[users] OOo 2.0 WinXP - The file could not be loaded Error

2005-11-23 Thread operationsengineer1
i loaded an image into Draw on the wrong page. i cut it and tried to paste it to the correct page. paste didn't work. when i tried to reinsert it, it wouldn't insert and and gave the a The file could not be loaded error. i tried restarting the computer... no luck. can anyone help?

[users] Export to XHTML Loses Embedded JPG Images

2005-10-09 Thread operationsengineer1
i took a writer document and exported it to xhtml. it went pretty well except for the fact that it doesn't render my embedded jpgs and it took over a minute for a 15 page document (about 1 meg of data). i can handle the time issue pretty easily. however, not getting my jpg images to show up is

[users] Issue 52457 (Add Page Count to Draw's Insert-Fields) Open for Voting

2005-07-27 Thread operationsengineer1
If you see the value in Issue 52457 (Add Page Count to Draw's Insert-Fields selection list), please vote for it. Write has this functionality, but Draw currently does not. Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page

[users] Re: Running macros in spread sheet help required

2005-07-27 Thread operationsengineer1
Hi My name is Vidyasagar and I am writing this mail from Coimbatore, India. I am using open office in my note book and I am finding it very useful. But I have certain issues with regard to the use of the spread sheet package. I am a banker and I need to use it for running certain

[users] Re: Footer Troubles -- etc

2005-07-27 Thread operationsengineer1
In reply to Dan's problem, this was given: What you are looking for is Page Styles. Please have a look in http://documentation.openoffice.org for the Styles document which should explain exactly what you want. Having a quick look in this URL (titled: Native Language Projects:

[users] [moderated] i still havent had a reply!

2005-07-21 Thread operationsengineer1
i, for one, don't know the answer. what happens when you highlight the auto-formatted items in question and go to the format-auto-format menu? is there an option to turn it off? --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: users Digest 21 Jul 2005 18:54:08 - Issue 3627 Topics (messages 100669

Re: [users] page / total pages Footer Problem

2005-07-13 Thread operationsengineer1
work instructions in writer (before i even knew draw existed). i hit several stumbling blocks that killed the deal in writer and sent me running toward draw. i think the main problem was being able to precisely position pictures on the page. a mailing list search for operationsengineer1

Re: [users] page / total pages Footer Problem

2005-07-12 Thread operationsengineer1
Johnathon answered your original question about WRITER documents. It's poor form to deny the answer because he didn't read your mind about which application you really meant. My $0.02, DT that's very reasonable. i didn't mean to deny an answer and it was 100% my fault for not being more

[users] page / total pages Footer Problem

2005-07-11 Thread operationsengineer1
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: how do i print page number / total pages in the footer section of my writer documents? insert - fields - page number delivers the page number. adding a / adds the slash. how do i get the program to calculate the total pages and put it after

[users] OOo 1.9.109 page / total pages Footer Problem

2005-07-08 Thread operationsengineer1
how do i print page number / total pages in the footer section of my writer documents? insert - fields - page number delivers the page number. adding a / adds the slash. how do i get the program to calculate the total pages and put it after the slash? i googled this and found nothing - which

[users] Calc Printing Problem / Unexpected Behavior

2005-06-24 Thread operationsengineer1
i was using calc in print preview mode. i tried to print only the page i was viewing by going options - print only selected sheets. it started printing the whole file anyway (it must not have registered that print preview should be equivalent to selected sheets). imho, this is a gotcha on top

[users] Draw Alignment Problems

2005-06-13 Thread operationsengineer1
i have object #1 and object #2. i wanted to align #2 to the center of #1 (Not #1 to the center of #2. i tried choosing #2 and then #1 while holding down the shift key. #1 was centered to #2. i then tried choosing #1 and then #2 while holding down the shift key. #1 still centered to #2's

[users] Two Ended Arrow

2005-06-13 Thread operationsengineer1
i can't figure out how to get a two ended arrow. i go to format - line - arrow styles and then hit a dead end. it says to add selected objects (what objects?) to create new arrow styles. i'm lost. i'm trying to get an arrow to look like - having lots of fun using OOo in a MSO environment.

[users] [moderated]

2005-06-08 Thread operationsengineer1
Hello Open Office Users, I downloaded Open Office when I first set-up my new computer, and I loved it! No problems. However, a computer technician I hired to help me set up my new system downloaded a virus, and then disappeared! I had to wipe my hard drive clean. Now, as I attempt to

Re: [users] drawing/Publisher

2005-06-07 Thread operationsengineer1
On Tuesday 24 May 2005 02:10, + michael grace wrote: I am not able to convert my publisher doc to a pdf. Everytime I try, a menu appears which list a bunch of different protocols but publisher is not one of them. Please help. I can convert other word and excel docs but not publisher. you

Re: [users] Saving/exporting a copy of a presentation without notes

2005-06-07 Thread operationsengineer1
fran, it seems that you are tryin gto save a file without some aspect of that file. either OOo has the ability to turn your notes off or you will have to save a second copy of your file and delete the notes manually. unless OOo has a notes function designed to turn on and off, manual delection

Re: [users] OOo Embedded Pictures and Manifest File on XP

2005-06-06 Thread operationsengineer1
On Friday 03 June 2005 01:51 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: was i ever surprised to see all my OOo Draw files with embedded pictures not be able to pick up the pictures after moving my folder to a new, better organized, location. after the heart medication took effect, i moved the folder back

[users] OOo Enhancement

2005-06-03 Thread operationsengineer1
when i double click on a file in winxp, the file open behind the explorer window. i think most would agree the expected behavior is to have the OOo file open and replace explorer as the top most window and save the extra click to actually work in the OOo window. is it just me?

[users] OOo Embedded Pictures and Manifest File on XP

2005-06-03 Thread operationsengineer1
was i ever surprised to see all my OOo Draw files with embedded pictures not be able to pick up the pictures after moving my folder to a new, better organized, location. after the heart medication took effect, i moved the folder back and the pictures were found again. how can i move this folder

[users] multiple picture insert

2005-06-03 Thread operationsengineer1
i'm using draw and often insert pictures. i've found that this can only be done one at a time. it would be very nice to use the ctl and/or shift key to make multiple selections, as required. __ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the

[users] draw enhancement

2005-06-02 Thread operationsengineer1
when i type white text over a jpg picture in draw, the entire text box turns white making it impossible to see the white text being typed. the problem is just visual - once you click away from the text box, the white text displays as expected. __

[users] OpenOffice vs. Microsoft Office

2005-05-31 Thread operationsengineer1
the open source equivalent of visio is dia. i have 3 winxp computers - it works perfect on one, it gives a warning on another (but still works) and it doesn't work at all on another one. don't know about linux, although i am currently setting up vectorlinux on one of my older computers to see if

[users] To the Macro Gurus - Macro Recommendation

2005-05-27 Thread operationsengineer1
i still think it would be a great idea to enable OOo to be able to save files in two formats at the same time - its native format (good!) and the MSO format (necessary evil for far too many people). an MSO folder would be set up and all MSO version docs should be saved there. one would then

Re: [users] To the Macro Gurus - Macro Recommendation

2005-05-27 Thread operationsengineer1
GRS, thanks for the input. pkgchk sounds like a linux only deals. i run winxp. will cygwin help here? i use cygwin to run pgsql on my dev box. my webhost runs linux, but that is transparent to me. doug, i will agree that this solution is similar to the patch. you do know some folks do stop

[users] Highlighting Calc Cells

2005-05-26 Thread operationsengineer1
a nice feature in calc would be to click on the cell background coloring icon and have it color the cell with the current default color as depicted by the icon. i have to repeatedly go to the pallette and pick my color - over and over and over... even if it is the same color. maybe this

[users] Calc Print Issue

2005-05-26 Thread operationsengineer1
i was very surprised to learn that calc (1.9.104) defaults print all sheets. i had copied a few lines of text to a second sheet i had added. i printed from the second sheet expecting only the scecond sheet to print. lo and behold, it started printing the 1400 pages in first sheet! fortunately,

[users] Copy From Input Line + Ease of Migration Idea

2005-05-25 Thread operationsengineer1
excel allows their user to highlight and copy from what OOo calls the input line - the text bar that runs just above the spreadsheet itself. OOo doesn't allow one to do this. it would be nice to have that ability incorporated, although, i would rate it as low priority unless it is a really quick

[users] How does one repeat a step with a shortcut and deselect one element from a group of selected elements?

2005-05-20 Thread operationsengineer1
1. how can i repeat a step, eg, bold some text, with a shortcut key? i think mso is F4. 2. if i have 3 elements (pictures, text boxes, lines, etc), how can i deselect one of the elements? this is typically done with the ctl key in other programs. tia...

[users] highlighting objects in draw

2005-05-20 Thread operationsengineer1
i can highlight object in draw that are off screen. mso handles this by causing the screen to scroll when the mouse is near the bottom or top. OOo doesn't scroll and so i can't highlight things off screen. to make matters worse, it is not intuitive how to 1. highlight what is on screen 2.

[users] table

2005-05-18 Thread operationsengineer1
re: msword opening Writer file with messed up table borders... 1. did you save your OOo Writer document as a .doc? if not, try that and see if you get better mso compatibility. 2. OOo is free... your friend can download and use it to open your files. If they aren't careful, they might like it

Re: [users] Highlighting Two Pictures in Writer

2005-05-17 Thread operationsengineer1
i recently posted all sorts of difficulty working with pictures and drawn objects inside of writer. my simple solution is to just use OOo's *Draw* program. most, if not all, of my problems have vanished. doh! thanks for the help. __ Yahoo!

[users] Making Writer Draw Toolbar Display by Default

2005-05-16 Thread operationsengineer1
i want to make the draw toolbar display by default. i went into view - toolbars - customize, however, i didn't find an intuitive solution. tia... __ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

[users] Potential Bug Discussion

2005-05-16 Thread operationsengineer1
i have a problem where i am unable to use alt-arrowkey to nudge elements when they are in a frame. the arrow key works, but the distance moved is way too far. i don't know if this is an overlooked feature or if this is designed into the suite. if it is overlooked, i'd like to bring it to the

[users] Highlighting Two Pictures in Writer

2005-05-16 Thread operationsengineer1
i want to highlight two pictures i imported into writer so that i can align them relative to each other. in word, this functionality is achieved by pressing and holding ctl or shift while clicking on the pictures how can i do this in writer? also, i'm not sure if i asked this question before.

[users] Annoying Focus Jumping

2005-05-16 Thread operationsengineer1
i'm experiencing some very annoying jumping behavior while using the draw functions in writer. for clarity's sake, i'm using frames in order to group picture, text and arrow objects together. i think the solution to these problems is to enable one to click away from an object, during draw mode

[users] Frames and Nudging Elements Within Frame Problem

2005-05-13 Thread operationsengineer1
hi, i inserted a frame and inserted some elements inside the frame. specifically, i inserted a rectangle and i want to put circles inside to designate an area where foam is to be applied. when i nudge the circles within the frame (using alt), the frame nudges, not the circles. the arrow key

[users] Paste Element Location

2005-05-13 Thread operationsengineer1
when i paste objects they often end up on the bottom of the page. why is this? also, i notice when i pick up the element and move it into place, the screen often makes abrupt changes to the viewing area. is there any way to get some control over this behvaior or eliminate it entirely? tia...

[users] Grouping Text and Images

2005-05-12 Thread operationsengineer1
i want to highlight an imported picture and text that goes along with it so i can move it around my writer page. however, i can only highlight the picture or the text (using the draw arrosw selector). i've tried the shift, ctl and alt keys. no luck. how can i highlight pictures and associated

[users] Writer - Saving as Read Only

2005-05-11 Thread operationsengineer1
how can i save writer documents (2.0 beta, .odt .doc) as read only? i want to create work instructions via writer documents, but i don't want the end user to be able to edit them. while we are on this topic, it would be nice to learn how to save calc, impress, etc docs as read only, too...

[users] Writer - How to Nudge

2005-05-11 Thread operationsengineer1
how can you nudge elements in Writer - move them with the arrow keys but in very small distance increments? Yahoo! Mail Stay connected, organized, and protected. Take the tour: http://tour.mail.yahoo.com/mailtour.html