2013-06-07 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Axil Axil Sent: Friday, June 7, 2013 2:58:37 PM I will comply with your formatting requirements in the production of future posts like this one. I didn't mean any disrespect ... it's just that I rushed off into that rather ... tangled paper, looking for an elephant

Re: [Vo]:Just published - Proceedings of JCF13

2013-06-07 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Sent: Friday, June 7, 2013 8:21:55 PM From --- JCF13 - Proc. of the 13th Meeting of Japan CF Research Soc., December 8 - 9, 2012 - WincAichi, Nagoya, Japan Japan CF-Research Society Steady progress,

[Vo]:Rossi in Florida

2013-06-06 Thread Alan Fletcher
Wow!! The main stream media finally acknowledge Rossi !!! Andrea to make landfall in Florida They mention it being hot and disruptive .. I guess they couldn't decide between Cold fusion or LENR.

Re: [Vo]:Rossi in Florida

2013-06-06 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Jones Beene Sent: Thursday, June 6, 2013 10:20:07 AM Subject: RE: [Vo]:Rossi in Florida ... Anyway - some time ago we talked about a possible remedy to nip a tropical storm in the bud, so to speak, using Pentagon technology … which is actually available now. ...

Re: [Vo]: Positive Feedback and Temperature Movement

2013-06-06 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: David Roberson Sent: Thursday, June 6, 2013 10:08:50 AM I have been posting various descriptions of my ECAT spice model behavior and I continue to get feedback that suggests that I have done a poor job of teaching. Since you're not releasing your model (mine is

Re: [Vo]:Photos and slides from June 3rd meeting on LENR @ Brussels

2013-06-06 Thread Alan Fletcher
I posted this on my home social media site (members only) ... A so-called scientist makes some bizarre claims about work done between a hick university and some minor military lab ... to some insignificant furrin gummint body. Leaked to an Italian site, but the relevant stuff is in English --

Re: [Vo]:Of NAEs and nothingness... Q's

2013-06-06 Thread Alan Fletcher
I've been too busy with analysing the latest Rossi test to follow this. I've got the following official links to Storms' NAE 2012 Paper : Feb 2013 Kick-off post : I have a

Re: [Vo]:Of NAEs and nothingness... Q's

2013-06-06 Thread Alan Fletcher
7. Where is the thermalization? I think it's on the inner steel cylinder, not in the Nickel If that's so, then (based on my thermal model) the December COP=6 had an outside temperature of 500C and a central temperature of 750C

Re: [Vo]:Of NAEs and nothingness... Q's

2013-06-06 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Edmund Storms Sent: Thursday, June 6, 2013 1:37:55 PM Subject: Re: [Vo]:Of NAEs and nothingness... Thanks. (Not necessarily the answer I was hoping for !!!)

Re: [Vo]:Of NAEs and nothingness... Q's

2013-06-06 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Sent: Thursday, June 6, 2013 2:20:29 PM You left out a possibility:- The gas. I suspect it's pretty thin, relatively speaking , both as a target for futon absorption (a technical term, laymen don't have to use it [note 1]) and heat capacity (specific heat * mass).

Re: [Vo]:Of NAEs and nothingness... Q's

2013-06-06 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Edmund Storms What answer were you hoping for? Ten minutes =8-(

Re: [Vo]:A 1989er CF scientist committed to paradigm change

2013-06-06 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Peter Gluck Sent: Thursday, June 6, 2013 8:14:45 PM Prof. Yeong Kim interviewed : a veteran finally gets optimistic following a technological breakthrough. Please see: A great interview ... and

Re: [Vo]:Why are pseudoskeptics so relentless in their mission to debunk?

2013-06-05 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Roger B Sent: Wednesday, June 5, 2013 9:54:52 AM What the f o n t is going on here!! Much better ... but I know that you jest. Otherwise you would have included block and shadowed fonts.

[Vo]:Preliminary SPICE thermal model report (130605)

2013-06-05 Thread Alan Fletcher
I have completed my work on an initial ladder model of the hotcat It's a long document, but I summarize the results in section 2. (No need to read the rest unless you want to see how I got there). It confirms my initial guess that a

[Vo]:Re: [nVo] Moletrap discussions on the independent report on Rossi's Hot Cat

2013-06-05 Thread Alan Fletcher
NOTE : this is being sent to vortex AND new-vortex I hope it works! From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax Sent: Wednesday, June 5, 2013 2:50:08 PM Subject: [nVo] Moletrap discussions on the independent report on Rossi's Hot Cat Seriously, folks. the one issue that keeps

Re: [Vo]:NETimes reports on failed Rossi test...

2013-06-05 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Claudio C Fiorini Sent: Wednesday, June 5, 2013 2:14:40 PM It was after the failed test in Bologna (by SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden, September 6, 2012), in early october 2012. This was only a failure because the technician saw that Rossi wasn't

Re: [Vo]:Re: [nVo] Moletrap discussions on the independent report on Rossi's Hot Cat

2013-06-05 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: David Roberson Sent: Wednesday, June 5, 2013 3:14:05 PM Alan, I am interested in your model and have a question. For some reason I did not locate the case where thermal run away occurred. I suspect that I missed that in the large volume of material. Could you

Re: [Vo]:Over 40 messages posted by Joshua Cude posted on June 4

2013-06-04 Thread Alan Fletcher
I stopped reading his 40 posts at about the #10 mark, and skipped responses to them too. I don't think I missed anything significant. I DID think that his poolboy/taxi-driver comment was very funny. There MAY be a human being under all the robo posts after all.

Re: [Vo]:Photos and slides from June 3rd meeting on LENR @ Brussels

2013-06-04 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Akira Shirakawa Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2013 12:12:14 PM Daniele Passerini of 22passi blog is posting photos and slides from yesterday's meeting at the EU parliament on LENR, from an anonymous source, along with other misc. information. As of writing only

Re: [Vo]:I confess

2013-06-04 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Roger B Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2013 6:55:38 PM James, Somehow the article doesn't grab me. How's that for philosophy. (:-) Roger Is there any chance you could drop the 24-point Comic Sans ? It's like a car-full of clowns screaming.

Re: [Vo]:Caveats to using SPICE for thermal analysis

2013-06-03 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Robert Ellefson Sent: Monday, June 3, 2013 12:05:18 AM I did a detailed mesh model of a heat exchanger ... but gave it up because it was too sensitive to the parameter for heat transfer from water to metal. See and

Re: [Vo]:A Couple Hundred Bucks Maybe...

2013-06-03 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: DJ Cravens Sent: Monday, June 3, 2013 10:29:52 AM For smaller units (1 to 100W), perhaps heating a tea pot would be reasonable. Unfortunately, I think that the person who made the cup of tea bet has passed on. (My forgetory will produce his name in about 10

Re: [Vo]:A Couple Hundred Bucks Maybe...

2013-06-03 Thread Alan Fletcher
Unfortunately, I think that the person who made the cup of tea bet has passed on. (My forgetory will produce his name in about 10 minutes while I'm doing something else) It wasn't tea .. it was a bet by a professor that would be paid off when a cold fusion device delivered 1 kWh to the grid,

Re: [Vo]:A Couple Hundred Bucks Maybe...

2013-06-03 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: DJ Cravens Sent: Monday, June 3, 2013 1:22:05 PM And no, I don't think that they were over unity by more than an order of magnitude- Only a factor of perhaps 6. I need to go back and check that. The COP was 6 (Dec) and 3 (March). The order of magnitude was

Re: [Vo]:Caveats to using SPICE for thermal analysis

2013-06-02 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Robert Ellefson Sent: Saturday, June 1, 2013 8:59:31 PM Hello Vortex-L participants, First, I’d like to introduce myself, since this is my first time posting to the list. Hi ! Welcome on board. I have skimmed a few recent threads discussing thermal modeling

Re: [Vo]:Autonomous Airborne Wind Turbine

2013-06-02 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Terry Blanton Sent: Sunday, June 2, 2013 12:28:07 PM Brought to you by Google! The birds are gonna love this one! Heck, we already HAVE an Airborne Wind Turbine -- though they haven't

Re: [Vo]:A Language Upgrade Needed for LENR?

2013-06-02 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Jed Rothwell Sent: Sunday, June 2, 2013 7:07:32 PM Subject: Re: [Vo]:A Language Upgrade Needed for LENR? Until everyone agrees on what cold fusion is, there is no point to inventing a new name for it. I think I'll go with LENT .. Low Energy Nuclear

Re: [Vo]:On deception. 3rd EE

2013-06-01 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Robert Lynn Sent: Saturday, June 1, 2013 9:14:06 AM Don't think I have Microsim pspice lying around anywhere anymore (and non-GUI is very slow and clumsy if not using it frequently), it was an excellent little tool (or was in late 90's when I used it

Re: [Vo]:On deception. 3rd EE

2013-06-01 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: David Roberson Sent: Saturday, June 1, 2013 9:28:13 AM Let me make a suggestion Robert. The linear technology company publishes a spice program that can be downloaded and used by the general public. That's the LTspice I just recommended.

Re: [Vo]:Anomalous input energy

2013-06-01 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Claudio C Fiorini Sent: Saturday, June 1, 2013 2:20:48 PM I checked it: I made an error. 147 V / 24 A were used in the test you mentioned, in august 2012, not november 20 in 2013. Phew! For a minute I thought Rossi had mastered time travel. That would

Re: [Vo]:new hypothesis to confute regarding input energy in Ecat test

2013-05-31 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Berke Durak Sent: Friday, May 31, 2013 3:52:07 AM Good grief. The resistors are coils, presumably helical solenoids with the axis parallel to the reactor cylinder. The magnetic field is near zero outside a solenoid, except at the ends. The magnetic field

Re: [Vo]:Rossi is suing Wikipedia for libel

2013-05-31 Thread Alan Fletcher
That was the Italian wiki. Someone X posted an untrue statement (per Rossi, and with no REF to back it up) Rossi deleted it. X put it back. X's account is cancelled Rossi is ??? blocked ? deleted ? The article itself seems to have been deleted.

Re: [Vo]:Speculation about hotCat

2013-05-30 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Bob Higgins Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 5:27:51 AM The ends were cone-shaped AISI 316 steel caps that were hot-hammered into the ends. I don't think they were welded. This hot-hammering of the cone-shaped insert is a description of a type of cold welding.

Re: [Vo]:Ethics of the E-Cat investigation put into question

2013-05-30 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Joshua Cude Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 10:12:17 AM And didn't the engineers at the Swedish Standards Institute test this configuration without success. Have those engineers given an opinion on the latest test? They know more than me too. They terminated the

Re: [Vo]:Ethics of the E-Cat investigation put into question

2013-05-30 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Joshua Cude Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 10:13:43 AM I have not seen perfectly good reasons for it. The reasons given that you need input heat to control the heat seem like an excuse to keep the power connected to me. Is there another example of a reaction

Re: [Vo]:new hypothesis to confute regarding input energy in Ecat test

2013-05-30 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Joshua Cude Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 10:38:17 AM The 3-phase looks more like obfuscation to me. Gee .. I'd better take my Electric clothes dryer in for de-obfuscating. And there I was thinking it was trapped lint. You want lots of power, you go straight to

Re: [Vo]:new hypothesis to confute regarding input energy in Ecat test

2013-05-30 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Joshua Cude Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 11:44:00 AM You want lots of power, you go straight to three-phase. Right, but I thought the ecat was supposed to provide the lots of power. Of THERMAL power, yes, not of ELECTRICAL power. They *changed* the power

Re: [Vo]:new hypothesis to confute regarding input energy in Ecat test

2013-05-30 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Joshua Cude Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:16:19 PM The paper says they *replaced* the triac with a control box. OK -- in fig 6 (Dec) they show a blue-and-yellow CONTROL box and three triacs. They don't have a picture for March, so we don't know if it includes

[Vo]:Rossi QA on his blog

2013-05-30 Thread Alan Fletcher
New Q A Between and Andrea Rossi Below is a Q A from the Journal of Nuclear Physics. The questions were submitted by Roberta De Carolis from the Italian web site and answered by

Re: [Vo]:Gibbs: Rossi's A Fraud! No, He's Not! Yes, He Is! No, He Isn't!

2013-05-30 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Alain Sepeda Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 2:07:34 PM thanks for the reminding. I should not have read AE van Vogt books when teenager... I would be mainstream and happy. Or Jack Vance, who just died aged 96 :

Re: [Vo]:Speculation about hotCat

2013-05-29 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Bob Higgins Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 7:29:30 AM I would like to submit my speculation about the latest Rossi hotCat for discussion on Vortex-l. The Penon report (Aug 2012 -- the first hotcat radiative test)

Re: [Vo]:Speculation about hotCat

2013-05-29 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Rob Dingemans Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 8:19:03 AM What if the vessel is acting as a kind of capacitor and in conjunction with the coil creates the ideal oscillation circuit? That's just like the (Biblical) Arc of the Covenant. A wood (cedar) insulator, with

Re: [Vo]:Forbes: Rossi's A Fraud! No, He's Not! ....

2013-05-29 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: David Roberson Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 9:55:01 PM I commented (with my usual self-promotional stuff). There were no comments when I started, and ONE when I posted it (mine hasn't shown up -- as a new user it may be moderated) -- BUT --- a

Re: [Vo]:Pekka Janhunen analysis supports the reported underestimation of radiated power

2013-05-28 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Joshua Cude Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 7:47:48 AM I think Pekka is right. If the camera samples above the peak wavelength, and it is a grey body, then an emissivity of 1 seems to be always conservative. ... So, the only way the camera could give an

[Vo]:Spice model explains eCat non-exponential waveform, supports David Roberson's linear-response theory

2013-05-28 Thread Alan Fletcher The strange shape results because the eCat's heat is not a square-wave response: it's triangular. The actual shape is probably a superposition of the square-wave (resistor heating) and triangular (ecat). (My curve shows what happens when the on/off

Re: [Vo]:Spice model explains eCat non-exponential waveform, supports David Roberson's linear-response theory

2013-05-28 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Jed Rothwell Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 12:19:10 PM Do you mean the net heat output, from joule heating plus anomalous heat? Do you mean the net heat output, from joule heating plus anomalous heat? No, the net heat INPUT, from joule heating plus anomalous heat.

Re: [Vo]:Spice model explains eCat non-exponential waveform, supports David Roberson's linear-response theory WARNING

2013-05-28 Thread Alan Fletcher
WARNING : the waveform in plot 8 is exagerated -- it's actually only a 10% ripple. Even a square-wave will give a non-exponential waveform. (I'm doing curve-fitting with about 10 parameters -- give me a curve and I'll fit it for you!!!) To make any real conclusions I'd need to see -- from

Re: [Vo]:Spice model explains eCat non-exponential waveform, supports David Roberson's linear-response theory

2013-05-28 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Andrew Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 4:53:45 PM That's a nice piece of reverse engineering - Kudos. My only issue with it is the plot in the report, which definitely shows square waves. Mind you, these were measured on the input side of the control box. So it's

Re: [Vo]:Why scam???

2013-05-28 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Andrew Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 4:56:24 PM Papp's engine was an over-unity device - really? Have you ever seen his utility bill? There's a copy in the archives (ie web) of a certification of the output break horsepower by a professor at a nearby college, and by

Re: [Vo]:Why scam???

2013-05-28 Thread Alan Fletcher
BRAKE, of course It's Feynman who measured BREAK horsepower. Not in kil-o-watts, but in kill-a-mans. - Original Message - From: Andrew Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 4:56:24 PM Papp's engine was an over-unity device - really? Have you ever seen his utility

Re: [Vo]:Spice model explains eCat non-exponential waveform, supports David Roberson's linear-response theory

2013-05-28 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Andrew Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 6:09:36 PM Let's make sure I understand these 4 plots. I understand your diagram thus: The blue square wave goes through your toy model and emerges as the green double exponential. The blue triangular wave goes through your toy

[Vo]:Updated Fakes Document

2013-05-27 Thread Alan Fletcher root frames Summary : In May 2013 the results of a Third Party test were presented as an paper. A summary is at Forbes. Unlike previous eCat models which heated water, producing steam, the Hot Cat

Re: [Vo]:Ekstrom critique of Levi et al.

2013-05-27 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Jed Rothwell Sent: Monday, May 27, 2013 11:20:43 AM Comments on the report 'Indication of anomalous heat energy production in a reactor device containing hydrogen loaded nickel powder' by Giuseppe Levi et al. Peter Ekström, Department of Physics, Lund

Re: [Vo]:Ekstrom critique of Levi et al.

2013-05-27 Thread Alan Fletcher
I'm putting the Optris calculations into a spreadsheet -- the following is documentation of the formulae used in readable form From the Optris IR Basics documentation (Page 7)

Re: [Vo]:Ekstrom critique of Levi et al.

2013-05-27 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Jed Rothwell To: Sent: Monday, May 27, 2013 2:12:49 PM Subject: Re: [Vo]:Ekstrom critique of Levi et al. For people not following the discussion, Ekström misunderstood the e (emissivity) ratio. He wrote: The emissivity for stainless steel

Re: [Vo]:Ekstrom critique of Levi et al.

2013-05-27 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Joshua Cude Sent: Monday, May 27, 2013 2:41:34 PM And just in case you're wondering how e effects the calculated power P = a . e . (T1^4 - T0^4) -- T1 actual, T0 ambient a e Tc Tk P area 18 1.00E-10 0.8 564.1 837.1 38.84 === lower e OVER-estimates the power

Re: [Vo]:Ekstrom critique of Levi et al.

2013-05-27 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Joshua Cude Sent: Monday, May 27, 2013 2:59:16 PM And we don't know what this would be for an emissivity of 0.2. Who cares? It's NOT metal. There's no way that BLACK PAINT can have an emissivity of 0.2

Re: [Vo]:Ekstrom critique of Levi et al.

2013-05-27 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Joshua Cude Sent: Monday, May 27, 2013 3:02:02 PM I'm talking about the December test, when a different paint was used. I don't think we know anything about the emissivity of that paint, nor it's dependence on wavelength. Then forget about the December test.

Re: [Vo]:Ekstrom critique of Levi et al.

2013-05-27 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Randy Wuller Sent: Monday, May 27, 2013 3:13:36 PM The bottom line using a different emissivity in the 2 estimates (calculations) would be crazy and in actuality for all intents they most likely offset each other. See my post on the P = a . e . T^4 calculation.

Re: [Vo]:possible error in power-in calculation in Levi et al paper

2013-05-26 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Sunil Shah Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2013 5:55:43 AM I still had the image (R_123517565_2.jpg) in my browser cache, uploaded it here HTH Very strange -- V12 237.2V I1 6.29A V23 238.6V I2 6.08A

[Vo]:The dog that didn't bark.

2013-05-26 Thread Alan Fletcher
There's something missing from the HOT eCat system, which all previous versions had. (Post based on a hint from my earlier informant)

Re: [Vo]:The dog that didn't bark.

2013-05-26 Thread Alan Fletcher
An external supply of H? I think that the fat cat (the one used for the heat exchanger test) had already got rid of that. Penon says that there's a tablet which provied the H

Re: [Vo]:possible error in power-in calculation in Levi et al paper

2013-05-26 Thread Alan Fletcher
Very strange -- V12 237.2V I1 6.29A V23 238.6V I2 6.08A V31 6.3V I3 6.18A Looks as if the V31 probe fell of. That can't be right .. each probe is used for V12 and V23. If there a glitch in the 3-phase mains one would expect at least one current to

Re: [Vo]:The dog that didn't bark.

2013-05-26 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Daniel Rocha Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2013 10:51:26 AM Well, then it's a liquid for cooling... Umm, yes .. but not THAT obvious. Something to do with the control system.

Re: [Vo]:Back to the Papp Engine

2013-05-26 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Ruby Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2013 12:15:52 PM Alan, Please look at Bob Rohner's project that in part wants to re-build the original Papp engine. He is in need of funding, and an electronics engineer to complete the work his brother was doing before he passed away.

Re: [Vo]:The inanity of the hidden input power hypothesis

2013-05-26 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Duncan Cumming Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2013 12:53:45 PM A few days of self sustaining running (cooling only without electrical input) would be pretty convincing. Use electrical heaters only for starting the reaction. I think it's been pretty conclusively

Re: [Vo]:The inanity of the hidden input power hypothesis

2013-05-26 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Duncan Cumming Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2013 12:53:45 PM He can use an NDA if he is worried about trade secrets. With whom? Levi et al? Since they're being called co-conspirators, what extra weight would derive from their saying I saw the sekrit data under an NDA.

Re: [Vo]:The dog that didn't bark. -- Clue 2

2013-05-26 Thread Alan Fletcher
Gee .. nobody else wants to play? The missing item is the thermocouple in the eCat, and the control wires leading back to the controller. (Levi et al saw the heating resistors and the connecting wires, though they didn't post pictures. You can see them in the Penon report) So ... is Rossi

Re: [Vo]:The dog that didn't bark. -- ANSWER

2013-05-26 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Andrew Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2013 5:25:28 PM I doubt that you can use a thermocouple as an active heating device. It's a clever idea, though. Andrew Close enough to win the cigar --- but upside down. You can't use a thermocouple as a heating device, but you CAN

[Vo]:Spice Simulations -- pass the HP sauce please.

2013-05-25 Thread Alan Fletcher
I predicted that the combination of the nonlinear (T^4) behaviour of the radiative component, and that the use of least a 2-stage mesh (modelling the specific heat of the inner and outer cylinders) would produce a waveform significantly different from the exponential RC behavior. (And that I'd

[Vo]:Back to the Papp Engine

2013-05-24 Thread Alan Fletcher
Does anyone have full access to Infinite Energy #51 In particular, I need the Title and Date of the David Ansley San Jose Mercury article, and if he described the Feynman

Re: [Vo]:Back to the Papp Engine

2013-05-24 Thread Alan Fletcher
Never mind, found the information. - Original Message - Does anyone have full access to Infinite Energy #51 In

Re: [Vo]:Back to the Papp Engine

2013-05-24 Thread Alan Fletcher
The wiki's getting hilarious. Since Mark Gibbs has changed his mind about no independent test they've deleted it all from the lead !!! Moved out of the lead.

Re: [Vo]:Levi Hot Cat paper is a gem

2013-05-23 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Eric Walker Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 11:00:43 PM Alan (or someone) made the point that everything, laptop and all, were plugged into the same power supply. Would hidden DC or AC above or below the range of the meter hurt the laptop? That was me -- and only a

Re: [Vo]:Levi Hot Cat paper is a gem

2013-05-23 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Eric Walker Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 12:16:55 AM I wrote: Lubos Motl does not appear to be drawing a distinction between TeX and LaTeX; he is drawing a distinction between TeX/LaTeX, on one hand, and a simple PDF typed up in a normal word processor, on the

[Vo]:Levi hotcat paper --- shutrossidown

2013-05-23 Thread Alan Fletcher
Clearly not impressed. Annotated paper at : I've only skimmed it. Jed is mentioned.

Re: [Vo]:Levi hotcat paper --- shutrossidown+motl

2013-05-23 Thread Alan Fletcher
Clearly not impressed. Annotated paper at : I've only skimmed it. Jed is mentioned. Also, MOTL (#81) shows up at science blogs I was very tempted to critique his comments

Re: [Vo]:Gary Wright on the Hot Cat paper

2013-05-23 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Rich Murray Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 3:38:34 PM thanks, Peter Gluck -- I notice Gary Wright does not refer to the exponential shape of the curves of rise and fall of temperature in each 6 minute cycle -- what do your think? I'm working on the Spice

Re: [Vo]:E-Cat Tester's Bios

2013-05-23 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Mark Gibbs Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 3:46:47 PM Subject: [Vo]:E-Cat Tester's Bios Torbjörn Hartman Senior Research Engineer The Svedberg Laboratory (which specializes in proton therapy and is attached to Uppsala University) Uppsala, Sweden, Publications:

Re: [Vo]:Secret wiring hypothesis [second copy?]

2013-05-23 Thread Alan Fletcher
Which author is the veterinarian? Here are the details I've been able to find: * Evelyn Foschi -- not sure; possibly this: Associated with They MAKE X-RAY EQUIPMENT, which can be used for (their site

Re: [Vo]:Gary Wright on the Hot Cat paper

2013-05-23 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: David Roberson Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 8:08:40 PM I hope they are not used for that purpose. A spice model is an electronic model that handles non linear analysis. In order to simulate Rossi's ECAT, you use electrical components. Dave Not only

Re: [Vo]:Levi Hot Cat paper is a gem

2013-05-22 Thread Alan Fletcher
So in a sense the elimination of fakes is cumulative. Bear in mind that when Rossi says he has something he tends to follow up on it. (Maybe not exactly as promised, but close to it). Let's accept for the moment the OUTPUT analysis : it DOES produce the documented COP. Electrical INPUT is a

Re: [Vo]: The marketing model

2013-05-22 Thread Alan Fletcher
Simple reasons: a) Rossi has not solved perfectly the control problem yet; b) He can manufacture only industrial E-cats multi-cats c) The home cat is stll not sellable- has no certifications and not adequate for usual no-technical users d) Rossi has no head-start over DGT, on the contrary

Re: [Vo]:Levi Hot Cat paper is a gem

2013-05-22 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: James Bowery Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 8:41:33 AM p18 The electrical power to the dummy was handled by the same control box, but without the ON/OFF cycle of the resistor coils. Thus, the power applied to the dummy was continuous That would be fine if the

Re: [Vo]:Levi Hot Cat paper is a gem

2013-05-22 Thread Alan Fletcher
I sketched a tentative RC mesh model. It has at LEAST 30 resistors (more than half non-linear) and 10 Capacitors. I can do a zero'th order model with 2 linear resistors, a capacitor and a non-linear resistor. (I'd have to figure out how to do a T^4 model. Maybe a lookup table) But I still

Re: [Vo]:Some reasons Rossi has personal credibility

2013-05-22 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Jed Rothwell Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 11:19:13 AM Subject: [Vo]:Some reasons Rossi has personal credibility But they also build things that most people think are impossible, such as the Brooklyn Bridge Bad analogy. I hear it's for sale too.

Re: [Vo]:Re: Levi Hot Cat paper is a gem

2013-05-22 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Andrew Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 3:11:29 AM Subject: Re: [Vo]:Re: Levi Hot Cat paper is a gem p15 states: the TRIAC power supply has been replaced by a control circuit having three-phase power input and single-phase output, mounted within a box, the contents of

Re: [Vo]:Re: Levi Hot Cat paper is a gem

2013-05-22 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Andrew Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 12:47:42 PM One more question to be settled: Were those very proximate shipping containers inspected and found to be empty? It (singular) contains the 1MW warm-cat, before it was shipped. One of the pictures shows the doors open.

Re: [Vo]:Comments by Bo Hoistad

2013-05-22 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Jed Rothwell Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 12:59:12 PM Subject: Re: [Vo]:Comments by Bo Hoistad Here is a typical response from someone who sounds like an academic scientist, over at extremetech. This is a classic example of Skeptical thinking: The paper is

Re: [Vo]:Levi Hot Cat paper is a gem : power conditioner needed

2013-05-22 Thread Alan Fletcher
Electrical INPUT is a two-edged sword. It can be measured to 6 decimal places .. IF you do it correctly, but if you don't cover ALL bases you might miss something. (eg an AC-only meter might not notice DC, or HF AC beyond its spec). I've come to the conclusion that the only way to overcome

[Vo]:Stremmenos had some Rossi pixie-dust and made his own ecat

2013-05-21 Thread Alan Fletcher In Italian ... 18 / 5/13 - The direct testimony of Professor. Stremmenos For the first time in a long time, Christos Stremmenos, a physicist who

Re: [Vo]:Fwd: CMNS: Rossi's 3rd party test released:

2013-05-21 Thread Alan Fletcher
PopSci isn't impressed : .. The paper, which is not peer-reviewed, leaves out crucial details, for example referring to unknown additives instead of specifying what chemicals actually

Re: [Vo]:E-Cat general observations

2013-05-21 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Andrew Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 11:14:14 AM My very first post here, so be gentle. Yeah ... sre ... 3. You'll notice that the plot for Plutonium has the axes erroneously swapped. It's been fixed in the article. Also the Power density for Plutonium

Re: [Vo]:Levi Hot Cat paper is a gem

2013-05-21 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Andrew Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 12:16:45 PM He also makes a big fuss about the convection being different between December and March. They ran at different temperatures, and were

[Vo]:The shadow knows ... mystery solved

2013-05-21 Thread Alan Fletcher
I was very puzzled how a thin resistor wire in a red-hot cavity could cast a broad shadow on the outside surface. Figs. 1-2. Two images from the test performed on Nov. 20th 2012. Here, the activation of the charge (distributed laterally in the reactor) is especially obvious. The darker

Re: [Vo]:Levi Hot Cat paper is a gem

2013-05-21 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Andrew Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 7:07:19 PM Dave, Good call on the metal screening. I'll tell Harry to call off the mutant and ill-tempered sea bass :) I started out this morning very gung-ho about it all, and as the day has progressed, and I read more

Re: [Vo]:Levi Hot Cat paper is a gem

2013-05-21 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Joe Hughes Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 7:45:55 PM Two things that confuse me about the two tests. Second, Rossi is incredibly paranoid and for good reason i might add, so was their something the first test showed that he was concerned about which caused him to

Re: [Vo]:Re: Levi Hot Cat paper is a gem

2013-05-21 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Mark Jurich Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 8:15:19 PM FYI (To anyone): Here's a link to Info on the PCE Instruments PCE-830-1 Power Analyzer

Re: [Vo]:Re: Levi Hot Cat paper is a gem

2013-05-21 Thread Alan Fletcher
User manual is at : Again, no mention of DC. - Original Message - From: Mark Jurich Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 8:15:19 PM FYI (To anyone): Here's a link to Info on the PCE Instruments

Re: [Vo]:Levi Hot Cat paper is a gem

2013-05-21 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Andrew Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 9:34:42 PM If we're going all Bayesian on this, we'd need to calculate some priors. It's my impression that generally speaking it's not easy to bribe a high-ranking scientist, and not easy to bribe Swedish people, so as far as

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