How do you making inoremap filetype depend?
What I want is
if (filetype == vim) then
inoremap @a A
else if (filetype == c)
inoremap @a aa
else if (filetype == vhdl)
inoremap @a AAAaaa
inoremap @a aaaAAA
end if
Best regards,
On Sat, Mar 10, 2007 at 01:43:50AM EST, Michael Wookey wrote:
> > In the path I often used command to indent my php file or C# file:
> > gg ... G
> > mean go to the top of file and indent code until the end of file.
> > But Unfortunately I forgot.
> > Could anyone tell me what I forgot?
> :help
> In the path I often used command to indent my php file or C# file:
> gg ... G
> mean go to the top of file and indent code until the end of file.
> But Unfortunately I forgot.
> Could anyone tell me what I forgot?
:help =
For example: gg=G
In the path I often used command to indent my php file or C# file:
gg ... G
mean go to the top of file and indent code until the end of file.
But Unfortunately I forgot.
Could anyone tell me what I forgot?
Hello fellow vimmers,
I am working on an x86-linux machine running Debian testing.
I have switched to vim7 soon after it came out, and it's been awesome.
There is just one thing that changed and causes me some trouble: When
I select a visual region, the text region gets copied into the X11
Is it possible to use tidy to clean up my html in the current document?
Hi dear vim lovers.
When I type some text in input mode and for example go to make a coffee
without leaving the input mode, and then get back to my computer, vim has
exited input mode. That's OK. But what confuses me is that some parts of my
input has been repeated and been inserted twice to my d
On 2007-03-09, lin q <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I downloaded the vim 7.0 package to my RedHat Enterprise 3 machine.
> I do not have administrator previlidge, so I setup the env like this:
> export DESTDIR=
> export prefix=
> Then I run
> make
> make install
> But when I run v
I downloaded the vim 7.0 package to my RedHat Enterprise 3 machine.
I do not have administrator previlidge, so I setup the env like this:
export DESTDIR=
export prefix=
Then I run
make install
But when I run vim, /usr/local/bin/vim, I get this error:
Error detected while process
* Keith Hanlan on Friday, March 09, 2007 at 12:48:49 -0500:
> I want :bprev to take me to the most-recently-used buffer but I can't
> see a way to do that. It always follows the order in which the buffers
> where loaded.
> I use :bnext and :bprev (mapped to cntl--> and cntl-<-) to cycle through
Bram Moolenaar wrote:
Tony Mechelynck wrote:
Marius Roets wrote:
Hi everybody,
Can somebody explain the following behaviour to me. In my .vimrc I put
the following:
" --START --
function ResizeEvent()
let &lines = &lines - 1
execute '!echo "resizing "'.&lines . ' >> test.txt'
Lev Lvovsky wrote:
On Mar 9, 2007, at 12:36 PM, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
":ftplugin type on" should get you "E492: Not an editor command:
ftplugin type on". It ought to be ":filetype plugin on".
sorry, meant the latter.
Where exactly did you drop the script? xml plugins are sourced in the
It does indeed. Of course my tabs are then slightly less spiffy, but
such is life.
On 3/9/07, Bram Moolenaar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Afton Lewis wrote:
> I"m using gVim 7.0 on windows XP, with dual monitors and ultraMon installed.
> When I go from no-tabs to one (or is tha
Subject:Re: need help with xml.vim plugin
Date: March 9, 2007 1:00:00 PM PST
On Mar 9, 2007, at 12:36 PM, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
":ftplugin type on" should get you "E492: Not an editor command:
Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> Marius Roets wrote:
> > Hi everybody,
> > Can somebody explain the following behaviour to me. In my .vimrc I put
> > the following:
> > " --START --
> > function ResizeEvent()
> > let &lines = &lines - 1
> > execute '!echo "resizing "'.&lines . ' >> test.t
Afton Lewis wrote:
> I"m using gVim 7.0 on windows XP, with dual monitors and ultraMon installed.
> When I go from no-tabs to one (or is that one tab to two?) gvim jumps
> to my primary monitor. Further tab creations don't cause this. I
> created tabs with
> :tabe
> :tabnew
> If the instanc
>A last possibility, after that I'm out of my wits:
>At the shell prompt, do you get the same answer to
>which vim
>which gvim
>when logged in as steve and as root?
I do get the same answer: /usr/bin/vim and /usr/bin/gvim
But you inspired me to look around for other gvim related fil
On Mar 9, 2007, at 12:08 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
(I should probably know, but...) Can I use this with Vim 6.x? I'm
one of
those who takes forever to get around to sharpening the saw and just
haven't bothered with 7 yet.
You know, it looks like it's specified for version 6.0
Lev Lvovsky wrote:
I'm hoping someone can help me with this problem, as it would be really
nice to get the XML plugin working.
I've downloaded the plugin described here:
I've put the file both in my local ftplugin, and plugin directory, and
Aha! Running gvim as root should source all the scripts above _except_
/home/steve/.vimrc and /home/steve/.gvimrc -- however -u NONE should forbid
loading any vimrc. Well, let's use what we have:
- What do /home/steve/.vimrc and /home/steve/.gvimrc contain?
> Original Message
> Subject: need help with xml.vim plugin
> From: Lev Lvovsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Fri, March 09, 2007 12:33 pm
> To: vim users list
> I'm hoping someone can help me with this problem, as it would be
> really nice to get the XML plugin working.
>Aha! Running gvim as root should source all the scripts above _except_
>/home/steve/.vimrc and /home/steve/.gvimrc -- however -u NONE should forbid
>loading any vimrc. Well, let's use what we have:
>- What do /home/steve/.vimrc and /home/steve/.gvimrc contain?
/home/steve/.vimrc contains:
- Does the output of ":scriptnames" show $VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim and/or
$VIMRUNTIME/delmenu.vim ? (or their expanded equivalents)
Yes. Output below:
1: /usr/share/vim/vimrc
2: /usr/share/vim/vim64/filetype.vim
3: /usr/share/vim/vim64/menu.vim
4: /usr/share/vim/vim6
I'm hoping someone can help me with this problem, as it would be
really nice to get the XML plugin working.
I've downloaded the plugin described here:
I've put the file both in my local ftplugin, and plugin directory,
and set ':ftplugin ty
>- Does the output of ":scriptnames" show $VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim and/or
>$VIMRUNTIME/delmenu.vim ? (or their expanded equivalents)
Yes. Output below:
1: /usr/share/vim/vimrc
2: /usr/share/vim/vim64/filetype.vim
3: /usr/share/vim/vim64/menu.vim
4: /usr/share/vim/vim64/ftplugin.vim
5: /home
Greetings all.
I"m using gVim 7.0 on windows XP, with dual monitors and ultraMon installed.
When I go from no-tabs to one (or is that one tab to two?) gvim jumps
to my primary monitor. Further tab creations don't cause this. I
created tabs with
If the instance is already on my pri
Forgot to mention, I'm using gvim 6.4.6 (the one installed by Ubuntu).
Vim 6.4 is not very recent but it ought to give menus normally. You may still
want to compile Vim 7.0 (current patchlevel is 215) for yourself (see
I'm not sure how long this has been happening, but I noticed yesterday that I
no longer have a menubar. The toolbar is there and I've tried every set
guioption that I can think of.
Here's my current settings:
:set guioptions
Forgot to mention, I'm using gvim 6.4.6 (the one installed by Ubuntu).
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I'm not sure how long this has been happening, but I noticed yesterday that I
no longer have a menubar. The toolbar is there and I've tried every set
guioption that I can think of.
Here's my current settings:
:set guioptions
The $VIMRUNTIM/menu.vim file is there and
I want :bprev to take me to the most-recently-used buffer but I can't
see a way to do that. It always follows the order in which the buffers
where loaded.
I use :bnext and :bprev (mapped to cntl--> and cntl-<-) to cycle through
my buffer ring. However, it always cycles the same way; I would like
Marius Roets wrote:
Hi everybody,
Can somebody explain the following behaviour to me. In my .vimrc I put
the following:
" --START --
function ResizeEvent()
let &lines = &lines - 1
execute '!echo "resizing "'.&lines . ' >> test.txt'
autocmd VimResized * call ResizeEven
I need some help to parse the following compiler output: (I have tried
just about everything even converted the evil '|' into ':' with an
runner: *E,NOPBIND (string_arrays.sv,3|20): Package string_package could
not be bound.
My attemp (which does not work properly) is:
CompilerSet er
Hi everybody,
Can somebody explain the following behaviour to me. In my .vimrc I put
the following:
" --START --
function ResizeEvent()
let &lines = &lines - 1
execute '!echo "resizing "'.&lines . ' >> test.txt'
autocmd VimResized * call ResizeEvent()
" END --
> I have been using GVim on X11 for years. Recently I have changed my
> window manager to Compiz. Now, all (and I have many) sessions I have
> created before the switch, shows only half the command line when I
> load them. For instance when I type :q, I see only one . of the : and
> the top half of
> I sometimes want to repeat a sequence of operations
> like I would repeat a single command.
> The obvious choice to repeat multiple operations is to record
> a macro (for example: qq02r/q ), and replay it with @q.
> Unfortunately, '.' after @q only replays the last action
> within the macr
Ivan Vecerina wrote:
> I sometimes want to repeat a sequence of operations
> like I would repeat a single command.
> For example, I can repeat with '.' something like:
> gI//{is a single operation '.' repeats all}
> But I cannot as easily repeat:
> 02r/{ '.' will repeat the 2r/ ,
I sometimes want to repeat a sequence of operations
like I would repeat a single command.
For example, I can repeat with '.' something like:
gI//{is a single operation '.' repeats all}
But I cannot as easily repeat:
02r/{ '.' will repeat the 2r/ , but not the move to 0 }
[ Let's not
> This does not seem to be a good way, consider if we want to change:
> Start -> Stop
> start -> stop
> STart -> STop
> sTART -> sTOP
I'm only personally concerned by the first three of those. This is the
solution from my rc file. It moves the cursor, which I find annoying.
2 seconds after sending the previous post I find :mkspell in help which
shows how to combine up to 8 regions into a single spell file!!!
Isn't it always the way!
On Fri, 2007-03-09 at 21:14 +1100, Mark Woodward wrote:
> Hi again,
> I think I've found the solution.
> I was setting
Hi again,
I think I've found the solution.
I was setting spelllang to use 2 en_* languages. Australian and US,
which looks like it was trying to load en.utf-8.spl twice??
(ie set spelllang=en_au,en_us)
If I set it to 2 distinct languages (eg set spelllang=en_au,nl) then it
works as expected.
I'm having trouble automatically positionning the cursor when
opening an existing file.
Basically, all of my files have a standard header (copyright
blurb, etc.), and I'd like to have the cursor positionned after
it at the start of editing. When opening a new file, I have the
following in my .vi
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