which has similar function to in struts1 ? Thanks.

Quetsions about tag

2007-06-05 Thread Vincent Lin
Hi, I've tried tag in my JSP. It's really a cool tag which render a date selection javascript control. But I have some quetsions about this tag: 1. Can I select date and time simultaneously in one datepicker control? Currently I map a date property in action to 2 separate datepicker in JSP: one

[S2] map to boolean property not checked

2007-06-05 Thread Vincent Lin
I have a java bean serviceData with a Boolean property autoActivate in my action. And I wrote a tag in my JSP: But the default radio button is not checked in my page. (While autoActivate is true the radio button of 'true' should be checked, but it isn't.) It works when I map to java 1.5 enum

[S2] How do I disable tags generated by ?

2007-06-05 Thread Vincent Lin
Hi! I've done several projects with struts1 and planned to use struts2 in my new project. I am amazed the the code is so concise in struts2. But I have quetsion about the tag. When I use and , the , and tags are generated in html page. Can I disable this feature? Because it might interfere

Re: Unable to Download Struts2

2006-10-25 Thread Matthew J. Vincent
Is there someplace else where i can download this? Thanks! Matt Wendy Smoak wrote: On 10/24/06, Matthew J. Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I get a connection timeout everytime I try to download: Anyone else gettin

Unable to Download Struts2

2006-10-24 Thread Matthew J. Vincent
Hi all, I get a connection timeout everytime I try to download: Anyone else getting this? Thanks! Matt - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For addit

[Shale] Old form values still there after "Cancel" button.

2006-08-30 Thread Jason Vincent
Hi all, For the life of me I can't get JSF to stinkn forget values that were entered on a form. The view controller is "request" scope. If I start to enter data in a form and then click the "Cancel" button, which has immediate="true", the values entered by the user reappear in the form when I r

Shale startup - without Spring.

2006-05-16 Thread Jason Vincent
Hi there, Perhaps my error are unrealted, but... I was trying to get get rid of Spring from my classpath - as it is so stinkn huge when it is unzipped. From what I read in the Shale doc'o, spring is only needed if I was instantiating POJO objects outside the JSF config file. So... I tried to el

Re: Shale: onclick="disabled='true';" not calling Action Method. (stopping double click)

2006-05-11 Thread Jason Vincent
Thanks Craig... that explains it. thanks, Jason On 5/11/06, Jason Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: hmmm that isn't going to solve my issue. I don't want the button disabled on reload. I only want it to be disabled from the time the user clicked the button, until the ti

Re: Shale: onclick="disabled='true';" not calling Action Method. (stopping double click)

2006-05-11 Thread Jason Vincent
tion method, you could set the boolean to true, thereby disabling the button when the page reloads. -Original Message- From: Jason Vincent [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2006 10:42 AM To: Subject: Shale: onclick="disabled='true';&quo

Shale: onclick="disabled='true';" not calling Action Method. (stopping double click)

2006-05-11 Thread Jason Vincent
Hi all, My project spec is asking me to disable form buttons once they are clicked. It seemed easy to me, just add onclick="disabled='true'" to the commandButton. But as anything I've found with JSF, it isn't that easy. When I do this, the action method isn't being called after it passes valid

Best Practice - Correct usage???

2006-05-03 Thread Matthew J. Vincent
Hello all, I have an application to edit some data stored in the database. I have 2 situations. 1. When a user clicks New or Edit Mouse, the user is brought to a form that either displays an empty form or one that is pre-populated. This is done with the following mapping:

Re: Can't figure out how to do "if then else" with Struts logic tags

2006-04-18 Thread Matthew J. Vincent
Not sure if this is a solution for you or not, but you could also put your JSPs under WEB-INF directory so that they cannot be directly accessed by a user. They would instead have to go through an Action first. Filters may be your best bet (and yes, that is the URL to look at). As far as JST


2006-04-14 Thread Vincent
I saw this on TSS today: "Strecks, a set of open source extensions to the Struts framework aimed at Java 5 users, has been released. Strecks (which stands for "Struts Extensions") is built on the existing Struts 1.2.x code base." B

Re: Display Struts Configuration

2006-04-13 Thread Matthew J. Vincent
le/ -Dennis "Matthew J. Vincent" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 04/13/2006 10:38 AM Please respond to "Struts Users Mailing List" To Struts Users Mailing List cc Subject Re: Display Struts Configuration

Re: Display Struts Configuration

2006-04-13 Thread Matthew J. Vincent
! Matt Wendy Smoak wrote: On 4/13/06, Matthew J. Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: This is helpful, but not *exactly* what I am looking for. What I am looking for is used for debugging purposes during runtime. Anyone? I keep 'debug.jsp' around, and include it at

Re: Display Struts Configuration

2006-04-13 Thread Matthew J. Vincent
ml If you have any other ideas of tools that would be useful, let us know. Don On 4/13/06, Matthew J. Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hello all, Last week I saw a blog which showed how to display information at the beginning of your JSP about Struts such as which action the request wa

Display Struts Configuration

2006-04-13 Thread Matthew J. Vincent
Hello all, Last week I saw a blog which showed how to display information at the beginning of your JSP about Struts such as which action the request was mapped to, the form being used, and associated information like the request headers. I should have bookmarked it, but I didn't. I have che

Re: [OT] Filter Help!

2006-04-04 Thread Matthew Vincent
Hello everyone, If this is not the right place to post this could you please let me know where. I have searched the forums and Google and cannot find an answer. I have a Servlet filter that checks to see the content length of the request. long contentLength = request.getContentLength(); I

Re: [FRIDAY] Re: has struts reached the saturation

2006-03-19 Thread Vincent
:0 * ^From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /dev/null Dakota Jack wrote: Here is a JSF big gun. At least now we know what this surprising new committer who seems to know nothing about Struts does; he reads motivational books. On 3/19/06, Gary VanMatre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: From: "Alexandre Poitras"

Re: Struts EJB 3 tutorial

2006-03-19 Thread Vincent
Actually, it's been my understanding that struts is pretty much a BYOM (Bring Your Own Model) kind of framework. Tutorials that show workable ways of abstracting out persistence to DAOs and such are always welcome to me. Like Ricks struts-spring-ibatis tutorial:

Shale: UIDataTable to output delimited plain text.

2006-03-01 Thread Jason Vincent
Hi all, I'd like to have a tab (or comma) delimited text page outputed for a JSF request. When I click the link on the previous page, it asks me to save the tab delimited text file to my harddrive. I was thinking that I could extend the DataTable renderer, or something like that on a custom compo

Re: Shale: postRender method?

2006-02-14 Thread Jason Vincent
: > On 2/14/06, Jason Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > Hmm... I guess a phase listener wouldn't work for me. From what you > > say, it appears that the outcome of the phase is already determined > > before the "afterPhase" listener is triggered.

Re: Shale: postRender method?

2006-02-14 Thread Jason Vincent
before the final steps in the phase are completed? Or at least, I just need the FacesMessages to not get processed until the last step of the render phase. Thanks, Jason On 2/14/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On 2/14/06, Jason Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: &g

Shale: postRender method?

2006-02-14 Thread Jason Vincent
Hi All, I was wondering if there is an easy way to get a postRender method to be called in my Shale ViewController. Is a new Phase Listener the only / best option? Perhaps I can extend a Shale class to also call a postRender method? Here is my scenario: I have the concept of an ErrorEventCollecto

Re: [Shale] Property in ViewController Backing Bean is null

2006-02-14 Thread Jason Vincent
I think you may running into a simular problem that I ran into. I have the following scenario: page 1 has the user choose from a list of options. On page 2, the form saves the selected option of page 1 in a hidden field in its form. In addition the selected value from page 1 is used to populate

Re: [Shale] a command btn within a conditionally "rendered" form not getting actionListener.

2006-02-06 Thread Jason Vincent
was received - not unlike the execute method of Struts-Action. Cheers, Jason On 2/6/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On 2/6/06, Jason Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > hmm... ok I tried your suggestion, but it still no worky. I even

Re: [Shale] a command btn within a conditionally "rendered" form not getting actionListener.

2006-02-06 Thread Jason Vincent
action="#{pulldownTest.handleChangeItem}" value="Submit"/> > > public String handleChangeItem() { > LOGGER.debug("handleChangeItem()"); > return "success"; > } > > Emily > > > -Original Message-

Re: [Shale] a command btn within a conditionally "rendered" form not getting actionListener.

2006-02-06 Thread Jason Vincent
t; <%@ taglib prefix="f" uri=""; %> <%@ taglib prefix="h" uri=""; %>";>

[Shale] a command btn within a conditionally "rendered" form not getting actionListener.

2006-02-05 Thread Jason Vincent
Hi all, For some reason a cmd btn of mine isn't calling its actionListener method when it is clicked. Here is the situation. I have a pull down at the top of my page which chooses the item that I want to edit below. I hit the submit button next to the pulldown, and the second half of the page i

Re: [shale] subview not talking to a backing bean

2006-02-01 Thread Jason Vincent
; wrote: > >From: Jason Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > > > Thanks for the response. > > > > The header.jsp does indeed have the page directive at the top. > > > > > > the include.jsp has the taglib includes in it. > > > > There are o

Re: [shale] subview not talking to a backing bean

2006-02-01 Thread Jason Vincent
my issue is that the backing bean isn't getting instantiated on the request for the subview. Is there some rule about how subviews can't talk to different backing beans? Perhaps Shale is doing something to the request? Any further ideas? Jason On 1/31/06, Gary VanMatre <[EMAIL

[shale] subview not talking to a backing bean

2006-01-31 Thread Jason Vincent
Hey there, I have a header.jsp file that is included in all my jsps: or if the including jsp was in a subdirectory... inside the header.jsp I'm trying to call a request scope backing bean to call a method to dynamically build some javascript.

Re: Shale: not calling prerender or preprocess, and Navigation issue

2006-01-23 Thread Jason Vincent
/home.jsf /login/login.jsf success /home.jsf failed /login/logon.jsf Thanks so much. Jason On 1/23/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Inline ...

Shale: not calling prerender or preprocess, and Navigation issue

2006-01-23 Thread Jason Vincent
Hey there, I've got some unexpected navigation stuff going on, that I was hoping someone can help explain. Here is my use-case: 1) Home page is requested. 2) user isn't logged in, so redirect to login url. 3) after login, navigate to home. In my logs, I'm seeing this behavior, which is wierd...

Shale redirect to login page for secured pages

2006-01-16 Thread Jason Vincent
Hi there, I'd like to setup this usecase, in Shale/JSF... 1) user requests a url that is configured as "secured". 2) system checks for logged in user. 3) if the user is not logged in, then redirect to the login page. 4) on successfull login, redirect to orginally requested URL. currently I just

Re: Where to search on old messages?

2005-10-05 Thread Vincent
Because I'm anal today: Michael Jouravlev wrote: How about googling for: 'struts mailing (list OR lists) archive' before posting? ;-) I personally like MARC: Mailing list ARChives, -- The most beautiful thing we can ex

RE: nested and

2005-09-08 Thread Lombart Vincent \(DBB\)
I have removed struts-el.jar, replaced jstl.jar and standard.jar with those from jakarta-taglibs-standard-1.1.2 and replaced the tag with the one. That does not make a difference, does not find the bean either. Best regards Vincent -Original Message- From: Karr, David [mailto

RE: nested and

2005-09-08 Thread Lombart Vincent \(DBB\)
That's the kind of solution I was looking at, although using with included might be more robust. But I would prefer to use the action name rather than the direct url. Regards Vincent -Original Message- From: Brandon Mercer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: jeudi 8 septembre 2005

nested and

2005-09-08 Thread Lombart Vincent \(DBB\)
Dear all, Does anybody know why the following JSP code does not work: "monitorBean" contains rows, and each row contains columns (of type String). The JSP code should build a table from this bean, displaying one String in e

Re: Cannot retrieve definition for form bean null disaster

2005-07-25 Thread Vincent
Shouldn't it be? : name="surveyForm" <--- forward="/pages/Survey.jsp"/> Gareth Meyrick wrote: > hi, > > i'm at a loss.. i've verified the usual suspects, checked the usual places, > but still can't find an answer. > > background: > > /Login -> /LoginSubmit -> /Survey -> /Survey

Re: How to read ResourceBundle

2005-07-25 Thread Vincent
I've found Nick Heudecker's tutorial helpful on this subject: Ashutosh Satyam wrote: > Hi, > In my application I want to set the error key based on whether > the error key is present in resource bundle. The error key is > generat

Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion?

2005-07-07 Thread Vincent
about using forms as VO? Do you think it's a dirty solution? Forms are often mirrors of the database's table. Thank you for your opinion. Vincent. - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: html:errors does not display

2005-06-13 Thread Vincent
Hi, Does simple with no property specified works for you ? Cause I get a similar problem - using same Java code in JSP display the fields with errors, but does nothing. Thanks. Vincent. Song Wang wrote: Hello everyone, I cannot display , but if I add <% ActionErrors ae = ( ActionErr

Can't get working

2005-06-10 Thread Vincent
hing, however errors is really not empty because I can get its content with little java code in the JSP. I don't understand what is wrong. It's like was ignored. Container is Tomcat 5.5.9, struts is 1.2.7. Thanks in advance for help. Vincent --

Re: NestedLazy Validation: fixed

2005-05-14 Thread Vincent
Once again, Niall Thank You. Niall Pemberton wrote: Are you using the indexedListProperty in your validation.xml? depends="..."> Niall - Original Message - From: "Vincent" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: We

Re: [POLL] What do you use action forms for?

2005-05-12 Thread Vincent
#4 Same form for input and output Vincent -- Plato is my friend, Aristotle is my friend, but my greatest friend is truth. - Isaac Newton - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL

NestedLazy Validation

2005-05-11 Thread Vincent
I am having a lot of fun using nested lazyforms as described here: I've run into an issue though where I'm finding it hard to validate them, though. in the JSP I'm using nested:iterate to display a bunch of them. when I get them

Re: Validating LazyValidatorForm

2005-05-10 Thread Vincent
Niall - Original Message - From: "Vincent" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 5:47 PM Hello All, As the subject says I am having some trouble trying to validate a LazyValidatorForm. Using the great examples on the LazyValidatorForm page I created a custom

Validating LazyValidatorForm

2005-05-10 Thread Vincent
'eddForm' using key 'AddBoxAction' for mapping '/AddBoxAction' RequestProcessor: No errors detected, accepting input This is right after I submitted a form with an empty textbox with the property of "howManyNewBoxes" Is everyone else able to v

Local struts developer in MD/DC/VA area?

2005-05-06 Thread Vincent
Hello, Don't want to spam the list with job postings but... if you are in the DC Metropolitan area and are looking for a job working with struts based webapp, please email me or IM me at xaymaca2020 (AIM,MSN). Back to regularly scheduled broadcast. Thanks, Vincent -- Plato is my friend, Aris

lazyBean and nested:checkbox

2005-03-22 Thread Vincent
I was just looking at the LazyValidatorForm page. Great addition to the struts project IMO. Quick question, to use them in nested situations (I saw the NestedLazyBean example) , does one still have to implement a reset() method to reset checkboxes to false? -- Plato is my friend, Aristotle is my f

Taglib error in SUN One Java Server version 8, PLS HELP!!!

2005-02-17 Thread Vincent Ho
When i deploy my application to the newly download Sun One Java System Server Platform Edition version 8, i got this error when i trying to call the first JSP page to display. The application has been running well in JBOSS Server. ANy help will be much appreciate, tq. The Error i got from the

Re: struts 1.2.4 + tomcat 5.5.7 difficulties

2005-02-03 Thread Vincent
ndeploy it and restart Tomcat. I don't know if it helps you. Ciao Antonio Petrelli Vincent wrote: Hello All, Not sure if this is a tomcat issue or a struts one. After migrating from tomcat 5.0.30 to version 5.5.7 I get this error from my webapp when I try to do . I tried to break it up to make i

struts 1.2.4 + tomcat 5.5.7 difficulties

2005-02-02 Thread Vincent
Hello All, Not sure if this is a tomcat issue or a struts one. After migrating from tomcat 5.0.30 to version 5.5.7 I get this error from my webapp when I try to do . I tried to break it up to make it more readable: WARN http-8080-Processor25 org.apache.catalina.authenticator.FormAuthenticator -

Re: Thank you, Struts!

2005-01-11 Thread Vincent
ll to the struts development team for enabling me to feed my family. :) Thanks Guys, Vincent Vamsee Kanakala wrote: Hey folks, Well, I have been working with Struts for the past 1 month, and though the initial setup was a bit complex (the first time) and firguring out the action mappings was

Re: [almost OT] Struts in Practice

2005-01-11 Thread Vincent
Congrats. So this your demo site? If it is in production, you may want think about getting a web designer to help you with the layout. It kind of reminds me of a 1998 webpage. No offense intended. t t wrote: If you are a sports lover, or Struts lover, please take a look at this website: www.sportsl

help to changer a code to Struts

2004-11-19 Thread John Vincent
: was John Vincent/Towers Perrin received by

examples of struts 1.2

2004-11-19 Thread John Vincent
: was John Vincent/Towers Perrin received by

Re: Struts app to be passed a parameter (of some kind)

2004-11-11 Thread John Vincent
e you running? The setup to accomplish this is going to be specific to that app server, if it is possible at all. The example I gave, as I stated in the response, was specific to using Tomcat. Craig On Thu, 11 Nov 2004 11:03:45 -0500, John Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I am rathe

Re: Struts app to be passed a parameter (of some kind)

2004-11-11 Thread John Vincent
d) On Thu, 11 Nov 2004 08:14:12 -0500, John Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Need one Struts app, but must have multiple URLs. > > Thus > > Why not just configure your servlet container to treat both context pa

Struts app to be passed a parameter (of some kind)

2004-11-11 Thread John Vincent
Need one Struts app, but must have multiple URLs. Thus actually start the same Struts app, say but must "pass" something into the Struts app so that it knows who, or rather, which URL invoked it. Thoughts: Wr

ActionForm.validate() Help

2004-09-01 Thread Matthew J. Vincent
Hello all, I just downloaded the latest stable build of Struts 1.2. What is a "best practice" approach of handling validation in the ActionForm's validate method since ActionError was deprecated? Also, how should one display the messages in the JSP? Currently I use: ${message}

Re: [OT] DAO ... where to draw the line?

2004-08-16 Thread Matthew J. Vincent
may go on fetching the objects all the way up to the organization chart ;-) Do i make sense? Navjot Singh -Original Message- From: Matthew J. Vincent [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2004 8:21 AM To: Struts Users Mailing List Subject: [OT] DAO ... where to draw the l

Re: [OT] DAO ... where to draw the line?

2004-08-13 Thread Matthew J. Vincent
Matthew J. Vincent wrote: Hi all, Thanks for the info. Here's another issue. What if I have an employee search screen that wants to show only some of the information of an employee (not all). What do you do then? 1. Instanatiate an Employee object and only fill in the relative inform

Re: [OT] DAO ... where to draw the line?

2004-08-13 Thread Matthew J. Vincent
up to the organization chart ;-) Do i make sense? Navjot Singh -Original Message- From: Matthew J. Vincent [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2004 8:21 AM To: Struts Users Mailing List Subject: [OT] DAO ... where to draw the line? [OFF TOPIC] I know this is a struts for

[OT] DAO ... where to draw the line?

2004-08-11 Thread Matthew J. Vincent
[OFF TOPIC] I know this is a struts forum, but as struts developers using DAOs, where do your DAO implementation draw the line? For example: Let''s say I have three tables: Employee (contains employee_id, employee_name, and dept_id) Department (contains dept_id, dept_name, loc_id) Location (con

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